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to Calculation E900-04-012, Cv Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers 1 & 2 Survey Design, Appendix a to Final Status Survey Report for Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation Saxton Steam Generating Station Structural Surfaces - Cv Steam Tunnel SS2
Person / Time
Site: Saxton File:GPU Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/01/2004
From: Brosey B
FirstEnergy Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
E900-04-012, Rev 0
Download: ML052140117 (62)


Appendix A Structural Surface Survey Design


'it. SNEC CALCULATION COVER SHEET CALCULATION DESCRIPTION Calculation Number Revision Number Effectivy Date Page Number E900-046012 ° -/I/ I of jO Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design Question I - Is this calculation defined as 'In QA Scope'? Refer to definition 3.5. Yes 0 No ]

Question 2- Is this calculation defined as a 'Design Calculation'? Refer to definitions 3.2 and 3.3. Yes 0 No El Question 3- Does the calculation have the potenial to affect an SSC as described in the USAR? Yes 0 No 0 NOTES: If a 'Yes' answer is obtained for Question 1, the calculation must meet the requirements of the SNEC Facility Decommissioning Quality Assurance Plan. If a 'Yes' answer is obtained for Question 2, the Calculation Onginator's immediate supervisor should not review the calculation as the Technical Reviewer. If a 'YES' answer is obtained for Question 3, SNEC Management approval is required to implement the calculation. Calculations that do not have the potential to affect SSC's may be implemented by the TR.

DESCRIPTION OF REVISION APPROVAL SIGNATURES Calculation Originator B. Broseyl 3 3: Date (I4L°ult Technical Reviewer P. Donnachiel / Date 6 j'° /

Additional Review A. Paynterd Date -SA V4 Additional Review Date SNEC Management Approval Date

at n SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E90S-04-012 0 l Page 2 of 1° Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 The purpose of this calculation is to develop a survey design for the SNEC CV Steam Tunnel interior concrete surface and the top of Seal Chambers 1 and 2. Survey locations are shown on Attachment 1-1. Attachment 2-1 and 2-2 show the individual structures that are to be surveyed using this survey design.



OF RESULTS 2.1 The followying information should be used to develop a survey request for-this survey work:

2.1.1 Basic survey unit information is provided in the following Table.

Table I, Basic Information Survey Survey Unit No. Area Description Classification Coverage Area m)

SS22-1 CV Pipe Tunnel Floor 1 100% 20.6 SS22-2 CV Pipe Tunnel Walls 1 100% 47.8 SS22-3 CV Pipe Tunnel Ceiling 1 100% 16.2 SS17-2 Walls Around Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 2 50% 50.3 SS18-2 Top of Seal Chamber 1 & 2 1 100% 43.3 2.1.2 The effective DCGLw values for these survey units are provided below.

Table 2, DCGLw Values Gross Surface DCGLw' (dpm1 00 cm22

  • Volumetric DCGLw( ig) I Cs-137 Fraction 1 20,609 4.74 (Cs-137) 0.992 Administrative limit g75% of DCGLw value) frornAttachment3-1 to 3-6.

2.2 Nal Scan Survey Work 2.2.1 Nal detector scanning parameters shall be IAW MicroShield model(s) used to develop papplicable MDCscan values (see the following Table and Attachments 4-1 to 4-9).

Table 3,


OF Nal SCANNING PARAMETERS Model Type Scan Speed Surface to Detector Face Calculated MDCscan Values Surface Deposition -2 per sec (5 cm/sec) 2 (5.1 cm) 4,128 - 5,838 dpm/100 crm2 (-100 -200 cpm bkgnd)*

Volumetric -2' per sec (5 cm/sec) 2" (5.1 cm) 3.7 - 5.3 pClg Cs-137 (-100 -200 cpm bkgnd)

NOTE: Values from Attachment 4-3 and 4-4 have been corrected to gross activity by dividing by the Cs-1 37 fraction from Table 2.

?__n SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculabtion Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04012 0 Page 3 of Io Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design 2.2.2 The Nal scan MDC calculation is determined based on a 5 cm/sec scan rate, a 1.38 index of sensitivity (95% correct detection probability and 60% false positive) and a detector sensitivity of at least 208 cpm/uRlh for Cs-137. Additionally, the detection system incorporates a Cs-137 window that lowers sensitivity to background in the survey unit. The resulting range of background values is about 100 cpm to -200 cpm. Thus the resulting MDCscan is about 3.7 to 5.3 pC/g (see Attachment 4-1 -to 4-9).

Table 4, Nal Scanning AInstrumentation Parameters (Cont'd)

Scanning Width Required ConversionflEffciencyI 0.305 meters (12) > = 208 cprmuRVA Minimum requirement See Attachment 5-1 for typical site instrument efficiencies as of 6-01-04.

2.2.3 All Nal detectors (2" by 2") shall employ a Cs-137 window setting (single channel analyzer). The window width should straddle the Cs-137 662 keV full peak (see Reference 3.1).

2.2.4 The following have been identified as the initial action levels for these survey units.

Table 5, Nal Al rm Set-Point (in Gross CPM)

Material GCPM All Types 300 2.2.5 All survey personnel shall be trained to identify the action levels (alarm set-points are considered action levels) described above in Section 2.2.4 based on the audible instrument indicators.

2.2.6 If a count rate of greater than 300 gross cym is identified during the scanning process, .stop and locate the boundary of the elevated area. Mark the elevated area with a magic marker, chalk or other appropriate marking tool. Sample any elevated areas(s) IAW applicable sections of SNEC procedure E900-4MP-4520.04 (Reference 3-2), and Section 2.4 of this survey design.

2.3 GFPC Survey Work 2.3.1 A gas flow proportional counter (GFPC) shall be used in the beta detection mode for this survey work (Ludlum 2350-1 with a 43-68B probe).

2.3.2 The action level during first phase scanning is 1.100 gross cnm. If this level is reached, the surveyor should stop and perform a count of at least 1/2 minute duration to identify the actual count rate (second phase scanning).

2.3.3 Areas greater than the DCGLw (2.077 ncpm) (identifed during second Phase scanning), must be documented, marked, and bounded to include an area estimate.

2.3.4 Following remediation, a portion of the survey unit inspection reports for these areas are included in this calculation as Attachment 6-1 through 6-8. For the CV tunnel area (excluding core bore holes and unistrut areas), the Surface Measurement Test

at n SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-40122 0 Page 4 ofjL/° Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers 1 & 2 Survey Design Area (SMTA) result indicated that a nominal deviation from a smooth surface characteristic was -0.2 cm with some trough areas reaching 2" in depth. On the top of Seal Chamber 1 and 2, the mean SMTA result was -0.84 mm with one cradle having a roughness of up to 1.75". Using the larger of these values (2") and Reference 3.3 data, an efficiency correction factor (CF) of 0.328 is assumed for these areas. See Attachment 7-1.

Table 6, GFPC Detection Efficiency Used for Planning Material Type El. Cs ESt (as %) l % Cs-137 l Efficiency CF Resulting countsidisintegration l All 0.478 0.5 23.9% 0.9916 0.33 0.0776

  • See Attachment 5-1 as an example of current typical detector efficiency factors used at the SNEC site (as of 6/1104).

NOTE 1: Instruments are changed out frequently due to re-calibration requirements and failures in the field. The 23.9% value in Table 6 above, is from a previous instrument calibration check for an instrument not currently in service.

NOTE 2: Total efficiency shail not be less than et value for any instrument used dwing this survey effort.

2.3.5 The Compass computer program (Reference 3.4) is used to calculate the required number of random 8-1 to 8-15.

Table 7, Mininum Random Start Systematic Measurements Survey Unit No. Area Description No. of Points SS22-1 CV Pipe Tunnel Floor 8 SS22-2 CV Pipe Tunnel Walls 8 SS22-3 CV Pipe Tunnel Ceiling 8 SS17-2 Walls Around Top of Seal Chambers 1 & 2 8 SS18-2 Top of Seal Chamber I & 2 8 See Attachment 11-1 to 11-S for point locations as plotted by VSP.

2.3.6 VSP (Reference 3.5) is used to plot all measurement points on the included diagrams. The actual number of random start systematically spaced sample/measurement points may be greater than that required by the Compass computer code because of:

  • placement of the initial random starting point (edge effects),
  • odd shaped diagrams, and/or
  • coverage concerns Some starting point locations may need to be adjusted to accommodate obstructions within a survey unit. -Contact the SR -coordinator. to report any difficulties encountered when laying out random start systematically spaced sampling points.

Table 8,


OF GFPC SCANNING PARAMETERS Structural Material Scan Speed Surface to Detector Face All Types 0.9" per sec (2.2 cm/sec) Contact

a CSNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04012 0 Page 5 of./0 Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design 2.3.7 Scanning efforts shall be based on audible speaker output levels. Earphones are recommended.

2.3.8 When an obstruction is encountered during the static measurement phase that will not allow placement of a static survey point, contact the cognizant SR coordinator for permission to delete that survey point. Document the reason for the deletion. Note that up to two survey points in any survey unit, may be deleted without reducing survey design effectiveness.

2.3.9 A smear survey shall be performed in each survey unit at static measurement point locations. These smears shall be obtained after static measurements are acquired.

These smears shall be assayed for beta/gamma and alpha contamination. A composite gamma scan of each survey units smear group shall be performed and reported.

2.3.10 Other instruments of the type speciriedin 2.3.1 above may be used during the FSS but they must demonstrate an efficiency at or above the value listed in Table 6 (23.9%).

2.4 Sampling 2.4.1 Whenever possible, sample concrete by extracting a 4" long core bore so that the depth of penetration can be identified. When a core bore cannot be taken because of the quality of the concrete, or because of limited access in an area, sampling should remove the first 1" of concrete and yield a volume of at least 200 cc to ensure an adequate counting MDA for Cs-137 (a 4" diameter area by 1" deep

-200 cc).

2.4.2 For steel surfaces, scrape the surface to collect a sample for gamma scanning by removing as much material as possible over/in the suspect area. Document the approximate size of the area where the materials were removed. Whenever possible, obtain a volume of no less then 25 cc's (200 cc's is preferred).

2.4.3 In general, samples shall be collected at biased locations where measurements indicate elevated count rates exist, or where measurement capability is deemed inadequate due to poor geometry.

NOTE If remediation actions are taken as a result of this survey effort, this survey design must be revised or re-written entirely.


3.1 SNEC Calculation No. E900-03-018, "Optimized Window and Threshold Settings for the Detection of Cs-1 37 Using the Ludlum 2350-1 and a 44/10 Nal Detector", 817/03.

3.2 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4520.04, "Survey Methodology to Support SNEC License Termination".

