ML20072T303 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Seabrook, 05000000 |
Issue date: | 03/25/1981 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20071K200 | List: |
References | |
FOIA-82-524 FACP-2, NUDOCS 8304080024 | |
Download: ML20072T303 (25) | |
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.-..c.-.-. . I Page 1 of 10 Field Ad:ninistrative Constructors Report No. 2
- TInI:
Handling of " Contractor Incident Interface Reports" '
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74-"J A # * *IDH RCM -
. R. A. Hersom $ R G. MGR.
W. 4. DATI t
1/19/81 ppsc .
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.I e.cle or in par:is loaned is confidence a=d upos -Jia condia.i ion project. It ucedthati= ir vill nec be recrirad for this specific projec:ser will the i=fo:=atica c=s:a1=ed i= it be disclosed except a .
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mited en gineers haconsouc=rscc.
,,,, 2 ,, 10 1.0 SCOPE, 1.1 These instructions provide the method for review and disposition of Site Contractor initiated " Contractor Incident Interface
, Reports".
2.0 PURPOSE __
. 2.1 f m f direction /The purpose\of these instructions is to/ ovide th and responsibility in ordersto assure the complete and l
timelyireviewanddispositioningiofL"ContractorIncident Interface Esports" submitre UE&c.
3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 UE Resident Construccio*
O /
for imIlesentation of this shall have overall respon-
/ procedure l an'1 prov mplace
sud timely dispositionE a buua..,T suddent Interface I
w ports".
3.2 ',UE&C Resident Construction Engineer shill siso close the
( j
. \ % 1 t
l l
"the-Contractor Incident Incertace ed action to Report" when all isposition of a " Contractor Incident Interface Reports" has
! .been '
i 3.3 UE&C Power Engineering, as requested, will provide technical assistant to Resident Constriction Engineer when completing a disposition to a " Contractor Incident Interface Report".
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e haccr. mi tad enbineers eucurs rc SEABRooK STATION
(.- PROC. me. O&fE 0A:41444ISaut REVIS40m me. DATE 07 REylSION
'fACP-2 03-15-81 00 ,,,, 3 ,, 10 . _ _
3.4 UE&C Area superintendents / Supervisors shall be responsible to assure that " Contractor Incident Interface Report" items will not be mislocated, replaced and/or repaired until responsible contractor t
has " Contractor Incident Interface Report" item under their control.
3.5 UE&C Construction Management, as reques ted, vill _provid *=^ ' ' -
E f ineer when completing a assistance / to Resident ConstWetion Eng/
disposition and shall assure, fre\ ena construction viewpoint, that i
the dispositions of " Contractors . Incident Interface Rept.,rts" are II comp ced. 1./ .
I _ .
3.6 . UE&C FSQA will assure. that_ appropriate engineering documentation _as
_ requested and required by dispositioned " Contractor Incident Interface
. _ Reports" has been submitted to UE&C by the Resp.onsible Contractor for - ~
. Safety-Related Items / Areas in the Ch T/Structurall{scipline_. _ .
( _ . _ . . _ _ _ . _ .
7 3.7 e titles of individualswgents noted in this procedure hall mean the \ indhidual holding the title / or his desig/nee, unless spe::ifically excluceu.
4.0 GENERAI, ,
4.1 Definitions i
4.1.1 Cont actor Incident Incerface Recorr
" Contractor Incident Interface Reports" - A document, ini-f ,
tiated by Site Centractors to 1) describe any damaged work
. item (s) which is the responsibility of another contractor or 2) rept rt deficient and/or defective wcrk item (s) which were installed by another Contractor or 3) delineate internal design changes or deficiencies for incomplete work by a Site Contractor for material procurred within his
, - parent company. (Note: Item #3 is presently applicable only to GE and i Westinghouse) . ,
O 4
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SEABROOK STITION OAfg 0F AgytS49m D *2 03-25-81 00 ,,,; 4 ,, 10
-] N*1.2 y Contractor Contractor who either 1) damages an work item (s)
' 18 the responsibility of another contracter or 2) discovers a
- deftC *nt and/or defective work item (s) which were installed by another .
