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Forwards Documents from 970131,mgt Meeting Between Plant & NRC to Be Sent to PDR
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/04/1997
NUDOCS 9703060426
Download: ML20138Q539 (185)


March 4. 1997 h fw Docket Nos. 50-266: 50-301 Please send to the Public Document Room the attached documents from a January

31. 1997 management meeting between Point Beach and NRC.

1 5 MW L

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.C 9703060426 970304 //

PDR ADOCK 05000266 PDR


000043 23.UN!Eps.t.m.m.In j



Arenda - Wi!/N1W MGT Meeting at 1230, 1/31/97 t ()pemng Remm Ls (Dick Grigg/ Scott Patulski)

a Restart llem Closcout Status (Parks W:tlker) b Duke lingineering Review / Verification Criteria
3. a Operability Determination backwards look I (Paul liuffman)

(item 20/22) i

b. Operability Determination Tracking -
4. a. Update on valves without Design Basis Criteria (Jim Schweitzer)

(item 10)

b. Status items 9,11,12,23,28 if change from 1/24/97 meeting
5. Status items 3,15 - changes.

. (Gary Sherwood) 6.

a. Ilow has the 1/31/97 data been met for item 13 (Tom Staskal) b More in depth expla, afitem 75 - title and number of administrata document.
c. Item 77 - issues with NRR
e. Status items 8,34,76 if change from 1/24/97 meeting 7 '

a Summary of reasons for 50.59 screenings being (Terry Guay) evaluated as needing to be full 50.59's.

(item 17) b Status items 7,18,19,25,32,33 if changed since 1/24/97 meeting 8 NPBU Plan for Operational Excellence (Norm 11oefen)

9. Update on staff augmentation and resources
a. Engineering (Art Reimer)
b. Balance ofNPBU (Fred Cayia)
10. DBD open item update (Vickie Walther)
11. Status of FSAR revision process -

(Tom Malanowski)

12. Closing Remarks (Dick Grigg/ Scott Patulski)


. SORT BY WHEN DUE January 31,1997 Update COMMITMENTS DUE PRIOR TO CORE LOADING Commitment Description Comments ID Number 6 Complete Work Order 9604151 to perform foreign material exclusion inspections on Work complete. Preparing ibr the Unit 2 4160V safeguards bus 2A-06 and breakers. independent closcout verification.

Review the in Service Testing acceptance criteria for all IST valves to ensure that the Work complete. Conducting IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. independent closcout verification (in 10 Complete necessary operability evaluations, revise procedures, and resolve Unit 2 addition to the verification already equipment discrepancies. completed by the Entbreement Conference Commitments Coordinator).

13 Review other operating procedures that contain maintenance activities and revise as Work in progress. Scheduled necessary to ensure Ph1T and QC are properly addressed by those procedures. completion date is Jan. 31,1997.

Review equipment retum to service testing requirements prior to the following U2R22 Preparations to perfbrm the 14 mode change readiness reviews to ensure the required equipment is operable prior to readiness reviews are in progress.

changing modes: core reload, leaving cold shutdown, and the approach to criticality. Will occur approximately one week prior to each of the mode changes.

24 Complete an additional Outage Safety Review for the startup phase of the outage. Will occur approximately one week prior to core loading.

37 Include return to service testing in the plant schedule, both outage and nonoutage. Work complete. Preparing for independent closcout verification.

38 hiodification 96-033 - replace control power transformers on hiotor Control Centers in progress. Scheduled completion 21132 and 21142. date is Feb. 8,1997.

htodification 90-048 - replace lloric Acid and Reactor Atakeup Water totalizers, in progress. Scheduled completion 39 replace the CVCS control switch, replace flow indicators, and refurbish flow date is Jan. 30.1997.

controllers. This resolves an Operator workaround issue.


41 Modification 92-141 - relocate the RilR flow control valve controllers on 2CO3 for Work complete. Conducting human factoring. independent closcout verification.

42 hiodification 96-073 - seismically upgrade CCW, SI, RilR, and RilR/ letdown piping In progress.

supports and remove an AFW snubber.

46 Modification 96-022 -install a new 125 VDC feed to 480V safeguards bus 21103. Work complete. Conducting independent closcout verification.

58 Modification 95-058*O - repair Steam Generator intermediate leg supports. This may Work complete. Conducting be resolved through analysis. independent closcout verification.

Work Orders 9601506,9602502,9603921,9611267,9611278, and 9611755 - replace Work complete. Preparing ihr 60 proximity switches and targets with an improved design and overhaul the Fuel Transfer independent closecut verification.

Cart to enhance control system operation. This resolves an Operator workaround issue.

Work Orders 9613568 and 9613569 - provide bonnet pressure locking reliefIbr the SI- Awaiting PMT. Scheduled 61 857A and SI-857B valves (interface valves between RilR and liigh llead SI) on Unit completion date is Feb. 10,1997.


65 Work Order 9606626 - reinstall switches on the Unit 2 Containment hatch third door to Work. complete. Conducting allow monitoring of door status. independent closcout verification.

66 Work Order 9611052 - replace the 2P-10B switch, the "B" RilR Pump control switch. Awaiting PMT. Scheduled completion date is Feb. 8,1997. .

67 Work Orders 9611198 and 9611199 - repair the body-to-bonnet boric acid leak on CV- Awaiting PMT. Scheduled 30711 (lowside tap for "11" RCP #1 seal d/p) and CV-308B (lap seal d/p thr "II" RCP). completion date is Feb. 8,1997.

l Page 2

COMMITMENTS DUE PRIOR TO LEAVING COLD SHUTDOWN Commitment Description Comments ID Number Complete a detailed Unit 2 Containment Materiel Condition Assessment, addressing in progress.

I housekeeping, system walkdowns, materiel condition, and instrumentation. Extensive work inside Containment was conducted this outage due to the Steam Generator replacement project.

2 Walkdown all accessible Unit 2 and common Maintenance Rule systems fbr adequate In progress.

visual material condition.

3 Walkdown all accessible Unit 2 and common systems lbr outstanding work order tags. In progress.

4 Conduct as-built inspections of the electrical and I&C components on the Unit 2 CVCS Work complete. Conducting and CCW systems (Work Orders 9607322,9611140,9606548, and 9611139). independent closeout verification.

5 Complete Work Orders 9513222 through 9513225 to conduct inspections of Appendix Work complete. Preparing for R attemate power transfer switches. independent closcout verification.

Complete a review of Unit 2 administrative controls implementing or referencing Work in progress. Scheduled 7 Technical Specifications to ensure Technical Specification requirements are completion date is shortly belbre appropriately reflected in the administrative controls. leaving cold shutdown.

Review 20% of the Operations l'echnical Specification, inservice Test, and Operations In progress. Scheduled completion Refueling Test related surveillance procedures, with concentration on those involving date is Feb. 26,1997. Conducting 8 major equipment. Upgrade as necessary to include appropriate initial conditions, return independent verification of work to service lineups, properly specified independent verification, reviewing acceptance completed thus far.

criteria, and Technical Specification implementation.

Review the in Service Testing (IST) acceptance criteria for the remaining IST pumps to Work complete. Conducting ensure that the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis independent closeout verification (in requirements. Make any changes necessary as a result of this review. addition to the verification already completed by the Entbreement 9 Conference Commitments Coordinator).


l' age 3

Complete the fi>llowing regarding installed instrumentation used in the IST program: Work complete. Conducting independent closeout verilication (in

. Identify the Unit 2 installed instruments used in the IST program. addition to the verification already 11 . Review the performance of the identified instruments over the last 3 years. completed by the Entiircement

. Review the suitability of the instrumentation for use in the IST program. Conference Commitments

. Review all IST pump hydraulic data over the past year Ihr adverse trends. Coordinator).

As necessary, make changes as a result of these actions.

Review 20% of the surveillance procedures associated with safety significant non- In progress. Scheduled completion 12 pump and valve components (such as heat exchangers and fans) to ensure that the date is Feb. 12,1997.

surveillance acceptance criteria satisfy the requirements of the plant design basis / accident analysis. Make changes as necessary as a result of this review.

Review equipment return to service testing requirements prior to the following U2R22 Preparations to perform the 14 mode change readiness reviews to ensure the required equipment is operable prior to readiness reviews are in progress.

changing modes: core reload, leaving cold shutdown, and the approach to criticality. Will occur approximately one week prior to each of the mode changes.

Review 20% of the work orders perfomied since January 1,1995 on Unit 2 or common In progress. Scheduled completion 15 PSA safety significant systems ( AFW, SW, EDG, IA,4.16 kv, gas turbine, and CCW) date is Feb. 7,1997.

to verify adequate PMT was performed to ensure system / component safety function.

I8 Review outstanding JCOs. Peribnn operability determinations and 50.59 evaluations in progress. Scheduled completion needed to address the issues. date is Feb. 21,1997.

Conduct a review of 50.59 evaluations from this outage. Ensure all conditions of the Initial review completed. On-going 19 evaluations have been completed. reviews in progress. Tracking associated conditions through the outage.

Review items from existing open item lists (e.g., NUTRK) to identify potentially in progress. Restart related CRs 20 degraded equipment. (generated by this review and emergent) will be tracked here.

21 Review open items from the Design Basis Document development program. Work complete. Conducting independent closcout verification.

All open operabi!ity evaluations ihr Unit 2 and common equipment will be reviewed In progress. Restart issues will be Ihr acceptable closure of the degraded equipment issue. Disposition outstanding issues identilied by Feb. 7,1997 and 22 in accordance with 10CFR50.59 and Generic I.etter 91-18. resolved prior to the associated outage milestones.

l' age 4

Review 20% of the Condition Reports closed since January 1,1995 which are in progress. Scheduled completion 23 associated with PSA safety significant systems fbr degraded equipment operability date is Feb. 7.1997.

issues to ensure that we have adequately identified and dispositioned operability issues.

Conduct an integrated review of all outage licensing commitments (50.59's, in progress. Scheduled completion 25 enforcement conference items, Technical Specification Change Request 3, and Reload date is Feb. 28,1997.

Safety Analysis). Ensure all requirements are met.

Revise ORT-3 and DCS 3.1.11 to ensure Technical Specification 15.4.6.A.2 testing Work complete. Conducting 26 includes dynamic loading of the EDG with sequenced loads. independent closcout verification.

27 Test all EDGs in accordance with revised ORT-3 and DCS-3.1.11. Return the ORT-3 is scheduled to be perfbrmed electrical systems to normal alignment prior to leaving cold shutdown. the week of Feb. 3,1997.

Resolve the containment penetration commitments, including: In progress.


. CP-32 (Containment penetration for Auxiliary Charging line).

. Penetration thennal reliefissue.

29 Complete a 50.59 evaluation ihr the existing CCW supply to the RCP seals as a safety in progress. Scheduled completion function. date is Feb. 10,1997.

30 Update the diesel generator loading calculation N-91-016 to properly reflect the in progress. Scheduled completion loading of the Containment Fan Coolers. date is r eb.15,1997.

31 Evaluate the adequacy of coordination on the 120 VAC instrument bus system through In progress. Sc; < duled completion a 50.59 or operability review. date is Feb. 15,1997.

34 Upgrade Unit 2 operations checklists to include requirements ihr initials, time, and in progress. Scheduled completion date. During the review, verify that the checklists are technically correct. date is Feb. 10.1997.

35 Revise applicable IST program documents to prevent equipment from being retumed to In progress. Scheduled completion service (declared operable) with vibrations in the alert range. date is Jan. 31,1997.

N1odification 94-066 - install a soft seat in containment isolation valve 2SI-834D, and Work complete. Preparing ihr 43 add a relief valve and pressure regulator in the nitrogen supply line to the SI independent closcout verification.

accumulators. This resolves an Operator workaround issue.

40 N1odification 94-097 - remove six RCS loop drain valves. In progress. Scheduled completion date is Feb. 22.1997.

44 N1odification 96-06511 - seismically upgrade the Refueling Water Storage Tank In design.

recirculation line.

N1odification 96-054 -install pressure gauges in the ser ice water return header from in progress. Scheduled completion 45 the Emergency Diesel Generator GOl and GO2 glycol coolers, and reset the throttle date is Feb. 7.1997.

vahes in that line.

Page 5


47 hiodification 94-055 - add seismic supports to the raceway between risers 56 and 62 on Work complete. Conducting C04 (Reactor and Primary Plant Control Board). independent closcout verification.

48 Modification 96-068B - eliminate containment heating steam and condensate return in design.

containment isolation valves.

49 Modification 96-053 - replace an cibow in the west service water header. In progress. Scheduled completion date is Feb. 4,1997.

50 Modification 95-070 - seismically upgrade the containment cooling fans and filters. Scheduled completion date is Jan.


51 hh>dification 96-026 - install, delete, and modify supports for feedwater, main steam, Work complete. Conducting and Si system piping for the 79-14 project. independent closeout verification.