3.3 SNEC Calculation No. 6900-02-028, "GFPC Instrument Efficiency Loss Study".

3.4 Compass Computer Program, Version 1.0.0, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.

3.5 Visual Sample Plan, Version 2.0 (or greater), Copyright 2002, Battelle Memorial Institute.

C5ar SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E90S-04-012 0 Page 6 of AL Subjed CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design 3.6 SNEC Facility License Termination Plan.

3.7 SNEC Procedure E900-IMP-4500.59, 'Final Site Survey Planning and DQA".

3.8 SNEC Faqility Historical Site Assessment, Rev 0, March, 2000.

3.9 1994 Saxton Soil Remediation Project Report, GPU Nuclear Inc., May 11, 1995.

3.10 SNEC procedure E900-IMP-4520.06, 'Survey Unit Inspection in Support of FSS Design".

3.11 NUREG-1575, 'Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual", August, 2000.

3.12 Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Corporation Inc., SR-2, 1985-1997.

3.13 SNEC Calculation No. E900-03-012, Effective DCGL Worksheet Verification".

4.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND BASIC DATA 4.1 Remediation History The below grade CV Pipe Tunnel originally extended around the base of the CV approximately 270 degrees and connected to the old Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility (RWDF), Control and Auxiliary building the Saxton Steam Generating Station (SSGS)

Footprint buildings. The only remaining section still in tact extends from the SSGS footprint East approximately 36 feet toward the CV area. The remaining CV Tunnel section diagram is shown on Attachment 1-1.

Piping systems originally installed in the CV Tunnel, were removed from about 1972 to 1974. These early remediation efforts were not specifically documented. In the late 80's an isolation wall was erected at the far eastern end. Since the CV Tunnel collected seasonal rain and ground -water seepage, this walH served to isolate water accumulation to only -a portion of the remaining structure.

In the spring of 1994, SNEC personnel entered the tunnel through a hole installed in the ceiling to complete characterization surveys for this structure. No evidence of abrasive remediation of the interior surface of the tunnel was noted. A thorough characterization survey was performed in late 1994. Areas indicating elevated activity were core bored to determine the depth of the contamination.

Most of the CV Tunnel has now been removed, leaving only about a 36' section remaining as shown on Attachment 2-1. Inthe summer of 2003, Shonka Research Associates (SRA) surveyed the remaining section of tunnel area using a large area GFPC detector array.

Remediation was then performed to reduce the residual volumetric concentration of Cs-137 and lower the general area exposure rate before a final round of FSS work.

The Seal Chambers are located in the Discharge Tunnel, but the tops are exposed in the SSGS footprint area. The tops of Seal Chamber 1 and 2 are not extensively contaminated, and in August of 2003 the concrete surfaces were cleared of sediment and debris in preparation for FSS work by SRA (see Attachment 2-2). After the initial survey work was performed, several small locations were identified that required further remediation. A final round of survey work was then planned.

4.2 The MARSSIM WRS Test will be applicable for this survey design.


C__ = SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-012 I 0 Page7of fQ Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design 4.3 Variability in these survey units includes both steel and concrete surface measurements.

However, steel surfaces represent only -10% of the surface area in only one (1) survey unit. The remainder of these survey units have little or no steel surface area present.

Therefore, true variability within these survey units is driven by one main material type (concrete). Variability for these two (2)survey units is shown in Attachment 9-1 to 9-2.

4.4 Backgrounds for these survey units are taken from the Williamsburg background materials study (see Attachment 10-1).

4.5 The number of points chosen by Compass are located on the survey map for the survey unit by the Visual Sample Plan (VSP).computer code (Reference 3.5). VSP is used to plot random start systematically spaced sampling points. The coordinates of the survey points are provided for each survey unit referenced to an existing survey area landmark (key point measurement location). Because of edge effects and a desire to error on the conservative side, additional measurement points have been forced by increasing the . MARSSIM overage above the required 20%.

4.6 Reference 3.6 and 3.7 was used as guidance during the survey design development phase.

4.7 This survey design uses Cs-137 as a surrogate to bound the average concentration for all SNEC facility related radionuclides in the survey unit. The effective volumetric DCGLw is just the permitted Cs-1 37 concentration (6.6 pCilg) lowered to compensate for the presence (or potential presence) of other SNEC related radionuclides. The surface DCGLw is a gross activity values that includes all relevant radionuclides. For both DCGLw values, an administrative limit has been set that further lowers the permissible Cs-137 concentration to an effective DCGLw for this radionuclide. The sample data base used to determine the effective radionyclide mix for the CV Tunnel and Seal Chambers has been drawn from samples that were assayed at off-site laboratories. This list is shown as Attachment 3-1 and 3-6. Review of the data points out that only three radionuclides have been positively identified (Co-60, Cs-137 & Sr-90). Inspection of the data also shows that Cs-137 is by far the predominant-radioactive contaminant found in this area (>99%). Both Sr-90 and Co-60 combined are < 1%of the mix.

Remediation has further impacted the radionuclide concentration levels in this area.

Remediation eff 9 rts -have been shown to be effective in the CV Tunnel -and Seal Chamber areas. Therefore, the impact of remediation must be considered in determining the effective Cs-137 DCGLw surrogate value. The final sample listing was decayed to January 15 m, 2004.

4.8 No special area characteristics including any additional residual radioactivity (not previously noted during characterization) have been identified in this survey area.

4.9 The decision error for this survey design is 0.05 for the a value and 0.1 for the p value.

4.10 Special measurements including gamma-ray spectroscopy are not included in this survey design.

4.11 No additional sampling will be performed IAW this survey design beyond that described herein.

4.12 The applicable SNEC site radionuclides and their associated DCGLw values are listed on Exhibit I of this calculation.

SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-012 0 Page 8 of 10 Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design 4.13 The survey design checklist is listed in Exhibit 2.

4.14 Area factors for structural surfaces are shown below. These values are for Co-60 which is a constituent of the mix. However, Cs-137 and Co-60 area factors are very similar and therefore there is little impact from using the more conservative Co-60 values. The lower limit area factor for areas less than 1 square meter is 10.1. Area factors for values between the values listed in the following table, are interpolated from the data by Compass.

AREA (m=) AREA FACTOR 1 10.1 4 3.4 9 2 16 1.5 25 1.2 36 1 5.0 CALCULATIONS 5.1 All calculations are performed internal to applicable computer codes or within an Excel spreadsheet.

6.0 APPENDICES 6.1 Attachment 1-1, is a diagram of the SNEC site area showing the CV Tunnel.

6.2 Attachmrnt 2 6.2.1 Attachment 2-1, is a diagram of the remaining CV Tunnel remnant.

6.2.2 Attachment 2-2, is a diagram of the top of Seal Chamber 1 & 2.

6.3 Attachment 3-1 to 3-6, is the final list of sample results decayed to January 15, 2004 and the uEffective DCGLw Calculator' spreadsheet file used to determine the effective Cs-137 concentration for the CV Tunnel and Seal Chamber I -&2 areas.

6.4 Attachment 4-1 to 4-9, are MicroShield models of surface and volumetric concentrations used to determine the MDCscan values for various scanning conditions in these survey units.

6.5 Attachment 5-1, is a listing of typical detection efficiencies for Nal and GFPC instrumentation at the SNEC site.

6.6 Attachment 6-1 to 48, are copies of inspection reports for these two survey areas.

6.7 Attachment 7-1, is a graph of efficiency loss results with increasing distance from a source of Cs-I 37 for the GFPC instrument.

6.8 Attachment 8-1 to .8-15, are the Compass output reports for these survey units.

6.9 Attachment 9-1 and 9-2, are the variability results for these two survey areas.

6.10 Attachment 10-1, is the Williamsburg background measurements of concrete materials made with the GFPC instrument.

6.11 Attachment 11-1 to 11-5, are fixed point measurement locations determined by the VSP computer code.

C- SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-012 0 Page 9 of I ° Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design Exhibit I SNEC Facility DCGL Values (a) 25 mremly Limit 4 mremly Goal 25 mremly Limit (All Pathways) (Drinking Water)

Radionuclide Surface Area Open Land Areas Open Land Areas (b)

(dpm11OOcm 2 ) (Surface & Subsurface) (Surface & Subsurface)

(pC11g) (pC11g)

Am-241 2.7E+01 9.9 2.3 C-14 3.7E+06 2 5.4 Co.60 7.1 E+03 3.5 67 Cs-137 2.8E+04 6.6 397 Eu-152 1.3E+04 10.1 1440 H-3 1.2E+08 132 31.1 Ni-63 1.8E+06 747 1.9E+04 Pu-238 3.0E+01 1.8 0.41 Pu-239 2.8E+01 1.6 0.37 Pu-241 8.8E+02 86 19.8 Sr-9Q 8.7E+03 1.2 0.61 NOTES:

(a) While drinking water DCGLs will be used by SNEC to meet the drinking water 4 mrem/y goal, only the DCGL values that constitute the 25 mrem/y regulatory limit will be controlled under this LTP and the NRC's approving license amendment (b) Listed values are from the subsurface model. These values are the most conservative values between the two models (i.e.,

surface & subsurface).

i s SNEC CALCULATION SHEET Calculation Number Revision Number Page Number E900-04-012 0 Page 10 of ° Subject CV Tunnel & Top of Seal Chambers I & 2 Survey Design Exhibit 2 SurveV Design Checklist Calculation No. l Location Codes E900-04-012 SS22-1 SS22-2, SS22-3, SS17-2 and SS18-2 Status Reviewer ITEM REVIEW FOCUS (Circle One) Initials & Date I Has a survey design calculatin mnumber been assigned and is a survey design summary H sasr e dei nclua on description provided?

re N/Ai  ?/q / 3 ?V2+/-ol6 2 Are drawings/diagrams adequate for the subject area (drawings should have compass N/A 6/

____headings)? /o/

3 Are boundaries properly identified and is the survey area classification dearly indicated? Yes, /A Z/

4 Has the survey area(s) been properly divided into survey units lAW EXHIBIT 10 (fi)N/A 5 Are physical characteristics of the areallocation or system documented? es N/A 6 Is a remediation effectiveness discussion induded? N/A Have characterization survey and/or sampling results been converted to units that are W; .

comparable to applicable DCGL values? Ax N/A K 6 lw 8 Is survey and/or sampling data that was used for determining survey unit variance included? N/A 6f Is a description of the background reference areas (or materials) and their survey and/or 1 N/A sampling results included along with a iustification for their selection? ' l6 4103V 10 Are applicable survey and/or sampling data that was used to determine variability included? feC/NvA I Will the condition of the survey area have an impact on the survey design, and has the probable impact been considered in the design? .e___



Has any special area characteristic including any additional residual radioactivity (not 12 previously noted during characterization) been identified along with its impact on survey Yes design? ____ lo___ Y 13 Are all necessary supporting calculations and/or site procedures referenced or included? jiei;) N/A go 14 Has an effective DCGLw been identified for the survey unit(s)? e N/A 15 Was the appropriate DCGLEC included in the survey design calculation? Yo NIA I 16 Has the statistical tests that will be used to evaluate the data been identified? (i) N/A W4 I/oy 17 Has an elevated measurement comparison been performed (Class 1 Area)? Ye , N/

18 Has the decision error levels been identified and are the necessary Justifications provided? r eZ) N/A iC/f )/av 19 Has scan instrumentation been identified along with the assigned scanning methodology? i es) N/A /

20 Has the scan rate been identified, and is the MDCscan adequate for the survey design? ____ N/A 21 Are special measurements e.g., in-situ gamma-ray spectroscopy required under this design, Yes&/j./

and is the survey methodology, and evaluation methods described? es t/o/o.

