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E-mail from Ogle to Merzke Overdue SDP Info for the Commission
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/23/2003
From: Ogle C
To: Daniel Merzke
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051180060 (9)


Charles R. 0gl '- Fwd: Overdue SDP Info for the Commission Page 1 From: Charles R.Ogle To: Merzke, Daniel Date: 12/23/03 7:42AM


Fwd: Overdue SDP Info for the Commission

1. Hatch URI 03-06-02: Work on this item was temporarily suspended while the region reviewed the licensee's denial of the two NCVs in the report and request to withdraw the three URIs. A visit to the site was conducted on 12/18 to work the fire model. Preliminarily, it appears that the combustibles in the fire area of concern will not result in a credible fire.
2. Hatch URI 03-06-06: A writeup to close this item has been generated and will be included in the next quarterly inspection report.

CC: Christensen, Harold

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Fwd: Overdue SDP Info for the Commission Creation Date: 12/23/03 7:42AM From: Charles R. Ogle Created By: Recipients Action Date & Time ATLPO.ATL_DO Delivered 12/23/03 07:42AM HOC CC (Harold Christensen) Opened 12/23/03 07:47AM owf2_po.OWFNDO Delivered 12/23/03 07:42AM DXM2 (Daniel Merzke) Opened 12/23/03 07:50AM Post Office Delivered Route AT1_PO.ATh_DO 12/23/03 07:42AM owf2_po.OWFNDO 12/23/03 07:42AM Files Size Date & Time Mail MESSAGE 1040 12/23/03 07:42AM Options Auto Delete: No Expiration Date: None Notify Recipients: Yes Priority: Standard Reply Requested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


No Security: Standard To Be Delivered: Immediate Status Tracking: Delivered & Opened

[Charies R. O:gle - Fwd: Overdue SDP Info for the Commission Page 1 From: Harold Christensen To: DRS Branch Chiefs Date: 12/23/03 7:26AM


Fwd: Overdue SDP Info for the Commission For your info.


3 R Oce -Ovedue SDP Info for the Commission I Carls Charles R.Oole Overdue SOP Info for the Commission

- Paoe 1 Page 11I From: Stuart Richards To: Michael Tschiltz; Regional Division Directors and Deputies Date: 12/22/03 5:14PM


Overdue SDP Info for the Commission As briefly discussed at the Regional Division Director's Counterpart meeting last week, IIPB has been asked by the Chairman to provide a list of the inspection findings that are overdue in the significance determination process. We passed out a draft of the list at that time.

That list has been edited and the latest revision is attached. Note that there are a number of items over one year late. I have been asked to provide additional information as to why these items are late, and IIPB has done so. I want to give the regions and SPSB the opportunity to see what we're writing and to comment or expand on our draft. This was originally due to the EDO last Friday so there is little time. If you want to comment, I need the comments by 2 pm east coast time tomorrow, 12/23. Pis comment to Daniel Merzke in IIPB and cc: me and Doug Coe.

Note that this is not part of a paper to the Commission, but rather will be provided relatively informally thru the EDO's office.

Thanks Stu CC: Bruce Boger; Cynthia Carpenter; Daniel Merzke; Doug Coe


OF OVERDUE ACTIVE SDP FINDINGS 12/16/03 Fire Protection OVERDUE by 658 days. Action complete. Issue URI-50-395/ MS Evac 2001-009 GREEN. Awaiting closeout in IR. Region working 01-09-01 Summer Procedures for Main 11/28/01 N/A 02/28/02 with OGC to resolve enforcement issue since 12/02.

Control Room fire OGC would not support a violation, so Region is trying to develop as a finding since 08/12/03.<

MS Operator action OVERDUE by 546 days. Awaiting licensee's URI-02-03-02 Oconee for Safe Shutdown 2002-003 TBD 06/20/02 engineering eval regarding equipment impact.

Analysis not included 3/20/02 Characterized as URI pending SDP review, but requires further inspection .

OVERDUE by 169 days. Cables not properly protected from fire in Emergency Switchgear Room.

Week of 8/18 - Phase II validated as > Green.

