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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jul-Dec 1991.
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1991
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ML18010A543 List:
NUDOCS 9202270213
Download: ML18010A545 (45)


Carolina Power&Light Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant License No.NPF-063 SEMIANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991Prepared by: Prepared by: Specialist

-E&C Reviewed by: Manager-E&RC Support Reviewed by: Manager-Environme tal Radiation Control Approved by: General Manager-Harris Plant 9202270213 911231 PDR ADOCK 05000400 R PDR

Table of Contents Page No.Introduction Discussion Appendix 1.'upplemental Information Appendix 2.1~2~3.'ffluent and Waste Disposal Report Lower Limits of Detection (LLD's)Effluents Released Solid Waste Disposal 2/1 2/3,, 2/11 Appendix 3.Changes to Process Control Program (PLP)Appendix 4.Changes to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)1.Revision 3.0, Change 4 2., Changed ODCM pages for Revision 3.0, Change 4 Appendix 5.Changes to the Environmental Monitoring Program 1.Environmental Monitoring Program 2.Land Use Census 3/1 4/1 4/2 5/1 5/2 Appendix 6.1~2.3~4.Appendix 7,.Additional Technical Specification Responsibilities Inoperability of Liquid Effluent Monitors Inoperability of Gaseous Effluent Monitors Unprotected Outdoor Tanks Exceeding Limits Gas Storage Tanks Exceeding Limits Major Modifications to Radwaste System 6/1 6/2 6/4 6/5 7/1 Appendix 8.Meteorological Data 8/1 Appendix 9.1.2~3~4, 9/1 Assessment of Radiation Doses for Calendar Year 1991 Population Doses outside Site Boundary due to Effluent Releases Doses to the General Public Due to Activities Inside the Site Boundary 9/2 Doses to the Likely Most Exposed Member of the Public 9/4 Major Assumptions used to Calculate Radiation Doses 9/8

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Introduction This Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report is in accordance with Technical Specification to the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant (SHNPP)Operating License No.NPF-63.It provides effluent monitoring information obtained in fulfillment of the plant's Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS).The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant achieved initial criticality on January 3, 1987.This report covers the period from July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991.During this period, the plant was in Cycle 4 operation:

This report also covers the period from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 for meteorology and dose accountability.

Discussion Appendices 1 and 2: The information on gaseous and liquid effluents and solid waste is given in accordance with Regulatory

'Guide 1.21 (Rev.1)Appendix B format.As required by Technical Specification, the solid waste table has been supplemented to include 10CFR61 class, type of container and solidification agent or absorbent.

Except for continuous noble gas releases, liquid and gaseous average concentrations (uCi/cc)and total curies released are for only those nuclides that were positively identified.

If no activity for a nuclide is reported for a quarter, the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)tables show a typical sensitivity level for detection of the nuclide.Continuous noble gas effluent activities wer'e based on hourly average stack monitor readings (in uCi/cc)and stack flow rate estimates based on design fan flow rates.No specific noble gas nuclides were identified in any of the stack gas grab samples taken for characterizing continuous gaseous releases.Therefore, the total noble gas activities are based on stack monitor readings and apportioned as per the GALE code (NUREG 0017)nuclide assumptions as given in the ODCM.Nuclides reported in gaseous batch releases are determined from the isotopic analysis for each batch release.The"Percent of Technical Specification Limit" is calculated using ODCM default methodology and parameters.

A total of 32.95 m of solid waste, containing 166.27 Ci of radioactivity, was shipped for burial during this Report period, compared with 44.95 m~and 135.54 Ci shipped during the previous Report period.

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July','1991 to December 31, 1991'iscussion (continued)

Appendix 3: No changes to the Process Control Program (PCP)were made during this Report period.Appendix 4: ODCM Revision 3.0, Change 4 was approved by the PNSC during the Report period.Revision 3.0, Change 4 includes the results of the 1991 Land Use Census, which was performed in June, 1991, and a correction to the H-3 dose factor.Appendix 5: No changes were made to the Environmental Monitoring Program or to the Land Use Census during this Report period.Appendix 6: All effluent monitor inoperabilities greater than 30 days are given along with a brief explanation.

During these periods, compensatory sampling and flow rate estimations consistent with Technical Specification requirements have provided accountability and control of effluents.

No unprotected outdoor tank or gas storage tank exceeded Tech Spec limits during this Report period.Appendix 7: Changes to Radwaste System centered around the designation of the Radwaste Demineralization System as the primary process system for liquid radioactive waste.The former primary systems were designated as alternates and placed in long term shutdown.Changes were also made to reflect the impact of receipt of spent fuel on the Radwaste system.Appendix 8: The 1991 annual summary of meteorological data is available to the NRC upon request.This summary is also used in the NRC approved program XOQDOQ, which is used in the Appendix 9 dose calculations.

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July.1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Discussion (continued)

Appendix 9: The effluent quantities reported for both semiannual periods in 1991 were combined for determining the annual dose impact from plant operations.

The doses were calculated by the programs LADTAP II (for liquid effluents) and GASPAR (for gaseous effluents).

GASPAR and LADTAP II are NRC approved programs for implementing Reg.Guide 1.109 methodology, which is also the basis of the ODCM calculations.

