IR 05000440/2008005

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Download: ML090270129


January 26, 2009

Mr. Mark Bezilla Site Vice President FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company Perry Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box 97, 10 Center Road, A-PY-290 Perry, OH 44081-0097


Dear Mr. Bezilla:

On December 31, 2008, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at your Perry Nuclear Power Plant. The enclosed report documents the inspection findings which were discussed on January 15, 2009, with you and members of your staff. The inspection examined activities conducted under your license as they relate to safety and compliance with the Commission's rules and regulations and with the conditions of your license. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel. Based on the results of this inspection, two NRC-identified and one self-revealed findings of very low safety significance were identified. Two of the findings identified also involved violations of NRC requirements. In addition, one NRC-identified violation of NRC requirements, without an associated finding, was identified. Two licensee-identified violations are listed in Section 4OA7 of this report. However, because of the very low safety significance and because the issues were entered into your corrective action program, the NRC is treating these issues as non-cited violations in accordance with Section VI.A.1 of the NRC's Enforcement Policy. If you contest the subject or severity of any non-cited violation in this report, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your denial, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region III, 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210, Lisle, IL 60532-4352; the Director, Office of Enforcement, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001; and the NRC Resident Inspectors' Office at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRC's "Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS), accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room).

Sincerely,/RA/ Jamnes L. Cameron, Chief Reactor Projects Branch 6 Docket No. 50-440 License No. NPF-58


Inspection Report 05000440/2008005


Supplemental Information cc w/encl: J. Hagan, President and Chief Nuclear Officer - FENOC J. Lash, Senior Vice President of Operations and Chief Operating Officer - FENOC D. Pace, Senior Vice President, Fleet Engineering - FENOC J. Rinckel, Vice President, Fleet Oversight - FENOC P. Harden, Vice President, Nuclear Support Director, Fleet Regulatory Affairs - FENOC Manager, Fleet Licensing - FENOC Manager, Site Regulatory Compliance - FENOC D. Jenkins, Attorney, FirstEnergy Corp. Public Utilities Commission of Ohio C. O'Claire, State Liaison Officer, Ohio Emergency Management Agency R. Owen, Ohio Department of Health


......................................................................................................... 1


..................................................................................................................... 4 Summary of Plant Status.........................................................................................................


..................................................................................................... 4

1R01 Adverse Weather Protection

............................................................ 4

1R04 Equipment Alignment

....................................................................... 5

1R05 Fire Protection (Annual/Quarterly)

.............................................. 6

1R12 Maintenance Effectiveness

............................................................ 11

1R13 Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control

........ 12

1R15 Operability Evaluations

.................................................................. 13

1R18 Plant Modifications

......................................................................... 13

1R19 Post-Maintenance Testing

............................................................. 14

1R20 Refueling and Other Outage Activities

........................................... 15

1R22 Surveillance Testing

....................................................................... 20

1EP4 Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes


................................................................................................. 22 2OS1 Access Control to Radiologically Significant Areas 71121.01 ........................... 22 2OS2 ALARA Planning and Controls


.................................................................................................. 27

4OA1 Performance Indicator Verification

...................................................... 27

4OA2 Identification and Resolution of Problems

........................................... 30

4OA3 Followup of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion

................ 31 4OA6 Meetings .......................................................................................................... 36 4OA7 Licensee-Identified Violations .......................................................................... 36




M. Bezilla, Vice President Nuclear
K. Krueger, Plant General Manager
M. Bay, Senior Nuclear Specialist, Mechanical Maintenance
A. Cayia, Director, Performance Improvement
K. Cimorelli, Director, Maintenance
E. Condo, Operations Superintendant
C. Elberfeld, Compliance Supervisor
D. Evans, Manager, Operations
E. Gordon, Radiation Protection Operational Superintendent
J. Grabner, Director, Site Engineering
R. Gemberling, Training
H. Hanson, Jr., Director, Work and Outage Management
J. Lucas, General Electric, Perry Site Support Engineer
P. McNulty, Radiation Protection Manager
A. Mueller, Manager - Training
D. Richmond, Simulator Programs Lead
P. Roney, Supervisor, Nuclear Mechanical/Structural Engineer
S. Rouhani, Mechanical/Structural Engineer
K. Russell, Staff Nuclear, Specialist Compliance
T. Stec, Engineer - Nuclear Compliance
R. Strohl, Training NRC
D. Passehl, Senior Reactor Analyst