22 Is survey instrumentation calibration data included and are detection sensitivities adequate? re/A ) 4/30 23 Have the assigned sample and/or measurement locations been clearly identified on a diagram / N/A or CAD drawing of the survey area(s) along with their coordinates? A dt ovy 24 Are investigation levels and administrative limits adequate, and are any associated actionsN/

clarly indicated? C-f'~)NI 25 For sample analysis, have the required MDA values been determined.? Yes N/ 7 26 Has anyspecial sampling methodology been identified otherthan provided in Reference 6.3? Yesa(Nl NOTE: a copy of this completed form or equivalent, shall be included within the survey design calculation.




'-SSGS iREmnv;-n (REMOVED)

SSGS Footprint TRAILER --


I I-AVMI ntr



South Wall .

r-.-.-. U A . . .. .

. . . . I

. .. I..

I.I..II.. . I . ...I 68.5"1 . . ...

. .. .. . SS22-2 73" V . I.. ...

East Wall (Metal Plate) If Section of Tunnel May be Removed 124"1 D -*-- Opening Floor CV Tunnel Remnant

<- Opening

'Missing Roof Section 488" II . , I , - - -

. . ....... II

. ... I Opening -- 73", SS22-2 ,.



. .... I I . ...

I.. .. .

North Wall ATTACHMENT a-.

  • TOP OF SEAL CHAMBER 1 & 2 North Wall SS17-2 SSI7-2 SS17-2 SS18-2 West Wall DRD D D Saddles B] B] B zjz- I D D D ATTACHMENT 2- .- 2.

DCGL Calculation Logic-CV Steam TunnellSeal Chamber Roof Survey Unit: SNEC Containment Vessel (CV) Steam Tunnel & Top of Seal Chamber I & 2 Roof



The purpose of this calculation is to determine a representative isotopic mix for the CV Steam Tunnel and top of the Seal Chamber 1 & 2 roof from available sample analyses.

The effective surface area and volumetric DCGLWs are then determined from the mean percent of applicable samples.

Ill. Data Selection Logic Tables: The radionuclide selection logic and subsequent DCGL calculations are provided in six (6) tables. These tables were developed using Microsoft Excel. Table explanation is as follows.

Table 1: Data Listing - This table, which has been extracted from a larger database, provides a list of the most representative sample analyses for the CV Steam Tunnel and top of the Seal Chamber 1 & 2 roof. These results are from scoping, characterization, and prelpost remediation surveys. The samples consist of various sediments, scrapings and concrete cores that were taken in support of the aforementioned surveys. As applicable, a sample number, sample location/description, radionuclide concentration, analysis date are provided for each sample. Positive nuclide concentrations are noted with yellow/shaded background fields while MDAs are noted in the gray shaded fields.

Table 2: Decayed Listing of Positive Nuclides & MDAs Removed - This table provides the best overall representation of data selected from Table 1. Half-life values (days) are listed above each respective nuclide column. Samples are decayed to the date noted above Table 1 (e.g. January 15, 2004). Positive results are denoted in a yellow background while the MDA values, which were listed in Table 1, have been stripped out.

Table 3: Mean Percent of Total for Positive Nuclides - This table provides the calculation methodology for determining the relative fractions of the total activity contributed by each radionuclide. From this information the mean, sigma, and mean % of total are calculated.

The mean % of total values is used to calculate the surface gross activity DCGLW per MARSSIM equation 4-4. See Table 5. Note that the Co-60 mean percent values were averaged using only samples 1 & 5. In addition, the mean percent calculated from sample 1 for Sr-90 was not averaged throughout the spreadsheet, since this sample was the only one where this respective nuclide was positive. This results in higher "mean percent of total values in the mix, which is conservative.

Table 4: Ratio to Cs-137 for Positive Nuclides - This table provides the calculation methodology for determining the surrogate ratio to Cs-137 for each radionuclide. From this information the mean, sigma, and mean % of total are calculated. The mean % of total values is used to calculate the volumetric DCGLW per MARSSIM equation 1-14. See Table 6. Note that the Co-60 ratios were averaged using only samples 1 & 5. In addition, the ratio value calculated from sample 1 for Sr-90 was not averaged throughout the spreadsheet, since this sample was the only one where this respective nuclide was positive. This resplts in higher "mean percent of total' values in the mix, which are conservative.

Note: From Tables 3 and 4 only the "mean % of total" values are used as input to the "Effective DCGL Calculation Spreadsheet" as illustrated in Tables 5 and 6.

Table 5: Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (dpm/1 00 cmA2) - This table provides the surface gross activity DCGLW calculation results from data derived from Table 3.


Table 6: Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-1 37 (in pCig) - This table provides the surrogate volumetric concentration for the Cs-1 37 DCGLW calculation results from data derived from Table 4.

IV. Summary - Since the CV Steam Tunnel is a concrete structure the release limit is primarily based on the surface area DCGLW. However, some CV Tunnel walls contain unistrut, which are treated as volumetric contamination. Therefore, a volumetric DCGLW is also determined.

The Seal Chamber I & 2 roof release limit will be based on the surface area DCGLW only.

Using the above data selection logic tables, the calculated gross activity DCGLw for surface area is 27,479 dpm/100 cM 2. The Cs-137 volumetric DCGLw is 6.32 pCVg. These values would be reduced by 25% as part of SNEC's requirement to apply an administrative limit as discussed in the License Termination Plan (LTP).


TABLE I - Data Listing (pCUg)

Decay Date January 15 2004

_ SNEC Sample no Locationloescniption H-3 Sr-90 Co-40 Cs-137 Am-241 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-241 C-14 Hi-43 Eu.152 Analysis Date I CV unnel CVTunnel SectimentComposte. OLl < 9.4 9.67 126 1250 < 0.18 < 0.55 <0.22 < 44.69 <9.34 <4.02 <0.13 February 14. 2001 2 SXSDIC j CVSteam7unnel Vac-PaclDebris < 0.808 < 0.0382 < 0.0251 9.26 < 0.0221 ( 0.0348 < 0.00279 <2.6 < 0.147 <0.322 c0.0899 December10. 2003 3 SXSD 1531 15324.1533 ~CVSteel ShellScrapinos Exterior Elelcw Grade,Tar) < 0.04 c 0.031 0.177 < 0.0246 < 0.0517 < 0.031 < 3.99 October ll 2001 4 SXSD15 2.1553 CVSteel Shell Scrapirgs - Extericr Below Graxerar' < 0.04 < 0.0305 0.297 < 0.0113 < 0.0372 < 0.0131 < 2.36 October11 2001 S SXSD744 SSGS tlezzanine. East,Pipe Internals. SR-0004 < 123 < 0.18 226 39 6 < 0709 < 0.33 < 033 < 50.8 < 379 < 826 <146 March 21 2001 TABLE 2*Decayed Lising of Positive Nuclides &MDAs Removed(pCU )

_ T1/2 T112 T112 T112 T112 T112 1/2 T7112 T1/2 T1/2 T112

_ 4485.27 10446.15 192523275 11019.5925 157861.05 32050.6875 8813847.75 5259.6 20928825 36561525 49674 StlEC Sample No LocationlDescriptionr H-3 Sr-SO Co-4 Cs-137 Am-241 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-241 C-14 114i-3SEu-152 Total (pCixg) i CV unnel CVTunnel Sediment Composite. OL1 9.01E+00 8.59E-01 1.17E+03 I I 1178 89 2 SXSD1O5 CVSteam Tunnel. Vac-Pac Debris 9 24E+00 - 9.24 3 SXSD1 3t1.132. 153 CVSteelShellScrapings -Exterior Below GradeJTar_ 1.68E-01 . T I 017 4 SXSDl52.155 CV SteelShell Scrapings - ExteriorBellwGradeTar _ 2.82E-01 - _ i 028 S SXSD744 SSGS tezzanine. East, Pipe Internals. SR-00C4 156E+00 3.71E+01 38 68 MIearn l9 01E+00 8,59E-01 2 95E+02 304 55 Sigm&# 11 1 2

______ [582912 I i 8  :.. .:...I...:..::.:...:

lear %of TotaW 2,96% j 0,28% 96 76% [J _____ 10 .00%

KEY I IYellcw Shaded Background = Positive Result Gray Shaded Background = IJDA 3


TABLE 3 - Mean Percent of Total for Positive Nuclides SNEC Sample No LocationlDescription Sr-90 Co-60 Cs-137 Total I CV Tunnel CV Tunnel Sediment Composite. OL 0.76% 0.07% 99.16% 100.00%

2 SXSD1 C5 CV Steam Tunnel. Vac-Pac Debris 100.00% 100.00%

3 SXSC1531,15 32. 1533 CV Steel Shell Scrapings - Exterior Belov Grade (Tar) 100.00% 100.00%

4 SXS111552. 1553 CV Steel Shell Scrapings - Exterior Below Grade Tzar) 100.00% 100.00%

5 SXSD744 SSGS Mezzanine. East. Pipe Internals. SR-0004 4.03% 95.97% 100.00%

Ileanx 7.64E-03 7.28E-04 9.98E-01 1.01 Sigma __ 0.004185775 . ... .. . . .. .

IMlean % of 7otal 0 76% 0 07% 99.17% 100.00%

TABLE 4 - Ratio To Cs-137 for Positive Nuclides SNIEC Sample No LocationfDescription Sr-90 Co-60 Cs-137 Total I CV Tunnel CV Tunnel Sediment Composite. OL1 0.008 0.001 1.000 1 008 2 SXSD105 CV Steam Tunnel. Vac-Pac Debris 1.000 1.000 3 SXSDI531.1532. 1533 CV Steel Shell Scrapings - Exterior Below Grade (Tar) 1.000 1.000 4 SSD1 552. 1553 CV Steel Shell Scrapings - Exterior Below Grade (Tar) 1.000 1.000 s SXSC744 SSGS M.lezzanine. East. Pipe Internals. SR-0004 0.042 1.000 1.04 r.1ean* 7.71E-031 735E-04 1 OOE+00 1.01 Sigma=* 0 9. OOE+............. 00..........................

l,1ean % of 7otal> 0.76% 0.07% 199-16% 1100.00%

4 COz

Table 5 Effective DCGL Calculator for Cs-137 (dpml100 cmA2)  :.Gross ActivityDCGLw- i~Gross-Activitjr Administrative Llmit.

