IR 05000454/1998023

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Insp Repts 50-454/98-23 & 50-455/98-23 on 981116-17.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Verification of Adequacy of Training to Plant Operators in Dealing with Fluctuations in Electric Grid Stability
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/1998
Shared Package
ML20198F452 List:
50-454-98-23, 50-455-98-23, NUDOCS 9812280130
Download: ML20198F477 (7)


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i U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION lli Docket Nos: 50-454;50-455 License Nos: NPF-37; NPF-66 Report No: 50-454/98023; 50-455/98023 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company Facility: Byron Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 Location: 4448 N. German Church Road Byron,IL 61010

Inspection Dates: November 16-17,1998

Inspector: J. Neisler, Reactor Engineer Approved by: R. Gardner, Chief, Engineering Specialists Branch 2 Division of Reactor Safety


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Byron Nuclear Generation Plant NRC Inspection Reports 50-454/98023; 50-455/98023 This specialinspection was performed to verify the adequacy of training to plant operators in dealing with fluctuations in electric r. rid stabilit * The licensee immediately addressed the issues raised in the Problem Identification Forms and formulated acceptable corrective action !


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w Report Details 111. Enaineerina E8 Miscellaneous Engineering issues (37550)

E Problem Identification Forms (PIF) Relative to Grid Stability Inspection Scoce During late June 1998, due to several generating plants being off-line, electrical distribution grids in the upper Midwest were severely stressed. At Byron Station, the licensee presented a training class on grid condition and corrective actions if the grid became unstable due to its stressed condition. As a result of this training, several PIFs were initiated. The Region ill inspector reviewed the training and the actions taken to address the associated PIF E8.1.1 PlF B1998-03099 Observations and Findinas The inspector reviewed PIF B1998-03099, " Current Grid Reliability May Be Outside that Assumed in UFSAR [ Updated Final Safety Analysis Report]," June 26,1998. The stated concern was that existing grid stability might not meet the assumptions in the UFSAR and NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER). The information in the SER was from Mid-American Interpool Network (MAIN) Guide No. 2. The licencee performed the required power flow and transient stability studies using the criteria from MAIN Guide No. 2 as stated in the UFSAR/SE Conclusion The inspector concluded that the licensee had adequately and correctly addressed the PlF and that UFSAR commitments were me E8.1.2 PIF B1998-03135 Observations and Findinas The problem description in the FIF as stated by the initiator was: "for the Station Blackout Rule (10 CFR 50.63), Byron is classified as an alternate AC [ alternating current] Station which is a less rigorous requirement than a coping station. Part of the justification for this was the anticipated low frequency of loss of offsite power. Based on recent training on grid reliability this summer, this assumption may no longer be valid."

The inspector reviewed PlF B1998 03135," Summer Grid Reliability Affect Assumptions in Station Blackout Study," June 30,1998, the licensee's submittal to the NRC in response to the station blackout (SBO) rule, Regulatory Guide 1.155 and NUMARC 930 ,

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b Byron is classified as a alternate AC (AAC) site. A coping site would be one that can

- safely shutdown with no AC power from either onsite or offsite sources. Loss of offsite power frequency is not used to determine whether a plant is an AAC or coping plan ' PIF B1998-03135 was closed to another PIF, B1998-03099 for corrective action. (See


E8.1.1 above) Conclusion The inspector concluded that summer grid reliability concems as stated in PlF B1998-03135 had no bearing on the SBO analysis or the site's ability to successfully withstand a station blackou '

E8.1.3 PIF B1998-03095

- Observations and Findinas The PlF involved a concem about the control room crew's ability to make critical voltage 1 adjustments on a highly stressed electrical grid without procedural direction or valid j indication of grid voltag l I

The inspector reviewed the licensee's PlF B1998-03095 resolution: System Planning I Operating Guide (SPOG) 1-1 and Alarm Response Procedure BAR 1-21-C7, Revision 6, June 16,199 Based on the inspector's discussions with the instructor who presented the grid stability


training, and operations planning supervisors, the inspector determined that Byron


. operators do not make system voltage adjustments without direction from Electric Operations (responsible for the grid). Procedure BAR 1-21-C7, Section C.3 instructs the operator to contact Bulk Power for permission to raise voltage if the switchyard low  :


voltage alarm was received. SPOG 1-1 (which is not a Byron procedure) permits generating stations to adjust voltages under abnormal conditions absent specific instructions from Bulk Power or dispatcher. Byron interpreted this to mean loss of all communication The NRC Resident inspector staff has observed control room operators making


switchyard voltage adjustments. During each time observed, the adjustments have been made based on Bulk Power instruction l l


' During review of this PlF, the licensee identified some system improvements for l l implementation at Byron, including procedure and indication enhancements. None had  ;

a safety significance sufficient to require immediate implementation, therefore, the completion date of December 1,1998 was satisfactory, Conclusion -

The inspector concluded that licensee's resolution to the PIF was satisfactory and although it is very unlikely that the operators will maks voltage adjustments affecting the

grid without direction from the power dispatcher, the inspector considered them thoroughly qualified to do s .

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l V. Manaaement Meetinos l X1 Exit Meeting Summary

The inspector presented the inspection results to representatives of licensee management on j

- November 17,1998. The licensee acknowledged the results presented. The inspector asked  ;

whether materials examined were considered proprietary. None was identifie ;


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Licensee R. Colglazer, Regulatory Assurance -



W. Walter, Unit Planning Supervisor, Operations G. Wolfe, Operations Training instructor NRC  ; E. Cobey, Senior Resident inspecto i- - B. Kemker, Resident inspector  !

T. Tongue, Project Engineer


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AC Alternating Current AAC~ . Alternate AC Power MAIN Mid-America Interpool Network NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

. PlF Problem Identification Form .


SER Safety Evaluation Report SPOG System Planning Operating Guide


UFSAR' Update Final Safety Analysis Report




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