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Initial Exam 2012-302 Final Simulator Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/2013
Tennessee Valley Authority
Download: ML13275A053 (198)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 2 op Test No.: 2012-302 Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is in MODE 1 76% power, BOL Turnover: Raise power to 100% using 0-GO-5 Section 5.1. lB EDO is OOS. Target CTs: Manually trip the main turbine before an orange path challenge develops to either the subcriticality Pressurized Thermal Shock (P) CSF or before transition to ECA-2.i, whichever happens (5) or the first. Manually trip all Reactor Coolant Pumps prior to completing step 4 of FR-Hi, LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK. Initiate RCS bleed and feed so that the RCS depressurizes sufficiently for the Safety Injection pump flow to occur prior to completing step l9of FR-Hi. Event No. 1. MaIf. No. [ Event Type* R-ATC Event Description The crew raises plant power using 0-GO-5 section 5.1 N- BOP/SRO

2. RXO6A l-ATC/SRO The controlling pressurizer level channel LT 68-339 will fail low resulting in TS-SRO letdown isolation and de-energizing Pressurizer heaters. The ATC will remove the channel from service and restore Pressurizer heaters using AOP-l.04. The N AT SRO will address Tech Specs and determines the instrument is INOPERABLE.

The ATC will restore letdown.

3. RXO2D1 l-ATC/SRO The Loop #4 T-cold instrument will fail high. The ATC will place rod control in TS-SRO manual using Immediate Operator Actions and AOP-l.02. The SRO will address, Tech Spec and determines the instrument is INOPERABLE.
4. CNO9 C-BOP/SRO Main Condenser Vacuum degrades with the standby Condenser Vacuum Pump CN1 i B failing to start automatically. The BOP manually starts the standby Condenser Vacuum Pump using AOP-S.02.
5. FW23D M-AII A Main Feed line break develops inside the Containment. The Reactor trips and the crew will transition to E-0.
6. TC1 1ALL C-SOP The Main Turbine will fail to trip when the Reactor Trips, the BOP will manually TC12ALL trip the Main Turbine.
7. EDO6D M-AIl While performing E-0 all AFW pumps become unavailable resulting in a severe FWO7C degradation of Heat Sink, the crew will transition to FR-Hi.


8. CV22A Both Charging Pump suction strainers clog resulting in a loss of all Charging CV22B Pumps. The crew will turn off RCPs and transition to FR-H.i step 17 to initiate bleed and feed to establish once through cooling.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I 2012-302 Scenario 2 Summary EVENT I The crew raises plant power using GO

                                                           -5 section 5.1 from 76% to 100% pow EVENT 2 When directed by the lead                                                                    er examiner, the controlling pressurizer low resulting in letdown isolation and                                               level channel LT 68-339 will fail de-energizing Pressurizer heaters. The from service and restore Pressurize                                                     ATC will remove the channel r heaters using AOP-l.04. The SRO determines the instrument is INOPER                                              will address Tech Specs and ABLE and enters LCO Table 3.3 TS Table 3.3-10 Functional                                                      -1 functional unit 11 Action 6; Units 7 Action 2.

EVENT 3 When directed by the lead examiner, the Loop #4 T-cold instrum place rod control to manual using ent will fail high. The ATC will Immediate Operator Actions. Additio affected instrument from service usin nally, the ATC will remove the g AOP-I.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument enter AOP-C.01, for the unexpected Malfunction. The crew may rod motion. The SRO will determine Table 3.3-1, functional units 7 and 8 entry in to LCO actions: Action 6, and 14c Action 10,, both Action 37 are required. functional units 6.c.i.c and 6.c.ii.c EVENT 4 When directed by the lead examiner, Main Condenser Vacuum Condenser Vacuum Pump failing degrades with the standby to start automatically. The BOP manuall Vacuum Pump using AOP-S.02. y starts the standby Condenser EVENT 5 When directed by the lead examiner, a Main Feed line break dev The Reactor trips and the crew will elops inside the Containment. transition to E-0. EVENT 6 The Main Turbine will fail to trip when the Reactor Trips, the BO Turbine. P will manually trip the Main EVENT 7 While performing E-0 all AFW pumps become unavailable resu Heat Sink, the crew will transition lting in a severe degradation of to FR-H. 1. Both Charging Pump suction of all Charging Pumps. The crew will strainers clog resulting in a loss turn off RCPs and transition to FR-H.1 feed to establish once through coo step 17 to initiate bleed and ling. EVENT 8 Both Charging Pump suc tion strainers clog resulting in a loss will turn off RCPs and transition to of all Charging Pumps. The crew FR-H.1 step 17 to initiate bleed and feed cooling. to establish once through EOP flow: E-0, FR-H.1 The scenario terminates as directed by the Lead Examiner upon establishing RC S bleed and Feed.

1211-302 SCN 2 Booth Instructions BOOTH OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Sim. Setup

1. Reset IC-14 76% power BOL time in core life
2. Perform switch check.
3. Verify control rod step counters reset.
4. Place simulator in RUN.
5. Place Mode 1 placard on panels.
6. Place B Train Week sign on the simulator.
7. Allow the simulator to run for at least 3 minutes before loading SCEN file or starting the exercise. This will initialize ICS.
8. Load SCENS: S-1211 NRC SCN 2
9. Acknowledge any alarms, allow the plant to stabilize, and freeze the simulator.
10. Place 1-HS-57-73A (DIG Bkr) in the PTL.
11. Place 0-HS-82-48 (Mode sel switch) in the PULL FOR LOCAL position.
12. Place OOS tags on
  • Breaker 1914, lB-B EDG to SD Bd lA-A
13. Place GO-16 tags on
  • CCP lA-A
  • Pzr heater lA-A
  • Pzr heater 1 D
  • SI Pump lA-A
  • RHR Pump IA-A
  • EGTS Train A-A
  • Cntmt Spray Pump lA-A
  • Motor Driven AFW Pump IA-A
  • Unit 1 TDAFWP
  • ERCW Pump J-A OR Q-A (circle one)
  • ERCW Pump K-A OR R-A (circle one)
  • Diesel Generator lA-A
15. Place turnover sheets on the operators desks.
16. Place an in-progress copy of GO-5 Section 5.1 on the operators desks.
17. Place simulator in RUN before crew enters the simulator.

Page 1 of 4

1211-302 SCN 2 Booth Instructions EVENT 1 ICIMF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK This override is (ME EGO3B f:1 active when the These MFs, RFs, and ORs simulate lB-B DIG IRE EGR12 f:1 being mop for maintenance and tripped to SCN file is loaded. IMF EGCOHS5773A f:3 local. (OR ZLOHS5773A M26 GREEN f:O Place 1-HS-57-73A (DIG Bkr) in the PTL (OR ZL0HS5773_GREEN F:O position and PLACE H.O. ON HAND SWITCH. (ME AN CV 959 f2 Place O-HS-82-48 (Mode sel switch) in the IMF AN_OV936 f:2 PULL FOR LOCAL position. (ME AN_OV_938 f:2 IMF AN_CV_943 f:2 (ME AN_OV_945 f:2 IMF AN_CV_946 f:2 (ME AN_0V950 f:2 IMF AN_OV_952 f:2 IMF AN_OV_953 f:2 This malfunction is IMF RP16K616A f:1 active when the MSIVs 1-4 and 1-11 fail to AUTO CLOSE IMF RP16K6I6B f:1 SCN file is loaded This malfunction is (ME FWO7C f:1 e:1 active when the The TD AFW pump trips due to overspeed. SCN file is loaded This malfunction is (ME FW22A f:1 d:60 e:1 active when the lA-A MD AFW pump becomes airbound. SCN file is loaded This malfunction is IMF CV22A f:100 r:180 e:1 Charging Pumps suction become clogged. active when the (ME CV22B f:100 r:180 e:1 SCN file is loaded This malfunction is IMF TCI IALL f:1 Main Turbine Auto trip failure. active when the IMF TC12ALL f:l SCN file is loaded This malfunction is (ME EDO6D f:1 d:120 e:l Loss of B 6.9 kv SD Board. active when the SCN file is loaded After Crew IMF RXO6A f:1 k:2 CONTROLLING PZR LEVEL TRANSMITTER completes FAILS LOW CHNL LT 68-339 Reactivity brief, use KEY 2 to When contacted, inform the crew that the insert malfunction. l&C will report to the MCR in 45 minutes. If Dispatched to Aux Control Room, inform crew that pressurizer level indicator reading correctly. Page 2 of 4

1211-302 SCN 2 Booth Instructions When directed by IMF RXO2D1 f:630 r:120 k:3 RC Loop #4 T-cold Fails High the Lead Examiner, use Support staff: When MSS is contacted to trip KEY 3 to insert bistables, inform the crew that l&C will report malfunction. to the MCR in 25 minutes. When directed by IMF CNO9 f:O.07 k:4 Loss of Condenser Vacuum- Leak the Lead [pre-insert] Examiner, while 1 B Condenser Vacuum Pump fails to start IMF CN 11 B f:1 automatically; evua,g Tech MMF CNO9 f:O when the power Support staff: Specs use KEY 4 reduction is started. When personnel are dispatched, wait 5 to insert minutes and report that the vacuum breaker malfunction. flange is leaking. If requested, report the 1 B Condenser Vacuum Pump is running; post start-up checks are as expected; and MT gland sealing steam regulator is closed by local observation.; If requested, respond when sent to look for vacuum leaks. If requested call the CR as WCC after the main turbine load reduction has started, report a small leak was found on a vacuum breaker flange, Mech Maint has made a temporary repair and it appears to be holding. When directed by IMF FW23D f:100 r:60 k:6 FW Line Break inside Containment. the Lead Examiner, use KEY 6 to insert malfunction. Page 3 of 4

1211-302 SCN 2 Booth Instructions Triggered from IMF EDO6D f:1 d:120 e:1 Loss of B 6.9 kv SD Board. reactor trip (e: 1) Support staff: If contacted respond as the Transmission Operator, report there is a major grid disturbance and there is no estimated time for restoration. Triggered from IMF CV22A f:100 r:180 e:1 Both Charging Pumps suction become reactor trip (e:1) IMF CV22B f:100 r:180 e:1 clogged. Support staff: If directed wait 5 minutes and respond, no problem found. Triggered from IMF FW22A f:1 d:60 e:1 lA-A MD AFW pump becomes airbound. reactor trip (e:1) Support staff: If directed respond as an AUO, wait 15 minutes then report there restoring the pump is not successful. Triggered from IMF FWO7C f:1 e:1 The TD AFW pump trips due to overspeed. reactor trip (e: 1) Support staff: WHEN personnel are dispatched, wait 7 mm THEN inform the crew that the overspeed trip has actuated and cannot be reset. Page 4 of 4

Time: Now Date: Today Unit I MCR Checkhst (751-6338 ID 950848) Then Press 2 Part I - Completed by 0ff-going Shift! Reviewed b On-coming Shift Mode 1, PSA Risk: 76% Power NRC phone Authentication Code Green Grid Risk: Green RCS Leakage ID .l4gpm, UNID.O5gpm Until 0800 AI2B After 0800 C34D Common Tech Spec Actions LCOITRM Equipment INOP Time INOP Owner NONE ti-i Tech Spec Actions LCOITRM Eauiment INOP Time INOP Owner RTS I B-B EDG out of service for maintenance. LCO Action B entered 2 hours ago, return to service in 4 hours. Exo Sensor Plasma Display Unit Xl-94-102 OOS due to an internal failure. LCO action Ia entered 4 days ago, return to service in 6 days. Protected Equipment A Train ShiftPriorities Raise power from 76% to 100%. Part 2 Completed by on-coming shift pnor to assuming duties Review current TS/TRM/ODCM/FPR Current Qualification Status Required Actions Review the current controlling Reactivity Walkdown MCR Control Boards with off-going Management Plans Operator SR/PER reviews complete for previous Review Narrative Logs shift (SM/US/STA) (previous day and carry-over items) Relief Time:_____________________ Relief Date:_______________________ Part 3 Completed by on-corning shIft, These items may be reviewed after assuming duties LI Review Operator Workarounds, Burdens, LI Review applicable ODMI actions and Challenges (applicable Unit/Station) (first shift of shift week) LI Review changes in Standing/Shift orders LI Review changes to TACFs issued since last shift worked) (since last shift worked) LI Review Control Room Deficiencies LI Review Component Deviation Log (first shift of shift week) (Active Procedures)

Time: Now Date: Today Abnormal Equipment Lineup/Conditions: MAIN CONTROL ROOM (7690) (593-5409) AUXILIARY BUILDING (7775) (593-2469) All equipment operating or operable. TURBINE BUILDING 7771 All equipment operating or operable. I B-B EDG out of service I

Time: Now Date: Today Required Additional Monitoring and Contingencies (Updated and Maintained by SM) Issue Required Action Expiration Date ODMI TACF Description TACF .

UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF Date: Today Time: Now [ General Informatio n RCS Boron: 1070 ppm To day BA Controller Setpoint: 27% RCS B-iC Depletion: 40 Operable BAT: A BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm BAT C Boron: 6850 RWST Boron: 2601 ppm Nominal Gallons per rod ste ppm p from 219: 7 gallons of ppm Verify boric acid flow controller acid, 42 gallons of water is set at Adjusted BA Controll er Setting jaw O-SO-62-7 sectio n 5.1 L Estimated values for a 10 Change in Tave ** Gallons of acid: 32 Gallons of water: 227 Rod Steps: 5 Estimated (Assuming Xenon equilibrium rodslboron for emergency step power reduc and no reactivity effects due tio ** to Xenon. 2/3 total reactivity from n rods, 1/3 from boron) Po wer reduction amou nt Estimated Final Rod Estimated boron ad Position dition 10% 198 Steps on bank D 30% 107 gallons 175 Steps on bank D 50% 312 gallons 156 Steps on bank D 506 gallons These values are approxim ations and not intended nor superceded by Rx Engineer expected to be exact. The ing or SO-62-7 calculated values may be 100% steady state power values. These values are cal operation only. Engineering culated assuming one week from now. data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until Number of dilutions: N/A Number of borations: 0 Gallons per dilution: N/A Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per boration: 0 Total amount diluted: N/A Rod steps out: 0 { Total amount borated: 0 Net change: 0 IN/Out Current Shift Estimated Reactivity Manipudtions _Number_of dilutions: 3 Number of borations: 0 Gallons per dilution: 40 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per boration: 0 Total expected dilution: 120 Rod steps out: 0 Total expected boration: 0 Net change: 0 In/Out Remarks: Power ascension in progress. Unit Supervisor: Name/Date

Operations Chemistry Information

Boron Results Sample Point Units Boron Date I Time Goal Limit Ui RCS ppm 1070 Today I Now Variable Variable U2 RCS ppm 816 Today / Now Variable Variable Ui RWST ppm 2601 Today I Now 2550 2650
                                                                                       -          2500 2700 U2 RWST                  ppm         2569         Today / Now         2550 2650
                                                                                       -          2500 2700 BAT A                  ppm         6850         Today / Now           Variable           Variable BAT B                  ppm         6850         Today / Now           Variable           Variable BAT C                  ppm         6850         Today / Now           Variable           Variable Ui CLA #1                  ppm         2556         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 Ui CLA #2                  ppm         2575         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 Ui CLA #3                  ppm         2591         Today I Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 Ui CLA #4                  ppm         2589         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #1                  ppm         2531         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #2                  ppm         2650         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #3                  ppm         2522         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #4                  ppm         2526         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool               ppm         2547         Today I Now               2050               2000 Lithium Results                                       Goal            Midpoint Ui RCS                  ppm           11         Today/Now                  >1                >1 U2 RCS                  ppm          2.43        Today / Now           2.18-2.48             2.33 Pnmary to Secondary Leakrate Information (Total CPM RM-90-991i19)

Indicator Units UI Date I Time U2 DatelTime SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today I Now No Today / Now SI 137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today / Now < 0.1 Today / Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1 15 Today / Now 68 Today / Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 490 Today / Now 83 Today / Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 790 Today / Now 206 Today / Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1165 Today / Now 455 Today / Now 100 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1540 Today / Now 662 Today I Now 150 gpd leak equivalent cpm 2290 Today / Now 870 Today / Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today / Now 12.5 Today / Now Bkgd on 99/1 19 cpm 40 Today / Now 40 Today / Now Correction Factor 99/119 cpm/gpd 15 Today / Now Today / Now Steady state conditions are necessary for an accurate determination of leak rate using the CVE Rad Monitor

Page 1 1211 SCN 2 Rx Spdsht.xls DELTA REACTOF POWER ASSUMEDINSERTEDEXPECTE[DELTA RHC BORON DELTA ECOMMEN RECOMME IODINE DATE/TIME TIME POWER DEFECT ROD HT WORTH XENON BORON CONC PPM DILUTION BORATIOr CONC (hrs) (%) (pcm) (steps) (pcm) (pcm) (pcm) (ppm) (ppm) (gal) (gal) (% eq) 0 76.0 1331.7 185.0 -226.4 -2602.0 --- 1070.0 --- 99.4 12/5/12 8:00 1 79.0 1382.0 190.0 -190.6 -2699.1 111.6 1052.3 -17.7 1000 0 97.2 12/5/12 9:00 2 81.0 1422.4 193.0 -169.0 -2756.0 75.7 1040.3 -12.0 742 0 95.6 12/5/12 10:00 3 83.0 1461.0 196.0 -148.0 -2784.6 46.2 1033.0 -7.3 456 0 94.2 12/5/12 11:00 4 85.0 1498.0 199.0 -128.3 -2792.3 25.0 1029.1 -4.0 248 0 93.2 12/5/12 12:00 5 87.0 1534.5 200.0 -121.0 -2785.2 22.0 1025.6 -3.5 219 0 92.5 12/5/12 13:00 6 89.0 1570.9 203.0 -102.0 -2768.0 0.2 1025.6 0.0 2 0 92.1 12/5/12 14:00 7 91.0 1606.0 206.0 -83.9 -2744.4 -6.6 1026.6 1.0 0 11 91.9 12/5/12 15:00 8 93.0 1640.8 209.0 -66.4 -2717.2 -9.9 1028.2 1.6 0 17 91.9 12/5/12 16:00 9 95.0 1675.3 212.0 -49.3 -2688.6 -11.2 1029.9 1.8 0 19 92.1 12/5/12 17:00 10 97.0 1710.4 215.0 -35.0 -2660.2 -7.7 1031.2 1.2 0 13 92.5 12/5/12 18:00 11 99.0 1745.7 216.0 -30.0 -2633.0 3.2 1030.6 -0.5 31 0 93.0 12/5/12 19:00 12 100.0 1763.9 216.0 -29.9 -2609.6 -5.3 1031.5 0.8 0 9 93.7 12/5/12 20:00 13 100.0 1763.5 216.0 -29.9 -2593.4 -16.6 1034.1 2.6 0 29 94.3 12/5/12 21:00 14 100.0 1762.2 216.0 -29.9 -2584.3 -10.4 1035.8 1.7 0 18 94.8 12/5/12 22:00 15 100.0 1761.4 216.0 -29.9 -2580.3 -4.8 1036.5 0.8 0 8 95.4 12/5/12 23:00 16 100.0 1761.0 216.0 -29.9 -2579.9 -0.7 1036.6 0.1 0 1 95.8 12/6/12 0:00 17 100.0 1760.9 216.0 -29.9 -2582.1 2.1 1036.3 -0.3 21 0 96.2 12/6/12 1:00 18 100.0 1761.1 216.0 -29.9 -2586.1 4.1 1035.7 -0.6 40 0 96.6 12/6/12 2:00 19 100.0 1761.4 216.0 -29.9 -2591.1 5.4 1034.8 -0.8 53 0 96.9 12/6/12 3:00 20 100.0 1761.8 216.0 -29.9 -2596.8 6.1 1033.8 -1.0 60 0 97.2 12/6/12 4:00 21 100.0 1762.3 216.0 -29.9 -2602.9 6.5 1032.8 -1.0 64 0 97.5 12/6/12 5:00 22 100.0 1762.8 216.0 -29.9 -2609.0 6.6 1031.8 -1.1 66 0 97.7 12/6/12 6:00 23 100.0 1763.4 216.0 -29.9 -2615.1 6.6 1030.7 -1.0 65 0 98.0 12/6/12 7:00 24 100.0 1763.9 216.0 -29.9 -2620.9 6.4 1029.7 -1.0 63 0 98.2 12/6/12 8:00 25 100.0 1764.4 216.0 -29.9 -2626.6 6.1 1028.7 -1.0 61 0 98.3 12/6/12 9:00 26 100.0 1764.8 216.0 -29.9 -2631.9 5.8 1027.8 -0.9 57 0 98.5 12/6/12 10:00 27 100.0 1765.3 216.0 -29.9 -2636.8 5.4 1027.0 -0.9 54 0 98.7 12/6/12 11:00 28 100.0 1765.7 216.0 -29.9 -2641.5 5.1 1026.2 -0.8 50 0 98.8 12/6/12 12:00 29 100.0 1766.1 216.0 -29.9 -2645.8 4.7 1025.4 -0.7 47 0 98.9 12/6/12 13:00 30 100.0 1766.5 216.0 -29.9 -2649.7 4.3 1024.7 -0.7 43 0 99.0 12/6/12 14:00

Page 2 1211 SCN 2 Rx Spdsht.xls 31 100.0 1766.8 216.0 -29.9 -2653.4 4.0 1024.1 -0.6 40 0 99.1 12/6/12 15:00 32 100.0 1767.1 216.0 -29.9 -2656.7 3.6 1023.5 -0.6 36 0 99.2 12/6/12 16:00 33 100.0 1767.4 216.0 -29.9 -2659.7 3.3 1023.0 -0.5 33 0 99.3 12/6/12 17:00 34 100.0 1767.7 216.0 -29.9 -2662.5 3.0 1022.5 -0.5 30 0 99.3 12/6/12 18:00 35 100.0 1767.9 216.0 -29.9 -2665.0 2.8 1022.1 -0.4 28 0 99.4 12/6/12 19:00 36 100.0 1768.1 216.0 -29.9 -2667.3 2.5 1021.7 -0.4 25 0 99.5 12/6/12 20:00 37 100.0 1768.3 216.0 -29.9 -2669.4 2.3 1021.3 -0.4 23 0 99.5 12/6/12 21:00 38 100.0 1768.5 216.0 -29.9 -2671.3 2.1 1021.0 -0.3 21 0 99.6 12/6/12 22:00 39 100.0 1768.7 216.0 -29.9 -2673.0 1.9 1020.7 -0.3 19 0 99.6 12/6/12 23:00 40 100.0 1768.8 216.0 -29.9 -2674.6 1.7 1020.4 -0.3 17 0 99.7 12/7/12 0:00 41 100.0 1769.0 216.0 -29.9 -2676.0 1.5 1020.2 -0.2 15 0 99.7 12/7/12 1:00 42 100.0 1769.1 216.0 -29.9 -2677.2 1.4 1020.0 -0.2 14 0 99.7 12/7/12 2:00 43 100.0 1769.2 216.0 -29.9 -2678.4 1.3 1019.8 -0.2 13 0 99.7 12/7/12 3:00 44 100.0 1769.3 216.0 -29.9 -2679.4 1.1 1019.6 -0.2 11 0 99.8 12/7/124:00 45 100.0 1769.4 216.0 -29.9 -2680.4 1.0 1019.4 -0.2 10 0 99.8 12/7/12 5:00 46 100.0 1769.5 216.0 -29.9 -2681.2 0.9 1019.3 -0.1 9 0 99.8 12/7/12 6:00 47 100.0 1769.5 216.0 -29.9 -2682.0 0.8 1019.2 -0.1 8 0 99.8 12/7/12 7:00 48 100.0 1769.6 216.0 -29.9 -2682.7 0.8 1019.0 -0.1 8 0 99.8 12/7/12 8:00 49 100.0 1769.7 216.0 -29.9 -2683.3 0.7 1018.9 -0.1 7 0 99.9 12/7112 9:00 50 100.0 1769.7 216.0 -29.9 -2683.8 0.6 1018.8 -0.1 6 0 99.9 12/7/12 10:00 51 100.0 1769.8 216.0 -29.9 -2684.3 0.6 1018.7 -0.1 6 0 99.9 12/7/12 11:00 52 100.0 1769.8 216.0 -29.9 -2684.8 0.5 1018.7 -0.1 5 0 99.9 12/7/12 12:00 53 100.0 1769.8 216.0 -29.9 -2685.2 0.5 1018.6 -0.1 5 0 99.9 12/7/12 13:00 54 100.0 1769.9 216.0 -29.9 -2685.6 0.4 1018.5 -0.1 4 0 99.9 12/7/12 14:00 55 100.0 1769.9 216.0 -29.9 -2685.9 0.4 1018.5 -0.1 4 0 99.9 12/7/12 15:00 56 100.0 1769.9 216.0 -29.9 -2686.2 0.3 1018.4 -0.1 3 0 99.9 12/7/12 16:00 57 100.0 1770.0 216.0 -29.9 -2686.5 0.3 1018.4 0.0 3 0 99.9 12/7/12 17:00 58 100.0 1770.0 216.0 -29.9 -2686.7 0.3 1018.3 0.0 3 0 99.9 12/7/12 18:00 59 100.0 1770.0 216.0 -29.9 -2687.0 0.2 1018.3 0.0 2 0 100.0 12/7/12 19:00 60 100.0 1770.0 216.0 -29.9 -2687.2 0.2 1018.3 0.0 2 0 100.0 12/7/12 20:00 61 100.0 1770.0 216.0 -29.9 -2687.3 0.2 1018.2 0.0 2 0 100.0 12/7/12 21:00 62 100.0 1770.1 216.0 -29.9 -2687.5 0.2 1018.2 0.0 2 0 100.0 12/7/12 22:00 63 100.0 1770.1 216.0 -29.9 -2687.7 0.2 1018.2 0.0 2 0 100.0 12/7/12 23:00 64 100.0 1770.1 216.0 -29.9 -2687.8 0.1 1018.1 0.0 1 0 100.0 12/8/12 0:00

I C.- i -, ( A) 1 SQN NORMAL POWER OPERATION Unit I & 2 0-GO-S

  • Rev. 0079 Page44ofiO4 STARTUP No. XX Unit I Date 5.1 Power Ascension From 30% to 100%

(continued) [49.4] IF any of the above steps are checked NO, THEN PERFORM O-SI-OPS-092-078.0. CAJftNS LCV-6-105A andlor 105B may be thro ttling pressure being higher than #3 HDT pum open due to condensate system p discharge pressure. 5 Turbine runback will occur if

                                         #3 HDT pump flow to the condensate sys t below 5500 gpm (for greate                                                             tem drops r than 10 seconds), condensate bypass LCV-6-105A or 105B opens, and turb                                               valv e ine load is above 81% (Unit 1) or 82%

(Unit 2). PRIOR to raising turbine load above 77% ENSURE the following: [50.1] LCV-6-1OSA and -106B are controfling pro perly. [50.2] LCV-6-105A and -1058 are CLOSED. NOTES

1) Ramp load rate rises shall be within the ilm its of TI-40
2) Intermediate Power Threshold ramp rate targ et value of 2% / hr may apply.

[51] RECORD power ascension ramp rate from TI-

1) Operation above 75% Load with only two Hotwel Pum l ps In service requires further evaluation.
2) Steps 5.1(52] through 5.1f55] may be performed out of sequence.

