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Tech Spec Change Request 74 to DPR-50,App A,Re ECCS Revision.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/13/1978
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19210B432 List:
NUDOCS 7911080650
Download: ML19210B434 (5)



METROPOLITRI EDISCN CC G EIY JERSEY CE'I~'RAL PCWER & L.91r" COMPANY XiD PEI'iSYL7NiIA FJ '"TRIC CCIGA iY THREE M'LE ipa'iL SUCLFAn )TATION UNIT 1 Oper, ing License No. DPR-50 Docket :io. 5c-269 Technical Specificatien Change Pecuest No. 7h This Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Cperating License No. DFR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.


By /

lic6 President N Sworn and subscribed to me this / 3 day of /Y , 1978.

a/ n cu Notary Phbli6

. "m Je GECRGE J.TROFFER Notary Pub;ic, Reading, Berks Co.

My Ccmm!ssicn Expires Jan. 25,19S2

$91108o 660 1584 038

UITITED STATES CF AEICA IiUCLEAR REGULATCRY CCMMISSICN IN THE MA71'IR OF DOC ET N0 50-2c9 LICE:ISE N0. DPR-50 METROPOLITA'I EDISON COMPA!IY This is to certify that a copy of Technical Specification Change Request No.

Th to Appendix A of the Operating License for Three Mile Island :Iuclear Statien Unit 1, has, en the date given below, been filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cec =ission and been served en the chief executives of Lcndenderry Tcvnship, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and Dauphin Ccunty, Pennsylvania by deposit in

  • the United States = ail, addressed ac fo11cvs:

Mr. 'Jeldon B. Arehart Mr. Harry B. Reese, Jr.

Board of Supervisors of Board of County Cen=issioners Londonderry Township of Dauphin Count'/

R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road Dr.uphin County Ccurt House Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY


/ .

By / ~

Vice President Dated: March 13. 1o78 1584 039

7 N

Three l411e Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 0;erating License No. OPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Technicsl Scecification Chance Request No. 7h The licensee requests that the attached changed page replace page k-kl of the existing Technical Specifications, and that the attached page 3-18e be added to the existing Technical Specifications.

R6asons for Chance Rec _uest -

This change was requested by the Cen=1ssion in their' letter of Novenber 11,


1977 The Cc==ission requires specifications identifying the RC overpressurizatien syste= enabling te=perature and the pcVer operated relief . valve (PORV) setpoint ,

and specifications relating to syste= testing and maintenance. -

- , . ~ - _.. . _ . _ _ _,.. ._..._,.._m . . . _ _ .

Safety Analysis Justifyine Chance , - . _ ;,

This change _ increases the specifications be followed to take the electrc=atic relief valve (ERV), out of service, states the settings for the-

'ERV, and defines operating' restrictions for the EPI valves and' the pressurizer level. (1). Therefore, the probabilit7 Sf occurrence or the consequences of an accident or =alfunction of equip =ent t=portant to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report is not increased; (ii) the possibility of an accident or =alfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report is not created; (iii) the =argin of safety defined in the basis for any technical specification is not reduced.


h.3.2 DIERGE' ICY CORE . SOLI:IG SYSTDI Ac711cchility Applies to periodic testing require =ent for e=ergency core ecoling systems.

Objective To verify that the e=ergency core cooling syste=s are operable.

S;ecifict- en g"D<D(( ^D D\fk 3 6w 6 .} . -

L.5.2.1 High Pressure Injection

a. During each refueling interval and following =aintenance or

=odification that affects system flow characteristics, system 61A pumps and system high point vents shall be vented, and a systen test shall be conducted to de=enstrate that the systes is operable,

b. After a satisfactory test of the emergency loading sequence  !

(h.5.1), the M. U. Pu=p and its required supporting auxiliaries vill be started =anually by the operater and a test signal vill be applied to the high pressure injection valves MU-V16A, B, C, D to de=cnstrate actuation of the high pressure injection 61A system for emergency core cooling operatien. .

