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(GGNS) Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) Cycle 25, Revision O
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/2024
From: Hardy J
Entergy Operations
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
Download: ML24094A099 (1)


Entergy Operations, Inc.

) entergy P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150

Jeffery Hardy Manager Regulatory Assurance Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Tel: 802-380-5124

GGNS TS 5.6.5 GNRO2024-00010

April 3, 2024

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station (GGNS) Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) Cycle 25, Revision O

Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Docket No. 50-416 License No. NPF-29

In accordance with 1 O CFR 50.36 and GGNS Technical Specification Section 5.6.5.d, GGNS is required to provide to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission any updates to the COLR.

Revision O of the GGNS Cycle 25 COLR is attached to this letter.

There are no commitments contained in this submittal. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 802-380-5124.



Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) Cycle 25, Revision O GNRO2024-0001 0 Page 2 of 2

cc : NRC Senior Resident Inspector Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, MS 39150

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Core Operating Limits Report

Cycle 25



The Cycle 25 core operating limits are updated to provide cycle-specific MCPR and Revision 0:

LHGRFAC multiplier values for the GNF3 fuel in Cycle 25. Figure 1-1 provides the APLHGR limits for the GNF3 fuel type. Figures 2-1 through 2-6 are updated with new MCPR limits and Figures 3-1 through 3-3 are updated with new LHGRFAC limits.

No other core operating limits are changed. These limits are based on a core power of 4408 MWt.



1.0 PURPOSE 4 2.0 SCOPE 4


5 3.1 Current Cycle Ref e rences 5 4.0 DEFINITIONS 7 5.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 9 5.1 Averaoe Planar Linear Heat Generation Rates 9 5.2 Minimum Criti cal Power Ratio 9 5.3 Linear Heat Generation Rate 10 5.4 Stabilitv 10 5.5 Applicability 11 5.6 Limitations and Conditions 11

Table 1 OPRM Upscale CDA Amplitude Discriminator 12 Setpoint Table 2 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature 12 Table 3 BSP Endpoints for Reduced Feedwater 12 Temperature Table 4 ABSP Setpoints for the Scram Region 12 Table 5 Margin to Thermal Overpower and Mechanical 12 Overpower Limits Table 6 Application Conditions 13 Table 7 Rated OLMCPR Summary Table 13 Figure(s) 1 APLHGR Operating Limits 14 Figure(s) 2 MCPR Operating Limits 15 Fiaure(s) 3 LHGR Operatina Limits 26 Figure 4 Backup Stability Protection Region Boundaries 28 for Normal Feedwater Temperature Figure 5 Backup Stability Protection Region Boundaries 29 for Reduced Feedwater Temperature


1.0 PURPOSE The C0LR is controlled as a License Basis Document and revised accordingly for each fuel cycle or remaining portion of a fuel cycle. Any revisions to the C0LR must be submitted to the NRC for information as required by Tech Spec 5.6.5 and tracked by Licensing Commitment 29132. This C0LR reports the Cycle 25 core operating limits and stability setpoint confirmation and regions.

2.0 SCOPE As defined in Technical Specification 1.1, the C0LR is the GGNS document that provides the core operating limits for the current fuel cycle. This document is prepared in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5 for each reload cycle using NRC-approved analytical methods.

The Cycle 25 core operating and stability limits included in this report are:

  • the Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR),
  • the Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) limit, and
  • the DSS-CD stability setpoint confirmation and regions.



This section contains the cycle-specific references used in the safety analysis of Grand Gulf Cycle 25.

Methodology references are documented in Technical Specification 5.6.Sb.

3.1 Current Cycle References

3.1.1 ECH-NE-24-00003 Revision 0, Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Grand Gulf-1 Reload 24 Cycle 25, December 2023.

3.1.2 GNF007N0437 Revision 0, Nuclear Design Report for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Cycle 25, September 2023.

3.1.3 ECH-NE-24-00002 Revision 0, Fuel Bundle Information Report for Grand Gulf-1 Reload 24 Cycle 25, December 2023.

3.1.4 NEDC-32910P, Revision 1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station SAFER/GESTRAccident Analysis With Relaxed ECCS Parameters, October 1999 (GEXI-1999-- LOCA 00174).

3.1.5 GGNS-NE-12-00022 Revision 1, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station MELLLA+ Task T0407, ECCS-LOCA Performance, October 2019.

3.1.6 SC 21-04 Revision 3, Fuel Support Side Entry Orifice Meta-Stable Flow for 2 Beam Locations in the BWR/6 Reactors, February 2024.

3.1.7 NEDC-33173P-A, Revision 5, Applicability of GE Methods to Expanded Operating Domains (with Supplements SP-A Rev. 1, and 6P-A Rev. 1). October 2019.

