ML063070497 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Yankee Rowe |
Issue date: | 08/29/2005 |
From: | Yankee Atomic Electric Co |
To: | NRC/FSME |
References | |
YNPS-FSSP-NOL06-01, Rev 1 | |
Download: ML063070497 (24) | |
Final Status Survey Planning Worksheet Page 1 of 5 1 GENERAL SECTION Survey Area #: NOL-06 Survey Unit #: 01 Survey Unit Name: RSS Footprint within the West Lower RCA Yard - Central FSSP Number: YNPS-FSSP-NOL06-01-01 (Rev. I changes are in bold font)
PREPARATION FOR FSS ACTIVITIES Check marks in the boxes below signify affirmative responses and completion of the action.
1.1 Files have been established for survey unit FSS records.
1.2 ALARA review has been completed for the survey unit. (YA-REPT-00-003-05) 1.3 The survey unit has been turned over for final status survey.
1.4 An initial DP-8854 walkdown has been performed and a copy of the completed Survey Unit Walkdown Evaluation is in the survey area file. 0 1.5 Activities conducted within area since turnover for FSS have been reviewed.
Based on reviewed information, subsequent walkdown: 0 not warranted warranted If warranted, subsequent walkdown has been performed and documented per DP-8854.
OR The basis has been provided to and accepted by the FSS Project Manager for not performing a subsequent walkdown.
1.6 A final classification has been performed.
Classification: CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) 1.0 Statement of problem:
Survey Unit NOL06-01 consists of a portion of the soil area within Survey Area NOL-06 that falls inside the RSS footprint.
The turbine building foundation (Survey Area TBN-01) forms the north boundary. The south boundary is formed by Survey Unit NOLOI-01 and the foundation of the PAB (Survey Area AUX-02). The east boundary is formed with Survey Unit NOLOI-01 and a small section of Area NOL-06 left as a buffer zone for yet-to-be-completed decommissioning work in Survey Area NSY-01. The concrete electrical duct tray forms the west boundary. Portions of the RSS ring and mat foundations are present in, but are not part of, Survey Unit NOL06-01. The total area (soil plus concrete structures) falling within the unit's boundaries is approximately 6,803 ft2 (632 m2). However, excluding the concrete ring and mat foundations, the remaining area is significantly smaller at approximately 4,274 ft2 (397 m2). Only the soil area is considered under this survey plan. The concrete structures are not included in Survey Unit NOL06-01 and will be surveyed under separate survey plans. The data collected under this plan will be used to determine whether or not residual plant-related radioactivity in soil of Survey Unit NOL06-0 1 meet LTP release criteria.
The planning team for this effort consists of the FSS Project Manager, FSS Radiological Engineer, FSS Field Supervisor, and FSS Technicians. The FSS Rad. Engineer will make primary decisions with the concurrence of the FSS Project Manager.
2.0 Identify the decision:
Does residual plant-related radioactivity, if present in the survey unit, exceed LTP release criteria? Alternative actions that may be implemented in this effort are investigations and remediation followed by re-surveying.
3.0 Identifv the inputs to the decision:
Sample media: soil Types of measurements: soil samples and gamma scans.
Radionuclide-of-concern: Cs- 137 and Co-60 A large amount of the soil area in the RSS footprint was remediated for both radiological (elevated concentrations of Cs-137 and Co-60) and environmental (PCB-contamination) reasons. Characterization data (post-remediation soil samples) from areas NOL-01 and NOL-06 were used in the FSS planning for unit NOL06-01. Cesium-137 and Co-60 were the only easy-to-detect plant-related radionuclides identified in the characterization (post-remediation) surface soil samples. The average Cs-137 concentration was 0.17 pCilg and the average Co-60 concentration was 0.064 pCi1g. both average values were below the DPF-8856.1 Page 1 of 5
respective 10-mremly DCGLs. The average Cs-137 concentration represented 73% of the identified plant-related activity a the average Co-60 concentration represented 27%.
One pre-remediation soil sample was sent to an offsite laboratory for analyses of HTD nuclides. Several HTD radionuclic (i.e., C-14, Ni-63, and Sr-90) were identified in that sample. Post-remediation soil samples identified Cs-137 and Co-60 concentrations that were acceptable for area turnover (i.e., concentrations below the respective DCGL values), but the pa remediation soil samples were not analyzed for HTD nuclides.
The presence of all LTP-listed radionuclides (gamma-emitters, HTD beta-emitters, and TRUs) in the soil will be evalual under this survey plan. The YNPS Chemistry Dept. will analyze each soil sample for all LTP-listed gamma-emitti nuclides, and at least 4 soil samples, which is greater than the minimum requirement for 5% of the FSS soil samples, will sent to an independent laboratory for analyses of gamma-emitters and HTD radionuclides.
Applicable DCGL: The DCGLs applied under this survey plan correspond to annual doses of 8.73 mremly (the 10-mren DCGL adjusted for the dose contributions from sub-surface concrete structures and tritium in ground water).
Nuclide DCGL (pCilg) Nuclide (pCilg)
DCGL 1 Nuclide Cs-137 3.OE+O Fe-55 1.OE+4 Am-241 1 .OE+1 Ni-63 2.8E+2 Cm-2431244 1.1E+1 Average concentration: Cs-137 = 0.17 pCi1g and Co-60 = 0.064 pCi1g Standard deviation (a):Cs-137 = 0.19 pCilg and Co-60 = 0.1 1 pCilg Weighted sum 0 = 0.1 pCilg DCGLEM,-:Cs-137 = 1 I. l pCilg (based on AF = 3.7), Co-60 = 2.5 pCi1g (based on AF = 1.8)
Investigation Levelfor soil samples: (a) >DCGLEMcfor either Cs- 137 or Co-60, or (b) a sum of DCGLEMcfractions >I .O, or (c) >DCGL for either Cs-137 or Co-60 and a statistical outlier as defined in the LTP Note: the same criteria will be applied to any other LTP-listed if identified in the FSS soil samples.
Investigation Levelfor scan: >background indication using an audible signal with headphones Radionuclidesfor analysis: All LTP-listed nuclides with the focus on Cs-137 and Co-60.
MDCs for gamma analysis of soil samples:
Nuclide I Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC (pCi/g) (PCilg) (pCi/g>
Co-60 1.4E- 1 Sb125 1.1E+O Eu- 1 52 3.5E-1 I
Nb-94 2.5E-1 CS-134 1.7E- 1 Eu- 1 54 3.3E-1 Ag l08m 2.5E-1 CS-137 3 .OE- 1 Eu- 155 1.4E+ 1 Note: If a target MDC value cannot be achieved in analysis, then a value no greater than 5X the listed value must be achie~
in the analysis.