The test vill be considered satisfactory if the valves have l cc=pleted their travel and the M. U. pu=ps are running as evidenced by the control board component operating lights.

Mini =un acceptable flev must be greater than or equal to 200 g;n per injection leg and greater than or equal to 500 g;= per HPI pu=p. 61A

c. The correct limit switch setting of MU-716A, B, C, D will be verified within four hours of any =aintenance en the valve or operator that affects the limit switch setting, when the High Pressure Injection System is required to be operable.
d. Testing which requires HPI flev thru MJ-V16A/3/C/D shall be cen-ducted only under either of the following conditions:
1) T avg. shall be greater than 3200F.
2) Head of the Reactor Vessel shall be removed.

h.5.2.2 Lov Pressure Injection

a. During each refueling period and folleving maintenance or mcdification that affects system flev characteristics, syst a pumps and high point vents shall be vented, and a systen test shall be conducted to de=onstrate that the system is operable.

The auxiliaries required for low pressure injection are all included in the emergency loading sequence specified in h.5.1.

b. The test vill be considered satisfactory if the decay heat pu=ps listed in have been cuece:sfully started and the decay heat injection valves and the decay heat supply valves

.have ec=pleted their travel as evidenced by the centrol beard ec=ponent 0;cratinc lichts. "i-" acceptable flev must be

, L. '

greater than or equal to 2700 cpm per injection leg /LPI purp.

< - 1584 041

me a D D 3-)

F.lectrc=ath selief valve A

3'. : .12 oc olfu_ . .=

A;;' i :abilicy A;;11es to the settings, and conditions for isolation of the electrc=atic relief valve.

C': ,' e et ive Tc prevent the possibility of inadvertently over pressurizing the primary leop.

4 2;ecificatien 3 1.12. 1 The electrc=atic relief valve shall not be taken out of service,

-- rior shall it -be isolated frc= the .syste=- (e.tcept that the - . ...

-: electro =atic relief valve =ay be isolated to .li=it leakage to .

~~ ' ~ ~ ~~


. T - -- 1. . ,.. _ ~.EJO.yithin.3.heili=its.- of sneci.fication :3 1. 6 ) i unlem_cne of.he.. .

7. _. - - .-= . . . . .

~T TJJ11ollowing.dri-i.n. effect:- . . 2. .- .- . . . . .. .--=...._.T..__._-..1...____

-' - - . ~ '

- High Pressure Injec*! ion Pu=p break'ers are racked out.oi '". . - . .

a. ~

'i' ~~ 'MU-V16A/3/C/D are closed.~

- -- - - - -  :: ~- ' ~ ; - 5

. ~

2. - -7 ~ 7 -- n

.b . Head of the Reactoro Vessel is re=oved. --

c. T avg. 'Is above 320 F. _ _ . __ ___i r 1 .] , , , - . _ , The electrc=atic relief valve settings shall be as follevs, within the tolerances listed in the bases of specification 3 1.2:

Above 275 F - 2255 psig Belev 275 F h85 psig ' If the reactor vessel head is installed and T avg. is 12750F, High Pressure Injection Pu=p breakers shall not be racked in unless:

a. MU-V16 A/B/C/D are closed, and
b. Pressurizer level is 1 220 inches.

Bases If the electrc=atic relief valve is re=cved from service, sufficient measures are incorporated to prevent overpressurization by either eliminating the high pressure sources or flovpaths or assuring that the RCS is open to atmosphere.

,In order to prevent exceeding leakage rates specified in T.S. 3.1.6. the electrc=atic relief valve may be isolated.

Tne electrc=atic relief valve setpoints are specified with tolerances assumed in the bases for Tecnnical Specification 3 1.2.

5 ith 3CS te=peratures less than 2750 F and the =akeup pu=ps running, the high pressure injection valves are closed and the pressuriser level is maintained le: than 220 inches to prevent overpressurination in the event of any sing'.e fai;;re.

1584 042 2-uc .