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Letter Re Prehearing Conference to Fulfill the Requirements by the ASLBP for the Identification of Written Testimony and the Proposed Order or Proof
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1979
From: Wetterhahn M
Conner, Moore & Corber, Public Service Electric & Gas Co
To: Kornblith L, John Lamb, Milhollin G
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML19029A442 (5)







(202) 833-3!500 CABI.B ADDRESS: ATOMLAW*

Gary L*. Milhollin,. Esq. Mr. Lester Kornblith, Jr

  • Chairman, Atomic Safety . Member, Atomic Safety and and Licensing Board Licensing Board Panel 1815 Jefferson Street U.S*. Nuclear Regulatory Madison, Wisconsin 53711 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
  • Dr. James c .. Lamb, III

.Member, Atomic Safety and Li.censing Board Panel 313 Woodhaven Road Chapel Hill, N*.c. 27514 In theMatter of Public. Service.* Electric and. Gas Company, et al.

(Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1)

Docket No. 50-272 Gentlemen:'.

In accordance.with *the schedule established at the March 15, 1979 prehearing conference* in- the captioned proceeding. (Tr. 149-50), this. letter will serve to fulfill

..the requirements established by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for the identification of.written testimony to be filed,. and the proposed order of proof.

As stated at the prehearing conference,. the Licensee's evidence will consist of the application for amendment of the operating license to increase the storage capacity of the spent .fuel pool, as amended, and supplemented*. These

  • documents have~been.previously served upon the Board and parties. Speci*fically, this material consists, of the

,. * .f.ollowing: *

1. Application dated November 18, 1977 (cover letter only) 2 .* License change request dated December 13, 1977 .
3. Amendment 1 to the application dated February 14, 1978

Gary L. Milholli, Esq *

. .Dr. James c .. Lamb, I I I Mr. Lester Kornblith, Jr.

April 2, 1.979 Page 2 4 *. Response to NRC questions dated May 17, 1978

5. Response to NRC questions dated July 31, 1978 6.. Response* to NRC questions dated August 22,. 1978 7 *. Response to NRC*questions. dated October 13, 1978
8. Response to NRC questions dated Oetober 31, 1978
9. Response to NRC questions dated November 20, 1978 10.. Additional *information in support of. application dated December 22, 1979
11. Additional information in. support of application dated January 4, 1979
12. Affidavit and: proprieta*ry document, *

"Fuel Storage* Racks Corrosion Program, Boral.-Stainless Steel" dated January 10 ,.


_ Copies o.f the. proprietary document identified in Item

. 12 have been provided only to, the Board and the Public

      • Advocate.

With regard ta the order of proof, Licensee would suggest an order which has been used other licensing proceedings. The Licensee would* qualify its witness panel, present its direct case, as outlined above, followed. by the :t-:JRC Staff **s presentation of its safety evaluation. and environmental.impact appraisal.

Thereafter, for each.individual contention, (with Contention 9 of the Colemans and Contention 1 of Lower

    • Alloways Creek considered together) the Licensee would present any additional direct testimony and make its witness panel available for cross-examination by the parties and
  • participants, in turn. Any redirect examination would

Gary L. Milhollin, Esq.

Dr. James C. Lamb, III Mr. Lester Kornblitn, Jr.

April 2., 1979 Page 3 follow *. The examination of the Staf*f and any witnesses of.

the party whose* contention. is being heard* would proceed in a~

similar manner *. *After al*l. contentions had. been considered,

  • rebuttal evidence* would be heard.

While the* particular order* of* consideration of the contentions. does not appear critical, Licensee would. suggest.

that the. Coleman's Contention 2 and 6 be considered first.

Following that, Contention 9 of *tJ:ie Colemans and Contention 1 of LACT would* be considered together, followed by the Colemans Contention. 13 and f*inally LACT Contention 3 *.

Attached are* the professional qualifications of Mr-.

John. H. Riddle and Mr. Thomas G. Eckhart who in addition to Messrs. Liden and Douglas., whose qualifications were attached to the Licensee's Motion for Summary Disposition, we anticipate will form the Licensee's.: basic witness panel~- As discussed at the prehearing conference-, the* final makeup of the witness panel will be determined.after the Board.ruling on the*

pending motion for summary* d-isposi tion *.


'1\ilruik~ ~

Mark J. Wetterhahn~B.)

Counsel. for the Li~ensee cc: Chairman,. Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board. Panel Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Barry Smith, Esq.

Mark L. First, Esq.

Richard Fryling, Jr., Esq.

R. William Potter, Esq.

Sandra T. Ayres, Esq.

Mr. Alfred C'. Coleman, Jr.

Mrs. Eleanor*G. Coleman Carl. Valore, Jr.,. Esq.

Off ice of the Secretary June D. MacArtor, Esq.


--*-*-- - **--*-*--- ------~--*--*--=-.,-~~~~~~~--~**~---~----~-~---~==*-~-=--=~=-~~-~* -

-l Mauger. He<;hanfeal f.ngiMWi1t9.* Storap fngi~riag Senta.~$

~$:ing end field Sem~~ ~artment:

~ ..

r. Mr-.. kiddle* joined- ixmn Nw:lea~ Cmpany .. Jnc;:... in l91i- He- i~ ~sihle**

for i>ll medianir;:al - s~nl desip . i ~sis wort w1tbift ~

~.::- '

Stonqe ~neering: Serviet!S Secttoa. . . *-~ .

