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Rev 1 to Containment Spray Sys, Draft Chapter to PRA
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point, 05000000
Issue date: 04/17/1981
Shared Package
ML20071A408 List:
FOIA-82-626 PRA-810417-01, NUDOCS 8302240113
Download: ML20071A438 (43)


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 . F i q k ',; r * , LCwe and Garrick, Inc.                                          '

INDIAN POINT PRA -' Apr 1 17, 1951 R(y 1

   'E5C:%5bDCI IN01:r. FO: NT UN1T 3 h

q t C0rii A i JL *.' SF; A Y 515iiM ah u e A. Sw:u.y A.1 INTRODUCT 10r: ins certair. ment spray system is evaluated for the post LOCA infecticn pr.rse, r.nereir. Deratec water from the RWST is pumpec to the centair.mer.t spr ay heacers by tr.e cer.tainmert spray pumps. Latce, during the recirculatier. C' ase, spray is provicec by the recirculation pumps or tr.e resicual heat reccs al (RPF.) puros. TMs aralysis nas beer performec to determine the frecuency writh whicr tee.ccotaireert spray anc socium hycrexide (NaOH) aceition systems woulc te expectec tc f aii when recuirec to respond follcwing a LOCA. These' frecuer.cies will be usec in the event trees. 5::" - r.3 crc > ice accition is treatec as a separate system since it wcule cely r.7 use' 1 ir case cf e primary ccclar.1 release te cor.tair. ment. It appears as a separate ever.t in tne event trees. Te e aralys's of the cco:aircent spray system is carriec out oncer the fe' cercitions: e R',:57 is availaLle e Tr.e safeguares actuatico signal is present. Ar frct:cral ccr.citier fCr the NaOH aceition syster is the success of i e CCr*.a'r ert spray syit?" as a previcus event in tr.e evert trees. A.2 Fi 5'.'L T S Table I surrarizes the results for tre cases of electric pcwer - availability consicerec (buses SA and 6A) and lists the WASH-1400 results as a comperison. Tre aralysis has revealec the follcwing dominant contributors: Ccriairrert Spray Meen e Elettric ocwer to buses SA and 6A 3.0 x 10-5

                          -        Rar.ccc. Failures                                           1.3 x 10-5 (43.3%)

Humer. Error 1.4 x 10-5 (a6.7%) e No efectric ocwer to one bus (SA cr 6A) 4.0 x 10-3

                           -        Renecm Failures                                           3.1 x 10-3 (77.5%)
                           -        Maintenance                                               7.3 x 10-4 (18.3%)

Human Error 2.0 x 10 4 (05.0%) 8302240113 830113 PDR FOIA . BLUM82-626 PDR 0613A041a81/1 . 4

                                                                                          .                      -o.

NaCu Accitier Systee Mean e E lectric ocwer te t.uses ha are 6A 9.6 x 10 ' Failures Human Error 7.6 x 10 4 79.2%) 2.0 x 10-4 ((20.8% e Ne electric pcwer to one tus (SA or 6Al .

                                                                                    - l .3 x 10-2 Randee Failures Human Error                                              1 1 x 10-3 2.0 x 10-415.a%) ((Ea.6%)

A.3 C0t.CL USION Ecth systems nave single failure pcints tut these are generally associatec with passive components,

                    ~heecer and the spray accitive tank ini.e.,    the Containment spray 'uCtion the NaOH system. The tank outlet j                                                                                                          ,

valve in the NaOH system is also e single failure point tut is normally lockec ir,tne open position. Failures of this valve are' caused by str ctural or nucar errers are have beer corsicerec in the aralysis. In the ccrtainment spray system, rarece hareware failures cue to.the spray purps are the cc.einart cer.tritutcrs te systen unavailatility. The loss cf one tus increases the ur. availability. In the Na0M cccitico system, failure cf the spray aceitive tar.L anc the outlet valve decir. ate the renecm failures, while human errors associatec with the mar. sal valves which are recuirec~to change pesitico curirg every.menthly test also cor:tritute sigr.ificar.tly to system unavailability. a 2 ~~ 0613A041a81/1 '] t

                                                                               ._                               ~
                                                                       ---             -        ~~~                 '~         '       ~
5. SYSTEM DE SCRIPTION 5.1 SYSTE t* FL".f T !ONS Tr.e primary functions of this system are:


                                       'To recuce the containment pressure following a less-of-coolant accicent or a steam line treak aCCicent insice containment.

e Te remcve iccine (ty t:ach accitien) releasec to the centainmer.t - atc;spr.ece in tha ever.t of a t.reacr. in the fuel claccir.c fellowing a less-cf-ccc!5rt'accicert. ~ A seccreary furCtier of the certainment spray system is tc previce cous rg wa:er tc tr.c cnsrecal filter backs of the cort 6ircent recireciatier.far eccling units (this function is analyzed in a separett sectier ce tri certairrect 'an~cccling system). E.2 SYSTE SUCCESS CRITEPli i.5.1 Cer t ?'r +rt ' Sc*av . E,ri g tre irjectice prese, cf.the twc spray trains celivering

.c riti c .wetir at 2,60C gpr tr.rcugr its set of 221 spray r.c221es is su#ficier.t te maintair, centeinmert pressure balcw the cesign pressure '

fcileninc a as ccntairrent LOCAsteam. when the reector cere's resicual heat is releasec te Success paths for containment spray curing the injecticn phase are ' illustratec in tne sirplifisc Licct. ciagram, figure 1. Inis ciegree s*:v.s tr.e ter atec natsr suc;1y free the RWST anc failure of tne suctier r.eccer lire Nc. 151 are trE.only two single failure points in tr e syster. Tr.e t c pump trair.s in parallel illustrate.that either one . is sufficiert train cust ocer- for syster success. Tne normally closec MOV in eacn spray anc ine pump must start and run for a maximum of 2 hours mitr. minimum safeguares. Otnerwise, all valves are normally in their ccrrect positions for system operation. B.?.2 Sec:L- Hycrci fce Acciticr-Durir:g r the injection phase anc cer.tinuing 30 minutes into the

                             'ecirculatior. phase, at least one of-the socium hycrcxice accit' ion trains must introduce epproximately 25 gpm of the NaOH solution from the spray aceitive tank inte ar. operating containment spray trair.

This-success Figure 2. Or.lycriterion is illustrated by the simplifiec block diagram of valves that must change position are.shc.n. There are three single failure points: 1) supply of the NaOH solution from the spray accitive tank, 2) valve 1841-which must remain cpen

                        -   (normally. locked open), 6nd 3) valve 8738 not remaining closec (normally lockso closec).
     .            (.-                                                                                .


