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Slides of September 14, 2007, Meeting with Progress Energy Florida, Inc., to Discuss Power Uprates at Crystal River, Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/2008
Progress Energy Florida
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Bailey S , NRR/ADRO/DORL, 415-1321
TAC MD6750
Download: ML080510384 (28)


m- m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 Progress Energy

mrm m m m nARmA Atten dee Progress Energy Danny Roderick Vice President, Nuclear Projects & Construction G Dave Varner Manager, Project Support Services 0 Ted Williams Superintendent, Power Uprates 0 Ken Wilson Supervisor, Licensing and Regulatory Affairs 0 Phil Rose Senior Engineer, CR3 Licensing Lewis Wells Senior Engineer, Nuclear Fuels/Safety Analysis Bill Peavyhouse Lead Engineer, Nuclear Engineering Services AREVA

  • Jeff Seals Manager, Reactor Ops and Accident Analysis 2 0 Progress Energy

a Intrnrdlmntinn I'l*nnv, RnrIrirnk II iml V .*IiA ~ ml I I

  • Conclusion Danny Roderick C Progress Energy 3

Majo Prjet Organzatio

  • Purpose and Vision P Allow Line Management to Retain Operational Focus P Key Projects
  • Power Level Upgrades
  • Dry Cask Storage
  • Levy County o Critical Skill Sets

" Project Management

" Construction Management A S4 Progress Energy

- --- M M M M M M M n M M M M M MUR 1.6% Increase 2609 MWt 12MWe A 7 Requested Approval 11/15/07 License Renewal Submittal Requested Approval SG Replacement Design Install A A 0ITS Changes and A A\ Relief Requests Submittal Requested Approval BOP Efficiencies Design Install Low Turbines \ Generator \ Heat Exchangers Gain approximately 28 MWe EPU Design Major Pumps \ Heat Exchangers 8 Increase to A High Pressure Turbine Retrofit Submittal approximately Requested 3014 MWt Approval


-*-07I 5 N Progress Energy


- n M M M M M M M M M M M M M M m M M o Typical 'Appendix K' Increase of 1.6% to 2609 MWt o Relatively Recent (2002) Uprate to 2568 MW DAppendix K Analyses and Other Reviews Done to 102% of 2568 MWt (2619 MWt)

DMUR Remains Within that Value 100.4% of 2609 (2619 MWt)

DWith Exception of Containment Analysis, the Previous Review and Approval is Bounding 0 7 Progress Energy

e The Only Significant New Analytical Effort was Associated with Containment Analysis o Utilized Current LOCA Evaluation Model (RELAP) to Calculate Mass and Energy Release for LOCA and Approved GOTHIC Model to evaluate limiting Reactor Building Response (Previous Analysis used CRAFT/CONTEMPT) o Condensing Surface Area Input was Increased from Value in FSAR but Large Margin Retained o Initially Submitted as Revision 0 of the LAR.

Ultimately Reviewed and Approved Under 50.59 1 C Progress Energy 0

- Unncert-a-imnt-*Reductonm

  • CALDON Check-Plus LEFM System for Highly Accurate Feedwater Flow and Temperature Measurement o Significantly Improved Feedwater Pressure, and Main Steam Pressure and Temperature Measurements o Rigorous Input Calculations to CR-3 Standards o Rigorous Heat Balance Uncertainty Calculation o Consistent Treatment Within Fixed Incore Detector Monitoring System and Automated Unit Load Demand.

CR-3 Uses the Secondary Heat Balance to:

DCalibrate the NI's (FIDMS)

DAutomatically Control Output to RTP (AULD) tu

  • Progress Energy
  • UUI []

- ----- Changes - -- ---

  • Original Design had LEFM Immediately Downstream of Installed Flow Straighteners
  • Alden Testing Results P Flow Straightener Adversely Impacted LEFM
  • Tested With and Without Flow Straighteners
  • Reconfiguring 'A' Train Without Straightener and 'B' with Straightener Downstream 10
  • Progress Energy i

m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m 11%,

0-Nq pen m m. ImI e PROGRESS ENERGY vCITlrM. LOU M Pipe Confiigurnatlan - LODP A Sketch P~w CorfurtlmU-oa~p A 1 1 1 A

.CrTmrH Nn. lI3H[TI -V)(

SKETCH NO. ISHEETI NEW 0-200071 11 K Progress Energy

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'0OF "Wv-f I Mz Ia I PREKiRESS ENERGY RMmL mvm Wmar m Pipe ConfIguor*lan Skotch Pipe Canflgur*tbn 1 A mETCIHNO. ISHEETI WV U00 12 C Progress Energy

mm mm m m

  • mmmmm e MUR Does NOT Result in Significant Changes P Constant RCS T avg of 579 F P RCS T hot and T cold changes < -0.4 F D FW/MS Flow Changes of -1.6 %

0 Instrument Changes are Additions Not Replacement e Unique Interface with Grid Limits Impact of MUR/EPU 0- 20071 13 & Progress Energy

RSIC ARDINTRACE 0Progress Energy 7

  • -200701 14

- -M - M M M M - M M M - M m m

  • Electrical o Recall that CR3 Output is to 500 kV grid and Offsite Power Sources are the 230 kV grid D Re-ran Transmission Calculations (Capacity, Stability, etc) for Uprates D MUR (nor EPU) Adversely Impacts Grid Stability
  • Operations/Human Factors D Thorough Review of All EP/AP Actions D No Significant Impacts Identified D Testing, Training and Simulator Impacts All Addressed through our normal Engineering Change processes U 15 & Progress Energy

m m M-m M Mn M Mm--- M M-MMM - Mm M M m M

  • Fire Protection P No Changes in Mitigation Systems P No New SSC's Which Require Protection o Minor Increase in IB Combustibles / Time to Shutdown
  • Systems D Changes in System Flow and Pressures Not Expected to Impact IST Results
  • Programs D FAC Model Conservatively Updated to Screen for Major Impacts D FAC Model Being Fully Updated for MUR and EPU 16
  • Progress Energy M 2007

- m - -- m m - --- -mm- mm -m

. Reactor Vessel Materials Program 32 EFPY Calculations Retained 7 % Fluence Margin.

