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LER 83-067/01T-0:on 830718,determined That Routine 6-month Surveillance Conducted in Feb 1983 Had Not Demonstrated Operability of Fire Panel 3L-198.Caused by Inoperability of Fire Detection instrumentation.W/830805 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1983
From: Ray H
To: Martin J
LER-83-067-01T, LER-83-67-1T, NUDOCS 8308150013
Download: ML20024E425 (4)


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EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROBABLE CONSEGUENCES bl0 o2 l On July 10. 1983, with Unit 2 and UrTit 3 in Modes 1 and 4, respectively, it was l lo l3 ll determined that routine 6-month surveillance conducted in February 1983 had not l 1014 ll demonstrated the operability of Fire Panel 3L-198 and compensatory measures l j o Is l l prescribed by LC0, Action Statement 'a' were not implemented. It was l lo le ll also determined that operability of Fire Panel 3L-198 was demonstrated on l J o l 7 l l July 5,1983. Public health and safety were not affected. l IoIell l

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[il21] tion in fire zones not required by the Technical Specifications but which is l 1 3 l suoervised by Fire Panel 3L-198. (See Attachment.) l I114ll ~



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8308150013 830805

'.'.u.I",..@ PDR ADOCK 05000361 NRC USE ON LY S ,, , , . ,PDR l lllllllllllll I 2 I o. l L. Nj@l .. .. ..

. ,H.. YAM NAME OF PREPARER PHONE: 714/492-7700


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ATTACHMENT 'IO LER 83-067 i SO(JIllERN CALIPNNIA EDISON COMPANY i SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION UNIT NO. 2, DOCKET NO. 50-361 SUPPLEME?TTAL INFORMATION POR CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIWS Inoperability of this instrumentation defeated the supervisory r apability of the panel (i.e., annunciating circuit interruption or shorting) and, therefore, rendered the panel inoperable but would not have prevented the panel from annunciating fire / smoke detection in the fire zones required by the Technical Specifications. Inoperability of this instrumentation did prevent the satisfactory conpletion of the routine six month surveillance. Fire Panel 3L-198 had been demonstrated operable in July 1982 and was demonstrated operable on July 5, 1983, after repair of the supervisory capability of the panel. .

Conpensatory fire watches were in effect from July 15, 1983, until August 1, 1983, when a review of additional records established that Fire Panel 3L-198 had been determined operable by surveillance testing subsequent to February 1983. (As noted above, it was demonstrated operable by surveillance testing on July 5, 1983.)

Our review of this matter has identified other possible instances wherein conpensatory measures required by LCO ancVor associated reporting requirements have not been met. 'Ihose instances that are verified by our review will be report 6d by separate LER(s).

We conclude that the detail of fire protection surveillance procedures and the training provided personnel in the inplementation of such procedures have, in the past, not been adequate to assure that all fire protection equipaent found inoperable during routine surveillance, have resulted in proper and timely implementation of compensatory measures and 30-day report submittal.

Consequently, our review will include examination of all fire protection surveillance procedures and their inplementation. Corrective measures developed will be identified in a revision to this LER which will be submitted by September 1, 1983.

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$.$b Southern California Edison Companytyg 5c; C S AN ONOFRE NUC LE AR GENER A TtNG S T A TION ff . r=

p .O. B O K 128 S AN C LEMEN T E. C A LIF OR Nt a 92672 H. B. R A Y k [{ l v e g g pwon g s v a r.o ~ = A ~.. i . August 5,1983 ,,,.,.,,.,,,,

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region V 1450 Maria Lane, suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596-5368 Attention: Mr. J. B. Martin, Regional Administrator

Dear Sir:


Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362 14-Day Follow-Up Report Licensee Event Report No.83-067 San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3


Letter, H. B. Ray (SCE) to J. B. Martin (NRC),

dated July 19, 1983, same subject W e referenced letter provided you with confirmation of our prompt notification, pursuant to Section of Appendix A, Technical Specifications to Facility Operating Licenses 12F-10 and IGF-15 for San Onofre Units 2 and 3, respectively, for an occurrence involving deficiencies in the implementation of the fire protection surveillance program. This submittal provides the 14-day follow-up report and copy of Licensee Event Report (LER) No.83-067. Since this occurrence involves a shared system between Units 2 and 3, a single LER for Unit 2 (Docket No. 50-361) is enclosed in accordance with ITJREG 0161.

Although the referenced letter indicated a follow-up report would be provided by August 2,1983, additional time was required to provide a conplete response.

If you have any further questions, please so advise.


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LER No.83-067 (Unit 2)

  1. XE. " 21

August 5,1983 Mr. J. B. Martin cc: A.E. 01affee (US!EC Resident Inspector, Units 2 and 3)

J.P. Stewart (UStaC Resident Inspector, Units 2 and 3)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Office of Inspection and Enforceraent U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Division of Technical Information and Document Control Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (I!PO) 1 5


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