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Proposed Tech Specs for Removal of Scram & Group 1 Isolation Valve Closure Functions Associated W/Msl Radiation Monitors
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 10/19/1993
Shared Package
ML20059A931 List:
NUDOCS 9310270227
Download: ML20059A936 (28)



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i Attachment B  !

Proposed Technical Specification Pages 3 for Removal of the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor Scrams and Isolations Pages Changed:  !

27 l 29 t 30 32 -

33  !

39 i 45 46 46a i 67 69 i 70  ;

193f f i

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i 9310270227 931019- p$

J PDR -ADOCK 05000293 P

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  • Channels per Trip Function Trip level Setting Must Be Operable Action (I)

Trio System (1)

Refuel (7) Startup/ Hot Run MinimumlAvail. Standby __

1 1 Mode Switch in Shutdown X X X A 1 1 Manual Scram X X X A IRM 3 4 High Flux s120/125 of full scale X X (5) A 3 4 Inoperative X X (5) A APRM 2 3 High Flux (15) (17) (17) X A or B 2 3 Inoperative (13) X X(9) X A or B 2 3 High Flux (15%) sl5% of Design Power X X (16) A or B 2 2 High Reactor Pressure s1085 psig X(10) X X A 2 2 High Drywell Pressure s2.5 psig X(8) X(8) X A 2 2 Reactor low Water Level 29 In. Indicated Level X X X A SDIV High Water Level: s39 Gallons X(2) X X A 2 2 East 2 2 West 2 2 Main Condenser low =23 In. Hg Vacuum X(3) X(3) X A or C Vacuum 4 4 Main Steam Line s10% Valve Closure X(3)(6) X(3)(6) X(6) A or C Isolation-Valve Closure 2 2 Turbine Control Val';e =150 psig Control Oil Fast Closure Pressure at Acceleration Relay :X(4) X(4) X(4) A or D 4 4 Turbine Stop Valve 510% Valve Closure X(4) X(4) X(4) A or D Closure Amendment No. 151 -421-861 -921-117, 133, 147, 27

_ _ - _ ___ _ __ ___ . . . . - . . _ . , . _, ,. _.__...,...u._-.._.._._ .-.- - - - . - - _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - _ _ _

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NOTES FOR TABLE 3.1.1 (Cont'd) ,

2. Permissible to bypass, with control rod block, for. reactor protection system j reset in refuel and shutdown positions of the reactor mode switch.  !
3. Permissible to bypass when reactor pressure is <600 psig.  ;
4. Permissible to bypass when turbine first stage pressure is less than 305 psig.  :
5. IRM's are bypassed when APRM's are onscale and the reactor mode switch is in the  !

run position.

6. The design permits closure of any two lines without a scram being initiated.
7. When the reactor is subcritical, fuel is in the reactor vessel and the reactor water temperature is less than 212 F, only the following trip functions need to  !

be operable: l A. Mode switch in shutdown i B. Manual scram l C. High flux IRM '

D. Scram discharge volume high level E. APRM (15%) high flux scram j

8. Not required to be operable when primary containment integrity is not required. ,
9. Not required while performing low power physics tests at atmospheric pressure during or after refueling at power levels not to exceed 5 MW(t). .
10. Not required to be operable when the reactor pressure vessel head is not bolted l to the vessel.
11. Deleted
12. Deleted >
13. An APRM will be considered inoperable if there are less than 2 LPRM inputs per 'l level o- there is less than 50% of the normal complement of LPRM's to an APRM. l
14. Deleted  !
15. The APRM high flux trip level setting shall be as specified in the CORE  ;

OPERATING LIMITS REPORT, but shall in no case exceed 120% of rated thermal '


16. The APRM (15%) high flux scram is bypassed when in the run mode.
17. The APRM flow biased high flux scram is bypassed when in the refuel or startup/ hot standby modes.

i Amendment No. 6, 15, 27, 42, 86, 117, 118, 133, 147, 29 l

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TABLE 4.1.1


Mode Switch in Shutdown Place Mode Switch in Shutdown Each Refueling Outag2 Manual Scram Trip Channel and Alar: Every 3 Months RPS Channel Test Switch (5) Trip Channel and Al r a Once per week IRM High Flux Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Once Per Week During Refueling and Before Each Startup Inoperative Trip Channel and Alarm Once Per Week During Refueling and Before Each Startup APRM

, High Flux Trip Output Relays (4) Every 3 Months (7) l Inoperative Trip Output Relays (4) Every 3 Months Flow Bias Trip Output Relays (4) Every 3 Months Trip Output Relays (4)

High Flux (15%) Once Per Week During Refueling and Before Each Startup High Reactor Pressure Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months High Drywell Pressure Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Reactor Low Water level Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tanks Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Turbine Condenser Low Vacuum Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 Months Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 Months Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Turbine Stop Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 Months Reactor Pressure Permissive Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Amendment No. 79 1-99,> 117, 147, 30~

- _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ . -. _ _-


IRM High Flux Comparison to APRM on Controlled Note (4)

Shutdowns Full Calibration Once/ Operating Cycle APRM High Flux Output Signal Heat Balance Once every 3 Days Flow Bias Signal . Calibrate Flow Comparator and Each Refueling Outage Flow Bias Network Calibrate Flow Bias Signal (1) Every 3 Months LPRM Signal TIP System Traverse Every 1000 Effective Full Power Hours High Reactor Pressure Note (7) Note (7)

High Drywell Pressure Note (7) Note (7)

Reactor low Water Level Note (7) Note (7)

High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tanks Note (7) Note (7)

Turbine Condenser low Vacuum Note (7) Note (7)


Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Note (6) Note (6) .

Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive Note (7) Note (7)

Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Standard Pressure Source Every 3 Months Turbine Stop Valve Closure Note (6) Note (6)

' Reactor Pressure Permissive Note (7) Note (7)

Amendment No. 147, 32

l l

l NOTES FOR TABLE 4.1.2 i l

1. Adjust the flow bias trip reference, as necessary, to conform to a calibrated l flow signal. j
2. Calibration tests are not required when the systems are not required to be operable or are tripped.
3. Deleted l  ;
4. Maximum frequency required is once per week. l
5. Response time is not a part of the routine instrument channel test, but will be  !

checked once per operating cycle. j

6. Physical inspection and actuation of these position switches will be performed i during the refueling outages. >
7. Calibration of these devices will be performed during refueling outages.

To verify transmitter output, a daily instrument check will be performed. I Calibration of the associated analog trip units will be performed concurrent -!

with functional testing as specified in Table 4.1.1. -!:

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.i Revision No.'166 )

Amendment No. 79, 99, 147 33  :

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a , , - - - - - -...

l 3.1 BASES (Cont'd) range of applicability of the fuel cladding integrity safety limit. In j addition, the isolation valve closure scram anticipates the pressure and flux  ;

transients that occur during normal or inadvertent isolation valve closure.

With the scrams set at 10 percent of valve closure, neutron flux does not increase.

Hiah Reactor Pressure ]

The high reactor pressure scram setting is chosen slightly above the maximum ,

normal operating pressure to permit normal operation without spurious scram, -!

yet provide a wide margin to the ASME Section III allowable reactor coolant j system pressure (1250 psig, see Bases Section 3.6.D).

Hiah Drywell Pressure l l

Instrumentation for the drywell. is provided to detect a loss of coolant 4

accident and initiate the core standby cooling equipment. A high drywell  !

pressure scram is provided at the same setting as the Core Standby Cooling  !

Systems (CSCS) initiation to minimize the energy that must be accommodated i during a loss of coolant accident and to prevent return to criticality. This  !

instrumentation is a backup to the reactor vessel water level instrumentation.  !

-l-  !

Reactor Mode Switch  !

The reactor mode switch actuates or bypasses the various scram functions  !

appropriate to the particular plant operating status (Reference FSAR Section l

7. 2.3.9) . -

Manual Scram The manual scram function is active in all modes, thus providing for a manual means of rapidly inserting control rods during all modes of reactor operation.  :

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t Amendment No. 6, 79, 133, 147, 39 I



3 2 !


Minimum Available , Instrument Trio Level Settinc Action (2) 4 2(7) 2 Reacter Low Water Level >9" indicated level (3) A and D 1 1 Reactor High Pressure 5110 psig D 2 2 Reactor Low-Low Water Level at or above -49 in. A indicated level (4) 2 2 Reactor liigh Water Level $48" indicated level (5) B 2(7) 2 High Drywell Pressure $2.5 psig A .l l

2 2- Low Pressure Main Steam Line 2880 psig (8) B 1

2(6) 2' High Flow Main Steam Line $140% of rated steam flow B 2 2 Main Steam Line Tunnel.

Exhaust Duct High Temperature $170 F B 2 2 Turbine Basement Exhaust Duct High Temperature $150 F B 1 1 ' Reactor Cleanup. System High Flow $300% of rated flow C 2 2 Reactor Cleanup System High Temperature 5150 F C Amendment'No. 86, 147,. 45-

__1___.________u .~.;-.. .... __.__ _._ ..u. ..__..2. _.u_...-_~.....:~..._.-._._,..____._.__.._._._._.__..._._._..

i 4 . .

j NOTES FOR TABLE 3.2.A J I. Whenever Primary Containment integrity is required by Section 3.7, there shall be two operable or tripped trip systems for each function. .An .i instrument channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> '

for required surveillance without placing the trip system in the tripped i condition provided at least one OPERABLE channel in the same trip system  ;

is monitoring that parameter; or, where only one channel exists per trip .:

system, the other trip system shall be operable. j

2. Action If the minimum number of operable instrument channels cannot be met for' ,

one of the trip systems of a trip function, the appropriate conditions ,

listed below shall be followed:

If placing the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition would  !

not cause an isolation, the inoperable channel (s) and/or that trip  ;

system shall be placed in the tripped condition within one hour ,

(twelve hours for Reactor Low Water Level and High Drywell l Pressure), or initiate the action required by Table 3.2.A for the  !

affected trip functions.  !

If placing the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition would l cause an isolation, the inoperable channel (s) shall be restored to operable status within two hours (six hours for Reactor Low Water [ .

Level and High Drywell Pressure) or initiate the Action required by ,

Table 3.2. A for the affected trip function.