Opened and Closed

05000440/2008005-01 NCV Inspection Procedure for RPV Head Strongback Omitted Non-Destructive Testing of Structural Welds (Section 1R20.1.b.(1))
05000440/2008005-02 NCV Containment Polar Crane Trolley Seismic Restraints Did Not Meet Seismic Category I Requirements (Section 1R20.1.b.(2))
05000440/2008005-03 FIN Loss of the V-1F and V-2F Non-Vital Buses Resulting in the Loss of Technical Support Center Computers (Section 4OA3.1)


05000440/2008-04 NCV Failure To Report All 10 CFR 50.73 Reportable Events Associated With The Discovery Of Loose Containment Grating (Section 4OA3.2)


05000440/LER-2007-003-01 LER Improper Containment Floor Grating Installation Results in an Unanalyzed Condition, Supplement (Section 4OA3.3) 2515/174 TI Hydrogen Igniter Backup Power Verification (Section 4OA5.3) 2515/176 TI Emergency Diesel Generator Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements Regarding Endurance and Margin Testing (Section 4OA5.4)


05000440/2008005-05 URI Unplanned Unavailability of the Motor Feedwater Pump After it was Placed in 10 CFR 50.65(a)(1) status (Section 711111.12)



The following is a partial list of documents reviewed during the inspection.