3.1.8 NEDC-33006P-A, Revision 3, GE BWR Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus, June 2009.

3.1.9 GGNS-SA-21-00002, Revision O (GEH 0000-0158-7807-Rl), Grand Gulf Nuclear Station PRNM System DSS-CD Settings, April 2020.

3.1.10 ECH-NE-20-00006 Revision 0, GNF3 Fuel Design Cycle-Independent Analyses for Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, February 2020.

3.1.11 GGNS-SA-19-00001 Evaluation Revision 1, October 2019. Revision O Grand Gulf Nuclear Station GNF3 ECCS-LOCA

3.1.12 GEH-GGNS-AEP-632, GGNS MELLLA+ Final DSS-CD Settings Report, October 23, 2013.

3.1.13 NEDE-24011-P-A-31, General Ele c tri c Standard A(GESTAR-II), November 2020, (KGO-ENO - GEN-21-039). pp lication for Reactor Fuel

3.1.14 ECH-NE-21-00025 Rev. 1, Grand Gulf Nfor Reload Transient Analysis (T1309). December 2023. uclear Station TRACG Im plementation


3.1.15 NED0-33612-A, Revision 0, Safety Analysis Report for GGNS Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus, September 2013.

3.1.16 NEDC-33879P, Revision 4, GNF3 Generic Compliance with NEDE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II), August 2020.

3.1.17 NEDC-33880P, Revision 1, GEXL21 Correlation for GNF3 Fuel, November 2017 (KGO-ENO-GEN-20-031).

3.1.18 NEDC-33840P-A, Revision 1, The PRIME Model for Transient Analysis of Fuel Rod Thermal - Mechanical Performance, August 2017.

3.1.19 GGNS-NE-10-00076, Revision O (GEH 0000-0121-1122-RO), GGNS EPU Option B Scram Times, September 2010.



4.1 Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) - the APLHGR shall be applicable to a specific planar height and is equal to the sum of the linear heat generation rates for all the fuel rods in the specified bundle at the specified height divided by the number of fuel rods in the fuel bundle at 4.2 Average Planar Exposure - the Average Planar Exposure shall be applicable to the specified height.

a specific planar height and is equal to the sum of the exposure of all the fuel rods in the specified bundle at the specified height divided by the 4.3 Critical Power Ratio (CPR) - the ratio of that power in the assembly, which number of fuel rods in the fuel bundle at the specified height.

is calculated by application of the fuel vendor's appropriate boiling correlation, to cause some point in the assembly to experience boiling transition, divided by the actual assembly operating power.

4.4 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) - The Grand Gulf Nuclear Station specific document that provides core operating limits for the current reload cycle in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.5.

4.5 Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) - the LHGR shall be the heat generation per unit length of fuel rod. It is the integral of the heat flux over the 4.6 Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) - the MCPR shall be the smallest CPR heat transfer area associated with the unit length.

4.7 MCPR Safety Limit - cycle specific SLMCPR, known as MCPR9which exists in the core. 9.~, is the minimum value of the CPR at which the fuel could be operated to ensure that 99.9%

percent of the fuel in the core is not susceptible to the boiling 4.8 Oscillation Power Range Monitor (OPRM) - Provides automatic detection and transition.

suppression of reactor core thermal-hydraulic instabilities through 4.9 Backup Stability Protection (BSP) Boundary - Defines the operation domain monitoring neutron flux changes.

where potential instability events can be effectively addressed by specific operator action. Region of the power and flow operating domain that is not expected to be susceptible to instability events associated with a high 4.10 Backup Stability Protection (BSP) Scram Region - The area of the core power initial growth rate.

and flow operating domain where the reactor is susceptible to reactor instabilities under conditions exceeding the licensing basis of the current reactor system. An immediate manual scram is required upon entry.

4.11 Backup Stability Protection (BSP) Controlled Entry Region - The area of the core power and flow operating domain where the reactor is susceptible to reactor instabilities. Compliance with at least one alternate stability control is required upon entry.

4.12 Automated Backup Stability Protection (ABSP) Scram Region - An automated reactor scram region that bounds the BSP Scram Region and is initiated by 4.13 End of Rated (EOR) - The Cycle exposure corresponding to all rods out, 100% the APRM flow-biased scram setpoint upon entry.

4.14 Middle of Cycle (MOC) - The Cycle 25 MOC Core Average Exposure (CAE) is power, 100% flow, and normal feedwater temperature [3.1.1].

MOC= EOR-4,000 MWd/ST [3.1.1].

