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Speech Presented at American Soc for QC Ninth Annual Natl Energy Div Conference on 821013 in Orlando,Fl Re QA
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/13/1982
From: Palladino N
Shared Package
ML20132B505 List:
FOIA-84-293 NUDOCS 8508150592
Download: ML20134B336 (2)



sp '

Fo i A -M -d7 SPEECHES K '1 (M-he.

,el. xv .:g,. m . foi sac 0iArt act As ;eveve,. even unh a lignifinnii, user growth raie i n the de.and f sur e.t.or nag sittiriCli,.

Capatte ihe usand u have to be hunt. Jon,n a fe. ,es,.nian.begin to onnente new pi.nts g the we,. St e .ld 99 0r eianu

.ti utt) have to be replated, in many parts of the Country.

a[RARCS SY Coal and nuclear =111 De the Chief vtable optiens. Whethe.

hun!!C J. PALLADINO. CNAIRMAN er net wtl1 the nUCleer depene en: estion retelves f avorable Contiderat199 U.S. RUCttAt REEULATORT Com4l5510m AT IN(

Am(t!CAN $0Cl[TT FOR QUALITY CONfp0L a) the public's Confidente in netlear povert RINTN AntWAL NATIONAL IN(R$Y 0]Vlll0N C0ertatnCE b) the uttltty's Confteente in the stability of the regulatory pretesss ORLau00. ft0tICA QCTOBER 13. 1982 C) the uttltty's Confidente in predittlag ConstruCtten Costsi Good Morning, everyone. I se very pleased to tate part in y'ar Conf erente en evality assurance, to my stade there d) sur shared Conf teente in the satisf attery retslutten ar3 few subjects more important in industry today..beth of techalCal probleell and, above all.

f ree a fegulater's point of view and f ree the pelat of view

$f an industry esecutive. e) Centtaved operetten of eatsting and new plantt without major accidents.

Th) jet Of a keynote spettar. I understand. 15 to try to get everyone en the same Bey. Ihts il very tapertant in Centinued werk 15 needed en Beeting eaCh one of these estiC in order to achieve herseny and aveld disterd. Maybe Condittent.

it stil work here at we11. The best key for me, pretus.

ably, is C.5 harp; I Clearly de set want a s. Flat. Teve A number of you with whos I spoke at the receptten last C% ferenCe these ' Quality . An Cance of preventten.' ts eventag were seeking words.of encouragement free se about C$rtainly appropriate for avClear projects. Ihts sernteg, the future of the nuclear industry. vf Course ey Crystal I 1xtend te high)tght and emphasise the entent to whtCh ball il no )els Cloudy than yours. But I believe that if C!ality assurante sult be the Central fetul for the nuclear we persevere in lettsfytag the five Condittent I jult tidIttry. Qualit Allurante, er CA. 13 tadtspensable to mentioned, utilities will give feverable ConStderation to (btain a well bui{lt and safely operated facility. Further. the nuC)est eptthe when they plan new Constructlen. hew with the billteng of de))ars it new takes to build a new erder$ for nuclear power plant 5 will inen develop.

astleer power plant, deittatten to tne princtDie of Ovality alsxrante is neCelsery to the very surstval of the We in the mat are trying to de est part and I know that SpT4 sering utt11ty itself. Also when ene Centiders the ladustry is worttag to de its part in this endesver.

test of work Stoppages and Corretttee a ttent. the 1sattention to CA that inevitably leads'to dettgn Our stos are the same: safe, reliable and, for the atfittenties er snesdy vertaanship Can only be Called biztliering.

ratepayers, affordable nuclear power.

up:n betontag Chatrean of the nuclear Regulatory Cosettsten It it in fulfilleent of'these cias that we feCul en 1 gas struck by the dispartty in egality assurante resolving the problems betag faced. For nuclear plents under Comstruttler, effective QA plays a Central rela. QA efftCliveneSt among the utt19ttel Constructing nuclear breattowns must be avetied if our Stel powertee g315g plants. Some weII. were detag a good job. Otners were not brings se bath to the sala thrust of myare to be met. This talk.