52 Modification 96-058 - move Power Plant Computer System alarms to the exterior of C- Work complete. Conducting 20 panels. independent closcout verification.

53 Modification 94-095 - replace 8 Main Steam Condenser steam dump valves with in progress.

improved design.

54 Modification 95-029 - replace Si accumulator level transmitters. In progress. Scheduled completion date is Feb. 24,1997.

Modification 95-035 - modify Containment Spray additive tank controller circuit. Work complete. Conducting 55 independent closeout verification.

57 Modification 96-069 - replace four breakers (l Y-06-01,1 Y-06-03,1 Y-06-05, and i Y- In progress. Scheduled completion 06-11) associated with instrument bus 1 Y-06. date is Feb. 25,1997.

59 Modification 96-070 - replace molded case circuit breakers associated with instrument Scheduled completion date is Feb. 8, buses 2Y-05 and 2Y-06. 1997.

62 Work Order 9611757 - correct the leakage which leads to boric acid buildup in the Awaiting PMT. Scheduled cylinder blocks of"B" Charging Pump. completion date is Feb. 20,1997.

63 Work Order 9603532 - repair the handswitch for 2P-2A, the "A" Charging Pump. Awaiting PMT. Scheduled completion date is Feb. 20.1997.

64 Work Orders 9611624 through 9611626 - replace existing pneumatic turbine generator Work is scheduled. Scheduled circuitry time delay relays with plug-in, electronic time delay relays. completion date is Feb. 21,1997.

Repair valve AR-3511 per Work Order 95-13340. The Unit 2 priming air ejector is Awaiting PMT. Scheduled 68 blank llanged due to air in-leakage through the condenser air removal isolation valve, completion date is Feb. 20,1997.


Pace 6

i Repair the drain valve for the heating stears moisture separator per Work Order 96- Scheduled to start on Feb. I1,1997, 13451. The Unit 2 heating steam moisture separator level has been difficult to Scheduled completion date is Feb.

69 maintain during normal operations, and frequent alarms were received due to low level. 15,1997.

This will be tested following Unit 2 startup.

Repair h1S-249, the Unit 2 steam line sample valve, per Work Order 96-03128. The Awaiting Ph1T. Scheduled 71 valve had a packing leak which required steam header sampling to be shifted to the B completion date is Feb. 20,1997.

steam header.

Repair alarm switch 2LS-2511 per Work Order 96-05711. The Unit 2 D htSR level Awaiting Ph1T. Scheduled 72 was being maintained low in the band due to level oscillations and a steam leak from completion date is Feb. 20,1997.

the alarm switch.

73 Repair 2P116, the Unit 2 Boric Acid Recirculation Pump, per Work Order 96-03130. In progress. Scheduled completion it has a significant seal leak. date is Feb. 20.1997.

Conduct roundtable discussions with all h1SS\SS\DTA personnel regarding Preparations in progress. Scheduled 76 conservative decisionmaking, Technical Specification interpretations, and lessons completion date is Feb. 8,1997.

learned from recent regulatory communications and perspectives. Review outlier Technical Specifiertion interpretations for interim applications.

77 Complete the procedure changes and training associated with the new Technical in progress. Scheduled completion i Specification on ECCS regarding the new Containment Integrity Analysis. date is h1 arch 3,1997.

78 Communicate specific expectations regarding AFW and EDG status control to in progress.


79 Restore a proceduralized capability to operate the Containment Spray Pumps in the In progress. Scheduled completion recirculation mode of the ECCS. date is Feb. 21.1997.

Obtain amendments requested by Change Requests 188 and 189 related to Steam in progress. Scheduled completion 80 Generator replacement; 192 related to Service Water operability; and 194 related to date is Feb. 24,1997.

Low Temperature Overpressurization limits. This will include resolution ofissues related to Control Room and olTsite dose evaluations for the analyzed events.

Page 7

COMMITMENTS DUE PRIOR TO THE APPROACH TO CRITICALITY Commitment Description Comments ID Number Review equipment return to service testing requirements prior to the following U2R22 Preparations to perform the 14 mode change readiness reviews to ensure the required equipment is operable prior to readiness reviews are in progress.

changing modes: core reload, leaving cold shutdown, and the approach to criticality. Will occur approximately one week prior to each of the mode changes.

16 Complete all Unit 2 Maintenance Rule related work order post-PMT reviews prior to On-going reviews in progress. This the approach to criticality. will continue through the outage.

17 Review 50.59 creenings conducted in 1996. Upgrade those determined to require a in progress. Scheduled completion 50.59 evaluation. date is Feb. 20,1997.

32 Implement interim improvements for the Condition Reporting process, based on a in progress. Scheduled completion review of assessments and identified recommendations for improving that process. date is Feb. 25,1997.

33 Implement interim improvements for the 50.59 process to require that all screenings be In progress. Scheduled completion either authored or reviewed by a member of the multi-disciplinary review team. date is Feb. 13,1997.

Revise NP 8.1.1, Work Order Processing, and NP 8.1.3, Post-Maintenance Testing to Work complete Preparing ihr 36 ensure post-maintenance testing , operability testing, and surveillance test requirements independent closcout verification.

are properly addressed.

56 Modification 96-063 - replace 345 KV breakers (3-4,4-5, and 142). Awaiting PMT(will not be completed until Unit 2 is on-line).

Install a new level control system for the brine tank (T-118) per Modification 92- In progress. Scheduled completion 70 008*Q. The tank overflows because the installed automatic level control system is not date is Feb. 17,1997.

etrective, and there is no high level alann for the tank.

Each operating crew will receive simulator training to gain proficiency in casualty In progress. Scheduled completion 74 resp (mse, the expected response of the newly installed steam generators and reactor date is Feb. 20,1997.

core, and placing the turbine on-line.

Revise the initial and requalification operator training plans to include a review of the Work complete. Conducting administrative procedures identified as significant to daily operation of the plant during independent closcout verification (in 75 each two year operations training plan. addition to the verification already completed by the Entbreement Conference Commitments Coordinator).

l' age 8

Submit the following requests for license amendments resulting from the review of in pmgress. Scheduled completion existing Technical Specification interpretations: date is Feb. 24,1997.

e Revise the maximum acceptable power level when crossover steam dumps are 8I inoperable (TS 15.3.4.E). .

. Revise requirements for otTsite power lines availability to address adequacy (TS ,


. Remove allowances in TS 15.3.1.A.I.a for single reactor coolant pump operation. l

. Appropriately modify the minimum required boron concentration in the Refueling Water Storage Tanks.

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Pa;;e 9 e

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RESOURCE PLANNING ENGINEERING & LICENSING 1/28/97 Contracton Additional Contractor StaffAuguamentation Other Dedicated StaffAugumentation WE Hiring i Grwe Hired Contractor Sumsort Plammed Planned DBD 1 - AcornTechnicalSenices 3 0 3 - Advent Engineering As-Built 2 - ArgusTechnicalSenices 3 2 4 - Olsten Temporary Senices 1 - Sargent & Lundy Nuclear Programs 0 0 0 MechanicalMods 3 - NFTS 3 - S&L 1 1 1 - Sargent A.L.ady 2 - OlstenTm..yviary Senices Electrical Mods 1 - Sargent & Lundy 12 - S&L 2 0 2 - NFIS I - NUS Electrical Evaluations 1 - ArgusTechnicalSenices 2 - S&L 2 0 MechanicalEvaluations 3 - Sargent & Lundy 4 - S&L 1 2 Civil Engineering 0 1 (S&L) 1 2 (Duke Engr.)

Chemical Engineering 0 2 0 Site Engines. ring 18 - NPTS 3 13 Licensing 0 5 2 Stress Analysis 1 - Sargent & Lundy 7 - S&L 1 1 Fire Protectiou 2 - NFTS . 3 (Duke Engr.) 1 General 6 - Duke Engr.

TOTALS 46 34 29 23 GRAND TOTAL 132

POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 STARTUP COM January 31,1997 Status Update IDENTIFICATION AND RESOLUTION OF ISSUES PERTINENT TO R The fbilowing actions will be taken prior to Unit 2 criticality, except as specifically noted. The scope of e examining the identified documents or items fbr accuracy and compliance with requirements. Should any reviews identify eith which could negatively impact reactor . ifety, the scope of those reviews will beentified,

. expanded appropriate corrective Where disc and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Commitment Description ID Number Status I

Complete a detailed Unit 2 Containment Materiel Condition Assessment, addressing housekeeping, system walkdowns, materiel condition, and in progress.

instrumentation. Extensive work inside Containment was conducted this outage due to the Steam Generator replacement project.

2 Walkdown all accessible Unit 2 and common Maintenance Rule systems for -

adequate visual material condition. in progress.

3 Walkdown all accessible Unit 2 and common systems fbr outstanding work order tags. In progress.

4 Conduct as-built inspections of the electrical and I&C components on the Unit 2 CVCS and CCW systems (Work Orders 9607322,9611140,9606548, and Work complete. Conducting 9611139). independent closcout verification.

5 Complete Work Orders 9513222 through 9513225 to conduct inspections of Appendix R alternate power transfer switches. Work complete. Preparing fbr independent closcout ,

Complete Work Order 9604151 verification.

6 to perfbrm threign material exclusion inspections on the Unit 2 4160V safeguards bus 2A-06 and breakers. Work complete. Preparing fbr independent closcout s erilication.


Complete a review of Unit 2 administrative controls implementing or referencing Work in progress. Schedaled 7 Technical Specifications to ensure Technical Specification requirements are completion date is shortly appropriately reflected in the administrative controls. befbre leaving cold shutdown..

iteview 20% of the Operations Technical Specification, inservice Test, and in progress. Scheduled Operations Refueling Test related surveillance procedures, with concentration on completion date is l'eb. 26.

8 those involving major equipment. Upgrade as necessary to include appropriate 1997. Conducting initial conditions, return to service lineups, properly specified independent independent verification of verification, reviewing acceptance criteria, and Technical Specification work completed thus far.


Review the in Service Testing (IST) acceptance criteria for the remaining IST Work complete. Conducting pumps to ensure that the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident independent closcout analysis requirements. hiake any changes necessary as a result of this review. verification (in addition to the 9 verification already completed by the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator).

Iteview the in Service Testing acceptance criteria ihr all IST valves to ensure that Work complete. Conducting the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. independent closcout Complete necessary operability evaluations, revise procedures, and resolve Unit 2 verification (in addition to the 10 equipment discrepancies. verification already completed by the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator).

Complete the following regarding installed instrumentation used in the IST Work complete. Conducting program: independent closeout verification (in addition to the

. Identify the Unit 2 installed instruments used in the IST program. verification already completed 11 . Iteview the performance of the identified instruments over the last 3 years. by the Entbreement

. Iteview the suitability of the instrumentation ihr use in the IST program. Conference Commitments

. Iteview all IST pump hydraulic data over the past year ihr adverse trends. Coordinator).

As necessary, make changes as a result of these actions.  ;

Review 20% of the surveillance procedures associated with safety significant non- I Work in progress. Scheduled 12 pump and valve components (such as heat exchangers and fans) to ensure that the completion date is l'eb.12.

surveillance acceptance criteria satisfy the requirements of the plant design 1997.

basis / accident analysis. N1ake changes as necessary as a result of this review.

I* age 2

Review other operating procedures that contain maintenance activities and revise Work in progress. Scheduled 13 as necessary to ensure PMT and QC are properly addressed by those procedures. completion date is Jan. 31, 1997.

Review equipment return to service testing requirements prior to the following Preparations to perfomi the U2R22 mode change readiness reviews to ensure the required equipment is readiness revicus are in 14 operable prior to changing modes: core reload, leaving cold shutdown, and the progress. Will occur approach to criticality. approximately one week prior to each of the mode changes.

Review 20% of the work orders performed since January 1,1995 on Unit 2 or in progress. Scheduled i5 c- mon PSA safety significant systems (AFW, SW, EDG, IA,4.16 kv, gas completion date is Feb. 7, tuame, and CCW) to verify adequate PMT was performed to ensure 1997.

system / component safety function.

Complete all Unit 2 Maintenance Rule related work order post-PMT reviews prior On-going reviews in progress.

16 to the approach to criticality. This will continue through the outage.

Review 50.59 screenings conducted in 1996. Upgrade those determined to require In progress. Scheduled 17 a 50.59 evaluation. completion date is Feb. 20, 1997.

Review outstanding JCOs Peribnn operability determinations and 50.59 In progress. Scheduled 18 evaluations needed to address the issues. comple. ion date is Feb. 21, 1997.

Conduct a review of 50.59 evaluations from this outage. Ensure all conditions of Initial review completed. On-19 the evaluations have been completed. going reviews in progress.

Tracking associated conditions through the outage.

Review items from existing open item lists (e.g., NUTRK) to identify potentially In progress. Restart related 20 degraded equipment. CRs (generated by this review and emergent) will be tracked here.

Review open items from the Design 13 asis Document development program. Work complete. Conducting 21 independent closcout verification.

