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Revision 0 of the Unit 2 Cycle Core Operating Limits Report (Colr)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/2017
From: Simmons P
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17324B383 (13)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000 , Spring C ity , Te nne ssee 3738 1-2 000 November 20, 20 1 7 ATTN: Document Contro l Desk U.S. Nuclear Regu l atory Com mi ss io n Washingto n, D.C. 20555-0001 Watts Bar Nuclear P l ant, Unit 2 Faci lity Operating License No. NPF-96 NRC Docket No. 50-391 10 CFR 50.4


REVISION 0 OF THE UNIT 2 CYCLE 2 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR) Pursuant to Watts Bar Nuclear P l ant Techn i cal Specificatio n s Section 5.9.5.d, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has enclosed Rev i sion 0 of the Unit 2 Cyc l e 2 COLR. The ana lyti ca l methods used to determine the core operating limit s were prev iou s ly reviewed and approved by the NRC. There are no regu l atory comm itm ents contained i n th i s letter or the enc l osu r e. Should you have quest i ons r egard in g this submittal, please contact K im Hulvey at (423) 365-7720. Respectful ly, Paul S imm ons Site V i ce Pres id ent Watts Bar Nuc l ear Pla nt


Watts Bar Nuc l ear P l ant, Unit 2, Cyc l e 2 Core Operating Limits Report Rev i s ion 0 November 2 01 7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 November 20, 2017 cc (Enclosure):

NRC Regional Administrator

- Region II NRR Project Manager

- Watts Bar Nuclear Plant NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Watts Bar Nuclear Plant

ENCLOSURE Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2, Cycle 2 Core Operating Limits Report Revision 0 November 201 7 QA Record L36171016 801 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 , CYCLE 2 CORE OPERA TING LIMITS REPORT Revision 0 November 2017 Prepared by: W. Andrew Whitener.

Nuclear Fuel Programs & Oversight Reviewed by: Christine A. Setter. Manager:PWR\lel Engineering Approved by: c_' , Plant Manager Revision 0 Unit 2 Watts Bar Date of PORC Approval See above Affected Pages Reason for Revision All Initial issue Page 1 of 10 \ \ -(o ... 201 ::r Date .11/6/2011 I Date Date /l/)L/17 Date Date Cycle 2 Revision 0 Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 2 of 10 Revision 1.0 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Watts Bar Unit 2 Cycle 2 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications 5.9.5. The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below: 3.1.4 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) 3.1.6 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits 3.1.7 Control Bank Insertion Limits 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (F Q (Z)) 3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FH N) 3.2.3 Axial Flux Difference (AFD) 3.9.1 Boron Concentration 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections. These limits have been developed using the NRC approved methodologies specified in the Technical Specifications Section 5.9.5.

The following abbreviations are used in this section: BOL -- Beginning of Cycle Life ARO -- All Rods Out HZP -- Hot Zero Thermal Power EOL -- End of Cycle Life RTP -- Rated Thermal Power Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 3 of 10 Revision 2.1 MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT - MTC (LCO 3.1.4) 2.1.1 The MTC limits are: The ARO/HZP - MTC shall be less positive than or equal to 0 k/k/ F (upper limit). With the measured BOL/ARO/HZP - MTC more positive than -2.25 x 10

-5 k/k/ F (as-measured MTC limit), establish control rod withdrawal limits to ensure the MTC remains less positive than or equal to 0 k/k/F (upper limit) for all times in core life. The EOL/ARO/RTP - MTC shall be less negative than or equal to -4.50 x 10

-4 k/k/F (lower limit). 2.1.2 The 300 ppm surveillance limit is: The measured 300 ppm /ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than or equal to -3.65 x 10

-4 k/k/F. 2.1.3 The 60 ppm surveillance limit is: The measured 60 ppm /ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than or equal to -4.18 x 10

-4 k/k/F. 2.2 SHUTDOWN BANK INSERTION LIMITS (LCO 3.1.6) 2.2.1 The shutdown banks shall be withdrawn to a position greater than or equal to 225 steps withdrawn. 2.3 CONTROL BANK INSERTION LIMITS (LCO 3.1.7) 2.3.1 The control banks are fully withdrawn or shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 1. 2.3.2 Each control bank shall be considered fully withdrawn from the core at greater than or equal to 225 steps. 2.3.3 The control banks shall be operated in sequence by withdrawal of Bank A, Bank B, Bank C, and Bank D. The control banks shall be sequenced in reverse order upon insertion.

Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 4 of 10 Revision 2.3.4 Each control bank not fully withdrawn from the core shall be operated with the following overlap as a function of park position. Park Position (steps) Bank Overlap (steps) Bank Difference (steps) 225 109 116 226 110 116 227 111 116 228 112 116 229 113 116 230 114 116 231 115 116 2.4 HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR - F Q(Z) (LCO 3.2.1)

F Q (Z) [CFQ / P]

  • K(Z) for P > 0.5 F Q (Z) [CFQ / 0.5]
  • K(Z) for P 0.5 Where P = Thermal Power / Rated Thermal Power 2.4.1 CFQ = 2.50 2.4.2 K(Z) is provided in Figure 2. 2.4.3 F Q W(Z) = F Q c(Z)
  • W(Z)/P for P > 0.5 F Q W(Z) = F Q c (Z)
  • W(Z)/0.5 for P 0.5 where: W(Z) values are provided in Table A.1. The table provides sufficient information to determine W(Z) versus core height for all cycle burnups. 2.4.4 Part power W(Z) values are only required to be used when the part power surveillance is performed using the fixed incore detector system. 2.4.5 F Q W(Z) Penalty Factor The F Q W(Z) penalty factor is provided in Table A.2.

Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 5 of 10 Revision 2.5 NUCLEAR ENTHALPY RISE HOT CHANNEL FACTOR - FH N (LCO 3.2.2)

FH N FH RTP * ( 1 + PF * ( 1-P)) where P = Thermal Power / Rated Thermal Power FH RTP = 1.65 for RFA-2 fuel, and PF = 0.3 2.6 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE - AFD (LCO 3.2.3) 2.6.1 The AFD limits for Cycle 2 are provided in Figure 3. 2.7 REFUELING BORON CONCENTRATION (LCO 3.9.1) 2.7.1 The refueling boron concentration shall be 2000 ppm.

Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 6 of 10 Revision Figure 1 Control Bank Insertion Limits Versus Thermal Power Four Loop Operation

  • Fully withdrawn region shall be the condition where shutdown and control banks are at a positionwithin the interval of 225 and 231 steps withdrawn.

0 25 50 75100 125 150 175200225 2500. RODBANKSTEPPOSITION(STEPSWITHDRAWN)

FRACTIONOFRATEDTHERMALPOWER BANKA BANKB BANKC BANKD (0.197,225)(0.0,180)(0.703,225)(1.0,177)(0.0,64)(0.227,0)(ALLPOWERS,225)

Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 7 of 10 Revision Figure 2 K(Z) - Normalized F Q(Z) as a Function of Core Height 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.20123456789101112NormalizedF Q*PowerCoreHeight(feet)CoreHeightK(Z)0.0001.000 6.0001.000 12.0001.000 Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 8 of 10 Revision Figure 3 Axial Flux Difference Acceptable Operation Limits as a Function of Rated Thermal Power (RAOC)

Figure 3 Figure 3 Axial Flux Difference Acceptable Operation Limits as a function of Rated Thermal Power (RAOC) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100110 120-50-40-30-20-1001020304050Flux Difference (I) %% of Rated Thermal Powe r(7, 100)(-12, 100)(-28, 50)Unacceptable OperationAcceptable Operation(21, 50)Unacceptable Operation Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 9 of 10 Revision Table A.1 RAOC W(Z) Surveillance Factors Height (ft) Max W(z) Max W(z) Max W(z) Max W(z) Max W(z) Max W(z) Max W(z) Max W(z) at 150 at 150 at 150 at 2000 at 6000 at 10000 at 14000 at 16000 MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/

MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU MWD/MTU (30% Power) (75% Power) (100% Po wer) (100% Power) (100% Power) (100% Power) (100% Power) (100% Power) 12.0720 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 011.8708 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 011.6696 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 011.4684 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 011.2672 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 011.0660 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 010.8648 1.408 4 1.457 3 1.328 61.323 5 1.327 5 1.182 01.157 4 1.153 110.6636 1.388 6 1.428 7 1.322 11.318 5 1.312 7 1.177 31.152 6 1.148 710.4624 1.362 6 1.390 6 1.315 01.316 6 1.289 7 1.171 81.146 9 1.143 510.2612 1.341 9 1.363 3 1.306 01.311 4 1.266 2 1.165 11.140 5 1.137 810.0600 1.317 1 1.331 0 1.295 21.303 2 1.259 4 1.157 41.133 2 1.136 39.858 81.293 4 1.301 4 1.287 91.294 1 1.231 8 1.149 51.125 5 1.134 09.657 61.277 4 1.287 6 1.282 21.284 3 1.223 0 1.141 71.117 3 1.131 19.456 41.252 9 1.263 6 1.274 61.272 8 1.222 9 1.138 71.118 0 1.129 29.255 21.225 4 1.234 4 1.265 31.259 9 1.221 3 1.145 61.126 4 1.138 69.054 01.201 9 1.208 5 1.258 61.250 7 1.218 8 1.150 81.137 0 1.146 58.852 81.186 6 1.213 3 1.264 01.258 0 1.212 6 1.153 21.144 4 1.152 98.651 61.176 6 1.217 1 1.271 91.261 4 1.213 1 1.155 71.158 4 1.165 58.450 41.163 9 1.213 9 1.276 31.262 8 1.226 1 1.162 11.180 3 1.184 78.249 21.155 4 1.198 9 1.278 41.266 2 1.237 7 1.170 41.199 1 1.205 28.048 01.144 0 1.211 3 1.285 81.275 1 1.246 4 1.177 81.215 6 1.224 47.846 81.136 6 1.222 2 1.293 91.280 9 1.252 5 1.188 11.229 7 1.241 07.645 61.129 6 1.218 5 1.296 71.282 4 1.254 7 1.195 51.240 5 1.254 27.444 41.123 8 1.212 6 1.296 81.281 3 1.254 8 1.201 21.249 4 1.265 47.243 21.115 2 1.207 4 1.293 61.277 0 1.251 7 1.204 21.254 9 1.272 97.042 01.104 6 1.205 5 1.288 31.270 6 1.246 5 1.205 31.257 7 1.277 56.840 81.095 3 1.197 7 1.280 11.261 6 1.239 2 1.204 31.258 1 1.279 46.639 61.088 3 1.187 3 1.268 71.250 0 1.229 8 1.201 51.256 1 1.278 56.438 41.084 3 1.178 2 1.256 11.237 0 1.218 9 1.197 61.252 3 1.276 06.237 21.067 8 1.166 7 1.242 01.222 7 1.206 5 1.192 21.246 4 1.270 96.036 01.057 7 1.154 3 1.225 91.206 6 1.192 4 1.185 11.238 3 1.263 45.834 81.050 5 1.140 7 1.207 51.188 5 1.176 8 1.176 51.228 0 1.253 55.633 61.045 8 1.127 4 1.188 01.169 5 1.160 2 1.166 71.215 7 1.241 45.432 41.031 8 1.113 2 1.169 51.153 7 1.148 5 1.159 91.205 1 1.229 45.231 21.026 6 1.106 2 1.158 51.146 2 1.141 3 1.159 11.206 7 1.230 45.030 01.031 6 1.105 2 1.152 81.140 3 1.138 2 1.159 91.208 1 1.230 14.828 81.035 1 1.102 9 1.145 51.133 4 1.137 2 1.163 61.208 3 1.228 14.627 61.037 5 1.100 1 1.137 61.125 7 1.135 4 1.166 01.207 9 1.224 44.426 41.039 1 1.096 2 1.128 81.117 3 1.132 9 1.167 71.206 4 1.218 94.225 21.039 7 1.090 7 1.119 01.108 1 1.129 7 1.168 41.203 5 1.212 74.024 01.045 5 1.086 1 1.108 41.098 2 1.125 7 1.168 31.199 3 1.206 03.822 81.050 6 1.081 1 1.097 31.087 5 1.121 0 1.167 41.193 6 1.197 53.621 61.043 9 1.072 7 1.086 01.078 9 1.115 9 1.165 11.186 2 1.187 03.420 41.045 6 1.066 9 1.075 81.077 5 1.110 9 1.168 21.184 4 1.179 73.219 21.055 6 1.066 1 1.069 81.077 4 1.111 1 1.171 41.185 1 1.176 03.018 01.066 6 1.069 4 1.068 51.079 9 1.115 0 1.177 71.188 2 1.177 32.816 81.086 5 1.082 0 1.076 61.095 8 1.129 6 1.188 01.203 1 1.194 32.615 61.115 8 1.103 8 1.093 71.117 8 1.154 2 1.203 51.222 5 1.212 42.414 41.144 4 1.124 6 1.109 71.138 7 1.177 7 1.225 21.240 5 1.230 32.213 21.180 3 1.147 6 1.126 11.160 4 1.202 0 1.248 41.258 6 1.248 22.012 01.216 5 1.171 5 1.142 91.182 4 1.226 5 1.271 01.275 8 1.265 21.810 81.246 0 1.194 0 1.159 61.204 3 1.250 5 1.292 71.291 9 1.281 11.609 61.278 0 1.214 9 1.175 21.224 9 1.273 2 1.313 01.307 2 1.296 21.408 41.312 2 1.234 4 1.189 71.243 9 1.294 1 1.331 81.321 9 1.310 81.207 21.343 1 1.252 8 1.203 01.261 4 1.313 2 1.348 81.335 5 1.324 61.006 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 00.804 81.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 00.603 61.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 00.402 41.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 00.201 21.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 00.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 01.000 0 1.000 0 Unit 2 Cycle 2 WATTS BAR Page 10 of 10 Revision Table A.2 F Q W(Z) Penalty Factor Burnup Penalty (MWD/MTU)Factor 150 1.02 37 300 1.02 44 451 1.02 50 601 1.02 54 751 1.02 53 902 1.02 48 1052 1.02 37 1203 1.02 21 1353 1.02 011503 1.0200 11715 1.0200 11863 1.0203 12012 1.0206 12160 1.0210 12308 1.0209 12456 1.0205 12605 1.0201 12753 1.0200 Note: 1.The Penalty Factor, which is applied to F Q W(Z) for compliance with Surveillance Requireme nt, is the maximum factor by which F Q W(Z) is expected to increase per 31 Effective Full PowerDays (EFPD) starting from the burnup at which the F Q W(Z) was determ ined.