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E-mail from Thomas Farnholtz to Kriss Kennedy.... Mark Haire, Subject: Approved Cleanup Plan and Controls
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 07/10/2011
From: Thomas Farnholtz
Region 4 Engineering Branch 1
To: Clark J, Kennedy K, Anton Vegel
NRC/NSIR/DSO/DDSO/SPEB, NRC/RGN-IV/DRP, Division of Reactor Safety IV
Download: ML12012A167 (3)


A n-R Alexander, Ryan From: Sent: To: Cc:



Farnholtz, Thomas gGo Sunday, July 10, 2011 11:05AM Kennedy, Kriss; Clark, Jeff; Vegel, Anton; Caldwell, Robert; Howell, Linda; Alexander, Ryan Kirkland, John; Wingebach, Jacob; Haire, Mark FW: Approved cleanup plan and controls cleanup.pdf Hi -FYI. The cleanup plan for the area inside the AquaDam. They are already making pretty good progress on the concrete areas adjacent to the buildings.

Access to the yard without waiter.s is expanding rapidly.In talking to some of the plant personnel it appears that the installation of the AquaDam was a major morale boaster.Regards.Tom.From: PALLAS, ALAN S [1]

Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2011 10:36 AM To: FCS Flood Incident Commander Reports; R4 IRC; Farnholtz, Thomas


Approved cleanup plan and controls All, Attached is the approved cleanup plan for the general area within the Protected Area.Thanks, Scott Pallas This e-mail c Omaha Public Powe istri 's confidential and prieta-rnformation and is for use only by the int ided recipi nt. Unless expl. itly stated o erwise, this ýXail is not a cc tract offer, amendment, nor accept ce. If you are ot the int ed recipient youre notif that disclosing, co i distributing or taking any a tion in reliance o e tents of this informatio strictly prohibited.

1 Protected Area Clean-up Plan The purpose of this document is to clean the concrete walkways and structures on the inside of the aqua-berm to ensure a safe working environment for station personnel.

The area will consist of concrete surfaces from the maintenance shop dock on the north side of the plant to the T-1 transformer on the south side. This document is expected to be used after the inside area of the aqua-berm has been dewatered.

The clean-up will require the use of potable water, shovels and push brooms.Personal Precautions:

a. Standard PPE requirement for all personnel involved (safety glasses, gloves and water proof boots).b. Be aware of slip and trip hazards.c. If personnel are on the outside (river side) of the aqua dam or on the aqua dam the two man rule is in effect and life jackets must be worn. A walking stick must be used to avoid submerged objects and open manholes.d. Perform a safety walk down of the area to be cleaned.e. If ingestion of foreign material or odor control is a concern, contact the Incident Commander for recommended controls.

Nuisance dust masks may be worn at the discretion of the worker.Job Site Precautions:

a. A clean-up supervisor will be in direct over site of cleaning activities.
b. A six foot standoff distance from the aqua dams shall be maintained by personnel and equipment that could damage or puncture the dams. A spotter must be present during cleanup activities within six feet of the aqua-dam.c. Entrance into the standoff distance requires a pre-job brief and spotter for cleaning and use of tools that will not cause a tear or puncture.d. No plant components or equipment will be cleaned during this activity.e. Do not aim the hose nozzle in the direction of personnel, flood control equipment (generators/pump engines) or spray water directly at or near electrical equipment.
f. Chemicals shall not be used unless approved by Chemistry and contact Aqua Dam personnel for acceptability.

Safety precautions per the MSDS shall be followed if used Procedure:

a. Obtain permission from the Shift Manager prior to using potable water.b. The Crew Lead will perform a pre-job brief to assign personnel duties and review job precautions.
c. Walk down area and place all submerged pumps and hose on the maintenance shop loading dock for refurbishment.

Place all garbage and small debris in trash bags for removal from the site that could be made airborne by the use of high pressure water and damage the aqua-dam.d. Cleanup activities will be per skill of the craft.e. Wash and broom down areas in the direction of the north east corner or south east corners of the aqua dam to the low point areas.f. Spray down the plant structure as directed by the cleanup supervisor.

g. Pump down low point areas as needed to remove water and ground residue.The purpose of this document is to provide a safe walkway and work environment for personnel.

If further deep cleaning is needed, then a work request will need to be written and a more extensive cleaning plan for equipment and cleaning materials will be required.Approved: Shift Manager Date Incident Commander Date