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Proposed Tech Specs 3.3 & 3.14 Re Vessel Matl Withdrawal Schedules & Snubber Visual Insps,Respectively
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 01/09/1992
Shared Package
ML20091J579 List:
NUDOCS 9201140145
Download: ML20091J591 (27)


. - - _ - . - . - . - . -- .. - .. ~ - - - .-


l l

IAl!LE OF CONTENTS TABLI:S Bjl].E OF C0h' TENTS BjlLl; llESCR111103 PAGl' 33 hiinimum Frequencies for Chects. Calibrations and Testing of hiiwellaneous Instrumentatio. ' Controls .........................313


. .. . .... . ..... . .......... .. 3-15


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 16 a


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 16c 3 3a hiinimum Frn;uency for Checks, Calibrations and Fure nal Te$ ting of Alternate Shutdown Panels (Al 185 and Al 2aj and Emergency Auxiliary Feedwater Panel (Al 1791 tnstrumentatire and Control Circuits . . . . . . . . . . ..............................316d

..........................................316e 3-4 hiinimum Frequencies for Sampling Tests .. .......................318

.................................319 35 hiinimum Frequencies for Equipment Tests ........................,,.320




................................320d 3-6 Rector Coolant Pump Su.veillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 27 3 . -- - -Cep.mle Rewmst khedule e-e-r-er r r.., e-e r r-e e-r-,-e.r, ,, r r-e r-ce., ,-, , , , ec ve.,-3 .

3-9 Radiological Environment hionitoring Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66

..................................3-67 3 11 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-72

...........................373 3 12 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis . . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 74

...........................375 3 13 Steam Generasor Tube Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 90 3-13 $nubber Visual Insnection Intrival . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . , . . . , . , . . }-3h 5.2 1 hiinimum Shift Crew Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 l

r i


( Amendment No.1%.125 l-l 9:01140145 920109 FPR ADOCK 0D00028'3 p PDR

-- . .. . . - - - - - -- =- -. - __. - - - - . - . . - _.


IAR11 DESCHilrrlON PAGE 3-7------ up ule-Remmi-Schala-evvv-e ry.c evy-e-evvvvv-evy-ev-r-evv e ev-evvv ryvvv447-21 ESFS Initiation Im.trumentation Setting Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

..........................244a 27 Fire Detection hmes ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 90 28 Fire llose station Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 94

......................................295 27 Ilalon Area Fire Z<mes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-90a 2-4 Instrunwnt Operating Conditions for lhotation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249

.....................249a 22 Instrunwnt Operating Requirenwnts for RPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

................................247s 2-3 Instrument Operating Requirements for Engineered Safety Features . . . . . . . . . . . . 248


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -6 8 b 25 Im.trumentation Operating Requirements for Other Safety Features Functions . . . . . . . . . ................................270 3 3a Minimum Frequency for Checks, Calibrations and Functional Toting of Altemate Shutdown Panels (Al.185 and Al 212) and Emergency Auxiliary Fmlwater Panel (Al.179)Instnmentation and Control circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 16d

..................... ....................316e

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 16e 3-2 Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations and Testing of Engineered Safety Features, instrumentation and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 12

....................3-12a 3-3 Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations, and Testing of Miscellaneous Instrumentation and Controls ........................313



...........................316 ,


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 6b 31 Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations, and Tes tin g o f R PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -3

............................................ 34 ,


............................................ 34 vi Amendment No.1#.125


Continued TAllLE DESCRil'r10N l' AGE 31 Minimum Frequencies for Checks. Calibrations, and Testing of R PS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3

.............................. . . . .......... 34

. .. ..... .. ... . . ...... ..... . ...... ..... .. .... 3-5 35 Minimu c Frequencies for Equipment Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 20



........................... . . . . . 3-20e

................................320d 34 Mi timum Frequencies for Sampling Tests ............................318

.................................319 5.2 1 M inimum Shift Crew Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 2 10 Post. Accident Monitoring Instmmentation Operating Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 8

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 8a

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 8b 3 12 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 74

......................... 4 . 3 75 3 11 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 72

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73 3-9 Radialogical Environment Monitoring Program . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 66

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s . . . . . . . . 3 67 2-9 RCS Pressure laolation Valves . . . . - ..............................22d 3-6 Reactor Cdaat Pump Surveli, see . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 11 RPS LS S S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10

................,..............................1104 2 14 Enubber Visual inmection Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 'l3 3 13 Steam Generator Tube inspectior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3-90 2 11 Toxic Gas Monitoring Operating Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 100 vil Amendment No.116

3.0 SURVEILLANCE _ REQ 13EEMENTS 3.3 Rcactor. Coolant Syilem and Othcr Comoonents Subject to ash 1E XLl} oiler & Prclintt YesscLCode inspection and Tnting Surveillance Applicabilliy Applies to in service surveillance of primary system components and other components subject to inspection and testing according to ash 1E XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

Ohicclirc To ensure the integrity of the reactor coolant syster and other components subject to inspection and testing according to ash 1E XI Bc .er & Pressure Vessel Code.

