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2015 Clinton Power Station Initial License Examination Proposed In-Plant JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/29/2015
Division of Reactor Safety III
Exelon Generation Co
Zoia, C D
Shared Package
ML15124A055 List:
Download: ML15306A573 (50)



JPM Number: JPM244 Revision Number: 02 Date : 10/09/14 Developed By: Bill Kiser 10/09/14 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date R etain approved Maste1* Copy p er SRRS 3D.126/3D.l ll JPM244 R3 Post-Val.doc

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure CPS 3213.01 Rev: 29c Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station J ob Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 08120108 New JPM.

01 04/20/ 11 Updated to new template.

02 06/06/ 12 Updated to new template.

03 10/09/ 14 Revision due to procedure and template revision.

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. Initialize to any suitable IC with N/A
2. Open and execute Simulator Lesson Plan JPM### which will perform the following: N/A
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs if applicable. N/A
4. This completes the setup for this JPM. N/A
5. Save to a different IC if JPM is being used more than once. IC-## is saved for the 2010 LORT Annual Operating Exam. N/A
6. Freeze Simulator. N/A Page 4 of 14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • Using CPS No. 3213.01, FIRE DETECTION AND PROTECTION, perform an emergency start of a diesel fire pump by opening the fuel solenoid and engaging the starter manually.






  • The B Fire Pump is selected for this JPM.
  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Have a PCS phone to get access to Screenhouse by calling ext. 2986.
  • Placekeep (mark-up) procedure steps for prerequisites (8.5.1 through 8.5.7).
  • Provide Initiating Cue in the R&S Line in the Radwaste Building.

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


A fire exists in the plant and the fire brigade is preparing fire hoses to combat the fire. The "A" Diesel Driven Fire Pump is out of service for repairs and the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump has failed to automatically sta1t and could not be stait ed from the MCR per CPS 3213.01 step



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only Simulated actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Perfo1m a local stai*tup of the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump per CPS No. 3213.01.

Prestait checks ai*e complete per steps 8.5.1 through 8.5.7.

Repo1t to the CRS when the task is complete.

START TIME: - - - - - - - - -

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Perfo1mance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.


1. OFPOJPA(OFPOJPB) - NFPA codes require diesel engine operation at rated speedfor a minimum of 30 minutes.
2. Operating diesel engine for 60 minutes at rated speed prolongs engine life.
3. The following 4 starting methods are listed in order ofpreference, as needed the op erator may use any of the methods listed.

8.5.8 Stait the Diesel Fire Pumps OFPOlPA (OFPOlPB) by one of the following 4 methods: Stait Pushbutton Stait of OFPOlPA(B)

1. Verify I place control switch (local panel) in AUTO.
2. Depress Diesel Fire Pump "A"("B"), OFPOlPA(B)

Stait pushbutton on 1H13-P840.

3. Time Diesel Fire Pump was stait ed. TIME: _ __

Standard: N/A Cue : None Comments Perfo1med by MCR per Initial Conditions. No Action required.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

CAUTION After starting an engine per, taking the OFPOIPA(B) Main Control Switch out of Test will result in fire p ump shutdown unless a valid start signal is present. Main Control Switch to TEST Sta.ii of OFPOlPA(B)

1. Place OFPOlPA (OFPOlPB) Main Control Switch in TEST.

r::Ir This will simulate a pressure loss in the system .

2. Time Diesel Fire Pump was staii ed. TIME: _ __

Standai*d: Simulates placing the Diesel Fire Pump "B" Main Contrnl Switch in TEST.

Cue : Component is in the position as described.

No cranking noise is heard. Diesel Fire Pump has not staiied.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number Sta.ii Pushbutton Sta.ii of OFPOlPA(B)

1. Place OFPOlPA (OFPOlPB) Main Control Switch to MANUAL 1 or MANUAL 2.
2. Depress Manual Start pushbutton until engine stai*ts.
3. Time Diesel Fire Pump was staii ed. TIME: _ __

Standai*d: Simulates placing the Main Control Switch in MANUAL 1 or MANUAL 2.

Simulates depressing Manual START Pushbutton.

Cue : Component is in the position as described.

Manual START Pushbutton is depressed.

No cranking noise is heard. Diesel Fire Pump has not staiied.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 0 3 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

CAUTION Use of the Mantrol Switch bypasses all Diesel Fire Pump alarms, therefore an operator should be present to frequently monitor engine operating parameters.

NOTE If the Mantrol Switch is used to start the Diesel Fire Pump, it can only be stopped by placing the Mantrol switch to OFF. Mantrol Switch Start of OFP01PB Mantrnl Switch Staii of OFPOlPA(B)

1. In order to utilize the Mantrol Switch, take the Mantrol Switch to START and hold in that position until the engine staiis (located on the south side of the diesel engine).
2. Once the engine staiis release the switch and it will spring return to RUN.
3. Time Diesel Fire Pump was staiied. TIME: _ __

Standai*d: Simulates placing Mantrnl switch in START and holding it there.

Cue: Component is in the position as described.

No cranking noise is heard. Diesel Fire Pump has not staiied.

If MCR is contacted, acknowledge repo1i and state; "The fire is rapidly spreading and Diesel Fire Pump "B" needs to be staiied."

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 0 3 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

BEGIN ALTERNATE PATH CAUTION This procedure is to be used only if the Fire Pump Controller is out ofservice and therefore, an operator must be present to frequently monitor engine operating parameters.

  • 8.2.1 OPEN the fuel solenoid by turning the manual knob clockwise or in.

Standard: Locates an d simulates turning the FUEL SOLENOID knob.

Cue: Component is in the position as described.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

  • 8.2.2 OPEN Cooling Water Bypass Strainer Isol Valve.
1. DFP9A for OFPOlPA.
2. DFP9B for OFP01PB.

Standard: Locates an d simulates opening the con ect valve.

Cue: Component is in the position as described.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • 8.2.3 Engage the starter by raising either starting solenoid manual operators.

Release the manual operator as soon as the engine is running.

Standard: Locates and simulates raising a staliing solenoid manual operator, then releases when engine is rnnning.

Cue : Info1m the examinee:

  • hnmediately - engine cranking noise is heard.
  • Diesel engine sta1ts
  • (5 seconds later) flow noise is heard from relief back to pit.
  • If requested, provide info1mation when examinee locates the indicator(s):

o Engine speed - 2160 1pm o Engine coolant temperature - 180°F o Charging generator output - 5 amps o Pump discharge pressure - 170 psig o Angle Gear Drive Unit Sight Glass - oil spray is being seen o Cooling water inlet temperature - 75°F o Cooling water outlet temperature - 85°F Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

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JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Task Completion Standard: Informs CRS the Diesel Driven Fire Pump "B" is rnnning.

