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Shearon Harris Initial Exam 2009-301 Draft Sim/In-Plant JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/2009
Progress Energy Carolinas
Download: ML092120012 (157)


Appendix C Facility:

Task Title: KIA



Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Page 1 of 13 Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Shearon Harris Task No.: 062008H601 Restore Power to Emergency Buses JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM a 062 A4.01 3.3/3.1 NRC Examiner:

Date: ___ _ Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom Simulator x Plant ------READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

A loss of All AC power and a Reactor trip has occurred.

Neither EDG will start manually or from an SI signal. Task Standard:

Offsite Power restore to BOTH emergency buses Required Materials:

None General


EOP-EPP-001 (Rev. 31) Attachment 1 Initiating Cue: The SCO has directed you to restore offsite power to the emergency buses using EOP-EPP-001 Attachment

1. Time Critical Task: Validation Time: The Load Dispatcher has given permission to restore offsite power to HNP's 6.9 KV buses and to reset any tripped Start Up XFMR lockout relays. No 10 minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM a Rev. 1

( ( ( Appendix C For the 2009a ILC NRC exam Page 2 of 13 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-161
  • Go to RUN and Delete EPS01 w/o_delay
  • Silence and Acknowledge annunicators Form ES-C-1
  • For the first setup and between candidates move both EDG sync switch keys to EDG A-SA and EDG B-SB positions so the candidate will have to place the sync switch keys in the proper places * (IF NEEDED) The 86 relays should roll when the simulator is placed in run. If not then run the APP file "Roll 86 Gen" or they can be manually overridden with override LO's
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup has been saved to IC-161 on the Master Portable Hard Drive
  • Initial Simulator IC was IC-19
  • Insert DSG01 BOTH to fail both EDG's from operating
  • Insert EPS01 w/o_delay to actuate a Loss of Offsite Power
  • Shut 1 CS-7&8, 1 CS-1 &2
  • Manually actuate SI
  • After 60 seconds have elapsed reset SI
  • Delete EPS01 w/o_delay
  • Freeze and Snap to IC 2009A NRC Exam JPM a Rev. 1 Appendix C START TIME: Simulator Operator:

Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ( Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Go to run when the candidate indicates they are ready. OBTAIN PROCEDURE Obtains EPP-001 Attachment 1 Review CAUTION prior to step 1 Reads and initials CAUTION: Tripping of a Start Up XFMR lockout relay indicates a major fault on the XFMR. Re-energizing the XFMR may cause additional damage and should NOT be done without dispatcher's permission.

Step 1 1. Obtain Load Dispatcher's permission prior to performing the following:

a. Restoring offsite power to 6.9 KV buses b. Resetting any tripped Start Up XFMR lockout relays Reads step and recalls that the Load Dispatcher's permission to restore offsite power and reset any tripped Start Up XFMR lockout relays has been given in initiating cue. 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a Appendix C Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Review NOTE prior to step 2 Form ES-C-1 Reads and initials NOTE: Steps 2 through 8 restore power to Bus A-SA and Steps 9 through 15 restore power to Bus B-SB Step 2 At Start Up XFMR Protective Relay Panel 1A, verify off-site power to Start Up XFMR A: a. Verify the Start Up XFMR 1A Lockout SU 1A Relay is reset. Locates relay and verifies relay is not tripped Step 2.b b. Verify closed any of the following switch yard tie breakers to energize Start Up XFMR A:

  • Breaker 52-2
  • Breaker 52-3 Locates and CLOSES MCB switch for Breaker 52-2 and/or 52-3 Evaluator note: Closing either breaker will energize the Start Up XFMR A. Throughout this JPM the Candidate may check MCB winding voltages after closing breakers or energizing a Transformer.

It is NOT a required action . 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a Appendix C Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 3.a Restore offsite power to 6.9 KV Aux Bus D: Form ES-C-1 a. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses A & D Synchronizer control switch to BREAKER 101 position Obtains switch and places in Breaker 101 position Step 3.b b. Close Start Up XFMR A To Aux Bus D Breaker 101 Locates and CLOSES Start Up XFMR A to Aux Bus D Breaker 101. Examiners note: After closing the breaker the candidate may check Start Up XFMR voltages on MCB indicator EI-561 Step 3.c Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses A & D Synchronizer control switch to OFF. Takes Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses A & D Synchronizer control switch to OFF 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a Appendix C Page 6 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 4 Form ES-C-1 ./ Performance Step: 10 Verify Aux Bus D To Emergency Bus A-SA Breaker 104-CLOSED Standard:

Locates and CLOSES Aux Bus D To Emergency Bus A-SA Breaker 104 Comment: Step 5 Performance Step: 11 Verify Diesel Generator A-SA Breaker 106 A SA -OPEN Standard:

Locates and verifies Diesel Generator A-SA Breaker 106 A SA is OPEN Comment: Step 6.a Performance Step: 12 Energize 6.9 KV Bus A-SA: Standard:

Comment: a. Place Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Synchronizer control switch to SYNC. Locates and places Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus Synchronizer control switch to the SYNC position Step 6.b ./ Performance Step: 13 b.Close Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Tie Breaker 105 Standard:

Locates and CLOSES Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Tie Breaker 105 Comment: Evaluator note: Candidate may check all 3 phases on MCR bus volts on indicator EI-6956A1 SA ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a Appendix C Page 7 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION ( Step 6.c Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 14 Place Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Synchronizer control switch to OFF. Standard:

Takes synchronizer control switch to OFF Comment: Step 7 ../ Performance Step: 15 Close the following 6.9 KV breakers:

  • Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A 1 Breaker A 1 A-SA Standard:

Locates and CLOSES Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A1 Breaker A 1 A-SA Comment: Evaluator note: MCR lights will come back on when the breaker A3 A-SA is closed in the next step that supplies power to the MCR emergency lights. Step 7 continued

../ Performance Step: 16

  • Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A3-SA Breaker A3 A-SA Standard:

Locates and CLOSES Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A3-SA Breaker A3 A-SA Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a

( Appendix C Page 8 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 17 Verify 6.9 KV Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A2-SA Breaker A2 A-SA -CLOSED Standard:

Locates and verifies 6.9 KV Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A2-SA Breaker A2 A-SA is CLOSED Comment: Performance Step: 18 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 19 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Step 9 On Start Up XFMR Protective Relay Panel 1 B, verify off-site power to Start Up Aux XFMR B by performing the following:

a. Verify the Start Up XFMR 1 B Lockout SU 1 B Relay is reset. Locates and verifies the Start Up XFMR 1 B Lockout SU 1 B Relay is reset Step 9.b Verify any of the following switch yard tie breakers are closed to energize Start Up XFMR B:
  • Breaker 52-13
  • Breaker 52-14 Locates and CLOSES either/both Breaker 52-13 and Breaker 52-14 Step 10 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a Appendix C Page 9 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 20 Restore offsite power to 6.9 KV Aux Bus E: Standard:

Comment: a. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses B & E Synchronizer control switch to BREAKER 121 position.

Locates and places Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses B & E Synchronizer control switch to the BREAKER 121 position.

Step 10.b ./ Performance Step: 21 b. Close Start Up XFMR B To Aux Bus E Breaker 121. Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 22 Standard:

Comment: Locates and CLOSES Start Up XFMR B To Aux Bus E Breaker 121. (May check all 3 phases on MCB indicator EI-564) Step 10.c c. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses B & E Synchronizer control switch to OFF Takes Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses B & E Synchronizer control switch to OFF Step 11 Performance Step: 23 Verify Aux Bus E To Emergency Bus B-SB Breaker 124-CLOSED Standard:

Verifies Aux Bus E To Emergency Bus B-SB Breaker 124 is CLOSED Comment: Step 12 ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a

( Appendix C Page 10 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 24 Verify Diesel Generator B-SB Breaker 126 B SB -OPEN Standard:

Locates and verifies Diesel Generator B-SB Breaker 126 B SB OPEN Comment: Step 13.a Performance Step: 25 Energize 6.9 KV Bus B-SB: Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 26 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 27 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps a. Place Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Synchronizer control switch to SYNC. Locates switch and positions Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Synchronizer control switch to SYNC Step 13.b b. Close Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Tie Breaker 125 . Locates and CLOSES Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Tie Breaker 125 Step 13.c c. Place Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Synchronizer control switch to OFF. Takes Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Synchronizer control switch to OFF Step 14 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a Appendix C Page 11 of 13 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 ./ Performance Step: 28 14. Close the following 6.9 KV breakers:

  • Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B1-SB Breaker B1 A-SB Standard:

Locates and CLOSES Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B1-SB Breaker B1 A-SB Comment: Step 14 continued

./ Performance Step: 29 Close 6.9 KV breaker Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 30 Standard:


  • Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B3-SB Breaker B3 A-SB Locates and CLOSES Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B3-SB Breaker B3 A-SB (NOTE: the remainder of MCR emergency lights come on) Step 15 15. Verify 6.9 KV Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B2-SB Breaker B2 A-SB -CLOSED Locates and verifies 6.9 KV Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B2-SB Breaker B2 A-SB is CLOSED Step N/A Performance Step: 31 Report to SCO EPP-001 Attachment 1 is completed and Offsite Power is restored Comment: Evaluator Cue: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps SCQ acknowledges completion of Attachment 1 and Offsite Power is restored END OF JPM 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM a

( ( Appendix C Page 12 of 13 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM a -Restore Power to Emergency Buses Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------

2009A NRC Exam JPM a Rev. 1 Appendix C Initial Conditions:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page 13 of 13 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 A loss of All AC power and a Reactor trip has occurred.

Neither EDG will start manually or from an SI signal. The SCO has directed you to restore offsite power to the emergency buses using EOP-EPP-001 Attachment

1. The Load Dispatcher has given permission to restore offsite power to HNP's 6.9 KV buses and to reset any tripped Start Up XFMR lockout relays. 2009A NRC Exam JPM a Rev. 1

( LOSS OF AC POWER TO lA-SA AND lB-SB BUSES Attachment 1 Sheet 1 of 3 RESTORATION OF OFFSITE POWER TO EMERGENCY BUSES **************************************************************************

CAUTION Tripping of a Start Up XFMR lockout relay indicates a major fault on the XFMR. Re-energizing the XFMR may cause additional damage and should NOT be done without dispatcher's permission.

1. Obtain Load Dispatcher's permission prior to performing the following:
a. b. NOTE: Restoring offsite power to 6.9 KV buses Resetting any tripped Start Up XFMR lockout relays Steps 2 through 8 restore power to Bus A-SA and Steps 9 through 15 restore power to Bus B-SB. 2. At Start Up XFMR Protective Relay Panel lA, verify off-site power to Start Up XFMR A: a. Verify the Start Up XFMR lA Lockout SU lA Relay is reset. b. Verify closed any of the following switch yard tie breakers to energize Start Up XFMR A: o Breaker 52-2 o Breaker 52-3 3. Restore offsite power to 6.9 KV Aux Bus D: a. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses A & D Synchronizer control switch to BREAKER 101 position.
b. Close Start Up XFMR A To Aux Bus D Breaker 101. c. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses A & D Synchronizer control switch to OFF. 4. Verify Aux Bus D To Emergency Bus A-SA Breaker 104 -CLOSED 5. Verify Diesel Generator A-SA Breaker 106 A SA -OPEN EOP-EPP-OOI I Rev. 31 I Page 50 of 66

( LOSS OF AC POWER TO lA-SA AND IB-SB BUSES Attachment 1 Sheet 2 of 3 RESTORATION OF OFFSITE POWER TO EMERGENCY BUSES 6. Energize 6.9 KV Bus A-SA: a. Place Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Synchronizer switch to SYNC. b. Close Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Tie Breaker c. Place Emergency Bus A-SA To Aux Bus D Synchronizer switch to OFF. 7. Close the following 6.9 KV breakers:

o Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR Al Breaker Al A-SA o Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A3-SA Breaker A3 A-SA control 105. control 8. Verify 6.9 KV Emergency Bus A-SA To XFMR A2-SA Breaker A2 A-SA -CLOSED 9. On Start Up XFMR Protective Relay Panel IB, verify off-site power to Start Up Aux XFMR B by performing the following:

a. Verify the Start Up XFMR IB Lockout SU IB Relay is reset. b. Verify any of the following switch yard tie breakers are closed to energize Start Up XFMR B: o Breaker 52-13 o Breaker 52-14 10. Restore offsite power to 6.9 KV Aux Bus E: a. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses B & E Synchronizer control switch to BREAKER 121 position.
b. Close Start Up XFMR B To Aux Bus E Breaker 121. c. Place Start Up XFMR To Aux Buses B & E Synchronizer control switch to OFF. 11. Verify Aux Bus E To Emergency Bus B-SB Breaker 124 -CLOSED 12. Verify Diesel Generator B-SB Breaker 126 B SB -OPEN EOP-EPP-OOI I Rev. 31 I Page 51 of 66
13. 14. LOSS OF AC POWER TO lA-SA AND 1B-SB BUSES Attachment 1 Sheet 3 of 3 RESTORATION OF OFFSITE POWER TO EMERGENCY BUSES Energize 6.9 KV Bus B-SB: a. Place Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Synchronizer control switch to SYNC. b. Close Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Tie Breaker 125. c. Place Emergency Bus B-SB To Aux Bus E Synchronizer control switch to OFF. Close the following 6.9 KV breakers:

o Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B1-SB Breaker B1 A-SB o Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B3-SB Breaker B3 A-SB 15. Verify 6.9 KV Emergency Bus B-SB To XFMR B2-SB Breaker B2 A-SB -CLOSED EOP-EPP-001 I Rev. 31 I Page 52 of 66

( Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 061007H101 Task Title: Using ESW System As A Backul2 JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM b Source Of Water To AFW KIA


054AA1.01 4.5/4.4 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Date: ___ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X ---Classroom READ TO THE EXAMINEE Simulator X Plant I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

A LOCA has occurred and PATH-1 is being implemented.

Both A and B Motor Driven AFW pumps are in operation.

Task Standard:

Train A ESW is supplying AFW pumps. Required Materials:

None General


OP-137 Initiating Cue: A leak has developed in the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) and level has decreased to less than 10 percent. Time Critical Task: Validation Time: Your directions are to secure the B Motor Drive AFW pump then switch the AFW water supply from the CST to ESW Header A for the A Motor Driven AFW pump and the Turbine Driven AFW pump per OP-137, Section 8.1. ONLY one Train of ESW will be aligned to the suction of the AFW pumps to prevent both Trains of Containment Fan Coolers from becoming inoperable.

No 9 Minutes 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM b Rev. 1

( (-Appendix C For the 2009a ILC NRC exam Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-1S2
  • Go to RUN
  • Silence and Acknowledge annunicators Form ES-C-1
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup has been saved to IC-162 on the Master Portable Hard Drive
  • Initial Simulator IC was IC-19
  • IMF L T:901 a (n 0 0) 8.50 (Level transmitter U-9010A1 SA should read 8.5 %)
  • IMF L T:901 b (n 0 0) 8.30 (Level transmitter U-901 OB1 SB should read 8.3%) 3 Annunciators will be on due to these actions: ALB-017-4-5 CST Empty ALB-017-5-5 CST Low Minimum Level ALB-017-6-5 CST Hi-HilLa-La Level
  • IMF RCS18A (n 0 0) 150 Small Break LOCA A Loop 15% of 4.5" line
  • Implement PATH-1
  • Secure the TDAFW Pump 0 Close 1 MS-70 0 Close 1 MS-72
  • Restore power to 1 A-1 and 1 B-1
  • Reduce AFW flow to 300 KPPH total
  • Silence, acknowledge and reset annunicators
  • GO TO FREEZE and create a snap IC 2009A NRC Exam Rev. 1 JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C START TIME: Simulator Operator:

Evaluator Note: Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: ( Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ( \ ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Go to RUN when directed by Lead Examiner Form ES-C-1 There isn't a step in OP-137 that directs when to secure the B MDAFW Pump. It will be at the candidate's discretion when to stop the pump. The JPM step to stop the pump is placed after lining up ESW to the A MDAFW Pump just as a place keeper. The candidate can secure the B MDAFW at any time prior to, during, or after the ESW alignment.

OBTAIN PROCEDURE Locates OP-137 and refers to Section 8.1. and reviews initial conditions.

Initial conditions have been met. Review CAUTIONS prior to step 1 Reads and initials CAUTIONS:

The Emergency Service Water System serves as a backup source of water to the Auxiliary Feedwater System if the Condensate Storage Tank volume is exhausted or unavailable.

Since the Emergency Service Water System uses raw reservoir water, it is only used in extreme emergencies.

Isolating Service Water to the Containment Fan Coolers will make the Coolers inoperable, therefore only one Train of ESW should be aligned to the suction of the AFW pumps unless a determination has been made on the desirability of making both Trains of Containment Fan Coolers inoperable.

2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C ( Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 4 ( Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Step 1 Form ES-C-1 TO SUPPLY AFW PUMP 1A-SA FROM ESW HEADER A: a. DECLARE A TRAIN CONTAINMENT FAN COOLERS INOPERABLE Notifies SCO to declare A Train of Containment Fan Coolers INOPERABLE usce acknowledges

'A' CFCs Inoperable.

