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Proposed Tech Specs Re Administrative Controls for Offsite & Onsite Organizations
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/1989
Shared Package
ML20246B174 List:
NUDOCS 8905080435
Download: ML20246B186 (22)


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8905080435 890424 PDR ADOCK 05000313 P PDC ,



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6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1- The Vice President, Nuclear responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to l this responsibility during his absence.


Onsite and offsite organizations.shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and. J offsite organizations shall inclyde the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant,

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, end communication shall be established and. defined for tio highest managament levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions. ;These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equ valent forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documecte(,in the QA Manual Operations.
b. The Director, Nuclear Operations shall be responsibic for overall' unit safe op6 ration and shall have control over tho;e onsite activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
c. The Vice President,. Nuclear shc11-have corporate r-responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures needed,to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
d. 'The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have suf ficient organizational freedom-to ensure their independence from operating pressures.

FACILITY STAFF 6.2.2 The Operations Superintendent and Shift Supervisor shall hold a senior reactor operator license. Each on-duty shift shall be composed of at least the minimum shift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.

Amendment No. 25, 30, 34, 27, 117 i 47, 50, 59, 54, 82, 85, 99, 209, ZZ2 o __ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ___ - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - -


.. 4 j Administrative controls chall be established to limit the amount  ;

l of overtime worked by plant staff performing safety-related i functions. These administrative controls shall be in accordance

! with the guidance provided by the NRC Policy Statement on working l hours (Generic Letter 82-12).

6.3. FACILITY STAFF QUALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable position, except for (1) the designated radiation protection manager, who shall meet or exceed the qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975 and (2) the Shift Technical Advisor who shall have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering dic,cipline with specific training in plant design, and response and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents.

6.4 TRAINING A 6.4.1 A retraining and replacement training program for the unit staff shall be maintained under the direction of the Manager, Training and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55.

6.4.2 A training program for the Fire Brigade shall be maintained under the direction of the Manager, Training and shall meet or exceed the requirements of Section 27 of the NFPA Code-1975 except for Fire Brigade training sessions which shall be held at least quarterly.

6.5 REVIEW AND AUDIT 6.5.1 Plant Safety Committee (PSC) Function The Plant Safety Committee shall function to advise the Director, Nuclear Operation on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOSITION The Plant Safety Committee shall be composed of the:

Chairman: Manager, Nuclear Standards Member: Plant Manager, ANO-1 Member: Plant Manager, ANO-2 Member: Designated radiation protection manager Member: Manager, Plant Engineering Member: Superintendent, Reactor Engineering Member: Superintendent, Quality Assurance Member: Superintendent, Operations Assessment Member: Manager, Training The Director, Nuclear Operations should designate in writing the Alternate Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

Amendment No. 16, 30, 34, 37, 117a 57, 50, 59, 64, 82, 8%, 99, 109, 112

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ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PSC Chairman to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate as voting members in PSC activities at any one time.


' The PSC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the PSC Chairman.or his designated alternate.

QUORUM The minimum quorum of the PSC necessary tar the performance of the PSC responsibility and authority provisions of thes,e-technical specifications shall consist of the Chairman or his designated alternate and four members including alternates.

RESPONSIBILITIES- The Plant Safety Committee shall be responsible for:

a. Review of 1) all procedures required by Specification 6.8 and revisions thereto, 2) any other proposed  !

procedures or revisions thereto as determined by the Director, Nuclear Operation? to affect nuclear safety.

b Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.

c. Raview of all proposed changes to the Appendix "A" Technical Specifications.
d. Review of all proposed changes or modifications to plant systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
e. Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications, including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation and recommendations to prevent recurrence to the Director, Nuclear Operations and to the Chairman of the Safety Review Committee.



t Amendment No. 85, 99, 209, II2, 118 121 L ._ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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. g. R: view of facility nperations to detect potential nuclear safety hazards.

h. Performance of special reviews, investigations, or analyses and reports thereon as requested by the Director, Naclear

('perations or ths safety Review Committee.

i. Review of the Plant Security Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Director, Nuclear Operations and t. Safety Review Committee.
j. Review of the Emergency Plan and implementing precedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Director, Nuclear Operations and the Safety Review Committee.


k. Review of changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and the Process Control Program.  !