27479 ldpm;100 cmA21 20609 dpm;n100 cmA2 25.0lmremry TEDE Limit r l I :, Cs.137Llmit IT"l Cs-137 Administrative Llmlt..*;-

SAMPLE IlO(s)plCV Tunnel I l 27250 Idpm'io CM^A21 20438 Tdpml1OO cmA2 2

I.t.SNECALU l 75% I Individual Sample Input Limits Allowed Beta dpmrIOO Alpha dpm?100 Isotope (pCilg, uCI, etc.) a of Total (dpmIO00 crnA2) dpm1IOO cmA2 mremly TEDE cmA2 cmA2 1 Amn.241 l 0.000%0 27 0.00 0 00 A000 Ain:241 2 C-14 0.000% 3,700,000 0 00 0 00 0 00 H C.14 3 Co.60 7.28E.04 0.072% 7,100 19.88 0 07 19 88 Co.60 4 Cs.137  :. . - 9.98E-O1 99.168% - - 28,000 27250.22

  • 24.33 27250.2 Cs-137 5 Eu.152 0 000%X6 13,000 0.00 0 00 0 00 A Eu.152 6 H.3 0.000% 120,000,000 0.00 0.00 Hlot Detectable iH H-3 7 111.63 0 000% 1,800,000 0.00 0.00 [lot Detectable : .A III-63 8 Pu.238 0.000% 30 0.00 0 00 *:.:y ijA.g: 0 00 Pu.238 j s Pu-239 1C Pu-241 11 Sr.90 7.64E.03 0.000%

0 000° 0.759%


28 O 880 8,700 0.00 0 00 208.61 27479 0.00 0 00 0 60 25.0 Hot Detectable 208.61 27479 0.00 0


....Pu.241 Sr-90


Maximum Permissible dpml1OO cmA2_


Table 6 m

K' LAJ 6

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: SURFC.MS5 Date:

Run Date: June 24, 2004 By: -

Run Time: 8:55:39 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:00 Case


Steel Surface


12" Diameter Model - FeO Geometry: 3 - Disk Source Dimensions Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 7.72 cm 0 cm o cm 3.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Shield 1 .1 cm Iron Oxide 5.1 Air Gap . Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm2 Bq/CM2 Ba-137m 6.9026e-010 2.5540e+001 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-137 7.2966e-010 2.6997e+001 1.00OOe-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Integration Parameters Radial 40 Circumferential 40 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photonslsec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2 lsec mR/hr mRlhr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 5.287e-01 3.025e-07 1.444e-06 2.520e-09 1.203e-08 0.0322 9.755e-01 6.265e-07 3.026e-06 5.042e-09 2.435e-08 0.0364 3.550e-01 6.443e-07 3.392e-06 3.661 e-09 1.927e-08 0.6616 2.298e+01 7.805e-03 - 8.209e-03 1.513e-05 1.591e-05 TOTALS: 2.484e+01 7.806e-03 8.217e-03 1.514e-05 1.597e-05 ATTACHHANT . T9

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: SURFC.MS5 Date:

Run Date: June 24, 2004 By:

Run Time: 8:49:11 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:00 Case


Concretel Surface


12" Diameter Model - Paint Geometry: 3 - Disk Source Dimensions Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points x Y z

  1. 1 7.6708 cm 0 cm 0cm 3.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Shield 1 .051 cm Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method: Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm2 Bq/cM2 Ba-137m 6.9026e-010 2.5540e+001 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-137 7.2966e-01 0 2.6997e+001 1.00O0e-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup The material reference is : Air Gap Integration Parameters Radial 40 Circumferential 40 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mRlhr mR/hr No -Buildup *With Buildup *No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 5.287e-01 7.676e-06 9.614e-06 6.394e-08 8.008e-08 0.0322 9.755e-01 1.441e-05 1.799e-05 1.159e-07 1.448e-07 0.0364 3.550e-01 6.203e-06 7.507e-06 3.524e-08 4.265e-08 0.6616 2.298e+01 8.203e-03
  • 8.312e-03 I1.590e-05 1.61 1e-05 TOTALS: 2.484e+01 8.232e-03 8.347e-03 1.612e-05 1.638e-05 ATTACHMENT..-.-2Y

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface Deposition b := 100 p := 0.5 HS d := 30.48 SR := 5 d :=-1.38 5 'HSd Conv := 208.705 MS utput 1.591-10 0-:=S.

1. SR!

0 i = 6.096 ObservationInterval (seconds)

(b O i) 60 MDCRi:= ( i). 60 MDCR i = 43.294 net counts per minute MDCR i MDCR surveyor r Al MDCR surveyor = 61.228 net counts per minute MDCR surveyor MDER:=

Conv MDER = 0.293 tiR/h MDER MDC scan :

MS output' 1 10 MDC scan ='18.439 PCi/CM 2 MDC scan 222 = 4093.522 'dpm'1OOcm2 6/24/2004 *4 of 5 ATTACHM E - NT!

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface Deposition b := 200 p := 0.5 HS d := 30.48 SR:= 5 d := 1.38 Conv := 208.705 MS output :=. 1.59110- 5 - HS d

. i:=-

..-... - SR; 0 i = 6.096 ObservationInterval (seconds)

(b-O ;)

'* 60 MDCR :i= (d i). 60 Oi MDCR i = 61.228 net counts per minute MDCR-MDCR surveyor =

MDCR surveyor = 86.589 net counts per minute MDCR surveyor MDER:=

Conv MDER = 0.415 giR/h MDER MDC scan :=

MS output MDC s-anscanA

=26.077 pCi/cm 2 MDC scan 222 = 5789.115 dpm/l00 cm2 612412004 ATTACHMENT V

  • 4of

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Surface where:

b = background in counts per minute b1 = backgroundcounts in observationinterval Conv = Nal manufacturersor calibrationinformation reportedresponse to energy of contaminant (cpm/uR/h) d = index of sensitivity (Table 6 5 MARSSIM), 1.38 = 95% ofcorrectdetection's, 60%false positives HSd = hot spot diameter (in centimeters)

MDC,3 ,,, =Minimum Detectable Concentrationforscanning (pCi/cm2)

MDCR, =Minimum Detectable Count Rate (ncpm)

MDCRoyo, = MDCR1 correctedby humanperformancefactor(ncpm)

MDER = Minimum Detectable Exposure Rate (uR/h)

MS = MicroShieldoutput exposure rateforI pCi/cm2 of contaminant (mR/)

0, = obervationInterval (seconds) p = humanperformancefactor SR =scan rate in centimetersper second

-6124rto4 5 f 5 ATTACGHMENT 7

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00121)

GPU Nuclear Page :1 File Ref:-

DOS File: SLABD.MS5 . Date:_

Run Date: June 24, 2004 -By: _

Run Time: 9:09:00 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:02 Case


Concrete Slab


12" Diameter by 1" Deep - Cs-1 37 @ I .pCilg Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.54 cm 1.0 in Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 Ocrr 10.16 cm 0cm 0.0 ir 4.0 in 0.0 in z Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 1853.333 cm3 Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies . becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Ba-1 37m 4.1201 e-009 1.5245e+002 2.2231e-006 8.2255e-002 Cs-1 37 4.3553e-009 1.6115e+002 2.3500e-006 8.6950e-002 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 60 Circumferential 60 Y Direction (axial) 60 Results Enermy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2 /sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0318 3.156e+00 6.355e-06 7.682e-06 5.293e-08 6.399e-08 0.0322 5.823e+00 1.222e-05 1.486e-05 9.832e-08 1.196e-07 0.0364 2.119e+00 6.726e-06 8.749e-06 3.821e-08 4.971e-08 0.6616 1.372e+02 3.200e-02 - 4.053e-02 6.204e-05 7.858e-05 TOTALS: 1.483e+02 3.203e-02 4.057e-02 6.223e-05 7.881e-05 ATTACHHOEW, i- (P

Nal Scan MDC Calaclation - Nat Scan MDC Calculation - Concrete Volume b := 100 p := 0.5 HS d := 30.48 SR := 5 d := 1.38 Conv := 208.705 MS output := 7.858 10-HS d HS d = 6.096 ObservationInterval (seconds)

SR HS d ObservationInterval (seconds)

(b-oO) SR 60 MDCR i := (db i 60 MDCR i = 43.294 net counts per minute MDCR -

MDCR surveyor := r 4;

MDCR surveyor = 61.228 net counts per minute Is ._ITMDCR surveyor lM  :=

cAn Conv MDER = 0.293  ; gRl/h MDER MDC scan :=

MS output'o 10 MDC.. scan can

= 3 733 pClg 612412004 *4 of 5 A 1TACHMENT. E T- .2z..

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Nal Scan MDC Calculation - Concrete Volume b := 200 p := 05 HSd :=30.48 SR:.5 d :=1.38 Conv := 208.705 MS output := 7.858 1O 5 HS d

- = 6.096 ObservationInterval (seconds)

SR HS d 0-: ObservationInterval (seconds)

' SR (b O i)

'* 60 MDCR: (d=-$). 60 MDCR i = 61.228 net counts per minute MDCR MDCR surveyor := r MDCR surveyor = 86589 net counts per minute MDCR surveyor MDER:=

Conv -. ..... . =. - 41 5..9*

MDNER-= 0.415.' ILR/h MDER MDC scan:=

MS output l 10o MDC.. sc' ca 5'-'5.28 7 ',.' , ...J pCi/g fd4'rA4 40f 5 A1TACHHEM.Y&8

Nal Scan MDC Calculation - where:

b = backgroundin countsper minute b background counts in observation interval Conv = Na! manufacturersreportedresponse to energy ofcontaminant (cpm/uRfh) d = index of sensitivity (Table 6.5 MARSSlM9t1.38 = 95% of correctdetections,60%false positives HSd = hot spot diameter (in centimeters)

MDC,=, = Minimum Detectable Concentrationforscanning (oCi/g)

MDCRI = Minimum Detectable Count Rate (ncpm)

MDCR, r),= MDCR, correctedby human performancefactor(ncpm)

MDER = Minimum DetectableErposure Rate (uR/h)

MSO.tpz = MicroShieldoutput exposure ratefor I pCi/g of contaminant (mRdi)

Oj = obervationInterval (seconds) p = human performancefactor SR = scan rate in centimetersper second 162412004 5 of 5 ATrACHMEW iL-1.