Step 1.b Verify A Train Containment Fan Coolers are secured per OP-169 Obtains copy of OP-169 Rev. 17 and secures AH-2 A-SA and AH-3 A-SA per step 2 Step 1.c SHUT 1 SW-92 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3 INLET Locates switch for 1 SW-92. Positions switch to SHUT 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Step 1.d Form ES-C-1 SHUT 1SW-97 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3 OUTLET Locates switch for 1SW-97. Positions switch to SHUT Step 1.e SHUT 1 SW-91 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 INLET Locates switch for 1 SW-91. Positions switch to SHUT Step 1.f SHUT 1SW-109 SA, CNMT FAN COOLERAH-2 OUTLET Locates switch for 1 SW-1 09. Positions switch to SHUT 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1

( Appendix C Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Page 6 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Step 1.g Form ES-C-1 CLOSE 1SW-122, AFW PUMP 1A-SA SW DRAIN ISOLATION.

Directs AO to SHUT 1SW -122 AO acknowledges direction to shut 1SW-122, AFW Pump 1A-SA SW Drain Isolation. (Pause) AO reports 1SW-122 closed. Step 1.h ./ Performance Step: 10 OPEN 1SW-121SA, SW HEADER A TO AUX FW MOTOR PUMP A-SA. Standard:

Locates control switch for 1 SW-121 and takes it to OPEN. Comment: Step 1.i ./ Performance Step: 11 OPEN 1SW-123SA, SW HEADER A TO AUX FW MOTOR PUMP A-SA. Standard:

Locates control switch for 1SW-123 and takes it to OPEN. Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1



Monitors PI-2150A1 A DISCH PRESS and PI-2250A1 A SUCT PRESS/ Monitors Aux Feedwater Flow on FI-2050A 1, B 1, and C1. Comment: (Candidate may report to SCO that ESW is aligned to A AFW Pump. If so acknowledge information and direct candidate to continue lineup) Performance Step: 13 STOPS B MDAFW PUMP Standard:

Comment: Locates control switch for B MDAFW and positions switch to STOP. Step 3 Performance Step: 14 TO SUPPLY AFW PUMP 1X-SAB FROM ESW HEADER A: Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps a. DECLARE A TRAIN CONTAINMENT FAN COOLERS INOPERABLE No action required (already declared) 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 8 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Step 3.b Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 15 VERIFY A TRAIN CONTAINMENT FAN COOLERS ARE SECURED PER OP-169 Standard:

No action required (already performed)

Comment: Step 3.c Performance Step: 16 VERIFY SHUT 1SW-92 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3INLET' Standard:

No action required (already performed)

Comment: Step 3.d Performance Step: 17 SHUT 1SW-91 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 INLET Standard:

No action required (already performed)

Comment: Step 3.e Performance Step: 18 VERIFY SHUT 1SW-91 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2INLET Standard:

No action required (already performed)

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 9 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Step 3.f Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 19 VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-1 09 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 OUTLET Standard:

No action required (already performed)

Comment: Step 3.g Performance Step: 20 SHUT 1SW-125, AFW PUMP 1X-SAB SW HEADER A DRAIN ISOLATION.


Contacts AO and tells him to close 1 SW-125. Evaluator Cue: AO acknowledges direction to shut 1 SW-125, AFW Pump 1 X-SAB SW Header A Drain Isolation.

C* (Pause) AO reports 1SW-125 closed. Comment: Step 3.h ./ Performance Step: 21 OPEN 1SW-124SA, SW HEADER A TO AUX FW TURBINE PMP. Standard:

Locates control switch for 1SW-124 and takes it to OPEN. Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 10 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORAMTION Form ES-C-1 ( Step 3.i ./ Performance Step: 22 OPEN 1 SW-126SA, SW HEADER A TO AUX FW TURBINE PMP. Standard:

Locates control switch for 1SW-126 and takes it to OPEN. Comment: Step 3.j Performance Step: 23 MONITOR AFW SYSTEM TO ENSURE PROPER OPERATION.


No action required 1X-SAB AFW pump is not running but TD AFW pump Suction pressure should be seen to increase.

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Report to SCO that 'A' ESW Header is supplying the 'A' MDAFW pump and the TDAFW pump. SCQ acknowledges that 'A' ESW Header is supplying the 'A' MDAFW Pump and the TDAFW Pump. End of JPM Completion of ESW line up and report to SCQ that 'A' ESW Header supplying both A MDAFW Pump and the TDAFW pump. 2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 11 of 12 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM b Form ES-C-1 Using ESW System As A Backup Source Of Water To AFW Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:


2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page12of12 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 A LOCA has occurred and PATH-1 is being implemented.

Both A and B Motor Driven AFW pumps are in operation.

A leak has developed in the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) and level has decreased to less than 10 percent. Your directions are to secure the B Motor Drive AFW pump then switch the AFW water supply from the CST to ESW Header A for the A Motor Driven AFW pump and the Turbine Driven AFW pump per OP-137, Section 8.1. ONLY one Train of ESW will be aligned to the suction of the AFW pumps to prevent both Trains of Containment Fan Coolers from becoming inoperable.

2009A NRC Exam JPM b Rev. 1


( 7.1. Shutdown of Containment Fan Cooler Units (Normal Cooling mode) 7.1.1. Initial Conditions

1. System in operation as per Section 5.1 of this procedure.

7.1.2. Procedural

Steps NOTE: In winter months, the operating train should be secured prior to starting the idle train, to minimize the potential for opening the Containment Vacuum Breakers.

1. Start idle train fans per Section 5.1 of this procedure prior to removing operating train from service, or monitor CNMT temperature and ensure it remains less than 118°F. 2. Place the control switch for each fan to be removed from service to STOP. 1 OP-169 Rev. 17 Page 12 of 361



8.1. Using

Emergency Service Water System as a Backup Source of Water to Auxiliary Feedwater System 8.1.1. Initial Conditions R 1. Condensate storage tank unavailable or level less than 10%. (Reference 2.3.2) 2. Service Water System in operation per OP-139. 8.1.2. Procedural Steps CAUTION The Emergency Service Water System serves as a backup source of water to the Auxiliary Feedwater System if the Condensate Storage Tank volume is exhausted or unavailable.

Since the Emergency Service Water System uses raw reservoir water, it is only used in extreme emergencies.

CAUTION Isolating Service Water to the Containment Fan Coolers will make the Coolers inoperable, therefore only one Train of ESW should be aligned to the suction of the AFW pumps unless a determination has been made on the desirability of making both Trains of Containment Fan Coolers inoperable.

1. To supply AFW pump 1 A-SA from ESW Header A, PERFORM the following:

I OP-137 a. DECLARE A Train Containment Fan Coolers inoperable.

b. VERIFY A Train Containment Fan Coolers are secured per OP-169. c. SHUT 1SW-92 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3 INLET. d. SHUT 1 SW-97 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3 OUTLET. e. SHUT 1 SW-91 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 INLET. f. SHUT 1 SW-1 09 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 OUTLET. g. SHUT 1 SW-122, AFWP 1A SW Drain Isol. h. OPEN 1SW-121SA, SW HEADER A TO AUX FW MOTOR PMP A-SA. i. OPEN 1SW-123SA, SW HEADER A TO AUX FW MOTOR PMP A-SA. j. MONITOR AFW system parameters to ensure proper operation.

Rev. 26 Page 33 of 751

(--8.1.2 Procedural Steps (continued)

2. To supply AFW pump 1 B-SB from ESW Header B, PERFORM the following:
a. DECLARE B TRAIN Containment Fan Coolers inoperable.
b. VERIFY B Train Containment Fan Coolers are secured per c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. OP-169. SHUT 1 SW-227 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-4 INLET. SHUT 1SW-110 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-4 OUTLET. SHUT 1 SW-225 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-1 INLET. SHUT 1 SW-98 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-1 OUTLET. SHUT 1SW-131, AFWP 1B SW Drain Isol. OPEN 1 SW-130SB, SW HEADER B TO AUX FW MOTOR PMP B-SB. OPEN 1 SW-132SB, SW HEADER B TO AUX FW MOTOR PMP B-SB. MONITOR AFW system parameters to ensure proper operation.

CAUTION Do NOT cross tie the ESW trains together via the TDAFW pump suction supply from ESW. Crosstie is prevented by performing only Step OR

3. To supply AFW pump 1X-SAB from ESW Header A, PERFORM the following:
a. DECLARE A Train Containment Fan Coolers inoperable.
b. VERIFY A Train Containment Fan Coolers are secured per OP-169. c. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-92 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3 INLET. d. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-97 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-3 OUTLET. e. VERIFY SHUT 1SW-91 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 INLET. f. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-1 09 SA, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-2 OUTLET. g. SHUT 1SW-125, AFWP 1X SW Header A Drain Isol. IOP-137 Rev. 26 Page 34 of 75 I

( C-8.1.2 Procedural Steps (continued)

4. To supply AFW pump 1X-SAB, from ESW Header B, PERFORM the following:


a. DECLARE B Train Containment Fan Coolers inoperable.
b. VERIFY B Train Containment Fan Coolers are secured per c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. OP-169. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-227 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-4 INLET. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-11 0 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-4 OUTLET. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-225 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-1 INLET. VERIFY SHUT 1 SW-98 SB, CNMT FAN COOLER AH-1 OUTLET. SHUT 1SW-128, AFWP 1X SW Header B Drain Isol. OPEN 1 SW-127SB, SW HEADER B TO AUX FW TURBINE PMP. OPEN 1SW-129SB, SW HEADER B TO AUX FWTURBINE PMP. MONITOR AFW system to ensure proper operation.

Rev. 26 Page 35 of 751 Appendix C Facility:

Shearon Harris Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Task No.: 301142H601 Task Title: Manually Align SI Equipment After JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM c ALQSP KIA


006 A4.02 4.0/3.8 ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Oate: __ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The plant was operating at 100 % power when a loss of offsite power occurred. The reactor is tripped. The 'A' and 'B' Diesels failed to start. EPP-001 was entered and followed until power could be restored to 1A-SA and 1 B-SB from off-site.

The crew is continuing efforts to stabilize the plant. The SCQ has completed EPP-001 and has transitioned to EPP-003, 'Loss of All AC Power Recovery With SI Required'.

Task Standard:

SI valves have been manually aligned. Required Materials:

None General


EQP-EPP-003 Rev. 20 Initiating Cue: The Unit SCQ has directed you to manually align SI valves per EPP-003, Step 3 in preparation for establishing SI flow Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 5 minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1

/ t Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP For the 2009a ILC NRC exam *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-163
  • Go to RUN Form ES-C-1 * (IF NEEDED) The 86 relays should roll when the simulator is placed in run. If not then run the APP file "Roll 86 Gen" or they can be manually overridden with override LO's
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup has been saved to IC-163 on the Master Portable Hard Drive
  • Initialized to IC-19 (100 % power condition)
  • Insert a failure of the "A" EDG and "B" EDG to start <IMF DSG01 BOTH>. Then insert a loss of all AC <IMF EPS01 WIO DELAY>.
  • Once the plant is stable, initiate an SI and wait 60 seconds. RESET the SI signal. Using Simulator MSC Drawing for EPP01 Open the breakers for the sequencers, remove control power for both CCW pumps, both Containment Spray pumps and 1A and 1 B AFW pump.
  • Then insert RCS leakage to the extent that a safety injection is needed. <IMF RCS 18A 6 0> Allow the Pressurizer to empty and pressure to drop to 1250 psig.
  • Then delete the loss of all AC malfunction

<DMF EPS01> and restore power to all buses. Use the EOP-001 Attachment 1 to restore power to 1A-SA and 1 SB from off-site.

Perform actions in EPP-001 after power restoration which includes EPP-001 step 36.c including setting SG PORV set points to 84%, transition to EPP-003, EPP-003 steps 1 & 2 are satisfied.

  • Fail 1CS-746 in the OPEN position <ILO XA20189G OFF and 10L XA20189R ON>. Acknowledge and reset all alarms and place the simulator in FREEZE. Snap this to an IC
  • When you reset to this condition you would want to have the 86 relays rolled. 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1 Appendix C START TIME: Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 1 OBTAIN PROCEDURE Standard:

Obtains copy of EPP-003 and goes to Step 3. Comment: Step 3.a ./ Performance Step: 2 a. OPEN CSIP SUCTION FROM RWST VALVES: Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps LCV-115B LCV-115D Locates control switch for LCV-115B and takes switch to OPEN Locates control switch for LCV-115D and takes switch to OPEN. Step 3.b SHUT VCT OUTLET VALVES: LCV-115C LCV-115E Locates control switch for LCV-115C and takes switch to SHUT Locates control switch for LCV-115E and takes switch to SHUT. 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1

( Appendix C " Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: Page 4 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 3.c Form ES-C-1 SHUT CHARGING LINE ISOLATION VALVES: 1CS-235 1CS-238 Locates control switch for 1 CS-235 and takes switch to SHUT Locates control switch for 1 CS-238 and takes switch to SHUT. Step 3.d Performance Step: 5 CHECK RCS PRESSURE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1800 PSIG. Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Checks RCS pressure on ERFIS or MCB indicators and identifies pressure as < 1800 psig. Step 3.e Check CSIP alternate miniflow isolation SHUT: 1CS-746 (TRAIN A CSIP) 1 CS-752 (TRAIN B CSIP) Locates control switches for 1CS-746 and 1CS-752 and checks positions Identifies 1CS-746 is NOT shut 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: c ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 3.e RNO Shut the associated block valve: 1CS-745 (Train A CSIP) Form ES-C-1 Locates control switch for 1 CS-745 and takes switch to SHUT. 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 6 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 3.f Form ES-C-1 SHUT NORMAL MINIFLOW ISOLATION VALVES: 1CS-182 1CS-196 1CS-210 1CS-214 Locates control switches for 1 CS-182, 1 CS-196, 1 CS-21 0, and 1CS-214 and takes them to SHUT. Step 3.g OPEN BIT OUTLET VALVES: 1SI-3 1SI-4 Locates control switch for 1 SI-3 and takes switch to OPEN Locates control switch for 1 SI-4 and takes switch to OPEN Reports to SCO that SI valves have been manually aligned to establish SI Injection Mode SCQ acknowledges that SI valves have been manually aligned to establish SI Injection Mode. End of JPM BIT outlet valves are aligned. 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1

( Appendix C Page 7 of 8 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: . 2009A NRC JPM c Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: Examiner's Signature:

Manually Align SI Equipment After A LOSP SAT UNSAT Date: 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: Page 8 of 8 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant was operating at 100 % power whim a loss of offsite power occurred.

The reactor is tripped. The 'A' and 'B' Diesels failed to start. EPP-001 was entered and followed until power could be restored to 1A-SA and 1 B-SB from off-site.

The crew is continuing efforts to stabilize the plant. The SCO has completed EPP-001 and has transitioned to EPP-003, 'Loss of All AC Power Recovery With SI Required'.

The Unit SCO has directed you to manually align SI valves per EPP-003, Step 3 in preparation for establishing SI flow. 2009A NRC Exam JPM c Rev. 1

( ( LOSS OF ALL AC POWER RECOVERY WITH SI REQUIRED rl Instructions L..--______ ---I 3. Manually Align SI Valves To Establish SI Injection Mode: a. Open CSIP suction from RWST valves: LCV-llSB LCV-llSD b. Shut VCT outlet valves: LCV-llSC LCV-llSE c. Shut charging line isolation valves: d. e. 1CS-23S 1CS-238 Check RCS pressure -LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 1800 PSIG Check CSIP alternate miniflow isolation valves -SHUT 1CS-746 (Train A CSIP) 1CS-7S2 (Train B CSIP) f. Shut normal miniflow isolation valves: 1CS-182 1CS-196 1CS-210 1CS-214 g. Open BIT outlet valves: lSI-3 lSI-4 Response Not Obtained L..--______ ---Ir-d. e. WHEN pressure less than 1800 PSIG, THEN do Step 3e. Continue with Step 3f. Shut the associated block valve: 1CS-74S (Train A CSIP) 1CS-7S3 (Train B CSIP) EOP-EPP-003 I Rev. 20 I Page 6 of 37

{ \ c Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 004003H101 Task Title: Place Normal Letdown In Service JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM d KIA


004 A4.06 3.6/3.1 AL TERNATE PATH Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Oate: __ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Task Standard:

The plant is operating at 100 percent power. Letdown was out of service for maintenance.

Maintenance has been completed and the clearance has been removed. Excess letdown was in service but has just been removed. Charging is in service per OP-107, Section 5.4. In-service letdown orifice isolation valve is shut OR PK-145.1 is returned to MANUAL and 1 CS-38 is adjusted to lower letdown pressure.