[52] CONTINUE the power ascension to 90% reactor power. D

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 1 of 35 Event


Power Ascension Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: No actions required for Event I Examiner Note: The following Steps are from 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.2, Dilute CAUTION I When making an RCS dilution of > 3000 gallons. it should be done in batches with an RCS boron concentration verification at the halfway point (e.g., 1500 gallons). Allow at least 15 minutes between batches, [C.53 [CJI CAUTION 2 Returning the Boric Acid Blender to service after unplugging, cleaning, or maintenance on the Boric Acid System could introduce debris, sludge. air or chunks of solidified boron into the CCP suction resulting in pump damage. Extreme care must be exercised to properly flush the Boric Acid Blender system following an outage. [C.2) NOTE I If an excessive amount of dilution is required (plant startup), the pressurizer heaters should be energized to cause pressurizer spray operation for equalizing boron concentration in RCS and pressurizer. NOTE 2 Dilute mode will be used anytime a longterm positive reactivity addition is desired. The operator should use the normal dilute mode whenever conditions permit. Examiner Note: Dilutions will be performed based on the Reactor Engineering provided Reactivity Spreadsheet SRO [1) ENSURE unit is NOT in a Tech Spec or IRM action that prohibits positive reactivity addition& [Cl] NOTE HUT level rise of 1% is equal to 1380 gallons (11-28 Figure 34). f2] ENSURE sufficient capacity available in the HUT selected to receive expected amounts of GVS letdown: (NIA if not used) ATC HUT LEVEL INITIALS A B  % ATC f33 ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 51.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 2 of 35 Event


Power Ascension Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior [43 RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix D (N!A for minor ATC power changes) gals NOTE Due to eyeball interpolation the verified calculation may slightly differ from the initial calculation. The following signoff indicates that any differences in the two results have been discussed and are close enough to be considered validated. 53 PERFORM Appendix I Independent Verification of Galculation for Amount of Boric Acid or Primary Water. SRO (N/A if App. D WaS performed by SRO to verify data from Rx Engineering) ATC [6] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Sv*.itch to the STOP position. A-rf [7] PLACE tHS-62-140B], C\/CS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position. [8] ENSURE [HS-62-140D]. Boric Acid \alve to the Blender is ATC CLOSED (Green light is LIT). ATC [9j SET [FQ-62-142]. Batch Integrator for the desired quantity. NOTE Primary Water Flo.v Controller [FC-62-1 421 receives its reference signal (70 gpm) from setpoint potentiometer (dial indicator) located on panel M-6. A setpoint of 35% corresponds to a 70 gpm primary .vater flo*.I rate. tic) ADJUST [FC-62-1421. Primary Makeup Water Flo*.. ATC Controller for the desired flow rate.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 3 of 35 Event


Power Ascension Time LPosition - Applicants Actions or Behavior . -. [11] PLACE [HS-62-140A]. Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flo ATC Control S*.vitch to the START position. NOTE Flow oscillations and/or erratic controller response may require manual operation of Primary Water Flow Controller [FC-62-1421 until stable conditions exist. [121 VERIFY the following: ATC Ia] Inlet to top of VCT [FCV-62-128] is OPEN. b] Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A1 OR [FQ-62-1 421. NOTE Alternate dilution in small amounts is acceptable on a regular basis, provided no significant changes in seal .ater temperature or seal leakoff are indicated. Batches of 5 to 10 gallons nay be added through FCV-62-144 on a frequency not to exceed once per 30 minutes, lOS points for No. 1 seal leakoffs and seal water temperatures on the RCPs should be monitored during and after dilution. [13] IF primary .ater addition to the bottom of the \CT IFCV-62-144] is desired, THEN as N/A NOTE It may take approximately 15 minutes before any changes to reactivity are indicated on nuclear instrumentation or RCS temperature indication. ATC [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution. ATC [15] IF tLL-62-12t Volume Control Tank Level, rises to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE [LCv-62-118], Volume Control Tank Divert \/aive OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Event


Power Ascension Scenario # 2 Event# 1 Page 4 of - 35j L Tirne_ Position

                                                      -  Applicants Actions or Behavior             -

[16] WHEN dilution s complete, THEN [a] PLACE [HS-62-14OA. Boric Acid to Blen der Flow Control S*.vitch to the STOP position. ATC [b] IF IFCV-62-1441 was previously OPENED, THE N CLOSE [FCV-62-1441 with fHS-62-144]. [C] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [Fl-62-142A1 OR [FQ-62-1 421. [d) ENSURE [FCV-62-128] is CLOSED. Lead Examiner may cue the next event when power has been sufficiently raised

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 Page 5 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 2 Pressurizer Level LT 68-339 fails low Indications/Alarms Annunciator: 1-M-5



    . I-LI-68-339 RCS PZR LEVEL indicates 0 level Significant Resultant Alarms/Indications:


  • I-FI-62-82, LETDOWN HX OUTLET FLOW indicates 0 flow O-M-27

[1] CHECK pressurizer level (1-Ll-68-339A, 3354, 320) [2] IFlevelishigh, ThEN ENSURE backup heaters ON. [3] ENSURE level control system is attempting to return level to program with letdown and da-ging [43 IF level channel falled TI-lEN GO TO AOP-l.04, P suzer Instrument Malfunction. BOP Responds to ARP 1-AR-M5A C-3. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. Transitions to AOP 1.04, PRESSURIZER INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL SRO MALFUNCTIONS

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 Page 6 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior DIAGNOSE the failure: IF... GOTO SECTION PAGE Pressunzer Level Instrument Malfunction 2.4 20 2.4 Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction CAUTION Chemistry sampling of PZR Liquid Space may result in additional bistables actuating due to impact on I-LT-68-320 or 2-LT-68-335. NOTE Appendix M shows layout of PZR level control for operator reference. 1 CHECK Ll-68-339 NORMAL. PERFORM the following: a ENSURE LEVEL CONTROL CHANNEL SELECTOR switch XS-68-339E in LT-68-335 & 320. ATC P. ENSURE LEVEL REC CHANNEL SELECTOR switch XS-68-339B in LT-68-320 or LT-68-335. C. GOTOStep4. Places LEVEL CONTROL CHANNEL SELECTOR switch XS-68-339E in LT AT 335 & 320.

4. CHECK letdown IN SERVICE PERFORM the following
a. EVALUATE manual control of charging flow USING ihe following
                                                                            . HIC-62-93A. Charging Flow Control ATC                                                       . HIC62-89A. Charging Seal Water Flow Control.
b. RESTORE letdown USiNG EA-62-5.

Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown May place HIC-62-93A, Charging Flow Control in MANUAL to control charging ATC flow May adjust HIC-62-89A, Charging Seal Water Flow Controller to maintain seal AT injection flow alarms clear. Examiner note: The following are from EA-62-5. EA-62-5 ESTABLISHING NORMAL CHARGING AND LETDOWN actions

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event# 2 Page 7 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

2. IF normal letdown flow is to be established, THEN ATC GO TO Section 4.3.

4.3 Establishing Normal Letdown Flow NOTE EA-62-3. Establishing Excess Letdown, may be utilized if Normal Letdown cannot be :estabiish

1. IF charging flow NOT established.

ATC THEN PERFORM Section 4.2. ATC 2. VERIFY pressurIzer level greater than 17%.

3. ENSURE letdown orilice isolation valves CLOSED:


  • ATC Places HS-62-70A to OPEN.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 Page 8 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE Placing cooling water on the Letdown Heat Exchanger prior to restoring letdown flow should prevent TIS 62-79B/A from actuating and fully opening TCV-70-192. 5 PLACE HC-62-78] fl MANUAL, AND ATC OPENIcy-7-iJto-- 50%. Places HIC-62-78 LD HX Outlet Temp to MANUAL, and lowers output to open ATC TcV-70-192 to 50%.

6. PLACE letdown pressure controller [PCV-62-81] in MANUAL and ADJUST output between 40°c and 5000: (50°60 open)

Places letdown pressure controller PV-62-81 to MANUAL and lowers output ATC between 40 and 50%, (50%-60% open).

7. ADJUST chargno flow as necessary to prevent flashing in trie ATC letdown Ine.
8. OPEN Ietdon orit:ce .soiaton valves as needed ATC OWN OFICE ISOLAON VALVES L

FOV-62-7:3 ATC Places HS-62-73 (or 74) Letdown Orifice B (or C) Isol 75 gpm to OPEN. NOTE Normal letdown pressure is 325 psig at normal operating Iernprature

9. ADJUST letdown pressure conlroller E_V-62-?i1 output to obtaEn desired pressure.

Adjusts letdown pressure controller HIC-62-81 output to obtain desired ATC pressure.

10. ADJUST letdown pressure controller [PC V.62-81] setpoint to match existinq pressure Adjusts letdown pressure controller HIC 81 setpoint to match existing ATC pressure.

I I PLACE letdown pressure controller [PcV-62-81] n AUTO ATC - Places letdown pressure controller HIC 81 in AUTO.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 Page 9 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE Normal letdown temperature is i0QF. ATC 12. ADJUST lc42-78Aj to obtain desired Ie:down temperature. as indicated on ATC Adjusts HIC-62-78A Letdown Controller to obtain desired letdown temperature. as indicated on Tl-62-78. ATC 13 PLACE [Hlc-62-78A1 in AUTO ATC Places Letdown Controller HIC-62-78A in AUTO. NOTE Letdown tempera ure may swing due tU repeated actuation of TIS-62-79BA. WhICh causes letdown temperature control valve TCV-70-192 to fulis open.

14. IF necessary o StabiliZe letdown temperature.

THEN PERFORM the following: a.. PLACE [HIC-62-78A] in MANUAL and ADJUST controller output ATC in OPEN direCtion. lx WHEN letdown heat exchanger outlet temperature is stabilized at approximately 100°F, THEN PLACE [HIC-62-78A1 in AUTO. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. Examiner Note: Letdown temperature may swing due to repeated actuation of TIS-62-79B/A, which causes letdown temperature control valve TCV-70-192 to fully open. Examiner note: AOP-l.04 actions recommence here.

5. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs br applicability:


  • 3.31.1 (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
                                          . 3.3.31 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 Page 10 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior UMNG CONDITION FOR OPERATION 33.11 As a minimum, ihe reacior top ay5terri insirumentalion dhannels and inteiiocks of Table 3.3-i haII be OPERABLE. APPLiCABILITY: As hov ri Table 3.3-I ACTTON Ashown nTbIe 3.3-I. TOTAL NO. MINIMUM OF CHANNELS CHANNELS APPLICABLE FUNCTIONAL UNIT CHANNELS TO TRIP OPERABLE MODES ACTION II. Pressunzer Water Level. 3 High 12 8 ACTION 6- bih tha number Of OPERABLE channels one lesa than the Total Number

CneIs STARTUP andior POWER OPERATION of may proceed prvued the followIng cvndtoons are sabefied:
a. The inoperable channel is placed in the topped cond*ion wfthin 8 haur.

3.3.17 The accident monitchng inatnirnentaton channels shown In Table 13-iD shall be OPERABLE. APPLiCABIlITY: MODES 1.2 and 3. ACTIOft As shown in Table 3.3-ID TOTAL NO. MINIMUM INSTRUMENT OF CHANNELS CHANNELS ACTION REQUIRED

7. Pressurfzer Level (WIde Rangel 2 (Insument Loops 8S-32O.-335.-33l ACTION 2- NOTE: Also refer to the applIcable act.on requirements from Tables 3.3-i since it may contain more restrwIive actions.
a. With the number of channels one less than the minimum channels requIie, restore the inoperbIe channel to OPERABLE status within 31) days or be in at least HOT STANDBY wIthin the next 8 hours and in HOT SHUTDOWN withIn the next8 hours.
6. ENSURE pressurizer heaters restored ATC to service ATC Places HS-68-341 F to ON CAUTION RCS pressure changes and changes in RCS boron concentration (due to differences between pzr and RCS boron) may impact core reactivity.

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 2 Page 11 of 35 Event


Pressurizer Level Channel LT 68-339 fails low Applicants Actions or Behavior

7. MONITOR reactor power:
a. CHECK reactor in Mode I or 2.


b. MONITOR core thermal power for unexpected changes.

NOTE: If performing AOP in conjunction with AOP-l.11 for an Eagle LCP failure, then actions to hard trip bistables should be delayed until Eagle system reset is attempted. Actions to hard trip bistabl es must be completed within 6 hours UNLESS affected loop is restored to operable status by resetting Eagle rack. NOTIFY 1&C to remove failed pressurizer level channel from service USING appropriate Appendix: LT-68-339 Appendix I Lead Examiner may cue the next event when Letdown is restored and Technical Specif ications are addressed.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event# 3 Page 12 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 3, Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument Fails High Indications available: Annunciators: M-5

    . 5A E-7 NARROW RANGE RTD FAILURE LOOP 4 Indications:
    . Control Rods inserting.
    . RCS Loop 4 Indicator, 1-Tl-68-67E goes up;
    . 1-XX-55-5, Reactor Trip Status Panel PROT. SET 4 TROUBLE Status light TS48-2MIN RC LOOPS T AVG IAUCT T AVG DEVN HIGH-LOW 11] CHECK 1 -XX-55-5, Thp status panel for any bistábles that nay be lit. AND EVALuATE Reactor Trip criteria with SRO       comparison with redundant instrumentation.

j2j IF reactor trips, THEN GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or &rfefr !njedion 3J IF Tavg channel failed. THEN GO TO AOP-L02, RCS LOOP RID INSTRUMENT MALFUNCTION. (41 iF rod control system is malfunctioning, THEN GO TO AOP-C01

  • Rod Control System Malfunction&

ATC Responds to ARP 1 -AR-M-5A A-6. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 3 Page 13 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

1. DIAGNOSE the failure:

GOTO IF... SECTiON PAGE Uncontrolled rod bank movement (rod movement NOT due to actual T-avg/T-ret mismatch 2 1 4 or change in reactor!turbine power) NOTE: Step 1 is an immediate action step.

1. STOP uncontrolled rod motion:

a PLACE rod control in MAN ATC

b. CHECK rod motion STOPPED.

ATC Places HS-85-5110 ROD CONTROL MODE SELECTOR in MANUAL if not already done. CAUTION: Control Rods should NOT be manually withdrawn during a plant transient.

2. CHECK for plant transient:

ATC a. CHECK reactor power and T-avg STABLE

3. CHECK for instrumentation malfunction:
a. CHECK all Vital Instrument Power Boards ENERGIZED:
                                           . VITAL POWER BOARD UV OR BREAKER TRIP alarms [M-IC windows A-7, 5-7. 0-7, and 0-1 DARK ATC
b. CHECK nuclear instrumentation OPERABLE.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 3 Page 14 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior c CHECK RCS RTDs OPERABLE. C. GO TO AOP-L02, RCS Loop RTD ATC instniment Matfunc&n. CAUTION: control rods should NOT be manually withdrawn during a plant transient. NOTE: Tavg must be within 1°F of Tret when restoring automatic rod connol. SRO Transitions to AOP-I.02 RCS LOOP RTD INSTRUMENT MALFUNCTION ATC 1. PLACE rod control in MANUAL. Places HS-85-51 10 ROD CONTROL MODE SELECTOR in MANUAL. if not ATC already done.

2. RESTORE Tavg as necessary USING one of the following.
  • manual rod control ATC OR
                                       . RCS borationidilution OR
                                       . turbine load reduction ATC         Places HS-85-51 1 1 Rod Control to OUT as directed by the SRO to restore RCS temperature within 1.5 deg F of TREF.
3. CHECK loop 1 temperature channel ATC OPERABLE.

ATC 4. CHECK loop 2 temperature channel OPERABLE.

5. CHECK loopS temperature channel ATC OPERABLE.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event# 3 Page 15 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

6. CHECK loop 4 temperature channel PERFORM the following:


b. PULL-TO-DEFEAT T CHANNEL DEFEAT switch XS-68-2D to LOOP 4 c PLACE LOOP TAVG T RE/SEL switch XS-68-2B in LOOP 1 2. or 3 Places switch XS-68-2M in LOOP 4 and PULL-TO-DEFEAT TAVG CHANNEL DEFEAT ATC Places switch XS-68-2D to LOOP 4 and PULL-TO-DEFEAT tT CHANNEL DEFEAT
7. EVALUATE the foflowing Tech Specs for applicability.
                                       .  (3.3.1), ReactorTrlp System SRO                    Instrumentation
                                       . (3.3.2). EngIneered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 2 Event# 3 Page 16 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior LIMITING CONITfl1C4 FOR OPERATION As a mihmurn, the re or trip system tastrumentaton channels and htertoclcs of Table 3.3-1 shall be OPERA&E. APPLiCAEII.ITY: As shown in Tst$e 3.3-1. ACTION: As shown in Tble 3.3-1. TOTAL NO. MINIMUM OF CHANNELS CHANNELS APPLICAELE FUNCTIONAL UNIT CHANNELS TO TRIP OPERABLE MODES ACTION

7. Overtemperature .T Four 4 2 3 1,2 8 Loop t]peraton
3. Overpower .T Four Loop 4 2 3 1.2 8 Operatron ACTION 8- With the number of OPERABLE cI,4s one less than the Total Number of Channels, STARTUP andior POWER OPERATION may proceed prov:ded the folIowng conddons ae satsfied:.
a. The rnoperable ctranne4 is placed in the tripçed condition withrr 8 hours.


14. Main Steam Generator Water LevelLow-Low SRO C. RCSLoopiT 4{liloop) 2 1,2 10 ACTION IC) - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels. STARTUP anchor POWER OPERATION may proceed provided that within 8 hours, for the affected protection set.

the Trip Time Delays jT 5 and TM) threshold power level foe zero seconds time delay is adjusted to 0% RTP. LIMITiNG CONDITION FOR OPERATION The Engineered Safety Featire Actuation System (ESFAS) instrumentation channels and intedocs shown th Table 3.3-3 shall be OPERABLE with their trip setpc*ints set corrsistentw1h the values shown in the Nominal Trip Selpoini column of Table 3.3-4. APPLICASILIIY As shown in Table 3.3-3 ACTION:

a. With an ESFAS instrumentation channel or interlock trip setpoinl less conservabee than the value shown in the Allowable Values column of Table 3:3-4, declare the clianrel iooperable and apply the applicable ACTION requirement of Table 3.3-3 untIl the channel is restored to OPERABLE status with the trip seipoint adjusted cortaisteni with the Nominal Trip Setpoint value.
c. Main Slrn.Gerr.

Water LevelLow-Low Start Motor-Driven Pumps

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event# 3 Page 17 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior TOTAL NO. MINIMUM OF CHANNELS CI-IANNELS APPLICABLE FtiNCJ CHANNELS TO WIP OPERABLE MODES ACTION C $1Ioop 2 3 1.2.3 37 PLimp c L.:.:.x 2 3 12.3 37 AcnON 37 - ,n te nu.ib CPERALE h3r.-is cne less ar ns Thtaicr.r!s. 5TAPTJP a:c PD PERA OS may :rvcc tha.i: J rc: *C 3:Ci ,:ec:cn s- re Tr T.--. C3ys (T. a :hrehc

-o SG-cS t. eIay s dILSIe. o SRO Enters LCD Action 6 and Action 10 and enters LCD Action 37 NOTE: If pertorming AOP in conjunction with AOP-1.1 1 for an Eagle LOP failure, then actions to hard trip bistables should be delayed until Eagle system reset is attempted. Actions to hard trip blstables must be completed within 6 hours UNLESS affected loop ;s restored to operable status by resetting Eagle rack.
                                    &   NOTIFY i: to ffliOe faIei           rAvG    \T iocp trout suvrce USING .ippr rat            Apcr1ix R        INSTRUMENT LOOP            PROT LOOP                                       APPENDIX NUMBER 1           1-68-2              I           A (1-411/412) 2          T-68--25            II           B (T-421/422) 3          T-68-44            Ill           C (1-431/432) 4          T-68-67                           D (T-441/442)
9. IF automatic rod control is available, THEN RESTORE rod control to AUTO USING Q-SO-85-i -

O-SO-85-1, Control Rod Drive System, Section 6.4, Transferring from Manual to Auto Rod Control

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 2 Event# 3 Page 18 of 35 Event


Loop #4 Cold Leg Instrument fails high Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTES

1) A laminated copy of this section can be maintained in the Unit Control Room for repetitive use for routine rod manipulations.
2) Defeating or :restohng TavgiDelta T or MS channel may cause step change in input to rod controL A delay of at least 3 minutes prior to returning rod control to automatic will allow lead/lag signal to decay off.
3) This Section may be N/A if Rod Control is being returned to AUTO in response to a transient (runback) condition.

ATC [1] ENSURE turbine power is greater than 15 percent. ATC [2] ENSURE Window 31 (E-3), LOW TURB IMPULSE PRESS ROD WITHDRAWAL BLOCKED C-5, Permissive light on panel [XA-55-4A] is NOT LIT. ATC [3] ENSURE less than 1 degree TavglTref mismatch. ATC [4] PLACE [HS-85-5110], Rod Control Mode Selector in the AUTO position. ATC [5] VERIFY Rod Speed Indicator [Sl-412], indicates 8 Steps/minute. End of Section 6.4 ATC Places HS-85-51 10 ROD CONTROL MODE SELECTOR in AUTO.

10. GO TO appropnate plant piocedure.

END OF SECTION Crew Performs a Crew Brief as time allows. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the crew brief. Crew Operations Management Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event when Technical Specifications are addressed.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event# 4 Page 19 of 35 Event


Condenser Vacuum Leak with Vacuum Pump auto start failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 4, Condenser Vacuum Leak Indications available:

    . 1-M-1 Main Generator load decreasing.
    . Condenser Vacuum degrading (Monitored on recorder or ICS), Air in leakage increasing PS-2-1B CONDENSER VACUUM LOW 11] VERIFY alarm via [1-P1TR-2I reccrder.

[2] VERIFY required number of CCW pumps are inserice, 131 CHECK condenser vacuum exhaust on ICS using either

a. 1F2700A if 1-FCV-2-255 is ciosed
b. 1F2263A if 1-FCV-2-255 is cen.

[41 iF condenser vacuum exhaust 11GW >45 CFM, THEN ENSURE 1-FC-2-255 OPEN. [5] IF alarm is valid, ThEN GO TO AOP-&02, Loss of Gr#iclénser Vacuum, j6] WHEN vacuum and air inleakage are returned to normal, THEN ENSURE i-FCV-2-255 CLOSED and in P-AUTO. BOP Responds to ARP 1-AR-M2B C-6 Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions inthe Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. Examiner Note: The crew may recognize vacuum leak early and enter abnormal procedure AOP-S.02, Loss Of Condenser Vacuum, prior to alarm. Examiner Note: The standby Condenser Vacuum Pump will fail to start automatically; manual start is available and should be manually started in response to this event. SRO Transitions to AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum. -- CAUTION Turbine will trip automatically when condenser pressure reaches 3.9 to 5.4 psia. NOTE: Highest reading operable condenser pressure instrument should be used.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 20 of 35 Event


Condenser Vacuum Leak with Vacuum Pump auto start failure Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

1. MONITOR condenser pressure for turbine trip criteria. [Cl]
a. CHECK turbine load greater BOP man or equal to 30%.
b. CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia
2. ENSURE all available condenser BOP vacuum pumps RLINN I NG.

BOP Places HS-2-176A CONDR VAC Pump lB to START.

3. ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker BOP CLOS ED.

Lead Examiner may cue next event when the CREW has started the I B Conde nser Vacuum Pump.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, 8 Page 21 of 35 Event


Loop #4 S/G Feed Line Break Inside Containment/Loss of AFW/RCS Bleed and Feed. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event, 5 SIG #4 Feed Line Break Inside Containment Indications available: Annunicators: 1-M-3

   . 3C C-6, LS-3-171D STM GEN #4 LEVEL LOW
   . 3C E-6, LS-3-175D STM GEN #4 LEVEL LOW 1-M-5


   . 6E C-6, ZS-61-186 ICE CONDENSER LOWER INLET DOOR OPEN Indicators:


   . 1-Fl-I -1 03A, 103B, SG-4 FW INLET FLOW CH-1 & 2: increasing feedwater flow
   . I-LI-3-I1O, 107, 106, SG-4 NR LEVEL: decreasing level tø                         $ t$$$t*$$$i$$ $tzm. :a$1*     $$$$   *$$$$$$$,    :.$S$$ $$$$$$*$ H$  $$$$$$t$ $$                :$$$$ H:H$$::..:.: :,.::, $.$

SRO Transitions to E-O and Direct Immediate Operator Actions (lOAs)

Aendix D Reauired Ooerator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 5,6,7,8 Page 22 of 35 Event


Loop #4 SIG Feed Line Break Inside Containment/Loss of AFW/RCS Bleed and Feed. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: following IOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, ATC/BOP surveys MCBs for any expected automatic system response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. (Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions) CREW Performs the first four steps of E-O unprompted. SRO Directs performance of E-O NOTE I Steps I through 4 are immediate action steps. NOTE 2 This procedure has a foldout page.

1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:
  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN ATC
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equasi to 12 steps.
  • Neutron Ilux DROPPING
2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:

Turbine stop valves CLOSED.

3. VERIFY at least one 6.9KV shutdown board ENERGIZED on this unit.
4. DETERMINE it SI actuated:


  • Any SI alarm UT [M.-4D].

Places HS-1-4A and 1 1A MSIV SIG #1 and #2 to CLOSE based on FOP BOP actions. Places HS-3-171A and 175A AFW to S/G #4 to CLOSE based on FOP GOP actions. A TI Plt. II A _ I.- JIM. DUM dTIU (3Pi LU OIL, UdU

                                                                        - -I ,

Ull I..Jr ..LIUII.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, 8 Page 23 of 35 Event


Loop #4 S/G Feed Line Break Inside Containment/Loss of AFW/RCS Bleed and Feed. Time 1 Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 5 PERFORM ES-O.5, Equipment BOP Verific.atAons WHILE continuing in this procedure. SROIATC Continue with the performance of E-O REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION BOP Performs ES-O.5, Equipment Verifications go to page 29 for details SRO Addresses foldout page, see next page for details.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, 8 Page 24 of 35 Event


Loop #4 SIG Feed Line Break Inside ContainmentlLoss of AFW/RCS Bleed and Feed. FOLDOUT PAGE RCP TRiP CRITERIA IF any of the following conditions occurs:

  • RIDS pressure less than 1250 psig AND at least one CCP or SI pump runntrg OR
  • Phase B isolation, THEN STOP all RCPs, EVENT DiAGNOSTICS
  • IF any S/G pressure is dropping uncontrolled, THEN PERFORM the following:

a.. CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves.

b. IF any SIC pressure continues to drop uncontrolled, THEN PERFORM the following:
1) ENSURE SI actuated.
2) iF at least one SIC is intact (SIC pressure controlled or rising),

THEN ISOLATE AFW to faulted S/C(s):

  • CLOSE AFW level control valves for faulted S/C(s)
  • IF any AFW valve for faulted S/C CANNOT be CLOSED, THEN PERFORM Appendix E, Isolating AFW to Faulted Sf0.
3) ENSURE at least one of the following conditions met:
  • total AFW flow greater Than 440 gpm OR
  • Narrow Range level greater Than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one intact S/C.
  • IF both trains of shutdown boards dc-energized, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power.


  • IF CST level less than 5%, THEN ALIGN AFW suction to ERCW.
  • IF RWST level less than 27%, THEN GO TO ES-iS, Transfer to RHR Containment Sump

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event# Page 25 of 35 Event


Loop #4 SIG Feed Line Break Inside Containment/Loss of AFW/RCS Bleed and Feed. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

6. DETERMINE if secondary heat sink available:

a CHECK total AFW flow a. IF SJG narrow range level is greater than 440 gpm. less than 10% [25% ADVJ in all S/GS, THEN START AFW pumps and ALIGN valves as necessary to raise AFW flow greater than 440 gpm.

b. CHECK narrow range level b. MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 10% [25% ADVJ greater Than 440 gpm ATC 111 at least one 51G. UN1IL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV}

in at least one 31G. IF AFW flow greater than 440 gpm CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM the following:

1) MONITOR status trees
2) GO TO FR-HI, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink.

Examiner Note: Crew should recognize Loss of Heat Sink entry conditions, total AFW flow less than 440 gpm due to a loss of all AFW pumps, and implement 1-FR-0 verification and transitions to FR-H. 1. SRO Transitions to FR-H.1, Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, go to next page. Examiner Note: MONITOR status trees, the crew will implement status tree monitoring via ICS. When a RED or ORANGE path status tree is observed, the SRO will designate one of the Board operators (typically the BOP) to verify status tree conditions using 1-FR-O, UNIT I STATUS TREES. Once verified, the SRO should direct the crew to transition to the appropriate RED and/or ORANGE path procedure(s)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OP Test No.: 2012302 Scenario # 1 Event # 8 Page 26 of 35 Event


Loss of AFW and Charging, FR-H.1 Bleed and Feed Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION Feeding an intact or Ruptured SIG is preferred to feeding a: Faulted SIG. Thermal stresses from feeding a Faulted SIC could rupture tubes, resulting in a Faulted.AND-Ruptured SIC.

                               *I. DETERMINE procedure applicability:

a CHECK the following: a. GOTOStep2. Total teed how less than 440 gpm due to operator action directed by another procedure. AND Total feed flow capability of greater than 440 gpm AVAILABLE.

2. MONITOR RWST level greater than 27%.
3. CHECK if secondary heat sink required:
a. RS pressure greater than any non-Faulted S!G pressure.
b. RCS temperature greater than 35Q°F.
4. MONITOR at least one CCP available. STOP all RCPS.

GO TO Caution prior to Step 17.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 8 Page 27 of 35 Event


Loss of AFW and Charging, FR-H.1 Bleed and Feed

4 SRI) I ImmPditAIv trnnsitinns tn Ste.n 17 CAUTION Any delay in completing Steps 17 through 20 could result in fuel damage.


18. VERIFY RCS feed patti:
a. CHECK CCPIT flow established: a. PERFORM the following to establish ATC CCPIT flow:
  • CCPIT valves OPEN
  • CCPIT flow indicated.
  • AUGN valves as necessary
                                                                                 . ENSURE CCPs RUNNING.

b CHECK ALL CCPs and Si pumps b PERFORM the following: RUNNING.

                                                                                  . ENSURE ECCS valves aligned USING Appendix A.

e START CCPs and SI pumps. ATC IF at least one CCP or SI pump is running, THEN GO TO Step 19. CREW Performs Appendix A, as required, see next page SRO Transitions to step 19

19. ESTABLISH RCS bleed path:
a. CHECK power to pressurizer PORV block valves AVAILABLE.


b. CHECK pressunzer PORV block valves OPEN.

C. OPEN both pressurizer PORVS.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 8 Page 28 of 35 Event


Loss of AFW and Charging, FR-H.1 Bleed and Feed APPENDIX A ECCS VALVE ALIGNMENT

1. IF ES-i .3 Containment Sump Rearculation has NOT been performed, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. ENSURE CCP suction aligned to RWST:
  • LCV 135 or LV 136 OPEN U
  • LV-62-1 32 or LV-62-i 33 CLOSED U
b. ENSURE FCV-&3-5 SI Pump suction OPEN. U
  • FCV-63-25 or FCV-63-26 U
  • FCV-63-39 or FCV-63-40 U
3. ENSURE SI Pump suction valves OPEN:
  • FCV-63-47 (Train A) U
  • FCV-63-48 (Train B) U
4. ENSURE SI Pump injection valves OPEN:
  • FCV-63.-22 U
  • FCV 152 (Train A) U
  • FCV-63-153 (Train B) U END OF TEXT ATC Verifies Appendix valve alignment Lead Examiner may terminate the scenario the crew has completed FR-Hi Step 19, Feed &


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # ES-0.5 Page 29 of 35 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ES-O.5 Actions BOP 1. VERIFY D/Gs RUNNING. BOP 2. VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OPEN. BOP 3 VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING.

  • Pump IA-A (2A-A)

BOP Pump 18-8 (2B-B)

  • Pump C-S.

BOP 5. VERIFY EGIS fans RUNNING. BOP 6. VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.

7. NOTIFY at least two AUOs to report BOP to MCR to be available for local action&
a. MD AEW pumps BOP
b. TDAFW pump.

NOTE AFW level control valves should NOT be repositioned if manual action has been taken to control Sf0 levels, to establish flow due to failure, or to isolate a faulted SIG.

9. CHECK AEW valve alignment:


c. VERIFY MD AFW pump recirculation valves FcV-3-400 and FCV-34D1 CLOSED.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # ES-0.5 Page 30 of 35 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

10. VERIFY MEW Isolation:
b. ENSURE the to4 lowing:


  • MFW regulating valves CLOSED
  • MEW regulating bypass valve controllers in MANUAL with output ZERO
  • MEW isolatIon valves CLOSED.