! Congp*Ctort or 3) delineate internal design changes or deficiencies for inen EI'te work by a Site Contractor for material procurred within his pareg and y Contpany. (Note: Item #3 is presently applicable oniv to GE Reg',*tinghouse) therefore initiating a " Contractor Incident Interface t
wM onsible Coner Contr stor whose work item (s) s
% % er been 1 damaged by another entractor or 2) dis vered D M defic eut or/heet ,and th efore, responsi e for
% 1sti of the disposition to a " Contractor Incid at
. rfa Reporth t It - Any afa @ d, Non-Safety Relate , Nuclear
""* hut:::./or Non nuclear, temporary or permenant cons etion
. \ % J l
M.I -
t '
in - FGCP-002 (F P. 4455 bach-Boulos-Manzi - FECP-204 (F.P. 43683)
% r* . Haka - FGCP-8 (F.P. 45697) l aan controls - QAS-1601-SS (F.P. 45351) haast Surfco-Leonard - FALP-001 (F.P. 43615)
- % - rcCP-008 (F.P. 10255) i I
-==UMPW +*er=NN 6 --W gupmeen g tmeh emg me -e .g gse que p e e .,ggem
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m!ted en soormrmer.gineers 'EABROoK STATIoM
, . . , , , , , FAcF-2 03-25-81 00
., ,,,, 5 ,, 10
- " 4.2.7 Fullaan Higgins 2 (F.P. 41497)
- 4.2.8 4.2.9 RM-1 General Electric-iTCP-7 (F.P.46233) 4.3 Attachme-::
,' 4.3.1 ::entractor Incident Interface Report (CIIR) g .
4.3.2 Coa * - - * -- Tad _daar interface Report 5.0 FROCEDURE - 7 IMINARY REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Preregarsites f A 1
5.1.1 R .ino Contr.a_q. tars _,_initiati.n a _"Contrag_tqr__Inci_
a dent _. Inter. face eport" shall com ete Section Items 1 and 3 through 10 of 1
_AttacfdeYtlf1'~1 'thiToflowing information.,_a5 a._ .,
.miliimum ,_ _ __
... "g - ..
Particular work item or coup,onent affected equip-ment ork.ID Number, if""I]Qf!1! cable.
\ % 2 /
i h ilding or Iocatirn /of the item. Appl _ Unit N_ umber.'
- 3rief description of construction a ivity which prompted the " Contractor Incid Interface Report". .
i 5.1.2 Reporting contractres snau submit " contractor Incident '
i Interface Report" to UE&C in accordance with their appli-cable requirements. (see Reference Documents) 0 4
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- _ _ _ - - - _ - . _ _ . .r-.. c
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, , noc. no, oart omisinai. issue asvision me. ears or msvassom
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FACF-2 03-25-81 00 ,,,, 6 ,, 10 l
5.2 Precaution 5.2.1 when referring to answered " Contractor Incident Interface Reports", . Contractors and UE&C personnel shall utilize the applicable UE&C " Contractor Incident Interface Report"
< ;. ~# 7 number as designated by the UE&C Resident Cons--"
- 6.0 DETAILED PROCEDURE..-.-. _ -.-- .. . -.. .... .. .
- 6.1 Upon receipt of a " Contractor Incident Interface Report", (except those CIIR's defined in Paragraph 9.0) the Resident Construction Engineer shaJ
- log it, in accordance with Paragraph 6.3, assign UE7C Field Engineer responsible for responding and forward a copy of the " Contractor Incider Interface Report" to the applicable UE&C Area Superintendent / Supervisor UE&C Discipline Superintendent, as applicable and UE&C FSQA.
6.2 UE&C Field Engineer, responsbile for responding tb the " Contractor Incis
( Interface Report", shall, as necessary, interface with UE&C Power Engineering and/or UE&C Construction Management. In a timely manner, UE&C Field Engineering shall disposition the " Contractor Incident Inter I Report" by completing Section B Items 11 through 16 and forward to UE&C Resident Construction Engineer for logging and distribution in accordaa l
i :
with Paragrapns 6.3 and 6.4.
i, i
l i
t I
6.3 UE&C Resident Construction Engineer shall maintain a log, I Attachment 4.3.2, of all " Contractor Incident Interface Reports".