Sncc.tftcaljons (1) Surveillance of the AShiB Code Class 1, 2 and 3 systems, except the steam generator tubes inspection, should be covered by AShiE XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

a. In-service inspection of AShtE Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 components and in service testing of AShtE Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordvice with Section XI of the ash 1E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a (g)(6)(i).
b. Surveillance of the reactor coolant pump flywheels shall be performed as indicate 4' in Table 3-6.
c. A surveillance program to monitor radiation-induced changes in the mechanical and impact properties of the reactor vessel materials shall be maintained _in_atcnIdance with 10 CFR Part 50 Apoendix II.m The specimen-removal-schedule-shallhas indicated-in-Teble-3-7.--

(2) Surveillance of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves

a. Periodic leakage testing
  • on each valve listed in Table 2-9 shall be accomplished prior to entering the powcr operatign mode every time the plant is placed in the cold shutdown
  • To satisfy ALARA requirements, leakage may be measured indirectly (as from the performance of pressure indicators) if accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and supported by computations showing that the method is capable of demonstrating valve compliance with the leakage criteria.

l 3-21 Amendment No. 46,76,104

TAllLli 3 6 REACTOR COOLANT PUMP SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT h1ETilOD EREOUl:NCY 1.1 Reactor Coolant Visualinspection of upper When motor is dis-Pump Flywheels surface of top disc and assembled for bottom surface of bottom maintenance dise; volumetric inspection purposes, from circumference of all disc segments.


REMOVA:r-- ------- -MEUEL!NC SCHEDUI E- -------------CAPS U I,E-.

gEouENcE----- - --.-- -- ppvu .----------. ----.gggoyy;p--






g. .. .. .. ... .. ........ . ...... . .. .. . . . ....... Sm ndby-------------- ---------- ---- -- --- ---- 269 *
  • ------Replacement-capsule-assemblies -we re4 nstalled-in.4he-22P-and-265 %eations following early-removal of the-269 eapsule.--These-capsules benchmark the change 4n core-loading-deugn4nitink4at 6G 'iF11Yv u..~4ased-on-a-rated power 4evel-of-1500MWl -

s L

3-27 Amendment No. 46,83,94,104

( Next page is 3-36)

-(32) At least once per 18 months during shutdown and subject to the conditions below:

(a) A representative sampic (88) of hydraulle snubbers shall be functionally tested either in place or in a bench test.

t i

4 3-77 Amendment No. 2-7,59,105

. . 3.0 SURVElIJ,ANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.14 Shock Suppressors (Snubber:)

Applicability This specification applies to all safety-related snubbers.

Specifications (1) All hydraulic snubbets whose-+eal-material-bas-been demonstrated-by-operatin'g--

experieneer --lab-4esting-er--enalysis--to--be--compatible--with--the--operating--

environment shall be visually insmted. As used in this specification. " type of snubber" shall mean snubb rs C 0.K1 me design and manufacturer. irrespectire of capacity. This inspection A ' Oclude, but not necessarily be limited to, inspection of ihc ..Aaulic tium reservoir, Guid connections, and linkage connections to the piping and anchor to ve.ify snubber operability. In those locations where snubber movement can be manually induced without disconnecting the snubber, verify that the snub' . I has freedom of movement and is not frozen up. Snubbers which appear inoperable as a result of visual inspections shall be classified as and may be reclassiGed acceptable for the punmse of establishine the next visual inspection interval. provided that (1) the cau'.e of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for particular rnubber and for other snubbers irrespective of tvoe that may be generically susceptible: and (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested in thc hefound condition and determined OPERABl.E pelf netional testing acceptance cntene,. All snubbers found connected to an inoperable common hydraulic Guid Ic.scrvoir shall be counted as unacceptable for determining the next inspe: tion imerval. A review and evaluation shall be nerfoncd and documented to justify confilmed i operation with an unacceptable snubber. If continued operation cannot be iustined. the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the ACTION Icquirements shall be nlch Visual inspections shall be performed in accordance with the-following-schedulet Table 3-14.

Number-ef-Hydraulie-Saubbers-Found i noperable -D uri ng-Inspectio m er-------------Nex t -Requ i red-During-4nspection4nterval- --------------I rF,pection- I nte rvaf -

() .. .

..__ ... ..-#-months-i-354-

p. .= ... .... ..-

1-2-months .i-254-2..........._..._.... .........

64nonths- -25 4 -

3 ,. 4..._... .._.. . ..._.