Cue :

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

STOPTIME: -~~~~~~~-

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JPM Number : JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power St ation Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operator 's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Job Title: D EO D RO D SRO D STA D SRO Ce1t JPM Title: Manual Sta1tup of a Diesel Fire Pump JPM Number: JPM244 Revision Number: 03 Task Number and Title: 321301.37 - Perf01m Manual Operations of the Diesel Fire Pumps KIA System KIA Number Importance (RO/SRO) 286000 A2.08 3.2 I 3.3 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to conect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abno1mal conditions or operations: Failure to actuate when required Suggested Testing E nvironment: Simulator Actual Testing E nvironment: D Simulator

  • Plant D Control Room T esting Method:
  • Simulate Alternate Path:
  • Yes DNo D Perfo1m SRO Only: DYes
  • No Time Critical: D Yes
  • No Estimated Time to Complete: 28 minutes Actual Time Used:

- - - - minutes




Were all the Critical Elements perfon ned satisfactorily? D Yes D No The operator 's perfon nance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been dete1mined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfacto1y Comments:


Evaluator's Name: (Print)

Evaluator's Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D. l 05 (when utilized for opera.tor initial or continuing training) Page 13of 14

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


A fire exists in the plant and the fire brigade is preparing fire hoses to combat the fire. The "A" Diesel Driven Fire Pump is out of service for repairs and the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump has failed to automatically sta1t and could not be staited from the MCR per CPS 3213.01 step



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only Simulated actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Perfo1m a local staitup of the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump per CPS No. 3213.01.

Prestait checks ai*e complete per steps 8.5.1 through8.5.7.

Repo1t to the CRS when the task is complete.

Page 14of14

Exelon Generation CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure RCIC Startup at the RSP - Alternate Path JPM Number: JPM247 Revision Number: 02 Date : 10/09/14 Developed By: Bill Kiser 10/09/14 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Maste1* Copy p er SRRS 3D.126/3D.l ll JPM247 R2 Post-Val.doc

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure CPS 4003.01 Rev: 17b Procedure CPS 4003.01C002 Rev: 5a Procedure CPS 4003.01C003 Rev: 1 Procedure OP-AA-101-111 Rev: 6

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 23

JPM Number : JPM 247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 08108109 Updated numbering convention and technically corrected . Old JPM number: 40030104LSA01.

01 06/06/ 12 Updated format, aligned with procedure revision and revision numbers.

02 10/09/ 12 Revision due to procedure and template revision.

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. To establish initial conditions for JPM247, perform the following actions (not required if conditions have been shot into an exam IC):
a. Reset to any at power IC.
b. Turn off annunciators and horns.
c. Place Reactor Mode Switch in Shutdown and stabilize RPV level at -30 inches with the Motor Driven Reactor Feed Pump.
d. Close Inboard MSIVs.
e. Close 1B21-F016.
f. Place ALL 19 Remote Shutdown Panel Transfer Switches in the EMERGENCY position.
g. Open and execute Simulator Lesson Plan JPM247 to cause the RSP RCIC Flow Controller to be overridden in Manual.
h. Place the simulator in Run.
i. Depress the RCIC Flow Controller Close Pushbutton until controller output is at zero.
j. Save to a different IC if JPM is being used more than once. IC-207 (PW-91632) is saved for the 2014 ILT NRC Exam.
2. If an IC has been shot per step 1 above, reset the simulator to that IC. IC-207 (PW-91632) is saved for the 2014 ILT NRC Exam.
3. Verify command A17_A01_A02_4 RSP RCIC Turb Flow Controller - Man/Auto = Manual is active.
4. Place book of Remote Shutdown procedures in RSP Room.
5. Verify RCIC is not initiated.
6. Verify the RCIC controller at the Remote Shutdown Panel is in Auto set at 620 gpm.
7. Verify the RCIC suction is aligned to the RCIC Storage Tank.
8. No simulator lesson plan is required for this JPM once initial conditions have been established per step 1.
9. Freeze Simulator.

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The RCIC System is started from the Remote Shutdown Panel and injecting to the Reactor Vessel to restore and control RPV water level, Level 3 to Level 8 per CPS 4003.01C002 RSP -

RCIC Operation.




  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • When the examinee has acknowledged the initiating cue, provide him/her with the following procedures:

o CPS 4003.01 Remote Shutdown (RS) - place kept up to but not including step 4.3.4 on page 9.

o CPS 4003.01C002 RSP - RCIC Operations (blank) o CPS 4003.01C003 RSP - RCIC Alarm Light Responses (blank)

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


The Main Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire. Remote Shutdown, CPS No. 4003.01 has been completed up through step 4.3.4.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.

The CRS directs you to startup RCIC system from the Remote Shutdown Panel and inject to the Reactor Vessel to restore and contrnl RPV water level, Level 3 to Level 8 per CPS 4003.01C002, RSP - RCIC Operation and CPS 4003.01C003, RSP - Alru.m Light Responses.

Info1m the CRS when the task is complete.

START TIME: - - - - - - - - -

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Perfo1mance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS 4003.01C002 RSP - RCIC Operation 4.0 RCIC TRANSFER TO THE RSP 4 .1 Verify:

1. Power to 4160V Bus l Al available as indicated by the following energized blue lights:
3. RCIC TURB FLOW CONTROLLER, C61-R001 set to A (Automatic)/620 gpm.


  • For substep 1, the examinee verifies two blue lights lit on the upper left hand side of the Remote Shutdown Panel.
  • For substep 3, the examinee verifies the RCIC Turbine Flow Controller is M IA slide switch is positioned to the right and the tape set is set to 620 gpm.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.2 Verify I Place following TRANSFER SWITCHES to EMERG:

1. C61-S3
2. C61-S2
3. C61-Sll Standard: Examinee verifies the above 3 switches are rotated clockwise to the EMERG position.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4.3 Verify GLAND SEAL COMPRESSOR, 1E51-C002F in STOP if compressor is off, or in START if the compressor is mnning.

Standard Examinee verifies control switch for the RCIC Gland Seal Compressor, 1E51-C002F is in the vertical position (STOP).

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.4 Verify I Place TRANSFER SWITCH C61-S4 to EMERG.

Standard Examinee verifies the Transfer Switch C61-S4 is rotated clockwise to the EMERG position.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4.5 Place/verify 1E51-F068, RCIC TURB EXH TO SUPPR POOL STOP VLV switch in OPEN.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F068, RCIC Tmb Exh To Suppr Pool Stop Vlv is in the OPEN position by verifying the control switch is rotated clockwise to the OPEN position and observing the RED status light is lit and the green status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 9 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.6 Verify I Place TRANSFER SWITCH C61-S5 to EMERG.

Standard Examinee verifies Transfer Switch C61-S5 is rotated clockwise to the EMERG position.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4.7.1 Verify open 1E51-F063, RHR & RCIC STM SUPP INBD ISOL VALVE.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F063 is OPEN by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is off.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4 .7 .2 Verify open 1E51-F064, RHR & RCIC STM SUPP OUTBD ISOL VALVE.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F064 is OPEN by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is off.

Cue : None Comments Step 4.7.3 is NIA.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4 .8 Check RCIC status:

  • RCIC TURB SPEED, C61-R003.
  • RCIC PUMP FLOW, C61-R001-1.

Standard Examinee observes meters C61-R003 and C61 -R001-1read0 and determines RCIC is Shutdown.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.8.1 IF RCIC is rnnning, THEN verify that Section 5.0, RCIC STARTUP actions have occmTed.

OTHERWISE, proceed to 5.0, RCIC STARTUP to staiiup RCIC.

Standard Examinee proceeds to Section 5.0 of 4003.01C002.

