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Rev 3 to Callaway Cycle 10 Colr
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1999
Shared Package
ML20216D831 List:
NUDOCS 9907300172
Download: ML20216D879 (30)



i ' ' . Ct.lliwry Cycle 10 Rev.3 CALLAWAY CYCLE 10 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT July 1999 l

l t

r l

l .

L l

2 9907300172 990727 PDR ADOCK 05000483 ,

P PDR  !


. Call 2way Cycle 10 Rev.3 i l .


This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Callaway Plant Cycle 10 has been prepared in j accordance with the requirements of Technical Specification

l The Core Operating Limits affecting the following Technical Specifications are included in this l

report. Moderatar Temperature Coefficient Shutdown Rod insertion Limits l .

! Control Rod Insertion Limits l

l' 3.2.1 Axial Flux Difference 3.2.2 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor 3.2.3 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor 3.9.1 Refueling Boron Concentration i

l I


t. . . . . .. .. - . . . . . . . . . . .

I *

. " . Callaway Cycle 10 Rev.3 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in Section 1.0 are presented in the subsections which follow. These limits have been developed using the NRC-approved methodologies specified in Technical Specification

2.1 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (Specification 2.1.1 The Moderator Temperature Coeflicient shall be less positive than the limits shown in Figure 1. These limits shall be referred to as the Beginning of Cycle Life (BOL)


The Moderator Temperature Coefficient shall be less negative than -47.9 pcm/ F.

This limit shall be referred to as the End of Cycle Life (EOL) Limit.

2.1.2 The MTC 300 ppm surveillance limit is -40.4 pcm/ F (all rods withdrawn, Rated Thermal Power condition).

4 t

4 l


t. j

, , Callaway Cycle 10 Rev.3 i


t L 5 m


(70%, 5.0) b8 \

U \

E \

ll1 \

h 8 4

= \

g 3 6


$3 e \


Q \

E 2 I 2 \



--, i g





0 h 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 1 Callaway Cycle 10 Moderator Temperature Coefficient Versus Power Level 5

r; 4

- -** Calliway Cycle 10

, Rev.3 )

j .

f 2.2. Shutdown Rod Insenion Limits (Specification

The shutdown rods shall be withdrawn to at least 225 steps.

2.3 Control Rod Insertion Limits (Specification

The Control Bank Insenion Limits are specified by Figure 2.

I e

l l

!' l t

I- 6

', , ., Callaway Cycle 10 Rev. 3 225""~~ '


[ (15.2,225) l

,/ ( 65.225)

/ /

/ [  :

200 / , A f BANK B l / j(iOO,190)F

/ l

] ( 0,190) l p \/

g / /

3 r /

175 / / {

$ / /

@ /

e H r

/ >


1 * /

150 j!

m , i f

@j j BANK C /

e p /

5 / /

125 / /

2 / /

S / /

e ,


\ g 100 j /

g y , /

/ t


lm i



/ j/ BANK D 7 /

g _J ( 0. 75) I #

= f



50 / \





25 j?



---] (17.6,0) ! /

0 ii /

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 2 Callaway Cycle 10 Rod Bank Insertion Limits Versus Rated Thermal Power - Four Loop Operation 7

r ,


, Callaway Cycle 10 Rev. 3


l l . 2.4 Axial Flux DifTerence 1 (Specification 3.2.1) 2.4.1 The Axial Flux DifTerence (AFD) Limits are provided in Figure 3.

2.4.2 The target band during Restricted AFD Operation is +3%. The AFD limits provided in Figure 3 also remain applicable during Restricted AFD Operation.

2.4.3 The minimum allowable power level for Restricted AFD Operation, APLND,is 90% of RATED THERMAL POWER.

l l

l i

8 L_


, ,Ca llawayCycle 10 Rev. 3 120 l

l 110 l (-17, 100%) L___ (+13, 100%) i 100 , 1 b! UNACCEPTABLE l t UNACCEPTABLE !b u i i g 90 Z: OPERATION I I OPERATION  :: ,

g l t, ._

I \

d 80



$ 70 1


o / \

N g 60 r

/ \i

i g I \

O '

I 50 o ---i (-30, 50%) l (+26, 50%) F-- ,

g 40 a.

30 20 10 0

50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (% AI)

Figure 3 Callaway Cycle 10 Axial Flux Difference Limits as a Function of Rated Thermal Power for RAOC l l

i 9 l l

. ' ' Callaway Cycle 10 Rev.3 2.5

  • IIeat Flux Ilot Channel Factor- FQ(Z)  !

(Specification 3.2.2) l RTP FQ FQ(Z)$

  • K(Z) for P > 0.5 )


  • K(Z) for P $ 0.5 0.5 TIIERMAL POWER where: P=


2.5.2 K(Z)is provided in Figure 4. I l

2.5.3 The W(z) functions that are to be used in Technical Specifications,, and for FQ surveillance are shown in Figures 5 through 9.

The Normal Operation W(z) values have been determined for several bumups up to 18000 MWD /MTU in Cycle 10. This permits determination of W(z) at any cycle bumup up to 18000 MWD /MTU through the use of three point interpolation.

For cycle bumups greater than 18000 MWB'MTU, use of 18000 MWD /MTU l W(z) values without interpolation or extrapolation is conservative. The W(z)no


values were determined assuming Cycle 10 operates with RAOC strategy. Also included is a W(z)no function that bounds the W(z)no Curve for all Cycle 10 burnups. Use of the bounding W(z)no curve will be conservative for any Cycle 10 burnup; however, additional margin may be gained by using the bumup dependent W(z)no values.