..-+24 days-t-25%-

5,f;.7_.. _= .....-

62-days-a-2 -h - -= ------

41-days-t-2 Theaequire64nspection4nterval-shall-net-be4engthened4nore4han-one-step at-a--

time-Ssubbersnaybe-eategorized4n4wo groups; ' wessible"-or " inaccessible",-based--

on 4 heir-secessibility-for-inspecticaduring-teaewr operation.--These4wo-groups--

may-be-inspected-independently secording-to4he-above-schedule---

l l (2+ Albhyd raulio-snubbers-w hose-seal 4naterialsr ere-othe r-than-ethylene-propyleno or--

othe r-inate rial- that-has-beerulemenstrated-to-be-compatible-with-the-ope rating--

l environment-shall-be-visually 4nspeeted-for-operability-every--304a. *-

1 i

3.0 EUBVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.14 Shock Supmessors (Snubbers) (Continued)

If any snubber selected for functional testing either fails to lockup or fails to move, i.e., is frozen in place, the cause will be evaluated, if the cause is a manufacturer or design deficiency, appropriate action shall be taken for snubbers of the same design subject to the same defeu to determine if any more defects exist. This testing requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated above for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteria.

For any snubber (s) found locked up during normal operation or found inoperable following a seismic event, an engineering evaluation shall be performed on the components which are supported by the snubber (s). The purpose of this engineering evaluation shall be to determine if the corrponents supported by the snubber (s) were adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber (s) in order to ensure that the supported component remains capable of me4. ting the designed service. If the engineering evaluation shows the components to be capable of meeting the designed service without the failed snubber, that snubber may be deleted from service per Specification 2.18(4),

(41) Snubber Service Life Monitoring A record of the service life of each snubber, the date at which the designated service life commences and the installation and maintenance records on which the designated service life is based shall be maintained as required by Specification 5.10.2.m. At least once per 18 months the installation and maintenance record for each snubber shall be reviewed to verify that the indicated servim life has not been exceeded or will not be exceeded prior to the next scheduled snubber service life review. If the indicated service life will be exceeded prior to the next scheduled snubber service life review, the snubber service life shall be re-evaluated or the snubber shall be replaced or reconditioned so as to extend its service tife beyond the date of the next scheduled service life review. This re-l evaluation, replacement or reconditioning shall be indicated in the records.

l BMiji All safety snubbers shall be operable to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor l coolant system and all other safety-related systems is maintained during and following a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads. Snubbers excluded from this inspection program are those installed on non-safety-related systems and then only if their failure or failure of the system on which they are installed would have no adverse effect on any

, safety-related system.

t The visual inspection frequency is based upon mr.intaining e constant level of snubber protection to systems. Therefore The required inspection intuval will be based on Table 3-E varies-inversely-with-the-observed-snubber-failures-and-is-determined-by-tle---

l 3-79 Amendment No. N,59,105

3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.14 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) (Continued) y numberef-inoperablesnubbersfound4uring'an4nspectionr-Inspectionsperformedbefore 4 tha44nterval-has-elapsed-may-be-used-as-a new-reference-poinHo-determine the-next- -

inspection,--However,-the-results of-such+arly4nspections-performed-beforetheoriginal--

required tinte-interval-bas-elapsed-(nominal-time less-25%)-may-tet-bemsed-to-lengthen--

the-fequired--inspection-intervalt----Any4nspeetion-whose-results-require-e-shorter--  ;

inspection-interval wilt +verride-the previous-sehedule.--

When a snubber is fourd locked up or frozen in ple ar when a snubber has been_ 4 inoperable during a seismic event, an engineering evaluation shall be performed, in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of failure. The purpose of the engineering evaluation is to determine if any safety-related component or system has been  :

adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber. The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported component or system.

To provide assurance of snubber functional reliability, a representative sample of theJ installed snubbers will be functionally _ tested during _ plant shutdowns at 18 month intervals. Selection of a representative sample of hydraulic snubbers according to the expression 35(1+c/2) provides a conndence level of approximately 95% that 90% to 100% of ti.e snubbers in the plant will be operable within acceptance limits. The District selected the value of c to be 3. Observed failures of these sample snubbers shall require functional testing of additional units. For ecch number of snubbers above c which does not meet the functional test acceptance criteria, an additional sample selected according to the expression 35(1+c/2)(2/(c+1))'(a-c) will be functionally tested, where a is the total number of snubbers found inoperable during the functional testing of = the representative sample. Functicnal testing.will continue according to the expression b(35(1+c/a2)(2/(c+1))2) where b is the number of snubbers found_ inoperable in the previous resample, until no additional inoperable snubbers are found within a sample or until all snubbers have been functionally tested.

A "10%" criterion is utilized for mechanical snubbers because of the considerably smaller number of mechanical snubbers.

Hydraulic snubbers and mechanical snubbers will each be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs.

