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Site Characterization Status Report, Yankee Nuclear Power Station Site Closure Project, Rowe, Massachusetts, Appendix C
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 03/15/2004
Environmental Resources Management
Download: ML071670005 (319)


Appendix C Table C-1 Fall 2003 Groundwater Sampling Program

Table C-1 Summary of Fall 2003 Groundwater Sampling Program Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA Nonradiological Well Designation VOC SVOC PCB Herbicides DRO GRO PP13 Metals C13-3 X X CB-4 X2 CW-2 X2 MW-5 X MW-102C X3 MW-103B X5 MW-105C DUP X I oral 1 0 0 I I 4 Notes:

I = Also analyzed for VPI-H/EPH 2 = Only analyzed for total and filtered silver 3 = Only analyzed for total and filtered lead Page 1 of 1

Table C-2 Table C-2 Summary of March (Winter) 2004 Groundwater Sampling Program Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA Nonradiological Well Designation VOC SVOC PCB Herbicides DRO PP13 Metals Lead Silver EPI-l/VPH Boron B-i X CB-I X CB-2 X CB-3 DUP x x X CB-4 X X CB-6 X CB-7 X CB-8 X CB-9 X CB-12 X CFW-1 X CFW-2 X CFW-7 X CW-2 _ X CW-3 X CW-4 X CW-6 X CW-7 X CW-8 X CW-10 x x MW-1 X MW-2 X MW-5 x X MIVW-6 _ X MW-101B X MW-i 1C X X MW-102A X X MW-102C X X X MW-103A X MW-103B X X X MW-103C X X MW-104B 2 DUPS X X X X X X X MW-104C X X X X X x x MW-105B3 x MW-105C X x M W-107B X X X X X X X M W --107C X X X X X X X M'W-107D X X X X X X X OSR- I X X Sherman Spring (SPOOl) X Facility Water Supply (DW0O01) X Visitor Center Water Supply Well (DW002) X Total 6 5 6 5 1 5 2 2 15 42 Notes:

Lead and Silver were collected as total and dissolved PCBs were collected as total and dissolved EPH/VI'H sent to Alpha Laboratories

March 2004 Sampling Groundwater Plan Field 0

Revised March 2004 Groundwater Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, Massachusetts 15 March 2004 Y A N K ET" ERM 399 Boylston St.

Boston, MA 02116 (617) 267-8377 Delivering sustainablesolutions in a more competitive world ERM





TABLES Table 1 GroundwaterSampling Locations Table 2 GroundwaterAnalytical Program Table 3 GroundwaterAnalytical Program Bottle Requirements FIGURES Figure 1 Site Layout and GroundwaterSampling Locations YANKEE 00151813/15/04 II ERM 17P1,II Hi YANKEE: 0015181-1/15/0-1



On behalf of Yankee Atomic Electric Company (Yankee), Environmental Resources Management (ERM) has prepared this March 2004 Groundwater Field Sampling Plan (FSP) for the Yankee Nuclear Power Station (YNPS) located at 49 Yankee Road in Rowe, Massachusetts (Figure 1). The FSP has been prepared as a supplement to the Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan, Site Closure, Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Rowe, Massachusetts and the Final GroundwaterSampling Plan, Yankee Nuclear Power Station, July 2003. The FSP outlines the approach and methods for characterizing groundwater quality at the site as part of the overall site closure program. This FSP addresses only non-radiological groundwater characterization activities.

1.2 PURPOSE& SCOPE The purpose of the March 2004 Groundwater FSP is to:

. establish the procedures and rationale for groundwater sampling activities in support of site closure;

  • ensure that groundwater sampling data are consistent with applicable procedures;

. ensure that the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for site closure are met;

. provide data to support preparation of the License Termination Plan (as required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission); and

. support the site characterization and closure activities.

The data generated under the FSP will be validated and input into the site database. The results from the baseline sampling round as well as subsequent sampling rounds will be used in conjunction with Data Usability reports that are being prepared regarding the historic data to determine the need for, and scope of, future groundwater sampling events. The data will also be used to support human health and ecological risk assessments that will be prepared as part of the site closure program.

The scope of the March 2004 Groundwater FSP includes sampling of wells listed in Table 2. See Table I for a summary of groundwater well information and location descriptions.

ERM 1 YANKEE 00 15161 REV ISED 3/ 15/0-4

2.0 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROGRAM 2.1 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) applicable to the groundwater investigation include:

" DP-9745 Groundwater Level Measurement and Sampler Collection in Observation Wells

  • DP-8123 Sample Security and Chain of Custody

" AP-8601 Ground and Well Water Monitoring Program for the Yankee Nuclear Power Station Site

" Water Level Measurements

" Groundwater Sample Collection from Wells Having Pump Systems in Place

  • Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitoring
  • Surface Water and Sediment Sample Collection All applicable SOPs can be found in the Final Groundwater Sampling Plan, Yankee Nuclear Power Station, July 2003.

2.2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND DESIGNATIONS A list of locations to be sampled for groundwater is provided in Table 2.

The groundwater sample locations are shown on Figure 2.

The groundwater samples will be identified using a unique sample identification. The sample designations willuse the naming convention as detailed in the YNPS QAPP. The sample designations for the groundwater sampling program are detailed in Table 2.

2.3 SAMPLING PROCEDURES 2.3.1 Monitoring Well Sampling All of the monitoring wells will be gauged prior to sampling in accordance with DP-9745 GroundwaterLevel Measurement and Sam pler ERNI 2 YANKEE 00 i5i81 REVISED 3/15/'04

Collection in Observation Wells. Water level measurements wvill be made using an electronic water level probe marked in 0.01-foot intervals.

After gauging, the monitoring wells will be sampled from the midpoint of the well screen using low-flow sampling techniques, as outlined in DP-9745 Groundwater Level Measurement and Sampler Collection in Observation Wells. Geochemical field parameters will be measured for wells sampled by low-flow sampling techniques at the time of sample collection, including: temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and oxidation-reduction potential. The field meters used during groundwater sampling will include a water quality instrument for collection of field parameters and a electric water level meter. In accordance with the QAPP, all equipment will be calibrated and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures.

Dedicated sampling equipment will be used where feasible. At wells where the depth to water is greater than 30 feet, a low-flow submersible or bladder pump will need to be used. All reused sampling equipment will be decontaminated prior to, and following, sample collection in accordance with the QAPP.

2.4 ANALYTICAL PROGRAM 2.4.1 Non'-radiologicalParameters The groundwater analytical program is summarized in Table 2. The bottle requirements are detailed in Table 3. The groundwater investigation will include the analysis of one or more of the following non-radiological parameters:

" Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by GC/MS, SW-846 Method 8260B VOCs;.

  • Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by GC/MS, SW-846 Method 8270C SVOCs;

" Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) dissolved and total by GC, SW-846 Method 8082PCBs;

  • Chlorinated Herbicides by GC, SW-846 Method 81511;

" Diesel Range Organics (DRO) by GC, SW-846 Method 801513;

  • Lead dissolved and total by SW-846 6010B1;
  • Silver dissolved and total by SW-846 601.013; 33 YANKEE 00 15181REVISED 3/15/01 ER.\I ERM\ YANKEE 00 151S1 REVISED 3/15/01

" Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) - Standard/Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) - Standard by MADEP Methods MADEP-EPH-98-1 arid MADEP-VPH-98-1 (standard analysis excludes target analytes);

" Priority Pollutant 1.3 Metals (PP13) Metals by SW-846 6010B Each well will require a different suite of the above analyses as described in Table 2. Alpha Analytical Laboratories located in Westborough, MA will perform the EPH/VPH analysis when feasible based on radiological screening. Northeast Laboratory Services, located in Waterville, Maine, will conduct all other non-radiological analyses.

Samples requiring filtration include PCBs, lead, and silver. These samples will be collected into containers as described in Table 3 and sent to the laboratory within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, or as soon as possible. Sampling personnel will indicate on the COC which samples require filtration.

2.4.2 RadiologicalParameters Groundwater samples will also be collected for radiological site characterization activities. The radiological samples will be collected following the collection of non-radiological samples. Radiological sampling is not covered in this FSP. Framatome ANP Environmental Laboratory in Westborough, Massachusetts will conduct the radiological analyses.

2.5 SAMPLE SECURITY AND CUSTODY Groundwater samples will be submitted to the laboratory under proper chain-of-custody procedures. Non-radiological samples will be preserved on ice or in a refrigerator. Sample handling will be documented using chain-of-custody protocols in accordance with DP-8123, Saraple Security and Chain of Custody.

2.6 MANAGEMENT OF INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTES All purge water generated during well sampling activities will be containerized on-site. The fluids will be screened for radiological constituents. Following screening YNPS personnel will dispose of the wastes in accordance with the applicable YNPS procedures.

S EIZ 4 ERNI 4Y.-\'K[E 00 15181 REVISED) 3/15/04

2.7 SCHEDULE The groundwater sampling program is scheduled to begin on 1. March 2004.

E5R YANKEE 00 15ISl REVISED 3./ 15/04

.......................... j .*, v.

3.0 QUALTIY ASSURANCE AND QUALTIY CONTROL 3.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECTPLAN A QAPP has been prepared to provide a standard method of assuring that data collected during site characterization activities is of sufficient quality to support future decisions regarding decommissioning activities and or remedial actions at the site. The primary purpose of the QAPP is to describe the means by which data collected in the field will be validated against predetermined standards, ensuring that data meets minimum quality standards prior to being used for decision-making purposes. The flow of data is important to data quality, as it ensures that appropriate project personnel have adequate opportunities to review data with importance to future site decisions. As such, the QAPP specifies the methods and means for ensuring the data generated during site characterization activities serves the purpose of site closure and property transfer.

The following provides a list of the sections of the QAPP that are most relevant to the field sampling activities:

QAPP Section Topic 9_1 Field Investigation and DocuImentation Procedures 9.2 Preparation of Sample Containers 9.3 Decontamination 9.4 Field Equipment Usage and Maintenance 10.A Sample Tracking System 10.2 Sample Custody 13.1 Field Quality Control 3.2 CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT To the degree possible, dedicated and/or disposable sampling equipment will be used for sampling. Non-dedicated sampling equipment used to collect samples will be cleaned and decontaminated prior to its initial use, between each sampling location and after the final use. The following 2

ERi11I 6 YANKEE 0)0 I5181 REVISL- /1/-

general procedures will be adhered to concerning decontamination efforts:

1. If visual signs such as discoloration indicate that decontamination was insufficient, the equipment will again be decontaminated. If the situation persists, the equipment will be taken out of service until the situation can be corrected.
2. Verification of the non-dedicated sampling equipment cleaning procedures will be documented by the collection of field equipment rinsate blanks, at a frequency in accordance with the QAPP.
3. All properly decontaminated equipment will be stored in aluminum foil or plastic bags during storage and transport.

Decontamination protocols will be strictly adhered to in order to minimize the potential for cross-contamination between sampling locations and contamination of off-site areas. Liquids generated during the decontamination process will be collected, containerized and appropriately labeled for disposal. Waste liquids will be stored on site until determination of potential hazard class and final disposition.

Only pre-cleaned laboratory-certified sample containers will be used. The laboratory will also provide sample coolers, ice packs, trip blanks, and temperature blanks.

More specific decontamination procedures are outlined in the QAPP and SOPs.

3.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES The following Quality Assurance / Quality Control samples will be collected during the groundwater sampling for nonradiological samples:

" Trip blanks - One trip blank per each set of up to 20 sample containers to be analyzed for VOC and TPH-GRO. There must be at least one trip blank in every cooler used to ship samples to the laboratory for VOC and TPFI-GRO analysis.

" Temperature blanks - One temperature blank per cooler. The temperature of the trip blank will be measured upon receipt of the cooler at the laboratory.

  • Equipment rinsate blank - The majority of groundwater samples will be collected using dedicated sampling equipment. However, where ERIM 7 YANKEE 00 15i8l REVISED 3/ 15/04

the depth to water is greater than 30 feet, a submersible pump will be used. A rinsate sample will be collected from the pump at a rate of one sample per 20 sampling lqcations. The rinsate blanks will be analyzed for the same parameters as the samples that were collected using the equipment.

Field duplicates - Field duplicates will be collected at the rate of one duplicate per 20 samples. Samples locations where duplicates will be collected are listed in Table 2. Field duplicates will be submitted for the same analyses as the actual sample.

Matrix spikes - Matrix spikes will be collected at the rate of one matrix spike and one matrix spike duplicate per 20 samples. Samples locations where matrix spikes will be collected are listed in Table 2.

Matrix spikes/matrix spikes duplicates will be analyzed for the same analyses as the actual sample.

3/15184 YA~KEL JO 15181REVISED 88 YANKEE 00 15181 REVISED ý/ 15t04

4.0 PROJECTDOCUMENTATION Data management tasks pertinent to project documentation and records, laboratory deliverables, data reporting formats, data handling and management, and data review assessment are presented in the QAPP.

The following field sample collection records will be completed at the time of sample collection:

  • Field logbook

" Groundwater sampling field logs

" Chain of custody forms

" Shipping records (airbills), if any

" Telephone logs, as appropriate The project documentation will be provided to the Yankee Environmental Oversight Supervisor at the completion of each sampling event. In addition, any deviations from the FSP will be documented in a memorandum to the Yankee Environmental Oversight Supervisor.

ERIM 9 YANKEE 00 15181 REVISED) 3/15/0,1

Tables Table I - Groundwater Sampling tocations Field Sampling Phnu Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA

~ ~--. s7 S 111c,1hev Bottom

-5),j F, ci B-t NE side Fuel Bldg. (RCA) 14-Dec-'77 1022.7 9737 CB-2 North of Office Bidg. (Secondary Side) 21-Apr-93 1014.? 989-7 CB-I Inside Fuel Transfer Enclosure (RCA) 27-Apr-93 1021.1 996.1 CB-3 East of Fire Tank (RCA) 29-Apr-93 1034.3 1021.3 CB-I Old Leach Field (PG&E Property) 5-May-93 978.8 959.8 CB-5 SCFA'(South of Plant) 9-Sep-94 1070.4 1011.4 CB-6 Sherman Spring (PG&E Property) 13-Sep-94 1004.9 979.9 CB-9 Below VC Equipment Hatch (RCA) 19-Sep-94 1021.2 NA CB-8 Northi of Old PCA Warehouse (RCA) 20-Sep-94 1035-2 1016.2 9

CB-7 PCA Warehouse at WDB wall (RCA) 7- an- 7 1035.7 1018.7 CB-12 Ash Dewatering Pit-Waste Disposal Bldg. (RCA) 10-Dec-97 1028.6 1022.0 CB-I1A PAB Cubicle Corridor Trench (RCA) 18-Dec-97 10205 1001.5 CB-10 Ion Exchange Pit (RCA) 19-Dec-97 1021.0 1009.5 CWV-6 Wvof Turbine Bldg (Secondary Side) . 23-Apr-93 1018.8 996.8 CW-5 S of Service Bide (RCA) 27-Apr-93 1021.0 1004.5 CW-2 W of Safety Injection Tanks (RCA) 29-Apr-93 1032.9 1012.9 CW-3 SE of Ion Exchange Pit (RCA) 3-May-93 1034.5 1011.5 CW-4 NW of PCA Warehouse (RCA) 4-May-93 1035.5 1018.5 CW-7 W of Service Bldg. (Secondary Side) 13-Sep-94 1022.2 991 2 CW-8 SW Turbine Bldg. interior (Secondary side) 14-Sep-94 1022.6 996.6 CW-10 N of Warehouse (Secondar- Side) 8- un-98 1014_0 984.0 CW-ll IPAB N side, LP Pump area down gradient of CB-I IA 11- un-98 10225 10135 OSR-I Old Shooting Range SE of ISFSI (South of plant) 22-Oct-97 1050.6 1037.3 MW-I South wall PAB exterior (RCA) 24-Apr-98 1034.0 1014.0 MW-2 North wall of PAB exterior (RCA), under VC 24-Apr-98 1021.0 1004.0 MW-5 N of PAB (RCA), under VC 13-Oct-99 1021.0 NA MW-6 NW of SI/DG Bldg, W of VC (RCA) 14-Oct-99 1021.0 NA CFW-1 Southeast Construction Fill Area Weltl 13-Dec-99 1060.2 10522 CFW-4 Southeast Construction Fill Area Well 13-Dec-99 1074.5 1021.5 CFW-5 Southeast Construction Fill Area Well 14-Dec-99 1033.6 1028.6 CFW-6 Southeast Construction Fill Area Well 14-Dec-99 1029.6 1023.6 CFW-2 Southeast Construction Fill Area Well 15-Dec-99 1072.0 1052.0 CFW-3 Southeast Construction Fill Area Well 15-Dec-99 1070.1 10361 CFW-7 Southeast Construction Fill Area Well 3-AUn-01 1070.0 1040.0 MW-103[B Outside perimeter fence near Guardhouse 9-jun-03 1003.3 708.4 MW-103C Outside perimeter fence near Guardhouse 1l- un-03 1002.3 877.3 MW-105B W of Service Bldg. (Secondary Side) 18- un-03 1020.3 946.3 MW-105C W of Service Bldg-. (Secondary Side) 18-jun-03 1020.3 983-3 MW-102B Under Northwest Side of VC 13-jul-03 1023.3 893.1 MW-103A Outside perimeter fence near Guardhouse 16-+u1-03 1003.3 977.3 MW-102C Under Northwest Side of VC 25-Jul-03 1023.3 9243 MW-102A Under Northwest Sidetof VC 30- ul-03 1023.3 985.3 MWV-I00B East of Alley 1-Aug-03 1020.3 977.4 3

MW-100A East of Alley 5-Aug-0 10203 1000.3 MW-101B Under South Side of VC 6-Aug-03 1024.3 872 3 MW-1OIC Under South Side of VC 13-Aug-03 1024.3 925.3 2

MW-104B In Road North of Turbine Building 2-Aug-03 1013.3 819.3 MW-104C In Road North of Turbine Building 5-Sep-03 1013.3 916.3 MW-107B Under Northeast Side of VC 12-Sep-03 1022.3 912.6 MW-107C Under Northeast Side of VC 18-Sep-03 1022.3 996.3 MV-1f)71 I JUlr Northea*st Sicie of VC 20-Sep-03 1022.3 942.3 NA - Not Available Page I of 2

Table I -Groundwater Samnp Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Statiog Rowe, MA

-oe4Wp A~ppmirnadte \DcAli ti,~ im t ntop(!

hr ~rpl Scr~enJie W i3 1 7865 39.0 983-7 49 944.2 CB-2 25-0 14.5 9997 24.5 989-2 CB-1 25.5 15-0 1006.1 25 995.6 CB-3 15-0 3.0 10313 13 1019.3 CB-4 20-0 9.0 969-8 19 958.8 CB-5 60.5 29.0 1041.4 59 1009.9 CB-6 26.0 15.0 989.9 25 978.9 CB-9 24.0 NA NA NA 997.2 CB-8 19.0 14.0 1021.2 19 1016.2 CB-7 17.0 7.0 1028.7 17 1018.7 CB-12 7.0 1.6 1027.0 6.6 1021.6 CB-I A 20.0 9.0 1011.5 19 1000.5 CB-10 11.5 6.5 1014.5 11.5 1009.5 CW-6 24.0 12-0 1006.8 22 994.8 CW-5 21.5 6.5 1014.5 16.5 999.5 CW-2 21.0 9.0 1023.9 20 1011.9 CW-3 23.0 8.0 1026.5 23 1011.5 CV-4 17.0 7.0 1028.5 17 1018.5 CW-7 31.0 21.0 1001.2 31 991.2 CW-8 26.0 16.0 1006.6 26 996.6 CW-10 30.5 15.0 999.0 30 983.5 CW-11 9.5 2.0 1020.5 9 1013.0 OSR-1 13.3 3.3 1047.3 13.3 1037.3 MW-1 21.0 10.0 1024.0 20 1013.0 iMW-2 18.0 7.0 1014.0 17 1003.0 MW-5 20.0 NA NA NA 1001.0 MW-6 17-0 NA NA NA 1004.0 CFW-I 8.0 30 1057 2 8 1052.2 CFW-4 530 43.0 1031.5 53 1021.5 CFW-5 5.0 0.5 1033-1 5 .1028.6 CFW-6 6.0 1.0 1028.6 6 1023.6 CFW-2 20.0 10.0 1062.0 20 1052.0 CFW-3 34.0 24.0 1046-1 34t 1036.1 CFW-7 30.0 20.0 1050.0 30 1040.0 LMW-1036 295.0 284.9 718.4 294.9 708.3 MW-103C 125.0 115.0 887.3 125.0 877.3 MW-105B 75.0 6-1.0 956.3 74.0 9,15.3 MW-t05C 37.0 27.0 993.3 37.0 983.3 MW-1026 131.5 120.2 903.1 130.2 891.8 MW-103A 26.0 16.0 987.3 26.0 977.3 MW-102C 99.0 89.0 934.3 99.0 924.3 MW-102A 38.0 33.0 99(0.3 38.0 985.3 MW-1000 42.9 32.9 987.4 42.9 977.4 MW-1OOA 20.0 10.0 1010.3 20.0 1000.3 MIW-1OIB 152.0 1420 882.3 152.0 872.3 MW-I1OIC 99.0 94.0 930.3 99.0 925.3 tMW-104B 195.0 184.0 829.3 194.0 818.3 MIVW-104C 97.0 87.0 926.3 97.0 916.3 MW-107B 110.0 99.7 922.6 109.7 912.3 MW-107C 26.0 16.0 1006.3 26.0 996.3 MW-107D 80.0 75.0 947.3 80.0 982.3 NA - Not Available Pflag 2 ot 2

Table 2 - Groundwater Analytical Program

. Field Sampling Plart Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA

., ~ ~ ~ ~

Vc~V "%()

,-.P~ C IB Hlerb~ic ides 1)1RO) FP1 Met70. Lead S IvrLWTLB~I CB-4 CB4 X X CB-6 CB-6 X CB-2 CB-2 x CW-6 CW-6 x CW-7 CW-7 X CW-8 CW-8 X CW-10 CW-10 x x CW-5 CW-5 x CB-1 CB-1 x B-I B-1 X CB-9 CB-9 X X MW-2 MW-2 X CB-10 CB-10 X MW-5 MW-5 X x MW-6 MW-6 X X

'CW-tl CW- I I x CB-IIA CB1-IlA X MW-i MW-I X CW-3 CWV-3 X CB-12 CB-12 X CB-7 CB-7 X CW-2 CW-2 X X CB-8 CB-8 x CW-4 CW-4 x CB-3 CB-3 x x OSR-I OSR-I x x CFW-1 CFW-1 x CFW-2 CFW-2 X CFW-3 CFW-3 X CFW-4 CFW-4 X CFW-5 CFW-5 X CFW-6 CFW-6 X CFW-7 CFW-7 X MW-1O0A MW-IOOA X X MW-100B I -100B X MW-101B MW-101 B X MW-1IC NIW-10IC _ _X X MW-102A NIVIW-102A X X MW-1026 I'W-102B X MW-102C NIW-102C X X X MW-103A MW-103A X MW-103B NMIW-103B X X X MW-103C MW-103C X X MW-10413 MNW-104 B X X X X X X X MW-104C MW-104C X X X X x x x NIW-105B MWVV-105B x MW-105C MOW-105C _ X x MW-107B MW-107B X X X X X X X MW-107C M W- 107C X X X X x X X NI-W07D M W-1071D X X X X ___ x x x Total 6 5 6 5 5 2 2 16 50 NO'IS:

Lead and Silver will be collected total and dissolved PCBs will be collected Iotal and dissolved EPH/V[;PH sent to Alpha Laboratories 3 Field DUPS, 3 Matrix Spikes and 3 Matrix Spike Duplicates are needed One of the I)UPs, MSs. and MSI)s needs to come from a 10-4 or a 107 well

Table 3 - Groundwater Analytical Program Bottle Requirements Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA Diesel Range Organics (2) 1 liter amber glass 4 0 C, HCI 7 days/40 days Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (2) 1 liter amber glass 4 °C HCI 7 days/40 days Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (2) 40 ml VOA vials 4 OC, HCI 7 days/40 days Herbicides - (2) 1 liter amber glass 4 OC 7 days/40 days Lead and Silver Dissolved (1) 500 ml polyethylene 4 °( ERM requests that sample be received by laboratory within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> -

28 days/6 months Lead and Silver Total (1) 500 ml polyethylene 4 'C/ HNO3 28 days/6 months Polychlorinated Biphenyls Total (2) 1 liter amber glass 4 oC 7 days/40 days Polychlorinated Biphenyls Dissolved (2) 1 liter amber glass 4 OC 7 days/40 days Priority Pollutant 13 Metals (1) 500 ml polyethylene 4 °C/H-IN03 28 days/6 months Semi-volatile Organic Compounds (2) 1 liter amber glass 4 °C 7 days/40 days Volatile Organic Compounds (3) 40 ml VOA vials 4 'C/ HCI 14 Days Note: Dissolved samples will be filtered and preserved, if necessary, by laboratory-0


Appendix D Table D-l Table D-I Summary of 2003 Sediment Sampling Program Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA SnpeIrint)nDrpt Sample 'Di"'-'t I)rttru StDr feet VOC SVOC PCB DRO CR0 'PP3 lietaild Boron, Lithium, lydrazine TOC i-h'ItId)

Sherman Reservoir SD- 118 P) -I{14 '-4 25 X X X X X SD- 45)(9 IN U4 1" 21 X X X 5D- 1112 (SI 4141 It 25 X X X SD- (,)5 I,; M ( 4 U-4 25 x X X SD- 4t0) 18(X( I -4 25 X X X SD- (L22 (4)* 4 4 -" 25 X X X MIS/NISD(12 SD- (122 01(141 (1-4 25 x , 'X SD- (125 0)04 14 0-1 25 X X X SD- 1128 (H) (4 1 (-1 25 X X X SD 030 (h)) (4 1 O4 25 x X X SD- 002 (XI 04 (,-I 54) X X X X ' 'x x X SD- 1412 12 IS 12-IS 54) KX X X x X X ' '

SD -" I (lI14){ 1 )4 5{4 'K ' X 'X X X SD-m )4412 1 I 12-45 5)) X X X x x X SD- ()I-, I44. (' 1 (- 515 ' ' X ' 'X SD 014 12 IS 1 12-IX 5;t X X ' ' ' X SD- M7 (XI(4 1- (-4 5 X x X X X x So- 4)7 12 .I 12-IS 50 X x x x X X SD-12] (XI14 ( 4)- ;0 5OA 'x X X X X SD- 121 08) 1 14 12-14 5)( X X X X X X DUP112 SD- 452108 14 12-18 5;p X X X X x X SD-)024 001 01 1 (-4 (4 X x X X X X

D- (24 12 SI 12 S 1 )1 x X ' X ' X SD-427 (X! 04 1 10-4 5) X X X X ' 'X SD (127 12 IS 1 12-IS ) X X X X X X SD- (129 il 04I (-1 5t, X X X X x X SD- t42 ) 12 I 1 12-18 54l X X X X x X SD-'1!t4 tW1 -11 ()- HO' X X X '

SD 1)1(1 004 (54 1 (14 IN X X X SD- 1113 45ii (4 1 4-; ItI - X X X SD- 0416 IN) q1 (4 1-4 lIt) X X X SD- 419 [IX) 4 1 4i4 114) x X X SD- 412011) 04 1 -I 19 X X 5D- 4t ])

(23 4 t- 555 ' ' X SD- 126 W3 01 441(t) 4 'K X X SD- 4231 W4 404 'A 204)

NX X SD- (132 i45 II14I 1-1 21tV X X X SD (13 - 4, I44 04 1 4 2MA X X X X SD- 0)351005 4-.14 14 24W} x x X SD- 03; W 04411 4- 2W x X X SD 453 6 00) .; 1 1 "4 244 X X X SD 03S7 I')l III I 4 552)x x X SD- 4)35 5 4)44N 44-A 5{t) X X SD-SD- 4445)t)

(139 4())I) 154 I 4 4_ 4)


(-A 5M 5 4) x)

SD- (140 (lilIl( I 1!l Rx,. X SD- ()41 (q) (14 1 14 5; } X XX Whree Brook SD- 105) 00) (14 1 4-1 NA x X x x x x X SD- )102(h) M4 1 0-1 NA X X X xX SD- 1113 (W N 14 -4 NA X X X X x X SD- 4N4 I'll 40 I 4i NA x x x_ I x SD il1) I(414 1 44-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 1)()4 14 i4) NA x X X X x X DOoid-eld River SD- ()1(

4I5 04 1 1- NA X X X'KI' __X MS/MSI) 4 DUPUY-tSO- 2)2 )0) ()4 1 ()-1 NA X X x_ I x SD- ()3 Wt 04 1 t NA 'K4 ' I _ _ _ 'x SD- 24)4 til 04 1 It-4 NA X' X x _ x SD- 205 00 4141 -1 NA x x X_ x _x SD- '06 M) ();1 (-)4 NA X X X X X IsV l Storm Dtain SD- _01 1440' 44 AI O NA x X X x X SD- 3)42 4) 04 0-4 A X X X X x X SD- 04)3i)4 0)4 kI4 NA X X X' 'X SD- 31!1 (41 1"I~t OA NA x X X X x X X DUP SD- 3414 00 4 (14 NA x X x X x X X SD 355 iS) 141 u N4 X X x 'K X

tRakgron..d- Shermn R-eser i, SD- 4*41 NI (14 4 NA X X X X X X M

S/iMSD53 SD- 401 (X 4 .4 1 V)A x X X X x 'K SD- 4412 45) (14 4-4 NA x X x X x X SD- 403- 145 114 1 ) NIA X X X X X x SD- 4) ' N (441 114 N4- X ' ' 'K x SD- 415; 40) I)(14 1 -4 NA X X X X X X SD- 445 1U NA X4 4K. S - IX rOTAI. 42 42 71 71 42 71 4 is

- Ch I5)1 m 1 ,S,4 id5) r)4 if if 5)44It h -4


Page 1 o41

Sediment Field Sampling Plan Final Sediment Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station 49 Yankee Road Rowe, Massachusetts August 2003 www.erm .com Deliverog sustainablesolutions in a more competitive world ERM

Yankee Nuclear Power Station Sediment Field Sampling Plan August 2003 0002107 49 Yankee Road Rowe, Massachusetts John W. McTigue, P.G., LSP '

Principal-in-Charge GD /

Gregg A. Dermers, P.E., LSP Project Manager Environmental Resources Management 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02116 T: 617-267-8377 F: 617-267-6447





TABLES Table 1 Sediment Analytical Program and Locations Table 2 Sediment Analytical Programi Bottle Requirements FIGURES Figure 1 Site Layout and Sediment Sampling Locations Figure 2 Background Sediment Sampling Locations APPENDICES Appendix A Sediment Sampling Procedures 2107 8/3/03 ERNI iiii Y.'NKEE YANKEE 2107 S/S/03



On behalf of Yankee Atomic Electric Company (Yankee), Environmental Resources Management (ERM) has prepared this Sediment Field Sampling Plan (FSP) for the Yankee Nuclear Power Station (YNPS) located at 49 Yankee Road in Rowe, Massachusetts (Figure 1). The FSP has been prepared as a supplement to the Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan, Site Closure, Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Rowe, Massachusetts. The FSP outlines the approach and methods for characterizing sediment quality at the site as part of the overall site closure program. Other media-specific FSPs will be prepared as the site closure activities proceed. This FSP addresses non-radiological sediment characterization activities.

Radiological characterization of sediments is not planned at this time.

1.2 PURPOSE & SCOPE The purpose of the Sediment FSP is to:

  • establish the procedures and rationale for sediment sampling activities in support of site closure;

" ensure that sediment sampling data are consistent with applicable procedures;

  • ensure that the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) for site closure are met; and
  • support the site characterization and closure activities.

Sediment sampling for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) has been performed as part of the assessment of a release of PCB-containing paint chips. Two areas of sediment are currently targeted for remediation based on the assessment activities (see Figure 1). The data generated under the FSP will be used to assess the potential for impact to sediment by oil or hazardous materials beyond the proposed remedial areas where there are no current plans for remediation.

The data generated under the FSP will be validated and input into the site database. The results from the sampling round will be used in conjunction with Data Usability reports that are being prepared regarding the historic data to determine the need for, and scope of, future sediment ER-% I YANKEE 2107 S/I/03

sampling events. The data will also be used to support human health and ecological risk assessments that will be prepared as part of the site closure program.

The scope of the Sediment FSP includes sampling of sediments in Sherman Reservoir, Wheeler Brook, West Storm Drain, and the Deerfield River (see Table 1 for a summary of sediment sampling locations).

ERNa~ 2 YANKEE 2107 8/8/03

2.0 SEDIMENT SAMPLING PROGRAM 2.1 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES YNPS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) applicable to the sediment investigation include:

" DP-8124 Collection of Pond Sediment Samples for Site Characterization

" DP-8123 Sample Security and Chain of Custody

  • DP-8120 Collection of Site Characterization and Site Release Samples Appendix A contains the YNPS SOPs applicable to this FSP.

2.2 SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND DESIGNATIONS A list of locations to be sampled for sediment is provided in Table 1. The sediment sample locations are shown in Figure 1 and background locations are shown in Figure 2.

The sampling program was developed based on the location of the YNPS National Pollution Elimination System (NPDES) outfall locations and site topography. As shown in Figure 1, YNPS has three NPDES outfall locations:

Outfall Processes Receiving Body 003/005 Stormwater from eastern portion of YNPS Sherman Reservoir 001/010 Discharge from circulating water system and Sherman Reservoir service water system 002/004 Stormwater from western portion of YNPS West Storm Drain As noted in Section 1.2, areas that are currently targeted for sediment remnediation due to the release of PCB-containing paint chips are shown in Figure 1. Since it is expected that those areas will be excavated, they were excluded from the sediment characterization program.