__ _ -t 126179 1/27/05 094819 1/27/05 -25.1% N/A 126188 1/27/05 099186 1/27/05 28.2% N/A 126218 01/08/05 095080 01/09/05 27.9% N/A

. _ PICAL 2" 2"NAI E ICIENCY FCT- I Inst.# . Cal Due AP # . Probe # Cal Due cpmlmRFh 98625 5/18/05 R&Y 211680 Pk 5/18/05 214,882 98647 5/18/05 G &Y 211667 Pk 5/18/05 218,807 129423 5/18/05 P &Y 211687 Pk 5/18/05 213,539 117573 5/18/05 O&Y 211674 Pk 5/18/05 212,173 J 117566 4/9/05 G&R 185852 Pk 4/13/05 209,862 129429 11/3/04 W&Y 206283 Pk .10/31/04 177185 126183 11/19/04 R&B 206280 Pk 12/12/04 190,907 126198 11/03/04 R&W 196021 5/25/05 5' 209,194 Li

_ - i- G 3-8 Ph-k-- --4 fl405

- t4/ 5--~ i


______________(___G___L___)_______-___ 6 1 1- 5 1______

Different Instrwuenl/Probe Cal. Due l Ccsium only insinimcnis ( I0nmV to 1(0))


  • IL


Exhibit I Survey Uint Inspection Check Sheet ORIGINAL _ _

. Iw-;.ct . 8EiN1 ' - UrURSPi iO IWCITON .

Survey Unnt SSIB-2. SS17-2 Survey Unit Location Top of Seal Chambers 1 and 2 Floor and Walls (up 10 812')

Date 8/28/04 Time 0800 Inspection Team Members D. Sarge

-- ;' l-*.. * -- .. - . ;,6ECTION 2-SURVEY UNIT INSPECTION

. SCO. -- ' .- -

Inspection Requirements (Check the appropriate Yes/No answer.) Yes No N/A 1 Have 6uftrcxlnt surveys (i.e.. post remediotion. characterizatlon. etc) been obtained for the survey unit? X

2. Do the surveys (from Question 1) demonstrate that the survey unit will most likely pass the FSS7 X
3. Is the physical work (i e.. femediaton & houskasping) in or around the strsey unit complee7 l X
4. 14lav all Iool6, non-permanent equipment, and materIal not needed t_ perform the F5S been removed? X
5. Are the survey surfaces relattvely fret of loose debris (i.e.. dirt concrete dust, metal filings, etc.)? X
6. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of liquids (i.e., water, moisture, oil. etc.)? X
7. Ara the survey surfaces free of all paint, which has the potential to shleld radiatiqn7 X D. Have the Surface Measurement Teowt Areas (SMTA) been established7 (Refer to Exhibit 2 for mstructlons.) X
n. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) data been collected? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for insruuctions.) X
10. Are thte survey surfaces easily acccesible? (No scaffoiding. high reach. etc. Is needed to perform the FSSI X
11. Is lighting adequate to perform the FSS7 X
12. Is the ere* ltMdus1nal)y safe to perform the FSS7 (Evaluate potential tall & trip hazards. confIned spaces. etc.) X
13. Have photographs been taken showing the overall condition or the area7 X If
14. Have a t unsats!eatcry condlidton been resclvedj X NOTE: If a No answer is obtained above, the Inspector should Imrmediately correct the problem or Initiate corrective actions through the restporsble site department, as 9ppilcable. Oocumnet actions taken andcorjustfncastions in the Ccmments nsection below. Attach additlional sheets as necessary.


Response to Question 4 - The wooden stairway needs to be removed prior to FSS.

Response to Question 5 - Frcestanding water has been idenltifed to be present In three areas: west side -on cover to 2' downcomer, east end - core bore / scabbled areas (2).

Response to question #6 - The floor has to be swept prior to survey, (loose stones and sediment present).

Response to Question #12 - Lead-containing paint has been Identified on the walls. The paint is not loose but the technicians perfonming FSS must not disturb surface to the best of their ability.

Additionally, the downcomer to #2 Seal Chamber is covered with plywood that must be removed when performing scan surveys. This will expose the individual to a potential fall hazard.

Survey Unit Inspector (print/sign) David Sarge /A lI Date 8/28104 Survey Designer (print/sign) Date ATTACHMENTHM6N -L-

Nn rti "n-I-I. X I TT1T-t).uJ 'tNq /tFZ7FqtIrR qb
rn tL fln7 Q7 iQr I

EXHIBIT 3 Suiface Measurement Ttst Area (SLITA) Daita Sheet

.- - - . SECTION 1 EtCRIP T ION SMTA Numbcr SMTA-SS17-2-1 Survey Unit Number SS17-2 SMTA Location Top of Seal Chambers 1 and 2 (Wall Area)

Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge Date l 4/15/04 Time 1200 r  ; . -;E...CTION 2 -CALPERINFORMATION kROtNt!UELh! L D ;

Caliper Manufacturer Mitotoyo lCaliper Model Number CD-6 Cs Caliper Serial Number 7 3893 Calibration Due Date (as applicable) NtA Rad Con Technician ID. Sarge I Date 4/15/04 T;ne i1200 Survey Uni Inspector Approval D. Sre / Date 4115/04

' '-' ' N 3...'..*'E .3...REM~tEN

s'U7 aSU , . ...

SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments 9

,1 . .;7 ,, 1. 25 i3.. -7

... ,..21 1.4 0.7U 0.62 4.1 0.73 0.37

. a 1.4 fli . .. 2 ..

1.94 1.25 246 067 2.05 0.4 0.08 1.06 0.78 232 0.18 0.25 0.19 0.03 0.8 2.36 0o16 oil 6' l11  ; 17 r.;-23 *;;e2° . .W 04 045 0o. 028 ose O8C50

-6 12i j  ; <124' ~ " 3i 6 .

030 0.53 0.69 0.63 a3 089 Average Measurement - 0.84mm

  • Additionel Measurements Required ATTACH MENT - 2 ZI 39Vd ~t ~E1d Ai1IOMV4 NOCI~a 33iS LIEZ9ECIVIR q17 :F, L htnn7 07 AM

-11rwuIATIMNu-ORIGHIAEXHIBIT 3 Surface Measurement Test Area (ShITA) Dat~a Sh~et

.-  :::.,.;.;,.ECTiONJ1 -DESClION SIMTA Number SMTA-SS18-2-1 .. Number j urvey Unit SS18-2 SMTA Location Top of Seal Chambers t and 2 (Floor)

Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge l Date 4115104 l Time 1100

.SE T 'ON 2',CALIPER 1.1.FO RMATION & PERSONNE INO i'-:r Caliper Manufacturer Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number CD-6 CS Caliper Serial Number 763B93 Calibration Due Date (as applicable) NIA Rad Con Technician I0. Sarge/ l Date 4/15104 Time 1100 Survey Unit Inspector Approval . Sarge Date 411504

.; Sm ; ,: ., S E ~ rl MENT RESUT ' '.'  :;. ., .

SMTA Gnid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm (Insert Results In White Blocks Below) Comments 51- t  ;*Qt3i _7',?. _7;7 0.24 0.13 0.27 1.13 0.22 0.37

,.2,': ... 8;, 4

.';14. ..; . .= ~' z2 .

009 0.3 006 1.86 0.76 012

.. ,.. ,1 .1.3.3.... .

0.19 0.3 0.06 0.27 0.15 0.02 4 t 22.. 29 ' "

0.31 0.63 001 034 017 OCS 23 ;29r 1.39 0.64 05 007 099 056 0 04 0.15 0ii cis5 04 0.34 Average Measurement - 0.37mm Additional Measurements Required AMTACHMENT (0 1.

fJ T MV8' ot NO03Q AIIIIOJ 03NS JTFZ7CqbTA Qh'Cn .N(M7107Jnnf


ORIGINALHIBIT:3 Surface Measurement Tert Area (SMTA) Data Sheet

. ..* . E C lO ' E C i ~O . *._ .

SMTA Number SMTA-SS18-2-2 Survey UnIt Number l SS18-2 SMTA Location Top of Seal Chamber 1 Tank Cradle (East Side)

Survey Unit Inspector D. Sarge I Date _6128104 Time 1000 EC'INF RATION £PERSONNE L NVOLnE Caliper Manufadurer NIA Caliper Model Number Caliper Serial Number Calibration Due Date (as applicable)

Rad Con Technician I D. Sarme Date 6/28t04 Time 1000 Survey Unit Inspector Approval D. Sar'e t Date 6128104

.r .: ...  :...; .,SECTIO.3N 3.-MEASUREMENT REsULTs-  ::. . .. .. , ...

SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results In Units of mm Comments (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Depth measurements were obtained using a

- - -tape measure and detector holder to simulate

14 '322 actual measurement distance.
  • Ten measurements obtained of the destructed edge of the cradle, ranged from 0.5 to 1.75 i4 inches.

- A _ _ _ 0

  • The average for the readings was 1,0 inches.


Avcragc Mcasuremcnt - mm Additional Measurements Required S56r OIL S-roP,* TAAJK V



.1 . ..1 I

j Exhibit I Q Survey Unit Inspection Check hteet


Survey Unit # SS22- Survey Unit Location CV Steam Pipe Tunnei-floors, walls, ceiling, and Date 41271C04 Time 0900 Inspection Team Members D. Sarge

.. , v P.


-1 Inspection Requirements (Chcck the appropriate Yes/No answer.) Ye!5] No IN/A

1. Have sufricient rurveyr (I.e., port remedialion, characterization. etc.) been obtained for the survey unit? X 2 Do the surveys (from Quegtion 1) demonrtrale that the survey unit will most likely pass the FSS? x
3. is the phystcal work (i.e.. remedtation & housekeeping) In or around the survey unit comp*ie'e X
4. Have aStools, non-permanent equipment, and material not needed to perform the FSS been removed? x
5. Are the s=rvey surfaces reial!vely free of loose debris (i e.. dirt, concrete dust, mental flings. elc.)7 x
6. Are the survey surfaces relatively ftree of liquids (I.e., water, moisture. all. etc.)? X
7. Are the survey surfaces free of all paint, which has the potonftai to shWlod radiation7 X
8. Have the Surface Measurement -est Areas (SMTA) been establlshed? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for instructions,) X 9 Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) data been collected? (Refer to Exhlbt 2 for instructions.) X
10. Are the survey surfaces easily accesiblie? (No acaffoiding, high reach, etc. is needed to perform the FSS) x
11. Is kgting adequate to perform the FSS? X
12. Is the arca Indu=ri3lly sase to perform the FS67 (Evaluat* potential fI & trip hazards. confined Spaces, ec) X
13. Have photographs been taken 3howing the overall condition of the area? X
14. Have all unsatisfactory conditions been resolved? X NOTE: If a 'Me answer Is obtained above, the Inspector should immediately correct the problem or initiate corrective actions through the responsible site department, as applicable. Document actions taken and/or justificatIons in the Comments section below. Attach additional iheets as necessary.