  • 0612A041481/1
         .         =              E.3 SYSTE CONFIGL7ATIO!                                               '

ine ccr.tair.reet spray anc secive nycrcxice accition systems are illustratec t3 thi flev. ciagrac., Figure 3. 8.3.1 Ger.eral Description For the injection phase, the containmer.t spray systee consists of the ( primary compenents: - e Centainment Spray Pueps, 31 anc 22 e Mctor-0peratec Ovsenarge Valves, 866A anc 866B e Discharge.Heacer Certainment Isolation Valves, 869A and 8695 e Puce luctice Valves, 865A ano 8653

   , , .                         e     Discharce Check Valves, 867A anc 8678            -

_f. e Tver Sets of Spray Nezzles (221 eacr. set) i e Sucticn Heacer Line No.181

    .8 .

e Discrarge Lires.

                                    .e fc'ic. irs est.cciatac valves anc lines are c.ecessary fcr syster tests:

e Scray Test Line e Scray Test Valves 875A anc 875E e Air Test Valves 868A anc 8685. Tne scciue hydroxice accition portion of the system cperates curing the in.iccticr. pnase anc for accreximately 30 minutes intc the recirculaticn phase (LOCA cnly). This part of the system consists :f tne following primary corpcrents. ' e Scray Accitive Tank e- Air-Ocerated Tank Valves, 876A anc 876S e Manual Valves, .1839A anc 1839E e Marual Tank Isolation Valve.1841 e Check Valves, 1838;-anc 1838B e Eouctors Nos. 31 anc 32

  -:                           e     .L ines 188, 579,187, 578
                              'e      Nitregen Supply Valve 872B.

The following valve'is used for periccic flushing of the eductors with beratec water from tne RWST and for the monthly pump tests:

                             -e Manual Valve 8738 (from suction header No. 181)
  • Sample anc instrumentation lines anc valves 3" diameter are notec in.

Figure 3 but are not included in the analysis because their failure will not effect system operation. Lines and valves shown in Figure 3 for charcoal filter dousing are discussed in the section on containment fan coolers and filtration. The RWST is evaluated as a separate interf acing system because it serves several systems.

    .         C~                                                                   .

1 - 4 0613A041481/1 - l' __ .. . _ ._. _. _. - _ . . . _ _ ~

_ _ , , _ . ____ ~ .. . - - o Irf 5 0" a) pu?fs, valve anC sDrdy acc1tive tank.are locatec in the pr1"?*y ausilitry Ouilt'cg. Spre;. nettles ar.C their neecers are ICcatec testce tr.e'Ccctalr.cen* building. B.3.I.) Majhr System' Components '

                  ,                                                                    i Tne.cajer paragea?"s.

ccepccents'cf the system are cescribed in tne. B.3.1.2 - Centaincent Spray.Purps Thel spray purps are of the horizental, single stage, centrifugal type criver at 300typsig. electric metcrs enc are eecr. capable of delivering P,600 gpr. Tre puret are oct fitter witn ficw cr pressure rerer.t!!:c e Tne pu ps nave recr.anical. seals wnico do not reouire es CC0 ling.- E ac* purp has a flew rate eoual to 100i' of the heat removal capability recess?ry te egirtrin certainment pressure Lelcw tr.e cesign pressure. Tr.e-s'ere, ca:e cur; nas e fler. rate sufficier.: tc cair.tain cer.taircert tr.teg > 'ci'ca r.g a '.0C*. Tre tr.c certairrert spray purps are suppliec witn.a50 vcit -

                          - fc i :,.s i f rer decivic.a '. t.reak e rs):

t Pur? Nc. 31 Bus No.~ SA e Pur; f;c. 32 .i Bus Nc. 6A. E a ct, purp breaker contrcl circuit is identical and only_tne Circuit of f;c. 31 pur p v.'ll be ciscussec. Eacr. treaker's ccr.trcl locatec cr. tne safeg. arcs par.el: status lign incications are ateve sacr. 4 s u i t c r. . Tr.ere are tr.c switches; ene fcr pocp No. 31 te control . breaker 52/ cr.e for pump No. 32 to control breaker-52/CS2. Tne switen

                                                                             ~ ine felicwing four positions (spr1ng return to' auto): (1) Pull-Out

                          --Tne purp-is cisablec fece starting by any autcmatic start signal.
                          'n'itt. tne switen in tnis ocsition the "Safeguarcs Eautpment Lockea Open"
                         . alarm will be annunciated on the safeguards' panel in the CCR. (2) Stco
                          - pues will Le stopped if it is running by inergizing the trip ceil,

! (2) Aute - PLep nill ~be sta'rted by the containment spray initiatior s i gr.e i . (4) Start - Purp will be startec.

                        .'ner. t'h e puro is running it can be tripped by:

o Puttirg tr.e switch te eitner the Step or Pull-Out position. e Uncervoltage at the 480 voit bus No. SA. e By ini cicsing of tne recirculation phase switen RS-1 (pump Nc. 32 only). e' The magr. etic overload breaker, from overcurrent. g

  • 0613A0al481/1 ~
              ... .                    .    --         -   - -_              .             __ .. - .. _ ~_             _ - , , _      _       __
                    .-               ,B.3.1.3 Meter-Operatec Purp Discnarge Valve Tnere       is er.e E-irct meter-cseratec cischarce valve in each of tne too f i cv. trains.

tr.e c r.1 Tnese.are MCYs 866A{ anc 866E'(see Figure 3). :These are oper at e. 3 valves wnich. arefreovirec-to' change position for the -system to

                .                                      Valve A is poweree fres MCC-36A and valve 8 from MCC-368.

B.3.1.01 Air-Operatec Na0F Accit'ico Val' ves' '- The't c. air-operatec valvesLin the cischarge line from the sp' ray accitive tank are nereally cicsec. These valves are;in parallel se if eitner one opens, the Na0h solutien'can be obtained. These valves fail-cper. uper loss of air. Air is provided frem .the instrument air syster.

    ;;y                              B.3.1.5, . Spray Accitive Tank                                "~~

g g) Tne spray accitive tank ,is mace of carbon steel anc is linec with ,

                                  -stainles s ' steel to protect thel t.ank from the.nighly corrosive caustic..

c cr.t a i . w i tn i a. Theitank.cor.tains at11 east'a^30% corcentration by weignt c' scei.e nycrcrice-(Na0F.'. The NaOH is effe:tive in remtving clerectal (incrgar:iCI iccine by 7 trappinc prccess (fixes iccine inte a liccic pr ese). By rerevir.g~ ine iocine ' rem tne containment .atmeschere, Ine effitte thyecie cese i: of the fluic'in the 56 cps.. recucec. NaOH will also increase the pH .


