ML061290227 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | San Onofre |
Issue date: | 04/01/2005 |
From: | Operations Branch IV |
To: | Southern California Edison Co |
References | |
50-361/05-301, 50-362/05-301, ES-401, ES-401-9 | |
Download: ML061290227 (8) | |
ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only1H3YSminor edit dist C, 'to use' vice 'using' fixed2H2YS 3H3xY E(S)change dist. C or D to replace "Technical Specifications" with "theacceptance criteria in SO23-2.30,"Determination of Adequate Core Cooling" (fixed)4H2YS 5F2YS 6H2YS 7F1xYU(S)GFES (Replaced with BANK question)8H2YS 9F2YS10F1x x YU(S)GFES as written. Stem background is not needed to answer the question. Add an airbornecomponent and options for wearing breathing protection, and consider adding local exposure limits. (Replaced with NEW question)11H2xxYE(S)Answer stands out. Consider rewording answer to "Rupture of air supplyto condensate pump A suction isolation valve. (Fixed)12H2YS 13H2xYE(S)Need more stem/distractor linkage. A ;- are applicants required to knowthe switch by number? B, C and D; which manual transfer switch?(Replaced with BANK question) 14H2YE(S)editorial. Add to stem the start of the answer: "By procedure ...."A: replace 'can' with 'should only' B, C: replace 'can' with 'could', add 'from the control room,' before 'but' C: add 'and stopped' after 'started' D: reword to 'the emergency diesel should be placed in maintenance lockout and not started' (Fixed)
ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only15F2xYE(S)A is not very credible... replace with another false normal function.D: replace 'source' with 'makeup', add 'a' after 'of'. (Fixed)16H2YSminor edits. Reword stem: 'For the following valves, which of thefollowing is the correct failure position due to a loss of air to the respective pneumatic valve operator' D: replace 'fails so flow goes' with 'diverts' (Fixed)17F3YSminor edits. Add "F" to end of stem (or remove "F" throughout exam). (Fixed)18F2YSminor edit. Be consistent with procedure nomenclature throughoutexamination... ie, EOI SO23-12-1, "Standard Post Trip Actions," and D: ensure all appropriate units are included throughout examination
...%NR or %WR? (Fixed)19F2YS 20F3YS 21F3YE(S)Need to verify this level of detail is expected from memory (ConsideredOK as-is)22H3YS 23F3YS 24F2YSEdit explanation in reference exam... currently says A is correct, should be C (Fixed)25H2xYU(S)As worded, A and C are not valid distractors. Reword stem to statewhich of the following is the minimum (least restrictive) required to meet Technical Specification containment closure requirements. (Fixed)
ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only26H2YSEdits. Be consistent with format of lists in the stem throughout the exam... use either bullets, hyphens, checkmarks, etc, only. (Fixed)Second bullet in stem: incomplete... says Containment High Pressureinitiated.. Alarm? Setpoint? (Fixed)Fourth bullet in stem: no need to say 'actual', and is psia correct? psig?
Use same font in all questions. Stem also states 'the procedure' directs the operators... should be specific and replace with EOI SO23-???,
"????" directs the operators...(did not change)Correct tab on B, C and several other questions throughout the exam (Fixed)27F2xYSedit. Consider replacing A or B with a system related affect.Correct the font on D. (Fixed font; did not change A or B)28H2YS 29H3YS 30H3YS 31H2YS 32F3xxYE(S)make post accident choices higher to be more credible, such as, 380,and 395. (Fixed)33H3xYE(S)Edit stem: add 'as directed by' after 'SIT volume'. Add 'approximately' toend of question. Adjust indent for distractors/answer. Also, consider making the distractors more believeable by changing 71% to 76% in A and B, and change 570 to 594 in A and C. This would be a 6% level drop and 36psia pressure drop... consistent with the 1:6 ratio of the answer.
(Fixed)34H2YSminor edit: In stem, replace "while with the' with 'following a normal"change 'PCS' to 'PZR'. (Fixed)35H3YSminor edit. Spell out 'NCL' in stem (Fixed)36H2YE(S)The intent of the stem is unclear. 'other'? (Fixed)
ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only37F2YSminor edit, correct indent on C (Fixed)38H3YSminor edit, stem, third bullet, delete 'has also' (Fixed)39H3YSminor edit. C needs reworded to ensure intent: 'Reactor trip breakers 2and 4 (only) open.' (Fixed)40H3YS 41F2YS 42F2YS 43H3YSminor edit. C: delete 'the', add 'during CSS operation' to end of dist.D: correct indent, Delete 'Inability of the Shutdown Cooling System' and replace with 'Failure' (Fixed)44H2YSminor edit, adjust indent dist A and B (Fixed)45H2YS 46H2YS 47F2YSminor edit. In stem, delete 'the', and make operability all CAPS. (Fixed)48 H 3 Y Echeck reference. If the breaker will auto open on some trips, D could beargued as incorrect, thus no correct answer. (Check during validation)49H2YS 50F2YE(S)edits for clarity. In stem, delete 'always'. A: add 'at all times'B: correct font, C: delete 'unless there is' and replace with ',except when", and add 'is' after signal.