Cue: None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.0 RCIC STARTUP 5.1 At DC MCC 1A-12A (1 DC13E12A), Shut circuit #21.

[Energizes AOV JE51 -F005/F026 to allow for steam line/condensate pot drain down. Circuit will be deenergized in step 5.9.}

Standai*d Examinee states they would peifon n or dispatches an Equipment Operator to shut circuit #21 at DC MCC 1A-12A (1DC13E12A)

Cue: Acknowledge request/dispatch and state the component is in the position requested.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.2 Open 1E51 -C002E, TURBINE TRIP THROTTLE VALVE.

[Trips on Mechanical Overspeed]

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-C002E, Turbine Trip Throttle Valve is open by obse1ving the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

5.3 IF RCIC Cond Stor Tnk Lvl, C61-R505 ~ 3.2 ft, or Suppression Pool Level, C61-R504 ~ 19.9 ft, THEN Open 1E51 -F010, RCIC STORAGE TANK SUCTION VALVE, OTHERWISE Open 1E51-F031, RCIC SUPPR POOL SUCTION VALVE.

Standard Examinee obse1ves RCIC Cond Stor Tnk Lvl and Suppression Pool Level indicators on the RSP and detennines that RCIC tank level is > 3 .2 ft and Suppression Pool Level is < 19.9 ft and then determines 1E51-F010 is Open by obse1ving the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.4 Open I Verify Open:



Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F077, RCIC Exh Vac Bkr Outbd Isol Valve and 1E51-F078, RCIC Exh Vac Bkr Inbd Isol Valve are open by observing RED status lights are lit and GREEN status lights are extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----


Standard Examinee rotates the control switch for the Gland Seal Compressor, 1E51 -C002F clockwise to the staii position and and verifies the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Standard Examinee rotates the contrnl switch for 1E51-F019, RCIC Pmp Min Flow Recirc To Suppr Pool clockwise to the open position and verifies the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: N one Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.7 Open I Verify Open 1E5 1-F068, RCIC TURB EXH TO SUPPR POOL STOP VLV.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F068, RCIC Tmb Exh To Suppr Pool Stop Vlv open by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: N one Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Standard Examinee opens 1E51 -F045, RCIC Turb Strn Supp Shutoff Valve and obse1ves RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: N one Comments Due to RCIC Turbine Speed being low because of C61 -R001 Controller failure, it is acceptable for the examinee to take manual control and adjust the C61-R001 Controller (manual actions for failed Auto Actions).

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.9 While continuing with steps 5 .10 or 5 .11 :

At DC MCC 1A-12A (1DC13E12A), open circuit #21.

[Deenergizes AOV JE51 -F005/F026 to prevent possible steam releases (temp/rad concerns) into RCIC room and Turbine Bldg.}

Standard Examinee state they would perfo1m or dispatches an equipment operator to open circuit #21 at DC MCC 1A-12A.

Acknowledge request/dispatch and state the component is in the position requested.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Standard Examinee turns the contrnl switch for 1E51-F013, RCIC Pump Disch To Rx Outbd !sol Valve clockwise to the open position and observes the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments Per limitation 3.5, the minimum flow orifice is sized for 60 to 76 gpm. RCIC pump operation under this condition should be limited to < 20 seconds to prevent potential degradation of internal pump palis.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----


Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F022, RCIC Pmp First Test Valve To Stor Tnk is shut by observing the RED status light is extinguished and the GREEN sta.t us light is lit.

Cue : None Comments Valve is nonnally shut.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

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JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.10.3 Shut 1E51-F059, RCIC PMP SECOND TEST VALVE TO STOR TNK.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F059, RCIC Pmp Second Test Valve To Stor Tnk is shut by observing the RED status light is extinguished and the GREEN status light is lit.

Cue: None Comments Valve is nonnally shut.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.10.4 Adjust RCIC TURB FLOW CONTROLLER, C61 -R001 to maintain flow 80 to 700 gpm .

NOTE: Avoid AUTO when < 450 gpm (see Precaution 1.4).

Standard Repo1is to SRO failure of RCIC controller or takes manual control of controller.

Cue: When the student reports the controller has failed, cue the Examinee: "RCIC is needed to restore vessel level, inject with RCIC."

Comments Expected response it to take manual control to establish injection flow.

Cue/direction to restore level.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----


JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • Places controller C61-R001 selector to ' M ' (MANUAL).

Standard Examinee positions Contrnller C61 -R001 mode selector to the left in 'M ' position.

Cue: None Comments OP-AA-101-111 step4.7.2.5 directs taking manual control.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

  • Adjusts controller in MANUAL to raise RCIC turbine speed and pump flow above minimum requirements and to achieve rising RPV level.

Standard Examinee adjusts Contrnller to establish >60 gpm flow and > 1500 1p m and rising RPV level.

Cue: None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 19 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.10.5 Shut 1E51-F019, RCIC PMP MIN FLOW RECIRC TO SUPPR POOL.

Standard Examinee shuts 1E51-F019, RCIC Pmp Min Flow Recirc To Suppr Pool and observes the RED status light is extinguished and the GREEN status light is lit.

Cue : None Comments Valve is nonnally shut.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.10.6 Verify 1VY04C, RCIC PMP RM SPLY FAN has started.

Standard Examinee verifies 1VY04C, RCIC Pmp Rm Sply Fan has started by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Task Completion Standard: Inf01ms Contrnl Room Supe1visor he/she has commenced RCIC injection into the Reactor Pressure Vessel.

Cue : Acknowledge the repo1i . State JPM is complete.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 20 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

STOP TIME: _____________________

Page 21 of 23

JPM Number : JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power St ation Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operator 's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Job Title: D EO D RO D SRO D STA D SRO Ce1t JPM Title: RCIC Staitup at the RSP - Alternate Path JPM Number: JPM247 Revision Number: 02 Task Number an d Title: 40030104, Remote Shutdown tasks that DO require MCR evacuation KIA System KIA Number Importan ce (RO/SRO) 217000 A2.10 3.1 I 3.1 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RCIC ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to conect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnon nal conditions or operations: Turbine control system failures Su ggested Testing E nvironment: Simulator Actual Testing E nvironment:

  • Simulator D Plant D Control Room T esting Method: D Simulate Alternate Path:
  • Yes DNo
  • Perfo1m SRO Only: DYes
  • No Time Critical: D Yes
  • No Estimated Time to Complete: 30 minutes Actual Time Used: - - - - minutes



  • Procedure is not required to be copied for JPM administration.



Were all the Critical Elements perfon ned satisfactorily? D Yes D No The operator 's perfon nance was evaluated against the standai*ds contained in this JPM, and has been dete1m ined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfacto1y Comments:


Evaluator's Name: (Print)

Evaluator's Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D. l 05 (when utilized for opera.tor initial or continuing training) Page 22 of23

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


The Main Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire. Remote Shutdown, CPS No. 4003.01 has been completed up through step 4.3.4.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.

The CRS directs you to startup RCIC system from the Remote Shutdown Panel and inject to the Reactor Vessel to restore and contrnl RPV water level, Level 3 to Level 8 per CPS 4003.01 C002, RSP - RCIC Operation and CPS 4003.01 C003, RSP- Alru.m Light Responses.

Info1m the CRS when the task is complete.