The . level in the tank ~is monitored at the safeguarcs panel -in the certral centrel.recc (CCRl Ly level transmitter:(LT) 931. Tnis device signals level ccotroller -(LC) 931 to provide a low level alarm ("NaOH Tar.k Low-Level") at 80% level. Tne alarm is~ also en -the 'safecuares parel. Tank level is also locally conitorec by LI-937. -Technical-scect'icaticr.s reavire.tnat ?thei ank t centair-at=least a,000 gallons of a 3CS NaOH sclution by weight, iThis correspencs-tora-leveloof 75% of full scele. The level in tne accitive tank will be maintained above 80%- (4,a00 gallons) tc precluce actuation of the low level alarm during normal plar.t cperations. . Flow from the tank is measured by flow transmitte'r (FTT 930 which-sicnais fic.w incicator'(FI).930 mountec on the safeguards panel. When flon is estaolished'with both' pumps FI-930 flow is about 50 spm. The taok is protectec frem overpressure by relief valve 1815 set at 275 psig with a capacity of 20 gpm. Valve 873A is provided' for tank draining sneule repairs Le necessery (not:shcwn in' Figure 3). . To prevent cecomposition of the NaOH it is essential to'maintainoan inert atresphere in tne tenk during .long term storage. For.this purpose a nitrogen supply is tank through manual valve 8728 anc line 578. A pressure on the orcer of 1/2 to 2 psig will be-maintaineo - in the tank during storage. The pressure is monitored locally on PI-930-and relieved wnen necessary through manual valve 871 This may be reovirec during seasonal temperature Two vacuum breakers are installed on the tank to admit air when NaOH is drawn from the tank. 4 0613A0a 1481/1 g

                                                                             .._..--          . _ _ _ _ . _ _       -. ____.____.s

o B..'.1.6 _Sp ey Nc zles Tr.e stairless steel spray nc221es are of the ramp bottom cesign anc are ret sut. ject te c1cgging by particles less incr. in maximum. ci ersier.. . Tr.e nozzles provice crcplets of 1,000 micron diameter wher. a cifferectial pressure cf 40 psic exists across the oc2zle. They are locatec in the cuilcing and are four.350c rirg nearers of radii B'2" (226.5' elevatien), 25'4" (223.5' _ elevaticr.!, 42'3" (212.5' elevatior.) anc 59'6" (213.5' elevation). There are two sets cf 221 nczzles secr (442 nozzles) cistrit.utec en the four heacers. This noz:le are n' eater results in maximue coverage witr. either :rarcr cf. tr.e syster cper ating aler.e.

                . E.I.l.7 Lict. c Jc! Ecuctcr The of accing Na0' tc. the spray water. is provicec by a licuic jet

ecuctc r . Tris is a cevice nnich uses the kinetic energy cf a pressurizac licuic to entrain ancther licuid, mix the two, anc cischarge tr.e.-irtare aga'rst a ccunter pressure. . The pressurizec licuic is tr.e 5! :a : ciscra ge anitr. is usec !c er.trair the f;aCh sclution anc ' ciscrt g+ t 4 eSture irte tr.c suctico cf the spray purps. Tnere is cr.e eractcr fer eacr. spray pump. Tney are located in tne primary auxiliary ove:teg. E.c SYSTiv OPE?.AT!Ot. E.c.1 f:c r a l Syst e.- A r r ance e r. Tr.e syster is, by nature, inactive anc as sucn is arransec so as not te ir*.+ !sre .+t- pier c ec r a t ic r.. Tr.e euros are :cie arc are cper tc tne R'<.57 Ly lockee cper. suctier valves EEEA anc E6EE. Th.e meter cos + +c cischarge valves E56; anc E6fE are closec. Tne ciscr.arge beacer cor.tainment isolaticn valves (869A and 8695) are locked open. Tr.* spray eccitive tank is filled anc is isolated by closec air cperatec vaives 876A and 8765. All instrument valves are openee. Drain and test connecticr valves are closec and the pipe ends are cappec. The spray accitive tank N2 supply and sent' valves are closec. In-line tank ciscr.erge valve 1841 is lo.ckec opened anc ecuctor valves IE39A anc 1835E are.lockeC Oper.. Iest valves 87EA anc E788,1806A anc 18065 are lockee clesec. Test valve 1813 is closec. Air test valves 86E0. ar.c 8685 are leckto closec anc tr.eir ends cappec. B.4.2 Syster a ctur. tier. Tcilowing a safety injection signal the containment spray system is brcug*.t inte service by either of the followiog sigr.als: . e High-Higt. Containment Pressure - This signal occurs at .apprcximetely 50%.of the cor.tainment cesign pressurelsetpoint is 23 psig). e Manual Initiation T=c buttor.s are simu!!anecusly actuated on the safecuares panel.

  .       (.-                   -
                                                                                                                 .o 7                                          .
 .                0613A041481/1
          '~      ' '

If a sp#a;. sigral is initiated by either of the abcve, the fcIle ing will occur; 1 The sprey purp discharge valves 866A anc E66B are supplied with an oper signal.

2. Botr. spray pumps will be signaled to start.
3. T c rinutes after the spray signal is initiatec the aeditive tank discharce valves 87fA anc 876S will be supplied with an cper. Signal provice'dthat tne NaOH can'cel tutton has not beer, pressec.

B.4.3 Autcratic Syster Resper,se _.',' ~f'l When the spray syster is activatec as describec above.both spray pumps will cra. weter from the RWST via line no.181. The pumps cischarge to

         .                         tne spray neccers. The spray isolation motor-operated valves are previcec v.ith centrol switches on the safeguarcs panel anc are normally closec. Petiticr. incicating lights are provided for each valve on the safeg. arcs parel.                                              .

Urless cancellec by the operator a pertion of the pump discharge is cirectec trreuen the licsic jet ecuctor whicn craws the NaCH sclution frer- tre s; ray accitive tank anc injects the fluic intc the spray flow. A 2-cirute tice celay is utilizec sc that the operator can determine nr.etner a primary cf ccclant leak er a steam line brcak has occurreo, anc if necessary, car.cel tne accitice cf NaC'- (see Secticn S.a.4, Mar.ual Opera c.r Actict'). - It v.cule tais _apprericately 70 to 80 cir.utes tc ciscnarge tne total Nach teluticn in the spray accitive tank using totn purps. For the first 15 tc 22 mir.utes follcwing tne maximur. loss-of-coolant accident, botn spray pumps may t,e operating. After the injection phase has been completec, one spray pump will continue to operate for approximately 30 minutds to empty the RWST and complete the accition of NaOH. FI-930 will incicate flow from the accitive tank. Containment pressure indicators (PI) 948A, 94PS, 9dFC, and 949A, 9498, and 949C, are located in CCR on the safeguares panel. The system will be taken out of service after recirculation flow has been establisned by the eight-switch s@Quence (see tne recirculation system description) and the RWST no longer contains enough coolant to centinue running spray pucp no. 31 (or no. 32 if nc. 31 is inoperative). B.4.4 Manual Operator Action if the operator determines that the accident is e steam break, he has two minutes to press the "Na0H Cancel" butten on the safeguards panel. This action will prevent valves 876A and 876B from opening and thus tne adcittor. of NaOH will be prevented. The "NaOH Cancel" button is providea to reduce the Chances of accidental NaOH injection and also to avoic NaOH injection when tne type of accicent will not result in

 .          v                                                                  .-

8 . q 0613A041481/1 mm .m n . ~%A. s -d M 'a e 6e sa _ h a m

                                                                                                         .-~m, n -

fissicr. peccutt release te *ne cCotainment atmosphere. Tnis " Cancel" ce*istir ma) Le cefeatec at'any later tice by CPening Loth valvis Ly' uitrg tr. ir CCr*rcl switCres on tne safeguares panel. E ach valve -is previcec with a Centrol switch anC PCsitico indicating lights on the sa'eguarcs panel.