The Normal Operation W(z) values have also been determined for a range of measured axial offset values for Cycle 10. For measured axial otTset values within 13% of the predicted axial ofTset value, Figures 5 through 9 are applicable.

Additional W(z) values are provided in Figures 10 through 13 applicable to measured axial ofTsets within 13% of a [ measured - predicted] axial offset difference of -4.1%. Figures 14 through 17 provide W(z) values applicable to measured axial ofTsets within 13% of a [ measured - predicted) axial offset difference of -8.2%. Figures 18 through 21 provide W(z) values applicable to measured axial offsets within 13% of a [ measured - predicted) axial offset difference of -12.0%. For purposes of bumup interpolation, a consistent set of W(z) values should be used based on the difTerence between the measured and predicted axial offset. The W(z) set selected could be either the set closest to the actual [ measured - predicted) axial ofTset difference or a consistent set derived by linear interpolation on the [ measured - predicted) axial offset difference between two of the W(z) sets closest to the actual [ measured - predicted) axial offset difference.

10 I

. l l

. ' ' Cdlaway Cycle 10 Rev. 3


. . l 1

Because significant margin exists between the analytically determined maximum j FQ(z)*Prel values and their limit, Restricted Axial Flux Difference Operation l

(RAFDO) is not expected to be required for Cycle 10. For this reason, no j W(z)RAFDO values are supplied for Cycle 10.

The W(z) values are provided for 73 axial points within the core height boundaries i of 0 and 12 feet at intervals of 0.167 feet.

Table A.1 shows the burnup dependent FQ penalty factors for Cycle 10. These values shall be used to increase FQM (z) when required by Tect nical Specification Surveillance Requirement A 2% penalty factor should be used at all cycle burnups that are outside the range of Table A.I.

1 11 l

. Callaway Cycle 10 Rev.3 TABLE A.1 1


i Cycle 10 Burnup F{M(z) Penalty Factor (%)

I 0 to 21350 MWD /MTU - 2.00 t

i Note: All cycle burnups in the range of the above table shall use a 2% penalty factor

) for compliance with the Surveillance Requirement. All F Q enalty P

Factors were found to be less than 2.0% for the Cycle 10 design.

i 8

12 i

, z. Callaway Cycle 10 Rev.3 2.6 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor - FAH N (Specification 3.2.3)



RATED THERMAL POWER 2.6.1 FAHRTP = 1.59 2.6.2 PFall = 0.3 2.7 Refueling Boron Concentration (Specification 3.9.1) 2.7.1 The refueling boron concentration to maintain Kerr$ 0.95 shall be > 2000 ppm.

l I

l e



I 13  ;

i l

r. ,

. . Callaway Cycle 10 Rev. 3 l

l 1.20 1.10  !

! (6, 1.00) I 1.00 -----_

0.90 (12, .924) [

0 0.80



0.70 i

o 0.60 m

g 0.50 L -

0.40 1

0.30 --

0.20 0.10 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)

Figure 4 Callaway Cycle 10 K(z)- Normalized Fo(z)

As a Function of Core Height 14

L dald a dy L y 4 K; a v m.


.. HEIGHT 150.

e 1.50 WEET) If(E)

. o, con 1,oooo

  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000 l
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.3179 1.4C 2.000 1.2953 2.167 1.2723 0 2.333 1.2495 2.500 1.2256 2.667 1.2046

^ 2.833 1.1905 3.000 1.1834 6 3.167 1.1791 3.333 1.1733 n 3.500 1.1675 3.667 1.1627 a 3.833 1.1588 a

4.000 1.1543 1.3C d' a 4 157 1.1490 4.333 1.1436

, 4.500 1.1396 6 '6-naad 4.667 1.1362


g 6' 4.833 1.1318 5.000 1.1264 N "

5.167 1.1216

  • O

^ 5.333 1.1201 5.500 1.1218

,, 5.667 1.1277 d6 5.833 1.1361 a 6.000 1.1492 g g 6.167 1.1644 1.2C 5 333 1 1779 g a 6.500 1.1912 i 6.667 1.2049 l

,,.u a 0 6.833

  • 1.2183 7.000 1.2307 l "A 0 7.167 1.2417 N,0 7.333 1.2514 6 7.500 1.2596 og g 7.667 1.2663 6 7.833 1.2713 d



8.000 1.2738 8.167 4.2762 8.333 1.2806 1.1C 8 500 1.2835 8.667 1.2843 8.833 1.2848 9.000 1.2876 9.167 1.2969 9.333 1.3141 9.500 1.3316 9.667 1.3472 9.833 1.3620 10.000 1.3762 10.167 1.3894

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000 1.09,;f;_;;,,;;,; ;_;; ;_;;
  • 10.667 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 10.833 1.0 m
  • 11.000 1.0000
  • 11.167 1.0000 BOTTOM CORE HEIGHT (FEET) TOP 11.333 1.0000
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 5 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 150 MWD /MTU


, Ldudady L p aw ev sw.-

,, HEIGKT 3000.