MDCs for analyses ofHTD nuclides:
Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC (PC ilg) (pCi/g) (pCi/g>
H-3 1.3E+1 Sr-90 5.9E-2 Pu-24 1 3.4E+1 C-14 1.9E-1 Tc-99 4.8E-1 Am-24 1 1 .OE+O Fe-55 1 .OE+3 Pu-238 l.lE+O Cm-2431244 1.1E+O Ni-63 2.8E+1 Pu-2391240 1.OE+O Note: If a target MDC value cannot be achieved in analysis, then a value no greater than 5X the listed value must be achie~
in the analysis.
Scan coverage: SPA-3 scans will be performed for 100% of the total surface of the soil area in the survey unit.
DPF-8856.1 Page 2 of 5
IMDCR for SPA-3: The accompanying table provides MDCR values by various background levels.
MDCdfDCGLEM(.)forSPA-3 scans: The accompanying table also provides MDC values by various background levels.
QC checks and measurements: QC checks for the SPA-3 will be performed in accordance with DP-8540. Four QC split samples will be collected, and QC recounts for 2 soil samples will be performed by the YNPS Chemistry Lab.
1 4.0 Define the boundaries of the survey: H Boundaries of NOL06-01 are as shown on the attached map. The turbine building foundation forms the north boundary, the west boundary extends to the concrete electrical duct tray, the east boundary is formed with Survey Unit NOLOI-01, and Area AUX-02 forms the south boundary. The survey will be performed under normal weather conditions and in daylight hours (allowing adequate daylight time for ingress and egress).
5.0 Develop a decision rule:
(a) If all the sample data show that the soil concentrations of all plant-related nuclides are below the DCGL and the sum of the DCGL fractions for identified nuclides is <I, reject the null hypothesis (i.e., Survey Unit meets the release criteria).
(b) If the investigation level is exceeded, then perform an investigation survey.
(c) If the average concentration of the radionuclide-of-concern is below the DCGL, or if the sum of the fractions fol identified radionuclides-of-concern <I, but some measurements exceed the DCGL, then apply a statistical test as the basis for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis.
(d) If the average concentration of any LTP-listed nuclide exceeds the DCGL or the sum of the fractions exceeds one.
then accept the null hypothesis (i.e., Survey Unit fails to meet the release criteria).
6.0 Specifv tolerable limits on decision errors:
( ( ~ u hypothesis:
ll Residual plant-related radioactivity in Survey Unit NOL06-01 exceeds the release criteria. 1 Probability oftype I error: 0.05 Probability of type 11error: 0.05 LBGR: 0.5 7.0 Optimize Design:
Type of statistical test: WRS Test Sign Test Basis including background reference location (if WRS test is specified): N/A Number samples (per DP-8853): 16. Refer to the completed DPF-8853.2 and DPF-8853.3 in the survey package file.
Note: The number of samples will be increased by 1 (bringing the total of systematic samples to 17), which increases the statistical power for the data set.
- 1. The FSS Field Supervisor is responsible for contacting the QA Department regarding the FSS activities identified as QA notification points.
1 2. Standing water must be removed prior to the collection of any FSS measurement in that area. I
- 3. Mark the sampling points at the coordinates provided with the attached map. If a measurement location is obstructed such that a sample cannot be collected, select an alternate location in accordance with DP-8856.
- 4. Collect 17 soil samples in accordance with DP-8120, using sampling equipment as stated in DP-8120. Four of the 17 soil samples will be QC split samples. Soil sample designations are as follows:
(a) Grid soil sample designations: NOL-06-0 1 -00 1-F through NOL-06-0 1 -0 17-F corresponding to FSS samples collected at locations 001 through 0 17.
(b) 4 QC split sample designations: NOL-06-01-005-F-S, NOL-06-0 1 -007-F-S, NOL-06-0 1-008-F-S, and NOL-06 012-F-S, collected at sample locations 005, 007, 008. and 012, respectively. The results will be compared in accordance with DP-8864.
Note: Samples NOL-06-01-005-F-S, NOL-06-0 1-007-F-S, NOL-06-0 1 -008-F-S, and NOL-06-01-0 12-F-S will be sent to the off-site laboratory as collected from the field (i.e., without drying). YNPS Chemistry will count these 4 soil samples in the "wet" condition prior to shipment to the offsite laboratory, where they will be analyzed for gamma-emitters, HTD beta-emitters (including H-3), and TRUs.
Note: Soil samples NOL-06-01-003-F and NOL-06-01-014-F are QC recounts (to be performed by the YNPS Chemistry Lab) and the results will be compared in accordance with DP-8864. The designations for the recount analyses are NOL-06-0 1-003-F-RC and NOL-06-0 1-0 14-F-RC, respectively.
DPF-8856.1 Page 3 of 5
- 5. Include the 3 additional samples provided by the FSS Radiological Engineer with the FSS soil samples collected from Unit NOL06-0 1. Designate the 3 samples as NOL-06-0 1-018-F, NOL-06-0 1-019-F, and NOL-06-0 1-020-F.
- 6. All soil samples will be received and prepared in accordance with DP-8813.
- 7. Chain of Custody form will be used in accordance with DP-8 123 for all soil samples sent to an off-site laboratory. The required MDCs for the analyses performed by the off-site laboratory will be communicated to the Lab via the Chain-of-Custody form or an attachment to the form.
- 8. Scanning will cover 100% of the survey unit. The FSS Field Supervisor will record information relevant to the SPA-3 scans on DPF-8856.2.
- 9. Survey instrument: Operation of the E-600 w1SPA-3 will be in accordance with DP-8535, with QC checks performed in accordance with DP-8540. The instrument response checks shall be performed before issue and after use.
- 10. The job hazards associated with this survey are addressed in the accompanying JHA for NOL-06-01.
- 11. All personnel participating in this survey shall be trained in accordance with DP-8868.
- 1. SPA-3 scans are to be performed by moving the detector at a speed no greater than 0.25 mls, keeping the probe at a distance of less than 3 inches from the ground surface, and following a serpentine pattern that includes at least 3 passes across each square meter. When scanning and walking, a slow pace (i.e., 1 step per second) shall be used. FSS Technicians will wear headphones while scanning and the survey instrument will be in the rate-meter mode. Surveyors will listen for upscale readings, to which they will respond by slowing down or stopping the probe to distinguish between random fluctuations in the background and greater than background readings. Location(s) where detectable-above-background scan readings are found will be investigated. Note: The FSS Field Supervisor shall monitor and time scan speeds for at least 50% of scanned areas to ensure that the scan speed of 0.25 mls is maintained.