Inclusion on this list does not imply that the NRC inspector reviewed the documents in their entirety, but rather that selected sections or portions of the documents were evaluated as part of the overall inspection effort.
Inclusion of a document on this list does not imply NRC acceptance of the document or any part of it, unless this is stated in the body of the inspection report. 1R01
Adverse Weather
NOP-WM-2001; Work Management Scheduling/Assessment/Seasonal Readiness Processes; Revision 7
WO 200291786; Circulating Water Pumps Seal Water Heat Tracing; dated October 23, 2008
CR 08-47570; Winter Prep Order Rescheduled Due to Parts Restraint; dated October 7, 2008
WO 200286109; Auxiliary Boiler Fuel Oil; dated October 23, 2008
WO 200285708; Heat Tracing and Freezing Protection Calibration; dated October 23, 2008
WO 200286739; Heater Bay Ventilation; dated September 9, 2008
WO 200283511; Centralized Heat Tracing Panel; dated September 2, 2008
WO 200280005; Service Water B Intake Traveling Screen; dated August 27, 2008
WO 2003133014; Turbine Building Ventilation; dated October 23, 2008
Equipment Alignment
VLI-R44; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Starting Air System; Revision 4
VLI-R47; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Lube Oil; Revision 6
VLI-R48; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Exhaust, Intake, and Crankcase Systems; Revision 6
VLI-R46; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Jacket Water Systems; Revision 4
VLI-R45; Division 1 and 2 Diesel Generator Fuel Oil System; Revision 5
VLI-P42; Emergency Closed Cooling System; Revision 14
CR 08-48992; Lube Oil Leak on Division 1 Diesel Generator; dated November 5, 2008 1R05
Fire Protection (Annual/Quarterly)
FPI-A-A02, "Periodic Fire Inspections," Revision 5
PAP-1910, "Fire Protection Program," Revision 16
PAP-0204, "Housekeeping/Cleanliness Control Program," Revision 21 1R11
Licensed Operator Requalification Program
CR 08-49100: Failure to Notify NRC to Revoke an Individual's NRC License; dated November 6, 2008 2008 Biennial Written Exam Sample Plan Methodology; no date 2007-2008 Master License Operator Requalification Schedule; no date Twenty eight JPMs; In-Plant, Administrative and Simulator JPMs; Various Dates Nine
Scenario Guides; Various Dates Five Written Exams; Various RO and SRO Written Exams; Various Dates Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP) Licensed Operator Requalification Examination Questions
Used - 2008; no date PNPP Licensed Operator Requalification Examination Sample Plan - 2008, Weeks 1-7; no date Snapshot Self-Assessment Report; no date Engineering Design Guide 97-003; Review of Operating Instructions for USAR/Design Basis
Impact, Attachment 6; Revision 2 Trainee Tracking; FENOC Integrated Training System Successful Completion Report; dated
December 2, 2008
Attachment Trainee Tracking Control #
2007024377; FENOC Integrated Training System Completion
Verification with Grade; dated October 3, 2007
PYBP-POS-1-5; Operations Training Guidelines; dated January 12, 2006
TMA-4206; Licensed Operator Requalification Programs (Administration); dated July 28, 2008
NOBP-TR-1109-02; Non-Facilitated Plus/Delta, Cycle 2007-01 through Cycle 2008-10
NOBP-TR-1109-06; Trainee Feedback Summary (Multiple); various dates from January 8, 2007 - October 10, 2008 ANSI/ANS-3.4-1983; Medical Certification and Monitoring of Personnel Requiring Operator
Licenses for Nuclear Power Plants; dated April 29, 1983
ANSI/ANS-3.5-1998; Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Use in Operator Training; dated
April 15, 1998 Regulatory Guide 1.149; Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Facilities for Use in Operator License
Examinations; Revision 3; dated October 2001
PYBP-PTS-0033; Simulator Configuration Control; Revision 5
PYBP-PTS-0031; Simulator Review Board; Revision 3
PYSA-08-073; Snapshot Self-Assessment Report; November 4, 2008
NOP-TR-1008; FENOC Simulator Configuration Management; Revision 0 Simulator Work Order Summary - Open Items; dated December 1, 2008