If the minimum number of operable instrument channels cannot be met for  !

both trip systems, place at least one trip system (with the most  ;

inoperable channels) in the tripped condition within one hour or initiate the appropriate Action required by Table 3.2. A listed below for the affected trip function. 1 A. Initiate an orderly shutdown and have the reactor in Cold shutdown i Condition in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. i B. Initiate an orderly load reduction and have Main Steam Lines isolated  ;

within eight hours.

C. Isolate Reactor Water Cleanup System.  ;

i D. Isolate Shutdown Cooling.  ;

t i

Amendment No. 86, 105, 119, 147, 46 l

3. Instrument set point corresponds to 128.26 inches above top of active .I fuel ,
4. Instrument set point corresponds to 77.26 inches above top of active fuel. '
5. Not required in Run Mode (bypassed by Mode Switch).
6. Two required for each steam line.
7. These signals also start SBGTS and initiate secondary containment I isolation. ,
8. Only required in Run Mode (interlocked with Mode Switch).  ;
9. Deleted. >

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e Amendment No. 147, 46a


1. Initially once per m nth.until exposure hours (M as defined' on Figure 4.1.1) is 2.0 x 10 5; thereafter, according to Figure 4.1.1 with an interval not less than one month nor more than three months. .
2. Functional tests, calibrations and instrument checks are not required.

when these instruments are not required to be operable or are tripped. '

Functional tests shall be performed before each startup with a required  ;

frequency not to exceed once per week. Calibrations of IRMs and SRMs shall be performed during each startup or during controlled shutdowns l with a required frequency not to exceed once per week. Instrument s checks shall be performed at least once per day during those periods when the instruments are required to be operable. i

3. This instrumentation is excepted from the functional test definition. l The functional test will consist of injecting a simulated electrical signal into the measurement channel.  ;
4. Simulated automatic actuation shall be performed once each operating cycl e. Where possible, all logic system functional tests will be performed using the test jacks.  ;
5. Reactor low water level and high drywell pressure are not included on Table 4.2. A since they are tested on Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. ,

-6. The logic system functional tests shall include a calibration of time  ;

delay relays and timers necessary for proper functioning of the trip.  ;


7. Calibration of analog trip units will be performed concurrent with i functional testing. The functional test will consist of injecting a simulated electrical signal into the measurement channel. Calibration of associated analog transmitters will be performed each refueling  ;

outage. .

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Amendment No. 147, 67

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3.2 BASES (Cont'd)-

Valves, Main Steam Drain Valves, Recirc Sample Valves (Group 1) activates the CSCS subsystems, starts the emergency diesel generators and trips the recirculation pumps. This trip setting level was chosen i to be high enough to prevent spurious actuation but low enough to i initiate CSCS operation and primary system isolation so that no fuel damage will occur and so that post accident cooling can be accomplished i and the of 10 CFR 100 will not be violated. For large breaks l up to the complete circumferential break of a 28-inch recirculation line- '

and with the trip setting given above, CSCS initiation and primary  !

system isolation are initiated in time to meet the above criteria.

l The high drywell . pressure instrumentation is a diverse signal to the I water level instrumentation and in addition to initiating CSCS, it  ;

causes isolation of Group 2 isolation valves. For the breaks discussed' t above, this instrumentation will initiate CSCS operation at about the same time as the low low water level instrumentation; thus the results  ;

given above are applicable here also. The low low water level +

instrumentation initiates protection for the full spectrum of loss-of- +

coolant accidents and causes isolation of Group 1 isolation valves. l


Venturis are provided in the main steam lines as a r o ms of measuring  ;

steam flow and also limiting the loss of mass inv y from the vessel j during a steam line break accident. The primar tion of the instrumentation is to detect a break in the es,' m am line. For the worst case accident, main steam line break oW ede the drywell, a trip setting of 140% of rated steam flow in conjunction with the flow limiters and main steam line valve closure, limits the' mass' inventory i loss such that fuel is not uncovered, fuel temperatures remain I approximately 1000 F and release of radioactivity to the environs is .!

well below 10 CFR 100 guidelines. l Temperature monitoring instrumentation is prov.ided in the main steam i line tunnel and the turbine basement to detect leaks in these areas.  ;

Trips are provided on this instrumentation and when exceeded, cause i closure of isolation valves. The setting of 170 F for the main steam  ;

line tunnel detector is low enough to detect leaks of the order of 5 to i 10 gpm; thus, it is capable of covering the entire spectrum of breaks.  !

For large breaks, the high steam flow instrumentation is a backup to the i temperature instrumentation.

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Amendment No. 34, 113, 69  !


3.2 ' BASES (Cont'd) l b  !

Pressure instrumentation is provided to close the main steam isolation i valves in Run Mode when the main steam line pressure drops below 880 psig. In the Refuel and Startup Mode this_ function is replaced by high reactor water level. This function is provided primarily to provide protection against a pressure regulator malfunction which results in the .

control and/or bypass valves opening. With the trip settings specified, inventory loss is limited so that fuel is not uncovered. ,

The HPCI high flow and temperature instrumentation are provided to detect a break in the HPCI steam piping. Tripping of this instrumentation results in actuation of HPCI isolation valves. Tripping logic for the high flow is a 1 out of 2 logic, and all sensors are required to be operable.