AUTHORITY The Plant Safety Committee shall:

a. Recommend in wrtting their approval or disapproval of items considered under through (d) above,
b. Render determinations in writing with regard to whether or not each item considered under through (e) above constitutes an unreviewed safety question.
c. Provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the Vice President, Nuclear and the Safety Review Committee of disagreement between the PSC and the Director, Nuclear Operations; however, the Director, Nuclear Operations shall have responsibility for resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.

RECORDS The Plant Safety Committee shall maintain written minutes of each PSC meeting that, at a minimum, document the results of all PSC activities performed under the responsibility and authority provisions of these techeical specifications. Copies shall be j provided to the Director, Nuclear Operations and Chairman of the  !

Safety Review Committee. l 1 6.5.2 Safety Review Committee (SRC)  ;



! The Safety Review Committee shall function to proviae independent I l review and audit of designated activities in the areas of: )

j a. nuclear power plant operations

b. nuclear engineering
c. chemistry and radiochemistry Amendment No. 28, 34, 37, 47, 58, 82, 88, 99, 109 122 l 4

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d. metallurgy e .- instrumentation and control
f. radiological safety g .- ' mechanical and electrical engineering


h. quality assurance practices COMPOSITION' The Safety Review Committee shall be composed of a Chairman and eight members which collectively have the experience and competence required by ANSI /ANS-3.1-1981 to review problems in the arhas specified in Section, a-h.

The Vice President, Nuclear shall designate, in writing, the Chairman and all SRC members. l The Chairman shall designate, in writing, the alternate Chairman in the absence of the SRC Chairman.

ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the SRC Chairman to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alte. nates shall participate as voting members in SRC activities at any one time.

CONSULTANTS 6.5 2.4 Consultants shall be utilized as determined by the SRC CMirman to provide ~ expert advice to the SRC.

MEETING FREQUENCY The SRC shall meet at least once per calendar quarter during the initial year of facility operation following fuel loading and at least once per six months thereafter.

QUORUM l The minimum quorum of the SRC necessary for the performance of the SRC review and audit functions of these technical specifications shall consist of the Chairman or his designated alternate and at least 4 SRC members including alternates. No more than a minority of the quorum shall have line responsibility for operation of the unit, i

Amendment No. 16, 34, 37, 47, 58, 82, 123 99

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, d. The'perfortdar,ce of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the criteria of 10CFR50 3 L Appendix "B", at least once per 24 months.

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e. The Facilfty Emergency Plan and implementing procedures at I least onta per 12 months.
f. The Facility. Security Plan an'd implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.
g. Any other area of unit operation considered appropriate by the SRC e the Vice President, Nuclear.
h. The Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing .

procedures at least once per 24 months. j

i. An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection and audit shall be performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either qualified off-site licensee personnel or an outside fire protection firm.
j. The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual cod Process Control Program and implementing procedures at least once per 24 f months.
k. The radiological environmental monitoring program and the

.results thereof at least once per 12 months.

AUTl10RITY The SRC shall report to and advise the Vice President, Nuclear on those areas of responsibility specified in Sections and

RjiCORDS Records of SRC activities shall be prepared, approved and distributed as indicated below;

a. Minutes of each SRC meeting shall be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice President, Nuclear within 14 days following each meeting. '
b. Reports of reviews encompassed by Section above, shall be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice President, Nuclear within 14 days foll.owing completico of the review.
c. Audit reports encompassed by Section Above shall be ferwarded to the Vice President, Nuclear and to the i management positions responsible for the areas audited Vithin 1 30 days after completion of the audit.

Amendment No. 16, 20, 34, 37, #2, 47, 58, 125 78, 82, 88, 99


6.6.1 A REPORTABLE-EVENT shall be any of those condition; specified in Section-50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50.

.6.6.2 The following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE EVENTS:

, a. A report shall be submitted to the Commission pursu.'it to the requirements of Section 50.73 to 10 CFR Part 50, and v

b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the PSC, and the-results of this review shall be submitted to the SRC and~the Vice President. Nuclear.

6.7 SAFETY LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following. actions shall be taken in the event a. Safety Limit is violated:

a,- The facility shall be placed in at least hot shutdown within one hour,

b. The Nuclect Regulatory Commission shall be notified pursuant to 10 CFR 30.72 and a repcrt submitted pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.36 and Specification 6.6.
6. 8.1 - Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below:
a. The applicable procedures recoremended in Appendix "A" of .