I believe that QA breakdowns have occurred, and are melt AS RSC Cheleman I beCame ateustated. first hand, with the 11 help to Continue to eCCur, entre there il e Conspitueus St%21*g f ast that=*st least aeong some utilittel GCC1 tar power plantl**0galtty Assurante progress werebuilding absente of sortees interest in QA at the top managertel level, where dayate day operettens are geared to easisus asterded a low priority, and at 119e3 Quelity A$surante prodvCttvity with statmus evality Confersatten, and where personnel were ignored, sese even abused. the letter of pretedurel and reestrements may be ebleh ed but the intent behind thee is rare)y if ever Stressed.

I was 4tStrelled by the eBaSplel of the I4Ct of Quality RSSYrance=CentCteuseelt that Came te ey attention, and I It is a Ceteitsent en the Daf t of Banagement**e viltble, sete as much to industry leaders. State then at a few unmistakakle. Sertoul Cemettaent..that matel QA verk, litel. Strong Correttive Beaturel have been takes, but at telt week. in Atlants. I had the opportunity to addrell sese other 8ttel serieel probleBS still estSt. Chief esecutive of ficert of uttitties having nuclear I kJoe that in fsCuling en our QA problees. I de net plantl. and 1 spete of evality aggurance as the field of SCtten that Can restore and give substante to publit tilhat you inte beltevlag that nothing is right with the Conftdente.

I stated that QA should be the teatral f0Cus Cttirar industry. Despite its many setbatts the nuclear new througneut the induttry. I hept inst proves to be the tidustry Catt is still a meet alive and its energy effectively helping this Case, New in additten to the ya nuclear plants Ittented to eserste plan letto sede tell at you some of the things we have done and cid 3 others Ittensed for 10s.pewer testing. this natten the nuclear Regulatory teemission to Still hel Stee 64 nutleel8 power plants under CenStruction strengthen sur everlight of the nucleae induttry's QA aid g plants under Cas$truCtten*per8tt review. attivttles shall be given and tethe desenstrate attentten sur deterstaatten that GA it deservel.

Th} plants already licensed te operate have been generating I hope that after an SYerage of roughly 250 biliten kilowatt hours of you will have ne doubts (bout our tertemlnell.I have gene ever the Ste elettf1 City per year eve' the last several years, This il As an s:t as instgnificant Centributten to seeting our energy GZ d s . intitel Step, we rettewed some of the disturbing QA probless'that hat Come to our ettention. Our review ladlC4ted that these problast generally repretented three f u re is, of Course. Concern that lose of the plants under

  • Cn struttien will not be toepleted. but I believe that we sust still keep our attention en thele that will be built. First, there is tne failure of management te matatain tes, the nuclear industry f ates problems, some of thee eusttty.

this 18 aleadingCrucist tolegte..ts an initial deficiency. Second..and 11C%A1 Cal and many of thee non*teChattal. the fatture of mana ement's QA of thes as well as 1 de. but people in the Teu anew many program te detect and Corrett tne defttiency. hird il our industry mult f ailure..nRC's f ailure*.te bring tne def tstenCy te light er.

tot let tne problems dishearten thes and becloud the having done to. to recognise the nature and estent of syCtelses achieved to date er their ability to Selve the EOs $3tvel facing thee.

the probles.

The first two fattures are Clearly attributable te a lack of TL3.sajor fre tse fact nen*teChattel that the r problem. I believe. 18 that artling bas 1CComattaent to evality en the part of management. This eizCiriCity has dropped . ate of growth in the demand fatilng 15 Compounded. How

<f sigaittCently

.31:r81 yea rs. As a reivit. Starting new etant during thefor init Standing of sne reie of eventy .ever, Dy aenleth ilurante theofpart under*

of C:2sterttien new to herd, if not impeistele to justify. the project manage.ent tea. and by e isti ef uneerstandtag en the part of periennei at ait itveil of the pre 3ett as to what cA reestres of them.

8500150592 PDR FOIA 850610 If Senier in managers nave turn lautteinte untie. tronf pn3ettCo..itment no to eseitty ane tut "" t t"a t . t "" '"" = " i '' g ea n tt't u =i w i t h

    • "v a l c a t' LEIGHTOB4-293 PDR ,


'e O t Cgoottseat to all einer involvet earttet.