A first level investigation may be done with the SPA-3lE-600 to determine if the observed increase in the scan measurement is due to the presence of rocks and boulders. SPA-3 scans performed in non-impacted areas have shown that rock formations accounted for increased count rates. If it can be demonstrated that the presence of rocks and boulders is the cause of an increased count rate during a SPA-3 scan, record that finding form DPF-8856.2. If it is demonstrated that the rocks and boulders do not account for an above background SPA-3 measurement, a soil sample will be collected at the point of the highest SPA-3 reading in the scanned area. Flag the location of an investigation sample. Detailed descriptions of investigation actions will be recorded on form DPF-8856.2 and the location of the above background scan and sample will be recorded on the survey map. If investigation samples are collected, the designations will continue in sequence beginning with NOL-06-01-02 1-F-I.
If a cluster of greater-than-background indications are found in a small, localized area (e.g., within a lm2 area):
- 1. Measure a 1-m square that surrounds the cluster (a fabricated lm2 frame may be used instead of measuring).
- 2. Repeat the scan to find the highest reading within the lm2, and collect a soil sample at that point.
- 3. Designate the soil sample as described above.
- 2. YNPS Chemistry will dry and analyze all soil samples for gamma-emitting radionuclides, except samples NOL-06-01-005-F-S, NOL-06-01-007-F-S, NOL-06-01-008-F-S, and NOL-06-01-012-F-S. YNPS Chemistry will count these 4 soil samples in the "wet" condition prior to shipment to the offsite laboratory. If the results of the gamma anaIyses identify radionuclides at concentrations greater than the investigation level, an investigation survey will be conducted under a separate plan.
- 3. Soil samples NOL-06-0 1-005-F-S, NOL-06-0 1-007-F-S, NOL-06-01-008-F-S, and NOL-06-01-012-F-S are to be sent to the off-site laboratory. These samples will be analyzed for H-3, gamma-emitting nuclides, HTD beta-emitting nuclides, and TRUs. Ensure that the lid to the I-liter marinelli container for each sample is secured to prevent loss of moisture during shipping. If the results of the offsite laboratory's analyses identify radionuclides at concentrations greater than the investigation level, an investigation survey will be conducted under a separate plan.
- 4. On-site and off-site analyses of the FSS samples shall achieve the required MDC values stated in Section 3 of this plan.
The MDCs will be communicated to the laboratory using an attachment to the Chain-of-Custody form.
NOTIFICATION POINTS QA notification* point(s) (yln) J (1) Dateltime of initial pre-survey briefing QA signature:
(2) Dateltime of commencement of soil sampling QA signature:
(3) Dateltime of initial scan measurement QA signature:
- E-mail notification to with a copy to
- satisfies this step.
FSI point(s) (yln) n Specify:
DPF-8856.1 Page 4 of 5
Prepared by 9.& Date 8-29-LIC Date %
- 24 \I FSS ~ ~ d i o f o ~ iEngineer cal Approved by /d,~.~,,m Date f/z4/4t FSS ~ i o j i c Manager t
DPF-8856.1 Page 5 of 5
assumed instrument = SPA-3 assumed mix : 73% Cs-137,27% Co-60
Final Status Survey Planning Worksheet Page 1 of 9 GENERAL SECTION Survey Area #: NOL-06 I Survey Unit #: 02 1 Survey Unit Name: Northeast Upper RCA Yard Northern Section I FSSP Number: YNPS-FSSP-NOL06-02-02(supplemental survey plan - modifications of the original FSSP Worksheet to account for the potential for residual RSS concrete debris in the Survey Unit)
PREPARATION FOR FSS ACTIVITIES Check marks in the boxes below signify affirmative responses and completion of the action.
1.1 Files have been established for survey unit FSS records. I8 1.2 ALARA review has been completed for the survey unit. IXI See YA-REPT-00-003-05 1.3 The survey unit has been turned over for final status survey.
1.4 An initial DP-8854 walkdown has been performed and a copy of the completed Survey Unit Walkdown Evaluation is in the survey area file. la 1.5 Activities conducted within area since turnover for FSS have been reviewed.
1 Based on reviewed information, subsequent walkdown: IXI not warranted warranted II~ote:Based upon Rad Engineer walkdown at the Final Turnover If warranted, subsequent walkdown has been performed and documented per DP-8854.
OR The basis has been provided to and accepted by the FSS Project Manager for not performing a subsequent walkdown.
1.6 A final classification has been performed. [ql 1.0 State the problem:
Survey Area NOL-06-02 is located west of the former Reactor Support Structure. Demolition activities have been completed in NOL-06-02 and the unit has been subjected to extensive remediation. Post excavation remediation surveys have been performed in NOL-06-02 using SPA-3 and ISOCS with remediation carried out at locations that indicated elevated levels of radioactivity. A steel reinforced concrete ductbank has fallen within the footprint of NOL-06-02 however; management decision called for a free release survey of the ductbank once it had been opened up.
Based upon the radiological condition of this survey area identified in the operating history, and as a result of the decommissioning activities performed to date, survey area NOL-06-02 is identified as a Class 1 Area.
The problem, therefore, is to determine whether the accumulation of licensed radioactive materials generated during plant operation, existing in Survey Unit NOL-06-02, meets the release criterion.
The planning team for this effort consists of the FSS Project Manager, FSS Radiological DPF-8856.1 1 YNPS-FSSP-NOLO6
Engineer, Radiation Protection Manager, FSS Field Supervisor, and FSS Technicians. The FSS Radiological Engineer will make primary decisions with the concurrence of the FSS Project Manager.
This supplemental plan is designed to provide instruction on the collection of additional ISOCS scans and biased soil samples to account for water infiltrating the bottom of the trench excavation. Dams were constructed and bypass pump were insufficient to keep water fiom flowing through the bottom of the trench. This supplemental plan also addresses the need for additional ISOCS scans due to the Service Water Lines obstruction of the planned (grid) ISOCS scans (lm, 180' geometry).
2.0 Identify the decision:
The decision to be made can be stated "Does residual plant-related radioactivity, if present in the survey unit, exceed the release criteria?"
Alternative actions that may be employed are investigation, remediation and re-survey.
3.0 Identify the inputs to the decision:
Inputs to the decision include information that will be required to resolve the decision. The information will address such topics as:
Survey techniques and analytical methodologies selected to generate the required analytical data Types and number of samples required to demonstrate compliance with the release criterion Identification of the radionuclides-of-concernand their corresponding DCGLs Sample media: soil Types of measurements: soil samples and 100% scans Radion uclides-oficoncern : co60 and cs 37 '
Radionuclides-of-Concern were determined from the sample results for the FSS of NOL-01-04 (The survey unit across from NOL-06-02 and considered to be the most representative of NOL-06-02). Additionally, the data utilized for the statistical information was taken fiom the FSS data.
