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Proposed Tech Specs Governing Containment Leakage Testing
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/30/1976
Shared Package
ML20024G214 List:
NUDOCS 9102080356
Download: ML20024G221 (32)


{{#Wiki_filter:' 1 . gegula$ Docket Qlg LICENSE AME?DtENT REQUEST LATED JANUARY 31, 1976 EXHIBIT B N bI*.";. , a

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no - d 3.1.1 Reactor Protection System (Scram) Instrument Requirements <5 Q K.? 23 4M_TQ SO: - s-4.1.1 Scram Instrument Functional Tests - Minimum Functional Test Frequencies 34-for Safety Instrumentation and Control Circuits 4.1.2 Scram Instrument Calibration - Minimum Calibration Frequencies for 36 Reactor Protection Instrument Channels 3.2.1 Instrumentation that Initiates Primary Containment Isolation Functions 50 3.2.2 Instrumentation that Initiates Emergency Core Cooling Systems 53 g 3.2.3 Instrumentation that Initiates Rod Block 57 3.2.4 Instrumentation that Initiates Reactor Building Ventilation 60 Isolation and Standby Gas Treatment System Initiation 3.2.5 Trip Functions and Deviations 69 4.2.1 Minimum Test and Calibration Frequency For Core Cooling, Rod Block 61 and Isolation Instrumentation 3.6.1 Safety Related Hydraulic Snubbers 121B 4.6.1 In-Service Inspection Requirements for Monticello 124 3.7.1 Primary Containment Automatic Isolation Valves 153 g 4.T.1 Monticello Containment Penetrutions 15hB h.6.1 Sa=ple Collection and /4.nalysis Monticello Ihclear Plar.t - Fnvircron.tal 174 Monitoring Program 6.5 1 Protection Factors for Respirators 206

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     ~ 3.0 LIMITING CONDITICNS FOR OPERATION                            4.0~ SURVEILLANCE REQU                        ~ DWf r      ,

lN ppg::n - L? (d) During reactor' isolation conditions,' '

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the reactor pressure vessel shall_be 40 1 depressurized to less than 200 psig at 4

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y . normal cooldown rates if the torus '

                   . water temperature exceeds 120*F.

(e) Minimum Water Volume 68,000 cubic

   .                  feet.

(f) Maximum Water Volume 77,970 cubie a feet. T

2. Prior to establishing conditions requirir4 primary
2. Primary containment integrity as defined in containmenti 'ntegrity verify:

the Section 1, shall be maintained at all times when the reactor is critical or when the reactor water temperature is above a. All penetrations not capable of being closed 2120 F and fuel is in the reactor vessel ex- by operable containment automatic isolation cept while perfoming low power physica valves and required to be closed during

          . tests at atmospheric pressure during or                          accident conditions are closed by valves, after refueling at power levels not to ex-                       blind flanges, or deactivated automatic ceed 5 Nw(t).                                                    valves secured in position.

3 Containment leakage rates shall be limited to: b. All equipment hatches are closed.

a. An overall integrated leakage rate of: c. Both containment air lock doors are closed.
1. 5 La (1.2 percent by weight of the containment air per 24 hours) at Pa 3 The containment leakage Intes shall be demanstrated at the following test schedule and shall be detemined g

(h1 psig), or in confomance with the criteria specified in Appendix J of 10CFR50 using the methods recommended

2. $ Lt at a reduced pressure of Pt in ANSI N45 4 - 1972:

(20 5 psig).

b. A combined leakage rate of 0.6In for all penetrations and valves (except main steam isolation valvea) subject to Type B and-C tests when pressurized to Pa-140 37/h.7
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a. During the first Irfueling outage fo11owin6 l e.115 scf per hour for any one main steam isolation the adoption of this specification, a Type A-

, valve when tested at 25 psig. test shn11 be perfonned at a pressure Pt I of 20 5 psig and a second test perfomed  ! With either (a) the overall integruted containment at a pressure Pa of 41 psig. The maximum , leakage rate exceeding 0.75Ie or O.75Lt , as allowable test leakage rate, Lg , shall be determined in acconiance with section h; applicable, or (b) with the measured combined III. A. 4(a)(iii) of Appendix J. leskage rate for all penetrations and valves subject to Type B and C tests exceeding 0.6La , b. Following the test specified in 4 7. A.3.a or (c) a main steam isolation valve leak rate above, thme Type A tests shall be conducted exceeding 115 scf per hour, restore the leakage ( at 40 + 10 month intervals during shutdown  ; { rute(s) to within acceptable limit (s) prior to at either Pa or Pt during each 10-year increasing the reactor coolant temperature above service period. One of these tests shall  ; { 2120F. be conducted during the shutdown for each j { ' 10-year plant inservice inspection.  ! ! t r

c. If any Type A test fails to meet the acceptance  !

criteria of 0.75Lt for reduced pressure l tests at P gor O.75Is for peak pressure tests at Pa , the test schedule for sub-sequent Type A tests shall be ieviewed and approved by the Comission. If two such consecutive tests fail to meet the acceptance criteria, a Type A test shall . be performed at least every 18 months [ until two consecutive Type A tests meet

the acceptance criteria at which tie j the schedule specified in 4.7.A.3 b may be resumed.