All open operability evaluatimo br Unit 2 and common equipment will be in progress. Restart issues 22 reviewed ihr acceptable ele ithe degraded equipment issue. Disposition will be identified by Feb. 7.

outstanding issues in accon. we with 10CFR50.59 and Generic 1.etter 91-18. 1997 and resolved prior to the associated outage milestones.

Page 3

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Review 20% of the Condition Reports closed since January 1,1995 which are in progress. Scheduled 23 associated with PSA safety significant systems for degraded equipment operability completion date is Feb.7, issues to ensure that we have adequately identified and dispo:,itioned operability 1997.


24 Complete an additional Outage Safety Review for the startup phase of the outage. Will occur approximately one week prior to core loading.

Conduct an integrated review of all outage licensing commitments (50.59's, In progress. Scheduled 25 enforcement conference items, Technical Specification Change Requests, and completion date is February Reload Safety Analysis). Ensure all requirements are met. 28,1997.

Revise ORT-3 and DCS 3.1.11 to ensure Technical Specification 15.4.6.A.2 Work complete. Conducting 26 testing includes dynamic loading of the EDG with sequenced loads. independent closcout verification.

Test all EDGs in accordance with revised ORT-3 and DCS-3.1.11. Return the ORT-3 is scheduled to be 27 electrical systems to normal alignment prior to leaving cold shutdown. peribnned the week of Feb. 3, 1997.

Resolve the containment penetration commitments, including: In progress.


. CP-32 (Containment penetration ihr Auxiliary Charging line).

. Penetration thermal reliefissue.

Complete a 50.59 evaluation ihr the existing CCW supply to the RCP seals as a In progress. Scheduled 29 safety function. completion date is Feb.10.


Update the diesel generator loading calculation N-91-016 to properly reflect the In progress. Scheduled 30 loading of the Containment Fan Coolers. completion date is Feb.15, 1997.

Evaluate the adequacy of coordination on the 120 VAC instrument bus system in progress. Scheduled 31 through a 50.59 or operability review. completion date is Feb.15.


Implement interim improvements ibr the Condition Reporting process, based on a In progress. Scheduled 32 review of assessments and identified recommendations fbr improving that process. completion date is Feb. 25, 1997.

Implement interim improvements ihr the 50.59 process to require that all in progress. Scheduled screenings be either authored or reviewed by a member of the multi-disciplinary completion date is Feb.13.

33 review team. 1997.

Page 4

Upgrade Unit 2 operations checklists to include requirements for initials, time, and in progress. Scheduled 34 date. During the review, verify that the checklists are technically correct. completion date is Feb.10, 1997.

Revise applicable IST program documents to prevent equipment from being In progress. Scheduled 35 returned to service (declared operable) with vibrations in the alert range. completion date is Jan. 31, 1997.

Revise NP 8.1.1, Work Order Processing, and NP 8.1.3,1 ist-Maintenance Testing Work complete. Preparing for 36 to ensure post-maintenance testing , operability t: sting, a : surveillance test indepenJent closcout requirements are properly addressed. verification.

Include return to service testing in the plant schedule, both outage and nonoutage. Work complete. Preparing fbr 37 independent closecut verification.

Page 5

COMPLETE PilYSICAL WORK WIIICII SUPPORTS SAFE STARTUP AND POWER OPERATIONS Modifications which Point Ileach Nuclear Plant has identified as being significant to safety and scheduled Ihr completion in U2R22 will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications. These modifications are:

Commitment Description Status ID Number Modification 96-033 - replace control power transfbrmers on Motor Control in progress. Scheduled 38 Centers 2B32 and 2B42. completion date is Feb. 8, 1997.

Modification 90-048 - replace Boric Acid and Reactor Makeup Water in progress. Scheduled 39 totalizers, replace the CVCS control switch, replace flow indicators, and completion date is Jan. 30, refurbish flow controllers. This resolves an Operator workaround issue. 1997.

Modification 94-097 - remove six RCS loop drain valves. In progress. Scheduled 40 completion date is Feb. 22, 1997.

Modification 92-141 - relocate the RIIR flow control valve controllers on h'ork complete. Conducting 41 2CO3 fbr human factoring. independent closcout verification.

42 Modification 96-073 - seismically upgrade CCW, SI, RilR, and RilR/ letdown in progress.

piping supports and remove an AFW snubber.

Modification 94-066 - install a soft seat in containment isolation valve 2SI- Work complete. Preparing for 43 834D, and add a relief valve and pressure regulator in the nitrogen supply line independent closcout to the Si accumulators. This resolves an Operator workaround issue. verification.

44 Modification 96-065B - seismically upgrade the Refueling Water Storage In design.

Tank recirculation line.

Modification 96-054 - install pressure gauges in the service water retum In progress. Scheduled 45 header from the Emergency Diesel Generator GOl and GO2 glycol coolers, completion date is Feb. 7.

and reset the throttle valves in that line. 1997.

Modification 96-022 - install a new 125 VDC feed to 480V safeguards bus Work complete. Conducting 46 2B03. independent closcout verification.

Page 6

Modification 94-055 - add seismic supports to the raceway between risers 56 Work complete. Conducting 47 and 62 on C04 (Reactor and Primary Plant Control lloard). independent closcout verification. .

48 Modification 96-06811 - eliminate containment heating steam and condensate in design.

return containment isolation valves.

Modification 96-053 - replace an elbow in the west service water header. In progress. Scheduled 49 completion date is Iteb.4, 1997.

50 Modification 95-070 - seismically upgrade the containment cooling fans and Scheduled completion date is filters. Jan.31,1997.

Modification 96-026 - install, delete, and modify supports for feedwater, main Work complete. Conducting 51 steam, and SI system piping for the 79-14 project. independent closeout verification.

Modification 96-058 - move Power Plant Computer System alarms to the Work complete. Conducting 52 exterior of C-20 panels. independent closcout verification.

Modification 94-095 - replace 8 Main Steam Condenser steam dump valves Work complete. Preparing for 53 with improved design. independent closeout verification.

Modification 95-029 - replace Si accumulator level transmitters. In progress. Scheduled 54 completion date is Feb. 24, 1997.

Modification 95-035 - modify Containment Spray additive tank controller Work complete. Conducting 55 circuit. independent closcout verification.

Modification 96-063 - replace 345 KV breakers (3-4,4-5, and 142). Awaiting PMT (will not be 56 completed until Unit 2 is on-line).

Modification 96-069 - replace four breakers (1 Y-06-01,1 Y-06-03,1 Y-06-05, in progress. Scheduled 57 and 1Y-06-11) associated with instrument bus 1Y-06. completion date is I eb. 25.


Modification 95-058*O - repair Steam Generator in'ermediate leg supports. Work complete. Conducting 58 This may be resolved through analysis. independent closcout verification.

Page 7

59 N1odification 96-070 - replace molded case circuit breakers associated with Scheduled completion date is instrument buses 2Y-05 and 2Y-06. Feb.8.1997.

The work and testing associated with these Work Orders will bc completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable.

Emergent Work Orders associated with N1aintenance Rule Risk Significant Systems which Point Beach Nuclear Plant defines as priority level I to 4 will be completed prior to Unit 2 criticality.

Commitment Description Status ID Number Work Orders 9601506,9602502,9603921,9611267,9611278, and 9611755 Work complete. Preparing ihr 60 - replace proximity switches and targets with an improved design and independent closcout overhaul the Fuel Transfer Cart to enhance control system operation. This verification.

resolves an Operator workaround issue.

Work Orders 9613568 and 9613569 - provide bonnet pressure locking relief Awaiting Ph1T. Scheduled 61 lbr the SI-857A and SI-857B valves (interface valves between RilR and completion date is Feb.10.

liigh IIcad SI) on Unit 2. 1997.

Work Order 9611757 - correct the leakage which leads to boric acid buildup Awaiting Ph1T. Scheduled 62 in the cylinder blocks of"B" Charging Pump. completion date is Feb. 20.


Work Order 9603532 - repair the handswitch ihr 2P-2A, the "A" Charging Awaiting PN1T. Scheduled 63 Pump. completion date is Feb. 20.


Work Orders 9611624 through 9611626 - replace existing pneumatic turbine Work is scheduled. The 64 generator circuitry time delay relays with plug-in, electronic time delay scheduled completion date is relays. Feb.21.1997.

Work Order 9606626 - reinstall switches on the Unit 2 Containment hatch Work complete. Conducting 65 third door to allow monitoring ofdoor status. independent closcout verification.

Work Order 9611052 - replace the 2P-10B switch. the "B" RilR Pump Awaiting Ph1T. Scheduled 66 control switch. completion date is Feb. 8.


Work Orders 9611198 and 961 I 199 - repair the body-to-bonnet boric acid ) Awaiting PNIT. Scheduled 67 leak on CV-30711 (low side tap lbr "Ir' RCP # l seal d/p) and CV-30811 (lap completion date is Feb. 8.

seal d/p tbr "1r' RCP). 1997.


.e ..o The following actions will be completed to correct Operator workarounds prior to Unit 2 criticality, except as specifically noted:

Commitment Description Status ID Number Repair valve AR-3511 per Work Order 9513340. The Unit 2 priming air Awaiting PMT. Scheduled 68 ejector is blank flanged due to air in-leakage through the condenser air completion date is Feb. 20, removal isolation valve, AR-3511. 1997.

Repair the drain valve for the heating steam moistun separator per Work Scheduled to start on Feb. I 1.

69 Order 9613451. The Unit 2 heating steam moisture separator level has been 1997. Scheduled completion difficult to maintain during normal operations, and frequent alarms were date is Feb. 15.1997.

received due to low level. This will be tested Ibilowing Unit 2 startup.

Install a new level control system for the brine tank (T-118) per Modification in progress. Scheduled 70 92-008*Q. The tank overflows because the installed automatic level control completion date is Feb. I'!,

system is not efTective, and there is no high level alarm for the tank. 1997.

Repair MS-249. the Unit 2 steam line sample valve, per Work Order Awaiting PMT. Scheduled 71 9603128. The valve had a packing leak which required steam header completion date is Feb. 20.

sampling to be shifted to the B steam header. 1997.

Repair alami switch 21.S-2511 per Work Order 9605711. The Unit 2 D MSR Awaiting PMT. Scheduled 72 level was being maintained low in the band due to level oscillations and a completion date is l'eb. 20 steam leak from the alarm switch. 1997.

Repair 2P116, the Unit 2 Boric Acid Recirculation Pump, per Work Order in progress. Scheduled 73 9603130. It has a significant seal leak. , completion date is Feb. 20.

l 1997.

Page 9

.o ...

PERSONNEL AND LICENSING READINESS The following actions will be completed prior to Unit 2 criticality:

Commitment Description Status ID Number Each operating crew will receive simulator training to gain proficiency in in progress. Scheduled 74 casualty response, the expected response of the newly installed steam completion date is Feb. 20, generators and reactor core, and placing the turbine on-line. 1997.

Revise the initial and requalification operator training plans to include a Work complete. Conducting review of the administrative procedures identified as significant to daily independent closcout operation of the piant during each two year operations training plan. verification (in addition to the 75 verification already completed by the Enfbreement Conference Commitments Coordinator).

Conduct roundtable discussions with all MSSiSS\DTA personnel regarding Preparations in progress.

conservative decisionmaking, Technical Specification interpretations, and Scheduled completion date is 76 lessons learned from recent regulatory communications and perspectives. Feb.8.1997.

Review outlier Technical Specification interpretatic..3 for interim applications.

Complete the procedure changes and training associated with the new in progress. Scheduled 77 Technical Specification on ECCS regarding the new Containment integrity completion date is March 3, Analysis. 1997.

78 Communicate specific expectations regarding AFW and EDG status control in progress.

to Operators.

Restore a proceduralized capability to operate the Containment Spray Pumps in progress. Scheduled 79 in the recirculation mode of the ECCS. completion date is Feb. 21.


Page 10

- -. . . . ~ _. . . . - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - _ - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - _ .

Obtain amendments requested by Clunge Requests 188 and 189 related to in progress. Scheduled Steam Generator replacement; 192 related to Service Water operability; and completion date is Feb. 24,  !

80. 194 related to Low Temperature Overpressurization limits. This will include 1997.

resolution ofissues related to Control Room and offsite dose evaluations for the analyzed events.

Submit the following requests for license amendments resulting from the in progress. Scheduled i review of existing Technical Specification interpretations: completion date is Feb. 24, 1997.

e Revise the maximum acceptable power level when crossover steam  ;

dumps are inoperable (TS 15.3.4.E).

81 . Revise requirements for ofTsite power lines availability to address  ;

. adequacy (TS 15.3.7.A.I.a).

. Remove allowances in TS 15.3.1.A.I.a for single reactor coolant pump operation.

. Appropriately modify the minimum required boron concentration in the .

Refueling Water Storage Tanks. i I

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l Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment  !