  • RHR pumps
  • Sipumps
b. VERIFY CCP flow through cCPIT BOP
c. CHECK RCS pressure less than :1500 psig d VERIFY SI pump tiow e CHECK RCS pressure e GO TO Step 12 Less than 300 psg.
1. VERIFY RI-IR pump how.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.; NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 2 Event# ES-O.5 Page 31 of 35 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

12. VERIFY ESF systems AliGNED:
a. Phase A ACTUATED:

[M-GC, 551.

  • PHASE A TRAIN B alarm LIT M-6C. 56].
b. Cntmt Vent Isolation AcTUATED:
  • CNTMT VENT ISOLATION TRAIN B alarm LIT jM-GC, C6J c Status monitor panels:


  • 6CDARK
  • 6DDARK
  • GE LIT OUTSIDE outlined area
  • 6H DARK 6JLIT.
d. Train A status panel 6K:
e. Train B status panel 6L:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # ES-O.5 Page 32 of 35 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior jJ

13. MONITOR for containment spray and Phase B actuation:
a. CHECK for any of the following:
  • Containment pressure greater than 2.8 psig.
b. VERIFY containment spray IN ITIATED:
1) Containment spray pumps RUNNING.
2) Containment spray header isolation valves FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2 OPEN.
3) Containment spray recirculation valves to RWST FCV-72-34 BOP and FCV-72-13 CLOSED.
4) Containment spray header flow greater than 4750 gpm per train.
5) Panel 6E LIT.

[M-6C, AS].


[M-6C, A6].

e. VERIFY Phase B valves CLOSED:
  • Panel 6K PHASE B GREEN.
  • Panel 6L PHASE B GREEN.
f. WHEN 10 minutes have elapsed, THEN ENSURE containment air return fans RUNNING.

Appendix D Reciuired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 2 Event # ES-0.5 Page 33 of 35 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE The continuous action in Step 14 remains applicable if containment pressure rises above 1.5 psig after E.S-O.5 is completed.

14. MONITOR it containment vacuum reliet solaiion valves should be closed:

BOP a. CHECK containment pressure a. GO TO Step 15. greater than 1.5 psig.

15. CHECK secondary and containment rad monitors USING the following:


  • Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors
  • Appendix B, Containment Rad Monitors.


1. IF SI occurred on Unit 1, THEN CHECK following rad monitors including available trends prior to isolation:

Condenser exhaust recorder 1 -RR9O-i 19

  • SIG blowdown recorder 1-RR-90-120
  • Unit I Main steam line Tad monitors [1-M-301
  • Post-Acddent rad recorder 1-RR-90-268B points 3 (blue). 4 (violet), .5 (black>, and 6 (turquoise).

[i-M-31 (back of i-M-30)]

3. NOTIFY Unit Supervisor whether secondary radiation is NORMAL or HIGH.

Appendix D Reciuired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 2 Event# ES-0.5 Page 34 of 35 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior APPENDIX B CONTAINMENT RAD MONITORS

                                 *1    IF SI occurred on Unit 1.

THEN CHECK foIlowng rad monitors: BOP

  • Upper containment post-accident rad monitors 1-RM-9D-271A and l-RM-90-272A NORMAL [l-M-301
  • Lower containment post-accident rad monitors 1-RM-90-273A and 1-RM-90-274A NORMAL 11-M-301
                                       .      Containment rad recorders 1-RR-90-1 12 and 1-RR-90-i06 NORMAL [O-M-121 (prior to isolation).
16. WHEN directed by E-0, THEN BOP PERFORM Appendix 0, Hydrogen Mitigation Actions.
17. CHECK pocket sump pumps STOPPED:

[M-15, upper left comeri

  • 1-15-77-410, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and BOP Equipment Drain Sump pump A
  • HS-TT-41 1, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump B.
18. DISPATCH personnel to perform BOP EA-O-l, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation.
19. ENSURE plant announcement has been BOP made regarding Reactor Trip and SL
20. PERFORM Appendix E, Spent Fuel BOP Cooling Actions, as time permits.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-301 Scenario # 1 Event # Page 35 of 35 Event


Critical task Critical Task Statement Manually trip the main turbine before an orange path challenge develops to either the subcriticality (S) or the Pressurized Thermal Shock (P) CSF or before transition to ECA 2.1, whichever happens first. Manually trip all Reactor Coolant Pumps prior to completing step 4 of FR-H.1, LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK. Initiate RCS bleed and feed so that the RCS depressurizes sufficienUy for the Safety Injection pump flow to occur prior to completing step 19 of FR-H.1.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: 2012-302 Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: Unit I is in MODE 1, 100% Reactor Power, EOL. Turnover: Maintain current conditions, currently in 0-GO-5 Section 5.2, At Power Conditions. 1 B EDG is OOS. Target CTs: Energize at least one 6.9 kv Shutdown Board by resetting the 1A EDG LO relay prior to completing step 8 of ECA-0.0. Manually establish ERCW flow to the required EDG prior to completing step 8.e of ECA-0.0. Event No. Malt. No. Event Type* Event Description

1. CV25A I-ATC/SRO CVCS Letdown Pressure instrument PT-62-81 tails low. The ATC will manually control letdown pressure using the ARP. The crew may decide to isolate Letdown and place Excess Letdown in service.
2. RXO7A I-ATC/SRO The Pressurizer Pressure instrument PT 68-340 will tail high resulting in pressurizer spray valves opening. The ATC will manually close the spray valves T-R 0 O and stop the RCS depressurization using immediate operator actions and AOP 1.04. The SRO will enter LCO 3.2.5.b; Action 6 and LCO Action 17.
3. RDO7M2 TS-SRO A control rod will drop into the core, the crew will take action to stabilize the power using AOP-C.01. The SRO enters LCO Action C, Action C, Action A and 3.2.4 Action A.
4. R-ATC The crew will reduce power in response to the dropped rod using AOP-C.03 N-BOP/SRO
5. RX24 l-BOP/SRO The sensing line to Feed Water Header Pressure Transmitter PT-3-1 fails resulting in the DCS causing an overfeed condition. The BOP will manually control the FWCS to maintain Steam generator levels using AOP-S.O1.
6. EDO1 M-All A major grid disturbance results in a Loss of Offsite Power and a Reactor Trip.

A Additionally, the 1A EDG fails to AUTO-START. The Crew responds using E-0 EG03 C- BOP/ SRO and transitions to ECA-0.0. The crew will manually start the 1A EDG by resetting the lockout relay to restore power to the 1A 6.9 Shutdown Board.

7. RW19A C-BOP When the 1A EDG starts, the 1A EDG ERCW cooling valve FCV-67-68 fails to auto open. The BOP will manually open FCV-67-68 to restore cooling flow to the 1A EDG.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (l)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Scenario Outline 2012-301 Scenario 1 Summary EVENT I When directed by the lead examiner, CVCS Letdown Pressure instrument PT-62-81 fails low. The ATC will manually control letdown pressure using the ARP. The crew may decide to isolate Letdown and place Excess Letdown in service. EVENT 2 When directed by the lead examiner, Pressurizer Pressure instrument PT 68-340 will fail high resulting in pressurizer spray valves opening. The ATC will manually close the spray valves and stop the RCS depressurization using immediate operator actions and AOP-l.04. The SRO will enter LCO 3.2.5.b; Action 6 and LCO Action 17 EVENT 3 When directed by the lead examiner, a control rod will drop into the core, the crew will take action to stabilize the power using AOP-C.01. The SRO enters LCO Action C, Action C, Action A and 3.2.4 Action A. EVENT 4 The crew will reduce power in response to the dropped rod using AOP-C.03. EVENT 5 When directed by the lead examiner, the sensing line to Feed Water Header Pressure Transmitter PT-3-1 fails resulting in the DCS causing an overfeed condition. The BOP will manually control the FWCS to maintain Steam generator levels using AOP-S.01. EVENT 6 When directed by the lead examiner, A major grid disturbance results in a Loss of Offsite Power and a Reactor Trip. Additionally, the IA EDG fails to AUTO-START. The Crew responds using E-0 and transitions to ECA-0.0. The crew will manually start the 1A EDG by resetting the lockout relay to restore power to the 1A 6.9 Shutdown Board. EVENT 7 When the 1A EDG starts, the 1A EDG ERCW cooling valve FCV-67-68 fails to auto open. The BOP will manually open FCV-67-68 to restore cooling flow to the IA EDG. The scenario terminates as directed by the Lead Examiner upon completion restoration water flow to the IA EDG EOP Flowpath E-0 ECA-0.0

12U1-i02 SCI1 I Ilooth Instructions BOOTH OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Sim. Setup

1. Reset IC-I 7 100% power EOL time in core life
2. Perform switch check.
3. Verify control rod step counters reset.
4. Place simulator in RUN.
5. Place Mode 1 placard on panels.
6. Place B Train Week sign on the simulator.
7. Allow the simulator to run for at least 3 minutes before loading SCEN file or starting the exercise. This will initialize ICS.
8. Load SCENS: S-1211 NRC SCN I
9. Acknowledge any alarms, allow the plant to stabilize, and freeze the simulator.
10. Place 1-HS-57-73A (DIG Bkr) in the PTL.
11. Place 0-HS-82-48 (Mode sel switch) in the PULL FOR LOCAL position.
12. Place QOS tags on
  • Breaker 1914, lB-B EDG to SD Bd lA-A
13. Place GO-16 tags on
  • CCP lA-A
  • Pzr heater IA-A
  • Pzr heater I D
  • SI Pump IA-A
  • RHR Pump IA-A
  • EGTS Train A-A
  • Cntmt Spray Pump IA-A
  • Motor Driven AFW Pump IA-A
  • Unit 1 TDAFWP
  • ERCW Pump J-A OR Q-A (circle one)
  • ERCW Pump K-A OR R-A (circle one)
  • Diesel Generator IA-A
15. Place turnover sheets on the operators desks.
16. Provide an in-progress copy of 0-GO-5 Section 5.4 completed through step 9.
17. Place simulator in RUN before crew enters the simulator.

Page 1 of 6

12L11-iti2 SUI I Booth Instructions EVENT IC/MF/RF/OR # j DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK This override is IMF EG03B f:1 These MFs, RFs, and ORs simulate lB-B DIG active when the IRE EGR12 f:l being mop for maintenance and tripped to SCN file is local. loaded. IMF EGCOHS5773A f:3 ICR ZLOHS5773A M26 GREEN f:O Place l-HS-57-73A (D/G Bkr) in the PTL IOR ZL0HS5773_GREEN F:0 position and PLACE HO. ON HAND SWITCH. IMF AN OV 959 f2 Place 0-H S-82-48 (Mode sel switch) in the

                                  .                      PULL FOR LOCAL position.

IMF ANCV_936 f:2 IMF AN_OV_938 f:2 IMF AN CV 943 f:2 IMF AN_OV_945 f:2 IMF AN_OV_946 f:2 IMF AN_OV_950 f:2 IMF AN_OV_952 f:2 IMF AN_OV_953 f:2 This override is IMF RW19A f:1 FCV-67-68 fails to auto open. active when the SCN file is loaded. When directed by IMF CV25A f:1 k:l CVCS Letdown Pressure instrument PT-62-81 the Lead fails low Examiner, use Support staff: KEY I to insert malfunction. If dispatched, after 5 minute, the AB AUO reports the valve is [position from MCB], no apparent problems or damage identified/observed locally. When directed by IMF RXO7A f:l k:2 Controlling Pzr Pressure Transmitter PT 68-the Lead 340 Fails High Examiner, use Support staff: KEY 2 to insert malfunction. When MSS is contacted, inform the crew that the l&C will report to the MCR in -25 minutes. If asked, report Aux CR indication is normal. When directed by IMF R007M2 f:l k:3 Dropped Rod: M2 SDB A rod. the Lead Support staff: Examiner, use MSS is notified to initiate maintenance, report KEY 3 to insert it will take approx. 2 hours to assemble a team malfunction, to troubleshoot the dropped rod. Reactor Eng. notified for power peaking, fuel failure, & xenon oscillation considerations, inform crew to proceed with rod retrieval using AOP-C.0l considerations (i.e.: <1 hour). Page 2 of 6

1201-3U2 SC1 I Ilooth Instructions EVENT IC[MF/RF/OR # 1 DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED When directed by { IMF RX24f:1 k:5 I ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK PT-3-1, IA, lB fail LOW the Lead IMF RX24A f:1 k:5 Support staff: Examiner, use KEY 5 to insert IMF RX24B f:1 k:5 If directed to inspect PT-3-1, respond as the malfunction. TB AUO, wait 5 minutes and report no abnormal conditions noted. When contacted, inform the crew that the l&C will report to the MCR in 45 minutes. When directed by IMF EDO1 k:6 Total loss of offsite power with A EDG failure the Lead IMF EGO3A f:1 e:l to AUTO START. Examiner, use Support staff: KEY 6 to insert malfunction. If dispatched wait 5 mm, report no relays actuated and no abnormalities noted. When asked respond as Load Dispatcher and report that a system disturbance resulted in losing several substations. Time for recovery is undetermined. The following reports are used ONLY if the crew fails to start the IA EDG WHEN requested IRE CVR36 f:0 k:7 Closes HCV-62-549, 550 and closes 70-90 by the crew to IRE CVR37 f:0 k:7 and 62-63 isolate RCP seals IRE CCRO6 f:0 k:7 and Thermal IRF CV6263 f:0 k:7 When complete inform the crew that RCP Barriers (EA-68-1) seals are isolated. then insert this remote function using KEY 7 If asked by the IRF IA3172 f:1 k:8 Emergency air supply to TDAWP LCVs to crew to perform IRE 1A3173 f:1 k:8 emergency EA-3-4 then insert IRF IA3174 f:1 k:8 this remote IRE IA3175 f:1 k:8 When complete inform the crew that function using emergency air is supplying the TDAFWP KEY 8 LCVs. If Requested If Requested during scenario to Hydrogen pressure is available on REQUAL during scenario to provide local value of Gen Hydrogen Parameter values table as variable: provide local value Pressure, CST Level, or Hotwell rwpgenerator, Generator Hydrogen Pressure of Gen Hydrogen level. (Indications will be lost with power loss) in PSIA (Subrtract 15 psi and provide psig) Pressure, CST Level, or Hotwell CST and Hotwell Level are available on level. (Indications Simulator diagram Condensate in %. will be lost with Wait five minutes then respond. power loss) If Dispatched to Wait five minutes then respond. ensure DC Air Side Seal Oil Pump Running. Page 3 of 6

1201-302 SCI I liootli Instructions EVENT IC/MF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK If requested to IRF EGR13 fiOO K:1 1 MANUAL POSITION FOR GENERATOR H2 open Main Gen VENT BYPASS, FCV-35-568 Hydrogen vent bypass valve 35 568 then insert Wait five minutes then respond this remote function using KEY 11 If Dispatched to IRF CNR08 f:0 k:12 VLV-2-5621563 MANUAL ISOL VLVS manually isolate AROUND FCV-2-35A FCV-2-35A then insert this remote function using Wait five minutes then respond KEY 12 If Requested to IRE CNROI f:1 k:13 ISOLATE HOTWELL MAKEUP FROM CST locally isolate CST from Hotwell (EA-2-I) then Wait five minutes then respond insert this remote function using KEY 13 If Requested to IRF ED250B1B527 25OVDC BAT BD 1 BKR 527 DC EOP 1A open breakers in (MFPT) AOP-P.01 25OVDC BAT BD 1 BKR 530 DC EOP lB IRF ED250B1B530 Appendix G, (MFPT Open Bkrs individually as IRE ED25OBI B529 25OVDC BAT BD I BRKR 529 TO PREF INV requested (All 1 may not be 250VDC BAT BD 1 BKR 401 TO TSC INV 1 IRE ED25OBIB4O1 opened) 25OVDC BAT BD I BKR 525 GEN AIR SIDE IRE ED250B1B525 SOB PMP UI NOR FEED 25OVDC BAT BD 1 BKR 404 TURB EOP Ui IRF ED25OBI 8404 NOR FEED Wait five minutes then respond Page 4 of 6

IZUI-302 SC1 I liooth Instructions EVENT IC/MF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK If Requested to IRF FWR36A LCV-3-174 (LP 1) OPERATION (Place in mannualy IRE FWR37A Local) position TDAFW LCV-3-174 (LP 1) POSITION (Set as directed) LCVs locally, Modify remote functions as LCV3173 (LP 2) OPERATION (Place in directed. IRE EWR36B Local) IRE FWR37B LCV-3-173 (LP 2) POSITION (Set as directed) LCV-3-172 (LP 3) OPERATION (Place in Local) LCV-3-172 (LP 3) POSITION (Set as directed) IRE FWR36C IRF FWR37C LCV-3-175 (LP 4) OPERATION (Place in Local) LCV-3-175 (LP 4) POSITION (Set as directed) Wait five minutes then respond. IRE FWR36D IRF FWR37D If requested to IRF ED25OB1ALL f:0 k:14 OPEN 250 VOLT LOAD SHED BREAKERS. shed 250 volt DC 25OVDC BATT BD 1, OPEN SBO BKRS Loads per EA- 401,527,529,530 250-2 then insert this remote IRF ED25OB2ALL f:0 k:14 function using 25OVDC BATT BD 2, OPEN SBO BKRS KEY 14 401,527,529,530 Wait five minutes then respond. If requested to IRE ED250B1B525 f:0 k:15 25OVDC BATT BD 1 BREAKER 525 TO GEN open Unit I Gen AIR SIDE SOB PUMP Ui NORMAL FEED Air Side Seal Oil Pmp 250 Volt Bkr per EA-250-2 IRF ED250B2B525 f:0 k:15 25OVDC BATT BD 2 BREAKER 525 TO GEN then insert this AIR SIDE SOB PUMP Ui ALTERNATE FEED remote function Wait five minutes then respond. using KEY 15 If requested to IRE ED250B1B526 f:0 k:16 25OVDC BATT BD I BREAKER 526 TO GEN open Unit 2 Gen AIR SIDE SOB PUMP U2 ALTERNATE FEED Air Side Seal Oil Pmp 250 Volt Bkr per EA-250-2 IRE ED250B2B526 f:0 k:16 25OVDC BATT BD 2 BREAKER 526 TO GEN then insert this AIR SIDE SOB PUMP U2 NORMAL FEED remote function Wait five minutes then respond. using KEY 16 Page 5 of 6

1201-302 S(I I Icooth Instructions EVENT ICIMF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK If Requested to IRE ED12OB1ALL f:0 k:17 OPEN 120V & 125V VITAL DC LOAD SHED Shed l25vdc vital ;IRF ED125BIALL f:0 k:17 BREAKERS. loads per EA- Wait five minutes then respond. 250-1 then insert this remote IRE ED12OB2ALL f:0 k:17 function using ;IRF EDI25B2ALLf:0 k:17 KEY 17 IRF ED12OB3ALL f:0 k:17

                 ;IRF ED125B3ALLf:0 k:17 IRE ED12OB4ALL f:0 k:17
                 ;IRF ED125B4ALL f:0 k:17 Page 6 of 6

Time: Now Date: Today Unit I MCR Checklist (751-6338 ID 950848) Then Press 2 Part I Completed by 0ff-going Shift I Reviewed b On-coming Shift Model, 100% Power NRC phone Authentication Code PSA Risk: Green Grid Risk: Green - RCS Leakage ID .14 gpm, UNID .05 gpm Until 0800 AI2B After 0800 C34D

Comon Tech Spec Actions LCOITRM Equipment INOP Time INOP Owner NONE U-lTechSpecActions LCO1TRM Equipment INOP Time INOP Owner RTS lB-B EDG out of service for maintenance. LCO Action B entered 2 hours ago, return to service in 4 hours.

Exo Sensor Plasma Display Unit Xl-94-102 OOS due to an internal failure. LCO action Ia entered 4 days ago, return to service in 6 days. Protected Equipment A Train Shift Priorities GO-5 Section 5.4 Coastdown at step 9. REDUCE turbine load slowly (less than 1% per hour) as necessary to maintain TAVG on program with TREE. Part 2 Completed by on-coming shift prior to assuming duties: Review current TS/TRM/ODCM/EPR Current Qualification Status Required Actions Review the current controlling Reactivity Walkdown MCR Control Boards with off-going Management Plans Operator SR/PER reviews complete for previous Review Narrative Logs shift (SM/US/STA) (previous day and carry-over items) Relief Time:_____________________ Relief Date:_______________________ Part 3 Co,npleted byon-coming shift.. These items may be reviewed after assuming duties: LI Review Operator Workarounds, Burdens, Li Review applicable ODMI actions and Challenges (applicable Unit/Station) (first shift of shift week) LI Review changes in Standing/Shift orders LI Review changes to TACFs issued since last shift worked) (since last shift worked) LI Review Control Room Deficiencies Li Review Component Deviation Log (first shift of shift week) (Active Procedures)

Time: Now Date: Today Abnormal Equipment Lineup/Conditions: MAIN CONTROL ROOM (7690) (593-5409) AUXILIARY BUILDING (7775) (593-2469) All equipment operating or operable. I. TURBINE BUILDING 7771 All equipment operating or operable. I B-B EDG out of service I I

Time: Now Date: Today Required Additiona Monitoring and Con tingencies (Updated and Maintained by SM) Issue Required Action Expiration ODMI Date TACF Description TACF .

UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF Date: Today Time: Now [ General Information RCS Boron: 9 ppm Today BA Controller Setpoint: 1% RCS B-10 Depletion: 0 ppm Operable BAT: A BAT A Boron: 6850 BAT C Boron: 6850 RWST Boron: 2601 ppm ppm ppm Nominal Gallons per rod step from 228: nla gallons of acid, nia gallons of water Verify boric acid flow controller is set at Adjusted BA Controller Setting law O-SO-62-7 section 5.1 Estimated values for a 1° Change in Tave ** I Gallons of acid: 22 Gallons of water: nla Rod Steps: 10 Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Estimated boron addition Position 10% 201 Steps on bank D 131 gallons 30% 168 Steps on bank D 375 gallons 50% 109 Steps on bank D 609 gallons These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superceded by Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until one week from now. Number of dilutions: 0 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 0 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total amount diluted: 0 Total amount borated: 0 Net change: 0 In/Out I .ReacttyManij Number of dilutions: 0 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 0 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total expected dilution: 0 Total expected boration: 0 Net change: 0 In/Out Remarks: Unit Supervisor: Name/Date

Operations Chemistry Information Boron Results Sample Point Units Boron Date I Time Goal Limit Ui RCS ppm 9 Today I Now Variable Variable U2 RCS ppm 816 Today I Now Variable Variable Ui RWST ppm 2601 Today I Now 2550 2650

                                                                                       -          2500 2700 U2 RWST                   ppm         2569         Today I Now         2550 2650
                                                                                       -          2500 2700 BAT A                   ppm         6850         Today I Now           Variable           Variable BAT B                   ppm         6850         Today / Now           Variable           Variable BAT C                   ppm         6850         Today I Now            Variable          Variable Ui CLA #1                  ppm         2556         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 Ui CLA #2                  ppm         2575         Today I Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 UI CLA #3                  ppm         2591         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 UI CLA #4                  ppm         2589         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #1                  ppm         2531         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #2                  ppm         2650         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #3                  ppm         2522         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 U2 CLA #4                  ppm         2526         Today / Now          2470-2630          2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool               ppm         2547         Today / Now             > 2050            >  2000 Lithium Results                                           Goal           Midpoint Ui RCS                   ppm           11         Today/Now                  >1                >1 U2 RCS                   ppm         2.43         Today / Now           2.18-2.48             2.33 Primary to Secondary Leakrate Information (Total CPM RM-90-991119)

Indicator Units UI Date I Time U2 DatelTime SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today / Now No Today I Now SI 137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today I Now < 0.1 Today / Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 115 Today / Now 68 Today / Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 490 Today / Now 83 Today / Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 790 Today / Now 206 Today / Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1165 Today / Now 455 Today / Now 100 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1540 Today? Now 662 Today) Now 150 gpd leak equivalent cpm 2290 Today / Now 870 Today / Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today I Now 12.5 Today / Now Bkgd on 99/119 cpm 40 Today / Now 40 Today / Now Correction Factor 99/119 cpmlgpd 15 Today / Now 734 Today / Now Steady state conditions are necessary for an accurate determination of leaK rate using the CVE Rad Monitor

( L- i- 1.- SON NORMAL POWER OPERATION 0-GO-5 Unit I & 2 Rev. 0079 Page 81 of 104 V STARTUP No._______ I Unit____ Date / 5.4 Power Coastdown at End of Life CION Do NOT exceed the positive Axial Flux Difference (AFD) limit of Tl-28 during power coastdown. N3 4 The power level of the reactor and turbe slowly coastdown from full power z approximately 0.8% per day with TAVG and TREF maintained on program. The core cycle may be extended for 30 days or more. The coastdown enables the plant to reach the refueling date with a core burnup within the prescri bed burnup window if the normal cycle length is insufficient for the calendar refueling date. Ø) For core operating recommendations during coastdown or unusua contact Reactor Engineering for guidance. [c.51 l power maneuvers, J43 ENSURE Section 3.0 Precautions and Limitations has been reviewed. d ENSURE RCS boron concentration is less than 50 ppm, i- OR at a higher level acceptable to chemistry. jj5 ENSURE HUTs have sufficient capacity to hold excess water from the dilution process. TAvG is programmed from 578.2°F at 100% power to 547°F at zero power at a rate of 0.312°F per % power. MONITOR TAVG on program with TREF within +/- 1.5°F.

STARTUP No.Y )C Unit / Date / 4k\4 5.4 Power Coastdown at End of Life (continued) N I Lowering load on the Main Generator will caus e VARs to trend in the positive direction (toward outgoing). This will require lowering generator voltage. Refer to GOI-6 Section E for MVAR limits for generator stability. Refer to precaution R. PERFORM the foNowing as required: IF Automatic Voltage Control is in service, THEN ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING IHS-57-221 Exciter Voltage Auto Adjuster as necessary during power escalation. [5.2] IF necessary to remove Automatic Voltage Control from service, THEN PERFORM required steps in Appendix E. [531 IF Automatic Voltage Control is NOT in service, THEN IJ J4 ADJUST Main Generator VARs USING IHS-57-231 Excfter Voltage Base Adjuster as necessary during power escalation. WHEN RCS boron is less than or equal to approximately 40 ppm OR when recommended by Chemistry, THEN DE-BORATE RCS periodically as necessary to maintain TAVG on program using I ,2-SO-62-9, Placing Mixed Bed Demin in service. D

5) IF de-boration using Mixed Bed Demineralizer or dilution becomes ineffective for maintaining TAVG on program with TREF, THEN WITHDRAW control rods to maintain TAVG on program USING 0-SO-85-I.

SQN NORMAL POWER OPERATION 0-GO-5 Unit I & 2 Rev. 0079 [ PageB3ofIO4 STARTUP No. ?)( Unit / Eiate I.t4_, 5.4 Power Coastdown at End of Life (continued) IF an axial xenon oscillation develops and requires suppression, THEN [8.13 CONTACT Reactor Engineering. C [8.21 IF AFD is swinging in a positive direction, THEN STEP control rods inward USING OSO-85-1, Control Rod Drive System, in 2 step increments as requested by Reactor Engineering. C [8.31 IF AFD is swinging in a negative direction, THEN PERFORM the following: [8.3.1] ENSURE core thermal power is reduced sufficiently to prevent the ten minute average power from exceeding 3455 MW1 (or 3411 MWT , if applicable) when stepping rods outward in the next substep. C [8.3.2] STEP control rods outward USING O-SO-85-1, Control Rod Drive System, in no more than I step increments as requested by Reactor Engineering. C [8.4] REPEAT substeps 5.4[8.2] and 5.4[8.3] as required to suppress xenon oscillation. C

SQN NORMAL POWER OPERATION 0.GO-5 Unit I & 2 Rev. 0078 PageB4ofIO4 STARTUP No. Unit 1 Date 5.4 Power Coastdown at End of Life (continued) E The annunciator for Bank D Rod Withdrawal Limit High (XA-55-4B, window 21) will be illuminated when rods are withdrawn to 220 steps on D control rod bank. 3 j9 WHEN control rods have been withdrawn to the fully withdrawn position, THEN [9.1] REDUCE turbine load slowly (less than 1% per hour) as necessary to maintain TAVG on program with TREF. [9.2] MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above the current governor control indication as turbine load is changed. D CAUTION The governor valve position limit meter may NOT match the governor valve positlon meter; therefore, monitor the megawatt meter and valve position limit light continuously during the following adjustment. NOTE Operation with the VALVE POS LIMIT light LIT is acceptable if unsatisfactory load swings are experienced. [10] IF unsatisfactory load swings are experienced as the turbine load is reduced, THEN [101] SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY PULSE the governor VALVE POSITION LIMIT in the LOWER direction while monitoring megawatts for a reduction and the VALVE POS LIMIT light to ILLUMINATE. 1st CV [10.2] WHEN the limiter just reaches the governor valve position (Valve Pos Limit light should be lit), THEN STOP limiter adjustment. C

STARTUP No._______ Unit____ Date 51.4 Power Coastdown at End of Life (continued) [10.3] ENSURE that indicated TAVG and Megawatt readings are acceptable. D [11] REMOVE secondary system equipment from service as Unit load is reduced (Reference Section 5.3 of this instruction for timely removal of secondary equipment). C End of Section

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 1 Page 1 of 45 Event


CVCS Letdown Pressure instrument PT-62-81 fails low Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event I CVCS Letdown Pressure instrument PT-62-81 fails low. Indications available:

  • Annunciator XA-55-6C Window C-4 Indicator I-Fl-62-82 indicates O gpm [M-6J
  • Indicator 1-PI-62-81 indicates pressure lowers to 0 psig [M-6]

TS-62-75 LOW PRESSURE LETDOWN RELIEF TEMP HIGH 111 MONITOR letdown pressure on 11-Pl42i]. 121 IF i1-PCV-62-511 is CIosed ThEN TAKE manual confrol of I1-PCv$2-81j and RESTORE normal letdown flow. 13] MONITOR low press letdown relief tailpipe temp on 11-1142-751. 141 MONITOR VCT and PRT levels. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. ATC Responds to alarm using ARP 1-AR-M6C, C4 Places HlC-6281 Letdown Pressure Pressure Control to MANUAL and ATC lowers output. Examiner Note: If normal letdown flowpath remains in service, PCV-62-81 will remain in manual control for the remainder of the scenario; and, the ATC is expected to manually control letdown pressure. Crew Performs a Crew Brief as time allows. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the crew brief. Crew Operations Management Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Addresses controller PIC-62-81 being placed in MANUAL and letdown flow Crew established in a pre-determined band. Lead Examiner may cue the next event when letdown flow is established in the pre-determined band.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event# 2 Page 2 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 2 Controlling Pzr Pressure Transmitter PT 68-340 Fails High IndicationslAlarms Annunciator: 1-M-5

  • I-XA-55-6A Window C-5, PS-68-340A PRESSURIZER HIGH PRESSURE Indications I-M-5
  • I-Pl-68-334, 323, 322 RCS PZR PRESS indicators decreasing Significant Resultant Alarmsllndications:


  • I-Xl-68-340B & 340D RED indicating lights illuminated indicating Pzr Spray Valves open PS-68-340F/G PRESSURIZER PRESS ABOVE REF SET POINT

[1] CHECK pressuiizer pressure. [2] IF channel failed, THEN GO TO AOP-L04, Pressurizer lnstrurnert Malfunction. [31 IF pressurizer pressure high, THEN PERFORM the follorrq: [a] ENSURE pressurizer heaters OFF. [al ENSURE pressurizer spray valves OPEN. [C) ADJUST pant parameters as necessay. [4J EVALUATE TS, 33.3.5. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. ATC Responds to alarm using ARP 1-AR-M5A, B3

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event# 2 Page 3 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Places PIC-68-340A. Master Pressure Controller in MANUAL anci towers I I__ output. OR ATC Places PZR Spray controllers PIC-68-340D (Loop 1) and PIC-68-340B (Loop 2) and lowers output. Using immediate operator actions (IQAs) SRO Transitions to AOP-l.04 Pressurizer Instrument And Control Malfunctions NOTE: If spray valve is open due to pressure instrument failure, then Section 2.3 is the appropriate entry point. DIAGNOSE the failure: GOTO IF. -. SECTION PAGE Pressutizer Pressure Instrument OR Controller Malfunction 2.3 11 NOTE Step 1 is an IMMEDIATE ACTION. t CHECK normal spray valves CLOSED. IF RCS pressure is less than 2260 psig, THEN CLOSE affected spray value(s USiNG the following:

                                                                                      . PIC-68-340A, Master Pressure SRO                                                                 Controller.