,$pect#1Calty. the project Kategestat teta Conegattates ang We have even 90Ke furtR$r to urge er reettre 30se utiltttet sptatns through C0Atrattual and precetural arrangements to Ce%41Ct systes sa tAtt er lyttees in 3rdent suff t destgn review of a telected with toe designers, faertC4 tert, Ent COnStruttern 4 level Cient Getth-te assess, en a of egality'Ceseensurate with the owner's Cemetteent, staple tattle the 4deguaCy of *the QA j,regram. Ih18 Splien will otherDe hpCkept open 4t letti until intustry progrees ene prograel The Ceretteent te test ant scnedule sult 90 properly er Detter reinfertteent ofCan te permanently adepted with the lese 341aeCed with quality through tasse Centrattual and COnfidente in Queltty.

protetural arrangements.

Another new RfC 493 reach for plants in early staget of for esemple, if a CentrsCt eschattget primarily tDe Construttlen 15 eur CAT taneettten. That is a COnstructten ltheavle for physttal tagtgtletten, the mess 8ge free Assessment feen Of taggettert une move ente a Construct 10n project sanagement 19 f**4eCtten. On the Other hand, if lite GRd Cever 4 treed eersy of activities there..eueltty the CentrtCt else ee8# 45tret owner-attested. adeesttely, 4slurance. design Centrell, project eenegement, ConstrWCa a

eeCumentet installetten, the message 13 eustity as well as produCtten. tien Centrell, er0Curteent Centrols, and 50 f0rth. The

'Or The 14ttee Case prov10es the preser intentive getting were aCCeseltshee right the first ttee. This less will be C0eeriset of stest eignt talpecters, half Of is tnen reflected in the solicy snee are htC staff and half are unser Centrect to the haC.

tne vartens organtaatten tut.tter$.sne pr0Cedural direttien te tach tese =t11 devote Site inteettien. CountingStout two one one.nalf eOnths to 4 pretaretten

'f Quality alterance sust be aA integral part of all ef the stee an6 370 ject pleantag peltainspectten reporting. Tetal perfereed indtCate that thtl 499 Fetch tospectient already and til and etnageernt 4Cttutties free the Deginnlege may De more ef fettive role Butt te C0eevntCated and fully Ungersteed by all parttC13 inspeCtten identifying sanagement Centrol prepless th I ants in tne design and Conttruttien pr0Cels== free lenter senagesent 40 each Craftsman,

{ Yet an0ther tenevatten with $1tatfitant potential for QA If Quality assurance is planned tas Cen6utted at an payoff ts the jetnt isonsorthty by anC ane ladustry of integral strt of seetners savel, tag senter etnagement of the avClear industry.

says1 Cal installetten activities, then We are leottag,te use this blad Of event te early eeteCtten and C8erettien of inaceetattes will result the value Of QA.leeress upon too eneCutives one managers the meant in enhanting SCnedulet. All evality ent teorestag Centrol er Cest3 and instill QA=Conttitutnellend to enl1$t them in the drtye to un48Pltant gartttilants must De seeeuately treined 10 at all levels.

and attata these tenefits.

flanagers f ree utilitiet ehtCh have esperiented Berteus

! Citat in a third nuclear powerCentributary failure behind QA geftClencies plant CenStruttien. pr0blems with participate. 41quality well atellurente will De asked te It 18 progrees. these ytth eartedly SUCCeS5ful f ailure**eur f at ture**te detect initial management Centrolthe regulater's As we envisten thee, the gestaars will te 6 140ses and t#' detect lutteogent ineffectiveness of the COneucted with a$tistanCe free tedependent prefelltenal Banagement's QA prograe.

utility Interestsand and Centratter representatives having sp4Clal QA espertist.

he have identifiet tes underlying restent for our failure. in thil I espett a numeer of you present firSt. Our pregrass have netas addrelles dettga eutlity el P90s will beC08e involved in these undertakings. !