Table 1 8.73 mremlyr DCGL Radionuclide Soil (pcilg)
H~ 1.3E2 co60 1.4EO Radionuclide Soil (pcilg) bibg4 2.5EO A~~~~~ 2.5EO sblz5 1.1El
scans. If necessary, the DCGLEMcwill be recalculated if an actual area of elevated concentration is discovered with a source area greater than 1 m2.
Table 1 MDC, DCGL w, DCGLEM,Investigation Level:
open collimation w/4 meter grid spacing)
Sb-125 1.1E+01 1.1E+00 1.OE+02 1.7E+00 1.7E-01 2.8E+O 1 CS-134 3 .OE+00 8.7E+00 3.OE-01 6.6E+O 1 7E-0 1 CS-137 3.6E+00 3.6E-01 Eu- 152 3.3E+00 3.3E-0 1 3.2E+O 1 Eu- 154 1.4E+02 1.4E+01 1.1E+03 Eu- 155 Radionuclidesfor analysis: All LTP nuclides with the focus on co60 and C S ~ ~ ~
ISOCS Nuclide Library: Library will include the gamma emitters listed in Table 2 Investigation Level for soil samples: Investigation Level for soil samples will be >DCGLEMcor
>DCGLw and three times the standard deviation of the mean Investigation Level (DCGLEMc)for ISOCS Measurements:
Co-60 (1.8E-1 pCi1g)
Cs- 137 (7E- 1 pcilg)
Note: The investigation level for ISOCS scans is calculated from the DCGLEMcas shown by Table 1 above (ref YA-REPT-00-018-05; see Attachment 4 for the calculations). It is derived by multiplying the DCGLEMcassociated with a lm2 area by the ratio of the MDCs for the full field of view (i.e. 38.5m2for a l m height above the surface) to the lm2 area at the centerline (offset) between the longest distance within a scan grid using an assumed grid spacing of 4 meters. Thus for example the calculated 1.8E-1 pCi/g investigation level for Co-60 is sensitive enough to detect the DCGLEMcof 1.5E+1 pCiIg.
Note: The FSS Engineer may request investigations at concentrations less than the above-mentioned action levels.
If other LTP-listed gamma-emitting radionuclides are identified in the ISOCS assays, the investigation level will be evaluated using the same criteria.
Investigation Level for SPA-3LE-600: Audible increases above background that are reproducible MDCs for ETD nuclides in soil samples and ISOCS: The desired MDCs for laboratory analysis of FSS soil samples should be 10% of the DCGLw. If it is impractical to achieve those, the 50% DCGL values must be achieved. The required MDC for ISOCS is the DCGLEMc.Refer to Table1 above.
MDCs for HTD nuclides in soil samples: In addition to the MDC values listed in Table 1, the MDC values in Table 2 will also be transmitted to the outside laboratory via the chain-of-custody form accompanying the FSS soil samples. See Attachment 3 for the MDC calculations.
Soil Sample DCGLEMc:As noted in Table 1 above, the soil sample DCGLEMchas been calculated based on the geometry of the sampling grid, utilizing LTP Appendix 6 4 to determine the Area Factor.
Table 2.
MDCs for Hard-To-Detect Nuclides in Soil Samples DCGLw Range o f MDC (pCi/g)
(pCi/g) from desired (10%
Nuclide at 8.73 DCGL) to required mremlJ' (50% DCGL)
H-3 1.3E+02 1.3E+01 to 6.4E+01 C-14 1.9E+00 1.9E-01 to 9.OE-01 Fe-55 1 .OE+04 1 .OE+03 to 5.OE+03 Ni-63 2.8E+02 2.8E+01 to 1.4E+02 Sr-90 6.OE-01 6.OE-02 to 3.OE-01 Tc-99 5.OE+00 5.OE-01 to 2.4E+00 Pu-238 I .2E+01 1.2E+00 to 5.8E+00 Pu-239 1 .I E+01 1.1E+00 to 5.2E+00 Pu-241 3.4E+02 3.4E+01 to 1.7E+02 Am-241 1 .OE+Ol 1 .OE+00 to 5.OE+00 Cm-243 1.1E+01 1.1E+00 to 5.5E+00 SPA-3 Scan MDCR and MDCOCGLEMc): Refer to Attachment 2 for SPA-3 scan MDC values given a range of background values.
S P A 3 DCGLEMc: Refer to Attachment 2 for the following, which calculates:
The SPA-3 scan Area Factors for Co-60 and Cs-137 at the LTP App. 6 4 Area of Source of 75 m2 (next highest relative to 5 1.2 m2 calculated source area) for this survey unit.
The S P A 3 DCGLEMcof 2.0 pCi/g (Co-60) and 8.7 pCi/g (Cs-137).
Finally yielding a gross activity SPA-3 DCGLEMcof 2.6 pCi/g.
Survey coverage: SPA-3 Scan measurements, or ISOCS (the primary method of scans), will provide a 100% coverage of the survey area QC checks and measurements: The various aspects of the data such as quality and data sensitivity ensure accurate information is utilized in the testing of the hypothesis. QC checks for the Portable ISOCS will be in accordance with DP-8869 and DP-8871. Two samples will be chosen as QC split samples and will be analyzed by an off-site laboratory for all LTP nuclides.
Additionally, two samples will be analyzed twice in-house by gamma spectroscopy and the results compared.
Two QC Blank samples will be collected from uncontaminated soil. The blank samples will be prepared and analyzed using routine methods in accordance with procedure DP-8852.
The YNPS Chemistry Lab, in accordance with procedure DP-8852, will analyze one QC Spike Sample.
4.0 Define the boundaries of the survey:
Survey Unit NOL-06-02 is located within the RCA and is bounded by 00L-10-03 on the north, 00L-10-0 1 on the west, NOL-05-01 on the south and NOL-06-01 on the east.
A random-start systematic grid will define the soil sample locations. The ISOCS scans are 100%
of the survey unit and the grid does not require a random start.
Surveying of NOL-06-02 will be performed during both shifts, with adequate lighting, and when weather conditions will not adversely affect the data acquisition or equipment reliability.
5.0 Develop a decision rule:
Null hypothesis: The null hypothesis &to), as required by MARSSIM, is stated and tested in the negative form: "Residual licensed radioactive materials in Survey Unit NOL-06-02 exceeds the release criterion. The null hypothesis, as stated in this manner, is designed to protect the health of the public as well as to demonstrate compliance with the requirements set forth in the Yankee Rowe License Termination Plan. In general, hypothesis testing will result in the following assessments:
- a. If all of the sample data show that the soil concentrations of all plant-related LTP nuclides are below the DCGLw and the sum of fractions for these nuclides are less than unity, reject the null hypothesis (i.e. NOL-06-02 meets the release criteria).
- b. If the action levels are exceeded, then perform an investigation survey.
