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2014 DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant Initial License Examination Form ES-201-3
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/2014
From: McNeil D R
American Electric Power, Indiana Michigan Power Co
Shared Package
ML13093A427 List:
50-315/14-301, 50-316/14-301 50-315/OL-14, 50-316/OL-14
Download: ML14279A076 (7)


{{#Wiki_filter:August 21, 2014 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. Dell McNeil Region Ill Examiner 2443 Warrenville Road, Suite 210 Lisle, Illinois 60532-4352 Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 A unit of Am eric an El e ctr ic Power 2014 INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION SECURITY AGREEMENT The initia l license examination was administered from July 21, 20*14 to August 4 , 2014, at the Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (CNP). In accordance with NUREG-1 021 , Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors , Indiana Michigan Power Company, the licensee for CNP , is providing as an enclosure to this letter the following:

  • Fi nalized Examination Security Ag r eement pages (five pages) If you have any comments or concerns, please contact Ted Werk or Steve Pettinger at (269) 465-5901 , extension 3703 or 3738 respectively, or myself at (269) 466-3333.

Sincerely , ,///' rr----V}m V riezema Operatio ns Training Manager TCW Enclosures (Form ES-201-3) i\UG 2 2 2 01 4 Enclosure to letter titled: Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 2014 INITIAL LICENSE EXAMINATION SECURITY AGREEMENT dated August 21, 2014 Finalized Examination Security Agreement pages (five pages) ES-20 1 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3 1, £:!]1-Exami!latiQD "'f M1t 7 t3P itr i a c k n o wl e dge t hat i hav e ac q u i red sp ecialize d kn o wledge about the NRC l icensing examinations scheduled for the week(s) as of the date of my signature. I a g ree t ha t I will no t knowi n g ly d i vulge any information about t hese examinations to any pe r sons who have not been author i zed by t h e NR C c hief exa m iner. I u n der st an d t h a t I am n o t to i nstr u ct , evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered thes e l i censing examinatio n s fr om t hi s date unt i l completion of examination admin i stration , except as speci f ically noted below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a simula tor b oot h ope r a t o r or com mu nicator i s acceptable if the individual does not select the tra i n i ng content or provide direct or i nd i rect f e e dback). Furthermore , I am aw are of the p h ysical sec ur ity measures and requirements (as documented i n t h e faci li ty li censee's procedures) and u n de rstand that vio l atio n o f the con d i t ions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the examinations and/or an enforcement act i on aga i nst me or the facility licensee. I wil! imme diatel y report to f ac ili ty management or the NRC chief examiner any i ndicat i ons or suggestions that exam in ation secur i ty may hav e been compromised. 2. P ost-Exam ination '1 J.:, o(t i.{ T o the b es t of my knowledg e , I , di d llJ?t g i;LU\Qe to a n y unaut h orized persons an y information concerning the NRC licensing examinat i ons adm i nistered d uri ng the week{s) o f Y..ft H* that I entered into this security agreement unt il the completion of examination administration , I did no t i nstru c t, evaluate , or pro v ide pe rfo rm an ce fee db ac k to those appl i cants who were administered these licensing examinations , except as specifically noted beiow and authori zed by the NRC. PRINTED NAME J O B T I TLE I R ESPONSIBILITY SIGNATURE (1) DATE SIGNATURE (2) DATE NOTE 1. lO .. .tYiy.:JoJ,;""'" ':/-.-. ,. I ... -=Of-.7. . . --*-'* .:...Gt?_w;. J...,S ,:.,t!v'l";.r -.--3. *,.rt cj v\levk -- !... -Y I!:/:J.!.:t ' ri;O s,..,. .. "'l'i fllg e I J 9-:f/M-S: TF4fr¥t.ftU!.* .