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 1 Commitment


Complete a detailed Unit 2 Containment Materiel Condition Assessment, addressing housekeeping, system walkdowns, materiel condition, and instrumentation. Extensive work inside Containment was conducted this outage due to the Steam Generator replacement project, so this warrants increased scrutiny during Containment closcout.

Should this assessment identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the assessment will be expanded.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timing 1 This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.


If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable i I

before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this

commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the assessment defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A summary of the scope of the materiel condition assessment and when it was conducted (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action
  1. 1).
  • A copy of documentation used to conduct the assessment.

= A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of the assessment and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 1).

biAN t,o 187

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the assessment are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification Status:

As of January 29,1997, this has been completed for the RilR, Reactor Coolant, CVCS.

and Safety injection Systems. NP 2.3.4 has been issued to address this effort.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 2 4



Walkdown all accessible Unit 2 and common Maintenance Rule systems for adequate visual materiel condition.

Should these walkdowns identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies uhich ,

l could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the walkdowns will be expanded. l t

Where discrepencies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken con,mensurate with their safety significance.

i 1

l Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this j commitment should be completed earlier.

I Criteria to Closcout This Item:


1. Completion of the walkdowns defined in the " Commitment Description" section.  !


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A summary of the scope of the walkdowns and when they were conducted (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 2).
  • A copy of documentation used to conduct the walkdowns.
  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of the walkdowns and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) M a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 2).
3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is
required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the walkdowns are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification .



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a r

l As of January 29,1997, this has been completed for the RiiR. Reactor Coolant, CVCS.

and Safety injection Systems. NP 2.3.4 has been issued to address this effort.

P f


9 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 3 Commitment


Walkdown all accessible Unit 2 and common systems for outstanding work order tags.

Should these walkdowns identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the walkdowns will be expanded.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This item:

1. Completion of the walkdowns defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A summary of the scope of the walkdowns and when they were conducted (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 3).
  • A copy of thcumentation used to conduct the walkdowns.
  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of the walkdowns and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 3).

f 9

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

Verified that the Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the walkdowns are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this has been completed for the RilR. Reactor Coolant. CVCS.

and Safety injection Systems. NP 2.3.4 has been issued t.o address this effort.

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, I Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment l Summary (Revision 2 .lanuary 29,1997) l l

l fanunitment ID#: 4 i




Conduct as-built inspections of the electrical and I&C components on the Unit 2 CVCS and CCW systems (Work Orders 9607322,9611140.

9606548, and 9611139). This will ensure that the associated drawings will be accurate.

Should these as-built inspections identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the as-built inspections will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate correctis e and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the as-built inspections associated with the listed work orders.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:

. A copy of page 2 from the closed work orders (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) GR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #

l 4).  !

3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work orders.


. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders arc being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.

- - - _ ~ _

9 Status: )



As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closeout verification process. There were no l l safety significant issues / discrepancies identified by the Responsible Person.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) 1 Commitment ID#: 5 Commil11 tent


Complete Work Orders 9513222 through 9513225 to l conduct inspections of Appendix R alternate power transfer switches.

l The inspections will determine whether an E shaped retaining ring on the arcing contact i assembly of some ASCO switches is missing. Condition Report 95-602 documents the missing E clip issue. Seismic qualification testing has shown that the switches pass the I baseline functional testing even without the E shaped retaining rings installed.

Should these inspections identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the inspections will be expanded.

Where disc.epancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components c.ddressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this  ;

commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work orders.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of page 2 from the closed work orders (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) RR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #

l 5 ).

l t


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

e Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work orders.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

S11111n As of January 28,1997, the work has been completed, and the work order documentation is being reviewed. Following this, independent verification will commence.


4 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l l

Commitment ID#: 6 '



Complete Work Order 9604151 to perform foreign material  !

exclusion inspections on the Unit 2 4160V safeguards bus 2A-06 and breakers. Debris found in switchgear prompted these inspections.

l Should thes-inspections identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the inspections will be expanded.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Cincout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:


, _ A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shill Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 6).
3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shifl Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the work has been completed, and the work order documentation is being reviewed. Following this, independent verification will commence.

I i



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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitmrat ID#: 7 C9mmitment Descriptiqm Complete a review of Unit 2 administrative controls implementing or referencing Technical Specifications to ensure Technical Specification requirements are appropriately reflected in the administrative controls.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

This commitment is also a subset of Enforcement Conference Commitment item # 3.

Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section. l
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system): .


  • When the review occurred.

. Where the Technical Specification requirements are reflected in the administrative controls (i.e., a raatrix or equivalent).

  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.
3. The Restan Issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have:

. Verified that the Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the administrative controls reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification.

Status: ,

As of January 29,1997, this is in progress. This will involve ensuring that all 1 surveillances in Technical Specifications section 15.4 are implemented by plant procedures. In addition, this review will ensure that each surveillance has an associated LCO (from Technical Specifications section 15.3).

Specifically, the following will be/has been done to accomplish this:

. Obtain existing cross-references which relate Technical Specification surveillances/LCOs to plant procedures. This has been completed.

. Perform an electronic search of all plant procedures for references to Technical Specifications. This has been completed.

. Annotate the procedure number on the associated surveillance /LCO in the Technical Specifications.

. Using the initial cross-reference information, verify that the Technical Specification is implemented by the indicated procedure, identify the associated Technical l Specification LCO (from Tcchnical Specification section 15.3), verify surveillance l frequency in the procedures, and perform a technical review of procedural adequacy. l

. Funher refine the Technical Specification / procedure cross-reference.

. By February 11,1997, provide the Technical Specification / procedure cross-reference. I a listing of discrepancies identified, and recommendations.  ;

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment  :

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i CommitmendlM1 8 Commitment


Review 20% of the Operations Technical Specification.

Inservice Test, and Operations Refueling Test related surveillance procedures, with concentration on those involving major equipment. Upgrade as necessary to include appropriate initial conditions, return to service lineups, properly specified independent '

verification, reviewing acceptance criteria, and Technical Specification implementation.

The population considered for this commitment will be the Unit 2 and common Operations Technical Specification, Inservice Test, and Operations Refueling Test related surveillance procedures.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively j impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

The Restart issues Coordinator will work with the Responsible Person to ensure the sampling methodology creates a 20% population which is both random and representative of the entire population.

This commitment is also a subset of Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 17.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

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j Cnicria_ta.C!%du Tnis item; 1


1. Comple..on of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has fbnvarded a summary to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system):

. When the review occurred.

. The total number of Operations Technical Specification, inservice Test and Operations Refueling Test related surveillance procedures.

. Which specific surveillances were reviewed (i.e., the 20%). The surveillance procedure number for each of these must be included in this summary. Also, provide a copy of each changed or created procedure to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

. Surveillances which were changed or created as a result of this review. The surveillance procedure number for each of these must be included in this summary.

Also, provide a copy of each changed or created procedure to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have:

. Verified that the Restart issues File includes the summary which the Responsible Person is required to fonvard to the Enforcement Conference Commitments i Coordinator. l I

. Collected and included in the Restart Issues File a copy of each surveillance changed or created as a result of this review.

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the surveillances reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification, l Status:

As of January 29,1997, this is in progress.

l I

l Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Gulunitment ID#: 9 QMumitunent


Review the in Service Testing (IST) acceptance criteria for the remaining IST pumps (CCW, Charging, Boric Acid Transfer, CR Chill Water. CSR Chill Water, SFP Cooling, and FO Transfer pumps) to ensure that the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. Make any changes necessary as a result of this review.

The work has already been completed for the SI, RHR, AFW, SW, and Containment Spray pumps (the original group), so they are not included in this commitment.

The scope of this review will be ensuring that the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment item # 39.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systerns/ components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system):

. When the review occurred.

. Which specific documents were reviewed. The document number for each of these must be included in this summary.

  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mecht.nisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart Issues Coord' nor or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have:
  • Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the documents reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


Verified closed by the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator. The pumps were all operating satisfactorily.

The associated documentation was provided to the NRC in the January 24,1997 weekly management meeting. An independent verification of the closecut is in progress.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 10  !



Review the in Service Testing acceptance criteria for all IST l' valves to ensure that the IST acceptance criteria meets the design basis / accident analysis requirements. Complete necessary operability evaluations, revise procedures, and resok e Unit 2 equipment discrepancies.

The scope of this review will be exaraining the associated documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or sign:6 cant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are ,

identi6ed, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with I their safety signiGcance. I l

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 40.

Completion Timine: This will be completed prior to January 17,1997. Ifsome  !

systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before j that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this  !

commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review de6ned in the " Commitment Description" section.  ;


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system):

. When the review occurred.

. Identi6 cation of which valves which are in the IST Program.

. Which specine documents were reviewed. The document number for each of these must be included in this summary.

  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identincation number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

. Signincant items / issues identined during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified.

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3. The Restart issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have:

. Verified that the Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the documents reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.

4. Completior of an independent verification.


Verified closed by the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

The associated documentation was provided to the NRC in the January 24,1997 weekly ,

management meeting. An independent verification of the closeout is in progress.


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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 11 Commitment


Complete the following regarding installed instrumentation used in the IST program:

Identify the Unit 2 installed instruments used in the IST program.

Review the performance of the identified instruments over the last 3 years.

Review the suitability of the instrumentation for use in the IST program.

Review all IST pump hydraulic data over the past year fbr adverse trends.

As necessary, make changes as a result of these actions.

Should these reviews identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which 1 could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the reviews will be expanded. Where


discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance. -

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment item # 43.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the reviews defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system):

. When the reviews occurred.

Identification of the Unit 2 installed instruments used in the IST program.

  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of these reviews. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those l documents sent to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

e Results of the reviews.

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  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the reviews and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified.
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during condect of the reviews are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


Verified closed by the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

The associated documentation was provided to the NRC in the January 24,1997 weekly management meeting. An independent verification of the closecut is in progress.


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I Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Cmumitment ID#: 12 Commitment


Review 20% of the surveillance procedures associated with  !

safety significant non-pump and valve components (such as heat exchangers and fans) to i ensure that the surveillance acceptance criteria satisfy the requirements of the plant design basis / accident analysis. Make changes as necessary as a result of this review.

The population considered for this commitment will be the Unit 2 and common surveillance procedures associated with safety significant non-pump and valve components (such as heat exchangers and fans).

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively I impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

The Restart Issues Coordinator will work with the Responsible Person to ensure the l sampling methodology creates a 20% population which is both random and representative of the entire population.

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment item # 47.

Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Entbreement Conference i Commitments Coordinator w hich addresses (report using the NUTRK system):

. When the review occurred.

e The total number of surveillance procedures associated with safety significant non-pump and valve components (such as heat exchangers and fans). The surveillance procedure number for each of these must be included in this summary.

. Which specific surveillances were reviewed (i.e., the 20%). The surveillance procedure number for each of these must be included in this summary.

. Surveillances which were changed or created as a result of this review. The surveillance procedure number for each of these must be included in this summary.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have:

. Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the summary which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Collected and included in the Restart issues File a copy of each surveillance changed or created as a result of this review.

. Verified that the sig, ificant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a racking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the surveillances reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this is in progress.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l Commitment ID#: 13 r



Review other operating procedures that contain maintenance activities and revise as necessary to ensure PMT and QC are properly addres. sed by those procedures. This will be done for Unit 2 operating procedures.

The scope of this review will be examining the identined documents for accuracy and I compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negalis ely l impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are l identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with  !

their safety significance.

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 51.

Completion Timine: This will be completed prior to January 31,1997. Ifsome systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before i that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this  !

commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review dermed in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to John Palmer (the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator) which addresses (report using the NUTRK system):

. When the review occurred.

. Which specific operating procedures were reviewed. The operating procedure number for each of these must be included in this summary. Send a copy of the index review checklists to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator.

l . Significant items / issues identified during conjuct of the review and how they were

! resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) GR a statement that there were none identified.


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have:

. Verified that the Restart issues File includes the documents uhich the Responsible Person is required to forward to Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the operating procedures reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification.

Sla11tn As of January 29,1997, this is in progress. The review was conducted by Point Beach operations personnel and contractors.

. 781 procedures were reviewed for maintenance activities. Of these, a total of 70 procedures were determined to require revision (67 for PMT; 15 for QC). Condition Reports have been submitted for the 70 procedures to address operability determinations. Changes have been submitted for 53 of the 70 procedures. The other 17 procedures will be controlled via a temporary change process which ensures that l the procedures will not be used until reviewed for QC and PMT.

