IR 05000264/1976003

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Insp Rept 50-264/76-03 on 760407.No Noncompliance Identified.Area Inspected:Radiation Protection & Radwaste Programs,Including Records,Procedures,Equipment Inventory & Interviews W/Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Dow Chemical Company
Issue date: 04/20/1976
From: Finn J, Fisher W
Shared Package
ML20136C633 List:
FOIA-85-483 50-264-76-03, 50-264-76-3, NUDOCS 8508200242
Download: ML20136H255 (5)


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a8mmie IE Inspection Report No. 050-264/76-03


Licensee: The Dow Chemical Company 1701 Building Midland, Michigan 48640 TRIGA Reactor License No. R-108 Midland, Michigan Category: F


Type of Licensee: Research Reactor


Type of Inspection: Routine, Unannounced b

Date of Inspection: April 7, 1976 y %


Principal Inspector: J. A. Finn Y L (bate)

amenans Accompanying Inspectors: None Other Accompanying Personnel: None



W. L. Fisher, Ch ef' '

bl Reviewed By: Y 2-C /7 4 Fuel Facility Projects and '(Date) 1 Radiation Support Section j M 8508200242 850725 ~ .


E93 CONDIT85-483 PDR M

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SUmiARY OF FINDINGS Inspection Summary Inspection on April 7, 1976, (76-O'3) : Review of radiation protection and radwaste programs, including records, procedures, equipment inventory, and interviews with facility personne ^ ["** Enforcement Items

Non Licensee Action on Previously Identified Enforcement Items No .~ e .

Other Significant Items Systems and Components Non Facility Items (Plans and Procedures)

Non Managerial Items Non '* *'a Nonco=pliance Identified and Corrected by Licensee Non Deviations Non Status of Previously Reported Unresolved Items Non Management Interview A management interview was conducted with Dr..Anders, Reactor Superviso The inspector described the scope of the, inspection and stated that no items of noncompliance had been identifie .


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REPORT DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted O. V. Anders, Reactor Supervisor T. J. Quinn, Reactor Operator G. W. Engdahl, Health Physicist R. A. Olson, Health Physicist

'4 2. Personal Monitorin_g

- Film badges are obtained monthly from a commercial supplie The badges monitor, beta, gamma, and fast neutrons. Visitors are provided badges. Forms NRC-4 are not completed for reactor personnel. The badge suppliers' report is the equivalent of Form NRC- Self-reading dosimeters are used as deemed appropriate. Ranges avail-able include 0 to 200 milliroentgens and 0 to 1 roentgen. Results are recorded in the experimental logboo A review of film badge reports for CY1974 and CY1975 showed the maximum annual whole body exposure was 50 millirems. Skin exposures have been minimal. Exposures for CY1976 were " minimal" for the period ending February 14, 197 . Surveys and Survey Instruments The licensee has on hand survey instruments capable cf measuring beta, ga==a, and neutrons. These are calibrated semiannuall The reactor room sample storage area is surveyed daily. Surveys

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made during removal of experiments from the lazy susan or from the rabbit system are recorded in the experimental logbook In addition, Industrial Hygiene (Health Physics) performs audit surveys quarterl Radioactive Waste No radioactive liquid effluents are released from the reactor. Liquids are collected in plastic containers, which are packaged in 55-gallon drums for shipment to a licensed waste disposal agency. The inner containers are surrounded by enough absorbent material to absorb any leaka Solid waste is transferred to a licensed waste disposal agenc .2



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Particulate gaseous effluents are measured by a continuous air monitor located in the reactor room. The readout chart is checked daily when the sample filter is change Charts are maintained on file. No particulate activity has been detected above backgroun Argon-41 concentration calculations in the SAR, assuming continuous generation of argon in the rabbit system, are below Part 20 limit However, the rabbit system is used less than five percent of the

====== tic . Area Radiation Monitor (Technical Specifications G.1 and G.2)

The area radiation monitor consists of a Geiger tube mounted on the reactor room wall about 13 feet from the reactor, and a meter readout and alarm at the operating panel. The area radiation monitor is calibrated semiannually with a 10 milligram radium source. The alarm is set daily at 0.6 milliroentgens per hour as part of the Daily Startup Checklis . Water Monitor Pool water is filtered and portions are demineralize Before filtering, the water passes through a water monitor vessel con-

. taining a Geiger tube. The signal is fed to a readout and alarm (

located at the operation console. The water monitor is calibrated l semiannually. The alarm is set daily at 80 counts per second as l part of the Daily Startup Checklis . Continuous Air Monitor (Technical Specifications G.2 and G.3)

~'^"" The continuous air monitor (particulate) is located in the reactor room with readout (chart) and alarm on the monitor itself. The monitor is operated in the fixed air sample mode. Each day as part of the Daily Startup Checklist the chart reading is recorded, the filter is moved and the alarm points are se The low alarm is set at 1,000 counts per minute (equivalant to about 2 x 10-11 microcuries per milliliter on an eight-hour sample). The high alarm is set at 5,000 counts per minute. The monitor is calibrated weekly with a beta sourc . Posting The inspector observed that posting meets the requirements of 10 CFR 20.203 and 10 CFR 19.1 . Sample Handling The licensee described and demonstrated insertion and removal of samples from the lazy susan. A Juno survey meter is positioned to monitor samples as they are removed. Tongs are used to remove samples from capsules. De-encapsulation is done in a radiochemical Gy hoo ~ ~






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10. Records The following records were reviewed for items concerned with radiation protection and radwaste: Daily Startup Check List - 7/30/75 to 4/5/7 Weekly Instrumentation Checklist - 7/30/75 to 4/5/76.

"**"" Monthly Checklist - 7/30/75 to 4/5/7 Semiannual Checklist - spot checke Reactor Operating Log - spot checke Radiation Monitoring Instruments Calibration Boo Film Badge Reports - CY1974, CY1975, CY197 l e



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