                                                                                      . PZR Spray controllers PIC-68-340D (Loop 1) and/or PIC-68-340B (Loop 2>.

Places Master Pressure Controller in MANUAL OR Spray controllers PIC ATC 68-340D (Loop 1) and PIC-68-340B (Loop 2) in MANUAL if not already performed during lOAs.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 4 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

2. MONITOR pressurizer pressure stable or RESTORE pressurizer pressure trending to desired pressure. USING manual control of the following:
                                                                                     . PIC-68-340A, Master Pressure Controller.


                                                                                     . PZR Spray controllers PIC-68-340D (Loop 1) and/or PIC-68-340B (Loop 2)


                                                                                     . Pressurizer Heaters.

ATC May energize additional Pressurizer heaters. NOTE: Appendix L shows layout of PZR pressure control for operator reference.

3. CHECK Pl-68-340A NORMAL. PERFORM the following:
a. ENSURE PRESS CONTROL SELECTOR switch XS-68-3400 in PT-68-334 & 323.
b. ENSURE LOOP TAVG T REC/SEL selector switch XS-6&-28 ATC in LOOP 2, 3, or 4.
c. ENSURE PRESS REC CHANNEL SELECTOR XS-68-340B in PT-68-334, PT-68-323, or P7-68-322.
d. GO TO Caution prior to Step 8.

Places PRESS CONTROL SELECTOR switch XS-68-340D in PT-68-334 & ATC 323. CAUTION RCS pressure changes and changes in RCS boron concentration due to differences between pzr and RCS boron) may cause small change in core reactivity.

8. MONITOR reactor power:

a CHECK reactor in Mode 1 or 2 ATC Li MONITOR core thermal power for unexpected changes.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 5 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

9. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:
                                               . 3.2.5 DNB Parameters
                                               . 3.3.1 .1 3.3. 1), Reactor Trip System SRO                          Instrumentation
                                               . (3.3.2), ESF Actuation System Instrumentation
                                               . 3.3.3,5 Remote Shutdown Instrumentation 3.2.5 The foIow ONE related parameers shall be mtned within the Iirni shown on Table 32-i:
a. Reactor Coolant System RCS)T
b. Pressunzer Pressure

With any of the aboee parametw-s exceeding its tmit, restore the parametec to within its limit within 2 hours or reduce THERMAL POWER to Ies than 5% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next SRO LIMITS 4I.ops PARAMETER Doeration Reactor Coolant System T 033F Pressunzer Pressure 2220 psia Reactor Coolar System Fiwe 3.2-Total Flow If in MODE I enters LCO 3.25 Action if RCS Pressure decreases to less SRO than 2220 psia

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 6 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior LIMNG CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.l,1 As a minimum, the reactor thp system trsrumentaticm channels and intetioos of Tab&e 3.3-1 sin,yfl be OPERABLE. APPLICABILITY: As shown in Tabie 3.3-1 ACTION: As shown n Table 3.3-I TOTAL MO, MINIMUM OF CHANNELS CHANIJELS APPLICABLE FUNCTIONAL UNIT CHANNELS TO TRIP OPERABLE MODES ACTION SRO

                                    .        Pressurizer PrssureLow                4                 2                   3                   1 2          6
10. Pressunzer Pressure-.-I-lin 4 2 3 1,2 8 ACTION 6 - Wtlh the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels, STARTUP ndtor POWER OPERATION rnayprcceed provtshd the following conditions ace satisfied:
a. The inoperable channel s placed t the tiipped condhion w1hin 6 hours.
b. The Minimwn Channels OPERABLE requirement Is m however, the inoperable channel may be bypassed for up to 4 honrs fcc surveillance testIng of c4hsr channels per Specflcatiort 42i .11.

SRO Enters LCO 3 3 1 1 Action 6 LIM1TINI3 CONOITION FOR OPERATION The Engineered Safety Actuation System IESFAS) instrurnentafon channels and infertoths shown in Table 3.3-3 sinaI be OPERABLE with their trip sexiints set ccosisientwith the tralues shown in the Nornin Thp Setpoint column of Table 3.34. APPLICAEIIITt: As shown in Table 3.3-3. ACTION:

a. Wth an ESFAS murumentainon ctiannei or tntertock vip setpont less conservative than the value shown in the Allowable Values column øf Table 3,34, declare the channel inoperable and apply the applicable ACTION reqterement of Table 3.34 until the channel is restored to OPERABLE status with the trip setpoint ad.mted consistent with the Nominal Trip Setpvint value.


d. PressurizerPressure- 3 2 2 1,2+:34 IT Low

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 1 Event# 2 Page 7 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High ACTION 17 - Wth the number & OPERABLE Channels one less than th Total Nunthe & Channels, STARTUP anor POWER OPERATION may proeeeii pmioded the feig conditions ace sa(ied

a. The inoperable channel a placed in the thpped condinon thin 6 hauia.
b. The Minimum Channels OPERABLE equemebls is met: howeesr, the inoperable thannet may be bassed for up to 4 how for surviIlanoe testing ofctherchannets per.Specification 4,a.2.1.t.

2.1 Action 17

10. CHECK PZR PRESS and PZR SPRAY WHEN malfunction has been identified controllers in AUTO AND Isolated 01 con-ected, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. ENSURE Master Pzr Pressure Controller P1C-68340A Output Percent Meter is less than 40%.
b. ENSURE PZR PRESS Controller, PZR SPRAY controller, and PZR HTRS in AUTO.

NOTE: If periorming AOP in conjunction with AOP-1. 11 for an Eagle LCP failure, then actions to hard trip bistables should be delayed until Eagle system reset is attempted.. Actions to hard trip bistables must be completed within 6 hours UNLESS atfeded loop is restored to operable status bV resetting Eagle raci

11. REMOVE failed pressurizer pressure channel from service:
a. CHECK any pressurizer pressure a. IF all channels are OPERABLE, channel INOPERABLE. THEN GO TO Step 12.


b. CHECK OThT setpoint on affected b. GO TO Substep 11 .d.

channel NORMAL.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # Event # 2 Page 8 of 45 Event


PT 68-340 Fails High

11. d. IF any of the following conditions exists:
                                                   . transmitter signal failed (entire instrument loop affected including OTAT pressure input)


                                                   . OTAT pressure input potentially affected or status CANNOT be determined, THEN PERFORM applicable appendix:

PZR PRESSURE CHANNEL APPENDIX INSTRUMENT P-68-340 (P-455> I A CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event when Pressurizer Pressure control is in AUTO and Tech Specs are identified

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event# 3 Page 9 of 45 Event


Dropped Rod Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 3 Dropped Rod. Indications/Alarms Annunciator: 1-M-4


Indications available: I-M-4

    . I Rod Bottom Light illuminated on M-4 IRPI Display FULL LENGTH ROD S RODS AT BOTTOM 111 CHECK rod position.

121 IF ne than one rod drops, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-0, F?e3ctor Thp or Safety lnjecban p1 IF a single rod dropped. THEN GO TO AOP-C.01, Rod Contro System Maffundions. [4] iF RPI malfunction or failure, THEN GO TO AOP-&01, Rod Control System Munclion& [5] IF dropped rod occurs or rod position indication is the rnalfunction ThEN REFER TO Tedncal Specifications 3.2A. 3t3i, 3.135, and 121.. BOP Responds to ARP 1-AR-M4-B D-7 Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. SRO Transitions to AOP-C.O1 Rod Control System Malfunctions

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 3 Page 10 of 45 Event


Dropped Rod Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior DIAGNOSE the failure: GOTO IF... SECTION PAGE Dropped shutdown/control rod(s 2.2 10 with reactor initially n Mode I or 2. NOTE: step i is an immediate action step. ATC 1. PLACE rod control in MAN. ATC Places HS-85-51 10 to MANUAL. ATC 2. VERIFY ONLY ONE rod dropped. NOTE: If a dropped rod occurs 01 low power level, retrieval of the dropped rod is NOT the conservative action to take and could violate Tech Specs if Mode 2 has been entered). C.21 3 MONITOR reactor power ATC greater than 5%.

4. REDUCE load to control T-avg:
a. MONITOR T-avg greater than 541F.

(LCO3 1.1 4 BOP

b. CHECK main turbine loaded.
c. REDUCE turbine load to establish Tavq Wlthifl 3F 01 Tref.

Lowers Main Turbe load to restore TAVE within 3 deg F of TREF as required.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 1 Event# 3 Page 11 of 45 Event


Dropped Rod Applicants Actions or Behavior

5. MONITOR Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR) less than 1.09 USING one of the following:
  • ICS OR o 0-SI-N UC-000-1 33.0, Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio.
6. EVALUATE the following Tech SpecsiTRM for applicability:
  •, Minimum Temperature for Criticality
  • Movable Control Assemblies, Group Height, Position Indication Systems -


  • 3,1.3.5, Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit
  •, Control Rod Insertion Lims
  • 3.2, Power Distribution Limits (entire section)

LIMNG CONDITION FC OPERATION 3.1.31 AIlfuti length sbutdom and cnbd rods shall be OPERABLE and posi*ioned within +/-12 steps (indicated posdion f their group sIe counter demand position. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1 and2 ACflON:

c. With one fufl length rod mis ed from its groupsep counter demand he4t by more than
                                               +/- 12 steps Cindicated poshor4. POWER OPERATION may ontirue provided that within one boor either
                                                 -    The rr, is restored whhin the abose alunent requirements. or 2      The remainder of the rods in the group vith the misaligned rod are aligned b, within +/-

12 steps of the misa1iied rod while maintaining the rod sequence and :inserton trnit of speclficabon The ThERMAL POWER level shaI be restricted pursuant to Specilication 31.3.6 duhng subseaeni operation, or I The rod is ciected inoperable and the SHIffi OWN MARGIN requirement of Specifoation 3111 ssatisfied. POWER OPERATION may then continue provided th

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event# 3 Page 12 of 45 Event


Dropped Rod Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 3:1.3.2 The shutdown and contral rod position indication system and the demand position tdication system shall be OPERABLE and capable ol determining the control rod positions within +/- 12 steps. APPLICABILITY: MODES 1 and 2. ACTION:

c. With a maximum 0 one demand position indicator per bank inoperable either:

I. Verily that all rod position indicators for the affected bank are OPERABLE and that the most withdrawn rod and the least withdrawn rod of the bank are within a maximum 0112 steps of eadi other at least once per 12 hottis, ot

2. Reduce THERMAL POWER to less than 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER within B hours.

LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION All shutdown rods shall be limited in physcaI i elion as specified in the COIR. APPLICABILiTY: MODES 1 and 2 ACTION:

a. With a maximum of one shutdown rod inserted beyond the insertion limit specified in the COLR, except for urveiilanoe testng pursuant to SpecifIcation or when complying with ACTION b of this specification, within one hour either
1. Restore the rod to witflrrt the irtserlicn limit specified in the COLR, or
2. Declare the rod to be inoperable and apply ACTION .c.3.


a. With the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO determined to exceed 1.02 but less than or equal to 1.09:
1. Calicubte the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO at least once per hour untIl:

a Either the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATiO is reduced to within its limit, or b) THERMAL POWER is reduced to less than 5U% of RATED THERMAL POWER 2, Within 2 hours: al Either reduce the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATiO to within its limit, or bi Reduce THERMAL POWER at least 3% from RATED THERMAL POWER for each 1%of indicated QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO in excess of 1.02 and similarly reduce the Power Range Neubon Flux-High Trip Selpoints within the next 4 hours.

3. Verify that the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is within its limit within 24 hours after exceethg the limit or reduce THERMAL POWER to less th 50% of RATED THERMAL POWER vriituin the next 2 hours and reduce the Power Range Neutron Flux-High Trip setpoints to less than or equal to 55% of RATED THERMAL POWER within the next 4 hours,
4. Identify ana correct the cause of the out of limit ondi on prior to increasing THERMAL POWER; subsequent POWER OPERATION above 50% f RATED THERMAL power may proceed provided that the QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO is earifled within its limit at least once per hourfor 12 hours or until vertlied acceptable at 95% or greater RATED THERMAL POWER.

Enters LCO Action C, Action C, Action A and 3.2.4 Action SRO A

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 3 Page 13 of 45 Event


Dropped Rod Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE Core thermal power must be reduced to less than 73% withn one hour and shutdown margin must be venfied within one hour UNLESS dropped rod can be restored in one hour. (LCO 3. 1. 3 1 action C)

7. PERFORM the following to comply with LCO 3. 1.3. 1:

a INITIATE power reduction to less than 7% USING one of following.

                                               . AOP-C 3, Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction SRO OR a   O-GO-5. Normal Power Operaon.
b. VERIFY adequate Shutdown Margin within 1 hour and once eve 12 hours USING Sl-NUC-000-038.O Transitions to AOP-C.03 RAPID SHUTDOWN OR LOAD REDUCTION, go SRO to page 14 for details.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 14 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time fl Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: No action required for Event 4, Rapid Power reduction of AOP-C.03 RAPID SHUTDOWN OR LOAD ENSURE crew has been briefed on reactivity management expecta ions USING Appendix A REACTIVITY MANAGEMENT BRIEFING NOTE This appendix should be used in addition to event-based brief. [1] ENSURE crew has been briefed on the following:

  • Reason for Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction
  • Load Reduction Rate:________
  • Desired final power level:______
  • Reactivity Management expectations:
  • Unit Supervisor shall concur with all reactivity manipulations
  • Ensure reactor responding as expected using diverse indications
  • Tavg-Tret Mismatch requirements:
  • 3°F control band
  • 5°F reactor trip criteria
  • Crew focus will be on reducing power in a controlled and conservative manner.
  • OATC will monitor rod insertion limits and AFD limit
  • Boration source:
  • Crew will monitor reactor trip and turbine trip criteria using App. B
  • CRC will stop secondary plant equipment using App. C.
  • If time permits, review expected annunciators (ex. Computer Alarm, Upper and Lower Flux Dev)
  • Termination Criteria (conditions requiring Reactor Trip, Turbine Trip, or condition no longer requiring rapid load reduction):

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 15 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior SRO Chooses a power reduction rate of 1% final power level of <75% and BAT as the boration source. (1% to 3% acceptable.)

2. NOTIFY toIIo4ng pe sonnel or rapid shutdown or load reduction a Load Coordinator [C.1]


  • Chemistry a Radiat on Protection
  • Plant Management CREW Makes notifications as required.
3. MONITOR reactoriturbine trip NOT required CREW USING Appendix B, Reactor and Turbine Trip Criteria.

Examiner note: Appendix B reactor and turbine trip criteria see page 21 NOTE: Step 4 should be handed off to opposite unit or extra operator (if available). If NO operator is available, notifications should be performed concurrently with subsequent steps (when time permits).

4. ENSURE following personnel notified of rapid shutdown or load reduction: [C.1]
  • Balancing Authority (Load Coordinator)

(751-7547). CREW a Chemistry a Radiation Protection a Plant Management NOTE: Boration volumes and flowrates llsted in this procedure are recommendations and may be adjusted as necessary.

5. INITIATE boration:
a. CHECK rod control AVAILAELE:


  • Control Bank D rods capable ot being moved
                                            . NO dropped or misaligned rods in Control Bank D.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 16 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time I Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

5. b. CHECK Control Bank D group position greater than 200 steps.


c. CHECK boration capability from BAT AVAILA:BLE
d. DETERMINE recommended boration voume from BAT:
                                               *    -800 gal to reduce power from 100% to 20%


  • 10 gal for each 1% power reduction (from current power level)


  • volume recommended by Reactor Engineering.

SRO Determines 260 gal as required to reduce power from 100% to <75%.

5. e. DETERMINE recommended boration fiowrate from table below or from Reactor Engineering:

SRO LOAD REDUCTION BORATION RATE(%Imin) FLOWRATE 2% -3ogprn 3% 45gpm SRO - hooses a 1% load reduct n rate. (1% to 3% acceptable.)

f. ENSURE concurrence obtained from ATC STA for boration volume and tlowrate.
g. CHECK the following conditions met:
                                           . normal boration flowpath (blender>


  • desired load reduction rate is less than 4% per minute
  • time is available for normal boration.


h. INITIATE normal boration ATC USING Appendix H.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event# 4 Page 17 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CONTROL boration flow as required ATC to inject desired boric acid volume Examiner note: Appendix H Actions are listed in the following steps. APPENDIX H NORMAL BORATLON fi] RECORD desired boration volume and flowrate: U ATC Volume (gal) Flowrate (gprn ATC Records 260 gal as required at 15 to 45 gpm ATC [2] PLACE [HS-62-140A] Makeup Control to STOP position.. ATC Places HS-62-140A to STOP. t3] PLACE IHS-62-1 408] Makeup mce selector switch ATC in BORATE position. ATC Places HS-62-140B to BORATE NOTE Boric Acid controller setting is twice the desired flow rate. Maximum Boric Acid flow IS 45 gprn. t43 ADJUST EFC-62-1 39] BA flow controller setpoint ATC for desired flow mte U ATC Places FIC-62-139 to 15 to 45 gpm. (5] ADJUST FFO-62-1391 BA integrator (batch counter) to desired boric acid volume.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 18 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior [7] ENSURE boric acid transfer pump aligned to blender ATC in FAST speed. Li [8] IF desired boric acid flow rate NOT obtained, THEN ADJUST one or both of the following as necessary: ATC

                                           .    [FC-62-1 391 BA flow controller                                      Li
                                           . recirculation valve for BAT aligned to blender.                      Li

[9] ENSURE desired boric acid flow indicated on FI-62-1 39. LI [10] RECORD time when boration flow established: Li ATC Time: ATC Records time boration initiated. [11] WHEN required boric acid volume has been added AND control rods are above low-low insertion limit, THEN ATC PERFORM the following: [a] PLACE FHS-62-140A1, Makeup Control to STOP position. Li ATC Places HS-62-140A to STOP. [b] ENSURE [FC-62-1 421, Primary Water to Blender Flow ATC Controller in AUTO with dial indicator set at 35%. Li [C] ADJUST IFC-62-1391, Boric Acid Flow Controller to ATC desired blend solution USING Tl-44 Boron Tables. Li ATC Places FIC-62-1 39 to I.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 1 Event# 4 Page 19 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior [d] PLACE 1HS42-140B1, Makeup Mode Selector Switch in AUTO position. [e] PLACE IHS-62-140A1, Makeup Control to START. ATC [f] ENSURE boric acid transfer pumps running in SLOW speed. LI Places HS-62-230A BA Transfer Pump 1A to STOP ATC Places HS-62-230A BA Transfer Pump 1A to START. Places HS-62-232A to BA Transfer Pump 1 B to STOP ATC Places HS-62-232A to BA Transfer Pump I B to START. CAUTION: If borating from the RWST, Turbine Load Reduction Rate greater than 2% per minute could result in violating Rod Insertion Limit.

6. INITIATE load reduction as follows:
a. ADJUST load rate to desired value:

between 1% and 4% per minute if borating via FCV-62-138 BOP OR

  • between 1% and 3% per minute if borating via normal bora[tion (App. H)


  • 2% per minute if borating from RWST.

b ADJUST setter for desrcd power level. IF RX POWER DESIRED LEVEL

                                                             -. f  RECOMMENDED SETTER VALUE I

BOP L 80% 70% 56 46 BOP Adjusts setter to approx. 51

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 1 Event# 4 Page 20 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction Time Position [ Applicants Actions or Behavior

6. C. VERIFY boration flow estabIshed.

BOP d INITIATE lurb:ne baa reduction by depressing GO pushbutton. BOP Depresses GO pushbutton.

e. CONTROL turbine load reriuct ion as necessary o reduce power to des:re level
7. MONITOR T-avgfr-ref mismatch:

a CHECK T rel indcation a PERFORM the Ioliowing: AiAILABL..

1) MONITOR Program T-avg for current reactor power USING T1-28 Figures or [CS (NSSS / BOP. Program Reactor Average Temperature).
2) USE program T-avg in place of T-ret.
3) MAiNTAIN T-avg within 3F of program T-avg USING manual rod ATC control.
4) ADJUST turbine load rate as necessary.
5) IF mismatch between T-avg and program value CANNOT be maintained less than 5F, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-O, Reactor flip or Safety Injection.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 21 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction T h. MONITOR automatic rod control b. IF auto rod control is functional maintaining T-avgiT-ref mismatch AND situation allows slowing down less than 3F. load reduction, THEN PERFORM the following:

1) REDUCE turbine load rate to allow auto rod control to restore T-avgT-ref mismatch
2) WHEN T REF T AUCT HIGH LOW alarm (M-5A. C-6) is clear, TH EN RESTORE turbine load rate to desired value IF any of the following conditions met:
                                                                           . auto rod control NOT functional OR
  • turbine load rate adjustment is NOT effective in reducing mismatch OR
  • situation does NOT allow slowing down load reduction, THEN RESTORE T-avg to within 3T of T-ret USING manual rod control as necessary, IF T-avglT-ref mismatch CANNOT he maintained less than 5F.

THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-0. Reactor Trip or Safety Injectiorr Coordinates with the BOP to maintain T-avg/Program T-ref mismatch less than ATC 3°F using the Tl-28 figure 3 or ICS.

8. MONITOR automatic control of BOP MEW pump speed AVAILABLE 9 STOP secondary plant equipment BOP USING Appendix C, Secondaly Plant Equipment.

Examiner Note: Appendix C, Secondary Plant Equipment starts at page 23. Examiner Note: Additional AOP-C.03 steps not included as required power reduction should be complete at or around this step. Examiner Note: When the crew has sufficiently reduced power the Lead Examiner may go to the next event starting at page 33.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 22 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction APPENDIX B REACTOR AND TURBINE TRIP CRITERIA REACTOR TRIP CRITERIA TURBINE TRIP CRITERIA Turbine rnp required or imminent Turbine vibration exceeding 14 mils With reactor power greater than P-9 (50%) with one of the blowing: Uncontrolled rod movement wtllch CANNOT be

  • high vibration on multiple bearings stopped by placing rods in MANUAL OR Loss of SIG level control:
  • abnormal noise/vibration apparent level dropping or rising toward trip setpoint and level CANNOT be restored o-s.oi More than one dropped rod o-c.oi T-avg/T-ref mismatch CANNOT be maintained less than 5F (refer to Step 7 or App E) 30% turbine load: < 30% turbine load:

Condenser Pressure > 2.7 psia AND CANNOT Condenser Pressure> I J2 psia be restored within 5 minutes (AOP-&Q2 Any automatic reactor trip setpoint reached Any automatic turbine trip setpoint reached OR automatic trip imminent: OR automatic trip imminent:

  • Turbine trip above P-9 (50%)
  • High Stator Cooling Water temp 90CC
  • Safety injection OR Stator D/P 12 psig below normal
  • Power Range high flux 109%
  • Both MFPTs tripped
  • Power Range flux rate +/-5% in 2 seconds
  • LOW Auto Stop Oil pressure 45 psig
  • Pressurizer nigh level 92%
  • High Sf0 level 81% narrow range
  • Pressurizer pressure low 1970 psig
  • Main Turb Bearing Oil low pressure 7 psig
  • Pressurizer pressure nigh 2385 psig
  • Thrust Bearing Oil high pressure 60 psig
  • RCS low flow 90%
  • Turbine Overspeed 1980 rpm
  • RCP undervoltage 5.022 kilovolts
  • LOSS of EHC pressure
  • RCP underfrequency 56.0 HZ
  • Generator PCBs tripped.
  • OThT 115% (variable)
  • OPT 10&7% (variable)
  • SIG low level 10.7% [15% EAMI
  • SSPS general warning in both trains

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 23 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction APPENDIX C SECONDARY PLANT EQUIPMENT [1] ENSURE plant announcement(s) made on the following:

  • starting rapid shutdown (or load reduction) due to (reason)
  • stopping seconday plant equipment NOTE I If reactor power will be reduced below 50%, AUO should be on station at #3 heater drain tank (if possible) when 60% power is reached.

NOTE 2 Dispatching of AUO in Steps [2] and [3] may be performed out of sequence. 21 IF reactor power will be reduced below 50%, THEN DiSPATCH AUO with Appendix J (Unit I) or 1< (Unit 2) to #3 Heater Drain Tank. [31 IF one MFP will be shutdown using this appendix, THEN DISPATCH AUO to OPEN MFWP recirc manual Isolation valve for MFWP to be removed from service: (NIA valves NOT opened) UNIT MFWP VALVE LOCATION OPEN IA 1-VLV-3-576 TB el. 706, Northeast corner of lAcondenser IB 1 -VLV-3-577 TB el. 706, Northeast corner of IA condenser 2 2A 2-VIV-3-576 TB el. 706, Southeast corner of 2A condenser 28 2-VLV-3-577 TB ef 706, Southeast corner of 2A condenser fl

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 24 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction APPENDIX C IF BOTH of the following conditions are met:

  • power is being reduced as direcled by AOP-S.O1 (Main Feedwater Malfunctions) or AOP-SO4 (Condensate or Heater Drain Malfunctions)
  • leaving seconday pumps in service is desired, THEN GO TO Step [8].

