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Request for List of Federal Protected Species within the Area Under Evaluation for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1, LRA Review
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/2012
From: David Wrona
License Renewal Projects Branch 2
To: Surrette S
State of MS, Dept of Wildlife Fisheries & Parks
Drucker D
Download: ML11349A003 (14)


UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555-0001 January 20, 2012 Dr. Sherry Surrette Mississippi Natural Heritage Program Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Department of Wildlife Fisheries and Parks 2148 Riverside Drive Jackson MS 39202



Dear Dr. Surrette:

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) is reviewing an application to renew the operating license for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 (GGNS). The application for renewal was submitted to the NRC by Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy) in a letter dated October 28, 2011, pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 54 (10 CFR Part 54).

The purpose of this letter is threefold: (1) to inform you of the NRC's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping process and associated public meetings for the GGNS license renewal review; (2) to request your comments pertaining to the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act; and (3) to request your concurrence with the NRC's list of Federally endangered and threatened species that may be affected by the proposed GGNS license renewal.

The NRC's Federal action is the decision whether to renew GGNS's operating license for an additional 20 years. GGNS is a single unit boiling-water reactor plant using a closed-cycle cooling water system that withdraws make-up water from the Mississippi River Alluvium groundwater aquifer through Ranney wells. The proposed action includes the use and continued maintenance of existing plant facilities and transmission lines. Entergy states that it has no plans for refurbishment or replacement activities to support renewal of the operating license.

GGNS is located approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg in Claiborne County, Mississippi.

The 2, 100-acre GGNS site consists primarily of woodlands and former farms as well as two lakes (see Figure 1 of Enclosure 1). The land in the vicinity of the GGNS site is mostly rural.

Entergy constructed three 500-kV transmission lines to connect GGNS to the power grid (see Figure 2 of Enclosure 1). The Baxter-Wilson line runs north for 22 miles from GGNS to the Baxter-Wilson SUbstation just south of Vicksburg in Warren County. This line traverses rural, sparsely populated areas used for agriculture and forestry. The Franklin line runs southeast for 43.6 miles to the Franklin substation near McCall Creek in nOl1heastern Franklin County. This line traverses the Bayou Pierre and Homochitto Rivers and Homochitto National Forest. Both transmission lines have a 200-foot-wide right-of-way. The third line is 300 feet long and is contained within the developed portion of the GGNS site. This line runs from the GGNS Unit 1 Turbine Building to the GGNS switchyard.

S. Surrette -2 NRC's NEPA Scoping Process and Public Meetings The NRC has established that, as part of the staff's review of any nuclear power plant license renewal action, a site-specific supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) to its "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,"

NUREG-1437, will be prepared under the provisions of 10 CFR Part 51, the NRC's regulations that implement NEPA. The SEIS includes an analysis of pertinent environmental issues, including endangered or threatened species and impacts to fish and wildlife.

The NRC plans to hold two public license renewal overview and environmental scoping meetings on January 31,2012. The first session will be held in the afternoon, and an identical session will be held later that evening. Both sessions will be held at the Port Gibson City Hall, 1005 College Street, Port Gibson, MS 39150. The afternoon session will be from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM, and the evening session will be from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. In addition, the NRC plans to hold a one hour open house prior to each meeting to answer public questions. You and your staff are invited to attend the public meetings and open houses.

Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act To support the SEIS preparation process, please provide any information you consider appropriate under the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1934, as amended.

Endangered Species Act To ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, the NRC staff will consider effects of the proposed license renewal on Federally listed species. The NRC has prepared the enclosed table (Enclosure 3) of Federally listed species that may occur in the vicinity of GGNS for your concurrence per 50 CFR 402(b)(2)(c).