3 7/4.7 141

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d. 'the accuracy of each Type A test shall be verified by a supplemental test which:
1. Confims the accuracy of the test by verifying that the difference between the supplemental data and the Type A test data is within 0.25Lt for reduced g

pressure tests at Pg or within 0.25Is for peak pressure tests at P a-

2. Is of sufficient duration to establish accurately the change in leakage rate between the Type A test and the supplemental test.
3. Requires the rate that gas is inpacted into the containment or bled fror the containment during the supplemental test to be equivalent to at least 25 percent of the leakage rate mea-sured during the Type A test.
e. Type B and Type C tests shall be conducted at intenals no gnater than 24 months, except for tests of the containment air lock, and shall include all testable components listed in Table 4.7.1.
f. Type B and Type C tests shall be conducted at Pa, except for main steam isolation valves.

L'ain steam isolation valves shall be tested at 25 psig.

3. 7/h. 7 1h2 Er/

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h. The containment air lock shall be operable with; h. Tbe containment air lock shall be demonstrated operable by:
a. Both doors closed except when the air lock is being used fo- norm 1 entry ard exit, tnen at a. At least once per 6 months by conducting an least one air lock door shall be closed. overall air lock leakage test at Pa and by verifying that the overall leakage rate is h
b. An overall air lock leakage rate of 4 0.05In at within its limit. If the air lock is in use, at Pa. and containment integrity is required, the air lock shall be tested every three days or
c. All interlocks function as designed. af ter each use, whichever interval is greater.
b. Dteing each refueling outage and following repairs to the air lock, by verifying all interlocks function as designed.

O 143 3.7/4.7 REv

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5 Pressure Suppression Chamber - 5. Pressure Suppression Chamber - Reactor Building Vacuum Breakers Reactor Building Vacuum Breakers

               !                          a.

! Except as specified in 3 7.A. 5.b a. The pressure suppression chamber-reactor !  ! below, two pressure suppression building. vacuum breakers and associated in-chamber-reactor building vacuum breakers shall be operable at all strumentation including set point shall be checked for proper operation every three g'  ; times when the primwy containment months.

integrity is regr'.ei. The set i point of the di' '11 pressure  !

instrumentatic etuates the pressure supr .bamher-reactor

building ve i, eers shall be O.5 psi. '

8 i

b. From and date that one of
the prest .ession chamber- '
reactor buit. _ vacuum breakers is t made or found to be inoperable for i any reason, reactor operation is i permissible only during the suceed-i

! ing seven days unless such vacuum breaker is sooner made operable, provided that the repair procedure h[ does not violate primary containment l integrity. I l t I 5 i i 3.7/4.7 sus  ! azv t i i



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l 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE REQUIRDENTS O i 6. Pressure Suppression Chamber-Drywell Vacuum 6. Pressure Suppression Chasser-Drywell Breakers Vacuum Breakers

a. When primary containment is required, all a. Operability and full closure of the

! drywell-suppression chamber vacuum breakera drywell-suppression chamber vacuum l shan be operable and positioned in the breakers shall be verified by performance j closed position as indicated by the of the following:

position indication system, except during a

testing and except as specified in 3.7. A. 6.b and c below. (1) Monthly each operable drywell-suppression chamber vacuum W breaker shall be exercised through i b. Any drywell-suppression chamber vacuum an opening-closing cycle.

!                    breaker may be nonfully closed as

, indicated by the position indication and (2) Once each operating fuel cycle,

!                    alarm systems provided that drywell to                                  drywell to suppressic,n chamber leakage suppression chamber dif ferential pressure                               shall be demonstrated to be less decay does not exceed that shown on Figure                               than that equivalent to a one-inch
3.7.1. diameter orifice and each vacuum

! breaker shall be visually inspected.

c. Up to two dryvell-suppression chamber (Containment access required) vacuum breakers may be inoperable provided that: (1) the vacuum breakers (3) Once each operating cycle, vacuum are determined to be fully closed and at breaker position indication and least one position alarm circuit is alarm systems shall be calibrated and operable or (2) the vacuum breaker is functionally tested. (Containment g secured in the closed position. access required) W (4) Once each operating cycle, the vacuum breakers shall be tested to determine that the force required to open each valve from fully closed to fully open does not exceed that equivalent to 0.5 psi acting on the suppression chamber face of the valve disc. (Contafn=ent access required) 145 3.7/4.7 REV -


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b. When- the posittom oO any;dryuell -
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suppression chsaber vacuum W esker valve icircuit is operable. Both position clarm < is be siot fully: closed at a circuits may be inoperable for a period not time when such closure is required, the to exceed seven days provided that all vncuum drywell r.o suppression chsaber differential braakers are operable. pressure decay sha'.1 he demonstrated to be less than that shown on Figure 3.7.1 ismediately and following any evidence of subsequent operation of the inoperable valve until the inoperable valve is restored to a normal condition. h

c. When both position alarm circuits are made or found to be inoperable, the control panel indicator light status shall be recorded daily to detect changes in the vacuum breaker position.