Required Materials:

None General


OP-107, Section 5.4 Rev. 77; APP-ALB-007 (3-5) Rev. 14 Initiating Cue: Time Critical Task: Validation Time: The seo instructs you to restore normal letdown, with a 60 gpm orifice in service, and return charging to normal. No 10 Minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SeTUP For the 2009a ILC NRC exam *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-164
  • Go to RUN
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup has been saved to IC-164 on the Master Portable Hard Drive
  • Initialize to IC -19
  • Isolate letdown by closing all orifice isolation valves (1CS-7, -8, -9), then closing 1 CS-1, 1 CS-2, and 1 CS-11.
  • Verify TK-144 in AUTO set to 4.0 and PK-145.1 in AUTO set to 58 percent.
  • Place 1 CS-231 (FK-122.1) in manual and close.
  • Reduce RCP seal injection flow to -8 gpm/RCP
  • Insert malfunction

< IMF CVC07 0 0 > of PK-145.1 such that the valve fails closed in AUTO. 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 3 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 ( START TIME: c Performance Step: 1 OBTAIN PROCEDURE OP-107. Standard:

Obtains OP-107 and refers to Section 5.4, Initiating Normal Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps Letdown. Reviews and verifies Initial Conditions Charging flow has been established Pressurizer level is greater than 17% The following valves are shut

  • 1 CS-9, 60 GPM LETDOWN ORIFICE C Caution prior to Step 1 If Charging flow was stopped or greatly reduced prior to letdown being secured, there is a possibility that the Letdown line contains voids due to insufficient cooling. This is a precursor to water hammer, and should be evaluated prior to initiating letdown flow. Reviews and initials caution 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1

( ( ( Appendix C Page 4 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 3 VERIFY 1CC-337, TK-144 LTON TEMPERATURE, controller is: Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard:


  • Set for 90 to 120 0 (2.67 to 4.7 on potentiometer) if operating per Section 8.11 Locates TK-144 and observes potentiometer is adjusted to between 4.0 and 4.7. NOTE prior to Step 2 PK-145.1 LTON PRESSURE, 1CS-38, may have to be adjusted to control at lower pressures.

Reviews and initials note Step 2 Performance Step: 5 VERIFY 1 CS-38 Controller, PK-145.1 L TDN PRESSURE, IN MAN with output set at 50%. Standard:

Locates PK-145.1 and checks indication.

Depresses MAN pushbutton and raises output to 50% Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 5 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 3 Form ES-C-1 ../ Performance Step: 6 VERIFY OPEN THE FOLLOWING LETDOWN ISOLATION VALVES: Standard:


  • 1CS-1, LETDOWN ISOLATION LCV-460 Locates control switch for 1 CS-1 and takes switch to OPEN Locates control switch for 1 CS-2 and takes switch to OPEN Step 4 ../ Performance Step: 7 VERIFY OPEN 1CS-11, LETDOWN ISOLATION.


Locates control switch for 1 CS-11 and takes switch to OPEN Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1

( Appendix C Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: Page 6 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 NOTE prior to Step 5 The following table gives the minimum charging flow required to keep the regenerative heat exchanger temperature below the high temperature alarm when letdown is established Letdown flow (to be established) 45gpm 60gpm 105 gpm 120 gpm Min Charging Flow need 20 gpm 26 gpm 46gpm 53 gpm If Pressurizer level is above the programmed level setpoint, charging flow should be adjusted to a point above the minimum required to prevent regenerative heat exchanger high temperature alarm but low enough to reduce pressurizer level. Reviews and initials note, from table determines min charging flow needed will be 26 gpm Step 5 ./ Performance Step: 9 ADJUST controller 1 CS-231, FK-122.1 CHARGING FLOW, AS REQUIRED to: Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps

  • maintain normal pressurizer level program
  • keep regenerative heat exchanger temperature below the high temperature alarm when the desired letdown orifice is placed in service Locates/observes FI-122A.1 and determines charging flow is 0 gpm, raises flow rate using 1 CS-231 to.::: 26 gpm 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1 Appendix C Performance Step: 10 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Page 7 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION NOTE prior to Step 6 Form ES-C-1 If CVCS Demins have cooled from normal operating temperature, an increased reactivity affect may be observed.

Consideration may be given to increasing CVCS Demins to operating temperature by flushing them to the RHT prior to restoring letdown. Reviews and initials note, asks SCO if it will be necessary to flush CVCS Demins to the RHT prior to restoring letdown. It will not be necessary to flush the CVCS Demins to the RHT. Step 6 Performance Step: 11 IF flushing CVCS Demins to the RHT is desired for increasing temperature, THEN PERFORM the following:


a. NOTIFY Radwaste Control Room that letdown flow will be diverted to the RHT. b. PLACE 1 CS-120, LETDOWN TO VCT/HOLDUP TANK LCV-115A to the RHT position.

Determines step 6 is N/A Step 7 ./ Performance Step: 12 OPEN an Orifice Isolation Valve (1CS-7, 1CS-8, 1CS-9) for the orifice to be placed in service. Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Locates control switch for 1 CS-8 OR 1 CS-9 and takes switch to OPEN. Observes flow rate on FI-150.1 and pressure changes on PI-145.1 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1

( Appendix C Page 8 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 8 Form ES-C-1 ./ Performance Step: 13 ADJUST 1CS-38 position by adjusting PK-145.1 output as necessary to control LP L TON Pressure (PI-145.1) at 340 to 360 psig, to prevent lifting the LP Letdown Relief. Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 14 Standard:

Comment: Locates PK-145.1 and adjusts controller to maintain pressure between 340-360 psig. Step 9 WHEN Letdown pressure has stabilized at 340 to 360 psig on PI-145.1, LP L TON PRESS, THEN PERFORM the following:

  • ADJUST PK-145.1 L TON PRESSURE setpoint to 58%
  • PLACE the controller in AUTO Locates PI-145.1 and checks pressure.

Adjusts PK-145.1 setpoint to 58%. Depresses AUTO pushbutton.

Step 10 ./ Performance Step: 15 VERIFY PK-145.1 LTDN PRESSURE Controller maintains Letdown pressure stable at 340 to 360 psig. Standard:

Note: Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Locates PI-145.1 and checks pressure.

Identifies PK-145.1 malfunctioning in AUTO resulting in high letdown pressure.

Reports malfunction to SCO PK-145.1 can be taken to manual and 1CS-38 operated to lower pressure, utilizing OMM-001, section 5.1.20, directions to control failed Automatic controllers 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1

( ( Appendix C Page 9 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 16 Acknowledges alarm condition and obtains APP-ALB-OO?


Comment: Refers to APP-ALB-OO?-3-5 for "LOW PRESSURE LETDOWN HIGH PRESSURE" and confirms alarm using PI-145.1, LP Ltdn Press. Determines that 1 CS-38 (letdown PCV) can NOT maintain letdown pressure in automatic.

./ Performance Step: 17 LOWERS LETDOWN PRESSURE Standard:

Comment: Removes in-service letdown orifice and uses PK-145.1 in manual to lower pressure OR Places PK-145.1 in MANUAL AND OPENS 1 CS-38 to lower letdown pressure (APP-ALB-OO?

or OMM-001).

Performance Step: 18 Reports Letdown Isolated Or PK-145.1 is in Manual and controlling pressure Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps Informs SeQ that letdown is isolated or PK-145.1 is in manual and controlling pressure Acknowledge report: Letdown is isolated (OR) PK-145.1 is in manual and controlling pressure.

END OF JPM Operator reports to examiner that high letdown pressure has been addressed by shutting orifice isolation valves or by manual control of PK-145.1.

2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 10 of 11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM d Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page 11 of 11 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant is operating at 100 percent power. Letdown was out of service for maintenance.

Maintenance has been completed and the clearance has been removed. Excess letdown was in service but has just been removed. Charging is in service per OP-1 07, Section 5.4. The SCO instructs you to restore normal letdown, with a 60 gpm orifice in service, and return charging to normal. 2009A NRC Exam JPM d Rev. 1

5.4. Initiating

Normal Letdown 5.4.1. Initial Conditions

1. Charging flow has been established per Section 5.3. 2. Pressurizer level is greater than 17%. 3. The following valves are shut:
  • 1 CS-9, 60 GPM LETDOWN ORIFICE C 5.4.2. Procedural Steps CAUTION If Charging flow was stopped or greatly reduced prior to letdown being secured, there is a possibility that the Letdown line contains voids due to insufficient cooling. This is a precursor to water hammer, and should be 'evaluated prior to initiating letdown flow. 1. VERIFY 1CC-337, TK-144 LTDN TEMPERATURE, controller is:
  • in AUTO AND
  • set for 90 to 120°F (2.67 to 4.7 on potentiometer) if operating per Section 8.11 NOTE: PK-145.1 L TON PRESSURE, 1 CS-38, may have to be adjusted to control at lower pressures.
2. VERIFY 1 CS-38 Controller, PK-145.1 L TON PRESSURE, in MAN with output set at 50%. I OP-107 Rev. 77 Page 25 of 131 I

5.4.2 Procedural

Steps (continued)

3. VERIFY open the following Letdown Isolation Valves:

NOTE: The following table gives the minimum charging flow required to keep the regenerative heat exchanger temperature below the high temperature alarm when letdown is established Letdown flow (to be established)

Minimum Charging Flow necessary when letdown is established 45gpm 20 gpm 60 gpm 26 gpm 105 gpm 46 gpm 120 gpm 53 gpm NOTE: If Pressurizer level is above the programmed level setpoint, charging flow should be adjusted to a point above the minimum required to prevent regenerative heat exchanger high temperature alarm but low enough to reduce pressurizer level. (Reference ESR 9500066) 5. ADJUST controller 1CS-231, FK-122.1 CHARGING FLOW, as required to: I OP-107

  • maintain normal pressurizer level program
  • keep regenerative heat exchanger temperature below the high temperature alarm when the desired letdown orifice is placed in service. Rev. 77 Page 26 of 131

5.4.2 Procedural

Steps (continued)

NOTE: If CVCS Demins have cooled from normal operating temperature, an increased reactivity affect may be observed.

Consideration may be given to increasing CVCS Demins to operating temperature by flushing them to the RHT prior to restoring letdown. 6. IF flushing CVCS Demins to the RHT is desired for increasing temperature, THEN PERFORM the following:

a. NOTIFY Radwaste Control Room that letdown flow will be diverted to the RHT. b. PLACE 1CS-120, LETDOWN TO VCT/HOLDUP TANK LCV-115A to the RHT position.
7. OPEN an Orifice Isolation Valve (1CS-7, 1CS-8, 1CS-9) for the orifice to be placed in service. 8. 9. ADJUST 1CS-38 position by adjusting PK-145.1 output as necessary to control LP L TON Pressure (PI-145.1) at 340 to 360 psig, to prevent lifting the LP Letdown Relief. WHEN Letdown pressure has stabilized at 340 to 360 psig on PI-145.1, LP L TON PRESS, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. ADJUST PK-145.1 LTDN PRESSURE setpoint to 58% b. PLACE the controller in AUTO. 10. VERIFY PK-145.1 LTDN PRESSURE Controller maintains Letdown pressure stable at 340 to 360 psig. 11. IF Step was performed I OP-107 AND CVCS Demin temperature is at normal operating temperature, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. PLACE 1CS-120, LETDOWN TO VCT/HOLDUP TANK LCV-115A to the AUTO position.
b. NOTIFY Radwaste Control Room that diversion to the RHT has been terminated.

Rev. 77 Page 27 of 131 c l 5.4.2 Procedural Steps (continued)

12. OPEN additional orifice isolation valves (1CS-7, 1CS-8, 1CS-9) as required.
13. ADJUST charging flow as necessary to:
  • prevent high temperature alarm (per table above)
  • maintain pressurizer programmed level. 14. PLACE PRZ level controller, LK-459F, in MAN to cancel any integrated signal. 15. PLACE PRZ level controller, LK-459F, in AUTO. 16. WHEN the following occurs: 17. I OP-107
  • Program pressurizer level is matching the current pressurizer level AND
  • Letdown and seal return are balanced with seal injection flow and charging flow. THEN place controller 1CS-231, FK-122.1 CHARGING FLOW, in AUTO. COMPLETE Section 5.4.3. Rev. 77 Page 28 of 131

5.4.3. Initiating

Normal Letdown Configuration Control Closeout 1. When more than one POSITION is listed, circle the required position.


-4.7 (2.67 -4.7 if Section 8.27 in effect) 1CS-38 PK-145.1 L TDN PRESSURE SETPOINT 58% AUTO 1CS-2 LETDOWN ISOLATION LCV-459 OPEN 1CS-1 LETDOWN ISOLATION LCV-460 OPEN 1 CS-11 LETDOWN ISOLATION OPEN 1CS-7 45 GPM LETDOWN ORIFICE A OPEN/SHUT 1CS-8 60 GPM LETDOWN ORIFICE B OPEN/SHUT 1CS-9 60 GPM LETDOWN ORIFICE C OPEN/SHUT 1CS-120 LETDOWN TO VCT/HOLD UP AUTO TANK LCV-115A 1CS-231 FK-122.1 CHARGING FLOW AUTO LK-459F Pressurizer Level controller AUTO All personnel performing this section for alignment or verification must supply their initials and name below. Initials Name (Print) Initials Name (Print) Approved by _____________

_ Unit SCO Date After receiving the final review signature, this OP Section becomes a QA RECORD. I OP-107 Rev. 77 Page 29 of 131 I DEVICES: PS-01CS-0145W SETPOINT:

540 psig REFLASH: NO OPERATOR ACTIONS: 1. CONFIRM alarm using PI-145.1, LP Ltdn Press. 2. VERIFY Automatic Functions:

None 3. PERFORM Corrective Actions: a. IF necessary to lower letdown pressure, THEN: (1) REFER TO OP-107, Chemical and Volume Control System. (2) REMOVE OR CHANGE in-service letdown orifices.

b. TAKE manual control of PK-145.1, Ltdn Pressure, AND ADJUST 1 CS-38 to lower letdown pressure.
c. IF letdown pressure can NOT be lowered, THEN: (1) REFER TO OP-107, Chemical and Volume Control System (2) PERFORM the following: (a) REMOVE letdown from service. (b) IF desired, THEN PLACE Excess Letdown in service. CAUSES: 1. Failure of letdown flow orifice 2. Orifice isolation valve leaks by 3. 1CS-38, Letdown PCV Isol Vlv (PK-145.1) failed shut 4. PS-01CS-0145W failure 5. Alarm circuit failure


1. OP-107, Chemical and Volume Control System 2. 5-S-1303, 1304 3. 6-8-401 0937 APP-AL8-007 I Rev. 14 3-5 LOW PRESSURE LETDOWN HIGH PRESS I Page 16 of 21 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 022001H101 Task Title: Place Containment Cooling to Max JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM e Cooling Mode KIA


022 A4.01 3.6/3.6 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Date: ___ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

x Classroom Simulator x Plant ------READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The reactor is at 100 percent power. Containment entry is required and plant management desires containment cooling in the Maximum Cooling Mode. Train A fans are currently running in high speed, and service water is aligned to both A and B ESW headers. Task Standard:

Containment cooling in the Maximum Cooling Mode. Required Materials:

None General


OP-169 Rev 17, Section 8.1 Initiating Cue: The SCQ directs you to place Containment Cooling in the Maximum Cooling Mode per QP-169 Section 8.1. Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 8 Minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP For the 2009a ILC NRC exam (no saved IC is required)

  • Simulator Operator -Exam Setup
  • Resetto IC-19
  • Goto RUN
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C START TIME: Simulator Operator:

Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Evaluator Note: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Place Simulator in RUN when directed by Lead Examiner OBTAIN PROCEDURE Obtains OP-169 and refers to Section 8.1 Verifies the initial conditions are met Fan Cooler Units in operation as per Section 5.1 of this procedure Both ESW headers are in service (Initial conditions are satisfied)

Note Prior to Step 1 Reviews and initials note Reads and initials Notes: If at any time, additional CNMT cooling is needed, one or both ESW pumps may be placed in service (preferably after fans have been started).

During this mode of operation, both Train A and Train B are in operation.

AH-3 and AH-4 will be discharging to the post accident dampers. 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C ( . ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 3 Standard: ( Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1 Form ES-C-1 With Train A in operation as per Section 5.1 of this procedure, perform the following steps: a. Place the control switch for one fan cooler in AH-1 to LO-SPD. Locates control switch for one fan cooler in AH-1 and places the switch to the LO-SPD position.

Note Prior to Step 1.b Review and initial note Read and initial note: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. Step 1.b Place control switch for fan started in step TO STOP. Places fan, started in step, control switch to STOP position.

Step 1.c Place the control switch for the fan stopped in Step to HI SPD. Locates and places control switch for fan stopped in Step to HI SPD position.

2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C ( Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Comment: ( ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1.d Stop one fan in AH-2. Form ES-C-1 Locates and places one fan in AH-2 switch to the STOP position.

Step 1.e Place the control switches for fan cooler AH-4 A-SB to LO-SPD. Locates and places control switches for AH-4 A-SB to LO SPD Step 1.f Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 B-SB to LO-SPD. Locates and places control switch for AH-4 B-SB to LO-SPD Note prior to step Review and initial note Read and initials note: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 10 Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 A-SB to STOP. Standard:

Locates control switch for fan cooler AH-4 A-SB and places switch to STOP Comment: Step

./ Performance Step: 11 Place the control switch for fan cooler AHA A-SB to HI-SPD Standard:

Locates control switch for fan cooler AH-4A B-SB and places control switch to HI SPD. Comment: (NOTE: expect annunciator ALB 029-4-2 for this fan configuration to occur. The candidate should state it is an expected alarm due to his/her action and review the APP when conditions allow) Note prior to Step Performance Step: 12 Reviews and initials note Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps PLACE CONTROL SWITCH FOR FAN COOLER AH-4 B-SB TO STOP. Reads and initials note: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. Locates and places AH-4A B-SB control switch to STOP. 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1

<: Appendix C Page 7 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 13 Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 B-SB to STOP .. Standard:

Locates control switch for AH-4B B-SB and places switch to STOP Comment: ./ Performance Step: 14 Standard:

Comment: Step Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 B-SB to HI-SPD. Locates control switch and places AH-4B B-SB control switch to HI SPD. (Annunciator ALB-028-5-1

'Containment Air High Vacuum' will come in shortly after placing cooling in max cooling mode due to additional cooling that has been aligned. The candidate should acknowledge the alarm and review the APP. A one hour TS action is identified in the APP. TS this should be reported to the SCO and the time that the alarm occurred should be recorded.)