Prior to submitting their application to the NRC, Entergy corresponded with your office regarding Federally listed species by letter dated February 4,2011. You replied by letter dated February 23, 2011. Both the February 4, 2011, letter from Entergy and your February 23, 2011, response letter are enclosed for your reference (Enclosures 1 and 2). The NRC staff will also consider potential adverse impacts to State-listed species as part of its review. The NRC staff requests any information your office may have on the occurrence of Federally or State-listed species on or in the vicinity of GGNS to aid the staff's review process.

S. Surrette -3 To ensure that your reply to this letter contributes to our review process in a timely manner please respond no later than March 15, 2012.

The GGNS license renewal application is available on the internet at If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David Drucker, License Renewal Project Manager, by phone at 301-415-6223 or by email at


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David J. Wrona, Chief Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-416


As stated cc w/encls: Listserv


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February 4, 2011 Dr Sherry Surrette Mississippi Natural Heritage Program Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks 2148 Riverside Drive Jackson, MS 39202


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station License Renewal Application

Dear Dr. Surrette,

In 2011, Entergy plans to apply to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for renewal of the operating license for the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS), which is located In Claiborne County, Mississippi on the east bank of the Mississippi River at River Mile 406, approximately 25 miles south of Vicksburg, Mississippi and 37 miles north-northeast of Natchez, Mississippi. The existing operating license for GGNS was issued for a 40-year term that expires in 2024. If the NRC approves the application, Entergy will then have the option to continue operating GGNS until 2044. In conjunction with this effort, Enercon is gathering information on Entergy's behalf relative to this license renewal project.

The NRC requires that the license renewal application for GGNS include an environmental report assessing potential environmental impacts from operation during the license renewal term. One of these potential environmental impacts would be the effect of license renewal on threatened or endangered species or designated critical habitat located on the GGNS site, its immediate environs (6-mile radius), and transmission line corridors constructed for purposes of connecting the plant to the existing transmission system. Accordingly, the NRC requires that the environmental report for each license renewal application assess such a potential effect (10 CFR 51.53). Later, during its review of the license renewal environmental report pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NRC may request Information from your office to ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.

Enercon is contacting you now in order to obtain input regarding issues that may need to be addressed in the GGNS license renewal environmental report, and to assist Entergy in identifying any information your staff believes would be helpful to expedite t-.IRC's review. The 2,100 acre GGNS site consists primarily of woodlands and former farms as well as two lakes, Hamilton Lake and Gin Lake (see Figure 1). The land in the vicinity of the GGNS site is mostly rural. There are two transmission corridors containing a single-circuit 500-kV transmission fines that were constructed for purposes of connecting GGNS to the regional electricity grid (see Figure 2) These transmission Corporate Headqllarter< 5100 East Skelly Drive Sud!' 450 Tulsa, OK 14135 918 665,7693

Dr. Sherry Surrette Mississippi Natural Heritage Program Mississippi Museum of Natural Science Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Page 2 of 4 corridors are considered by the NRC to be within the scope of its environmental reviews for renewal of the GGNS operating license. Entergy's Transmission group owns and operates these two lines. The total length of the two corridors is approximately 66 miles, and cross Claiborne, Warren, Jefferson and Franklin Counties in Mississippi.

Based on a review of information available and previous consultations, Enercon has included Table 1 which lists federally- or state-listed threatened or endangered species at the station site, the immediate environs, or the transmission line corridors (see Figures 1 and 2). No designated critical habitat was identified by Enercon for these species during the review. However, even with the presence of these species or habitats, Entergy does not expect GGNS operations during the license renewal term to adversely affect any threatened and endangered species or designated critical habitats since there are no plans to alter current operations during the 20-year license renewal period, and any maintenance activities necessary to support continued operation of GGNS would be limited to currently developed areas of the site. Although administrative procedural controls are in place to comply with applicable state and federal laws to preserve biological resources when facility expansion or land disturbance activities do occur, no expansion is planned or needed in support of license renewal. In addition, Entergy's Transmission group has established maintenance procedures for transmission lines that involve minimal disturbance of land, wetlands, and streams and are protective of threatened and endangered species, and designated critical habitats when present.

