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Letter Responding to a September 20, 1976 Letter Requesting Information Relative to the Ownership and Current Status of the Construction Permit and Enclosing Amendment to Application for Licenses Which Would Amend CPPR-112
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/20/1978
From: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Brand S
Download: ML17037C004 (26)


hfAR'2 0 1978 Docket Ho.60-410!Is.Shirley A.Brand R.F.D.41.Box 169 Highland, Hew York 12528

Dear Hs.Brand:


Docket File RC~M Local PDR LMRk'4 File B.Bordenick, OELD S.Varga M.Kane M.Service By letter dated September 20, 1976, to the United States fluclear Regulatory Comission (Commission) you requested information relative to the ownership of the Nine Nile Point Nuclear Station.Unit 2.Additionally, you requested answers to a number of questions relating to the current status of the construction permit for the facility.In our letter to you dated November 5, 1976, we provided the information you sought.As a follow-up on our previous correspondence, and for your current information regarding the above matter, I am enclosing copies of the following documents which were recently filed by Niagara Yiohawk Power Corporation and relate to your original request: P)"Amendment to Application for License" which would amend Construction Permit No.CPPR-112, to include Central Hudson Gas 8 Hectric Corporation.

Long Island Lighting Company.New York State Electric 5 Gas Corporation and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation as co-owners of the Nine Hile Point, Unit 2 facility-fiTed on February 6, 1978.(2)"Request for Extension of Latest Completion Date" for Nine tlile Point.Unit 2-filed on February 27, 1978.If you desire to have your name placed on the Commission Staff's service list for Nine Nle Point Nuclear SMtion, Unit 2 docket, please notify us either by letter or by calling.!Ir Hilliam F.Kane at 30]-492-7831.

Nr.Kane is the Licensing Prospect Manager for the facility in question.Sincerely.

Original signed by: Sa Ao Varga S.A.Yarga, Chief Light Mater Reactors Branch No.4 Division of Project fIanagement


As stated SURNAME~P!I:Ll R84 M 3/W/78 DP: 4 ce 3//78 a P+/78 WRC EORM 318 (976)HRClC 0240 4 u3 o.oovonuMswr rowrwo orricoc iore<<eoeea4


)(Nine Mile Point Unit 2))Docket No.50-410 AMENDMENT TO APPLICATION FOR LICENSES The purpose of this Amendment to the Application for Licenses is to request amendment of Construction Permit No.CPPP;112 to include Central Hudson Gas&Electric Corporation, Long Island Lighting Company, New York State Electric&Gas Corporation and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation as co-owners of the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 facility=of Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation.

In support of this request for amendment, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation states as follows: On September 22, 1975, the above-named utilities entered into an agreement, hereinafter referred to as'he Basic Agreement, with Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, whereby each of the utilities would own, as tenants in common, the following proportional interests of the Nine Mile Point Unit 2 facility:

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Central Hudson Gas&Electric Corporation Long Island Lighting Company New York State'Electric&Gas Corporation Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation 41X 9X 18/18X 14X Participants will share the electrical output and gh pay construction costs according to their.respective shares in the facility.Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation is acting as Applicant and has the responsibility for licensing, design, procurement, construction, operation and all related functions with respect to the facility.Participants have delegated to Niagara'ohawk Power Corporation the authority to act in their, behalf in prosecuting such further facility and materials license applications and amendments as may be required by law or regulations.

None of the participating utilities is owned, controlled or dominated by an alien, a foreign corporation, or a foreign government.

1.A copy of the Basic Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A., , 2.The directors and principal officers of Niagara I Mohawk Power Corporation, their citizenships and the addresses of such persons are attached hereto as Exhibit B.

3, The principal places of business, the directors and principal officers of the co-owners, their citizenships and the addresses of such persons are attached hereto as.Exhibit C.4~The Annual Reports of each of the participating utilities are about to be published.

These reports will show the financial qualifications of each of the participants.

When available, these Reports will be submitted to the Commission to support the participants'inancial qualifications'.

5-In accordance with Section 103 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and Appendix L to Part 50 and Section 50.33 a of the Commission's regulations, the Appendix L information entitled"Information Requested by the Attorney General for Antitrust Review" is filed herewith on behalf of all the participants.

This information is attached hereto as Exhibit D.6.The latest cost estimates (not including allowance for funds used during construction) for the completion of the facility are as follows:

Total nuclear production plant co'sts$1,018,335,000 Transmission, distribution and general plant costs 7,559,000 Nuclear fuel inventory costs for first core.71 474 000 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS$1,097,368,000 7.Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a list of principaltrade and news publications for each of the participants.

8.Except as herein expressly amended, the contents of the Application for Licenses, filed June 15, 1972, are hereby confirmed.

WHEREFORE, Niagara?fohawk prays (1)as it did in.its original Application for Licenses;and (2)that Construction Permit CPPR-112 be amended to include Central Hudson Gas&Electric Corporation, Long Y Island Lighting Company, New York State Electric&Gas Corporation and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation as co-owners of Nine Nile Point Unit 2.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Niagara mohawk Power Corporation has caused its name to be hereunto signed by Gerald K.Rhode, Vice President-System Project Nanagement, this 1st day of February, 1978.

NIAGARA MOHAWK POWER CORPORATION B.GE D K.ODE Vice Pres'ident-S tern Project Management Subscribed and sworn to before me this'F~=day of February, 1978.8 TARY PUBLIC fVlnf.S.CnRafCf;Nofory I'ublic in lho Sfafe of Yew York Qusfifierf in 0rron.f.'o, iso.4524460 Ify r.'unu<<is iun fakir<-~r'---day of February, 1978.NOTARY PUBLIC HA2EL J, CARrdCY, Nolarv Prrlilic in iho Slalo ol Now YorR Quali(iad in Onon.Co.italo.>,>24~60 A1y Comrriis>ion E~riiros,llarch 30,'l9:,r~


C.20036 March 12, 1974 OH C CHAS E HAH HATTAH HEW YORIC, H,Y.IOC<WASHIHOTOH TCLCiiHC@OR dVRMOOS CAQI C AOORCSS LALALUi WASHIHOTOH Daniel M.Head, Ksq.Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D.C.20545 Re: niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Hine Mile Point Unit 2 AEC Docket No.50-410

Dear Mr.Head:

E During our con erence call this morning with counsel for all parti s except the Environmental Defense Fund, mentioned that Niagara Mohawk had one revision to the form of proposed construction permit which was distributed by the AEC Regula toe~S ta f f on February 28, 1974.The Appl'icant's proposed change concerns the earliest and latest completion dates mentioned in paragraph 3.A.on page 3 of the proposed construction permit.Under the present circumstances, Applicant believes and thereby reques ts that the earliest completion date be October 1, 1978 and the latest date for completion of the facility be April 1, 1980.We would appreciate having the Board revise the construction permit in this respect;Uery truly yours, LEBOEUFt LMM s LEZBY 6c MACRAE cc: See page 2.By'E~B Thomast LTD Par tner

Dr.Harvin M.Mann Dr.Nilliam E.Martin Richard,.1.Goldsmith, Esq.Carmine J.C1emen te, Esq.Mrs.Suzanne:-5/cher Anthony R.Faisman, Esq.Bernard H.Bordenicz,'sa.

Secretary, U.S.Atomic Energy Cormission Atomi'c Safety and Licensing Apaeal Board~-~\