Page 23 of23

Exelon Generation CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Reset 1C Diesel Generator After an Overspeed Trip JPM Number: JPM451 Revision Number: 02 Date : 10/09/14 Developed By: Bill Kiser 10/09/14 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Maste1* Copy p er SRRS 3D.126/3D.l ll JPM45l_R2 Post-Val.doc

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure CPS 3506.01 Rev: 37a Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 13

JPM Number : JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 04/01 / 11 New JPM.

01 07/17/ 12 Minor revision due to procedure revision .

02 10/09/ 14 Revision due to procedure and template revision.

Page 3of 13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. Initialize to any suitable IC with N/A
2. Open and execute Simulator Lesson Plan JPM### which will perform the following: N/A
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs if applicable. N/A
4. This completes the setup for this JPM. N/A
5. Save to a different IC if JPM is being used more than once. IC-## is saved for the 2010 LORT Annual Operating Exam. N/A
6. Freeze Simulator. N/A Page 4 of 13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The Division III Diesel Generator overspeed device, safety shutdown relay, and Lockout Relays (86 devices) are reset IAW CPS No. 3506.01, Diesel Generator and Support Systems (DG).




  • CPS No. 3506.01, Rev 37a, Diesel Generator and Support Systems (DG)


  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Do not allow examinee to shine any type light into a panel.
  • Provide examinee with the procedure when asked.
  • Provide the Initiating Cue in the R&S Line in the Radwaste Building.
  • Ensure examinee checks doors after passing through them during the course of the examination.

Page 5 of 13

JPM Number : JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

INITIAL CONDITIONS : You are an Equipment Operator on watch, perfo1m ing your rounds.

The Division III Diesel Generator tripped, due to an overspeed condition, while perfo1ming a post maintenance test n m. The cause of the overspeed trip has been deten nined and coITected.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only SIMULAT ED actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Reset the Division III Diesel Generator overspeed trip per CPS 3506.01, section 8.4.5.

Info1m the CRS after completing the task.

START TIME: - - - - - - - - -

Page 6of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an as terisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLD ED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Perfo1m an ce Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS CPS 3506.01 Diesel Generator and Support Systems (DG) 8.4.5 Resetting Overspeed Trip Device

  • On either the 12 or 16 cylinder engine, Pull down strongly (counter-clockwise rotation) on the overspeed reset lever until it stops and latches.

(It will only rotate a few degrees.)

IF the overspeed switch finger is preventing downward movement (counter-clockwise rotation) of the Reset Lever, THEN push the Overspeed Switch finger towards engine centerline (pivot clockwise), .!!!.2. then latch the Reset lever.


  • Examinee simulates pulling down on Reset Lever.
  • Examinee simulates pushing overspeed switch finger towards engine centerline.


  • IE the examinee attempts to move the Reset Lever without repositioning the overspeed switch fin ger, then cue the operator that the Reset Lever doesn't move (the examinee should figure out what is restricting the required movement).
  • Overspeed switch fin ger is moved towards engine centerline.
  • Reset Lever is moved down and latched.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 7 of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) Verify match-marks are still aligned on the overspeed switch shaft/finger.

Standard: Examinee verifies match-marks.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ---- Re-perform this sub-section for the other engine as applicable. (NIA for DG IC)

Standard: N/A for DG 1C Cue : None Comments No action required.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ---- Reset DG IA (IB) [IC] lockout relay (s) per section 8.4.6.

Standard: Examinee proceeds to 8.4.6 Resetting DG Lockout Relays (all local actions)

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 8of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

NOTE For DG 1C, Reset push-button, S7, resets the engine safety shutdown relays for the following:

  • Overcrank; Overspeed, Low Oil Pressure, High Water Temperature
  • For DG 1C (step N/A for DG 1A and 1B),

Reset engine safety shutdown relays by depressing the Safety RESET push-button (S-7) on 1E22-S001B (under the EMERGENCY STOP push-button).

Standar d: Examinee locates the Safety RESET push-button on 1E22-S001 B.

Examinee depresses th e Safety RESET push button.

Cue: Push button has been depressed.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ---- For DG IA (lB) At 1PL12JA (B) :

I. Reset DG Lockout Relay (86 Device).

2.Reset Exciter Field Circuit Breaker (41 device).

Standard: NIA for DG IC Cue: None Comments No action required.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 9of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

CAUTION "Holding Engine/ Generator Lockout in reset f or greater than 2 seconds will damage the lockout relay "

Reset DG Lockout Relay (86 device).

Standard: Examinee locates DG Lockout Relay (86 device) on 1E22-S001B.

Examinee simulates rotating handle in CLOCKWISE direction until latched, but not greater than 2 seconds.

Cue : Handle is rotating in direction you have indicated. Handle is Latched. White light comes on when the relay is reset.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number For DG I C On 1H22-P028, HPCS Diesel Gen Prot Rly Panel:

Reset I verify reset Lockout Relay 1E22B-Kl (86G device).

Standard: Examinee locates Lockout Relay 1E22B-Kl (86G device) on 1H22-P028.

Examinee verifies Lockout Relay 1E22B-Kl (86G device) is reset.

Cue : Blue light is on, white light is out.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

Page 10of 13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Task Completion Standard: Inf01ms Contrnl Room Supe1visor the task is completed.

Cue : Acknowledge the repo1i . State JPM is complete.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 11 of13

JPM Number : JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operator 's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Job Title: D EO D RO D SRO D STA D SRO Ce1t JPM Title: Reset 1C Diesel Generator After an Overspeed Trip JPM Number: JPM451 Revision Number: 02 Task Number and Title: 350601.32 Reset Overspeed Trip Device KIA System KIA Number Importance (RO/SRO) 264000 2.1.30 4.4 I 4.0 Emergency Generators (DieseVJet) - Ability to locate and operate components, including local controls.

Suggested Testing E nvironment: Plant Actual Testing E nvironment: D Simulator

  • Plant D Control Room T esting Method:
  • Simulate Alternate Path: D Yes
  • No D Perfo1m SRO Only: DYes
  • No Time Critical: D Yes
  • No Estimated Time to Complete: 15 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


CPS No. 3506.01, Rev 37a, Diesel Generator and Suppo1t Systems (DG)



Were all the Critical Elements perfonned satisfactorily? D Yes D No The operator 's perfonnance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been dete1m ined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfacto1y Cormnents: --------------------------------~

Evaluator's Name: (Print)

Evaluator's Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D. l 05 (when utilized for opera.tor initial or continuing training) Page 12of 13

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: You ar e an Equipment Operator on watch, perfo1m ing your rounds.

The Division III Diesel Generator tripped, due to an overspeed condition, while perfo1ming a post maintenance test n m. The cause of the overspeed trip has been deten nined and coITected.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only SIMULATED actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Reset the Division III Diesel Generator overspeed trip per CPS 3506.01, section 8.4.5.

Info1m the CRS after completing the task.

Page 13of13


JPM Number: JPM244 Revision Number: 02 Date : 10/09/14 Developed By: Bill Kiser 10/09/14 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date R etain approved Maste1* Copy p er SRRS 3D.126/3D.l ll JPM244 R3 Post-Val.doc

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure CPS 3213.01 Rev: 29c Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station J ob Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 08120108 New JPM.