Step Performance Step: 15 Verify CV-D5 is OPEN on Status Light Box 5. Standard:

Locates indications for CV-D5 and verifies damper is OPEN Comment: Step Performance Step: 16 Verify CV-D7 is OPEN on Status Light Box 6. Standard:

Locates indications for CV-D7 and verifies damper is OPEN Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 8 of 10 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 17 Report to SCO that Containment Cooling is in Maximum Cooling Mode. Standard:

Report to SCO that Containment Cooling is in Maximum Cooling Mode. Evaluator Cue: SCO acknowledges that Containment Cooling is in Maximum Cooling Mode. Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ,;' -Denotes Critical Steps End of JPM After completion of SCO report and verification that CV-D5 is open on SLB-5 and CV-D7 is open on SLB-6. 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1

( Appendix C Page 9 of 10 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM e Form ES-C-1 Place Containment Cooling to Max Cooling Mode Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------

2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page 10 of 10 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The reactor is at 100 percent power. Containment entry is required and plant management desires containment cooling in the Maximum Cooling Mode. Train A fans are currently running in high speed, and service water is aligned to both A and B ESW headers. The SCO directs you to place containment cooling in the Maximum Cooling Mode per OP-169 Section 8.1. 2009A NRC Exam JPM e Rev. 1


OPERATIONS ( 8.1. Start Up of Fan Cooler Units (Maximum Cooling mode) ( 8.1.1. Initial Conditions

1. Fan Cooler Units in operation as per Section 5.1 of this procedure.
2. Both ESW headers are in service. 8.1.2. Procedural Steps NOTE: If at any time, additional CNMT cooling is needed, one or both ESW pumps may be placed in service (preferably after fans have been started).

NOTE: During this mode of operation, both Train A and Train B are in operation.

AH-3 and AH-4 will be discharging to the post accident dampers. 1. With Train A in operation as per Section 5.1 of this procedure, perform the foHowing steps: a. Place the control switch for one fan cooler in AH-1 to LO-SPD. NOTE: Steps .b and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. 1 OP-169 b. Place the control switch for the fan started in Step to STOP. c. Place the control switch for the fan stopped in Step 8.1 .2.1.b to HI-SPD. d. Stop one fan in AH-2. e. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 A-SB to LO-SPD. f. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 B-SB to LO-SPD. Rev. 17 Page 17 of 361

( 8.1.2 Procedural Steps (continued)

NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. g. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 A-SB to STOP. h. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 A-SB to HI-SPD. NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. 2. i. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 B-SB to STOP. j. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-4 B-SB to HI-SPD. k. Verify CV-D5 is OPEN on Status Light Box 5. I. Verify CV-D7 is OPEN on Status Light Box 6. With Train B in operation as per Section 5.1 of this procedure, perform the following steps: a. Place the control switch for one fan cooler in AH-2 to LO-SPD. NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. 1 OP-169 b. Place the control switch for the fan started in Step to STOP. c. Place the control switch for the fan stopped in Step to HI-SPD. d. Stop one fan in AH-1. e. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-3 A-SA to LO-SPD. f. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-3 B-SA to LO-SPD. Rev. 17 Page 18 of 361

8.1.2 Procedural

Steps (continued)

NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. g. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-3 A-SA to STOP. h. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-3 A-SA to HI-SPO. NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. i. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-3 B-SA to STOP. j. Place the control switch for fan cooler AH-3 B-SA to HI-SPO. k. Verify CV-05 is OPEN on Status Light Box 5. I. Verify CV-07 is OPEN on Status Light Box 6. NOTE: Performing the following steps will place both trains in service with all fans running in fast speed with nozzle dampers closed and discharging to the concrete air shaft. 3. If containment average temperature continues to rise or if additional cooling is desired, perform the following steps: a. Place the control switch for the spare fan cooler in AH-1 to LO-SPO. NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. 1 OP-169 b. Place the control switch for the fan started in Step to STOP. Rev. 17 Page 19 of 361 c ( 8.1.2 Procedural Steps (continued)

c. d. e. Place the control switch for the fan stopped in Step to HI-SPD. Verify CV-D1 and CV-D7 are SHUT on Status Light Box 6. Place the control switch for the spare fan cooler in AH-2 to LO-SPD. NOTE: Steps and must be done without delay. The fan should not be allowed to coast down before being started in fast speed. f. Place the control switch for the fan started in step to STOP. g. Place the control switch for the fan stopped in Step to HI-SPD. h. Verify CV-D3 and CV-D5 are SHUT on Status Light Box 5. 4. If needed, ESW Pumps may be started for additional cooling. (Otherwise N/A) IOP-169 Rev. 17 Page 20 of 36 I DEVICES: FS-01CV-7574AS, Cont Clg Fan AH-4 Out Lo (1A-SB) FS-01CV-7574BS, Cont Clg Fan AH-4 Out Lo (1 B-SB) SETPOINT:

10 fps 10 fps REFLASH: NO NOTE 4-2 CONTAINMENT FAN COOLERS AH-4 LOW FLOW -OIL AR 211935211935evaluated that this alarm could be caused when starting the air handler in low speed with other air handlers going to the same concrete shaft running in high speed. This alarm should clear when the air handler is shifted to high speed. The low flow condition should not cause any damage, as long as the time in this configuration is minimized.

OPERATOR ACTIONS: 1. CONFIRM alarm using: a. AH-4 fans running indication

b. AH-4 fan trouble indication
c. Damper position indication
2. VERIFY Automatic Functions:
a. Fans trip on overload 3. PERFORM Corrective Actions: a. CHECK the fan status indication.
b. IF running fan has tripped, THEN START the standby containment fan using OP-169, Containment Cooling and Ventilation.
c. CHECK proper damper alignment using OP-169, Containment Cooling and Ventilation.
d. DISPATCH an operator to check status of the following breakers:

Cnmt Fan Cooler

  • 1 B34-SB-3A, AH-4(1 B-SB) Cnmt Fan Cooler e. IF maintenance is to be performed, THEN REFER TO OWP-CV, Containment Ventilation.

CAUSES: 1. Loss of power to either fan 2. Thermal overload of either fan 3. Damper misalignment

4. Instrument or alarm malfunction


1. Tech Spec 2. Tech Spec 3. OP-169, Containment Cooling and Ventilation
4. OWP-CV, Containment Ventilation
5. 6-B-401, 3085 APP-ALB-029 I Rev. 6 I Page 8 of 11

( 5-1 DEVICES: PDS-01 CB-7680A3 PDS-01 CB-7680B3 SETPOINT:

-1.0 INWC -1.0INWC CONTAINMENT AIR HIGH VACUUM REFLASH: NO OPERATOR ACTIONS: 1. CONFIRM alarm using: a. PDI-7680A SA and PDI-7680B SB, CNMT LlP To Outside b. ERFIS point PCP7611, Containment Delta Pressure (Containment to Outside LlP) c. NCPMU fans (AH-82) running status d. CPPMU fans (AH-81) running status e. Vacuum Relief Valves position indication

2. VERIFY Automatic Functions:
a. Vacuum relief valves 1CB-2 and 1CB-6 along with dampers CB-D51A and CB-D52 open at -2.25 in. water differential pressure as measured between Containment and Atmosphere.
3. PERFORM Corrective Actions: a. CHECK Containment differential pressure on PDI-7680A(B) and PCP7611. b. VERIFY the vacuum relief valves open if required.
c. VERIFY the Containment Ventilation System is operating properly.
d. RESTORE Containment pressure to more positive than -1 in. water within one hour to comply with Tech Spec CAUSES: 1. Insufficient flow from the normal Containment purge make-up unit (NCPMU) AH-82 2. Insufficient flow from the Containment Pre-entry purge make-up unit (CPPMU) AH-81 3. Increased cooling of Containment, either by a ventilation or service water alignment.
4. Defective vacuum relief valves 5. Instrument or alarm malfunction


1. Tech Specs,, 3.6.3, 3.6.5 and 3.9.4 2. 6-B-401 2688, 2689 APP-ALB-028 I Rev. 15 I Page 17 of 24 Appendix C Page 1 of 11 Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 301058H401 Task Title: Take corrective action for Loss of Both CCW Pumps JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM f KIA


008 A2.01 3.3/3.6 ALTERNATE PATH Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Date: ___ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is at 100 percent power The following equipment is under clearance:

o Component Cooling Water Pump uB" o Heater Drain Pump "A" o Reactor Makeup Water Pump uB" Task Standard:

  • Specified CCW loads isolated.
  • Charging isolated.
  • Reactor tripped and all RCP's stopped (in that order). Required Materials:

None General


AOP-014, LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER, Rev. 31 Initiating Cue: You are the RO. Maintain current plant conditions.

Time Critical Task: NO Validation Time: 8 minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 2 of 11 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP For the 2009a ILC NRC exam *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-165
  • Go to RUN Place CIT's on: o 'A' HD Pump o 'B' RMUW Pump o 'B' CCW Pump Form ES-C-1
  • Place a protected Train placard on 'A' CCW Pump switch
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup information is how IC-165 was developed.
  • Initialize to a 100 percent steady-state condition (IC-19).
  • Secure "A" HOP
  • Place IMF CCW01A on trigger 1
  • IRF CCW076 CP _OFF CCW Pump 8 is under clearance
  • IRF CCW 039 RACK_OUT CCW Pump 8 is under clearance
  • IRF CN0065 RACK_OUT HOP A is under clearance
  • IRF MCS022 8KR_OFF RMUW Pump 8 is under clearance Placed clearance tags on the following to mask upcoming fault:
  • HO Pump "A"
  • RMUW Pump "8" 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C ( START TIME: Simulator Operator:

Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Actuate trigger for IMF CCW01A when directed by the Lead Evaluator (approximately 15-30 seconds after the candidate assumes the watch) Respond to multiple CCW alarms Announce entry conditions for AOP-014 and enters AOP-014. Reads purpose and enters at Section 3.0. (May contact Maintenance for support in restoring CCW "8" acknowledge request) Step 3.1 Refer to PEP-110, Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations, and enter the EAL Network at Entry Point X. Informs SS-O. Acknowledge.

Step 3.2 Evaluate Plant Conditions and go to appropriate section. Identifies condition as Loss of CCW Pump and goes to Section 3.3. 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C ( Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 6 Standard:

<: Comment: Performance Step: 7 Evaluator Note: -v Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Note prior to Step 3.3.1 Reviews note Form ES-C-1 Reviews and initials note: The standby CCW pump starts at 52 psig discharge pressure Step 3.3.1 CHECK the Standby CCW Pump has STARTED. Determines no CCW Pump running and none available.

Step 3.3.2 CHECK CCW Header Pressure greater than 52 psig. Determines CCW header pressure is less than 52 PSIG and proceeds to RNO column. Step 3.3.2.a RNO Column (ALTERNATE PATH begins) IF CCW is lost, THEN PREFORM the following:

VERIFY the following valves SHUT: Valve operation/verification may be performed in any order.

  • 1 CS-7, 45 g pm Letdown Orifice A. Locates control switch for 1 CS-7 and takes switch to SHUT. 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C -v Performance Step: 9 Standard:


  • 1 CS-8, 60 gpm Letdown Orifice B. Form ES-C-1 Locates control switch for 1 CS-8 and takes switch to SHUT. Performance Step: 10
  • 1 CS-9, 60 gpm Letdown Orifice C. Standard:

Locates and verifies 1 CS-9 is shut. Comment: Performance Step: 11

  • 1 CS-460, EXCESS LETDOWN Standard:

Locates and verifies 1 CS-460 is shut. Comment: Performance Step: 12

  • 1 CS-461, EXCESS LETDOWN Standard:

Locates and verifies 1 CS-461 is shut. Comment: -v Performance Step: 13

Locates control switch for 1 SP-948 and takes switch to SHUT. Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 ,f Performance Step: 14

Locates control switch for 1 SP-949 and takes switch to SHUT. Comment: Performance Step: 15


Locates and verifies 1 SP-40 SB is shut. Comment: Performance Step: 16

Locates and verifies 1 SP-41 SA is shut. Comment: Performance Step: 17


Locates and verifies 1 SP-59 SB is shut. Comment: Performance Step: 18

Locates and verifies 1 SP-60 SA is shut. Comment: ,/ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 c Appendix C Page 7 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 3.3.2.b RNO Column Form ES-C-1 ,j Performance Step: 19 ISOLATE CHARGING FLOW AS FOLLOWS: Standard:

Comment: 1. Place controller FK-122.1 in MANUAL and shut. 2. SHUT 1 CS-235 S8, Charging Flow Line Isolation.

3. SHUT 1 CS-238 SA, Charging Flow Line Isolation.
  • Places FK-122.1 in MANUAL and adjusts to ZERO demand and/or SHUT light lit.
  • Locates control switch for 1 CS-235 and turns to SHUT.
  • Locates control switch for 1 CS-238 and turns to SHUT. Step 3.3.2.c RNO Column Performance Step: 20 If the RCS is solid, then stop the running CSIP. Standard:

Determines RCS NOT solid. Comment: Step 3.3.2.d RNO Column Performance Step: 21 If RHR is in service, then shut 1 CS-28, RHR LETDOWN (HC-142.1)


Determines RHR NOT in service. Comment: Step 3.3.2.e.1 RNO Column Performance Step: 22 If CCW is expected to be lost for greater than or equal to 10 minutes, then perform the following:

1. Check the reactor is tripped. Standard:

Reports/identifies reactor not tripped. ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1

( Appendix C Evaluator Cue: Comment: Page 8 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 After the step "If CCW is expected to be lost for greater than or equal to 10 minutes, then perform the following" is read: No CCW Pump will be available for at least 15 minutes Step 3.3.2.e.2 RNO Column .y Performance Step: 23 If CCW is expected to be lost for greater than or equal to 10 minutes, then perform the following:

2. IF the reactor is not tripped, THEN TRIP the reactor AND TO TO EOP PATH-1 (Continue with this procedure as time permits).


Locates MCB Reactor Trip switch and Initiates a MANUAL reactor trip. Evaluator Cue: (As candidate starts to perform PATH-1 immediate actions) Another operator will perform EOP PATH-1 immediate actions. Continue performing AOP-014. C Comment: Step 3.3.2.e.3 RNO Column .y Performance Step: 24 If CCW is expected to be lost for greater than or equal to 10 minutes, then perform the following:

3. STOP all running RCP's. Standard:

Stops each RCP (3). Comment: Step 3.3.2.e.4 RNO Column Performance Step: 25 If CCW is expected to be lost for greater than or equal to 10 minutes, then perform the following:

4. SHUT 1 RC-1 07, PRZ Spray Loop A Standard:

Locates control for 1 RC-1 07 and takes to SHUT Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C Page 9 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 c* Step 3.3.2.e.5 RNO Column ( Performance Step: 26 If CCW is expected to be lost for greater than or equal to 10 minutes, then perform the following:

5. SHUT 1 RC-1 03, PRZ Spray Loop B Standard:

Locates control for 1 RC-1 03 and takes to SHUT Comment: Evaluator Cue: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps When the candidate reads AOP-014 "Go to Step 4" END OF JPM. When the candidate reads AOP-014 "Go to Step 4": Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1

( ( Appendix C Page 10 of 11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM f Form ES-C-1 Take corrective action for Loss of Both CCW Pumps Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------

2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:


  • The plant is at 100 percent power.
  • The following equipment is under clearance:
  • Component Cooling Water Pump "8"
  • Heater Drain Pump "A"
  • Reactor Makeup Water Pump "8" You are the RO. Maintain current plant conditions.

Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM f Rev. 1

( LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 3.3 Loss of a CCW Pump NOTE The standby CCW pump starts at 52 psig discharge pressure.

01. CHECK the standby CCW pump has STARTED. *02. CHECK CCW header pressure greater than 52 psig. AOP-014 01. START the standby CCW pump. 2. IF CCW is LOST, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rev. 31 THEN PERFORM the following:
a. VERIFY the following valves SHUT
  • 1CS-7, 45 gpm Letdown Orifice A
  • 1 CS-8, 60 gpm Letdown Orifice B
  • 1 CS-9, 60 gpm Letdown Orifice C
  • 1 CS-460, Excess Letdown
  • 1 CS-461, Excess Letdown
  • 1 SP-40 SB, Pressurizer Liquid Sample Isol
  • 1 SP-41 SA, Pressurizer Liquid Sample Cnmt Isol
  • 1 SP-59 SB, Pressurizer Stm Space Sample Isol
  • 1 SP-60 SA, Pressurizer Stm Space Sample Isol (Continued on Next Page) Pa e 32 of 61 I LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER I INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 3.3 Loss of a CCW Pump 2. (continued)
b. ISOLATE Charging flow as follows: 0 (1) PLACE controller FK-122.1 , Charging Flow, in MANUAL AND SHUT. 0 (2) SHUT 1 CS-235 SB, Charging Line Isolation.