Package submitted to SPSB on 8/20. Week of 8/25 -

HO will need to engage contractors to do the Phase URI 03-07-01, MS Failed to protect 2003-007 III. Week of 9/1 - trying to workout a date for:

03-07-02, Surry RCP seals during 03/31/03 TBD 06/30/03 contractor site visit. Week of 9/8 - HQ working on 03-07-03 switchgear room fire site visit date. Week of 10/6 - Site visit performed.

Contractors acquired necessary info and established the event tree. Draft report from SNL received 11/11/03. Phase 3 completed, sent to Region on 12/02/03. SERP to be scheduled 01/07/04.

Received in SPSB 08/03. Lead reviewer: R. Perch.

MS Mna lHactihlonost 2003-0OVERDUE e by 16 days. URI pending URI-03-06-02 Hatch foraua Post-ire nsD 09010306 TBD 11/30/03 completion of significance determination. Site for ostFireSSD 09/0/03scoping visit planned 12/118/03.

OVERDUE by 758 days. SPLB provided input to OST In 05/02. SPSB completed Phase 3 and forwarded to region In 08/02 (11 months). Region 2001-006 SERP held 11/12/02. Had to reconvene backfit EA-03-016 8/20/01 panel. SERP held 01/23/03. Choice letter issued SPSB MS APP. R -

ANO 1 TIA YELLOW 11/20/01 03/25/03 (2 months). Reg Conf pushed back from Separation URI 01-06-02 issued 05/25/03 to 07/10/03. Additional licensee info 9/01 received 08/12/03. Region requested clarification of licensee information on 09/19/03. Response received 11/25/03. DRS to schedule SERP to make final determination.

9 4. 4 4 4 4 I __________ __________________ .2. 1 £ _____________ 1 RCS Pressure Boundary OVERDUE by 419 days. Region assessed as GREEN finding 12/02. Issue identified by SPSB as URI-50-269, Reactor Pressure 2002-002 TBD 10/25/02 one of a number of CRDM leakage Issues and 270/02-02-03 Oconee Boundary Leakage 7/25/02 performing own risk assessment. Waiting SPSB during Operation completion of tool for evaluating CRDM cracking issues, estimated 12/31/03.

OVERDUE by 233 days. Originally held for completion of CRDM leakage risk tool from SPSB.

In 09/03, Steve Long (SPSB) provided guidance to 02-05-02 ANO1 BI Nozzle cracking 2002-005 N/A 04/27/03 region that indicated this issue was a GREEN issue.

UR2-05-02 01/27/03 Region held because they were waiting for the risk tool. Will be closed out as a GREEN NCV in inspection report 2003-008, per SPSB input.

OVERDUE (No due date because IR not Issued.)

IR Not SPSB support requested 12/02. 01/03- analyst Issued. completed site visit to gather information.

SPSB Comanche Issued. No due date 02/03-06/03- awaiting inputs from EMCB and P3-200205 Peak IE SG tube leak SPSB TBD because IR not licensee. 07/08/03- Phase 3 undergoing final

- support issued. reviews. Complete 08/05/03, sent to region. Region requested SRAs doing peer review of Phase 3 since 09/03.

12/10/02 SERP to be scheduled in January 2004. Lead reviewer: S. Long I I

I 5Rhitittwn

, . . OVERDUE by 106 days. Shutdown Issue, special

... ,. ,,. ,. ,,. -. IN inspection finding. Loss of shutdown cooling for 5

. - . ' . '.,," "' minutes, caused by improper relief valve setting. To

.. Of.. :. . SPSB for work 6/2/2003. SPSB started analysis week of 07/07/03. Received SPSB analysis dated

- SPSB MS Loss of Decay 2003-008 10/29/03 on 11/3. It is White. Regional review Harris TBD URI-03-08-01 - Heat Removal 06/03/03 b -,  :. .. 09/01/03 ... identified potentially serious flaws in the HO analysis.

SRA call with Fredrickson, Pohida and Reinhart on

.. -. . . .. 1.