Within Sherman Reservoir, sediment cores will be collected to a depth of 18 inches. The sediment samples will be collected at five intervals from ERA 3 E3YANKEE2107 8/8/03

the shoreline: 25 feet, 50 feet, 100 feet, 200 feet, and 500 feet. A sample will be submitted for analysis from the 0 to 4 inch interval from each location. A sample will also be collected for analysis at a depth of 12 to 18 inches along the 50-foot transect. The remaining core samples will be stored in a freezer at YNPS, pending the results of the initial round of analyses.

Six background samples will be collected from the northern end of Sherman Reservoir in depositional areas. A sample will be submitted for analysis from the 0 to 4 inch interval from each location. Approximate sample locations are shown on Figure 2, but may be adjusted based on field observations.

Within Wheeler Brook, six surficial sediment samples will be collected to assess sediment quality upstream and downstream of the Southeast Construction Fill Area. Within the West Storm Drain, five surficial samples will be collected approximately every 100 feet. Within the Deerfield River, six surficial samples will be collected from depositional areas. The Deerfield River samples will be collected both upstream and downstream of the discharge point of the West Storm Drain. Surface sediment samples will be collected for analysis from 0 to 4 inches in Wheeler Brook, the West Storm Drain, and the Deerfield River.

The sediment samples will be identified using unique sample identification. The sample designations will use the naming convention as detailed in the YNPS QAPP. The sample designations for the sediment sampling program are detailed in Table 1.

2.3 SAMPLING PROCEDURES 2.3.1 Boat Sampling Sediment samples in Sherman Reservoir will be collected under ERM's oversight by TG&B Marine Services of Falmouth, MA_ Samples will be collected in compliance with YNPS Procedure DP-8124 Collection of Pond Sediment Samples for Site Characterization. A boat-mounted Vibracore System will be used to direct push or vibrate the core sampler into the sediment. The core sampler consists of a two-foot stainless steel casing with a removable two-inch diameter polycarbonate sleeve. A plug is placed at the top of the polycarbonate sleeve to prevent sediment from extending above the sleeve height. After coring, the sleeve is removed from the casing, capped, labeled, and brought to shore for sampling. On shore, the portion of the core to be sampled will be extracted and the remaining core will be capped, placed in a sealed plastic bag, and stored ERM 4 YANKEE 2107 S/1/03

in a freezer at YNPS. The portion of the core to be submitted for laboratory analysis will be cut open to visually inspect and classify the sediment stratigraphy. Visual observations will be logged on sediment sampling forms.

Dedicated sampling equipment will be used where feasible. Reused sampling equipment will be decontaminated prior to, and following, sample collection in accordance with the YNPS QAPP.

2.3.2 Manual Sampling Sediment samples will be collected manually from the Wheeler Brook, the West Storm Drain, and the Deerfield River. Samples will be collected in compliance with YNPS Procedure DP-8120 Collection of Site Characterizationand Site Release Samnples. A stainless steel trowel and/or hand auger will be used to obtain each sediment sample from a depth of 0 to 4 inches. Sampling will be performed at downstream locations first, working upstream to reduce the potential for suspended sediments to impact the sample results. Field observations, including sampling location descriptions, will be recorded in a field logbook.

2.4 ANALYTICAL PROGRAM 2.4.1 Non-radiologicalParameters The sediment analytical program is summarized in Table '. The analytical parameters were selected based on the types of chemicals used at the plant as outlined in the QAPP. In the vicinity of Outfall 001/010, the list of compounds was expanded to include chemicals associated with the operation of the cooling water system (e.g., boron, lithium, and hydrazine).

The sediment investigation will include the analysis of sediment samples for the following non-radiological parameters:

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by GC/MS, SW-846 Method 8260B (both low-level, deionized water-preserved, and medium-level, methanol preserved, sediment samples will be collected at each sample location in accordance with SW846 Method 5035 VOC sampling procedures;
  • Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by GC/NMS, SW-846 Method 8270C;
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC, SW-846 Method 8082; E5 R YANKEr-7 2107 S/8/03

" Diesel Range Organics (DRO) by GC, SW-846 Method 8015B

  • Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) by GC, SW-846 Method 8015B

" Priority Pollutant 13 Metals (PP13) Metals by SW-846 6010B and 7000 Series (for antimony, arsenic, lead, selenium, and thallium).

Chromium species will be identified for detections;

  • Hydrazine by Ion Chromatography (1C); and
  • Total Organic Carbon Northeast Laboratory Services, located in Waterville, Maine, will conduct the majority of the non-radiological analyses. Severn Trent Laboratory (STL)-Denver will perform the hydrazine analyses, and STL-Connecticut will perform TOC analyses.

2.4.2 RadiologicalParameters Yankee personnel will screen sediment samples on-site in accordance with YNPS screening procedures. Laboratory analysis for radiological constituents will not be performed on the sediment samples.

2.5 SAMPLE SECURITY AND CUSTODY Sediment samples will be submitted to the laboratory under proper chain-of-custody procedures. Samples will be preserved on ice or in a refrigerator and sample handling will be documented using chain-of-custody protocols in accordance with DP-8123, Sample Security and Chain of Custody.

2.6 MANAGEMENT OF INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTES Sediment sampling waste will be containerized on-site. The wastes will be screened for radiological constituents. Following screening YNPS personnel will dispose of the wastes in accordance with the applicable YNPS procedures.

2.7 SCHEDULE The sediment-sampling program is scheduled to begin on 12 August 2003.

The completion schedule for the sampling activities is dependent on field 6 YANKEE 2107 8/8/03

conditions, but is scheduled to be completed within two weeks of commencement.

'107 S!8/03 77 YA>4KFF EERAI I,\I YANKEE 2107 81/8/03


3.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN A QAPP has been prepared to provide a standard method of assuring that data collected during site characterization activities is of sufficient quality to support future decisions regarding decommissioning activities and or remedial actions at the site. The primary purpose of the QAPP is to describe the means by which data collected in the field will be validated against predetermined standards, ensuring that data meets minimum quality standards prior to being used for decision-making purposes. The flow of data is important to data quality, as it ensures that appropriate project personnel have adequate opportunities to review data with importance to future site decisions. As such, the QAPP specifies the methods and means for ensuring the data generated during site characterization activities is of a quality necessary to serve its intended purpose.

The following provides a list of the sections of the QAPP that are most relevant to the field sampling activities:

QAPP Section Topic 9.1 Field Investigation and Documentation Procedures 9.2 Preparation of Sample Containers 9.3 Decontamination 9.4 Field Equipment Usage and Maihntenance 10.1 Sample Tracking System 102 Sample Custody 13.1 Field Quality Control 3.2 CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT To the degree possible, dedicated and/or disposable sampling equipment will be used for sampling. Non-dedicated sampling equipment used to collect samples will be cleaned and decontaminated prior to its initial use, between each sampling location and after the final use. The following ERMv 8 YANKEE 2107 8/8/03

general procedures will be adhered to concerning decontamination efforts:

1. If visual signs such as discoloration indicate that decontamination was insufficient, the equipment will again be decontaminated. If the situation persists, the equipment will be taken out of service until the situation can be corrected.
2. Verification of the non-dedicated sampling equipment cleaning procedures will be documented by the collection of field equipment rinsate blanks, at a frequency in accordance with the QAPP.
3. Properly decontaminated equipment will be stored in aluminum foil or plastic bags during storage and transport.

Decontamination protocols will be strictly adhered to in order to minimize the potential for cross-contamination between sampling locations and contamination of off-site areas. Liquids generated during the decontamination process will be collected, containerized and appropriately labeled for disposal. Waste liquids will be stored on site until determination of potential hazard class and final disposition.

Only pre-cleaned laboratory-certified sample containers will be used. The laboratories will also provide sample coolers, ice packs, trip blanks, and temperature blanks.

More specific decontamination procedures are outlined in the QAPP and SOPs.

3.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL SAMPLES The following Quality Assurance / Quality Control samples will be collected during the sediment sampling:

  • Trip blanks - At least one trip blank per cooler containing VOC or GRO samples (a minimum of one'trip blank per 20 samples). Separate trip blanks will be prepared and analyzed for low-level (deionized water-preserved) 8260B VOCs, medium-level (methanol preserved) 8260B VOCs, and GRO.
  • Temperature blanks - One temperature blank per cooler. The temperature of the trip blank will be measured upon receipt of the cooler at the laboratory.

YANKEE 2107 8,'S!03 ER~\I 99 YAN',KEE 2107 8181/03 ERM~

  • Equipment rinsate blank - The majority of sediment samples will be collected using dedicated sampling equipment. However, manual sampling will be conducted using a stainless steel trowel. A rinsate sample will be collected from the stainless steel trowel at a rate of one sample per 20 sampling locations. The rinsate blanks will be analyzed for the same parameters as the samples that were collected using the equipment. Due to the short (48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />) holding time for aqueous hydrazine analysis, samples will be sent directly to STL-Denver via overnight carrier so that the samples may be extracted as soon as possible following sampling.
  • Field duplicates - Field duplicates will be collected at the rate of one duplicate per 20 samples. Samples locations where duplicates will be collected are listed in Table 1. Field duplicates will be submitted for the same analyses as the actual sample.
  • Matrix spikes - Matrix spikes will be collected at the rate of one matrix spike per 20 samples. Samples locations where matrix spikes will be collected are listed in Table 1. Matrix spike/matrix spike duplicates (MS/MSDs) will be collected for organic parameters. Matrix spike/matrix duplicates (MS/MD) will be collected for inorganic and wet chemistry analyses.

ERM\ 10 YANKEE 2107 5/8/03

4-0 PROJECTDOCUMENTATION Data management tasks pertinent to project documentation and records, laboratory deliverables, data reporting formats, data handling and management, and data review assessment are presented in the QAPP.

The following field sample collection records will be completed at the time of sample collection:

  • Field logbook

" Sediment sampling field logs

  • Chain of custody forms
  • Shipping records (airbills), if any
  • Telephone logs, as appropriate The project documentation will be provided to the Yankee Environmental Oversight Supervisor at the completion of each sampling event. In addition, any deviations from the FSP will be documented in a memorandum to the Yankee Environmental Oversight Supervisor.

E Rl\ 11 YANKEE 2107 8/8/03

Tables Tabl 1 ediment Analytical Program Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA tIe w . , f0 SIOC DO k GRO P tPCB 3 Metals* ,Boron, Lithum '*razme TOC Sheunan R eserve,,o

-SD- 003 00 O I1 0.4 2. x X X x x x Dvp01 SD- 003 00 04 1 01-4 25 X X X X X X SD- 006 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X X X X SD- 008 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X X X X SD- 09O00 04 I 0-4 25 X X X SD- 012 0004 I 0-4 25 X X X SD- 015 00 04 I 0-4 25 X X X SD- 0iS 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X X SD- 022 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X X MS/MSD 02 SD- 022 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X x SD- 025 00 04 I 0-4 25 X X X SD- 02S 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X X SD- 030 00 04 1 0-4 25 X X X SD- 002 00 04 1 0-4 50 X X X X X X X X X SD- 002 12 18 I 12-18 90 X X X X X X X X X SD- 005 00 04 1 0-4 50 X X X X X X x x SD- 000 12 18 I 12-1I 50 X X X X X X x x SD- 007 00 04 10-4 50 X X X X X X X X SD- 007 12 IS1 12-18 50 X X X X X X X X SD- 11! 00 04 1 0-4 50 X X X X x x SD- O11 12 1S I 12-18 50 X X X X X X SD- 014 00 041 0-4 50 X X X X X X S

SD- 14121i8 12-16 50 X X X X X X SD- 017 00 041 0-4 511 X X X X X X SD- 017 12 1S8I 12-18 50 X X X X X X SD- 021 00 04 1-4 50 X X X X X X SD- 021 12 IS I 12-18 50 X X X X X X Dsu'p02 SD- 1121 12 18 1 12-18 50 X X X X X X SD- 024 00 04 1 0-4 50 X X X X X X SD- 024 12 ISI 12-18 150 X X X X X X SD- 027 00 14 1 (-, 50 X X X X x x SD- 027 12 IS1 12-1 50 X X X X X X SD- 029 00 041 0-4 50 X X X X X X SD- 029 12 1S 1 12-18 50 X X X X X x SD- 001 00 04 1I 0-4 100 X X X X X MS/MSD 0101 SD- 001 00 04 1 0-4 110 X X X X X SD- 014 00 04 I 0-4 100 X X X X X

.SD- 010 00 04 1 0-4 100} X X X SD- 013 00 04 1 0-4 100 X X X SI)- 016 00 04 1 0-4 100 1 X X X SD. 019 00 04 1 0-4 100 X X X SD- 020 00 04 I 0-4 100 X X X SD- (123 00 04 1 0-4 100} X X x

Table 'I - Sediment Analytical Program Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA SI Shore (ft)~~- VOC S o C DRO (1 GRO -PP13 NMetals. >~ Lithiuzrioi

"'o-i, ->~

5 IIydIrazfnei -1TOC<'

SD- 026 00 04 1 0-4 10t X X X X SD- 031 00 04 1 0-4 200 X X x' SD- 032 O0 04 1 0-4 200 X X x SD- 033 00} 04 1 0-4 200 1 X X x I X SD- 034 00 04 1 0-4 200 x x 5D- 035 00 04 0-4 200 X X X SD- 0}36 {}0 0}4 t 0.4 200 X X X SD- 037 00 04 t 0-4 200 X X X SD- 038 00 04 t 0-4 500 1 x X X SD- 0139 00} 04 t 0-4 500t '

X '

SD- 040 00tt 04 t 0-4 500 X X X SD- 041 00 (14 t 01-4 500 X X X Wheeler Brook SD- 10! 0010} 14 0-4 NA x X x X X x X SD- 102 00{t 0}4 t 0-4 NA x X ' X X X SD- t03 00. 04 0-4 NA Ix x X X x X X SD- 404 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 105 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X x ' X X SD- 10}6 00} 04 1 0-4 NA ' x x x x '

DeeriietM Rivei SD- 20t 00 04 0-4 NA X X X x X X X SD- 202 00 041 0-4 NA x X X X x x SD- 203 00 04 0-4 NA X X X X X X '

SD- 204 00 044 0-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 205 00 04 4 -4 NA X X X X X X SD- 206 00 044 0-4 NA, X X X x X X West Sterm Droai SD- 301 00 04 [ 0-4 NA X x X x x 'K X DUP03 SD- 301 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X X X X X X SD- 302 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 303 00 04 1 44-4 NA X x X x X '

SD- 304 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 305 00 04 1 0-4 NA x X X x x X iBackgtouini - Shermaiin Reservoir SD- 401 00 04 11 0-4 NA x x X X x X x MS/MSD 0-3 SD- ,101 }0 0-4 1 0-4 NA x x X X X X X SD- 402 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 403 00 04 1 0-4 NA ' ' ' X ' '

SD- 404 00 04 4 0-4 NA X X X X X X SD- 405 00 04 1 0-4 NA X X x X x X 54- 400 0(0 04 0-4 NA X X X X ' '

1OTAL 46 46 80 S0 46 80 13 13 17

  • Chl6, species ,ill be iderntified if total cluomium is dectcted.

Table 2 - Sediment Analytical Program Bottle Requirements Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA SD-011, SD-014, SD-017, SD- Volatile Organics (5) VOA vials 4 "C, 3 with H20 and 14 days 021, SD-024, SD-027, SD-029, stirring bar, I with Dup 02, SD-102, SD-104, SD- NMeOH, 1 105, SD- 16, SD-212, SD-204, Unpreserved SD-205, SD-206, SD-302, SD- TPH-Gasoline (1) VOA vials 4 0C/5 mL MeOH 14 days 304, SD-305, SD-402, SD-404, TI'H-DRO 14 days/40 days SD-405, SD-406 PCBs (1) 8 oz soil jar 4 "C 14 days/40 days Semivolatile Organics 14 days/40 days PP(13) Metals 28 days/6 months SD-W1i, SD- 103, SD-201, SD- Volatile Organics (5) VOA vials 4 "C, 3 with H20 and 14 days 203, SD-301, DLp 03, SD- stirring bar, 1 with 303, SD-401, MS/MSD-03, MeOH, 1 SD-403 unttpreserved TPH-Gasoline (1) VOA vials 4 "C/5 ml MeOH 14 days TOC (1) 4 oz soil jar 4 "C 14 days TTPH-DRO 14 days/40 days

'PCBs (1) 8 oz soil jar 4 *C 14 days/40 days Se mivolatile Organics 14 days/40 days PP(13) Metals 28 days/6 months SD-005, SD-007 Volatile Organics (5) VOA vials 4 "C, 3 with H20 and 14 days stirring bar, I with MeOH, I unpreserved TPH-Gasoline (1) VOA vials 4 "C/5 mL MeOH 14 days Hydrazine (1) 4oz soil jar 4 "C None/48 boors TPH-DRO 14 days/40 days PCBs (1) 8 oz soil jar 4 *C 14 days/40 days Setnivolatile Organics 14 days/40 days PI'(13) Nletýals (plus boron and Iithium) 28 days/6 months For ,',rCrIV'OAsoit sinyplte.,li'iso oicdtl5 Ji I'Ssoil I (iL'rrt'oree) it, -,chof three vials preserved witth 1-121ai I vial prnesrved vith MeOH. Also pleise fill ote iiproser\ ed VOA vias for Total solid-s 1

For tvaochITH-GRO soil samplo, pleaseadd 5 gritus of s 0i 1 .. erracore) to riot presrrved it h MeOH.

rih toi*i sofluls for th's, samtples i il be rk, f',.... ith,1 oz soil j"r j

Table 2 - Sediment Analytical Program Bottle Requirements Field Sampling Plan Yankee Nuclear Power Station Rowe, MA

,'Locations r.a .,.. )ASiietS`oeContain~er 5 .;~,~Preservatidýndh HoI'ding'Tific~

SD-003 PCB (1) 8Lo7 soil jai 4 "C 14 days/40 days Dup-01 DRO 14 days/40 days SD-Il) I IT 13 Metals (plus uni ri and Lithium) (1) 250 ml poly 28 days/6 months SD-004 Hydrazine (1) 4 oz soil jar none/48 h-ours TOC (1) 1 oz soil jar 14 days SD-006 PCB (1) 8 oz soil jar 4 "C 14 days/40 days SD-00S DRO 14 days/40 days

'PP 13 Metals (plus Boron and Lithium) (1)250 ml poly 28 days/6 months Hydrazine (1)4 oz soil jar none/48 hours SD-009, SD-012, SD-015, SD- OCB (1)8 oz soil jar 4'C 14 days/40 days 018, SD-022, MS/MSD- 02, SD-025, SD-028, SD-030, SD- DRO 14 days/40 days 010, SD-013, SD-016, SD-019, PP 13 Metals (1)250( ml poly 28 days/6 months SD-020, SD-023, SD-031, SD-032, SD-034, SD-035, SD-036, SD-026, SD-033, SD-039 PrCB (1) 8 oz soil jar 4 "C 14 days/40 days DRO 14 days/40 days I'l 13 Metals (1)250 ml pol, 28 days/6 months TOC (1)4 oz soil Iar 14 days SD-002 Volatile Organics (5) VOA vials 4 "C, 3 with H211 and 14 days stirring bar, I with MeOH, 1 unpreserved TPH-Gasoline (1) VOA vials 4 'C/5 mnLMeOH 14 days Hydrazine (t) 4oz soil jar 4 "C None/48 hours TOC (1) 4 oz soil jar 4 "C 14 days TPH-DRO 14 days/40 days PCBs (1) 8 oz soil jar 4 "C 14 davs/40 days Semivolatile Organics 14 days/40 days PP(13) Metals (plus Buron and Lithiurm) 28 days/6 months

Figures I

I A4;


E Scale 1:25,000 I Legend 0.5kkm 0 500 m V Proposed Sediment Sampling Locations 0.5 mi 0 1,000 ft Refefence: Topo! Interactive Maps. 1999, W9Idflower Production, San Francisco, CA.

Figure 2 - Sediment Background Sampling Locations Yankee Nuclear Power Station - Rowe, MA ERM

Appendix A Sediment Sampling Procedures

DP-8124 Collection of Pond Sediment Samples for Site Characterization

Proc. No. DP-8124 Rev. No. 3 Issue Date 04/2003 Review Date 03/2008 COLLECTION OF POND SEDIMENT SAIMPLES FOR SITE CHARACTERIZATION V SCOPE To describe a method for collecting sediment samples from the bottom of a pond for purposes of both radiological and non-radiological analyses for YNPS site characterization.

ENCLOSURES DP-8124 -Pgs. 1-3 DPF-8124.1 - Rev. 3 REFERENCES

1. DP-8123, "Sample Security and Chain of Custody"
3. AP-9601, "YNPS Site Characterization and Site Release QAPP for Non-Radiological Sample Data Quality"
4. AP-0626,. "Job Hazard Assessment" DISCUSSION Sediment samples are collected as grab samples from the bottom of a pond, and should tontain at least one kilogram of soil- Each sample is assigned a unique sample ID number.

The quality control program plan (QAP?) for non-radiological sample data quality is described in reference 3. Quality control measures are an integral part of all activities related to obtaining and testing of samples. These measures are intended to help assure the accuracy of all data. They include but are not limited to the following:

0 Tmnl ementat ion nf a] 1 twnrk ha'zp,- cn wri tton nroduo Activity direction and documentation by Assigned Site Personnel Assigned Site Personnel means Safety Oversight personnel or designee


- of key activi:ies with experienced personnel

  • -.Documentation of work in a permanent, bound field log book
  • -Prevention of the use of cnontaminated tools and materials

& Analysis of blind/duplicate samples Use of sample analysis labs with QA/QC programs

  • Chain-of-custody documentation of samples
  • DCC retention of all related documentation of samples PREREQUISITES Obtain the equipment/materials needed to perform the required task(s) from the following list prior to starting this procedure:
  • Appropriate boat and marine safety equipment for sampling
  • Chain of custody forms (DPF-8123.1).

DP-8124 Rev. 3

  • Permanently bound field logbook.
  • Location marking supplies, buoys, line and weights; bright-colored spray paint, stakes, hammer.
  • Sampling implement, ponar. sampler or equal, or core sampler
  • Paint cans (e.g. one gallon), zip-top poly bags (4-mil or thicker), poly core tubes with end caps, or other suitable containers for samples.
  • Appropriate survey device to determine sample locations PROCEDURE
1. Physically locate each sampling point using a depth finder to determine bottom suitability for sampling. If sampling at a location is not done immediately, mark the location with a buoy.
2. Install the appropriate sediment sampling device on the cable line of the winch.
3. Stabilize the boat at the chosen sampling location.
4. Assure proper sampler configuration prior to sampling attempt.
5. Deploy the sampler.
6. Retrieve the sampler and remove sediment sample. Repeat process as needed to obtain one kilogram of sediment, if possible, for each location. The sample may be stored in an appropriate container for shipment to the lab. If zip-top poly bags, are used, double-bagging may be required.
7. Segment the sample as needed and place sample material in appropriate containers.
8. Document sample location with appropriate survey technique.
9. Label sample container with:
  • Sample I.D.
  • Date and Time
  • Initials of sampler
10. Record all appropriate information in a Permanently Bound Log Book and later transpose all pertinent information onto the sample log form, DPF-8124.1.
11. Provide a sample description for DPF-8124.1.
12. Prior to taking subsequent samples, rinse all sampling tools clean of sample material with ambient pond water.
13. Prepare chain of custody paper work, per Reference 1, for each sample.
14. Deliver samples to the YNPS Safety Oversight Department for analysis, or arrange for shipment to an alternate lab.
15. For samples submitted to the Frarnatome ANP Environmental Lab, form E-Lab 605.1 (Reference 2) will be filled out and sent with the samples.
16. Request a gamma isotopic analysis of the samples. Normally these samples will be analyzed to the environmental sediment lower limit of detection.

DP-8124 Rev. 3 NOTE: If any of the samples contain plant related radioactivity, contact the Radwaste Coordinator for sample shipment to any off-site 0-) laboratory.


1. Colfected samples and Chain-of-Custody paperwork have been delivered to the appropriate laboratory in accordance with this procedure.
2. DPF-18124.1 has been completed and filed.

For samples submitted to the Framatome ANP Environmental Lab, form I 3.

E-Lab 605.1 will be filled out and sent with the samples.

  • 7)

YNPS Sediment Sampling Form ody ______________ Sampler(,s)

IC D Date/ Location (Description or Samplu Description Time Coordinates and Water' Depth)

S4 .

1 D124 ,1 Rc 3

DP-8123 Sample Security and Chain of Custody

Rev- No. 9 Issue Date 04/2003 Review Date 05]2007 SAMPLE SECURITY AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY SCOPE This procedure addresses sample security and chain of custody for samples collected under the procedures cited in References 1 7- This includes collecting radiological or non-radiological samples, site characterization samples, as well as other site samples. The sample security portion applies to all such samples- The chain of custody portions apply only to samples that are analyzed off-site-ENCLOSURES DP-8123 - Pgs. 1-6 DPF-8123.1 - Rev. 7 REFERENCES

1. DP-8120, "Collection of Site Characterization and Site Release Samples"
2. DP-8121, "In-Plant Radiological Surveys to Support the Characterization Program"
3. DP-8122, "Subsurface Soil Sampling and Monitoring Well Installation" 4- DP-8124, "Collection of Pond Sediment Samples for Site Characterization"
5. DP-9725, "Potable Water Quality Monitoring" 6- DP-9745, "Ground Water Level Measurement and Sample Collection in Observation Wells"
7. DP-8813, "Sample Receipt and Preparation" DISCUSSION To ensure the integrity of a sample and the defensibility of its analytical results, its chain of custody should be documented. For samples analyzed off-site, this is done with the chain of custody form.

For samples analyzed at the YNPS site, this is done by logging samples in and out of each on-site facility (see DP-8813) . Where a sample is tracked first on one system (e.g., the Sample Log), then on another (e.g., chain of custody form), the sample's custody should be traceable, without any gaps, across both systems.

Also important is to ensure the integrity of the sample's security.

Proper security will prevent or minimize sample loss, tampering and inadvertent mishandling.

PROCEDURE A. Initiation of Chain of Custody Form I. A Chain of Custody Form (DPF-8123.1) shall be initiated by the sample collector for all site characterization and other site samples that are analyzed offsite. Multiple samples may be included on a single form.

2. The sample collector shall initiate the Chain of Custody Form (DPF-8123.1) at the time of collection. Radiological samples that have been tracked in accordance with DP-8813

[71 may have their Chain of Custody Form initiated just prior to shipment off-site.

DP-8123 Rev. 9 3- The sample collector shall fill out DPF-8123.1, and sign and date the form, using the guidance found in Appendix A.

Ensure that the information entered on the sample container is the same as that entered on DPF-8123-I_

4. Note the chain of custody form number (found at the top of DPF-8123.1,) in the Field Log Book (if one is used).
5. Once a Chain of Custody Form has been initiated, the original copy of the form shall stay with the sample(s), at least until such time as described in Step B.3.
6. When an additional chain of custody form is to be initiated for a sample that is already on a chain of custody form (e.g., the sample has been split and each aliquot is to be sent to a different analytical laboratory), a notation shall be made in the "Comment" column on each form cross-referencing the two form numbers.

B. Transfer of Sample Custody NOTE: Relinquishing custody of a sample is not required when the sample is transferred among members within any laboratory or count room, or between Chemistry, HP, or Environmental sample collectors and the site countroom or laboratory analysis.

1. When the sample collector turns the sample over to another individual (e.g., the Safety Oversight Department staff or the YNPS Sample Prep Trailer), that individual shall sign the first "Received by" block, including the date and time of receipt.
2. Each time the sample(s) changes custody, the relinquishing party and the receiving party shall sign and date the form within the next available location.
3. The analytical laboratory shall be instructed to return the white page of the completed Chain of Custody Form (DPF-8123.1) to the contact name on the form along with the analytical results.

4- The completed DPF-8123.1 shall be reviewed and filed by the contact person or his/her designee as part of the data package.

C. Use of Commercial Couriers

1. Just prior to turnover to a commercial courier, relinquish the samples by date and time of shipment and signature on DPF-8123.1.
2. Note in the "Sample Shipped Via" location on DPF-8123.1 the courier utilized if applicable and the Bill of Lading number which is printed at the top of each air bill in bold black numbers.

NOTE: A "Received By" signature is not required until receipt by the analytical lab.

3. Remove and retain the rear-most carbon copy of DPF-8123.1.
4. Seal the original DPF-8123.1 in the container along with the samples.
5. When the original signed DPF-8123.1 returns from the analytical lab, attach the air bill and file with sample results.

VV- b I 2I Rev. 9 The completed DPF-8123.i, with air bill and rear most carbon copy shall be reviewed and filed by the contact person or his/her designee as part of the data package.

D_ On-Site Sample Security

i. Following sample collection, the sample collector shall do one of the following, in accordance with the transfer of custody requirements in this procedure:

Deliver the sample(s) to an on-site facility (e.g.,

sample preparation lab or count room);

Deliver the sample(s) to an off-site lab (either directly or by turning over to a courier);

Store the sample(s) in a secure manner (see below) until the sample(s) is delivered to the on-site sample preparation facility or count room, or until the sample(s) is sent to an off-site laboratory.

2. At any time following field collection, samples must be stored in a secure manner, which shall include one or more of the following:

Direct physical control or under direct visual observation by an individual; Storage in a locked container, locked cabinet (e.g.,

refrigerator) ,or individual locked transport box (e.g.

for concrete cores).

Storage in a locked room or building having limited access (e.g., the YNPS Sample Prep Trailer);

  • . Tamper evident seal on the sample container. A single tamper evident seal may be used on a single container (e.g., cooler) containing multiple samples.

NOTE: Smear samples shall be considered secure when loaded on a planchet rack in the Radiation Protection count room. (Tamper evident seals shall not be applied to planchet racks.) All samples shall be considered secure while on a detector in the Radiation Protection or Chemistry count room.


1. Original chain of custody forms (DPF-8123.1) have been completed and filed for all samples as identified in this procedure's "Scope". Ensure completed DPF-8123.1 is transferred to the applicable data package. Commercial courier receipts or bills of lading, if applicable, are also filed.
2. Samples that are on-site are stored in a secure manner.

DP-8123 Rev_ 9 APPENDIX A FILLING OUT CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORMS SCOPE This appendix describes in detail the proper completion of the Chain of Custody Form (DPF-8123.1) . The actual use of the form is described in the body of this procedure (DP-8123).

PROCEDURE NOTE: All entries shall be made in black ink.

NOTE: Some entries on DPF-8123.1 may not apply to a particular sample.

In such cases, an entry of "NA" (i.e., "Not Applicable") is acceptable.

NOTE: Multiple samples may be included on a single Chain of Custody form (DPF-8123.1) . Multiple samples may be shipped in a single container with the only tamper evident seal(s) being on the outside of the container.

NOTE: Each chain of custody form has a unique number pre-printed in the upper right hand corner.

A. Fill out the following header information:

1. Project Name - For YNPS purposes, designate YNPS and project type. (Example for Site Characterization "YNPS S.C.")
2. YAEC Contact Name & Phone - Generally the lead or cognizant person. Use at least the first initial and full last name (e.g., "J. Smith, 413-424-XXXX").
3. Analytical Lab - The name of the analytical laboratory, with city and state. (For the Framatome/ANP Environmental Laboratory, Framatome ANP Environmental Lab may be entered (without the city and state)-
4. Requested Testing Completion Date - Date to be provided by the lead or cognizant person. If standard turn around times (e.g., two weeks) have been established with outside lab, this may be left blank.

B. For each sample container, fill out each column on form DPF-8123.1. The columns include:

1. Sample Designation - Transcribe the unique sample identification number appearing on the sample container label in the space provided.
2. Date and Time - Transcribe the date (mm/dd/yyyy) and time (hhmm) the sample was collected as it appears on the container label.
3. Media Code - Enter the Media Type code from Table 1
4. Sample Type Code - Enter the Sample Type code from Table 1.
5. Container Size and Type Code - Enter the Container Size, along with the Container Type from Table 1.

For example: a) a sample for metals analysis collected in an 8-ounce plastic container will be identified as '8 oz P";

b) a sample for radiological analysis collected in a 12"x18" ziplock plastic bag will be identified as "12x18 BP".

Rev. 9

6. Analyses Reiuested - Enter the type of analyses to be performed on each sample. Use as many spaces as needed to indicate all requested analyses for a given sample.
7. Comment, Preservation - Enter any comments as necessary in this section including the preservation method used.

For example, if the preservation method was acidification, identify the method in this section such as "Acidified pH<2, Nitric Acid," or "Acidified pH<2, HCl." If any sample requires cooling to 4 degrees centigrade, identify the preservation method as "Ice or 4 0 C".

8. Notes: Enter any other information felt to be pertinent to the collection or custody of the sample(s) -
9. Signature Blocks -
a. Complete the signature blocks as instructed in steps A and B of this procedure-
b. In situations where a chain of custody form is initiated for an existing sample (For example, see step A.6. of the procedure), the first two signature blocks (#1 and 42) may be left blank.
10. Samples Shipped Via - Check off the method of shipment. If a commercial courier, enter the bill of lading number.
11. Lab Use Only -

NOTE: Instruction should be provided to the offsite analytical laboratory in the proper completion of the Laboratory "Lab Use Only" shaded section.

a. Comments - made by the laboratory pertinent to the receipt and condition of samples.
b. Lab Sample ID. - A unique laboratory tracking number.
c. Internal Container Temp - Obtain on receipt the internal temperature of the sample container.

NOTE: Instructions should be provided not to obtain temperature from sample media to avoid contamination.

A separate temperature blank will be provided in each shipment.

d. Custody Sealed - Note presence or absence of custody seals.
e. Custody Seal Intact - Note integrity of custody seals.