        .                                                         e B.a.5. Cnarceal Filie Deusino                                                 .

ini ter moter-operatec spray valves, 88CA through 880K (no "1"),are nc< al'y closec ar.e uper- teing cpenec each will annurciate the "Safegaa cs' Valves Off fic<.al Position" alarm. Each valve has a centrel sr. itch ar.c incica*er lignts 10Catec cn the safety irdection superviscry parel. (Fer further cetails see containmer.: fan cooling, Section 2.3.) B.5 AL * .'*I

  • bc
 '            Ala .s are'ca'ert ec tc warn tre cperatcr.that an unsatisfactcry                                 ,

cer.c tict siists, arc appropriate ccrrective action is required. Only t'.cse ala'rs cirectly cor.cerrec with the centaincer,t spray syster are cii:.! sic. A'l 176 f:llt.irg alar.'s arE anrur.ciatec cn tbe twc ia#e;.ar:5 pa'ei t. 1 Safsguarcs Valse Off f;cr. al Pesiticr. - cet.mcr alarm, ger. crated wher. . ar.. engirecrec safeguarcs system valve leaves tne positicn callec fcr curing normal plar.t cparations. Only valves directly used in

ne spray system'are listec:


  • C r. 31 v a ' . e *.c . Positice Alar s Knen valve f:are 880; Closec Valve leaves Charcoal filter deusing inr eugr. full closee units.

880:; .

                    -829A               Closed                Valve leaves . Outlet of RHP. heat
                     '8E9E                                    full closec         exchangers to' inlet of Spray Heacer.

1613 Closee Valve open- Spray test line to RWST.

2. Spray Aceitive Tank Low-Level - alarm generatec -hen the level in the accitive tank decreases to 80%. .

3.' Safeguares Ecuipment LccLec Open - commen alarm, generated wher cor. trol switch for either of the spray pumps is placed in the Pull-Out positicn. t . 9 0613A041481/1

4 High-Hign Centaincent Pressure - corren alarm, actuated when 1/6 pressure cetectors incicate 23 psig *ithir. containment.

5. 480V Switchgear Meter Trip - cercon alarm, annunciated when either pump trips cue to overicec.


                        - Fellowing a LOCA the containment spray system
  • including NaOH aedition
  .y                      cepencs oper, the fellCairy systems:                                  *
1. The Refueling Water Sterage Tank - to store and previce borated water.fcr the functicns of the system.

Jb 2. Electrical Power - pucp anc valve operatio'n (see Table 2 fer list of

 ,Jj                            Luses anc .MCCi}.

gb M 3. Safeguarcs Actuation System (for the system start signals). E.7 SY 5 E ** TE ST A*C MA .";TE ?.;f.CE At reg: lar 4r.tervals pcrticr.s cf the. systec are inspected anc testec fcr prc;er functicrieg. At cther times, items cf ecuiprent are rencerec

              ,           inc erative because of ceintenance actions. In the case of testing, the syster can usually be ouickly returned tc cperational status. In the
         -                case cf mair.tenance may not be possible; the times allcwed before.

snutcewn are specifiec as operating licits. Bctn concitions car. effect syster availability as discussec belcw. e B.7.1 Sys se/Cc: cenert Tes:s Tne conteincert spray system is a principal plant safeguarc that is ocreally or stancty curing reacter cperation. Complete system tests carnct be performed when the reacter is operating because a safety injectico signal causes reactor trip, main feecnater isolation and containment isolation, and a containment spray system test requires the system to be temperarily disabled. The metnod of assuting operability is by combined systems tests performec during refueling shutdowns, with more frecuent component-tests, which can be performed curing reactor cperation. The refueling test demonstrates proper automatic operation of the containment soray system. With the pumps blocked, the compcnents receive the safeguards actuation signal in the proper secuence. The test demonstrates the operation of the valves, pump circuit breakers, - and autcmatic circuitry.

                          *This syn em is redundant to the containment fan coolers for containment heat removal and pressure recuction. When necessary, the containment spray system provides dousing water for the fan cooler charcoal filters.

10 , 0613A041481/1

                                                                                                  .l Tne outps are 'starte: manually from the control room. on a monthly
  • oasis. Only one pumo is run at a time, followed by return of tnat fio .matr. to tne valve lineup required for contair. ment spray before anotne. pue? is tested. A pump must run for at least 15 minutes.for a successful test.' Motor-operateo valves are stroked monthly from tne control roo.0, as part of tne pump operaoility tests.

During reactor op,eration, the instrumentation is generally cnecked on

                - eacn snift and tne initiating circuits tested montnly. Tne testing is discussed in the safeguards' actuation system description.

Tne sc:iun nyde' oxide adoition syste.n is partially tested wnenever.tne

                . associated spray pump is tested, i.e., montnly. Because of tne corrosiveness of tr.e so:iu: nydroxide, flow from tne spray aasitive tan <

is not testic. The eductor, nowever, is tested'oy opening tne locked. close valve 5733 to tne RWST naader. This permits flusning of tne edsctor. proving tnat it functions properly. Spray nozzles are cnected witn air every 5 years oy means of air or infrared tecnniques. C:n=entratior, of .'la0i solution in tne spray additive tank is checked

                 -:: n- . ly.

Teo!e 3 su. arizes tne test / inspection requirements.. 3.7.2. Mainte'.ance Ti e _imits Accor:ing to unit tecnnical specificaticns, one containment spray pump

                 .sj oe out of service for a period not to exceed 24 nours, proviced tnree of tne five fan cooler units are operable anc tne remaining         ~

c:ntair. ment spray pumo is demonstrated to oc operacle. j any valve recuirec for the functioning of tne system during-and ac:icent consitions may os inoperaale provice it is restored t3 an operaale status witnin 24 nours and all valve; in tne system tnat

              . provide tne duplicate function are demonstrated to be operable.

One_ of tne sodium hydroxide tr6 ins can be out of service for up to 7 days providing tne other trains and its containment spray pump optraale. . Ar.y .maintena'nce of tne spray additive tank requires reactor shutdown. a e b

.~    (,*                                                              ,

11 0613A041581/1 ,

C. SYSTEM LOG!C PODELS C.1 TOD OfDE S!RE D E vet:T5 T e cifferent fault tree mocels have been constructec to evaluate the frecuency ef:

1. Insufficient boratec water spreyee into containmer.t'(containment-spray curing injecticn). -
2. Insufficient solution injectec intc containment (socium hycrcxice
                          .      Tr.e twc cifferent fault trees ccrrespenc to the event tree events.of centainrent spray (CS). anc socium hydrcxide acoition (NA), respectively.