0 (3) SHUT 1 CS-238 SB, Charging Line Isolation.

0 c. IF the RCS is SOLID, THEN STOP the running CSIP. 0 d. IF RHR is operating, THEN SHUT 1 CS-28, RHR ( .. Letdown (HC-142.1).

IF CCW is expected to be lost for e. greater than 10 minutes, THEN PERFORM the following:

0 (1) CHECK the Reactor is TRIPPED. 0 (2) IF the reactor is NOT TRIPPED, THEN TRIP the Reactor AND GO TO EOP PATH-1. (Continue with this procedure as time permits.)

0 (3) STOP ALL running RCPs. (4) SHUT 1RC-107, PRZ Spray Loop A. (5) SHUT 1 RC-1 03, PRZ Spray Loop B. 0 f. GO TO Step 4. AOP-014 J Rev. 31 I Page 33 of 61 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

Shearon Harris Task No.: 301074H401 Task Title: High RCS Pressure while Solid JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM g KIA


010A1.07 3.7/3.7 Examinee:

NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator:

Oate: ___ _ Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant ---READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is in Mode 4, with RCS temperature at 208°F, and water solid. "A" CSIP, all three RCPs, and both RHR Pumps are in service. Normal charging and letdown are aligned. Task Standard: "A" CSIP is stopped within 2 minutes from memory. Required Materials:

None General


None Initiating Cue: You are the RO. Maintain current plant conditions.

Time Critical Task: Yes Validation Time: 2 Minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM g Rev 1 Appendix C For the 2009a ILC NRC exam Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-166
  • Go to RUN
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup information is how IC-166 was developed.
  • Initialize to IC-1
  • Plant should be in Mode 4 and water solid consistent with GP-007
  • CSIP "A" is in service; both RHR Pumps in service
  • All three RCPs in service
  • Normal charging and letdown are in service
  • RCS temperature at -208°F and RCS pressure at -300 psig
  • Trigger 1 Fail PCV-145 shut, IMF CVC07 (1 00:00:0000:00:00) 0.0 00:00:00 2009A NRC Exam JPM 9 Rev 1

( Appendix C Job Performance Measure PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 EVALUATOR NOTE: THIS JPM IS TIME CRITICAL and an immediate action JPM where NO procedure should be referenced during the performance of the JPM. The start time should be logged when the trigger is activated.

The stop time should be logged whenever the terminating cue of the JPM is met. A blank has been provided to log the stop time just after the JPM step which contains the terminating cue. START TIME: Simulator Operator:

Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Actuate trigger for IMF CVC07 when directed by the Lead Evaluator (approximately 15-30 seconds after the candidate assumes the watch) Multiple annunciators associated with RCS high pressure Identifies multiple annunciators associated with RCS high pressure with the plant in solid conditions and announces that AOP-019 entry conditions are met. Performs the immediate actions of AOP-019, Malfunction of RCS Pressure Control. Step 1 NOTE prior to step 1 Steps 1 through 3 are immediate actions. CAUTION prior to step 1 A pressure transmitter or indicator malfunction may exist. When referred to throughout this procedure, actual RCS pressure should be obtained by cross-checking of diverse instrumentation, such as PI-455.1, PI-456, and PI-457. 1. CHECK that a bubble exists in the PRZ. States plant is "water solid" (per given Initial Conditions) or locates PZR level indicators to verify no bubble in the PRZ. 2009A NRC Exam JPM g Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Comment: C" STOP TIME: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: Evaluator Cue: Terminating Cue: l ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Job Performance Measure PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1 RNO (ALTERNATE PATH begins) 1. PERFORM the following:

Form ES-C-1 a. IF PRZ pressure is GREATER THAN 360 PSIG, THEN STOP the running charging pump. Determines RCS pressure>

360 psig, locates CSIP "A" control switch and takes it to STOP. Enter AOP-019, Malfunction of RCS Pressure Control. Announces immediate actions are complete and enters AOP-019, Malfunction of RCS Pressure Control Obtains AOP-019, Malfunction of RCS Pressure Control. Obtains AOP-019 and reads note and caution prior to step 1. Then reads step 1 and RNO 1.a RNO step 1.b GO TO Section 3.2, Pressure Control Malfunctions During Solid Plant Operation. (When candidate goes to section 3.2, Pressure Control Malfunctions During Solid Plant Operation)

END OF JPM "A" CSIP secured. 2009A NRC Exam JPM g Rev 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Form ES-C-1 Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM 9 High RCS Pressure While Solid Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: 2009A NRC Exam JPM g Rev 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page 6 of 6 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant is in Mode 4, with RCS temperature at 208°F, and water solid. "A" CSIP, all three RCPs, and both RHR Pumps are in service. Normal charging and letdown are aligned. You are the RO. Maintain current plant conditions.

2009A NRC Exam JPM g Rev 1 MALFUNCTION OF RCS PRESSURE CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 3.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE Steps 1 through 3 are immediate actions. CAUTION A pressure transmitter or indicator malfunction may exist. When referred to throughout this procedure, actual RCS pressure should be obtained by cross-checking of diverse instrumentation, such as PI-455.1, PI-456, and PI-457. 01. CHECK that a bubble exists in the 1. PERFORM the following:

PRZ. 02. VERIFY ALL PRZ PORVs AND associated block valves properly positioned for current PRZ pressure and plant conditions.

o a. IF PRZ pressure is GREATER THAN 360 PSIG, THEN STOP the running charging pump. o b. GO TO Section 3.2, Pressure Control Malfunctions During Solid Plant Operation.

NOTE Failure of a PRZ PORV to fully reseat after operation may require initiation of the Emergency Plan. 02. IF ANY PRZ PORV will NOT shut when required, THEN SHUT its associated block valve. AOP-019 Rev. 21 Page 4 of 26

( Appendix C Facility:

Shearon Harris Task Title: Start An RCP KIA


003 A2.02 Examinee:

Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Task No.: 003001H101 JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM h 3.7/3.9 NRC Examiner:

Date: ----Actual Performance:

X Classroom Simulator X Plant ------READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

A GP-002 heat-up is in progress.

Two hours ago the "C" RCP was removed from service for maintenance.

Maintenance has been completed and the 'C' RCP is ready for operation.

Task Standard:

Start an RCP and secure the RCP when vibrations exceed RCP trip limits per AOP-018, Reactor Coolant Pump Abnormal Conditions.

Required Materials:

None General


OP-100, Rev. 28 and AOP-018, Rev. 34 Initiating Cue: The SCO has instructed you to start "C" RCP in accordance with OP-100 Section 5.1. Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 17 minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1

( ( Appendix C For the 2009a ILC NRC exam Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP *Simulator Operator -Exam Setup

  • Reset to IC-167
  • Go to RUN
  • GO TO FREEZE and inform the lead examiner the Simulator is ready. DO NOT GO TO RUN until directed by the lead examiner. (The examiner has provided to the candidate with initial conditions and the initiating cues prior to placing the simulator in RUN.) The following setup information is how IC-166 was developed.
  • Initialize to IC-2 Mode 4 HSD conditions.

RCS 335°F and -355 psig.

  • Secure the "C" RCP and operate Pressurizer sprays as necessary to stabilize RCs pressure.
  • Adjust RHR if needed to stabilize RCS temperature.
  • Place RCP 'C' high vibrations (30 mils with 60 second ramp on Trigger 1 -IMF RCS09C (1 00:00:00 00:00:00) 28.0 00:00:60 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Simulator Operator:

Evaluator Note: START TIME: Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Actuate Trigger 1 for IMF RCS09C when directed by the Lead Evaluator (After the RCP oil lift pump is secured) The candidate may use either MCB indication or ERFIS indications when reviewing RCP pump indications.

OBTAIN PROCEDURE Obtains OP-100 and reviews P & L's and Section 5.1 for 'C' RCP startup. Reviews and verifies initial conditions are satisfied.

When candidate starts checking the initial conditions for RCP start provide the cue: All initial conditions have been satisfied.

Section 5.1.2 Caution prior to Step 1 Only one RCP is to be started at anyone time. If the motor is allowed to coast to a stop between starts, two successive starts are permitted.

A third start may be made when the winding and the core have cooled by running for 20 minutes, or by standing idle for 45 minutes. Reviews and initials caution prior to step 1. 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 4 Standard: ( Comment: Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Steps 1a, b 1. VERIFY the following before pump start: Form ES-C-1 a. IF jogging RCPs per GP-001, THEN VERIFY RCS Pressure is greater than 325 psig. b. VERIFY # 1 Seal is greater than 200 psid. Step 1 a is N/A Step 1 b -Locates PI-154A 1 and verifies that the 'C' RCP #1 Seal is greater than 200 psid. Note prior to Step 1.c Reviews note prior to step 1.c Reads and initials note: VCT Outlet Temp TE-116 should be used for seal injection water temperature.

Step 1.c c. VERIFY Seal Injection flow is between 8 and 13 gpm at a temperature between 60 and 130°F. Locates seal injection flow indication FI-154A and verifies flow between 8-13 gpm and also verifies temperature indicator TI-116.1 reading between 60-130°F.

2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Performance Step: 6 Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 7 Standard: ( Comment: Performance Step: 8 ../ Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 1.d Form ES-C-1 d. VERIFY # 1 Seal Leakoff is in the normal operating range of Attachment

3. Locates #1 Seal Leakoff flow indicator FR-154A and verifies that it meets Attachment 3 requirements.

Caution prior to Step 2 Reviews caution Reviews and initials caution. RCPs shall not be started with one or more of the RCS cold leg temperatures less than or equal to 325°F unless the secondary water temperature is less than 50°F above each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.

This caution is only applicable to the first Rep to be started. Understands the caution is N/A. Step 2 START the RCP Oil Lift Pump. Locates 'C' RCP Oil Lift Pump switch and starts the oil lift pump. START Time ____ _ Step 3 VERIFY the amber permissive light on the lift pump control switch is lit indicating proper lift oil pressure has been achieved.

Locates amber permissive light on the 'C' RCP Oil Lift Pump Switch and verifies it is lit. 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 4 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 10 ALLOW the RCP Oil Lift Pump to run for a minimum of 2 minutes before starting an RCP. Standard:

Waits minimum of 2 minutes after starting the oil lift pump prior to starting the 'c' RCP. Comment: Performance Step: 11 Standard:

Comment: Note prior to Step 5 When an RCP is started, the RCP ammeter will go off scale high, and then decrease to the normal hot or cold running amps after 15 to 25 seconds. Reads and initials Note. Step 5 Performance Step: 12 START the RCP . ./ Standard:

Locates control switch for 'c' RCP and starts 'c' RCP Comment: Performance Step: 13 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps START Time ______

since lift pump start) Step 6 VERIFY the following normal operating parameters:

  • Running amps: Hot 460 to 540 amps Cold 715 amps
  • RCS flow: Greater than or equal to 98% * # 1 Seal b.P Greater than 200 psid * # 1 Seal leakoff in the normal operating range of
  • Attachment 3
  • Motor Winding temperature

<300°F Locates and verifies each parameter is in the normal operating range (ERFIS or MCB indications may be used) 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1

( Appendix C Page 7 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 EVALUATOR NOTE: After the oil lift pump is secured in this next step have the Simulator operator insert Trigger 1 to start 'C' RCP vibrations to increase.

Note prior to Step 7 Performance Step: 14 The oil lift pump should be run at least 1 minute after starting an RCP . ./ Standard:

Waits at least 1 minute then secures the 'C' RCP oil lift pump. Comment: Secure Time ______ 1 minute since RCP start) Performance Step: 15 Identifies

'C' RCP Trouble alarm ALB-010 window 3-5 and enters AOP-018 based on RCP vibration indicators YT 439A 'C' RCP Shaft Vibration and YT 439B 'C' RCP Frame Vibration indicator increase ./ Standard:

Comment: Performance Step: 16 Standard:

Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Acknowledges alarm, reviews APP (may note increase in 'c' RCP vibrations) and performs immediate action of AOP-018.

  • CHECK ANY CSIP RUNNING. (CHECKS 'A' CSIP is running -voices immediate actions complete)

Enters AOP-018 NOTE prior to Step 1

  • Step 1 is an immediate action
  • RCP abnormal conditions may require implementation of the SHNPP Emergency Plan. Reads and initials Note. 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1

( ( Appendix C Page 8 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-018 Step 1 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 17 CHECK ANY CSIP RUNNING. Standard:

Check has been completed during immediate action. Comment: AOP-018 Step 2 Performance Step: 18 REFER TO PEP-11 0, Emergency Classification And Protective Action Recommendations, AND ENTER the EAL Network at entry point X. Standard:

Informs SCO or S-SO to Refer to PEP-110 and enter EAL Network at entry point X. Evaluator Cue: SCO (S-SO) understands Refer to PEP-11 0 and enter EAL Network at entry point X. Comment: AOP-018 NOTE prior to Step 3 Performance Step: 19 Review note prior to step 3 Standard:

Reads and initials note Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps NOTE: Minimum allowable flow for a CSIP is 60 gpm which is provided by normal miniflow during normal operation and alternate miniflow during safety injection.

Maintaining CSIPflow greater than or equal to 60 gpm also satisfies this requirement.

2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Page 9 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION AOP-018 Step 3 Form ES-C-1 Performance Step: 20 EVALUATE plant conditions AND GO TO the appropriate section: High Reactor Coolant Pump Vibration Section 3.2 Standard:

Reads step and goes to section 3.2 Comment: AOP-018 Section 3.2 High RCP Vibration Step 1 Performance Step: 21 CHECK ALL RCPs operating within the limits of Attachment 1 Refers to Attachment

.1 step 5 for RCP vibrations Standard:

Reads RCP Trip Limits associated with RCP vibrations (step 5) and checks vibration readings Comment: Performance Step: 22 Identify 'C' RCP vibrations are above the trip limits of AOP-018 Attachment 1 Standard:

Informs SCO that 'c' RCP vibrations are above the trip limits of AOP-018 Attachment 1 Evaluator Cue: SCO acknowledges report Comment: Step 1 RNO (Alternate Path) Performance Step: 23 GO TO Step 3 Standard:

Reads Step 1 RNO and goes to step 3 Comment: v' -Denotes Critical Steps 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Page 10 of 12 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 (

Performance Step: 24 CHECK Rx Power is greater than P-8 (49%) Standard:

Checks NO Rx Power is not greater than P-8 (49%) RNO Step 3 GO TO Step 5 Comment: Step 5 Performance Step: 25 CHECK more than ONE RCP affected Standard:

Checks NO only 'C' RCP affected RNO Step 5 GO TO Step 5 Comment: . Step 5 RNO Performance Step: 26 PERFORM the following:

.;' Standard:

Comment: Evaluator Cue: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: .;' -Denotes Critical Steps a. STOP the affected RCP b. REFER TO Attachment 7, Operation With Two RCPs. c. GO TO Step 11 Locates control switch for 'C' RCP and STOPs 'C' RCP. Reports to SCO that 'C' RCP has been secured. SCO acknowledges report END OF JPM Operator reports to the examiner that RCP is operating above trip limit for vibrations and SECURES 'c' RCP. 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C Page 11 of 12 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM h Start An RCP Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page 12 of 12 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 A GP-002 heat-up is in progress.

Two hours ago the "C" RCP was removed from service for maintenance.

Maintenance has been completed and the 'C' RCP is ready for operation.

The SCO has instructed you to start 'C' RCP in accordance with OP-100 Section 5.1 2009A NRC Exam JPM h Rev 1


1. VERIFY the following systems are aligned to support operation of the Reactor Coolant System and its components:
  • Primary Sample System per OP-1 01
  • Primary Make-up System per OP-1 02
  • Chemical and Volume Control System per OP-1 07
  • Radioactive Equipment Drain System per OP-120.08
  • Component Cooling Water System per OP-145
1. Start only one RCP at a time. 2. Apply the following starting duty for the RCPs:
  • If the motor is allowed to coast to a stop between starts, two successive starts are permitted.
  • A third start is permitted when the winding and the core have cooled by running for a period of 20 minutes, OR by standing idle for a period of 45 minutes. 3. CCW flow through the thermal barrier heat exchanger should be supplied at all times when RCS temperature exceeds 200°F. 4. The temperature of CCW supplied to components should not exceed 105°F during normal operation.