After your review of the information provided in this letter, I would appreciate you sending a letter detailing any concerns you may have about potential Impacts to threatened or endangered species or designated critical habitat on the GGNS property, immediate environs, or along the transmission line corridors, or alternatively, confirming our conclusion these species or habitats will not be adversely affected as a result of renewing the GGNS operating license for an additional 20 years Entergy will include copies of this letter and your response in the environmental report submitted to the NRC as part of the GGNS license renewal application.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (918) 665-7693 or through my email address, Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Thank Y0..l:¥


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/Jarries A. Thomas CM~nager, Electric Utilities Environmental Services Attachment Mile Map 50-Mile Map cc: Rick Buckley (Entergy)

Table 1 Federal and State-Listed Species Scientific Name Common Name Federal MS LA On-Site Vicinity Transmission Status Status Status i6-mile) ROW Mammals Puma conc%r coryi F!orida Panther E E E No No No Ursus american us luteo/us Louisiana Black Bear T E T Yes Yes Yes Ursus americanus American Black Bear T E Yes Yes Yes Birds Haitaeetus leucocephalus Bald E E Yes Yes Yes Mycteria americana Wood Stork E E Yes Yes Yes Sterna an til/arum athalassos Interior Least Tern E* E* E No Yes Yes Picoides borealis Red-Cockaded Woodpecker E E No No Yes Eudocimus albus White Ibis S2,S3 Yes Yes Yes Reptiles Alligator misslssippiensis American Alligator T (S/A) Yes Yes Yes Fish Scaphirhynchus a/bus Pallid Sturgeon E E E Yes Yes No Etheostoma rubrum Bayou Darter T E No Yes No Crystal/aria asprel/a Crystal Darter E Yes Yes No Macrhybopsis meeki Sicklefin Chub S1 Yes Yes Macroinvertebrates Potamilus capax Fat Pocketbook Mussel E E No No Yes Quadru/a cylindrica Rabbitsfoot Mussel CS No Yes Yes

Table 1 (Continued)

Federal and State-Listed Species Scientific Name Common Name Federal MS LA On-Site Vicinity Transmission Status Status Status {6-mile} ROW Insects Epitheca spinosa Robust Baskettarl S1 Yes Yes Plants Lindera melissifolia Pond berry E E No No Yes T = Threatened E = Endangered CS =Candidate Species S1 = Critically Imperiled in MiSSIssippi S2 Imperiled in Mississippi S3 Rare or uncommon in Mississippi T (SIAl Threatened by similarity of appearance .

  • Interior least terns belong to a subspecies of least terns and are protected Federally, and by the state of Mississippi under the species name.

Sterna antillarum athalassos is the subspecies endemic to the project and is therefore specified above.


Figure 1 Location of GGNS, 6-Mile Radius Map



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Figure 2 Location of GGNS, 50-Mile Radius Map


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lie' RadiUs Natronal Wildllf" Refuge urban Areas


Exeelltive DircGtor Fehruary 23. 1011 J ames Thomas Enercon 5JOO EaSl Skelly Drj\e Suite -150 Tulsa. OK 74135 Re: Entergy - Grand Gul r Nuckar Slation Operating License R.;;newal R# 8192 Claiborne COLlllty, Mississippi To Whom It fVkty Concern.

In response to your request for information dated Fcbruar: *1,2011, lYe have searchedQ1![

database for occurrences of state J)l' federally listed species and species l2.UJ)ccial concern th?LQ.~JII.Jyi!pin _~1l1!k§J2Itb_e_::;Ht; o.Lth~j>XQp.Q.~~~tllJ:Qj~fl. Please find our concerns and recommendations below.