' This log, as a minimum, shall contain the following informations t
mited en haaansmemre.gineers SEABRooK STATION
P ASC. no. DATE OF REVIS10m FACP-2 03-25-81 00 ,,,, 7 ,, 10 6.3.1 Assigned " Contractor Incident In*arface Report" Number.
6.3.2 Reporting Contractor.
, 6.3.3 Brief description of Work Item / Subject.
, 6.3.4 Date of " Contractor Incident Interface Report".
6.3.5 Data rerieved by UE&C Resident Construction N 4-- -
6.3.6 Individual (s)responsib- for res [n ding.
6.3.7 ce " Contractor Incident tarface Report" answered.
. 6.3.8 esponsible Contractor.
6.3.9 List date for C1 se out when disposition to " Contractor Incident Completed. (hfer to Paragraph 9.9)
Interface Rep l _
6.4 Distribution of an/ A swered yContractor*.
T. .
Incident Interface Report"
( / / I shallbemadeb~ltheResidentConstructionEngineer.
I /
l termination of this d."nusousu -
sy w= susident Construction Engineer will d nd on of the " Contractor I ident
- Interface Report".
um, the following should /
, as a/minim
\receive all answered " Contractor Incident Interface Reports": / /
6.4. Responsible Contractor.
6.4.2 Re _ N Contractor.
! 6.4.3 UEEC Resident Construction Manager. .
i 6.4.4 UE&c Resident Construction Engineer.
t 6.4.5 Applicable UE&C Discipline Superintendent.
6.4.6 UE&C Area supervisors
- ~
6.4.7 UEEC FsQA -
6.4.8 YAEC - FQAC -- -
- 7. . . . . - - . . . . . _ . - _ . _ . . _ - . . . . - . _
mited en haciremsurere.gineers .. ._
( ..
P ooc. me. oars osisimas issus esvision no. mar: :*
FACP-2 C3-25-81 00 8 10 l ,,,, ,,
. 7.0 Close out of "CIIR" 7.1 Responsible Contractor list'e d in Section B of the CIIR shall be required to complete the disposition and fill in Section C Items Through and forvare to UE&C RCE.
7.1.1 If the disposition for a CIIR requires no further action or is being VOIDED, the responsible UE&C Field Engineer shall N/A Item 17,18 and 19 i*
prior to issuing CIIR.
. 7.2 Upon receipt of the close-out of a CIIR, the RCE shall fill in section C, Item 20 noting the date and complete the CIIR log noting the close-out.
, 7.3 Close-out of CIIR's shall be distributed to all parties listed in Section B Item of the CIIR.
- (
/ y l
l 8.0 . REVISED and/or VOIDED "ColffRACToR INCIDENT IN IZ?.'.C2 * ,
i \
4 8.1 Answered or unanswered " Contractor Incident I:: :- ?. sports" may be (revised as necessary by the applicable Rep::::. .:: actor -to
- \ -.-
add, delete or change Tafbrmacion on che "Cen::::: ~ ~
a:ident Interface Report". These revisions shall be :c_- in accor-dance with the applicable Reporting Contract :: : . ents.
(see Reference Documents) 6 e
i o
4 mited ennineers ha conensazs re. U SEABROOK STATION anos. ma. mars omiesma6 issus asvision no. satt or msvision
- FACF-2 03-25-81 00 -
,,,, 9 ,, 10 8.1.1 Answered " Contractor Incident Interface Report", revised by
, the reporting contractor shall be handled by UE&C Resident Construction Engineer in the same manner as the previous
, issue of the " Contractor Incident Interface Report".
8.2 DE&C Resident Construction Engineer may revise a disna #*# - -- . -
- s ... ,- -
4 answered Contractor Incidenherface Report" f based on 1) receipt- f a revised answered " Contractor Incident Interface Report" T /
. from t Reporting Contractor or )a[ change,deletionoradditioln to an answered " Contract
ncident Interface Report" becomes necessary.