Simulator Minor Work Item Summary - Open Items; dated December 1, 2008 Simulator Work Request Summary - Open Items; dated December 1, 2008 Twenty five Scenario Based Test Packages for 2008 Simulator Scenarios Ten Scenario Based Test Packages for 2007 Simulator Scenarios
CR 08-35163; Unplanned Technical Specification Entry Which Declared ECC B and
Associated Systems Inoperable; dated February 10, 2008
CR 08-37799; Plant to Simulator Differences During Plant Scram; dated April 4, 2008 SWO Number 08-0044; DR464 from
CR 08-37799 - Plant to Simulator Differences During Plant
Scram; dated July 23, 2008
SWO Number 08-0028; Unable to Determine if Malfunction IA02C Worked as Designed; dated
July 23, 2008 Completed Simulator Physical Fidelity Testing;
PYBP-PTS-0033 Revision 5; dated
November 18, 2008 Completed Simulator Physical Fidelity Testing;
PYBP-PTS-0033 Revision 3; dated
December 17, 2007 Simulator Review Board Minutes; dated May 4, 2007, September 20, 2007, and
August 18, 2008 Completed Simulator Testing; 2007 and 2008 Normal Operations; Various Dates Completed Simulator Testing; Cycle 12 BOL Core Tests; dated October 3, 2007 Completed Simulator Testing; Cycle 12 MOL Core Tests; dated June 5, 2008
Completed Simulator Testing; 2007 and 2008 Simulator Annual Testing (Transient Tests, Heat
Balance and Real Time Tests); Various Dates Medical Files for 12 Licensed Operators
LER 440 2007 001; Automatic Reactor Protection System Actuation
Due to Reactor Coolant System Level Decrease; dated May 15, 2007
LER 440 2007 002; Shutdown Cooling Pump Trip Results in Operation Prohibited by TS; dated July 11, 2007
LER 440 2007 003; Improper Containment Floor Grating Installation Results in Unanalyzed
Condition; dated August 27, 2007
LER 440 2007 004; Automatic Reactor Protection System Actuation Due to Feedwater Control
System Power Supply Failure; dated November 28, 2007
LER 440 2007 005; Plant Startup with Inoperable RCIC System; dated December 12, 2007
LER 440 2007 006; Loss of Safety Function and Condition Prohibited by TSs due to Annulus Exhaust Gas Treatment System Inoperability; dated
December 21, 2007
LER 440 2008 001; Inoperable Emergency Closed Cooling System Results in Condition
Prohibited by Technical Specifications; dated February 10, 2008
LER 440 2008 002; Inoperable Emergency Closed Cooling System Results in Condition
Prohibited by Technical Specifications; dated February 10, 2008 Scenario Guide
CR 07-30703; Unplanned Reactor Scram Report for Automatic Reactor Scram Due to Digital
Feed Water Control System Malfunction; dated May 15, 2007 Lesson Plan
OT-Combined-E51; RCIC System; Revision 0
Lesson Plan
OTLC-3058200806-PY-08; Revision 0 Lesson Plan
OT-Combined-P42; Emergency Closed Cooling Water System; Revision 2
Maintenance Effectiveness
CR 08-47241; ESW Loop A Rad Monitor Failure; dated October 2, 2008
CR 08-47287; Radwaste to ESW Radiation Monitor Inoperable Based on Spiking; dated October 6, 2008
CR 08-48403; Pri-300; ESW A Rad Monitor Has Exceeded its 21-day Completion Date Requirement; dated October 24, 2008
CR 08-46312; Evaluate M&TE and Vicotreen D17 Monitor Test Methodology; dated September 15, 2008 Performance Criteria data for Plant Radiation Monitoring; dated June 30, 2008
CR 08-48507; Turbine Building/Heater Bay D-19 Had Multiple Equipment Failure Alarms; dated October 24, 2008
CR 08-48650; 1D19N0440 Failed Testing; dated October 28, 2008 Maintenance Rule Functions, Performance Criteria and Classifications; Expert Panel Meeting Minutes, January 11, 2006
NOP-ER-3004; FENOC Maintenance Rule Program; Revision 0
PAP-1125; Monitoring the Effectiveness of Maintenance Program Plan; Revision 8
PYBP-PES-1; Maintenance Rule Reference Guide; Revision 14
CR 08-47924; Failed Goal Within a Maintenance Rule A(1) Goal Monitoring Criteria
CR 08-47992; Less than Adequate Support for Maintenance Rule Expert Panel
CR 06-463; ICS Unavailable
CR 06-3974; ICS Computer Shutdown
CR 07-29301; Full Data Disk Causes Plant Computer Shutdown