  • All of the following procedure types were reviewed: 01 OP, TS, IT, PC, and RF.
  • RP procedures excepting RP-7 and RP-8 were reviewed (those will be so reviewed and revised prior to the next ISFSI cask load). Procedure holds have been placed on these to ensure they are not used before.
  • Unit 1 ORT procedures excepting 3,3A,3B,3C,9,10, and 17 (those will be so reviewed and revised prior to the next use). Procedure holds have been placed on these to ensure they are not used before.
  • Unit 2 ORT procedurcs excepting ORT 3A and 3B (those will be so reviewed and reviced prior to the next use) and ORT 9,10, and 17 (those will be so reviewed and revised prior to Unit 2 restart). Procedure holds have been placed on these to ensure they are not used before.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) ,

Commitment ID#: 14 Commitment


Review eqmpment return to service testmg requirements l prior to the following U2R22 mode change readiness reviews to ensure the required l equipment is operable prior to changing the following modes: core reload, leaving cold shutdown, and the approach to criticality.

Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where I discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

. This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 53.

Completion Timing: This will be completed prior to core loading, prior to leaving cold shutdown. and prior to t1 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:  ;

i 1

1. Completion of the three reviews defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system):
  • When the reviews occurred.
  • Copies of documents used to perform the reviews.

. Results of the reviews.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified.


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the reviews are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


The readiness review checklists associated with each of the three mode changes are drafted, and they are being updated as new issues are identified. The first readiness review will be completed prior to core load.

These reviews are scheduled activities in the Major item Work List and are

" predecessors" to each plant condition.

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l Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i Commitment ID#: 15 i

Commitment Descrintion: Review 20% of the work orders performed since January 1, 1995 on Unit 2 or commen PSA safety significant systems (AFW, SW, EDG, IA,4.16 kv, gas turbine, and CCW) to verify adequate PMT was performed to ensure system / component safety function.

Approximately 80% of the work orders at Point Beach Nuclear Plant are maintenance work orders, and the original commitment focused on maintenance work orders alone.

The scope of this review has been expanded to address the non-maintenance work orders also.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

The Restart issues Coordinator will work with the Responsible Person to ensure the sampling methodology creates a 20% population which is both random and representative of the entire population.

Comnletion Timine This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.

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2. The Responsible Person has fbrwarded a summary to the Restart issues Coordinator Etich addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART

/ .ction # 15):

. When the review occurred.

e The total number of work orders performed since January 1,1995 on Unit 2 or common PSA safety significant systems (AFW, SW, EDG, IA,4.16 kv, gas turbine, and CCW). The work order number for each of these must be included in this summary.

e Which specific work orders were reviewed (i.e., the 20%). The work order number Ibr each of these must be included in this summary.

. Work orders and other documents initiated or changed as a result of this review.

The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart issues File (for the work orders, only forward pages 1 and 2).

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking l mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has.

. Verified that the Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to fbrward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the work orders reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart issues File. 1

4. Completion of an independent verification.

Statust As of January 28,1997, this is in progress. l

  • A ten person QA team is conducting the review.

397 of 1944 work orders have been selected for review. This review is scheduled to be completed by February 7,1997.

. 153 work orders have been reviewed. The adequacy of PMT functional testing following valve work is a potential issue arising from this review.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l Commitntent ID#: 16 Commitment


Complete all Unit 2 Maintenance Rule related work order i post PMT reviews prior to the approach to criticality.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this i review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance. )

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality, i

Criteria to Closcout This Item:  !

1. Completion of the reviews cefined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART.  ;

Action # 16):

. When the reviews occurred.

  • Which specific work orders were reviewed. The work order number for each of these must be included in this summary.
  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of these reviews. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the reviews and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

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3. The Restart issues Coordinator has:

e Verified that the Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review s are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

  • Coordinated a sampling of the work orders reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in  ;

the Restart Issues File. l

4. Completion of an independent verificaticn.


As of January 29,1997, the review is in progress, occurring as work orders become available. l i

The current post-PMT review process seems to work well, and there have not been problems with PMT identified this outage. We are evaluating how to proceed in the future (options include having an independent person conduct the review or continue with the multi-discipline team approach).

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a Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 , January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 17 Conunitment


Review 50.59 screenings conducted in 1996. Upgrade those determined to require a 50.59 evaluation. This will be done for all 50.59 screenings. not just those involving Unit 2.

During November 1996. QA auditors reviewed the 50.59 and 72.48 safety evaluation processes per QA audit A-P-96-17. The auditors reviewed two hundred 50.59 screenings and identined six which required a full 50.59 evaluation and another six which were questionable. None of these were found to involve an Unreviewed Safety Question.

The scope of this review will be examining the identi6ed documents far accuracy and compliance with requirements. Should this review identify either generic issues or signi6 cant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identined, appropriate corrective and -

preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety signincance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality. If some systems /coraponents addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Speci6 cations, the applicable portions  ;

of this commitment should be completed earlier.

l Criteria to Closcout This Item: I

1. Completion of the review denned in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart Issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART ,

Action # 17): . I l

. When the review occurred.

. How many screenings were reviewed.  ;

  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review (this includes 50.59 l evaluations). The identincation number for each of these must be included in this j summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File.

. Signi6 cant items / issues identined during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identined.

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

. Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitmer.t #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the 50.59 screenings reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the review has been completed of all screenings done from January 1,1996 to present (over 400 screenings). 21 screenings are being upgraded to 50.59 evaluations, and 4 screenings will be re-written due to lack of detail. No USQs have been identified.

i This is scheduled to be complete on February 20,1997.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment .

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)  !

I t

Commitment ID#: 18 r



Review outstanding JCOs. Perform operability ,

determinations and 50.59 evaluations needed to address the issues. This applies to all  !

outstanding JCOs, not just the ones associated with Unit 2.

l The scope of this review will be examining the outstanding JCOs for accuracy and  ;

compliance with requirements. Should this review identify either generic issues or  ;

significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the 1 review will l,e expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.  ;

l Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item: )


1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart Issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART I Action # 18): I e When the review occurred.

. Which specific JCOs were reviewed.

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review (including operability detenninations and 50.59 evaluations). The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary. and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File. 1

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were I resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.


. _ . - -.. - - - .. . - . _ . . - . . . . . .. . . ~ - ...-.. -.---..- .~.-. - - .

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

. Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart


Commitment #20.

e Coordinated a sampling of the JCOs reviewed to ensure the reviews were l conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in  !

the Restart issues File. t

.I i

4. Completion of an independent verification. j i

Stalun I

> f As of January 29,1997, there are three '

outstanding JCOs: I i

e JCO #94 involves DC Molded Case Circuit Breakers. A 50.59 will be written for this, and a team is investigating. There was one operability issue identified with  !

wire separation which could impact molded case circuit breakers. That operability  !

issue is being dispositioned through the CR and operability determination processes.  !

  • JCO #94 involves the Containment Accident Fan motor unshielde1 bearings. A l 50.59 evaluation has been drafted and is being reviewed.  !
  • JCO #96 involves Containment Fan Cooler operation during a Design Basis Accident. The associated 50.59 evaluation involves a USQ, for which documentation has been provided to the NRC (Technical Specification Change Request 192)..

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1 Point Orgh Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 19 1 Commitment


Conduct a review of 50.59 evaluations from this outage.

Ensure all conditions of the evaluations have been completed. This review will address the 50.59 evaluations for Unit 2.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 19):

. When the review occurred.

. A listing of the 50.59 evaluations which were reviewed. l

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those  ;

documents sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart issues File.

  • Results of the review.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified.

f g l

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

. . Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the 50.59 evaluations reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification. 1 Status: j The review was completed on January 17,1997 (all 50.59 evaluations from January 1. j 1996 to current were reviewed to identify outage related 50.59 evaluations). I8  !

commitments were identified, which will be tracked to completion during this outage.  !


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 20 Commitment Descriptioin Review items from existing open item lists (e.g.. NLITRK) to identify potentially degraded equipment. Other lists which could identify potentially degraded equipment must also be reviewed per this commitment, including informal lists in peoples' desks, etc.

Should this review identify either generic issues or signi6 cant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety signi6cance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this ,

commitment should be completed earlier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section,
2. Each Group Head has informed the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. That the review described in the " Commitment Description" section has been completed for their group.

What potentially degraded equipment was identified from their review (reference a .

NUTRK identification number, etc. to uniquely identify the document addressing I the issue).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

. Verified that the Group Ileads have reported the data listed immediately above (in item 2).

Distributed a listing of the documents reported to him which identify potentially degraded equipment, so that the issues can be addressed.

. Coordinated a sampling of the items reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Pestart issues File. l l


4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this review is in progress.

A targeted review was conducted of all outstanding Condition Reports by a team composed of a Mechanical System Supervisor, an Electrical /l&C System Engineer, and a DSS. This review resulted in a listing of Condition Reports which are potential operability concerns or startup issues.

Emergent Condition Reports will be reviewed to identify those involving potentially degraded equipment, and those will be added to the listing of Condition Reports which are potential operability concerns or startup issues 1

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - Januarv 29,1997) 1 fommitment ID#: 21 Commitment


Review open items from the Design Basis Document development program. l The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety. the scope of the l review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and l preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance. I Comnletion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per thi :ommitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this  ;

commitment should be completed earlier.

l Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart Issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NU TRK U2R22 RESTART i Action # 21): i

. When the review occurred.

. Which specific open DBD items were reviewed.

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary. and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart issues File.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the: ,
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above). ,
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked


in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.


4. Completion of an independent veritication.


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As of January 29,1997, this has been reported as complete by the Responsible Person. l Closeout documentation (per section 2 above) is being forwarded. afterwhich verification  ;

will commence.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 22 Commitment


All open operability evaluations for Unit 2 and common equipment will be reviewed for acceptable closure of the degraded equipment issue.

Disposition outstanding is.c 2es in accordance with 10CFR50.59 and Generic Letter 91-18.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this i review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timing; This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

'f some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed ear!ier.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart Issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 22):

. When the review occurred.

e Which specific open operability evaluations were reviewed.

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary. and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File. I e Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were )

resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

i J

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

e Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

  • Coordinated a sampling of the open operability evaluatiens reviewed to ensure the reviews were conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

Sla11131 As of January 29,1997, this review is in progress.

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A 4

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment i Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 23 Commitment


Review 20% of the Condition Reports closed since January 1,1995 which are associated with PSA safety significant systems for degraded equipment operability issues to ensure that we have adequately identified and dispositioned operability issues. This commitment applies to all Condition Reports, not simply those applicable to Unit 1.

The scope of this review will be examining the identified documents for accuracy and compliance with requirements, per the criteria in the above paragraph. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with ,

their safety significance.

l The Restart issues Coordinator will work with the Responsible Person to ensure the sampling methodology creates a 20% population which is both random and representative of the entire population. 1 Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are required to be operable before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this commitment should be completed earlier.

i Criteria to Closcout This Item.


1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section. j l
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 23): 1 e When the review occurred.
  • The total number of Condition Reports closed since January 1,1995 which are associated with PSA safety significant systems.
  • Which specific Condition Reports were reviewed (i.e., the 20%). The Condition Report number for each of these must be included in this summary. l
  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those

documents sent to the Restart issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has:

. Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

. Coordinated a sampling of the Condition Reports reviewed to ensure the review was conducted correctly. A summary of the results of that sampling will be included in the Restart Issues File.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the review is in progress.

This is scheduled to be complete on February 7,1997.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 24 i



Complete an additional Outage Safety Review for the startup phase of the outage. This will evaluate the remainder of the outage schedule from a nuclear safety perspective, not a scheduling perspective.

Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety. the scope of the review will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart Issues Coordinator i which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 24):

. When the review occurred.

. A description of what was reviewed.

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this review. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents sent to the Restart issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

l e

Signincant items / issues identiGed during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.


4. Completion of an independent verincation.


This review is scheduled to be conducted on January 30.1997.

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. l l

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment ,

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 25 Commitment


Conduct an integrated review of all outage licensing commitments (50.59's, enforcement conference items. Technical Specification Change Requests, and the Reload Safety Analysis). Ensure all requirements are met.

The scope of this review will be to identify outstanding licensing commitment issues  !

which need to be resolved prior to mode changes. Those issues will then be appropriately  !

resolved. Should this review identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the review will be expanded. I Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the review defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart issues Coordinator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 25):
  • When the review occurred.
  • A description of what was reviewed.

. A list of the outstanding licensing commitment issues that need to be resolved prior to mode changes.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Caordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.

l Status-As of January 29.1997, the review has been conducted, and minutes from that meeting have been finalized. A list of requirements for the mode changes has been developed. j F


. l l

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i i

Commitment ID#: 26 1



Revise ORT-3 and DCS 3.1.11 to ensure Technical i Specification 15.4.6.A.2 testing includes dynamic loading of the EDG with sequenced loads.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading. I l

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the actions defined in the " Commitment Description" section.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the revised ORT-3 and DCS 3.1.11.

. A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none idenskd (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 201 i
3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

l l

e Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20. l
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of Januar'/ 29,1997, the ORT-3 document has been revised to support the ORT-3 test scheduled for January 30,1997. )

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 27 ,

l Commitment


Test all EDGs in accordance with revisa. ORT-3 and DCS- l 3.1.11. Return the electrical systems to normal alignment prior to leaving rold shutdown.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the actions defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a summary to the Restart issues Cooro.nator which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 27):

. When the actions defined in the " Commitments Description" section were completed.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified.


