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Miscellaneous Correspondence for the Prairie Island Initial Examination - September 2003
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/2003
From: Lanksbury R
Nuclear Management Co
50-282/03-301, 50-306/03-301
Download: ML040210002 (24)



Committed fo Nudear Excellent Nuslear Management Company, LLC Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Dr. East Welch MN 55089 May 18,2001 10 CFR 55.5 Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 111 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Request for License Exam Prairie Island would Ii request a license exam to be scheduled for no earlier than September 21, 2 0 0 e expect this class to consist of six Reactor Operators, three SRO upgrades and three SRO instant candidates.

Prairie Island staff will be preparing the exam in accordance with the NUREG 1021. We have established instructions and a process to ensure exam security.

pfL If you have any questions, please contact Robert Gillespie at (651) 388-1 165 extension 4036 or John Kempkes at (651) 388-1 165 extension 5031.


/7vllcie Joel P. Sorensen Site Vice President -

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant c: Mr. David Hills

Committed to Nuclear Excellence Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717Wakonade Dr.East Welch MN 55089 September 18,2001 RIS 2001-17 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Response to Regulatory Issue Summary 2001-I7, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations In response to the subject Regulatory Issue Summary 2001-17, we are providing our planned schedule for reactor operator examinations and initial reactor operator examinations through 2005 and generic fundamentals examinations for calendar years 2002 and 2003. These schedules are contained in the attached NRC Form 536.

In this letter we have made no new Nuclear Regulatory Commission commitments.

Please contact John Kempkes (651-388-1 121, ext. 5031) if you have any questions related to this letter.

Mano Nazar Generating Plant c: Regional Administrator - Region Ill, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC J E Silberg


NRC Form 536


Estimated burden per res onse to comply with this, voluntary informatic collection request: 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. This information coliedion IS used to plan budge and resources for operator examinattons. Send comments re arding burdc OPERATOR LICENSING estimate to the Records ManagementBranch 6 6) U.S.NuJear Regulato Commission, Washlhglon, DC 205?&&01, 0; by internet e-mail I bjsl@nrc. ov and to the Desk Officer Office of Information and Re ulato EXAMINATION DATA Affairs, Nbb-10202.[3150-0131). 0ffice.of Management and 8udge Washington. DC 20503. If a means used to impose an information colledic does not display a currently valid OMB control number, the NRC may n conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, the informatic collection.


'ACIUTI NRC REGION Prairie I s l a n d I11 50-282 and 50-306


CY 0 2 -

CY03 -

CY04 -


CY 0 2 -

CY 03 -

CY 0 4 -


I- 5-10-04 5- 16-05 9-21-03 ALTERNATE DATE established *? 5-17-04 5-23-05 9-28-03


Nuclear Management Company, LLC Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Dr. East 0 Welch MN 55089 October 11,2001 I O CFR 55 Regional Ad ministrator U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region I l l 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket Nos. 50-282 License Nos. DPR-42 50-306 DPR-60 Request for Operator License Exam Prairie Island requests an operator license exam to be scheduled for no earlier than January 20, 2003. We expect this class to consist of nine SRO candidates.

On May 18, 2001 we had requested an operator license exam for 6 reactor operators and 6 senior operators to be scheduled for no earlier than September 21 , 2003. This exam remains our highest priority.

Prairie Island staff will be preparing the exam in accordance with NUREG 1021. We have established instructions and a process to ensure exam security.

In this letter we have made no new NRC commitments.

If you have any questions, please contact John Kempkes at (651) 388-1 165 extension 5031.

Generating Plant cc: D. E. Hills

November 30, 2001 Mr. Mano Nazar Site Vice-president Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, MN 55089



Dear Mr. Nazar:

The purpose of this letter is to enlist your support in the scheduling of calendar year 2003 initial licensed operator examinations in NRC Region Ill. The enclosure of this letter lists requests received from Region Ill facility licensees for licensed operator examinations for that calendar year. A large number of those examination requests fall within the months of September through December 2003. In addition, Region Ill facility licensees have provided us with projected dates during which they would expect to conduct licensed operator requalification examinations during that year. This information indicates that the NRC operator licensing staff would need to conduct six of the eight calendar year 2003 Region I l l licensed operator requalification baseline inspections during those same months. Consequently, the projected workload for the Region Ill operator licensing examiners during the final quarter of calendar year 2003 will be difficult to accomplish.

We have contacted the other NRC regional and headquarters offices to ascertain the availability of qualified examiners from outside Region Ill. Based on current projections, we can accommodate the majority of the exams near the requested dates, but will have to schedule several exams approximately two months prior to or beyond the requested quarter.