The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input and information through consideration of the snubber service conditions and associated installation and maintenance records (cA newly installed snubber, seal replaced, spring replaced, in high radiation area, in high temperature area, etc.). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance  ;

evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions. These records-will provide-statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life. The requirements for the maintenance of records and the snubber service life review are not intended to affect plant operation. ]

l 3-79a - Amendment No. 59,105 t j

4 TABLE 3-14 SNUBBER VISUAL INSPECTION INTERVAL NUMBER OF UNACCEPTABLE SNUBBERS Population Column A Column B Column C Extend Interval Repeat Interval Reduce Interval (Notes I and 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5 )

1 0 0 1 80 0 0 2 100 0 1 4 150 0 3 8 200 2 5 13 300 5 12 25 400 8 18 36 500 12 24 48 750 20 40 78 Note 1: The next visual inspection interval for a snubber population shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable snubbers found during that interval. The first inspection interval determined using this criteria shall be based upon the previous inspection interval as established by the requirements in effect before a nendment . Snubbers may be categorized, based upon their accessibility during. power operation, as accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or jointly. However, the licensee must make and document that decision before any inspection and shall use that decision as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category.

Note 2: Interpolation between population or category sizes and the number of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. Use next lower integer for the value of the limit for Columns A, B, or C if that integer includes a fractional value of unacceptable snubbers as determined by interpolation.

Note 3: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval up to a 48 month interval.

Note 4: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in-l Column B but greater that the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.


, , Note 5: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspution interval shall be two-thirds of the previous interval. However, if thL number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column C but greater _than the number in Column B,- the next -

interval shall be reduced proportionally by interpolation, that is, the previous interval shah be reduced by a factor that is one-third of the ratio of the difference between the number of unacceptable snubbers found during the previous interval and the number in Column B to the difference in the numbers in Columns B and C.

I l

3-79c l

TAIILE OF CONTENTS - TAllLES TAllLE OF CONTENTS TAILLIE DFSCRIITION PAGE 3-3 htinimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations, and Testing of Miscellaneous Instrumentation and Controls . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 3-13

...........................314 '

.. . ... ..... . .. ....... .. .... 3-15

..,......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 16

.. .......... ........... ... 3-16a

........ .. . . .. ....... . ... 3-16b

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1 6e 3 3a Minimum Frequency for Checks, Calibrations and Functional Testing of Alternate Shutdown Panels (Al 185 and AI.212) and Emergency Auxiliary Feedwater Panel (Al.179)Instrenentation and Control circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 16d

............ .............................316e 3-4 Minimum Frequencies for Sampling Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . 3-18

................. ...............3-19 3-5 Minimum Frequencies for Equipment Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 3 -20

....................... . . . . . . . . 3-20a

.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 20b


........... ..... .... . .... . ... 3-20d 3-6 Reactor Coolant Pump Surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 3-9 Radiologiul Environ: ent Monitoring Program .,.................. . . . . 3-66

.................................3-67 3-11 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis , . . . . . . . . . ............372

........................ . . 3-73 3-12 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 74 l ...........................375 3-13 Steam Generator Tube inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-90 5.2-1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 1

i l

l r

l l

v Amendment No. 114.425 J


. .. . - - - . .. .,- ..-.-- .-_- . ~ - - - . - . - -- _ . - . . . -




TAliLE DESCRIPTION PAGE 21 ESFS Initiation Instrumentation Setting Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . - , , . 244 *


27 Fire Detection Zones ................. .......... .. ........... . 2-90 28 Fire llose Station Locations .....,.... .... . ........ .. ..... ...... . 2 ... .. ........ . . . ..... ... . . . .... ... .... 2-95 1 2-7 lialon Area Fire Zones ........................... ,........... 2-90a; 2-4 Instrument Operating Conditions for Isolation Functions , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ,

2 -6 9 a _;

22 Instrument Operating Requirements for RPS i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-67 . .

..............................-....~267a' I

2-3 Instrunwnt Operating Requirements for Engineered Safety Features . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . 2-68

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 2-6 8a -

. . , . . . . . . . -. . . . . . 2-6 8 b 2-5 Instrumentation Operating Requirements for Other Safety Features Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 70

. ...:, ................x......i,,,.......... 3-16e 3 3a hiinimum Frequency for Checks. Calibrations and Functional Testing of Alternate Shutdown Panels (Al 185 and AI-212) and -

Emergency Auxiliary Feedwater Panel (Al 179) Instrumentation and Control Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . a . . . . . . . . . 3 16d 32 hiinimum Frequencies for Checks. Calibrations and Testing of Engineered Safety Features. Instrumentation and Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7




........ . . ........ .. . . 3-11

.......................312 l _

..........,... ... .. .. 3-12a l

3-3 hiinimum I requencies for Checks. Calibrations, and Tez:ing 1 of hiiscellaneous Instrumentation and Cor.trols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . , , . . . . . 3 13

... .......................314

. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . 3 15 -


. .. ..-,.... . . .. .. . ... . .. ... 3-16a-

........ ...:r.............. 3-16b :

... . .. .... ... . .. ... .. ...:.. . 3-16c-

..............................3-6 L

3-l ' hfinimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations, and Testing of RPS . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . .. . . . 3-3

.........................=....--..............3 .


. . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . 3-6 vi - Amendment No. H6425 -


. . , - .. a _ _ - - _.J..._- , - - ,,.a., . , . . ~ u ,. .. ~ ,....


Continued IAlllE DESCRIITION PAGE 31 Minimum Frequencies for Checks, Calibrations, and Testing of RPS ..............................., .........33

.......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4

................................... ........,35 3-5 Minimum Frequencies for Equipment Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20

......... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -20a

...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -2 0 b

.............. ......... . . . . . . . 3 -20e

................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -20d 3-4 Minimum Frequencies for Sampling Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .... , . 3-18

............ ........... ..... .. 3-19 5.2-1 Minimum Shift Crew Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. 5-2 2-10 Fost-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Operating Limits , . . . . . . ......... 2-98

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -9 8 a

............ . . . . . . . . 2 98h 3-12 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis ' . . . . . . . ............. . 3-74

................. . . . . . . . . 3-75 3-11 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-72

...... ............. .... . 3-73 3-9 Radiological Environment Monitoring Program ......... ........ . . . . . . 3 -66

...... ................ . . . . 3-67 2-9 RCS Pressure Isolation Valves . ........... ........... ...... . . . 2-2d 3-6 xeador Coolant Pump Surveillance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...... . 3-27 1-1 RPS LSSS . . ............................. .............. . 1 10

.................... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 10a 3-14 Snubber Visurl Inspection Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . 3 79b l 3-13 Steam Generator Tube lnspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -90 2-11 Toxic Gas Monitoring Operating Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-100 l

t vii Amendment No.116 l

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3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.3 Reactor Coolant System and Other Comoonents Subject to ASME XI Boiler & Presme Vessel Code Insocction and Testing Surveillance Applicability Applies to in-service surveillance of primary system components and other components subject to inspection and testing according to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

Objective To ensure the integrity of the reactor coolant system and other components subject to inspection and testing according to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

Soccifications (1) Surveillance of the ASME Code Class 1, 2 and 3 systems, except the steam generator tubes inspcetion, should be covered by ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code.

a. In-service inspection of Y;ME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 components and in-service testing of ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 pumps and valves shall be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Cooe, as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g), except where specific written relief has been granted by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a (g)(6)(i).
b. Surveillance of the reactor coolant pump flywheels shall be performed as indicated in Table 3-6.
c. A surveillance program to monitor radiation-induced changes in the mechanical and impact prcperties of the reactor vessel materials shall be maintained in accordance with 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix H.*

(2) Surveillance of Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves

a. Periodic leakage testing on each valve listed in Table 2-9 shall be accomplished prior to entering the power operation mode every time the plant is placed in the cold shutdown
  • To satisfy ALARA requirements, leakage may be measured indirectly (as from the performance of pressure indicators) if accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and supported by computations showing that the method is capable of demonstrating valve compliance with the leakage criteria.

l 3-21 Amendment No. 46,7 6104

_. . .-_ . _ . . _ . _ __ _ ._.-. . . - _ _ . . . _ . _ . _. __ .___ _._ . . _ . ~ _

- . . TABLE 3-6 REACTOR COOLANT PUMP SURVEILLANCE l REOUIREMENT METIIOD FREOUENCY 1.1 Reactor Coolant- Visual inspection of upper When motor is dis-Pump Flywheels surface of top disc and assembled for- i bottom surface'of bottom - maintenance dise; volumetric inspection purposes, from circumference of all disc segments.

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-l 3-27 - Amendment No. 46,83,94r104 - 1

( Next page is 3-36)




, , 3.0 SUR_VEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.14 Shock SmppItsloIs (Snubbers)

Applicability This specification applies to all safety-related snubbers.

Specifications (1) All hydraulic snubbers shall be visually inspected. As used in this specincation,

' type of snubber" shall mean snubbers of the same design and manufacturer, irrespective of capacity, This inspection shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, inspection of the hydraulic fluid reservoir, fluid connections, and linkage connections to the piping and anchor to verify snubber operability. In those locations where snubber movement can be manually induced without disconnecting the snubber, verify that the snubber has freedom of movement and is not frozen up. Snubbers which appear inoperable as a result of visual inspections shall be classified as unacceptable and may be reclassified acceptable for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection interval, provided that (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly established and remedied for that particular snubber and for other snubbers irrespective of type that may be generically susceptible; and (2) the affected snubber is functionally tested in the as-found condition and determined OPERABLE per functiont' testing acceptance criteria.