CR 07-24527; TSC/UPS Battery Room Temperature is at 95 Degrees Maintenance Rule System Basis Document for System C91/C95; Supervisor Approval Dated September 11, 2006 Failure Summary Report for Perry Computer System from October 2005 to November 2008; Generated November 6, 2008 PWR and BWR Failure Summary Report for Plant Computer Systems from October 2005 to November 2008; Generated November 7, 2008
CR 08-37457; Motor Feed Pump Oil Milky Appearance; dated March 29, 2008
CR 08-44480; Water in Motor Feed Pump Lube Oil System; dated August 7, 2008
CR 08-47924; Failed Goal Within a Maintenance Rule a(1) Monitoring Criteria; dated
October 14, 2008
CR 08-41632; Electrical Components Have Exceeded Maintenance Rule Performance Criteria; dated June 11, 2008
Attachment 1R13
Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control
PYBP-POS-2-2; Protected Equipment Postings; Revision 6 PNPP No. 10241; Division 2 Outage (Yellow); dated September 8, 2008 PNPP No. 10252; Division 2 Diesel Generator Outage (Yellow); dated September 8, 2008
CR 08-48921; Protected Train Walkdown by Shift Manager Revealed Issues with Postings; dated November 4, 2008 Outage Control Shift Turnover Report; dated November 7, 2008 1R15
Operability Evaluations
CR 08-48686; Performance Testing of RHR 'B' Loop; dated October 29, 2008
PTI-E12-P0003; RHR Q-Trend Graph; dated June 2, 2008 Prompt Operability Determination;
CR 08-47166 Vessel Nozzle Welds Exceed ASME
Acceptance Criteria; dated October 8, 2008
Temporary Modifications
ECP 08-0323-001
NOP-OP-1001; Clearance/Tagging Program; Revision 9
RWI-G61 (EDS); Equipment Drain Sump; Revision 4
PAP-1404; Miscellaneous Tagging; Revision 5
CR 08-48997; Platinum Pump Trip During On-line Noble Chemistry Injection; dated November 5, 2008
PTI-N27-P0015; On-Line Noble Metals Re-Application; Revision 0
CR 08-49594; CNRB CM/ER Subcommittee Identified a Concern with a 50.59 Screen; dated November 13, 2008 1R19
Post-Maintenance Testing
WO 200169007; Emergency Closed Cooling A Hydramotor; dated October 2, 2008
WO 200328073; LPCS & RHR A Water Leg Pump; dated October 4, 2008
CR 08-49080; Linear Indication Noted On Right Bank Cylinders 1 And 8 Rocker Arm Pedestals; dated November 6, 2008
PMI-0019; Division 1&2 Diesel Generator Rocker Arm And Valve Lifter Maintenance; Revision 7
CR 08-48950; Unable To Conduct Functional Test Of Bkr EH1205 As It Was Scheduled; dated November 4, 2008
WO 200328952; ESW Pump B EH1205 Relay Replacement; dated November 5, 2008 OCC Narrative Logs; dated November 6-7, 2008
CR 08-49289; Unacceptable Management of AOT; dated November 11, 2008
CR 08-49279; Inadequate Tag Out for Removing Fuel Oil Piping on Division 2 Diesel; dated November 10, 2008
CR 08-49090; Division 2 DG Cylinder Head Nuts as-found Torque Values Outside Specified Range; dated November 7, 2008
CR 08-49109; Order Directed Cylinder Head Torque Check on the Incorrect Cylinder Head; dated November 7, 2008
WO 200170718; ECC B HX Output Temperature Controller; dated November 26, 2008
WO 200303033; Div 2 Weekly 125V Battery Voltage and Category A Limits Check; dated October 27, 2008
WO 200273106; 125V Battery Category B Limits, Terminal Corrosion, and Electrolyte Temperature Check (Unit 1, Division 2); dated October 27, 2008
CR 08-48989; Battery Rack Spacer Tubes Found Missing; dated November 5, 2008
CR 08-48537; Battery Rack Cell Spacer Missing; dated October 24, 2008
CR 08-48458; Shim Plate Flashing Material Found Floating in Battery Electrolyte; dated October 25, 2008
Attachment Certificate of Conformance by EnerSys; dated August 13, 2008
WO 200321038; Diesel Generator Start and Load Division 2; dated November 12, 2008 1R20
Outage Activities (71111.20) Crane and Heavy Lift Inspection (OpESS FY2007-03) ANSI N14.6-1978; American National Standard for Special Lifting Devices for Shipping
Containers Weighing 10000 Pounds (4500 kg) or more for Nuclear Materials; 1978
ANSI B30.2.0-1976; Overhead and Gantry Cranes; 1976 Appendix K of Supplement No. 5 to