Before we finalize the calendar year 2003 exam dates, we want to provide you the opportunity to re-evaluate your training and examination schedule and determine whether you can realign your request to outside the fourth calendar quarter of 2003. Please contact us to revise or reaffirm your request by calling Mr. David Hills (630-829-9733) of my staff within fifteen days of the date of this letter. We will proceed with scheduling the calendar year 2003 examinations after December 15, 2001.

M. Nazar In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's

' document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at http://www.nrc.aov/NRC/ADAMS/index.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely, John A. Grobe, Director Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-282; 50-306 License Nos. DPR-42; DPR-60


List of 2003 Examinations Requested cc w/encl: Plant Manager, Prairie Island R. Anderson, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Site Licensing Manager Nuclear Asset Manager J. Malcolm, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health State Liaison Officer, State of Wisconsin Tribal Council, Prairie Island Indian Community J. Silberg, Esquire Shawn, Pittman, Potts, and Trowbridge A. Neblett, Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General S. Bloom, Administrator Goodhue County Courthouse Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Commerce J. Jensen, Training Department OFFICE Rlll IS-: Rlll -- -1 I I NAME DEHills:sd & J Grob & $ e DATE 1I l d O l 1l & J O f

M. Nazar ADAMS Distribution:

WDR DFT TJK3 RidsNrrDiprnlipb GEG HBC SPR DRPlll DRSlll PLBl JRKI M. Bies (Concurrence Copy)

February 20,2002 Mr. Mano Nazar Site Vice-president Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, MN 55089

Dear Mr. Nazar:

In response to your facility management letters dated May 18, 2001 and September 18, 2001, and as augmented by discussions with John Kempkes of your staff on January 22, 2002, we have tentatively scheduled an initial licensing examination for your operator license applicants at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant during the weeks of September 8 and September 15, 2003. Validation of the examination will occur at the station during the week of August 1I,2003. In the unlikely event that we are unable to support the examination during the scheduled weeks, we will inform you immediately upon discovery of such conditions and make arrangements to administer the examination at a mutually acceptable date.

As stated in your letters, your staff will develop the examination. To support the examination administration date, we have tentatively scheduled the date of August 4, 2003, to begin our review of your submitted examination.

Your letter indicated you are training approximately 17 candidates for the examination. Please inform us if the number of candidates declines below 10 as this will impact the examination schedule. Please also inform us at your earliest opportunity if you discover you are unable to support the examination on the scheduled dates.

Once your staff has determined a schedule for examination development, please have them contact the Chief Examiner to arrange for a suitable examination outline submittal date for NRC review. The intent is for the examination outline to be submitted early in the examination development process. This is to preclude the need to make significant changes to developed examination material as a result of the NRC review of the outline.

Charles Phillips has been tentatively assigned as the Chief Examiner and can be reached at 630-829-9739.

A supplementary letter will be sent to the training department approximately 120 days prior to the examination outlining examination security expectations, listing the materials required by the NRC to conduct the examination, reconfirming the examination dates, and reconfirming the number of candidates you have in the training program. If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact Dell McNeil of my staff at 630-829-9737.

M. Nazar In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at httD:// Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincere1y ,

David E. Hills, Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-282; 50-306 License Nos. DPR-42; DPR-60 cc: Plant Manager, Prairie Island R. Anderson, Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Site Licensing Manager Nuclear Asset Manager J. Malcolm, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health State Liaison Officer, State of Wisconsin Tribal Council, Prairie Island Indian Community J. Silberg, Esquire Shawn, Pittman, Potts, and Trowbridge A. Neblett, Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General S. Bloom, Administrator Goodhue County Courthouse Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Com merce J. Jensen, Training Department t

I& 1 -


02/Y/02 mu,&-

RIII:DRS DRMcNeil 02/19/02


M. Nazar A DAMS Dist ribut io n:



  • +*** '

April 25, 2003 Mr. Joseph Solymossy Site Vice-president Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, MN 55089

Dear Mr. Solymossy:

In a telephone conversation on March 10, 2003, between Mr. Charles Phillips and Mr. Tim McDonald of your staff, arrangements were made for the administration of licensing e x a m i n a t i o n g the Prairie Island Nuclear Power Station the weeks of September 8 and September 2003. In addition, the NRC will make an examination validation visit to your facility the week of August 11, 2003.

As agreed during the telephone conversation, your staff will prepare the examinations based on the guidelines in Revision 9 of NUREG-I 021, "Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors." The NRC regional office will discuss with your staff any changes that might be necessary before the examinations are administered.

