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Forwards Annual Rept of Insp of Retired Westinghouse Test Reactor for 1992
Person / Time
Site: Waltz Mill
Issue date: 12/21/1992
From: Nardi A
To: Michaels T
RS-92-52, NUDOCS 9212240155
Download: ML20126D365 (8)


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- Westinghouse ' Commercial Nuclear Electric Corporation Fuel Division .h"# *** "3"355 ' -


-RS 92-52 December. 21, 1992-U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of- Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Theodore S. Michaels


. Annual Reports - License-No. TR-2. Docket 50-22

'The Westinghouse Electric Corporation transmits herewith the attached C

" Annual Inspection of Retired.WTR per License TR-2" .for 1992. ' This. report has been prepared in compliance with the requirements ~of Facility License-No. TR-2, Docket 50-22. The status of the' retired facility' remains the-same as it was at-the time of the last report.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please write me at the above address or telephone me on (412) 374-4652.

=Very truly:yours

/ ,

1- / .

I A. .Hardi,Ma/ager l Degulatory Services '

dh-Attachment Copies' Transmitted: 3 notarized & 10 conformed



Sworn and subscribed before me this l / ^'/ - /) day of bl/A A , 1992 <

l' No Publid E u b b k dl otel d I~'~~~~S$F$1$1


9212240155-:921221 i

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PER 'ADOCK'05000022 < , 2mc n ci t na [


The %stinghouse CommercialMre/earfuelDivision - M7aerofthe 1988krakolmBaldnyeNationalQuaMyAward .


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ANNUAL INSPECTION OF RETIRED WTR PER LICENSE TR-2 During the period November 19 through November 23, 1992, and December 8, 1992, the facilities of the retired Westinghouse Testing Reactor (WTR),

retained under NRC License TR-2, were entered for the purpose of conducting the annual survey, inspection,-and for performing any preventive maintenance required. Those personnel entering the facilities for the purpose of conducting the inspection were: R. L. Bussard,- Manager, facilities Operation; R. G. Kitzer, Manager, Health and Safety Services; J. T. DiNicola, and D. T. Pinkey, Radsafe Technicians, The findings and actions taken are summarized below:

1) During the past year, several entries were made into the vapor container for general inspections ~ and to ascertain if'significant water was accumulating on the floor. Actions were previously taken to reduce water accumulation including covering the canal with plastic sheeting and polyurethane boards; installing two (2)-

dehumidifiers; and installing a sump pump in a small hole (sump) in a low area of the floor.

, At the time of this inspection, there was some wall sweating and l floor water evidenced. This is believed due to the recent annual j inspection and survey entries where the containment doors were open permitting warm annex air to enter the WTR. This condition will be investigated and remedial action taken, if necessary.

2) The overall condition of the vapor container was good and no significant moisture was observed on any interior walls, either l above or below ground level. Visual inspection of the interior surface showed little or no increased deterioration of the e-

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  • surface coating. Some rusting was observed on the interior bottom portion of the vapor shell skin; but this condition was essentially unchanged from the last several years. Therefore, no action is deemed necessary relative to the structural stability of the vapor container.

The exterior surface of the vapor container was repainted in July-1992 and its overall condition is gene' rally good.

3) The water level in the canal was measured and found to be essentially unchanged from the observed during the previous annual inspection (November, 1990). The canal low level water alarm was manually activated and responded properly; i.e.,

audible and visual alarm and printout in the Security' Control Center and audible and visual alarm in the Health Physics office.

No work was done under the water in the vapor container canal since the last annual inspection so the conditions remain unchanged. As previously reported, a system was installed in September 1986 to permit the ion exchange processing of the canal water and return of the processed water to the canal. The processing system continues to operate well, and between September,1986 and mid-November 1992 a total of 4,236,000 gallons were processed.

As noted in Table 1 of this report, the canal water was sampled and found to have a gross beta-gamma activity of.

1.1x10-6pci/ml which is essentially unchanged from the 1991 value of 2.1x10-6pci/ml. The cana) water sample was analyzed radiochemically and the data is shown next.

1\ -

l 1992 1991 1990 1989 Nuclide uCi/ml uCi/ml uCi/ml uCi/ml-Cobalt-60 8.8E-8 3.1x10~7 7.2x10-7 1.8x10-7 Cesium-137 5.3E'7 1.2x10-6 7.7x10-7 2.9x10-7 Cesium-134 N.D. N.D. 14.0x10-8 14.4x10-8 Strontium-90 2.3E-7 1.4x10-7 3.3x10~7 1.4X10-7

4) Overall housekeeping within the vapor container remains satisfactory. All loose floor tile have been removed and very little debris was observed on the floor.
5) The personnel entry doors on the east and r:est sides of the vapor container were found to be locked at the time of entry, as were the doors leading into the Rabbit Pump room, the subpile room and the cover over the primary coolant pipe tunnel. These areas were unlocked to permit access for this inspection, but were relocked when the inspection was completed.
6) The valve on the drainline on the bottom of the reactor vessel (inside the Subpile room) was inspected and found to be in the OPEN position, thereby assuring venting of the vessel. The butterfly .-

valve in the ventilation ducts in the Truck Lock Area was inspected and found to be in the CLOSED position.