4 C.2 SYSTEi* F*UbT TREE M0CELS Tre f ault tree fcr the coctainc.ent spray (CS) event (item 1 above) is s e c..e in Figo re 4 INH'E!~ gatfs belce, the tcp ever! 03 gate ccccitien si.tsecuert gates ce;er.cing en test er mainter.arce states of the system.

            ;                    #ne tree is !1st upcn success cf the fcilowirg other systers:     ,

e' RX57 Scratec k'eter Supply (evaluatec elsewhere as a separate system) e Electrical Pcwer to Sucp!y Buses ar.c MCCs e Autccatic Start Signal. The f ault tree fcr the secium hycro71ce accitions (NA) event (item 2 abcve) is shown in Figure 5. The syster cepencs 'upon a particular spray C purp circui- associated witt its ecuctcr, therefcre, the spray pt.rps are sr.c r. Bere ir accitice tc Figure 4 (ine failure frecuencies for the spray purp circuit are those cerivec from analysis of'the CS fault tree ar.a lys i s . This introcuces some pessimism inte the overall event tree secuerces but the compromise is necessary because of the way in which .CS are N!. are considerec as toc separate systems in the event tree.) C.3 BASIC E VE NT CODE S Tables a and 5 list the basic event coces appearing in the two fault trees. Several " house" events appear in the trees cepencency on tne suppcrt systems list above. These nave been coceo as tncugh they were basic events but are not listed in the tables. Also shewn in Tables 4 acc 5 are the applicable f ailure meces and their plant-specific failure rates with reference to the list of components. C4 M!.NIPM CUTSET5 , Minimal cutsets.for botr. fault trees have been icentified using tne coeputer ccce RAS. These continations are listed in Tatles 6 anc 7. The acr.'inant cutsets are icentified through avantifications in

       .      v                                                                      .

12 0613A041a81/1 [ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ - - .. .. . . . _ . . . . .

Se::::r 0. -5 rgie failures ar? 3:ent:fice by tr.ese tables anc are aisc 11'. !:ratec ir- Ftps es 1 are 2. C.a.1 Certa' ecr.: Screv Fer tr.c f ault tree sher.r. ir. Figure 4 ar.c' consicering only hardware

                           ' failures, there is one single event cutset (single failure point). This is the passive cc.pcr.ert, line 181, free the RWSi to the two spray pumps.

e CFPCl?!G: Suet'cr line frem RWST. The f a' lure e:ce is pluggir.g of i. .e line--a very low. prcLability ever.t. Rupt re cf lire we.!c alie cause frilure of the'systeT; ner.e ve r . Lecause of tr.s large vcluce of water that wculc ce releasec it would be . ir. eciatsi;. cetectec anc the reacter shut cewn. For this reescr the ruc f ailure rcce was not listec. Trc's arec:.:le i'r;'f-a'r El ceutlecuts ever.t

                                                         +ti arecutsets  ar.c these are listed in Table 6. Only evaluatec.

4 C.:.5 5:: . >c*citte :cc't ':e F:r :-2 fa.1: tree sher.r 1r. Figure 5 anc consicering only rancoe .

r. arc <.are failure as in Sectice C.4.1 abcve, there are fcur single evert cutsets- tr. the sccium r.ycrexice accition syster. These are:

e CTt'aC-3: Pluggieg cf (or failure to obtair selutico free) tne spray accitive tarn, e ;i" E;'C:

                                                         !'ec*erical ftilure c1ciec cf tart valve 1E41 (a leckec cper va,lve).

e CV.'5 72E r. : Lcc6+c cicsee teit valve 8733~left cpen (humar. error). e SA SCAC ~.K : Ne automatic open signal to A0Vs 876A and 8768. Trc ceca : failure frec.encies of these single failure poirits are giver. ir Sectice G. There.are 17 ceutie event cutsets. Both single and double cutsets are listoc in Table 7. These are all of the possible rancec hereware f ailure cutsett for the f ault tree logic mocel. 13 0613A0al481/1


0. CU;'JiFICAT!01. ,- 3 D.1 CC:.- *. !!.:! *. SP:.4 0.1.1 Syster Stetes Wher.ever the reacter is not shut denn, this system will' be in one of the three states: ,
1. Neither train out fer test or mainterance
2. Or.e er the other tradr. cut fer maintenar.ce
3. One er the trair out fer test.
 , ~,.                 Basec uper plant-specific cata, a centainment spray purp is unavailable I s ---,,.l             due to testir.g for er, average of 45 15 minutes each 30 days /contn
    ~. -               (tre r.ctec is ar esticate).

Train tr.availatie Due te Test: Mean: 1.0.x 10-3 Variance: 5.9 x 10-E. D rir: tr.e ger'cc 197f te 1950, tv.c events have been per'c.;.ec en t".e cer.taineert spray pu ps. Tne total cumulative pucp , neurs is 99,600 ar.c tr.e cut-of-service time is 20 hours (cut-of-service ti. e car.nct exceed 2a neurs cperating limits). Train Unavailable Oce tc Mainter.ance: Mean: 7.3 x 10 3 Variarce: 5.3 x 10-8

                      -Tr.+5e state sa! ass are tr.e cccciticrai events fer the INHIS:T gate snc r.

in Ine fault tree 4 shcet 1. D.I.? Input Concitier Two input conditions have been considered: , e Bctn 420 VAC buses available e- B.s EA cr Bus 6A f ailed. The above concitions are evaluatec as ON/0FF events. Failure rate cata usec in subsecuent cuantifications are summarizec in Table a. D.1.3 Betr. aEO VAC Buses Available Rancer Harenere Failures

                     'For Trains A or B, the following is the cuantification of mean random barcware failures (reference Teole 4 for data).

14 . 0613A0c1481/1

                                                        .   -._       _-    -.       .... -     -..._.,,_._m

Lctiec Crer Vrive ?!! mecnanical closing and censicering monthly v c+c;urs: Piar o x, ,. = 9.1 x'10-6 Zjha 3.3 x 10-5 Variar.ce

  • 1.3 x 10-9 Sc e3 Psro anc f*oto'r 31 (cr 37) the failure to start and failure tc run-fer er eserage cf lic mirutes 15:

Fcar op

  • 1.2 > 10-3 Variar.ce 4 1.2 x 10-6 V?'. EEE fat 1s tc cp+r:

Fei- oy. = 1.5 x 10-2 Yar'srce = 2.E r 10-E.