4.15 End of Cycle (EOC) - The Cycle 25 EOC CAE is 33,334 MWd/ST [3.1.2].

4.16 Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus (MELLLA+) - The GGNS MELLLA+ operating domain is depicted in Figure 4.

4.17 Maximum Number of OPRM Cells Along an Instability Symmetry Axis CM OPRM configuration constant representing maximum number of OPRM cells along.. ) - An an instability symmetry axis. It is used to calculate the number of COLR Page 7 LBDCR 2024-0008 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT

unresponsive 0PRM cells. Per [3.1.12] the GGNS specific value is five (MAx = 5),

4.18 Application Conditions - The combination of equipment out of service Application Conditions are specified in Table 6. conditions for which LHGRFAC and MCPR limits are determined [3.1.1]. The

4.19 MCPR~ Safety Limit - Cycle-independent Technical Specification (TS) 2.1.1 SLMCPR, ensures there is a 95 percent probability at a 95 percent confidence level that no fuel rods will be susceptible to transition boiling.



5.1 Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rates Consistent with Technical Specification 3.2.1, all APLHGRs shall not exceed the fuel type and exposure-dependent limits reported in Figure 1-1 [3.1.1].

5.2 Minimum Critical Power Ratio For Cycle 25, the cycle-specific MCPR Safety Limit (MCPRgg_""), is 1.12 for Two Loop Operation (TLO), and 1.12 for Single Loop Operation (SLO) [3.1.1].

GEH Safety Communication (SC) 21-04 [3.1.6] identifies a metastable flow condition that may exist in a BWR/6 in core locations fed by a side entry orifice adjacent to of occurrence of this flow condition, if any. This flow condition results in a two core support cross beams. The vendor has been unable to determine the frequency higher loss coefficient and lower CPR (applied as higher MCPR limits). To be conservative, it is assumed this condition always exists, so an MCPR penalty is always applied. All power-dependent MCPR limits in the COLR Tables and Figures apply the penalty recommended by SC 21 - 04 Rev. 3.

Consistent with Technical Specification 3.2.2, the MCPR shall be equal to or greater than the limits reported in Figure(s) 2 as functions of power, flow, exposure, and scram speed [3.1.1, 3.1.10, 3.1.19]. For operation at powers ~35.4%, the power-dependent MCPR shall be determined based on scram time surveillance data as follows. [3.1.19]

1) If the average scram time ( T_,wt ) satisfies the following:


then the power dependent MCPR shall be equal to or greater than the Option B limits reported in Figure(s) 2 as a function of exposure.

2) If the average scram time

T,11 "£ > T8 and, ::5 0.2,

then the power-dependent MCPR shall be equal to or greater than the Tau= 0.2 limits reported in Figure(s) 2 as a function of exposure,

3) If the average scram time

T,-11"£ > T 8 and, > 0.2, then the power-dependent MCPR shall be equal to or greater than the Option A limits reported in Figure(s) 2 as a function of exposure.

In the above equations:

~ 4 ~c = average scram time to the 20% insertion position as calculated by equation 1 of Reference 3.1.19,


r 8 = adjusted analysis mean scram time for 20% insertion as calculated by equation 3 of Reference 3.1.19 and

T = T.fff-T H

T A - T H where

r A = the technical specification limit on core average scram time to the 20 percent insertion position (0.503 seconds).

The limits determined above support operation with Turbine Bypass Valves Out of Service as described in Technical Specification 3.7.7. Additional MCPR operating limits are provided to support operation with EOC-RPT inoperable as described in Technical Specification

Rated Operating Limit MCPR values (equipment in service, 100% power, OLMCPR's) are provided in Table 7. The power-dependent MCPR results in Figures 2-1 through 2-5 include the SC 21-04 Rev. 3 [3.1.6] penalties. The SC21-04 Rev. 3 penalties do not need to be applied to flow-dependent MCPR results.

5.3 Linear Heat Generation Rate Consistent with Technical Specification 3.2.3, the LHGRs for any GNF3 fuel rod at any axial location shall not exceed the nodal exposure-dependent limits reported in Reference 3.1.3 (by reference reported in [3.1.16]) multiplied by the smaller of either the power-dependent or flow-dependent LHGR factors reported in Figures 3-1 and 3-2, and Figures 3-3, respectively [3.1.1]. The limits determined above Technical Specification 3.7.7. support operation with Turbine Bypass Valves Out of Service as described in

5.4 Stability The OPRM Upscale Confirmation Density Algorithm (CDA) Amplitude Discriminator setpoint is reported in Table 1.