During the transition to Residual Heat Removal cooling in service, the temperature may increase to 125°F. 5. Volume Control Tank pressure should be maintained greater than 15 psig to insure sufficient cooling water is supplied to # 2 RCP Seal. 6. RCP seal injection temperature should be limited to a maximum of 135°F. For special operation, RCP seal injection temperature may be increased to a maximum of 150°F provided RCS temperature is maintained less than 400°F. 7. Seal injection flow should be maintained to the RCPs at all times when RCS pressure is above Containment pressure or the RCS is being filled. IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 5 of 81 I


8. To prevent backflow of potentially dirty water from the Volume Control Tank, # 1 Seal leakoff valves must be shut when RCP seal injection is not supplied and RCS pressure is less than 100 psig. 9. If # 1 Seal leakoff flow required by Attachment 3 cannot be established, do not start an RCP. Refer to Section 8.13. 10. If the possibility exists for Volume Control Tank pressure to equal or exceed RCS pressure, keep the Seal Water Return Line isolated when not running the RCP. 11. RCP Standpipes must contain sufficient water to ensure the standpipes do not operate dry (no RCP Standpipe level alarms). 12. Cooling water to the motor bearing oil coolers should be maintained for at least 30 minutes after stopping an RCP. 13. An RCP should not be operated beyond the low and the high level alarms in the upper and lower oil pots. Local RAB level indication is provided for these parameters.
14. The RCP Oil Lift Pump should be started at least 2 minutes before starting the RCP, and run for 1 minute after the RCP comes up to speed. 15. The RCS must be filled and all major air pockets vented before starting a RCP. 16. An RCP should not be operated continuously until the RCS has been thoroughly vented. 17. RCS pressure must be greater than 325 psig to start an RCP during fill and vent operations.

However, the minimum loop pressure for subsequent RCP operation is controlled by the minimum LlP (200 psid) across the # 1 Seal. [R -Reference FSAR 4.4.3] 18. RCP # 1 Seal Bypass Valve should remain shut unless RCP RADIAL BRG TEMP OR RCP SEAL WTR INLET TEMP approaches the alarm level of 220°F. If the following conditions are met, the bypass valve should then be opened: (Reference 2.5.1)

  • Seal injection flow to each RCP is between 8 and 13 gpm. * # 1 Seal leakoff from any pump is less than 1 gpm.
  • RCS pressure is less than 1000 psig. I OP-100 Rev. 28 Page 6 of 81 I


19. During Res fill and vent, the # 1 Seal bypass valve should be opened briefly to vent the lines. The bypass valve should not be opened until ReS pressure is at least 100 psig and the # 1 Seal leakoff line is opened. After venting the lines, the # 1 Seal bypass valve should be closed and remain closed unless the conditions described in 18 above occur. 20. Whenever ReS temperature is greater than 160°F, at least one Rep must be in operation.

[R -Reference 85H0635] 21. Rep seal flow has a normal operating range of between 8 and 13 gpm per pump. However, at no time should the total to all three Reps exceed 31 gpm with ReS pressure at 2215 to 2255 psig. This is the maximum controlled leakage allowed by Tech Spec

If plant conditions dictate, seal flow to each Rep may be reduced to a minimum of6 gpm. 22. Reps shall not be started with one or more of the ReS cold leg temperatures less than or equal to 325°F unless the secondary water temperature is less than 50°F above each of the ReS cold leg temperatures. (Reference 2.2.2) 23. When starting an Rep while the plant is solid, pressure surges large enough to lift an LTOP relief should be anticipated.

Prompt action wi" be required to prevent L TOP actuation.

24. When ReS pressure is being maintained by the low pressure letdown control valve, changes to the RHR flow rate by throttling valves or starting and stopping the RHR pumps will result in changes in ReS pressure.
25. Maximize purification system use during periods when high coolant activity levels are anticipated:
  • Fo"owing hydrogen peroxide addition before cooldown
  • Fo"owing Rep jog
  • Reactor Startup 26. Pressurizer Relief Tank (PRT) temperature should be maintained less than 120°F. 27. A nitrogen cover pressure of 2 to 4 psig should be maintained in the pressurizer relief tank to prevent the formation of an explosive hydrogen-oxygen mixture. Explosive mixtures of oxygen and hydrogen in the PRT must be avoided at a" times. The oxygen content in the tank must not exceed 4% by volume with hydrogen present. (Reference 2.7.1) IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 7 of 81 I


28. The maximum # 1 Seal leakoff permitted is 6.5 gpm. (Reference 2.5.1 and 2.1.13). ' 29. Maintain RCS pressure greater than or equal to PRT pressure to prevent PRT backleakage into the RCS or Containment atmosphere.
30. When turning off the Pressurizer Back Up Heaters with Pressure Control PK-444A in Automatic the potential exists for Pressurizer pressure to decrease below the Tech Spec DNB limit of 2185 psig (2205 psig MCB indication Ref OST-1 021). To prevent this problem, the back up heaters should be turned off one at a time while allowing the system time to respond in AUTO. Bank D should be the last heater group turned off. Another acceptable method would be to place PK-444A in manual and adjust the output to 25% to partially energize the Control Group C Heaters, de-energize the back up heaters and then place PK-444A back in auto. 31. When energizing the Pressurizer Backup Heaters Groups "A" or "B", the following sequence should minimize the pressure increase and subsequent power transient.

Place PK-444A in manual and raise the output to between 40% and 45% and then place PK-444A back in AUTO. Then promptly turn on the backup heaters. 32. When starting or stopping an RCP the effect on Pressurizer Spray flow, RCS temperature and pressure, Steam Generator parameters and RHR flow and temperature, should be evaluated and compensatory measures formulated as necessary.

33. Continued RCP operation (beyond one hour) during a Loss of Seal Injection with the No.1 Seal leaking less than 2.5 GPM, CCWat minimum flow (35 GPM) and maximum temperature (105°F) may result in pump bearing and seal water inlet temperatures which exceed the maximum normal operating temperature (220°F). Closely monitor the pump bearing and seal water inlet temperatures of RCPs with No.1 seal leak-off below 2.5 GPM. Expedited cooling of the RCS may prevent exceeding the maximum temperature (220°F). Secure RCP if pump bearing or seal water inlet temperature exceeds 230°F. 34. The RCP No.1 Seal may be damaged if an RCP is operating during an LTOPs (COMS) event (Reference 2.7.6). Operations should contact the System Engineer (System 2025) prior to restarting an RCP. IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 8 of 81 I

( 5.0 STARTUP 5.1. Reactor Coolant Pump Start-up 5.1.1. Initial Conditions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The ReS is filled and vented per GP-001 OR initial pump start per GP-001. Attachment 1 is complete.

Attachment 2 is complete.

  1. 1 Seal Leakoff Flow is in the normal operating range of Attachment
3. (Reference 2.5.1) Reactor power is less than 25%. [R -Reference FSAR 15.4.4] If starting Reps for ReS fill and vent per GP-001, ReS pressure is greater than 325 psig. [R -Reference FSAR 4.4.3] # 1 Seal.6.P is greater than 200 psid. [R -Reference FSAR 4.4.3] Seal injection flow is 8 to 13 gpm. [R -Reference FSAR 4.4.3] VeT temperature is between 60 and 130°F. veT pressure is greater than 15 psig. NOTE: ERFIS GO AOP-018, Locked Rotor Monitor, may be used for the following step. 11. No Rep related annunciators are in alarm which could adversely affect Rep operation.

I OP-100 Rev. 28 Page 9 of 81 I

5.1.2. Procedure

Steps CAUTION Only one Rep is to be started at anyone time. If the motor is allowed to coast to a stop between starts, two successive starts are permitted.

A third start may be made when the winding and the core have cooled by running for 20 minutes, or by standing idle for 45 minutes. 1. VERIFY the following before pump start: a. IF jogging Reps per GP-001 , THEN VERIFY ReS Pressure is greater than 325 psig. [R -Reference FSAR 4.4.3] b. VERIFY # 1 Seal is greater than 200 psid. NOTE: VeT Outlet Temp TE-116 should be used for seal injection water temperature.

c. VERIFY Seal Injection flow is between 8 and 13 gpm at a temperature between 60 and 130°F. [R -Reference FSAR 4.4.3] d. VERIFY # 1 Seal Leakoff is in the normal operating range of Attachment
3. CAUTION Reps shall not be started with one or more of the ReS cold leg temperatures less than or equal to 325°F unless the secondary water temperature is less than 50°F above each of the ReS cold leg temperatures.

This caution is only applicable to the first Rep to be started. 2. START the Rep Oil Lift Pump. 3. VERIFY the amber permissive light on the lift pump control switch is lit indicating proper lift oil pressure has been achieved.

4. ALLOW the Rep Oil Lift Pump to run for a minimum of 2 minutes before starting an Rep. IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 10 of 81 I

( 5.1.2 Procedure Steps (continued)

NOTE: When an RCP is started, the RCP ammeter will go off scale high, and then decrease to the normal hot or cold running amps after 15 to 25 seconds. 5. START the RCP. 6. VERIFY the following normal operating parameters:

  • Running amps: Hot 460 to 540 amps Cold 715 amps
  • RCS flow: Greater than or equal to 98% * # 1 Seal LlP Greater than 200 psid. * # 1 Seal leakoff In the normal operating range of Attachment
  • Motor Winding temperature:

Less than 300°F NOTE: The oil lift pump should be run at least 1 minute after starting an RCP. 7. After at least 1 minute, STOP the RCP OIL LIFT PUMP. 8. COMPLETE Section 5.1.3. IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 11 of 81 I

5.1.3. Reactor

Coolant Pump Start-up Configuration Control Closeout COMPONENT NUMBER COMPONENT DESCRIPTION POSITION CHECK VERIFY Control Switch RCP Oil Lift Pump A STOP Control Switch RCP Oil Lift Pump B STOP Control Switch RCP Oil Lift Pump C STOP All personnel performing this Section for alignment or verification must supply their initials and name below. Initials Name (Print) Initials Name (Print) Approved by ______________

_ Unit SCO Date After receiving the final review signature, this OP Section becomes a QA RECORD. IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 12 of 81 I (0 E c. Attachment 3 -# 1 Seal Performance Parameters Sheet 1 of 1 S 4.0 u::: 11= ]

1:1 al ...I "ii 2.0 +----+----+---:

ci z .l.O+--0.2 o 200 "l00 600 800 1000 1200 1"100 1600 1800 2000 220q 2"l00 2600 No.1 Seal Differential Pressure (psi d) 2250 Drawing Reference VM-MRF, Section 4 Product Update S-009, Mar 1988 Plant Startup/Shutdown Normal Range Minimum Maximum Notes FLOW (GPM) N/A 0.2 N/A a, b, C, d <iP N/A 200 N/A a, b, C Continuous Operation Normal Range Minimum Maximum Notes FLOW (GPM) 1.0 TO 5.0 0.8 6.5 a, d, e, f <iP 2250 2150 2300 N/A NOTES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Inform Responsible Engineer (RCP) to evaluate the operating and troubleshooting guidelines in the RCP Technical manual for leak rates outside the specified values. (Reference 2.5.1) Minimum RCP startup requirements are 0.2 gpm at a LlP of 200 psi. If 0.2 gpm at 200 psi is not met then inform Responsible Engineer (RCP) and refer to Section 8.13 for guidance.

For start-up at LlPS greater than 200 psi, the minimum # 1 seal leakoff is determined from the # 1 Seal Normal Operating Range curve. For example, at a LlP of 1000 psi the minimum seal leakrate is 0.5 gpm. High flow alarm setpoint is 6.5 gpm per PCR-2249.

If the # 1 Sealleakoffs are outside the Normal Operating Range (1.0 to 5.0 gpm) but within the Normal Operating Limits (0.8 to 6.5 gpm) continue pump operation.

Ensure that seal injection flow exceeds # 1 Seal leakoff for the affected RCP. Closely monitor pump and seal parameters and contact Responsible Engineer (RCP) for further instructions.

Westinghouse may need to be consulted.

For # 1 Seal leakoffs outside the Normal Operating Limits (0.8 to 6.5 gpm) for Continuous Operation go to AOP-018. RCP operation (beyond one hour) during a Loss of Seal Injection with the No.1 Seal leaking less than 2.5 GPM and CCWat minimum flow (35 GPM) and maximum temperature (105°F), may result in pump bearing and seal water inlet temperatures exceeding the maximum normal operating temperature (220°F). Closely monitor the pump bearing and seal water inlet temperatures of RCPs with No.1 seal leak-off below 2.5 GPM. Expedited cooling of the RCS may prevent exceeding the maximum teQ1perature (220°F). IOP-100 Rev. 28 Page 80 of 81


10A 50F-1/A, 50F-2A 50/51 64 74 YIS-01 RC-0429B YIS-01 RC-0429A REFLASH: NO OPERATOR ACTIONS: 1. CONFIRM alarm using: a. Reactor Coolant Pump C breaker trip: (1) RCP-C current, EI-0162, on MCB (2) RCP-C loop flow (3) RCP-C breaker indicating lights 512A SOOA 5A De-energized 15.0 mils 3.0 mils RCP-C TROUBLE 3-5 b. Vibration Monitor Cab (Bentley-Nevada) indication of vibration level for pump frame & shaft 2. VERIFY Automatic Functions:

a. If above P-S, trip of the RCP will cause the Reactor to trip on low flow. 3. PERFORM Corrective Actions: a. If reactor power was above P-S AND RCP C tripped, THEN: (1) VERIFY the reactor tripped. (2) GOTO EOP PATH-1. b. If reactor power is less than P-S AND RCP C tripped: THEN GO TO GP-006, Normal Plant Shutdown from Power Operation to Hot Standby, AND COMMENCE plant shutdown.
c. DISPATCH an Operator to Auxiliary Bus 1C-2 to determine the cause of the pump trip. d. IF pump vibration is abnormal, THEN GO TO AOP-01S, Reactor Coolant Pump Abnormal Conditions.
e. IF all indicating lights are extinguished on MCB for RCP-C, THEN DISPATCH an Operator to verify the following control power circuits are closed: (1) Trip Coil #1 125 VDC Distr. PaneI1A-SA-12 (2) Trip Coil #2 125 VDC Distr. PaneI1B-SB-12 CAUSES: 1. Overcurrent or instantaneous overcurrent
2. Differential current 3. Underfrequency
4. 6.9 KV power ground 5. Loss of breaker control power 6. High vibration pump frame or shaft 7. Alarm circuit or instrumentation malfunction


1. Tech. Specs. 3.1.3, 3.3.2,,,, 3.S.1.1, and 3.S.1.2 2. GP-006, Normal Plant Shutdown from Power Operation to Hot Standby 3. AOP-01S, Reactor Coolant Pump Abnormal Conditions
4. 2166-B-401 0115,0119,1623,1627 APP-ALB-010 I Rev. 23 I Page 18 of 49


  • Step 1 is an immediate action.
  • RCP abnormal conditions may require implementation of the SHNPP Emergency Plan. [C.1] 01. CHECK ANY CSIP RUNNING. 01. ISOLATE letdown by verifying the following valves SHUT:
  • 1 CS-7, 45 GPM Letdown Orifice A
  • 1CS-8, 60 GPM Letdown Orifice B
  • 1 CS-9, 60 GPM Letdown Orifice C 02. REFER TO PEP-11 0, Emergency o o o o Classification And Protective Action Recommendations, AND ENTER the EAL Network at entry point X. NOTE Minimum allowable flow for a CSIP is 60 gpm which is provided by normal miniflow during normal operation and alternate miniflow during safety injection.

Maintaining CSIP flow greater than or equal to 60 gpm also satisfies this requirement.

3. EVALUATE plant conditions AND GO TO the appropriate section: MALFUNCTION Loss of CCW and/or Seal Injection to RCPs High Reactor Coolant Pump Vibration Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Malfunction Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Trouble SECTION 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 --END OF SECTION 3.0 --Page 5 9 12 21 AOP-018 Rev. 34 Page 4 of 53 I REACTOR COOLANT PUMP ABNORMAL CONDITIONS I ( r-1 INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 3.2 High Reactor Coolant Pump Vibration
  • 01. CHECK ALL RCPs operating within 01. GO TO Step 3. the limits of Attachment 1 (Page 27). [A.1] 02. GO TO Step 11 . 03. CHECK Rx Power is greater than P-8 03. GO TO Step 5. (49%). 04. GO TO Step 6. 05. CHECK more than ONE RCP 5. PERFORM the following:


0 a. STOP the affected RCP. 0 b. REFER TO Attachment 7, Operation With Two RCPs. ( 0 c. GO TO Step 11. 06. VERIFY the Reactor is TRIPPED AND GO TO EOP PATH-1. (Perform Steps 7 through 10 as time permits.)

07. STOP affected RCP(s). 08. CHECK RCP A RUNNING. 08. SHUT 1 RC-1 07, PRZ Spray Loop A. 09. CHECK RCP B RUNNING. 09. SHUT 1 RC-1 03, PRZ Spray Loop B. 010. EXIT this procedure.