Regulatory Guide 1.33, November, 1972.

b. Refueling operations.
c. Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment,
d. Security Plan implementation.

e Emergency Plan implementation. '

f. Fire Protection Program implementation.
g. New and spent fuel storage, l
h. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Process Control Program implementation at the site.
1. Post accident sampling (includes sampling of reactor coolant,

. radioactive iodines end particulate in plant gaseous 1 affluents, and the containment atmosphere).

1 Amendment No. 26, 20, 34, 37, 42, #7, 126 1 58, 82, 99, 215 L--___-__-.__-__________ __ _ - _ _ - - _ _ - - - _


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. l 6.8.2 Each procedure of 6.8.1 above, and changes thereto, shall be {

reviewed by the PSC and approved by the Director, Nuclear l l Operations; Unit 1 Plant Manager; or responsible General Manager 8 i

prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set fortn I in administrative procedures. .

6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 aoove may be made provided:

a. The intent of the original procedure is not altered.
b. The change is approved by two members of the plant staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's license on the unit affected.
c. The change is documented, and approved by the Director, Nuclear Operations; Unit 1 Plant Manager or responsible General Manager, within 14 days of implementation.

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l Amendment No. I6, 30, 74, 37 127 n, s2, 88, 94, l se,105 l

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u ,.r 6.11.2 The requirements of 6.11.1 above, shall also apply to each high radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 1 1000 mrem /hr. In addition, locked doors shall be provided to prevent i

' unauthorized entry into such areas and access to these areas shall be 1 maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Supervisor on I

y duty and/or the designated radiation protection manager.

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i Amendment No. 84 129a (Next page is 140)

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... *o 6.0 ADMINISTRATIVE CON,TROLS 6.1 RESPONSIBILITY 6.1.1 -The Vice P lent, Nuclear shall be responsible for overall facility operations and sha delegate in writing the succession to this l responsibility during his absence.

6.2 ORGANIZAT.iN-6.2.1 0FFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS I Onsite and offsite organizations shall be established for unit operation and corporate management, respectively. The onsite and offsite organizations shall include the positions for activities affecting the . safety of the nuclear power plant,

a. Lines of authority, responsibility, and communication shall be established and defined for the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization "ositions. These relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organization charts, functional  !

descriptions of departmental responsibilities and relationships, '

and job descriptions for key personnel positions, or in equivalebt forms of documentation. These requirements shall be documented in the QA Manual Operations.

b. Pe Director, Nuclear Operations shall be responsible for overall tit safe operation and shall have control over those onsite I activities necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.
c. The Vice President, Nuclear shall have corporate responsibility J for overall plant nuclear safety and shall take any measures l needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining, and providing technical support to the plant to ensure nuclear safety.
d. The individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate onsite manager; however, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to ensure their independence i from operating pressures.


a. Each on-duty shitt shall be composed of at least the minimum chift crew composition shown in Table 6.2-1.
b. At least one licensed Operator shall be in the control room when fuel is in the reactor.

ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-1 Amendment No. 5, 52, 57, 73, 85, $7 m m.As.

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c. At least two licensed Operators shall be present in the control room during reactor start-up, scheduled reactor shutdown and  :

during recovery from reactor trips.  :

d. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures shall i be on site when fuel is in the reactor. I
e. All CORE ALTERATIONS shall be directly supervised by either a licensed Serdor Reactor Operator or Senior Reactor Operator Limited to Fuel Handling who has no other concurrent ,

responsibilities during this operation. I

f. A site Fire Brigade of at least 5 members shall be maintained-onsite at all times. The Fire Brigade shall not include 3 members of the minimum shift crew necessary for safe shutdown of the unit  !

and any personnel required for other essential functions during a  !

fire emergency. ,


g. Administrative control shall be established tc limit the amount of I overtime worked by plant staff performing safety-related l functions. These administrative controls shall be in accordance l with the guidance provided by the NRC Policy Statement on working hours (Generic Letter No. 82-12).
h. The Operations Superintendent and Shift Supervisor shall hold a senior reactor operator license.

ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-2 Amendment No. 27, 25, 25, 52, 73, 85, 87

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1 6.3 UNIT STAFF QUALIFICATIONS 6.3.1 Each member of the unit staff shall meet or exceed the minimuel i qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions, except for (1) the designated radiation protection manager, who shall meet or exceed the l; qualifications of Regulatory Guide 1.8, September 1975, and (2) the Shift Technical Advisor who shall have a bachelors degree or equivalent in a scientific or engineering discipline with specific training in plant design, and responsa and analysis of the plant for transients and accidents. j


6.4.1 A retrainirig and replacement training program for the unit staff I shall be maintained under the direction of the Manager, Training and shall meet or exceed the requirements and recommendations of Section 5.5 of ANSI N18.1-1971 and Appendix "A" of 10 CFR Part 55.

6.4.2 A training program for the Fire Brigade shall be maintained under i the direction of the Manager, Training and shall meet or exceed the requirements of Section 27 of the NFPA Code - 1975, except for Fire Brigade training sessionc which shall be held at least quarterly.


FUNCTION The Plant Safety Committee shall function to advise the Direct >r, Nuclear Operations on all matters related to nuclear safety.

COMPOS 1 TION The Plant Safety Committee shall be composed of the:

Chairman: Manager, Nuclear Standards Member: Plant Manager, ANO-1  ;

Member: Plant Manager, ANO-2 i Member: Designated radiation protection manager Member: Manager, P? ant Engineering Member: Superintendent, Reactor Engineering Member: Superintendent, Quality Assurance Member: Superintendent, Operations Assessment Member: Manager, Training Member: Nuclear Software Expert

  • The Director, Nuclear Operations shall designate in writing the Alternate Chairman in the absence of the PSC Chairman.

S ee Page 6-Sa ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-5 Amendment No. 5, 12, 17, 20, 29, 52, 72, 85

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' ALTERNATES All alternate members shall be appointed in writing by the PSC Chairman to serve on a temporary basis; however, no more than two alternates shall participate as voting mernhers in PSC activities at any one time. l MEETING FREQUENCY The PSC shall meet at least once per calendar month and as convened by the PSC Chairman or his designated alternate.

QUORUM The minimum quorum of the PSC necessary for the performance of the PSC responsibility and authority provisions of these technical specifications shall consist of the Chairnian or his designated alternate and four members including alternates.

RESPONSIBILITIES The Plant Safety Committee shall be responsible for:

a. Review of 1) all procedures required by Specification 6.8 and changes thereto, 2) any other proposed procedures or changes thereto as determined by the Director, Nuclear Operations to affect nuclear safety.
b. Review of all proposed tests and experiments that affect nuclear safety.
c. Review of all proposed changes to Appendix "A" Technical Specifications.
d. Review of all proposed changes or modifications to unit systems or equipment that affect nuclear safety.
e. Investigation of all violations of the Technical Specifications, including the preparation and forwarding of reports covering evaluation and recommendation to prevent recurrence to the Director, Nuclear Operations and to the Chairman of the Safety Review Committee. }i i

ARKAN3AS-UNIT 2 6-6 ,mendment No. 6, 17, 52, 72, 85

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f. Review of all REPORTABLE EVENTS.
g. Review of facility operations to detect potential nuclear safety l hazards.  ;
h. Performance of special reviews, investigations or analyses, and l reports thereon as requested by the Director, Nuclear Operations l or the Safety Review Committee.
i. Review of the Plant Security Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of. recommended the Director, Nuclear Operations and the Safety Review Committee.
j. Review of the Emergency Plan and implementing procedures and submittal of recommended changes to the Director, Nuclear Operations and Safety Review Committee.
k. Review of changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Process Control Program.


6. 5.1. 7 The Plant Safety Committee shall:
a. Recommend in writing their approval or disapproval of items considered under through (d) above.
b. Render determinations in writing with regard to whether.or not each item considered under through (e) above constitutes an unreviewed safety question.
c. Provide written notification within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to the Vice President, Nuclear and the-Safety Review Committee of disagreement between the PSC and the Director, Nuclear Operations; however, the Director, Nuclear Operations shall have. responsibility for L resolution of such disagreements pursuant to 6.1.1 above.