Temperature is monitored at three (3) locations with four (4)  ;

temperature sensors at each location. Two (2) sensors at each location are powered by "A" direct current control bus and two (2) by "B" direct i' current control bus. Each pair of sensors, e.g., "A" or "B", at each location are physically separated and the tripping of either "A" or "B" ,

bus sensor will actuate HPCI isolation valves.  ;

, The trip settings of 5 300% of design flow for high flow and 200 F or- l 170 F, depending on sensor location, for high temperature are such that .  ;

core uncovery is prevented and fission product release is within limits. ,

The RCIC high flow and temperature instrumentation are arranged the same l as that for the HPCI. The trip setting of s 300% for high flow and 200 F,170 F and 150"F, depending on sensor location, for temperature i are based on the same criteria as the HPCI.

q The Reactor Water Cleanup System high flow and temperature '

instrumentation are arranged similar as that for the_ HPCI. The trip settings are such that core uncovery is prevented and fission product release is within limits.

The instrumentation which initiates CSCS action is arranged in a dual bus system. As for other vital instrumentation arranged in this <

fashion, the Specification preserves the effectiveness of the' system even during periods when maintenance or testing is being performed. An ':

exception to this is when logic functional testing is being performed.

3 i

l Amendment No. 140 70 J


. i BASES' l i

3/4.8.G Main Condenser (Continued) l l

Two air ejector off-gas monitors are provided and when their trip point is  !

reached, cause an isolation of the air ejector off-gas line. Isolation is  !

initiated when both instruments reach their high trip point or one has an  ;

upscale trip and the other a downscale trip. There is a fifteen minute '

delay. before the air ejector off-gas isolation valve is closed. This '

delay is accounted for by the 30-minute holdup time of:the off-gas before i it is released to the stack, i Both instruments are required for trip but the instruments are so designed'  !

that any instrument failure gives a downscale trip. The trip settings of i

the instruments _are set so that the instantaneous stack release rate limit  !

given in Specification 3.8 is not exceeded. i H. Mechanical Vacuum Pumo j i

The purpose of isolating the mechanical vacuum pump line is to limit.the  !

release of activity from the main condenser. During a Control Rod Drop i Accident, fission products would be transported from the reactor through j

, the main steam lines to the condenser. The fission product radio- ,

activity would be sensed by the main steam line radioactivity monitors, initiating isolation of the mechanical vacuum pump. l l

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1 Amendment No. 69- 193f f i


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Attachment C

.r Marked-up Technical Specification Pages ,

for Removal of the Main Steam Line  :

Radiation Monitor Scrams and Isolations .

i i

Marked-up Pages: i 27

  • 8 29  !

30 '

32 33  ;

39 ,

45  !

46  :

46a  !

67 i 69 l 70 .

193f  !

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  • Operavie inst. Modes in Which Function Action (I) /

Channels per Trip Function Trip Level Setting Must Be Operable Trip System (1) Refuel (7) Startup/ Hot Run Standb_y MinimumlAvail.

X X X A 1 1 Mode Switch in Shutdown t

X X X A 1 1 Manual Scram IRM

'3 4 High Flux s120/125 of full scale X X (5) A (5) A 3 4 Inoperative X X APRM 3 High Flux (15) (17) (17) X A or B 2

2 3 Inoperative (13) X X(9) X A or 8 3 High Flux (15%) s15% of Design Power X X (16) A or B 2

2 2 High Reactor Pressure s1085 psig X(10) X X A 2 2 High Drywell Pressure s2.5 psig X(8) X(8) X A

=9 In. Indicated Level X X X A j 2 2 Reactor Low Water Level s39 Gallons A SDIV High Water level: X(2) X X 2 7. East l

2 2 West 2 2 Main Condenser low ~

Yacuum =23 In. Hg Vacuum X(3) X(3) X A or C 2 2 Main Steam Line High s7X Normal Full Power

Isolation Valve Closure s10% Valve Closure X(3)(6) X(3)(6) X(6) A'or C

' l l 2 2 Turbine Control Valve =150 psig Control Oil Fast Closure Pressure at Acceleration Relay A or D i X(4) X(4) X(4) i 4 4 Turbine Stop Valve s10% Valve Closure X(4) X(4) X(4) A or D Closure /

U Revhhn-466G Amendment No. 15r-42,-86,-921-117,133, -147- - 27 l

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, . _ - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______,---___m__ . _ _ _ _~ - . - . . - .-,.4 . . . . _ - - - - . . .

. ..-_m . - - . - - . . . . - - . . -..,- . . - _ - - . . . . , -.._.m- _ _1 _ . -_ _ _ . - . . _

4 NOTES FOR TABLE 3.1.1 (Cont'd) i

2. Permissible to bypass, with control rod block, for reactor protection system j reset in refuel and shutdown positions of the reactor mode switch.
3. Permissible to bypass when reactor pressure is <600 psig.
4. Permissible to bypass when turbine first stage pressure is less than 305 psig. 1
5. IRM's are bypassed when APRM's are onscale and the reactor mode switch is in the ,

run position. ':

6. The design permits closure of any two lines without a scram being initiated. {
7. When the reactor is subcritical, fuel is in the reactor vessel and the reactor water temperature is less than 212 F, only the following trip functions need to i be operable: l A. Mode switch in shutdown l B. Manual scram l C. High flux IRM  !