All snubbers found connected to an inoperable common hydraulic fluid reservoir shall be counted as unacceptable for determining the next inspection interval. A review and evaluation shall be performed r.nd documented ?o justify continued oyration with an unacceptable snubber, if continued operation cannot be jtutitied, the snubber shall be declared inoperable and the ACTION requirements shall be met. Visual inspections shall be performed in r:cordance with Table 3-14 (2) .At ceast once per 18 months during shutdown and subject to the conditions below:

(a)_ A representative sample (88) of hydraulic snubbers shall be functionally tested either in-place or in a bench iest, t

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3-77 Amendment No. 2-7,59;105

i 3.0 SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 3.14 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) (Continued)

If any snubber selected for functional testing either fails to lockup or fails to move, i.e., is frwen in place, the cause will be evaluated. If the cause i a manufacturer or design deficiency, appropriate action shall be taken for snubbers of the same design subject to the same defect to determine if any more defects exist. This testing requirement shall be independent of the requirements stated above for snubbers not meeting the functional test acceptance criteda.

For any snubber (s) found locked up during normal operation or found inoperable following a seismic event, an engineering evaluation shall be perforracd on the components which are suppoded "oy the snubber (s). The purpose of this engineering evtduation shall be to determine if the components supported by the snubber (s) were adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber (s) in order to ensure that the supported component remains capable of meeting the designed service. If the engineering evaluation shows the components % 4 capable of meeting the designed service without the failed snitbber, that su:bber may be deleted from service per Specification 2.18(4).

(3) Snubber Service 1.ife Monitoring l A reccrd of the service life of each snubber, the date at which the designated service life commences and the installation and maintenance records on which th.

designated service life is based shall be maintained as required by Specification 5.10.2 rt.. At least once per 18 months the installation and maintenance recont for each snubber shall be reviewed to verify that the indicated service life has not been exceeded or will not be emeded prior to the next scheduled snubber service life review. If the indicated service life will be exceeded prior to the next scheduled snubber service life review, the snubber service life shall be re-evaluated or the snubber shall be replaced or reconditioned so as ta extend its service life beyond the date cf the next scheduled service life review. This re-evaluation, replacement or reconditioning shall be indicated in the recorus.

% sis All safety snubbers shall be operable to ensure that the structural integrity of the reactor coolant system and all other safety-related systems is maintained during and follo ving a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.' Snubbers excluded from this inspection program are those installed on non-safety-related rystems and then only if their failure or faibre of the system on which they are installed would have no adverse effect on any safety-related system.

l The visual inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber protection to systems. The required inspection interval will be based on Table 3-14.

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3 79 Amendment No. N,59dO5

. , 3.0 SURVEILLANCE RliOUIREMENTS 3.14 Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) (Continued)

When a snubber is found locked up or frozen in place or when a snubber has been inoperable during a seismic event, an engineering evaluation shall be performed, in addition to the determination of the snubber mode of failure. The purpose of the engineering evaluation is to determine if any safety-related component or system ha been adversely affected by the inoperability of the snubber. The engineering evaluation shall determine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has irnonrted a significant effect or degradation on the supported component or system.

To provide assurance of snubber functional reliability, a representative sample of the installed snubbers will be functionally tested during plant shutdowns at 18 month intervals. Selection of a representative sample of hydraulic r.nubbers according to the expression 35(1+c/2) provides a confidence level of approximately 95% that 90% to 100% of the snubbers in the plant will be operable within acceptance limits. The District selected the value of c to be 3. Observed failures of these sample snubbers shall require functional testing of additional units. For each number of snubbers above c which does not meet 3e functional test acceptance criteria, an additional sample selected according to the expression 35(1+c/2)(7/(c+1))2(a-c) will be functionally tested, where a is the total number of snubbers founo' inoperable during the functional testing of the representative sample. Function.' testing will continue according to the expression b(35(1+c/2)(2/(c+1))2) where b is the number of snubbers found inoperable in the l previous resample, until no additional inoperable snubbers are found within a sample or until all snubbers have been functionally tested.

A "10%" criterion is utilized for mechanical snubbers because of the considerably smaller number of mechanical snubbers.

Hydraulic snubbers and mechanical snubbers will cach be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs.

The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manufacturer input and information through consideration of the nubher service conditions and associ : -installation and maintenance records ( , twly installed snubber, seal replaced, spring replaced,in high l radiation area, in hig? E per:&.re area, etc.). The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of *. heir age and opemting conditions. These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life. The requirements for the maintenance of records and the snubber service life review are not intended to affect plant operation.