7 Oxygen Concentration 7 Oxygen Concentration

a. After completion of the startup test Whenever inerting is required, the primary program and demonstration of plant containment oxygen concentration shall be electrical output, the primary contain- measured and recorded on a weekly basis.

ment atmosphere shall be reduced to less than 5f, oxygen with nitrogen gas whenever the reactor is in the run mode, except as specified in 3.7. A.7.b.

b. Within the 24-hour period subsequent to placing the reactor in the run mode following shutdown, the containment atmosphere oxygen concentration shall be reduced to less than 5% by weight, and maintained in this condition. Deinerting may conumence 24 hours prior to leaving the run mode for a reactor shutdown.

3 7/4.7 - 146 REV

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                                                                                                                           .'if:yswy;Q 30 LIMITING 00NDITIOM3 FOR OPERATION                M-4.0 ~ SURVRTTJANCF.               _

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8. If anytof the specifications of 3 7.A cannot be met, t .K the reactor shall be placed in the cold shutdown condition irithin 24 hours.

9 3 7/4 7 147 aev

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lI 30 LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION 4.0 SURVEILLANCE PRUIRDE2rrS , K l B. Standby Gas Treatment System B. Standby Gas Treatment Systein l

1. Except as specified in 3.7.B.3 below, 1. Standby gas treaunent system surveillance both circuits of the standby gas treat- shall be performed as indicated trelow:

ment system shall be operable at all times when Oecondary containment a. At least once per operating cycle it j integrity is required. . shall be demonstrated that: (1) Pressure drop across the combined high-efficiency and charcoal filters is less than 7.0 inches of water, and (2) In?et heater output is at least 15 kw.

b. Within 30 days of the beginning of each

[ refueling outage, whenever a filter is changed whenever work is performed that could affect filter systems etficiency, and at intervals not to exceed six months between refueling outages, it shall be demonstrated that: (1) The removal efficiency of the installed particulate filters for particles having a mean diameter of 0.7 microns shall be 148 37/4.7

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                                                                                        $Y Primary Contain,ent Automatic Isolatkn Valves lg{lgl. g:,f ?gg
                                 'Ihble 3 7.1                                                    ;.              .

[-.' "Peisiss'ible: Y '[. Isolation Group Isolation Valves 'W itonal (Note 1) Application Inboani Outboard Operating)--ITi Time (sec !'  : Position 1 Main Steam Isolation A0-2-80A AO-2-86A 3 <t3 h

                                                                                                               ,Open A0-2-80B     A0-2-86B AO-2-80C     A0-2-86C AO-2-80D     AO-2-86D Main Steam Lir.e Drain        MO-2373      MO-2374           t 160                   Closed e

Beactor Water Sample CV-2790 CV-2791 t <60 Closed 2 Drywell Fquipment Sump AU-2561A A0-2561B t 160 Open Drywell Floor Sump A0-2541A A0-2541B t 160 Open Torus Vent Bypass - CV-2384 t 160 Closed Torus Vent - A0-2383 t 160 Cloced Toruc Vent - A0-2896 t <60 Closed Drywell Vent Bypass - CV-2385 t $60 Closed Dryvell Vent - AO-2386 t 160 Closed Drywell Vent - AO-2387 t 160 Closed

                           'Ibrus Air Purge Air Supply      -

A0-2378 t 160 Closed Drywell Air Purge Supply - A0-2381 t 160 Closed O Containment Air Purge Supply - AO-2377 t $60 Closed TIP Ball Valves ( 3) - - Note 2 Closed Nitrogen Pumpback Suction CV-7h36 t $60 Open Nitrogen Pumpback Suction C7-7437 , t 460 Open 153 3 7/h 7 nef

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s Table 3 7.1 Primary Containnent AtRomatic Isolation Valves (contianos) ' .: ( '"

                                                                                                                          ,                        +t i Isolation Group                                                                                         ,

(Note 1) Isolation valvee Cyprating Normal Application Inboani Outboari Time!(see)) )l'i Position j m-3 Peactor Water Cleanup Supply MO-2397 MO-2398 1_. t:1ec. 10 pen Reactor Water Cleanup Return - MO-2399 t iko Open 4 HPCI Steam Supply MO-2034 MO-2035 t iho Open 5 RCIC Steam Supply M0-2075 MO-2076 t $30 Open Note 1: Containment isolation groupings are as follows: Group 1 The valves in Group 1 are closed upon any one of the following conditions:

1. Reactor low low water level 2.1hin steem line high radiation 3 1hin steam line high flow
h. steam line tunnel high temperature
5. fhin steam line low pressure (RUN mode only)

Group 2 The valves in Group 2 am closed upon any on - of the follovirg conditions:

1. Reactor lov vater level
2. High Drywell Pressure l

Group 3 The actions in Group 3 am initiated by reactor low water level. Group h Isolation valves in the HPCI System are closed upon any one of the following conditions:

1. EPCI steam line high flow
2. HPCI steam line low pressure h
3. High temperature in the vicinity of the HPCI stea= line Group 5 Isolation valves in the RCIC System are closed upon any one of the following conditions:
1. ROIC steam line high flov
2. RCIC steam line low pressure
3. High te=perature in the vicinity of the RCIC steam line fiote : Testing consists of verifyLg TIP probe automatic .rithdra.a1 n . ball valve closure on a simulated Group 2 isolation s1 6n31. '

3 7/u,.7 - 15hA py f

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Table k.7.1 }butieello Contat-nt Penetzstions [ l}y 4; .