[5] WHEN turbine impulse pressure is approximately 80% or less, THEN PERFORM the following: Ia] ENSURE one Cond Demin Booster Pump STOPPED. Ib] ENSURE associated suction valve CLOSED: OR B FCV-2285 OR FCV-2-280

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 25 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction [6] WHEN turbine impulse pressure is approximately 70-75%, THEN PERFORM the following: a] ENSURE one Condensate Booster Pump STOPPED.. fb] ENSURE associated CBP suction valve CLOSED: CONDENSATE BOOSTER PP SUCTION VALVE CLOSED A FCV-2-94 0 OR FCV2-87 OR FCV-2-81 1c PERFORM applicable procedure to adjust seal injection water pressure on stopped CBP to prevent water intrusion in oil: (may be assigned to another operator or delayed if necessary)

  • 1-SO-213-1 Section 7.2 0 OR
  • 2-SO-2/3-1 Section 7.3 0

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 26 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction [7] WHEN turbine impulse pressure is approximately 65% or less, THEN PERFORM the tollowing: [a] STOP remaining two Cond Demin Booster Pumps simultaneously. [b] ENSURE suction vatves CLOSED: COND DEMIN BOOSTER PUMP SUCTION VALVE CLOSED s! A FCV-2--290 U B FCV-2-285 [1 C FCV-2-.280 U fr] STOP one No. 3 Heater Drain pump. El d] STOP one No. 7 Heater Drain pump.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 27 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction 18] IF reactor power will be maintained greater Than 50%, THEN GO TO Notes prior to Step (11]. CAUTION Isolation of all three intermediate heater strings could occur if turbine is tripped prior to fully opening LCV-6-1 05A and B using Appendix J or K. [9] WHEN reactor power is less than 60% AND AUO with App. J (Unit 1) or K (Unit 2) is on station at #3 Heater Drain Tank, THEN PERFORM the following: [a] STOP #3 Heater Drain Tank Pumps. E [b] NOTIFY AUO to perform App. J (Unit 1) or App. K (Unit 2), Fully Opening #3 Heater Drain Tank Bypass Valves. [c] CLOSE isolation valves from #3 Htr Drain Pumps to heater strings: VALVE DESCRIPTION C1OSED I FCV-6.-108 Htr Drain 1k Pump 3 to Htr String A El FCV-6-109 Htr Drain 1k Pump 3 to Htr String B U FCV-6-1 10 Htr Drain 1k Pump 3 to Htr String C El

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 1 Event# 4 Page 28 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction NOTE I The following step ensures that MFW Bypass valves are available to control feedwater Ilow at low power NOTE 2 If any MFW Reg valve is. in MANUAL, the associated MFW Bypass valve controller should remain in MANUAL to prevent undesired opening of bypass valve. [1O WHEN Reactor power is less than 50%, THEN PERFORM the following: fa] IF all MFW Reg Valves are in AUTO. THEN PLACE MFW Bypass Reg Valve controllers in AUTO [b] IF any MFW Reg Valve is in MANUAL, THEN PERFORM the following:

1) MAINTAIN MFW Bypass Reg Valve in MANUAL for SIG with MFW Reg valve in MANUAL
2) PLACE MFW Bypass Reg Valves in AUTO for remaining S1G& ü

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 1 Event# 4 Page 29 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction NOTE I If performing this AOP to reduce power to allow shutting down one MFW pump, the affected MFWP may be removed from service at power level less than 55% (Unit 1) or 65% (Unit 2). NOTE 2 AFW start function on toss of both MFW pumps is inoperable when a MEW pump is RESET but NOT pumping forward. LCO 3.321 (Unit l)or 3.3.2 (Unit 2) allows AEW start channel to be inoperable for up to 4 hours when shutting down a MFWP, [II] WHEN it is desired to remove one MEW pump from service AND power level is less than applicable limit:

  • tuthine impulse pressure less than approximately 45%


  • reactor power less than value specitied in Note I THEN PERFORM the following; (a] ENSURE MFWP Recirc Manual Isolation valve OPEN for MFWP to be removed from service: (N/A valves NOT opened)

UNIT MFWP VALVE LOCATION OPEN %f IA 1-VLV-3-576 TB el. 706, Northeast corner of 1A condenser lB i-VLV-3.-577 TB eL 706, Northeast corner of 1A condenser 2A 2-VLV-3-576 TB el. 706, Southeast corner of 2A condenser 2 28 2-VLV-3-577 TB el. 706, SouTheast corner of 2A condenser Eb] THROTTLE OPEN recirc valve in MANUAL (30-50% OPEN) for MFWP to be removed from service. D [c] PLACE speed controller in MANUAL for MFWP to be removed from service. (d] REDUCE speed gradually on MEWP to be removed from service.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 30 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction (11] (Continued) fe] ENSURE proper loading on remaining MFWP. ff] IF MFWP CANNOT be fully unloaded with speed controller, THEN PERFORM one of the fbi lowing: NOTIFY I&C to slowly adjust hand speed changer for affected MFWP UNTIL MFWP is fully unloaded. U OR

  • THROTTLE OPEN recirc valve for affected MFWP to assist in unloading MFWP U OR
  • SLOWLY CLOSE governor valve by bumping closed governor valve positioner (if operable)


  • OBTAIN SRO concurrence that MFWP flow is sufficiently low to allow tripping MFWP. U to] WHEN MFWP is unloaded sufficient[y, THEN TRIP affected MFWP. U fli] CLOSE recirc valve for MFWP removed from servica U fi] CLOSE recirc valve Manual Isolation inlet valve for MFWP removed from servica U U] OPEN drain valves for MFWP removed from service: [M-3}
                     *  [KS-46-14], MFWP A drain valves         .


  • fHS-46-413. MFWP B drain valve&

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 20 12-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 31 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction [12] WHEN turbine impulse pressure is approximately 45% or less, THEN PERFORM the following; (a] STOP remaining No. 7 Heater Drain pump. fb] CLOSE isolation valves from #7 Heater Drain Pumps to heater strings: VALVE DESCRIPTION CLOSED I FcV-6143 Htr Drain Th Pump 7 to Htr String A 0 FCV-6-163 Htr Drain Tk Pump 7 to Htr String B 0 FCV-6-184 Htr Drain TIc Pump 7 to Htr Stung C 0 [13] WHEN turbine impulse pressure is approximately 30% or less, THEN PERFORM the following: [a] ENSURE main turbine EHC controls in IMP OUT. (b] IF #3 heater drain tank pumps are still running, THEN PERFORM Step ta] Ic] STOP one of two remaining Condensate Booster Pumps. (step continued on next pae

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 4 Page 32 of 45 Event


Rapid Power Reduction [13] (Continued) [d] ENSURE associated CBP suction valve CLOSED: OR FCV-2-87 - OR f C FCV-2-81 e] STOP one of three Hotwell Pumps. H [fJ PERFORM applicable procedure to adjust seal injection water pressure on stopped CBP to prevent water intrusion in oil: (may be assigned to another operator or delayed if necessary) a 1-SO-2/3-1 Section 72 OR a 2-50-2/3-1 Section 73

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 5 Page 33 of 45 Event


PT-3-1 Fails Low Time Position Applicants Actions or behavior Simulator Operator: When Directed, Initiate Event 5 Feed Water Header Pressure Transmitter Fails Low; PT-3-1 IndicationslAlarms Annunciator: 1-M-3

  • 1-XA-55-3C, C-I PS-3-4 NO I FW HTR PRESSURE Low
  • I-XA-55-3B, 0-I Main Feedwater Digital Control Sys Transfer To Manual Indications:


  • SG-1 thru 4 SG FW INLET FLOW increasing flow- above steam flow 1-M-3

Significant Resultant Alarmsllndications: Indications: ICS


[1] F usng the hand controflers to determine which Digital Feedwater contrdler(s) has transfeiTed to manu, THEN DETERMINE which controtler(s) in Manua by ORANGE backlit Manuar on confrailer. 1 IF using the OCS Operator Display monitors to determine which Dgita1 Feedwater confrd]er(s) has transferred to MANUAL, ThEN OBSERVE contrdler(s) yel)ov? status light being LiT. [3] ADJUST controiler() to maintain system parameters steady. [4] NOTIFY US vdhich controller(s) are in manual and system status

                                     >                -   N Q                                    0.       E          >  C 0

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      >                             0.        C
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                                                       >%C 0

uJ 4----- 0 C . (0 I D I C C 0 Q U)U)U) OW C) Ui 0.4-4--c-I-, OW U) w 0 2 0 U) 0I, C LU) i-Cr 0 z  : U) 9 Cu U) C, > C 2 LL LA.. LA.. 0 04- i3* ffl 0


0 U)

                                             .. 00 U) 4-,

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                                            -Q-0 E                                      90o C                                            CU<4-ci) 0.

I E - 0 D.

0. -.

4 x 0

                                            >C WU)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 5 Page 35 of 45 Event


PT-3-1 Fails Low Time Position Applicants Actions or behavior 1: RESTORE feedwater pressure:

a. ENSURE affected MFP speed controller(s) in MANUAL:
  • MFPT A & B Speed Control OR
  • MEPT A Speed Controller BOP OR
  • MEPT B Speed Controller b ADJUST speed on affected MFPs) to restore feedwater pressure to normal --104O psig at full power).

Manually lowers output MFP (Master) Speed Control to maintain S/G levels BOP on program level. 2 DETERMINE if MEP trip s needed: BOP


CAUTION: Feed flow transients may impact core thermal power.

3. MAINTAIN steam generator level(s)

BOP on program. NOTE: Appendix C or DCS Operator Display monitors MFP Control screen may be used to determine program feedwater DIP for current power. 4 MAINTAIN MFP discbarge pressure BOP on program USING OCS Operator Display monitors, ICS or available control board indications. CAUTION Reactor operation at low power levels for extended periods may ctiallenge reactivity control due to xenon changes. BOP 5. CHECK Reactor power greater than 5%.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 5 Page 36 of 45 Event


PT-3-1 Fails Low Time Position__Q Applicants Actions or behavior CREW 6. INITIATE repairs on railed equipment.

7. WHEN automatic control of affected MEW pump controller(s) is available and reliable, THEN PLACE controller(s) in AUTO USING 1 2-SO-SB-i Distributed Commi System.

SRO NOTE: Instructions [or restoring bypassed instrument channels are contained in I ,2-SO-98-1.

8. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

END OF SECTION Crew Performs a Crew Brief as time allows. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the crew brief. Crew Operations Management Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). END OF SECTION Lead Examiner may cue the next event when plant is stable with MFP speed control in manual.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 37 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time Position fl Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 6 Loss of Offsite Power Indications available:

   . RPI for all control rods at 0
   . Reactor trip alarms lit [M-4D].
   . Rapid drop in neutron level.
   . Simulator Lights reduced to minimum.

SRO Enter and Direct performance of E-0, Reactor Trip Or Safety Injection. Examiner Note: following IOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, ATC/BOP surveys MCBs for any expected automatic system response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. (Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions) Examiner Note: MONITOR status trees, the crew will implement status tree monitoring via ICS. When a RED or ORANGE path status tree is observed, the SRO will designate one of the Board operators (typically the BOP) to verify status tree conditions using 1-FR-C, UNIT I STATUS TREES. Once verified, the SRO should direct the crew to transition to the appropriate RED and/or ORANGE path procedure(s). CREW Performs the first four steps of E-0 unprompted. SRO Directs performance of E-0 NOTE I Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps. NOTE 2 This procedure has a foldout page.

1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPEL:
  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN ATC
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.
  • Neutron flux. DROPPING
2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:

BOP Turbine stop valves CLOSED.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 38 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

3. VERIFY at least one 6.9KV shutdown ATTEMPT to start D/Gs.

board ENERGIZED on this unit. IF power CANNOT be immediately restored to at least one shutdown board BOP on this unit, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power. BOP Aftempts to manually stan Diesel generators. SRO Transitions to ECA-O.O, Loss Of All AC Power. SRO Directs actions of ECA-O.O, Loss Of All AC Power. NOTE Steps 1, 2, and 3 are immediate action steps.

1. SUSPEND FRP implementation and CREW MONITOR status trees for information only.
2. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:
                                              . Reactor trip breakers OPEN ATC
                                             . Reactor trip bypass breakers OPEN or DISCONNECTED
                                             . Neutron flux DROPPING
3. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:

ATC ALL turbine stop valves CLOSED [SSPS status lights on M-6]. ATC 4. ENSURE RCPs STOPPED. NOTE Step 5 should be handed off to a Unit Operator.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 39 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

5. PERFORM the following notifications:
a. NOTIFY four AUOs to report to MCR immediately to be available as necessary for DC load shed and ATC local operation of TD AFW LCVs.
b. NOTIFY Site Security to station officers at key vital doors USING SSI-1, Security Instructions for Members of the Secunty Force.


a. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED.
b. Letdown isolation valves CLOSED: b. CLOSE valves.
  • FCV-62-69 ATC
  • FCV-62-70
  • FCV-62-72
  • FCV-62-73
  • FCV-62-74 ATC Places HS-62-69 and 62-70 to CLOSE.
c. Excess letdown isolation valves ATC CLOSED:
  • FCV-62-54
  • FCV-62-55

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6,7 Page 40 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time Q Position fl Applicants Actions or Behavior

d. Reactor vessel head vents CLOSED:
  • FSV-68-394 ATC
  • FSV-68-395
  • FSV-68-396
  • FSV-68-397 NOTE
  • On loss of auxiliary control air, TD AFW LCVs fail open.
  • Auxiliary air compressors are powered from 480V C&A Vent Boards 2A1-A and 2B1-B.
7. MONITOR AFW flow:


7. MONITOR AFW flow:

BOP b. CONTROL TD AFW pump USING EA-3-1, MCR Operation of TD AFW Pump Manually adjusts HC-46-57-S (ID AFW speed control) to achieve and maintain at least 440 gpm total AFW flow until at least I SIG level is at 10% NR.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 41 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

7. MONITOR AFW flow:


  • BOTH Unit 2 Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED
  • Train A and B Aux Control Air pressure on 1-M-15 (prior to DC load-shedding).
7. MONITOR AFW flow:
d. MAINTAIN AFW flow BOP greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV]

in atleastoneS/G.

7. MONITOR AFW flow:

BOP e. CONTROL intact or ruptured SIG narrow range levels between 10% [25% ADVJ and 50%. CAUTION DO NOT attempt to start DIGs if both trains of ERCW are unavailable due to catastrophic event.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 42 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open IA EDG Cooling Valve Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:
a. CHECK for any of the following:


  • any DIG on this unit potentially available (capable of supplying power to shutdown board)


  • availability of any D/G on this unit is UNKNOWN.
8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:


b. RESET D/G start lockout relays for D/G(s) to be started. [O-M-26]
8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:

BOP C. EMERGENCY START diesel generators. [M-1 switch and M-26 pushbutton]

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 43 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset IA EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time I Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:


d. VERIFY at least one shutdown board ENERGIZED from DIG on this unit.
8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:


e. VERIFY ERCW supply established e. START ERCW pumps and to running diesel generators. ALIGN ERCW valves as necessary
8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:
f. CHECK at least one shutdown board on this unit ENERGIZED.
8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:
g. RESUME FRP implementation.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7 Page 44 of 45 Event


Loss of ALL AC Power, Manually Reset 1A EDG Lockout, Manually Open 1A EDG Cooling Valve Time Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

8. ATTEMPT to restore power to any shutdown board on this unit:
h. RETURN TO procedure and step in effect.

Examiner Note: Lead Examiner may terminate the scenario when ERCW cooling flow has been established to the 1A EDG.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 1 Event # Page 45 of 45 Event


Critical Task Critical Tasks: Critical Task Statement 1 Energize at least one 6.9 kv Shutdown Board by resetting the 1A EDG LO relay prior to completing step 8 of ECA-O.O. 2 Manually establish ERCW flow to the required EDG prior to completing step 8.e of ECA 0.0.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment I Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: 2012-302 Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: Unit 1 is in MODE 2, 2% Reactor Power, A Main Feedwater Pump I/S Turnover: Continue Plant Startup. Currently at 0-GO-4, Section 5.1 Step 4. Place Feed Regulating valves in AUTO, then increase power to 13-15%. Target CTs: Manually initiate a Phase B isolation prior to completing ES-0.5 step 13. Manually stop one Containment Spray Pump prior to completing ES-i .3 step 2 Event No. Malt. No. Event Type* Event Description

1. N/A R-ATC Continue Power Increase from 2%.

l.a N/A N-BOP/SRO Place feed Reg Valves in AUTO using 0-GO-4.Section 5.1 Step 4.

2. IMF NIO4B l-ATC/SRO IR Channel N-36 tails higher than normal, the crew will place N36 Level Trip switch in BYPASS. The SRO will address Tech Specs and enter LCO TS SRO Action 3 and, Action 1.
3. THOI B C-ATC/SRO A Small RCS Leak (21 gpm) in Loop 2 Hot Leg will develop. The crew will respond using AOP-R.05. The ATC will raise charging flow to control pressurizer TS SRO level. The SRO will address Tech Specs and determine that RCS Leakage is in excess of LCO requirements.
4. IMF RX29 C-BOP/SRO PT-1-33 develops a ramp failure, the BOP will manually close the Steam Dumps using AOP-S.05.
5. THO1 B M-All The RCS leak increases to a LOCA, the crew will initiate a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection and transitions to E-0. During the performance of E-0, the Hi-Hi rre-Insert D

Containment pressure logic to initiate Phase B containment isolation fails. The RPO7 C-ATC ATC will manually initiate a Phase B using prudent operator actions.

6. ZDIHS6523A C-BOP The EGTS fans fail to AUTO-START, the BOP will manually start the EGTS fans using Prudent Operator Actions or guidance from ES-0.5.
7. M-All The crew will transition from E-0 to E-i and ultimately ES-i .3 to align RHR to the Containment Sump.

(N)ormal, (R)eactivity, ()nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Appendix D Scenario Outline 2012-301 Scenario 3 Summary EVENT 1 The crew will assume the shift, place the feed reg valves in AUTO using O-GO-4.Section 5.1 Step 4 and continue the power increase. EVENT 2 When directed by the lead examiner, IR Channel N-36 fails higher than normal, the crew will place N36 Level Trip switch in BYPASS. The SRO will address Tech Specs and enter LCO Action 3b and, Action la. EVENT 3 When directed by the lead examiner, a Small RCS Leak (21 gpm) in Loop 2 Hot Leg will develop. The crew will respond using AOP-R.05. The ATC will raise charging flow to control pressurizer level. The SRO will address Tech Specs and determine that RCS Leakage is in excess of LCO requirements. The SRO will enter LCO or b action a. EVENT 4 When directed by the lead examiner, PT-1-33 develops a ramp failure, the BOP will manually close the Steam Dumps using AOP-S.05. EVENT 5 The RCS leak increases to a LOCA, the crew will initiate a Reactor Trip and Safety Injection and transitions to E-O. During the performance of E-O, the Hi-Hi Containment pressure logic to initiate Phase B containment isolation fails. The ATC will manually initiate a Phase B using prudent operator actions. During the transition to E-1, status tree monitoring will occur. The crew will identify red path condition and implement FR-Z.l for High Containment Pressure and potentially FR-P.1 for Pressurized Thermal Shock RED Path. EVENT 6 During performance of the EOPs, the EGTS fans fail to AUTO-START, the BOP will manually start the EGTS fans using Prudent Operator Actions or guidance in ES-O.5. EVENT 7 During performance of the EOPs, the RWST b-b level will occur requiring the crew to transition from E-1 to ES-i .3 to align RHR to the Containment Sump. The scenario terminates as directed by the Lead Examiner upon completion of FR-Z.1 and FR-P-i if applicable, and when at least one Containment Spray pump has been stopped in ES-i .3.. EOP flow: E-O, E-1, FR-Z.1, FR-P.i, ES-i.3

1201-302 SCN 3 Booth Instructions BOOTH OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS Sim. Setup

1. Reset IC-9 2% power BOL time in core life
2. Perform switch check.
3. Verify control rod step counters reset.
4. Place simulator in RUN.
5. Place Mode 2 placard on panels.
6. Place B Train Week sign on the simulator.
7. Allow the simulator to run for at least 3 minutes before loading SCEN file or starting the exercise. This will initialize ICS.
8. Load SCENS: S-1211 NRC SCN 3
9. Select NR-45 to Startup Channels
10. Ensure 1-M-5 Tave-Tref Recorder re-scaled for MODE 2 values
11. Ensure 1 C Pzr B/U Htr Group energized
12. Provide an in-progress copy of 0-GO-4.Section 5.1 Step 4
13. Acknowledge any alarms, allow the plant to stabilize, and freeze the simulator.
15. Place turnover sheets on the operators desks.
16. Place simulator in RUN before crew enters the simulator.

Page 1 of 2

1201-302 SCN 3 Booth Instructions EVENT IC/MFIRF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK This override is IMF RPO7 f:1 Failure of Hi-Hi containment pressure logic to initiate Phase active when the B containment isolation. SCN file is loaded. This override is ICR ZDIHS6523A f:3 Prevents auto start of the EGTS fans. active when the ICR SCN file is ZLOHS6523A GREEN loaded. f:1 {global95[2481]} DOR ZDIHS6523A {global95[2481]} DOR ZLQHS6523A_GREEN ICR ZDIHS6542A f:3 ICR ZLCHS6542A_GREEN f: 1 {global95[2494]} DOR ZDIHS6542A {globalg5[2494]} DOR ZLCHS6542A_GREEN N/A Raise Power to 13-15% in preparation for Main Generator Synchronization When directed, IMF NIO4B f:91 k:2 IR Channel N-36 fails high use KEY 2 to Support staff: When contacted to evaluate and reset failure, insert inform the crew that a team will report to the MCR in 45 malfunction. minutes When directed IMF THOI B f:O.003 k:3 RCS Loop 2 Hot Leg Leak -3O Gpm. by the Lead Examiner, use KEY 3 to insert malfunction. When directed IMF RX29 f:100 r:180 k:4 PT-1-33 slow failure by the Lead Examiner, use KEY4to insert malfunction. When directed MMF THO1B f:12 r:600 Loop #2 LOCA-To Require Rx Trip and Safety Injection. by the Lead

Examiner, modify the malfunction.

If directed, IRE RHR14 f:1 k:8 RWST To RHR Pp Flow Control Vlv Power, FCV-63-1. insert the Support staff: if dispatched w/ EA-201 -1 requested, as remote function. AUC, wait 2 minutes respond that electric power is restored to ECV-63-1. Page 2 of 2

Time: Now Date: Today Unit I MCR Checklist (751-6338 ID 950848) Then Press 2 1ait .1 - Completed by Off-going $hift /Reviewed 1y On-corngSt Mode 2, 2% Power NRC phone Authentication Code PSA Risk: Green Grid Risk: Green Until 0800 XXXX RCS Leakage ID .02 gpm, UNID .02 gpm After 0800 YYYY Comon Tech Spec Actions LCO/TRM Eguipjnent INOP Time INOP Owner RTS NONE U-i Tech Spec Actions LCOITRM Equipment INOP Time INOP Owner RTS NONE

                                .            Protected Equipment NONE Shift Priorities SI/Test in Progress/Planned: (Unit 2 Operator is performing)
    .      0-SI-NUC-000-1 .0, Estimated Critical Conditions.
    .      0-Sl-SXX-068-127.0, Minimum Temp for Criticality.

Major Activities/Procedures in Progress/Planned:

    .      Place Feed Reg Valves in AUTO using 0-GO-4 Section 5.1, step 4.
    .      Continue with power increase using 0-GO-4 Section 5.2.

Radiological Changes in Plant During Shift:

    .      Containment dose rate increase with Rx power increase. Contact Rad Con for all RWP details.

Part 2 Performed by on-corning shift Review current TS/TRM/ODCM/FPR Current Qualification Status Required Actions Review the current controlling Walkdown MCR Control Boards with off-going Operator Reactivity Management Plans SRJPER reviews complete for previous Review Narrative Logs shift (SM/US/STA) (previous day and carry-over items) Relief Time:_____________________ Relief Date:_______________________ Part 3 Performed by both off-going and on-coming shift LI Review Operator Workarounds, LI Review applicable ODMI actions Burdens, and Challenges (applicable (first shift of shift week) Unit/Station) LI Review changes in Standing/Shift LI Review changes to TACFs issued orders since last shift worked) (since last shift worked) LI Review Control Room Deficiencies LI Review Component Deviation Log (first shift of shift week) (Active Procedures)

Time; Now Date: Today Abnormal Equipment Lineup/Conditions: MAIN CONTROL ROOM (7690) (593-5409) Train B Week Feed Reg Valves in MANUAL AUXILIARY BUILDING (7775) (593-2469) All equipment operating or operable. TURBINE BUILDING 7771 All equipment operating or operable. OUTSIDE (7666) (593-0122) All equipment operating or operable.

Time: Now Date: Today Required Additional Monitoring and Contingencies (Undated and Maintained by SM) Issue Required Action Expiration Date ODMI TACF Description TACF .

UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF Date: Today Time: Now I General Information 7 RCS Boron: 1570 ppm Today BA Controller Setpoint: 42%

  • RCS B-b Depletion: 0 ppm Operable BAT: A BAT A Boron: 6850ppm BAT C Boron: 6B5Oppm RWST Boron: 2601 ppm Nominal Gallons per rod step from  : NIA gallons of acid, NIA gallons of water Verify boric acid flow controller is set at Adjusted BA Controller Setting iaw 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1 I Estimated values for a 10 Change in Tave **

Gallons of acid: NIA Gallons of water: NIA Rod Steps: NIA Estimated rodslboron for emergency step power reduction ** (Assuming Xenon equilibrIum and no reactivity effects due to Xenon. 213 total reactivity from rods, 1/3 from boron) Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Position Estimated boron addition 10% NIA Steps on bank D NIA gallons 30% NIA Steps on bank D NIA gallons 50% NIA Steps on bank D NIA gallons These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superceded by Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until three weeks from now. Previous Shift Reactivity Manipulations Number of dilutions: 0 Number of borations: Rod steps in: Gallons per dilution: 0 Gallons per boration: Rod steps out: Total amount diluted: 0 Total amount borated: Net change: IN/Out Current Shift Estimated Reactivity Manipulations Number of dilutions: 0 Gallons per dilution: 0 Number of borations: Gallons per boration: 1 Rod Rod steps in: steps out: Total expected dilution: 0 Remarks: Total expected boration: 1 Net change: In/Out Rx Power2% MWD/MTU 150 Xenon Samarium -971 pcm O-SO-62-7 Appendix D was completed by the STA. Next Unit I Flux Map is scheduled- 74% RTP Unit Supervisor: Name/Date

Operations Chemistry Information Boron Results Sample Point Units Boron Date I Time Goal Limit UI RCS ppm 1570 Today! Now Variable Variable U2 RCS ppm 816 Today! Now Variable Variable UI RWST ppm 2601 Today I Now 2550 2650

                                                                                               -           2500 2700 U2 RWST                      ppm           2569           Today! Now            2550 2650
                                                                                               -           2500 2700 BAT A                      ppm           6850           Today! Now              Variable            Variable BAT B                      ppm           6850           Today / Now             Variable            Variable BAT C                      ppm           6850           Today! Now              Variable            Variable Ui CLA #1                     ppm           2556           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 UI CLA #2                    ppm            2575           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 Ui CLA #3                    ppm            2591           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 Ui CLA #4                    ppm            2589           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 U2 CLA #1                    ppm            2531           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 U2 CLA #2                    ppm            2650           Today I Now            2470-2630           2400-2700 U2 CLA #3                    ppm            2522           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 U2 CLA #4                    ppm            2526           Today! Now             2470-2630           2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool                 ppm           2547           Today! Now                > 2050                 2000 Lithium Results                                                Goal             Midpoint Ui RCS                      ppm             1.1          Today!Now                    >1                  >1 U2 RCS                      ppm           2.43           Today! Now              2.18-2.48               2.33 Primary to Secondary Leakrate Information (Total CPM RM-90-991119)

Indicator Units UI Date ITime U2 DatelTime SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes!No No Today ! Now No Today! Now SI 137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today I Now < 0.1 Today I Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1 15 Today! Now 68 Today! Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 490 Today! Now 83 Today ! Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 790 Today! Now 206 Today ! Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1 165 Today! Now 455 Today! Now 100 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1540 Today! Now 662 Today! Now 150 gpd leak equivalent cpm 2290 Today! Now 870 Today! Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today! Now 12.5 Today! Now Bkgd on 99/119 cpm 40 Today! Now 40 Today ! Now Correction Factor 99/119 cpm/gpd 15 Today! Now 734 Today! Now Steady state conditions are necessary for an accurate determination of leak rate using the CVE Rad Monitor

[ SQN Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS 0GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 L REACTOR POWER Page 8 of 111 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Precautions [Adherence to Precautions and Limitations erence d in NPG-SPP-01 .2. Reactor Engineering should be contacted for guidance on core operating recommendations during unusual power maneuvers such as startup during end of core life. c.iij TRM requires LEFM core thermal power (U21 18) to be used to perform 0-Sl-OPS-092-078.O above 15% reactor power. LEFM indication is available if the following conditions are met:

  • LEFM status NORMAL on ICS Calorimetric Data scree n
  • LEFM core thermal power (ICS point U21 18) shows good (green) data.
  • LEFM MFW header temp (ICS p.oint T8502MA) greater than 250°F.

If LEFM indication is NOT available above 15% reactor pow er, then TR action must be entered.

     )     During startup, NIS power range indication may be reading 1                                                                    significantly higher than true power until calibration adjustments are made. The following should be used to determine the most accurate indication for comparis on with NIS:
  • When reactor power is less than or equal to 15%, use average loop iT (U0485).
  • When reactor power is greater than 15%, use LEFM core thermal power indication (U21 18). If LEFM is NOT available, then continue using average loop zT up to 40%. (Ui 118 will be used above 40% with LEFM unavailable).

The boron concentration in the pressurizer should be maintained within 50 ppm of the RCS by use of pressurizer heaters and spray. Pressurizer enclosure temperature should be maintained less than 150°F. Rapid changes in pressurizer enclosure temperature may result in pressurizer safety valve simmer.

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev, 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 9 of III 31 Precautions (continued) The low pressure turbine steam inlet tem perature should be limited to 400°F when unit load is less than 10%. When redu cing load, the reheater control valves should be adjusted to limit reheater outle t temperature to a maximum of 400°F within approximately 15 minutes after reaching 10% load. Do NOT pass steam through the turbine with the rotor at rest. The turbine should be on turning gear anytime the main stea m lines are pressurized up to turbine stop valves. Change in load should be controlled in accord ance with load changing curves of Tl-28, Figures 6 and 7. Tl-28, Figure 6 is design ed to limit the maximum rotor stress during the entire program of acceleration, synchronizing, holding at minimum load, followed by raising load to full capability. The recommended time periods for each phase of the program are determined by the measured first-stage metal temperature at the time of start ing. The turbine should be operated in IMP OUT control during normal unit operation. iMP IN operation results in sys tem swings arid should only be used during the performance of valve tests. (W lette r GP 89-1 55, RIMS S57 901-26 972) The Predictive Maintenance Engineer (PDM) shou ld be contacted following a unit trip so that he may determine if local vibra tion monitoring of the Turbine-Generator, by the PDM staff should be performed when the unit is restarted. Normally, monitoring is necessary follo wing major maintenance outage on the turbine-generator, a refueling outage, a or after a plant trip which was due to a turbine initiated trip or a gen erator electrical initiated trip. Two hours lead time prior to the initial turbine roll is necessary to ensure that the PDM staff is onsite to monItor the start-up. The Ma intenance Shift Supervisor (MSS) has the telephone numbers and pag er numbers for the Predictive Maintenance Engineer and the Supervisor for the PDM staff. Any off frequency turbine operation is to be reported to the Component Engineering Group Vibration Engineer for record keep ing. The report will include duration and magnitude of off-frequency operation. Operation at off-frequencies is to be avoided in order to preven t the probable occurrence of turbine blade resonance. Prolonged periods of operatton at certain off-design frequencies could cause excessive vibratory stre sses which could eventually generate fatigue cracking in the blades. Off-frequ ency operation is permitted to the degree and time limit specified on the chart Off-Frequency Turbine Operation, Figure 14 of Tl-28.