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  • t);'J i' 12. \ ODL/Cs 6-tf S)! m-Ac\m l C\ S-kl cf _D 1 3. (.!111!$ $',W / 11 5"**r*t'f t-7-15 1 14. Dc.n .SRo I u.S 5/ t<f ""§§§JJC 15. Dooown\

tLo* s--'l:r-t1-!t..JR.Jf---NOTES: 1-0 I/ I ' UVl u *-p C19 e 4 I Page 27 of 28 c::: --*** ES-2 9 1 Examination Security Agreement Form ES-201-3 1, f.[e*EJ'!: .<Jmillatioo 713bitif >b. i acknowledge t hat! hav e acq u ired s p ecia li zed kno wl edge about the NRC licensing examinations scheduled for the week (s) of 7!2.1 as o f the date of my signature. I agree that I will n o t kn o win g ly d iv ulge any i nformation about t hese exam i nations to any persons who h ave not been authorized by t h e NRC ch i ef exam i ne r. I u n ders t and t hat I am n ot to i nstruct , evaluate , or provide performance feedback to those applicants schedu l ed to be adm i nistered these li c ens i ng exam i nations from thi s date until completion of examination administration , except as specifically noted below and author i zed by the NRC (e.g., act i ng as a simulator booth op e r ato r or c ommu nicator i s acceptab l e if the individual does not select the t r aining conten t or provide d i rect or ind ir ect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware of t he p h ysica l security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility l icensee's procedures) and under stand that violatio n of the cond i ti ons of th i s agreement may result in cancellation of the exam i nations and/o r an enfo r cement action aga i nst me or the facility licensee. I will immed iate ly r eport to faci li ty management or the NRC chief examiner any i ndications or suggestions that examination secur i ty may have been compromised.

2. Post-Examination I To of my t o any unautho ri zed any information conce rni ng t h e a?m ini stere d a unn g tne week(s) or 7 L ,--rr .. -o f:t; !=ror n the da t e th a t I e n tered mto th1s secunty agreement unti l the completio n of exam 1 nat1on adm1mstrat1on , I d1d not instruct, evaluate , o r p rovi de pe rfo rm a n c e fee db a ck t o those applicants who were admin i stered these li cens i ng examinations , excep t as spec i f i cally noted below a n d author iz ed by the N RC. J O B TiTLE I RE S P O N S I BI L ITY (1) DA;E NOTE fl!!( r>}'

i\;;$1 SH tET )..(AtJ&;.ft( .... _ _ .. )1-:;-*t/( "fl-{,"(q -. _ __ PbfjE 5. **>*-;-n 6*n1 y . r ""21-14 .,q __ A *T ' 'T'fN t'h.Gl . -... 9. !Vlw;6.-J

10. ,J oSMUA :1. bAiL.. 11. #aM' l u,.' !{.,!..;, , / 12. Bn(,yd Goy lJ 1. :3. . fiN\


