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Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 on Nighttime Notification.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/19/1986
From: Gamin F, Sanford J
CON-#186-499 OL, NUDOCS 8603250188
Download: ML20138B853 (9)


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In the Matter of 24 SI:59 CAROLINA ; POWER,&,3IGHT COMPANY )



(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power )

Plant) )

l .


OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW on Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 (Night-Time Notification)

l. Eddleman Contention 57-C-3 (Night-time notification) as admitted provides:

The ' plan does notlhave provisions 'for' notification

~ ~

at night, e.g. . in ithe hours between l' a.m. .~and 6 ' a'.m. when most people living near the plant would normally be asleep. Nor does the plan massure - that . they would be timelyf awakened ' to ~

'I  ! itake isheltering action, as e.g. o'n Ja summer.

J night when many might have windows Lopen or air

@. W a:H Wcond it ioners : on . -ThefplanMshouldUprovide ~

'l automatic phone-dialing equipment 'to transmit -

f an ' emergency message to all households in the EPZ ifor Harris, asking people to alert their g phoneless neighbors.


l. 2. 10 C.F.R. S50.47 (b) (5), the Nuclear Regulatory l Commissions' (NRC) emergency planning regulations , . provides in pertinent part:
      • means to provide early notification
  • ** to the. populace within the plume exposure ' pathway Emergency Planning Zone have been established.

h p' 10 C.F.R., Part 50, Appendix E, s. IV.D.3..further provides: j,.

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  • W e ~ Mnotificatio,n objectiveiof system;shall~the promptlpublic i

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3. To fulfill' these requirements, the Applicant has relied f upon the numerical design criteria for fixed siren systems set )

forth in NUREG-0654, discussed in greater detail in FEMA 43. i NUREG-0654 andMEMA 43 basically provide that the design of an p adecuate siren' system should be 10 dB above average daytime '

ambient background levels; or a minimum of 60 dB.

4. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) conducted a review of Applicant's siren system against NUREG-0654 and FEMA 43 numerical criteria and concluded that.with the addition of six sirens, Applicants' alarm system conservatively meets the NRC/ FEMA design criteria, which is based on daytime ambient background levels.  ;
5. Both Applicants and FEMA have conducted elaborate mathematical estimates of the sound levels expected by use of Applicants' siren system.
16. Dr. Reada Bassiouni, an acoustical consultant under  ;

contract to Applicant,- challenged the awakening' curves .on which 4 the -FEMA analysis relies. , , j t

7. No party to :this do'cket has actually conducted . a controlled field test with follow-up surveyito determine actual .


.A performance of the siren -system. .

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d u ,y x :N u . ; . 8.w 1Dr. Reada + Bassiouni'-sastatement of; Novemberi5)k1985', x ' a 44 q-made informally to the Board and assembled parties via telephone 4 hookup, was made part of the of ficial record by Board ruling of I December 4, 1985. Dr. Bassiouni noted that: ,

a. Although CP&L has fully met the federal requirements of g NUREG 0654 and FEMA 43 for the alert and notification system, theA nighttime notification of Contention 57-C-3 is not addressed in m i

the federal guidelines.

iE b. Reliance on 'an informal alerting system -- a component i of the Applicant's plan -- is an inferior safety standard.

c. A better alternative than " informal alerting" is to design a siren system with nighttime a target. i i i
9. The FEMA 43(criteria give? no; consideration .tof factors _j a; , pertinent to ' nighttime notification: dspecifically,3,to :c thei fact . vp : , 4


i . . , . that < for a : sleeping iperson i air--conditioned:ihouse Swith, closed g ..

4< f:n , ; windows , {the a probability; o f sarousa10from tsleepf with f al siren s sound p2.g 4) s 1 <

@;g p yloveliof i60TdBEis :-ssse' 2wiiidoss open , s the* % ,,3ysfM


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10. Testimony indicated that even to achieve a 50% proba-bility of arousal from sleep of an individual in a house with the windows closed required outdoor sound levels of 90-99 dB (Tr 9927).
11. For the Harris summer scenario -- assuming 36% of the homes in the EPZ with windows open -- arousal is estimated at approximately 70%. Assuming, arquendo, the accuracy of this estimate, the balance of the " prompt notification system" m described in 10 CPR 50.47 (b) (5) would of necessity consist of ancillary notification by emergency vehicles and by " informal notification," or the " Aunt Minnie phenomenom."
12. The capability of either or both of these activities to supplement the sirens and "... essentially complete the initial notification of the public within the plume exposure pathway EPZ within about 15 minutes" (10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix E, IV D.3) appears highly suspect, particularly in a nighttime situation. clear that the reliability, effectiveness and speed with which these siren-alternatives would operate are unknown, given the fact that there have -been no actual field-tests. .