NUREG-0887, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Operation of Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2; February 1985 Calculation No. 0280-0039-1; Reactor Vessel Head Drop Analysis; Revision 0 Calculation No. DV767E572; General Electric Structural Analysis of Perry Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Dryer/Separator Strongbacks; 1974 Calculation No. 3:36.12; Justification and Requirements for Handling Load Over Spent Fuel w/Polar Crane Auxiliary Hoist; Revision 1 Calculation No. 4549-32-133; Reactor Building Cranes for Perry Nuclear Power Plant- Units 1 and 2 Bridge Structural Calculations; dated May 10, 1982 Calculation No. 4549-32-134; Reactor Building Cranes for Perry Nuclear Power Plant-Units 1 and 2 Trolley Structural Calculations; dated May 10, 1982 Calculation No.
NEDE-25525; Structural Analysis of Reactor Pressure Vessel and Internals for Vessel Head Drop, Shroud Head Assembly Drop, and Steam Dryer Assembly Drop Conditions; dated January 1982 Cleveland Electric Letter to NRC, Subject: Control of Heavy Loads; dated June 19, 1981 Drawing No. 23-0119-00000; Head Strongback Carousel; Revision A
Drawing No. 100A7595; Bottom Block Ass'y 125 Ton PH Crane; Revision A Drawing No. 3521-193; Vessel Outline; Revision 8 Drawing No. 4549-31-559; Trolley Seismic Restraint Design Drawing; Revision A Drawing No. D-511-221; Reactor Building-Steel Framing RPV Pedestal Wall Liner Details Stretch-Out - EL. 576'-9" to EL. 604'-2"; Revision L Drawing No. D-511-222; Reactor Building -Steel Framing R.P.V. Pedestal Wall Liner Details Sections and Details; Revision J Drawing No. D-511-223; Reactor Building-Steel Framing R.P.V. Pedestal Wall Liner Details Sections and Details; Revision J Drawing No. E-015-044; Final Plant Layout Reactor Refueling Floor Layout Study; Revision C
File No. 0180; P & H Crane Manual; Revision 6 GAI Report 2329; Control of Heavy Loads Study for Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 and 2; Revision 2 General Electric Letter to Cleveland Electric, Subject: ANSI 14.6-1978 RPV Head Strongback Carousel and Dryer/Separator; dated December 7, 1982
GMI-0003; Mobile Cranes, Aerial Platforms (Boom Type) and Line (Bucket) Truck Guidelines; Revision 9
GMI-0004; General Guidelines for Rigging; Revision 8
GMI-0185; Reactor Vessel Disassembly and Assembly; Revision 10
MAP-0201; Qualifications of Crane Operators; Revision 2
MAP-1301; Control of Heavy Loads; Revision 2
MM 2042; Special Crane Operations; Revision 5
NOP-WM-5003; Rigging, Lifting and Load Handling; Revision 2 NUREG 0612 Control of Heavy Loads Fleet Oversight Performance Assessment Report; dated April 9, 2008 NUREG 0933; Resolution of Generic Safety Issues; August 2008
OJT 5135; Crane, Standard; Revision 3
OJT 5281; Special Crane, Polar; Revision 1
OJT 5282; Special Crane, Emergency Service Water/Fuel Handling Building; Revision 1
PAP-1313; Control of Lifting Operations; Revision 8
PMI-0015; Reactor Polar Crane Preventative Maintenance; Revision 7
PMI-0085; Head Strongback Carousel Preventative Maintenance; Revision 13
PMI-0089; Examination of Lifting Devices; Revision 3 Report No. F13-E009; Dynamic Qualification of Head Strongback Carousel for Perry Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2; dated February 11, 1983 Safety Evaluation 97-0056; Modifying Sections, and 9.1.5 of USAR, Rev. 8 and ORM 6.5.5 and
MAP-1301, Rev. 2 and Section 6.4 of
PAP-1313, Revision 0; dated July 28, 1997 Work Order No.
200168033; Polar Crane, Reactor Building 125/10;
PY-1L51 Cranes Hoists and Elevators; dated May 7, 2007 Work Order No.
200191335; Polar Crane, Reactor Building 125/10;
PY-1L51 Cranes Hoists and Elevators; dated January 7, 2007 Work Order No.
200238349; Polar Crane, Reactor Building 125/10;
PY-1L51 Cranes Hoists and Elevators; dated April 11, 2008 Work Order No.
200254834; Polar Crane, Reactor Building 125/10;
PY-1L51 Cranes Hoists and Elevators; dated April 2, 2007 Condition Reports Reviewed During NRC Inspection (OpESS FY2007-03)
CR 07-17334; Engineering Review of
RIS 2005-025 (NRC Guidelines for Control of Heavy Loads); dated April 1, 2007
CR 08-44711;
NEI 08-05 Rev. 0 Control of Heavy Loads; dated August 13, 2008
CR 08-39059; Unrecognized OPDRV Results in LER; dated April 24, 2008