59etif1Cally eng eatensively teet h0pe the prospett will entita your interelt and enthestate Al our licenstag one Construttten other avest. SeCeng, htstertCally given sufficient ettentien to projeCttaggettien progrees have not utility tralatagwithsesstenta facittty unter Censtruttlen te spenseran ou management Centrel at tenstruttien sites. These aspects of CenStruction. emphasiting the Centributten of etChfor perte the Censtruttien precall pave Congeeuently teCome the individual toward ensurtag guttity. This 13 no einer

$Uejett of new and SpeCial attentlen. Batter, thousands of people vert 199 COnstruCttOn. u en n clear p0wer planthe a A neater of intttativet put forward by the NAC Staff have been in adopted in an effect to reite our level of fanfitente htth a fuller understandtag of 0A respon6ibility in the the euelttyCoetrel management of design and gualit*

of that CenStruCtten and in the . pggg ggg file, and latenged te SupeIant the DeltC Mewever. thete are net management level, ! the 48 C0settaent I have speten of St.the hopeful thet we will tejin te See and operaterl af nuclear f4C11%ttelM6eenstDility Of the owners QA*CenSCieutnell werting al an integf4I port of nuCIt4f une al alwayl retain project planetag and esecution.

Let se mentlen Seetthe ultteate respenstbility fer tuality ane safety.

uncertaken. of the teaturel that have been I have only highlighted seee evaluattant Of sarticular tapertante is a series of imprevement initiatives, teg ateetts of 48C'S retent Q4 .

for Centtruttige projett$ nearing Completten* near more agout thee in ether selliantstil have the Oppertunity your setting. during the C0ereetoof The first 18 a self evaluation by the prelpettf re appltCast f0r an aperettag allelleent of ItCente. It entaill a Ceeprenensive perness you have acted that, throughest my retartS thut ene Constructien. Cevering SuCBthe evality alturante progras for Deth de$tta far. !ConstroCtten have been inveting the vital role of QA in dellga Ianagement levelvesent, iteel theproblest se the level of asetts and rettees teplemented and aClivttlel. heaever. the Iaft 8n4 durtag the project. an4 the surfaced plus the effeClive eteretten of nuclear fetilities il the purpose ef Corrective attien$ taken. all these efforts. Thus, the appl 1Catten of QA to that

.I ianguage at an eeriy sta,e of Cenitrutstenself.evaluattens fing), Centinutng phase must met be negletted.

sneule tattade strutiny of Centract' elle D vengers' QA te Cenfire For esseele. there it progrees. C388ttegats and the efficacy of their QA Centrei rees di.Cipun.the need to maintain a high level of at a n f4Cinties.

in professtenettse in the ner'.e Center of nuclear powerAny deficiency generetten cannet be tolerstet.

teCause its Chief (seCutive Off1Cee ts new1 elf.evaluatten this is esality espeCially tesertant Servestreto throughout the uttlttyto attentten Certify that the faC111ty has been dellgned.reestred to Constructed life. Cycle of a fact assurance type of 11ty, is reestred the 824 testet te aCCerdante wits tat , jeopardtres the whole of' neglect any aspect of 11 asport and etaer titense comettaents.Finst $4fety analylit 1 as gratiftee ta knew The Casesign te presagate the QA state.ef.etne to all

,e,ter, of industry ane au passes of easign. ConstroCtten stestantial intttattve for plants under ConstruCtten.that fhe insultry isand elseoperetten undertattne needs a the guidante of espects such as you te really take nold. The ttee for it in Certainly ripe. QA d), eloped progrees and Cettoria for evaluattagtretadeons alturante Sf delige evalityInstitute urgent needs at for nuclear terteus for Butlear Construttien and ensuring attes powgr have refere Operations..t ofCreated QA SIwer plants. Icet and CgnttroCtten aCttuttiel at nuclear cttitudes.

guidance te CondvCt self.evaluatient.uttlttiel are Currently using thil great deal This teCiety and this Canference. Can have a te de with meetthg thalt needs.

t$ ele evaluattent, samed on results of my best etshel for SUCCESS to th%S emetaver. I estead te you IE00 ledependent auditt of tesign and Constructionin6ultry say Cersteer develepeent of at operattng plants. analogous to the audit pregram pretently Conducted ey Imp 0 The nest Step. ef ter Self*evaluetten by evaluetten Ittense. of eaCh Candidate f attlity forthe utility. is E en Operettag CSKStruction Sites. as well as any past greeless Ittenlee er Centratters on the project. the withwe tengtder signtf1 Cant problems noted at etner de alle rettes the project'5 h1Stery. inspettien and enfortement


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