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

e Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


ORT-3 testing is scheduled for January 30,1997.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

I Commitment ID#: 28 i Commitment


Resolve the containment penetration commitments, including:

l l

e CP-32C (Containment penetration for auxi!!ary charging line). A small leak (4 drops

, per minute at 1900 psig) was found in the 3/4 inch Si test line (CPP-32B). This was documented on Condition Report 97-0003.

  • Penetration thermal reliefissue. This issue concerns the potential for overpressurization of piping passing through containment, the result causing a loss of containment integrity. For this to be a concern, the piping must be water-solid and isolated by two non-relieving containment isolation valves. Condition Report 96-470 was initiated regarding this following an industry operating experience item fmm Maine Yankee, which was followed-up by IN 96-049 and Generic Letter 96-06. The PBNP initial response to the Generic Letter was sent to the NRC under VPNPD I 090.

Should generic issues or significant discrepancies be identified during this resolution which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of this effort will be expanded.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown. l Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Resolution of the containment penetration commitments defined in the " Commitment
Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded a sumrnary to the Restart Issues Coordinator 3 which addresses (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 28):


e When the actions described in the " Commitments Description" section were completed.

. What specifically was done to resolve the containment penetration commitments.

. Documents initiated or changed as a result of this task. The identification number for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy of those documents

, sent to the Restart Issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart Issues File.

l 1


= Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were 1 resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified.

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997:

Unit 2 Penetration 32 - containment penetration 32 was full of water due to a leak in the SI test line (CPP-32B in CHAMPS). The leak rate was approximately 4 dreps per minute at 1950 psig. The site of the leak was at the weld where the Si test line is welded to the penetration cap on the inside of containment. To complete repairs, both the Si test line and auxiliary charging line (CPP-32C) piping sections that pass through penetration 32 were replaced per Work Order 96-13591. The penetration envelope was leak-tested with air to ensure integrity of the pipe-to-penetration cap welds. A hydrostatic test of the auxiliary charging line and the Si test line has been successfully completed.

Similar Unit 2 containment penetrations were inspected and found to be intact. so this is not considered a generic problem. A work order has been initiated to perform these same inspections during UlR24 Penetration thermal reliefissue - the concern is being evaluated under Condition Report 96-470 (also identified by IN 96-049 and GL 96-06) by Mike Woznicki. The following lines were identified as concerns by the evaluation:

. P-11 (RCP sent water return line)- operability for Unit I required 2 inches of cal /sil insulation inside containment. Insulation was installed per Work Order 9700318. A four-hour NRC event notification was made concerning this on Unit 1. and an LER is being submitted. For Unit 2, a modification is being prepared which will install a relief valve on this line, probably outside containment, to provide overpressure protection. Potential overpressure concerns also exist for the Si test line (P-32B) and the pressurizer liquid sample line (P-288). Evaluation of these concerns is on-going.

. i i


. P-12A (DI water supply line) - The Unit 1 DI water supply line has been drained i

twice. Three gallons drained out the first time, and four ounces was drained one week l

later. The line will be checked again to ensure that valve leak-by does not cause the l line to become water-solid. For Unit 2, CL-1B is being revised to ensure the DI water !

supply line does not become water-solid during power operation. This will result in one PAB DI hose station being removed from service. An associated 50.59 evaluation is presently under review and is planned for MSS presentation on january 30,1997. As a long-term solution. modifications will be required to allow isolating P-12A piping without causing a loss of D1 water to other components. i

. P-30C (Pressurizer relief tank makeup)- this line is protected by air operated l diaphram valves, so no modification is necessary.

  • P-32C ( Auxiliary charging line) - this line is protected by air operated CV-1296. m no modification is required.
  • P-53 (Heating steam condensate return)-this line was verified not water-solid on Unit
1. For Unit 2, this line is being cut and weld-capped per modification 96-068 during ,

U2R22. '

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 29 Gunmitment Descrintion: Complete a 50.59 evaluation for the existing CCW supply to the RCP seals as a safety function. In 1992, Point Beach Nuclear Plant committed to making this configuration consistent with the classification of that function as a safety function. This is already classified as safety related from a pressure boundary standpoint.

but not for the flow function.

Should this evaluation identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of this effort will be expanded. Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the 50.59 evaluation.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of the completed 50.59 evaluation.

A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 29).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As ofJanuary 29,1997, the draft 50.59 evaluation is being reviewed. This is a new use for a 50.59 evaluation (evaluating a present configuration versus the traditional use of evaluating a proposed modification).

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

J Commitment ID#: 30 l



Update the diesel geneiator loading calculation N-91-016 to properly reDect the loading of the Containment Fan Coolers.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety significance.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the diesel generator loading calculation task update defined in the

" Commitment Description" section.

2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the revised coverpage to the diesel generator loading calculation N 016 and the page showing the new reference (#61).
  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action
  1. 30).

4 2

3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
e Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


l Status:

As of January 28,1997, the work is undergoing supervisory review. An original calculation could not be located, so it was thought that we would need to do this task.

However, that calculation has been found, so the diesel generator loading calculation is I

being revised to add that reference.

i 4


i 1

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

I faminitment ID#: 31 Commitment


Evaluate the adequacy of coordination on the 120 VAC instrument bus system through a 50.59 evaluation or operability determination. i Should this evaluation identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the evaluation will be expanded. i Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be  !

taken commensurate with their safety significance. I Completion Timing: This sho'ild be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving colc. shutdown.

Criteria to Closeout This Item:

1. Completion of the evaluation / operability review defined in the " Commitment i Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart issues Coordinator:  :

. A copy of the 50.59 evaluation or operability determination.

. A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of l this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 31).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

' 4. Completion of an independent verif' cation.

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As of January 29,1997, the work is in progress.


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4 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment i Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 32 i l



Implement i.nerim improvements for the Condition Reporting process, based on a review of assessments and identined recommendations for improving that process.

Comnletion Timine: This will be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Closcout This item:

1. Completion of the implementation ofinterim improvements for the Condition Reporting process defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the interim improvements for the Condition Reporting process.

A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DE a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 32).

l 3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is l required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).


  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a i tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

I Status:

l l As of January 29,1997:

A staff review of current Condition Reports has been instituted immediately following the morning update.

The next step will be to couple the Condition Report review and the Operating Experience review into a single, daily meeting which will be attended by personnel from several disciplines. Some staff members will also attend. This was implemented on January 27,1997.

. Additional actions are being evaluated.

1 l

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 33 J

l Commitment Descriptioru implement interim improvements for the 50.59 process to require that all screenings be either authored or reviewed by a member of the multi-disciplinary review team.

Completion Timinin This will be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality. .

I Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the implementation ofinterim improvements for the 50.59 process l 1

defined in the " Commitment Description" section.

2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the interim improvements for the 50.59 process.  !
  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of  !

this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report i numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 33).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a trackire system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, this is in progress with a scheduled completion date of February 13,1997:

  • Members for the multi-disciplinary review team have been designated.
  • Training for these personnel will be conducted by John Jaeckle in early February to ensure consistency in their approach.

. This will assure that no-evaluation screenings are in fact no-evaluation screenings.

The existing full, in-line review team will still exist. The interim improvements will be included in NP 10.3.1.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment i Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 34 Commitment


Upgrade Unit 2 operations checklists to include requirements for initials, time, and date. During the review, verify that the checklists are technically correct.

Should this upgrade identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the upgrade will be expanded. Where l discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken I commensurate with their safety significance.

This is also a subset of Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 18.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown. ,

If some systems / components addressed per this commitment are requirec to be operable l

before that mode change per Technical Specifications, the applicable portions of this  !

commitment should be completed earlier. j 1

Criteria to Closcout This Item:  !


1. Completion of the actions defined in the " Commitment Description" section.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator:
  • A listing of which Unit 2 operations checklists were reviewed, with an indication of which were revised (report using the NUTRK system).
  • A copy of each revised Unit 2 operations checklist.
  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the work is in progress.

l I

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 35 Commitment


Revise applicable IST program documents to prevent equipment from being returned to service (declared operable) with vibrations in the alert range.

Should this revision effort identify either generic issues or significant discrepancies which could negatively impact reactor safety, the scope of the effort will be expanded.

Where discrepancies are identified, appropriate corrective and preventive actions will be taken commensurate with their safety signincance.

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 41. l Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

1 Criteria to Closeout This Item:

l. Completion of the actions defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator: ,

. A copy of the revised IST program documents.

  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identiGed (report using the NUTRK system).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • The Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Signincant iterns/ issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28.1997, revisions to OM 4.2.2 are being processed. The changes will provide guidance for returning a Section XI pump back to service following maintenance.

Specifically, no pump will be returned to service following maintenance with a vibration greater than 0.325 ips. The procedure is scheduled to be issued by January 31.1997.

I Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i l

Commitment ID#: 36

. I Commitment


Revise NP 8.1.1, Work Order Processing, and NP 8.1.3.

Post-Maintenance Testing, to ensure post-maintenance testing, operability testing, and surveillance testing requirements are properly addressed.

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment item # 57.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Closcout This item:

1. Completion of the actions defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator:
  • A copy of the revised documents.
  • A summary which addresses significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report l numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system). '
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of tne task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this work is in progress.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 37 Commitment


Include return to service testing in the plant schedule both outage and nonoutage.

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment Item # 59.

Completion Timine This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the actions denned in the " Commitment Description" section..
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator:

. A copy of a plant schedule with the retum to service testing included.

. A copy of plant procedures changed to implement these.

. The date this task was accomplished (report using the NUTRK system).

. A summary which addresses significant items / issues identi6ed during conduct of

_ this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinater has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the task are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this work is in progress.

1 I

Point Beach Nuclezr Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 38 i Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared  !

operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-033 - replace control power transformers on Motor Control Centers 2B32 and 2B42.

These control power transformers were identified as being relatively undersized. This modification will replace the approximately 60 existing Unit 2 control power transformers with larger ones to increase the margin for performing their function.

There are approximately 30 common control power transformers associated with this modification which will be replaced after U2R22, during a system outage or when the equipment is not required.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item: j

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:


. A copy of the Installation Work Package page'which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) .QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #



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3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that.

l The Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person i is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above),

e The Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

The significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modi 6 cation are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of'aden inpendent verification.

Statusi As of January 28,1997:

. The physical work has been completed for all but one control power transformer (that one is scheduled to be replaced on January 30,1997).

  • This is scheduled to be completed by February 8,1997.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

I Comm:tment ID#: 39 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 90-048 - replace Boric Acid and Reactor Makeup Water totalizers, replace l the CVCS control switch, replace flow indicators, and refurbish flow controllers.

Due to their unreliability when operating in automatic, these controls have been used in the manual mode. This resolves a workaround issue.

Completion Tjming: This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Ittm:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action
  • 39).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work l Package page.

l e Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.


l .

! 4. Completion of an independent verification.

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l Status:

As of January 28,1997, the PMT has been completed satisfactorily. This moditication is awaiting verification of procedure updates, equipment labeling, and updates to Control Room drawings. This is expected to be completed by January 30,1997. j

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 40 Commitment Descriptimu The following modification will be in an accepted status I (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 94-097 - remove six RCS loop drain valves.

l These valves are radiological hot spots and potential leakage paths. Due to leakage from one of these valves, the unit was forced to shutdown. Maintenance draindowns can be -

performed from other loop drain valves.

Completion Timing:_ This will be in an accepted status immediately after the RCS leak check, per Technical Specification 15.4.3.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status. I
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms).QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

Duty Shift Superviscr's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

4 Status:

As of January 29,1997, the physical work has been completed, and the modification is awaiting PMT (RCS leak test).


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 41 Commitment Descrintion: The following modification will be in an accepted status I (i.e.. the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 92-141 - relocate the RIIR flow control valve controllers on 2CO3 for human factoring.

1 Train "A" and train "B" main control board controls typically have a left to right convention on Unit 1 and a right to left convention on Unit 2. This convention was not followed for the RHR controllers 2HC-624 and 2HC-625, and this modification corrects that. Also, the common flow controller 2HC-626 will be positioned between these two  ;

RHR controllers to improve their separation. '

l Comnietion Timingt This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

1 Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status. l
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:

. A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #

l 41).



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3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart issues File includes the docun,entation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closeout verification process. The work was completed per Work Order 9605772.

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, 1 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) 1 Commitment IDA 42 l l



The following modi 6 cation will be in an accepted status 1 (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service I

testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared  ;

operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications: i Modification 96-073 - seismically upgrade CCW, SI, RHR, and RHR/ letdown piping supports and remove an AFW snubber.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Itetm

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.

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As of January 29,1997, the work associated with this modification is in progress.


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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 43 Commitment


The following modi 6 cation will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed. post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modi 6 cation 94-066*A - install a soft seat in containment isolation valve 2SI-834D. and add a relief valve and pressure regulator in the nitrogen supply line to the Si accumulators.