13. As this panel;of the Atomic Safety, and Licensing Board
has previoudy indicated to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on

. November 15, 1985, " .'. .should any deficiencies in nighttime

b. 'n notification emerge 4 from' the Shearon ' Harris J record, we could '

fashion effective measures to deal with them on a site-specific basis."

14. That the Applicant has not offered any evidence to suggest that even if there does exist some natural phenomena of informal / indirect notification whereby people are drawn .into '!

groups seeking to engage in confirmatory communication as is posited by the Applicant's witness Dr. Mileti, that A) Residents during the night will respond to emergency instructions 'to awaken neighbors in darkened houses in order to confirm from those sleeping' neighbors that-there is in fact an emergency.

B) Residents awakened' during sthe night and

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seeking tonprotect the members of theiri , ,

p w .,

immediate . family
in' tthe face iof a serious 11 J., W. o n, snuclear emergencyswill . refrain from C imme- {

,q Ypq % y yd ' d - , "LtoJconduct afrandom surveysdiately leavirig[the} area' of(e'mergenc 'p


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f darkened neighbors' ~ houses with an intention . , )

to determine if their neighbors are either. -- -s (1) a' sleep in darkened houses or (2) not alseep and away from their residences for whatever reasons, including possible early flight because of the emergency. .,

e C) Time spent by residents during the night .

arousing neighbors will not detrimentally

> ef fect the health, welfare, and safety of those residents who are already at risk.

f D) That during the night this phenomena of -

indirect and informal notification will be more than a statistically unreliable and unsatisfactory substitution of neighbors -

calling neighbor .for the much moreaeffective mechanism of direct and immediate no tifica-- i tion by tone ' alert . radio. 4 1 i gy. < : t

< ;(  !

E) That during the night this phenomena .ofc M u,' t indirect and . informal notifications.w~ill.fnEth , -  !

encourage the:ispread of confusingland.imn M - 2 >

., .(

conflicting misinformation 2 abouttthe$trueijn 4 l!.c e < *c i e nature o f the -' emergency and theia' ppro'pr'ia'tef. i

'y pro tective "s teps' to J be v taken 'bpre sideh't's t adMN4:WL ' 6 '


9^2 .

compared to direct' and immediate;instruc 5  !

tions given by qualified and knowledgeable' emergency personnel ~over tone alert 'radlos. i i


15. The concerns about the deficiencies in the; siren system- j J addressed by Dr. Bassiouni- in paragraph 8 .above ' have' not been 9 l t

directly or adequately addressed. by the tes timonyio f fered a t . the '.

. t g hearing held to address these : matters on March t4th a'nd Sth in. <

q Raleigh, North Carolina. . . , J! .t y n i

16. There > will be a higher percentage .of isimmediate n'otifi- -


.' cation of a nuclear emergency alert to peopleflivin'iwithin the'  ;

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Emergency Planning v2one ito ethe '

, extent that' Applicantimaintains .an ,e f fective f emeigency ' alert '

s t: ,

> system simultaneously) relying on ? sirens andlstoriehalert$ radios r

.j i; , instead of :having : exclusive : reliance. on ..sirenshsBut,jthat.iunder 'n ,.


f,the ' Applica'nt's; propossly;this 'hi'gherkpercentiafjofqnotification Wig :])

t. ..

/Wi/;98 i wills only applys totthe31nteriorf 55mileVportiongofythe dEPZ ibecaus'e '


W@9G4.A'oo f sthe rApplicant's }in tedtionitoiliniitQtheldistilbutionfof.3 t i radios J. hg Jh,7f%.f, w- -

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17. That at night, the immediate emergency notification of residents is a very desirable circumstance in light of the_ fact that no party 'orupersons can guarantee an absence of delays in declaring a nu~ clear emergency at night.
18. That the Applicant has failed to establish that under nighttime conditions the immediate notification of residents within 15 minutes is unnecessary to protect the health and safety o f residents sleeping throughout the EPZ.
19. That at least 1000 more households within the outer j five mile ring of the Emergency Planning Zone will be likely to receive immediate notification of a nuclear emergency if tone alert radios are supplied to all households within the EPZ.
20. That the health and safety of residents within the EPZ requires that the Applicant extend its proposed tone alert radio notification program to all residents of the EPZ on terms
substantially similar to the program proposed by the Applicant i for the ' interior five mile zone .

- 21. . That a vigorous continuing program of public education ,

must be Leonducted by the Applicant on the use and importance of the tone alert radios which program shall . include 9 .

y y. . .* *C " 4)CThe placement of instructional stickers on s the radios.

B) Creation of a well-desioned , in forma tive ,

interesting, and easy to read operational instructions pamphlet on the use o f tone alert radios for emergency notification.

, C) At' least annual distributions of the tone j alert radio operational instruction i pamphlets. '

s D) Periodic distribution of the Applicant's Newsletter to all residents of the Emergency jij Planning Zone with a report on or information

% about the tone alert radio program at least

!Q ' three times per year.