- c. If the average concentration is below the DCGLw, but individual measurements exceed DCGLw then apply a statistical test to either accept or reject the null hypothesis.
- d. If the average concentration of any individual nuclide exceeds the DCGLw or if the sum of fractions exceeds unity, then accept the null hypothesis (i.e. NOL-06-02 does not meet the release criteria).
6.0 Specify tolerable limits on decision errors:
Probability of type I (a) error: 0.05 Probability of type II(8) error: 0.05 LBGR: 0.5 7.0 Optimize Design:
Type of statistical test: WRS Test Sign Test Basis including background reference location (if WRS test is specified): N/A Number of samples: Twenty (20) direct measurement soil samples will be taken, with the triangular grid laid out from a random start point.
Split Samples: Two samples will be split samples Hard-to-Detect analyses: Two samples sent for off-site analysis will be analyzed for all LTP hard-to-detect radionuclides referenced in this survey plan Sample Recounts: Two samples will be recounted on-site QC Blanks: Two QC blank samples will be counted on-site QCSpikes: One QC spike sample will be counted on-site Rev. 2 Supplement to NOL-06-02 FSS Plan The potential for residual concrete rubble created during RSS (Reactor Support Structures) decommissions activities exists in this survey unit. Removal of all RSS concrete debris was accomplished during the remediation effort. Due to the proximity of this survey unit to the RSS structure a composite concrete sample will be collected and analyzed by the off-site laboratory for C-14.
Rev. 1 Supplement to NOL-06-02 FSS Plan Discussion: Attempts made to totally remove the standing water at the bottom of the trench excavation were unsuccessful. Although the standing water is limited to a narrow path at the bottom of the trench it has been determined that this water could compromise the ISOCS scan results. To account for these conditions each ISOCS scan will be supplemented with a biased soil sample. A biased soil sample will be collected at each ISOCS location where standing water has been identified. Their designation will be assigned a number in the sequence NOL-06-02-XXX-F-B, where XXX is the next number after the last soil sample number. Those locations will be determined accurately using GPS or a tape measure and will be documented in the Daily Survey Journal, DPF-8856.2.
ISOCS Scans identified as obstructed by interference fiom the Service Water Lines exposed during remediation efforts will be scanned using ISOCS at the 2m, 90" collimation geometry. The ISOCS scans will be positioned perpendicular to the reference plane under the service water lines. Their designation will be assigned a number in the sequence NOL-06-02-XXX-F-I, where XXX is the next number after the last ISOCS scan. Those locations will be determined and will be documented in the Daily Survey Journal, DPF-8 856.2.
- 1. Soil samples will be collected in accordance with DP-8 120 in one-liter marinelli beakers.
Extraneous materials (e.g. vegetation, debris, rocks, etc.) will be removed prior to placing the soil into the marinelli.
- 2. Collect the unbiased soil samples at 20 systematic locations with a random start point.
- 3. Soil sample designation:
- a. FSS soil samples: NOL-06-02-00 1-F through NOL-06-02-020-F.
- b. Samples NOL-06-02-013-F-S, NOL-06-02-0 15-F-S will be designated as split samples sent for full analysis by the off-site laboratory for all LTP nuclides.
- c. The off-site gamma spec. results will be compared with the on-site results in accordance with DP-8864.
- d. Two recount samples: NOL-06-02-003-F and NOL-06-02-010-F will be counted twice on site and the results compared in accordance with DP-8864. Their designations will be NOL-06-02-003-F-R and NOL-06-02-0 10-F-R.
- e. One biased concrete sample will be collected. The sample will comprise of the collection of concrete debris scattered throughout the unit. The sample will have the naming convention NOL-06-02-XXX-B-H and will be analyzed off site for C-14.
- 4. All soil samples will be received and prepared in accordance with DP-8813.
- 5. Chain-of-Custody form will be used in accordance with DP-8 123 for all the split samples.
- 6. The sampling locations will be identified using GPS. In cases where the location cannot be determined directly using GPS, an offset will be used to describe the distance and bearing from a known GPS location, Each location will be marked by a flag, either prior to or at the time of the sampling. The FSS Radiological Engineer or FSS Field Supervisor will guide the FSS Technician to the sample locations.
- 7. Survey instrument: Operation of the Portable ISOCS will be in accordance with DP-887 1, with QC checks performed in accordance with DP-8869 and DP-8871. Operation of the E-600 w1SPA-3 will be in accordance with DP-8535, with QC checks preformed in accordance
with DP-8540. Instrument response checks shall be performed prior to and after use for the E-600 wISPA-3 and once per day for the Portable ISOCS. Any flags encountered during the ISOCS QC Source Count must be corrected/resolved prior to surveying. If anomalies cannot be corrected or resolved, contact the Cognizant FSS Engineer for assistance.
- 8. The job hazards associated with the FSS in Survey Unit 01 are addressed in the accompanying JHA for NOL-06-02.
- 9. All personnel participating in this survey, with the exception of heavy equipment operators (i.e. crane operators), shall be trained in accordance with DP-8868.
- 1. Scan 100% of the soil area using ISOCS at a lm height with 180' open collimation at the locations specified on the ISOCS map.
1.1. Operation of the Portable ISOCS will be in accordance with DP-887 1, with QC checks performed once per day in accordance with DP-8869 and DP-8871. Resolve flags encountered prior to survey.
1.2. Lay out the grid by placing parallel rows of markers forming a square pattern at a maximum distance of 4.0 m apart and a maximum of 2.0 m from the edge of each surface area. Numbering of the ISOCS scans will be sequential with the first scan number of NOL-06 10 1 (Sequential number)-F-G.
1.2.1. As a prerequisite for scan grid point count acquisition, ensure all standing water has been removed from the scan field of view. An incidental amount of moisture occurring during the acquisition such as rain is acceptable, since the short duration of a count (600 seconds) should not accumulate significant absorber interference. In isolated conditions where saturated soils are known to exist (i.e. a sheen exists on top of the soil), adjustments to account for higher densities may be utilized. One of two approaches can be applied to ISOCS measurements when the soil matrix in the scan area (Field of View) is determined to be saturated. As described in the Technical Basis Document one way is to adjust either the investigation level or the sample mass down by 20%. The second way is to reanalyze the collected spectrum applying an efficiency calibration that accounts for the increased soil density.
1.2.2. Bypass pumps and dam measures have failed to keep up with ground water infiltration, COLLECT a soil sample at each ISOCS location. Sample designations will be assigned a number in the sequence NOL 02-XXX-F-B, where XXX is the next number after the last ISOCS scan location. Determined the sample location accurately using GPS or a tape measure. Document the sample locations in the Daily Survey Journal, DPF-8856.2.