Condition Reports

Initiated as a Result of NRC Inspection (OpESS FY2007-03)
CR 08-50714; Polar Crane Trolley Seismic Restraints are Not Fully Consistent with Calculation; dated December 11, 2008
CR 08-50414; NRC Questions Adequacy of Testing of Special Lifting Devices; dated December 3, 2008
CR 08-50408; NRC Identified Issues with the Containment Polar Crane Calculation; dated December 3, 2008
CR 08-50810; NRC Identified Math Error in GE Analysis; dated December 4, 2008
CR 08-50542; NRC Identified Issues with the Containment Polar Crane Calculation; dated December 8, 2008 1R22
Surveillance Testing
SVI-R10-T5226; Containment Penetration Molded Case Circuit Breaker Inspection and Preventative Maintenance; Revision 1
CR 08-48504;
SVI-R10-T5226 Change Identified; dated October 24, 2008
CR 08-48545; R10-T5226 Not Completed as Scheduled; dated October 24, 2008
WO 200055802 1EP4
Emergency Action Level and Emergency Plan Changes
NOP-LP-5002; Evaluation of Changes to Emergency Plans and Supporting Documents,
CFR 50.54(q); Revision 2 Emergency Plan for Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Docket
NOS 50-440; Revision 28
Emergency Plan for Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Docket
NOS 50-440; Revision 29 10
CFR 50.54(q) Screening Packet for Emergency Plan for Perry Nuclear Power Plant; Revision 28.
Scope of Revision for Emergency Plan for Perry Nuclear Power Plant; Revision 29.
Attachment 2OS2
ALARA Planning and Controls
CR 07-27957; High Radiation Area Entry Without Proper RP Brief; dated October 2007
CR 08-33510; Radioactive Material Generating a Radiation Area was Not Posted Appropriately; dated January 2008
CR 08-43839; B12 Box Moved Too Close to RCA Boundary; dated July 2008
CR 08-46891; Maintenance Mechanics Working in the Div 2 Diesel Room During Liner Movement; dated September 2008
HPI-C0010; Radiation Protection Support of Plant Startup; Revision 5
HPI-C0014; Radlock Key Issue; Revision 0
HPI-L0009; Discrete Particle Control; Revision 4
NOP-OP-4204; Special External Exposure Monitoring; Revision 00
NOP-WM-7025; High Radiation Area Program; Revision 02
NOP-WM-7003; Radiation Work Permit (RWP); Revision 04
Performance Indicator Verification
MSPI Data Sheets for Emergency AC Power Systems from October 2007 to September 2008 MSPI Data Sheets for High Pressure Injection System from October 2007 to September 2008 MSPI Data Sheets for Emergency Service Water from October 2007 to September 2008
MSPI Data Sheets for Heat Removal System; from October 2007 to September 2008. MSPI Data Sheets for Residual Heat Removal System; from October 2007 to September 2008. Control Room Operator Logs from October 2007 to September 2008 Reactor Coolant System leakage data sheets from October 2007 to September 2008
Identification and Resolution of Problems Perry Self Assessment Database through December 2008
CR 08-49855; Adverse Trend of 4 PCEs Over 4 Consecutive Days; dated November 20, 2008
CR 08-49233; Emergent Trend In Radiation Worker Performance; dated November 10, 2008
CR 08-48064; Negative Trend In Engineering Quality In September; dated October 17, 2008
CR 08-45734; DW FDS In-leakage Has An Upward Trend; dated September 4, 2008
CR 08-50521; Declining Trend In Pre -Job Briefs For Design Engineering; dated
December 7, 2008 Plant Health Report 2008-02 4OA3
Followup of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
CR 08-48075; Minor Vehicle Accident; dated October 17, 2008
CR 08-48677; Loss of V-1-F and V-2-F; Human Performance Perspective; dated October 30, 2008
CR 08-48676; Loss of V-1-F and V-2-F Causes Maintenance Rule Functional Failure on ICS; dated October 30, 2008
CR 08-48471; UPS Air Handling Unit Stopped Working; dated October 25, 2008
LER 05000440/2007-003-01; Improper Containment Floor Grating Installation Results in an Unanalyzed Condition, Supplement
CR 08-46139; Inoperable Equipment Details not Included in
LER 2007-003 Submittal - NRC-identified; dated September 11, 2008
Other Activities
PYBP-ERS-0014; Emergency Management Overview; Revision 4
ONI-SPI D-10; Hydrogen Igniter Emergency Operation; Revision 0 NLO Continuing Training
EPLC-200803_PY-01; Trainee Tracking; dated October 10, 2008 Perry Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Emergency Coordinator Training; Trainee Tracking; dated October 13, 2008
Attachment Preventative Maintenance Nuclear
200322813; Functional Test of Generators Maintenance Plan; Single Cycle Plan 000000107871 Maintenance Plan; Single Cycle Plan 000000237361
OTLC-3058200807_PY-OTS; Lesson Plan; dated June 20, 2008 Course Attendance Sheet;
ONI-SPI-D10; dated April 14, 2008 SVI- R43-T1347; Div 1 Standby Diesel Generator 24 Hour Run; Revision 2
SVI- R43-T1348; Div 2 Standby Diesel Generator 24 Hour Run; Revision 2 SVI- E22-T1349; Div 3 Standby Diesel Generator 24 Hour Run; Revision 2 Calculation
PSTG-0014; Diesel Loading; Revision 7
Licensee-Identified Violations
CR 08-49069; Failed Licensed Requalification Exam; dated November 6, 2008