DP-8123 Rev. 9 TABLE 1 Sample Codes for the Chain of Custody Form (DPF-8123.1)

Media Code Sample Type Code Container Code Type ground water WG grab G bag, plastic EP surface water . WF composite C bag, cloth BC river water WR core CR plastic estuary water WE duplicate D glass G sea water WS split S amber glass A effluent water EW field blank FB vial V soil TS rinsate RB steel can SC blank sediment SE asphalt AS matrix MS other (specify) spike vegetation TG matrix MSD spike duplicate concrete CT other (specify) smear SM other (specify)

Yankee Atomnic Electric CompanyC1 o C cl R or 49 Yankee Road, Rowe, MA 01367 Clain of Custody Record N2 413-424-5261 Project Name: Analyses Requested Lab Use Only YAEC Contact Name & Phone: Comments:

Lab (Name, City, State): Media Sample Contain.

Analytical Code Type cr Siae &

Code Type Code Requested Testing Completion Date:

Comment, Lab Sample ID Sample Designation Date Time Sample__Designation_ Date_ TePreservation II NOTES: Samples Shipped Via:

Internal Container Fed Ex Temp.: - Deg.

Date/Time 2) Received By Date/Time 0 UPS

1) Sampled By

[] Hand El Other Custody Sealed?

Date/Time 4) Received By Date/Time Y. - N 0

3) Relinquished By
6) Received By Date/Time Custody Seal Intac
5) Relinquished By Date/Time Bill of Lading 9 Y 1 ND
7) Relinquished By Date/Time 8) Received By Date/Time A'I.,'ns SoBcay A DPF.8123.1 Rev, 7

DP - 8120 Collection of Site Characterizationaid Site Release Samples

Proc. No.

Rev. No. 7DP-8120 Issue Date 06/2001 Review Date 05/2006 COLLECTION, OF SITE CHARACTERIZATION AND SITE RELEASE SAMPLES SCOPE To provide instructions for the collection of surface and subsurface soils, shoreline sediments, asphalt and liquids. This procedure also provides instruction for the collection of soil, asphalt and concrete from ongoing or completed excavations, and the decontamination of equipment Used to collect the samples. This procedure is intended to be used during the decommissioning period for both radiological and nonradiological site characterization and site release sampling.

Concrete core sampling is addressed in Procedure DP-8121.

Split spoon sampling is addressed in Procedure DP-8122.

Pond sediment sampling is addressed in Procedure DP-8124.

Groundwater monitoring is addressed in Procedure DP-9745.

ENCLOSURES DP-8120 Pgs. 1-10 Table 1 - Pg. 1 - Rev. 7 Appendix A - Pgs. 1-4 - Rev. 7 Appendix B - Pgs. 1-2 - Rev. 7 DPF-8120.1 - Rev. 7 I DPF-8120.2 - Rev. 7 REFERENCES

1. DP-8121, "In-Plant Radiological Surveys to Support the Radiological Characterization Program"
2. DP-81,23, "Sample Custody and Codtrol"
3. Deleted
4. EPA/625/12-91/002 "Description and Sampling of Contaminated Soils.- A Field Pocket Guide"
5. EPA/600/R-92/128 "Preparation of Soil Sampling Protocols: Sampling Techniques and Strategies"
6. 40 CFR Part 136
7. SW-846, "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste", USEPA 3rd edition, March 1995.
8. OP-8100, "Establishing and Posting Radiological Areas"
9. DP-8813, "Sample Receipt and Preparation"
10. AP-0052, "Radiation Protection Release of Equipment, Material and Vehicles"
11. AP-0227, "Condition Reporting, Investigation and Self Assessment"
12. AP-0221, "Plant Record Management" DISCUSSION Environmental samples are collected from surface soils, subsurface soils, sediments, asphalt, and liquids to identify a media's contamination status for site characterization and site release purposes. Soil, asphalt and concrete stock piles will be sampled to determine their final disposition (e.g., soil for back fill or release, asphalt and concrete for free release).. The type of sample to be collected (e.g., grab, composite, etc.) and the suite of contaminants for which it will be analyzed should be identified in the field sampling plan. All samples will be prepared for analysis in accordance with DP-

DP-8120 Rev. 7 accordance with AP-0052 [10) This procedure addresses the steps to collect each type of sample.

Quality control measures will be an integral part of all activities related to obtaining and testing of samples. These measures are intended to help assure the accuracy of all data. They include:

Implementation of all work based on written procedures Direction and documentation of all activities by a cognizant engineer

  • Performance of key activities by individuals qualified to carry out such activities

, Precautions to prevent cross-contamination of samples Verification of analysis results by an independent laboratory Use of analytical laboratories with QA/QC programs Chain-of-custody documentation of samples PRECAUTIONS

1. All samples collected from within the Radiological Control Area (RCA) will be initially handled as if contaminated. A GM frisker will be used to periodically screen equipment and newly-collected samples for gross contamination,,- If radioactivity is detected above background. Label the sample as "Caution Radioactive Material" in accordance with OP-8100 18) and take the necessary precautions to prevent the contamination of other samples, equipment or personnel.,

2- Latex," nitrile or equivalent glbves shall be worn when handling sampli material collected from on site, and when cleaning tools that were used in the collection of those samples. Clean gloves shall :be used at each new sampl-ng site.

3. When collecting samples in the RCA, hands and feet should be periodically monitored for contamination with a GM frisker.
4. For safety purposes, holes in concrete floors, soil or asphalt shall :be patched or filled as soon as practicable.
5. For major excavations a Job Hazards Checklist will be completed and reviewed with the Safety department.
6. Methanol is flammable, do not use in the presence of open flame or ignition sources.


1. Each tool coming in contact with sampling media or any other contaminated surface: must be decontaminated prior to the collection of the next sample.
2. The type of sample being collected will determine which tools and materials are needed. Given below is a list of suggested tools and materials to choose from:

Site map Chain of custody forms (DPF-8123.1)

Field Log Book Location marking supplies, e.g.. spray paint and stakes 50 or 100-foot tape measure

  • Digging implements, e.g., :trowel or shovel Soil auger Soil core sampler Sample containers, e.g., "ZipTop" plastic bags or paint cans Plastic bags (approx. 10 gal- size) for vegetation collection

,_Aluminum Foil Ha.-amer drill or demolition-tool, with chisel or asphalt bits Hearing and eye protection

DP-8120 Rev. 7 "Grass clippers

"* Pruning shears

  • Indelible pen
  • 'Latex (or equivalent) gloves

- -:GM frisker

  • Equipment cleaning supplies:

Clean water Brushes Laboratory grade detergent (such as Alconox)

Paper towels Trash bag for solid waste Methanol

  • Concrete coring or cutting equipment:

Drill rig, bits and extensions Hilti drill and bits Water hose Electrical extension cord, w/ GFCI

'Adjustable wrench, hammer-

'Hearing and eye protection PROMDI7XX A. SAMPLING CONTAINERS, PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS, AND HOLDING TIMES FOR SOIL AND LIQUID SAMPLES The type of sample container, volume required for analysis, and the maximum holding time for various constituents and media are

) presented in Appendix A.

B. SOIL and SEDIMENT SAkMPLING NOTE: These sampling techniques are not appropriate for soil and sediment collected for Volatile Organic Analysis (VOC) . In addition, stainless steel tools or equivalent are to be used for the collection of samples for nonradiological analysis.

1. if soil is under a paved area or concrete floor, remove the asphalt or concrete.
a. If an asphalt sample is to be collected, perform Section C before proceeding to step B.3.
b. If a concrete sample: is, to be collected, refer to
  • Reference 1. -
2. If required, cut vegetation to approximately the soil surface level, and remove any uiitte'n nthe ground sur-face (e.g., stones or dead/dry sticks and leaves that are not part of the soil humus layer).

NOTE: If desired, cut vegetation may be saved for a separate

  • analysis. In such a case, cut the vegetation over a measured area (e g. 7 one square meter), recording that area in the Field Log Book and place in a plastic bag.
3. Using a new or decontaminated (according to Section H of this procedure) stainless steel or equivalent tool (i.e.

trowel, shovel, hand auger, etc.), remove soil or sediment at the selected sampling location (or locations for composite sampling) to the desired depth.

DP-8120 Rev. 7 NOTE: Ideally enough soil should be collected to provide for a one liter sample after preparation.

NOTE: For soil samples collected outside of the Owner Controlled Area, dig a straight-sided hole with measured surface dimensions (e.g., 6" x, 6-) and record in the Field Log Book.

4. Place the sample into the appropriate container as specified in Appendix A. Ensure sufficient sample has been collected.
  • a. If additional soil or sediment is required due to the number and volume of samples that must be collected, obtain the soil or sediment from a location immediately adjacent to the first by following steps 1 through 3 as necessary and remove a similar amount of sample.

Ib. Composite samples collected for nonxadiological analysis should be mixed in a stainless steel bowl or ziptop plastic bag.

5. Large sticks or rocks greater than approximately three inches in size should be:discarded while digging the sample, unless otherwise instructed. Compensate for the lost volume at that depth by collecting additional sample from the same depth as the discarded rock/stick.

uOTE: Where a large rock(s) prevents the collection of an adequate sample, th4&sampling point should be moved slightly to allow a better sample. In such a case, the movement and its- reason should be noted in the Field Log Book.

NOTE: Sticks and rocks less than three inches in size must remain in the sample. They will typically be removed at the laboratory during the sample preparation stage.

Their weight will be accounted for at that time.

6. if required by Appendix A, preserve samples accordingly.
7. Close the container to prev*ent loss of material.
8. Label the container with the sample identification number (or bar code label), date of collection, time of collection, type of analysis (if non-rad), preservation method (if non-rad), and sampler's initials.
9. Ensure that the sample is secure and that the appropriate sample custody documentation (if required) is completed in accordance with DP-8123 [2j as soon as practicable.


-1C0=: Ideally enough asphalt should be collected to provide for a one liter sample after preparation.

1. Using a hammer drill or denolition tool (with the appropriate bit), a cold chisel, or any other appropriate tool, cut a circular hole in the asphalt through its entire thickness.
2. Break up the asphalt sample into small pieces with the hammer drill.

-5 DP-8120 Rev. 7 NOTE: Be careful when breaking up the asphalt pieces with a power tool so that excessive mixing of the asphalt rubble with the upper layer of soil does not occur.

3. Remove the asphalt pieces, taking care to minimize any dirt
  • clinging to the pieces. Place in a suitable container.
4. If required by Appendix A, preserve accordingly.
5. Close the container.
6. Label the container with the sample identification number (or bar code label), date of collection, time of collection, and sampler's initials.
7. Ensure that the sample is :secure and that the appropriate sample custody documentation (if required) is comhpleted in accordance with DP-8123 [2) as soon as practicable.


1. Using the appropriate sampIe collection container as identified in the Table in Appendix A, collect the sample

-directly into the container without pre-rinsing from the liquid.

2. Submerge the lip of the sample container below the liquid surface, filling the container until a slight headspace is present. Remove from the liquid and cap.
3. Samples collected for volatile organic analysis (e.g.

VOC, pesticides) must contain no headspace or air bubbles after capping. To collect these samples:

a. Collect the sample in a separate unused container.
b. Pour the water to the appropriate container using a continuous stream into a pre-preserved container; do not overflow.
  • hen the container is full and a meniscus is present, cap the container and turn the container upside down and inspect for bubbles.
d. If bubbles are presefnt, remove cap and add sample to re-establish meniscus prior to capping. Repeat as necessary.
4. If required by Appendix A, preserve accordingly if not previously provided.

.5. Label the container with the sample identification number, dlate of collection, time 6"T collection, and sampler's initials-

6. Ensure that the sample is -secure and that the appropriate sample custody documentation (if required) is completed in accordance with DP-8123 [2! as soon as practicable.

6* DP-8120 Rev. 7 E. IDENTIFICATION OF SAMPLING POINTS i- If not already described in a sampling plan, describe the location of the sampling site in the Field Log Book by one of the following means:

- Distance measurements to two or more structures (or other identifiable points)

- Detailed drawings Reference to a grid coordinate system

  • Global Positioning System {GPS) measurements

- Any other equivalent method.

2. :Mark the sample location with a semi-permanent marker (e.g.,

wood stake) when one of the methods in step 1 can not be used to identify the sample location.

3. A revised sample location code for radiological samples will

,:be effective with Rev 7 of this procedure. The Safety Oversite Manager or designee will assign the first nine characters in the Location Code for each survey unit material listed using Table 1, Survey Location Codes and Appendix B, Survey Area Description, as guidance. The Location Code is composed of a 12 character alpha numeric string as follows:

Characters 1-5 = Survey Ar-a Identification Character 6 = Survey Unit Code Character 7 = Survey Unit Classification Code Character 8 = Survey Type.Code Character 9 = Material Code Characters 10 - 12 = Survdy Point F. SAMPLING SOIL, ASPHALT, AND CONCRETE FROM EXCAVATION STOCK PILES

a. Ensure that individual piles of soil, asphalt, and concrete are segregated on the following bases:
1) Area of excavation - Soil, asphalt, and concrete excavated from any single area should be kept segregated from other piles until final disposition. Any pile consolidation must be documented.
2) Type of material - Soil should be segregated from asphalt, concrete should be segregated from soil or asphalt. Other materials (e.g., wood.

rebar, metals,ý'or construction debris) are not addressed in this procedure and should be separated from~the soil, asphalt and concrete.

3) Contamination potential - Any soil, asphalt, or concrete kno*n or suspected to be contaminated should be segregated; placed onto a poly tarp and sampled separately. This may be based on site characterization or other survey results.

or on knowledg6 of the area's previous activities. Since site characterization surveys

DP-8120 Rev. 7 have shown that soil contamination in the RCA is generally limited to the top six inches, initially, the top six-inch layer approximately should be segregated and sampled separately when excavating within the RCA.

b. The Safety Oversite Manager or designee will assign a unique number to each soil, asphalt, or concrete stock pile, log the number and other pertinent information on form DPF-8120.!, "and provide the num-ber to the RP Technician performing the sampling.

A revised pile numbýering system will be effective with Rev. 7 of this procedure. The new system will consist of a 14 digit field starting with a P, designating Pile; followed by a 4 digit field for the year; a five digit field for the survey Area ID code; a two digit field for pile type (TS for soil, AS for Asphalt, CT for concrete); and a two digit sequential pile number.

This method retains all of the features of the old system while adding the Survey Area ID so that the pile number identifies the origin of the excavated material.

For example; P20000G021TS04 is the fourth soil pile from survey area 0G021 assigned in year 2000 P2000OG021AS01 is the first asphalt pile from sur-vey area 0G021 assignedrin year 2000

) NOTE: Form DPF-8120.1 will be controlled by the Safety Oversite Manager or his designee.

c. Prepare a suitable map to identify the location of each pile. Label the map with the pile number.
d. Write the pile number (obtained from the Safety Oversite Manager or designee) on two wooden stakes (with a Sharpie or other indelible pen) and drive the stakes solidly into the pile (front and back)
e. Cover each pile with a tarp to minimize the migration of potential contamination due to the forces of wind and rain, etc.
f. Where a pile is pladed on a slope, place bales of hay or silt fence on the down-slope side to catch any run-off.

2NOTE: -In the event that piles are moved, the Safety Oversite Manager or designee shouild be notified so that the pile's location can be tracked, and to ensure thai the pile is clearly labeled in its new location. The new location should be noted on Form DPF-8120.1.

a. If the pile is large enough to make access to the inner volume of thehpile difficult, split the pile into two or more sub-piles (e.g., with a backhoe) to

)allow access.

DP-8120 Rev. 7 b- Collect approximately 30 samples of' at least 100cc each, placing the samples into a plastic bag (more than one (1) plastic bag will be needed). In addition to the pile's unique number the plastic bags will be numbered "l of ##" i.e., I of 2, 1 of 6, etc.

NOTE: A roughly determined grid should be used, and a shovel should be used to allow sampling at varying depths. The goal is to systematically (i.e., uniformly) sample throughout the entire pile volume. Use a Hilti drill as necessary to break up the asphalt and concrete into small pieces. Every effort should be made to ensure that one third of the samples collected are from the surface of the asphalt being excavated.

c. During sampling of soil piles, remove and return to the pile rocks and sticks greater than approximately V inch in size. For asphalt and concrete samples, such rocks bound up in the asphalt or concrete may be removed later during sample preparation.

NOTE: If any large man-made objects are encountered during sampling (e.g., barrel rings, sheet metal), remove them from the pile for separate monitoring. (Monitoring and disposition of this material is outside the scope of this procedure). 7

a. By talking to the excavating contractor, determine how often samples need to be collected to achieve 30 samples from each excavation/pile. A "pile" will consist of no more than approximately 15 cubic yards of soil, asphalt, or: concrete.

NOTE: Multiple "pilets" may result from a single excavation, ba'sed on the criteria in F.l.

b. At the frequency determined above, collect individual samples at least 100cc each directly from the bucket, placing all of these samples in a plastic bag (more than one (1) plastic bag will be needed). In addition to the stock pile's unique number the plastic bags will be numbered " l'of ##' i.e., 1 of 3, 1 of 5, etc.

NOTE: When the excavation is completed, 30 or more samples should have been collected from each stock pile- If not, collect enough additional samples from the stock pile (sample uniformly through the pile's volume) to achieve 30 samples.

-During sampling, rernbve and return to the pile rocks and sticks greater than approximately ' inch in size.

For asphalt or concrete samples, such rocks bound up in the asphalt or cc:%crete may be removed later during sample preparation..'

NOTE: If any large man-made objects are encountered during sampling (e.g., barrel rings, sheet metal) , remove them from the pile for separate monitoring. (Monitoring and disposition of this

  • DP-8120 Rev. 7 material is outside the scope of this procedure).


1. If the samples are part of site characterization:
a. Record all appropriate information in the Field Log Book. As a minimum, include:

Sample date

- Samole time -

  • Sampler's name(s)

Sample location identification code/pile number Sufficient description and/or measurements to allow the sampling site to be identified in the future.

map of area excavated and pile placement as appropriate. ý

b. Any deviations from this procedure that are forced by field conditions (e.g., large rocks or ledge obstructing sampling, etc.) should be noted here.
c. Record sampling information on DPF-8120.1 and DPF-8120.2 as appropriate.
2. If the samples are in support of site release, record sampling information in accordance with AP-0052 [101 .
3. Deliver or arrange delivery of the samples to the designated sample prep or storage location, the DE&S Environmental Lab (DESEL) or another off-site analytical facility.
a. Ensure that a tamper evident seal is affixed to each sample container. Seals shall be initialled and dated by the preparer.
b. For samples submitted to the DESEL, complete form YELF 605.1 and send it with the samples.
c. Fill out a chain of custody form in accordance with DP-8123 [2].

Contact the Radwaste Coordinator for the shipment of any sample(s) containing plant-related radioactivity to any off-site facility.

'P. DECONTAMTNATION OF EQUIPMENT NOTE: Decontamination is performed in three stages, generally by using three buckets as described below. The same method may 5e used in a sink, it available, as long as the same three-step process is used and the drain line is suitably connected for radioactively contaminated waste. The first container is used for removal of gross residue and scrubbing with detergent. The second container, half-filled with clean water, is used for the first rinse. The third container, initially empty, is used to collect the rinsate from a spray bottle, and is generally used only in areas where

DP-8120 Rev. 7 contamination is suspected. Determine in advance whether the decontaminated tool is to be sprayed with methanol as a final step (non-radiological analysis only).

1. Set up three 5-gallon containers as follows:
a. The first container is half filled with water and a small amount of laboratory grade detergent (such as Alconox).
b. The second container is half-filled with clean water.
c. The third container is initially empty. (This
  • container is not needed in areas where contamination is not suspected, e-g., outside the Radiological Control Area.)
2. Don a new pair of latex, nitrile or equivalent gloves.
3. Remove any gross residue from the sampling tool, letting the material (e.g., soil) fail into the hole from which it was

,sampled. If the sampled hole is not immediately available, save the material for appropriate waste disposal. If the tool had last been used outside the Owner Controlled Fence,

.the material may simply ftll onto the ground.

4. Place the used sampling tool in the first container and scrub with a brush.
5. Remove the tool from the first bucket and place the tool in the second bucket. Scrub with another brush.
6. Holding the tool over the third container (or over the ground if in an area where contamination is not suspected, e.g., outside the Radiological Control Area), completely rinse the tool with a squirt bottle of Methanol or clean water.
7. Wrap the cleaned tool in new aluminum foil.
8. Remove the gloves and dispbse of appropriately.

9- Place the decontamination-ý.Huids into a container labeled "Decontamination Waste". "Disposal should be based on a representative sample and :analysis of the water, or as prescribed by the Radiation Protection Department.


1. Samples have been collected and delivered to the appropriate laboratory in accordance with this procedure.
2. At the discretion of the Sample ,Manager/Senior Chemist, the YAEC Condition Reporting System, as defined in AP-0227 [11], has been initiated Lo report and evaluate adverse conditions potentially affecting data quality and to track corrective actions through completjion-.=
3. Documen:ation has been reviewed and retained in accordance with AP-0221 [12).

DI Rev, 7 Table 1 Table I - Survey Location Codes 2 5 6 7 912 x,x ** A X x x x Survey Area ID Code Survey Unit Code survey Unit Classification Survey Type Code Survey Material Code Survey Point code See Survey Area A Upper Walls/Ceillng A = Affected C = Characterization A = Asphalt (EXterior) Numbered List B = Floors/Lower Walls N = Non-LuspecU Affected F = Final Status D = Poured Concrete Floor LI' Sequentially C r Ceiling S = Suspect Affected C = General Information C = Concrete.

D t Suh Floor U = Uniffected .- =.lnvestlgati.on D = SoilI (Distureod) 900 Series Samle E = Equipnent 1 = Class I M - MARSSIM K = Poured Concrete Wall' Rumnbors Reserved F = Floors 2 = Class 2 R = Free Release F = Poured Concrete Floor' for QA Sszmles G v Grounjs 3 = Class 3 S - Special G = Generic L = Lower WaIls 4 = Non-impacted T = Turnover H = Block wall, P Pile' X = NA I = Ignored S = System J = Generic' U = Upper Walls K - Generic' X - Structural E.xterior b = Sediment (Silt)

H - Asphalt (Interior)

N - Sediment (Sand)

O = Other P = Porcelain Q - ACoustiC Ceiling Tile K - Roof Material S - Poured Concrete Floor L2' T Poured Concrete Floor L3I U - Soil (Undisturbed)

V = Poured Concrete Ceiling Li' W= Water X - Poured Concrete Ceiling L21 Y - Poured Concrete Ceiling. L31 Z, Generr ic 0' Survey material codes used for the Turbine Building survey units Survey material code used for the interior surfaces of System survey areas Piles of Soil, Asphalt or Concrete


Container Prearvatlon Minimum

  • b,., Volume orSample Weight Maximum Holding Time AlkaliniLy G 4,OC 100 ml 14 days Common anions PG None Required 50 ml 28 Days for Dr' F, and SO,", 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> for NO,*, N0 2 ', and P0 4" and P,G,T 0 4 C;NaOH to pH>12, 500 ml each 14 days (water and soil) amenable to 0.6g ascorbic acid chlorination _ I Filterable residue P,G 0 4 C 100 ml 7 days Nonfilterable residue P,G. 4C 100 ml 7 days Hydrogen ion (pH) PO None required N/A Analyze immediately Nitrogen, nitrate P PC 40C, H2 SO to pH nitrite 4 <2 100 ml 28 days Conductance P,G None required 100 ml 28 days Temperature P,G None reqli red N/A Analyze immediately Dissolved oxygen G None required 500 ml Analyze immediately Turbidity P,G 4% 100 ml 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> Settleable Solids P,G None required 1000 ml A48 hours Total organic carbon P,C, 4°C, HCl or HSO, to 25 ml or 10 g pH 28 days (water and soil)

<2 Chromium (VI) P,G,T V°C 200 g t 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (water and soil)

Mercury ,P,G,T HNO, to pH <2, 40C 100 ml or 10 g 28 days (water and soil)

Metals (except chromium P,G,T HNO1 to pH <2, 40C 200 ml or 10 g 180 days (water and soil)

(VI) and mercury)

(1 liter or 500 g Includes Radiolotlical for radiological)

a. Polyethylene (P); glass(G): brass sleeves in the sample barrel, sometimes called California brass (T)
b. No pH adjustment for soil.
c. Preservation with 0,008 percent NAS 2O, is only required when residual chlorine is present.
d. Samples collected for radiological analysis do not require cooling to 40 C.
e. Do not acidify solutions to be analyzed for isotopes of Carbon, Technicium and Iodine.

The maximum recommended holding time for completion of extraction into water is 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />. The extract shall be analyzed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of completion of extraction.

0 0

Appendix A ev,. 7 Nqea Container Preservation Minlmum Sa=ple Kaximum Holding Time I I I, Volumte or Weight Total petroleum G, Teflon - lined 4QC,HCI to pH<2 2 x 40 ml or 14 days (water and soil); 7 days if hydrocarbons (TTPH) - septum, T 4 ounces unpreserved by acid volatile Total petroleum *,amber,T 40 C 1 liter or I days until extraction and 40 days hydrocarbons (TPH) - ounces after extraction (water); 14 days extractable until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil)

Volatile aromatics  :: . TeflonT -. lined 41C, HCU, Lu p01<2, 2 x 40 ml or 14 days (water arid soil); 7 days it septum,T 0.008% Na2 S2O1 4 ounces unpreserved by acid Halogenated volatiles G, Teflon - lined 4 0 C, HCI to pf1<2, 2 x 40 ml or 14 days (water and soil); 7 days if septum,T 0.008% NaISa1 4 ounces unpreserved by acid Nitrosamines G, Teflon - lined 40 C I liter or 10 9 7 days until extraction and 40 days cap, T after extraction (water) ; 14 days until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil)

Chlorinated herbicides G, Teflon - lined 40 C, pH 5-9 1 liter or 10 g 7 days until extraction and 40 days cap, T after extraction (water); 14 days until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil)

a. Polyethylene (P); glass(G); brass sleeves in the sample barrel, sometimes called California brass (T).
b. No pH adJusts neilt tot soi I, 1 ":ý ,.. . . ..
c. Preservation with 0.008 percent NASO, is only required when residual chlorine is present,

DP-8120 Avpendix A Rev, 7 Name Container Preservation Minimum Saarme Maximum Holding Time I jba, j Volume or W:ight Organochlorine G, Teflon - lined 4 C, pH 5-9 pesticides and 1 liter or 30 Y 7 days until extraction and 40 days cap), T after extraction (water); 14 days polychlorinated biphenyls (PCOs) until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil)

Organophosphorus G, Teflon - lined 4oC, pH 5-9 pesticides/ compound!; 1 liter or 7 days until extraction and 40 days cap, T 8 ounces after extraction (water) ; 14 days until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil)

Semivolatile organicn G, Teflon( - lined 4'C, 0.008% NaIS;O, 1 liter or 7 days until extraction and 40 days cap, T 8 ounces after extraction (water); 14 days until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil)

Volatile organics G, Teflon - lined 40 C, 0.008% NaSO, 2 x 40 ml or 14 days (water and soil); 7 days if septum, T (HCI to pH <2 for 4 ounces unpreserved by acid.

volatile aromatics by SW8240 and SW8260)h Polynuclear aromatic G, Teflon - lined 4*C, store in dark, I liter or 10 g 7 days until extraction and 40 days hydrocarbons (PIl0s) cap, T 0.008% NaS 2O, after extraction (water); 14 days until extraction and 40 days after extraction (soil) a, Polyethylene (P); qlass(G): brass sleeves in the sample barrel, sometimes called California brass (T)

h. No pH adjustment for soil.
c. Preservation with 0.008 percent NA*S 2 O is only required when residual chlorine is present.

DP- R -P Appenciix A Rev, I Name Container ervation Minimum Sample Maxim=u Holding Time 1_ __,_d _ I Volume or Weight I Dioxins and furans G,TeflonZ- lined cap, 4 0 C, 0,008% Na2 S20 , 1 liter or 10 g 30 days until extraction and 45 T days after extraction (water and soil)

Ethylene dibromide G,Teflont- lined cap, 40C, 0.008% Na'S'0, 2 x 40 ml 28 days (water)

(EDB) T Explosive residues P,G,T Cool, 4WC I liter or 7 days to extraction (water), 14 8 ounces idays to extraction (soil); analyze-

,_.__.__._i__,.,"__ _____ . within 40 days after extraction TCLP G,Teflont- lined cap, Cool, 41C 1 liter or 250 g 14 days to TCLP extraction and 14

'days after extraction (volatiles);

14 days to TCLP extraction and 40 days after extraction (semivolatiles); 28 days to TCLP extraction and 28 days after extraction (mercury);180 days to TCLP extraction and 180 days after extraction (metals).

a. Polyethylene (P); gleAs (C); brass sleeves in the sample barrel, sometimes called California brass (T).
b. No pH adjustment for noil.
c. Preservation with 0.008 percent NaSaO, is only required when residual chlorine is present.

-I- DP-8120 Rev. 7 Appendix B APPEUDIX S SVRVLEY AJkZA DESCRIPTION A~rea Sut-vay ZAra-a Description Axe& S urve? 2Arca D~excription DG 00 'A' Diesel Generator Room SB017 Clean Maintenance Shop Tool Crib DGO02 'B' Diesel Generator Room SB018 Clean Maintenance Shop DO003 'C' Diesel Generator Room 2 DG004 MCC Switchgear Room SB019 Clean Maintenance Shop Mezzanine nd DG005 Battery Room Floor DG006 Safety Injection System Area SB020 Northeast Office Areas DG007 Accumulator Tank Room SB021 Service Building East Corridor DG008 Electrical Manhole Sa022 Service Building Main Stores Area OB01 Maintenance Pole Building SB023 Document Control Center OB002 Training Complex SB024 ln'strumentation Calibration OB003 YAEC Visitors Center Laboratory OB004 Gate House S-9025 Service Building Southeast Stores OB005 Office Building Area OB006 Pump House SB026 Service Building Lunch Room OB000 Modular Office Building SB027 Second Floor Corridor 08009 Warehouse SB02.8 Second Floor West Offices OB009 South Trailer Complex SB029 Second Floor East Offices 0B010 North Trailer Complex S!3030 Second Floor South Offices OB011 Security Diesel Generator Building SBD31 Mechanical Equipment Room Southwest Structural Exteriors SS003 Circulating Water/Service Water OE002 Northwest Structural Exteriors SS010 Fire Protection and Detection DE003 North Structural Exteriors S5016 Turbine Building Floor Drains UE004 Northeast Structural Exteriors SS027 Potable H20 OE005 East Structural Exteriors s5b28 Roof Drains i/s OCA and o/s RCA 0E006 Warehouse Exterior SS029 Roof Drains i/s RCA OG001 Northwest Buffers Zone S5030 Misc. Ventilation Northeast Buffers Zone TR00! Southwest Stairwell - Ground Floor OG003 Southeast Buffers Zone TB002 Boiler Feed Pump -rea - West 00004 Southwest Buffers Zone T003 Boiler Feed Pump A-rea - East 0GO05 Switch Yard Area T_3D04 Turbine Building Elevator/Machine 0G006 Southwest Open.'"and Area Room 00007 South Open LandArea TD005 Heating and Boiler Room OG008 Southeast Construction Fill Area T'2006 Ground Floor - Southeast General Area O000 9 East Open Land Area TLL07 Ground Floor - South central General 0GO09 Area OGOII Northeast Open Land Area OG011 North Open Land Area TBOOS Ground Floor - Southwest General Area Northwest Open Land Area TB009 Ground Floor - Northwest General Area OGG013 East Storm Drain Outfall Area TS010 Ground Floor - West Central General O0014 Training Center Parking Lot Area G0015 Primary Parking Lot TBOII Ground Floor - North Central General 00016 East Construction Fill Area Area 00017 West Storm Drain Outfall TBO12 Ground Floor - Central General Area OG018 North Buffers Zone TB013 Ground Floor - East Central General OGG i9 Shermann Pond Outfall Prea Area OG020 South Buffer Zone TE014 Ground Floor - Northeast General Area GOG21 ISFSI Access Road TBOC15 Ground Floor - Lube Oil Room PA001 - Mezzanine Floor Charging / Purification Cubicles TBD16 Southwest Stairwell PA009 PAB Sump/Gravity Drain Tank Cubicle TBO17 Switchgear Room PA012 Primary Drain Collection Tank Room TB0I8 Battery Rooms PA013 Cubicle Corridor Pipe Trench TBO19 Fan Room PA014 Vertical Pipe Chase T5020 Mezzanine Floor - Northeast General PA015 LPST / SDC Cubicles Area PA020 CCV/EFeJ Pumps Aiea T B721 Mezzanine Floor - Southeast General PAD21 Cubicle Corridor Area PA022 South General A1rea TBa222 Mezzanine Floor - Southwest General PA023 North General Area Area PA024 Hydrogen Storage Room TB1023 Mezzanine Floor - Northwest General PA025 CCW HTX/Surge Tank Room Area

-PA026 Chem Sample/PASS Room TB024 Control Room Kzitrhem Area

?A027 Valve Room TB025 Control Room PA028 Low Pressure Surge Tank Room TB027 Operating Floor - Southeast Hall' way PA029 Ventilation Equipment Room TB028 Operating Floor - Southeast Gene ral PAD30 Non-Radioactive Pipe Gallery Area PA031 Radioactive Pipe Tunnel TB029 Operating Floor - South Central PRO0l YABC Property Residuum General Area SBOUI South Decontamination Room Operating Floor - Southwest Gene ral SB002 North Decontamination Room Area SB003 Hot Weld Shop T1B0 .31. Operating Floor - Northwest Gene.ral SBOO04 Maintenance Shop Area SB005 Decon Room Operating Floor - Modular Office 5 TB03 ' Operating Floor - North Central SS006 Radiation Protection Counting Room SB007 RCA Egress Area General Area TB035 Operating Floor - Northeast Gene:ra I RCA Access Area S8009 RCA Dressout Area Area SBOOl TB03 6 Operating Floor Crane S8011 Radiochemistry Laboratory TB03 7 Locker Room Operating Floor Ceiling SB012 Body Count Room/Clean Facilities TBOS Cable Tray Room SB01 3 UA907 Unaffected 75 Percent GLV Plant Laboratori UGq01I SB014 Service Building Main Corridor u1003 Under Primary Auxiliary Building SB015 Water Treatment 'Room Under Waste Disposal Building

