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Insp Rept 70-1201/87-06 on 870819-20.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Liquid & Gaseous Radwaste Mgt,Environ Monitoring & Confirmatory Measurements
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 09/04/1987
From: Kahle J, Marston R
Shared Package
ML20238F572 List:
70-1201-87-06, 70-1201-87-6, NUDOCS 8709160237
Download: ML20238F602 (7)


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s ga Rf c UNITED STATES p ~

  • # ATLANT A, GEORGI A 30323

% ***.* / SrP 101987 Report No.: 70-1201/87-06 Licensee: Babcock and Wilcox Company Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant Lynchburg, VA 24505 Docket.: 70-1201 License No.: SNM-1168 Facility Name: Commercial Nuclear Fuel Plant Inspection Cond ed: August 19-20, 1987 Inspector: U R. R. M tln h'

V Date. Signed

) i Approved by:


M Kahlk, Section Chief 7

Date Signed Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards


Scope: This routine, unannounced inspection was conducted in the areas of liquid and gaseous radioactive waste management, environmental monitoring, and confirmatory measurements.

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.



1. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees
  • R. A., Alto, Plant Manager
  • W. T. Engelke, Manager, Quality & Safety
  • D. V. Ferree, Manager of Manufacturing
  • C. W. Speight, Manager, Facilities
  • J. T. Ford, Manager, Fuel Manufacturing
  • K. L. Harris, Manager, Inspection
  • K. E. Shy, Health Physicist
  • J. P. Watters, License & Control Administrator Other licensee employees contacted included one technician.
  • Attended exit interview
2. Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on August 20, 1987, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 above. No violations or deviations were identified during the inspection. The licensee acknowledged the inspector's comments and expressed no dissenting opinions. The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspection.
3. Licensee Action on Previous Enforcement Matters This subject was not addressed in the inspection.
4. Audits (88035, 88045, 84844)

License No. SNM-1168,Section V, Conditions, 6.6, Aedits, requires that:

Health-Safety personnel shall conduct, at least weekly, a formal audit of plant status relative to nuclear and radiological safety, except during plant shutdown of a week or longer; and Independent auditors shall conduct health physics inspections quarterly.

The inspector reviewed the quarterly Health Physics audits for the third )

and fourth quarters of 1986 (Audit Nos. HS-86-03. HS-86-04), and for the j i

first and second quarters of 1987 (Audit Nos. HS-87-01 and HS-87-02). J These audits were conducted by Health Physicists from B&W's Naval Nuclear J l

Fuel Division (NNFD). These audits covered the areas of: effluent and environmental records; sampling and analysis; bioassay; shipment of radioactive material; and instrument calibration. Corrective action was I tracked for previously identified discrepancies.

2 The . inspector reviewed the Weekly Health-Safety Audit Reports for August 15, 1986 - August 5, 1987. Deficiencies identified in these reports .were checked for corrective action the following week. The inspector noted that the discrepancies noted in these reports were usually housekeeping-type items.

No siolations or deviations were identified.

5. Procedure (88035, 88045, 84844)

License No. SNM-1168,Section V, Conditions, 6.5, Procedure Control, requires the licensee to establish, maintain, and implement w.-itten procedures for the conduct of specific operations, including maintenance and development of work within the plant, nuclear and radiological safety, and quality control. The inspector selectively examined the licensee's procedures pertaining to the radwaste, environmental, and quality control programs for these areas. The procedures are listed in Attachment 1.

No violations or deviations were identified.

6. Records and Reports (88035, 88045, 84844)

License No. SNM-1168, Section 1.6, Records and Reports, requires that records and reports pertaining to Health-Safety activities requiring formal documentation are maintained and stored in accordance with Regulatory Guide 8.7, Occupational Radiation Exposure Records Systems.

The inspector selectively reviewed the following records:

a. Records of Intercomparisons with NNFD for Environmental and Air Samples for third quarter 1986 through first quarter 1987;
b. Counting Instrument Calibrations, Plateaus, daily Background and Efficiency Checks, and Control Charts for January 1986 - July 1987.
c. Environmental Sample Collections Records for June 1986-July 1987.
d. Environmental Analysis Records Air Particulate for July 1986 - May 1987.