RECORDS I .The Plant Safety Committee shall maintain written minutes of each PSC meeting that, at a minimum, iocument the results of all PSC activities performed under the responsibility and authority provisions of these technical specifications. Copies shall be provided to the Director, Nuclear Operations and Chairman of the Safety Review Committee. l l

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[ ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-7 Amendment No. 5, Z7, 23, 52, 60, 73, 85, 9Z

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6.5.2 SAFETY REVIEW COMMITTEE (SRC) I FUNCTION The Safety Review Committee shall function to provide independent i review and aen!t of designated activities in the areas of: I

a. nuclear power plant operations l
b. nuclear engineering j
c. chemistry and radiochemistry
d. metallurgy
e. instrumentati.. And control
f. radiological safety
g. mechanical and electrical engineering
h. quality assurance practices COMPOSITION The Safety Review Committee shall be composed of a Chairman and eight members which collectively have the experience and competence required by ANSI /ANS-3.1-1981 to review problems in the areas specified in Section, a-h.


The Vice President, Nuclear shall designate, in writing, the '

Chairman and all SRC members.

The Chairman shall designate, in writing, the alternate Chairman in the absence of the SRC Chairman.

ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-8 Amendment No. 5, 17, 25, 52, 72 i

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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS AUDITS i Audits of unit activities shall be performed under the cognizance I of the SRC. These audits shall encompass:

a. lhe conformance of unit operation to provisions contained within l the Technical Specifications and applicable license conditions at-least once per 12 months.
b. The performance, training, and qualifications of the entire unit I staff at least once per 12 months. f
c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in unit equipment, structure, systems, or method of operation that affect nuclear safety at least once per 6 months.
d. The performance of activities required by the Operational Quality Assurance Program to meet the criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix "B",

at least once per 24 raonths.

e. The Facility Emergency Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.
f. The Facility Security Plan and implementing procedures at least once per 12 months.
g. Any other area of unit operation considered appropriate by the SRC or the Vice President, Nuclear.
h. The Facility Fire Protection Program and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.
i. An independent fire protection and loss prevention program inspection and audit shall be performed at least once per 12 months utilizing either qualified offsite licensee personnel or an outside fire protection firm.

J. The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and Process Control Program and implementing procedures at least once per 24 months.

k. An inspection and audit of the fire protection and loss prevention program shall be performed by a qualified outside fire consultant at least once per 36 months.

AUTHORITY The SRC shall report to and advise the Vice President, Nuclear on l those areas of responsibility specified in Sections and I ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-11 Amendment No. ZZ, 25, 41, 52, 60, 73

i . , l gINISTRATIVECONTROLS-RECORDS Records of SRC activities shall be prepared, approved and distributed as indicated below:
a. -Minutes of each SRC meeting shall-be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice President, Nuclear within 14' days following each meeting.
b. Reports of reviews encompassed by Section above, shall be prepared,, approved and forwarded to the Vice President, Nuclear-within 14 days following completion of the review.
c. Audit reports encompassed by Section above, shall be forwarded to the Vice President, Nuclear and to the management positions' responsible for the areas audited within 30 days after completion.of the audit.

6.6 REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE ACTION 6.6.1 The following actions taken for REPORTABLE EVENTS:

a. A report siall be submitted to the Commission pursuant to the requirements of_Section 50.73 to 10CFR Part 50, and
b. Each REPORTABLE EVENT shall be reviewed by the pSC and, the results of this review shall be suboitted to the SRC and the Vice President, Nuclear.

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ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-12 Amendment No. ZZ, 17, 25, 52, 73, 9Z




6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is l violated: I

a. The unit shall be placed in at least H0T STANDBY within one hour.
b. The Vice President, Nuclear and the SRC shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
c. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission shall be notified pursuant to 10CFR50.72 and a report submitted pursuant to the requirements of  ;

10CFR50.36 and Specification 6.6.  !

6.8 PROCEDURES 6.8.1 Written procedures shall be established, implemented and maintained covering the activities referenced below:

l a. The applicable procedures r(commended in Appendix "A" of j Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revf sion 2, February 1978. q

b. Refueling operations. i
c. Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment.
d. Security Plan implementation.
e. Emergency Plan implementation.
f. Fire Protection Program implementation.
g. Modification of Core Protection Calculator (CPC) Addressable Constants. These procedures should include provisions to assure that sufficient margin is maintained in CPC Type I addressable constants to avoid excessive operator interaction with the CPCs during reactor operation.