The soft seat is being installed to improve leakage performance. The relief valve and pressure regulator are being installed to ensure the piping is not overpressurized. This resolves a workaround issue.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modincation is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modi 6 cation.

. A summary of the significant items / issues identined during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #



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3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:


. Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this is in the closecut verification process.

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4 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) -

Gunmitment ID#: 44 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service '

testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-065B - seismically upgrade the Refueling Water Storage Tank recirculation line.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold .

shutdown. l Criteria to Closcout This Item:


1. The modification is in an accepted status. ,


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this is in design.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 45 Commitment Description _: The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-054 - install pressure gauges in the service water return header from the Emergency Diesel Generator GOl and GO2 glycol coolers, and reset the throttle valves in that line.

GOl and GO2 throttle valves must be reset to meet the assumptions made in the new service water flow model. Prior to the modification, valves were set using an assumed

" worst case" service water return header pressure. The new gauges will allow valves to be set with actual pressure. This will better balance the service water system flows and enhance service water system performance.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action d 45).


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this is in progress.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment

) Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 46 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status )

(i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-022 - install a new 125 VDC feed (for DC Control Power) to 480V safeguards bus 2B03.

i This supports the effort to align DC systems which supply DC control power to the 480 V buses,4160 V buses, and the normally aligned EDGs.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 core loading.  !

l l

Criteria to Closcout This item: '

l. The modification is in an accepted status.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart i Issues Coordinator:


  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above). ,

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closecut verincation process.

One discrepancy with the test procedure was addressed through Condition Report 96-1153. This issue has been resolved per the Condition Reporting System, and the test procedure was revised to reflect that resolution.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 47 Commitment Descrintion: The following modification will be in an accepted status 4

(i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 94-055 - add seismic supports to the raceway between risers 56 and 62 on 2C04 (Reactor and Primary Plant Control Board).

The cable tray was sagging due to weakening caused by a sidewall wireway being cut into the cable tray to allow the exit of some wiring. The addition of these supports restores the full integrity of the cable tray.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Ittml

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart l Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action si 47).
3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator ( immediately above).

  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on t!'e corv of the Installation Work Package page.

I l

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closecut verification process. There were no safety signi6 cant issues or discrepancies associated with either the installation or the testing of this modincation.

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  • Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment I

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i 4

Commitment ID#: 48 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status  ;

(i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-068B - eliminate containment heating steam and condensate return containment isolation valves.

These were determined to be unnecessary to support plant operations. Removal eliminates a potential containment leakage path and reduces the need to conduct future Appendix J testing on these. -

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this is in design.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment -

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Csmmitment IDA 49 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance testing and return to service completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared ,

operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications: 1 Modification 96-053 - replace an elbow in the west service water header.

l A temporary, non-code repair was performed in July 1996 on the service water 6 inch j elbow per temporary modification TM 96-014. There is an NRC commitment to perform l the code repair prior to the exit from the next refueling outage. Further pipe inspections l

revealed a second elbow with wall thinning (no leak yet). Both elbows are normally i unisolable from the west service water header.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

, 1. The modification is in an accepted status.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


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3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

Significaat items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Comraitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the scheduled installation date is January 31.1997, with scheduled acceptance on February 4,1997.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i

Commitment IDb 50 f



The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the appl cable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing complead satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior tc being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

f Modification 95-070 - seismically upgrade the containment cooling fans and filters.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has fbrwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:

A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift l Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

e A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the '

modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report  !

numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DE a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the work is in progress. Expect to be in an accepted status by January 31,1997.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l Commitment ID#: 51 Commitment


The following modi 6 cation will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Speci6 cations:

Modi 6 cation 96-026 - install, delete, and modify supports for feedwater, main steam. and SI system piping for the 79-14 project.

The piping and pipe supports for these systems have been evaluated for their ability to withstand design basis loads and stresses. Analysis shows that these piping systems are operable in their present con 6guration and prior to these modi 6 cations. However, various transients have been postulated that could result in stresses above code allowances, and these modi 6 cations will reduce these stresses to below code allowable.  !

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modi 6 cation is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modincation.

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identined during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identined (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verined that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closcout verification process.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment l Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 52 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-058 - move Power Plant Computer System alarms to the exterior of C-20 panels. This will enhance the alarm sound levels.

Ceph.i3nt Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator: I I

e A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

e Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Duty Shift Supersisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.

4 Status:

As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closecut verification No issues were identified during the conduct of the modification.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

, Commitment IDh 53 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 94-095 - replace 8 Main Steam Condenser steam dump valves with improved design.

This will resolve a workaround issue, as the performance of these valves has not been satisfactory.

Completion TiminyJ This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart
Issues Coordinator

. A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift

! Supervisor's acceptance of the modi 6 cation.

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has veriGed that the:

I e Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.




l i

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being i tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the physical work is in progress.



Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment l Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 54 ]

i Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 95-029 - replace Si accumulator level transmitters.

The purpose of this modification is to provide a more accurate and reliable level indication system for the Si accumulators. The current capacitance probe type level indicators are being replaced with Rosemount differential pressure transmitters.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

1 l

Criteria to Closcout This Item. i i


1. The modification is in an accepted status. '
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift j Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report I numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

e Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the installation is complete, and testing is approximately 60%

complete. Remaining testing includes a leak test and functional testing, both of which cannot be done until the accumulators are restored, which is presently scheduled for after the Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT).

t j The scheduled completion date is February 24,1997.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment 4

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 55 d



The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 95-035 - modify Containment Spray additive tank controller circuit.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closeout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

1 Status:

l l

As ofJanuary 29,1997, this item is in the closcout verification process. A controller was  :

identified as defective during conduct of the modification and was replaced. l I


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 56 Commitment


The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared l operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:  !

Modification 96-063 - replace 345 kv breakers (3-4,4-5, and 142).

During extremely cold winter conditions, these switchyard breakers experienced air loss, making them difficult to operate. This replacement will ensure their operability during these conditions.

Completion Timing: The physical work associated with this modification should be completed prior to criticality. To conduct the PMT (which involves relaying checks), the unit must be on-line.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart l Issues Coordinator:

i e A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.

  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the physical work is completed, and the modification is awaiting PMT. To conduct the PMT (which involves relaying checks), the unit must be on-line.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) i i

Commitment ID#: 57 i Commitment Descrintion: The following modification will be in an accepted , status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared j operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications: '

Modification 96-069 - replace four breakers (l Y-06-01,1 Y-06-03,1 Y-06-05. and 1 Y l

11) associated with instrument bus lY-06.  !

This will resolve an issue where these breakers are oversized for the wiring they are ,

protecting, creating a potential delay or lack of breaker tripping situation should a fault !

occur.  ;

Comnietion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

1 Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OP_ a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

e Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page.

I l

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the work associated with this modification is scheduled fbr the third week of February. The work orders have been written, and parts are on-site. A 50.59 evaluation, the modification package, and work plans need to be prepared.

This is scheduled to be completed by February 25,1997.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 58 4



The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 95-058*O - repair Steam Generator intermediate leg supports. These were found degraded, and this issue may be resolved through analysis.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria tc Closcout This Itsitu

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift -

Supervisor's acceptance of the modification. j e A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the )

modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report i

numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is j required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work i Package page.  ;

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.  !

i Status:

~ -. -. . .... . -. . . . - - .. . ... . .- -. . -.. . . . - - .. . . . . . .- .. -- -

I i

I i As of January 29,1997, this item is in the closeout verification process.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment 3 Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 59




The following modification will be in an accepted status (i.e., the applicable physical work completed, post-maintenance and return to service


testing completed satisfactorily, and the associated component / system being declared '

operable) prior to being required to be operable per Technical Specifications:

Modification 96-070 - replace molded case circuit breakers associated with instrument buses 2Y-05 and 2Y-06.

This will resolve an issue where these breakers are oversized for the wiring they are protecting, creating a potential delay or lack of breaker tripping situation should a fault occur.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

1 Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:

l e A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's acceptance of the modification. l e A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the  !

modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report  !

numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #

59).  !


3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

i e

Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is  !

required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immed:ately above).

Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy cf the Installation Work Package page.

. i Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the physical work and PMT have been completed. The modification paperwork is in the process ofcloseout.

This is scheduled to be completed by February 8,1997.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 60 <



The work and testing associated with these work orders uill be completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work Orders 9601506,9602502. 9603921,9611267,9611278. and 9611755 - replace proximity switches and targets with an improved design and overhaul the Fuel Transfer Cart to enhance control system operation.

The original equipment manufacturer had provided switches not designed for underwater service, causing a history of recurring failures. This will resolve a workaround issue.

Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closeout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work orders.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of page 2 from the closed work orders (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the ,

associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the " cork orders and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 60).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work orders.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, this is in closeout verification.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 61 Commitment


The work and testing associated with these work orders will be completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work Orders 9613568 and 9613569 - provide bonnet pressure locking relief for the SI-857A and SI-857B valves (interface valves between RHR and High Head SI) on Unit 2. These are critical, manually operated valves.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Cnteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of th: work associated with the listed work orders.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of page 2 from the clorcri 6vork orders (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the "Equipaent Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified durW conduct of the work orders and how they were resolved (can simp!y reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action

  1. 61).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Retum to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work orders.

  • Significant items / issues identified durim conduct of the work orders are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent vwilication.


As of January 29,1997, the physica! work has been started. but the work is on parts hold.

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l l Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment l Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l l

l l Commitment ID#: 62 Commitment


The work and testing associated with this work order will be i l completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work Order 9611757 - correct the leakage which leads to boric acid buildup in the cylinder blocks of"B" Charging Pump.

l l This is a housekeeping issue, not an operabili, . sue. Resolution will bring this into l compliance with Maintenance Department housekeeping standards.

1 Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.


2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:

l e A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work l order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) M a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #62).

3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

i . Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to l Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the physical work associated with this work order has been completed, and it is awaiting PMT.

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i Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment i

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 63 I Commitment


The work and testing associated with this work order will be completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work

Order 9603532 - repair the handswitch for 2P-2A, the "A" Charging Pump.

1 This handswitch has a history of not operating smoothly, and this was addressed in the i past through the use oflubricants. A change in maintenance philosophy prompted the replacement of this component.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Itenn

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart i

Issues Coordinator:

A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the I associated equipment is operable).

A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were re;olved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers

! or other tracking mechanisms) DR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #63).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Retum to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the physical work is complete, and the work order is awaiting PMT.

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l Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l l

Commitment ID#: 64 I



The work and testing associated with these work orders will be completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work Orders 9611624 through 9611626 - replace existing pneumatic turbine generator circuitry time delay relays with plug-in, electronic time delay relays.

The ease of calibration and cycle drift will be improved through this change.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work orders.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of page 2 from the closed work orders (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work l orders and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none l identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action
  1. 64).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the: I e Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work orders.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders are being tracked in a tracking system v:hich is being re-iewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification .


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As of January 28,1997, the work plans have been prepared, and the work order is scheduled.

The scheduled completion date is February 21,1997.

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  • \

l Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l l

l Commitment ID#: 65  !

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The work and testing associated with this work order will be l l completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work l

Order 9606626 - reinstall switches on the Unit 2 Containment hatch third door to allow monitoring of door status.

1 There have been recurring human performance errors associated with this door, as people l would block it open during refueling operations to transfer equipment. To ensure the operability of this door, switches are being installed to allow remote monitoring ofits a status.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:


1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart 1 Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's i j signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work


order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers i or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #65).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the: i e Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is  !

required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to 1 Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997, the work order has been reported as complete, and the documentation listed in section 2 is being forwarded for verification.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 66 Commitment


The work and testing associated with this work order will be completed prior to the associated component / system being declared operable: Work Order 9611052 - replace the 2P-10B handswitch. the "B" RHR Pump control switch.

This handswitch has a history of not operating smoothly, and this was addressed in the past through the use oflubricants. A change in maintenance philosophy prompted the replacement of this component.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Sur .r's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were resolvd (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #66).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the physical work is complete, and the work order is awaiting PMT.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Sumnnry (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 67 Commitmen l}escription: The work and testing associated with these work orders will be completed prior to the associeted component / system being declared operable: Work Orders 9611198 and 9611199 - repair the body-to-bonnet boric acid leak on CW307 B (lowside tap for "B" RCP #1 c.eal d/p) and CV-308B (lap seal d/p for "B" RCP).

This is a housekeeping issue, n at an operability issue. Resolution will bring this into compliance with Maintenance liepartment housekeeping standards.

Completion Timine: This shou'd be completed prior to the Unit 2 core loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work orders.
2. The Responsible Person has forw trded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:
  • A copy of page 2 from the closed work orders (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #67).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Sersice" section on page 2 of the associated work orders.

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work orders are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


1 Status:

As of January 28,1997, the physical work is complete, and the work order is awaiting PMT.