The Backup Stability Protection (BSP) regions boundaries are reported in Figures 4 and 5 [3.1.1]. BSP measures support operation with the OPRM upscale trip function inoperable as described in Technical Specification Condition J. The endpoints for the BSP region boundaries are provided for normal (NFWT) and reduced (RFWT) feedwater temperature operations in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Figures 4 and 5 depict the BSP region boundaries for NFWT and RFWT operations. Note that Figures 4 temperature operating limitations. and 5 also depict the MELLLA+ and MELLLA domains, consistent with feedwater

The ABSP APRM Simulated Thermal Power (STP) setpoints associated with the ABSP Scram Region are provided in Table 4. The ABSP setpoints are applicable to TLO and SLO, and to both normal and reduced feedwater temperature operations.

The BSP Boundary and Manual BSP region boundaries for normal feedwater temperature operations are valid for reductions in normal feedwater temperature as much as (and including) -10.0 °F [3.1.1].


5.5 Applicability The following core operating limits are applicable for operation in the Maximum Extended Operating Domain (MEOD), with Feedwater Heaters Out of Service (FWHOOS),

Turbine Bypass Out of Service (TBVOOS), EOC-RPT inoperable, and Pressure Regulator Out of Service (PROOS). For operation with one of the previous conditions mentioned, the alternate MCPR limits described in Section 5.2 above must be implemented. Table 6 provides an applicability condition list of events related to the Figures. For SLO, the following additional requirements must be satisfied.

1. THE APLHGRs shall not exceed the exposure-dependent limits determined in accordance with Section 5.1 [3.1.1].

2. THE LHGRs shall not exceed the smaller of the nodal exposure-dependent limits determined in accordance with Section 5.3 above or the nodal exposure-dependent limits reported in Reference 3.1.3.

3. The MCPR shall be equal to or greater than the limits determined in accordance with Section 5.2 above increased by 0.02. SLO MCPR operating limits are displayed in Figures 2-1 through 2-5 "C" & "D" and Figure 2-6 "B" [3.1.1].

5.6 Limitations and Conditions As required by Limitation and Condition 9.10/9.ll of licensing topical report NEDC-33173P-A [3.1.7], the limiting Thermal and Mechanical Overpower results are these limits. The results are confirmed to meet the required 10% margin to the reported in Table 5. The results are summarized as a percent margin to both of design limits [3.1.1].

As required by Limitation and Condition 12.10.b of licensing topical report NEDC-33006P-A [3.1.8], the off-rated limits assumed in the ECCS-LOCA analyses are confirmed to be consistent with the off-rated LHGR multipliers provided Figures 3-1 MELLLA+ operation. through 3-3. These off-rated LHGR multipliers provide adequate protection for

As required by Limitation and Condition 12.5.c of licensing topical report NEDC-33006P-A [3.1.8], the plant specific power/flow map specifying the GGNS licensed MELLLA+ operating domain is included as Figure 4.

As required by Limitation and Condition 12.5.b of licensing topical report NEDC-33006P-A [3.1.8], operation with Feedwater Heaters Out of Service (FWHOOS) is by Limitation and Condition 12.5.a of licensing topical report NEDC-33006P-A prohibited while in the MELLLA+ operating domain [3.1.1]. In addition, as required

[3.1.8], and described in GGNS TS 3.4.1 LCO, SLO is prohibited in the MELLLA+

operating domain [3.1.1].Therefore, operations with RFWT and/or SLO must adhere to the operating domain shown in Figure 5.


Table 1 OPRM Upscale CDA Amplitude Discriminator Setpoint

Amplitude Discriminator Trip 1.10

BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature Table 2

Endpoint Power(%) Flow(%) Definition Al 72.3 44.2 Scram Region Boundary, HFCL Bl 34.1 25. 2 Scram Reqion Boundary, NCL A2 67.3 50.0 Controlled Entry Reqion Boundary, HFCL 82 26.4 24.4 Controlled Entry Reoion Boundary, NCL

BSP Endpoints for Reduced Feedwater Temperature Table 3

Endooint Power(%) Flow(%) Definition Al' 66.9 49.5 Scram Region Boundary, HFCL Bl' 28.6 24.6 Scram Reqion Boundary, NCL A2' 68.3 51. 2 Controlled Entry Reqion Boundary, HFCL B2' 26.4 24.4 Controlled Entry Reqion Boundary, NCL

ABSP Setpoints for the Scram Region Table 4

Parameter Symbol Value Slope of ABSP APRM fl ow-biased trip linear segment m TRIP 0.77 ABSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint power intercept. Ps sP-TRIP 31.0 % RTP 1 Constant Power Line for Trip from zero Drive Flo w to Flow Breakpoint.

ABSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint drive flo w Ws sP-TRIP 39.0 % RDF1 intercept. Constant Flow Line for Trip.