, ,. 6.211 These revisions wilde-no,ted%y adding "Rev.1, 2...etc."
after th contractor Incident Interface I Report Number /
Achange,fdeleti-- .. ... m . ,,,aauResidentCons/ I truction I.2.2 'l \
Engineer to an answe gr peractor / / /
Incident Interface Report" sha be so noted
/ I loud around or vertical line next to the affectea area.
- 8. A revised answer to a " Contractor Incident neerface Reports" e
E distributed in the same r= the previous response.
8.3 An answered or unanswered " Contractor Incident Interface Report" may i
be voided by UE&C Resident construction Engineer. The Contractor i
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l mited ennineers a consmsays ,e. m SEABROOK STATION l DATE ORielmab ISSUE REVIS80m ma OATE OF REylsten
, TACP-2 03-25-81 00 ,,,, 10 ,, 10
, Incident Interface Report" shall be marked void along with a brief amplanation as to why " Contractor Incident Interface Report" was voided.
8.3.1 A voided " Contractor Incident Interface Report" shall be
distributed in the same manner as an answered "f* e --- - ,
In[identInterfaceRepo " (Para )
8.4 UE&C Res dent Construction Engineer shall also maintain in his t /
" Contractor Incident Itterface Rep /or(logthevoidingand/or i J revis p of any "Contrac3 _ _ ident J _
rface. Report".._ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _
9.0 CIIR Required to Document Contractor Internal Design Changes or Deficiencies
, Note: This section is presently applicable only,to General Electric and
, I. . Westinghouse material.
9.1 Contractor 2 may submit CIIR to delineste internal design changes or deficiencies for incomplete work for material procurred within his parent company.
9.1.1 All requirements for Section A and Section B of the CIIR shall be followed.
. 9.1.2 contractor shall fill in Section A of CIIR stating the problem and continue by filling in Section B giving the resolution, also.
9.1.3 Contractor shall then forward to UE&C who will give CIIR a number and log it and forward copies to thiese required by Paragraph 6.4 and additional personnel as applicable.
9.2 Close out of CIIR shall be as required by Paragraph 7.0.
10.0 QUALITY COhTROL 10.1 UE&C FSQA shall assure that Quality Assurance / Quality Control requirements for Civil Structural Safety-Related items noted on
" Contractor Incident Interface Report" as delineated in UE&C QA manual are adhered to.
, 11.0 RECORDS 11.1 UE&C Residnet Construction Engineer shall maintain a copy of all answered, revised and/or voided issues of "Centractor Incident Interface Reports" and submit them to the IMS in accordance with Reference 4.2.9. -
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A111111EllaE RA Curnane - 14U1 CE Sarsten 14U9 TE Poliquin - 12US AM Ebner - 06U0 DE Rhoads - 06U0 RH Bryans - Site DD Boyle - 06U9 tCFsNcDonald*l'Jif.'TYAEC WRebs1T Site DC Lambert - Site '
MP Hanson - Site TF Yassallo - Site RR Leonard - 14U5 BB St,cet: - 14U4 RH hrn - 14U4 DE McCarrigan - 14U6 RC Lesnefsky - 14U6 BC Low - 14U6 RJ Phelps - 14U6 Doctament Control Center - 06U1 QA File - 14US l
,. ..g, ,, -
FOWM 3500**,
MEMCRANDUM a constructors Wm.
Joe No. 9763.006 Omce: Philadelphia Derr. Reliability & Quality Assurance Dart: April 29, 1981 - File: 11.7.9 To: HM # 9085A A. M. Ebner - 06UO Cosairs: See Distribution List FROM:
D. E. MCGarrigan SusJacy: Public Service Company of New Hampshire Quality Assurance Trend Report January thru March. 1982 Attached is the Seabrook Project's Trend Report for January th'ru March, 1982. It consists of four sections: Site Defects, Site Contractor Defects,
Vendor Defects and Audits.
- Total Site Defects are measured in terms of " Defect Rate".