Hr-_ Riddle began Jri&: .careel"' ia 1962. as- a-*s-truc:tunl ~lyst. in- the a~....


..j* **

n.vtful i~tr,;t* in lng:l~ ln 1964. he* .iofnt-0 British RUclear ~sfQR amt- f:onstJ"Vetion. Dal-'iq. his tw .YQJ'S wit.JI 800C. he W$c ~$ih-le tor- design aftd. analJ$U* of the reactor ve$$*I fg the Lf.ylfa ga~ coole6.

D\ICleu.- pcwer pl_.t * * ~"4 1¥'** ~wal. de$.tgft f'.or tile react.or*.

i - VE'S$el fort.~* Rif'tlepools pleM.

  • In 19" At*- ftiddl.e- uigrated tO: tile U.S~A- and joined tle* General Atomc Cml;tany isr ~n- Diqo. talifomiaa. He suyetf. witlt General Atmlic. until e-arly lt7G dsriag lllhidl tiw: he held a.. wariet7: of engineering Dnd:- pntjec;t,

~t: eMitimst &r-ty* '5Sigllll!llts. included.* de$igwrc;. analJSi*s. ancf *

!;*-:. re-scardt and. devclGPllL'ftt

  • I t oa ~ prestrcs~ ~ ~tor.* ~scl

.t-*- . for t~ foTt. Str.. ff"-oinc ~F* p-li!nt. ;md, CimCcpf.ull1" df:sip- mrk on: the-



larqe* Ct+ rcial ffTiiL He mitt buUf!. sktian:. leader of. tlte; ratf- lttlf!r s:.

i.*** design'. gf0\11>- *tth ~- responsibility of up* ta* b!n* engineers amt


si.x designers *. .Mr-.. Riddle's mst.. rKent. ass:lgnments at Genmtl Atumic r .*. wen* in the:* projen masmgmefl't area*~ fie! was: r.espen$ible: fo'f pre-

! ~.

.. ~tr'v(;tiort -pltMillt ~ c..ORS~tfOA* ~1f1~l ~WM Pf'09t**

~ for Ardl~t.l&gineer* study wrt-bd.!~l!'~Md"_....._."DI tloil!~ *"°'a,.i ;'M>e.i& . . . .

  • teo~~c~.,.-.~ ,.. .... .._.., 'INI.' ma~.*

. .. . ~- ...

Senfor INclear (Rgf~l'"'. Stoff~ Cn!;iftftring Service$

  • Rl:Pn>eeSsillt amt Field SerY.tcts ~

hr. Eckhart jo.tned [~~ Mucl"r Compm)' in 1916,,, He QOTt!OtJY ~s 1"KPQM1ble fer* coon.linatmg ~- li<<;~ift§t~ crtt.1caltty analysis and' aspect$. for f'uet uera~ rack PJ'O.if!Cts-.. .

lld.te..wt~ f~tiic:le.r- ~* he* ~ respaos:fhte* to~ - **

  • coerdtnatln$. the** COl'ltNctual'., *i;rt.. fabrlcat10ll*- U-cas.tAg: amt: in'"' .
  • stalt*tia pha$es of. ~t. fuel ncb. ,.. **..

Mr,-.,- t~f"t ~ hf-s ~rttr ia*, 196& .as .a. engiMerinq -4 ~~tor * ': * -*

$~1-$or abOonl tile mtelar* Ship ~Ullftab.,. Afltt- ~t19* ~ J'!BFS: " .. -..

  • ant *t.he SaURHJt., hr~ fckba.n joirted' ~* HcsUn~ *Electric torpora"tion.* * \

ia: 190 as ,._ Kuete~r rvch. Bcsign Enfineer;. ~ hii three ~ncf. one-- .*. :


r:*..* -- Mlf ~ars vi th He$U~. M- ~-- reload ci:we: aaly$is: f'or* : * *... ,

1 t~: . Vest~e P.w:.Jt. . '-~ ln-* addit.10#. to dftelopimJ nodels: ftw ill(Orpmljtting: "

  • 1 r-.

uranflml gadoliniWl h.el tnt* P..:WcP~ reactors. M coon:lina.ted sever&l lli1J f'rGIJrBS re-l*ted':;. fttttl .Per'f~* atffl* pCf"formm det*ilat *

t~~*~**. fuel 1&1Ml9Wftt ~ie$ to- ts~l'ist. ttbnfcs. limitatiDDS fo~ fuel c,ycltr -!:- .
  • t~*~* '::* optieriatiOJL, ......

Ti~ 1973~. Rf';.,. £ckhart joiaed* tfa'.' rt.rtluct Glme!:'al flectr1e ~; U- _:: .

' kl*,., f'ue-l.$. tngtneer* witft; far* deve~ft§'. ~-'

~- t&$imlaW' tit&-** ~t.~ of the' Trojan. fluclear Reactor'~

  • ffe, VIS; .....

-~* _*. ~*_::_:*~:..

. . alSOJ* ~~fbk for~ asped-$ Q'f fvels.. pliQDing ptOMer' ~ly:..

_{:,*, .... - ptanttltly... ' ' ' ' '  : ' ' - ... ..._..

    • ~ ..

i, ..,.~~****~*......_.,.._.,...w,

....... ~ ......1-..... .-.~...