Flow Breakpoint value Ws sP-BREAK 7.6% RDP

1. RTP - Rated Thermal Power 2. RDF - Reci rculation Drive Fl ow

Margin to Thermal Overpower and Mechanical Overpower Limits Table 5

Criteria GNF3 Thermal Overpower Margin 39.83%

Mechanical Overpower Margin 47.65%


Table 6 Application Conditions

Application FWH 005 EOC-RPT PR 005 TBV 005 Condition 1 X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X X X 5 X X 6 X X X 7 X X X 8 X X X X

Rated OLMCPR Summary Table Table 7

Application GNF3 OPT A GNF3 OPT B GNF3 OPT A GNF3 OPT B Condition BOC-MOC BOC-MOC MOC-EOC MOC-EOC 1 1. 37 1.30 1. 38 1. 30 2 1. 37 1.30 1. 38 1. 30 3 1. 37 1. 30 1. 39 1. 31 4 1. 37 1.30 1. 39 1.31 5 1. 38 1. 38 1.42 1.42 6 1.38 1.38 1.46 1.46 7 1.38 1. 38 1.42 1.42 8 1. 38 1.38 1.46 1.46


15 000, 14 36

14 1 3

1 2 E 11


. 10 0:::

(!) 9


...J a.. <( 8

E 7

6 63 50, 600


4 0 10 20 50 60 70 Average Planar Exposure (GWd / S11

Figure 1-1 GNF3 Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate Note: Actual Limits descnbed in Sections 5.1 and 5.5


2. 2 ::. 50% Core Flow
2. 1 218, 208 I 2.0 21.8, 1.97 1.9 35.4, 1.90 1 8 Option A

< 50% Core Flow /

35.4, 1.68 40. 1.68 Tau z 0.2 i:i: 1.7 35 4, 1 62 ci' 1. 6 Cl. 354, 160 li 1. 5 70, 1.43 50, 1.51/ 85, 1.42

1. 4 40. 1 60 so, 1 53 70. 1 46 1.3 70, 1 38 1.2 Option B 70, 1 36 1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (0.4 Rated)

Figure 2-1A Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits, BOC to MOC, TLO EIS

2.2 ::. 50% Core Flow

2.1 21 8, 2.08

2. 0 21.8, 1.97

1.9 354, 190 Option A 1.8 < 50% Core Flow /

i:i: 1.7 35.4, 1.69 Tau* 0.2 ii" 1.6 354, 162 / ro. *53 Cl. 35 4, 1 60 u

E 1.5 40, 1 62

1.4 40, 1 60

1.3 1.2 70, 1 36

1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure 2-1B Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits, MOC to EOC, TLO EIS


2.2 2.1 21.8, 2. 10

2. 0 21.8, 1.99 1.9 35.4, 1. 92

1.8 < 50% Core Flow /

35.4, 1.70 Tau= 0.2

~ 1. 7 35.4, 1.64 ii' 1.6 C. 35 4. 1 62

!i 1.5 70, 1.45 85, 1.44 1.4 100. 1 39 1.3 70,140 70, 1 46 85, 1 39 100, 1.34 70. 138 85. 1 37 100, 1 32 1.2 Option B

1. 1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power ('k Rated)

Figure 2-1c Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits, EIS BOC to MOC, SLO

2.2 ~ 50% Core Flow 2.1 218, 210 /

2.0 21.8. 1.99 1.9 35.4. 1.92 Option A 1.8 < 50% Core Flow / 40, 1 71 35.4. 1.71 Tau* 0.2

~ 1.7 35 4, 1 64 I,....

ii' 1.6 C. 35 4, 1 62 70, 146 u

E 1.5 40, 1 64 40, 1.62 SO, 1 55 70, 1 48 50, 151/ 85, 1.45 1.4 100, 1.40 1.3 70, 1 46 100, 1.34 Option B 70, 140 85, 1 39 100, 1 32 1.2 70, 1 38 85, 1 37

1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure 2-10 Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits, EIS MOC to EOC, SLO


2.2 ::. 50% Core Flow 2.1 21.8, 2.08 2.0 21.8, 1.97 1.9 35,4, 1.90 1.8 Option A 40, 1.68 a: 1.7 35.4, 1 68 /70, 1.52 ix 35 4, 1 62 70, 1 48 Tau= 0.2 Q. 1.6

!i 1. 5 35 4, 1 60 1.4 40. 1 60 50, 1 53 70,146 85, 1 43 100. 1.37 1.3 70, 1 43 100, 1 32 85, 1 41 1.2 Option B 70, 1 44 100, 1 30

70. 1.41 1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure2-2A Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits BOC to MOC, TLO With FWH 00S