AOP-018 I Rev. 34 Page 9 of 53

( ( REACTOR COOLANT PUMP ABNORMAL CONDITIONS Attachment 1 Sheet 1 of 2 Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Limits NOTE False indications such as step changes or spikes on both the upper and lower thrust bearings are signs that the instrumentation transient may not be valid. Validation of the temperatures should be performed by observing positive indications of any of the following:

  • Simultaneous temperature increases in upper and lower thrust bearing and upper guide bearing (may indicate loss of CCW cooling or oil viscosity problems common to the upper reservoir)
  • Vibration levels increasing along with increasing bearing temperatures.
  • High or low RCP oil level alarms along with increasing bearing temperatures.
01. ANY of the following Motor Bearing temperatures exceeding 190°F: [A.1] ERFIS Points RCPA RCP B RCPC Mtr Upper Thrust Brg Temp TRC0417A TRC0427A TRC0437A Mtr Lower Thrust Brg Temp TRC0417B TRC0427B TRC0437B Mtr Upper Radial Brg Temp TRC0418A TRC0428A TRC0438A Mtr Lower Radial Brg Temp TRC0419 TRC0429 TRC0439 02. ANY of the following Pump temperatures exceeding 230°F: [A.1] ERFIS Points RCPA RCP B RCPC Pump Radial Brg Temp TRC0131 TRC0128 TRC0125 Seal Water Inlet Temp TRC0132 TRC0129 TRC0126 03. RCP Stator Winding temperature exceeding 300°F: ERFIS Points RCP A RCP B RCP C TRC0418B TRC0428B TRC0438B AOP-018 Rev. 34 Page 27 of 53

( ( REACTOR COOLANT PUMP ABNORMAL CONDITIONS Attachment 1 Sheet 2 of 2 Reactor Coolant Pump Trip Limits NOTE ALB-5-1-2B, RCP THERM BAR HDR LOW FLOW, indicates loss of CCW to all RCP thermal barriers.

04. Loss of RCP seal injection when ANY of the following conditions exist:
  • CCW flow is lost to the associated RCP Thermal Barrier HX
  • RCS temperature is greater than or equal to 400°F AND CCW HX outlet temperature is greater than 105°F
  • RCS temperature is less than 400°F AND CCW HX outlet temperature is greater than 125°F 05. RCP vibration in excess of the following:


  • 20 mils shaft
  • 15 mils shaft and increasing greater than 1 mil/hr
  • 5 mils frame
  • For A and C RCPs ONLY: 3 mils frame and increasing greater than 0.2 mil/hr
  • For B RCP ONLY: 3.5 mils frame and increasing greater than 0.2 mils/hr 06. RCP Motor current fluctuations of 40 amps peak-to-peak:

ERFIS Points RCPA RCP B RCP C Motor Current IRC0160 IRC0161 IRC0162 07. Loss of CCW to an RCP or RCP Motor when:

  • An RCP has operated for 10 minutes without CCW flow to either motor oil cooler [A.2]
  • Isolation of CCW to an RCP is necessary to stop excessive CCW System leakage --END OF ATTACHMENT 1 --AOP-018 Rev. 34 Page 28 of 53 Appendix C Facility:

Shearon Harris Task Title: Reset SI Locally KIA


006 A4.08 Examinee:

Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Task No.: 301135H601 JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM i 4.2/4.3 NRC Examiner:

Date: ___ _ Simulated Performance:

x Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant X ------READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The plant was operating at 100 percent power when an inadvertent SI occurred.

The crew is responding to the SI signal and has met SI termination criteria per PATH-1. The RQ attempted to reset the SI signal but only the 'A' Train of SI reset. Task Standard:

The 'B' Train of SI is reset locally at SSPS per PATH-1 Attachment 12 directions.

Required Materials:

None General


PATH-1 Attachment 12, Rev. 23 Initiating Cue: The SCQ has directed you to locally reset Safeguards Train 'B' at SSPS per Attachment 12 of PATH-1 Guide Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 8 minutes (not including time for logging out key) 2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP Form ES-C-1

  • N/A In-Plant JPM Examiners Note: Key #40 (CH 751) is required to open the SSPS cabinets.

Prior to exam administration, the key will be checked out by someone from the Exam Development team and given to the NRC Lead Examiner.

The key will be checked back in at the end of the day by the person that originally checked the key out. Details of how to obtain a key will be left to the Examiner.

One method to obtain a key and return it after use is listed below: * * * *

  • Obtain Safety Key Locker key from the SCO's desk Identify which key is required based on the list in key locker area Unlock the Safety Key Locker door and obtain proper key (in this case key CH 751 -NOTE: there are more than one CH 751 keys, key #40 is one of them) then re-Iock the key locker door Sign key out Return the Safety Key Locker key to the SCO's desk
  • At conclusion of task the key to the Safety Key Locker should again be obtained from the SCO's desk
  • Unlock the Safety Key Locker and return key (CH 751) to its Safety Key Locker location and re-Iock the locker door
  • The key should be signed back in
  • The Safety Key Locker SCO key should be returned to the desk By getting a key ahead of time and just asking the candidates how to obtain a key will alleviate the need to check out and check in the key each time the JPM is administered to the candidates for this JPM. This will reduce the overall time required to perform this JPM. 2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1 Appendix C START TIME: Evaluator Cue: Performance Step: 1 Standard: ( Comment: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: .(' -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Provide the candidate a copy of PATH-1 Attachment

12. Note: The candidate will need to check out key (CH 751) to open the SSPS cabinet. Allow the candidate to either start to obtain a cabinet door key OR go to the cabinets then realize the need for a key when the cabinets are attempted to be opened. When the need for a key is determined ask the candidate how to obtain the proper key and note the response. (See details on previous page for obtaining a cabinet door key). Then provide the candidate with the cabinet key. Obtain key to open SSPS cabinet (this may not happen until the candidate gets to the cabinet and determines a key is required)

Discuss how to obtain key -see previous page write up. Obtains key from SCO's desk to unlock Safety Key locker and checks out key #40 (CH 751). Proceeds to Protection System Train 8 Logic Cabinet and opens the cabinet door. NOTE Prior to Step 1 Reviews note Reads and initials NOTE: Steps 1, 2 AND 3 reset output signals from "A" Train SSPS. Step 4, 5 AND 6 reset output signals from "8" Train SSPS. IF SI will NOT reset due to failure of the associated reactor trip breaker to OPEN, THEN attempts to manually or locally OPEN the breaker should be completed before performing this attachment.

Identifies that steps 4-6 will be performed and steps 1-3 do not apply. 2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1 Appendix C ( ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Evaluator: Comment: Evaluator Note: ./ Performance Step: 4 Standard:


Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 4 Form ES-C-1 At Protection System Train B, Logic Cabinet, Place The Following Breakers In OFF:

  • Tripped OV.P Breaker 48V (top power supply)
  • Tripped OV.P Breaker 48V (bottom power supply) Unlocks door and opens Protection System Train B, Logic Cabinet, locates switch and places Tripped OV.P Breaker 48V (top power supply) breaker to down (OFF) position Locates switch and places Tripped OV.P Breaker 48V (bottom power supply) breaker to down (OFF) position CUE: Tripped O.V.P. Breaker 48V (top power supply) switch is in the down (OFF) position Tripped O.V.P. Breaker 48V (bottom power supply) switch is in the down (OFF) position If the candidate states that the cabinet door 48 volt power supply green lights de-energize and the red General Warning light has energized (when the first power supply breaker is turned OFF) then: CUE: The green light 48 Volt power supply light is off and the red General Warning light is lit. Step 5 At Protection System Safeguards Test Train B, Cabinet No.1, Momentarily Position Switch S821 To RESET. Unlocks door with key and locates switch S821 and momentarily positions the switch to the RESET position (to the right) CUE: Switch S821 has been taken to RESET 2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 5 Standard:


Comment: Performance Step: Standard: ( Evaluator:

Comment: Terminating Cue: Evaluator Note: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 7 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 6 Form ES-C-1 At the Protection System Train B, Output Cabinet No.1, Place the Mode Selector Switch To TEST. Unlocks door with key and locates Protection System Train B, Output Cabinet No.1, and places the Mode Selector Switch To TEST (to counter clockwise direction)

CUE: Mode selector switch has been taken to TEST Contact MCR Contact MCR and informs SCO that Train 'B' Safeguards has been reset at SSPS CUE: SCO acknowledges that Train '8' Safeguards has been reset at SSPS END OF JPM Train '8' of Safeguards has been reset locally at SSPS and SCQ has been informed PRIOR to leaving the area, ensure that the candidate relocks all 3 cabinet doors AND then returns the key back to the Examiner.

2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1 Appendix C Page 6 of 7 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM i Reset SI Locally Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------

Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: c Page 7 of 7 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant was operating at 100 percent power when an inadvertent SI occurred.

The crew is responding to the SI signal and has met SI termination criteria per PATH-1. The RO attempted to reset the SI signal but only the 'A' Train of SI reset. The SCO has directed you to locally reset Safeguards Train'S' at SSPS per Attachment 12 of PATH-1 Guide 2009A NRC Exam JPM I Rev 1

( PATH-1 GUIDE Instructions

19. Reset S1. 20. Manually Realign Safeguards Equipment Following A Loss Of Offsite Power. (Refer to Attachment 2.) 21. Stop All But One CSIP. 22. Check RCS Pressure -STABLE OR INCREASING
23. Isolate High Head SI Flow: a. b. c. Open normal miniflow isolation valves: 1CS-182 1CS-196 1CS-210 1CS-214 Shut BIT outlet valves: lSI-3 lSI-4 Verify cold leg AND hot leg injection valves -SHUT lSI-52 lSI-86 lSI-107 d. Observe CAUTION prior to Step 25 AND GO TO Step 25. EOP -GUIDE-1 Rev. 23 Response Not Obtained IF any train of SI will NOT reset at MCB, THEN reset at SSPS using Attachment
12. GO TO EPP-009, "POST LOCA COOLDOWN AND DEPRESSURIZATION", Step 1. a. b. c. Observe NOTE prior to Step 24 AND GO TO Step 24. Locally shut OR isolate valves. lSI-3 (A-230-FX32-W6-S1) lSI-4 (A-230-FX32-W3-S2)

Locally shut valves. lSI-52 (A-250-GY38-W2-S6) lSI-86 (A-230-FX25-W4-N3) lSI-107 (A-245-FV20-W6-N9)

Page 29 of 96 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Facility:

Shearon Harris Task Title: Local Inspection of Annunciator Cabinets KIA


016 A2.02 2.9/3.2 Examinee:

Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Simulated Performance:

x Classroom Simulator

READ TO THE EXAMINEE Task No.: 301117H401 JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM J NRC Examiner:

Oate: ___ _ Actual Performance:

Plant x I will'explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

ANNUN SYS 1 POWER SUPPLY FAILURE alarm, ALB 26-1-4 has alarmed in the main control room, and the control room has entered AOP-037, "Loss of Main Control Room Annunciators." Task Standard:

Status reported to Control Room correctly.

Required Materials:

Annunciator cabinet key #48 General


AOP-037, Rev 12 Attachment 1 Initiating Cue: You have been directed to check the status of System 1 annunciator power supplies per Attachment 1 of AOP-037. Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 10 Minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C

Prior to exam administration, the key will be checked out by someone from the Exam Development team and given to the NRC Lead Examiner.

The key will be checked back in at the end of the day by the person that originally checked the key out. Details of how to obtain a key will be left to the Examiner.

Qne method to obtain a key and return it after use is listed below:

  • Obtain Safety Key Locker key from the SCQ's desk
  • Identify which key is required based on the list in key locker area
  • Unlock the Safety Key Locker door and obtain proper key
  • Sign key out
  • Return the Safety Key Locker key to the SCQ's desk
  • At conclusion of task the key to the Safety Key Locker should again be obtained from the SCQ's desk
  • Unlock the Safety Key Locker and return key to its Safety Key Locker location and re-Iock the locker door
  • The key should be signed back in
  • The Safety Key Locker SCO key should be returned to the desk By getting a key ahead of time and just asking the candidates how to obtain a key will alleviate the need to check out and check in the key each time the JPM is administered to the candidates for this JPM. This will reduce the overall time required to perform this JPM 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C Evaluator Cue: Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Comment: START TIME: Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Comment: ( ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 Provide the candidate a copy of AOP-037, Attachment

1. Note: The candidate will need to check out key #48 to open the Annunciator power supply cabinets.

Allow the candidate to either start to obtain a cabinet door key OR go to the cabinets then realize the need for a key when the cabinets are attempted to be opened. When the need for a key is determined ask the candidate how to obtain the proper key and note the response. (See details on previous page for obtaining a cabinet door key). Then provide the candidate with the correct cabinet key. Step 1 OBTAIN Annunciator Cabinet key (this may not happen until the candidate gets to the cabinet and determines a key is required)

Discuss how to obtain key -see previous page write up. Obtains key from SCQ's desk to unlock Safety Key locker and checks out key #48. Proceeds to Annunciator Power Supply Cabinet door area. NOTE prior to Step 2 Review note Reads and initials note:

  • All power supplies are located in the east side of the cabinets.

Indicating lights for the 24 VDC and 12 VDC are on the top side of the power supply.

  • Equipment designators used below in brackets [ ] are those listed in the MCB Annunciator Reference Guide. The equipment is not labeled in the field. Locates annunciator cabinet, System 1, Bay 1 unlocks and opens door. 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Comment: Evaluator Cue: ./ Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 2 Form ES-C-1 CHECK the indicated lights for each of the following Annunciator Cabinets (drawing page 2 of attachment)

AND INITIAL if LIT. Reviews table (may check operator aid posted inside cabinet door which is the same drawing as sheet 2 in procedure)

I will provide you the light indication for each light that you are inspecting after you identify to me where the light location is and tell me what indication you are looking for. (LIT OR NOT LIT) Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 1 INV (TOP ROW LEFT) LIGHT-LIT Checks INV light LIT, INITIALS Attachment INV light is LIT. 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 5 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ./ Performance Step: 6 ( Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 1 AC (TOP ROW LEFT) LIGHT-LIT Checks AC light LIT, does NOT initial sheet AC light is OUT. Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 1 125 VDC PWR ON (TOP ROW) LIGHT (RIGHT) -LIT Checks 125 VDC light LIT. INITIALS Attachment 125 VDC PWR ON light is LIT. Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 7 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ( ./ Performance Step: 8 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Evaluator NOTE ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 6 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 1 Form ES-C-1 12 VDC PWR ON (SECOND ROW, OUTSIDE (SMALLER))

LIGHT (LEFT) -LIT LIGHT (RIGHT) -LIT Checks both 12 VDC power supply indicating lights lit. INITIALS Attachment Both 12 VDC PWR ON lights are LIT. Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 1 24 VDC PWR ON (SECOND ROW, INNER (LARGER))

LIGHT (LEFT) -LIT LIGHT (RIGHT) -LIT Checks both 24 VDC power supply indicating lights lit. INITIALS Attachment Both 24 VDC PWR ON lights are LIT. The actual power supply light is hard to see that it really is LIT. To the candidate it may appear to be off and they may want to report this to the MCR. Allow them to AFTER the JPM is completed if they desire to. The light is LIT and can be verified by obtaining a small step ladder or stool and looking down at the top of the light. This information can be found in the Operator OE data base for AOP-037 . 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 9 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ./ Performance Step: 10 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 7 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 3 INV (TOP ROW LEFT) LIGHT-LIT Locates annunciator cabinet, System 1 Bay 3 Checks INV light LIT, INITIALS Attachment INV light is LIT. Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 3 AC (TOP ROW LEFT) LIGHT-LIT Checks AC light LIT, INITIALS Attachment AC light is LIT. Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C ../ Performance Step: 11 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ../ Performance Step: 12 ( Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: ../ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 8 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 3 125 VDC PWR ON (TOP ROW) LIGHT (RIGHT) -LIT. Checks 125 VDC light LIT, INITIALS Attachment.

125 VDC PWR ON light is LIT. Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 3 Form ES-C-1 12 VDC PWR ON (SECOND ROW, OUTSIDE (SMALLER))

LIGHT (LEFT) -LIT Checks 12 VDC power supply indicating light lit., INITIALS Attachment 12 VDC PWR ON light is LIT. 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 c Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 13 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Page 9 of 11 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step 2 continued SYSTEM 1, BAY 3 Form ES-C-1 24 VDC PWR ON (SECOND ROW, INNER (LARGER>> LIGHT (LEFT) -LIT Checks 24 VDC power supply indicating light lit, INITIALS Attachment.

24 VDC PWR ON light is LIT. Performance Step:14 NOTIFY CONTROL ROOM OF SYSTEM 1, BAY 1 AND BAY 3 CHECKS. Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Notifies control room that, for Bay 1 of System 1, the AC power available light is out; all other lights are lit. Control room acknowledges report. END OF JPM Control Room notified of results of System 1 checks. End of JPM 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C Page10of11 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION.

Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM J Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------

Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 Appendix C INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: ( Page 11 of 11 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 ANNUN SYS 1 POWER SUPPLY FAILURE alarm, ALB 26-1-4 has alarmed in the main control room, and the control room has entered AOP-037, "Loss of Main Control Room Annunciators." You have been directed to check the status of System 1 annunciator power supplies per Attachment 1 of AOP-037. 2009A NRC Exam JPM j Rev 1 C LOSS OF MAIN CONTROL ROOM ANNUNCIATORS Attachment 1 Sheet 1 of 2 System 1 Annunciator Power Supply Status Determination

01. OBTAIN Annunciator Cabinet key. NOTE
  • All power supplies are located in the east side of the cabinets.

Indicating lights for the 24 VDC and 12 VDC are on the top side of the power supply.