To meet the above schedule, it will be necessary for your staff to furnish the examination outlines by June 23, 2003. The written examinations, operating tests, and the supporting reference materials identified in Attachment 2 of ES-201 will be due by July 21, 2003. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.40(b)(3), an authorized representative of the facility licensee shall approve the outlines, examinations, and tests before they are submitted to the NRC for review and approval.

All materials shall be complete and ready to use. Any delay in receiving the required examination and reference materials, or the submittal of inadequate or incomplete materials, may cause the examinations to be rescheduled.

In order to conduct the requested written examinations and operating tests, it will be necessary for your staff to provide adequate space and accommodations in accordance with ES-402, and to make the simulation facility available on the dates noted above. In accordance with ES-302, your staff should retain the original simulator performance data (e.g., system pressures, temperatures, and levels) generated during the dynamic operating tests until the examination results are final.

Appendix E of NUREG-1021 contains a number of NRC policies and guidelines that will be in effect while the written examinations and operating tests are being administered.

J. Solymossy To permit timely NRC review and evaluation, your staff should submit preliminary reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications (Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval number 3150-0090), medical certifications (OMB approval number 3150-0024),

and waiver requests (if any) (OMB approval number 3150-0090) at least 30 days before the first examination date. If the applications are not received at least 30 days before the examination date, a postponement may be necessary. Signed applications certifying that all training has been completed should be submitted at least 14 days before the first examination date.

This letter contains information collections that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). These information collections were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, approval number 3150-0018, which expires on April 30, 2003.

The public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, writing the examinations, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments on any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Information and Records Management Branch (T-6 F33), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001, or by Internet electronic mail at BJSI @NRC.GOV; and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-I 0202, (3150-0018), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.

The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Mr. Tim McDonald of your staff has been advised of the policies and guidelines referenced in this letter. If you have any questions regarding the NRC's examination procedures and guidelines, please contact Chuck Phillips at 630-829-9739, or me at 630-829-9631.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).



Roger D. Lanksbury, Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-282; 50-306 License Nos. DPR-42; DPR-60 See Attached Distribution

J. Solymossy cc: Plant Manager, Prairie Island R. Anderson, Executive Vice President Mano K. Nazar, Senior Vice President John Paul Cowan, Chief Nuclear Officer Manager, Regulatory Affairs Jonathan Rogoff, Esquire General Counsel Nuclear Asset Manager Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health State Liaison Officer, State of Wisconsin Tribal Council, Prairie Island Indian Community Adonis A. Neblett, Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Administrator, Goodhue County Courthouse Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Commerce R. Gillespie, Training Department

J. Solymossy To permit timely NRC review and evaluation, your staff should submit preliminary reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications (Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval number 3150-0090), medical certifications (OMB approval number 3150-0024),

and waiver requests (if any) (OMB approval number 3150-0090) at least 30 days before the first examination date. If the applications are not received at least 30 days before the examination date, a postponement may be necessary. Signed applications certifying that all training has been completed should be submitted at least 14 days before the first examination date.

This letter contains information collections that are subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). These information collections were approved by the Office of Management and Budget, approval number 3150-0018, which expires on April 30, 2003.

The public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, writing the examinations, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments on any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Information and Records Management Branch (T-6 F33), U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 , or by Internet electronic mail at BJSI @NRC.GOV; and to the Desk Officer, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, NEOB-10202, (3150-001 8), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.

The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Mr. Tim McDonald of your staff has been advised of the policies and guidelines referenced in this letter. If you have any questions regarding the NRC's examination procedures and guidelines, please contact Chuck Phillips at 630-829-9739, or me at 630-829-9631.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at httls://www.nrc.aov/readina-rm/adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely, i124 Roger D. Lanksbury, Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos. 50-282; 50-306 License Nos. DPR-42; DPR-60 See Attached Distribution DOCUMENT NAME: G:DRS\PRAO&'O~DRS.WD~ mL 03lA so&3

/OFFICE IRIII 1" IRlll I t I 1 1 NAME I CPhil1ips:sd L# Y I I

J. Solymossy cc: Plant Manager, Prairie Island R. Anderson, Executive Vice President Mano K. Nazar, Senior Vice President John Paul Cowan, Chief Nuclear Officer Manager, Regulatory Affairs Jonathan Rogoff, Esquire General Counsel Nuclear Asset Manager Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health State Liaison Officer, State of Wisconsin Tribal Council, Prairie Island Indian Community Adonis A. Neblett, Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Administrator, Goodhue County Courthouse Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Com merce R. Gillespie, Training Department ADAMS Distribution:

DFT TJK3 RidsNrrDipmlipb GEG HBC SPR DRPlll DRSlll PLBI JRKI DCT M. A. Bies (concurrence copy)

Committed to Prairie Island Nuclear Generatinq Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC L-P1-03-064 June 19,2003 NUREG-I 021 Regional Administrator U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region Ill 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NOS. 50-282 AND 50-306 LICENSE NOS. DPR-42 AND DPR-60 EXAMINATION MATERIAL FOR PRAIRIE ISLAND INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION, WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 8,2003 Enclosed are the integrated examination outlines for the initial license examinations to be administered at our facility the week of September 8, 2003. This information is being provided in accordance with the guidelines ES-201 of NUREG 1021, "Operating License Examination Standard for Power Reactors, Draft Revision 9.