T SQN Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 S REACTOR POWER Page 10 of 111 3.1 Precautions (continued) The valve position limiter should be periodical ly positioned approximately 10% above governor control indications (keeps gove rnor valves off of the limiter) as turbine load is raised. This prevents inadverte nt load rises by limiting governor valve opening and allows a faster response of the runback feature which ensures main feedwater system will supp ly the required amount of flow. The position of control rod bank D should norm ally be 215 steps when power level is steady state at or above 85% RTP. At steady state power levels below 85%, control bank D should normally be 165 steps. If rod position is more than 2 steps below this guidance for long term

                                                             , then an impact to safety analysis assumptions may occur. Long term will be defined/determined by Reactor Engineering and the Fuel Vendor.

At low power levels, the LP Heaters may be unba lanced in extraction steam supply use and heat pickup across the conden sate side of the heater string. This condition should correct itself as the unit approaches 45-50% Turbine Power. (REF. REF 99-003789-000) 0-Pl-OPS-035-001 .0 should be performed prior to turbine restart when recommended by engineering, following maintenan ce or plant activities in which the generator was depressurized durin g a forced outage, or after a refueling outage. 0-P(-OPS-035-001 .0 provides verification and adjustment of the Seal Oil System normal and backup regulator

s. (REF PER-04-24237-000)

The turbine should not be on hold at 1800 rpm for long er than 2 hours when the generator is not synchronized to the grid. Longer than 2 hours will cause overheating of the turbine blading (last row).

T SQN Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER To 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page II of 111 3.1 Precautions (continued) 5 Voltage Control E Failure to comply with the NERC VAR002 requirem ent could result in a Utility Violation and I or monetary penalties. Operation of the Main Generator without Automatic Volt age Control could impact grid voltage requirements. Refer to GOl-6 for MVAR limits. When the Main Generator is connected to the grid, the voltage regulator shall be operated in Automatic, unless coordinated with the Transmission Operator (SELD). Main Generator operation outside of the Transmis sion Voltage Schedule requires coordination with the Transmission Oper ator, and notation in the operators Log of time, reason, and that the Tran smission Operator notification was made. When directed to modify voltage, the Generator Operator shall comply (within plant procedural requirements) or provide an explanation of why the schedule cannot be met. While the Main Generator is tied to the grid perform the following: The Transmission Operator (SELD) shall be notified of any Voltage Regulator automatic trips to Manual or urgent Manual Tran sfers between AUTO and Manual as soon as practical but notif ication shall be within 30 minutes.

               /)     The Transmission Operator (SELD) shall be notified prior to a plan ned Y      Voltage Regulator transfers between Manual and Auto.

All position changes (to and from Auto or Manual) of the Voltage Regulator shall be entered into the Narrative Log along with the date, time of position change, reasons, anticipated duration and notifications made.

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTORPOWER Page 12 of 111 3.1 Precautions (continued)

      ,      ReliabiBty Directives and Protective Relay/Equipm ent Failures Failure to comply with the NERC VAROO2 requirement could result in a Utility Violation and I or monetary penalties.

Plant Operations shall notify the Transmission Balancing AuThority (BA) or Transmission Operator of protective relay or equi pment failures that creates a creditable risk to Plant Generation. A creditable risk to generation represents a potential reduction in trans mission system reliability. Reliability Directives to the Generator Operator are via the Balancing Authority or Transmission Operator. Required action time may range from immediate to no longer than 30 minutes. Acti ons shall be taken without delay. The directives may be associated with preventing or clearing Local System issues, or neighboring system issues. Plant operations shall take timely actions as direc ted by the Balancing Authority or Transmission Operator to mitigate critical conditions to return the bulk electrical system to a reliable state. Plan t operations shall comply with Balancing Authority or Transmission Operator directives unless such actions would violate safety, equipment, or regulator y or statutory requirements. Plant Operations shall immediately inform the Balancin g Authority or Transmission Operator of the inability to perform direc tives so that the TVA Reliability Entities may implement alternate remedial actio ns.

SON POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 13 of lii 3.2 Limitations After refueling operations, the NIS indic ations may be inaccurate until calibration at hIgher power levels. The NIS calibration procedures will adjust the PRM trip setpoints to ensure that the excore detectors do not contribute to an overpower condition. Prior to startup

                                                        , the PRM high range flux trip setpoint will be adjusted from 109 to 60%, with the

[C.21 rod stop (C-2) remaining at 103%. Preconditioned Power Levels and Maximum Allowable Rates of Power Rise are specified in Tl-40, Determination of Precon ditioned Reactor Power. During initial startups, based on Westinghouse recommendations, a lower power ramp rate limit has been implemente d for power levels above the i4. intermediate power threshold. The Interme diate Power Threshold is unit/cycle dependent and is determined by the Vend or, Refer to Tl-40. ICS will automatically monitor pre-condition ed power level as follows: Point U 1127 is reactor power in percent of RTP based on either secondary calorimetric or RCS iT depending on pow er level. Point U0103 is a 20 minute rolling averag 7 e of reactor power rate-of-change fitted over a 20 minute perio

d. UGI 03 is a leading indicator of %/hour power ramp rate and can be used in deciding to speed up or slow down the ramp rate.
         ,,)      Point U0104 is a 1 hour rolling average of reac tor power rate-of-change
         *F fitted over a 1 hour period. UQi 04 is used in dem onstrating compliance with fuel pre-conditioning power ramp rate limit s.

Point K0058 is the currently qualified (or pre

                                                                 -conditioned) power level.

( These points can all be monitored with the ICS gro Y up display T140. Appendix A may be used if the ICS is unavailable

   ,4)    Any Tl-40 power rise limit that is exceeded in any one hour is evaluated in accordance with NPG-SPP-03.1.
19) in the event of a change in the rated thermal power level exc eeding 15% in one hour, notify Chemistry to initiate the conditional portion s of 0-Sl-CEM-030-407.2, 0-Sl-CEM-000-050.2 and 0-Sl-CEM-030-415.0 due to the thermal power change.

The main turbine shall be on turning gear at least one hour prior to rolling with steam. Westinghouse should be contacted if the turbine is operated outside of its operating limits.

I j SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS O-GO-4 Unit I & 2 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% L Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 14 of 111 3.2 Limitations (continued) To prevent high vibratory stresses and fatigue blading, do NOT operate the turbine for eve damage to the last stage turbine n brief periods outside of limits listed below: [W Ltr GP 86-02 (B44 861 112 002)] At loads less than or equal to 30% (350 MW), the maximum permissible backpressure is 1.72 psia, (3.5 Hg). The ICS Computer alarm point UP5007 which will identify the condition of condenser pressure> 1.72 psia in conjunction with MW being < 350. At loads greater than 30%, the maximum permissible backpressure Is 2.7 psia (5.5 Hg) with a 5 minute limitat ion before tripping the turbine. Generator voltage shall NOT exceed 24.8 kV. The main generator field shall NOT be ene rgized at less than 90% rated speed. Do NOT allow the generator to become und erexcited. The term under excited in this context is of concern when the generat or is NOT synchronized to the grid OR operation outside the limits of GOl-6 and the Generator Capability Curve when synchronized to the grid. 44 The #3 Heater Drain Tank should remain drained with LCV-6-105A and B failed

     -     open (per 1 ,2-SO-52) until reactor power exceeds 45-50%. This will prevent intermediate heater string isolations if a turb ine trip occurs at lower power levels. If a level is established in the #3 Hea ter Drain Tank prior to exceeding P-9 setpoint (50% power), a turbine trip will result in Intermediate Pressure Heater string isolation(s).

The following Main Turbine vibration limitation s and actions should be adhered to: Vibration levels which exceed 7 mils (alarm set-poi nt) should be verified by Predictive Maintenance Group. Vibration levels greater than 7 mils and less than 14 mil s should be continuously monitored by Predictive Maintenance Group. IF vibration level is greater than or equal to 14 mils, THEN TRIP the turbine.

         /,      Limit temperature differential between any condensers to less than 50° F,

Exceeding this limit results in improper bearing loading and misalignm ent thus potentially raising main turbine vibration. Limitation is based on the temperature as measured in the LP turbine exhaust hood. (PER 178 439)

I SON Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 L REACTOR POWER Pag 15 of 111 3.2 Limitations (continued) IF temperature differential between the con densers is greater than or equal to 50°F, based on the temperature as measure d in the LP turbine exhaust hood, THEN TRIP the turbine.(FSAR 10.2.2

                                                                  , VTD-W120-6510, PER 178439)

If Turbine seals have been in service with Turbine Turning Gear secured and unit is to be returned to operation, then bot h of the following limitations apply: Turbine is required to be placed on turning gea r for 10 times as long as period it was stopped (up to a maximum of 4 hours). If eccentricity is higher than normal, turbine is req uired to be left on turning gear until eccentricity indication has reached and has been maintained at its normal minimum value for at least one hour. if relying on the truth dial for determining eccentr icity, eccentricity must be verified prior to each turbine roll. Verifying eccentricity before each turbine roll is not required if the truth dial is only being use d to verify the installed instrumentation is working properly.

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 TI-IAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 16 of 111 STARTUP )oX Unit I Date 4.0 PREREQUISITES Throughout this Instruction where an IF1T HEN statement exists, the step should be N!A the condition does NOT exist. d if ENSURE Instruction to be used is a copy of effective version. ENSURE Precautions & Limitation of Section 5, reviewed. 3.0 have been ENSURE Reactor Power is between I and 4% ENSURE each performer documents their nam e and initials: Print Name Initials

r I SQN Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% 0-G04 [ Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 17 of Ill STARTUP >OC Unit I i.- Date T. 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 5.1 Actions To Be Performed Prior To Rai sing Reactor Power j:5 ENSURE Prerequisites complete. E Steps 5.1[21 through5.1[12] can be perform ed out of sequence. IF O-GO-4, Appendix A, Mode 2 to Mode I Review And Approval is NOT current for this startup, THEN INITIATE Appendix A, while continuing with this instruction. U IF the Mode 3 to Mode 2 to Mode 1 surveill ance checklists are NOT current for this startup for Mode I entry THEN REQUEST Periodic Test Coordinator to issu e the Mode 3 to Mode 2 to Mode 1 surveillance checklists to the applicable departments. Initials Time Date

} SON Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 L REACTOR POWER Page 18 of III STARTUP )CI)C Unit____ Date 5.1 Actions To Be Performed Prior To Rais ing Reactor Power (continued) MFW Bypass valves will be using single elem ent control, which means the desired SG level setpoint will be compared to the actua l SG level until adequate steam and feedwater flow are available. Single Element to Three Element control transition occurs at 13% RTP (.494E6 LBM/HR steam flow per loop). MFW Reg valves may have a positive devi ation if reactor power is in the upper range of the control band (1-4%) In the following step. p PERFORM the following: [41] ENSURE four MFW Bypass Reg valves in AUT O. C [4.2] ENSURE MEW Reg. valves have minimal controller deviation. C [431 ENSURE MEW Reg. valves are CLOSED C 4.4] PLACE MFW Reg. valves in AUTO. a [4.5] ENSURE MFW valve control mode in 3 Element Enabled (click target located in the center of each screen under the appropriate Loop # Control butto n) C During start up after a cold shutdown the Condens ate DI normally will be aligned for full flow polishing until the MSRs are in service. j$J? ENSURE Condensate Dl polishing operation in accordan ce with Chemistry recommendations. CAUTION After refueling operation, NIS indications may be inaccurate until calibration at higher power levels has been performed. RTP shall NOT be allowed to exceed 4% prior to the verification of the proper (or conservative) IR and PR setpoints. IF startup is following a refueling, THEN t 1c-c!D MAINTAIN reactor power between 3 to 4% C

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 19 of 111 STARTUP________ Unit____ Date 5.1 Actions To Be Performed Prior To Raising Reactor Power (continued) VERIFY trip and permissive setpoirits are within limits in accordance with 0-Pl-NUC-092-082.0. [C.21 Rx Engiaeering Date Time ENSURE P-10 actuation setpoint is less than the IR trip power level setpoint. [C2J Rx Engineering Date Time ENSURE all applicable portions of 0-RT-N UC-000-001 .0 are complete. Rx Er(gineering Date Time NOTES

1) The relationship between TAVG and reac tor power with Steam Dumps in Pressure Mode while maintaining Steam Pressure is 0.52deg. F I
2) Due to instrument inaccuracies, the stea m dump or SG atmospheric relief valve setpoint of 84% or 1005 psig may be (+/-)1
                                               % or (+/-)1 2 psig off.

MAINTAIN TAVG stable with the steam dum ps in the pressure mode or with the SG atmospheric relief valves set at 84% or 1005 psig. ENSURE 0-Sl-NUC-000-038.0 shutdown margin calc ulation is complete (NIA if NOT required). ENSURE containment air temperatures are within lim its in accordance with 1 1,2-Sl-OPS-000-003.D App. B. (TS INiTIATE Appendix E, Preparations for Turbine Roll. C c) INITIATE Appendix F, Preparations for Generator Synch. C

r SQN Unit I & 2 POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% O-GO-4 Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 20 of III STARTUP X Unit I Date Ifi 5.1 Actions To Be Performed Prior To Rai sing Reactor Power (continued) fr1 REVIEW TI-40 to determine applicable Preconditioned Power Levels and Maximum Allowable Rates of Pow er Rise. VERIFY all applicable action steps in Section 5.1 are complete or initiated. ENSURE Appendix A, Mode 2 to Mode I Review and Approval completed to verify all restraints to Mod e I entry have been resolved and approvals for mode cha nge granted. SM Signature Date Time End of Section

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 TI-IAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 21 of 111 STARTUP )Q?Q Unit I Date 114f 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP The steam generator level operator is in control of unit startup until the MFW Reg. valv are in AUTO and controlling level. es tc.51 REVIEW plant parameters and indications, AND VERIFY stability prior to reactor power escalation ? Adjusting blowdown flow will provide an addi tional method of controlling SG water inventory. (Close blowdown isolation valves only if level cannot be maintained) Prior to raising reactor power above 5%, SG blowdown should be in service. Maximum blowdown rate is less than or equ al to 270 gpm. Each steam generator flow, up to 60 gpm is indicated on panel L-357 located in the A.B. Supply Fan Rm. Minimum blowdown rate equals 5 gpm for each steam generator. Final blowdown rate should be determined by chemical analysi s. Computer points require a prefix 0, 1, or 2 be placed in front of the point number; for example, 1 F2261A. IF SG blowdown is in service, THEN ADJUST FtC-I 5-43 as desired. (plant computer pt. F2261A)

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LES Unit I & 2 S O-G04 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 22 of 111 STARTUP_______ Unit 1 3ik Date 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Betwee n 13% And 15% RTP (continued) NOTES Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. 0-SO-62-7 requiremen shall be adhered to for reactivity change ts s (i.e. reactivity balance, amounts of bor or water). All appropriate verifications and ic acid peer checks shall be utilized during performance. Recommended dilution rate is 50 to 75 gallon batches every 12 to 15 minutes for - steady power rise. Rod movement sho a uld be limited to 1/2 step increments approximately every 1112 minutes. Dil ution and rod movement rates may be adju

   ,depending on SG level control stability                                                         sted 1 Control Rod withdrawal and / or dilution requiremen

- the change in core reactivity due to cha ts may be significantly impacted by nging Xenon concentration. INITIATE a methodical and deliberate reac tor power ascent by manual adjustment of the control banks or by diluting the RCS. MODEl [4] WHEN reactor power is above 5%, THEN LOG Mode 1 entry in the Unit Narrative Log. D [5] MAINTAIN the SG levels on program by periodical adju ly sting the MFW Bypass controller level setpoints using App endix B and 1, 2-SO-98-1, Distributed Control System (DCS). C [6] IF Turbine roll in parallel with power ascent is desired, THEN PERFORM Section 5.3 in parallel with the remainder of this section. [7] IF the intermediate range rod stop setpoint is reached before P-b energizes, THEN [7.1] STOP the power escalation. C

F UnitSQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS 0-GO-4 I &2 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 23 of 111 STARTUP Unit____ Date 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP (continued) [72] CONTACT Reactor Engineering to evaluate pow er range calibration. 1c.3) Initials Time Date [8] WHEN reactor power is greater than or equal to 10% on at least 2 out of 4 PRMs, THEN tC.1) IC.31 [8.1] VERIFY annunciator XA-554A, window D-5: P-I 0 NUCLEAR AT POWER is LIT. PERMISSIVE D [8.2] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window B-5: P-7 LOW POWER TRIP BLOCK is DARK. [8.3] COMPARE the highest reading PRM with the highest reading loop iT indication to be within 5% of each otherS [C.1]LC.3) D [8.4] IF the above conditional response is NOT attained, THEN [8.4.1] STOP the power ascent. D [8.4.2] NOTIFY the. SRO Initials Date Time

[ SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS O-GO-4 Unit I & 2 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 24 of III STARTUP________ Unit Date 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP (continued) NOTE The following step will block both JR (25%) and PR (25%) low power reactor trips. [9] BLOCK the IR HI FLUX reactor trip and PR LO Range HI FLUX reactor trip by performing the following: [9.1] PLACE IRM TRIP BLOCK RIO [HS-92-5 0031 AND [HS-92-50041 to BLOCK. D [9.2] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window C-2: INTERMED RANGE TRAINS A & B TRIP BLOCKED is LIT. [9.3] RELEASE IHS-92-50031 AND 1HS-92-50O4

                                                                     ].                C

[9.4] PLACE PRM LOW POWER TRIP BLOCK P-1 0 IHS-92-50051 AND 1HS-92-50O1 to BLOCK. C [9.5] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window D-1: POWER RANGE LOW SETPOINT TRAINS A & B TRIP is LIT. BLOCKED C [9.6] RELEASE 1HS-92-5GQ1 AND 1HS-925006]. C

SQN POWER ASCENSION FROM LESS Unit I & 2 0-GO-4 THAN 5% REACTOR POWER TO 30% Rev. 0076 REACTOR POWER Page 25 of ill STARTUP________ Unit____ Date 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP (continued) NOTES

1) SG MFW Bypass and MEW Reg. valve controlle rs are controlled by one of the following:
  • Single element control desired SG level setpo int will be compared to the actual SG level. Control is based only on SG level as the feedback for controlling the valve operation.
    . Three element control uses SG level, feedwate r flow, and steam flow as inputs for controlling the MFW Bypass and MFW Reg.

valves. Desired mode of operation.

2) The change from single element to three elem ent control:
  • Observed on the DCS Operator Display monitors by accessing the Feedwater Valve Control screen and looking below the loop Main Feedwater Valve display.

The Control Status text will change from Sin gle Element to Three Element.

   .      Uses Total Steam Flow demand as the input for three element control. The swap over to three element control may occur befo re or after the following step.

[10] WHEN reactor power is between 13 and 15%, THEN [10.1] STOP power ascent. D [10.2] STABILIZE the plant. D [10.3] PERFORM the following:

  • MONITOR for swap over from single element to three element control in the DCS Feedwater System D
  • IF damping of SG level oscillations is required, THEN REFER TO 1, 2-SO-98-1 D

[11] IF rolling of second MFWP on recirc without pumping forward for testing or maintenance is desired, THEN PLACE second MFPT in service by performing the following: [11.11 RECORD which MFPT is to be tested. [11.2] PLACE second MFPT in service in accordance with 1 ,2-SO-2/3-1. C

SQN BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL 0SO-62-7 1,2 Rev. 62 Page7of 201 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS The mode selector switch should be returned to the AUTO mak eup mode after any dilution or boration operation. The control switch must be turned to START in order for the auto makeup to function. At least one Reactor Coolant Pump or one RHR Pump mus be t in operation during dilution operations. [C.6] Maintain Pressurizer boron concentration within 50 ppm of react or coolant loop boron concentration. This can be accomplished by turning press urizer heaters on and allowing sprays to maintain RCS pressure within program. If Normal Spray is NOT available, then Auxiliary Spray should be used (1, 2-SO-62-1

                                                                                 ) in conjunction with pressurizer backup heaters.

Axial flux difference should be maintained within limits by using the control bank of rods while changing boron concentration. Prior to making a positive reactivity change, Tech Specs and TRM should be referenced to ensure the unit is not in a LCO action that proh ibits a positive reactivity change. (CI] A boron sample should be obtained whenever reactor makeup water is added to the VCT, unless the unit is at power and results of the makeup are as expected. When making an RCS dilution of 3000 gallons, it should be done in batches with an RCS boron concentration verification at the halfway poin t (e.g., 1500 gallons). Allow at least 15 minutes between batches. fC.5] [0.7] Simultaneous makeup to the RWST and the RCS should be avoided to prevent the possibility of injecting unborated (or under borated) water into the core

                                                                                          . [0.43

[0.6] [0.7] Reactivity balance calculations are required for any power changes more than 1 %, except when immediate boration is required to maintain rods above the insertion limit or as required during an Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction (AOP-C.03) or dropped/misaligned rod recovery (AOP-C.01). Although stated in the procedure that only one calculation is required for a major change in Reactor Power, calculations should be current and take into account the time dependency of parameters used in the calculation. [e.g. one calculation to reduce RX power to 70% power to remove a MFP is acceptable]. in the event of a large power manipulation (GO startup or shutdown) several calculations will be required. A calculation should be performed for the ascension to 30% Reactor power, another for an ascension to 50%, and so on. These calculations may be correlated to GO plateaus.

SQN BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL 0-SO-62-7 1,2 Rev. 62 Page8of2Ol 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS (CONTIN UED) ZBoric Acid Controller adjustment is required for B-i 0 depletion for auto manual makeup to improve the accuracy of the blen matic and

d. The B-i 0 depletIon value for each unit can be obtained from the Rx Eng Infor mation file located on the site intranet. Reactor Eng Information ICON can be found on the control room PCs.

An unanticipated power change greater than 5 MW T, rod motion greater than I step (in or out), or TAVG greater than 0.5°F, require an SR and should be evaluated as a potential reactivity management event per NPG-SPP-lO.4, Reactivity Management Program. Boron concentration measurement inaccuracies and integrator calibration tolerance may result in a small difference between RCS boron concentration and blend boron concentration. This may result in a small change in Tavg (114°F) and thermal power (by a few megawatts) after makeup. Manual Makeup (Section 6.5) of approximately 200 gallo ns or less is preferred over allowing the system to automatically make up in Modes I and 2. Performing manual makeup and limiting the volume of makeup is preferred to reduce the impact on reactivity, RCP seal performance (due to reduced pressureltemperature transients) and RCS chemistry (due to reduced VCT pressure changes). During transient conditions, emergencies, or during plant cool down, automatic makeup may be used as necessary. The potential exists that the blender piping contains prim ary water. This will result in a dilution and a small reactivity addition. Completely emptying the BATs for all valve work is not required to establish a safe work boundary. The valves on the lower portions the tanks requ ire an empty tank to establish safe conditions. The tank drain, level instrume nt isolation and pump suction line are all at or near the bottom of the tank. These are liste d in the table below: BATA BATC BATB I -VLV-62-I 049 0-VLV-62-I 049 2-VLV-62-I 049 1 -VLV-62-1 058 0-VLV-62-i 058 2-VLV-62-1 058 I -VLV-62-I 088 0-VLV-62-I 088 2-VLV-62-1 088 The other valves associated with the Boric Acid Transfer Pumps can be worked with some level remaining in the tanks. As a margin of safety, a maximum of 85  % should be used to establish safe working conditions.

SON 1,2 BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL 0-SO-62-7 Rev. 62 Page9of 201 Unit_____________ Date__________ 4O PREREQUISITE ACTIONS Throughout this Instruction where an IFITREN statemen t exists, the step should be N/A if condition does exist. ENSURE the instruction to be used is a copy of the effective version. ENSURE Precautions and Limitations, Section 3.0, has been reviewed. REVIEW the following Status Files for any off-norma l alignments that may impact performance: Status File Unftl 5/ Unit2 D Radwaste a ENSURE Chemical and Volume Control System is in operation. ENSURE the operating crew has been briefed for any reactivity changes that will occur due to performance of the applicable procedure section. IF in modes 1, 2, or 3, THEN ENSURE requirements of TRM L.C.O. are met, OR COMPLY with applicable actions. IFin modes4, 5, or6, THEN ENSURE requirements of TRM L.C.O. 3.1.15 are met, IOR COMPLY with applicable actions. IF Primary Water required for the evolution to be performed, THEN ENSURE Primary Makeup Water system in service.

r SQN 1,2 BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL I 0-SO-62-7 I Page Rev. 62 lOof 2Ol Unit Date 4.0 PREREQUISITE ACTIONS (Continued) The following step is performed at the discretion of the RO and/or SRO. WHEN performing a dilution or boration, THEN IF Normal pressurizer spray is available, THEN ENERGIZE pressurizer heaters so sprays can equalize the boron concentration between the pressurizer and the RCS IF Normal pressurizer spray is NOT available, THEN PLACE Auxiliary Spray in service t& (1, 2-50-62-1) in conjunction with pressurizer backup heaters. (N/A if not applicable) NSURE appropriate Valve Checklist has been completed (NIA if applicable). VALVE CHECKLIST INITIALS 1-62-7.03 >:2 2-62-7.04 AJ, ENSURE appropriate Power Checklist had been completed (NIA if applicable). POWER CHECKLIST INITIALS 1-62-7.01 4 1 jJf 2-62-7.02 J3F Boric Acid Tank is the borated water source, THEN

         -ENSURE Boric acid pump aligned properly in accordance 4

with 0-SO-62-1 0. using the RWST for the borated water source, THEN f I1NSURE LCV-62-135 and/or LCV-62-136 OPERABLE. NOTE Step E14] may be marked N/A if boration must be immediately initiated to maintain shutdown margin OR if performing a rapid boration using FCV-62-138 in preparation for RCS cooldown. reactor is subcritical AND an RCS boration or dilution is required, THEN ui? PERFORM Appendix D.

SQN 1,2 BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL O-SO-62-7 Rev. 62 Pagellof2Ol Unit____________ 4.0 PREREQUISITE ACTIONS (Continued) NØ131 Step [15] may be marked N/A for any of the following conditions:

  • Minor power changes (Reference Section 3.0)
  • If boration must be immediately initiated to maintain control rods above the insertion limit
  • During an emergency shutdown (AOP-C.03)
  • Recovery of a dropped or misaligned rod (AOP-C.


  • If initiating a rapid boration using FCV-62138 imm ediately prior to reactor shutdown in preparation for RCS cooldown.
  • During low power physics testing per 0-RT-NUC-00 0-003.0 if boration/dilution values have been provided and verified by Reactor Engineering.

Appendix D and E may be used to verify data prov ided by

         /              Reactor Engineering. IV is not required if Appendices are performed by an SRO to verify Rx. Engineering data, reactor is critical AND RCS boration or dilution will be performed, THEN PERFORM the following:

[a] Appendix E Reactivity balance calculation. [b] Appendix D Calculation for amount of boric acid or primaty water (Tl-44). IF performing a Spent Fuel Pit boration, THEN PFENSURE Chem Lab has provided supporting data. IF RCS boron concentration will be changed significantIy THEN tNOTIFY Chem Lab to evaluate lithium impact and cation 1 bed use. io/ %V

BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL 066227 Page 12 of 201 Unit_i Date 4.0 PREREQUISITE ACTIONS (Continued)

    £JREVIEW Unit and Radwaste Status Files for any off normal alignments that may impact performance.

t9J5ENSIJR each performer and verifier documents their name and initials: Print Name Initials (__ INDICATE below which performance section of this instruction will be used and the reason for this performance: LI 5.0 STARTUP/STANDBY READINESS LI 6.0 NORMAL OPERATION [1 7.0 SHUTDOWN LI 8.0 INFREQUENT OPERATION REAS ON: End of Section 4.0

SQN CONTROL ROD DRIVE SYSTEM Unit 0 0-SO-85-1 Rev. 0039 Page 6of91 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS Rod thermal lock-up is NOT a concern when the reactor trip breakers are OPEN. If reactor trip breakers are CLOSED and an RCS cooldown of greater than 50°F is planned, the shutdown and cont rol banks should be withdrawn at least 5 steps each. This will limit the possibilit y of thermal Iock-up of the rods. This does not apply if performing section s 8.5 or 8.6. If both MG sets are to be shutdown, the cont rol rods and shutdown rods shall Mkbe inserted in the core and the reactor trip breakers OPE down the MG sets. N prior to shutting Reactor Trip Breakers shall NOT be closed whil e in Mode 3 unless in compliance with LCO Failure to perform I ,2-Pl-IFT-099-0P4.O, Veri 7 fication of P4 Contacts could result in the prevention of AUTO SI if required. Under normal conditions, the control rod bank s must be withdrawn and inserted in the prescribed sequence. For withdraw al the sequence is Shutdown Bank A, Shutdown Bank B, Shutdown Bank C, Shutdow n Bank D, Control Bank A, Control Bank B, Control Bank C, and Control Bank D. The insertion sequence is the reverse of the withdrawal sequen ce. For manual bank sequencing, the prescribed withdrawal and insertion sequence should be followed. Rod motion of the correct bank should be monitored by observing the group step counters and the rod position indicators. During Control Rod withdrawal, the Control Bank s should be monitored for bank overlap. The control banks must be maintained above their respective insertion limits (Low-Low Alarm to ensure adequate shutdown in the event of a reactor trip, to ensure that maximum possible ejected rod reactivity limits are maintained and to ensure acceptable core power distributions. Before withdrawing any rod bank from the fully inserted position, the group step counters and the rod position indicators for that bank mus t be at zero steps. RPls and step counters shall be maintained within limits per TS and The Control Rods shall NOT be stepped or tripped unless the RCS pre ssure is at least 100 psig. This pressure ensures the CRDM housing is filled. Rod movement without the CRDM fans aligned to the Reactor Vessel shro is ud allowed, provided that the RCS temperatures are less than 350°F.