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Penetration Applicable Appendix IMiER BAF M ' W .? ggg ' h Designation Description J Type Test Designation 'Wpe hstable h; --

                                                                                                                    .            ~

hstable m Seismic Restraint B - 1 I'S - - - Port A Seismic Restraint B 1 Yes - - - Port B Seis=ic Festraint 3 1 Yes - - - Port C Seismic Restraint B


1 I'8 - - - Port D Seismic Festraint - 1 Yes - - - B Port E Seismic Festraint - 1 Yes - - 3 - Port F Seismic Eestraint B 1 Yes - - - Port G Seismic Festruint B - 1 Yes - - - Port H Dryvell Head B - 1 Yes - - - 9 i f 3 7/U-T 15hB

                                                                                                                               - P.EI

4 s. Table 4.7.1 Monticello Containment Penetrations (continued J - Penetration Applicable Appendix II E BARRIER 6 BARRIER DesiG ration Description J Test Type 'Desi6 nation Type Testable. llesignaties; lype _ Testable 4 . X-1 Equipment Hatch B 1 Yes X-2 Air Inck (Note 6) B - - - - - Yes X-3 Not Assigned NGiE - Xh Head Access I:atch 1 lk B - - - IeS X-SA - SH Drywell-Torus  ;;g;E (f;ote 7) - - Vent Pipes X-6 CRD Access Hatch B - - 1 Yes X-7A Bellows B - - 2 Yes Primary Steam Line A C (t;ote 1) AO-2-80A Yes A0-2-86A Yes 3 X-7B Dellows l B - - - - 2 Yes Primary Steam Line B C (Note 1) AO-2-80B 3 Yes A0-2-86 B 3 Yes X-7C Bellows B - - - - 2 Yes Primary Steam Line C C (Note 1) AO-2-800 Yes AO-2-66 C Yes  ! 3 3 X-7D Bellows B - - l - - 2 Yes Prirary Steam Line D C (!;ote 1) A0-2-80D Yes AO-2-86D 3 3 . Yes X-8 Bellows B - - - - 2 Yes Primary Steam Drain C MO-2373 L Yes MO-237h 4 Yes 3 7/L.7 W .15.4cai.rua&_ 7, _

r. t 7 [ .,

3. -*
                                                                                                                  .a  _


                                                                                                                               . c ww  -
                                                                                                                                    '6- - jM -
  • Table 4.71 Monticello Contain= nt Penetrations (continumi)].h Penetration Applicable Appendix iMu.H BARRIER 3 - 06 BMRIER Des 61 natien Description J Type Test Designation Type Yestable hWtim .- D Ihstable X-9A Bellows B - - - -

2 Yes Feedwater Line C W-97-2 5 Yes W-9h-2 5 Yes X-93 Bellows B 2 Yes Feedvater Line C W-97-1 5 Yes W-9 -1 5 Tes X-10 Bellows I k B 2 Yes Steam to RCIC C MJ-2075 h Yes MO-2076 L Yes X-11 Bellows B 2 Yes Steam to EPCI MO-203h 6 Yes MO-2035 h Yes C X-12 Bellows 2 B Yes PER Supply MO-2029 h Yes M3-2030 h Yes C X-13A Bellows 5 - - - - 2 Yes RHR Retum to B Icop o AO-10 h6B 6 Yes M3-2015 L Yes X-13B Bellows B - - - - 2 Yes RER Petum to A Loop C AO-lO h6A 6 Yes NO-201h h Yes X-lh Bellows B - - - - 2 Yes R4CU Supply C M3-2397 L Yes L Yes MO-2393 X-15 Spare Penetration m.E - - - - - 17 1.7/h.7 154D

                                                                                                                  ..             m wa nst                         -,u
                                                                                                                      .            ..-                     u
                                                                                                           ^ lv ' < ; E  z   , F ', _      . ; _.