D. Scram discharge volume high level e E. APRM (15%) high flux scram

8. Not required to be operable when primary conta'inment integrity is not required.
9. Not required while performing low power physics tests at atmospheric pressure during or after refueling at power levels not to exceed 5 MW(t). ,
10. Not required to be operable when the reactor pressure vessel head is not bolted  !

to the vessel.  ;

11. Deleted  ;
12. Deleted l
13. An APRM will be considered inoperable if there are less than 2 LPRM inputs per -

level or there is less than 50% of the normal complement of LPRM's to an APRM. j

14. Deleted
15. The APRM high flux trip level setting shall be as specified in the CORE l OPERATING LIMITS REPORT, but shall in no case exceed 120% of rated thermal

- power.  ;

16. The APRM (15%) high flux scram is bypassed when in the run mode. i
17. The APRM flow biaed high flux scram is bypassed when in the refuel or  !

xdartup/ hot standby modes. _ -

f I

[1E Witiiin '24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior 16The planned start of hydrogen injection with the '

( reactor power at greater than 20% rated power, the normal full power radiation i background level and associated trip setpoints may be changed based on a calculated value of the radiation level expected during the injection of hydrogen. The background radiation level and associated trip setpoints may be adjusted based on either calculations or measurements of actual radiation levels 1

resulting from hydrogen injection. The background radiation level shall be determined and associated trip setpoints shall be set within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of re- ,

establishing normal radiation levels after completion of hydrogen injection and ,

rior to withdrawing control rods at reactor power levels below 20% rated power.  ;

c{</eic Rev nion Hv. IB N i Amendment No. 6. 15, 27, 42, 86, 117, 118, 133, -M7-- 29 i i

t l


'^ '


  • Mode Switch in Shutdown Place Mode Switch in Shutdown Each Refueling Outage.

Manual Scram Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 Months RPS Channel Test Switch (5) Trip Channel and Alarm Once per week IRM High Flux Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Once Per Week During Refueling and Before Each Startup Inoperative Trip Channel and Alarm Once Per Week During Refueling and Before Each Startup APRM High Flux Trip Output Relays (4) Every 3 Months (7)

Inoperative Trip Output Relays (4) Every 3 Months Flow Bias Trip Output Relays (4) Every 3 Months High Flux (15%) Trip Output Relays (4) Once Per Week During Refueling and Before Each Startup High Reactor Pressure Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months High Drywell Pressure Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Reactor Low Water Level Tris Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tanks Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Trip _ Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3' Months IurhinfLCondenser low Vacuum CSain Steam Line 6g'h Radiation Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every T5iiths MOe_ l Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 Months Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure Trip Channel and' Alarm Every 3 Months Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Turbine Stop Valve Closure Trip Channel and Alarm Every 3 Months Reactor Pressure Permissive Trip Channel and Alarm (4) Every 3 Months Revhiico ICC " Amendment No. 79,-997 117, M h 30

        +:--.. .,                                            .-                 -

7-- -n r - , _ - - - - - -

                                                                                                                                                                               . w v y3 m ,.3                                33
  .._--____m.     . _ . _ . - - - - - - . ,   . . . ~ .         -   -
                                                                      ~ - - - .   .     - - . - -   - - . . - - - , .        . . _ - -           . - - . . , .    -.       ~--m   .      . . _ - . . . . . _ _ _ _ , - - .


                               'IRM High Flux                                               Comparison to APRM on Controlled          Note (4)                     j Shutdowns                                                         )

Full Calibration Once/ Operating Cycle f l APRM liigh Flux f Output Signal Heat Balance Once every 3 Days i Flow Bias Signal Calibrate Flow Comparator and Each Refueling Outage k Flow Bias Network Calibrate Flow Bias Signal (1) Every 3 Months . LPRM Signal TIP System Traverse Every 1000 Effective Full Power Hours High Reactor Pressure Note (7) Note (7) ' High Drywell Pressure Note (7) Note (7) Reactor low Water Level Note (7) Note (7) High Water Level in Scram Discharge Tanks Note (7) Note (7) Turbine Condenser low Vacuum Note (7) Note (7) Main Steam Line Isolation Valve Closure Note (6) Note (6) g4 Steam b ne High Radiation Standard Current Source (3) Every 3 Mo g Turbine First Stage Pressure Permissive Note (7) Note (7) Turbine Control Valve ~ Fast Closure Standard Pressure Source Every 3 Months i Turbine Stop Valve Closure Note (6) Note (6)

                               ' Reactor Pressure Permissive                                Note (7)                                  Note'(7)                     7

Rev4s4en-1 # 32 Amendment No. M F , _ . _ . . _- ._ , z _I n

      ,-                   -.                   -~        . . _ .     . -    . . . - .     -             .-

k! h.!: 4l :, e h! NOTES FOR TABLE 4.1.2 , ff l Vj

1. Adjust the flow bias trip reference, as necessary, to a [ tj calibrated flow signal. g ,  !


2. Calibration tests are not required when the systems are not required to be  : :

operable or are tripped. F! h

            -                                                                                                           j
3. Thep rrent source provides an instrument channel alignment. Calibration l l using a radiation source shall be made each refueling outag'e. -  !