F1 JA L~ ~%F 5&51 i f RJP.i, 7V &,::TIVU "Pp-IT Survey Unit Inspector (print/sign) l David Sarge I l Date l 4127/04 Survey Designer (print/sign) I). Sarge I_&ca D RiOS(D ATTACHMM ENLT * . *5 ZI a B39d NODaUd A1I3IIDI: D3NS LIEZSE9t'8 9b:60 00Z/G8Z/9i0 2


' .'ON"E-SU utT hDtx.: ,

Survey Unit # SS22-1. 2. 3 5 ' Survey Unit Locaton CV Steam Pipe Tunnel - floor, walls, and ceiling Date 418/04 Time 1100 Inspection Team Members I D.Sarge. G. Houtz, Ei. Stoner, G. Woomer, I II M. McConahy



. A. -

Inspection Requirements (Check the appropriate Yes/No answer.) Yes No l N/A I. Have sufficient surveys (i.e,. post remediation, characterization. etc.) been obtained for the survey unit? X

2. Do the surveys (from Question 1) demonstrate that the survey unit will most likely pass the FSS7 X
3. s the physical work (i.e., ramediation & housekeeping) in or around the survey unit complete7 X
4. Ha-ve al tcch, non-permanent equipmert, and materIal not needed to perform the FSS been removed? X
5. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of loose debris (i.e., dirt, concrete dust. metal riling,, etc.)7 X
6. Are the survey surfaces relatively free of liquWi (i.e., water. moisture. oiJ. ec.)? X
7. Are the survey surfaces free of all paint, which has the potentIal to shield radiation? X
8. Have the Surface Measurement Tert Areas (SMTA) beon establish*d? (Refer to Ewhibit 2 for Instructions) X
9. Have the Surface Measurement Test Areas (SMTA) data been collected? (Refer to Exhibit 2 for Instructions.) X
10. Arc the survey curfaco& eazily actsssbls5? (No scaffolding, high reach. ec. Is needed to perform the FSS) X
11. Is Rtghting adaquata to parform the FSS? X
12. I the urea Industrially safe to perform the FSS? (Evaluate potential fall I trip hazards. confined spaces, tic.) X
13. Have photographs boen taken showing M/Ie overall condltion of the ar2a? X
14. Have all unsatisfactory conditions been resolved7 X NOTE: If a 'No' answer ts obtained above, the inpctor should immediately correct the problem or initiate corrective actins through the responsible site department, as applicable Document actions taken and/or justrications in the Commenrt3 section below. Attach additlonal sheels as necessary.


Response to Question #3 - Vacuuming is required prior to FSS. (especially in troughs and core boreholes).

Response to Question #4 - Items to be removed - 2 scabble guns, air hose, and misc. equipment/liquids.

Response to Question #G- Standing water located Introughs (west end).

Response to Question #7 - Spray paint used on walls to mark survey grids.

Response to Question #10 - Some areas of ceiling and walls (West end) are inaccessible due to temporary ceiling supports and (East end) are inaccessible due to steel wall comp~ollents.

Survey Unit Inspector (pnnt/sign) G. Houtz l Date l-/I /lo&

Survey Designer (print/sign)j i aq t~7 ~ Darte 612eo AMTACHMENT t -

1I 3rlOva AlI1Izv' Z3lJS LIEZSE9Pl8 9rt:E0 0OOZ/8Z/913[


_0'; d EXHIBIT3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet SECTION 1 -DESCRIPTION SMTA Number SMTA-SS-22-1 S522-1 SSSurveyUnitNumber SMTA Location CV Steam Pipe Tunnel Survey Unit Inspector G. Houtz Date 4/8/04 Time 1120 SECTION 2 - CALIPER INFORMATiON & PERSONNEL INVOLVED Caliper Manufacturer Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number CD-6 CS Caliper Serial Number 763893 Calibration Due Date (as applicable) N/A Rad Con Technician I G. Houtz ,Date 4/8/04 Time l 1120 Survey Unit Inspector Approval I G. Houtz / Date 1120 SECTION 3=-1 SUREMENT RESULTS SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm Comments (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments 1 7 13 19 25 31

  • Entire floor has been scabbled (1 - 2 depth) 0.21 1.44 2.97 228 1.0 o2.5

-1. - - - East end has steel plate installed with bracing 2 8 14 20 26 32 anchored into floor. Brace obstructs floor access 1S58 1.0 1.44 1.09 0.9 1.35 (5' length x 8 'width). Plate installed within the

.9 . plane of the floor, therefore obstructs survey.

3 9 15 21 27 33 2.3 1.42 1.03 1.47 1.25 1.32 . Troughs scabbled into floor at wall seams 4 10 16 22 28 34 require special survey considerations 2.94 4.82 1.18 2.31 1.48 1.32 5 11 13 29 36

  • Core bore holes pose same survey considerations 1.99 9.11 1.91 1.62 0.44 1.94 6 12 18 24 30 36 6 Drain trench has been chiseled/scabbled into a 0.74 1.71 1.4 1.37 2.63 1.46 V" shaped configuration. Poses same survey considerations Average Measurement - 1.86 mm Additional Measurements Required
  • 3 (three) 6- core boreholes spaced evenly along length of floor. Depths between 1'-4" to 2'-6'.
  • 1 (one) trough along South wall. 8' wide x 24-2' length. Depth between 1.5 to 2".
  • 1 (one) trough along North wall (west end). 5" wide x 7'-2'. Depth between 1-1.5".
  • 1 (one) trough along North wall (east end). 4" wide x 12' length. Depth between 1-1.5".
  • Drain trenching (west end). 10" wide x 5'-6" length x 8" depth and 10" wide x 4' length x 8" depth.

. 4 (four) 3" core boreholes. 3" depth.


EXHIBIT 3 Surface Measurement Test Area (SMTA) Data Sheet SECTION 1 - DESCRIPTION SMTA Number SMTA-SS-22-2 and 3 l Survey Unit Number SS22-2 and 3 SMTA Location CV Steam Pipe Tunnel (Walls and Ceiling)

Survey Unit Inspector G. Houtz Date 4/8/04 Time 1100 SECTION 2 - CALIPER INFORMATION & PERSONNEL INVOLVED Caliper Manufacturer Mitotoyo Caliper Model Number CD CS Caliper Serial Number 763893 Calibration DueqDate (as applicable) N/A Rad Con Technician G. Houtz Datej 4/8/04 Time 1 1120 Survey Unit InspectorApproval G. Houtz I Date 1100 SECTION -A tl RESULTS SMTA Grid Map & Measurement Results in Units of mm Comments (Insert Results in White Blocks Below) Comments 1 7 13 19 25 31

  • Wall surfaces are smooth except for areas 0 0 o 0aa 0a aa 00removal disturbedofbyuni-strut.

scabbling, core boring, and the 2 8 14 20 26 32

  • East end has steel plate installed with bracing o 0 0 0 0 0 anchored into floor. Plate installed within the 3 9 15 21 27 33 plane of the walls, therefore obstructs survey.

- - - - -

  • Some wall areas are not accessible currently.

4 10 16 22 28 34 Steel plate blocks access.

o o 0 0 0 0 . Uni-strut at far west end has concrete filler in 5 11 17 23 29 26 three locations. Length is 3', depths between 1.5 to 2". Total length of uni-strut in tunnel is o o 0 0 0 0 70'-6'. Uni-strut depth is 2".

6 12 18 24 30 36

  • Ceiling surfaces are smooth except for form o o 0 0 0 0 separation crack roughly mid-point of tunnel length. Depth is 0.5".

Average Measurement - 1.86 mm Additional Measurements Required NORTH WALL

. 7 (seven) vertically installed uni-struts 1' length spaced 6' on center along ceiling line.

  • 7 (seven) vertically installed uni-struts 1' length spaced 6' on center along floor line.
  • 2 (two) 3" core boreholes. Depth is 2".
  • 1 (one) steel plate installed at east end. Poses special survey considerations.


  • 7 (seven) vertically installed uni-struts 5' length spaced 6' on center (top at ceiling line).
  • 1 (one) trough 7' length x 8" high x 3" depth (middle of wall at floor line).
  • I (one) trough 4' length x 16" high x 3" depth (west end at floor line).
  • 1 (one) trough 16" length x 10" high x 2" depth (west end at floor line).
  • I (one) chiseled hole 30" high x 1' wide (farwest end at uni-strut removal location)


  • Form separation crack located mid-point. Depth is 0.5'
  • 5 (five) north-south oriented Uni-struts 4' length spaced 6' on center.


Mal I x Cs-1 37 Efficiency Loss with Distance From Source 1.0 -

I Data: DatalLoss Model: ExpDecayl ChiA2 = 0.00018 0 0.8 y0 0.03536 +/-0.02118 co xo 0 +/-0 L_

Cu o"IM- - - - - - - Al 1.00693 +/-0.01 809 tI 1.61706 +/-0.07558 0.6 .4 -

.-C-4e bS ~Fit =yO+A1 eA(4XXO)jt1) 0.4


0.2 I_- 7 -- -

I 2 I . I 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Inches from 150 cm2 Source ATTACHMENTJZ .17

Site Report Site Summary Site Name: CV TUNNEL & SEAL CHAMBERS I & 2 Planner(s): BHB Contaminant Summary NOTE: Surface soil DCGLw units are pCig.

Building surface DCGLw units are dpm/100 crn2.

Screening Contaminant Type DCGLw Value Used? Area (rn) Area Factor Gross Activity Building Surface 20,609 No 36 1 25 1.2 16 1.5 9 2 4 3.4 1 10.1 01Z4° 10.1 (ze0ot 6128/2004 Page 1 COMPASS vl.0.O COMPASS v1.0.0 6/2812004 Page I ATrArCHMENT f -- l-

t3' Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: CV TUNNEL & SEAL CHAMBERS 1 & 2 Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: CV PIPE TUNNEL FLOOR Comments: SS22-1 Area (m2 ): 21 Classification: 1 Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 51.3 DCGL (cpm): 2,077 Sample Size (N/2): 8 LBGR (cpm): 1,925 Estimated Conc. (cpm): 22 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power 1.00 Beta: 0.100 EMC Sample Size (N): 8 Prospective Power Curve V.

_ 0.8

- 0.7 0.


& 0.5 c0.4 602 II

. 0.3

=, v 1

=04 j' 0.2 I O" E 0.1 0 soo 1000 ISO( 2000 2500 Net Beta (cpm)

- Power - DCGL - - Estimated Power


  • 1-beta 6128/2004 Page 1 vl.0.0 COMPASS vt.O.O 6t28/2004 Page I ATTACH1AENT 9 -'e -

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpml100 cm2)

Gross Activity 20,609 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpmln100 cm2 : 20,609 Total Efficiency: 0.08 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 2,077 ID Type Mode Area (cm2 )

22 GFPC Beta 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction2 Inst. Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.16 0.0776 Average beta energy (keV) [NIA indicates alpha emission]

'Activity fraction Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 328

  • 51 (1-sigma)

Count Time (min): 1 Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpm/100 cm2)

Concrete 31 306 34.5 837 COMPASS v1.0.0 612812004 Page 2 ATTACHMENT w'?