2002 and MUR Uprates < 7 % Impact o All Other Details Handled As Part of Robust Owners Group Program 17 J Progress Energy

M m -n - M M -M M M M MM ý M M Abnra Ope0.tion Iý o Loss of LEFM (and Associated Equipment) will be Controlled by Minor Revision to RPS Technical Specifications.

o Working with NRC and FENOC/Davis Besse for Consistency o Alarms will Alert Operator about Losses of Required Equipment o 12 Hours to Reduce Power (Prompt, but with Time to Properly Manage Reactivity Change) o 48 Hours to Reduce RPS Overpower Trip Set-point from 104.9 to 103.3 (Allows Reasonable Time to Schedule)

  • Progress Energy 1'U

m m M M- M M M - M M MMM Tehia Seciiato Changes

  • ITS Changes are Due to Required LSSS Change.
  • Do Not Consider it Necessary to Modify SR.

P Existing Secondary Heat Balance Adequate up to 2568 Mw.

P Improved Secondary Heat Balance Needed above 2568 Mw.

e Completion Times Appropriate.

e CR3 Operated Consistent with RIS 2007-21.

0Progress Energy 12007 19

  • CR3 Installing All MUR Related Modifications and Implementing Procedure Changes to Support Operation at 2609 MWt Upon Restart from Fall Outage (early December).

o By Mid-October We Need to Know When the NRC Expects to Issue SER.


  • Progress Energy

- n-- --------- - ----

0 Will Follow.NRC Guidance 0 Will Extensively Utilize Industry Experience 0 Expect 3014 MWt RTP 0 Some Changes will have been Accomplished Through Other Projects DStep-up Transformers Replaced in 2007 DTurbines and Generator Modified in 2009 DSteam Generator Replacement Completed in 2009 21 CProgress Energy

Exene Pow er Upra

  • BOP Evaluation Completed (AREVA/Progress Energy). M Identified Needed Major Components and System Changes o Selecting Vendor to Complete Component Specifications, Conceptual and Final Designs o NSSS Evaluation Underway (AREVA)

D Complete Accident and Transient Reanalysis D Any New Methods Will be Pursued Separately D Preliminary Fuel Cycle Designs for Next Four Cycles SProgress Energy 44


  • As Requested, We Are Evaluating Separable NsP-e=

Parallel. These Include:

o Boron Precipitation 0 Small and Intermediate LOCAs

  • Secondary Depressurization
  • Core Flood Line Break P LOCA Mass and Energy
  • Input Validation s Impacts on Interfacing Systems 23 CProgress Energy
  • CR3 Has a Clear and Current Licensing Basis EPU Raises Decay Heat Load and Impacts Effectiveness of Active Measures RB Sump Modifications Improved Structural Limits which Expands Dump-to-Sump Range SMonitoring Industry OE and Regulatory Feedback
  • Expect Continued Compliance with Current CR3 Licensing Basis Through Minor Modifications and Adjustments to Limits on Various Active Means of Dilution
  • 2007 24 C Progress Energy
  • SBLOCA CLPD Results Within Appendix K Limits
  • Crediting Manual Depressurization Improves PCT Results.

" Improvement Sufficient to Keep All SBLOCA Well Within Appropriate Limits.

" Atmospheric Dump Valves Will be Enlarged.

3CR3 and AREVA Continuing to Evaluate Design Details.

20107 25 CProgress Energy

M M M ý M M M M M M M M M M ý ý-

e Core Flood Line Break, With Off Site Power and Concurrent Single Failures of Other Train Components.

Produces Unacceptable Results o Cross Ties of DH Trains Would Resolve but Entails Piping Modification Within RB With Multiple New Components and Potential Leak Sites.

a CR3 Exploring Potential Applicability of Licensing Options D Leak-Before-Break D Eliminate Single Failure Based Upon Risk-Informed LOCA Concepts or Other Means e Further Evaluation and Dialogue Required

(*2007_ 26 & Progress Energy

m m M - M Mmn M -M - m -M M M- M

  • CA Mas an Enrg
  • EPU Will Result in Higher RCS T avg and thus Higher Energy Release to RB
  • Preliminary Results Acceptable
  • Field Validating Certain Critical Inputs This Outage a Accurate Results Needed to Properly Interface with Other Systems (RB Cooling, RB Spray, and Service Water)

SProgress Energy 7

  • -20071 27

mm-n ---- nnCncluon s mm o MUR Proceeding on Schedule o EPU Efforts Well Underway D Using Staff Feedback from Last Meeting D Establishing More Frequent and Regular Communications o Comments or Questions?

2AO07 28 & Progress Energy