TLD's for third quarter 1986 - second quarter 1987 (by Teledyne).

Surface water for third quarter 1986 - third quarter 1987 (by Controls for Environmental Pollution (CEP)).

l I

j Sediment for third quarter 1986 - third quarter 1987 (by CEP). l l

l Soil for 1986 and 1987 (by CEP).

3 Vegetation for second half 1986. first half.1987.-

Fish for 1986.

Station G ' Soil L Sacples forL third. quarter.1986 - third quarter .


e. Gaseous Effluent Air- Sampling and Velocity 1 for March l31, 1987,-and June 18-19, 1987 (Flow Calibration):



' Echo-330 Building Effluent Stacks; Pellet' Loading Room Recirculation System; Controlled Area Effluent- Stacks; and End Conditioner Effluent Stack

f. HEPA Filter D0P Testing - September 25, 1986.

Echo-330 Building; End Conditioning Machine; PCR Recirculation; and Controlled Area-

g. HS-27 Manometer /Magnehelic Audit Record (HEPA. Filter Pressure -

Differential),. weekly for January 6,1986 - July 25,1987.

h. Annual ALARA Report for October 1,1985 - September 30, 1986.
1. Liquid Effluent Release Reports for January 1986 - August 18, 1987.

J.- -Quarterly _ Gaseous Effluent Discharge Reports for first quarter 1986 -

second quarter 1987.

k. . -Semiannual Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Reports for the first half 1986 - first half 1987.

The records were well organized and readily accessible. The inspector noted through review of the above records that license conditions and procedural requirements appeared to be met.

No violations or deviations were identified.

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.7. Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Program (88035)


The inspector examined the facilities and samp, ling equipment used for the determination of radioactivity in airborne and.. liquid effluents. The inspector toured the plant with a licensee're#esentative, specifically observing the sampling stations' and the counting laboratory. 'Two liquid

effluent control tanks with a capacity of 1018 gallons each were located in _ the liquid waste retention tank building. The tanks provided for mixing and sampling of the tanks' contents prior to release.

The counting room appeared. to be kept clean and in' good order, and the counting ' systems were posted with current calibration dates. The q" inspector's review of the facilities, equipment, and the records specified in Paragraph 6 of this ' report indicated that the licensee's program was conducted in accordance with the license, applicable NRC regulations, and 40 CFR 190.

No violations or deviations were identified.

8. Environmental Monitoring Program (88045)

License No. SNM-1168,Section IV, Part 20, Environmental Surveillance, and Section V, Part 8.1.4, Environmental Monitoring, specifies the conduct of the licensee's environmental monitoring program. The inspector and a licensee representative toured the plant area and examined four different environmental monitoring stations. Based or, observations, discussions with licensee representatives, and review of the pertinent records specified in Paragraph 6, of this report, the inspector concluded that the licensee's program was conducted in accordance with the license and NRC regulations.

No violations or deviations were identified.

9. Confirmatory Measurements (84844)

Licensee representatives stated that since manufacturing operations had been shutdown since early June, no effluent samples were available to L split with the NRC. The inspector reviewed the results of the licensee's 1 intercomparison program with NNFD (Paragraph 6) and the quality control  ;

records for the sampling and counting programs.

No violations or deviations were identified.


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ATTACHMENT 1 Procedures Reviewed by The. Inspector O


  • AS-1103 Airborne Radioactive Materials Control,.' Revir,1on 10, NovembeF 24, 1986. >


AS-1104, Contaminated Liquid Effluent Control. Revhion' !.1, July 17,1~987[

AS-1110, Waste Control, Revision 10, February 24, 1987.

- to

,, A3-1121, Uranium Bioassay Program, Revision 7 Januaryi20, 1986.


  • AS-1124 Preparation, Distribution, and Control of djealth-Safety Procedures, Revision 8. Januery 22, 1986. '

7 AS-1125, Health-Safety Audits, Revision 7, February 20, 1987 . t AS-1127, Environmental Monitoring, Revision 10,' July 24, 1986.

AS-1129, Calibration and Maintenance of Radiation Survey Instrument <, ,

Revision 1, February 14, 1986. '



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