Li 9  :,i1 ',"1;L` 1j.

fT-.Flb1 x

! Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) for Beta Followthe order of each tab belowto perform the EMC.

1] Enter Scanning Instrument Efficience 2] Enter Scan MDC Parameters I 3) View EMC Results Scan MDC Required per Contaminant

_ . . Contaminant l DCGL Area Factor Scan MDC Required* I Gross Activity 20.609 6.53 134.577 Statistical Design Hot Spot Design N/2: [ 8 Actual Scan MDA" l 1,653 Bounded Area (in2): l 2.6 Area Factor I N/A Area Factor l 6.53 Bounded Area (rrr: l N/A DCGLw'; j 20,609 Post-EMC N/2: l 8 Scan MDC Required*: 134,577 I __-

  • dpm/1 00 cm2 No additional samples are required because the actual scan MDC is less than the DCGLw for each contaminant.

W Enable Trainini

! OK ili

.0.0 a - ~..


'13' Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: CV TUNNEL & SEAL CHAMBERS I & 2 Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: CV PIPE TUNNEL WALLS Comments: SS22-2 Area (m2 ): 48 Classification: 1 Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 51.3 DCGL (cpm): 2,077 Sample Size (N/2): 8 LBGR (cpm): 1,925 Estimated Conc. (cpm): 22 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power 1.00 Beta: 0.100 EMC Sample Size (N): 8 Prospective Power Curve

,1 V.

= 0.8 C

  • ~I I I11

- 0.7 l l l l11 1

  • 05 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _ _


_ 0.4

.I EC03 I E


E 0.1 Co 0 500 1000 15O 2000 2500 NetBeta(cpm)

- Power -DCGL. - Estimated Power


  • 14beta COMPASS vI.O.0 612tll2004 Page 1 ATrACHMENr jLf

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpm/100 cm')

Gross Activity 20,609 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpm/100 cm'): 20,609 Total Efficiency: 0.08 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 2,077 ID Type Mode Area (cm')

22 GFPC Beta 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction' Inst. Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.16 0.0776

'Average beta energy (key) [N/A indicates alpha emission]

2Activity fraction, Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 328 *51 (1-sigma)

Count Time (min): I Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpm/100 cm2)

Concrete 31 306 34.5 837 COMPASS v1.0.0 6/2812004 Page 2 ATTACVMENT *f 6

lq=9WI I *01%15 1' *5,, ,777 -

I Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) for Beta i Follow the order of each tab below to perform the EMC.

.A ... 1)Enter Scanning Instrument Efficienciei 2)Enter Scan MDC Parameters I 31 View EMC Results Scan MDC Required per Contaminant

-A . . Contaminant DCGLW I Area Factor Scan MDC Required* I Gross Activity 20,609 2.84 58,530 1An Statistical Design Hot Spot Design N,/2: I 8 Actual Scan MDC(t J 1,653 Bounded Area (mi: l 6.0 Area Factor I N/A Area Factor 1 2.84 Bounded Area (mr): l N/A DCGLw`. 20.609 Post-EMC N/2: I 8 Scan MDC Required*: 1 58,530 I1 --

  • dpm/10 0 cm 2 No additional samples are required because the actual scan MDC isless than the DCGLw for each contaminant.

Wo Enable Trainint IIotKI vl.0.O ATTACHMENT j*..

'L&' Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: CV TUNNEL & SEAL CHAMBERS 1 & 2 Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: CV PIPE TUNNEL CEILING Comments: SS22-3 Area (m 2): 16 Classification: 1 Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 51.3 DCGL (cpm): 2,077 Sample Size (Nt2): 8 LBGR (cpm): 1,925 Estimated Conc. (cpm): 22 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power: 1.00 Beta: 0.100 EMC Sample Size (N): 8 Prospective Po%ver Curve



_ 0.9 t 0.8

- 0.7 I ~111 t 0.6 0.5

- 0.4

= 0.3 IIiIILI I 60.2 E 0.1 0

0 soo 1000 1S0( 2000 2500 Net Beta (cpm)

- Power - DCGL -- Estimated Power


  • 1-beta COMPASS v1.0.0 612812004 Page 1 ATTACHMAENT 4 - k

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpm/100 cm2 )

Gross Activity 20,609 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpm/100 cm 2): 20,609 Total Efficiency. 0.08 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 2,077 ID Type Mode Area (cm 2) 22 GFPC Beta . 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction2 Inst Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.16 0.0776

' Average beta energy (keV) [N/A indicates alpha emission]

2 Activity fraction Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 328

  • 51 (1-sigma)

Count Time (min): I Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpmI/100 cm')

Concrete 31 306 34.5 837 COMPASS v1.0.0 6)28/2004 Page 2 A1TACHMEWIE .. 9 .

UZ- I-

=119 eL ,

_ I- .7 '_,,

i.."y- -

- 7.-IMIX

- fI;I Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) for Beta Follow the order of each tab below to perform the EMC.

1] Enter Scanning Instrument Efficienciel 2)Enter Scan MDC Parameters I 3) View EMC Results Scan MDC Required per Contaminant Contaminant l DCGLwk I Area Factor I Scan MDC Required*

Gross Activity 20,609 7.87 162,193 atistical Design Hot Spot Design N/2: [ 8 Actual Scan MDCk: l 1,653 Bounded Area (mz: l 2.0 Area Factor I N/A Area Factor:l 7.87 Bounded Area (n): I N/A DCGLwA: l 20,609 Post-EMC N2: l 8 Scan MDC Required*: l 162,193 *- _

  • dpm/100 cm2 ft.' No additional samples are required because the actual I- scan MDC isless than the DCGLw for each contaminant.

1P Enable Traininc IC=:OK vi .0.0 ATTrACH MiEN V7- 1 -

Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: CV TUNNEL & SEAL CHAMBERS 1 & 2 Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: Walls Around Top of Seal Chamber I & 2 Comments: SS17-2 Area (m2 ): 50 Classification: 2 Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 147 DCGL (cpm): 2,077 Sample Size (N/2): 8 LBGR (cpm): 1,640 Estimated Conc. (cpm): 76 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power 1.00 Beta: 0.100 Prospective Power Curve

_ 1

.I I _ I __ I _I _

i1009 I I A.

_ 0.8 -i _ I______ i 1- _ _I

- 0.7 4I  :'..:1i _ _ 1__

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I %1 t 0.6

  • 0.5

- 0.4 C

.= 03  : iI1 IIII_1 IT T ___

E 6 0.2 :  : - r T IT1 E- 0.1 O-0 SOO 1000 IS0( 2000 2500 Net Beta (cpm)

- Power - DCGL - - Estimated Power


  • 1-beta COMPASS v1.0.0 612812004 Page 1 ATTACHMEN o .- 11

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpm/100 cm')

Gross Activity 20,609 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpm/100 cm2): 20,609 Total Efficiency: 0.08 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 2,077 ID Type Mode Area (cm')

22 GFPC Beta 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction' Inst. Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.16 0.0776

' Average beta energy (keV) [N/A indicates alpha emission]

2Activity fraction Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 382 +/- 147 (1-sigma)

Count ime (min): I Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpm/100 cm2)

Concrete 31 306 34.5 837 COMPASS v1.0.0 6/2812004 Page 2 ATrACHMEN f 1.D

'-) Building Surface Survey Plan Survey Plan Summary Site: CV TUNNEL & SEAL CHAMBERS 1 & 2 Planner(s): BHB Survey Unit Name: Top of Seal Chamber 1 &2 Comments: SS18-2 Area (m2 ): 43 Classification: I Selected Test: WRS Estimated Sigma (cpm): 147 DCGL (cpm): 2,077 Sample Size (N/2): 8 LBGR (cpm): 1,640 Estimated Conc. (cpm): 76 Alpha: 0.050 Estimated Power: 1.00 Beta: 0.100 EMC Sample Size (N): 8 Prospective Power Curve

~1 V.

- I I% I

_ 0.8 II _

I I-D.,

4 0.7 t 0.6 I I I 1lI I 11 Zr 0.5

= 0.4

  • 03 E , I I 1 e- 0.2

_ __ _ _ _ I~ __ I__ _ _ _

- 0 . .1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __I 0 500 1000 ISOc 2000 2500 NetBeta(cpm)

- Power - DCGI - - Estimated Power

- LBGR n I-beta COMPASS v1.0.o 6128J2004 Page 1 A17TACHMENr 002-. 1

Building Surface Survey Plan Contaminant Summary DCGLw Contaminant (dpml100 cm')

Gross Activity 20,609 Beta Instrumentation Summary Gross Beta DCGLw (dpmlOO cm2): 20,609 Total Efficiency: 0.08 Gross Beta DCGLw (cpm): 2,077 ID Type Mode Area (cm 2 )

22 GFPC Beta 126 Contaminant Energy' Fraction2 Inst. Eff. Surf. Eff. Total Eff.

Gross Activity 187.87 1.0000 0.48 0.16 0.0776

' Average beta energy (keV) [NIA Indicates alpha emission]

2 Activity fraction Gross Survey Unit Mean (cpm): 382 +/- 147 (1-sigma)

Count Time (min): 1 Number of Average Standard MDC Material BKG Counts (cpm) Deviation (cpm) (dpm/100 cm')

Concrete 31 306 34.5 837 COMPASS v1.0.0 6/2812004 Page 2 ATTACHMENT V _- /V

minx O~

Elevated Measurement Comparison (EMC) for Beta Follow the order of each tab below to perform the EMC.

1)Enter Scanning Instrument Efficienc&4 2)Enter Scan MDC Parameters 3) View EMC Results Scan MDC Required per Contaminant Contaminant l DCGLwk I Area Factor I Scan MDC Required* I Gross Activity 20,609 3.01 62.033 Statistical Design Hot Spot Design N/2: [ 8 Actual Scan MDCt 1 1,653 I

Bounded Area (mr: l 5.4 Area Factor l N/A Area Factor l 3.01 Bounded Area (in): I N/A DCGLw': l 20.609 Post-EMC N/2: I 8 Scan MDC Required*: l 62.033 I * -

  • dpm/100 cm2 No additional samples are required because the actual (I) scan MDC isless than the DCGLw for each contaminant.