  • Equipment designators used below in brackets [ ] are those listed in the MCB Annunciator Reference Guide. The equipment is not labeled in the field. 02. CHECK the indicated lights for each of the following Annunciator Cabinets (drawing page 2 of attachment)

AND INITIAL if LIT. CABINET INV AC 125 VDC PWR ON 12VDC PWRON 24 VDC PWRON (Top Row Left) (Top Row Left) (Top Row) (Second Row, Outside [Smaller]) (Second Row, Inner [Larger])

Light Initial Light Initial Light (Loc) Initial Light (Loc) Initial Light (Loc) Initial Light (Loc) Initial Light (Loc) Initial System 1 LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT Bay 1 ([1A] right) ([1 A#1] left) ([1A#2] right) ([1A#1] left) ([1A#2] right) System 1 LIT LIT LIT LIT ... ; ...... :" ... "

N/A> LIT .,., .. :.""""*:.**

.* , ***

  • .. *".' ***.* * . ..* , ***..*.*
  • .*.. ,' ... Bay 3 ([1 C] right) ([1 C#1] left) i;:.*> ........ <.\ .'. i .. -... ,., ........ ([1 C#1] left) i'ii ..*. <'. '.'.' '.i** .. AOP-037 L_ Rev. 12 I _____ Page 10 of 52 --_._-_.-

('-. ('-, ... -'\ I, 1 .. ....--.......

--..., AOP-037 1 LOSS OF MAIN CONTROL ROOM ANNUNCIATORS Attachment 1 Sheet 2 of 2 System 1 Annunciator Power Supply Status Determination INVERTER .BYPASS OFF NORMAL DC OFF ON 125 VDC POWER SUPPLY SYS 1 BAY1-1A SYS 1 BAY3-1C POWER AVAILABLE LIGHTS Note: Lights on 12VDC and 24VDC power supplies are on SYS 1 BAY 1 -1A#1 SYS 1 BAY 1 -1A#2 top of power supply B SYS 1 BAY 3 -1C#1 SYS 1 BAY 3 -NONE ,---lB-..,.-:-:--:::-::::-

12 VDC 12 VDC SYS 1 BAY 1-1A#1 SYS 1 BAY 3 -1C#1 SYS 1 BAY 1 -1A#2 SYS 1 BAY3-NONE ANNUNCIATOR CARDS ANNUNCIATOR CARDS SW-1 @ Note: SW-1 is located in Bay 1 of System 1 Cabinets.

SYSTEM 1 BAY 1 and 3 Rev. 12 I Page 11 of 52

-_ .... _----------

LOSS OF MAIN CONTROL ROOM ANNUNCIATORS Attachment 2 Sheet 1 of 2 System 2 Annunciator Power Supply Status Determination

01. OBTAIN Annunciator Cabinet key. NOTE
  • All power supplies are located in the east side of the cabinets.

Indicating lights for the 24 VDC and 12 VDC are on the top side of the power supply.

  • Equipment designators used below in brackets [] are those listed in the MCB Annunciator Reference Guide. The equipment is not labeled in the field. 02. CHECK the indicated lights for each of the following Annunciator Cabinets (drawing page 2 of attachment)

AND INITIAL if LIT. CABINET I INV AC 125 VDC PWR ON I(Top Row Left) (Top Row Left) (Top Row) I Light Initial Light Initial Light (Loc) I Initial System 2 LIT LIT LIT Bay 1 ([2A#1] rig ht) System 2 LIT LIT LIT Bay 3 ([2C#1] right) System 2 LIT LIT LIT Bay 5 ([2E#1] right) .... " ............. . ........ LIT ([20#1] left) System 2 I .**.****.*.*.***

(/A ...... I ....** * ***.***

    • .** , ******..**
  • .. N/J *. * **** I N/A .***. ! LIT Bay4 ([20#2] right) LIT ([20#3] second row) 12VDC PWRON (Second Row, Outside [Smaller])

Light (Loc) I Initial I Light (Loc) LIT LIT ([2A#1] left) ([2A#2] right) LIT LIT ([2C#1] left) ([2C#2] right) 24 VDC PWR ON (Second Row, Inner [Larger])

Initial! Light (Loc) I Initial I Light (Lee) LIT LIT ([2A#1] left) ([2A#2] right) LIT LIT ([2C#1] left) ([2C#2] right) Initial AOP-037 Rev. 12 Paae 12 of 52 f'-"" ,(1.* .. *"*.,,\ C LOSS OF MAIN CONTROL ROOM ANNUNCIATORS Attachment 2 Sheet 2 of 2 System 2 Annunciator Power Supply Status Determination INVERTER BYPASS AC@) OFF NORMAL DC 12VDC SYS 2 BAY 1 -2A#1 SYS 2 BAY 3 -2C#1 SYS 2 BAY 5 -2E#1 RESET * @. A<\ * ! " OFF ON 125 VDC POWER SUPPLY SYS 2 BAY 1 -2A#1 SYS 2 BAY 3 -1C#1 SYS 2 BAY 5 -1E#1 /j POWER AVAILABLE LIGHTS

  • Note: Lights on 12VDC and 24 VDC 24 VDC 24VDC power supplies are or SYS 2 BAY 1 -2A#1 SYS 2 BAY 1 -2A#2, top of power supply. SYS 2 BAY 3 -2C#1 SYS 2 BAY 3 -2C#2 SYS 2 BAY 5 -2E#1 SYS 2 BAY 5 -NONE rl -""1C':2=-V=-=D=-C=-

SYS 2 BAY 1 -2A#2 SYS 2 BAY 3 -2C#2 SYS 2 BAY 5 -NONE *


SYSTEM 2 BAY 1,3 and 5 Rev. 12 ANNUNCIATOR CARDS SYSTEM 2, BAY 4 I Page 13 of 52 Inverter Power Relay Reset Primary Source Selector INVERTER 'II BAY 1 .' fH"I <8Ya 11 MY 3 -10*1 AC PIS DC @-.... _--.............

BVPASS OFF NORMAl. OFF' ON ----L_ 125 VDC POWER SUPPLY SYS1MY1-V, Q'f!H BAV 1-Hl DC Power to Inverter Switch -.. ----+-_-L-:AC Input to aye 1 BAY::;* NONE SYS1 BAY 9VQ 1 BAY 3-NOMS 125 VDC PIS ANNUNCIATOR CARDS ANINIUN1CIlA TOR CARDS SW-1 @ Nde:: 'ENlI-1 is loca1ed iIn Bay of System t Cabi nels. SYSTEM 1 BAY 1 and 3.

A.,£e..) System Clock Reset Progress Energy Appendix C Facility:

Task Title: KIA



Facility Evaluator:

Method of testing: Job Performance Measure Worksheet Form ES-C-1 Shearon Harris Task No.: 301011H401 Local Makeup to the VCT using the JPM No.: 2009A NRC JPM k Manual Emergency Boration Valve 004 A2.14 3.8/3.9 NRC Examiner:

Date: ___ _ Simulated Performance:

x Actual Performance:

Classroom Simulator Plant x ------READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The plant is operating at 100 percent power. The Reactor Makeup Control System is inoperable; FCV-113B and FCV-114A will not open. A boric acid pump and a Reactor Makeup Water pump are running but VCT level is slowly decreasing since makeup cannot be established.

Task Standard:

1 CS-274 and 1 CS-287 have been located and opening of these valves has been simulated.

Required Materials:

None General


AOP-003 Rev. 26, Attachment 2 Initiating Cue: Time Critical Task: Validation Time: You are the RAB NLO. The SCO has informed you that AOP-003, Attachment 2 is being performed in the MCR. You are to establish makeup flow to the VCT. Go to the 236' RAB Emergency Boration Valve Gallery and contact the control room when you are there. The MCR will provide you with directions No 9 Minutes 2009A NRC Exam JPM k n Rev 1 c-Appendix C Job Performance Measure Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP Form ES-C-1

  • N/A Evaluation will be performed by Simulating in plant activities.

Cues will be provided to the candidate by the examiner.

2009A NRC Exam JPM k n Rev 1 Appendix C c Standard:

Evaluator NOTE: Evaluator Cue: START TIME: v' -Denotes Critical Steps Page 3 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Form ES-C-1 The RAB NLO would have the locked valve key and radio. The candidate should go to the 236' RAB Emergency Boration Valve Gallery and simulate contacting the MCR by radio (not in an area that is radio restricted) or by telephone.

There is a connection for headset communication in the area. The candidate may suggest that communications would be performed by headset. The Control Room will direct the local operator from AOP-003 Attachment 2 starting at step 10-16 (attached).

The directions that would be communicated from the MCR to the local operator are written into this JPM. (Inform the candidate by whatever means the candidate determined suitable for communication.

There is no standard communication for this task. It could be a radio, headset or telephone.)

NOTE: Some communication methods may require using a second operator to perform. CUE: I will "simulate" all Control Room communications and provide you with verbal directions required to accomplish AOP-003 Attachment

2. (Start time is when operator is in the VCT valve gallery area and ready to communicate with the MCR). 2009A NRC Exam JPM k Rev 1 Appendix C ' ( Performance Step: 1 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Standard:

Comment: ./ Performance Step: 2 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Evaluator Cue: Standard: ( Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 4 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION When at the required location report to the MCR Form ES-C-1 Contacts the MCR and informs them they are ready to receive directions The Control Room directs you to UNLOCK 1CS-274, RMUW Manual Blend from RMWST and then UNLOCK 1CS-286, Manual Alternate Emergency Boration.

Acknowledges MCR directions with 3 way communications Unlocks the following

  • 1 CS-274, RMUW Manual Blend From RMWST
  • 1 CS-287, Manual Alternate Emergency Boration Locates and unlocks 1 CS-274 and 1 CS-287 and reports completion to the MCR 1. The locks have been removed from 1 CS-274 and 1CS-287 2. The MCR acknowledges that the locks have been removed. The Control Room directs you to perform the following as close together as possible to achieve an even makeup. First throttle OPEN 1 CS-287 until directed to STOP Then throttle OPEN 1CS-274 until directed to STOP (Candidate should simulate opening the valves until you tell them to stop.) Acknowledges MCR directions with 3 way communications 2009A NRC Exam JPM k Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 3 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Standard: ( Comment: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 5 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Locally perform the following:

Form ES-C-1 Throttle open 1 CS-287, Manual Alternate Emergency Boration, to obtain the required boric acid flow rate. Informs the Control Room that he/she is throttling opening 1 CS-287 and opens the valve until the Control Room directs him to stop. The MCR acknowledges that 1CS-287 is being throttled open. (Pause) The Control Room directions are to for you to STOP opening 1CS-287. The required flow has been established. (Once the candidate reports that they have stopped provide the next direction)

Now throttle open 1CS-274 until you are directed to stop by the control room's mark. Acknowledges MCR directions with 3 way communications 2009A NRC Exam JPM k Rev 1 Appendix C ./ Performance Step: 4 Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Standard:

Evaluator Cue: Comment: Terminating Cue: STOP TIME: ./ -Denotes Critical Steps Page 6 of 8 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Step Form ES-C-1 Throttle OPEN 1CS-274, RMUW Manual Blend from RMWST, to obtain the required dilution water flow rate. Informs the Control Room that he/she is throttling opening 1 CS-274 and opens the valve until the Control Room directs him/her to stop. The Control Room directions are to STOP opening 1CS-274. The required flow has been established.

The VCT is now filling. (A few moments later inform the candidate that time compression is being used) The VCT is now at the required level. The MCR is directing you to SHUT and then lock both 1CS-274 and 1CS-287 and report when complete.

Simulates-shutting and then locking both 1CS-274 and 1CS-287. Informs the Control Room that both valves are shut and locked using 3 way communications.

1CS-274 is SHUT and locked 1CS-287 is SHUT and locked The MCR acknowledges that both 1CS-274 and 1CS-287 are SHUT and LOCKED. END OF JPM The control room is informed that the lineup is secured. 2009A NRC Exam JPM k Rev 1 Appendix C Page 7 of 8 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2009A NRC JPM k Examinee's Name: Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner's Signature:

Date: -----------------------------

Form ES-C-1 2009A NRC Exam JPM k Rev 1 Appendix C ( INITIAL CONDITIONS:

INITIATING CUE: Page 8 of 8 JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 The plant is at 100 percent power. The Reactor Makeup Control System is inoperable; FCV-113B and FCV-114A will not open. A boric acid pump and an RMW pump are running but VCT level is slowly decreasing since makeup cannot be established.

You are the RAB NLO. The SCO has informed you that AOP-003, Attachment 2 is being performed in the MCR. You are to establish makeup flow to the VCT. Go to the 236' RAB Emergency Boration Valve Gallery and contact the control room when you are there. The MCR will provide you with directions 2009A NRC Exam JPM k Rev 1

( ( ( MALFUNCTION OF REACTOR MAKEUP CONTROL Attachment 2 Sheet 1 of 8 Manual Makeup in Modes 1 through 4 H INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 1...--___ ---' CAUTION Due to accident analysis, this attachment can only be used in Modes 1 throLigh4

.. 01. RECORD desired boron concentration of the makeup solution:

CSLEND = ____ ppm NOTE If RCS boron concentration is above 1750 ppm, blended makeup at 120 gpm may not be possible, due to the inability of the system to reliably deliver more than 30 gpm boric acid flow. In those cases, either select a conservatively low total makeup flow, or consult Attachment 7 of OP-1 07.01 to determine the maximum possible makeup flow. 02. RECORD desired total makeup flow rate:

  • MSLEND = ____ gpm 03. RECORD most recent Boric Acid Tank boron concentration from Unit Status Board: CSAT = ____ ppm 4. CHECK BOTH of the following:


  • FT-113, Boric Acid to Blender Flow, is known to be operative o

( MALFUNCTION OF REACTOR MAKEUP CONTROL Attachment 2 Sheet 2 of 8 Manual Makeup in Modes 1 through 4 H INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED L...---___ ------' 05. DETERMINE required boric acid flow rate: *

  • MBA = [(CBLEND) x (MBLEND)]

/ (C BAT) =[ x ]/ __ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 = ____ gpm 06. RECORD in Step 13a the result from the previous step. 07. DETERMINE required dilution flow rate: * * * = Step 2 Step 5 = ____ gpm 08. RECORD in Step 13b the result from the previous calculation.

09. Independently VERIFY boric acid flow rate and dilution flow rate calculations made in Steps 5 and 7. o o 10. DIRECT an operator to perform the following:
a. OBTAIN a radio and a locked valve key. b. ESTABLISH communication between 236' RAB Emergency Soration Valve Gallery and the Control Room. (Continued on Next Page) AOP-003 I Rev. 26 I Page 20 of 38

" MALFUNCTION OF REACTOR MAKEUP CONTROL Attachment 2 Sheet 3 of 8 Manual Makeup in Modes 1 through 4 INSTRUCTIONS 1'----___ ---' RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 10. (continued)

c. UNLOCK the following:


  • 1CS-274, RMUW Manual Blend from RMWST D
  • 1 CS-287, Manual Alternate Emergency Boration 11. VERIFY the following:


  • One Reactor Makeup Water Pump-RUNNING D
  • 1 CS-283 (FCV-113A), Boric Acid Filter to Boric Acid Blender Flow Control Valve-OPEN D 12. Prior to continuing, CHECK that all previous steps are complete.

AOP-003 I Rev. 26 I Page 21 of 38 MALFUNCTION OF REACTOR MAKEUP CONTROL Attachment 2 Sheet 4 of 8 Manual Makeup in Modes 1 through 4 H INSTRUCTIONS RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED '------------'


  • Boric acid flow can be monitored on ERFIS point FCS0113A, or locally in 236' RAB Emergency Boration Valve Gallery.
  • Dilution water flow can be monitored on ERFIS point FCS011 0, or on FI-11 0 on the MCB.
  • Actions in the next step should be performed as closely together as possible to achieve an even makeup. 13. As closely together as possible, Locally PERFORM the following:

o a. THROTTLE OPEN 1CS-287, Manual Alternate Emergency Boration, to obtain gpm boric acid flow rate (from Step 5). o b. THROTTLE OPEN 1CS-274, RMUW Manual Blend from RMWST, to obtain gpm dilution water flow rate (from Step 7). *014. MONITOR the following for expected response:

  • Tavg
  • Reactor power

( MALFUNCTION OF REACTOR MAKEUP CONTROL Attachment 2 Sheet 5 of 8 Manual Makeup in Modes 1 through 4 INSTRUCTIONS

___ --' RESPONSE NOT OBTAINED 15. WHEN desired VCT level has been reached, THEN: a. Locally SHUT AND LOCK the following:


  • 1 CS-274, RMUW Manual Blend from RMWST o
  • 1 CS-287, Manual Alternate o Emergency Boration b. CHECK instrument air AVAILABLE.

o c. SHUT 1 CS-283 (FCV-113A), Boric Acid Filter to Boric Acid Blender Flow Control Valve. 016. EXIT this attachment.

017. DETERMINE required boric acid flow rate:

  • MBA = [(CBLEND) x (120)] I (C BAT) = [ x (120)] I __ Step 1 Step 3 = ____ gpm 018. RECORD in Step 23a the result from the previous step. 019. Independently VERIFY boric acid flow rate calculation made in Step 17. o AOP-003 I Rev. 26 b. EXIT this attachment.

I Page 23 of 38