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L\-L,;ee '-"' RE.A eTO R. f't £l-l§ .. R t6M"f'&&\. ... 8**b *ft_ \.s.. \ \j_ C\ t>J i tJ .;:, I ;:. S/1<. 7'1. f/_i/ij __ rti Cje ,.,,,_, G"". ES-201, Pag e 27 of 28 i _J 2 c ,-F 5' ES-20 1 Examination Security Agreement F or m ES-201-3 1. P r e-Exa mi n ati on <6/Lf-.J,w _7 13-c/t q ! a c k nowledg e t h a t I h a v e a cq ui red s p ecia lize d kn ow l edg e about the NRC l ice n s i ng exa m inatio n s sche dul e d for t he w ee k (s) o f?izl--as of t h e da te o f my sig na t u re. I a gre e that I w ill n o t kno w i n g l y d i vu l ge a n y i nformat i on about t hese exa mi nat i o n s t o any p e r so n s who h ave n o t bee n a u t ho r i zed b y th e N R C c h ie f examiner. I un de r sta n d that I a m not t o i nst r uct , eva l uate , or provid e pe rf o rm ance feedback t o t h ose app li cants s c h e d u l ed t o b e ad m i ni s t e r e d t he se l i cens i ng e xa m ina t i on s fr om t h i s date u n t il c ompietio n of e x a min ation admi n i st ra ti on , excep t as sp e cifi c a l ly no t e d b e l ow a n d au th o ri zed b y th e NRC (e.g., a ct i ng a s a s im u la t or b o o th op e r ato r o r commu n i cator i s ac c e pt able if the i n d iv i d u a l does no t se l e c t t he t r a i n i ng c ont e nt o r p rov i de di r e c t or ind ir e c t f e e dback). Furthe r more , I am a war e o f t h e ph ys i c al secur i ty measu r es and r equ i reme n ts (as docume nt e d in the fac il i t y li c e n see's proce du r es) a nd und erstand th a t v io l a t ion of t he c o ndi t i o ns o f t h i s ag ree m ent may result in cancellat i o n of t he examina t i o ns a n d/o r a n e nf o rc e m e nt a cti o n ag a in st m e or t h e facl!i t y ii cense e. I w i ll i m mediat e l y r epo rt t o f a cil ity management or the NR C chief examiner a n y i n d i ca t i o ns o r s u ggest i o n s th at e x a mi nati o n s e cur ity may h a ve b een c o mpromi sed 2. P os t-Exami na t i on l:J -r 1})1 :ti To t he best of my kn o wl ed g e, I divul g e t o a ny una ut h o ri ze d persons any i n f o rm a ti on co n ce rning t h e N RC l i ce n s i ng ex a m in a t i o ns a d m i n i s t e r e d dur ing t h e w e ek(s) !=f b'tn t he dat e that I e n te r ed i n to t h i s security agreement un ti l the co mpl et i on o f exa min a ti o n ad m i n is trat i o n , I d i d n o t instruc t , evaluate, o r pro v i de p e rform an ce fee db a c k t o t hose applican t s who we r e ad m i n i stered these li ce n s i ng exa m i n a t i o n s , e x cep t as spec ifi ca ll y n o t e d be l o w and au H 1o r i z e d by t h e NHC. DA T E N O TE r #V o.rrr: f&f y __ ---r-I . ;; .t./--::.l.!L._ "' 4. --:J'4.rf* \G 'l-I...).S T LUI.C-(0-L. r:. f!<J.., J.-4.-" P ... +......... Pc 4t-: "'*"'* r. r-.J"51 1;..e--f.-, rc 6: Jo,.IJ:714 Lrt-TIJt!NtN.t.-_ __ . -,:,;,..: ,

7. I ,<.\<'v.c..--l..o.
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t 'tt ----'1 2. -I --, lc . 13._. _______ _ 14. __________ _ 15. _______ _ -----------NOTE S: ".f?Vj e ?> of c; ES-201, Page 27 of 28
0::: "" 0 N I "" 0 I gg E ci. 0 "" 0 Ill 0 0 e:: LU I!) 0 0 "" CJ\ N "" 0 "" "' f\ ) ) ) ES-201 Examination Security Agreement F orm ES-201-3 1. Pre-Ex amination

'1/Jtll:t J. ., f3*'"" I acknowledge that I have acquired specia l ized knowledge about the NRC licens i ng examinations acheduled for the week(s) on/u-1./J9/ri= as o f t he date of my signa ture. I agree that I w itt not knowingly divulge any Inf ormat ion about these examinati ons to any persons who have not been authorized by the N RC chief examiner. I understand that I em not to instruct, evaluate, or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be adm i nistered these licensing examinations from this data until complet i on of exam in ation administration , except as specifically noted below and authorized by the NR C (e.g., acting as a simulator booth operator or communicator Is acceptable if the individual does not select the training content or provide direct or I ndirect feedback). Furthermore, I am aware or the physical security measur es and requirements (as documented in the facility licensee's procedures) and unde rstand that violation of the conditions of this agreement may result in cancellation of the elCamlnatlons and/or a n enforcement action against me or the facility licensee. I will Immediately report to facility manageme nt or the NRC chief exa miner any Indications or sug ge s tio ns that exam i nation se curity may have been compromised.