NOTE: Modifications to the CPC software (including changes l of algorithms and fuel cycle specific data) shall be performed in accordance with the most recent version of "CPC Protection Algorithm Software Change Procedure," CEN-39(A)-P that has been determined to be applicable to the facility.

Additions or deletions to CPC addressable constants or changes to addressable constant software limit values shall not be implemented without prior NRC approval.

h. New and spent fuel storage.
i. ODCM and PCP implementation.
j. Postaccident sampling (includes sampling of reactor coolant, radioactive iodines and particulate in plant gaseous effluent, and the containment atmosphere).

6.8.2 Each procedure of 6.8.1 above, the changes therato, shall be reviewed by the PSC and approved by the Director, Nuclear Operaiions; Unit 2 Plant Hanager or responsible General Manager prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures. j ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-13 Amendment No. 24, 28, 43, 52, 60, '

53, 73, 77, 85, 91

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. _. s . a g4 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL 6.8.3 Temporary changes to procedures of 6.8.1 s ove may be made provided:

a. The intent of the original procedure is not altered.
b. The change is approved by two members of the plant management staff, at least one of whom holds a Senior Reactor Operator's ,

License on the unit affected.  !


c. The change is documented, reviewed by the PSC and approved by the Director, Nuclear Operations; Unit 2 Plant Manager or responsible General Manager within 14 days of implementation.

6.9 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ROUTINE REPORTS 6.9.1 In addition to the applicable reporting requirements of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, the following reports shall be submitted to the Administrator of the Regional Office unless otherwise noted.


\ A summary report of plant startup and power escalation testing '

shall be submitted following (1) receipt of an operating license, (2) amendment to the license involving a planned increase in power level, (3) installation of fuel that has a different design or has been manufactured by ,

a different fuel supplier, at.d (4) modifications that may have significantly 1 altered the nuclear, thermal, or hydraulic performance of the p. ant. The startup report shall address each of the tests identified in the FSAR and shall include a description of the measured valuer, of the operating conditions or characteristics obtained during the test program and a comparison of these values with design predictions and specifications.

Any corrective actions that were required to obtain satisf actory operation shall also be described. Any ado ~itional specific details required in license conditions based on other commitznents shn31 be s'ncluded in this report. Startup reports shall be submitted within (1) 90 days following j completion of the startup test program, (2) 90 days following resumption or 1 commencement of commercial power operation, or (3) 9 isonths following initial criticality, whichever is earliest. If the Startup Report does not cover all three events (i.e. , initial criticality, completion of startup test program,, and resumption or commencement of commercial power operation), [

supplementary reports shall be submitted at least every three months until l all three events have been completed.

ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-14 Amendment ho. 5, 52, 73, 85, 91 l

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ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL 6.12.2- By no later than December 1,.1980, complete and auditable' records .j must be availabla and maintained at a central location which describe the - q E environmental qualification' method used for all safety-related electrical 4 equipment in sufficient detail to document the degree of compliance with the D0R Guidelines or NUREG-0588. Thereafter, such records should be 3

updated and maintained current as equipment is replaced, further tested; or  !

otherwise further qualified. ,)

6.13 HIGH RADIATION AREA 6.13.1 In lieu of the " control devica" or " alarm signal" required by i paragraph 20.203(c)(2) of 10 CFR 20, each high radiation area (as defined l in 20.202(b)(3) of 10 CFR 20) in which the. intensity of radiation is 1000 mrem /hr or less shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted as a high l radiation area and entrance thereto shall be controlled by requiring the.

issuance of a radiation work permit. Any individual or group of individuals permitted to enter such areas shall be provided with or accompanied by one or more of the following:

a. A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the area.
b. A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the area and ala ms when a present integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this monitoring device may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made

< knowledgeable of them.

c. An individual qualified in radiation protection procedures who is equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This individual shall be responsible for providing positive control over the activities within tiie area and shall perform periodic radiation surveillance at the frequency specified in the radiation work permit.

6.13.2 The requirements of 6.13.1, above, shall also apply to each high radiation area in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 1000 mrem /hr. In addition, locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into such areas and access to these areas shall be maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Supervisor on duty and/or the designated radiatica protection manager.

i ARKANSAS-UNIT 2 6-24 0/dd/ ddtid OtfdBd/ 24, 1980 Amendment No. 21, 29, 60


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