1.50 (FEET) W(1)

. 0. coo 1,0o00

  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000

. o

  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 46 1.833 1.4192 1.4C 2.000 1.3920

,, 2.167 1.3640 0 2.333 1.3359 2.500 1.3097 2.667 1.2849 6 0 2.833 1.2619 3.000 1.2452

" 3.167 1.2345 3.333 1.2272 3.500 1.2218 3 3.667 1.2165 3.833 1.2104 n 4.000 1.2038 1.3C o ' 157 1 187' 4.333 1.1910 6 4.500 1.1839

,, 4.667 1.1760 4.833 1.1674

,=s A ^ 5.000 1.1580 tQ o 5.167 1.1482

'=" "

, 5.333 1.1379 3C i 5.500 1.1256 0

3 5.667 1.1196 6,, 5.833 1.1234 6 6 6.000 1.1292 6 6.167 1.1376


1.2C 'a g - 5 323 1 2487 6 6.500 1.1612 n ,d '

6.667 1.1710 3 6.033

  • 1.1800 g 6 7.000 1.1876 7.167 1.1941 7.333 1.1992 6 0 7.500 1.2013 a a 7.667 1.2048

' 7.833 1.2137 H. 6' 8.000 1.2217 i 8.167 1.2298 8.333 1.2409 1.1C B.500 1.2502 8.667 1.2562 8.833 1.2621 9.000 1.2767 9.167 1.2985 9.333 1.3214 9.500 1.3431 9.667 1.3648 9.833 1.3877 10.ud0 1.4086 10.167 1.4246

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
1. 0 q.;;,,;;  ;;._ 2. ;. . _ ;. n. :. ; ,,
  • 10.667 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 10 828 1 8000
  • 11.000 1.0000
  • 11.167 1.0000 BOTTOM CORE HEIGHT (FEET) TOP 11.333 1.0c00
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 f:igitsres ti Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU

w assandy s y s.* 4 v .. .

  • HEIGHT 10000.
  • (FEET) W{E)
  • . 1.50 . 0.000 1,0000
  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.3473 1.4C 3 000 2 3300 2.167 1.3121 2.333 1.2941 2.500 1.2758 2.667 1.2571 2.833 1.2386 3.000 1.2235 6 3.167 1.2138 3.333 1.2092 3.500 1.2057 3.667 1.2015 3.833 1.1967 0 0 4.000 1.1924 1.3C 6

' 267 1.1886 6 4.333 1.1850

., ,6 4.500 1.1817

' a 4.667 1.1780 0 4.833 1.1736

,-= 1 5.000 1.1682 t4 0 ,6 0 '6" 5.167 1.1623

  • 3 an a 5.333 1.1557

$ u 5.500 1.1477 5.667 1.1438 0 5.833 1.1497 3 6 6.000 1.1634 6 6.167 1.1793 1.2C "'s 2

,0 6

'*333 6.500 1 1031 1.2056 6, .

6.667 1.2169 a u 6.833

  • 1.2266 0

,, 7.000 1.2345 A a6 7.167 1.2408 6 7.333 1.2450 n 0 7.500 1.2463 3

7.667 1.2475 7.833 1.2515 8.000 1.2539 8.167 1.2555

' 8.333 1.2583 1.1C 8.500 1.2570 8.667 1.2556 8.833 1.2599 9.000 1.2658 9.167 1.2721 9.333 1.2786

_,. ] 9 . ',00 1.2824 I 9.54" 1.2858 9.331 1.2930 It.oso 1.3020 10.167 1.3117

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
1. 0 ( ; ; , , , . . ,, , .

.; ;_;;,.;;_;;_

  • 10.667 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 20 833 1 0000
  • 11.000 1.0000
  • 11.167 1.0000 BOTTOM CORE HEIGHT (FEET) TOP 11.333 1.0000
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 7 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU

s . s.o . . aj s , s s. su ... .

.. MEIGHT 18000.

  • "'" I
  • 5
  • 0.000 1.0000

, l

  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000 <
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 {i 1.833 1.3127 I g,4g 2.000 1.3002 j 2.167 1.2873 2.333 1.2741 2.500 1.2607 2.667 1.2464 2.833 1.2310 3.000 1.2218 3.167 1.2173 3.333 1.2171 3.500 1.2176 3.667 1.2212 0

3.833 1.2288 4.000 1.2359 6' '6O 4.167 1.2414 l* "

A 4.333 1.2459 A 0 4.500 1.2493 6

0 4.667 1.2512 0 b 4.833 1.2517 5.000 1.2509 g ,,

5.167 1.2482 w 00' 3 gn 'o a 5.333 1.2438 g A 6 36 g A

5.500 1.2411 6 6' 5.667 1.2408 0' ,

,00h0 5.833 1.2440

Lai ! 6.000 1.2544 6.167 1.2684 1.2C 6.333 1.2803 6.500 1.2902 6.667 1.2981 6.833 1.3036 -

7.000 1.3066 l 7.167 1.3073 7.333 1.3054 7.500 1.2999 7.667 1.2937 7.833 1.2893 8.000 1.2828 8.167 1.2748 8.333 1.2673 1.1C 8 500 8.667 2.2577 1.2467 8.833 1.2374 9.000 1.2315 9.167 1.2288 9.333 1.2275 9.500 1.2272 9.667 1.2277 9.833 1.2326 10.000 1.2361 10.167 1.2420

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
1. 0 0  ;;,,;;,,;;,,;  ; ,, ; ; ;; ;;,, 10. m 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 10.833
  • 11.000
1. m 0 1.0000
  • 11.167 1 BOTTOM CORE HEIGHT (FEET) TOP 11.333 1:0000 0000
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 8 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 18000 MWD /MTU

, s onu ** wj s j . ..