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3-79a Amendment No. 59dO5

IAliLE 314 SNUBBER VISUAL INSPECTION INTERVAL NUMBER OF UNAC_CEPTABLE SNUBBERS Population Column A Column B Column C Extend Interval 1<epeat In1CIYal Reduce Interval (Notes 1 and 2) @q1cl) (Note 4) (Note 5 )

1 0 0 1 80 0 0 2 100 0 1 4 150 0 3 8 200 2 5 13 300 5 12 25 400 8 18 36 500 12 24 48 750 20 40 78 Note 1: The next visual inspection interval for a snubber population shall be determined based upon the previous inspection interval and the number of unacceptable

! snubbers found during that interval. The first inspection interval determined using this criteria shall be based upon the previous inspection interval as established by the requirements in effect before amendment . Snubbers may l be categorized, based upon their accessibility during power operation, as l accessible or inaccessible. These categories may be examined separately or i jointly. However, the licensee must make and document that decision before any inspection and shall use that decision as the basis upon which to determine the next inspection interval for that category.

Note 2: Interpolation between population or category sizes and the number- of unacceptable snubbers is permissible. Use next lower integer for the value of l the limit for Coiumns A, B, or C if that integer includes a fractional value of l unacceptable snubbers as determined by interpolation.

1 i Note 3: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or less than the number in Column A, the next inspection interval may be twice the previous interval up to a 48 month interval.

Note 4: If the number of unacceptable snubber.; is equal to or less than the nunScr in -

Column B but greater that the number in Column A, the next inspection interval shall be the same as the previous interval.


. Note 5: If the number of unacceptable snubbers is equal to or greater than the number in Column C, the next inspection interval shall be two thirds of the previous interval, llowever, if the number of unacceptable snubbers is less than the number in Column C but greater than the number in Column B, the next interval snall be reduced proportionally by interpol 0t on, that is, the prcvious

-interval shall be reduced by a Jactor that 's one-third of the ratio of the difference between the number M unacceptable snubbers found during the previous interval and the number in Column B to the Jifference in the numbers in Columns B and C A

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l 3-79c l

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DISCUS $10W, OUSTIFICATION AND NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATIONS Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) is proposing to change Fort Calhoun Station Unit No.1 Technical Specification 3.3(1)c. to implement Generic Letter 91-01 concerning vessel specimen withdrcwel schedules and Specification 3.14 concerning snubber visual inspection vesting to implement Generic Letter 90-09.

DISCUSSION Specification 3.3 " Reactor Coolant System and Other Components Subject to ASME XI Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Insrtition and Testing Surveillance."

Specification 3.3(1)c. is being revised to delete the discussion concerning specimen removal schedule and Table 3-7, which delineates the specimen removal schedule, is also being deleted. In addition, the table is being deleted from the table of contents to reflect its deletion from the Technical Specifications.

Generic letter 91 01 sets forth guidance on removing the schedule from the Technical Specifications. The Generic Letter states that:

1. To ensure that the surveillance specimens are withdrawn at the proper time, the surveillance requirements in the Technical Specification must indicate that the specimens shall be removed and examined to determine changes in their material properties as required by 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix H.

Specification 3.3(1)c. has been revised to reflect this requirement.

2. Licensees should include an updated bases section for this Technical Specification if changes to the bases are necessary to remove references to the table being removed.

The applicable Limiting Condition for Operation for reactor coolant heatup and cooldown is Specification 2.1.2. The basis to this l specification includes a detailed description for the bases of the l limitations and surveillance requirements. The basis does not

! reference either Specification 3.3 or Table 3-7, therefore no changes l are necessary.

3. Licensees should commit to maintain the NRC-approved version of the specimen withdrawal schedule in the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR).

' The NRC-approved specimen withdrawal schedule for Fort Calhoun is currently maintained in USAR Table 4.5-4. This table is included in USAR Section 4.5.3 which is discussed in the basis to Specification 2.1.2.

Therefore, the proposed change follows the guidance contained in Generic letter 91-01.

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Specifi ntion 3.14 " Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)"

Specification 3.14 is being revised to incorporate the guidance contained in Generic Letter 90 09. This Generic Letter provides guidance on changing the method of selection for visual examinations of snubbers that maintains a 95 percent confidence level that 90 to 100 percent of the snubbers -

operate within the specified acceptance limits.

The following is a discussion of changes to Specification 3,14 and any differences from the model standard technical specifications transmitted in the-Generic Letter. '

Snubber Visual Inspection Interval Table Only that portien of- the table in the Model Technical Specifications that currently applies, or might apply to Fort Calhoun in the future, is proposed. The current total snubber population at Fort Calhoun is approximately 450. It is proposed that the requirements for populations of 1 - 750 be included which allows future flexibility in any reductions or increases in population.