,i i



Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l l

Commitment II)#: 68 i l

Commitment Descriptiom Repair valve AR-3511 per Work Order 9513340. The Unit 2 priming air ejector is blank Ranged due to air in-leakage through the condenser air removal isolation valve, AR-3511. This resolves a workaround issue.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item: .

1 l

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Retua to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

! e A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #68).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being j tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment il20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the physical work associated with this work order is complete.

and it is awaiting PMT.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment i Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) 1 Commitment ID#: 69 Commitment


Repair the drain valve for the heating steam moisture separator per Work Order 9613451.

l The Unit 2 heating steam moisture separator level has been dif6 cult to maintain during normal operations. Frequent Main Control Board alarms have been received due to low level, countering the station's attempt to maintain a black board policy. This will be tested following Unit 2 startup.

Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The Respcnsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Is mes Coordinator:
  • A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the )

associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identined during conduct of the work order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUT RK U2R22 RESTART Action #69).

3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is l required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being I tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.


4. Completion of an independent verification .  !


i Status:

As of January 28,1997, the physical work associated with this work order is scheduled to start on February 11 and complete February 12. -


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 70 Commitment


Install a new level control system for the brine tank (T-118) per Modification 92-008*Q.

The tank overflows because the installed automatic level control system is not effectis e.

and there is no high-high level alarm for the tank. This has been a recurring human performance issue exasperated by design. This modification will minimize the human

performance challenges.

Completion Timine: This should be in an accepted status prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.


, Criteria to Closeout This Item:

1. The modification is in an accepted status.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart issues Coordinator:


  • A copy of the Installation Work Package page which shows the Duty Shift Supervisor's ceceptance of the modification.
  • A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report j numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action
  1. 70).
3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

l e Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the copy of the Installation Work Package page. l

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the modification are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.


4. Completion of an independent verification.

I 1


As of January 28,1997, the modification is partially complete. The high-high level switch has been installed and tested satisfactorily. Ilowever, attempts to repair the normal level control system were unsuccesful, and Engineering Change Request 97-008 j has been initiated to modify the brine tank standpipe to improve level equilization between the standpipe and the bulk of the tank.

Preparation of the work plan, safety evaluation, and other documents is in progress.

Expected release date is January 31,1997.

The standpipe modification is scheduled for February 5,1997, and the scheduled acceptance date is February 17,1997.

1 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment  ;

Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) I 1

Commitment ID#: 71 Commitment


Repair MS-249, the Unit 2 steam line sample valve, per Work Order 9603128. l This valve had a packing leak, which required steam header sampling to be shifted to the B steam header. This repair will restore the ability to sample normally and resolves a workaround issue.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown. j Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order, i
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart l Issues Coordinator: l

. A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's l signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the )

associated equipment is operable). i e A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work  ;

order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #71).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above). I e Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.



As of January 28,1997, the physical work is complete, and the work order is awaiting PMT.

l l

I Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment i Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997) l Commitment ID#: 72 l

l Commitment


Repair alarm switch 2LS-2511 per Work Order 9605711. l The Unit 2 D MSR level was being maintained low in the band due to level oscillations and a steam leak from the alarm switch.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout Thillknu

, 1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.

2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart lssues Coordinator:
  • A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

. A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #72).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the
  • Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 28,1997, the physical work is complete, and the work order is awaiting PMT.


~ j Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)  ;

Com mitment ID#: 73 Commitment


Repair 2P116, the Unit 2 Boric Acid Recirculation Pump, per Work Order 9603130. I There have been recurrent, significant seal leaks due to the pump's design and  !

application. This work order replaces the current pump with a seal-less pump.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:


1. Completion of the work associated with the listed work order.
2. The "esponsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

A copy of page 2 from the closed work order (the Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date in the " Equipment Return to Service" section indicates that the associated equipment is operable).

A summary of the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #73).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:

Restart Issues File includes the documentation which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

Duty Shift Supervisor's signature and date is on the " Equipment Return to Service" section on page 2 of the associated work order.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the work order are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


l As of January 28,1997, the physical work associated with this work order is on parts hold.

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment IDih 74 Commitment


Each operating crew will receive simulator training to gain proDeiency in casualty response, the expected response of the newly installed steam generators and reactor core, and placing the turbine on-line.

This simulator training will consist of:

  • Bringing the turbine on-line (from the POAH to about 15% power).
  • Reviewing the differences in steam generator response between Units I and 2.
  • Conducting normal trips and identifying the differences in response between Units I and 2.  !
  • Addressing instrument failure response differences between Units 1 and 2. l e Conducting casualty response dynamic scenarios in the training mode. I l

Completion Timing: This will be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Closcout This Item: j

1. Completia of the training deOned in the " Commitment Description" section. l l
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:
  • A summary / document describing what was covered in the simulator training (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 74).  ;

e Copies of the r endance sheets for the simulator training.

. Signincant itenu.! issues ider. tined during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identiDed (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #74).


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independent verification.


The crew training commenced on January 13.1997 as part of LOR training cycle 97-1.

The operating crews will be trained during their normal requalification weeks. unless it appears that they will not receive the training before the approach to criticality. In that case,just-in-time training will be conducted.

Additionally, the crews designated to conduct the startup will be provided with just-in-time startup training prior to startup.

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1 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment l Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)  !

l Commitment ID#: 75 i

Commitment Descrintion: Revise the initial and requalification operator training plans I to include a review of the admir.istrative procedures identified as significant to daily ,

operation of the plant during each two year operations training plan.

l l

This commitment is also Enforcement Conference Commitment item # 20.

l Comnletion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Closcout This item:

1. Completion of the task defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forsarded the fellowing to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator:

i e A copy of the initial and requalification operator training plans which includes a review of the administrative procedures identified as significant to daily operation of the plant during each two year operations training plan.

  • When the actions described in the " Commitments Description" section were completed (report using the NUTRK system).

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) QR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator or the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator have verified that the:

. Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator (see immediately above).

. Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked i

in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

4. Completion of an independe~nt verification.

4 Status:

As of Janua y 6,1997, the Enforcement Conference Commitments Coordinator has verified that this commitment is completed, so it is closed. The associated documentation will be provided to the NRC in the January 24,1997 weekly meeting.

Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 76 Commitment


Conduct roundtable discussions with all MSS \SS\DTA personnel regarding conservative decisionmaking, Technical Specification interpretations, and lessons learned from recent regulatory communications and perspectives. Review outlier Technical Specification interpretations for interim applications.

Comnletion Timine: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 fuel loading.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the roundtable discussions defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:

. A summary / document describing what was covered in the roundtable discussions (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 76).

  • Copies of the attendance cheets for the roundtable discussions.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 76).

3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

J Status:

As of January 29,1997, preparations are in progress. The meeting is scheduled for February 6 1

4 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#
77 l



Complete the procedure changes and training associated with the new Technical Specification on ECCS regarding the new Containment integrity Analysis.

This involves the implementation of Technical Specification Change Request 192.

Completion Timine
This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

l. Completion of the procedure changes and training defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart  !

Issues Coordinator:

. A copy of the revised procedures.

  • A summary / document describing what was covered in the training (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 77).

. Copies of the attendance sheets for the training.

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 77).
3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:
  • Restart issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

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Status: l As of January 29,1997, work is in progress. l 1

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Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)  ;

i Commitment ID#: 78 Commitment


Communicate specific expectations regarding AFW and EDG status control to Operators.

For the AFW status control, when the P-29 TDAFP should be declared operable has caused confusion, since the ability to FULLY test it for flow is not available until after reactor criticality. That delay in achieving a full flow test has been a confusing point.

The Technical Specifications and procedures are adequate.

The EDG status control 'ssue involves EDGs tripping on overcurrent when lightly loaded and in av verfrequency condition, causing a loss of the associated AFW pumps.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown.

1 Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the communication of specific expectations defined in the l

" Commitment Description" section.

2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart l Issues Coordinator:

A summary / document describing what was covered in the communications (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 78).

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 78).


3. The Restart issues Coordinator has:

Verified that the Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible l Person is required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).

  • Verified that the significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
  • Determined that all Operators were informed of these expectations.
4. Completion of an independent verification.


As of January 29,1997:

  • The AFW status control expet's > tve been disseminated via E-Mail.
  • It has been found that keeping 4 -

. / pump flowrates less than 250 gpm will prevent the overcurrent condition. flus will be disseminated to operators through classroom training (as part of the SOER 96-01 training), as an operations Notebook entry to explain the controls, and the EOPs will be revised to reflect this.

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o Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 79 Commitment


Restore a proceduralized capability to operate the Containment Spray Pumps in the recirculation mode of the ECCS. This will be included procedurally in the EOP package.

Completion Timine: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown. -

Criteria to Closcout This Item:

1. Completion of the task defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart  ;

Issues Coordinator: l

  • A summary addressing when the actions described in the " Commitments  ;

Description" section were completed and what specifically was done to accomplish  !

the task (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action #



  • Documents initiated or changed as a result of this task. The identification number l for each of these must be included in this summary, and a copy sent to the Restart issues Coordinator for inclusion in the Restart issues File.

Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 79).

3. The Restart Issues Coordinator has verified that the:  ;

i e Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above). l

  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked I in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

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4 Status:

As of January 29,1997 Calculation #96-0270 has been completed which addresses the pump NPSil and runout issues. The following actions are planned:

. The calculation was done for Unit 1. It needs to be made applicable to Unit 2.

The calculation predicts high RiiR pump flowrates. An RiiR high flow test will be conducted on January 31 to determine the maximum flowrate available. A manufacturer representative will be present during conduct of the test.

. Procedure CSPZ.1 is being drafted to address the changes.

This will apply to the use of Containment Spray Pumps during elevated Containment pressures. This is scheduled to be completed by February 21,1997.

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1 Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 80 ,

Commitment 1)escription: Obtain amendments requested by Change Requests 188 and s 189 related to Steam Generator replacement; 192 related to Service Water operaulity; and 194 related to Low Temperature Overpressurization limits. This will include resolution ofissues related to Control Room and offsite dose evaluations for the analyzed events.

I Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to Unit 2 leaving cold shutdown. I l

Criteria to Closcout This Item: '

l. Completion of the task defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded the following documentation to the Restart Issues Coordinator:


  • When the actions described in the " Commitments Description" section were completed (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action
  1. 80).


  • A copy of the amendments. I e Significant items / issues identified during conduct of this task and how they were l resolved (can simply reference Condition Report numbers or other tracking mechanisms) OR a statement that there were none identified (report using the NUTRK system - NUTRK U2R22 RESTART Action # 80).
3. The Restart issues Coordinator has verified that the: l
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is required to forward to the Restart Issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.

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l l 4. Completion of an independent verification.

Status: ,

As of January 28,1997:

  • The supplement to Change Request 194 was sent to the NRC on January 27,1997, which involved an updated Reg. Guide 1.99 calculation.

. The environmental assessment for an N514 code case exemption related to Change l Request 194 was noticed by the NRC.

. LOCA dose calculations are being performed to support Technical Specification Change Requests 188,189, and 192 to be provided to the NRC by late-January 1997.

. A team has been formed to address control room ventilation dose concerns with the Operators.

This is scheduled to be complete by February 24,1997.

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s Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Restart Commitment Summary (Revision 2 - January 29,1997)

Commitment ID#: 81 f



Submit the following requests for license amendments resulting from the review of existing Technical Specification interpretations:


  • Revise the maximum acceptable power level when crossover steam dumps are inoperable (TS 15.3.4.E).
  • Revise requirements for offsite power lines availability to address adequacy (TS 15.3.7.A.1.a).
  • Remove allowances in TS 15.3.1.A.l.a for single reactor coolant pump operation.
  • Appropriately modify the minimum required boron concentration in the Refueling Water Storage Tanks.

Completion Timing: This should be completed prior to the Unit 2 approach to criticality.

Criteria to Clognut This Item:

1. Completion of the task defined in the " Commitment Description" section.
2. The Responsible Person has forwarded to the Restart issues Coordinator a copy of the

. requests for the license amendments.

3. The Reitart Issues Coordinator has verified that the
  • Restart Issues File includes the documents which the Responsible Person is l l required to forward to the Restart issues Coordinator (see immediately above).
  • Significant items / issues identified during conduct of the review are being tracked in a tracking system which is being reviewed per Restart Commitment #20.
4. Completion of an independent verification.

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As of January 28,1997, work is in progress:

. The crossover steam dumps have been assigned and will be Technical Specification Change Request 196. This will be submitted for staff review the week of February 3.


. Single RCP operation and offsite power is being drafted.

  • The RWST boron concentration issue has been submitted to the NRC.

This is scheduled for completion on February 24,1997.

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a Status:

As of January 28,1997, work is in progress:

The crossover steam dumps have been assigned and will be Technical Speci6 cation Change Request 196. This will be submitted for staff review the week of February 3.


. Single RCP operation and offsite power is being drafted.

The RWST boron concentration issue has been submitted to the NRC.

This is scheduled for completion on February 24,1997.

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