NflIt IWEnable Traininc II OK2 vl.O.0 1\ ! ACHrlfB t~ /I S

CV TUNNEL - VARIABILITY 43-68B SR-0106 BHB No. Counts Count Time (sec) Mode Designator Unshielded 1 304 60 SCL Unshielded 304 2 337 60 SCL Unshielded _ 337 3 313 60 SCL Unshielded 313 4 288 60 SCL Unshielded _ 288 5 338 60 SCL Unshielded 338 6 316 60 SCL Unshielded p 316 7 244 60 SCL Unshielded 244 8 362 60 SCL Unshielded p 362 9 301 60 SCL Unshielded 301 11 318 60 SCL Unshielded 318 12 298 60 SCL Unshielded p 298 13 266 60 SCL Unshielded 266 14 237 60 SCL Unshielded p 237 15 304 60 SCL Unshielded 304 16 322 60 SCL Unshielded p 322 17 431 60 SCL Unshielded 431 18 323 60 SCL Unshielded p 323 19 316 60 SCL Unshielded A 316 20 398 60 SCL Unshielded p 398 21 391 60 SCL Unshielded 391 22 398 60 SCL Unshielded p 398 23 401 60 SCL Unshielded fi 401 q.

Minimum = 2.37E+02 Maximum = 4.31 E+02 Median ! 3.17E+02 Mean = 3.28E+02

______________________________________ I.

Siama =

5.13E+01 AllTACHMENTr q .- I

SEAL CHAMBER VARIABILITY 143-68B SR-120 BHB No. Counts Count Time (sec) Mode Designator Shielded Unshielded 1 206 60 SCL Shielded 255 2 255 60 SCL Unshielded 206 3 209 60 SCL Shielded 328 4 328 60 SCL Unshielded 209 5 232 60 SCL Shielded _ 385 6 385 60 SCL Unshielded 232 7 205 60 SCL Shielded _ 333 8 333 60 SCL Unshielded 205 9 223 60 SCL Shielded _ 268 10 268 60 SCL Unshielded 223 11 209 60 SCL Shielded _ 263 12 263 60 SCL Unshielded 209 13 155 60 SCL Shielded P _. 267 14 267 60 SCL Unshielded 155 15 170 60 SCL Shielded _ ._._ 260 16 260 60 SCL Unshielded 170 17 326 60 SCL Shielded 477 18 477 60 SCL Unshielded 326 19 372 60 SCL Shielded __. 451 20 451 60 SCL Unshielded 372 21 540 60 SCL Shielded _ 590 22 590 60 SCL Unshielded _ 540 -

23 529 60 SCL Shielded _ _._-_. 705 24 705 60 SCL Unshielded p 529 Minimum 1.55E+02 2.55E+02 Maximum = 5.40E+02 7.05E+02 Median 2.16E+02 3.31 E+02 Mean = 2.81 E+02 3.82E+02 Siama =;, 1.33E+02 1.47E+02 ATTACHMENT q -

Williamsburg Concrete Background Measurements 37122N21 Instrument 95348 RLM6220 Time Detector Counts Count Time (sec) Mode Designator FSS-O01 BHB 0 BKGND 114T2002 8:52 1 725E+03 1800 SCL Inital Background p I Source Check 114/2002 9:07 1 1.79E.05 60 SCL Source p 2 BKGND 1/4/2002 10:05 2 4.40E+01 1800 SCL Inital Background a Conca" CFfcnml I ° 14 Source Check 1/412002 10:39 2 1.51E.05 60 SCL Source ax Shielded Unshlelded 15 CON AlS 1/4/2002 13:00 1 2.78E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.78E+02 _____

16 CONA1U 114/2002 13:02 1 3.88E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.88E+02 17 CON A2S 1/412002 13:20 1 2.39E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.39E+02 _____

18 CON A2U 1)412002 13:21 1 2.22E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.22E+02 19 CON A3S 1)412002 13:28 1 2.39E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.39E.02 _____

20 CON A3U 11412002 13:30 1 2.62E.02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.62E+02 21 CON A4S 11412002 13:36 1 2.45E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.45E+02 22 CON A4U 1/412002 13:38 1 2.71E+02 60 SCL Unshielded A 2.71 E+02 23 CON A5S 11412D02 13:58 1 2.OOE+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.OOE+02 _____

24 CON A5U 1/412002 14:00 1 2.82E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 2.82E+02 25 CON A6S 1/412002 14:03 1 1.84E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.84E+02_____

26 CON A6U 1/412002 14:05 1 3.10E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.IOE402 27 CON A7S 1/412002 14:09 1 1.98E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.98E+02 _____

28 CON A71U 1/412002 14:10 1 3.15E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.1 5E+02 29 CON A8S 1/412002 14:19 1 2.34E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.34E+02 _____

30 CON A8S 1/412002 14522 1 2.31E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 2.31 E+02_____

31 CON A8U 1/4/2002 14:24 1 2.88E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.88E+02 32 CON A9S 1/4/2002 14:31 1 2.65E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.65E+02 _____

33 CON A9U 1/412002 14:33 1 2.89E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.89E402 34 CON A105 1/412002 14:42 1 2.46E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 2.46E+02 _____

35 CON A10U 1/412002 14:43 1 3.16E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.16E+02 36 CON AI11 1/412002 15:10 1 1.95E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 1.95E+02 37 CONA11U 11412002 15:12 1 2.94E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.94E402 38 CON A12 1/412002 15:13 1 2.21E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 2.21 E+02 _____

39 CON A12U 1/4/2002 15:14 1 2.84E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 2.84E+02 40 CON A13S 1/412002 15:23 1 1.74E+02 60 SCL Shielded B 1.74E+02 _____

41 CON A13U 1/412002 15:24 1 2.94E+02 60 SCL Unshieded 2.94E+02 42 CON A14S 11412002 15:25 1 1.96E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.96E+02 -

43 CON A14U 1/4/2002 15:26 1 3.33E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.33E+02 44 CON A15S 1/412002 15:28 1 2.16E+02 60 SCL Shielded _ 2.16E+02 45 CON A15U 1/412002 15:29 1 3.45E+02 60 SCL Unshielded - 3.45E+02 46 CON A16 1)412002 15:30 1 1.83E+02 60 SCL Shielded _ 1.83E+02 '-____

47 CON Al16 1/412002 15:31 1 3.13E+02 60 SCL Unshielded

  • 3.13E+02 48 CON A175 1/412002 15:33 1 1.82E+02 60 SCL Shielded _ 1.82E+02 ____

49 CON Al17 1/412002 15:34 1 3.22E+02 60 SCL Unshielded ______* 3.22E+02 50 CON A18S 1/412002 15:35 1 1.U4E+02 60 SCL Shielded t 1.84E+02 51 CON Al18 1/412002 15:36 1 3.24E+02 60 SCL Unshbided _ 3.24E+02 52 CON A19S 1/412002 15:37 1 1.91E+02 60 SCL Shielded A 1.91 E+02 53 CON Al19 1)412002 15:39 1 3.07E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.07E+02 54 CON A20S 1/412002 15:40 1 1.94E+02 60 SCL Shielded A 1.94E+02 -

55 CON A20U 1/4/2002 15:41 1 3.33E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 3.33E+02 56 CON A215 1/412002 15:57 1 2.23E+02 60 SCL Shielded A 2.23E+02 ______

57 CONA21U 1/412002 15:58 1 2.92E+02 60 SCL Unshielded

  • 2.92E+02 58 CON A22S 1/4/2002 15:59 1 1.72E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.72E+02 59 CON A22U 1/412002 16:00 1 2.80E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ I2.80E+02 60 CON A23S 1/412002 16:01 1 1.94E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.94E+02 61 CON A23U 1/412002 16:02 1 329E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B 3.29E+02 62 CON A245 1/412002 16:04 1 1.87E+02 60 SCL Shielded 1.87E+02 63 CON A24U 1/412002 16:05 1 3.48E+02 60 SCL Unshielded p 3.48E+02 64 CON A25C 1/412002 16:06 1 2.07E+02 60 SCL Sh-ided 2.07E+02 65 CON A25U 1/412D02 16:07 1 3.72E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ *3.72E+02 66 CON A26S 1/4/2002 16:09 1 2.09E+02 60 SCL Shielded 2.09E+02 67 CON A26U 1/4/2002 16:10 1 3.26E+02 60 SCL Unshielded 326E+02 68 CON A27S 1/412002 16:11 1 2.07E+02 60 SCL Shielded _ 2.07E+02 69 CON A27U 1/412002 16:12 1 3.30E+02 60 SCL Unshielded f 3.30E+02 70 CON A28S 14/42002 16:14 1 2.30E+02 60 SCL Shbieded 2.30E+02 71 CON A28U 14/42002 16:15 1 3.06E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 3.06E+02 72 CON A29S 1/412002 16 20 1 2.13E+02 60 SCL Shielded _ 2.13E+02_____

73 CON A29U 1/4n2002 16:21 1 2.58E+02 60 SCL Unshielded B I2.58E+02 74 CON A30S 114/2002 16 24 1 2.33E+02 60 SCL Shielded _ 2.33E.02 _____

75 CON A30U 11412002 16:25 1 2.89E+02 60 SCL Unshielded f 2.89E+02 76 CONA31S 114t2002 16:28 1 1.84E+02 60 SCL Shbieded 1,84E+02 77 CON A31U 11412D02 16:29 1 2.63E+02 60 SCL Unshielded _ 2.63E+02

- Source Checkc 1/4/2002 17:27 1 1.70E+05 60 SCL- _

Minimum = 1.72E402 2.22E+02 Maximum = 2.78E402 J3M8E402 Mean = 2.11E+102 3.06E402 SIama >- 2.69E+01 I 3.45E+01

______________ J ATTACHMvENTT-iE--.L(

CV Tunnel Floor - SS22-1 Section of Tunnel May be Removed 63"F Opening 1 ,"O 21 3,1 41 56 7, 8, 1'-' I v mv1 15 I' I ' I alI012r I XhXW. 1 "a- 47" -_J All ACHIVENT II I

CV Tunnel Walls - SS22-2

[-* 67i ' South Wall I 6X I FO.


Al I


a. s. . .* . . .. I, A 7 8

. .8 . . . -*.. 56',---

.. . 63"

_*- 87"- 74" r- .1 d

r &


. . . 4 A i

East Wall (Metal Plate)

Section of Tunnel May be Removed V .. 7. A 74" .....

OPEN END 41 540 .....

..... 68.5' 55"1 87" 30"

~1 V V L -J North Wall 488" ATTACHMENT fl - Z-

CV Tunnel Ceiling - SS22-3

  • S9 10 11 12 13 27"4
  • s6 S 4.5 ------ .

L 2 3' 4' 5' 6' 7' OPEN END Missing Roof Section ATTACHMENT At - 3

TOP OF SEAL CHAMBER 1 North Wall SS17-2 SS17-2 SS17-2 West Wall CV Tunnel Entrance Lower Left Hand Corner Facing Surface ATTACHMENT II *.&L.

TOP OF SEAL CHAMBER 1 & 2 SS18-2 Floor Area D f 37',