Note 3 is being reworded to rectate "not greater than a 48 month interval" to "up to a 48 month interval." Fort Calhoun does not have explicitly-stated exceptions to the 25 percent extensions allowed for surveillances, in general Fort Calhoun interprets the 25 percent extension to not be-applicable if a surveillance states the interval is "not to exceed" or "shall not be greater than." Therefore,-Note 3 is being reword 3d to reflect this interpretation.

Note 6 is not necessary. Specification 2.0.1 provides for a 25 percent-extension on each surveillance. This specification-applies to_all surveillas:es unless stated in a particular Surveillance Requirement. The 3.25 limit for performing.three consecutive surveillances was deleted from the Fort Calhoun Technical Specifications in Amendment 129 following the guidance of Generic Letter 89-14.

Basis ThebasisofSpecification3.14isbeing.revisedtoindicatetiiatthe selection criteria'for visual inspections are in accordance with Table-3-14.


Other Changes in addition to Generic Letter 90-09 Changes Specification 3.14(2)

Specification 3.14(2) is being deleted as it is no longer required.

Specification, 3.14(2) was incorporated into the Technical Specifications by Amendment 27. This was in response to Regulatory OperationsBulletin 73-04 dated August 17, 1973 concerning inadequacies in Bergen-Paterson hydraulic shock suppressors (snubbers). This Bulletin required licensees to inspect snubbers for leaks and additional information was transmitted to licensees in a letter dated October 26, 1973, stating that reinspections of snubbers should occur every 30 days for incom)atible seal material. The seals made of incompatible material have since 3een replaced with seals of compatible material; therefore, this Specification is no longer required.

Basis A typographical error is being corrected in the formula to calculate the re-sample population. The formula as stated is:

b(35(1 + c/a)(2/(c + 1))2)

The correct formula as stated in the Standard Technical Specifications is:

b(35(1 + s/_Z)(2/(c + 1))2)

This formula is being corrected by replacing c/a with the correct expression c/2.



The proposed changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration because operation of Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1 in accordance with these changes would not:

(1) Involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

The proposed changes to Specification 3,14 concerning the selection criteria for the visual inspection of snubbers do not affect the 95 percent probability that 90 to 100 percent of the snubbers will perform within established acceptance criteria established by the functional testing of the snubbers. Visual inspections are a separate process that complements the functional testing program and provides additional confidence in snubber operability. The proposed changes reflect a selection criteria for conducting the visual testing as stated in NRC Generic Letter 90-09 based on the number of inoperable snubbers found during the arevious visual inspection. Therefore this change does not increase tie probability or consequences of any accident previously evaluated.

The proposed changes to Specification 3.3 are administrative in nature which follow the guidance as specified in Generic Letter 91-01.

Generic Letter 91-01 states that Section II.B.3 of Appendix H to 10 CFR Part 50 requires the submittal to, and approval by, the NRC of a proposed withdrawal schedule for material specimens before implementation. Hence, the placement of this schedule in the Technical Specifications duplicates the controls on c)anges to this schedule that have been established by Appendix H. Therefore this duplication is unnecessary and the proposed change will not increase the probability or consequences of any accident previo sly evaluated.

(2) Create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed.

It has baen determined that no new or different kind of accident will be possible due to these proposed changes. No new or different modes of operation are proposed for the plant as a result of these proposed changes. 'Therefore, no new or different kind of accident from any previously analyzed is possible.

(3) Involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.

The proposed changes do not involve any reduction in a margin of sa fety. The proposed changes to Specification 3.3 delete a duplicate requirement of Appendix H to 10 CFR Part 50, therefore no changes in the actual material specimen withdrawal program is proposed. The proposed changes to Specification 3.14 reflect a selection criteria for conducting visual inspections of snubbers as stated in NRC Generic 4

a ,. .

Letter 90-09 based on the number of inoperable snubbers found during the previous visual inspection. The proposed changes do not affect the level of confidence that snubbers will perform within established acceptance criteria established by the functional testing. Therefore, the proposed changes will not reduce any margin of safety.

The Commission has provided guidance concerning the application of the standards for determining whether a significant hazards consideration exists by providing certain examples (48 FR 14870) of amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards consideration. Example (i) relates to a purely administrative change to Technical Specifications: for example, a change to achieve consistency throughout the Technical Specifications, correction of an error, or a change in nomenclature.

The proposed change to Specification 3.3(1) described above is similar to Example (i) in that a duplicate requirement of Section II.B.3 of Appendix H to 10 CFR Part 50 is being deleted. The changes proposed to Specification 3.14-are consistent with the selection criteria contained in Generic Letter 90-09.

The proposed changes will maintain the present confidence level for the operability of snubbers.

Therefore based on the above considerations, it is OPPD's position that this proposed amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration as defined by 10 CFR 50.92 and the proposed changes will not result in a condition which significantly alters the impact of the Station on the environment. Thus, the proposed change meets the eligibility criteria for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(e)(9) and pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b) no environmental assessment need be prepared.

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