01 04/20/ 11 Updated to new template.

02 06/06/ 12 Updated to new template.

03 10/09/ 14 Revision due to procedure and template revision.

Page 3of 14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. Initialize to any suitable IC with N/A
2. Open and execute Simulator Lesson Plan JPM### which will perform the following: N/A
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs if applicable. N/A
4. This completes the setup for this JPM. N/A
5. Save to a different IC if JPM is being used more than once. IC-## is saved for the 2010 LORT Annual Operating Exam. N/A
6. Freeze Simulator. N/A Page 4 of 14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • Using CPS No. 3213.01, FIRE DETECTION AND PROTECTION, perform an emergency start of a diesel fire pump by opening the fuel solenoid and engaging the starter manually.






  • The B Fire Pump is selected for this JPM.
  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Have a PCS phone to get access to Screenhouse by calling ext. 2986.
  • Placekeep (mark-up) procedure steps for prerequisites (8.5.1 through 8.5.7).
  • Provide Initiating Cue in the R&S Line in the Radwaste Building.

Page 5 of 14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


A fire exists in the plant and the fire brigade is preparing fire hoses to combat the fire. The "A" Diesel Driven Fire Pump is out of service for repairs and the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump has failed to automatically sta1t and could not be stait ed from the MCR per CPS 3213.01 step



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only Simulated actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Perfo1m a local stai*tup of the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump per CPS No. 3213.01.

Prestait checks ai*e complete per steps 8.5.1 through 8.5.7.

Repo1t to the CRS when the task is complete.

START TIME: - - - - - - - - -

Page 6of14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Perfo1mance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.


1. OFPOJPA(OFPOJPB) - NFPA codes require diesel engine operation at rated speedfor a minimum of 30 minutes.
2. Operating diesel engine for 60 minutes at rated speed prolongs engine life.
3. The following 4 starting methods are listed in order ofpreference, as needed the op erator may use any of the methods listed.

8.5.8 Stait the Diesel Fire Pumps OFPOlPA (OFPOlPB) by one of the following 4 methods: Stait Pushbutton Stait of OFPOlPA(B)

1. Verify I place control switch (local panel) in AUTO.
2. Depress Diesel Fire Pump "A"("B"), OFPOlPA(B)

Stait pushbutton on 1H13-P840.

3. Time Diesel Fire Pump was stait ed. TIME: _ __

Standard: N/A Cue : None Comments Perfo1med by MCR per Initial Conditions. No Action required.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 7of14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

CAUTION After starting an engine per, taking the OFPOIPA(B) Main Control Switch out of Test will result in fire p ump shutdown unless a valid start signal is present. Main Control Switch to TEST Sta.ii of OFPOlPA(B)

1. Place OFPOlPA (OFPOlPB) Main Control Switch in TEST.

r::Ir This will simulate a pressure loss in the system .

2. Time Diesel Fire Pump was staii ed. TIME: _ __

Standai*d: Simulates placing the Diesel Fire Pump "B" Main Contrnl Switch in TEST.

Cue : Component is in the position as described.

No cranking noise is heard. Diesel Fire Pump has not staiied.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number Sta.ii Pushbutton Sta.ii of OFPOlPA(B)

1. Place OFPOlPA (OFPOlPB) Main Control Switch to MANUAL 1 or MANUAL 2.
2. Depress Manual Start pushbutton until engine stai*ts.
3. Time Diesel Fire Pump was staii ed. TIME: _ __

Standai*d: Simulates placing the Main Control Switch in MANUAL 1 or MANUAL 2.

Simulates depressing Manual START Pushbutton.

Cue : Component is in the position as described.

Manual START Pushbutton is depressed.

No cranking noise is heard. Diesel Fire Pump has not staiied.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 8of14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 0 3 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

CAUTION Use of the Mantrol Switch bypasses all Diesel Fire Pump alarms, therefore an operator should be present to frequently monitor engine operating parameters.

NOTE If the Mantrol Switch is used to start the Diesel Fire Pump, it can only be stopped by placing the Mantrol switch to OFF. Mantrol Switch Start of OFP01PB Mantrnl Switch Staii of OFPOlPA(B)

1. In order to utilize the Mantrol Switch, take the Mantrol Switch to START and hold in that position until the engine staiis (located on the south side of the diesel engine).
2. Once the engine staiis release the switch and it will spring return to RUN.
3. Time Diesel Fire Pump was staiied. TIME: _ __

Standai*d: Simulates placing Mantrnl switch in START and holding it there.

Cue: Component is in the position as described.

No cranking noise is heard. Diesel Fire Pump has not staiied.

If MCR is contacted, acknowledge repo1i and state; "The fire is rapidly spreading and Diesel Fire Pump "B" needs to be staiied."

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

Page 9of14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 0 3 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

BEGIN ALTERNATE PATH CAUTION This procedure is to be used only if the Fire Pump Controller is out ofservice and therefore, an operator must be present to frequently monitor engine operating parameters.

  • 8.2.1 OPEN the fuel solenoid by turning the manual knob clockwise or in.

Standard: Locates an d simulates turning the FUEL SOLENOID knob.

Cue: Component is in the position as described.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

  • 8.2.2 OPEN Cooling Water Bypass Strainer Isol Valve.
1. DFP9A for OFPOlPA.
2. DFP9B for OFP01PB.

Standard: Locates an d simulates opening the con ect valve.

Cue: Component is in the position as described.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 10of14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • 8.2.3 Engage the starter by raising either starting solenoid manual operators.

Release the manual operator as soon as the engine is running.

Standard: Locates and simulates raising a staliing solenoid manual operator, then releases when engine is rnnning.

Cue : Info1m the examinee:

  • hnmediately - engine cranking noise is heard.
  • Diesel engine sta1ts
  • (5 seconds later) flow noise is heard from relief back to pit.
  • If requested, provide info1mation when examinee locates the indicator(s):

o Engine speed - 2160 1pm o Engine coolant temperature - 180°F o Charging generator output - 5 amps o Pump discharge pressure - 170 psig o Angle Gear Drive Unit Sight Glass - oil spray is being seen o Cooling water inlet temperature - 75°F o Cooling water outlet temperature - 85°F Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

Page 11 of14

JPM Number: JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Task Completion Standard: Informs CRS the Diesel Driven Fire Pump "B" is rnnning.

Cue :

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

STOPTIME: -~~~~~~~-

Page 12of14

JPM Number : JPM244 - rev 03 Clinton Power St ation Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operator 's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Job Title: D EO D RO D SRO D STA D SRO Ce1t JPM Title: Manual Sta1tup of a Diesel Fire Pump JPM Number: JPM244 Revision Number: 03 Task Number and Title: 321301.37 - Perf01m Manual Operations of the Diesel Fire Pumps KIA System KIA Number Importance (RO/SRO) 286000 A2.08 3.2 I 3.3 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to conect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abno1mal conditions or operations: Failure to actuate when required Suggested Testing E nvironment: Simulator Actual Testing E nvironment: D Simulator

  • Plant D Control Room T esting Method:
  • Simulate Alternate Path:
  • Yes DNo D Perfo1m SRO Only: DYes
  • No Time Critical: D Yes
  • No Estimated Time to Complete: 28 minutes Actual Time Used:

- - - - minutes




Were all the Critical Elements perfon ned satisfactorily? D Yes D No The operator 's perfon nance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been dete1mined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfacto1y Comments:


Evaluator's Name: (Print)

Evaluator's Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D. l 05 (when utilized for opera.tor initial or continuing training) Page 13of 14

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


A fire exists in the plant and the fire brigade is preparing fire hoses to combat the fire. The "A" Diesel Driven Fire Pump is out of service for repairs and the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump has failed to automatically sta1t and could not be staited from the MCR per CPS 3213.01 step



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only Simulated actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Perfo1m a local staitup of the "B" Diesel Driven Fire Pump per CPS No. 3213.01.