. (FEET) W(Z) l* 0

  • 0.000 1.0000
  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000 j
  • 0.500 1.0000 i
  • 0.667 1.0000 l
  • 0.833 1.0000 l
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000 r


  • 1.333 1.0000 6
  • 1.500 1.0000
  • 1.667 1.0000 ,

46 1.833 1.4300

' J 1.4C 2.000 1.4029 1 2.167 1.3754 (

6 2.333 1.3482 3 2.500 1.3229 2.667 1.2985 0 2.833 1.2742 3.000 1.2554 1 6 3.167 1.2432 3,,3 3.333 1.2361 6 6 3.500 1.2311 H J A 3.667 1.2294 6 3.833 1.2422 3

6 6 4.000 1.2541 1.3C o m 4 167 1 2635 d'

4.333 1.2714 e% Add'a -A6 i A6d'66 4.500 1.2776 pq g n 4.667 1.2819

  • ., 6 4.833 1.2844 3E 6 5.000 1.2855 i,

.6 5.167 1.2841 e

3 5.333 1.2808 g 5.500 1.2802 na 5.667 1.2815

,. 5.833 1.2835 6.000 1.2925 6.167 1.3056 1.2C 5 333 1 3168 6.500 1.3257 6.667 1.3321 6.833 1.3358 7.000 1.3368 7.167 1.3351 7.333 1.3306 7.500 1.3224 7.667 1.3131 7.833 1.3051 8.000 1.2949 0.167 1.2829 8.333 1.2834 1.1C 8.500 1.2858 8.667 1.2862 8.833 1.2863 9.000 1.2883 9.167 1.2989 9.333 1.3214 9.500 1.3436 9.667 1.3648 9.833 1.3877 10.000 1.4087 10.167 1.4246

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
1. 00_ ,;,,;;,,;;,,; ;u;;, _ ;; _ ; ;. ,,
  • 10.667 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 10.833
  • 11.000 1.0000 1.0000
  • 11.167 1.0000 BOTTOM CORE HEIGHT (FEET) TOP 11.333 1.0000
  • 11.500 1.0000
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 f:Igl Lares !)

Callaway Cycle 10 j Bounding W(z)no


I , Ldaadway L y L44 av .w. .


'* (FEET) N(Z)


  • 0.000 1.0000
    • 1. 7 0 . 0,167 1,0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000 l


  • 0.833 1.0000 I
  • 1.000 1.0000 l
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000 1.60
  • 2* 2'*
  • 1.667 1.0000 l 1.833 1.2478 1

2.000 1.2284 2.167 1.2076 2.333 1.1869 2.500 1.1657 2.667 1.1476 2.833 1.1368 1 I"- 3.000 1.1327 l 1.50 3.167 1.1311 l 3.333 1.1277 3.500 1.1250

  • 3.667 1.1240 3.833 1.1242 4.000 1.1235 a 4.167 1.1211 4.333 1.1180 0 4.500 1.1181 1.40 0 4.667 1.1183 4.833 1.1172

, ,agan oa 5.000 1.1155


5.167 1.1148 N , u 5.333 1.1219 A 5.500 1.1343

$ 0 5,667 1.1476 5.833 1.1593 3 6.000 1.1723 1.30 5 1

6.333 1 2"'

1.2208 6.500 1.2385 6 6.667 1.2500 6.833 1.2668 a a 7.000 1.2870 n 7.167 1.3093

, 7.333 1.3292 7.500 1.3404 6 7.667 1.3437 1.20 3 7. 33 1.35,3 a 8.000 1.3747

,, 0.167 1.3761 4 3 -

8.333 1.3733 !

3 3 8.500 1.3750 I O

8.667 1.3765 h

66 3"^^' '^-y,ua 8.833 1.3738

[ 9.000 9.167 1.3711 1.3756 1.10 9.333 1.3919 9.500 1.4127 9.667 1.4327 9.833 1.4608 10.000 1.4577 10.167 1.4613

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000
1. 0 0_ ;; .; .;;_;  ;._; .,
  • 10.033 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 21. m 1. m 0 BOTTOM TOP * !! *U l:lEl CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • 11.5a
  • 11.667
1. m o 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 10 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 150 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -4.1%

1 1


g LalldWay ()Cic IV nL t. )

e HEIGHT 3000.

., (FERT) O(2) 1.0000 1.70

. 0.00,0 0.1. 1.0000

  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.00C0
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 25" 2 ' '"


  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.3437 2.000 1.3201 2.167 1.2946 2.333 1.2690 2.500 1.2457 2.667 1.2241 j 2.833 1.2049 -

3.000 1.1918 1.50 -

3.167 1.1842 0' ' 3.333 1.1795 3.500 1.1773 3.667 1.1760 a 3.833 1.1742 4.000 1.1716 4.167 1.1683 h 4.333 1.1644 4.500 1.1616 1.40 o 4.667 1.1575 4.833 1.1524 a 5.000 1.1468

"' 5.167 1.1412 DU 5.333 1.1398 A 60 5.500 1.1381 3E g 5.667 1.1393 a 5.833 1.1464 6.000 1.1519 1.30 o O

' 157 6.333 11"1 1.1916

'" 6.500 1.2073 a 0 6.667 1.2149 ,

6.833 1.2270 l

' 7.000 1.2419 I 7.167 1.2591 3 a 7.333 1.2737 a 7.500 1.2783 A a 7.667 1.2784 1.20 ,, g 7.833 1.2967 A . 8.000 1.3184 "d *La 8.167 1.3260

'O A.. a 8.333 1.3307

'~0 6 0, , 8.500 1.3394

""" 8.667 1.3464 8.833 1.3496 9.000 1.3595 9.167 1.3773 1.10 9.333 1.3997 9.500 1.4249 9.667 1.4514


9.833 1.4883 10.000 1.4920 10.167 1.4994

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00_;;  ;; ;;,,_  ;,,;;  ;;_;;,,
  • 10.833 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • 21 '00 1 8000
  • 11.167 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP . 11. 3 n 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • 11 500 1 00 "
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 F:IglLaren 11 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU (Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -4.1%

[ , Ldlededy L y Lac av e w . .?

a HEIGHT 10000.