7,~ , ; W@ f ~


Table 4.7.1 bbaticello Cbntairment Penetrations (contim4)}4 g ? l

  • Penetration Applicable Appendix III S W PIER CUTER BARRIER Designation Description J Type Test Desi6 nation W restable , _ Designation Wpe Lbstable X-16A Bellows B - - - -

2 Yes Com Spray B C AO-1k-13B 6 Yes MO-17% h Yes X-16B Bellows B - - - - 2 Yes Core Spmy A C A0-lk-13A 6 Yes 10-1753 h Yes 1 l X-17 Bellows B 2 Yes j ) Head Coolin6 C MO-2027 4 Yes MO-2026 h Yes X-18 Fl% Surp Dischan;e C - - - AO-2%1A 7 les AO-2%1B 7 Yes X-19 Equip Su=p Discharge C - - - AO-2561A 7 Yes 1 AO-2561B 7 Yes X-20 Decin Water SuPPD NaiE (Note 2) - - - IN-57 8 - IH-58 8 - X-21 Service Air Supply NONE Ciote 2) - - - AS-39 0 - As ko 8 - X-22 Instrument Air C C7-lh78 9 No X-23 RBCC'4 to Dryvell C RBCC-15 5 No X-2h RBOC'J from Dryvell C - - - MO-lh26 h Ma 3 7/L 7 15hE RE7 . - -

s Table 4.7.1 lbnticello Contairment Penetrations (continued) - 3 Penetration i Applicable Appendix DMER BARRIER ' OUTER BARRIER De21gnation Description J Type ~&st Designation Pype Testable Designation Type Testable X-25 Drjvell Ventilation C - - - Ao-2386 10 Yes Exhaust , A0-2387 10 Yes CV-2335 9 Yes X-26 Dryvell Ventilation C - - - AO-2377 10 Yes Supply

AO-2331 10 Yes I k C/-3268 9 Yes C/-3269 9 Yes X-27A - 27C Instrtmentation Norm (Note 3) - - - -

18 - X-27D Oxygen Analyzer C - - - Cl-3305 9 Yes Sample Point c/-3306 9 Yes X-27E Oxygen Analyzer C - - - Cl-3307 9 Yes Sample Point ci-3306 9 res g X-27F Oxygen Analyzer C - - - ci-3309 9 Yes Sa=ple Point c/-3310 9 Yes i l 3 7/h.7 15hF TB =i i am%we - - -

    ._ ; - r        __      -u_       _ _ _ - . _ . _ _ .

o - -

                                                                                                                               ~ ~-               -

e u..

                                                                                                                    , :t ;:n _ , ~ " " .I                     ,
                                                'ihble k.71 Monticello Contain-ent Penetrations (contimmed) %. i[                                             ,4

'l Penetration Applicable Appendix INNER BAmnut

                                                                                                              #           $           N BARRIEF i  Designation                  Description                  J Type Test     Designation      4pe ,thstable ;         Jesignm4Mun,            Wye   Testable
                                                                                                              <          .v: ' ,

X-28A - 2SF Instrur.entation N@iE (Note 3) - - - 18 - X-20A - 29 D Instru::entation NGiE (Note 3) - - - - 18 - X-24E - 24F Ins t rumenta tion NONE (Note 8) - - - - 19 X-30A - 30F Spare Penetrations NONE - - - 17 - X-31A , B , D, E , F Instra:aentation NONE (Note 3) - - - - 18 - X-31C Spare NONE - - - - 1, X-32A,B,D,E,F Instru:aentation NGiE (Note 3) - - - - 18 - X-32C Dryvell Flood Level NONE (Note 8) - - - - 19 - Ievel Switch X-33A - 33F Instru:nentation NONE (Note 3) - - - - 18 - X-3kA - 3hF Spare Penetrations NaiE - - - - 17 - D X-35A,B,C TIP Probes (Note k) C 15 NO X-35D Spare Penetration NONE - - - - 17 - X-35E TIP Purge Supply C - - - - 5 go 16 No 3.7/h.7



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                                                                                                                 - . m - s .- ; t 7,.43
                                                                                              ?               L.     ~ i3;q:- g4y                          .

Table 4.7.1 Manticello Cbntainwnt Penetrations (contirm=4}}h .

                                                                                                                                              ,_           ,4 Penetration                                   Applicable Appen11x                INNER PARRIER                '6 /J' 4GFERR BMtRIER Designation             Description                 JTYPe h8t         Designation             Type    Testable         Designation          W Destable X-36                CRD Hydraulic Beturn                 C               CRD-3h                   5       Ib            CRD-31                5     Yes X-37A - 37D         CRD Insert Lines (121)            NWE (Note 5)             -

5 - - - - X-3SA - 38D CRD Withdruv (121) NWE (Note 5) - 5 - - X-39A Dryvell Spray B C < - - - ID-2021 h Yes MO-2023 h Yes X-39B Dryvell Spray A C - - - MO-2020 h Yes MO-2022 L Yes X-40A-A-40D-F Inst rumentation NONE (Note 3) - , - - - 18 - X h1 Becire loop B Sample C CV-2790 9 Yes CV-2791 9 Yes X h2 Standby Liquid Controj C XP-7 ,5 Ib XP-6 5 Yes X-43 h7 Spare Penetrations NONE - - - - 17 - X-h8 Nitmgen Pu=pback C CV 7h36 11 Yes Suction C7-Th37 11 Yes X h9A - 49F Instrumntation NONE (Note 3) 18 - h X-50A - SOD Instrumentat'_on NONE (Note 3 - - - - 18 - X-50E - 50F Instrumentacica NONE (Note 8)) - - - - - 19 X-51A - 51F Instrument ation NONE (Note 3) - - - - - 18 X-52A - 52F Instnimentation NONE (Note 3) - - - - 18 - X X-99 Not Assigned NONE - - - - - - 1 3 7/4,7 15LH rei