NUREG 1021 physical security requirements state that the enclosed examination materials shall be withheld from public disclosure until after the examination is complete.

Direct any questions or comments regarding this material to Paul Cooper at 651-388-1165, Ext. 5287.

This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

C: Charles Phillips (NRC lead examiner) w/ attachments 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121

USNRC NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC L-PI-03-064 Page 2 Attachments (to Charles Phillips only):

1I Form Number ES-201-2 1I Title or Description Examination Outline Quality Checklist Number of Pages 1

I ES-401-2 I PWR Examination Outline (Page 22) 1 1 ES-401-2 I PWR Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier l/Group 1 (RO / SRO) 4 I ES-401-2 I PWR Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier l/Group 2 (RO / SRO) 3 1 ES-401-2 1 PWR Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2/Group 1 (RO / SRO) j 4 1 ES-401-2 1 PWR Examination Outline Plant Systems - Tier 2/Group 2 (RO / SRO) 2 I ES-401-3 I Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3) I I ES-401-4 I Record of Rejected WAS 1 I ES-301-1 I Administrative Topics Outline 1 I ES-301-2 I Control Room/ln-Plant Systems Outline 1 3 I ES-D-I I Scenario Outline 1 4 I ES-301-4 I Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist - DRAFT I 1 (equivalent)

I Transient and Event Checklist - DRAFT I 4 I NA I 2003 ILT Exam WA Suppression Report I 21 1 NA I 2003 ILT Exam Random Selection Methodology I 1 I NA I 2003 Audit Exam Sample Plan Information 1 7 I NA I 2003 Audit Exam JPM Summary- DRAFT 1 I NA I 2003 Audit Exam Scenario Summary - DRAFT 1 1717 Wakonade Drive East 0 Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121

Prairie Island Nuclear Generatina Plant L-PI-03-068 July 18, 2003 NUREG-1021 Regional Administrator U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region Ill 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NOS. 50-282 AND 50-306 LICENSE NOS. DPR-42 AND DPR-60 EXAMINATION MATERIAL FOR PRAIRIE ISLAND INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION, WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 8,2003 Enclosed are the validated written examinations, operating tests, and the supporting reference materials requested in your April 25, 2003 letter for the initial license examinations to be administered at our facility the week of September 8, 2003. This information is being provided in accordance with the guidelines ES-201 of NUREG 1021, Operating License Examination Standard for Power Reactors, Draft Revision 9.

NUREG 1021 physical security requirements state that the enclosed examination materials shall be withheld from public disclosure until after the examination is complete.

Direct any questions or comments regarding this material to Paul Cooper at 651-388-1165, Ext. 5287.

This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

Nuclear Generating Plant C: Roger D. Lanksbury, USNRC, Region Ill w/o attachments Charles Phillips (NRC lead examiner) w/ attachments Attachments (to Charles Phillips only) 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121

USNRC NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC L-PI-03-068 Page 2 - Prairie Island 2003 Simulator Scenarios Form ES-301-3 Operating Test Quality Checklist 0 Form ES-301-4 Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist 0 Form ES-301-5 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-6 Competencies Checklist 0 Form ES-D-1 Scenario Outlines (4 pages, Iwith each scenario) 0 Form ES-D-2 Required Operator Actions (4 sets, Iset with each scenario) - Prairie Island 2003 JPMs 0 RO Administrative JPMs (total of 4 JPM guides) 0 SRO Administrative JPMs (total of 5 JPM guides) 0 Control Room Systems and Facility Walk-Through JPMs (total of 14 JPM guides) - Prairie Island 2003 NRC Exam RO/SRO Written Examination 0 Form ES-401-2 PWR Examination Outline 0 Form ES-401-3 Generic Knowledge and Ability Outline (Tier 3) 0 Form ES-401-4 Record of Rejected WAS 0 Form ES-401-6 Written Examination Quality Checklist 0 Combined ROISRO Written Examination with Supporting Information (100 questions) - Prairie Island 2003 NRC Exam RO Written 0 Form ES-401-7 Site-Specific Written Examination Cover Sheet 0 RO Written Examination Without Supporting Information (75 questions) - Prairie Island 2003 NRC Exam SRO Written 0 Form ES-401-8Site-Specific Written Examination Cover Sheet 0 SRO Written Examination Without Supporting Information (25 questions) - Prairie Island Technical Specifications (Note: These are being sent on a CD in Word format.) - Prairie Island Unit 1 Emerqency Operating Procedures (volume 1 & 2)

(Note: These are being sent on a CD in pdf format.)