, (FEET) M(1)

,  %

  • 0.000 1.0000 1.70 . 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000 i '
  • 0.500 1.0000 l
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000 i
  • 1.167 1.0000 i ,
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 2 5'" 2 ""


  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.2756 2.000 1.2613 2.167 1.2453 2.333 1.2293 2.500 1.2134 2.667 1.1976 2.833 1.1827 3.000 1.1711 1.50 3.167 1.1644 3.333 1.1622 3.500 1.1618 3.667 1.1615 3.833 1.1609 4.000 1.1605 4.167 1.1597 4.333 1.1585 4.500 1.1594 1.40 4.667 1.1595 a 4.833 1.1585 i ia 5.000 1.1569 o 5.167 1.1552 N 3 g-- 5.333 1.1576
  • a naad'0 5.500 1.1604

% a 5.667 1.1640 AoA $,$)) 1.173)

^ 6.000 1.1868 1.30 ' 257 1.2068 46 6.333 1.2366 6.500 1.2535 4 6 6.667 1.2625



" 7.000

  • 1.2754 3 1.2910 a 7.167 1.3084 4 7.333 1.3224

" 7.500 1.3132 a 7.667 1.3237 1.20 a 7.833 1. 33 n A <

8.000 1.3532

, 6 8.167 1.3537

,6 A.

  • -'~"'""'

'A B.333 8.500 1.3494 1.3467 8.667 143457 8.833 1.3472 9.000 1.3479 9.167 1.3493 1.10 9.3n 1.3543 9.500 1.3605 9.667 1.3674 9.833 1.3868 10.000 1.3791 10.167 1.3606

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00 . . ~ . . . .. .. ..
  • 10. 8 n 1.0000 U"""" T """ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ ~ ""1T 1'2
  • u.On 1. m 0 BOTTOM TOP * }l.!U l'.llmll CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • u.Su 10
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 12 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -4.1%

u. usa.way upsss su sw. .

K21GHf 18000.

(FEET) W{2) i

  • 0.000 1.0000
    • 70
1. . 0.167 1,0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000 1.60
  • 2* 2 *'
  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.2428 2.000 1.2330 2.167 1.2218 2.333 1.2103 2.500 1.1990 2.667 1.1874 2.833 1.1762 3.000 1.1694 1.50 3.167 1.1677 3.333 1.1698 3.500 1.1733 3.667 1.1806 3.833 1.1921 4.000 1.2029 4.167 1.2112 4.333 1.2180 4.500 1.2258 1.40 4.667 1.2315 6a , ,

4.833 1.2356 4 5.000 1.2388

"" 3a a 5.167 1.2406 N 6 6 5.333 1.2458

  • 6 a 5.500 1.2549

% 6 a 5.667 1.2627 A _A 5.833 1.2694 6.000 1.2796

'a 1.30 " r a "A. 6.167 1.2980 6.333 1.3270 6.500 1.3414

^ 6' 6.667 1.3467

" 6.833 1.3555

^ 7.000 1.3664

' 3a 4 7.167 1.3785

'x , ,0 7.333 1.3865 0

a 7.500 1.3833 0 7.667 1.3727 1.20 m 3 7.833 1.3775 A . 8.000 1.3844 o

' '6A n" 8.167 8.333 1.3745 1.3590 8.500 1.3474

_.. 8.667 1.3362 8.833 1.3231 9.000 1.3114 9.167 1.3034 1.10 9.333 1.3002 9.500 1.3019 9.667 1.3056 9.833 1.3220 10.000 1.3093 10.167 1.3072 )

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00 ._. . .. .. .
  • 10.833 1.0000

. ...~" ~~" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ ~ ~ T1" ~ ~ ~ T2

  • ii
  • 1.
  • c BOTTOM TOP * !!:20 I;llll I CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • 21 *
  • 11.667 2.o m 1.0000 l
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 13 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 18000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axlal Offset = -4.1%

, Ldlida dy L)L AL* AV ..



, (FEET) N(E) l e

  • 1.0000 1.70 i , 0.00,0 o.1. 1,ooo, 1
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000 f
  • 0.833 1.0000 '
  • 1.000 1,0000
  • 1.167 1.0000 1
  • 1.333 1.0000 1.60
  • 2 "" 2"" l
  • 1.667 1.0000 '

1.833 1.1776 l 2.000 1.1614 j

2.167 1.1428 i 2.333 1.1244

<0 2.500 1.1057 2.667 1.0905 4 2.833 1.0830 3.000 1.0819 1.50 n 3.167 1.0830 3.333 1.0021 i.a O

3.500 1.0825 an0 A 3.657 1.0853

. .6 3.833 1.0895 6 4. J00 1.0926 4.167 1.0932 ni 4.333 1.0924 3 4.500 1.0966 1.40 4.667 1.1004 4.833 1.1026 s 5.000 1.1046 5.167 1.1079 N 5.333 1.1238 5.500 1.1467 3 5.667 1.1674 5.833 1.1825 6 6.000 1.1954 1.30 ' 2'7 1.2187 6 6.333 1.2638 6.500 1.2858 6.667 1.2952

^ 6.833 1.3153 7.000 ' 1.3433 7.167 1.3769 7.333 1.4070 4 7.500 1.4212 1 7.667 1.4210  !