The defect rate is the number of defects per 1000 constructio2 manhours.
The site defects are recorded from the Contractor's and UE&C Nonconformance Reports written against site activities.
Site Contractor Defects are measured in terms of the defect rate, expressed in defects per 1000 contractor manhours. The contractor defects are recorded from the Contractor's Nonconformance Reports against his site activities. A table has been added to this section to show the number of defects the site contractor issues against vendors. These defects do not show in the Vendor Defect portion of this report. Some of the site contractor's defects are taken from his nonconformance reports before the NCR has been pro-cessed by the Nonconformance Raview Board.
Vendor Defects are measured in number of defects per month. The Vendor defects are recorded from UE&C's Site Receiving Inspection Nonconformance Reports and Vendor Notification Reports.
Audits is.the actual count of Home Office audits open, closed and conducted per month.
The category " Outstanding Audits" has been divided into two (2) categories: " dormant" and " active". Dormant audits are those for which only verification of a corrective action is required to close cot the audit; and active audits are those which do not fall into the dormant category (i.e. - audits that still require a response from the vendor, or where a vendor's response is still under evaluation by UE&C). The last category is now entitled " Average Age f Outstanding (Active) Audits in Months".
k u _ -_
D. E. McGarr'igan j DEM/mc
h 1 E E E e. A 1
- 1. The site defect rate for the first quarter of 1982
, continued at .pproximately the same level as the last four months of 1981. -
- 2. There were no significant changes in the site defect rate for either Pu11msa or Perini.
- 3. The vecdor related defects documented by site contractors continued the decreasing trend first observed in November 1981.
- 4. The number of vendor defects documanced by nonconformance reports and Vendor Notification Reports continued an increasing trend experienced in the last half of 1981..
- 5. The number of outstanding'UE&C nonconformance reports appears to have stabilized during the first quarter of 1982.
- 6. The number of Vendor Notification Reports issued continued a slight increasing trend noted in the last quarter of 1981.
- 7. The number of outstanding'(active) audits remained at approximately the same level as the last quarter of 1981.
9 l
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. - . . - .- ~. . . . .
Total Defects
Paperwork Defects
--- Workmenship Defects
.3 3
3 y .2 2
5 1 0 ~ ~ ' ' ~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months '1982 Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
' Site Defects 89 127 69 vendor Defects 61 72 67 Total Defects Mn too in MER (1000) 825.6 885.5 943.4 sica Deface- Rata .11 .14 .073 The above table gives the number of defect reports issued per month by the site contractors against their site activities and against vendors.
The table also gives the construction activity manhours for the site contractors.
The site defect rate for'the first quarter of 1982 continued at approximately the same level as the last four months of 1981. The proportion of paperwork defects to workmanship defects appears to be decreasing.
I The number of vendor defects reported by site contractors continues to decrease as noted in the last quarter.
l I
3, *. -
- - - - Paperwork Defects
-- - Workmanship Defects
.5 l .
.4 l '
.3 l . M
- I M
i y .2 d
' I
.1 i yA, 0 - - - ~ - - - -
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 l
i Months - 1982 Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Site Defects 32 53 19 Vesdor Defects 18 25 19 Total Defects 50 78 38 Mmt (1000) 529.7 580.5 614.2 Perini Def. Rate .06 .09 .03 The above the number of defects reports issued per month by Perini against his site activities and against vendors. The table also gives Perini's construction activity manhours per month.
There were no significant' changes in the defect rate during the first quarter of 1982. The defect rate remains at about the same level as the last quarter of 1981.
The number of NCR's issued by Perini against vendors increased over the low level experienced in December but remained at a lower level than the remainder l of 1981. The NCR's issued were mainly against Bethlehem Steel and Cives Steel l with 10% issued against J.T. Ryerson.
l l
l 4
6 a . - - , - - - - - - ,,_~.---n- , , - , , - . - , , - - , ,,,v. ,.~,n, --.vw-w,,,,--,----m - - - - * - - - - - - -
. .: l PULIMAN DEFECT RATE Total Defects
Paperwork Defacts
-- Workmanship Defects
.3 N
/ \
g .2
.1 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months - 1982 B
Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Site Defects 56 74 50 Vendor Defects 43 47 48 Total Defects 99 121 98 l MER (1000) 174.6 173.9 188.0 l Pullman Def. Race .32 .42 .27 The above table gives the number of defect reports issued by Pullman against i his site activities and against vendors. The table also gives Pullman's construction activity manhours per month.