. - -- . . 11/14. Followup Info provided 11/17.; Incorporated

....... . ... ... comments from region received 11/13/03. Awaiting

.. - .. ... .. . . results of analysis from SRXB (Len Wafd). Lead

' ..' . .: . -. . SPSB reviewer: M. Pohida.

OVERDUE by 51 days. Phase 3 analysis in progress by SRA. Week of 10/13- Need to reconcile SPAR and full scope analysis. Week of 11/17 -

SPAR & full scope model results reconciled. 11/26 URI-03-03-03 Oconee MS SSF Diesel 2003-003 TBD 10/26/03 Initial analysis complete. Comments on fire Degraded Grommets 07/28/03 scenarios from Duke indicate that some alternate mitigation strategy may be appropriate for EFW X-tie.

This will be factored into the analysis. Week of 12/1

- Analysis complete indicating GREEN.. Submitted for second SRA review.

MS OVERDUE by 121 days. Sent to SPSB in 05/03.

EA-03-180 DiiE ti Analysis completed and forwarded to region URggi501 PliaegLad xcOPavang 2003-005 WHT 81/3 08/28/03. SERP held 9/25/03. Choice letter Issued SPPi e i g c t 2 - WHITE 08/17/03 10/03/03. Reg Conf scheduled 11/25/03. Caucus SPSBL oss of Shutdown held 12/04/03. No change in color. Region to issue Cooling final letter.

11 IOther T 7 r - -

OVERDUE by 870 days. Analysis held until licensee completed engineering evaluation and test of ECCS equipment operability in high temperatures.

Licensee conducted initial engineering evaluation which the region challenged. The licensee and the URI-50-269/ MS High temp in LP 2000-008 region could not come to agreement on the analysis, 00-08-01 Oconee injection 4/30/01 TBD 07/30/01 so the licensee agreed to conduct an actual test of the equipment using a mock-up. Licensee successfully completed test of ECCS pump under post-LOCA conditions 10/03. Region to close as a GREEN finding in the 4th quarter 2003 inspection report.

V V OVERDUEby516days. Region SRA completed preliminary analysis for all but fire initiator week of 11/25/02. This Issue required resolution of Oconee LP-19/20 issue (spurious actuation of containment isolation recirc valves during fire) by SPSB.

EA-03-145 MS Corrective Oconee Actions related to 2002-006 04/28/03- SPSB analysis sent to region. IE URI-02-06-01 WHITE 07/19/02 Pressurizer 4/19/02 frequency for fire used for this analysis. SRA began fire portion of SDP on 04/29/03. SERP held 07/30/03. Choice letter issued 08/07/03. Reg Conf scheduled 11/14/03. Licensee declined Reg Conf.

Caucus held 12/17/03. Region to close as WHITE in final letter to licensee.

MS Inadequate 2003-006 OVERDUE by 16 days. Licensee challenged URI-03-06-06 Hatch Modification to SRV TBD 11/30/03 URI. Region to close based on information provided Logic 09/01/03 by licensee.

OVERDUE by 49 days. Issued as a URI.

EA-0-17 MSHPIPum Safty 003015 GreterSERP held 9/04/03. Choice letter issued 10/08/03.

UI-03-154 Davis-Besse Function 0073-015 than 10/28/03 Licensee requested extension for response.

GREEN Response received 12/05/03. Region to schedule re-SERP.

OVERDUE by 222 days. Issued as an apparent violation, awaiting significance determination. SERP MS Condensate valve 2002-007 held 04/10/03. Choice letter issued 05/02/03. Reg EA-03-077 River Bend WHITE 05/08/03 Conf held 06/23/03. Licensee provided risk analysis not locked open 1 02/07/03 07/07/03. Caucus held 08/14/03. Final letter in concurrence. Sent to OE for review/concurrence 12/08/03.

IE Operator OVERDUE by 43 days. URI pending South URI-03-02-07 Response to PORV 2003-002 determination of safety significance. Inspectors Texas TBD 11/03/03 Lifts During Solid 08/05/03 gathering more information, but SRA expects issue Project Plant Ops to be GREEN.

I .5. .5. 1 1 1