   - ~ ~ - ~ - -


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  • Table 4.71 Abnticello Containment Penetmtions (continued) { Mf;,f -- r 4

Pecetration Applicable Appendix I m rg a 3 A_p r pa Designation rirvMen nawTrn Description J Type Test Designation Type Designation Testable Type Testable X-100A - 100D Qectrical Penetmtion B - - - - 11 Yes X-lOCE Spare Penetration NON2 - - - - 17 - X-101A,101C Spare Penetratior.s NWE - - - - 17 - I X-101B,101D Hectrical Penei. ration B - - - - 11 Yes X-102 Spare Penetration NONE - - - - 17 - j l X-lO3 Electrical Penetration B - - - - 11 Yes X-104A-- lOkD Electrical Penetration B - - - - 11 Yes X-lOLE Spare Penetration NONE - - - - 17 - X-lO5A,105C, Electrical Penetration B - - 105D 11 Yes X-1053 Spare Penetration NmE - - - 17 - X-106 Spare Penetration NWE - - - - 17 - X-lO7 Spare Penetration NWE - - - - 17 - X-108 - X-199 Not Assigned NeuE X-200A i

                                                                                 -                    -           -                       -                   -               -           a Torus Hatch (k5 )        l           B                 -

1 Yes i X-200B Torus Hatch (225 ) , B - I 1 . Yes X-201A - 20lH 'Ibras Vent Pipes ' NCNE (Note 7) - - - - - - X-202A,B,C,D, Dry rell-Torus E,F,G,H, NN E (Note 7) - - - - - - Vacuum Breakers J,K 37/h.7 Avdw# 154 + --I >= _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                                                            ~* u

c s l< - l

                                                                                                                       %  K;*"-                           1 Table k.7.1 bbnticello Containment Penetmtions (continuedff3[                  - ~k                ~

Applicable Appendix


Penetration I!whH BARRIER ' OUNE ""M Designation Description J Type Test Designation Type Testable Designation - %pe Testable I X-202I Not Assigned NONE - - - - . . - X-203 Not Assigned NONE - - - . _ - X-20kA - 20kl> Tcrus Ring Header NNE (Note 7) - - _ _ - _ X-205 Torus Ventilation C - - - A0-2383 10 Yes Erhaust AO-238h 10 Yes g AO-2896 10 Yes X-206A - 206D Torus Instrumentation NONE (Note 8) - - - - 19 - X-207A - 20'TH Torus Vent Pipe Drains NONE (Note 7) - - - - - X-208A - 208H Beller Valve Discharge NONE (Note 7) - - - - - Pipes X-209A - 209D Ibms Instrumentation NONE (Note 8) - - - - - 19 X-210A RHR and Core Spmy B NONE (Note 9) - - - RHR-8-2 5 - Test Line to Ibrus MO-20(Tl L - MO-2009 12 - g Mo-1750 12 - CS-10-2 13 - 3.7/4.7 15kJ wr

c J,hij? ; ^ eg y_('[f My,3 -

                                                                                                                                        . p 1; y ,      _:a m .  .

Table 4.7.1 tbnticello Containment Penetrations (continuddy((1-; $ Ti$ _ - ' - * ** I%netration Applicable Apperalix INNER BARRIER iE kt i~ M ' M NtDIR Designation Description J Type Test Designation Type Testable- ;Designat3em W Testable X-210B EHR and Coce Sprmy A NONE (Note 9) - - RHR-8 - 5 Test Line to 'Ibrus MO-2OO6 h - MO-2006 12 - MO-1749 12 - C-10-1 13 - g X-211A EliR B Ibrus Spray C - - - h 2007 h Ib MO-2009 h Ib MO-2011 h Ib X-211B FIIR A Torus Spray C 2n k Na MO-2OO6 k Ib MO-2010 h Ib X-212 RCIC Turbine Exhaust C - - - RCIC-9 5 Yes RCIC-10 5 Ib X-213A,213B Flanged Bottom Torus NONE (Note 10) - - _ - 1 . Drains X-21h Ongan Analyzer Beturn C CV-3313 9 , Yes CV-331k 9 Yes X-215 - 217 Spare Penetrations NmE 17 - 3 7/k 7 154K RE'l

                    "                                                                                                                       -----i
                                                      ~   --

m__ l


V r l l Table 4.7.1 Monticello Containment Penetmtions (continued) ! oin u 3;tuntyp Applicable Appendix Im.w BApnIER l Penetrution J ""ype Ter,t Designation Type ' Testable -lesignation D Testable Desigmtion Description , A0-2379 10 Yes X-218 Torus-Beactor Buildir6 C - Vacuum Breakers and IVI-8-2 1h Yes Ventilation Supply [ A0-2380 10 Yes IA~t-6-1 lh Yes A0-2378 10 Yes i Cl-?267 9 Ye-r,. - X-219 Spam Penetmtion NONE t I Cl-3311 11 Yes  ; X-220 Oxygen Analyzer C Sample Point C/-3312 11 Yes


HPCI-9 5 Yes X-221 HPCI Turbine Exhnust C HPCI-10 5 No I

                                                                     -             -      -           HPCI-lh           5 X-222         HPCI Steas Line Drains         NONE (Note 9)

HPCI-15 5 RCIC-16

                                                                     -             -      -                             5 X-223         RCIC Steam Line Drains         NNE (Note 9)

RCIC-17 5 - MO-1907 b - X-22hA RHR B Suetion NONE (Note 9) ( h X-22hB EHR A Suction FONE (Note 9) MO-1986

                                                                                                                                          ' i't 1

X-225 HPCI Suction NONE (Note 9) [' M- .3 ..)