Owls 1.d .;

4. Maximum frequency required is once per week. j i
5. Response time is not a part of the routine instrument channel test, but will  ;

be checked once per operating cycle. i -! ,

6. Physical inspection and actuation of these position switches will be r i performed during the refueling outages.  !! j
7. Calibration of these devices will be performed during refueling outages. l i

To verify transmitter output, a daily instrument check will be performed. ,- ] Calibration of the associated analog trip units will be performed concurrent j with functional testing as specified in Table 4.1.1. - l 4 i

 .,                                                                                                                     i i
                                                                                                               !, t I!

L' i; i-f i; l 4 , e l s } ! i , t

                                                                                                                     .I i

i i i ! "evisivo No. IM . I j- Amendment No. 79, 99, Mif , 33


j! . , 1y C!

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  • g p :qi .

3.1 RA_SJJ (Cont'd) [ ', range of applicability of the fuel cladding integrity . safety limit. In r i addition, the isolation valve closure scram anticipates the pressure and f - j flux transients that occur during normal ar inadvertent isolation valve i' closure. With the scrams set at 10 percent of valve closure, neutron flux does not increase.  ; Hiah Reactor Pressure f 1 The high reactor pressure scram setting is chosen slightly above the i j maximum normal operating pressure to permit normal operation without -f spurious scram, yet provide a wide margin to the ASME Secticq III l allowable reactor coolant system pressure (1250 psig, see Bases Section j I .i 3.6.D). I Hich Drvwell Pressure l l Instrumentation for the drywell is provided to detect a loss' of coolant t accident and initiate the core standby cooling equipment. A high drywell pressure scram is provided at the same setting as the Core Standby Cooling Systems (CSCS) initiation to minimize the energy that must be accommodated , j during a loss of coolant accident and to prevent return to criticality. i i This instrumentation is a backup to the reactor vessel water level } [ instrumentation. i EabbnrT ad N

                                                                                               ,I      :

High radiation levels in the main steam line tunnel above that due to .the f .! normal nitrogen and oxygen radioactivity is an indication of leaking fuel'.  !! A scram is initiated whenever such radiation level exceeds seven times . normal background. The purpose of this scram is to reduce the source of l such radiation to the extent r.ecessary to prevent excessive turbine  ; contamination. Discharge of excessive. amounts of radioactivity to the  !

     -       site environs is prevented by the air ejector off-gas monitors that cause' /               j an isolation of the main condenser off-gas line.                _

j (A l r Reactor Mode Switch The reactor mode switch actuates or bypasses the various scram functions [ appropriate to the particular plant operating status (Reference FSAR  ! 5 Section l Manual Scram  ! The manual scram function is active in all modes, thus providing for a j manual means of rapidly inserting control rods during all modes of reacto - operation.

                                                                                                      .i i

i nev niandt F # li Amendment No. 6, 79, 133, 1+7, 39 i( f

PNPS TABLE 3.2.A INSTRUMENTATION THAT INITIATES FRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION Operable Instrument Channels Per Trip System (1) h Minimum l Available Instrument Trio Level Settin; Action (?) I 2(7) 2 Reactor Low Water Level 29" indicated level (3) A and D 1 1 Reactor Illgh Pressure $110 psig D 2 2 Reactor Low-Low Water Level at or above -49 in. A indicated level (4) 2 2 Reactor High Water Level 548" indicated level (5) B 2(7) 2 High Drywell Pressure 52.5 psig A 1 2 2 High Radiation Main Steam $7 times normal. rated B auj f. Line Tunnel (9) full power background 2 2 Low Pressure Main Steam Line 2880 psig (8) B 2(6) 2 High Flow Main Steam Line $140% of rated steam flow B 2 2 Main Steam Line Tunnel i Exhaust Duct High Temperature $170 F B 2 2 Turbine Basement Exhaust Duct High Temperature $150 F B 1 1- Reactor Cleanup System High Flow $300% of rated flow C 2 2 Reactor Cleanup System-High. Temperature $150 F .C R4wie4en " . - 1 Amendment No. 86,'Mf- 45

    ;.m     gw - =              ~ ,, -                             . _ , , , - .             ,.,,y  m--m . . . w. .., . . m ~,    r- . m - y-                  .         m .~ m . . ,vm-w.m ;                                       . . gm                 .

__________________.u__m_ ._._.,.m_._..._.___,.,.__.__._.....-,--._..-....-,4.. , -._,...._--..~.-_._......,-....-.r. _ . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . , _ . . _ . . _ . _ . . .

      ,                                                                                                                                  fi)

(! h NOTES FOR TABLE 3.2.A h; fii

1. Whenever Primary Containment integrity is required by Section 3.7, there p!

shall be two operable or tripped trip systems for each function. An ~

                                                                                                                                         ~3 instrument channel may be placed in an inoperable status for up to 6 hours                                                   ;

for required surveillance without pir.cing the trip system in the tripped condition provided at least one OPERnBLE channel in the same trip system is monitoring that parameter; or, where only one channel exists per trip nl H

                                                                                                                                         "l system, the other trip system shall be operable.                                                                       L. !
2. Action l
                                                                                                                <                            -I If the minimum number of operable instrument channels cannot be met for one of the trip systems of a trip function, the appropriate conditions                        .

listed below shall be followed: I c/ j. j If placing the inoperable channel (s) in the.trippedconditionwouldf ii not cause an isolation, the inoperable char nel(s) and/or that trip { t system shall be placed in the tripped condition within one hour  !. (twelvehoursforReactorLowWaterLevel[HighDrywellPressuref I.