DP-8120 Rev. 7 Appendix B Axea Survey Area Description Area Survey Area Description VC Elevator Structural Exterior UG004 Under PCA Storage Building #1 VCOOl VC Skin Under .:ioShield - SW Quad YýEO 17 Small Activated Area on Top of VC VC002 VC Skin Under BioShield - N'W Quad Exterior Surface of VC Below Yio 16 VC003 VC Skin Under BioShield - NE Quad Equipment Hatch VC004 VC Skin Under'bioShield - SE Quad Miscellaneous Yard Exteriors VCO05 Underside of BioShield - SW Quad Transformer Yard VCO06 Underside of BioShield - NWI Quad YG 001 Northwest Yard Area VC007 Underside of BioShield - NE Quad Y3004 Southwest Yard Area VC008 Underside of BioShield - SE Quad YGD05 South Yard Area VC009 VC Skin Lower Section - SW Quad Southeast Yard Area VCO10 VC Skin Lower Section NW Quad YGO06 Northeast Yard Area VC0Il VC Skin Lower Section ~ NE Quad YGO 07 Central Yard Area VC012 VC Skin Lower Section - SE Quad YG0OG Tank Farm VC013 Lower Outer BioShield Wall - SW Quad YSO0l Fire Water Pump House VC014 Lower Outer BioShield Wall - NW Quad YS002 Safe Shutdown System Building - South VCO15 Lower Outer BioShield Wall - NE Quad YS003 Safe Shutdown System Building -

VCOI6 Lower Outer BioShield Wall - SE Quad Center VC017 Brass Drain Box Sloped Floor Area - Safe Shutdown System Building - North YSO005 South PCA Storage Building #2 YS006 VC018 Brass Drain Box Sloped Floor Area - PCA Storage Building #1 North YS 007 Waste Holdup Tank Moat VC019 VC Equipment Hatch Activity Dilution Storage Tank Moat YS008 Pipe Trench VC020 Brass Drain Box Area Ion Exchange Pit VC021 Loop ýI Mezzanine Area YSO010 Ion Exchange Pit VC022 Pressurizer Me z-anine Area Vapor Container Elevator YS012 VC023 Loop #2 Mezzanine Area Miscellaneous Yard Structures YSýO 12 VC024 Loop 03 Mezzanrine Area Radioactive Laboratory Sump Cubicle VC025 Loop #4 Mezzanine Area VC026 Feed & Bleed HWX Room VC027 Loop#1 Area VC028 Pressurizer Area VC029 Loop#2 Area VC030 Loop#3 Area VC031 Loop#4 Area VC032 Shield Tank Cavity VC033 Reactor Vessel Bioshield Concrete VC034 Charging Floor - Loop#l G/A VC03S Charging Floor- Loop#2 G/A VC036 Charging Floor - Loop#3 G/A VCO37 Charging Floor - Loop#4 G/A VC038 Charging Floor - Central G/A VC039 Upper Outer BioShield Wall - SW Quad VC040 Upper Outer BioShield Wall - NW Quad VC041 Upper Outer BioShield Wall - NE Quad VC042 Upper Outer BioShield Wall - SE Quad VC043 VC Skin Upper Section - SW Quad VC044 VC Skin Upper Section - NW Quad VC045 VC Skin Upper Section - NE Quad VC046 VC Skin Upper S'ection - SE Quad VC047 VC Skin Dome Area - SW Quad VC046 VC Skin Dome Area - In Quad VC049 VC Skin Dome Area - NE Quad VC050 VC Skin Dome Area - SE Quad VC052 VC Airlock and Platfor-m VC900 Vapor Container Test VC907 VC Weighted Mean WD001 PCA 'Warehouse - West General Area WD002 PCA Warehouse - East General Area WD003 Waste Disposal Building Corridor WD004 Drumming Pit WD005 Drunm Drxying Area WD006 Waste Compactor Building WD007 North General Area WD008 Waste Disposal building Pipe Trenches WDO09 Liquid Waste Transfer PuiV Room WDO1 Distillat.'e Cubicle Ccuvnyetor WD01I Evaporator Cubicle VDC12 Waste Gas Compressor Room YE001 Turbine Buildindg Eerior YE002 Auxiliary Bay Eýterior YE0O3 Service Building. Exterior YEOC.4 Vapor Container r*Exterior - Top Half YE005 Vapor ContainerExterior - Bottom Half YE0O6 Diesel Generato0 Building Exterior YEOG7 Primary Auxiliary Building Exterior YE008 Primary Auxiliary Building Roof YEOO9 Safe Shutdown System Building Exterior YE010 Fire Water Storage Tank/Purrphouse Exterior Y'E011 Waste Disposal Building Exterior YE012 PCA Storage Building #2 Exterior YE013 PCA Storage Building #1 Exterior


e.g., P2000OG,021TS04 is the fourth soil pile from survey area 0G021 assigned in year P2000OG021ASO1 is the first asphalt pile from survey area OG021 assigned in year2000 2000 2P0.1


  • ile Number Date/Time of Sample Collection Sanplers Name Soil [ I Asphalt I ]

Concrete Part 1: LABORATORY RESULTS Sample Spectr-um Net Positive Activity (pCi/g) Fraction of Sum of Number Number Guideline 2 Fractions2 (Each (Total Nuclide) Sample)

Nuclides Concentration'

____ I ___ I ___

"ND" indicates no positive activity detected 2 Soil only Evaluation perfor-med by Date Part 2: DISPOSITION OF MATERIAL The determination of acceptance of material for unconditional release is accomplished utilizing AP-0052.

Disposition of pile: __________________________________Date:__________

Final Review by: Date:

(RP Supervision)


Appendix E Boring Logs p


DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW- I OOA Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zamunow Date Started: 5-Aug-03 Date Finished: 5-Aug-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diam: 2" Length: 10, Slot Size: 0.010 Casing Diam: 2" Length: 10' Type: Schec Boring Depth: 20' Well Depth: 20' Boring Diam.: 5-5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 8.55' On-Site GW Analysis: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories I

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description

-2 Well Construction Details:



-4 0-1' : Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1-6': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 6s 6'-8.3': Bentonite Chip Seal 8.3'-20': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack

-7 0-10': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser

-8 10'-20': Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen

-9 20': Bottom of Boring

- t III

- 12

- 13

- 14

- 15

- 16

- 17

- t8

- 19

- 20 Bottom of Boring at 20' bgs Key to Well Construction

[-5j Sandpack Well Screen Grout Bentonite Seal E Cement

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-100B ERM Boston,tMA02116 MWIOOB Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh I OOA Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow, Oiden Gonzales Date Stonted: I-Aug-03 Date Finished: 5-Aug-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Vapor Screen Dian: 2" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Container Casing Diam: 2" Length: 32.9' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Boring Depth: 42.9' Well Depth: 42.9' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 9.38' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories 9/11/03 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FID Cone. Lab Sample 5 &

(ppm) HS Analyses-SILT 2' 2' Brown, loose to medium loose, poorly sorted SILT, some Clay, 0-2' 0.0 some to little Gravel, Cobbles, Boulders; dry'.

2 SAND 3' 3 Brown to Orange-Brown, loose, poorly sorted SAND, little 2-5' 0.0 4 Cobbles/Gravel, some to little Boulders; dry.

5 6

"Brown to Orange-Brown, loose, poorly sorted SAND, little SAND 5.5' 5.5' -Gravel, Cobbles, little Boulders (4-8" diameter); dry. 5'-10.5' 0.0 1/2" black layer at-4' (suggests fill).

9 10 I BOULDER 1' 1' Guessic Boulder (13" diameter). 10.5'-11.5 NA 12 BOULDER 1' 1' -Gray Gneissic Boulder, broken-up pulverized sections. 11.5'-12.5 NA 13 14SAND 3.5' 3.5' Brown, loose, poorly sorted SAND, some Silt, little Clay, little 12.5'-16' 0.0 Cobbles, Boulders; dry, wet at bottom.

16 17 Brown to Dark Gray, medium loose to dense fine to coarse SAND -SAND and Silt, some Clay, little Cobbles, little Boulders; 10- -

8260B -

19 grading downwards to coarser Sand with higher frequency of wet.

Cobbles at bottom of interval;


-21 ______ _____


-22 2' 2' - Brown to Gray-Brown, dense, moderately well sorted SILT, little 21F-23' 0.6 Gravel/Pebbles, trace Cobbles, trace Clay; dry'.

-23SILT 11' Brown to Gray-Brown, dense, moderately well sorted SILT, litt t trace SL Gravel/Pebbles, little Boulders; dry to moist. 23'-24' 1.2 BOULDER 0.5' 0.5' Black to Dark Gray-Light Gray gneissic rock/some pulverized material; dry. 24.5'-25' NA NOTES: Key to Well Construction I Similar or equal to background levels

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted I Sandpack M Well Screen
  • Grout NA= Not Applicable Bentonite Seal EM Cement

399Boylston Street, 6th Floor Pa DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-100B ERM Boston,LMA*02116 ge 2 of 2 Dep 1 Boring Lo Stratigraphy Penetration I Recovery It Soil Core Description Depth FIDCone. Lab Samnple# &

r (pp.) HS Analyses*

0-1': Broken-up gneiss boulder, quartz Cobbles, SAND 2' 1.5' 1.5': Brown, loose, poorly sorted SAND, some 125'-27' 0.0 Gravel/Cobbles; dry.

-27 GNEISSIC ROCK 2' T Light Gray, loose, well sorted pulverized rock (rock at tip of 27'-29' NA

  • 28 . core barrel, top of bedrock at 27.5' bgs). N
  • 29 -

-30 -

-33 -

-34 - -Black and White, strongly foliated gneiss with albite veins dipping at -30' from horizontal; fracture surfaces bear discolored (reddish-brown) weathering rind; middle core highly GW-2

-36 - BEDROCK 14' 12' - fractured (noted by drillers by varying penetration rates) and 29'-43' NA VOC-highly broken-up; large fracture zone at 42'-43' along quartzite 8260B

-37 .

zone--moderate discoloration; other fracture zones at 29', 32',

-38 -40'.


-40 .


-42 .

-43 Bottom of Boring at 42.9' bgs.

Well Construction Details:

0-1' : Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1'-28': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 28'-3 1': Bentonite Chip Seal 3 '-42.9': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0'-32.9': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 32.9'-42.9': Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen 42.9': Bottom of Boring NOTES:

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

ING WOG ll # mw-oic399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor DRIL fr W ERSTE MAP DRILLING LOG for Well #I: MW-IOIC ERM Boston, MA02116 6fo WW-107 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co.: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zamnmow Date Started: 13-Aug-03 Date Finished: 15-Aug-03 Location: Rowe, MassachuesUs Drilling Method: Rotosonic MW-totB Screen Diam.: 2.0" Length: 5' Slot Size: 0.010" MW-t0tC#

Casing Diamn.: 2.0" Length: 94' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Boring Depth.: 99' Well Depth: 99' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Vapor Container Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 34.20' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories 12-Sep-03 FID Cone. Lab Sample # &

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses 15 Well Construction Details:

20 0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1'-90': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 90'-92.1': Bentonite Chip Seal 92.1'-99': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-94': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 94'-99': 0.0 10" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen 99': Bottom of Boring

- o m B a9

- 100 -

Bottom of Boring at 99' bgs

  • Results of on-Site radiological activity <MDL unless otherwise noted Key to Well Construction WSandpack Eý]Well Screen 0 Grout

-Bentonite Seal EECement

399 ERM Boylston Stroet, 6th Floor +

DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-101B ERM Boston,MA02II6 F Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 V - MW-t0 E Logged by: Michael Horesh/Eugene Gabay M Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Drilling Co: DL Maher Driller: Chris Huther, Bill Zammow Date Started: 06-Aug-03 Date Finished: 13-Aug-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: RotoSonic MW-I_01B Screen Diam: 2.5 Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" MW-IetC Casing Diam: 2.5" Length: 142' Type: Schedule 80, 2.5" PVC Vapor Container Boring Depth: 156' Well Depth: 152' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 20.68' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories 12-Sep-03 FID Cone. Lab Sample 0 &

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses*

-2 Brown to Dark Brown, loose, poorly sorted coarse SAND SAND & GRAVEL 5' 2.5' and GRAVEL, little Gravel at top 1' of interval, little 0-5' 0.0

-Cobbles, little to trace Boulders; moist.

4 0-I': Brown to Dark Brown, medium loose, moderately well sorted SILT, SILT -some t3' to little fine Sand, some to little Pebbles, trace Clay; moist to wet.

5'-8' 0.0 7 1'-3': Brown-Gray, medium dense, moderately well to poorly sorted, SILT and Clay, trace Gravel, trace Pebbles; dry.

9 BOULDER 1.5' 1.5' -Light Gray to Gray Boulder-broken into multiple pieces. 8'-9.5' 0.0 t _ Brown to Gray Brown, dense to very dense, poorly sorted, SILT & CLAY 2' 2' broken-up CLAY, SILT, some Pebbles, some to little 9.5'- 11.5 N/A l -Boulders, trace Gravel.

12 Brown to Dark Gray-Brown, loose, poorly sorted, medium GW-t 13 SAND & SILT 3.5' 3.5' SAND and SILT, little to some Cobbles, some Gravel, little 11.5-15' 0.0 VOC -

14 -Boulder; moist. 8260B -


-16 17 Brown to Gray Brown, dense to very dense, poorly sorted SILT & CLAY 5' 4.9' SILT and CLAY, some to little, fine to medium angular 15'-20' 0.0 18 -Gravel, little Cobbles; moist to dry.



-Gray to Dark Gray-Brown, poorly sorted, very dense SILT, 22 SILT 4' 4' some Clay, little, fine to medium angular Gravel/Cobbles, 20'-24' 0.0 S23 trace Boulder; dry.

-24 ______

-25 __________________________________________________________ _______

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise note( Key to Well Construction N/A=Not Applicable Sandpack E Well Screen 0 Grout
  • Bentonite Seal ] Cement

ERM DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-101B ERM 399Boston, MA 02116Pa BoylstonStreet, 6thFloor Page e 22 ofo 4 FID Conc. Lab Sample # &

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses*

- 26 - Light Gray to Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and SILT & CLAY 4' 4' 24'-28' 0.0

- 27 -CLAY, some Sand, little Gravel/Cobbles/Pebbles; dry.

- 28

- 29

-30 I': Black gneissic boulder with foliated quartz 1'-5': Gray-Brown, dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY,

-31 SILT 7' 7' -little angular Pebbles/Gravel/Cobbles; dry. 28'-35' 0.0

- 32 5'-7': Brown, dense to very dense, poorly sorted SILT and SAND, little to trace Clay; little Gravel/Pebbles/Cobbles;

- 33 dry.

- 34

- 35



- 38 0-2': Brown, poorly sorted, medium dense to medium

- 39 loose, fine to medium SAND, little Pebbles/Cobbles; wet. GW-2

- 40 SILT 10' 10' -2'-10': Gray to Gray-Brown, very dense, poorly sorted 35'-45' 0.0 VOC SILT, some CLAY, little Gravel, Pebbles (*Boulder at 6'- 8260B

-41' 7'), trace Cobbles; dry.


- 43

- 44


- 46

- 47 3.5': Dark Gray-Brown, dense, poorly sorted SILT,

- 48

-some fine to medium Sand, little Clay, little Cobbles, SILT 7' 7' Gravel, Pebbles; moist. 45'-52' 0.0

- 49 -3.5'-7': Light Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT,

- 50 some to little Sand, little Clay, little Pebbles/Cobbles, dry.

- 51I

- 52

- 53 54

-Dark Gray to Dark Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, SILT 5' 5' some Clay, some to little Gravel, little Pebbles, traced 52'-57' 0.0

- 55

-Cobbles; dry.

56 57

-58 Brown to Dark Brown to Dark Gray-Brown, very dense,

-59 SILT 4' 4' -poorly sorted SILT, some Clay, some Gravel/Pebbles, trace 57'-61' 0.0 Cobbles; dry.

-60 61 -

0-2': Brown medium dense, poorly sorted SAND and

-62 -

SILT, some Pebbles, trace Cobbles, some to little Gravel; GW-3

-63 - SILT 4' 4' - dry to moist. 61'-65'1 0.0 VOC 2'-4': Brown, well sorted, dense SILT, some to little Sand, 8260B some to little Clay, minor indications of varves; moist.

65 Kill V_ýZ_______ ___ J ____________________ __ ___+/-____

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

ERM DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-101B ERM 399 Boston, MA 02116 Boylston Street, 6th Floor 1 Page 3 of 4 FID Cone. Lab Sample 8 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration I Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth i (ppm) ItS I & Analyses*

-66 -

-67 - _ 0-l': Gray, Silty Till, some Gravel; moist.

CLAY 5, 5' 1'-5': Gray, very dense, silty Clay, some 65'-70' 0.0

-68 - - Cobbles/Boulders; dry.

-69 -

-70 -

-71 -

CLAY 5' 3' Gray, very dense, Silty Clay, some Cobbles/Boulders; dry. 70'-73' 0.0

-72 -

-73 -

-74 -

Brown to gray-brown, dense to very dense, moderately

-75 .

SAND & SILT 4.5' 4.5' -well sorted fine Sand and Silt, little Clay, some to little 73'-77.5 0.0

-76 . -Gravel, little Pebbles, trace Cobbles; moist.

- 77 .

- 78

-79 _

0-2': Brown fine to coarse, well sorted loose SAND; wet.

-80 - -2'-4': Olive, very fine SAND and Silt, poorly sorted, GW-4 -

SAND 6.5' 6.5' dense; wet. 77.5'-84 0.0 VOC-

- 81 -

4'-6.5': Olive Silt, very dense and fine subangular Gravel, 8260B

- 82 - -unsorted, 2-5mm stringers of fine Sand; moist.

-83 .

- 84 -

- 86 -

- 87 -

2': Brown-Gray, medium loose to medium dense, coarse to fine SAND and SILT, some angular Gravel; wet.

- 88 - -2'-5.5': Dark Gray-Blue, very dense, poorly sorted varved SILT7' 7

- 89 .

S SILT, some Clay, some fine to angular Gravel; moist.

5.5'-7': Varved Silt and Clay with 1-3mm gray Sand

- 90 - interbeds, trace fine Gravel, dense; moist.

-91 .

- 92 -

0-I': Gray, loose, well sorted coarse SAND, some Gravel;

- 93 -

SAND 3' 3' moist to wet.

- 94 - 1'-3': Gray, very coarse to coarse SAND, some Gravel some Cobbles; moist to wet.

- 95 .

-96 -

- 97 1-3': Gray-Blue, poorly sorted, dense fine SAND and

- 98 -

SILT, some angular Gravel, some Cobbles; moist.

- 99 - SAND & SILT 8' 8' -3'-8': Gray-Blue, poorly sorted, very dense fine SAND and SILT, some angular Gravel and Cobbles, little

-100 -

Boulders; moist.



  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

S 399 noylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: ERM Boston,MA02116 Page 4 of FID Conc. Lab Sample # &

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration jRecovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses.


-106-0-4': Brown-Gray, very dense fine SAND and SILT, little

-107- -Cobbles; moist.

SAND & SILT 7' 7' 103'- 110' 0.0

-108- _4'-10': Gray varved Silt and Clay with some Sand, dense,



- Ill Si fine to coarse angular Gravel, moderately well sorted; wet.

-112 SAND 5' 5' Brown to Gray, medium loose to medium dense, well 110'-115' 0.0

-113 sorted fine to medium SAND; wet.



-116 SAND 3' 3' Brown, loose, medium to fine SAND, little Gravel; wet. 115'-I 18' 0.0


-Brown to Gray, dense SILT, some Clay, some Boulders; GW-6 -

SILT 3' 3' 118'-121' 0.0 VOC-

-120 dry. 8260B -

- 121


-123 2': Brown, dense, poorly sorted medium SAND and

-SILT, some angular Pebbles; wet.


$7 SAND & SILT 7.5' 7.5' 2'-5': Brown, loose coarse to fine SAND, some Silt, some 121-128.5' 0.0

-125 angular Gravel, some Cobbles, wet.

5'-7.5': Brown, dense, fine SAND and SILT, some

-126-Cobbles, , some angular Gravel, moist to wet.

-127 I

-128 0-0.5': Brown to orange-brown, medium dense, fie to coarse SAND and SILT, GW-7

-129-SAND & SILT 1.5' 1.5' [some GravelpCobbles; wet. 128.5'-130' 0.0 voc-0.5-2': Weathered Schist Boulder. 8260B


- 133 7 0-10': Black to Dark Gray albite gneiss; highly broken-

-139- K UI up/fractured (RQD<5%); reddish-brownish discoloration

-on rock surfaces (142').

10'-13.5': Black to Dark Gray albite Gneiss, higher GW-8

-142 BEDROCK 25' 18.5' competency (RQD>95%), higher incidence of quartz, 130'-156' 0.0 VOC-

-145- - strongly foliated. 8260B 13.5'-18.5': Black to dark Gray albite Gneiss, strongly

-148 foliated, moderately competent (RQD >90%); some 151 - schistose zones--mostly gneissic.

154 157-Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox V-1 38.2': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 138.2'-140.2': Bentonite Chip Seal 140.2-156': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-142': Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Riser 142'-152': 0.010" Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Screen 156': Bottom of Boring 0-11.5': 8" Steel Casing Grouted in Place

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

ERM 399B1oylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-102A ERM BostonMA02116MW-102B Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 N. -

Client. Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh MW-102A MWI107 Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow Date Started: 30-Jul-03 Date Finished: 31-Jul-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic MWl0tE Screen Diamn: 2" Length: 5' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diamn: 2" Length: 33' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Vapor Container Boring Depth: 38' Well Depth: 38' Boring Diamn.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 13.7' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analysis: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories 18-Aug-03 Depth 2 Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth S (ppm) HS LabAnalyses Sasple # &

4 Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1'-29': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout IS1 29'-3 1': Bentonite Chip Seal 12 31F-38': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack

-14 0-33': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser

-16 33'-38': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen t8 38': Bottom of Boring








-36 38 Bottom of Boring at 38' bgs Key to Well Construction E Sandpack FE: Well Screen [ Grout M Bentonite Seat Ea Cement

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-102C ERM Boston, MAO02116 MW-l2B Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 M -

Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh MW-I 02A MV.'-07 Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow Date Started: 25-Jul-03 Date Finished: 30-Jul-03 Location: Rowe, Massachuestts Drilling Method: Rotosonic MW-t0l Screen Diam: 2" Length: 5' Slot Size: 0.010" S Casing Diam: 2" Length: 94' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Vapor Container Boring Depth: 99' Well Depth: 99' Boring Diarn.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 35.8' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-I 34, Cs-I 37 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories 18-Aug-03 FID Conc Lab Sample # &

Depth Well Log Statigraphy Penrmrxtion Rceovcry Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm)HS Analyses 10 I5 20 25



-40 -41 __ __


-50Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1'-9 1': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 65 91'-92.5': Bentonite Chip Seal 92.5'-99': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack

-70 0-94': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 94'-99': 0.0 10" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen -

80 -99': Bottom of Boring o B 90o Bottom of Boring at 99' bgs

  • Results of on-Site radiological activity <MDL unless otherwise noted Key to Well Construction E Sandpack E Well Screen Grout Bentonite Seal 0 Cement

I ERM 399 B~o,.

r 1

DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-102B ERM Boston Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow, 0 iden Gonzales Date Started: 17-Ju .1-03 Date Finished: 24-Jul-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Dians: 2" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2" Length: 120.2' Type: Schedul Boring Depth: 131.5' Well Depth: 130.2' Boring Diam.: 5.5" I Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 23.6' On-Site GW Anralyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories

-I1 18-Aug-03 I

Depth Boring Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description I 2':

- Brown, loose to medium loose, poorly sorted medium to fine SAND, trace Gravel, little Pebbles, little Cobbles; 2 SAND & - moist.

3 GRAVEL '2'-5': Brown to Dark Brown, medium dense, poorly sorted rounded Cobbles, some Gravel, little Pebbles, little Silt; motst

-to very moist.

-,5 0-2': Brown to Dark Brown, loose, poorly sorted medium to coarse

-6SAND, little Gravel, little Pebbles, trace to little Cobbles; moist.

S7 2'-4.5': Brown to Dark Brown, medium dense, poorly sorted, SAND 5' 5 medium to coarse SAND, little to rounded Pebbles, little to some

-rounded Cobbles, trace Gravel; wet at -7' 4.5'-5': Brown, dense, poorly sorted SAND and SILT, Cobbles; moist to dry.

-10 I1 0.5': Brown, medium dense to dense, poorly sorted angular COBBLES/ to rounded SAND, SILT, angular GRAVEL, COBBLES; 12 PEBBLES/! moist.

13 GRAVEL/SAND/ 0.5'-5': Gray, very dense, poorly sorted, CLAY, SILT, SILT PEBBLES, COBBLES; large Boulders at base of interval;

- 14 dry.

- I5

- 16 I C7 5 Dark Brown, very dense, poorly sorted CLAY, some CA2 -Cobbles, Boulders; very dry.



-22 -Gray to Gray-Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and SILT & CLAY 5' 3.6' CLAY, some rounded Cobbles and Boulders, fine to coarse

-Sand; dry.

-24 NOTES: Key to Well Construction

Higher FID hits attributed to melted poly sleeve EU Sandpack M Grout [E Well Screen
  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted M Bentonite Seal ER Cement I

FRIA 399 coylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-102B ERM Boston, MA 02116 I1Page 2 of 4 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth PID Conc Lab Sample 6 &

D(ppm) HI Analyses' I

- 26-

- 27 Green-Gray to Gray-Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, SILT 5, 4.8' some to little Clay, some fine Sand, little rounded Pebbles, little 25'-30' 3.9'

- 28 - Gravel; dry.

- 29-

- 30-

- 31- -- ~GW-2 -

0'-2': Green-Gray to Dark Brown, very dense, poorly sorted VOC-

- 32- SAND & SILT 4' -SILT, some Clay, trace Gravel, trace Pebbles. 30'-35' 0.0 8260B -

- 33 2'-4': Dark Gray-Brown, loose, well sorted coarse SAND, little H3=8,700 rounded Pebbles, trace Gravel; moist to wet. pCi/L

- 34-

- 35

- 36 GNEISSIC BOULDERS 5' 2.5' Light Gray, loose, poorly sorted Clay and crushed/broken 35-38' 0.0

-Boulders (gneiss); dry.

- 37-

- 38

- 39 Dark Brown to Dark Gray-Brown, very dense to dense, poorly

- 40 SILT 4' 4' sorted SILT, little Gravel, little Pebbles, little Clay; dry (Top 2' 38'-42' 0.0 slightly coarser with some wet Sand).

- 41

- 42-

- 43-0-2': Brown Gray, medium dense to dense SILT and CLAY,

- 44 some Gravel/Pebbles; moist. GW-3 SILT & CLAY 6 6- 2'-2.5': Brown-Gray, medium loose, well sorted, coarse Sand, 42'-48' 0.0 VOC- -

- 45 little Clay, little Silt; wet. 8260B

- 46 2.5'-6': Blue-Gray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY, some Gravel, some to little Cobbles, some to little Pebbles; dry.

- 47

- 48

- 49

- so Dark Gray to Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and SILT & CLAY 5' 5- CLAY, some to little angular to rounded Pebbles, trace rounded 48'-53' 0.0 INCobbles; dry.


-Dark Gray to Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some

-54 SILT 3' 3' Clay, some to little rounded Pebbles and Cobbles, trace to little 53'-56' 0.0

-55 -angular Cobbles; dry.

-56 57 SILT 3' 3' Dark Brown to Dark Gray, dense to very dense SILT, some Clay, little to trace rounded Pebbles, Cobbles; dry (moist at 56'- 56'-59' 0.0 58 7' of interval).

59 Dark Brown to Dark Gray, medium dense to dense, poorly 60 SILT & CLAY 2' 2' -sorted SILT and CLAY, little angular Gravel, Pebbles, little 59'-61' 0.0 angular to rounded Cobbles; moist.

61 Dark Gray-Brlowvn, dense, well sorted SILl, little to some Clay. little Gravel, SILT 1' I' moist to dry. 616-62' 0.0 63 -Dark Gray-Brown, medium dense, well sorted SILT and SILT & CLAY 3, 62'-65' 0.0 64 -CLAY, trace Gravel, trace Pebbles, trace Boulder; dry.


1:Higher FID hits attributed to melted poly sleeve

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Pae 3o DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-102B ERM Boston,MA F21l6 Page 3 of 4 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration I Recovery Soil Core Description Depth 1 ril, IFl. Con.-I Lab Sample oS n

A alyses*

0-1.5': Dark Brown, medium dense, well sorted varved SILT

- 66 -and CLAY, little Gravel VARVED SILT 1.5'-3': Gray to Dark Brown SILT and CLAY, little Gravel,

- 67 4, 4' 65'-69' 0.0

& CLAY little Pebbles/Boulders.

- 68 -3'-4': Dark Gray to Dark Brown SILT and CLAY, little fine Sand lenses (varves). moderately plastic unit.

- 69 SILT I Brown to Dark Brown, medium dense, poorly sorted SILT, some Clay, litle 2 STI angular GravellPebbles; moist. 69-70' 1.1

- 705 Dark Brown to Dark Gray, dense, well sorted SILT and CLAY,

- 71 VARVED SILT 2.5' 2.5' -some to little dark Gray medium Sand varves throughout 70'-72.5' 0.92

-&section; moist.

- 72

- 73 SILT 2' - Dark Brown, dense to very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some 72.5'-74.5' 1.12

- 74 -Clay, little angular Gravel, Pebbles; moist.


-76 Dark Brown, medium loose to loose, moderately well sorted

-77 SILT 5.5' 3.5' -SILT, little to trace angular Gravel/Pebbles, trace Clay; moist to 74.5'-80' 1.2

-78 wet


-80 0-1': Dark Brown, medium loose to loose, moderately to poorly

- 81 sorted SILT, little angular Gravel/Pebbles, trace Clay, moist to

-82 wet.

SILT 5, 4.5' V'-4': Dark Brown, dense, moderately well sorted SILT, little 80'-85' 1.4'

-83 -Gravel/Pebbles, trace Clay, moist.


-4'-4.': Medium Gray to Dark Gray -Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and Clay, some to little Cobbles and Boulders; dry.

-85 SILT 1. 11 Brown, dense to very BoulderslCobbles; dense, moist poorly sorted SILl, some fine Sand, some to ttle to dry. 85-86' 6.3'

-86 5fW~-102B:

90' SILT 2' 1.9' Brown to Gray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some Clay,

-- 86'-88' 4.99 VOC loss, nd).

-87 some rounded Boulders/Cobbles; dry. TotalSolids, TPH-GRO, TPH---

-88 SILT & 0-1': Brown, medium loose to medium dense, poorly sorted DgO, PcB' ,

-89 2' 2' -SILT, some Clay, some round Cobbles, trace Gravel 88'-90' 7.1 svoc, PPF13 BOULDER V'-2': Light Gray Boulder (albite gneiss)--pulverized.


-91 Dark Gray-Blue, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some to little

-92 SILT & 5 -Clay, some angular Gravel, Pebbles, little to trace Cobbles; 90'95' 0.7

-93 BOULDERS _quartzite Boulder 2' into section (4" diameter); albite gneiss 3

Boulder at bottom of section (8" diameter); dry.


-95 GW-4 VOC-96 3': Brown to Brown Gray, loose, moderately well-sorted, 26 B-

- 97 S Scoarse to medium SAND, little angular Pebbles, trace Clay, SAND, SILT & moist to wet. 95'-100' 2.4 8260B CLAY H-3=


-98 -

-3'-5': Dark Gray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY, pCi/L8

-99 - some angular Cobbles/Pebbles; dry.

-100 -

-101 - 70-1.5': Gray to dark Gray-Brown, loose, moderately poorly

-102 - sorted SILT, little rounded Pebbles, Cobbles, little Boulders; SAND & SILT 5' 2.5' wet. 100'-105' 4.1

-103 - 1.5'-2.5': Brown to Gray-Brown, loose, well sorted, coarse

-104 - SAND, little to trace Clay, trace angular Cobbles; wet.


I Higher FID hits attributed to melted poly sleeve 2: Similar or equal to background levels

, Eberline Frisker yielded reading of-250 cpm--further analysis attributed activity to naturally-occurring Actinium-228

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

53993oyston Street 6the 4 of DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-102B ERM Boston, MA 02 Fo6 ,Pag 4 of _4 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FIDCoc [Lab Sample # &

I (pp) HS Analyses-Brown, medium dense to dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY,

- 106- SILT & CLAY 2' 1.8' 105'-107' NR some to little Gravel and Pebbles, little to trace Cobble; moist.

- 107

- lo09

- 109-0-I': Dark Gray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY, some angular Gravel, Pebbles, little Cobbles.

- 110 SILT & CLAY 6' 6' 1'-6': Dark Gray to Brown, dense to broken-up loose, poorly 107'-113' 2.7 Isorted SILT and CLAY, some Pebbles, some to little Boulders

@ 111, 112', 113'; moist to dry.


-113 ar ray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY,

~114 SILT & CLAY 2.5' 2.5' some angular Pebbles, little Cobbles; moist to dry. 113'-115.5' U V'-2.5': Dark Gray to Dark Brown, dense (broken-up), poorly

-115 1/o sorted SILT, little Clay. some Pebbles, Cobbles: moist to dry.






