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Responds to NRC 790709 Ltr & Supplements GE 790615 Ltr Re two-loop Test Apparatus.Clarifies Addl Info to Be Provided by 790731
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 07/20/1979
From: Stroupe E
To: Schroeder F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML19208C443 List:
MFN-185-79, NUDOCS 7909260451
Download: ML19208C449 (3)






6 PROJECTS DIVISION GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY,175 CURTNER AVL, SAN JOSE, CAUFORNIA 9s125 MC 682 (408} 925-3141 REcntugn MFN 185-79 July 20, 1979 JUL 2 31979 A '.LEw,n bec: GE DIX JD DUNCAN

, RL GRIDLEY LK HOLLAND U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission A.J_L5ylNE_

Division of Systems Safety BS SHIRALKAR Office of Nuclear P,eactor Regulation RN WCLDSTAD Washington, DC 20555 '

RH BUCHHOLZ LF RODRIGUEZ Attention: Frank Schroeder, Acting Director GG SHERWOOD Division of Systems Safety Gentlemen:

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1. Roger J. Mattcon (NRC) letter to G. G. Sherwood (GE) dated Februara .,, 1979 (no subject)
2. G. G. Sherwood (GE) letter to Frank Schroeder (NRC) dated June 15,1979, "Two Loop Test Apparatus (TLTA)


3. R. H. Buchholz (GE) letter to Frank Schroeder (NRC) dated July 13,1979, "Leibnitz Rule in LOCA Models


Reference 1 requested General Electric to provide information pertaining to previous TLTA tests. Reference 2 provided part of the information requested in Reference 1 and defined additional information which would be provided by July 31. The pur,oose of this letter is to further clarify that additional information.

By July 31, General Electric will provide the following information:

1. A writeup to support the May 24 slides - General Electric will provide a descriptive writeup to accompany the slides used at the May 24 presentation. A description of what was learned from the TLTA tests with and without ECC will be provided.

Differences and similarities between the tests with and with-out ECC will also be shown.


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GEN ER AL h ELECTRIC U. S. Nuclear Regulc. tory Comission ,

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2. Steam separator AP and break flow discussion - General Electric will describe the mass balance for the tests with and without ECC and will discuss the mass energy balance (analyses) which laads to the conclusior, that more liquid is going out the break for the case with ECC than for the case without ECC.

This shows that break flow is the major contributer to the variation in the difference of the depressurization rate seen in both tests. General Electric will also discuss the analysis which demonstrater, that total flow out the steam separator was substantially lower for the case with ECC than for the case without ECC. Separate sensitivity studies which show that the flow through the steam separator was basically all vapor will also be presented.

3. TLTA scaling discussion - General Electric will provide a discussion of scaling in general in the TLTA and describe where compromises were needed and where the simulation is representative of the BWR.
4. TLTA/1974 vaporization data base comparison - General Electric will provide a further explanation of the facility design and the method used for the 1974 test which provided the data for the presently approved vaporization correlaticn.

( 5. Side entry orifice CCFL - General Electric Will provide a writeup to show that neglecting this effect is conservative.

6. Grid spacer water accumulation discussion - General Electric will provide a writeup which will discuss whether it is possi-ble to have water accumulation at che grid spacer during different phases of the transient. ,
7. H=4 to H=12 additional discussion - General Electric will provide additional clarification concerning the application of the heat transfer coefficient during core spray initiation.
8. Discussion of plant choices for Leibnitz Rule study - This was provided by reference 3.

In addition, General Electric will provide:

1. The measured pressures from the average power TLTA tests (with and without ECC) and the pressures from the calculation of the TLTA test with GE licensing evaluation models and
2. The indirectly measured break flow from the TLTA tests and the break flow predicted by the GE licensing evaluation models.


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U. S. Nuclen Regulatory Commission -

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General Electric will continue to work with the NRC staff to resolve the TLTA issue as defined in Reference 1. This will be accomplished as described jn Reference 2 and as amplified by this letter. Other TLTA information for which General Electric is contractually obligated per contract NRC-04-76-215 will be provided on the presently negotiated

. NRC/EPRI/GE schedule. It is General Electric's intent to supply suf--

ficient information to close out the eight (8) clarification items listed above. We believe the commitments made in this letter should allow the NRC to close out the TLTA issue in the near future. If fur-ther clarification is required, please contact R. N, Woldstad of my staff at (408) 925-2539.

Very truly yours, ,

g ' ,4y E. P. Stroupe, Manager U ' BWR Project Licensing Safety and Licensing Operation MC. 682, Ext. 53141 RNW:ggo/97-8 cc: L. S. Gifford (Bethesda)

( L. E. Phillips (NRC)

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