37/4.7 -

O. i To, Table h.7.1 Fbnticello Contairmnt Penetrutions (continued). IN'iER BARRIER 6 BAFRIER Penetration Applicable Appendix Designation 4p: l Testable Desi6 nation Description J ?jpe "bst Desigration l?F J Testable ) Core Epmy B Suetion

                                                                                                                                        ~7 j  X-226A                                                                          NONE (Note 9)

M' O-1741 k - Co m b. pray A Suetion

       -                                                                                              ~

, X-22bB NMIE (Note 9)

                                                                                                                    ~        -      MG-2100            L        -

RCIC Suction , - ^ l X-227 NGiE (Note 9) X-226 Not Assigned


X-229 Capped Penetrations gg;E

                                                                                                       -               '       ~

17 (Formerly Control Air to Vacuum breakers)

                                                                                                        ~           -          '

X-230 Electrical Penetration B e 3.7[b.7


                                                                                                       -      ,                         t y

Table 4.7.1 Fbuticello Containment Penetrations (continued) + _.s d i I l Explanation of Notes: l

1. main steam isolation valves are nomclly tested by precouring the connecting volume between inboard and outboard valves. Since test pressure tends to unceat the inboard valve, a lover test pressure than Pa is specified.
2. Isolation is accomplished using manual valves in the containment supply line. Ecse valves are opened only when containment integrity is not required. 'Ibe valves are closed in accordance with valve lineup checklists which are co=pleted prior to plant heatup.

3 One-inch instrumentation lines equipped with excess flow check valves. Sub,)ect to leakage testing in accordance with Technical Gpecification h.7.D.l.b. leakage can occur only through rupture of the line or its associated instrument outside of containment.

h. TIP probes are withdrawn on a containment isolation signal and the line is isolated bj automatic closure of a ball valve. A shear valve can be manually actunted from the Control Room in the event a probe fails to retract. A solenoid valve in the purge supply line automatically closes on a contairment isolation signal.

5 Containment isolation of the CRb hydraulic control lines is accomplished with a ball check valve internal to each drive mechanism and the nomally closed hydraulic system control valve.

6. The dryvell air lock is constructed with both doors opening invan1 so that containrent pressure vill tend to seat the door seals. During overall air lock pressum tests, a st'.pport cember is installed on the inner door to prevent the door from being forced open.
7. These are internal penetmtions between the dryvell and torus.

8. Instrumentation lines not equipped with excess flow check valves. Leakage can occur only through rupture of the line or its associated instrument outside of containment. 9 This penetmtion teminates at the bottom of the suppression pool. It is not exposed to the contairment atmosphere.

10. These drains are installed at the bottom of the suppression pool.

w 3-7/4.7 19N

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Table h.7.1 lbnticello Containment Penetrations (continued) i , I

                                                                                      -                                                                                 l Barrier Type Codes 1       Double gasketed seal                                                                                                                                l 2       Hot pipe expansion bellows 3       Air operated globe valve h       Motor operated gate valve 5       Check valve 6       Testable check valve 7       Air operated gate valve 8       Manual gate valve 9

10 Diaphragm air operated control valve Air opernted butterfly valve h 11 Electrical penetration 12 fttor operated globe valve 13 Manually operated globe valve lh Self-actuating vacuum breaker 15 Ball Valve lo Solenoid Valve 17 Spam Penetration - velded cap 18 Instrument Line with excess flow check valve 19 Instrament Line without excess flow check valve 4 m;

                                                                                                                                                             -o A

37/4.7 1$ 0 -

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  • Bases Continued: *i -$P NE"
             '                                                                                                  'b F M( .     -

rate ani a standby gas treatment system filter efficiency of 90% for halodems, 95% for particu-lates, and assuming the fission product release fractions' stated in TID lh8kk, the calculated maximum total whole body passing cloud dose is e. bout 3 rem and the calculated maxiusui total thyroid dose is approximately 150 rem at the low population zone distance of one mile for the j duration of the accident. The resultant doses that were calculated for the two-hour accident dose at the exclusion zone boundary of 1600 feet are lower than the above stated doses. Thus, the doses raported are the maximum that would be expected in the unlikely event of a design basis loss of coolant accident. These doses are also based on the assu=ption of no holdup in i the secondary containment resulting in a direct release of fission products from the primary containment through the filters and stack to the environs. Therefore, the specified primary g l contaiment leak rate and filter efficiency are conservative ani provide margin between

off-site doses and 10 CFR 100 guidelines. The fission product source term defined in
vas also used in the design of the facility engineered safety features, including