1.2.3. Angle the detector as necessary perpendicular to the scan surface and perform an analysis in accordance with DP-8871 using a preset count time sufficient to meet the MDAs referenced in the survey plan.
1.2.4. Using the 180-degree open collimation configuration, position the ISOCS detector directly above (perpendicular to the reference plane) each marker l m from the surface to be scanned.
1.2.5. Add additional scan points closer than 4.0 m apart as necessary to achieve 100%
unit survey coverage, however, a fully documented GPS survey coordinate survey is required for any additional ISOCS scan points.
1.2.6. In deep holes, ISOCS may be used to survey vertical or sloping surfaces. As with horizontal surfaces, the ISOCS should be positioned perpendicularly lm from the surface.
1.3. Review the report ensuring that the MDAs have been met.
1.4 Review the report for identified nuclides and compare values against the DCGLEMc.
- 2. Scan soil areas using ISOCS (2m, 90' collimation geometry) at locations deemed obstructed by the service water lines exposed during the remediation process.
2.1. The sample designation will be assigned a number in the sequence NOL-06-02-XXX-F-G, where XXX is the next number after the last ISCS scan location.
2.2. Document the scan locations in the Daily Survey Journal, DPF-8856.2.
- 3. If SPA-3 scanning is utilized for initial scans (i.e. ISOCS scanning is inaccessible, etc.) FSS Technicians will perform scans by moving the SPA-3 detector at a speed 0.1 mls, keeping the probe within approximately three inches of the ground surface, and following a serpentine pattern that includes at least three passes across each square meter. The FSS Field Supervisor will time and monitor a minimum of 50% of these scans. When scanning and walking, a slow pace (i.e., 1 step per second) shall be used. Scanning will be performed in the rate-meter mode with the audible feature on. Using the headsets, surveyors will listen for upscale readings, to which they will respond by slowing down or stopping the probe to distinguish between random fluctuations in the background and greater than background readings. Location(s) where detectable-above-backgroundscan readings are found will be investigated.
- 4. For investigations, scan the area with a SPA3 to identify and determine the boundaries of the elevated area. SPA-3 investigative scanning is performed similar in manner as described in step 3 with the exception of the scan speed (move detector 2 to 3 inches per second) and the detector need not be moved in a serpentine pattern.
Note: Background levels for the SPA-3 should range between 10000 and 19000 cpm. If the background levels exceed 19000 cam, contact a Radiological Engineer prior to commencinglcontinuingthe scan with the SPA-3.
Note: Standing water may shield gamma contamination. Standing water shall be removed from the survey area prior to scanning.
- 5. Once the elevated area, requiring an investigation, has been identified and bounded, locate the point of the highest SPA-3 reading within the bounded area and collect a one-liter soil sample for analysis. If a soil sample is collected during the first level investigation, the sample designation will consist of the next sequential measurement location code plus the letter "I" (for investigation). For example, if a soil sample is collected during a first level investigation it will be designated NOL-06-02-021-F-I. If the investigation calls for more than one sample, sequentially number the investigation samples (e.g. NOL-06-02-022-F-I). A gamma analysis will be performed on all investigative soil samples. If the presence of rocks and boulders is the cause of an increased count rate during a SPA3 scan, record that finding on form DPF-8856.2 and no soil sample is required. The responsible FSS Radiological Engineer will evaluate analysis of any investigation samples for the LTP suite of nuclides.
Detailed descriptions of investigative actions will be recorded on form DPF-8856.2 and the location of the investigation analyses along with the sample designation will be recorded on the survey map. The location description must provide sufficient detail (i.e.) to allow revisiting the spot at a later time.
All sample analysis will achieve the MDC values stated in the DQO section of this plan.
IIFSIpoint(s)(y/n)- n FSS Radiological Engineer SignatureIDate: 1 FSS Project Manager Foc w e ~ ye r : c ~ s ~ l J
Final Status Survey Planning Worksheet Page 1 of 5 GENERAL SECTION Survey Area #: NOL-06 I Survey Unit #: 03 Survey Unit Name: RSS Footprint within the West Lower RCA Yard - Soil Area Surrounding the Concrete Base for TK-1 (NSY- 12)
FSSP Number: YNPS-FSSP-NOLO6-03-01 (Rev 1 changes appear in bold text)
PREPARATION FOR FSS ACTIVITIES Check marks in the boxes below sign@ affirmative responses and completion of the action.
1.1 Files have been established for survey unit FSS records. a 1.2 ALARA review has been completed for the survey unit. (YA-REPT-00-003-05) 1.3 The survey unit has been turned over for final status survey.
1.4 An initial DP-8854 walkdown has been performed and a copy of the completed Survey Unit Walkdown Evaluation is in the survey area file. IZ l
1.5 Activities conducted within area since turnover for FSS have been reviewed. IZl Based on reviewed information, subsequent walkdown: EZI not warranted I7 warranted If warranted, subsequent walkdown has been performed and documented per DP-8854.
OR The basis has been provided to and accepted by the FSS Project Manager for not performing a subsequent walkdown. I7 1.6 A final classification has been performed.
Classification: CLASS 1 CLASS 2 I7 CLASS 3 DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES (DQO) 1.0 Statement of problem:
Survey Unit NOL06-03 was returned to the remediation/characterization group when a concrete structure, located between the tank base (survey unit NSY12-01) and the turbine building foundation (survey unit BRTO1-18), was discovered during FSS activities controlled under YNPS-FSSP-NOL06-03-00. Significant residual radioactivity was identified in the structure. The structure was cleaned, and the adjacent area was remediated and re-surveyed prior to return of the survey unit to the FSS group. Also included in the remediation effort were the locations of 2 investigation samples (collected in response to SPA-3 scan indications during the initial FSS activities) in which the Co-60 concentrations exceeded the DCGLEMc. Although this plan is identified as a revision to YNPS-FSSP-NOL06-03-00, it represents a new planning effort (i.e., a revised grid based on a new random start point). Note, however, that the original sample designations have been retained. The first FSS data set has been converted to characterization data, which allows the re-use of the original sample designations.
Survey Unit NOL06-03 consists of a small soil area that surrounds the concrete base for TK-1, located in the northeast section of the RSS footprint. The area was initially part of survey unit NOL06-01, but was carved off as a separate survey unit to serve as a buffer zone between Survey Unit NOL06-01 and on-going decommissioning work in NSY-01 (the north and south decon pads). Survey Unit NOL06-01 forms the west boundary, the turbine building foundation forms the north boundary, and survey unit NOL01-04 forms the east and south boundaries. NOL06-03 is approximately 485 ft2 (45 m2). The data collected under this plan will be used to determine whether or not residual plant-related radioactivity in soil of Survey Unit NOL06-01 meet LTP release criteria.