Prestait checks ai*e complete per steps 8.5.1 through8.5.7.

Repo1t to the CRS when the task is complete.

Page 14of14

Exelon Generation CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure RCIC Startup at the RSP - Alternate Path JPM Number: JPM247 Revision Number: 02 Date : 10/09/14 Developed By: Bill Kiser 10/09/14 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Maste1* Copy p er SRRS 3D.126/3D.l ll JPM247 R2 Post-Val.doc

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure CPS 4003.01 Rev: 17b Procedure CPS 4003.01C002 Rev: 5a Procedure CPS 4003.01C003 Rev: 1 Procedure OP-AA-101-111 Rev: 6

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 23

JPM Number : JPM 247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 08108109 Updated numbering convention and technically corrected . Old JPM number: 40030104LSA01.

01 06/06/ 12 Updated format, aligned with procedure revision and revision numbers.

02 10/09/ 12 Revision due to procedure and template revision.

Page 3 of 23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. To establish initial conditions for JPM247, perform the following actions (not required if conditions have been shot into an exam IC):
a. Reset to any at power IC.
b. Turn off annunciators and horns.
c. Place Reactor Mode Switch in Shutdown and stabilize RPV level at -30 inches with the Motor Driven Reactor Feed Pump.
d. Close Inboard MSIVs.
e. Close 1B21-F016.
f. Place ALL 19 Remote Shutdown Panel Transfer Switches in the EMERGENCY position.
g. Open and execute Simulator Lesson Plan JPM247 to cause the RSP RCIC Flow Controller to be overridden in Manual.
h. Place the simulator in Run.
i. Depress the RCIC Flow Controller Close Pushbutton until controller output is at zero.
j. Save to a different IC if JPM is being used more than once. IC-207 (PW-91632) is saved for the 2014 ILT NRC Exam.
2. If an IC has been shot per step 1 above, reset the simulator to that IC. IC-207 (PW-91632) is saved for the 2014 ILT NRC Exam.
3. Verify command A17_A01_A02_4 RSP RCIC Turb Flow Controller - Man/Auto = Manual is active.
4. Place book of Remote Shutdown procedures in RSP Room.
5. Verify RCIC is not initiated.
6. Verify the RCIC controller at the Remote Shutdown Panel is in Auto set at 620 gpm.
7. Verify the RCIC suction is aligned to the RCIC Storage Tank.
8. No simulator lesson plan is required for this JPM once initial conditions have been established per step 1.
9. Freeze Simulator.

Page 4 of 23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The RCIC System is started from the Remote Shutdown Panel and injecting to the Reactor Vessel to restore and control RPV water level, Level 3 to Level 8 per CPS 4003.01C002 RSP -

RCIC Operation.




  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • When the examinee has acknowledged the initiating cue, provide him/her with the following procedures:

o CPS 4003.01 Remote Shutdown (RS) - place kept up to but not including step 4.3.4 on page 9.

o CPS 4003.01C002 RSP - RCIC Operations (blank) o CPS 4003.01C003 RSP - RCIC Alarm Light Responses (blank)

Page 5 of 23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


The Main Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire. Remote Shutdown, CPS No. 4003.01 has been completed up through step 4.3.4.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.

The CRS directs you to startup RCIC system from the Remote Shutdown Panel and inject to the Reactor Vessel to restore and contrnl RPV water level, Level 3 to Level 8 per CPS 4003.01C002, RSP - RCIC Operation and CPS 4003.01C003, RSP - Alru.m Light Responses.

Info1m the CRS when the task is complete.

START TIME: - - - - - - - - -

Page 6 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Perfo1mance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS 4003.01C002 RSP - RCIC Operation 4.0 RCIC TRANSFER TO THE RSP 4 .1 Verify:

1. Power to 4160V Bus l Al available as indicated by the following energized blue lights:
3. RCIC TURB FLOW CONTROLLER, C61-R001 set to A (Automatic)/620 gpm.


  • For substep 1, the examinee verifies two blue lights lit on the upper left hand side of the Remote Shutdown Panel.
  • For substep 3, the examinee verifies the RCIC Turbine Flow Controller is M IA slide switch is positioned to the right and the tape set is set to 620 gpm.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 7 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.2 Verify I Place following TRANSFER SWITCHES to EMERG:

1. C61-S3
2. C61-S2
3. C61-Sll Standard: Examinee verifies the above 3 switches are rotated clockwise to the EMERG position.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4.3 Verify GLAND SEAL COMPRESSOR, 1E51-C002F in STOP if compressor is off, or in START if the compressor is mnning.

Standard Examinee verifies control switch for the RCIC Gland Seal Compressor, 1E51-C002F is in the vertical position (STOP).

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 8 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.4 Verify I Place TRANSFER SWITCH C61-S4 to EMERG.

Standard Examinee verifies the Transfer Switch C61-S4 is rotated clockwise to the EMERG position.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4.5 Place/verify 1E51-F068, RCIC TURB EXH TO SUPPR POOL STOP VLV switch in OPEN.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F068, RCIC Tmb Exh To Suppr Pool Stop Vlv is in the OPEN position by verifying the control switch is rotated clockwise to the OPEN position and observing the RED status light is lit and the green status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 9 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.6 Verify I Place TRANSFER SWITCH C61-S5 to EMERG.

Standard Examinee verifies Transfer Switch C61-S5 is rotated clockwise to the EMERG position.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4.7.1 Verify open 1E51-F063, RHR & RCIC STM SUPP INBD ISOL VALVE.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F063 is OPEN by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is off.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 10 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4 .7 .2 Verify open 1E51-F064, RHR & RCIC STM SUPP OUTBD ISOL VALVE.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F064 is OPEN by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is off.

Cue : None Comments Step 4.7.3 is NIA.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

4 .8 Check RCIC status:

  • RCIC TURB SPEED, C61-R003.
  • RCIC PUMP FLOW, C61-R001-1.

Standard Examinee observes meters C61-R003 and C61 -R001-1read0 and determines RCIC is Shutdown.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

Page 11 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 4.8.1 IF RCIC is rnnning, THEN verify that Section 5.0, RCIC STARTUP actions have occmTed.

OTHERWISE, proceed to 5.0, RCIC STARTUP to staiiup RCIC.

Standard Examinee proceeds to Section 5.0 of 4003.01C002.

Cue: None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.0 RCIC STARTUP 5.1 At DC MCC 1A-12A (1 DC13E12A), Shut circuit #21.