, filter sizing. l The maxicum allowable leakage rate, In, at the calculated peak accident pmssure Pa of kl psig l at test conditions was derived from the maximu= allcwable accident leak rate of about 1.5% per day when corrected for the effects of contairrent enviren=ent under accident and test conditions. ] In the accident case, the containment atmosphere initially would be coeposed of steam and hot air depleted of oxygen, whereas under test coniitions the test medium would be air or nitrogen

!                              at ambient conditions. Considering the differences in mixture cocposition and temperatures,

! the appropriate correcticn factor applied was 0.8 as determined from the guide on contaircent testing and results in an La of 1.2 vt%/ day. (h) l (h) TID 20583, Leakage Characteristics of steel Containment vessels and the Analysis or Leakage sate Determinations h.7 WES 162

FEl 1

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f ! i Bases Continued: l 1 Although the dose calculations suggest that the accident leak rate could be allowed to increase j to about 2.h% per day before the guideline thyroid dose value given in 10 CFR 100 would be I exceeded, establishing the test limit of 1.2% per day provides .an adequate nargin of safety to t assure the health and safety of the general public. It is ibrther considered that the allowable j leak rate should n't deviate significantly from the contalment design value to take advantage I of the design leak-tiC htness capability of the structure cv-r its service lifetime. Additional 1 margin to maintain the containment in the "as built" conditian is achieved by establishin6 the allowable operational leak rate. The operational limit is derived by multiplyirg the allowable

test leak rate by O.75, thereby providing a 25's margin to allow for leakage deterioration which may occur during the period between leak rate tests.
The surveillance testirg requirements for overnll integrated contalment leakage tests (Type A tests) and local penetration leakage tests (Type B and Type C tests) are consistent with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J. " Primary Reactor Containmnt Icakare Testing for Vater-l Cooled Power Beactors."

j The leakage limitations and surveillance testing requirements placed on the containment air i lock are des 1 6 ned to provide assurance that this component is leak tight while at the same

time providing a reaccnable degree of freedom of accerc to the dryvell. The special testirg provisions specified for the air lock are consistent with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix J.

l 1 l Main steam isolation valves are nomally tested by preccurizing the connecting volume between the inboard and outboard valves in one steem line. The inboard =ain steam isolation valve l 1s sub jected to test pressure in 3 direction opposite to that exieting follovirg an accident. During testing, test pressure tends to unseat the valve and can lead to an invalid measuremnt. For this reason, the test pressure has been limited to 25 psi 6 for main steam isolation valve

testing and the allowable leaka6e has been stated in tems of a 25 psig test pressure.

l l I f ! h.7 BASES - 1 163 l PD l l,

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Bases Continued:  :. Results of loss of coolant accident analyses indicate that fission products would not 5e released directly to the environs because of leakage through the main line isolation valves due te holdup in the steam system cocplex. Although this effect shows that an adeglate cargin exists with regard to release of fission products, the results of leak tests on the main steam line isolation

              > valves will be closely followed in order to deterr.ine the adequacy of these valves to perfer:

their intended function. 4 L.7 BCm 1th a REV

_ljij,C_I TitlliUT,10N IMH.PA.ll,I,tiU. DOCK f MEltl AL, l (If MPOH ARY I OHM) l IY . CONTROL NO: _ 1015 l FILE: _. OM: NSP DATE OF DOC DATE IIEC'D LTH TWX HPT OTHER ameapolis, Minn. 55401 l I,,04 Meyer 1-30-76 2-3-76 xx

     >             c ' . TO: , ,                                                            ORIG          CC    OTHEH               SENT llRC PDH-                n i                    1(gy,'y,gt.11o                                                      3 signed         37              .


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           ,aW-:                                                                                               22/ Tech Specs notarized 1-30'76*              -

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                                                                                                             , consists of Exhibit A containing prop.                          '

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                         ,       t                                                                             osed changes to Tech Specs of t.pp. A l                                                                                                            & Exhibit B containing a set'of Tesh Specs pages incorporating the proposed 4           2 changes.....

(3 Orig & 37 CC ret:'

                            , PLANT.NAME: Monticell REM 0                                  CH0W1005 h                                         S AFET.Y                                     FOR ACTION /INfL HMAlIDN                        nny on          DitL, _2-4-76,_


                           ,d'ROJ,ECT MANAGER                 BUCKLEY                                       L1C ASST.




                  . PROJECT MANAGEMEhT SIllWEIL                                       STELLO                                                 KREGER D0YU                                  PANLIC):1                                               SITl! T):Cll, P. COLLINS                                                         OPECAT1NC TTCll,           C/MilLL                     ATlvl 110llSTON                              RE ACTOR S AFE'1 Y 8SISENilUT                           STEPP.                      U.d[ZMAN h                   PETERSON                             iiOSS                      ' 811A0                       UUIRAN       .


                  !!ELTEMES                              ROSETOCZY                   EdCIPw'ENCER                        )!1 S CEl.1,ANEOU S i