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Forwards Revised Section,CUW Line Break Procedure, Per 930510 Telcon
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 05/17/1993
From: Tang C
To: Poslusny C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9305200122
Download: ML20044D659 (3)



y : =: .w, e nu:y m:,:. - p. r 3 f I ct % GENudesEnergy ABWR Date f/> 7/ 9 3 p ~

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Gec - c c In hemk3 n/ Nh Fax No.

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From b/ E + Mait code s' 175 Cunner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 Phone (408) 925- df#/ FAX (408)925-1193 cr (408) 925-1687 Subject l'?. 9. i cu 0 lu. e 8-e-x Tevce c/u <e.

Message 6ec>-c-Ter our h/eun -d 5%o /a 3 i i , i /

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f/en e see a rt% < 4 ed ned Gle,nife//m I, o s reneJed 44e e/d i /

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uon nozzle and the RPV dram h. connecton to the will remam func6onal while openting outside their de- f succon hne are beis the normal . V *ater level. sign basis temperature values

~ $ Since this is a s ,ry specifi event. it was judged 1. ne CUW nomegeneranve heat exchanger.  !

k mappropriate to coqphcate the sy mptom-based l Eme gency Procedure Gtudehne (EPGs) with accons t 2. He CUW piping downstream of the regenerative  ;

midgate me event. An eknt;s'v:ctfic procedre w di be

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( deselopee ey the COL asph ant csmg the fe!1cumg heat exchanger. I E*h \ 3. The RCW prpmg downstream of the nonregenera- f T 1. If a CCW break or le . occurs (as m6cated by tive deat exchanger. i 1

p room sump lesefs.

tn6 canon. ra6aton !

gh flo w , temperature 4. He feedwater piping downstrern of CUW mjec-tion, k or manualisolanon xs npel andtas t occur cuccessfu!

mdicated byautomauc ,

b lack of closed in6c uon o. at least one of the t' 5. Pipmg supports for the above pipir:g. I

  • CL'N isolauon v ,es or la. of zero flow mica- t 2 con). me fouow: eaccons stecid be taken- 19.9.3 Event Specific Procedures f'or i

' . Sesere External Flooding

g 2. Scram and derpssartre the R \, if these accons .

. M hase not occur [ed automancally Attempt to close internal flooding is addressed in Appendix 19R.

! h) the CU% iso tion va!ves from the mam control e ste seleeds process w ta e into accmnt de l y room. Clos se RPV drain hneklobe valve from the mam c trol room. Control V water level worst case predicted flood Then grade level and flood ,

c ntr 1 methods (e.g., site grading) will be determmed m acco. ce wim We EPGs if at east one of the 4

CUW tso n vahes is closed. e fevel shotdd based a its @ed Meyet De gade lesel ne will be 0.3 meters above ths predicted flood level.

i be cono Jed between the top of the kuve fuel and heref m external Dooing shwM not k a major 1 15 mch above the top of the acovt; fuel af dram concern for the ABWR. To further reduce the bne el ure is not successful (The RPV dram line suscepubthry of external floods, plant and site specific conn ts to the CUW sucnon line a(this eleva- procedures will be developed by the COL applicant for f

' con). If dram line closure was succesqui. control severe external fl dmg usmg the fonowing guidelmes:

wa level betwcer the top of the fuel and 5 feet abo e the top of se fuel. (ne CUW sinon ime Check the closed the watertight door between the 1.

4 ts - ut 6 feet above the top of the fueD. Lse me turbine and service buildings, i te .perature compensated fue! zone and wi e range j ater level md2 cation and pumps which can be ' Sandhap the external doors to the followmg:  !

d.rottled (CRD. RHR. condensate pumpu. l l

f h h.


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m r -:- . ::ou - c t rnca: MsJ P.3 a 19.9.7 Post Accident Recovery Procedure For Unisolated CUW Line Break An unisolatec reactor water c!eanup system (CUW) hne Dreak. although very un!;kely to occur (Subsection 19E.2.3.3). could lead to reactor flooding and eventual depletion of ECCS water sources if the break can not be isolated. Attempting to control RPV water levelin the normal range dunng post accident recovenf operation could lead to a contnuous coolant outflow through the break since tne CUW suction nozzle and the RPV drain hre connection to the suction hne are Delow the normal RPV water level.

For a CUW break outside of the containment, the Secondary Containment Control Gutoetine of tne symptom-based Emergency Procecure Guidehnes (EPGs), Appendix 15A. provides ine approp iate initia! cperator actions for isotation ci CUW, scram the reacter, and cepressunzation of ine reactor. The RPV Control Guideline of the EPGs (Steps RC/P-5, RCiL-3) provides the directon for proceeding to cold shutdown in accorcance wdn a procedure whicn the COL apphcant wiu develop. This COL applicant procedure for post accident recovery wdl be developed using the following guidance:

1. Ater RPV cepressunzadon, attempt to close the CUW isolation valves and RPV drain hoe gicbe valve if at ieast one of the two CUW isolation valves can be closed, control RPV water level in the normal range and initiate shutdown cooling operation.
2. If the RPV crsn !!re g:obe valve can not be closed and at least one of the two CUW
solation valves can not be closed, control RPV water level between the top of the active fuel and 15 inches aoove the top of the active fuel. (The RPV drain line connects to the CUW suction hne at this eievation).

3.11ine RPV cram 1:ne globe valve can be c.osed and at least one of the two CUW iso!aton valves can not be c!csed, control RPV water level between the top of the actve fuei anc 5 feet above the top of the active fuel (The CUW suction line is aDout 6 feet above tne top of the active fuel).

4- Wnen practcal, enter the CUW room ano or the containment and affect the necessary repairs When at least one of the two CUW isolation valves can be closed. control water levelin tne normal range and ;nitiate shutdown cooling.


. 1

< 'TRhNSACTION REPORT > 05-I'7- 1993 ( to n 15:15

[ RECEIVE J to. CDE T I t1E DEETit.ailD'; STATICG PG. D'S AT I ON MDDE RESULT 12470 5-17 15: 12 405 925 IEE7 3 O'02*42" FINE.E OK 2 O*O2"42-

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