[Energizes AOV JE51 -F005/F026 to allow for steam line/condensate pot drain down. Circuit will be deenergized in step 5.9.}

Standai*d Examinee states they would peifon n or dispatches an Equipment Operator to shut circuit #21 at DC MCC 1A-12A (1DC13E12A)

Cue: Acknowledge request/dispatch and state the component is in the position requested.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 12 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.2 Open 1E51 -C002E, TURBINE TRIP THROTTLE VALVE.

[Trips on Mechanical Overspeed]

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-C002E, Turbine Trip Throttle Valve is open by obse1ving the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

5.3 IF RCIC Cond Stor Tnk Lvl, C61-R505 ~ 3.2 ft, or Suppression Pool Level, C61-R504 ~ 19.9 ft, THEN Open 1E51 -F010, RCIC STORAGE TANK SUCTION VALVE, OTHERWISE Open 1E51-F031, RCIC SUPPR POOL SUCTION VALVE.

Standard Examinee obse1ves RCIC Cond Stor Tnk Lvl and Suppression Pool Level indicators on the RSP and detennines that RCIC tank level is > 3 .2 ft and Suppression Pool Level is < 19.9 ft and then determines 1E51-F010 is Open by obse1ving the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 13 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.4 Open I Verify Open:



Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F077, RCIC Exh Vac Bkr Outbd Isol Valve and 1E51-F078, RCIC Exh Vac Bkr Inbd Isol Valve are open by observing RED status lights are lit and GREEN status lights are extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----


Standard Examinee rotates the control switch for the Gland Seal Compressor, 1E51 -C002F clockwise to the staii position and and verifies the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 14 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Standard Examinee rotates the contrnl switch for 1E51-F019, RCIC Pmp Min Flow Recirc To Suppr Pool clockwise to the open position and verifies the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: N one Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.7 Open I Verify Open 1E5 1-F068, RCIC TURB EXH TO SUPPR POOL STOP VLV.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F068, RCIC Tmb Exh To Suppr Pool Stop Vlv open by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: N one Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 15 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Standard Examinee opens 1E51 -F045, RCIC Turb Strn Supp Shutoff Valve and obse1ves RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue: N one Comments Due to RCIC Turbine Speed being low because of C61 -R001 Controller failure, it is acceptable for the examinee to take manual control and adjust the C61-R001 Controller (manual actions for failed Auto Actions).

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.9 While continuing with steps 5 .10 or 5 .11 :

At DC MCC 1A-12A (1DC13E12A), open circuit #21.

[Deenergizes AOV JE51 -F005/F026 to prevent possible steam releases (temp/rad concerns) into RCIC room and Turbine Bldg.}

Standard Examinee state they would perfo1m or dispatches an equipment operator to open circuit #21 at DC MCC 1A-12A.

Acknowledge request/dispatch and state the component is in the position requested.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 16 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Standard Examinee turns the contrnl switch for 1E51-F013, RCIC Pump Disch To Rx Outbd !sol Valve clockwise to the open position and observes the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments Per limitation 3.5, the minimum flow orifice is sized for 60 to 76 gpm. RCIC pump operation under this condition should be limited to < 20 seconds to prevent potential degradation of internal pump palis.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----


Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F022, RCIC Pmp First Test Valve To Stor Tnk is shut by observing the RED status light is extinguished and the GREEN sta.t us light is lit.

Cue : None Comments Valve is nonnally shut.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 17 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.10.3 Shut 1E51-F059, RCIC PMP SECOND TEST VALVE TO STOR TNK.

Standard Examinee verifies 1E51-F059, RCIC Pmp Second Test Valve To Stor Tnk is shut by observing the RED status light is extinguished and the GREEN status light is lit.

Cue: None Comments Valve is nonnally shut.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.10.4 Adjust RCIC TURB FLOW CONTROLLER, C61 -R001 to maintain flow 80 to 700 gpm .

NOTE: Avoid AUTO when < 450 gpm (see Precaution 1.4).

Standard Repo1is to SRO failure of RCIC controller or takes manual control of controller.

Cue: When the student reports the controller has failed, cue the Examinee: "RCIC is needed to restore vessel level, inject with RCIC."

Comments Expected response it to take manual control to establish injection flow.

Cue/direction to restore level.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----


JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • Places controller C61-R001 selector to ' M ' (MANUAL).

Standard Examinee positions Contrnller C61 -R001 mode selector to the left in 'M ' position.

Cue: None Comments OP-AA-101-111 step4.7.2.5 directs taking manual control.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

  • Adjusts controller in MANUAL to raise RCIC turbine speed and pump flow above minimum requirements and to achieve rising RPV level.

Standard Examinee adjusts Contrnller to establish >60 gpm flow and > 1500 1p m and rising RPV level.

Cue: None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 19 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) 5.10.5 Shut 1E51-F019, RCIC PMP MIN FLOW RECIRC TO SUPPR POOL.

Standard Examinee shuts 1E51-F019, RCIC Pmp Min Flow Recirc To Suppr Pool and observes the RED status light is extinguished and the GREEN status light is lit.

Cue : None Comments Valve is nonnally shut.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

5.10.6 Verify 1VY04C, RCIC PMP RM SPLY FAN has started.

Standard Examinee verifies 1VY04C, RCIC Pmp Rm Sply Fan has started by observing the RED status light is lit and the GREEN status light is extinguished.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Task Completion Standard: Inf01ms Contrnl Room Supe1visor he/she has commenced RCIC injection into the Reactor Pressure Vessel.

Cue : Acknowledge the repo1i . State JPM is complete.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 20 of23

JPM Number: JPM247 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

STOP TIME: _____________________

Page 21 of 23

JPM Number : JPM247 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power St ation Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operator 's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Job Title: D EO D RO D SRO D STA D SRO Ce1t JPM Title: RCIC Staitup at the RSP - Alternate Path JPM Number: JPM247 Revision Number: 02 Task Number an d Title: 40030104, Remote Shutdown tasks that DO require MCR evacuation KIA System KIA Number Importan ce (RO/SRO) 217000 A2.10 3.1 I 3.1 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the RCIC ; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to conect, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnon nal conditions or operations: Turbine control system failures Su ggested Testing E nvironment: Simulator Actual Testing E nvironment:

  • Simulator D Plant D Control Room T esting Method: D Simulate Alternate Path:
  • Yes DNo
  • Perfo1m SRO Only: DYes
  • No Time Critical: D Yes
  • No Estimated Time to Complete: 30 minutes Actual Time Used: - - - - minutes



  • Procedure is not required to be copied for JPM administration.



Were all the Critical Elements perfon ned satisfactorily? D Yes D No The operator 's perfon nance was evaluated against the standai*ds contained in this JPM, and has been dete1m ined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfacto1y Comments:


Evaluator's Name: (Print)

Evaluator's Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D. l 05 (when utilized for opera.tor initial or continuing training) Page 22 of23

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


The Main Control Room has been evacuated due to a fire. Remote Shutdown, CPS No. 4003.01 has been completed up through step 4.3.4.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.

The CRS directs you to startup RCIC system from the Remote Shutdown Panel and inject to the Reactor Vessel to restore and contrnl RPV water level, Level 3 to Level 8 per CPS 4003.01 C002, RSP - RCIC Operation and CPS 4003.01 C003, RSP- Alru.m Light Responses.

Info1m the CRS when the task is complete.

