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Insp Rept 70-1201/97-04 on 970512-15.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Fire Protection Program
Person / Time
Site: 07001201
Issue date: 06/06/1997
Shared Package
ML20140E621 List:
70-1201-97-04, 70-1201-97-4, NUDOCS 9706120167
Download: ML20140E647 (10)



1 U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION II Docket No.: 70 1201 License No.: SNM 1168 Report No.: 70-1201/97-04 Licensee: Babcock and Wilcox Commercial Fuel d/b/a Framatome Cogema Fuels Facility: Commerical Nuclear Fuel Plant Location: Lynchburg, VA Dates: May 12-15, 1997 Inspectors: W. J. Tobin, Senior Safeguards Inspector Approved by: E. J. McAlpine. Chief Fuel Facilities Branch Division of Nuclear Materials Safety l

l Enclosure 2 i

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9706120167 970606 PDR ADOCK 07001201 C PDR l



B&W COMMERCIAL FUEL COMPANY d/b/a FRAMATONE FUELS COMPANY NRC INSPECTION REPORT N0. 70-1201/97-04 The focus of this announced routine inspection was to observe, quantify, and evaluate the licensee's fire protection program. Specifically, the primary areas of inspection dealt with the licensee's efforts to prevent, detect and suppress fires. The inspection resulted in the following assessment. )

FIRE PROTECTION Based upon the results of this inspection, it appears that the licensee's fire protection program is meeting the goals and intent of NRC criteria. Except as noted below, the licensee was complying with its License Conditions.

Strengths were identified in the licensee's practice of protecting zirconium from fire in the Machine Shop, the fire safety analysis of the NUKEM project prior to start-up, and the cooperative relationship with the local fire department.

l A violation was identified for failure to conduct audits of the fire protection program in 1996, and a Non Cited Violation was identified for failure to conduct the fourth quarter Safety Review Board meeting in 1996.

The licensee's plans to update the Pre Fire Plan (including the hazard analysis), add several pieces of equipment to the monthly inspection checklist, and evaluate the need for redundant communication capabilities to the Campbell County Emergency Center from the Guard House.


Partial List of Persons Contacted .

Inspection Procedures Used  !

List of Items Opened Closed and Discussed List of Acronyms l

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1. Fire Prevention Detection and Suppression  !
a. Insoection Sc.pgt f The licensee's program to prevent, detect, and suppress fires was '

inspected vis a vis License Conditions 2.3, " Safety Review Board,"

2.7, " Audits " 6.2, " Fire Protection,".and 6.3, " Emergency .

Utilities." In addition to these performance standards, other  ;

criteria utilized by the inspector included the NRC Generic j Letter 95 01, titled "NRC Staff Technical Position on Fire  ;

Protection for Fuel Cycle Facilities" and the licensee's response l

< dated March 8, 1995.

.l The inspector reviewed the following licensee procedures:

AS 1106 Emergency Procedure. Revision 20 '

AS 1116 LMF Fire Equipment Control, Revision 10 AS 1120 Safety Review Board, Revision 5  !

AS 1122-Storage of Flammable Liquid, Revision 0 >

AS 1130 LMF Equipment Maintenance, Revision 11 i AS 1138 Ignition Source Permit, Revision 4 i 1

The inspector reviewed the following drawings: l FA 96024-Hydrant and Valve Locations October 5,1996 l PE 1439ED1 LMF Offices. July 21, 1993  !

PE 1439ED12-SERF 3. July 21,1993 The inspector toured the following areas:

Service Equipment Refurbishment Facility (SERF) 1, 2, and 3 i S1 Storage Building I Dry Chemical Storage Shed Maintenance Garage Emergency Operations Facility Laser Welding Shop Records Storage Facility Com) uter Room Mac11ne Shop.

Guard House c

Electrical Shop l

Fuel Bundle Assembly Room i

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Guidance found in the NRC Branch Technical Position on Fire l Protection for Fuel Facilities, published in the Federal Register

on August 10, 1992, was also relied upon during this inspection.

I b. Observations and Findinas I (1) Fire Prevention j

! To perform the functions of a fire safety committee, the '

licensee has established a Safety Review Board (SRB) which is tasked with management oversight for plant safety cnd for compliance with State and Federal regulations. The MB is i chaired by the Manager of Safety and Licensing. Mem!ership  :

includes managers from manufacturing, engineering, yoduct '

quality, material control, health physics, and reguatory compliance. Other delegates attend the SRB meetir93 as appropriate. The inspector reviewed the SRB mee' ;ng reports for 1996 and noted that ALARA concerns, qualit': assurance I

audits, NRC inspection results, American Nuc'.ar Insurance  !