2.2 ::. 50% Core Flow 2.1 21.8, 2.08 2.0 I 21 8. 1,97 1.9 35 4, 1 90 1.8 < 50% Core Flow /

40, 1.69 a: 1.7 35.4, 1 69 70, 1.53 ix 1.6 35 4. 1 62 Tau= 0.2 C.

u 35.4, 1.60

Ii 1. 5 40,162 1.4 40, 1 60 50, 155 /

70, I 46 85, 1.43 100, 1.38 1.3 50, 1 53 70, 1 43 100. 1 32 1.2 Option B 70, 1 44 85, I 41 100, 1 30

70, 141 1.1

1. 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure 2-2B Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits With FWH 00S MOC to EOC, TLO


2.2 ~ 50% Core Flow 2.1 21 8, 2.10 2.0 21. 8, 1.99 1.9 35.4, 1.92

1.8 < 50% Core Flow / 40. 1.70 ii: 1.7 35.4, 1.70 ex 1.6 35 4. 1 64 Tau* 0.2 Q. 35 4. 1 62

E 1.5 u

40, 1.62 SO, 157 /

1.4 so, 1 55 70, 1. 43 100. 1.39 1.3 70. 1 45 100. 1. 34 1.2 Option B 70, 1 46 100. 1 32 70, 1 43 1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure2-2C Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR UmitS with FWH oos BOC to MOC, SLO

2.2 ~ 50% core Flow 2.1 21 8, 2. 10 /

2.0 1.9 35,4, 1 92 Option A

1.8 < 50% Core Flow 40. 1.71 I a: 1. 7 35 4. 1.71,. _rn ex 1.6 35 4, 1 64 Tau= 0.2 Q.

u 35 4. 1 62

E 1.5 1.4 40, 1 62 50, 157 / 100. 1.40 SO, 1 55 70, 1.43 85, 1 45 100, 1 34
1. 3 70, 1 45 85, 1 43 1.2 Option B 70. 1 46 100, 1 32 70, 1 43 1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (*~ Rated)

Figure 2-2D Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits with FWH 00S MOC to EOC, SLO


2.2 :!. SO% Core Flow 2.1 21 8, 2,08 2.0 21 8. 1,97 1.9 35 4, 1.90 1.8 40, 1.68 Option A a: 1.7 35.4. 1 68 /70, 1.52 ii"' 35 4, 1.62 70, 1 48 Tau~ 0.2 Q. 1.6 u

E 1.5 35 4, 1 60 1.4 40. 1 60 so, 1.53 70, 1 46 100, 1,37 1.3 70. 1 43 100, 1 32 1.2 Option B 70, 1 44 100, 1 30 70, 1 41 1.1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure 2-3A Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits BOC to MOC, TLO wi1h EOC-RPT OOS, or EOC-RPT & FWH OOS

2.2 :!. SO% Core Flow

2. 1 21 8, 2.08 I
2. 0 21.8, 1.97

1.9 35.4. 1.90 1.8 < SO% Core Flow / 40, 1.71 a: 1.7 354, 171 70, 1.54 ii"' 1.6 35 4, 1 63 Tau* 0.2 Q.

u 35 4, 1.61

E 1. 5 40, 1 63 1.4 40, 1 61 50, 1 56 I 100, 1,39 1.3 50, 154 70, 147 85, 1 44 70, 1 44 85, 1 42 100. 1 33

1.2 Option B 70, 1 45 100, 1 31 70. 1 42

1. 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Flgure2-3B Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits wi1h EOC-RPT OOS, or EOC-RPT & FWH OOS MOC to EOC, TLO


22 ::. 50% Core Flow

2. 1 21.8, 2 10 2.0 218,199 1.9 1.8 < 50% Core Flow /

i:i: 1.7 35. 4, 1.70 ix 1.6 35 4, 1 64 Tau* 0.2

a. 35.4, 1 62 u
E 1.5 40. 162 1.4 50, 155 50"7 / 70, 1 48 85, 1 45 100, 1.39 1.3 70, 1 45 35. 1 43 100, 1 34 1.2 Option B 70, 1 46 100, 1 32 70, 1 43
1. 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure 2-3C Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits with EOC-RPT 00S, or EOC-RPT & FWH 00S BOC to MOC, SLO

22 ::_ 50% Core Flow

2. 1 21.8, 2.10 /
2. 0 1.9 35.4, 1.92

1.8 < 50% Core Flow 40, 1. 73 35.4, 1.73 ix i:i: 1 7 35 4, 1 65

a. 1.6 35 4, 1 63 Tau a 0.2

~ 1. 5 40 1 63 " 100. 1.41

1. 4 so. **~ 1 56 70, 1 49 I 85, 1 46 100, 1 35
1. 3 70, I 46 85, 1 44 1.2 Option B 70, 1 47 100. I 33 70, 1 44
1. 1 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (% Rated)

Figure 2-30 Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits with EOC-RPT 00S, or EOC-RPT & FWH 00S MOC to EOC, SLO


22 ~ 50% Core Flow

2 1


1 9

1 8 so 1 87 1 7

= ~ 1 6 C.