USED [[]]
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ALARA as-low-as-reasonably-achievable
CAP Corrective Action Program
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CR condition report
DFWCS Digital Feedwater Control System
ECC emergency closed cooling
ECCW emergency core cooling water
EDG emergency diesel generator
ER [[]]
DS Emergency Response Data System
ESW emergency service water
FENOC FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
FIN Finding
GL Generic Letter
HPCS high pressure core spray
ICS Integrated Computer System IMC Inspection Manual Chapter
IP Inspection Procedure
IR Inspection Report
JPM Job Performance Measure
LER Licensee Event Report
LO [[]]
RT Licensed Operator Requalification Training
LPCI low pressure core injection
LPCS low pressure core spray
MFP motor feed pump
MSPI mitigating system performance index NCV non-cited violation
NEI Nuclear Energy Institute
NOP Nuclear Operating Procedure
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission Op
ESS Operating Experience Smart Sample PAP Perry Administrative Procedure
PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment
PI performance indicator
RCIC reactor core isolation cooling
RHR residual heat removal RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel
RWP radiation work permit
SAS Secondary Alarm Station
SAT Systems Approach to Training
SDP Significance Determination Process
SOI Standard Operating Instruction
SRA Senior Reactor Analyst SVI Surveillance Instruction
TI Temporary Instruction
TS Technical Specification
TSC Technical Support Center

UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis Report URI Unresolved Item


USAR Updated Safety Analysis Report
WO work order