(ANI) audit results, personnel accident reN rts, industrial i safety tours and housekeeping were topic.s of discussion. In l accordance with Procedure AS 1120. " Safety Review Board," l Revision 5, dated December 8, 1993, the SRB is responsible l for evaluating additions and modifications to facilities and l conducting pre-operational safety analysis with the specific j concern of flammable liquids, combustible solids, sparks, flames and hazardous chemicals. At the direction of the SRB, a s)ecial pre operational inspection was conducted of the NUKEi project. As a result of that effort extra fire extinguishers were installed, G-1 powder was placed at each lathe operation, ventilation filters were replaced more often and housekeeping was improved.

1 The inspector noted that the fourth quarter meeting of the SRB was not conducted in 1996 as is required by License Condition 2.3 and Procedure AS 1120. The Chairperson of the  !

SRB had documented her efforts to hold the meeting but was not able to do so because of the, "... numerous conflicts of I members ... and aggressive implementation of corrective actions resulting from the VVER incident..." The inspector further found that no safety issues were left unaddressed until the first meeting in 1997. To correct this failure, the licensee's management emahasized to members the importance of rescheduling t1eir duties to attend the SRB ,

required meetings. In accordance with the NRC Enforcement l Policy the failure to conduct the fourth quarter of 1996 SRB-meeting is considered a Non Cited Violation (NCV) (NCV 70-

1201/97 04 01).

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Regarding NRC Generic Letter 95 01, the licensee has a " Fire Plan" dated August 23, 1993, which reveals the presence of  :

emergency lights and electric power panels, location of G 1  !

powder buckets, and the location of extinguishers and i detectors for each work place. Also as a part of this Plan are Material Safety Data Sheets relative to the chemicals and health hazards found in these work areas. The Plan furnishes the reader specific safety precautions, ,

l fire / explosion data, reactivity stability warnings and other  !

pertinent information. The Plan was prepared with the


! assistance of the local fire responders and is used as a training document. It addresses such items as ,

,. access / egress, ventilation, suppression systems, preventing j l the use of water in moderation areas and occupancy. The <

! inspector toured several work areas using the Plan and found  !

l several examples where the location of fire safety equipment  !

was not current. The licensee stated that the Plan will be l L revised. i During the tour of the facility, the inspector observed i numerous Hazardous Liquid Storage Containers used to store j flammable gas, paint and solvents. Housekeeping was l adequately enforced. The inspector noticed that the >

portable welding carts had fire extinguishers pre positioned i on the cart to assure extinguishers were readily available. 1 The inspector did not observe any welding in process, _ i however, Procedure AS 1138 titled " Ignition Source Permits" l l requires a permit issued by an area supervisor.

Additionally, the inspector reviewed permits issued to date in 1997, and determined that a 35 foot radius is required i around such welding and that surveillance is also required for 30 minutes after the completion of the job.

Security patrol clock stations were also found to be serving i

an additional purpose of >roviding fire watches in that the-clock stations required tie watchman to tour remote locations on a random schedule.

! The inspector reviewed the most recent (January 1997) audit performed by the fire insurer. Findings were relative to adding to the sprinkler system, removing combustible materials from ceilings and walls, sensitivity testing of smoke detectors and procedure revision. The licensee agreed to correct all of the findings except to adding sprinklers to the office areas which are "No Smoking" areas where fire extinguishers are conveniently located.

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License Condition 2.7, Audits and Inspections, requires that independent auditors shall conduct semi annual audits of the i fire safety program. During 1996, there were no fire safety  :

audits conducted. The failure to conduct the required semi- '

annual fire safety audits in 1996 is a Violation (VIO) of License Condition 2.7 (VIO 70-1201/97 04-02).

(2) Fire Detection '

Theinspectortouredthefacilityandnotedthe!resenceof smoke and heat detectors appro the  ;

ceilings and over work areas. priately located along These detectors i with  !

radiation detectors, fire alarm pull boxes and water  :

-pressure flow detectors annunciated both audibly and  !

. visually in the Guard House. It is the responsibility of i the watchperson to telephone the Campbell County Emergency Center for offsite assistance. There was some confusion l among the security force as to what to do in the unlikely i l- loss of telephone service. The licensee will formalize a redundant communication capability to clarify that contingency.

Battery operated smoke detectors, which alarm locally, are l located in kitchens.

) Inside the zirconium grinding machines in the Machine Shop there are light or " flash" detectors which shutdown the air vacuum system and annunciate in the Guard House. The i inspector was present for the annunciation of a radiation I detector being tested by the technicians and verified that the audible alarm was loud enough to attract the attention

! of the watchperson who normally sits facing away from the visual read out on the face of the wall mounted alarm panel.

The inspector located one flame detector in the Cleaning Room which was not listed on the licensee's monthly test l record. This detector was one of several such detectors and

! was immediately added to the monthly test sheet. The licensee stated the operability of this detector would be verified promptly.