1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Commifted to Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC L-PI-03-09I September 23,2003 Regional Administrator U. S. NRC Region I l l 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT DOCKET NOS. 50-282 AND 50-306 LICENSE NOS. DPR-42 AND DPR-60 PRAIRIE ISLAND RESPONSE TO RECENT ISSUES WITH INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSE EXAMINATION An Initial Operator License Examination was administered between September 8, 2003 and September 18, 2003 at the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP).

Based on the comments made by the Lead NRC Examiner during the on site Exit Meeting and based on the preliminary results of the written examination, NMC has chosen to respond formally by this letter.

NMC recognizes the significance of the concerns identified regarding examination preparation, administration, and student results. In response to these concerns, NMC has initiated a number of evaluations within the site Corrective Action Process. The immediate evaluation is a Root Cause Evaluation targeted to identify the cause of our inadequate written examination process. This evaluation will be completed by the end of October 2003. Following implementation of required corrective actions associated with the examination preparation process, NMC will remediate those students who were unsuccessful in passing the September 18, 2003 examination and will request that a new examination be administered.

NMC recognizes the seriousness of these issues. Following the completion of this Root Cause Evaluation, NMC will communicate the results and the corrective actions identified to the NRC. NMC will use the Corrective Action Process to make additional improvements to the initial operator license training process.

1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1121

USNRC NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC L-PI-03-091 Page 2 This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

Please contacNhat 651-267-7205 if you have any questions related to this letter.

nd Nuclear Generating Plant CC Project Manager, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, USNRC, NRR NRC Resident Inspector - Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121

Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC September 24,2003 L-PI-03-090 10 CFR 55 Mr. Chuck Phillips Chief Examiner USNRC, Region I l l 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Phillips:

Nuclear Management Company (NMC) has completed its grading and review of the Reactor Operator (RO) and Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) License written examinations conducted on September 18, 2003 at Prairie Island. The grading and review was performed in accordance with NUREG-1021; ES-403 Grading Initial Site-Specific Written Examinations and has resulted in the deletion of 1 question and changes to 4 questions from the RO examination, and the deletion of 1 question and changes to 4 questions from the SRO examination.

NMC recognizes that having this many post-examination changes is not an acceptable practice and points at weakness in our development and validation process of the written examinations. A Root Cause Evaluation of this condition has been initiated via our corrective action program to ensure that corrective actions are taken to avoid recurrence.

Attached to this letter- are the following:

1. Our examination performance analysis and the resulting ten (10) facility recommendations describing the recommended examination changes with associated references.
2. Questions asked by and answers given to the applicants during the exam.
3. Form ES-403-1, Written Examination Grading Quality Checklist.
4. Forms ES-201-3, Examination Security Agreement This letter meets the requirements of NUREG-1021; ES-402 parts E-4 through E-6 and ES-501 part C - I .

This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642

USNRC NUCLEARMANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC L-PI-03-090 Page 2 Please contact Jim Lash (651-388-1165 ext 4053) if you have any questions related to this letter.

Sincerely, cc: Regional Administrator, USNRC, Region Ill, w/o Roger D. Lanksbury, USNRC, Region Ill, w/o - Performance Analysis and Facility Recommendations Performance Analysis (3 pages) 0 Facility Recommendations 1- SRO Question 3 -deletion (15 pages) 2- SRO Question 6 -answer change (15 pages) 3- SRO Question 7 -answer change (19 pages) 4- SRO Question 13 -answer change (10 pages) 5- SRO Question 17 -answer change (3 pages) 6- RO Question 12 -deletion (8 pages) 7- RO Question 23 -answer change (5 pages) 8- RO Question 34 -answer change (I 8 pages) 9- RO Question 47 -answer change (4 pages)

IO-RO Question 66 -answer change (8 pages) - Questions/Answers Given to the Applicants Durinq the Exam (1 page) - Form ES-403, Written Examination Grading Qualitv Checklist (1 page) - Forms ES-201-3, Examination Security Aqreement (4 pages) 1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1 121