1.20 m 7.8n 1.4452 A 8.000 1.4755 a 8.167 1.4759 A 8.333 1.4659 8.500 1.4666

^ ' 8.667 1.4687 8.833 1.4629 A ^ 9.000 1.4546

" "a 9.167 1.4544 1.10 600,*P 9.3n 1.4598 6 9.500 1.4937

^' ^^"

9.667 1.5182 9.833 1.5595 10.000 1.5391 l 10.167 1.5343 j

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00 .

. . I . .. .. .-

  • 10. 8 n 1.0000

""" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -Yi T2 *"8"

  • 11.167 1""

1.0000 BOTTOM TOP . u.333 1.0000

  • 11.667
1. n u 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 14 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 150 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -8.2%

, L d11.2 W d) L. ) LIC A U aa-i HEIGHT 3000.

  1. (FEET) W(E) f ,9
  • 0.000 1.0000

- 1.70 0.167 1.0000

  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000 1*60 * * ' " *""


  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.2681

O 2.000 1.2481 2.167 1.2252 2.333 1.2021 a 2.500 1.1816 2.667 1.1632 2.833 1.1480 a 3.000 1.1384 1.50 3.167 1.1339 3.333 1.1318 a 3.500 1.1329 I 3.667 1.1356 l o 3.833 1.1380 4.000 1.1395 00 4.167 1.1392

^* ' 4.333 1.1377

'{ 4.500 1.1393 1.40 4 557 1.13'8 l 4.833 1.1373 a 5.000 1.1356

^ 5.167 1.1342 N 5.333 1.1436 v 6o0 l 5.500 1.1506 l

$ 5.667 1.1591 A 5.833 1.1693 6.000 1.1746 1.30 ' 2 2 2"'

l 6.333 1.2335 6.500 1.2534 6 6.667 1.2587 3

6.833 1.2739 "o 7.000

  • 1.2963 7.167 1.3241 0

3 7.333 1.3483 i 7.500 1.3554 '

, 7.667 1.3520 1 1.20 0 7.833 1.3797  !

8.000 1.4152 O

46 8.167 1.4222 A .

8.333 1.4205 i 3 n" 8.500 1.4283 i

'agn au"a'OG,66 . 0 l -- 9.000 1.4423 9.167 1.4562 l 1.10 9.333 1.4779 9.500 1.5066 9.667 1.5380 9.833 1.5889 10.000 1.5753 10.167 1.5743

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000
1. 0 0 .. _l _

10.833 1.0000 f2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fi- -

  • li "o
  • 11.167 10"0 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP 11.333 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) *215" 2""
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 15 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -8.2%

F~ , Ld11d%d> L)Cic 10 m.>

6 HEIGHT 10000.

(FIET) W(E) e '

  • 0.000 1.0000 1.70 , 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000 j
  • 0.667 1.0000 l
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 25" 2""


  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.2039 2.000 1.1925 l 2.167 1.1786 2.333 1.1645 2.500 1.1510 2.667 1.1300 1 2.833 1.1268 3.000 1.1186 l 1.50 3.167 1.1149 l


. 3.333 1.1152 l 3.500 1.1180 3.667 1.1216

, ,a 3 d6 3 3.833 1.1252 4.000 1.1287

~"O0 > 6 4.167 1.1308

^ 4.333 1.1320 4.500 1.1372 1.40 o" :. 4.667 1.1409 4.833 1.1433 a 5.000 1.1456

"* 5.167 1.1481 N 5.333 1.1595

  • <> 5.500 1.1732

$ 5.667 1.1841 A 5.833 1.1967 6.000 1.2101

^ 6.167 1.2343 1.30 6.333 1.2801

6.500 1.3014 6.667 1.3081 6.833 1.3242 7.000 1.3474 3 7.167 1.3759 7.333 1.3998 7.500 1.4062 d'

7.667 1.3999 1.20 4' a 7. 8 n 1.4227 A 8.000 1.4525 a6 8.167 1.4520 a -

8.333 1.4404 n 8.500 1.4363 1Ad' 3 8.667 1.4359 0 0' 66 8.833 1.4345

,00 "1 9.000 1.4300 i 9.167 1.4266 l 1.10 9.3n 1.4301 9.500 1.4385 9.667 1.4490 9.933 1.4805 10.000 1.1 1 10.167 1.4.,5

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00 ._.. . _ _ . . _.._

~ . . _ .

  • 10. 8 n 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP
  • ll:l0
  • u.5u ll""


  • 11.667
1. n u 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 16 l

Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted) Axial Offset = -8.2%


, Lauanaysyusav _

. HEICHT 18000.