The planning team for this effort consists of the FSS Project Manager, FSS Radiological Engineer, FSS Field Supervisor, and FSS Technicians. The FSS Rad. Engineer will make primary decisions with the concurrence of the FSS Project Manager.
2.0 Identifv the decision:
Does residual plant-related radioactivity, if present in the survey unit, exceed LTP release criteria? Alternative actions that may be implemented in this effort are investigations and remediation followed by re-surveying.
3.0 Identifv the inputs to the decision:
Sample media: soil DPF-8856.1 Page 1 of 5
Types o f measurements:soil samples and gamma scans.
Radionuclide-of-concern:Cs- 137 and Co-60.
FSS planning for this revised survey plan used data for 9 soil samples collected during the initial FSS of survey unit NOL06-03, which were the only data available from that survey at the time. The data were for soil samples collected at 3 grid locations and 6 soil samples collected in response to above background indications during SPA-3 scans. Data for samples collected in areas targeted for remediation were not used. The mean Co-60 and Cs-137 concentrations in the 9 samples were 0.096 pCi/g k 0.17 pCi/g and 0.13 pCi/g k 0.1 pCi/g, respectively. The Co-60 concentrations ranged from <MDA to 0.52 pCi/g and the Cs-137 concentrations ranged from <MDA to 0.33 pCi/g.
The presence of all LTP-listed radionuclides (gamma-emitters, HTD beta-emitters, and TRUs) in the soil will be evaluated under this survey plan. The YNPS Chemistry Dept. will analyze each FSS soil sample for all LTP-listed gamma-emitting nuclides, except Cm-2431244. In addition, 4 FSS soil samples will be sent to an independent laboratory for analyses of gamma-emitters, HTD beta-emitting radionuclides, and alpha-emitting radionuclides, which will include Cm-2431244.
Applicable DCGL: The DCGLs applied under this survey plan correspond to annual doses of 8.73 m r e d y (the 10-mredy DCGL adjusted for the dose contributions fiom sub-surface concrete structures and tritium in ground water).
Nuclide (pCi/g) Nuclide (pCi/g) Nuclide Co-60 1.4E+O Eu-152 3.5E+O Sr-90 5.9E- 1 Nb-94 2.5E+O Eu-154 3.3E+O Tc-99 4.8E+O AglO8m 2.5E+O Eu-155 1.4E+2 Pu-238 l.lE+l Sb125 l.lE+l H-3 1.3E+2 Pu-2391240 1.OE+1 CS-134 1.7E+O C-14 1.9E+O Pu-24 1 3.4E+2 Cs-137 3.OE+O Fe-55 1.OE+4 Am-241 1.OE+ 1 Ni-63 2.8E+2 Cm-2431244 1.1E+ 1 Average concentration:Cs-137 0.13 pCi/g and (20-60 = 0.096 pCi/g Standard deviation (0): Cs-137 = 0.1 pCVg and Co-60 = 0.17 pCi/g Weighted sum o = 0.126 pCi/g DCGLEK: - Cs-137 = 25.5 pCVg (based on AF = 8.5), (20-60 = 5.7 pCi/g (based on AF = 4.1)
Investigation Level for soil samples: (a) >DCGLEMcfor either Cs-137 or Co-60, or (b) a sum of DCGLEMcfi-actions > 1.O, or (c) >DCGL for either Cs-137 or Co-60 and a statistical outlier as defined in the LTP Note: the same criteria will be applied to any other LTP-listed if identified in the FSS soil samples.
Investigation Level for scan: >background indication using an audible signal with headphones Radionuclides for analysis: LTP-listed nuclides with the focus on Cs- 137 and Co-60.
MDCs for gamma analysis of soil samples:
Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC (PCi/g) (pCi/g> ( P C ~
Co-60 1.4E-1 Sb125 l.lE+O Eu- 152 3.5E-1 Nb-94 2.5E-1 Cs- 134 1.7E-1 Eu- 154 3.3E-1 Ag l08m 2.5E-1 CS-137 3.OE-1 Eu-155 1.4E+1 Note: If a target MDC value cannot be achieved in analysis, then a value no greater than 5X the listed value must be achieved in the analysis.
MDCs for analyses of HTD nuclides:
Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC Nuclide Target MDC (Pew (pCi/g> ( P C ~
H-3 1.3E+1 Sr-90 5.9E-2 Pu-24 1 3.4E+ 1 C-14 1.9E-1 Tc-99 4.8E-1 Am-24 1 1.OE+O Fe-55 1.OE+3 Pu-238 l.lE+O Cm-2431244 1.1E+O Ni-63 2.8E+1 Pu-2391240 1.OE+O DPF-8856.1 Page 2 of 5
Note: If a target MDC value cannot be achieved in analysis, then a value no greater than 5X the listed value must be achieved in the analysis.
Scan coverage: SPA-3 scans will be performed for 100% of the total surface of the soil area in the survey unit.
MDCR for SPA-3: The accompanying table provides MDCR values by various background levels.
MDC@CGLm) for SPA3 scans: The accompanying table also provides MDC values by various background levels.
QC checks and measurements: QC checks for the SPA-3 will be performed in accordance with DP-8540. Four QC split samples will be collected, and QC recounts for 2 soil samples will be performed by the YNPS Chemistry Lab.
4.0 Define the boundaries of the survey:
Boundaries of NOL06-01 are as shown on the attached map. The survey will be performed under normal weather conditions.
5.0 Develop a decision rule:
(a) If all the sample data show that the soil concentrations of all plant-related nuclides are below the DCGL and the sum of the DCGL fiactions for identified nuclides is <1, reject the null hypothesis (i.e., Survey Unit meets the release criteria).
(b) If the investigation level is exceeded, then perform an investigation survey.
(c) If the average concentration of the radionuclide-of-concern is below the DCGL, or if the sum of the fiactions for identified radionuclides-of-concern 4 , but some measurements exceed the DCGL, then apply a statistical test as the basis for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis.
(d) If the average concentration of any LTP-listed nuclide exceeds the DCGL or the sum of the fiactions exceeds one, then accept the null hypothesis (i.e., Survey Unit fails to meet the release criteria).
6.0 Specift tolerable limits on decision errors:
Null hypothesis: Residual plant-related radioactivity in Survey Unit NOL06-0 1 exceeds the release criteria.
Probability of type I error: 0.05 Probability of type 11error: 0.05 LBGR: 0.5 7.0 Optimize Design:
Type of statistical test: WRS Test [7 Sign Test Basis including background reference location (if WRS test is specified): N/A Number samples (per DP-8853): 15.
- 1. The FSS Field Supervisor is responsible for contacting the QA Department regarding the FSS activities identified as QA notification points.
- 2. Standing water must be removed prior to the collection of any FSS measurement in that area.