9 ,

, i i f

.i . f E)~ Annual letters distributed to all residents j '

i '

-p .'with , free _ replacement batteries and .. ]

4 , -

Nd .,e c "liristructions on ;how to - test land maintain -i

, c .y,- .

l< / ;the ' rad io s .

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I f (* L ik 4 F) Appropriate . educational .~ programs (at all area 1' i schools that contain any significant number .


of chIlldren .who live in. the'iEPZ. ~ Such

~ programs shall be conducted . frequently enough to inform without needless alarming such R children. The frequency and . content of, such

[ programs as well as the grades of students attending such programs shall be. developed in consultation with school' officials and sociological or psychological resource personnel.  !

a 4 G) At least, annual general testing and more frequent surveying of the radios with corrective action and early being conducted if the percentage of radio

. operability falls below 87%. $

22. . 4Wei do find ; deficiencies inf nighttime : notification and - -

j hereby co'ncl'ude thatyneither Applicant's mo'difiedilplan :nor the .

h FEMA 43 ' criteria give (pr'o'per astirance of Eth'e iachi'evement of a r satisfactor'y llevel of / nighttime alerting.c y' X D.E ,  !

R$! * . p- . M. ' . ., .

1 Respectfully submitted this th :da , v ylo, f:?.Marchp1986. c ;j p-

  • N p.g.ngqhg:. u. Mh s
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In the Matter of )





(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power )

Plant) )


h I hereby certify that copies of North'.(Carolina's Proposed q;f ,m

}t Findings of Fact and Conclusions of LawtO,n3Eddleman Contention j

s 57-C-3 '--(Night-time No ti fica tion) were ':sei .VMdMthiP19 th day 'o f' N ,

t l March,1986, by hand delivery to those identified with an i 4

i . 3 asterisk, and by deposit in the U.S. Mail,. first class, postage 4


prepaid, to all others listed on the attached Service List.



L p d R. Gamin 7 Assistant ~ Attorney General N.C. -Department of Justice  !

Post Office i Box 629 i

- , Raleigh,. North ~ Carolina 27602 l

, Telephone :f(919 ) ,733-7214 '


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.i -

In the Matter of )





(Shearon Harris Nuclear Power )

Plant) )

SERVICE LIST James L. Kelly, Esquire John D. Runkle, Esquire Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Conservation Council of N. C.

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. ~ 307 Granville Road Wa shing ton , D. C. 20555  : Chapel. Hill,-N. C. 27514 Mr. Glenn-O. Bright .M. Travis Payne, Esquire f I

Atomic . Safety & Licensing. Board -Edelsteingand,Payne

.j U.lS., Nuclear Regulatory Comm. P. O. Boiol2607 ~

j FWashington , D. C. 20555' >

1Raleigh,jN.(C. 27605 3 j



[Dr FJamesIH .(Carpe'nter W 'iDr.<RiEhardtD.cWilson


" Atomic Safe ty & Licensing Board ~.729 Hunter Street +

, U. .S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. Apex, N.'C. 27502 .


! Washington , ' D. C. 20555: ,

'j i

! Charles A. Bar th', : Esquire Mr. Wells Eddleman ,

'Janice E. Moore , Esquire. .718-A Iredell Street. p t

Of f. of Exec. Legal Director -Durham, North '. Carolina 27705 g U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm.

washington , D. C.

20555 ,

s 4 .

y Docketing &' Service Section Richard.E. Jones,. Esquire f ' Of fice 'o f the Secretary Vice Pres . < & - Senior .. Counsel i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comm. Carolina; Power & Light Company Washington , D. C. 20555 P. O. Box.1551 l Raleigh , N. C. 27602 q .j i

'hf;z1 . . Mr. iDaniel" P.t: Read ,: President (. Thomas iA. > Baxterf . . 7.n [I , : ; ;;,

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Page two - Service List I

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i Dr. Linda W. Little Governor's Waste Management Board 513 Albemarle Building Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Bradley W. Jones, Esquire U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 9 101 Marrietta Street Atlanta, Georgia 30303


Mr. Robert Gruber Executive Director Public Sta f f - N.C.U.C.

Post Of fice Box 991 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Administrative Judge Harry Foreman l Box 395 Mayo ,

University of Minnesota * .;l'.

. Minneapolis,. Minnesota 55455 '_g; y,*

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l Joseph Flynn, Esquire ' j h FEMA  !.

500 C Street S.W. Suite 480 '

Washing ton , D. C. . 20740 1 f

Steven Rochlis, Esquire ,'


Regional Counsel FEMA 1371 Peachtree Street, N. E. .,1~' '

c Atlanta, Georgia 30309 ,f h


  • Dale Hollar a

Associate General Counsel Carolina Power & ' Light Company Post Of fice Box '1551

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j Raleigh, North Carolina.27602, y . g ..,l,' ,


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