Page 23 of23

Exelon Generation CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Reset 1C Diesel Generator After an Overspeed Trip JPM Number: JPM451 Revision Number: 02 Date : 10/09/14 Developed By: Bill Kiser 10/09/14 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Maste1* Copy p er SRRS 3D.126/3D.l ll JPM45l_R2 Post-Val.doc

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure CPS 3506.01 Rev: 37a Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 13

JPM Number : JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 04/01 / 11 New JPM.

01 07/17/ 12 Minor revision due to procedure revision .

02 10/09/ 14 Revision due to procedure and template revision.

Page 3of 13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. Initialize to any suitable IC with N/A
2. Open and execute Simulator Lesson Plan JPM### which will perform the following: N/A
3. When the above steps are completed for this and other JPMs to be run concurrently, then validate the concurrently run JPMs if applicable. N/A
4. This completes the setup for this JPM. N/A
5. Save to a different IC if JPM is being used more than once. IC-## is saved for the 2010 LORT Annual Operating Exam. N/A
6. Freeze Simulator. N/A Page 4 of 13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The Division III Diesel Generator overspeed device, safety shutdown relay, and Lockout Relays (86 devices) are reset IAW CPS No. 3506.01, Diesel Generator and Support Systems (DG).




  • CPS No. 3506.01, Rev 37a, Diesel Generator and Support Systems (DG)


  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Do not allow examinee to shine any type light into a panel.
  • Provide examinee with the procedure when asked.
  • Provide the Initiating Cue in the R&S Line in the Radwaste Building.
  • Ensure examinee checks doors after passing through them during the course of the examination.

Page 5 of 13

JPM Number : JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

INITIAL CONDITIONS : You are an Equipment Operator on watch, perfo1m ing your rounds.

The Division III Diesel Generator tripped, due to an overspeed condition, while perfo1ming a post maintenance test n m. The cause of the overspeed trip has been deten nined and coITected.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only SIMULAT ED actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Reset the Division III Diesel Generator overspeed trip per CPS 3506.01, section 8.4.5.

Info1m the CRS after completing the task.

START TIME: - - - - - - - - -

Page 6of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 0 2 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an as terisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLD ED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Perfo1m an ce Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS CPS 3506.01 Diesel Generator and Support Systems (DG) 8.4.5 Resetting Overspeed Trip Device

  • On either the 12 or 16 cylinder engine, Pull down strongly (counter-clockwise rotation) on the overspeed reset lever until it stops and latches.

(It will only rotate a few degrees.)

IF the overspeed switch finger is preventing downward movement (counter-clockwise rotation) of the Reset Lever, THEN push the Overspeed Switch finger towards engine centerline (pivot clockwise), .!!!.2. then latch the Reset lever.


  • Examinee simulates pulling down on Reset Lever.
  • Examinee simulates pushing overspeed switch finger towards engine centerline.


  • IE the examinee attempts to move the Reset Lever without repositioning the overspeed switch fin ger, then cue the operator that the Reset Lever doesn't move (the examinee should figure out what is restricting the required movement).
  • Overspeed switch fin ger is moved towards engine centerline.
  • Reset Lever is moved down and latched.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 7 of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM) Verify match-marks are still aligned on the overspeed switch shaft/finger.

Standard: Examinee verifies match-marks.

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ---- Re-perform this sub-section for the other engine as applicable. (NIA for DG IC)

Standard: N/A for DG 1C Cue : None Comments No action required.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ---- Reset DG IA (IB) [IC] lockout relay (s) per section 8.4.6.

Standard: Examinee proceeds to 8.4.6 Resetting DG Lockout Relays (all local actions)

Cue : None Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 8of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

NOTE For DG 1C, Reset push-button, S7, resets the engine safety shutdown relays for the following:

  • Overcrank; Overspeed, Low Oil Pressure, High Water Temperature
  • For DG 1C (step N/A for DG 1A and 1B),

Reset engine safety shutdown relays by depressing the Safety RESET push-button (S-7) on 1E22-S001B (under the EMERGENCY STOP push-button).

Standar d: Examinee locates the Safety RESET push-button on 1E22-S001 B.

Examinee depresses th e Safety RESET push button.

Cue: Push button has been depressed.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ---- For DG IA (lB) At 1PL12JA (B) :

I. Reset DG Lockout Relay (86 Device).

2.Reset Exciter Field Circuit Breaker (41 device).

Standard: NIA for DG IC Cue: None Comments No action required.

SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 9of13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

CAUTION "Holding Engine/ Generator Lockout in reset f or greater than 2 seconds will damage the lockout relay "

Reset DG Lockout Relay (86 device).

Standard: Examinee locates DG Lockout Relay (86 device) on 1E22-S001B.

Examinee simulates rotating handle in CLOCKWISE direction until latched, but not greater than 2 seconds.

Cue : Handle is rotating in direction you have indicated. Handle is Latched. White light comes on when the relay is reset.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number For DG I C On 1H22-P028, HPCS Diesel Gen Prot Rly Panel:

Reset I verify reset Lockout Relay 1E22B-Kl (86G device).

Standard: Examinee locates Lockout Relay 1E22B-Kl (86G device) on 1H22-P028.

Examinee verifies Lockout Relay 1E22B-Kl (86G device) is reset.

Cue : Blue light is on, white light is out.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number

Page 10of 13

JPM Number: JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Task Completion Standard: Inf01ms Contrnl Room Supe1visor the task is completed.

Cue : Acknowledge the repo1i . State JPM is complete.

Comments SAT D UNSAT D Comment Number ----

Page 11 of13

JPM Number : JPM451 - rev 02 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operator 's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Job Title: D EO D RO D SRO D STA D SRO Ce1t JPM Title: Reset 1C Diesel Generator After an Overspeed Trip JPM Number: JPM451 Revision Number: 02 Task Number and Title: 350601.32 Reset Overspeed Trip Device KIA System KIA Number Importance (RO/SRO) 264000 2.1.30 4.4 I 4.0 Emergency Generators (DieseVJet) - Ability to locate and operate components, including local controls.

Suggested Testing E nvironment: Plant Actual Testing E nvironment: D Simulator

  • Plant D Control Room T esting Method:
  • Simulate Alternate Path: D Yes
  • No D Perfo1m SRO Only: DYes
  • No Time Critical: D Yes
  • No Estimated Time to Complete: 15 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


CPS No. 3506.01, Rev 37a, Diesel Generator and Suppo1t Systems (DG)



Were all the Critical Elements perfonned satisfactorily? D Yes D No The operator 's perfonnance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been dete1m ined to be: D Satisfactory D Unsatisfacto1y Cormnents: --------------------------------~

Evaluator's Name: (Print)

Evaluator's Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D. l 05 (when utilized for opera.tor initial or continuing training) Page 12of 13

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

INITIAL CONDITIONS: You ar e an Equipment Operator on watch, perfo1m ing your rounds.

The Division III Diesel Generator tripped, due to an overspeed condition, while perfo1ming a post maintenance test n m. The cause of the overspeed trip has been deten nined and coITected.



  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only SIMULATED actions will occur.
  • Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

Reset the Division III Diesel Generator overspeed trip per CPS 3506.01, section 8.4.5.

Info1m the CRS after completing the task.

Page 13of13