             > :. Val.+          (    stucs ci:sec:
                  ** car oc, = E.S x 10~E Variance = 1.0 x 10-8 Leb ec Ooer. Ccntair.mert Facual Valve 869 closing mechanical (same as va he Sei accve):                                         -


                  **e r e o X
                   -               2  3.3 y 10 t-7 Variance = 1.3 i 10-9 5:ra:. ric:21es (2211 Pluggir.g sufficient to fail the system: the spray nczzles ena spray neaters are maintained in a cry condition anc are inspectic every 5 years. Because of the environment in wnich these r.czzles erist, large scale corrcsien, which coulc be sufficient to. plug the spra;. nczzles, v.ill net occur. For this reason, the frecuency of piccgirp of the r.czzles is a negligibly smell frecuency.

The cre single-event cutset of suction pipe 181 plugging based on 1 week ce:ection time is very small and does not contribute significantly to systen failure. Failure of Or+ Trein . Then, sumeir.g the above means:

  • Mean: 3.1 x 10-3, Train A (or B)

Variance: 3.6 x 10-6, o t' - e 15 - 0613A041a81/1 -

Tetal Rar.ce- Fattures Fcr tre state ccccitier. of train cut fer test er cainterance, bett trates fat'irg is: Mear C5g a purp trair. 2 = 1.2 x 10-5 Ore Tra:r Cut.Fcr Yair.ter.hrce ' - For tne state cor.citicns of Train A or B out for mair.tenance (state availe:ilit)) ar;c rar.ccr failure cf.tne otner train: Mean CSy =.2.(3.1 x'10-2)(7,3 y 10-4) , 4,5 x 10-6,

           !                  Ore Tra'n Cot Fcr Test                                  -

3 Fcr th+ state :cocitiens cf Train A cr B out for test.(state ava'ta:tlity) ere the f ailure to recper, valve 869A or 8698, we have: ver  !!- = 2i2.1 1 10-3'~i.0 y 10-2)(9.0 x 10-2)* = 5.6 x 10-E. pa g E< er - E a:r trai- is testec me tt y. This test recuires the clesing of the i ar. cal certair er.t isciati:r. valve, 865A cr S695, fer. the pucp train urcer test. Tr.e nu an errer for this event is mace up cf the errer of c-issien, f ailir.g to recper, tne valve, anc tne probability cf not cisccvering tr.e errer of criisien. Frcr the chapter, Hucar Error P.ates, the fcilcterg turar errer rates fcr these twc errers are usec: c Er ce Mear Variance

1. Fati,re te restore valve 9.0 x 10-3 1.8 x 10 #

te pecper p sition.

2. Failure to ciscover 2.2 x 10-2 1.9 x 10-3 errcr F1.

The fcilewing erpression defines the contribution of this human error te sytter failure: Osucar, errer = P(both)P(r.onciscovery) -

                                                    + 2P(one)P(nonciscovery)P(pump train)-
                            *Ine value 9.0 x 10-3 is used for event CXVE69A(orb)0 tecause it is juecea that, a LOCA which occurs when a train flow test is being performec, the operator may not inink to open the containment isciaticn valve.                                               .
    .          ( ,'                                                                ,

l 16

  • 0612A041481/1
                        - -+        e.          h           - *    '%                                 __  m

9 P. ;r* is tr.e frecuerCy Cf Lctr. valves being closec cue to operator e,r .

                                            . L' I t r.        l ey, cepce,cer:e ce: eer, tne actions, P(tetn)
                                                                                "1.]gLp(one)l' P.                                                 "

( L c t sr's = P(ore,s

                                                                                .      39     .

P(ncneg5ce.ery) is the pretabil.ity of not ciscovering the error of 0.7115 t c r . P(e,gi is the frecuer.c3 fcr a single valve beir.g closec cue to " Opi*atcr e,rror.

    .i P(

tc p. rarcc-- . tr a at jr.; lure s .is t'.e of f ailure of a single pump train cue 7t.+ na . a' errer cer:ri:.uti:n is: -

   ;2                                                                                                                                ,
                                         ?*e ae , c5p
  • 1.c x 10-f Var *3 ce = 1.2 x 10-9 Oc- .r Ccr ce failures cf *:ne same type ccepcner.t in cifferent trains c:,1c eccur cut the pectasility in a stancey system tnat is-testec anc car ce curing reacter cperation is jucgec te te very scall. Accitionally, ccmmcr. external causes such as fire or ficccir; are evaluated elsewhere in this stucy anc.incerocratec in tne .t ever: .-*Iigatirg secu6nce5. Fer these reescns no ccccco cause c : e.: < * :.t i ct nas ceer, assigr-ec tc tr.e syster.
                                'c a ! t r c . !* l at ility - E lec* r'ic Availa:le Tctal ccr.taincer.t spray system unavailability wher, electric power is availa;le (r.creal'ar.: eme r; is:

e Mean, CS3ys

  • CSR + CSg + CST + CSg
                                                                         = 3.0 1 10-5 Variance                           =  1.1 x 10-9 Tatli 8 lists the ccri ant causes of unavailability anc the effects.

f; ext, tne cor.cition of Ics: of eitner bus SA er 6A is analyzec. D.l s4 Bus SA (Or 6*) Failed Failure cf cne main tus SA or 6A will disable one train. The other train :111 be unaffectec. Tne fellowing expression defines the frecuency of system. failure given loss of power tc a single 460V bus: 17 0613A041481/1

05yster = P! pug tr, air.;

  • P(mair.tenance) + P(test)

[P co;7,) P.'ncrcisccvery) + P(cne)P(r.onciscovery)3 Tne frecuer.c3 cf syster f ailure, given a less of a single 480V tus' is now: e- . Meae, CS system: 4.0 x 10-3 ' ' Variance: 3.1 x'10-6,

  • Tat,le 9 lists the rafer causes of syster failure anc system unavailability giver bus 5.t. or 6A unavailacle.

[ D.l.5 . Pipe Failures

   ,/                        ' Pipe fa' lures ir. tne ccr.tcinrent spray. system have been evaluatec                     <,titatively in Table 10. Plugging of lines wcule t.e cetected c:r tr. ly: rt.ct re :e reacily detectec because cf the large amount Cf va'e'

  • tat r.c,1c te releasec,'ever if Ine syste. wai Act cperatirg.

Pl ugg?"; c' tr.ese larg - ia. eter pipes is consicerec tc tie very reacte. Trere is a slignt possittlit- cf line rup ure curing system operaticc. Usirg cur 8.E x 10-iO cccurrences/heur per section for rupture, 3.4 x 10 9tne four secticos in tnis syster result in an overall, failure

                                             / hour. Alleviing for a two-hour system run time, the unavailacility would te 6.8 x 10-9 anc wculd not change the system ur availaLility value5 Calculatec 'at,Cve.                          -
                                                                                                                              .c 0.2 50~ :'."* HYC 0V ! E L::! 10*.

D.2.1 Syste- States Tnts system nas two states:

      '                       1. Beth centainment spray trains operative                         .
2. One or the other cor.tainment spray train inoperative.

