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Affidavit of Kasturi in Response to ASLB 830330 Order Re Summary Disposition of Issue 9.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Perry  FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/08/1984
From: Kasturi S
Shared Package
ML20081C768 List:
NUDOCS 8403150014
Download: ML20081C780 (9)



s UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )




(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2) ), ,



DISPOSITION OF ISSUE NO. 9 County cf Suffolk )


State of New York )

Srinivasan Kasturi, being duly sworn, deposes and says as follows:

1. I, Srinivasan Kasturi, am a Manager in the Power Ser-vices Division. Impell Corporation (formerly EDS Nuclear Inc.)

My business address is 225 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York 11747. A summary of my professional qualifications and experience is attached as Exhibit A to my affidavit dated July 28, 1983, which is attached to Applicants' Response to Li-censing Board's May 9, 1983 Order Concerning Issue No. 9, dated August 4, 1983. I have personal knowledge of the facts. set forth herein and believe them to be true and correct.

8403150014 840309 PDR ADOCK 05000440 Q. PDR i


2. In response to the Licensing Board's Memorandum and Order (Polymerbegradation: Summary Disposition), LBP-83-18, 17 N.R.C. 501 (1983), Impell Corporation performed a polymer material safety margin assessment for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant ("PNPP"). The purpose of the assessment was to confirm that the application of polymer materials in Class 1E electri-cal equipment in radiation Zone DW-2 at PNPP provides margins of safety of at least 100 percent for the 11 month interim pe-ried from December 1984, the previously planned fuel load date for PNPP, and November 30, 1985, the regulatory deadline for completion of Applicants' environmental qualification program for electrical equipment. Each of the polymers contained in the electrical equipment located in Zone DW-2, the radiation zone at PNPP with the highest gamma radiation dose rate during normal full power operation (160 rads /hr.),1/ was evaluated in order to determine the margin of safety in the material for its intended application.
3. Good engineering practice dictates that, in general, polymer materials are used in such a way as to provide at least a 100 percent margin of safety. In this context, the margin of safety for a material is defined as the difference between (1) 1/ Affidavit of David R. Green in Response to Licensing Board's May 9, 1983 Order Concerning Issue No. 9, dated August 3, 1983, at 2. The 40 year total integrated dose in Zone DW-2 will be 45 Mrads.

d its radiation tolerance and (2) the total integrated dose re-ceived by the material during normal operation and accident conditions, expressed as a percentage of the normal operating dose. Radiation tolerance is the total integrated dose a mate-rial can receive before reaching its end-of-life condition.

End-of-life is said to be reached when a material employed in a giver. form either (1) can no longer perform its intended func-tion, or (2) has suffered more than 50 percent degradation of the engineering property of interest.for the particular appli-cation.2/ The first of these two criteria is applied where equipment qualification tests are available; the second is used where generic material test data is available. The choice of a material for a given application must be such that it has a ra-diation tolerance high enough to assure at least a 100 percent margin of safety.

4. The cafety-related electrical equipment containing polymers located in Zone DW-2 consists of solenoid valves, electrical cables and cable splices. The polymer materials found 'his equipment are: ethylene-tetra-fluorethylene (Tcfze 0 yester (Mylar), epoxy, lacquer, ethylene-propylene rubbet, e. ne propylene diene monomer ("EPDM") and cross-linked polyolefin. Ths property of concern for each of the 2/ Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. UL746B, Standard for Polymer Materials - Long Term Property Evaluations (2d ed.

February 1982).

5 polymeric components of the solenoid valves, with the exception of the EPDM seals, is tensile strength. The property of con-cern for the seals is compression set. The property of concern for the electrical cable and cable splice insulation is dielectic strength. Table 1 provides a list of each type of equipment and component in Zone DW-2 and the specific polymer material found in each.

5. Radiation tolorances were determined either from ac-tual qualification tests, in the case'of the EPDM seal, coil wire lacquer, and electrical cable and cable splice insulation, or from generic test data obtained from the literature. As shown in Table 1, the limiting polymers contained in the sole-noid valve, epoxy and EPDM, have radiation tolerances of over 200 Mrads. The margin of safety of this solenoid valve after receiving the 40 year total integrated dose of 45 Mrads 3/ is 344 percent. The radiation tolerance for the electrical cable and cable splice insulation in Zone DW-2 is 290 Prads. The electrical cable and cable splice insulation have 100 percent safety margins based on an installed life of almost nine years of full power operation, allowing for an accident dose of 270 Mrads. Applicants' program for testing of electrical cables, as described in the Affidavit of David R. Green in Response to Licensing Board's May 9, 1983 Order Concerning Issue No. 9, 3/ The solenoid valve in Zone DW-2 is not needed to perform a safety-related function in the event of an accident.

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supra, will detect polymer degradation in electrical cable in-sulation, should it occur, in a timely manner to institute pre-ventive or corrective actions. See Affidavit of Srinivasan Kasturi in Response to Licensing Board's May 9, 1983 Order Con-cerning Issue No. 9, dated July 28, 1983.