, (FRET) W(1) e f

  • 0.000 1.0000 1.70 . o.1 , 1, coco
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 25" 2""


  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.1730 2.000 1.1658 2.167 1.1563 2.333 1.1465 2.500 1.1374 2.667 1.1284 2.833 1.1206 3.000 1.1171 1.50 3.167 1.1181 46 3.333 1.1225 6 3.500 1.1290 on 6 3.667 1.1399 6 4 6 3.833 1.1553 4.000 1.1699 4.167 1.1911 0 4.333 1.1902 a a 6 4.500 1.2022 1.40 ' c-4.667 1.2118 d6 3

4.833 1.2194 g a ga 5.000 1.2267

""' 3 5.167 1.2330 N 5.333 1.2479 5.500 1.2687

% 0 5.667 1.2845 5.833 1.2949 6.000 1.3048 1.30 6.167 1.3276 6 6.333 1.3736 6 6.500 1.3927 n 6.667 1.3953 6.833 1.4074 6 7.000 1.4261 7.167 1.4497 I ,

,0 7.333 1,4677

= 7.500 1.4666 0

7.667 1.4518 l

1.20 7.833 1.4657 O 8.000 i i 1.4859 6

8.167 1.4743 8.333 1.4507 o a 8.500 1.4371 0 -

8.667 1.4257 t '3 ^ ^n 8.833 9.000 1.4089 1.3912 l

1 l ,,

9.167 1.3700 1.10 9.333 1.3729 9.500 1.3766 9.667 1.3835 9.833 1.4114 10.000 1.3824 10.167 1.3725

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00 - - - - - - - -- -- - -
  • 10.833 1.c000 U"""" T """ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~ ~ ~1~ T " "" T2
  • 11 8 " 2""


  • ll:2E l:ll 2 o"o CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • 21 500
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 17 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 18000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted) Axial Offset = -8.2%

f s o. .u .. ; s ; s.. .- ..

, HEIGHT 150.

  • (FEET) W(3)

, f,

  • 1.0000

, 1.70 . 0.000, 0.16 1.0000 s

  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000 0
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000


  • 1.333 1.0000 1.60 t
  • 2 5'" 2' '


  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.1120 d 66 a 2.000 1.0995 l 2.167 1.0830 and 2.333 1.0666 0 ^

2.500 1.0503 6 '6 2.667 1.0378 2.833 1.0333 1.0350 1.50 n3 3.00,0 3.16 1.0386 l 3.333 1.0400 i 3.500 1.0433

! 3.667 1.0496 3.833 1.0575 4.000 1.0641 4.167 1.0673 4.333 1.0688 4.500 1.0768 1.40

4.667 1.0839 4.833 1.0891 5.000 1.0945 5.167 1.1016 N ^

5.333 1.1255 5.500 1.1582 L 5.667 1.1858 l 5.833 1.2040 1

6.000 1.2167


l 1.30 ' 2

6.333 2.2439 1.3035 6.500 1.3296 6.667 1.3369 6.833 1.3601 3 7.000 - 1.3954 7.167 1.4394 7.333 1.4789

,, 7.500 1.4959 A 7.667 1.4925 1.20 7.833 1.5256 l 6 8.000 1.5688 8.167 1.5682 8.333 1.5516 8.500 1.5513 1 8.667 1.5539 l l

0 8.833 1.5452 1 9.000 1.5318 )

0 9.167 1.5272


1.10 '


9.333 1.5418 3 3 6' 9.500 1.5687 n 9.667 1.5972 6 , ,66 9.833 1.6508 a 10.000 1.6144 h

o 10.167 1.6017 a g,M"n

  • 10.333 1.0000 i
  • 10.500 1.0000 l
  • 10.667 1.0000 1.00 .- - - - - - - -- - - --
  • 10.833 1.0000 y"""""{""" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 T1-" Y2
  • 22 " 0 2""

BOTTOM TOP * }lll0  !.'llll CORE HEIGHT (FEET)

  • 22 500
  • 11.667 2""


  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 18 Callaway Cycle 10  ;

W(z)no at 150 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -12.0%

28 l

l l


, s.Anaway sy uw av . .


HEICHT 3000.

, , (PEET) W(1) e W

  • 1.0000

. 1.70 l [

2 0.00,0 o.l.

0.333 1,ooe, 1.0000

  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000 j 9,
  • 0.833 1.00C0 '


  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000


  • 1.333 1.0000 i 1*60
  • 25 2 00 0 '
  • 1.667 1.0000 1.833 1.1983 l 2.000 1.1816 2.167 1.1610 6 2.333 1.1403 2.500 1.1224 a 2.667 1.1070 o wi 2.833 1.0953 0 .

6 3.000 1.0891 1.50 '

3.167 1.0874 3.333 1.0878 3.500 1.0918 3.667 1.0981 a 3.833 1.1046 4.000 1.1097 4.167 1.1123 l

[ ; 4.333 4.500 1.1131 1.1186 '

1.40 4.667 1.1219 3 4.833 1.1234 5.000 1.1252 5.167 1.1277 N 5.333 1.1434 V

4 5.500 1.1622

$ 5.667 1.1773 5.833 1.1906  !