There were no significant changes in the defect rate for the first quarter of 1982. The defect rate increased over the low level observed in December but ceayed at approximately the same level experienced during the last six months of 1981.
I 1 The majority of the vendor NCR's issued by Pullman are against Dravo, the piping fabricator. Approximately 10% of the NCR's were issued against Corner &
Lada who supplies the fabricated pipe support. The remainder were divided among 25 other vendors.
- ' < l VENDOR DEFECTS Total Defects
Paperwork Defects
- - - Workmanship Defects 100 90 80 70 60
50 \
\ -
40 s:a Y 30 u
20 ,#
10 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 11 12 Months - 1982 Vendor Defects There was an. average of 71 vendor defects per month during the first quarter of 1982, with a ratio of 30% paperwork defects to 70% workmanship defects, which was the same ratio as for the lo81 year.
Vandor Notification Reports were written aFainst twenty-six suppliers by UE&C Vendor Surveillance 'inile UE&C Receiving Inspection issued NCR's against fifty suppliers, including ten for field purchase orders.
-- VNR 60 e 50 w
$ 40'
& /
h 30 \ s ,
j S
. \ .. ./
j 20 \
.y /
g 10 ii 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Months - 1982 Vendor Workmanship Defects There was an average of 49 workmanship defects documented per month during the first quarter of 1982. 57% of the defects were documented by NCR's and 43% of the defects were on VNR's. Although there were large' month to month variations a gradual increase since-April 1981 in the number of workmanship defects is apparent.
I 4
-? -. -
,-..~..,e. -, - . . -~ -.-.. ,- , . - . - -
e, t.
-- VNR 60 ,
50 0
sa 40 d
j 30
- 20 w f' a ,s .
$ 10 -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months - 1982 Vendor Paperwork Defects There was an average of 22 defects per month during the first quarter of 1982. 69% of the defects were documented by NCR's and 31% were documented on VNR's. Paperwork defects indicated an upward trend ending the quarter at a somewhat higher level that the 1981 average.
. ---- Issued per Month 360 --- Closed per Month ..
- . _ 320 280 240 200 d
2 160
a U 120 1
E 80 I
4 4O g,s' 0 .
1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 12 -
Months - 1982 During the first quarter of 1982 there was an average of 50 UE&C nonconformance reports issued, 46 closed and 313 oPen per inonth. The level of open NCR's remained at approximately the same point as it was at the end of 1981, apparently stabilizing after increasing through the year of 1981.
I l
t i
-- . . . _ . . . - - . - -- .~. . - _ - . . . - . - . -.
. . ? .
Issued per Month Cicsed per Month gg 90 80 ,
, 70 60
,e 50 -
as 5
% 40 \
o \
k \
30 st j gs _
- \
20 "
10 l
t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months - 1982 VNR's During the first quarter of 1982 there was an average of 28 VNR's issued, 30 VNR's closed and 50 VNR's open per month. All numbers are slightly higher that the averages for 1981 though there is a downward trend in the number of open VNR's in the first quarter.
~ ~ ~ ~
2- _.
__. .\
- I l Audits Outstanding i
' --- - Audits Conducted 1
--- Audits Closed
. l 60 50 A l 40 I. w 3< 30 Y
- 6. 20 e
1 -
- e 10 N
, , _g_
- O l
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Months - 1982 AUDITS JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT.' NOV. DEC.
Conducted 8 9 6 Closed 13 9 8
! Outetanding (Active) 22 23 21 Outstanding (Dormant) 27 29 28 Total Outecanding 49 52 49 Avg. Age of Outstandini 1.7 1.5 (Active) Audits -Months 1.8
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