- 3. Mark the sampling points at the coordinates provided with the attached map. If a measurement location is obstructed such that a sample cannot be collected, select an alternate location in accordance with DP-8856.
- 4. Collect 15 soil samples in accordance with DP-8 120, using sampling equipment as stated in DP-8 120. Four of the 15 soil samples will be QC split samples. Soil sample designations are as follows:
(a) Grid soil sample designations: NOL-06-03-00 1-F through NOL-06-03-0 15-F corresponding to FSS samples collected at locations 00 1 through 0 15.
(b) 4 QC split sample designations: NOL-06-03-005-F-S, NOL-06-03-006-F-S, NOL-06-03-011-F-S, and NOL-06 013-F-S, collected at sample locations 005, 006, 011, and 013, respectively. The results will be compared in accordance with DP-8864.
Note: Samples NOL-06-03-005-F-S, NOL-06-03-006-F-S, NOL-06-03-011-F-S, and NOL-06-03-013-F-S will be sent to the off-site laboratory as collected fiom the field (i.e., without drying). YNPS Chemistry will count these 4 soil samples in the "wet" condition prior to shipment to the offsite laboratory, where they will be analyzed for gamma-emitters, HTD beta-emitters (including H-3), and TRUs.
Note: Soil samples NOL-06-03-001-F and NOL-06-03-015-F are QC recounts (to be performed by the YNPS Chemistry Lab) and the results will be compared in accordance with DP-8864. The designations for the recount analyses are NOL-06-03-001-F-RC and NOL-06-03-0 15-F-RC, respectively.
- 5. All soil samples will be received and prepared in accordance with DP-88 13.
DPF-8856.1 Page 3 of 5
- 6. Chain of Custody form will be used in accordance with DP-8123 for all soil samples sent to an off-site laboratory. The required MDCs for the analyses performed by the off-site laboratory will be communicated to the Lab via the Chain-of-Custody form or an attachment to the form.
- 7. Scanning will cover 100% of the survey unit. The FSS Field Supervisor will record information relevant to the SPA-3 scans on DPF-8856.2.
- 8. Survey instrument: Operation of the E-600 w1SPA-3 will be in accordance with DP-8535, with QC checks performed in accordance with DP-8540. The instrument response checks shall be performed before issue and after use.
- 9. The job hazards associated with this survey will be addressed in the Yankee Rowe Project Daily Activity Plan and reviewed during the pre-job briefing.
- 10. All personnel participating in this survey shall be trained in accordance with DP-8868.
- 1. SPA-3 scans are to be performed by moving the detector at a speed no greater than 0.5 mls, keeping the probe at a distance of less than 3 inches fiom the ground surface, and following a serpentine pattern that includes at least 3 passes across each square meter. When scanning and walking, a slow pace (i.e., 1 step per second) shall be used. FSS Technicians will wear headphones while scanning and the survey instrument will be in the rate-meter mode. Surveyors will listen for upscale readings, to which they will respond by slowing down or stopping the probe to distinguish between random fluctuations in the background and greater than background readings. Location(s) where detectable-above-backgroundscan readings are found will be investigated. Ensure that the name(s) of the FSS Technician(s) and the instrument number(s) are recorded on either DP-8856.2 or the survey map.
A fllrst level investigation may be done with the SPA-3lE-600 to determine if the observed increase in the scan measurement is due to the presence of rocks and boulders. SPA3 scans performed in non-impacted areas have shown that rock formations accounted for increased count rates. If it can be demonstrated that the presence of rocks and boulders is the cause of an increased count rate during a SPA-3 scan, record that finding form DPF-8856.2. If it is demonstrated that the rocks and boulders do not account for an above background SPA-3 measurement, a soil sample will be collected at the point of the highest SPA-3 reading in the scanned area. Flag the location of an investigation sample. Detailed descriptions of investigation actions will be recorded on form DPF-8856.2 the location of the above background scan and sample will be recorded on the survey map. If investigation samples are collected, the designations will continue in sequence beginning with NOL-06-03-0 16-F-I.
If a cluster of greater-than-background indications are found in a small, localized area (e.g., within a lm2 area):
- 1. Measure a 1-m square that surrounds the cluster (a fabricated lm2 fiame may be used instead of measuring).
- 2. Repeat the scan to find the highest reading within the lm2, and collect a soil sample at that point.
- 3. Designate the soil sample as described above.
- 2. YNPS Chemistry will dry and analyze all soil samples for gamma-emitting radionuclides, except samples NOL-06-03-005-F-S, NOL-06-03-006-F-S, NOL-06-03-011-F-S, and NOL-06-03-013-F-S. YNPS Chemistry will count these 4 soil samples in the "wet" condition prior to shipment to the offsite laboratory. If the results of the gamma analyses identifL radionuclides at concentrations greater than the investigation level, an investigation survey will be conducted under a separate plan.
- 3. Soil samples NOL-06-03-005-F-S, NOL-06-03-006-F-S, NOL-06-03-011-F-S, and NOL-06-03-013-F-S are to be sent to the off-site laboratory. These samples will be analyzed for H-3, gamma-emitting nuclides, HTD beta-emitting nuclides, and TRUs. Ensure that the lid to the 1-liter marinelli container for each sample is secured to prevent loss of moisture during shipping. If the results of the offsite laboratory's analyses identifjr radionuclides at concentrations greater than the investigation level, an investigation survey will be conducted under a separate plan.
- 4. On-site and off-site analyses of the FSS samples shall achieve the required MDC values stated in Section 3 of this plan.
The MDCs will be communicated to the laboratory using an attachment to the Chain-of-Custody form.
NOTIFICATION POINTS QA notification*point(s) (yln) J (1) Dateltime of initial pre-survey briefing QA signature:
(2) Dateltime of commencement of HP- 100 measurements OA signature:
(3) Dateltime of commencement of SPA-3 measurements OA signature:
(4) Time(s) of daily pre-shift briefmg OA signature:
(for each shift that the FSS is performed)
- Voice mail notification or E-mail notification to with a copy to satisfies this step.
FSI point(s) (yln) n SpecifL:
DPF-8856.1 Page 4 of 5
Prepared by Date // - 2 3 - ~ ~ -
// FSS Radiological Enginzer Date /,,/&;c-Approved by Date /'//g 105' FSS ~ r oe jd Manager DPF-8856.1 Page 5 of 5
assumed instrument = SPA-3 assumed mix : 42.5% Co-60, 57.5% Cs-137
NOL-06 Unit 3 Survey Area & Unit: NOL-06-03 Map current as of Yankee Atomic Power Company Reviewed by:
Grid Pattern: - Square -Triangular -N1A
& = Survey Unit Boundary DPF-8865.1 November 23,2005 No. of Samples: Sample Location Map Area size: 450 ft2 (42 m2)
Page 1