G 6.000 1.1955 l 1.30 6.167 1.2152  ;

"_ 6.333 1.2723 6.500 1.2961 l 6 6.667 1.2993 l 6.833 1.3174 '


  • 1.3465 7.167 1.3842 7.333 1.6172 6 7.500 1.4266 7.667 1.4201 1.20 m 0o 7.833 1.45 5 8.000 1.5046 a 8.167 1.5112
  • 8.333 1.5035 8.500 1.5110
^ 8.667 1.5199 8.833 1.5179

" 6^d'6 9.000 1.5108 3 ,66 9.167 1.5291 1.10 3

/, 9.n3 1.5503 d

ia6 6 9.500 1.5822 9.667 1.6181 9.833 1.6820 10.000 1.6524 10.167 1.6635

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0C00 1.00 - .._- __.~- - - -- --
  • 20.833 1.0000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"""T1 "T2 * " - O
  • 11. 1"67 20"0 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP .u.n3 1. O n 0 CORE HEIGHT (FEET)
  • u.5n 1. nu
  • 11.667 1.0000 l
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 l

l Figure 19 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 3000 MWD /MTU l

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -12.0%

$ Lailu Aa) L)Cic 10 M4. .)

HEICHT 10000.

. y (FEET) W(1)

  • 0.000 1.0000
    • #*1.70 a


  • 0.167 1.0000
  • 0.333 1.0000
  • 0.500 1.0000
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000
  • 1.333 1.0000
  • 1.0000 1.60 . 1.50,0
1. 1,0000 1.833 1.1376 4 2.000 1.1290 2.167 1.1168 2.333 1.1046


l 2.500 1.0933 l g 3 4, 2.667 1.0830 i

oo o 2.833 1.0751 3 a l ,, 3.000 1.0701 1.50 u- 3.167 1.0692 l 3.333 1.0718 l 6'a 3.500 1.0774 3.667 1.0846 3.833 1.0921 4.000 1.0992 4.167 1.1041 4.333 1.1075 4.500 1.1166 1.40 4 667 4.833 1.1238 1.1294 5.000 1.1351

^ 4 5.167 1.1416 ,

N 5.333 1.1613 )

V no 5.500 1.1950

$ 5.667 1.2027


. 5.833 1.2184 6.000 1 2317 6.167 .2598 1.30 ,,333 ,3303 6.500 1.3456 6.667 1.3502 e 6.833 , 1.3694 7.000 1.3997 7.167 1.4384 d'

7.333 1.4714 u 7.500 1.4801 x 7.667 1.4704 1.20 v.833 1.5019 a 8.000 1.5443 8.167 1.5428 3 8.333 1.5246 8.500 1.5192

" 3 8.667 1.5192

,, a di 8.833 1.5153 A 9.000 1.5059 O "

n "6 9.167 1.4980 1.10 -

a 6-9.333 2.

  • 1

^ 9.500 1.5107 6 9.667 1.5244 dio d" 9.833 1.5672 10.000 1.5274 10.167 1.5132

  • 10.333 1.0000
  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000
1. 0 0 _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . ~
  • 10.83) 1.0000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11~ - l'2
  • 11
  • 1 *0 1
  • 11.167 1.0000 i BOTTOM TOP 11.333 1.0000 i
  • li
  • 20*


  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 20 i l

Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 10000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted) Axial Offset = -12.0%


, , eCallaway Lycle 10 Kev. 3 HEIGHT 18000.


  • j*y (FEET) W(1)
  • 0.000 1.0000 1.70 . 0.167 1,0000 j
  • 0.333 1.0000 l


  • 0.500 1.0000 l
  • 0.667 1.0000
  • 0.833 1.0000 l
  • 1.000 1.0000
  • 1.167 1.0000 l
  • 1.333 1.0000 l
  • 1.500 1.0000 1*60
  • 1.667 1.0000 l 1.833 1.1084 3 2.000 1.1037 2.167 1.0957

^' a 2.333 1.0876 a 2.500 1.0004 6 2.667 1.0738 6 2.833 1.0692 ;

a 3.000 1.0686 '

1.50 a 3.167 1.0723 a 3.333 1.0788 3.500 1.0880

<> 3.667 1.1024 a a 3.833 1.1214 0;'

4.000 1.1393 a 4.167 1.1532 0

4.333 1.1644 4.500 1.1804 1.40 4.447 1.1834 4.833 1.2045 5.000 1.2155 5.167 1.2259 N a 5.333 1.2498 V

5.500 1.2814 i

$ 5.667 1.3047 l db 5.833 1.3184 6.000 1.3281

^ 2 3550 1*30 ' " '

6.333 1.4168 l

1 6.500 1.4400 6.667 1.4403 6.833 a  ; 7.000 . 1.4553 1.4814 l 7.167 1.5155 l 6 7.333 1.5427

,, 7.500 1.5437 4 7.667 1.5248 1.20 6 7.833 1.5472

, 8.000 1.5799 1 8.167 1.5665 l A 8.333 1.5355 a 8.500 1.5201 i 8.667 1.5084 1 8.833 1.4882 1 9.000 1.4651 a " 9.167 1.4470 1.10 "

a 9.332 1.4402 a a 9.500 1.4457

--0 6. i O a 9.667 1.4555 I 9.433 1.4940 10.000 1.4501 10.167 1.4328

  • 10.333 1.0000


  • 10.500 1.0000
  • 10.667 1.0000
1. 0 0_ ;; _; _ . ;;,. ;  ; .. ; ; . ;; . ;;,,
  • 10. 8 n 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * " 000 2 0000
  • 11.167 1.0000 BOTTOM ' TOP . u.3n 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) *"m 2 *0
  • 11.667 1.0000
  • 11.833 1.0000
  • 12.000 1.0000 Figure 21 Callaway Cycle 10 W(z)no at 18000 MWD /MTU

[ Measured - Predicted] Axial Offset = -12.0%