-121 -Black to light gray-white, coarse-grained albite gneiss; moderately to strongly foliated; fracture zone at upper 1.5' of

-122 section; fracture zone with yellowish discoloration at 5.5'-7.5'; GW-5 115.5'-

BEDROCK 16' 11.5' -- some pieces exhibit natural fractures within competent NR VOC-

-123 131.5' bedrock. Large quartz cobble at ' with large albite crystals; 8260B

-124 quartz veins within bedrock dip at -30' from horizontal.


-126 127


- 129

- 130- .- A Bottom of Boring at 130.2' bgs

- 131

- 132 Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1'-116': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 116'-117.9': Bentonite Chip Seal 117.9'-130.2': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-120.2': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 120.2'-130.2': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen 130.2': Bottom of Boring 0-15': 8" Steel Casing Grouted in Place

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted
  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted NR = Not Recorded

. ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103A ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Oiden Gonzales Date Started: 16-Jul-03 Date Finished: 16-Jul-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diam: 2" Lengt h: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2" Lengt h: 15' Type: Schedule 40 PVC Boring Depth: 26' Well Depth:

I 25' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 18.58' On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-S ite Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories 8-Sep-03

_________________________________________________________________________ II _______________________________________

FID Conc.

Soil Core Description Depth (ppm) Lab Sample # &

spoon/HS Analyses



-6 Well Construction Details:

~8 0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox

- 10 1'-11': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout

- 12 11'-13': Bentonite Chip Seal

- 14 13'-26': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack

- 16 1-15': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser

- 18 15-25': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen

- 20 26': Bottom of Boring

- 22

- 24

- 26 Bottom of Boring at 26' bgs

  • Results of on-Site radiological activity <MDL unless otherwise noted Key to Well Construction 11 Sandpack Well Screen [ Grout Bentonite Seal E Cement

ERM SITE MAP 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor I N DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103C ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee LT.P. Project Number: 2107.01 MW-103B Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh W .

Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow EDMW-103A Date Started: I l-Jun-03 Date Finished: 16-Jul-03 MW-103C Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diam: 2" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" GuardHouse Gate Casing Diam: 2" Length: 115' Type: Schedule 40 PVC Boring Depth: 125' Well Depth: 125' Boring Diam.: 5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 76.80' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory Northeastern Laboratories 17-Jul-03 FID Con. Lab Sample # &

DPpth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split-Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses 5

10 I5 20 25 Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 40 1-110.5': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 45 110.5'-112.3': Bentonite Chip Seal s5 112.3'-125': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 65' bgs Gw-l -

0-115': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 60 115'-125': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen Voc- _

8260B 65 125': Bottom of Boring ..........................

70 75 80 85 90 95

-100 105



-120 -

-1?5 ":Bottom of Boring at 125' bgs

  • Results of on-Site radiological activity <MDL unless otherwise noted Key to Well Construction Sandpack 8E] Well Screen Grout Bentonite Seal fl Cement

399 Boylston Stret, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 1

Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh . ...

Drilling Co: DL. Maher Driller: Bill Zamrnmow,Oiden Gonzales MW-103A .

Date Started: 9-Jun-03 Date Finished: 9-Jul-03 MW-103C Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diam: 2.5" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Gnard Gate 2.5" Length: 284.5' Type: Schedule 80 PVC House Casing Diam:

Boring Depth: 294.5' Well Depth: 294.5' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 37.90' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories 9-Sep-03 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FlD Cooc. Lab Samples &

(ppm) HS Antalyses*

1.Y: Brown to Orange Brown, loose, poorly sorted coarse 2SAND & SAND and GRAVEL, little Pebbles, trace 0-5' 0.5 GRAVEL 5' 4.9' - Cobbles/Boulders;dry.

1.3'-4.9': Brown to Red Brown, loose, poorly sorted coarse 4 SAND (mica), little Pebbles, trace Cobbles/Boulders; dry.

5 9- Dark Brown to Gray Brown, loose, poorly sorted, coarse to fine 10 - SAND 10' 9.5' - SAND, some rounded Cobbles/Boulders, little rounded Pebbles; '-5' 0.0 Dark Brown banded interval from 1.8'-2.0', Gray-Tan interval II -w/ Pebbles and Boulders from 3.8'-4.0'; dry.

12 -

13 -

14 -

16 1 -

0-2.5': Brown to Orange Brown, loose, moderately well-sorted S1 -coarse to medium SAND, some rounded Pebbles, trace rounded 19 -Boulders, Clay, dry.

2.5'-3.5': Light Brown to Gray, loose, poorly sorted fine to 20 SAND 10' 5.5' -medium SAND, little rounded Gravel, some rounded Boulders, 15'-25' 0.0 S21 trace Pebbles, moist.

3.5'-5.5': Brown to Orange Brown, loose, moderately well-

-22 -sorted coarse to medium SAND, some to little rounded Pebbles,

-23 wet.

-24 L25 -

NOTES: Key to Well Construction

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted EL Sandpack E3 Well Screen Grout Bentonite Seal EM Cement

ERM 399 Rtylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM Boston, MA 02116 Page 2 of 8 Depth Boring Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth F1D Conc.

(ppm) HS Lab Sample 6 &


Log I

0-1': Light Tan to Yellow tan, dense, poorly sorted SILT,

- 26 SAND and rounded Pebbles, Cobbles; dry. GW-1 SAND, SILT

- 27 4.0' 4, - 1'-4': Gray-Brown to Brown, dense, poorly sorted, SAND, 25'-29' 0.0 VOC-

& CLAY 8260B CLAY, SILT and rounded Gravel, Pebbles and Cobbles; dry to

- 28 moist.

. 29 0-8", 2-2.8': Brown to Red Brown, very dense, poorly sorted

- 30 SAND, SILT 3.0' 2.8' -SILT, SAND, PEBBLES, trace rounded Boulder;dry. 29'-32' 0.0

- 31 & PEBBLES _0.8'-2.0': Light Gray, medium dense medium SAND, little Pebbles/Cobbles, trace Boulders; dry.

- 32

- 33 SAND & SILT 3.0' 2.0' -Brown to Red Brown, loose to dense, poorly sorted SAND and 32'-35' 0.0 SILT, some to little rounded Pebbles, rounded Boulders; dry.

- 34

- 35

- 36 Dark Gray-Brown, very dense, moderately well sorted fine

- 37 SAND & SILT 4.0' 3.8' -SAND and SILT, little to trace rounded Cobbles/Pebbles, semi- 35'-39' 2.21 rounded schist Boulder at base of interval; dry.

- 38

- 39 Dark Gray-Brown to Red-Brown, very dense, poorly sorted

- 40 SAND & SILT 2.0' 2.0' -- SILT and fine to coarse SAND, rounded schist Pebbles w/ talc, 39'-41' 0.0 garnet; some zones of yellowish-reddish oxidation; moist.

- 41 0-0.5': Dark Brown, medium dense, well sorted fine SAND,

- 42 - trace rounded Gravel/Pebbles; moist.

- 43 SAND & SILT 4.0' 4.0' - 0.5'-2.8': Dark Brown to Dark Gray, very dense, well sorted 41'-45' 0.0 SILT, trace rounded Pebbles; dry.

- 44 -2.8'-4.0': Dark Brown, medium loose, well sorted medium to coarse SAND, trace Gravel, little Pebbles; wet.

- 45 0-2.4': Dark Gray-Brown to Dark Brown, dense to very dense,

- 46 -moderately well sorted SILT and fine SAND, some coarse SAND & SILT 4.0' 3.0' SAND, little Pebbles, trace Cobbles; dry. 45'-49' 0.0

- 47 2.4'-3.0': Light Tan to Greenish Brown, very dense SILT and

- 48 -fine SAND, some to little rounded Talc Cobbles, little Pebbles/Boulders; dry.

- 49 Medium Brown to Reddish Brown, very dense, moderately well

- 50 SAND & SILT 2.0' 2.0' - sorted SILT and SAND, trace rounded Gravel, gneissic-schist 49'-51' 0.0 broken-up/massive Boulder; dry.

- 51 0-3.5': Dark Gray Brown to Yellowish Brown very dense, well

- 52 -to poorly sorted SILT and fine SAND, some rounded Pebbles,

-. 53 SAND & SILT 4.0' 4.0' - rounded gneissic-schist Boulder; dry. 51V-55' 0.0 3.5'-4.0': Dark Gray-Brown, very dense, moderately well sorted

- 54 -fine SAND and SILT, little rounded schist Pebbles and Cobbles; dry.


- Gray-Brown to Green, very dense to dense, poorly sorted fine

-36 SAND & SILT 3.0' 3.0' SAND and SILT, some to little rounded schist Cobbles, trace to 55'-58' 0.0

-57 -little Clay, trace medium Sand, trace Gravel/Pebbles; dry.




-61 Dark Gray-Brown, very dense to dense, very well sorted, GW-2

-62 SAND & SILT 6.0' 6.0' -interbedded (1/16"-1/8") medium to very fine SAND and SILT; 59'-65' 0.0 VOC-wet.

w 8260B 63 64 61 NOTES:

Headspace reading not repeatable
  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM 399 Boylston Street 6th Floor Boston, MA 02116 IPage 3 of 8 1 Staigah Well Log S CFID Cone. Lab Sample # &

DhW g Stjatigraphy Penetration I Recovery Soil Core Description Depth (ppm) HS Analyses-

- 66 -

_ Dark Brown to Dark Reddish-Brown, very dense, moderately SILT 3.0' 3.0' well sorted SILT, little highly-oxidized Tale Pebbles/Cobbles, 65'-68' 0.0

- 67 -

some to little fine Sand; moist.

- 68 -

- 69 -

SAND & SILT 3.0' 2.8' - Brown-Green-Gray, very dense, well sorted fine SAND and 68'-71' 0.0

- 70 - N SILT, trace rounded schist Cobbles, little rounded Gravel; dry.

- 71 -

- 72 -

-- Orange-Brown to dark Gray Brown, very dense, poorly sorted

- 73 . SAND & SILT 4.0' 4.0 fine SAND and SILT, some rounded schist Cobbles/Pebbles, 71'-75' 0.0 -

trace Clay, little rounded schist Boulders; dry.

- 74 -

- 75 -

- 76 -

_ Dark Gray-Brown, very dense to dense, well sorted SILT, little SILT 3.0' 3.0' fine Sand, little to trace rounded Pebbles, multiple zones of 75'-78' 0.0

- 77 -

yellowish staining, trace angular to rounded Gravel; moist.

- 78 -

- 79 -

SILT 3.0' 3.0' Dark Gray-Brown, very dense, well sorted SILT, some fine 78'-81' 0.0 Sand, some Clay, little rounded Talc, Cobbles; moist.

- 80 -

- 81 -

Dark Brown-Gray, dense to very dense, well sorted SILT, little

- 82 - SILT 2.0' 2.0' -rounded Pebbles--large orange-yellow quartzite boulder at 81'-83' 0.0 -

bottom of interval; dry.

- 83 -

Dark Brown-Gray, very dense, moderately well sorted fine 83-85' 0.0 -

- 84 -

S2. SAND, some Silt, little to some Boulders, trace Clay; dry.

- 85 -

- 86 -

Dark Brown, very dense, moderately well sorted SAND, some SAND & SILT 3.0' 3.0' SILT, some Talc Pebbles/Cobbles, some whitish-yellowish 85'-88' 0.0

- 87 - -discoloration at bottom of interval; dry.

- 88 -

- 89 -

Dark Brown-Gray, very dense, poorly sorted very fine SAND

- 90 - and SILT, some rounded Pebbles, little rounded Cobbles; dry.

- 91 -

- 92 -

0-2.2': Brown to Dark Brown, medium dense, well sorted SILT, 93 SAND little Clay, little Pebbles, trace Gravel. 9295' 00 SSAND & SILT 4.0' 2.8' _2.2'-2.8': Brown to gray brown fine SAND, some Silt, little -

94 -

rounded Cobbles, trace Gravel/Pebbles; dry.

-95 96 -

97 Dark Brown to Gray Brown fine, very dense, moderately well SAND & SILT 5.0' 5.0' sorted. SAND and SILT, some medium SAND, little rounded 95'-100' 0.0

-98 - -Pebbles, little to trace Cobbles; dry.

-99 -

-100 101

-102 -Dark Brown to Gray Brown, medium dense to dense, poorly SILT 5.0' 3.5' sorted SILT, some Clay, little angular Gravel, little angular 100'-105' 3.2 1 03 Boulders; Orange rind in 4" Sand zone; dry.


-105 ii NOTES:

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

Qb3S9 Boylston Stre,6th Foor Pae 4o DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM BostonMt.6 Page 4 of 8 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FID Core, Lab Sample 9 &

I e (ppm) HS Analyses'

- 106 -

- 107 - - Medium Brown and Dark Gray dense, well sorted CLAY, some 105'- 110' CLAY 5' 5, 1.3'

-Silt, some fine Sand (micas); medium stiff; miost (varves). I S

7 108 -

109 -

110 -

-Brown III -

112 -

to Bluish-Green Gray, dense, well sorted CLAY, some 2 CLAY 5' 5' Silt, trace Sand (mica) stringers, medium stiff; moist to wet 110'-115' 1.7

-113 -


114 -

115 -

-116 -

117 -

-119-CLA Bluish-Green Gray, very stiff, well sorted CLAY and very fine 115-125 2.02 120 1CLAY 10' 10' -micaceous SAND (varves) 121-


-123 -

124 -

125 -

-126 -

-127 -

1218 -

129 -

Brown to Dark Brown, very stiff, well sorted CLAY with Dark 130 - CLAY 10' 10' Gray to Gray micaceous very fine Sand interbeds (varves--lmm 125'-135' 1.42 -

to several cm in thickness); wet.


-132 -

-133 -

134 -

135 -

-136 -

-137 -

-138 -

-139 -

Brown to Dark Brown, stiff to very stiff, well sorted CLAY,

-140 CLAY 10' 10' - trace Gray Clay with Dark Gray very fine micaceous Sand 135'-145'1 2.02

- varves; trace Gravel (Talc?); wet.





~I. L .1. S S NOTES:

2: Similar or equal to background levels

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

399 Boylston Stret, 6thFloor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM Boston, MA 02 116 Page 5 of 8 Depth Well.Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth HS [ LabAnalysa FID Cone.

I(ppmn) e &


- 346 Brown to Dark Brown, very stiff CLAY with some Silt, grading

- 147 CLAY 4.0' 3.8' -downward to Clay and Gravel, grading downward into 145'-149' 0.0 Clay/Sand/Cobbles/Gravel; wet.

- 148

- 149 6 7m

- i50 0-1': Gray Brown, very dense SILT, some fine to medium

-31513 subangular Gravel, little fine to medium Sand; moist. GW-4

-352 CLAY 6.0' 5.5' 1'-6':. Brown to Gray Brown, dense, moderately well sorted 149'-155' 0.2 VOC-CLAY with little micaceous Sand varves (no grain size greater 8260B

- 353.

than medium Sand).

- 154

- 155

- 156 Brown to Dark Brown, dense, moderately well sorted to well

- 357 5.0' 5.0' sorted Clay with medium to coarse Sand varves, interval 155'-160' 1.12 CLAY

- 158 coarsening downwards, oxidized Talc (?) Cobble; bottom 6" consists of fine Sand, trace Silt; wet.

- 359

- 360

- 1613

-Dark Brown to Dark Brown-Gray, medium dense, poorly sorted

- 162 SILT 5.0' 4.5' SILT and some Clay, some to little angular, fine to coarse 160'-165' 0.6

- 163 -Gravel, little Pebbles; wet.

- 364

- 165

- 166

-Dark Brown-Gray, dense to medium dense, poorly sorted GW-5 -

- 367 SAND 5.0' 5.0' medium to fine SAND, little rounded Pebbles, trace rounded 165'- 170' 2.0 VOC-

- 168 Cobble, little Silt (at top of interval). 8260B -


- 370

- 373

- 172

- 173

- 174 375

-76 5': Dark Brown to medium Gray, medium dense to loose, well sorted fine SAND and Silt, trace Clay; wet.

-377 GW-6 5'-10': Dark Brown to medium Gray, medium dense to loose, SAND 15.0' 15.0' 170'-185' 1 2.0"'. VOC-

-378 -well sorted medium to fine SAND, trace Silt; wet.

8260B 10'-15': Dark Brown to medium Gray, medium dense, well

-379 sorted SILT, some to little fine Sand, trace Clay; wet.


- 83 182 -

383 -

184 -

IRS- .1. L __________ J 4 L -


I: Headspace reading not repeatable 2: Similar or equal to background levels

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

e 6oor 399 Boylston Street, 6h DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM Boston, MA02116 Page 6 of 8 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FID ConI. Lab Sample #s&

t,,, ,A _ J___

_ ___ _____ __ J,___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ j(ppm) 11S Analyses*

- 186 -

- 187 -

- 188 -

- 189 - _Gray-Brown, medium loose to medium dense, well sorted coarse SAND 9.0' 9.0' to fine SAND, little fine SAND and Silt--grades downward at 7' 185'-194'1 1.9

-190 -

-to Silt and Clay, trace fine SAND; wet.

- 191 -

- 192 -

- 193 -

- 194 -

SAND 1.0' 1.0' Gray-Brown, medium loose, well sorted fine SAND; wet. 194'-195' 2.2

- 195 -

- 196 -

- 197 -

- 198 -

- 199 -

- 200 -

- 201 -

- 202 - 7': Gray-Brown, medium loose, well sorted medium SAND, some fine Sand, little to trace coarse Sand; wet.

- 203 -

7'-1i': Brown to Dark Gray Brown, very stiff, well sorted Clay,

- 204 - -little gray Silty interbeds (varves), trace angular Pebbles, little to SAND & SILT 20' 20' trace angular Gravel; wet. 195'-215' N/A

- 205 -

11V-17.5': Brown to Dark Gray Brown, medium dense, well

-206 - -sorted SILT, some fine SAND, little to some Clay; wet.

17.5'-20': Brown to Dark Gray Brown, medium dense to

-207 -

-- medium loose, well sorted fine SAND grading downwards to

-208 - -medium SAND; wet.

-209 _

-210 -

-211 -

- 212 -

-213 -

- 214 -

- 215 -

-216 -

-217 -

215'-218': Dark Gray Brown, medium dense to medium loose,

-218 - rwell sorted coarse to fine SAND fining downwards to Clay,

_some Silt; wet.

-219 -


0 218'-224': Dark Gray Brown, medium dense, well sorted fine

-220 - SAND 15' 15' -SAND and Silt; wet. 215'-230'1 0.0

- 221 -

224'-228': Dark Gray Brown, well sorted, medium loose, medium to fine SAND, little Silt; wet.

- 222 - 7~ - 228'-230': Dark Gray to Brown, dense, well sorted Silt, some

~223 -

Clay with Gray fine SAND interbeds (varves); wet.

I224 -

225 -


  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

399 Boylston Sweet, 6th Floor P7 DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-103B ERM BostontMA02116 Pag 7 of 8 FlO Conc. Lab Samnple#&

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth I (ppo) HS [ Analyses-

  • 226
  • 228

. 229


- 231


- 233


-235 0-7': Gray to Dark Gray-Brown, medium loose, well sorted

-- fine SAND and SILT; wet.

-- 7'-9': Gray to Dark Gray-Brown, stiff, well sorted Clay, little

-237 SAND & SILT 20' 15' Silt varves; moist. 230'-245' 1 0.0

- 238 -9'-15': Gray to Dark Gray-Brown, medium dense to medium

-loose, well sorted fine SAND and SILT, grading into

- 239 dominantly Clay with Silt varves; moist.

- 240

- 241

- 242

- 243

- 244

- 245

- 246

- 247



- 250

- 251

- 252 7': Dark to Medium Gray-Brown, medium dense, well sorted

-SILT, some CLAY.

- 253 7-13': Medium Gray-Brown, dense, well sorted SILT and

- 254 - -CLAY, little very fine Sand varves, trace Gravel, trace rounded Pebbles, angular Gravel (unit shears along very fine SAND and

-.255 - SILT & CLAY 20' 20' 245'-265'1 0.0 SILT beds).

-256 - 13'-18': Medium Gray-Brown, dense, well sorted SILT and

-257 - -CLAY, little very fine Sand.

18'-20': Medium Gray-Brown, dense, well sorted SILT and

-258 - CLAY, trace very fine Sand and Silt varves.

-259 -

-260 -

-261 -

-262 -

- 263 -

I264 -


  • Results of on-Site radiological sceening <MDL unless otherwise noted

39 Boylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: 4W- 103B ERM BostonMA02116 age 8 of 8 Depth WellLog Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FD)Cone 1 LahSamnplesH&

266 267 5xlpI SAND & SILT 1' I Medium Brown, medium dense, well sorted SILT, some Clay, coarsening downward to coarse to fine SAND, trace Silt.

0-1.5': Weathered Black gneissic-schist boulder, large, 265'-267' 2.5

- 268 potentially albite crystals.

. 269 SCHIST BOULDER 4' 4' 1.5-4': Highly weathered, Black, Tan, Orange, Brown Schist 267'-271' 2.0 -

with trace lodged rounded Pebbles, some Gravel, weathered to

-270 coarse Sand-sized grains.

- 271

-272 -Dark Brown-Gray, medium dense, moderately well-sorted, SAND 3.5' 3.5' coarse SAND, some Silt and Clay, cored boulder (gneissic) at 271'-274' 1.7

- 273 2.5'-3,5', trace rounded cobbles at base of interval; wet.

- 274

- 275 0-0.5': Multi-colored, loose, poorly sorted SAND &GRAVEL and medium

- 276 BOULDERS 2' 2' -dense fine Sand and Silt 275'-277' 3.52 SiltyforSubaittl) 0.5'-2': Very Gray to Black weathered Schistic-Oneiss Boulders.

- 277

- 278 BOULDERS 2' 1.5' Very Dark Gray to Black weathered Cobbles to Boulders. 277'-279' 0.0 -

- 279 279-280' 0.0 SILTDark (ray to Dark Gray Brown. poorly sorted, dense SILl,little to some Clay, SIT1 ' 1' some rounded Cobbles, trace Gravel, trace Pebbles.

- 280

- 281

- 282

- 283

- 284

- 285

- 286 Black to Light Gray/White Gneiss, strongly foliated, some

- 287 GW-8

-associated Talc (Garnet?), homeblende, mica, foliation at-35' BEDROCK 15' 15' 280'-295'1 N/A VOC-

-288 - to horizontal; competent rock with several drillers' breaks, few 8260B natural fractures.


- 290

- 291

- 292


- 294

- 295 Bottom of Boring at 294.5' bgs Bottom of Boring at 294.5' bgs Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1-279': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 279'-282': Bentonite Chip Seal 282'-295': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-284.5': Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Riser 284.5'-294.5': 0.010" Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Screen 294.5': Bottom of Boring 0-30': 8" Steel Casing Grouted in Place NOTES:

2: Similar or equal to background levels

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

- 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor SITEAP DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-104C ERM Boston,MA02u16 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co.: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow Date Started: 5-Sep-03 Date Finished: 10-Sep-03 Location: Rowe, Massachuestts Drilling Method: Rotosonic MW-104B Screen Diam.: 2.5' Length: 10, Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam.: 2.5" Length: 87' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC C-4B-2 ýMW-104C-Boring Depth.: 97' Well Depth: 97' Boring Diam.: 5.5" uit in Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: NR Notes:

On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Si te Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories FID Conc. Lab Sample # &

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses


- IS Well Construction Details:

- 20 0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox

-'25 -82.8': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout .

82.8'-84.8': Bentonite Chip Seal

- 384.8'-97': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-87': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 87'-97': 0.0 10" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen 97': Bottom of Boring

- 50

- 60

- 65

- 70

- 75

- go

- 85


-95 Bottom of Bortng at 97' bgs Key to Well Construction W Sandpack M Well Screen

  • Grout Bentonite Seal ffa Cement

ERMv 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW- 104B PPMIV Boston. MA 02116 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow, Oiden Gonzales Date Started: 22-Aug-03 Date Finished: 04-Sep-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diama: 2.5" Length: 10, Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2.5" Length: 184' Type: Schedule 80 PVC Boring Depth: 194.5' Well Depth: 194' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 23.60' Notes: DTW measured on On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories 18-Aug-03 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Brown to Dark Brown, loose, moderately sorted medium SAND and fine to I SAND & GRAVEL 2' 2' coarse, well rounded GRAVEL, some to little rounded Pebbles, linle to trace rounded Boulders, Cobbles, trace angular Gravel; dry.

Brown to Dark Brown, loose to moderately loose, poorly sorted 3SAND & GRAVEL 3' 3 medium SAND and fine to coarse, well rounded GRAVEL, 4-some to little rounded Pebbles, Cobbles, trace to little Silt, trace Clay; moist (beginning at -3' bgs).


_0-5': Brown-Orange Brown, loose, poorly sorted medium to coarse SAND, some angular Gravel/Pebbles, little rounded Cobbles; moist.

-5'-7': Brown to Dark Gray-Brown, loose, poorly sorted, medium to coarse SAND, some angular Gravel/Pebbles, little rounded SSAND & GRAVEL 10' 10' -Cobbles;moist I 7'-10': Brown to Dark Orange Brown, loose, poorly sorted, medium to coarse SAND, little angular Gravel, some rounded Cobbles, little to 12 -trace Clay; moist to wet (wet at -14.5')


-16 0-2': Dark Brown to Reddish Brown, loose to moderately loose, poorly sorted medium to coarse SAND and fine to coarse

, -17 GRAVEL, some rounded to angular Pebbles/Cobbles, trace to D &8G E -little Silt Clay 2'-5': Dark Gray Brown, medium dense, fine to coarse SAND, S19-little to some Clay, trace Boulders, Cobbles; dry.


-21 2.5': Dark Gray Brown, very dense, moderately sorted SILT, 22 -some to little Clay, little rounded Pebbles, little rounded schist SILT 5' 5' Cobble; dry.

23- 2.5'-5.0': Dark Gray Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, 24 -some Clay, some angular rounded Pebbles, little Boulder; dry.

25 1______________________________________________________


NOTES: Key to Well Construction i : Similar or equal to background levels Sandpack EE3 Well Screen Grout

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted Bentonite Seal UH Cement

fiRM S399 oylston Sweet, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-104B ERM Boston, MA 02116 Page 2 of 6 I

Depth Well Stratigraphy Penetration J Recovery Soil Core Description

-26 -

Bluish Gray, dense to very dense, moderately well sorted SILT,

-27 - SILT 4' 4, little Clay, little to trace Gravel, trace Pebbles; dry.

-28 -

-29 -

0-I': Gray-Brown, dense, well sorted Silt, trace coarse SAND,

-30 _

SAND 3' trace Gravel/Pebbles (angular); moist.

-31 - 1'-3': Gray-Gray Brown, medium dense, well sorted fine SAND, trace Silt; moist.

-32 -

Dark Brown to Gray, medium dense, well sorted fine SAND

-33 - Sand SILT, little to trace angular Pebbles, trace Gravel; moist.

Brown to Gray Brown, medium dense, poorly sorted SILT, some fine Sand,

~34 -

SILT 1' 1 little Pebbles/Gravel; moist (boulder aotip of core).

-35 -

-36 .

-32 -

0-3': Brown to Gray, medium dense, poorly sorted fine SAND

-38 .

and Silt, some to little Pebbles, little angular Gravel, little to

-39 - SAND 8' 8' trace Cobbles; moist (dry boulder at 37').

3'-8': Brown, medium loose, well sorted medium SAND, trace

-40 -

Cobbles, trace Silt; wet.

-41 -

-42 -

-43 -

-44 -

0-I': Brown, loose, well sorted coarse SAND; wet.

-45 - 1-2': Brown, very dense, moderately sorted SILT, little

- 46 - -angular Gravel; moist.

SAND & SILT 7' 7' 2'-5': Brown, medium dense to medium loose, poorly sorted

- 47 _ SAND, GRAVEL, PEBBLES, SILT, trace Clay; dry.

- 48 . 5'-7': Brown to Gray Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, Cobbles, some to little Clay, little medium SAND; dry.

- 49 .

50 0-2.5': Gray to Dark Gray-Blue, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some angular Cobbles, some to little Clay, little Gravel;

-52 -

SILT 5' -dry.

-53 -

2.5'-5': Gray-Blue to Dark Gray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some Clay, little angular Pebbles/Gravel, minor,

-54 - F indications of varving; dry.

-55 -

Dark Gray-Brown to Gray, medium dense to dense, poorly

-57 - SAND & SILT 4' 5' -sorted fine SAND and SILT, some to little Clay, some angular Gravel/Pebbles; moist to dry.

-60 -

0-5': Dark Brown-Gray, dense to very dense, poorly sorted SILT and CLAY, some to little angular to rounded Gravel, trace

-- ] SILT & CLAY 6' 6' Pebbles, dry to moist.

m 5'-6': Brown to dark Brown fine Sand and SILT, trace Gravel, trace Pebbles; moist.

- 64 NOTE S:

I __MI __ý

  • Resul Itsof on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

DRILLING LOG for W ell #: MW-104B ERM 399 ERMtHoylst on Street, 6th Floor Boston.MA 02116 Page 3 of 6 I Depth Boring Log Stratigraphy Penetration 1Recovery Soil Core Description D c t

-66 -Dark Brown to dark Brown-Gray, medium dense to dense, well to moderately well sorted SILT and CLAY, little to trace S67 _ SILT & CLAY 4, 4,

-68 $ angular Gravel/Pebbles, trace Cobbles, varved intervals

-throughout; moist (LACUSTRINE?).

69 SILT I' 1. Dark Brown, medium dense, poorly sorted SILT, some Clay. some to little S,angular Pebbles/Gravel, trace fine Sand, some varving, moist.

705 SILT 2' 2' - Dark Brown, dense to very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some 71 Clay, some Gravel/Pebbles (angular), trace Cobbles; moist. -

72 73 0-1.5': Medium Brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT and SILT and CLAY 3' 3' CLAY, little angular Gravel/Pebbles; dry.

74 1.5'-3': Pulverized boulder (black gneissic schist); dry.

75 76 77 -Dark Gray-Brown to Gray, medium dense, poorly sorted SILT, SILT 5' 5' some Clay, little fine Sand, some to little angular 785 Gravel/Pebbles; moist to dry.

79 80 81

-Dark Brown to Dark Brown-Gray, dense, poorly sorted SILT, 82 SILT 5' 5' some to little fine Sand, little angular Gravel/Pebbles, trace 83 -Cobbles, little to trace Clay; dry to moist.

84 85 86 87 - Dark Brown, medium dense, poorlysorted SILT, little Clay, S little fine Sand, little Pebbles, trace Cobbles; moist to dry.

88 89 90 0-2.5': Dark Brown to dark Gray-Brown, medium dense, 91 -poorly sorted SILT, little Clay, little angular Gravel/rounded

- Pebbles; dry.

92 SILT 5' 4.5' 2.5'-4': Dark Brown, loose to medium loose, moderately sorted 93 -SILT, some to little Clay, trace Gravel; moist to wet.

-4'-4.5': Brown to Dark Brown, dense, poorly sorted SILT, 94 little fine Sand, little Cobbles, little Pebbles/Gravel; dry.

95 96 97M 0-1': Brown, well sorted, loose medium SAND and SILT, trace 985 Gravel/Pebbles/Cobbles, little Clay; wet.

99 SILT 9 1'-3': Brown, moderately well sorted, medium dense SILT, too0 -some Clay with varved Sandy interbeds; moist.

3'-9': Brown, poorly sorted, dense SILT, some Cobbles, some tot0 -Gravel/Pebbles, little Clay, little to trace Sand; dry.


-o10 104-NOTES:

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

-wa-WI 3/P Rryluon SemI, 6th Floor

~ERM DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW- 104B ERM Boston, 1,A021161 6th Floor 399 EoylstonSII Page 4 of 6 I Depth Well Log Well Log Penetration I Recovery Soil Core Description

- 106 -

- 107 -

- 108 -

- 109 .

Brown to dark Gray-Brown, dense, well sorted SILT and CLAY

-110 - SILT & CLAY III 7.5' with Sandy varves throughout section; dry (LACUSTRINE?)

- 113-III -

0 0


- 116-0-3.5': Dark Brown to Dark Gray Brown, loose to medium

- 117-loose, moderately well sorted coarse SAND, fining downwards

-118- into fine SAND, little Silt, little to trace Clay; wet.

SILT 8' 10' 3.5'-7': Dark Gray-Brown, dense to very dense SILT, some

-119-Clay little angular Gravel, fining downwards into dense, till-

-like unit with little Pebbles/Gravel; dry.

7-10': Dark Gray-Brown SILT and CLAY with little Sandy

- 121-varves; dry.


-123-0-0.5': Quartzite Boulder

-124- Dath Brown to dark Gray-Brown, medium dense to dense, poorly sorted SILT, Da.r-kS':

SILT 3' 3' linleangular GravellPebbles, lisle fineSand,linle Clay,moist (varvedintervalat bottom

- 125- -0.5).

2'-3': Gray to lightGray, dense, poorly sorted SILT,some Pebbles, littleClay;dry.

- 126-

- 127-Dark Brown-Gray, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some Clay,

- 128-SILT 4' 4' little rounded Gravel/Pebbles, minor indications of

- 129- stratification; dry.

- 130-

- 131-

- 132- 3': Dark Brown-Gray, medium dense, moderately sorted SILT 4' 4' SILT, little Clay, little Gravel, little Pebbles; dry.

- 133-3'-4': Brown, dense, poorly sorted SILT and Boulder, little

- 134- -Gravel/Pebbles; dry.

- 135-

- 136-0-3': Dark Gray-Brown, medium loose, well to moderately sorted

- 137- - SILT, some medium Sand, little rounded Gravel/Pebbles, trace

- 138-SILT 5 5 Boulders; moist to wet at top ofinterval, dry at bottom.

3-5': Dark Gray-Brown, very dense SILT and fine angular GRAV

- 139- -unsorted, little angular Cobbles; dry.