2. fost-Examlnallon To the best of my knowledge, I did i'YWge to any unauthorized perso ns any Information concern i ng the NRC li cens i ng examinations administered during the week(s) of that I entered Into this security agreement un til the completion of examination administration, I did not instruct, evaluate, or provide performance f eedback to those applicants who were ad mi n i stered these li censing examinations , except as specifically noted beiWJ and authorized by the NRC. PRINTED NAME JOB TITLE I RESPONSI BI LITY SIGNATURE (1) DATE SIGNATURE (2)

NOTE lff:JJ.!.'t ,.,,, ?ee ..wte t* U't!VY , -""'IU ! yv-* C> ' ---* *r __ * , ... :LI-1*1 -I 0

  • C *' ' --*,.-= -{.IKiL 7 . .:k*Yif V.:Ae.e..,*
  • ' 71-*-:z
11. sru .. """ ..... i 12. \on4a OH: 13. (U 4ff lciAf.(

--14. Pr.n k(,,tfu --. --15. Doao!bo _...,¥( -w '1\t'f:tf! G b "'=!..-. 0 J JJf.ii!/!'1 --* ----NOTES; r=-01 xed CD F"i Ltne t.t-._, --------H19h ltjh t-eoL ES-201, P age 27 of 28 if pa.;t./ ,P c; cc b 0 _, 0 N 0) '0 0 0 0 ;!':' en 3' c: iii' 0 .., en CD 0 g-::J N 0) (D I;; 0) c.> 1\) Q) 1J N $ l ... ... .. -E S-201 Exam i nat i on Security Agreeme n t Form ES-201-3 1. Pr e-Ex am i natio n ' = , J;citJfl..:. I a c kn o wl edge tha t I have ac q u ired specialized kno w l edge about the NRC licens i ng examinat i ons schedu l ed f or the wee k(s) of z b.i-of the date o f my signature. I agree th at I will not k nowingly d ivu l ge any i nformation about these examinat i ons to any persons who have not been autho ri zed by the NRC chie f exami n er. I unde rsta nd that l am no t to i nstruct , evaluate , or provide performance feedback to those applicants scheduled to be administered thes e li censing exam i nations fro m th i s da te until comp l et io n of exam i nation administration , except as specifically no t ed below and authorized by the NRC (e.g., acting as a s i mu l ator b oo th o perator o r communicator is acceptable if the individual does not select the tra i ning content or provide direct or i ndirect f eedback). Furthermore, I am aw are o f the phy sical security measures and requirements (as documented in the facility licensee's procedures) and unders t and that viol a tion of the conditions of th i s agreemen t may result in cancellation of the exam i na ti ons and/or an enforcement action against me or th e f acil ity li censee. I w il l i m med i a tely r e p ort t o facility management or the NRC chief examiner any indications or suggest i ons that exami n at i o n security may h ave bee n co mp r omised. 2. P ost-Examination -b To b e s t o f my knowl.edge , I t o any in formation the dun ng th e wee k (s) of7 the date that I entered In t o th i s secunty agreemen t until the comp l etion of examination administrat i on, I d id not i n struct , eva l uate , o r provide performance f eedback to th ose applicants who were adm in istered t h ese licensing examinat ion s , except as specifically no t ed be l ow a n d authorized by the N RC. JOB TITLE I RESPONSIBILilY DATE S I GNATURE (2) DATE NOTE --- __ -7 )..(of-e.- et.Ae;c...t. ol'f.6..At?>L I?.EAC:.TOI\ .. t,r u., ,..j. S" au-VJ..I.oA. C3?e..n:>-<s:>r

!: C\ toJI N c; i tl STte. ,--

U n e L{ H 11 f-ed 1 ES-201, P age 27 of 28 '7 f'1jC ;I c-f 'i f. q,.£6dt}}