6. In conclusion, the application of polymer materials in Class 1E electrical equipment in Zone DW-2 provides margins of safety well above 100 percent for tha 11 month interim peri-od. These margins of safety will assure that any polymer deg-radation from radiation dose-rate effects will not cause unsafe conditions to occur prior to the completion of Applicants' pro-gram for environmental qualification of electrical equipment for PNPP.

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Srinivasan Kasturi I Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 day of March, 1984

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~~ wzaaETH vauno Notary Puotie. state o, n.. vom J


[ No. 52 4793769 in Su',oik County My Commission Expires: Term Encires f.'arca 23.1385 1


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-Scfety Margin Assessment of Polymers Located in Zone DW-2 Radiation -

Tolerance Safety Eauipment Description Application Polymer Dose (MRADS) Ref. Margin Soitz 6A33 Solenoid Spool Piece Ethylene-Tetra- Greater than 1 566%

Valve Fluorethylene (Tefzel) 300 Insulating Polyester (Mylar) 600 2 1233%

Disc Coil Coating Epoxy (Aremco Bond Greater than 2 344% l 4515) 200 '

Lead Mire EPDM (Randox 155) Greater than 3 344%

l 200 Coil Wire Lacquer 370 4 722%


! Seals EPDM Greater than 5 344%

200 Anaconda Cable (Sp-559) Insulation Ethylene Propylene 290 6 100%

  • Rubber

-Brcnd-Rex Cable (Sp-561) Insulation Cross-Linked 290 6 100%

  • Polyolefin Rockbestos Cable Insulation Cross-Linked 290 6 100% *'

(Sp-560, 793) Polyolefin Samual Moore' Cable Insulation Cross-Linked 290 6 100% *

(Sp-567) Polyolefin Rnychem N-MCK Cable Insulation Cross-Linked 290 6 100%

  • Splice Polyolefin o Safety margin based on an 8.3 year installed life.

_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ -



1. EI duPont de Nemours & Co., Tefzel Design Handbook (1973).
2. Bruce, M. B. and M. V. Davis, EPRI NP-2129, Radiation Effects on Organic Materials in Nuclear Plants (November 19 81) .
3. Parkinson, W. W. and O. Sisman, 17 The Use of Plastics and Elastomers in Nuclear Radiation Nuclear Engineering and Design 247-80 (North Holland Publishing Co., 1971).
4. General Electric Co., 23A1360, Product l Performance and Qualification Specification (Main Steam Safety Relief Valve), Rev. B (April 22, 1982).
5. Automatic Switch Co., Test Report No. AQR-67368, Qualification of ASCO Catalogue NP-1 Solenoid Valves for Safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Generating Stations, Rev. 0 (March 2, 1982).
6. Wyle Laboratories, Inc., Report No. 58442-3, Environmental Qualification Test Report of Raychem N-MCK Nuclear Motor Connection Kits (July 28, 1980).

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March 9, 1984 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )




(Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2) )


l This is to certify that copies of the foregoing " Applicants' Response to Licensing Board's March 30, 1983 Order Concerning Summary Disposition of Issua No. 9" and " Affidavit of Srinivasan I

I Kasturi in Response to Licensing Board's March 30, 1983 Order Concerning Summary Disposition of Issue No. 9" were served by i

deposit in the United States Mail, First Class, postage prepaid, this 9th day of March,1984, to all those on the attached Service List.

1rpe d a. S ot w Michael A. Swiger DATED: March 9, 1984



UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )

) .

Docket Nos. 50-440 )




) l (Perry Nuclear Power Plant, )

Units 1 and 2) )


Foter B. Bloch, Chairman A'tomic Safety and Licensing Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Appeal Board Panel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.'S. Nuclear Regulatory Constission

  • Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Dr. Jerry R. Kline Docketing and Service Section Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Office of the Secretary U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555 Washington, D.C.

Mr. Glenn O. Bright Colleen P. Woodhead,, Esquire Atomic Safety.and Licensing Board Office of the Executive Legal l

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consnission Director Washington, D.C. 20555 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Christine N. Kohl, Chairman Atomic Safety and Licensing Ms. Sue Hiatt OCRE Interim Representative Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8275 Munson Avenue Washington, D.C. 20555 Mentor, Ohio 44060 Terry Lodge, Esquire Dr. W. Reed Johnson 618 N. Michigan Street, Suite 105 Atomic Safety and Licensing Toledo, Ohio 43624 Appeal Board O.S. Nuclear Regulatory ConsLission Donald T. Ezzone, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20555 Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

, Gary J. Edles, Esquire Lake County Administration Center Atomic Safety and Licensing 105 Center Street Painesville, Ohio 44077 Appeal Board U.S. Nuclear l'egulatory Commission John G. Cardinal, Esquire Washington, D.C. 20555 Prosecuting Attorney Atomic Safety and Licensing Ashtabula County Courthouse Jefferson, Ohio 44047 Board Panel U.S. . Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,

Washington, D.C. 20555 ,


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