                                   .amMhi n O mm Line High-Radist d) or initiate the action required                                  -

by Table 3.2.A for the affected trip functions.  ; i:I If placing the inoperable channel (s) in the tripped condition would cause an isolation, the inoperable channel (s) shall be restored to l! 4 1 c., J s operable Leve16High status within Drywell two hours Pressuref (sixsteam and Main hoursLine for Hign Reactor Low Wg) Kaolatio_U f [: l or initiate the Action required by Table 3.2.A for the affected  !-l  ! trip function.

  • i
                                                                                                                                         ;m i If the minimum number of operable instrument channels cannot be met for                                                     1 both trip systems, place at least one trip system (with the most inoperable channels) in the tripped condition within one hour or                                                            :

initiate the appropriate Action required by Table 3.2.A listed.below for ~j the affected trip function. gj A. Initiate an orderly shutdown and have the reactor in Cold Shutdown f1 jj Condition in 24 hours. , el B. Initiate an orderly load reduction and have Main Steam Lines isolated l within eight hours. l'. l r, ! C. Isolate Reactor Water Cleanup System.  ! D. Isolate Shutdown Cooling. j


Re m +on-!6. 15EV l Amendment No. 86, 105, 119, M7- 46 [j I, i I


{' e

3. Instrument set point corresponds to 128.26 inches above top of active i fuel. ,
4. Instrument set point corresponds to 77.26 inches above top of active fuel. y
5. Not required in Run Mode (bypassed by Mode Switch). ,
6. Two required for each steam line. ~
7. These signals also start SBGTS and initiate secondary containment ,

isolation.  ;

8. On1 re
                     % quired
                           % in RunO Mode/(interlocked

N with 0-Mode Switch f,

          -9. ithin 24 hours v ior t'o 4he plann/ %ed start-6f hydr' ogen injection with the reactor power at greater than 20% rated power,'the normal full power
f. ,

radiation background level and associated trip setpoints may be changed based on a calculated value of the radiation level expected during the  ; injection of hydrogen. The background radiation level and associated trip . setpoints may be adjusted based on either calculations or measurements of - l actual radiation levels resulting from hydrogen injection. The background ' radiation level shall be determined and associated trip setpoints shall be  ; set within 24 hours of re-establishing normal radiation levels after completion of hydrogen injection and prior to withdrawing control rods at  ; reactor power levels below 20% rated power.  ! M/1/ cle] 'N {

4. De(eted ,
t.  :


                                                                                                                      !    i e:

I i i Il e ! i 4 J i f i [ r RevhimrNeHtb Amendment No. 4+7, 46a 4. l


1. Initially once per m n un exp ue urs (M as defined on Figure 4.1.1) is 2.0 x 10 ;5 thereafter, according to Figure 4.1.1 with an interval not less than one month nor more than three months. I
2. Functional tests, calibrations and instrument checks are not required  !

when these instruments are not required to be operable or are tripped. Functional tests shall be performed before each startup with a required  ; frequency not to exceed once per week. Calibrations of IRMs and SRMs shall be performed during each startup or during controlled shutdowns  ; with a required frequency not to exceed once per week. Instrument i checks shall be performed at least once per day during those periods ' when the instruments are required to be operable.  ;

3. This instrumentation is excepted from the functional test definition. '

The functional test will consist of injecting a simulated electrical signal into the measurement channel.

4. Simulated automatic actuation shall be performed once each operating ,

cycle. Where possible, all logic system. functional tests will be i performed using the test jacks.  ;

                                                 ,. 4                   ._                      d
5. Reactor low water levely high drywell pressure ($Nd main steam line high Muare not included on Table 4.2. A since they are tested on J I

Tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2. f

6. The logic system functional tests shall include a calibration of time  !

delay relays and timers necessary for proper functioning of the trip  ; systems.  !

7. Calibration of analog trip units will be performed concurrent with i functional testing. The functional test will consist of injecting a  !

simulated electrical signal into the measurement channel. Calibration of associated analog transmitters will be performed each refueling  : , outage. , l l i a I r b i


