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NRR E-mail Capture - Final RAI for Fort Calhoun LAR Regarding Removal of Dry Cask Loading Limits (MF9831)
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/2017
From: James Kim
Special Projects and Process Branch
To: Matzke E
Omaha Public Power District
Download: ML17234A469 (3)


NRR-PMDAPEm Resource From: Kim, James Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 11:12 AM To: MATZKE, ERICK P Cc: BLOME, BRADLEY H


Final RAI for Fort Calhoun LAR Regarding Removal of Dry Cask Loading Limits (MF9831)

Final Request for Additional Information On August 10, 2017, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff sent Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) the draft Request for Additional Information (RAI). This RAI relates to the amendment for removing the dry cask loading limits.

On August 15, 2017, a teleconference between FCS and NRC staff was held to discuss the information requested by the NRC staff was understood and any additional clarifications on the RAI were required. Based on the teleconference, FCS determined that the information requested by the NRC staff was clearly understood and any other additional clarifications on the RAI was not necessary. FCS agreed to provide a response to this final RAI shown below within 30 days. The NRC staff also informed the licensee that a publicly available version of this final RAI would be placed in the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System.


LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST REGARDING REMOVAL OF DRY CASK LOADING LIMITS FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT 1 DOCKET NO.: 50-285 By letter dated June 9, 2017, the Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) (the licensee) submitted a license amendment request (LAR) (Agency Document Access and Management Systems (ADAMS) Accession No. ML17093A309), for Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) Unit 1 to remove the Spent Fuel Cask Loading requirements from its 10CFR50 license. The 2009 revision to 10CFR 50.68 states in paragraph (c) that storage/transportation casks being loaded in the spent fuel pool in accordance with its 10CRR72/10CFR71 licensee does not have to also meet the requirements of 10CFR 50.68 states in paragraph (b). This change removed the requirement for storage/transportation casks to meet 10CFR50.68 while they are being loaded in 10CFR50 licensees spent fuel pools.

While the revision to 10CFR50.68 eliminated the requirement for 10CFR50 licensees to have nuclear criticality safety requirements for loading storage/transportation cask in addition to those in the 10CRR72/10CFR71 licensees, there have been occasion when the 10CRR72/10CFR71 licensees directly or indirectly took credit for or assumed the presence of some aspect of the 10CFR50 licensee. Therefore the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff request the additional information to proceed with its review:

1. Does the OPPD 10CFR71 license directly or indirectly take credit for or assumed the presence of some aspect of the 10CFR50 licensee?
2. If yes, is any of that overlap affected by the license amendment request in OPPDs June 9, 2017, letter?
3. Remove any aspect of this license amendment request that OPPDs 10CFR71 license directly or indirectly takes credit for or assumes the presence of some aspect of items requested to be removed from OPPDs 10CFR50 licensee?


Regards, Jim Kim Project Manager - Fort Calhoun Station NRR/DORL/LSPB 301-415-4125 2

Hearing Identifier: NRR_PMDA Email Number: 3677 Mail Envelope Properties (James.Kim@nrc.gov20170822111200)


Final RAI for Fort Calhoun LAR Regarding Removal of Dry Cask Loading Limits (MF9831)

Sent Date: 8/22/2017 11:12:00 AM Received Date: 8/22/2017 11:12:00 AM From: Kim, James Created By: Recipients:


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