The inspector-observed the licensee test the uninterruptable power supply to the fire detection system and noted no spurious alarms. The watchperson in the Guard House received an alarm that the system was on backup power. The j insmetor randomly verified the operability of emergency

lig1 ting by pressing the " Test" button which activated the i

local batteries.

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I During this inspection, the inspector verified that the i public address system was loud enough to be heard throughout l the work places, including the cafeteria. Pull boxes and strobe lights were adequate in number and location. ,

(3) Fire Suppression  ;

Wet sprinkler systems are provided in SERF 3 and 4 Records  !

Storage Trailer, North Offices, most of the Machine Shop, Shipping and Receiving, Furnace and Laser Welding areas. A 1 dry system is located at the Chemical Storage Building. The inspector accompanied the technicians and witnessed the  ;

monthly test of the sprinkler system in SERF 3 and the 1

. Shipping and Receiving areas. The test included discharging water into the relief drain, thus exercising the loss of pressure water flow alarm, and opening the end of line drain which simulated activating the sprinklers and that ,

associated alarm. These tests were successful. l Fire extinguishers (A, B, C, and D) were conviently located at strategic locations. The presence of G 1 Powder was also

. noted to be in proper locations. Of particular interest, in the Machine Shop, were G-1 powder reservoirs placed above zirconium collection drums such that in the event of a flash fire the powder was already located to automatically drop down onto the collection drum and suppress the fire.

Fire hydrants, hose reels and Position Indicator Valves were found to be clear of obstructions and effectively in service.

The inspector observed that between the Manufacturing Facility and the North Offices there is a metal door, at the t foot of the adestrian ramp, which is equipped with a "U.L.  ;

Combination )oor Closer and Holder with Integral Smoke Detector." A red light in the top of the door jamb is energized from a cable that extends out of the wall. The inspector could find no one who could speak authoritatively about the operability of Unis door. No drawings or  ;

specifications could be locatea regarding the door. The door is not on the monthly test records and consequently is not tested. It is the licensee's intent to test this door, determine its function and, if the door serves a fire protection purpose then test it monthly.

The licensee has established a seven wrson Fire Brigade  !

which is present on the day shift. T1e ins metor toured the l Emergency Operation Facility which houses tie Brigade's equipment and vehicle. Training records were reviewed. '

Discussions with the Fire Chief were positive. Equipment and supplies were appropriate.The inspector visited with the  ;

offsite volunteer fire department and learned of the l


! 6 training and site visits recently conducted. Equipment was  !

found to be well suited to respond to this facility. l l Members were familiar with the physical layout of the l licensee's buildings and with the role of the Fire Brigade. l

c. Conclusion The licensee is meeting the intent and goals of the NRC's fire protection criteria. With the exce)tions as noted above, the licensee is in compliance with its icense Conditions. The ,

response to Generic Letter 95 01 was acceptable. l II. HANAGEMENT MEETINGS Exit Meeting The scope and findings of this inspection were summarized on May 15. 1997, with those persons so indicated in the Attachment. The potential violations were discussed with the senior licensee manager present. No dissenting i comments were expressed. No proprietary information was identified.

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Licensee Personnel

  • T. Allsop, Senior Health Physicist R. Canody. Process Supervisor '
  • C. Carr, Plant Vice President
  • G. Elliott, Health and Safety Manager i D. Gordon, Senior Health Physicist
  • A. Jenkins. Facility Manager R. Joseph. Electrical Supervisor D. Mabry, Safety Technician M. Moore. Facilities Engineer i
  • L. Morrell. Compliance Officer l T. Self, Electrician .

C. Vandergrift. Mechanical Supervisor

  • D. White, Safety Monitor '
  • J. Whitt, Facility Manager Other Personnel '

D. Cam > bell, Fireman

  • R. Gralam, Wackenhut Security C. Toller, County Fire Commissioner
  • Denotes attendance at Exit Meeting INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED ,

IP 88055 Fire Protection at Fuel Facilities IP 92702 Follow Up to Prior Item l


OPENED Item Number Status Description 70-1201/97 04 01 Opened NCV - Failure to conduct quarterly meeting of SRB.

70 1201/97 04 02 Opened VIO Failure to audit fire safety program semi-annually.

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Item Number Status Descriotion l

70 1201/97 02 01 Closed DEV By letter dated April 4,1997, the  !

licensee responded to this Deviation. The i inspector verified training has been conducted in Administrative Procedure 1703 01. The Deviation was also part of Team Leader Meetings -

topics in March 31 and April 1 sessions. The inspector witnessed two examples of response inputs being furnished to the Safety Manager on May 15.

LIST OF ACRONYMS ALARA As low As Reasonably Achievable  !

ANI American Nuclear Insurer SERF Support Equipment Refurbishment Facility -

SRB Safety Review Board UL Underwriters Laboratory )

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