7) The absolute filter through which the reactor primary coolant system breathes into the Annex area was inspected and found in good condition. The filter was replaced at this time.
8) As previously noted, several entries were made into the vapor container during the year. The key for the area is maintained by the Site Security Guards, and records of all entries, indicating date and time, purpose and names, are maintained by the Manager, NSD Health & Safety Services.


1 -\

9) No changes have been made in Westinghouse management relative to the administration of License TR-2 since the submission of the 1991 annual report. They are repeated as follows:

F. J. Gerardine, Manager, Outage Management Services and Waltz Mill, has taken over the landlord senior Westinghouse management position at the Waltz Mill Site, having responsibility for the retired WTR facility.

P. Stafiej, Manager, Health, Security, Radiological and Se wity Services, is responsible for all Safety and Security functions at the Waltz Mill Site and reports to F. J. Gerardine.

R. G. Kitzer, Manager, Health & Safety Services and Radiation ,

Safety Office, reports to P. Stafiej.

10) Inspection of the snakepit (primary coolant pipe tunnel) indicated that approximately 16,500 gallons of groundwater infiltration, in early 1992, with a gross beta-gamma activity of approximately E-7 p ci/ml, were present. This water was subsequently removed, processed, and discharged.
11) The results of the radiological survey are shown in Table I, attached. A review of the survey data obtained since 1963 indicate that the accessible radiation and contamination levels are very low and relatively stable. Frequently, some scatter is seen in the data which is attributed to sampling techniques, sensitivity of the counting instrumentation and the relatively low levels of activity present. Any slight changes in a specific set of data fro.n year-to-year are not considered to be significant.
12) Unaccessible locations inside the Reactor vessel, and hardware in the Canal have higher radiation levels, principally from metal activation of reactor components.

The sampling techniques, equipment and instrumentation used during this inspection were as follows:

a) Water samoles were taken in clean polyethlene bottles at the inlet to the canal ion exchange processing system or as." grab" samples in non-flowing systems. An aliquot of the sample was evaporated to dryness in a two-inch stainless steel planchet and counted in an automatic, thin window gas proportional, alpha-beta anti-coincident counter. The counting efficiency for beta-gamma activity was 44.8 percent and the background was 2.3 cpm.

For specific radionuclide determinations, an aliquot of the untreated sample was analyzed by gamma ray spectrometry using _a high resolution germanium detector. The Strontium-90 activity was determined by performing a chemical separation on a portion of the sample and then counting the separated Strontium-90 l

fraction in the counter described above.

L b) Contamination surveys were performed by taking random smears of 2

approximately 100cm areas using 3cm filter paper (Whatman 5 or equivalent). The filter paper was then counted in the gas proportional counter described in a), above. A varying number of smears was taken for each area listed in Table 1 and the average l

value reported.

c) Air samoles were collected using a Staplex high volume sampler with the particles impinging on a lightly greased stainless steel planchet. The sampler flow rate was approximately 40 cfm and the-sampling time was 10 minutes or longer. After sampling, the planchet was counted in the gas proportional counter described in a),above.

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d) Radiation surveys were made at random locations within each of the areas shown in Table 1. Measurements were made at waist height using an Eberline Model E-520. meter with a GM detector with a 30 mg/cm2window, and a Ludlum Model 19 Micro R meter with a Na! crystal. The average radiation level for each area was determined and reported in Table 1.






! H&SS FORM 1 o

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  • WTR/TR-2 *

! LRD 07/92 1





SURVEY DATE: 1992 HEALTH PHYSICS PROCEDURE 29 Radiation Levelc Beta-Gamma-Contamination-Beta Gamma -Surf ace-2 -Air Water-Locations nr./hr. dpm/100cm uCi/ml uCi/ml I. Reactor Building

1. 16-FT Elevation Gen.Bkg. <.1 4200 3.1E'12 N/A
2. Rabbit Pump Room Gen.Bkg

<1 (200 1.2E-12 N/A

3. Srb-Pile Room Gen. Bkg.

<3 220 5.7E-13 N/A

4. Reactor Top Gen. Bkg. MUA

<1 < 200 1.4E-13 N/A

5. Reactor Top - Over MDA closed vessel Gen. Bkg.

<1 (200 1.4E-13 N/A

6. Reactor Top Around Trench - Gen. Bkg.

<1 < 200 2.0E-13 N/A

7. Canal Wall Top

<1 (200 -

N/A f

8. Canal Water 0.5 N/A -


9. Pit-PC Tunnel 16 ft.


<1 <200 9.0E-13 8.5E-7 i

l i

l l


= Average Values Unless Noted N/A = Not Applicable