~ Revnien-ho---166 Amendment No. H7', 67 l

, 3.2 MSLS (Cont'd) { Valves, Main Steam Drain Valves, Retirc Sample Valves (Group 1)  ! activates the CSCS subsystems, starts the emergency diesel generators  ! and trips the recirculation pumps. This trip setting level was chosen to be high enough to prevent spurious actuation but low enough to  : initiate CSCS operation and primary system isolation so that no fuel ' damage will occur and so that post accident cooling can be accomplished  ! and the guidelines of 10 CFR 100 will not be violated. For large breaks up to the complete circumferential break of a 28-inch recirculation line i  ! and with the trip setting given above, CSCS initiation and primary /' system isolation are initiated in time to meet the above criteria. i 0 ' The high drywell pressure instrumentation is a diverse signal to the water level instrumentation and in addition to initiating CSCS, it causes isolation of Group 2 isolation valves. For the breaks discussed , above, this instrumentation will initiate CSCS operation at about the / same time as the low low water level instrumentation; thus the results , given above are applicable here also. The low low water level '; instrumentation initiates protection for the full spectrum of [ loss-of-coolant accidents and causes isolation of Group 1 isolation - valves. , Venturis are provided in the main steam lines as a means of measuring I steam flow and also limiting the loss of mass inventory from the vessel during a steam line break accident. The primary function of the j instrumentation is to detect a break in the main steam line. For the , worst case accident, main steam line break outside the drywell, a trip - setting of 1407. of rated steam flow in conjunction with the flow - limiters and main steam line valve closure, limits the mass inventory i loss such that fuel is not uncovered, fuel temperatures remain ' approximately 1000*F and release of radioactivity to the environs is L j well below 10 CFR 100 guidelines. ( , Temperature monitoring instrumentation is provided in the main steam  ; line tunnel and the turbine basement to detect leaks in these areas. Trips are provided on this instrumentation and when exceeded, cause' d closure of isolation valves. The setting of 170*F for the main steam 9 ' line tunnel detector is low enough to detect leaks of the order of 5 to U , 10 gpm; thus, it is capable of covering the entire spectrum of breaks. ' for large breaks, the high steam flow instrumentation is a backup to the temperature instrumentation.  ; [N- - vv-  % ,

     / High radiation monitors in the main steam line tunnel have been provided       l          l etect gross fuel failure as in the control rod drop acci-Lw I

l 1 i devtrinn48 Amendment No. 24, 4 6 69 i j

F  ; L !

     #                                                                         &     /

fl 3.2 B SES (Cont'd N. L [ dent ( 'the established setting of 7 times normal background, and l main steam line isolation valve closure, fission product release is > limited so that 10 CFR 100 guidelines are not exceeded for this accident. Reference FSAR Section 14.5.1 and Appendix R.3.2.5. l  : un > Pressure instrumentation is provided to close the main steam isolation > valves in Run Mode when the main steam line pressure drops below 880 psig. In the Refuel and Startup Mode this function is replaced by high reactor water level This function is provided primarily to provide , protection against a pressure regulator malfunction which results in the  ; control and/or bypass valves opening. With the trip settings specified,  : inventory loss is limited so that fuel is not uncovered. [ The HPCI high flow and temperature instrumentation are provided to i detect a break in the HPCI steam piping. Tripping of this instrumentation results in actuation of HPCI isolation valves. Tripping logic for the high flow is a 1 out of 2 logic, and all sensors are t ,  ; required to be operable. ' Temperature is monitored at three (3) location's with four (4) ' temperature sensors at each location. Two (2) sensors at each location  : are powered by "A" direct current control bus and two (2) by "B" direct current control bus. Each pair of sensors, e.g., "A" or "B", at each l location are physically separated and the tripping of either "A" or "B" t-

                                                                                                 * [i bus sensor will actuate HPCI isolation valves.

The trip settings of 13007. of design flow for high flow and 200*F or 170*F, depending on sensor location, for high temperature are such that . core uncovery is prevented and fission product release is within limits. l [f (  : , The RCIC high flow and temperature instrumentation are arranged the same r Iti as that for the HPCI. The trip setting of 13007, for high flow and r 200*F, 170*F and 150*F, depending on sensor location, for temperature f' are based on the same criteria as the HPCI. jj The Reactor Water Cleanup System high flow and temperature instrumentation are arranged similar as that for the HPCI. The trip  !( settings are such that core uncovery is prevented and fission product l release is within limits. ' The instrumentation which initiates CSCS action ic arranged in a dual _/ ' l bus system. As for other vital instrumentation arranged in this } fashion, the Specification preserves the effectiveness of the system  ! even during periods when maintenance or testing is being performed. An exception to this is when logic functional testing is being performed. i i i 1 1 4tevision iSP 70 Amendment No. MO , L i i

/ ]

  • it t
   ,a mi;
 ,    BASES                                                                                             g, 3/4.8.G Main Cond3nser (Continued)                                                                    l r

Two air ejector off-gas monitors are provided and when their trip point is reached, cause an isolation of the air ejector off-gas line. Isolation is l initiated when both instruments reach their high trip point or one has an , upscale trip and the other a downstale trip. There is a fif teeTi minute it ' delay before the air ejector off-gas isolation valve is closed. This  ! delay is accounted for by the 30-minute holdup time of the off-gas before i it is released to the stack, i Both instruments are required for trip but the instruments are so designed ' that any instrument failure gives a downstale trip. The trip settings of the instruments are set so that the instantaneous stack release rate limit , given in Specification 3.8 is not exceeded. , l H. Hethanical Vacuum Pump ,gy/ 6] D ,-, _ [ The purpose of isolating the mechanical vacuum pump line is to limit the [f [ release of activity from the main condenser. During an accident, fission J! products would be transported from the reactor through the main steam G lines to the condenser. The fission product radioattivity would be sensed i l by the main steam line radioactivity monitors, ginitiatfisolation [l g l li

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t r i-Amendment No. 69- 193f h:


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