SQN CONTROL ROD DRIVE SYSTEM Unit 0 O-SO-85.1 Rev. 0039 Page 7 of 91 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS (continued) When RCS temperature is greater than 350

                                                           °F, continuous rod motion shall comply with these restrictions:

CRDM OUTLET ROD MOTION LIMITS TEMPERATURE 190°F 10 minutes ON 20 minutes OFF 200°F 6 minutes ON 24 minutes OFF Time limitations are due to a lower air flow rate of 48,000 cfm across the shroud combined with a higher temperature (Re ference TSIR-97-BOP-30-636 and Westinghouse Letters RlMs #83893100 5806, B38930920800, and B38931 005803). The following failures will render the rod control system incapable of automatic and / or manual motion without any ann unciation or indication:

1) Hand switch failure; 2) relay failure, and
3) failure of both I OOv DC power supplies (PS3 and PS6) simultaneously c9! Defeating or restoring Tavg/Delta T or NIS channel may cause step change in input to rod control. A delay of at least 3 minutes prior to returning rod control to automatic will allow lead/lag signal to dec ay off.

Directional Overcurrent Relay Targets are rese t by depressing the Relay Target Reset Pushbutton on the panel to break the targ et coil seal in circuit and then lifting the mechanical reset at the bottom of the relay cover.

3.0 PRECAUTiONS AND LIMITATIONS (contin ued) US / SRO Oversight for control rod manipu lation shall include: Prior to Rod Movement

a. Ensure RPIs within T.S. range or 12 step

(+ - s)

b. Ensure delta flux will not be adversely affe cted
c. Ensure Tavg and Rx Thermal power will not be adversely affected
d. Verify on target with Rx Eng reactivity bala nce sheet
e. Verify power change will not exceed hourly rate
f. Ensure no simultaneous reactivity manipu lations in progress (i.e.: borations, dilutions or turbine load cha nges)

During Rod Movement

a. Ensure RO has peer check
b. Ensure RO is following procedure
c. Ensure RO understands how many steps they are moving rods
d. Ensure RO has checked all the above mention ed items
e. Watch performance of rod manipulation while liste ning to audible indication of rod step
f. Ensure peer check is doing their job
g. Re-verify steps a d of initial evaluation h, Ensure procedure is followed placing rods back to auto (Tavg Tref mismatch)
i. Monitor plant for expected response

SQN CONTROL ROD DRIVE SYSTEM Unit 0 0-S045-1 Rev. 0039 Page 9 of 91 Unit Date 4.0 PREREQUISITE ACTIONS Throughout this instruction where an !FITHEN statement occurs, the step may be N/A if the condition does NOT exist. ENSURE the instruction to be used is a copy of the effective versi on. ENSURE Precautions and Limitations, Section 3.0 has been

      /        reviewed.

ENSURE each performer documents his/her name and inftials: Print Name Initials 1 INDICATE below which performance section of this instruction will be used arid the reason for this performance: D 5.0 STARTUP/STANDBY READINESS D 6.0 NORMAL OPERATION D 7,0 SHUTDOWN D 8.0 INFREQUENT OPERATION REASON:

Page 1 1211 NRC 3 Rx Spdsht.xls DELTAREACTOF POWER ASSUMEIDINSERTEDEXPECTEEDELTA RHC BORON DELTA ECOMMENIRECOMMEN[ IODINE TIME POWER DEFECT ROD HT WORTH XENON BORON CONC PPM DILUTION BORATION CONC (hrs) (%) (pcm) (steps) (pcm) (pcm) (pcm) (ppm) (ppm) (gal) (gal) (% eq) 0 2.0 38.6 159.0 -606.4 -54.7 --- 1570.0 --- --- --- 0.1 1 6.0 115.0 165.0 -551.9 -53.9 21.0 1566.6 -3.4 360 0 0.5 2 10.0 188.7 171.0 -494.6 -58.2 20.7 1563.3 -3.3 138 0 1.2 3 14.0 259.5 178.0 -426.5 -69.1 13.7 1561.2 -2.2 92 0 2.3 4 18.0 328.2 185.0 -355.3 -87.8 16.1 1558.6 -2.6 108 0 3.6 5 22.0 395.0 194.0 -263.1 -114.9 1.8 1558.3 -0.3 12 0 5.3 6 26.0 459.9 200.0 -199.7 -150.7 37.2 1552.4 -5.9 249 0 7.1 7 30.0 523.7 204.0 -157.1 -195.1 65.6 1541.9 -10.5 441 0 9.2 8 30.0 525.0 208.0 -119.8 -247.0 15.9 1539.4 -2.5 107 0 11.2 9 30.0 525.3 212.0 -82.6 -304.5 20.6 1536.1 -3.3 139 0 13.1 10 30.0 525.7 216.0 -50.7 -365.6 29.7 1531.3 -4.7 201 0 14.7 11 30.0 526.2 216.0 -50.5 -428.9 63.7 1521.2 -10.2 432 0 16.2 12 30.0 527.5 216.0 -50.3 -493.2 65.3 1510.8 -10.4 444 0 17.6 13 30.0 528.7 216.0 -50.1 -557.4 65.3 1500.4 -10.4 446 0 18.8 14 30.0 530.0 216.0 -49.9 -620.9 64.5 1490.1 -10.3 444 0 19.9 15 30.0 531.3 216.0 -49.7 -683.0 63.2 1480.0 -10.1 438 0 20.9 16 30.0 532.6 216.0 -49.4 -743.3 61.4 1470.3 -9.8 428 0 21.8 17 30.0 533.9 216.0 -49.2 -801.4 59.2 1460.8 -9.4 416 0 22.6 18 30.0 535.1 216.0 -49.0 -857.1 56.7 1451.8 -9.0 401 0 23.3 19 30.0 536.3 216.0 -48.8 -910.2 54.1 1443.2 -8.6 384 0 24.0 20 30.0 537.4 216.0 -48.7 -960.6 51.4 1435.0 -8.2 367 0 24.6 150 MWD/MTU Hold Tavg = Tref +1- 1 .5F Total 6047 0 6820 BAT ppm Small hourly boration/dilution volumes may be accumulated for larger single additions Reason for Maneuver Reactor/Plant restart following forced outage- 30% hold Date Today RxEng Name J. Sidekick Comments none

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 3 Event# 1 Page 1 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Operator: No action required for event I Examiner Note: The crew will shift Feed Reg Valves to AUTO using O-GO-4, Section 5.1 Actions To Be Performed Prior To Raising Reactor Power. 5.1 Actions To Be Performed Prior To Raising Reactor Power (continued) NOTES

1) MFW Bypass valves will be using single element control, which means the desired SO level setpoint will be compared to the actual SG level until adequate steam and feeciwater flow are available. Single Element to Three Element control transition occurs at 13% RIP (.494E6 LBMIHR steam flow per loop).
2) MFW Reg valves may have a positive deviation if reactor power is in the upper range of the control band (1-4%) in the following step.

[4] PERFORM the following: [4.1] ENSUR.E four MEW Bypass Reg valves in AUTO. [4.2] ENSURE MEW Reg. valves have minimal controller deviation. BOP [4.3] ENSURE MFW Reg. valves are CLOSED [4.4] PLACE MFW Reg valves in AUTO. [4.5] ENSURE MEW valve control mode in 3 Element Enabled (click target located in the center of each screen under the appropriate Loop # Control 1 button) 1 SOP Depresses AUTO pushbutton for FIC-3-35, 48, 90 and 103. Direct a load increase in accordance with O-GO-4, Reactor Power Ascension To SRO Between 13% And 15% RTP, Section 5.2, and O-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.1 or Section 6.2.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 3 Event# Page 2 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time I Position j Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTES

1) Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. O-SO-62-7 requirements shall be adhered to for reactivity changes (i.e. reactivity balance, amounts of boric acid or water). All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during performance.
2) Recommended dilution rate is 50 to 75 gallon batches every 12 to 15 minutes for a steady power rise. Rod movement should be limited to 112 step increments approximately every 1 1/2 minutes. Dilution and rod movement rates may be adjusted depending on SG level control stability.
3) :atpj Rod withdrawal and I or dilution requirements may be significantly impacted by the change in core reactivity due to changing Xenon concentration.

[3] INITIATE a methodical and deliberate reactor power ascent by CREW manual adjustment of the control banks or by diluting the RCS. Examiner Note: The following Steps are from 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.2, Dilute CAUTION I When making an RCS dilution of > 3000 gallons, it should be done in batches with an RCS boron concentration verification at the halfway point (e.g., 1500 gallons). Allow at least 15 minutes between batches. [C.5] [C.7] CAUTION 2 Returning the Boric Acid Blender to service after unplugging, cleaning, or maintenance on the Boric Acid System could introduce debris, sludge, air or chunks of solidified boron into the CCP suction resulting in pump damage. Extreme care must be exercised to properly flush the Boric Acid Blender system following an outage. [C.21 NOTE I If an excessive amount of dilution is required (plant startup), the pressurizer heaters should be energized to cause pressurizer spray operation for equalizing boron concentration in RCS and pressurizer. NOTE 2 Dilute mode will be used anytime a long-term positive reactivity addition is desired. The operator should use the normal dilute mode whenever conditions permit. Examiner Note: Dilutions will be performed based on the Reactor Engineering provided Reactivity Spreadsheet; based on 0-GO-4 Notes, recommended dilution rate is 50 to 75 gallon batches every 12 to 15 minutes for a steady power increase. During subsequent power escalation, large volume dilutions will be divided evenly over each hour as determined by the crew [i.e.: one-third, one-quarter of the volume over each hours period (e.g.: -P60 gallons, 4 times per hour for 240 gallons for the first hour)]. Examiner Note: use time compression as required to facilitate power increase. ATC [1] ENSURE unit is ] in a Tech Spec or TRM action that prohibits positive reactivity additions. [C.1] NOTE: HUT level increase of 1% is equal to 1380 gallons (Tl-28 fig. 34).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 3 Event# 1 Page 3 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC [2] ENSURE sufficient capacity available in the HUT selected to receive expected amounts of CVCS letdown: (NIA if not used) HUT LEVEL INITIALS A  % B  % ATC [3] ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 5.1. ATC [4] RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix D. (NIA for minor power changes) NOTE Due to eyeball interpolation the verified calculation may slightly differ from the initial calculation. The following signoff indicates that any differences in the two results have been discussed and are close enough to be considered validated. ATC [5] PERFORM Appendix I Independent Verification of Calculation for Amount of Boric Acid or Primary Water. (N/A if App. D was performed by SRO to verify data from Rx Engineering) (Step not required provided in shift turnover package) ATC [6] PLACE [HS-62-140Aj, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position. ATC [7] PLACE rHs-62-l4oBl, CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position. ATC [8] ENSURE [jjS-62-140D1, Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT). ATC [9] SET IFQ-62-1421, Batch Integrator for the desired quantity NOTE Primary Water Flow Controller [FC-62-142] receives its reference signal (70 gpm) from setpoint potentiometer (dial indicator) located on panel M-6. A setpoint of 35% corresponds to a 70 gpm primary water flow rate ATC [10] ADJUST [FC-62-1421, Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate ATC [11] PLACE [HS-62-140A1, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position. ATC [12] VERlFYthefollowing; [a] Inlet to top of VCT FFCV-62-128] is OPEN. [b] Primary Water flow by rFI-62-142A1 OR rFQ-62-142].

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 4 of Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position fi Appilcants Actions or Behavior NOTE Alternate dilution in small amounts is acceptable on a regular basis, provided no significant changes in seal water temperature or seal leakoff are indicated. Batches of 5 to 10 gallons may be added through FCV-62-144 on a frequency not to exceed once per 30 minutes. ICS points for No. 1 seal leakoffs and seal water temperatures on the RCPs should be monitored during and after dilution. ATC [13] IF primary water addition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-1441 is desired, THEN ATC [a] CLOSE [FCV-62-128] with FHS-62-1 281. ATC [b] OPEN [FCV-62-1 441 with rHS-62-1 441. ATC [c] VERIFY Primary Water flow by [Fl-62-142A] OR [FQ-62-1 421. NOTE It may take approximately 15 minutes before any changes to reactivity are indicated on nuclear instrumentation or RCS temperature indication. ATC [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution. ATC [15] IF [Ll-62-1 29], Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-1 181, Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks. ATC [16] WHEN dilution is complete, THEN ATC [a] PLACE IHS-62-140A1, Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position ATC [b] IF FFCV-62-1 441 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE rFC V-62-1 441 with [HS-62-1 441. ATC [c] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A] OR IFQ-62-1 421. ATC [d] ENSURE [FCV-62-1 28] is CLOSED ATC [17] IF power increase in progress and additional dilutions will be required, THEN use this table to re-perform steps [4] through [18] (next page)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 5 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Unit 62 Dilute (Continued) [17] IF power ascension in progress and additional dilutions will be required, THEN use this table to re-pertom steps [41 throuqh [181. STEP 181 2 f ld 3 r d f4 RECORD the quantity of dIlution water required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix 0. [5] PERFORM Appendix I, iVof Ca1cu1aton for amount of BA or PW. W 161 PLACE EHS-62-140A1, Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position. I CV 1 CV 1 CV [7] PLACE [HS-62.440B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position. 0 0 0 181 ENSURE HS-62140D] Boric Acid Valve to Blender is CLOSED (Green Eight LIT). 0 0 0

 £9] SET fFQ-62-142 Batch Integrator for the desired quantity.                                            -

[10] ADJUST [FC-62-142], Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate. [11] PLACE [HS42-140A1 BA Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to START.. 1 1 1 [12 VERIFY the following: (a] Inlet to top of VCT [FCV-62-128] is OPEN. 0 0 U (bi Primary Water flow by (fI-62-142AJ or [FQ-62-142]. [1 [1 U [13] IF PW addition to top of VCT tFCV-621281 is not warranted, but PW addition to the bottom of the VCT fFCV-62-144] is desired THEN (a] CLOSE (FCV-62-128]witfl fS-62-128] U U U [b] OPEN [FCV62-144i with [HS-62-144]. U 0 0 [cj VERIFY Pilmary Water flow by 1FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142]. [1 0 0 [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution o U [15] IF [Ll-62-1291, VCT level, rises to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE fl pLC V-621 181, VCT Divert Valve, OPENS to divert excess water to the HUTs. U [16] WHEN dilution is complete, THEN (a] PLACE [HS42-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to STOP fbj IF IFCV42-1441 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE tFV4211 with fHS-621 441. 0 0 U [C] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [Fl-62-142A1 or IFQ-62-142L 0 0 U (dJ ENSURE [FCV-62-1 281 is CLOSED. j El U El [18]1F Step [17] will be repeated, THEN PERFORM the following: [a] PLACE (HS$2-1 4081, CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the AUTO position. 1 CV ib] PLACE rHS-62-140A1, BA to Blender Flow Control Switch to START position. 0 [ci ENSURE dilution is loqqed in Unit Narrative Loq El

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 3 Event# 1 Page 6 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC [19] REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1. ATC [20] ENSURE dilution(s) is logged in Unit Narrative Log. NOTE Sample may be obtained at normal RCS sample intervals provided the unit is at power and the unit response following the dilution is as expected. ATC [21] IF RCS boron sample is required, THEN NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample.

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Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or behavior O-SO-85-1, Control Rod Drive System, Section 6.4, Transferring from Manual to Auto Rod Control; & Section 6.5, Transferring from Auto to Manual Rod Control Examiner Note: As stated in each sections procedural Step 1 Note 1, the operators will use a laminated copy of Sections 6.4 & 6.5 available on the book desk under the glass at 1-M-4. It has been verified as current, in-effect revision routinely to assure currency. NOTES

1) A laminated copy of this section can be maintained in the Unit control Room for repetitive use for routine rod munipulations
2) Defeating or restoring TavgflDelta T or NIS channel may cause step change ;fl input to rod control. A delay of at least 3 minutes prior to returning rod control to automatic will allow lead/lag signal to decay off.
3) This Section may be N/A if Rod Control is being returned to AUTO in response to a transient (runback) condition.

ATC [1] ENSURE turbine power is greater than 15 percent. ATC [2] ENSURE Window 31 (E-3), LOW TURB IMPULSE PRESS ROD WITHDRAWAL BLOCKED C-5, Permissive light on panel [XA-55-4A] is NOT LIT. ATC [31 ENSURE less than 1 degree Tavg/Tref mismatch. ATC [4] PLACE [HS-85-5110], Rod Control Mode Selector in the AUTO position. ATC [5] VERIFY Rod Speed Indicator [SI-41 2], indicates 8 Steps/minute. End of Section 6.4

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 8 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or behavior Section 6.5, Transferring from Auto to Manual Rod Control NOTES

1) A laminated copy of this section can be maintained in the Unit Controt Room for repetitive use for routine rod rnanipulation&
2) Manual rod withdrawal is inhibited by any of the following signals:

A. C-i, High Flux Intermediate Range Monitor B C-2, High Flux Power Range Monitor C C-3 Overtemperature Delta-T D. C-4? Overpower Delta-T ATC [1] PLACE [HS-85-5110], Rod Control Mode Selector in the MANUAL position. ATC [2] VERIFY Rod Speed Indicator [SI-412], indicates 48 Steps/minute. ATC [3] IF control rod movement is required, THEN ADJUST position using [HS 85-5111], Rod Control Switch. ATC [4] IF it is desired to leave [HS-85-5110], Rod Control Mode Selector in Manual for an extended period of time, THEN PLACE this Section in the Active Procedures Book. ATC [5] WHEN it is desired to place [HS-85-5110], Rod Control Mode Selector to Automatic, THEN GO TO Section 6.4. End of Section 6.5

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # Page 9 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior O-GO-4, Section 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP Examiner Note: Crew will coordinate control rod withdrawal and dilutions based on the Reactor Engineering provided Reactivity Spreadsheet and would coordinate rod withdrawal and dilutions observing the guidance the Step 3 NOTES above. Examiner Note: Mode change call is made using Loop AT indications on the MCB and ICS, not NIs; Nis may be referred to during the MODE change determination Refer to 0-GO-4 Section 3.1, Precaution C, specifically bullets 2 & 3 (below): C. During startup, NIS power range indication may be reading significantly higher than true power until calibration adjustments are made The following should be used to determine the most accurate indication for comparison with NIS:

  • When reactor power is less than or equal to 15%, use average toopAT (U0485).
  • When reactor power is greater than I 5°4 use LEFM core thermal power indication (U21 18). If LEFM is NOT available, then continue using average loop AT up to 40%. (UI 118 will be used above 40% with LEFM unavailable).

[4] WHEN reactor power is above 5% ATC THEN LOG Mode 1 entry in the Unit Narrative Log. ATC would be monitoring the mode change; any crew member may make the initial identification however the SRO should announce transition to MODE 1 based on Loop SRO AT indication. Normally, both MCB and ICS indications are reviewed for MODE transition verification. Crew member replaces the MODE 2 sign with MODE I sign on 1-M-4 under the clock. 5] MAINTAIN the SG leveis on program by periodically adjusting BOP the MFW Bypass controller level setpoints using Appendix B and 1. 2-SO-98-1. Distributed Control System (DCS). Examiner Note: According to turnover information, the crew will not prepare for nor perform MT roll; Step 6 is N/A for this exam.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 10 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior [6] IF Turbine Roll in parallel with power increase is desired, N/A THEN PERFORM Section 5.3 in parallel with the remainder of this section. [7] IF the intermediate range rod stop setpoint is reached before P-1O energizes, ATC THEN [7.1] STOP the power escalation. [7.2] CONTACT Reactor Engineering to evaluate power_range calibration. [C.3] When the crew has sufficiently raised power the Lead examiner may proceed to Event 2.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 3 Event# 1 Page 11 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Examiner note: The following 5 pages are the guidance for maintaining SIG levels using the DCS (Digital Feed Control). 6i Changing MFW Bypass Reg Valve Controller Setpoint With Hand Controller Using the JOG Method NOTES

1) With the MEW Bypass Reg Valve controller in auto, SG level setpoints are digitally limited to between 30 and 50%. This action prevents an inadvertent setpoint insertion by the operator from causing too much of a level swing.
2) MFW Bypass Reg Valve controller setpoint can NOT be changed when the Turbine Impulse program is in controL Turbine Impulse program will take control above -27%

during a power rise and reset at less than -23% for a power reduction.

3) SG setpoints can be changed from either the OCS Operator Display monitor or the hand controller station.
4) Two handed operation will be required to change the SG controller setpoint, when using the hand controller.
5) Setpoint push button will change from gray to red on the Hand Controller and the OCS Operator Display monitor.

[1] PRESS and HOLD SETPOINT push button for applicable Bypass Reg Valve (N/A valves not operated): SIG UNID INITIALS I 1-LIC-3-35 2 1 -LIC-3-48 3 1 -LIC-3-90 4 1-LIC-3-103

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NOTE The following method J.OG method) will cause the setpoint to change in 05% increments each time the button is pressed.. The push buttons are momentary contact closure type, so continuously holding the push button down will NOT change the setpoint The push button will have to be released and then pressed again to change the setpoint. [2] PRESS either the raise (>) or the lower () push buttons to obtain the desired setpoint (N/A valves not operated): S!G UNID INITIALS I 1-LlC-335 2 1 -LIC-3-48 3 l-LIC-3-90 4 1 -LIC-3-1 03 [31 RELEASE the SETPOINT push button. (N/A valves not operated). SIG UNID INITIALS 1 1-LiC-335 2 1-LIC-3-48 3 l-LIC-3-90 4 i*-LIC-3--103 14] REPEAT Steps 61[1J-61[3J as necessary to maintain Si:G level in desired range. End of SectiGn

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 13 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP 6.2 Changing MFW Bypass Reg Valve Controller Setpoint With DCS Operator Display Monitor NOTES

1) With the MEW Bypass Reg Valve controller in auto, SG level setpoints are digitally hmited to between 30 and 50%. This action prevents an inadvertent setpoint insertion by the operator from causing too much of a level swing.
2) MFW Bypass Reg Valve controller setpoint can NOT be changed when the Turbine Impulse program is in control. Turbine Impulse program will take control above 27%

during a power rise and reset at less than -23% for a power reduction.

3) SG setpoints can be changed from either the DCS Operator Display monitor or the hand controller station.
4) Setpoint push button will change from gray to red on the Hand Controller and the DCS Operator Display monitor.

[11 SELECT the appropriate feedwater controller display screen from either DCS Operator Display monitors (N/A valves not operated). LOOP UNID INITIALS I I-LIC-3-35 2 1-LIC-3-48 3 1 -LIC-3-90 4 1-LIC-3-103

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 14 of 48 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP 62 Changing MFW Bypass Reg Valve Controller Setpoint With DCS Operator Display Monitor (continued) [2] SELECT the SETPOINT push button for applicable Bypass Reg Valve (N/A others). LOOP UNID INITIALS 1 1-LIC-3-35 2 1-LIC-3-48 3 1-LIC-3-90 4 1-LIC-3-103 NOTE Using the JOG method will cause the setpoint to change in 0.5% increments each time the button is pressed. The push buttons are momentary contact closure type, so continuously holding the push button down will NOT change the setpoint. The push button will have to be released and then pressed again to change the setpoint. [3] IF using the JOG method (preferred),THEN SELECT either the raise (c>) or the lower (<1) push buttons to obtain the desired setpoint. C NOTES

1) The RAMP method of changing Bypass Reg Valve setpoints is NOT preferred. This is due to the large rate of change in valve position.
2) Using the RAMP push button along with the raise (f) or the lower (<11) push buttons will cause the setpoint to change at a rate of 1.67% per second. A change of 0%-100% would take approximately 1 minute.

[4] IF using the RAMP method, THEN SELECT the raise (>>) or the lower (<il) push button to obtain the desired setpoint. C [5] WHEN the desjred setpoint is obtained, THEN CONFIRM SETPOINT is correctly displayed on the screen. C [6] SELECT the SETPOINT push button. [I [7] CONFIRM SETPOINT push button changes from red to gray. C End of Section

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 15 of 48 Event


IR Channel B Instrument N-36 Fails Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 2 IR Channel N-36 Fails Indications available:

    . Control Rod motion stops, if in progress.
    . Intermediate Range Instrument N-36 is greater than N-35 IRS INTERMED RANGE HI FLUX LVL ROD WITHDRAWAL STOP HOTE            Control rods will not withdraw in manual or automatic.

Corrective [1] CHECK reactor iower level. Actions [21 REDUCE reactor power to < 20%. [3] BLOCK intermediate range high flux trip and power range high flux trip (low satpoint).. [41 IF Intermediate Range channel faled, THEN GO TO AOP-I.01, M,ier Incfrumenf MeIfwictior. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide. ATC Responds to alarm using ARP 1-AR-M4B, B2 4TG May take action usIng ARP to block the LpW Power PR and IR NI Trip. SRO Transitions to AOP-l.O1, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction.

1. DIAGNOSE the failure:

IIF... SECTION PAGE [termediate Range Failure 22 9 SRO Directs actions using AOP-I.O1, Nuclear Instrument Malfunction.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 16 of 48 Event


IR Channel B Instrument N-36 Fails Time Position H Applicants Actions or Behavior CAUTION 1 If reactor power is below P4(1 O %), Tech Specs require restoring inoperable channel prior to raising power above P4. CAUTION 2 If reactor power is above P4 but below 5% power, Tech Specs require restoring inoperable channel prior to raising power above 5%. NOTE I If Intermediate Range channel is failed high, reducing reactor power to less than P-lU (10%) will result in a reactor trip. If control power is available, this condition will be corrected when the channel is bypassed in Step 6. NOTE 2 If any IR channel has failed high, then automatic re-enabling of Source Range indication may be disabled. (SRMs may require manual reinstating in ES-UI.) NOTE 3 Failure of Intermediate Range Channel may affect associated Source Range ChanneL

1. lFurjitisinMode2, SRO THEN STABiLiZE reactor power at current level.
2. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:
                                          . 13.1.1 (3.31). Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
                                          ., Remote Shutdown SRO                   Instrumentation
  •, Accident Monitoring instrumentation
                                         . 3.9.2, Refueling Operations instrumentation
3. CHECK at least one intermediate Range ATC channel OPERABLE.


  • Loss of instrument OR control power will cause a single channel reactor trip signal.
  • For loss of control power only, the reactor trip signal cannot be bypassed.

Reducing reactor power below P.40 will result in a reactor trip.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 3 Event# 2 Page 17 of 48 Event


IR Channel B Instrument N-36 Fails Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE: The following table lists Intermediate Range MS power supplies: INSTRUMENT CONTROL POWER POWER N 3 VIPB 1-I (2-i) VIPB 1-I (2-I) Bkr3 Bkr4 VIPB 1-Il (2-Il) VIPB 1-Il (2-11) N Bkr3 Bkr4

4. CHECK power available to failed Intermediate Range channel: [M-1 31
  • INSTRUMENT POWER ON indicator LIT ATC AND a CONTROL POWER ON indicator LIT 5 IF required to monitor IR thannel on NR-45 recorder, ATC THEN ENSURE OPERABLE IR channel selected on NR-45 Recorder. [M-41
6. PLACE Level Trip switch for failed channel ATC in BYPASS [M-13, N351N36].

ATC Places N-36 Trip Level Bypass switch to BYPASS.

7. IF control poweI is available, THEN PERFORM th following:
a. VERiFY NIS TRIP BYPASS annunciator LIT [M-6A, A-i]
b. VERIFY appropriate annunciator LIT:


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 3 Event# 2 Page 18 of 48 Event


IR Channel B Instrument N-36 Fails Time Position U Applicants Actions or Behavior

8. CHECK associated Source Range Channel NOT affected.
9. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

Crew Performs a Crew Brief as time allows. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the crew brief. Crew Operations Management Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event when N-36 Trip Level switch has been placed in bypass.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 19 of 48 Event


Small RCS Leak inside containment (Hot Leg Loop 2) Time Position fl Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 3 RCS Loop 2 Hot Leg Leak -21 gpm. IndicationslAlarms Indications 1-M-5

  • 1-LR-68-339, RCS PZR LEVEL actual level deviating low from program level indication
  • 1-Fl-62-93A, CHARGING HDR FLOW increasing flow 1-M-6
  • 1-LI-62-129, VCT LEVEL decreasing
  • 1-PDIR-30-133, CNTMT ANN increasing trend O-M-12
  • 1-RR-90-106A, CNTMT LOWER COMPT PARTICULATE RADMON recorder shows increasing trend
  • 1-RI-90-106B, CNTMT LOWER COMPT RADMON-TOTAL GAS increasing counts
  • 1-RM-90-112B, CNTMT UPPER COMPT RADMON- TOTAL GAS increasing counts Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide.

ATC Identifies Pzr below program, Charging flow increasing w/ VCT level decreasing. BOP Checks rad monitors, determines increasing trend on containment monitors SfO Transitions to AOP-R 05, RCS Leak and Leak Source Identification

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 20 of 48 Event


Small RCS Leak inside containment (Hot Leg Loop 2) Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

1. IF leak results in radiological hazard or satety hazard.

THEN EVACUATE unnecessary personnel from affected areas.

2. DIAGNOSE the failure:

GOTO iF. SECTION PAGE ANY of the following indications with RCS temperature Qreater Than 375°F:

  • Pressunzer level dropping unexpectedly a Charging flow rising unexpectedly with stable pzr level 2.1 4 a VcT level dropping with Aux Bldg or containment radiation rising a High Energy Line Break recorder indicating unexpected rise in temperature a other indications of RCS leak (local or MCR)
1. CONTROL charging flow using one CCP:
  • ADJUST FCV-62-93 and FCV-62-89 as necessary to maintain pzr Level ATC on program.

a MAINTAIN seal injection flow at least 6 gpm to each RCP. Examiner Note: Crew may implement RNO at this time to isolate letdown; Crew may return to perform RNO for Trip Rx and initiate SI later when Leak increases. Examiner Note: Since this is a MONITOR step, the crew may continue in the procedure while developing a PzrIRCS level trend. If so, steps 3, 4 or 5 could be the decision point and therefore initiate the reactor trip and E-O implementation. If a loss of Pzr level is imminent, the crew may decide to trip the reactor and transition to E-O based on this step.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 21 of 48 Event


Small RCS Leak inside containment (Hot Leg Loop 2) Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

2. MONITOR pressurizer level STABLE IF sufficient time is available, or RISIN& THEN ISOLATE normal and excess letdown:
a. ENSURE FCV-62-72, 73, and 74 CLOSED.
b. CLOSE FcV-62-69 and 70,
c. ENSURE FCV-62-54 and 55 CLOSED.