D: add 'at all times' after 'active', delete 'or if there is' and replace with
'and when', and add 'is' after signal (Fixed)51H3YScheck if train names are needed in stem. A: add 'Only a' to front of dist.B: add 'Only' (Fixed)
ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only52H2xYE(S)Consider changing last sentence in stem to read 'After approximately 15minutes, without operator action, RCS temperature is now _______.
Which of the following describes the expected shutdown cooling system response? (The temperature given should be such that SDC is allowed)
(NO CHANGES MADE)53H3YSminor edits. In stem, replace 'when the' with 'when a valid', and add'due to a small air leak' after 'received'. In each dist, add 'instrument' before 'air compressor'. In C and D, delete 'self-regulating pilot operated'. (Fixed)54F3YE(S)Clarify stem: 'Which of the following conditions would prevent anemergency containment entry, in accordance with EOI SO23-3-2.34,
for dist C, replace with a high temp condition that would not prevent entry, such as 'Containment temperature is 158 F' Dist D: give a reading... 'Containment atmosphere oxygen level is 16%'
(Fixed)55F2xxYE(S)Clarify stem. Is spent fuel being moved? Remove bold font from stem. (Fixed)56H2NE(S)Note, question does not address KA / QPTR. This is a prior NRC examQ. (Replaced with another BANK question; QPTR is called azimuthalpower tilt in CE plants)57F3xYSminor edit. In stem, add 'in response to a LOCA' after 'in service'. Delete 'rather than the expected 1150-1400 degrees' since this is a cue to the answer. (Fixed)58F3YS 59H3NSminor edit. Correct font in stem. This is a questionable KA match. (NOCHANGE MADE)60F2xYE(S)GFES as worded. Add plant specfic readings that require the applicantto determine level is high. Give a power level, Tav, and PZR lvl. Then ask the applicant to determine the potential consequences of continuing to operate with these conditions. (Fixed)
ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only61H3YS62F3YS 63F2xYU(S)This is the same question as #60. (Replaced with BANK question)64H3YS 65H2YE(S)This is a similar question as #53, and may provide cues. Considerreplacement or reword to focus on the affect on service air of instrument air. Also, do instrument air compressors come on first? (Replaced withnew KA and BANK question)66F2YSminor stem edit. Adjust font. Correct procedure nomenclature, add'Fire' before 'Barrier Impairment (Fixed)67F2YS 68H2YE(S)Clarify stem. Delete 'high' after 'failed'. Reword third sentence to read'What operator action is required to allow continued automatic response of the SBCS? The operator must place the:' (Fixed)69F2xxYS 70F2YS 71H3YS 72F2YS 73H3xxYE(S)Need more information in stem to answer the question. How long does ittake for one operator to complete the task? How long for two operators?
(Fixed)74F2YSminor stem edit: delete the second 'Protection'. (Fixed)75 F 4 x x Y Echeck with facility on knowledge of these indications from memory.(Check during validation)76H2YYS ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only77H3YYS78H3YYS 79H3xYYSminor stem edit. Consider deletion of 'resulting in a complete loss ofCCW' This is diagnosable with the given information and a cue to the answer. (Fixed)80H3YYSreference given does not support answer as clearly the only answer. (Clarified the explanation of why the reference supports answer)81F3YYS 82F2YYS 83H2YYS 84H3YYS 85H3xxYYE(S)The stem cues the procedure part of the answer and is not needed in thestem. Change to first sentence in the stem to say "The reactor has been tripped from 100% power, and the control room has been evacuated due to toxic gas in the control room.'
Change the procedure in either A or C to a different procedure. (Fixed)86H2xYYE(S)As written, both B and D could be argued correct. Change B to adifferent procedure, or add in stem WHY the procedure is entered.
(Fixed)87F2YYS 88H3YYS 89H4YYS 90H3xYYEChange one dist to an OPERABLE condition. As written, only theanswer is an OPERABLE condition. (No change made)91H4YYS 92H3YYS ES-401SONGS April 2005 - Written Examination Review WorksheetForm ES-401-9 Q#1.LOK(F/H)2.LOD (1-5)3. Psychometric Flaws4. Job Content Flaws5. Other6.U/E/S 7.ExplanationStemFocusCuesT/FCred.Dist.PartialJob-LinkMinutia#/unitsBack-ward Q=K/ASRO Only93F2YYS94H2YYS 95H2YYS 96H3YYS 97H2YYS 98F2YYSminor edit, A. and B: delete 'generated by' and replace with 'obtainedfrom' (Fixed)99F2YYS100F3YYSInstructions[Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts.]1.Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
2.Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question using a 1 - 5 (easy - difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 - 4 range are acceptable).3.Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:*The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).*The stem or distractors contain cues (i.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length, etc).
- The answer choices are a collection of unrelated true/false statements.
- The distractors are not credible; single implausible distractors should be repaired, more than one is unacceptable.
- One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstated assumptions that are not contradicted by stem).4.Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:*The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid K/A but, as written, is not operational in content).*The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not required to be known from memory).*The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).*The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.5.Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved K/A and those that are designated SRO-only (K/A and license level mismatches are unacceptable).6.Based on the reviewer's judgment, is the question as written (U)nsatisfactory (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?7.At a minimum, explain any "U" ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).