E 1 5

1_ 4 1 3 100, 1 38

1 2

1 1

1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100 Core Power (3/4 Rated )

Figure 2-4A Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Lim its with PR OOS or PR & EOC RPT OOS BOC to MOC, TLO

22 ::::. 50% Core Flow

2 1 21 8 2 08 2 0 21 8 1 97 1 9 35 4, 1 93 50 1 93 1 8 < 50% Core Flow /

C: 1 7 ii" 1 6 C.


E 1 5

1 4 100, I 42

1 3

1 2

1 1

1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Power (3/4 Rated )

Figure 2-48 Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR L imits with PR OOS or PR & EOC RPT OOS MOC to EOC, TLO


22 ~ 50% Core Flow

2 1 218,210

20 218,199 35 4, 1 95 1 9 1 8 < 50% Core Flow / 35 4 I 89 so 1 89

§; 1 7 c:: 1 6 a..


== 1 5 14 100, 1 40 1 3

1 2

1 1

1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Co re Po wer (% Rated )

Figure 2-4C Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR L1m1ts with PR 00S or PR & EOC RPTOOS BOC to MOC, SLO

22 ~ 50% Core Flow 2 1 21 6, 2 10

20 21 8 I 99

1 9 35 4 I 95 50, I 95

1 8 < 50% Core Flow /

§; 1 7 c:: 1 6 c..


== 1 5 1 4 100, 1 44

1 3

1 2 1 1

1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Co re Po w er (3/4 Rate d)

Figure 2-40 Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits wtth PR 00S or PR & EOC RPT 005 MOC to EOC, SLO


22 ~ 50% Core Flow 2 1 21 8 2 03 20 2 1 8 1 98 70,186 1 9 "

1 8 < 50 % Core Flow / 35 4 1 87 50 1 87 a: 1 7 cc 1 6 a.


E 1 5

1 4 1 3 100 1 38

1 2 1 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Co re Po wer (% R a ted )

Figure 2-5A Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits with PR & FWH OOS or PR & FWH & EOC-RPT OOS BOC to MOC, TLO

22 ~ 50% Core Flow 2 1 21 8 2 08 70, I 97 20 1 9 218 198 / 35 4, 1 98 50 I 98

1 8 < 50% Core Flow a: 1 7 cc 1 6 a.


E 1 5

1 4 100 1 46

1 3

1 2 1 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Core Po w er(% Rated )

Figure 2-58 Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits with PR & FWH OOS or PR & FWH & EOC-RPT OOS MOC to EOC, TLO


22 ~ 50% Core Flow

2 1 21 8 210

20 21 8 2 00 70 1 88 1 9 1 8 < 50'!t. Core Flow / 35 4 1 89 50 1 39

~ 1 7 c:: 1 6 0.


E 1 5

1 4 100 I 40 1 3 1 2

1 1

1 0 0 10 20 30 so 60 70 80 90 100 C ore P o w e r (% Ra ted )

Figure 2-5C Cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits w ith PR & FWH OOS or PR & FWH & EOC-RPT OOS BOC to MOC, SLO

22 ~ 50% Core Flow

2 1 21 8 2 10 70 t 99 20 218,200 /4 35 4 2 00 50 2 00 1 9 1 8 < 50% Core Flow

~ 1 7 ex 1 6 0..


i: 1 5

1.4 100, I 48

1 3 1 2

1 1 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Co re Po w er (% Rate d)

Figure 2-50 cycle 25 Power-Dependent MCPR Limits with PR & FWH oos or PR & FWH & EOC-RPT oos MOC to EOC, SLO


2 00 1 95 1 90 1 85 1 80 1 75 1 70 c-1 65 ii" 1 60 a.

u 1 55 1 50 1 45 1 40 1 35 90 1 31 110 1 31 1 30 1 25 812,131 100 1 31 1 20 0 10 20 30.\\0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Core Flow( % R.ited)

Figure 2-6A Cycle 25 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits. TLO, All Applic.ition Conditions

1 85 1 80 1 75 1 70 C' 1 65 ii"

a. 1 60 u 1 55

1 50 1 45 1 40 1 35 90 1 33 110 1 33 1 30 81 2, 1 33 100 1 33 1 25 1 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Core Flow (% R.ited)