0.2.2 Rarcci Harev.are Failures There are three single failures which will fail the system. Tney are: o rio 'Je0H frem tank e Valve 18a1 not oper-e Valve 8738 not closec. i. In accition, if neitner A0V 876A or B cpen, the system will fail. ' Failure to ot,tain NaOH solutior. from the spray accitive tank is expectec with a frecuency of: Mean = 2.0 x 10-6/ nr. The causes of failure inclure vacuum t,reaker not open, no solution in tank, plugging of the

                           - outlet, tank rupt'ure, etc. The tank is inspected monthly so the mean out-of-service time is 365 hours. Tne unavailability is:                        ,

. .o. 18 -

   ..                       0613A0ala81/1
                                                                                                              -     ------+-

Mear. o7, = (2.0 > 10-6)(265) = 7.3~x 10 4 = 7.9 a.10-S. Ma .al salve-1541 at the tar.k-outlet car fail mechanically to the closec-

                . pcs t ic. r.r.icr. is c>pected to occur witr. the unavailability:


                         " car a . = 3.3 x 10 -

t1 = i.3 3 10-9 Mar.ual valse E7 frcr the RhST fcr ecuctor flust.ine will f ail the syttar if it is rci cicsec f tne ccrtr.13 syste.  ? test. This is a hu. Tar erece v.wic r.i'l ce cert certd later. i Fa ' cf t:t air-cpe'!!sc valves fror tne spray accitive tack to cper

r. *

fed.I tr.e systec. These are f ail-open valves but coulc mechanically

                 'at' tc c:r             r.ite a frecuency ef:
                         *>a s :               4.E- x iC f Ya ar..ta:            4.C3 > 10-7 Fa 'ure :f ct vat es is:

Mear. o y, = 6.3 7 10- , e - Variar:e'= 1.E > 10-II. 1.c s a.- :' t e tirg'e rer.ccr f ailu er cer.trituticr. tc sccive hycrcxice 5,.ite- #a: 1.r+ 1s: Me a r.: 7.6 y 10 ' l Ver i ar.ce : 7.8 x 10-8 l *" ecuctcr tr ain CCriists of a car.bal valve, Check valve, anc educter. T6Ase serial cc cc.r.crti are sucrec as felice:s: i-l l Ccrper.ent Failure Ma ar. Variance Unavailacility Centribution Manuel valve 1539, not open 3.3 x 10-5' ),3 x 10-9 Ct.eck Velve'lE38, stuci shut 6.9 i 10-5 1.0 x 10-8 1 l Eductcr plv; gad 2.4 x IO d 3.3 x 10-7 l l 0 v Total Ecuctor Train #31 or 32 3.4 x 10-4 2.7 x 10-7 . l 19 f ~ 0613A041481/1 L


Wr ce Lctr C0r.taircert'spety tcte ecuctor tra c.s is: trair;s are cperating, the uravailability cf Mear.12- *3.91 10-7 Variance = 1.0 x 10-II. er ly end certainecrt spray train is operat'ing': t'e a r a. = 3.8 m IC #

                                                    'l variance = 2.7 x 10-7 Test.                                                        -

',3 tne cer.tzincer.: spray sy' stem is testec, the ecuctors are'alse

                                  testec: tr.ere#cre, the ur.availaLility for test of this system has been acccur.tec fc- ir. the cortainment spray unavailability.
                                   **a' r t e
  • 1' cc Ar ca*.r *.erir e that is recoi'eC tC t.e perforceC on syster requires that trf pice: Le stut cer.r.

Hurin ~'ece Failure to recicsc valve 273B fret the RW57 fellcwing an ecuctor test will rer.cer tr.e NaCh system ireffective. Tnis type of failure is a cerecsec of tr.c types cf hucar, errcrs: 1) failure te recesition a valve after _ cc.--le-irg a tcst 'ct e perr.aps to a charge in snift) anc 2) f ailure cf a secerc cperatcr to ciscover tne mistake. Usir; the errcr rates sher.n -in Sectier. D.1, the human errer centributice. to the syster unavailability is:

  • Mear. NAH = 2.0 x 10-4 Variarce = 2.8 x 10-7 Cor :r Cause Both ecuctcr trains could f ail due to plugging of the eductors by seciment frca the spray accitive tank. Utilizing a beta facter of 1.0 x 10-2 (1/100 years) anc the value for NaOH ecuctcr train unavailesility gieer, that containment spray is available, common cause f ailures of syster <ill ' occur with the following frequency assuming that the protability of seciment is 1.0 x 10 8: -
      .             (.-                                                                       '

20 ' 0613A041481/1 i._.. _a-1_ e wn au -

  • e m *_ - * * * * * * = ^ = *W _ - -- ,J . e ~ h
  • i3.0 x-10'#)(1.C,a 10-2)(1 -'3.1 x 10-3)(1.0 x 10 )
                                = 3.0->'10"I0 Pice Failu-es Pipe failures in the socium hycroxide system have beeri evaluat d caua' Ta:1e.11. Tnere are tr.ree sections, one from the sprey accitive tank, f ailure cf whicr. f ails the system, and a spray flow li,ne thrcuce., tnc f ailure cf- r.r.ich v.411 f ail trair.. As
     ~ disc- ssec in 0.1.f, the resultir.g unavailati.lities oc r.ot alter tr.e systic. values'ce'culatec[previcuily.

Total Ur.Praila!.4!ity - Tre tct?' f aC'- accitice uresailitility for the case "Both 4E0'.' Euses. , A*.ai't '6" is: . ,

            *te r e , *.; 3,. s = 9. f > 10 4
            '.' a ' ' a'-c e      = 2.E > TC~'.

in s is ccri'.atec ty tr.c pessive sir.c!c failures of tr.e systec. . hitr. pcwcr availatic at only cre cE0'.' bus, cnly one spray purc train is availatie. Ur.cer cenciticn, the ur. availability of the NaOH syster is: i f'e a " , f.' Aggg = l.3 X IO"2 . Yar ar e a 6.7 y. 10*i. is cce.sratec ty rar.ccm failures in the spray accitive tar.L. , the tar 4 cutlet valves, anC the scuc!cr train. Tables 12 ano 13 summarize the causes of sodium hydroxice accition syster failure. L.3 STAT 5T CAL SU"MsPY The results cf the systems' auantificaticn have beer summarizac in

     .Tasle 1. Meciar. ar.c percentile values were calculatec by corpater prcgram DPD using comperer.t near, anc variances and syster reli&Lility t

ecuations. i j. I [ I 21 ' 1 0613A041481/1 - L t.

e o $ .4

, , - . .                                                              .                                                         ^~

I Allt.l; i SilMiiAllY OF-ItCSUI.IS j Cor4IAiriMCrif SPalAY Condition Mean Variance SLII Percentile liedian - 95th Percentile Electric power to 3.0 x 10-5 1.1 x 10-9 6.5 x 10-6 1,5 x 10-4. 6.1 x 10-3 buses SA and 6A. No electric power to 4.0 x 10-3 .3. I ' x 10-6 J,9 x lo-3 3,3 x 10-3 6.5 x 10-3 one bus (SA or 6A) i. WA5ll-1400 Not given Not given 1.0 x 10-3 2,4 x 10-3 7,0 x 10-3 5 0 011114 IlYDit0XIDE A1101 Tlord - Condition Mean Variance 5th Percentile Median 95th Percentile , Electric power to 9.6 x 10-4 2.11, x 10-7 4. / . x 10-4 8.3 x 10 4 l'.5 x 10-3 buses SA and GA. . tio electric power to 1.3 x.10-3 6./ x 10-6 2,4 x 10-4 1.1 x 10-3 4.8 x 10-3 one bus (SA or 6A). L WA5ll-1400 Hot given flot ~given '3.6 x 10-3 ' 5.9 x 10-3 1.1 x 10-2 ,

IAllLI: 2 .