- 140-

- 141-Dark Brown-Gray, dense, well sorted SILT, some to little fine

- 142-Sand, little Clay, minor indications of stratification throughout

- 143- SILT 4' 4' -interval, trace angular Gravel/Pebbles, varying more 141'-145' 0.0 pronounced at bottom of interval; dry to moist (TRANSITION

- 144-ZONE?)

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

399ffiylstoa Street,6th floor]

DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-104B ERM Blo st MA t02116 Page 5 of 6 0 Depth ,J W] Log Stratigraphy Penetration [ Soil Core Description Depth FmCo. Lab SAalyes &

m)HS I(pp

  • 146
  • 147
  • 148 -Gray-Brown to Brown, medium dense to dense, well sorted finu

. 149 SAND & SILT 7.5' 7.5' -SAND and SILT with some varying throughout the section, 145'-152.5' 0.0 some to little Clay, trace Gravel; dry.




  • 153
  • 154 SILT 4' 4 -Brown-Gray, medimn dense, poorly sorted SILT, little to trace 152.5'-156.5' 4.1
  • 155 -Clay, little Gravel/Pebbles, little Cobble (at 157.5'); dry.


  • 157

-158 7-

-159 Dark Gray-Brown, medium dense to medium loose, poorly

-160 SILT 7' 51 -sorted SILT, little angular Gravel/Pebbles, trace fine Sand, trace 156.5'-163.5' 0

-to little Clay; dry (NOT TILL).

-16 1




-165 MW-tO4B: -


-166 MW-IO4B: -


-167 0-3.5': Brown, loose, fine SAND and SILT, little Gravel; voc (low, med.),

-168 saturated. Total Solids,

  • 169 SAND 11.5' 11.5' --3.5'-6': Brown, loose, poorly sorted coarse SAND, some Silt, 163.5'-175' 5.4 TPH-GRO, .

little Cobbles, some to little Pebbles; wet. TPH-DRO,


-6'-11.5': Brown, medium dense to medium loose, well sorted PCBs, SVOC,-

PPIS Morale P W6-6

-171 -Silt, some to little fine Sand, fining downwards; wet.


-172 8260B

-173 - H-3=8,770 -


-174 -

-175 - SAND & SILT Dark00 rovm-GravellPobbles; pory sorte 0050.dePse, moist.

ire SA and Il. s~omeroude 175'- 176' 4.1

-176 -

3': Dark Gray, well soiled, loose, fine SAND and SILT, little

-177 -

SAND & SILT 4' 3.5' Clay, trace angular Gravel, saturated.

-178 - 3-3.5': Dark Gray, loose to dense, poorly sorted fine SAND 176%180' 7.0-

-179 - -and SILT, some weathered gneissic Cobbles; wet.



-182- Ii BEDROCK 14.5' 11.5'

- Light Gray Gneiss; moderately foliated; metamorphic grade

_appears to increase with depth; fracture zones at 194.5', 183'-

184' and 181Vbgs (reddish discoloration); RQD for entire 180'-185' 1 N/A

-183 section -75%; more highly fractured between 184'- 192'

-184- _(RQD=40%); foliation dips -30' below horizontal.

wa * - z ____


I Higher FID hits attributed to melted poly sleeve

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

399ffiylston Street,6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-104B ERM B.ston.MA02 lo6 Page 6 of 6 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy n R-Rw Soil Core Description Depth FIDCo, Lab Sample # &

(_ppm)HS A__


_ _y_

- 186

-187 -. ' GW-7

-:" "See Previous Page for Bedrock Core Description VOC-

- 188 -*::-..-::8260B

- 189

-190 _______-- ___


-192 -

-193 "

-194  :

- 195 -

Bottom of Boring at 194.5' bgs Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1-180': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 180'-182': Bentonite Chip Seal 182'-194.5': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-184: Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Riser 184'-194': 0.010" Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Screen 194.5': Bottom of Boring 0-25': 8" Steel Casing Grouted in Place NOTES:

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-105C Project: Yankee L-T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow Date Started: 18-Jun-03 Date Finished: 20-Aug-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diam: 2" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2" Length: 27' Type: Schedu Boring Depth: 37' Well Depth: 37' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 17.56' On-Site GW Analysis: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeast Laboratories 08-Sep-03 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth FID ConC Lab Sample # &

(pp.)HS Analyses 2

4 Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox

-23.1: Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout


-12 23.1'-25.1': Bentonite Chip Seal 14 25.1'-37': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 16 0-27': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser

-18 27'-37': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen

-20 37': Bottom of Boring









-38 -Bottom of Boring at 37' bgs Key to Well Construction

[F Sandpack FEJ Well Screen Grout 0 Bentonite Seal E cement

y399 Stret, 6th Floor Boylston DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-105B ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Horesh, Regan, Picard Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow Date Started: 18-Jun-03 Date Finished: 20-Aug-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: RotoSonic Screen Diam: 2" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2" Length: 64' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Boring Depth: 75' Well Depth: 74' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: 20.49' On-Site GW Analyses: H--3,Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories 9-Sep-03 FID Conc. Lab Sample # &

Depth Well Log -Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) HS Analyses*

-2 Dark brown to brown, loose, poorly sorted medium SAND, SAND 5' 5' some coarse Sand, some fine to coarse rounded Gravel, little 0-5' 0.0

-Cobbles; dry.




- s Brown to orange-brown, loose, poorly sorted medium to SAND 7' 7' coarse SAND, some fine to coarse fine to coarse subangular to 54-12 0.0

- angular Gravel, some Cobbles; dry.


-12 _____


_13 to dark brown, loose, poorly sorted medium to coarse SAND 3' 3' SAND, little angular to subangular Gravel, some rounded 12'-15' 0.0

-Cobbles, little rounded fine Gravel; dry.


-16 Brown to dark brown, loose, poorly sorted coarse SAND, SAND 5' -- some to little medium Sand, trace Silt, little Clay, little to some 15'-20, 0.0 1 ICobbles, Note: top of denser material (till?) at 19', water table at 16.5'; moist.



-21 - 22 GW-I -

SILT & CLAY 5 '11 --Dark brown to gray-brown, dense, poorly sorted CLAY and 20-25' 0.8 VOC-SILT, some rounded fine Gravel, little rounded Cobbles; dry. 8260B -


-24 S25 _ _______________________________________

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted Key to Well Construction LI Sandpack E] Well Screen [ Grout U Bentonite Seal [] Cement

Sample I399 DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-105B 3oylston Street, 6th Floor ERM Boston, MA02116 Page 2 of Lab 3 Con-FID I

Depth IWell Log Stratigraphy enetrato ,Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification I D (pp) s Analyses- 3': Olive, very dense, greenish-gray SILT with CLAY,

- 27 - -some to little angular Cobbles; moist.

SILT & CLAY 5, 5, 3'-5': Dark brown to gray-brown, dense, poorly sorted 25'-30' 0.0 S -SILT, some to little Clay, some rounded fine Gravel, little _rounded Pebbles/Cobbles; moist. -31 -

SILT & CLAY 5' 5'

-Dark brown to gray-brown, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some to little Clay, little rounded Pebbles, trace 30'-35' 0.0 "Gravel/Cobble; dry. -36 -

0-2.5': Boulder (Albite gneiss) grindings and dust.

-37 - BOULDER/SILT 4' 4' 2.5-4': Olive greenish-gray, dense, SILT with Clay and 35'-39' 0.0 angular Cobbles, trace fine Sand; moist.

- 38 - GW-2 VOC-

-41 - NR 5'~ 0' orcvr 39'-44' NA 8260B VC NR oNo recovery

-42 - (core barrel is wet; presume loose, saturated sand) 3-447N720 H-3=7,720

-43 -

IN pCi/L .45 -

- 46 - 0-5': Greenish gray, very dense, moderately well sorted SILT 5' 5' SILT, little Clay and angular Cobbles, little to trace coarse 44'-49' 0.0 - Gravel; dry.

- 46 -

- 49 -

SILT I- reensh gray, very ense, moaerately we sorted SILT, ittle Clay, little 49.50' 00 SILT coarse Gravel, trace fine Sand (1" at 49'); dry.

- 50 -

SILT 5' 5' -Greenish gray, very dense, moderately well sorted SILT, 50'-55' 0.0

- little Clay and angular Cobbles, little coarse Gravel; dry.

0-2': Very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some to little Clay, BOULDER 3' 5' some Gravel/Pebbles, trace Cobbles; dry. 55'-58' 0.0

-2'-3': Pulverized Bedrock.

-)8-BEDROCK 3' 3' Bedrock 58'-61' 0.0

- 60- -U0 14' 11.5' - SEE FOLLOWING PAGE FOR LOGGING DETAILS 61'-75' 0.0

- 64-

- 65-

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

399 Poylston Street, 6th Floor Page 3 of 3 DRILLING LOG for W ell #: ýMW-105B ERM Boston,MA02116 11 FID Conc. Lab Sa.ple4 Depth Welt Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Split Spoon Description/Soil Classification Depth (ppm) I'S &Analyses-



-68 GW-3

-69 VOC-Albite Gneiss Bedrock, foliation dips at -35o to horizontal, 61'-75'

-70 BEDROCK 14' 11.5' 0.0 8260B -

rust colored fractures at 64', 65' 66.5', 70'-71', and 74'-75' H-3=6,030

-71 pCi/L


- 73


- 75 .1 - *-~. J Bottom of Boring at 75' bgs.

Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1-59.7': Portland.Cement/Bentonite Grout 59.7'-61.8': Bentonite Chip Seal 61.8'-75': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-64': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser 64'-75': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen 75': Bottom of Boring 0-25': 8" Steel Casing Grouted in Place

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

ta 399 ERM Boylston Street, 6th Floor +MW17 M OT DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-107C ERM BostontMA02r6 FloI MWI W-107B Project: Yankee L.T-P. Project Number 2107.01 MW-107D0 MW-I 02 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Oiden Gonzales Date Started: 18-Sep-03 Date Finished: 19-Sep-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic MW-lot Screen Diam: 2" Length: 5' Slot Size: 0.010' Casing Diam: 2" Length: 27' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Vapor Container Boring Depth: 32' Well Depth: 32' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: NR Notes:

On-Site GW Analyses: 11-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories FI C n c.. c Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth (ppm) Lab Sample # &

spoon/HS Analyses 2

48' GW-I 6 VOC-8260B

-10 W ell Construction Details:

-12 0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1'-23': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout

-16 23'-25': Bentonite Chip Seal 25'-32': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack

-181'-27': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser

-20 27'-32': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen

- 22 32': Bottom of Boring



- 28 30

- 32 Bottom of Boring at 32' bgs

  • Results of on-Site radiological activity <MDL unless otherwise noted Key to Well Construction Sandpack FEJ Well Screen FA Grout Bentonite Seal E Cement

.*ERM 399 Bsylston Street, 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-107D ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 MW-107D W-107B MW-102 Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: Michael Horesh Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Oiden Gonzales Date Started: 20-Sep-03 Date Finished: 23-Sep-03 Location: Rowe, Massachusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic MW1t0 Screen Diam: 2" Length: 5' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2" Length: 76.2' Type: Schedule 40, 2" PVC Vapor Container Boring Depth: 81.2' Well Depth: 81.2' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: NR Notes:

On-Site GW Analyses: H-3, Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site GW Analytical Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories FID Conc.

Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description Depth (ppm) Lab Sample # &

spoon/HS Analyses

-5 S10 Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox

-20 1-71.1': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout

-25 71.1'-73': Bentonite Chip Seal

- 30 73'-81.2': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack

- 35 1-75': Sched. 40 2" PVC Riser

- 40 75'-80': 0.010" Sched. 40 2" PVC Screen

-45 81.2': Bottom of Boring

- 50

- 55

- 60

- 65

- 70

- 75

- 80 - . .- . _

- 85 Bottom of Boring at 81.2' bgs Key to Well Construction 7 Sandpack Well Screen Grout Bentonite Seal E Cement

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor + MW-107C DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-107B ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee L.T.P. Project Number: 2107.01 MW-102 MW-107D Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Company Logged by: D. Scott, E. Gabbay Drilling Co: D.L. Maher Driller: Bill Zammow 0

Date Started: 12-Sep- 3 Date Finished: 17-Sep-03 MW t1t Location: Rowe, Mossaehusetts Drilling Method: Rotosonic Screen Diam: 2.5" Length: 10' Slot Size: 0.010" Casing Diam: 2.5" Length: 99.7' Type: Schedule 80, 2.5" PVC Vapor Container Boring Depth: 109.7' Well Depth: 109.7' Boring Diam.: 5.5" Surface Elev.: NR MP: Ground Surface Depth to GW: NR Notes:

On-Site GW Analyses: 11-3,Co-60, Cs-134, Cs-137 Off-Site Non-radiological Laboratory: Northeastern Laboratories Depth I Well Log Stratigraphy [ Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description


- Brown, loose, rounded, poorly sorted fine to coarse SAND SAND & GRAVEL 5, 5'

3. -and GRAVEL, little Silt; wet (2.5')



-6 _0-1': Brown, medium dense, poorly sorted fine to coarse SAND and GRAVEL, little Silt; wet.

-7 S- 1-2.5': Olive to dark brown, medium dense, poorly sorted

-8 SAND -5fine to coarse SAND and GRAVEL, little Silt; wet.

2.5'-5': Light brown, very dense, poorly sorted very fine

-9 SAND and SILT, trace coarse subangular Gravel; dry.

-10 JIt

-12 0-1': Ohlve, medium dense, sorted, tnterbedded very ttne 13 5' SAND and SILT, trace coarse Gravel; wet. NR

-14 SAND & SILT 2.5' - 1'-2.5': Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, some fine to 12.5'-15'

-coarse subangular Gravel, trace fine Sand: drv.

- I

-16 SILT 3' 3 -Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT with fine to coarse 15'-18' NR


-subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; dry.


-19 SILT 2.5' 2.5' -Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT with fine to coarse 18-20.5 NR

'2.5' subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; dry.

-20 -

-21 SILT 2.5' 2.5' Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT with fine to coarse 20.5'-23' NR subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; damp. 3': Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT with fine to SILT 4' 4' 23-27' NR coarse subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; dry. NOTES: Key to Well Construction

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted W Sandpack E] Well Screen G Grout U Bentonite Seal EH Cement

399 [3oylston Street, th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-107B ERM Boston MA02 , tl6 Page 2 of 4 Soil Core Description Depth Boring og Stratigraphy Penetration j Recovery Depth (ppm) HIS

[.Lab Sample 9 &


3'-4': Olive, very dense, sorted, interlayered very fine SAND 23-27 NR 26 - SAND & SILT 4' 4, and SILT, trace fine subangular Gravel; damp.

27 -

-28 -

0-2': Olive, dense, sorted, interbedded very fine to fine SAND

- 29 -

SAND & SILT 5' 5' and SILT, trace fine subangular gravel; wet. 27'-32' NR

- 30 - 2'-5': Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT with fine to coarse subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; dry.

-31 -

S32 -

-33 -

-34 -

35 - 0-1': Albite Gneiss Boulder

-36 - 1-3.5': Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT with fine to BOULDER & SILT 9' 9' coarse subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; dry. 32'-33' NR 37 m -3.5'-9': Olive, very dense, poorly sorted SILT, fine to coarse

-38 -

subangular Gravel, trace very fine Sand; dry.

-39 -

40 -

-41 -

GW-2 VOC- -

-42 - 8260B Olive, medium dense, unsorted, fine to coarse rounded SAND

-43 - SAND & GRAVEL 4' 4' -and GRAVEL, some SILT, few fist sized rounded Cobbles; 41'-45' NR H3=

H-3= -

wet. 34,200 -

44 -

pCi/L 45 -

0-2': Olive, loose, unsorted coarse to fine SAND, little coarse 46 -

to medium subrounded Gravel, trace Silt; wet.

-47 - SAND & GRAVEL 4' 4' -2'-4': Olive, very dense, unsorted, SILT and subangular fine 47'-49' NR -

GRAVEL, some fist-sized Cobbles, trace fine Sand, trace Clay;

- 48 -


- 49 -

SAND & SILT -.Olive, dry.and unsorted tine GRAVEL, some list-sized Cobbles, dense, SILT verySand/Clay; trace fine 490' NR

-51 - -0'-3': Olive, very dense, unsorted SILT and fine angular

-GRAVEL, some Clay, some coarse to medium subangular 52 -

SILT 5' 5' Gravel, trace Sand, trace Cobbles; damp. 50'-55' NR 53 - 3'-5': Olive, unsorted, stiff, varved SILT and gray CLAY, 54 - -some fine angular, unsorted Gravel; damp.

55 m 56 -

0-1.5': Olive, unsorted, stiffvarved SILT and gray CLAY, 37 -

some fine angular, unsorted Gravel; damp.

58 - SILT 4.5' 4.5' 1.5'-4.5': Olive, very dense, unsorted SILT and fine angular 55'-61' NR -

GRAVEL, some Clay, some coarse to medium subangular 59

- Gravel, trace Sand, trace Cobbles; damp.

60 -

61 -

BOULDER I' Albite Gneiss, with 1/8" gamet x'tals 61'-62' NR 62 -

63 BOULDER 3' 3, Gametiferous albite gneiss 62'-65' NR 64 -

- J .1. ___________ LL J -


  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

1 r-399 toylston Street. 6th Floor DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-107B ERM Bos ton, MA 02116 Page 3of4 Depth Well Log Stratigraphy Penetration Recovery Soil Core Description

- 66 See previous page for description

- 67 SILT AND CLAY 1' 11 Olive, dense, unsorted SILT and fin angular GRAVEL, some Clay, some medium subangular Gravel, trace Sand, trace Cobbles; damp.

- 68

- 69 BOULDER 2.5' 2.5' Pulverized rock + 8" of Albite Gneiss.

- 70

- 71

- 72 5' 1.5' (BLOW-IN FROM ABOVE)

- 73

- 74

- 75

- 76

- 77 -- 0-2.5': Olive, very dense, unsorted, fine angular Gravel and 78 GRAVEL & SILT 6' 6' -SILT, trace coarse to medium Gravel, trace Clay; damp.

2.5'-6: Brown, medium dense, sorted medium to fine SAND, I

- 79 -little coarse to medium subangular Gravel, trace Silt; wet.

- 80 _

- 81I 0-1.5': Olive, medium sorted, medium dense fine SAND, some coarse to fine subangular

- 82 SAND 2' 2' Gravel, some Silt;met 1.5'-2': Brown, medium dense, unsorted Silt and severely weathered schist;dry.

- 83 BOULDER B0-0.5': Brown, loose, unsorted Silt and severely weathered schist; dry.

- 54 - 2' 2 -0.8'-2: Pulverized albite gneiss, little brown Silt severely weathered micaceous schist.

- 85 - 0-0.2': Albite gneiss Cobble.

- 86 -

BOULDER 1.5' 1.5' -1.2I': Dark Brown, loose, stratified SILT (iall?); dry.

I 2-15': Albte gneiss.

- 87 - 2.5': Brown, dense micaceous SILT; dry.

- 88 -

BOULDER & SILT 3.5' 3 2.5'-3': Albite gneiss Cobble 2.5'-3': Brown, loose, micaceous SILT with weathered

- 89 -

micaceous schist fragments; dry.

- 90 -

.'-t.5': Olive, loose, well sorted LMeto meandou (ANL; blid; Wet.

GRAVEL/SAND/SILT 1' 11 0.5'-1': Olive, dense, unsorted SILT and GRAVEL (pulverized schist).

0-1.5': Olive, medium dense, well sorted fine to medium SAND, trace Silt; wet.

S92 - SAND 2' 2' -- 1.5'-2':

Silt;wet. Olive, loose, Unsorted medium to frie SAND, and fire subangular Gravel, trace 91F-93'

-931 - 0-0.5': Olive, dense, unsorted SILT and file snbangula GRAVEL; damp.

GRAVEL & SILT ' .5'-1' Puleried albitegneiss. 93' 94 -

95 .

96 -

97 -

98 99-I _.Albite Gneiss, only 3 machine breaks, coarse-grained foliation BEDROCK 16' 16' (defined by 1/4" layers of albite dips at -30o), few small IS -0 garnets (1/8"); fracture zones at 109'- 10' and 105'-106'.


-102-103-104-sS - i a a a -_______________________________________________________________ a NOTES:

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

ERM o DRILLING LOG for Well #: MW-107B 39R1lstonStrm02 9 th1Floor P

-R r~g o eM 0211 4 of Depth Boring Steatgraphy Penetaton PntainI Recovery I(pp.)

Soil Core Description FID Conc. LabSample &

HSI Analyspes*

I Log Stairpy

. 10,5 -

- 107 -


- 108 - 8260B

- 109 -

-110 Bottom of Boring at 109.7' bgs.

Well Construction Details:

0-1': Cement, Protective Flushmount Roadbox 1-96': Portland Cement/Bentonite Grout 96'-97.8': Bentonite Chip Seal 97.8'-109.7': #0 Silica Sand Filter Pack 0-99.7': Sched. 80 2.5" PVC Riser 99.7'-109.7: 0.010" Sched. 80 2" PVC Screen 109.7': Bottom of Boring 0-12.5': 8" Steel Casing Grouted in Place

~~1 NOTES:

  • Results of on-Site radiological screening <MDL unless otherwise noted

Appendix F Soil Sampling Logs


ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-001 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (i n) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

It. gray, silt, uniform, soft, sA. Moist, tr. Round SB-00100061 1015

-2 -

cobbles (ML)

-4 5







-- 12

-- 13

-14 med. Brown, soft, silt with some fine sand, SB3-0010102F 1020

- 15 rounded. gravel to 1 inch diam., sA Moist, (ML)

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 i 4-24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

I ERM K 399 BoylstonStreet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-002 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time)

- 1 -

silt with fine to coarse gravel, subrounded, tr. SB-00200061 1035

-2 -

Fine sand, med. Brown, soft, sl. Moist (ML)

-3 5 6 i 7





-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 -

- 17 "

- 18 =

- 19 4-- i-I__

- ZO

- 21

- 22 "4

- 23 24-Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (601013) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPHI-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-002 39Boyston, Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time 9

-26 -

-27 -

2-3 ft: med brown/gray, silt with fine sand, SB-0020203F 1040

-28 -

some subrounded fine gravel, soft, sl. Moist

-29 - (ML)

"30 -

-31 -

-32 -

-34 -


-36 -

-37 - -40 -

-41 -

-42 -

-43 -

-44 -

-45 -

-46 -

-47 -

-48 -

-49 -

-50 -

-51 -

-52 -

-53 -

.55 -


11 ERM 0 399 B1oylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-003 ERM Boston,1vMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 1 med brown silt, trace co. gravel, subrounded, SB-00300061 1115

-2 soft, sl. Moist (ML) 3






-9 .-4 i

-10 m

- 11






- 17


- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) X SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (80151B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

ERM 399 Boylston Strot, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-003 ERM Bostol, MA02116 21 II Page 2 of WI Depth (in) Soil Classification jFID screen (ppm) 11Sample ID(s) and Time

-26 -

-27 -

2-3 ft: same description as above (ML) SB-0030203F 1120

-28 -

-29 -

-30 -

-31 -

-32 -

-33 -

-34 -

-35 -

-36 -

-37 -

-39 -

-40 -

-41 -

-42 -

-43 -

-44 -

-45 -

-46 -

-47 -

-48 -

-49 -

  • 50 -

-51 -

-52 -

-53 -

-54 -

  • .55 -


ERM 399 Poylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-004 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (il) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 It. brown sandy silt, some fine sand, trace fine SB-00400061 0957

- 2 -

gravel, soft, sA. Moist (ML)






-8 i i



-11 4--- -12 -


-14 soft, sl moist, med sand with some silt, trace SB-0040102F 1000

-15 fine gravel (SM)


- 17



- 20

- 21

- 22 23

?d - I Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x(upper)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-008 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time lt. brown, sand to sandy silt, well graded, SB-00800061 1125 loose, trace angular fine gravel (ML), dry 3 6 I I -8 -10 -

- 11 t - 1

-12 -


-14 brown sandy silt, trace coarse subrounded SB-0080102F 1130

- 15 gravel, med-fine sand (ML)

- 16


- 18


- 20


- 22

- 23 24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOc TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-009 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time1 I 0-6 inches: orange brown to dark brown, poorly graded, medium SB-00900061

- 1 dense, silt, some clay, some sand, moist (ML) 1-2 ft: light brown, poorly graded, medium dense silt, some sand, SB-0090102F

-2 moist, (ML) groundwater at 1.5 ft bgs








- 10

- 11




- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPHI-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-012 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J- Frazier 3

Date: 22-Oct-0 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: dark brown to black organic silt, root fibers, 15% fine sand, SB-01200061 1705

- 1 moist, soft (OL/ML)

-2 2-3 ft: orange brown, silt, poorly graded, trace rounded fine gravel, SB-0120203F 1710 71 roots/wood, loose/soft, moist, (ML)












- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 I I1 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

.9 W S399 ERMBoylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-013 ERM BostoinMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Hloresh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timej 0-6 inches: light brown to orange brown, well graded, loose to medium SB-01300061 dense, sand with some silt, trace root fibers / organics, dry (SM)

-2 2-3 ft: orange brown to gray brown, well graded, loose sand with SB-0130203F angular fine gravel, dry (SW)













- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM S 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-018 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J.Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FIDScreen (ppm) Sample ID(s) &Time

- 1 -

dark brown to orange, sA. Moist to dry, poorly 0 SB-01800061 1647 graded silt, little root fibers (ML)

-6 - - t I

-9 --

-10 - t I

-11 -

i12 -

-13 -t I

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 -I I



- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 *-1 I 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

ERMoo Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-018 399BoJstonS_, 6A026Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time

-. I 4

-26 -

-27 -

2-3 ft: orange/brown, silt, poorly graded, SB-0180203F 1710

-28 -

trace round fine gravel, roots/wood, soft,

-29 - miost (ML)

-30 -

-31 -

-32 -

-33 -

-34 -

-35 -

-36 -

-37 - 40 -

0-41 -

-42 -

.43 -

-44 -

-45 -

-46 -

-47 -

-48 -

-49 -

-50 -

51 -

-52 -

-53 -

54 -

55 -

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-019 ERM Bos toi, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: 15181 Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei 0-6 inches: black, organic humis with root fibers, dry (PT)

SB-01900061 1-2 ft: light brown, poorly graded, loose to medium dense sand and SB-0190102F 2 silt, trace root fibers, dry (SM), refusal at 2 ft 3

4 5










- 15

- 16


- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) F1`3 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-020 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J-Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

medium brown silt with trace fine sand, SB-02000061 0927

-23 roots/organics, trace fine gravel, rounded, sA moist, soft (ML) - 6 7




- 11




- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20 .t I

- 21

- 22

- 23 9,4 24.

Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin X

ERM S399 BoyLston Street, 6th Floor I Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-020 ERM BostonMA 02116 Page 2 of 2 W

Depth (in) Soil Classification I FID screen (ppm) jSample ID(s) and Time

-26 -

-27 -

2-3 ft: silt with fine sand, trace round co. SB-0200203F 0930 gravel to 1" diameter, soft, med. Brown, trace FD205102203 2400

-29 - fine gravel, sl. Moist (ML)

"30 -

"31 -

-32 -

1- 33

-34 -

-35 -

-36 -


-39 -

40 -

-41 -

-42 -

43 -

-44 -

-45 -

46 -

-47 -

-48 "

-49 -


-51 52 -

-53 -

-54 -

-55 -

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-022 ERM Bostoný MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & TimeI 0-6 inches: light brown, poorly graded, loose to medium dense sand, SB-02200061; FD202102003 20% clay, root fibers / organic material,, dry (SM/SC) 1-2 ft: brown, poorly graded, medium dense fine sand and silt, dry, SB-0220102F

- 2 15% clay (SM) 3 4











- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20


- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM ERM 399 Boylston Street 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-025 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J.Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time I orange poorly graded silt, uniform, soft, sA. SB-02500061 1620

-2 -

Moist (ML)


- 4 -


-5 m










- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18 -4

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) X SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-025 ERM Boston MA 02116 IIF 11 Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) 11Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: same description as upper sample SB-0250203F 1625


- 29









- 38


















Y ERM 399 Boylston Street 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-026 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAiC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & TimeI

-1 -

dark brown to black, organic silt, roots, 0 SB-02600061 1520 2

uniform, soft, sl. Moist (OL) 3


-5 6


-8 9






- 15

- 16

- 17 "18 19

- 20


- 22

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B) X SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) X TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B) x Dioxin

' -ERM SB-026 399 BoyIston Street, 6th Floor ERM B3ostonMA02116 Page 2 of Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) ISample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: same description as above, but with 0 SB-0260203F 1525

- 28 some subrounded fine to coarse gravel (OL)

- 29



- 32






- 38


















.ko399ERMBoylstonStreet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-027 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Fland Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

med. Brown, silty medium sand, moist, soft, SB-02700061 0920 5% subangular coarse gravel, 10% fine subangular gravel (SM) 5-


- 8






- 14 same description as above, water table SB-0270102F 0925

-15 encountered at 24 inches

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPI-f-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-030 ERM Bostonr MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

- 1 -

black to brown/orange, poorly graded silts, SB-03000061 1555 organics, roots, some sand (30%), sl. Moist, soft

-3 (ML) -6




-10 "11



-14 orange/brown silt, soft, 15% fine sand, 10% SB3-0300102F 1600

- 15 round fine gravel, sl. Moist (ML)

- 16

-17 S18 19


,21 22 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

RMM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-031 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei med. Brown/orange, organic silt with some SB-03100061 1445 2

- 4 - rounded cobbles, some to little fine sand, trace rounded f. gravel, slightly moist, soft (OL)

- 6 -4 1- n ___________ I _________________



- 9 4 1-



- 12


-14 same description as above (OL) SB-0310102F 1450

- 15

- 16


- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 -4 -1 I 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Stroet, 6th floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-032 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 26-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 2' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

0-6 inches: dark brown to black, poorly graded, medium dense sand SB-03200061

-1! with some silt, <5% angular fine gravel, dry (SM/SC) 1-2 It: dark gray to black, poorly graded, medium dense sand with SB-0320102F

-2 20% clay, <5'%, angular fine graveldry (SM/SC)













- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (82601) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCIBs (8082) x (0-6 in) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)


,U1 399 Boylston Stret, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-033 ERM BostoRnMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diamn: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

It. gray, soft, sl moist silt, 5% fine and co. SB-03300061 0900

-2 gravel, rounded, trace cobble to 3 inch

.3 - diameter (ML)

.4 ,

.5 -








- 14 same as above, but some medium sand SB-0330102F 0910

-15 component, (ML)

- 16

- 17

- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylst on Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-035 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FIDScreen (ppm J Samp) eDs&imi[e 0-6 inches:light brown, well graded, loose sand, 2 0% rounded fine to SB-03500061

-1 coarse gravel, 15% silt, dry (SM) 1-2 ft: light brown, well graded, loose sand, 20% rounded fine to SB-0350102F

-2 coarse gravel, 15% silt, dry (SM)






- 8









- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPI-t-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B) x

-- ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-048 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 5' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei 0-6 inches: brown to light brown, medium dense to dense, well graded 89-7 SB-04800061

-1 1 medium to coarse sand, some angular fine gravel, trace angular coarse gravel, moist

-2 2-3 ft: same description as above sample, but strong hydrocarbon smell 89.7 SB-0480203F toward bottom of 0-5 ft collection interval





-7 -9

-10 -

-11 -,12 -

,13 -

-14 -

15 -

-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

19 4 20 21 --

22 -4 23 24 I Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x (2-3 ft) PPI3 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (all) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (all) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (all) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)


ýQ 399 [o ykston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-049 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe ieoSearch -

Boring Depth: 3' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

0-6 inches: orange-brown to brown, well graded medium dense fine to 0 SB3-04900061

- 1 medium sand, some subrounded fine to coarse gravel, moist (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: same description as above sample 0 SB-0490203F










- 12



- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (all) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

UERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-054 ERM BostornMA02116 I-Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 15' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: light brown to tan brown, well graded, loose medium sand, 0 SB-05400061

- 1 - some angular gravel/asphalt, dry (SW)

-2 -

2-3 ft: light brown to tan, poorly graded fine to medium sand, little to SB-0540203F 3 trace angular fine to coarse gravel, dry (SP) 7 -10 -

-11 -

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

14-15 ft: light brown poorly graded to graded, loose fine to medium SB-054 1415F 15 -- sand, little angular fine gravel, little angular coarse gravel/cobbles, dry (SW/SP) 16 --

17 -q 18 --

19 -20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (all) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (all) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (all) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 399 3o ylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-057 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 15' Boring Diam_: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time I 0-6 inches: brown, poorly graded, soft silt, little fine sand, some grass 0 SB-05700061

-1 - __ at top, moist (ML)

-2 2-3 ft: brown to light brown, graded, loose medium to fine sand, little SB-0570203F

-3 angular fine gravel, trace angular coarse gravel, mosit (SW-SP)







-10 -

-11 -

-12 -

-13 -14 -

14-15 ft: gray brown to tannish white, well graded, loose medium to coarse sand, some to little angular gravel, crushed cobbles, dry 0 SB-0571415F

-15 --


-16 -

-17 "

-18 -

-19 - 20 - -

-21 -

-22 -23 -

24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (60101B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-058 ERM BostonrMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 6' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: brown to light brown, well graded, loose to medium dense, SB-05800061 0

- 1 - fine to coarse sand, some angular gravel, little silt, dry to 2 ft, (SW)

-2 i 2-3 It: same as above description 0 SB-0580203F 5-6 ft: light brown to very light brown, well graded, loose to very loose 0 SB-0580506F coarse and medium sand, some angular gravel, dry, water at approx 6 ft (SW)

-8 10 -1

-11 -

12 -13 -

-14 -

15 --

16 -A 17 -1 18 --

19 -4 20 21 -

22 -

23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (all) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (all) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (all) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-059 ERM Boston,MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 15' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: light brown, well graded, medium dense, medium to coarse 0 SB-05900061

- 1 sand, some subrounded fine gravel, dry to moist (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: same description as above sample 0 SB-0590203F












-14 14-15 ft: light brown, well graded, loose to medium dense sand, some SB-0591415F

- 15 angular fine gravel, dry (SW)

- 16


- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 - .1 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (0-6 in) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-060 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 5' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: brown to light brown, well graded, loose to medium dense 0 SB-06000061

-1l sand, some angular fine gravel, little to trace subangular coarse gravel, dry to moist (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: same description as above sample 0 SB-0600203F













- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x (all)

PCBs (8082) x (all) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

NERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-061 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 15' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 1 0-6 inches: brown to light brown, medium dense, well graded medium SB-06100061

-1 to coarse sand, some angular fine gravel (asphalt at top 2 iches), dry (SW)

- 2 2-3 ft: same description as above sample

.3 - SB-0610203F 4- 6-7 8- -10 -

-11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

14-15 ft: brown to light brown, well graded, loose fine to coarse sand, SB-0611415F some to little rounded fine gravel, trace coarse gravel, dry (SW)


- 16 -

- 17 -

18 q--

- 19 -

21 22 - 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (14-15 ft)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (all) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (14-15 ft)


ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-062 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 10' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: black to brown to gray, well graded angular fine gravel and 0 SB-06200061

-1 -

sand, dry (GM) 2-3 ft: same description as above sample SB-0620203F


-4 5-6 ft: brown to light brown, well graded, loose to medium dense sand, 0 SB-0620203F some angular fine gravel, little subrounded coarse gravel, dry to moist, (SW)





-11 -

-12 -




-16 -18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

- 21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (60101B) x (5-6 ft)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hlydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (all) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (5-6 ft)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-068 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 29-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 9' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: well graded, loose to dense sand, some angular line gravel, SB-06800061

- 1 dry (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: same as above SB-0680203F






-8 8-9 ft: light brown to orange brown, well graded loose sand, some SB-0680809F angular fine gravel, dry, water at 9 ft.







- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (deepest only)

SVOCs (8270C) x (upper 2) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

0399Boylston Street, 6th Floor WERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-069 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe ieoSearch-Boring Depth: 15' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei Depth (ft) 0-6 inches: light brown to tan brown, well graded loose sand, some 0 SB-06900061

- 1 angular to subangular fine gravel, broken-Up coarse gravel, dry (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: same as above SB-0690203F









- 11



-14 14-15 ft: light brown to tan, poorly to well graded, loose silt and fine 0 SB-0691415F

__ sand, some to little broken-up cobbles, dry (SW-SP)

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19


-22 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (82601) PP13 metals (6010B) x (deepest only)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)


39) Bo ylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-083 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 30-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 3' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: dark brown to gray, well graded sand and gravel, mosit, 0 SB-08300061

-1 -

medium dense, cobble at 3' (refusal) 2 2-3 ft: same description as above sample 0 SB-0830203F 3

4 5

6 7-9

-10 12 -

-13 -1

-14 -4

-15 -

-16 -17 -J -20 -4 21

- 22 -

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (all) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Hoor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-088 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) ISample ID(s) & Time[

0-6 inches: light brown to brown, well graded, loose, med to fine sand, SB-08800061

- 1 10%-15% round fine to coarse gravel, dry, 50% rounded boulders, some silt, trace clay (SW) SB-0880102F

-2 1-2 ft: light brown, well graded loose med to fine sand, 10% rounded fine gravel, 20% fines, dry (SW)






- 8







- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 24 - .1 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-089 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M+. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: dark brown, well graded, very loose fine gravel and coarse SB-08900061

-1 - sand, angular to rounded gravel, <5% root fibers, dry (GW) 1-2 ft: brown, poorly graded, loose, med to coarse sand, 10% rounded SB-08901I02F 2 - fine gravel and angular gravel, dry (SP) -4


-10 ,-

-12 -

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 "

- 16 "---

- 17 - 18 "--

- 19 -4

-20 4-

-21 ----

-22 -

-23 -

24-Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (801513) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-089 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) 1 Sample ID(s) & Time I 0-6 inches:light brown, well graded, loose to very loose med-coarse SB-08900061

-1 - sand, 15% fines, 50% rounded cobbles, 30% angular gravel, dry, (GW) 1-2 ft: light brown to gray brown, poorly graded, loose to very loose SB-0890102F

-2 medium coarse sand, 2 0% angular fine gravel, dry (SP)







-9 10 -I

-11 -

-12 -

-13 -

- 14 -

- 15 -

16 -4 17 -J 18 --

-19 -

20 -21 - - 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hlydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X

Y ERM 399 I3oylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-090 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. -loresh Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timej 0-6 inches:light brown to brown, well graded, loose to very loose sand, SB-09000061

- 1 15% coarse to fine gravel, dry (SW) 1-2 ft: light brown, graded, loose, moderate to coarse sand, 5% fine SB-0900102F

-2 gravel, dry (SW/SP)












- 14

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19


- 21

- 22

-23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

SERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-100 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J.Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time med. Brown, soft, sandy silt, med sand size, SB-10000061 1540 2 -

little rounded fine gravel, sl moist (ML) 3-4-

5-6 7

8 9

-10 11 12


-14 med. Brown, silty sand, (SM), soft, some SB-1000102F 1545

- 15 subrounded fine gravel up to 1.5 inches,

- 16 --- -some-/trace-roots, ituist


- 18

-19 -

-20 -


-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

t- ERM L 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-101 ERM Bos ton, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 21 brown to gray/brown, poorly graded, loose to 0.3 SB-10100061 1130 med dense, fine sand and silt, some root fibers/organics, dry (SM) 5 -

6-7 8






-14 same except little fine gravel (SM) 0 SB-1010102F 1140

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22 11 i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I_ _ _I_ _ _ _

-23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (80151B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

W S399ERMBoylston Strcet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-102 ERM Bostoin MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timej med brown, fine sand, some silt, poorly SB-10200061 1115 graded, soft, sl. Moist, roots (SM)









-14 same as above except trac e of fine gravel (SM) SB-1020102F 1120~

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 m 24 1~J Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP113 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B)

i ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-103 ERM Boston4MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timne

- 1 -

dk brown, moist, soft, organic silt, uniform, SB-10300061 1035

-2 -

micaceous material and roots (OL)



-9 10




-14 same description as above SB-1030102F 1040


- 16

- 17


- 19

- 20 E21 E22

- 23 24 I I Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPHI-DRO(8015B) x

~:*ERM i 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-104 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: +and Auger or Shove!

Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diarn: 2-i inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 -

- 2 -

m. brown, sand and silt, med sand, some SB-10400061 1100 darker organic matter, loose/soft, roots, sl 3 4--- moist, 5% subrounded fine to coarse gravel to

- 4 - 1" (SM)







- 11



-14 same as above except: cobbles rounded to 5" SB-1040102F 1105

- 15 diameter, soft, si moist, m. brown (SM)

- 16

- 17

- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Loylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-105 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J- Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei It. brown, soft, sA moist, silt, some subangular 0 SB-10500061 0850 fine to co. gravel to 1 inch, 5 % cobbles rounded FD203102103 2400 to 4 in diameter (ML)

-8 - - - -I


-10 I 4 -I-

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

light brown, loose med. To course sand, some 0.7 SB-1050102F 0900

-15 -

fine gravel (10%), some silt (15%), 5%

-16 - 1 1 1 1*1* 1 ._

  • AX\ ___

.J UV %JIJIIL'IUJ iJ1'-J 11kL'L~ I \.Jvl)

- 17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

- 20 -

- 21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 . - 1 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC IPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

WERM 399 BoylstonStreet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-106 ERM Bostoi, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 -

sl. Moist, soft with organics, silt with co. sand SB-1060006I 0835

-2 and 5% fine gravel, orange/brown color, fine

-3 gravel is subrounded, trace coarse gravel,

-4 rounded







- 11



-14 same description as above SB-1060102F 0840

- 15

- 16 J-

- 17

- 18 4 -f I I

-19 -


-21 - i i

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) Toc TPH-DRO(8015B) x

b S399 ERMBoylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-107 ERM BostorMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

med. Brown, silt, some micaceous material, SB-10700061 0820

-2 some organics/roots, some fine gravel, subrounded, some co. gravel and cobbles, subrounded, sl moist, soft (ML) 5





- 10




-14 lt. brown, silt (ML), some fine gravel and co. SB-1070102F 0830

- 15 gravel, subrounded, soft, sl moist

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

.>,*ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-108 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: j. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Au ger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 -

light brown, poorly graded, loose sand and SB-10800061 0800 silt, 5 percent rounded coarse gravel, <5%

- 3 4- angular/rounded fine gravel, root fibers, dry

- 4 - (SM)

- 5 -6









- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B)

SVOCs (8270C) 1PP13 metals (6010B)

Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (80151B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-108 aA016Page 399Boylstonr, 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) IISample ID(s) and Time


-27 It brown, sl. Moist, silt with trace fine sand, SB-1080203F 0810

-28 trace gravel (rounded) to one inch diameter,

-29 soft, (ML)









- 38






- 44








-52 53 54 55

U . 399 ERM loylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-109 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J- Frazier Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- I -

slightly moist, soft, med brown, silt with some SB-10900061 1500 2 -1 to trace fine sand, fairly uniform except trace 3 cobbles, rounded to 4-5 in diameter (ML), root 4 fibers present, mostly inorganic silt with 5

micaceous grains 6




-10 11 12


-14 same description except trace subrounded SB-1090102F 1515

- 15 gravel to .75 inch diameter, refusal on cobbles







- 22

- 23 924 24 -

Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

WERM 399Eoylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-110 ERM Boston,MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 -

moist, med brown, sandy silt, sand is medium, SB-11000061 1420

-2 soft, some rounded gravel to 2-3 inches, trace

-3 rounded cobble to 4", some organic matter

- 4 -- (ML); location is on rip-rap dam fill, grassy

- 5 -


-6 .4- I*


- 8

- 9




= 13

-14 same as above description SB-1100102F 1430




- 18 7 19


-21 II I I_______

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 B1oylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-111 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J- Frazier Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

si. Moist, med to light brown, sandy, gravelly SB-11100061 1350 silt with trace cobbles, soft, organic matter,

-3 sand is medium, gravel/pebbles rounded, rounded cobbles (ML); gravel size 2-3 in.,

-5 cobble to 5" 6



- 10




- 14 moist, med to coarse sand, loose with gravel SB-1110102F 1400

-15 (rounded), trace cobble, sand is subrounded,

- 16 "--medBrownT-,cobbles-are rounded,-trare-sit

- 17 -,--



- 19

- 20

-21 722 -4 - 1

- 23 24 24 I Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

IK5 39)

ERM Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-112 ERM Bos ton, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

sl. Moist, med. Brown, soft, loose, med. Sandy SB-11200061 1545

-2 -

silt with trace to little subrounded to subangular gravel to 1.5 inch diameter, trace

-4 cobbles (rounded) (ML) m




-9 I



- 12


-14 inorganic silt with some med. Sand, trace SB-1120102F 1555

- 15 -- gravel to one inch, some/trace cobble (refusal),

- 16 -ronndedm-med-to-ltbrowr-co-r-,sl. Muist,-soft,

- 17 (ML)

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

LERM 399 BoylstonStreet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-113 ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 20-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam_: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time)

- 1 sA. Moist, med brown, silty organic soil, friable, 0 SB-11300061 1300

-2 soft, some sand, trace fine to med sand (OL), FD-201102003 1300

-3 some gravel rounded to 1.5 inches, trace

-4 occasional cobble


.7 ~*

  • J ___________ _________________





- 12


-14 sA. Moist, med to light brown silt with fine 0 SB-1130102F 1330

- 15 gravel, some sand, trace gravel and cobbles

-=16 kTVL)

-"17 18

=19 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPIHI-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-114 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M- Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

0-6 inches: gray-brown, well graded, very loose fine gravel and sand, SB-1 1400061

<10% silt, dry (GW) 2 2-3 ft: light brown, poorly graded, loose, 5% fine gravel, dry (SP)

SB-1140203F 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

-10 11 12 13


- 15

- 16

- 17 18





- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM S399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-115 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Hloresh 3

Date: 16-Oct-0 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: brown/gray, well graded, very loose, fine gravel to coarse SB-11500061

- 1 sand, 10% coarse gravel, <10% silt, dry (GW) 1-2 ft: brown to dark brown, poorly graded, very loose, <5% SB-1150102F

-2 subangular fine gravel, dry (SW)


-4 7 5



- 8



- 11



- 14

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCl3s (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x rOc TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 74 399 B13ylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-116 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: -and Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Dian.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

- 1 -

light brown to gray brown, graded, loose sand SB-11600061 2 -

(med to coarse), moist (SM)





- 12




- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23


- I - 4 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x(lower) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x(lower) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

i-ERMH Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-116 ERM BostonSA0e116 Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) 1 Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: dark brown, welll graded, loose, well SB-1160203F

-28 graded sand with fines, dry, some wood

-29 pieces, (SM)









- 38

- 39











- 50




- 54



V ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-117 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M_ Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time I

gray-brown well graded loose sand - fine to SB-11700061 2 medium, 30% rounded cobbles, some silt/clay,

-3 moist (SC), water table at 2 ft bgs










-14 same as above descriptions, water table at 2 ft SB-1170102F

- 15 bgs

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 -4 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x(lower) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x(lower) TOC TPHl-DRO(8015B) x

399 Bo yston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-118 ERM Bostoi 4MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Hloresh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time dark gray-brown, graded, loose sand, 5% fine SB-11800061 2

gravel, 10% silt, dry (SW) 3 4

5 6

7 8 'I- -i-9

-10 11 12 .4- -I ______________________________________________


-14 dark gray-brown, graded, loose med to coarse SB-1180102F

-15 sand, 20% silt, dry (SP), water table at 2'

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 1~11 .1____I_______

24-Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x(lower) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x(lower) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

I-- ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-122 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 15' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches:light brown to orange brown, graded to well graded, 0 SB-12200061

- 1 medium loose sand, some angular fine and dry gravel (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: same as above description; water table at 4 ft bgs 0 SB-1220203F












-14 12-15 ft: light brown to white, well graded and dense to medium loose 0 SB-1221415F pulverized rock and dry sand (SW)

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20


- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (14-15ft) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (14-15ft) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (14-15ft) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-123 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M- Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 4' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & TimeI 0-6 inches: light brown, well graded, loose to medium loose medium 0 SB-12300061 sand, some angtlar fine gravel, dry (SW) 2 2-3 ft: same as above description 0 SB-1230203F 3

3-3.5 ft: same as above description; 3.5-4 ft: orange brown, poorly SB-1230506F 4 graded, dense fine sand and silt (more silt), moist, (ML) groundwater at four feet bgs 5

6 7

8 79


- 11




- 15

- 16








?4 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (2-3ft) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (2-3ft) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (3-4ft) TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B) x (all)

ERM 0 399 Bo ylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-124 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M- Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 10 Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches:brown to light brown to gray brown, medium sand, some 0 SB-12400061

- 1 - silt, well graded, loose to dense, some angular to subrounded fine gravel, dry (SW)

-2 -

2-3 ft: same as above, then gray weathered schist 0 SB-1240203F


-6 9-10 ft: light brown to tan-brown to tan, loose to very dense, well SB-1240910F graded, medium sand, some subrounded firm to coarse gravel, dry to moist, (SW) 0

-11 -4

-12 - -

-13 1-

-14 -


-16 -

- 17 -

- 18 --

-19 -

- 20 -

-21 - 22 J--

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (9-10ft) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (9-10ft) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (9-1oft) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

,ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-125 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 10' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) 1 Sample ID(s) & Time ]

0-6 inches:brown, loose, well graded sand, some angular fine gravel, 0 SB-12500061 root fibers, grass, dry (SW)

-2 2-3 ft: brown to light brown, medium dense to loose, well graded sand 0 SB-1250203F (medium to fine), pulverized gravel, some to little rounded fine gravel, dry (SW)


-7 9-10 ft: light brown to gray to white, well graded, crushed gravel, 0 SB-125091OF

-10 -

loose, dry (SW)

-11 - -

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

16 +-

17 -1 -

18 -01 19 -

-20 -

21 -

22 --

23 24-Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PPI3 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (9-10ft) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (9-10ft) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (9-10ft) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

L ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-126 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 6' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei 0-6 inches: light brown to orange brown, graded to well graded 0 SB-12600061

- 1 - medium dense silt, some fine sand (ML) moist, some angular fine gravel S2- 2-3 ft: same as above description, except more dry and gravelly in this 0 SB-1260203F lower interval 3-4-

5 "6


-10 -

0 - 11 -

-12 -13 -

-14 -

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

- 20 -

. 21 - 22 -

-23 -

94 24 -

Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (2-3ft) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (2-3ft) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (2-3ft) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

- ERM S399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-127 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 2' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches:light brown, graded to poorly graded silt, little angular fine 0 SB-12700061

-1 gravel, moist 1-2 ft: same except gravel is larger beginning at 1.5 ft depth, water 0 SB-1270102F 2 table estimated at 2' bgs 3


-5 6


-8 9

-10 11 12



-15 16 17 18 19


- 21

- 22

- 23

'A Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x (all)

SVOCs (8270C) x (1-2ft) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (1-2ft) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (1-2ft) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (all)

E1RM 399 Boyston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-128 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 14-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei

- 1 Light brown, coarse grained clean sand, very SB3-12800061

-2 loose, 15% gravel-rounded, dry (SW)




-6 *- f_________________




- 10


- 12


- 14

- 15

- 16

- 17


- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 - 1 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazineby IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPI-H-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-128 3 WERM 399 BoyLston Street, 6th Floor ERM BostDn,MA 02116 Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: reddish-brown, poorly sorted, co. SB-1280203F

- 28 gravel to med sand, loose,dry, (SW)










- 38














- 52




ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-129 ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 14-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam-: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time)

- 1 -I-Light to dark brown, sorted, loose, fine to med. SB-12900061

- 2 4------

Sand, 10% subangular gravel, dry (SP)

- 3

- 4 - 5 -6





- 11

- 12


- 14 light brown to orange-brown, loose, sorted, SB-1290102F

- 15 0% subangular fine to med sand, 1O gravel,

- 16 --- noist (SP), wdtet dt 1.5' bgs, bample actuty-

- 17 lft 15 epoth

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24

- - - J Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 39 Bylston Srneet, 6th Hoor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-130 ERM Bos ton, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 14-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Dian.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 1

- 1 -

light brown, sorted, medium dense, fine silt to SB-13000061 fine sand, 10% coarse to fine gravel, moist to dry (SM) 5-


"8 9.- - 1I


-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 "

-17 "i I-

-18 "

-19 "

-20 -

-21 "

-22 "

- 23 74 Analysis: VOCs (8260B)

SVOCs (8270C) x(upper)

PP13 metals (6010B)

Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x(upper) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-130 ERM 399 MA01(6 Bst on ERM I Page 2 of 2 Bosto 02116 creMA Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) 1Sample Depth (in ID(s) and Time

-26 -

-27 -

2-3 ft: light brown to gray-brown, sorted, SB-1300203F

-28 -

medium dense fine silt to fine sand, 5% fine

-29 - gravel, moist to wet (SC)

-30 -

-31 -

-32 -

-33 -

-34 -

-35 -

-36 -

-37 - -39 -

-40 -

-41 -

-42 -

-43 -

-44 -

-45 -

-46 -

-47 -

-48 -

-49 -

-50 -

-51 -

52 -

-53 -

-54 -

-55 -

ERM 399 BoyLston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-131 ERM Boston, MA.02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 14-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Dian.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei light brown to gray brown, well graded, loose SB-13100061 coarse sand and fine gravel, dry (GW) 3 -- 6-


-10 -

-11 ,4-

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -


- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21 1--- - 23 2-4 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x(upper) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x(upper) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Page 2 of I Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-131 ERM Bostoni-ýA 02116 II 2

w Depth (in) Soil Classification jFID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time

- 26

-27 2-3 ft: light brown to gray brown, well SB-1310203F

- 28 graded, loose medium to coarse sand and

-29 fine gravel, 25% coarse gravel, dry (GW)








-. 37

- 38


















i ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-132 ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J-Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Sediment Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei sA. Moist, med to coarse sand, some fine to SB-13200061 0935

-2 -

coarse rounded gravel (5%), trace cobble to 2.5 inches, soft, tan to It brown (SP) -5 - -



-10 - -

- 11




- 15

- 16



- 19

- 20

- 21 k

-22 -

- 23 -

9,t 24 -

Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)


  • ,,b 399 Booylston Street, 6thFlHoor Ja- ISoil Log for Sample ID: SB-132 ERM BostonMA 02116 Page 2 of 2 w

Depth (m) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time

-26 -

-27 -

tan coarse sand, sl. Moist, trace fine <5% SB-1320203F 0945

-28 -

rounded gravel, soft (SP)

"29 -

"30 -

"31 -

-32 -

-36 -

  • 37 -

" 38 -

-39 -

-40 -

-41 -

-42 -

-43 -

-44 -

-45 -

-46 -

-47 -

-48 -

-49 -

-50 -

-51 -

-52 -

-53 -

-54 -

-55 .

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-133 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam-: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-2 It gray / It brown, fine sand, trace fine gravel SB-13300061 1000 rounded to 0.5 inches, soft/friable, some silt w/micaceous material, sA moist (SP)



-6 7-



-11 12


-14 fine to med sand, med brown, 5-10% fine SB-1330102F 1005 15 gravel to 0.75 inches, rounded, sA moist, soft 16 -(S-P) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 9/4 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (60101B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (80151B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-134 ERM Bosto, iMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1l med. Brown silt with some subangular coarse SB-13400061 1050

-2 gravel to 1.5 inches, sl. Moist, soft, roots (ML)













- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B) X SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Dioxin

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-134 R )BoystonA ,6t21 or Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) ISample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: same as above except trace cobble to 3" SB-1340203F 1055

-28 diameter, angular, trace fine gravel also,

-29 subrounded









- 38






- 44












ERM 399 BoylstonStreet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-135 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J.Frazier Date: 22-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

- 1 -

medium brown silt, sl. Moist, soft, some to SB-13500061 1105

-2 little fine gravel, subangular, roots/organics (ML) 6 7 -

- 9


-11 -




- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Dioxin

ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-135 399BoytstoSr, 6th1or Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification I FID screen (ppm) jSample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: gray/brown silt with little fine SB-1350203F 1110

-28 subangular to subrounded gravel, trace co.

- 29 gravel, sl moist, soft (ML)









- 38

- 39















-54 r 55

ERM 399 Boylston Steet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-136 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 23-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 3

0-6 inches: med. Brown, sandy silt with 0% rounded coarse gravel, SB-13600061 1050

- 1 trace fine gravel-rounded, trace cobble to 3" diameter, sl. Moist, soft IM4lf medium brown, soft, slightly moist, fine sand, some silt, 30% SB-1360102F 1055

-2 rounded gravel, trace rounded cobbles (refusal) (SW)












- 14

- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 2)4 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPHI-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

LERM399 lBylston Street, 6ffh Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-137 ERM BostorýMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: brown to dark brown, well graded, loose fine sand, 5%

SB3-13700061 angular coarse gravel, 20% rounded cobbles, dry (SW)

- 1 1-1.5 ft: same description as above, refusal at 1.5 ft. SB-1370102F







- 8 r9






- I5


- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 I -

Analysis: VOCs (826013) PP13 metals (601013) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X

- ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-139 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J- Frazier Date: 23-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Anger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s)D&Timej 0-6 inches: med. Brown, soft. SI. Moist, silt, co. sand, fine angular 0 SB-13900061 1020

- 1 gravel (SM), trace rounded cobble to 6" diameter

-2 2-3 ft: light brown, silt, soft, sA. Moist, trace rounded cobble, (MvlL) 0 SB-1390203F 1025














- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20


- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hlydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boyvston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-140 ERM Boston,iMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 23-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diarn: 2-4-inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timef 0-6 inches: med. Brown, sandy silt, sand is mediumn, roots, some fine SB-14000061 0950

- 1 - subangular fill gravel, some coarse rounded gravel, soft, si. Moist (ML) 26 2-3 ft: medium brown, rued to fine sand, well graded, 30% subrounded SB-1400203F 0955 to angular fine gravel, some silt, si. Moist, soft (SW) -10 -

-11 -

-12 -

-13 -14 -

-15 -.- ,_

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

-19 -4 -

-20 -21 -22 - 23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (tipper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-l-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-141 ERM BostolNlMA02l16 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: gray brown, well graded, loose, clean med to fine sand, 5%


- 1 fine angular gravel, dry (SW) 2 2-3 ft: gray brown, graded, loose fine sand with little silt, 15% fine gravel, some wood/roots, dry (SM) SB-1410203F 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

-10 11 12



- 15


- 17

- 18

- 19



- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(lower) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-142 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: lvM.Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+/- inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: brown well graded, loose to very loose, med to coarse sand SB-14200061

-1t with little fines, 15% fine to coarse subangular gravel, root fibers, dry (SW) SB-1420102F

-2 1-2 f(: light brown, poorly graded, silt with some clay (CL)













- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19,

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 24a Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (80151B) TOC TPH-l-DRO(8015B) X

ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-143

~ 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diarn.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: brown-gray, well graded, very loose, mred/coarse sand, SB-14300061 15% angular fine gravel, dry, root fibers (SW) 1-2 ft: light brown, poorly graded, very loose fine to medium sand, 5% SB-1430102F subrounded gravel, dry (SP)

-3 -11 -12 -

-13 . -

-14 -15 -J-

-16 -17 -1 - 19 - - 21 -22 -23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hlydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-144 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J- Frazier Date: 23-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

0-6 inches: medium to dark brown, medium sand with some fine SB-14400061 1115

- 1 angular gravel, trace coarse gravel, rounded to 1.5" diameter, soft, sl.


.t description as above sample SB-1440102F 1120














- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21 S22


?4 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

W ERM 399 Bcylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-145 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 23-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei 0-6 inches: soft, medium brown, medium sand with little silt, trace 0 SB-14500061 0800

-1 - round coarse and fine gravel, sl. Moist (SP) 1-2 ft: same description as above sample SB-1450102F 0 0820 2

FD206102303 2400 3

7 9-

-10 -[

- 11 - 12

-13 -14 4

- 15 -4

- 16 -1

- 17 -

- 18 -19 -

- 20 -

- 21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (801513) x TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

~ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-146 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 23-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: medium brown, medium sand, trace silt, little fine to coarse SB-14600061 0915

- 1 gravel, rounded, soft, sl. Moist (SP) 1-2 ft: same description as above sample SB-1460102F 0920










- 11




- 15

- 16


- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21 S22

-23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-147 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J.Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timej

- 1 -

orange brown silt with little fine sand, soft, sl SB-14700061 1650

-2 -

moist, roots, (ML), poorly graded






-11 12



- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20


- 22

-23 24-Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PPI3 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPI-H-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Herbicides X

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-147 ERM 399 Boylston Steet, 6th Floor P 2 ERM BostornMA02116 Page 2 of Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: same description as above SB-1470203F 1655







- 34




- 38


















399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor WERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-148 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+/- inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time I orange/brown, silt with clay, soft, 5 % angular SB-14800061 1640

-2 fine gravel, moist (ML) 3-

-4 5

- 6

-7 .-4 - I




- 12



- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Herbicides X


ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-148 ERM Bostor-,MA 02116 II Page 2 of WI Depth (in) I Soil Classification jFID screen (ppm) I[Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: brown/orange to gray/brown, med SB-1480203F 1645

-28 sand with silt, 10-15% angular fine gravel,

-29 10% subrounded coarse gravel, moist, soft,

-30 sl. Graded (SM)








- 38

















, 55

t ERM K Boylston Street, 6th Floor 39 Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-149 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier 2

Date: 1-Octb03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 -

brown/orange, fine sand and silt, poorly SB-14900061 1625 graded, moist to dry, soft, trace subangular fine gravel, roots (SM) 4-5-





-10 "11 "12



- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- ,22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (601013)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (801513) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Herbicides x

Soil Log for Sample ID:

Sample399B*ylstoo SB-149 ERM ERM MA Bolsto, Street, 6th Floor 02116 1 Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) 1 1Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: brown/orange, same but slightly more SB-1490203F 1630

-28 fine gravel, sl. More silt than sand, trace

- 29 angular coarse gravel, soft, sl. Moist (SM)






- 35





















ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-150 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J.Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (i) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-I -

med brown silt, some roots, soft, moist (ML) SB-15000061 1615





-6 I *I- .~-___________ -. _________________


- 8



- 11




- 15

- 16

- 17

-18 -

-19 -



- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Herbicides x

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-150 Floor ERM Boston MA02116 Page 2 of

- 26 Depth (in) Soil Classification J FID screen (ppm) ISample ID(s) and Time

-27 2-3 ft: moist silt with some fine sand, soft, SB-1500203F 1620

- 28 med brown (ML)

- 29









- 38


















ERM 0 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-151 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-2 -

gray/brown, well graded, loose sand, 2 5 % SB-15100061 coarse gravel and fine gravel, moist (GM)

-6 - -9 -

- 10




- 14 gray/brown, well graded, loose fine to coarse SB-1510102F

- 15 sand, 40% cobbles at depth

- 16


- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23

'94 24 JA Analysis: VOCs (82601B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X

I-- ERM K 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-152 ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+/- inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

light brown, well graded loose sand, (med to SB-15200061 coarse), moist (SM) 34A 6 i 7-- 9

-10 U t

-11 -

-12 -I I I


-14 light brown to orange-brown, graded, loose SB-1520102F

-15 sand, 5% fine gravel, (SM)

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (801513) x TOC TPH-DRO(801 5B) x

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-153 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time light brown to gray brown, graded, loose sand SB-15300061

-2 (med to coarse), moist (SM)



. 9


- l1




- 15


- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21 I-I

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) X SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPFI-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

~pI~ERM s+ 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-153 bERM ERM Boston, MA02116 2 I Page 2 of Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time

-26 -

-27 -

2-3 ft: gray brown, poorly graded, 10% fines - SB-1530203F

-28 -

silt, clean gravels (fine), wet/moist (GW)

-29 -

-30 -

-31 -

-32 -

-34 -

-36 -

-37 -

" 38 -

-39 -

-40 -

-41 -

-42 -

-43 -

-44 -

-45 -

-46 -

-47 -

-48 -

-49 -

-50 -

-51 -

-52 -

-53 -

-54 -

-55 -

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-154 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: Nl. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time I Y I -

light brown to gray-brown, graded, loose sand SB-15400061 med to coarse, moist (SM) light brown graded to well graded loose SB-1540102F gravels with fines, 25% rounded cobbles (GC),


Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC TPHI-DRO(8015B) x

0 WERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-155 ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Ho resh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inc hes Depth (m) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timej]

- 1 -

light brown to gray, graded, loose medium to SB-15500061

-2 coarse sand, moist (SM)









-14 light brown, well-graded, loose rounded fine SB-1550102F

- 15 gravels with fines, 15% coarse gravel, moist

- 16 (6,)

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 24.1 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X


    • 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-156 ERM Bostor- MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh 3

Date: 28-Oct-0 Drilling Method: Geoprobe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 7' Boring Diam.: 2 inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time I 0-6 inches: light brown, poorly graded, medium loose to medium 0 SB-15600061

- 1 dense sand and silt (more sand), dry to moist (SW/SP)

-2 2-3 ft: orange brown, silt, poorly graded, trace rounded fine gravel, 180 SB-1560203F roots/wood, loose/soft, moist, (ML)



-5 5-5.5 ft: black organic, soft, poorly graded, silt, moist (ML) 5-5-6 ft: tan-brown to gray-brown, well graded, loose, medium sand 199.8 SB-1560506F

-6 and gravel, some coarse sand, dry (SW) 0 (6-6.8 ft) SB-1560607F 6-6.8 ft: same as description directly above, water table at about 7'









- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24

?4 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x (2-3',5-6') PP13 metals (6010B) x (0-6",6-6.8')

SVOCs (8270C) x (0-6",6-6.8') Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x (0-6") Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) x (2-3',5-6') TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x (0-6")

ERM S399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-157 ERM Bos ton. MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: GeoProbe - GeoSearch Boring Depth: 72" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

light brown to orange brown, well graded, 0 51B-15700061

-2 i loose medium sand with some angular fine gravel, little coarse sand, dry (SW) -6








- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X(0'-0.5') PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x('0-05;2'-3') Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(0'-0-5') Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x Dioxin

ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-157 ERM 399 Boyston Street, 6th Foor BostonMA02116 Page 2 of 3 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) j1Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: 2'-3': gray brown, well graded, loose to 2 SB-1570203F

-28 medium dense fine sand, little angular fine

-29 gravel, little angular co. gravel, dry, (SW)









- 38


















P 399 ERMBoylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-157 ERM BostonMA02116 Page 3 of 3 1

Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) IISample ID(s) and Time

-. 4

-56 -

-57 - -60 -

-61 -

-62 -

-63 -

dark brown, well graded, medium loose 0 SB-1570506F

-64 -

medium sand, some to little angular fine

-65 -

gravel, dry to 5.5', then water table (SW)

-66 -

-67 - -70 -

-71 -

-72 -

-73 -

-74 -

-75 -

-76 -

-77 -

-78 -

-79 -

-80 -

-81 - -83 - -85 -

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-158 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling MIethod: 2eoProbe ieoSearch-Boring Depth: 72" Boring Diamn.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei

- 1 -

brown to tan/brown, well to poorly graded 0 SB-15800061

-2 -

loose sand, some to little angular fine gravel, dry (SW/SP)


- 7 .-1 t








- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18


- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (826013) PP13 metals (6010B) X SVOCs (8270C) x(O'-0.5') Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(O'-0.5') Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (801513) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) X Dioxin

_____t- ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-158 ERM NO Boston, MA02116 3i 1 ag Page 2 off 3 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) [ Sample ID(s) and Time I

- 26

-27 2-3 ft: dark brown, well graded, dense to 0 SB-1580203F

- 28 medium dense silt with some fine sand, FD207

-29 some to little angular gravel, moist to dry

-30 (SM)




- 34




- 38

- 39











- 50






Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-158 )ystonStreet,6th oor ERM BostonMA02116 Page 3 of 3 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) IjSample ID(s) and Time




-59 -

-60 -

-61 -

-62 -

-63 -

dark brown to orange brown, poorly sorted, 0 SB-1580506F

-64 -

medium loose, medium and coarse sand,

-65 -

some angular fine gravel, dry, (SW), water

-66 - table at 6 ft.