Figure 2-68 Cycle 25 Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits. SLO, A ll Applic.ition Conditions


1.05 35 4, 1 000 50 1 000 70 1 000 85 1 000 100 1 000 1 00


0 90 35 4. 0 896 ci: < so*a Core Flow u 0.85 '-~




C) 0.80


..J 0 75 21 8 0 760

35 4 0.730 0.70 a so,, c,,. Flow 7

0 65 218 06 ~5

060 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)

Figure 3-1 Cycle 25 Power-Dependent LHGR Factor, EIS, FWH OOS, EOC-RPT OOS, EOC-RPT & FWH OOS Note : The se fa c tor s to b e app lied to the ex pos ur e.depende nt limits as d escib ed in Se c tion 5.3

1 05 85 1 000 100 1 000 1 00 70. 0~

0 95 0 90 < 500,o Core Flow 35 4, 0 896


u 0.85 50 0 849


~ 0 80 C)


..J 2180760 0 75 /

. 50°a Core Flow-- 35 4. 0 735 0 70 35 ~ 0 730

0 65 21 8 0 6~5

060 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Power (% Rated)

Figure 3-2 Cycle 25 Power -Dependent LHGR Factor PR OOS, PR & FWH O0S, PR & EOC-RPT OOS, PR & EOC-RPT & FWH 0OS Note : These fa c tors to be appl ied to the exposure dep end en t lim its a s de scibed in Se c tion 5.l


1.10 1 05 SO 3, 1 000 90, 1 000 1 1 O 1 000 100 095 100 1 000 0 90 c 0.85 u 0.80

~ 0 75 0::.

~ 070

...1 065 060 055 0 50 045 040 +-~----,,_~--~---~-+-----<>--+-~-+-~--~---~--+-~-+--~-+-~-----<

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7 0 80 90 100 110 120 Core Flow (% Rated )

Figure 3-3 Cycle 25 GNF3 Flow-Dependent LHGR F.:ictor Note: These factors to be applied to the e x posu re-depend e nt hm1ts as descibed m Section 5.3


CORE FLOW (% rated) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 110.

100 Cycle 25 BSP Region I Implemented BSP Boundary 1-ou, IUV 1:12.8, ~00 100, 00 Boundaries for NFWT - r--:. ~ ~ i,,,-""'" 1..........- 05, 1 k)O 90 I MELLLA+ Boundary I ~ ~ I ~,... _,,... --


--- -:JI,.,., i..-----


80 !5, 80 6....... ~,.,,- -::...t

..... ~ _,.,,- I

-10 J MELLLA Boundary I '., I ~1 J ~I, /...- I J I I I"-. I,;'_,, Ks 71.3 I ~

1! 60 "r-.., ~.... I

~ 111 ~ 1/ I I


0:: 50 r--- Saam Region I.. / I ~,,,,.,-/, OPRM Armed Region

~ ~ I

........... ~ I " '

~ / ~Ii"', I Q. 40

~...,,,,, I I ----V V' Controlled Entry I I -

0 30 '""'

0 A* ' j,_ ~ I ----,...-

20, / Ca ~itatlc n Pr1,tecti i>f1 Note: --

-- i- ~ -----....

10 / / SLO is proh ibited in M ELLLA+ region -

./ V 0 -i--- i--"'" /

0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 0 120 CORE FLOW (MLB/HR)

Figure 4 Backup Stability Protection Region Boundaries for Normal Feedwater Temperature (NFWT)


CORE FLOW(% rated) 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 100.0 110.0 110

- Cycle 25 BSP Region (~2.8',100) 100 - Boundaries for RFWT l Implemented BSP Boundary : ~ ___...- V 105~,,10( r-- ~.... ~ ~

90 -..... ~ ~ ~

80 ~ ~ ~

..... ~ v-- I A2' t...,.,..-/ ~ I I

-10 I MELLLA Boundary I A.1',,,c.. V I J I I"'-, ""

1!50 ~ ~ 1 I

~ ~ 1/ /I I


.. ~ V J / -. OPRM Armed Region

~~ h ' I 150 ~ Saam Region L

~ ~-.....

0.40 - I,/. ~ I

~ V I Controlled Entry I I ---

030 ~ u1*1 -,,,. V I I I L..-- -

0 D~ J-,,,,_. I ~ i.------

,_ ~i..---

20 ii--i-I / Ce t,itati 1>n Pr 1>tectl ~

1 0 _,,,,,,,,,,,, '/ / /

0 --~ -- /

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 0 1 20 CORE FLOW (MLB /HR)

Figure 5 Backup Stability Protection Region Boundaries for Reduced Feedwater Temperature (RFWT)

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