PS:LE LE Webslcr's Salamander Mississippi Museum of NatnJ'aI Science _ 21-11' Ri\'cr",i<ic Orive

Stale Rnuk S I Critically Hnpenled in Mississippi because of ~xtremc rarnv (5 or tewcr occurrences or \ ay fe" remaln:ng l1H.lIvidual; or il(,fC')

or because of some ntClOr(s) making it vulncrabic h> extirpation S2 linpcriled in Mississippi because or,ant} (Il to 20 occurrences or few rcl11aming rnd"idll"J~ or acres) ur be,'allse Of,f'Jl\c factor(s} makmg it vulnerable to extirpation S3 -_. Rare or uncommon in Mississippi (on the order of11 to 100 occurrences).

State and Federal Status I.E Endangered - A species which is In danger of extinction throlighOll! all or a significant ponlon or Its range LT Threatened - A species likely to bemma enJangered III forc,ccable fulurc throughout all or a significant portlon or" irs range.

Based on information provided, we conclude that if best management practices are properly implemented, monitored, and maintained (particularly measures to prevent, or at least, minimize negative impacts 10 water quality), the proposed project likely poses no adverse threat to listed species or their habitats.

Please feel free to contact us i r we call provide any additional infom1ation, resources, or assistance that will help minimize negative impacts to this area. We are happy 10 work with you to ensure that our state"s preciolls natural heritage is conserved and preserved for future Mississippians.



Joelle Carney. Database Manager/Biologist

~v1ississippi Natural I lcritage Program (60 1) 354-7303 The Mis.lis>ipf)1 ~atural Heritage Program (MNHP) l1a, cumrded a lhltab~se that is the rnost cornrkte source of information about l\fississipri's rare, threatened, and endangered plant" animals, and ecological communities The quantity ami qU;1lity uf data collected by MNJ IP are dependent on the research <Ind observation,> of many llld,vlduais and organizations In Illany casc~, this illformMion is no! the result ofLOmprchensive or site-specltic field surveys. 1110St natural areas in I>lissi5SIPPI have lIot been thoroughly surveyed imd new occurrences of plant and animal species arc nlkn discO\ercd HeritaBc reputts Stlnnnari"c thl' existing information known 10 the MNllf' althe time oftbe request and cannot always oe collskkrcd a dClInitivc statement Oil the p,e"ence, absence or conditlOrl of biological clements UI1 a particular SHe.

Table of Federally Listed Species in the Vicinity of Grand Gulf Nuclear Station and its Associated Transmission Lines County(ies) of Occurrence(b)

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'm Scientific Name Status(a) u 11. Q)

Birds Picoides borealis red-cockaded woodpecker E x x Sterna antillarum least tern (interior pop.) E x x x Potamilus capax fat pocketbook E x x x Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica rabbitsfoot C x x Etheostoma rubrum bayou darter T x Scaphirhynchus albus pallid sturgeon E x x x Mammals Ursus americanus luteolus Louisiana black bear T x x x X (a) C = =

candidate; E endangered; T = threatened (b) Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) is located in Claiborne County, Mississippi. The transmission lines associated with GGNS traverse Claiborne, Franklin, Jefferson, and Warren Counties.

Data source: [FWS] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2011. Find Endangered Species Database. Available at <> (accessed 13 December 2011).


S. Surrette - 3 To ensure that your reply to this letter contributes to our review process in a timely manner please respond no later than March 15,2012.

The GGNS license renewal application is available on the internet at If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact David Drucker, License Renewal Project Manager, by phone at 301-415-6223 or by email at

Sincerely, IRA!

David J. Wrona, Chief Projects Branch 2 Division of License Renewal Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-416


As stated cc w/encls: Listserv DISTRIBUTION:

ADAM Accession No.: ML11349A003 OFFICE LA:DLRRPB2 PM:DLRRPB2 GS:DLRRERB BC:DLRRERB BC:DLRRPB2 NAME IKing DDrucker BBalsam Almboden DWrona DATE 12/19/11 115/12 1/5/12 1/13/12 1/20/12 OFFICIAL RECORD COpy

Letter to: S. Surrette from D. Wrona, dated January 20, 2012




D. Drucker E-MAIL:

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