-67 - -70 -

-72 *

-74 -

-75 -

-76 -

-77 -

-78 -

-79 -

-80 -

-81 -

-82 -

-83 -

.85 -

ERM 399 Bo ylston Street, 6th Foor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-159 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 28-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 24 inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timei

- 1 -

orange-brown to gray-brown, graded to well SB-15900061 2

graded fine sand and silt, medium dense to dense, little angular fine to coarse gravel, moist to dry (SW) m


-6 -t I ___________________________________________



-8 -k i



- 11




- 15

- 16 -4

- 17 -I I

" 18 -

- 19 - i

-20 -I I

-21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -I I 24 A Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x(upper) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) x(upper) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) x Dioxin

ERM Boylston Street, 6th Floor 3917)

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-159 ERM BostonVMA02116 Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) ISample ID(s) and Time

- 26

-27 2-3 ft: same description as above SB-1590203F


- 29









- 38





-43 J












-55 I I I

ERM 399 Boylston Stroet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-160 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: +and Auger or Shove!

Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+/- inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time[

med to dark brown, soft organic silt, some to SB-16000061 1525

-2 -

trace med sand, sl. Moist (OL) . 7 -

-8 "9

- 10





" 15

" 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) X Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Dioxin X

Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-160 10-ERM 13oylston Street, 6l lo 3ysontERM6t~lo 705399 ERM BostonMA02116 Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time 26 27 2-3 ft: m.brown, soft, silt, trace fine sand and SB-1600203F 1530

- 28 fine gravel (subangular), moist (ML)


-30 31



-34 35



-38 39





- 44









-53 54 55

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-161 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+/- inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Timej

- 1 I I

organic silt, uniform, sl. Moist, dk brown, SB-16100061 1505

-2 roots, soft (OL)



-4 I

-5 I


-7 i i








- 15 4 t

- 16


- 18 - - -- i

- 19

- 20

-21 -

22 -

23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 61h Floor I Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-161 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Page 2 of 2 w

Depth (in) Soil Classification IFID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time


- 27 2-3 ft: med brown, soft silt with little med SB-1610203F 1.510

-28 sand, trace fine gravel, rounded and friable,

-29 more gray with depth (ML), moist









- 38

- 39

















Y 39 B~oylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-162 ERM BostoMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Frazier Date: 21-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-2 2 soft, organic, silt, dk brown, moist, uniform SB-16200061 1440 (OL) FD204102103 2400




-67 4- -I-7

- 8

- 9





-14 water table at 2 feet; med brown, moist silt SB-1620102F 1450

- 15 with some coarse sand (10%), soft, (ML)

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 BoylstonStrcet, 6th Hoor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-163 ERM Boston, MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 2 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s)& Timei 0-6 inches: dark brown to black peat, dry (PT)


- 1 1-2 ft: light brown, poorly graded loose sand, little silt (SP)















- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

Y ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-164 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+/- inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time 0-6 inches: dark brown to black, poorly graded loose sand and silt, SB-16400061

- 1 some clay, 100% roots, dry (PT)


-2 2-3 ft: greenish gray to light gray, poorly graded, loose, fine to medium SB-1640203F sand, root fibers and organics, moist to dry (SP)






- 8







- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPI-H-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

k399 ERMoylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-165 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 14-Oct-03 Drilling Method: -and Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

-1 1 black humus, dry (PT) SB-16500061











- 12


-14 light brown, poorly graded, medium stiff, silt SB-1650102F

- 15 and clay, some roots and organic material, dry

- 16 - OH-)

- 17

- 18 J--

- 19 4--

-21 -

- 22 - - I -I-

- 23 24 ..

Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (80151B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)


  • 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-166 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 24" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (i) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time black to dark brown, poorly graded, med SB-16600061 2

dense sand and silt, some clay, dry (SC) 3 =

4 5

6 4- -I 7

8 9

-10 11 12


-14 dark brown, poorly sorted silty clay, root fibers SB-1660102F

- 15 (OL)

- 16

- 17

- 18



- 21

- 22

- 23

  • 1- I.

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (601013) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (601013)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM S399 Boylston~trcet, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-167 ERM Boston~MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 15-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 36" Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (in) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) & Time

- 1 -

brown, poorly graded, loose sand, dry, some SB-16700061

-2 -

roots (SP) FD20000061











- 15

-16 j

- 17 -

-18 -4

-19 -

-20 -1 -22 -

- 23 2A 24J Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) X Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PC13s (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPIH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B) Dioxin

I, ERM Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-167 0 9Bol*MnAStret,6iFoor Page 2 of 2 Depth (in) Soil Classification FID screen (ppm) Sample ID(s) and Time


-27 2-3 ft: brown, poorly graded, loose sand, SB-1670203F

-28 some very clean fine sand, dry (SP)










- 38






- 44











-55 I I I

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-168 ERM BostonIvlA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. Horesh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s)& Time1 J 0-6": dark brown to black, poorly graded, loose silt and clay, 15%

SB-16800061 rounded coarse gravel with wood pieces/root fibers, highly organic, dry (PT)

.2-2-3 ft: light gray to light brown, poorly graded, soft silt and clay, SB-1680203F highly plastic, 3% fine subangular gravel, dry (CH)

.5-8 -


.10 -

-1l -

- 12 13 -14 -

-15 - ------

- 17 -

-18 -

-19 -

. 20 - 21 - 22

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP113 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

" 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Soil Log for Sample ID: SB-169 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M. H-oresh Date: 16-Oct-03 Drilling Method: Hand Auger or Shovel Boring Depth: 3 ft Boring Diam.: 2+ inches Depth (ft) Soil Classification FID Screen (ppm) Sample ID(s)& Timei 0-6 inches: dark brown to black, poorly graded loose silt, some clay, SB-16900061

-1 10% root fibers, highly organic, dry (PT)

-2 2-3 ft: greenish gray to light gray, poorly graded, loose, fine to medium sand, <1% root fibers, organics, moist to dry, (SP)


.3 14



-7 18


-10 11 12



- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

- 20

- 21

- 22

- 23 24 ~1~~

Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

Appendix G Sediment Sampling Logs

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: No Recovery ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 2107 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by:

Drilling Co: TG&B Driller:

Date: Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: Boring Diam-: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: NO RECOVERY Depth (in) Sediment Classification Sample ID & Depthi SD-001

-1 SD-003 2 -


-3 SD-006


SD-007 -


-7 -

-10 --

-11t -4

-12 -1

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 i- i

-18 -

-19 -1

- 20 --

-21 -4 .

- 221 -4 1

- 23 -

"74 24I Analysis: VOCs (8260B) PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-002 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore Svstem Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 3" Sample ID & DepthV Depth (in) Sediment Classification &TimeI 0-3" brown fine to med SAND, trace gravel SD-002-00-04-I 13:30 S2 3 4 4 S4 S6

-10 -

-11 -

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

- 19 -

- 20 -

-21 -

-22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC x TPI-lDRO(8015B)


%0 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-004 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 2" homogenized multiple 2" samples in platic bag at this location Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-2" brown fine to med SAND SD-004-00-04-I 12:30

- 1

-2 .4 _________________________




-6 -


-10 -

-11 -

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 "

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

-21 -

241 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x -TPH-DRO(8015B)


399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-008 ERM Bos ton, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C- Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 75' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 12" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Dark brown Organic Debri, Olive SILT, some f. sand, trace gravel A L SD-008-00-04-1 13:00 2 -


A L 4-12" Olive SILT, some f. sand 5-HELD 6-7-


-10 -

11 -

12 -

13 -

-14 -


-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

74 24 A~& 1 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) x Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) x Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

SERM 399 Boylston Steet, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-009 ERM T

Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 75' Boring Diam-: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 1'4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 10-7.5" partially decayed wood and sticks some

-I -

Dark brown silt

-2 -7 Ak 8

7.5-12--5 Dark brown m. SAND, trace coarse sand, trace silt, trace org. matter SD-009-00-04-I 13:30

-10 -

-11 -


-12 -

13 12.5-15.ý Olive, fine SAND and SILT HELD


- 15 r

- 16 4-t 1-

- 17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

- 20 -

- 21 -

-22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (601013)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPI-I-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM m399 LBoylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-010 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: . TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100, Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 13.5"'

Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time

-1 0-2" dark brown, saturated, fine SILT trace organic material t -

SD-010-00-04-1 2

2-4" Dark brown, fine SAND and SILT, trace org material 15:40 3

4 4-8.5" Brown fine SAND and SILT 5

- 6

- 7

- 9 8.5-12" Brown fine SAND

- 10 HELD

- 11

- 12

-13 12-13-5" Dark brown SILT, trace clay _

- 14

-15 -

-16 -


-18 "

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 24 24 h.4 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-011 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 9" Sample ID & DepthSI Depth (in) Sediment Classification &TimeI I

0-4" Dark brown fine to med SAND, some silt, some gravel

- 1 m trace organics SD-011-00-04-1

-2 15:00

-3 I

-4 4-5" Dark brown fine SILT sand SAND 5-9" Brown medium SAND and GRAVEL, trace silt, small-med cobbles A5 SD-011-05-09-I







  • 11 12 S13



- 16







- 23 24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

FRM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-012 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diani.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 5" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time L

0-.5" Dark brown fine SAND, some silt

-1 -

.5-5" Dark brown poorly sorted ýcoarse SAND, some med-large gravel SD-012-00-04-I 2 -

trace fine sand and silt 13:54 3-4-

5 f-I 6

7 8


-10 -

11 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (601013)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC X TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 B3oylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-013 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 5" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL 0-5" Brown fine SAND and SILT, trace fine gravel

- 1 -

some organic debris and leaves SD-013-00-04-I 2

18:05 3

4 .


6 8

-10 -

-11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

- 23 -

24 d- J Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PPI3 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOc x -TPrH-DRO(8015B)

ERM SD a 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-014 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 12" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time

- 1 -

0-7" Dark brown SILT, some very fine sand , some organic material SD-014-00-04-I 17:40


-6 Ik 7- i-F 7-12" Brown fine to med SAND, trace silt, little coarse sand and fine gravel SD-014-06-12-I

-10 -


-11 -


-12 F F 4

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

- 19 -

-20 -


- 22 -

- 23 -

24 24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-01 5 ERM Boston MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18' Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 5" Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time,-

0-2" Dark brown fine to med SAND and SILT, organic material r= I - SD-015-00-04-I 2-5" Dark brown fine to med SAND, trace silt, trace gravel 17:17 P"72 t HELD "8 - -10 -

-11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

- 16 -

- 17 -

- 18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

-21 - -23 -

24 24 J Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

Y ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-016 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 12" IJSample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time I AIL 0-7" Dark grayish brown fine to med SILT and SAND, trace small gravel

-1l little organic material (top 1" more organic than the rest) SD-016-00-04-I

-2 10:25



,I L



-7 9

M 7-10" Dark grayish brown fine to med SAND and SILT, 3 large cobbles at 7" HELD

-10 10-12" Black ORGANIC (sticks, roots), decay odor, silt little fine sand 11 I little small to med gravel F 12 13 I 14 I

- 16 "

- 17 "

"-18 "

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

- 22 - 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PPI3 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-017 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 8" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL 0-3" Dark brown very fine SAND AND SILT, organic material (leaves, sticks)

SD-017-00-04-I 2 -

9:45 3

3-6" Brown fine to med SAND and GRAVEL, some silt,

-4 Ak big stick and cobble at 4" 5

SD-017-04-08-I 6

6-8" Brown fine to coarse SAND and small to large GRAVEL 10:00 little organic material, few large cobbles F'

- 9

-10 -

-11 -

12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 "

-17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

')A Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Foor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-018 ERM BostorMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:


Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time I A

0-3Y Dark brown very fine SAND AND SILT

- 1 a lot of organic material (leaves) SD-018-00-04-1

-2 9:10

-3 3-8" Olive gray very fine SAND, some silt F

-4 J one large white cobble

-5 B 6 7

8 8-10" Dark brown/black very fine SAND and SILT

-9 L

a lot of organic material (leaves, sticks)


-,11 10-15" Brown very fine SAND and SILT, trace small to med gravel little organic material (sticks) HELD

-12 13

- 14


-16 -

- 17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

22 -

23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PPI3 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCl3s (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Steet, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: 5D-019 ERM Boston,MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 11' Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time 1

0-6" Dark brown fine SAND AND SILT, trace small to med gravel t

.2 some organic material (sticks)f SD-019-00-04-I 11:35



-6 6-11" Dark brown med to coarse SAND and small to large GRAVEL

-7 some silt, track organic material, trace small cobbles HELD



- 11

- 12 -

e13 -

e14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 24 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hlydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-020 WIT02 ERM

'399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100, Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 14" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-10" Dark brown fine SAND AND SILT very organic material (leaves, sticks) SD-020-00-04-1 11:50

-5 AL

- 9

-10 '4-4 10-14" Dark brown fine SAND and SILT, some organic material (sticks, roots) HELD

-11i -

some large cobbles near 14"

-12 -

-13 -


-14 -

- 15 -

- 16 -

- 17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-021 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: Corel: 14" Core2: 15.5" Sample ID & Depth Depth (w) Sediment Classification &Time k

Core 1 Core 2 0-4" Dark brown SILT 0-4" Dark brown SILT SD-021-00-04-I

-2 -

little fine to med sand little fine to med sand 12:07 trace small gravel trace small gravel F

-4 4-13" Dark brown SILT 4-13" Dark brown SILT, trace small

-5 trace fine sand, little organic to medium gravel, 6

material (sticks), trace fine sand, little organic 7

fine layers of black silt and material (sticks),

i 8 k

light brown silt fine layers of black silt and 9

light brown silt SD-021-08-14-I

-10 -

DUP-02-SD-021-08 14-1

-11 -


- 12 -

-13 -

14" large cobble 12-15.5" Dark brown SILT, some brown F

-14 -

fine sand, trace gravel

-15 -


-17 -

-18 - All VOA vials taken from Corel, all others samples were taken from a

-20 -

homogenized sample of both cores

-21 - -23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (826013) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-022 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diamn.:

25/8" 2 5/8" 18" Boring Depth:

Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: Corel: 17" Core2: 13" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &TimeI I

Core 1 Core 2 SD-022-00-04-I 0-5" Dark brown fine to med SAND 0-2" Same as Core I MS-02-SD-022-00-04-I S2 some silt, small gravel 2-4" Gray very fine SAND some silt MSD-02-SD-022-00-04-1 3

very organic material (sticks) F 13:00 4

4-8" Dark brown very fine SAND and

5. ,i 5-9" Dark brown fine SAND and SILT, trace small to med gravel, 6

SILT, trace organic material, organic material (roots, leaves) 7 trace small gravel 8

8-9" Black ORGANIC and SILT 9

9-11" Brown fine to med SAND, 9-13" Brown/dark gray SILT,

-10 little silt, trace gravel little fine sand, trace small gravel, 11 AL 11-15" Brown fine to coarse SAND, trace organic material 12 and GRAVEL, some small

-13 to med cobbles, trace silt HELD from

-14 Core 1 15 t 15-17" Brown fine to med SAND, 16-little silt, organic material


-18 -

-19 -

samples were taken from a homogenized sample of both cores 20- -22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) ' Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPI-H-DRO(8015B)

399 ERMBoylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-023 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 17" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-3" Organic material (leaves) 2 Z 3 I-,

k 3-9" Dark brown fine SILT, some sand, a lot of organic material (leaves) 4 SD-023-00-04-I 5-14:20 6-F' 7-

-9 9-17" Dark brown fine SILT, some sand, little organic material

-10 -

-!1 -

k 12 -

-13 HELD

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

- 17 -


-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (60101B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-0 2 4 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/1 8",

Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 18" Sample ID & Depthi Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-3" Organic material (leaves)

- 1 -

-2 3

Ak 3-11" Darkbrown/black very fine SAND, some silt, a lot of organic material (leaves) SD-024-00-04-l 5-15:05

- 7 -

- 9

-10 -


- 12 - 11-18" Dark brown/black very fine SILT, some sand, little organic material 1/2" layer of black organic material at 14.5"

-13 -


-14 -


-15 -

- 16 "

-17 -

- 18

-19 -

-20 i Tried to prevent larger leave/organic materialfrom getting in sample

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 l ~ I 1 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

.j.ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-025 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 12" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Organic material (leaves), some black fine silt, some sand

- 1



-4 Ak 4-7 Black fine SILT, some sand, some organic material 5

SD-025-00-04-I S6

-7 14:35 i i 7-12" Dark black very fine SILT, some sand, some organic material F i8 large cobble at 12" HELD

-10 -

11 "

12 r

"13 "15 "

"16 17 -

18 -

"19 "

-20 -

Tried to prevent larger leave/organic materialfrom getting in sample

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC X TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-026 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 100' Boring Diam.: 2 5/ 8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 8.5" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time A L 0-8.5" Brown med to coarse SAND, loose, no organic material

- 1 SD-026-00-04-I

-2 15:45





-7 IL HELD "8




- 12

- 13

- 14

- 15

- 16

- 17


- 19

- 20


- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) X TOC X TPH-DRO(8015B)

"*** ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-027 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer, E Gabay Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 14" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL 0-4" Brown fine to med SAND, loose, some organic material (sticks)

-1 -


-2 15:30


-4 4-14" Brown med to coarse SAND, some angular pebbles


-7 8 -



-10 -

-11 -

SD-027-08-14-I 15:40

- 12 -

-13 F


- 15 -

- 16 -

- 17 -

L18 -

19 -

20 -

21 -

-22 -

23 24 Analysis: x VOCs (82601B) X PPI13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (80 t1B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 BoylstonStreet, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-028 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer, E Gabay Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 10" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time IL 0-6" Brown med to coarse SAND, loose, some small to med angular pebbles

- I -

no organic material SD-028-00-04-I 15:55 It AIL 6-10" Brown fine SAND and SILT, some organic material (wood, roots) HELD


  • 9 F'

B10 1-

-11 -

- 12 .

.13 -

-14 -


-16 -

17 -

-18 -

19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPHI-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 B-ylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-029 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 50' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 14" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-2.5" Black medium loose, poorly sorted SILT and Organic material 4

- 1 -

- 2-SD-029-00-04-I 11:50 3

2.5-8.5" Gray to multicolored, loose, moderately sorted, med to coarse SAND, Fr trace gravel, trace silt L 6 S8 i 8.5-14" Multicolored loose, poorly sorted fine to med SAND, and GRAVEL,

-10 -

ill -

some pebbles, litte to trace cobbles, trace silt SD-029-08-14-I 12:00

. 12 -

-13 -

-14 15 -

- 16 -

-- 17 -

.18 -

19 -

"20 "

-21 -

22 -

23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

  • *,,**ERM Sediment Log for Sample ID: S399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor SD-030 ERM BostonMA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 25' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 14" Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Brown to dark gray, loose moderately sorted fine to coarse SAND, f little organic material, trace to little silt SD-030-00-04-I 12:10 3

-4 4-14" Brown to Gray, loose, poorly sorted, med to coarse SAND, little angular gravel, little organics (leaves, roots), trace silt -7 -

. 8 -


-10 HELD

-11 -

"12 .

-13 -

-,14 - F

- 15 -

17 - -20 -

-21 -

22 -

23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

1 Bylston Steet, 6th Floor 399 Sediment Log for Sample ID: SDj-031 ERM Boston MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: -4" (in a bag)

Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time L

0-4" Dark brown, loose SILT, little very fine sand, trace organics SD-031-00-04-I

- 2 -

9:16 3

-4 5-

-6 Instead of using the grabbing device (used for deep water samples),

-10 -

collected -4" into the core and put that in a bag.

-11 -

Classification and sampling performed from the bag.

- 12 -

-13 -

nothing held because no extra recovery

-14 -

- 15 -

- 16 -

- 17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

- 21 -

- 22 -

-23 -

  • 94d 24-Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

FERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-032 ERM Bostoin MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 2 5/; 8"'

Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" in a bag Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time k.

0-4" Dark brown, loose SILT, little fine sand, some organics (sticks)

SD-032-00-04-I 8:25 3




-6 7

-8 9

Using a grabbing device to collect the top 4" of soil/organics because

-10 -

water too deep for coring device to reach down and recover sample.

-11 -

Grabber sample is collected in a bag and classification and sampling

- 12 -

performed from the bag.

-13 -

-14 -

nothing held because no extra recovery

-15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 24 - J Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (601013)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (801513) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-033 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: -4" in a bag Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time I Dark brown, loose SILT, trace very fine sand, little organics I 6L 10-4" SD-033-00-04-I

-2 8:40 3


-6 7-8

-9 Using a grabbing device to collect the top 4" of soil/organics because

-10 -

water too deep for coring device to reach down and recover sample.

-11 -

Grabber sample is collected in a bag and classification and sampling

- 12 -

performed from the bag.

-13 -

-14 -

nothing held because no extra recovery

-15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

- 19 -

- 20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) X TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-034 ERM Bostor, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-04 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 15" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time I k,

0-5" , Dark brown, loose fine SAND and SILT, some organic material SD-034-00-04-I

-2 16:30 3

4 5 i -,

5-10" Gray fine SAND and SILT 6


-9 A

-10 I I 10-15" Dark brow, loose, fine SAND and SILT, organic material (sticks)

-11 -

- 12 -


-13 -

-14 -


-15 I I +

-16 "

-17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

- 20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC X TPH-DRO(8015B)

  • ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-035 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer, E. Gebay Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-04 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 7" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time Dark brown, loose SILT, some fine sand, some organic material (leaves) L 0-7"

- 1 -

SD-035-00-04-I 2

17:00 3

-4 I

5 HELD 6

7 F- 'I-8 9

-10 -

-11 -

12 13

-14 m15 7 m 16 -

-17 -

18 19 20 -

21 -

22, -

23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-036 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C- Auer, E. Gebay Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-04 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 25/ 8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 12" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time L

0-6" Dark brown, very loose SILT, some organic material

- I i

SD-036-00-04-I 7 2 m

17:05 3

-4 i F g

-5 "6

6-12" Gray to dark brown, loose, SILT


.8 HELD "9



  • 12

-13 -

-14 -

- 16 -

" 17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24J Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

EIM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-037 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer, E. Gebay Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 13-Aug-04 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 200' Boring Diam.: 2 5/ 8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 15" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time A

0-10" Dark brown, wet, loose, SILT, trace organic material SD-037-00-04-I

-2 16:50 3

-4 5

6 7


- 9

-10 10-15" Dark brown SILT, some fine sand, oragnic material (leaves, sticks)

- 12 HELD


-14 F'

- 15 I- + +

- 16 "18 "

- 19

- 20

-21 22 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

alERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-038 ERM Boston4 MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Clienit: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 500' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 26" Sample ID & Depth 7 Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Dark brown, very loose, SILT, trace organic material f SD-038-00-04-!

10:40 4-26" Dark brown, loose SILT, little organic material S6

-10 -

-=11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -


- 15 -

- 16 "

- 17 -

- 18 "

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

I to 26"

-23 -

?4 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC X TPH-DRO(8015B)

Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-039 72 ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 500' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 11F Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time m

04" Dark brown, loose, fine to coarse SAND and SILT, trace organic material Ak

- 1 SD-039-00-04-I

-2 m

11:15 3

piece of wood at 4" IV

-4 4-10" Medium to dark brown, fine to coarse SAND some silt,

-5 some organic material (roots)





-10 10-11" Dark brown SILT, some sand


- 12


- 14

- 15


- 17


- 19

- 20


- 22

- 23 24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (601013)

X PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPI-GRO (801513) X TOC x TPUI-DRO(8015B)

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-040 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow'-T Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 500' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 24" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time k

0-4" Dark brown, loose, SILT SD-040-00-04-1 11:25 3

-4 4-18" Dark brown SILT, trace fine sand, trace organic material (roots, leaves)

-6 7

-10 -

-11 -

- 12 .


-13 -


-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -


-18 18-24" Gray/brown SILT and CLAY

- 19 -

-20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) -lydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC X TPH-DRO(8015B)

E1RM 399 Be ylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-041 ERM Bos ton, MA 02116 Project: Yahkee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: R Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: 500' Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" I Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 26" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time k

0-4" Dark brown, loose, SILT, little organic material

-2 2 SD-041-00-04-I 11:35 3


-4 4-22" Dark brown, loose, SILT, some organic material 7



-10 -

-12 -

-13 -


- 15 -

-16 -

- 17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

22-26" Brown fine to med SAND, trace gravel, little silt, small pebbles

- 23 -

24 ý to 26" Analysis: VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B)

SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399&oylstonStreet,6thFoor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-101 ERM Boston,MA02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: E. Gabay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Wheeler Brook Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time L SD-101-00-04-I

-1 -


-2 SD-101-00-04-I-MSD

-3 9:20












- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18

- 19

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC x TPI-I-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-102 ERM Boston,, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: E. Gabay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Wheeler Brook Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time

-l -


-21 9:45

-3 V

-4 I-I t




-10 -



- 12 - - 16 -

- 17

-19 - 22

-23 24 - d Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (60101) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hlydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (80151) TOc x TPI-f-DRO(8015B)

ERM SD103 39913oylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD103 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: E. Gabay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Wheeler Brook Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time A


-2 -




6 7-



-10 -

-11 -

.12 -

-13 -

-14' -

- 15 =

-16 1

- 17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

- 22 -

- 23 24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

V ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-104 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: E. Gabay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Wheeler Brook Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:


Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time I kL

- 1 -

SD-104-00-04-I 10:27 Fr f I +

-12 -

-13 -

- 14

-15 -


-6 -


- 19

-17 -

-18 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -


-'-a I Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

SERM D-059 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SDI105 ERM BostonMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: . YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: E. Gabay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Wheeler Brook Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL

- 1 SD-105-00-04-I

-2 10:40

-3 F,




- 8


-11 =

= 12






- 18

-19 -

=20 I

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399Boylston Stret, 6th Hoo Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-106 ERM BostornMA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: E. Gabay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 13-Aug-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Wheeler Brook Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AIL

- 1 -


-2 -


-4 5-7

-10 -

-11 -

. 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 - - 19 -

- 20 -

-21 -

-22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-201 S- 00 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 24-Sep-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Deerfield River Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time Ak 0-4" Poorly sorted, coarse SAND, trace fine gravel

- 1 -


-2 16:46


6 7


-10 -

-11 -

_ 12 -

-13 .

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

19 -

, *-21 -

  • -22 -
  • -23 -

S24 I

Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) X TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

-* ERM 399) Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-202 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 24-Sep-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Deerfield River Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Poorly sorted, coarse SAND, trace fine gravel SID-202-00-04-l

- 1 -

DUP-04-SD-202-00-04-1 2 -


-3 F NSID-04-SID-202-00-04-1

-4 16:25 6


-10 -

-11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 -

- 17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 ERMBoylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-203 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: Driller:.

Date: 24-Sep-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Deerfield River Boring Diam,.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (i) Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Fine to medium SAND I kt

- 1 -

SD-203-00-04-I 14:40

-4. ii i


-10 -

-11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -


-21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) X TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-204 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 24-Sep-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Deerfield River Boring Diarn.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL 0-4" Fine to medium SAND SD-204-00-04-I 2-14:08 3-r 4- -+


7 8


=10 -

-11 -

12 .

13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 -

-17 -

18 -

19 -

20 =

-21 -

22 -

23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

E1RM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-205 ERM Boston MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 24-Sep-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Deerfield River Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:


Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time L

0-4" Fine to medium SAND

- 1 -


-2 -


4. 1-

-10 -

-11 -

. 12 .

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 7 22

- 23 24 Analysis: x VOCs (826013) X PP13 metals (601013) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH'-GRO (801513) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

FRM S399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-206 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: M Horesh Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 24-Sep-03 Drilling Method:

Dist from Shore: Deerfield River Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time L

0-4" Fine to medium SAND SD-206-00-04-I

-2 i 13:52 -4-- 6-7-

-8 9-

-10 -

-11 -

- 12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -

-18 - - 20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPl-l-DRO(80151B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-301 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C. Regan Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: hand shovel Dist from Shore: WSD Boring Diam-:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time

- 1 0-4" Brown, poorly sorted, fine to coarse SAND, trace fine gravel, t some organic material (leaves) SD-301-00-04-I

-2 16:30 3

-4 couldn't find any finer sediment within the top 4" in multiple

-5 locations tried





-10 11

- 12



- 15

- 16

- 17

- 18


- 20 21 S22

- 23 24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) x PPi3 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium '(6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6ti Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-302 ERM Boston, NIA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C- Regan Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: hand shovel Dist from Shore: WSD Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4' Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Fine to coarse SAND, trace silt k SD-302-00-04-L 2

16:40 3


-4.- 6

- 9

-10 -

-12 -

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

- 21 -

-22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH--GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-303 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J Picard, E. Gebay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: hand shovel Dist from Shore: WSD Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time Ak 0-4" Fine to coarse SAND, trace silt

- 1 -

SD-303-00-04-I 2-14:35 3




-10 -

-11 -

- 12 ,

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 -

-17 -

- 18 -

-19 -

-20 ,

-21 -

-22 -

- 23 ,

24 Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (60101B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

Y Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-304


=,ERM Bo ylston Street, 6th Floor ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Picard, E. Gebay Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 12-Aug-03 Drilling Method: hand shovel Dist from Shore: WSD Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:


Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Fine to coarse SAND, trace silt Lt

- 1 -


-2 DUP-03-SD-304-00-04 -1 r 14:15 -

6 7-

-8 9

-10 -

- it -

- 12 .

-13 -

-14 -

- 15 -

-16 -

- 17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

-20 -

- 21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 - .1 Analysis: x VOCs (82605) x PP13 metals (60101) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) X TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

Y ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-305 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: J. Picard, E. Gebav Drilling Co: Driller:

Date: 12-Ang-03 Drilling Method: hand shovel Dist from Shore: WSD Boring Diam.:

Boring Depth: 4" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 4" Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time 0-4" Fine to coarse SAND, trace silt SD-305-00-04-I 14:00 -9



- 12 -



-15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

-18 -

- 19 -

- 20 -


- 22 -

-23 -

24 J~J A Analysis: X VOCs (8260B) x PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC x TPH-i-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylst on Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-401 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: Rob Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: NA Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: Corel: 20" Core2: 21" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time_

0-4" Dark brown, very loose SILT kt SD-401-00-04-1

- 1 -


-2 MSD-03-SD-401-00-04-I 3

F 14:00

- 4 *-4 $ 1-4-15" Dark brown, loose, SILT, trace fine sand, organic material 7 S8~


-10 -

-11 -

-12 -


-13 -

-14 -


- 15 15-21" Dark brown SILT, some fine sand

-16 -

-17 -

-is -

- 19 4

-20 -

-21 4 took all VOA samples from Corel, homogenized Corel and Core2

-22 -

for rest of samples

-23 -

24 J -

Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPHi-GRO (8015B) x TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-402 ERM Boston,iA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: Rob Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: NA Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 16" Sample ID & Depth Sediment Classification &Time k

0-3" Dark brown, very loose SILT SD-402-00-04-1 15:05 3-9" Dark brown, loose SILT, little fine sand, some organic material 9

9-16" Brown fine to med SAND, little silt, trace organics

-10 -


-11 -

-12 HELD

-13 -

-14 -

-15 -

-16 =

- 17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

- 21 -

- 22 -

- 23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (826013) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (601013) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

SERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-403 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C Aner Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: Rob Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: NA Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 18" Sample ID & DepthV Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time kt 0-3" Organic material (grass), trace fines SD-403-00-04-1

-2 I 15:25

-3 3-18" Gray/brown fine to coarse SAND and GRAVEL

-4 moves towards med pebbles, no organic material




- 8




- 12 Ik


-14 HELD

- 15


-17 I

-18 4- t +

- 19

- 20


- 22

- 23 24 I Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) x TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

SERM S399 Boylston Street, 6th Hoor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-404 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C Auer

-Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: Rob Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: NA Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 26" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL 0-3" Dark brown, very loose SILT, organic material throughout

- 1 -


-2 -


-3 3-26" Dark brown, loose SILT, organic material throughout slight decay odor 6-7-

- 8 -


-10 -

-11 -

- 12, -

-13 -

-14 -


-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -


-22 -

- 23 -

24 to 26" Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (60101B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-405 ERM Boston, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: Rob Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: NA Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18' Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 14" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time 0-8" L Dark brown, loose SILT, trace sand, trace organic material

-1 -


-2 16:00

-3 r





.8 8-14" Dark brown to black SILT, some fine sand, trace small pebbles

-9 a lot of organic material, trace gray coarse sand

-10 HELD





-15 -

- 16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -

-21 -

-22 -

-23 -


- A Analysis: x VOCs (8260B) X PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TPH-DRO(8015B)

    • ERM 399 Boylston Street, 6th Floor Sediment Log for Sample ID: SD-406 ERM Bostoi, MA 02116 Project: Yankee-LTP Project Number: 15181 Client: YAEC: Ken Dow Logged by: C Auer Drilling Co: TG&B Driller: Rob Reynolds Date: 14-Aug-03 Drilling Method: Boat Vibracore System Dist from Shore: NA Boring Diam.: 2 5/8" Boring Depth: 18" Depth of Surface water:

RECOVERY: 15" Sample ID & Depth Depth (in) Sediment Classification &Time AL 0-3" Dark brown,very loose SILT, trace fine sand, some organic material trace small cobbles SD-406-00-04-1

-2 16:15 3 t I 3-15" Dark brown, loose SILT, some fine sand, trace small cobbles, r some organic material 5

tends towards more organic material (black)


-7 S8

-9 I

-10 HELD


- 12 -


-14 -


-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 -

-20 -


- 22 -

-23 -

24 Analysis: x VOCs (826013) x PP13 metals (6010B) x SVOCs (8270C) Boron and Lithium (6010B) x PCBs (8082) Hydrazine by IC x TPH-GRO (8015B) TOC x TlPH-DRO(8015B)