                                                  .ELECIRICALINIERFAfi[S,                         .

Component l'ower Supply Containment Spray' Pump 31 4t10,VAC lius 56 ami Ureaker 52/CSI 3

       .               Containment Spray Pump 32                    480 VAC Ilus 6A and lireaker 52/CS2 Discharge Stop Valves:


                  .       MOV36611                                  MCC .1611 e

5 . . ne s . ,n. .n i s i _

t i i i i i ec ec ec ec ec ec se se se s e se s e np . np . np . np . np . np eSs eS s eSs eSs eSs eS c i c i c i c i c i s s s s s cg i l i il il s il s il lap Laa Laa e Laa e Laa L e cI cil cB r cB r ci l c oi oi oi u oi u oi o n t nd t nd t nd d t nd d t nd t u e h n h n h n e h n e ~ h n l r Aca Aca Aca c Aca c Aca Ac e e e e o e o e .e f xT n xT n xI n r xT n r xT n xf e i o i o i o P i o P i o i l a d4i d4i d4i d4i d4i d4 n6t n6l n6L t n6t t nol n6 e o ea e - . n e - a n ea e - pa c p (: c pH c a pl c i a pRc . pR pPi ppi pPi l pPi l ppi pP l f Ai 1 l AUI AI )f P ADf P AUf Al

 - ;(,

4 f o t r s y al c pn e

  • r n a d a e s n e at y ay y y sp l l N sl y 0

e e ly yer y yr r . b 1 r ll t e l l e ly e l y

                                      'l l

t h ht t h [ t i it pr t t r k r t r C , n na e a n e E n n m i. u 'o v P o ouu o on e S M Mpq M Mg W Q M .E 3 N I E L l


I l A N T A, m a G i d u N n r m l u d e m o oim n g n l i 1 i, . i f i u. a g i n l n S _. L n o u i

                             't c       i s i n         d                 d               i           di               f                 m I          e p

um r e n s e p ki eL X- 4-s s e o t cs 5 0 k c n d e p l o oop 7 3t e I nt o c n l h g h

                                       /         au                                  yd              y           yr               y               yi                    c t              n           yd f e             f           f e               f              f e s     ti                f e iw                       w T

e rm a is ro in re i r i p ro i r r o el ep e er e ey l t5 Vb F S1 Vc Vo V V p V 2 s n n 3 e o ) k i k v i l n nn d l t n a a l a oa t a V l a T iI t n o ( e ae e 1 p s rv s n 3 o11 i s v e i ti e o p s t Sd t v t nt l ei z m p n n - l a i d cd z o m ea e nd o u g m s V d _ C P rA n r A oA n a6 i s o d C y y y h6 ae t e yl a a a cl t v c k ae l l r r sV i nl u c rv 0rap p p i 0 oa d o pe 1 CV E L SL NS S S D(


g ,

                       . l                                   .                                       *       .                     * .               ;l' Iri, -
                                                                                                                                                        .            I;

I Allt.l; 4 - - C0fiTAlf4Ml'til . 5PitAY $YSil.M COMP 0fil'NI DAIA l'ailure l(ate Data Source Failure Moile llonnal St.ite I '[,,an, ,;ir g ,,i, y e gl /,,! Component and F. T. Code g (i ,)iiir. ilourly (11) [ k5 "' # I -i __ l Motor-Operated Valve '

              'CMV 366At}            Failure to open             Closed                          .g,5 x gg.37 CMV 366Btj            failure to opeu             Closid           q               '

lu-b 6 I Failure to.upen Closeil .i CMV 866CQ l ' *u xg) CHV 8660Q Failure to open' C loscil l f-Manually Operated Valve m CXV 865AQ Falls closed ' Locked open 1 7 ui CXV 865tig Fails closed Lockeil open q i,,;g;,3g.3 Jg gg.34  ;  ; CXV Il69AL) Fails closcil Lockeil open I g , [ C7V 669Bij Fails closed Locked open l > CX/ tl69AC Left closed Lockedop""I Iluman Error see text CXV 869dC Lef t closcal I.ocked open I Clicck Valve


CCV 867At) Failure to open Open 1 ' 3 CCV 86/110 Failure to noen Open f l.0 x 10-8 L [0] Containment Spray Puing and Motor ' CPr1CS21N Does'noi. start [1.4x10-3/ ))

                                     ,or stop before              Not running                      1.2 x 10-6
                                     ' 2 lirs.                                              k           [0]

CPMCS22N 1)oes not start ' l.8 x 10-S,/ . I or stop before Not running 19 2 hrs. lb.elx10-8


Spray Nutz,le Sets (Lstimated on Llie CN/221AG Plugging 50% Passive 1 e' b. isis of engin-Cill2210G Plugging 50% Pissive f eg.,.ing judgment.)

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IAllLE 5 i j SODIUM llYlMOXiUf A00lIl0N SYSIEi4 COMPON!:flI DAIA Ilata Source Component and F. I. Code Failure Mode Normal State' d iare

                                                                                           ,,, j y       je   ,          Iab le 11./-2 (item ()

Air-Operated Valves CAV 816AQ Failure to open Closed 5.00 x 10-4 CAV 8/6BQ failure to open Closed <l.03 x 10-/ 8 ' [11] e Manual Valves CXV 873BX Left open Locked closed lluman Error see text m

  • CXV 1841Q Fails closed Locked open i f9.10 x 10-0 h
                       'CXV 839AQ                Fails closed        Locked open   '

i 1.00 x 10-34 I l CXV 8390Q Falls closed Locked open j [lij Check Valves CCV 838AQ Failure to open Open 6.90 x 10-5 l CCV 8388Q Failure to open Open 1.00 x 10-0 .3- [0] Eductor CEIO021G Plugged Passive .?.40.x 10-4 (Estima,ted based CEI0022G Plugged Passive 3.30 x 10-1 on engineering [l)J judgment.) Spray Additive Tank - CIKNA0i!G Failure to supply F,ull 2.00 x 10-6 (Estimated based Nault solutiosi to 6.10 x 10-13 on engineering j systen [Il] judgment.) 1 e

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