IF loss ot pressurizer level is imminent ATC OR low pressure reactor trip (1970 psig) is imminent THEN PERFORM the following

a. TRIP the reactor.
b. INITIATE Salety injection.
c. GO TO E-0. Reactor T p or Safety Injection Places l-lS-6273A Letdown Orifice B Isol 75 gpm and HS-62-69A Letdown ATC Isol Loop 3 and HS-62-70A Letdown Isol Loop 4 to CLOSE when Pressurizer Level cannot be maintained.

3 MONITOR containment pressure IF containment pressure s STABLE or DROPPING. approaching 1 psig, THEN PERFORM the following: a TRIP the reactor. ATC INITIATE Safety Injection.

c. GO TO E-0, Reactor Trip or Safety injection.

CAUTION: If Unit is in Mode 3 with low pressurizer pressure SI NOT blacked. Si should NOT be manually blocked to prevent safety injection.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 22 of 48 Event


Small RCS Leak inside containment (Hot Leg Loop 2) Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: RCS leak will progress into a LBLOCA. As the crew responds using AOP-R.05 Section 2.1, the lowering Pzr level and increased charging flow may result in a challenge to VCT Make-up capability. Subsequently the crew may initiate a reactor trip and enter E-O based on this step.

5. MAINTAIN VOT level greater than 13%

USING automatic or manual makeup. NOTE 1: Appendix I or J may be used to estimate RCS leak rate NOTE 2: It letdown was isolated in Step 2, the leak rate may have exceeded capacity of one COP in the normal charging alignment (EAL I .2.2P).

                                    &     EVALUATE EPIP-i, Emergency Plan Classittcation Matrix.


7. EVALUATE Tech SpecITRM LCOS USING Appendix K, Evaluating Tech Specs and TRM 3.482 Reactor Coolant System leakage hafl be limitea to:
c. 150 g&lons per day of p ay-o-secondaiy leakage throui any one steam generator, and
d. 10 GPM IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE from the Reactor Coolant System.

SRO APpUCABILifY: MODES 1. 2,3 arid 4 AcTION:

a. Vith any RESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE or with pnmao-seconaaiy leakage not within imis be in a least HOT STANDBY wiThin 8 hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the foilowing 30 hoots
b. With any Reator CooLant System leakage greater than any one o the above hmits excluding PRESSURE OU4DARY LEAKAGE or pnmary-to-seconday leakage reduce the leakage rate to within Iiintts within 4 hours orbe in at least HOT STANDBV within The nestS hours and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hoors.

SRO Enters LCO 3.4.62 Action B Lead Examiner may cue next event when Tech Specs have been addressed.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 23 of 48 Event


Small RCS Leak inside containment (Hot Leg Loop 2) SON RCS LEAK AND LEAK SOURCE IDENTIFICATiON I AOP-R.05 Rev14 Page 1 of I APPENDIX I ESTIMATING RCS LEAK RATE USING CVCS FLOW BALANCE NOTE 1 This method is recommended when leak requires rise in charging flow greater than iU gpm. Appendix J is more accurate for smaller leak rates. NOTE 2 This appendix assumes RCS temperature and charging flow are approximately constant INITiAL FINAL CHANGE PZR Level [1] (regativ f IveI decrcasel Time Charging Flow [] Letdown Flow [4] Total RCP Seal Return Flow [5] Pressurizer Level Conversion Pressurizer level conversion Time Change Pzr Level Rate of Change change factor poitivc for vI nsrng

                             %     X      62ga11%                                  mm  =                                 gpm step [1] above                                         step [2] above                         [6]

Leak Rate Calculation Charging Flow Seal Return Pzr Level Instrument error RGS Leak Letdown Flow Flow Rate of Change correction factor Rate

                                                                                     +       3gpm               =               gpm step [31 above        step [4] above        step [51          step  [6] above above Page 73 of 80

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 24 of 48 Event


Small RCS Leak inside containment (Hot Leg Loop 2) SQN RCS LEAK AND LEAK SOURCE IDENTIFICATION AOP-R.05 Rev. 14 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX J ESTIMATING RCS LEAK RATE USING VCT AND PZR LEVEL CAUTION This appendix CANNOT be used during VCT makeup, boration. or dilution. NOTE This appendix assumes RCS temperature is approximately constani VCT LEVEL (%) PZR LEVEL (%) TIME (mm) INITIAL FINAL CHANGE [1] [2] [31 (pos1ive for level decrease) (positive for level decrease) YCT Level Conversion VCT level change conversion Time Change VCT Level factor Rate of Change (positive for level lowering)

                                %    X        20 gal I %                              mm     =                            gpm step [1] above                                       step [3] above                            [41 Pressurizer Level Conversion Pressurizer level              conversion             Time Change                           Pzr Level change                      factor                                                Rate of Change (positive fur level lowering)
                                %    X        62 gal I %      ÷                     mm     =                              gprn step [2] above                                      step [31 above                            [51 Leak Rate Calculation VCT Level                       Pzr Level                      RCS Leak Rate Rate of Change                 Rate of Change
                                              +                                                    gpm step t] above                  step [53 above Page 74 of 80

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 25 of 48 Event


PT-1-33 develops a slow failure, the BOP will manually close the the Steam Dumps using AOP-S.05 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 4 PT-I -33 Slow Failure Alarms I-M-5

   . 5A C-6 TS-68-2PIQ REAC COOL LOOPS T REF T AUCT HIGH-LOW Indications 1-M-4 SG STEAM FLOW indicating increasing flow.

Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior TS-68-2P/Q REAC COOL LOOPS TREFTAUCT HIGH-LOW [1] COMPARE plant indicators to verify validity of alarm NOTE 1 IF annunciation is an expected response during the performance of I-RT-MOD-520-003.O, 20% Load Step Change, rods should be left in AUTO. NOTE 2 IF a rapid load reduction is in progress and automatic rod control is functional. AOP-C.03 allows reducing turbine load rate prior to placing rod control in manual. [2] IF AOP-C.03. Rapid Shutdown or Load rejection, is in progress. THEN [a] REFER to AOP-C.03 guidance for rod control operation. [b] GO TO step 14]. 131 IF controls are in AUTO when alarm occurs, THEN PLACE rod control system (1-HS-85-51IO) in manual and match Tavg with Tref [4] IF rod control system is malfunctioning, or there is indication of a failure of the Tref signal to the rod control system, THEN GO TO AOP-COi, Rod Control System Malfunctions [5] IF a boron concentration change is suspected. THEN GO TO AOPCO2, Uncontrolled RCS Boron Concentration Changes. 161 IF a steam line or feedwater line break or leak is suspected, THEN GO TO AOP-S.05. Steam Line or Feedwater Line Break/LeaK [7] IF Tavg channel failed, THEN GO TO AOP-I.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction. Examiner Note: Several steps, notes, and cautions in the Annunciator response procedure do not apply to this failure. Only those that are applicable are listed in this event guide.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 26 of 48 Event


PT-1-33 develops a slow failure, the BOP will manually close the the Steam Dumps using AOP-S.05 Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC Responds to alarm using ARP 1-AR-M5A, A6 or M-6A-E2 Places PIC-1.-33, STEAM DUMP PRESSURE CONTROL to MANUAL and BOP reduce output or places l-IS1-1O3Aarid 1038 Steam Dump FSV to OFF basec on prudent operations actions. SRO Transitions to AOP-S.05, Steam Or Feedwater Leak

1. MONITOR personnel safety:

a IF steam or feedwater lines need to SRO be immediately isolated to protect personnel, THEN PERFORM the following: 2 MONITOR steam generator levels BOP STABLE on program.

3. CHECK the following: IF any SIG atmosphenc relief valve or steam dump is leaking or failed open, BOP
  • Sf0 atmospheric relief valves CLOSED THEN CLOSE valve(s) USING MCR switch
  • steam dumps CLOSED.
                   =   BOP Places PlC1-33, STEAM DUUMP PRESSURE CONTROL to MANUAL and reduce output or places HS-1-103A and IQSB Steam Dump FSV to OFF.

Lead Examiner may cue next event when Steam Dumps are closed or if the Reactor trips.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 27 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time fl Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Simulator Operator: When directed, initiate Event 5 Loop #2 LOCA-To Require Rx Trip and Safety Injection. Indications available: 1-M-4:

  • 1-Ll-68-339A, 335A, 320A, RCS PZR LEVEL indicators trending down (<5%)


  • 1-PR-68-340, RCS PZR PRESS Recorder trending down;
  • 1-LR-68-339, RCS PZR LEVEL Recorder trending down; 1-M-6:
  • 1-LI-62-129, VCT LEVEL Indicator trending down wI VCT M-U in progress;
  • 1-PI-68-62, RCS HL Press WR indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PI-68-69, RCS HL Press WR indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PDI-30-42, 43, 44, 45, CNTMT PRESSURE WIDE RANGE Indicators trending up (1.5 psi-SI Actuation)

Direct Manual Reactor Trip and Safety Injection based on one of several SRO monitor steps in AOP-R.05 for either Pressurizer level, Containment Pressure or RCS Pressure. ATC Manually Trip the Reactor and Initiate SI. SRO Enter and Direct performance of E-O, Reactor Trip Or Safety Injection. Examiner Note: following IOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, ATC/BOP surveys MCBs for any expected automatic system response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. (Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions) Examiner Note: MONITOR status trees, the crew will implement status tree monitoring via ICS. When a RED or ORANGE path status tree is observed, the SRO will designate one of the Board operators (typically the BOP) to verify status tree conditions using 1-FR-O, UNIT 1 STATUS TREES. Once verified, the SRO should direct the crew to transition to the appropriate RED and/or ORANGE path procedure(s).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 201 2-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 28 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Position Applicants Actions or Behavior CREW Performs the first four steps of E-O unprompted. SRO Directs performance of E-O NOTE I Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps. NOTE 2 This procedure has a foldout page. I VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:

  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN ATC
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps
  • Neutron flux DROPPING
2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:

BOP Turbine stop valves CLOSED.

3. VERIFY at least one 69KV shutdown BOP board ENERGIZED on this unit
4. DETERMINE if SI actuated:


  • ECGS pumps RUNNING.
  • Any SI alarm LIT [M-4D].

5 PERFORM ES-{15, Equipment BOP Verifications WHILE continuing in this procedure. Continue with the performance of E-O REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY SRO/ATC INJECTION BOP Performs ES-O.5, Equipment Verifications go to page 42 for details Addresses foldout , see next page for details.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 5 Event# 5 Page 29 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCNFailure of Phase B to Actuate. FOLDOUT PAGE RCP TRIP CRITERIA IF any of the following conditions occurs:

  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig AND at least one CCP or SI pump running OR
  • Phase B isolation, THEN STOP all RCP&

EVENT DIAGNOSTICS a IF any SIG pressure is dropping uncontrolled, THEN PERFORM the following:

a. CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves.

Ii IF any SIC pressure continues to drop uncontrolled, THEN PERFORM the following:

1) ENSURE SI actuated.
2) IF at least one SIC is intact (SJG pressure controlled or rising),

THEN ISOLATE AFW to faulted S/C(s):

  • CLOSE AFW level control valves for faulted S/C(s)
  • IF any AFW valve for faulted SIG CANNOT be CLOSED, THEN PERFORM Appendix E, Isolating AFW to Faulted 51G.
3) ENSURE at least one of the following conditions met:
  • total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm OR
  • Narrow Range level greater than 10% [25% ADV] in at least one intact S/C.
  • IF both trains of shutdown boards de-energized, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power.


  • IF CST level less than 5%, TFEN AUGN AFW suction to ERCW.
  • IF RWST level less than 27%, THEN GO TO ES-I .3, Transfer to RHR Containment Sump.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 30 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

6. DETERMINE if secondary heat sink available:
a. CHECK total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm.
b. CHECK narrow range level b. MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 10% [25% ADVI greater than 440 gpm ATC in at least one SIG. UNTIL narrow range level greater than 10% [25% ADV]

in at least one S1G.

c. CONTROL feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 10% [25% AOV) and 50%

in intact or ruptured SIGs.

7. CHECK if main steam lines should be isolated:
a. CHECK if any of the following a. GOTOStep8.

conditions have occurred:

  • Any SIG pressure less than 600 psig ATC OR
  • Any SIG pressure dropping UNCONTROLLED OR
  • Phase B actuation.

Axendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTestNo.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 5 Event# 5 Page 31 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position 8. Applicants Actions or Behavior CHECK RCP trip criteria:

a. CHECK the following:
                                        . RCS pressure less than 1250 psig ATC                         AND
                                        . At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING.

Manually places HS 68-8A, 31A, 50A, and 73A RCPs to STOP if not already ATC pfme_ . .... ..__

9. MONITOR RCS temperatures: IF temperature less than 547 F and dropping,
                                 . IF any RCP running,                         THEN THEN                                        PERFORM the following:

CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 547°F and 552°F. a. ENSURE steam dumps and atmospheric reliefs CLOSED. OR

b. IF cooldown continues,
                                 . IF RCPs stopped,                                THEN THEN                                             CONTROL total feed flow:

CHECK T-cold stable at or trending ATC/BOP 1) ENSURE total AFW flow to between 547°F and 552°F. less than or equal to 600 gpm.

2) MAINTAIN total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm UNTIL narrow range level is greater than 10% [25°Jo ADV]

mat least one 61G.

c. IF cooldown continues after AFW flow is controlled, THEN CLOSE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 32 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA)Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Manually controls AFW flow to maintain total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm ATC/BOP and less than 600 gpm until SIG are greater than 25% NR.

10. CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties.

and spray valves:

a. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED.
b. Pressurizer safety valves CLOSED.

ATC c. Normal spray valves CLOSED.

d. Power to at least one block valve AVAILABLE.
e. At least one block valve OPEN.
11. DETERMINE if SIG secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT:


  • CHECK all S/G pressures greater than 140 psig.
12. DETERMINE if S/G tubes are INTACT:
                                   . All SIG narrow range levels CONTROLLED or DROPPING ATC
                                   . Secondary radiation NORMAL USING Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors. (App. A performed in ES-0.5).
13. DETERMINE if RCS is INTACT: PERFORM the following:
  • Containment pressure NORMAL
a. INiTIATE ES-0 5 Appendix D,
                                   . Containment sump level NORMAL               Hydrogen Mitigation Actions.


  • LOWER COMPT TEMP HIGH alarm b. MONITOR status trees.

DARK. [M-5C,Bii

                                   . Containment radiation NORMAL             c. GO TO E-1, Loss of Reactor or USING Appendix B, Containment               Secondary Coolant.

Rad Monitors. (App. B performed in ES-0.5) Examiner Note: MONITOR status trees, the crew will implement status tree monitoring via SPDS. When a RED or ORANGE path status tree is observed, the SRO will designate one of the Board operators (typically the BOP) to verify status tree conditions using 1-FR-O, UNIT I STATUS TREES. Once verified, the SRO should direct the crew to transition to the appropriate RED and/or ORANGE path procedure(s).

ppendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event# 5 Page 33 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCAiFailure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior When an ORANGE Path for Containment is evident on SPDS, the SRO will transition to FR-Z.1, go to page 38 for details When a RED Path is for PTS evident on SPDS, the SRO will transition to FR-P.1, go to page 40 for details E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT NOTE This procedure has a foldout page. See next page for details

1. CHECK RCP trip criteria:
a. CHECK the following: a. GO TO Step 2.
                                   . At least one COP OR SI pump RUNNING ATC AND
                                    . RCS pressure less than 1250 psig.

Manually places HS 68-8A. 31A, 50A. and 73A RCPs to STOP if not already ATC performed.

2. CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundaries NTACT:


  • SIG pressures CONTROLLED or RISING
  • SIG pressures greater than 140 psig.
3. MAINTAIN Intact SIG narrow range levels:
a. Greater than 10% [25% ADVI.


b. Between 10% [25% ADVI and 50%.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 34 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCNFaiIure of Phase B to Actuate. FOLDOUT PAGE RCP TRIP CRITERIA IF any of the following conditions occurs:

  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig AND at least one CCP or SI pump running OR
  • Phase B isolation.

THEN STOP all RCPs. SI REIN ITIATION CRITERIA IF any of the following conditions occurs:

  • RCS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs less than 40°F OR
  • Pressurizer level CANNOT be maintained greater than 10% [20% ADV],

THEN RAISE ECCS flow by performing one or both of the following as necessary:

  • START CCPs or SI pumps manually.


  • IF both trains of shutdown boards de-energized, THEN GO TO ECA-0.0. Loss of All AC Power.
  • IF any SIG pressure dropping in an uncontrolled manner or less than 140 psig AND S/G NOT isolated, THEN GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.
  • IF any S/G has level rising in uncontrolled manner or has abnormal radiation, THEN:
a. RAISE ECCS flow by performing one or both of the following as necessary:
  • START CCPs or SI pumps manually.
b. GO TO E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.


  • IF CST level less than 5%,


  • IF RWST level less than 27%,

THEN GO TO ES-i .3, Transfer to RHR Containment Sump.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 35 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCAIFaiIure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

4. VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL:
a. CHECK secondary radiation NORMAL uSING Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors.
b. NOTIFY Chem Lab to take SIG activity samples.
c. WHEN Chem Lab is ready to sample S/Gs, THEN PERFORM the following:


1) ENSURE FCV-1 5-43 Blowdown Flow Control valve CLOSED.


3) OPEN blowdown isolation valves.

ci. NOTIFY RADCON to survey main steam lines and S/G blowdown.

e. WHEN S/G samples completed, THEN CLOSE blowdown isolation valves.

CAUTION Any time a pressurizer PORV opens, there is a possibility that it may stick open.

5. MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves:
a. Power to block valves AVAILABLE, a. DISPATCH personnel to restore power to block valves USING EA-201-1, 480V Board Room Breaker AHgnments.

ATC b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED. b. IF pressurizer pressure less than 2335 psig, THEN

                                                                   .                 CLOSE pressurizer PORVs.

IF pressurizer PORV CANNOT be closed, THEN CLOSE its block valve.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 36 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCAIFaIIure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

6. MONITOR SI termination criteria:

ATC a. ROS subcooling based on core exit T/Cs a. GO TO Step 7. greater than 40F. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 Examiner Note: When alarm M6E-E4 is on the crew will transition to ES-i .3 Transfer To RHR Containment Sump LS-63-50A RWST LVL LO Corrective [1] IF SIS has occurred with RWST level decreasing to 27%, THEN Actions PERFORM ES-i .3, Transfer to RHR Containment Sump, as applicable. SRO Transitions to ES-i .3 Transfer To RHR Containment Sump. CREW t SUSPEND FRP implementation.

2. DETERMINE if containment spray should te stopped:
a. CHECK any containment spray pump RUNNING.
b. ENSURE the following:


  • one Cntmt Spray pump fl PULL-TO-LOCK
  • remaining Cntmt Spra pump RUN NI N G
d. MONITOR one cntrnt spray pump RUNNING and delvering flow.

CRITICAL Places the A OR B Containment Spray 1-HS-72-27A or 1-HS-72-1OA ATC TASK handswitch in PULL-TO-LOCK. -

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event# 5 Page 37 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior Examiner Note: If Containment pressure is less 2.0 psig than then go to step 2c RNO. Examiner Note: If Containment pressure is still greater than 2.0 psig, then go to step 2 d

2. DETERMINE if containment spray should be stopped:
c. CHECK containment pressure c. PERFORM the following:

greater than or equal to 2.0 psig.

1) RESET containment spray signal.
2) ENSURE both cntrnt spray pumps A STOPPED and I


3) CLOSE cntmt spray dtscharge valves FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2.
4) GOTOStep3.

Places both Containment Spray reset pushbuttons 1-HS-72 43 and 1-HS-72 42 ATC to RESET. Places the remaining running Containment Spray Pump handswitch to STOP both Containment Spray Pump handswitches to A-AUTO, places (.nntainmc nt ATC Spray discharge valve handswitches FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2 to close and proceeds to step 3.

2. DETERMINE if containment spray should be stopped:

ATC d. MONITOR one cntmt spray pump RUNNING and delivering flow. Scenario may be terminated when the crew completes ES-1.3 step 2 or earlier, at discretion of Lead Examiner.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 38 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCAJFailure of Phase B to Actuate. Time fl Position Applicants Actions or Behavior FR-LI Actions NOTE It this procedure has been entered for an orange and performance of ECA-1 .1 (Loss ol RHR Sump Recirculation) is required, FR-Z1 may be performed concurrently with ECA-1 .1.

1. MONITOR RWST level ATC/BOP greater than 27%.


  • Panel 6L PHASE B GREEN.
4. DETERMINE if this procedure should be exited:
a. CHECK for faulted 510: a. GO TO Step 5 ATC/BOP Any 5/0 pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner OR
  • Any 5/0 pressure less than 140 psig.
5. VERiFY containment spray operation:
a. IF ECA-1 .1. Loss of RHR Sump Recirculation, is IN EFFECT.

THEN PERFORM the tollowing:

1) OPERATE containment spray as directed by ECA-1 .1.

2> GO TO Step 6. ATC/BOP

b. VERIFY containment spray pumps RUNNING.
c. CHECKRWSTIeveI greater than 27%.

Arxendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # 5 Page 39 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCAIFailure of Phase B to Actuate. Time I Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

5. d. VERIFY containment spray suctton ALIGNED to RWST:
  • FCV-72-22 OPEN
  • FCV-72-21 OPEN.
e. VERIFY containment spray discharge valves OPEN:
  • FCV-72-39 ATC/BOP
  • FCV-72-2.
1. VERIFY containment spray recwc valves CLOSED:
  • FCV-72-34
  • FCV-72 13.
g. VERIFY containment spray 110w greater than 4750 gpm on each train.
6. MONITOR containment air return fans:
  • WHEN at least 10 minutes ATC/BOP have elapsed from Phase B.

THEN ENSURE containment atr return fans RUNNING. 7 VERIFY containment ventilation dampers CLOSED: ATC/BOP Panel 6K CNThIT VENT GREEN

8. VERIFY Phase A valves CLOSED:


9. VERIFY cntmnt vacuum relief isolation valves CLOSED: [Pnl 6K MANUALI ATC/BOP FCV-30-46
  • FCV-30-47
  • FCV-30-48.
10. VERIFY MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves ATC/BOP CLOSED.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event# 5 Page 40 of 48 Event


Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time I Position Applicants Actions or Behavior 11 DETERMINE it any Sf0 Intact:

a. CHECK at least one 5/0 pressure:

ATC/BOP CONTROILED or RISING AND Greater than 140 psig. CAU ION Isolating all SIGs will result in a loss of secondary heat sink.

12. DETERMINE it any SIG Faulted:
a. CHECK SIG pressures: a. GO TO Step 13.
  • Any S(G pressure DROPPING ATC/BOP a an uncontrolled manner OR
  • Any Sf0 pressure less than 140 psig.
13. MONITOR ii RI-IR spray should be placed in service:

ATC/BOP a. CHECK the tollowing: a. GO TO Step 14.

  • Containment pressure 1111111111111111111111111, greater than 9.5 psig
14. MONITOR ii containment spray should be stopped:

a CHECK any containment spray pump a. GO TO Step 15. RUNNING. ATC/BOP

b. CHECK containment pressure b. GO TO Step 15.

less than 2.0 psig.

15. RETURN TO procedure anti step in etlect.

ATC/BOP END FR-P.1 Actions ATC/BOP I 1. MONITOR RWST level greater than 27%

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Large Break LOCA/Failure of Phase B to Actuate. Time Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior ATC/BOP Z MONITOR CST eveI greater than 5%.

3. CHECK RCS pressure IF any of the following conditions exist:

greater than 300 psig.

  • RHR injection flow on FI-63-91A or FI-63-92A greater than 1000 gpm OR ATC/BOP
  • both RHR pumps STOPPED AND sump recirc capability has been lost THEN RETURN TO procedure and step in effect.

SRO Transitions to E-1 (go to page 33).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # ES-0.5 Page 42 of 48 Event


Equipment Verifications [ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior ES-O.5 Actions BOP 1. VERIFY DIGS RUNNING. BOP 2 VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OPEN. BOP 3. VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps UNN1NG.

  • Pump IA-A (2A-A)

BOP Pump 18-B (28-B)

  • Pump C-S.

BOP 5. VERIFY ECTS fans RUNNING. BOP 6. VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.

7. NOTIFY at least two AUOs to report BOP to MCR to be available for local actions.


a. MD AFW pumps BOP
b. TDAFWpump.

NOTE AEW level control valves should NOT be repositioned if manual action has been taken to control S/G levels, to estabhsh flow due to failure, or to isolate a faulted SIG.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario# 5 Event# ES-0.5 Page 43 of 48 Event


Equipment Verifications [ Time Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

9. CHECK AFW valve alignment:


c. VERIFY MD AEW pump recirculation valves FCV-3-400 and FCV-3-401 CLOSED.
10. VERIFY MEW Isolation:
b. ENSURE the following:


  • MFW regulating valves CLOSED MEW regulating bypass valve controllers in MANUAL wfth output ZERO
  • MEW isolation valves CLOSED.

4 B9P Ma,nually doses Feed eg Valves

11. MONITOR ECCS operation:


  • SI pumps Ii VERIFY CCP How through CCPIT.
c. CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # ES-0.5 Page 44 of 48 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position I Applicants Actions or Behavior

d. VERIFY S purr p how.
e. CHECK RCS pressure e. GO TO Step l2 less than 300 psg.
t. VERIFY RHR pump flow
a. Phase A ACTUATED:

[M-GC, 85]. PHASE A TRAIN B alarm LIT [M-6C, B6]. b Gntmt Vent Isolation ACTUATED:

c. Status monitor panels:


  • 6CDARK
  • GE LIT OUTSIDE outlined area
                                                -    61-IDARK GJ LIT.
d. Train A status panel 6K:


e. Train B status panel 6L:



Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC2O12-302 Scenario# 5 Event# ES-0.5 Page 45 of 48 Event


Equipment Verifications [ Time Position Applicants Actions or Behavior

13. MONITOR for containment spray and Phase B actuation:
a. CHECK for any of the following:
  • Containment pressure greater than 2.8 psig.
b. VERIFY containment spray INITIATED:


1) Containment spray pumps RUNNING.
2) Containment spray header isolation valves FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2 OPEN.
3) Containment spray recirculation valves to RWST FCV-72-34 and FCV-72-13 CLOSED.
4) Containment spray header flow greater than 4750 gpm per train.
5) Panel 6E LIT.
                                                 . PHASE B TRAIN A alarm LIT

[M-6C, A5].

                                                 . PHASE B TRAIN B alarm LIT

[M-6C, A6].

e. VERIFY Phase B valves CLOSED:
  • Panel 6K PHASE B GREEN.
  • Panel 6L PHASE B GREEN.
f. WHEN 10 minutes have elapsed, THEN ENSURE containment air return fans RUNNING.

CRITICAL SOP Places HS-30-64A and 64B Phase B and CNTMT Vent Isol to ACTUATE

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Equipment Verifications Time fl Position Applicants Actions or Behavior NOTE The continuous action in Step 14 remains applicable if containment pressure rises above I 5 psig after ES-415 is completed. 1& MONITOR if containment vacuum relief isolation valves should be closed: BOP a CHECK containment pressure a GO TO Step 15. greater than 1.5 psig 15 CHECK secondary and containment rad monitors USING the following: BOP

  • Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors
  • Appendix B, Containment Rad Monitors.

APPENDIX A SECONDARY RAD MONITORS t lFSloccurredonLJnitl. THEN CHECK following rad monitors including available trends prior to isolation: Condenser exhaust recorder 1 -RR-9O-1 19

  • SIG blowdown recorder 1-RR-90-120
  • Unit I Main steam line rad monitors [I-M-301
  • PostAccident Tad recorder 1-RR-90-268B points 3 (blue). 4 (violet), 5 (bIacl), and 6 (turquoise)

[i-M-31 (back of i-M-30)] 3 NOTiFY Unit Supervisor whether secondary radiation is NORMAL or HIGR

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC 2012-302 Scenario # 5 Event # ES-0.5 Page 47 of 48 Event


Equipment Verifications L Time I Position Applicants Actions or Behavior APPENDIX B CONTAINMENT RAD MONITORS t lFSloccurredonuniti, THEN CHECK following rad monitors: BOP

  • Upper containment post-accident rail monitors i-RM-90271A and 1-RM-90-272A NORMAL (1-M-30j
  • Lower containment post-accident rail monitors 1-RM-90-273A and 1-RM-90-274A NORMAL [1-M-301
                                       . Containment rail recorders i-RR-90-1 12 and 1-RR-90-106 NORMAL [O-M121 (prior to isolation).
16. WHEN directed by E-O,
                      ,                  THEN BP PERFORM Appendix D, Hydrogen Mitigation Actions.
17. CHECK pocket sump pumps STOPPED:

[M-1 5, upper left cornerj

  • I-IS-77-410, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and BOP Equipment Drain Sump pump A
  • I-IS-77-41 1, Rx Bldg Aux floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump B.
18. DISPATCH personnel to perform BOP EA-0-1, Equipment Checks Following ESF Actuation.
19. ENSURE plant announcement has been BOP made regarding Reactor Trip and SI.
20. PERFORM Appendix E. Spent Fuel BOP Cooling Actions, as time permits.

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Critical Task Critical Tasks: Critical Task Statement

1. Manually initiate a Phase B isolation prior to completing ES-O.5 step 13.
2. Manually stop one Containment Spray Pump prior to completing ES-I .3 step 2}}