When appropriate, the doses are also broken down by age group (adult, teen, etc.)and organ (bone, thyroid, etc.).Enclosure 1 shows the integrated population doses within the 50-mile ingestion zone (in man-rem)due to liquid and gaseous releases for the various applicable pathways.Also, the tritium contribution to the hydrosphere is shown.Enclosure 2 shows the doses (in mrem/yr)to a hypothetical individual member of the general public due to activities inside the site boundary;Since portions of Harris lake are within the site boundary, these doses result from the recreational usage of the lake.The highest whole body doses any individual could have received in this area were 0.0314 mrem due to liquid effluents and 0.005 mrem due to gaseous effluents.

The corresponding values for CY 1990 were 0.0635 and 0.008 mrem respectively. shows the hypothetical doses (in mrem/yr)for the"Likely Most Exposed Individual".

For the liquid pathways, this calculation assumes that the Harnett County water supply intake (formerly Lillington), the closest downstream public water supply, is the source of drinking water and Harris Lake is the source of all other liquid exposure.The highest whole body and organ doses any individual could have received due to liquid effluents were 0.0445 and 0.0550 mrem respectively.

Corresponding values for CY 1990 were 0.0959 and 0.118 mrem respectively.

For the airborne pathways, the gaseous dose considers two types of individuals:

(1)the"Maximum Hypothetical Individual", who resides at the site boundary in the sector of highest plume exposure, and (2), the"Maximum Real'ndividual" who', based on the Land Use Census, had the highest combined dose from his actual exposure pathways, e.g.plume, ground, etc.In 1991, the"Maximum Real Individual" is located at 2897 meters (1.8 miles)in the NNE sector, the same as in 1990.

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Discussion (continued)

Appendix 9 (Continued)

For the"Maximum Hypothetical Individual", the highest whole body dose was 0.0785 mrem, and the highest organ dose was 0.173 mrem.Beta and gamma annual air doses were 0.235 and 0.102 mrad respectively.

Corresponding values for CY 1990 were 0.0792, 0.167, 0.176, and 0.120, respectively.

For the"Maximum Real Individual", the highest whole body dose was 0.0157 mrem, and the highest organ dose was 0.0421 mrem.Beta and gamma annual air doses were 0.0571 and 0.0249 mrad respectively.

Corresponding values for CY 1990 were 0.0206, 0.0432, 0.0451, and 0.0311, respectively. lists the major assumptions associated with the liquid and gaseous effluent doses.Where available, site specific information is used to derive these values.In other cases, parameter values or derivations are as given in Reg.Guide 1.109.In 1991, the number of persons affected by liquid effluents was revised to show current usages.The major change occurred when the town of Lillington sold its'ater intake and treatment plant to Harnett County, which in turn provides water for the entire county and surrounding areas.

Semiannual Radioactive Bffluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 1: Supplemental Information Regulatory Limits A.Fission and activation gases (1)Calendar Quarter a., 5 mrad gamma b.10 mrad beta (2)Calendar Year a.10 mrad gamma b.20 mrad beta B.I-131, I-133, I-135, H-3 and particulates with half-lives greater than eight days (1)Calendar Quarter a.7.5 mrem to any organ (2)Calendar Year a.15 mrem to any organ C.Liquid effluents (1)Calendar Quarter a.1.5 mrem to total body b.5 mrem to any organ (2)Calendar Year a.3 mrem to total body b.10 mrem to any organ

July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 1 (Continued):

Supplemental Information Maximum permissible concentrations and dose, rates which determine maximum instantaneous release rates;A.Fission and activation gases (1)500 mrem/year to total body (2)3000 mrem/year to the skin B.I-131, I-133, I-135, H-3 and particulates with half-lives greater than eight days.1500 mrem/year to any organ C.Liquid effluents The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas after dilution shall be limited to the concentration specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II,'olumn 2, for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases.For dissolved and, entrained noble gases, the MPC shall be equal to 2.08-4 uCi/ml.Measurements and Approximations of Total Radioactivity A.Pission and activation gases Measurements by continuous monitors of activity concentrations times total stack flow, and analysis by gamma spectroscopy and liquid scintillation counting for specific radionuclides in representative grab samples.B.Iodines Continuous charcoal cartridge sampling and analysis by gamma spectroscopy for specific radionuclides times total stack flow.C.Particulates Continuous particulate sampling and analysis by gamma spectroscopy, alpha counting and radiochemical analysis for specific radionuclides times total stack flow.D.Liquid Effluents Pre-release representative sampling and analysis by gamma spectroscopy and liquid scintillation counting for specific radionuclides times total release volume.

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix'(Continued)i Supplemental Infor'mation 4.Batch Releases A'.Liquid Batch Releases (1)Number of batch releases (2)Total time period for batch releases 1;09E+02 7.92E+04 min (3)Maximum time of a batch release 1;378+03 min (4)(5)Average time for a batch release Minimum Time for a batch release (6)Average stream flow during periods of release 7.26E+02 min 1.00E+00 min 1.10E+04 gpm B.Gaseous Batch Releases (1)Number of batch releases (2)Total time period for batch releases (3)Maximum time of a batch release l~(4)Average time for a batch release (5)Minimum Time for a batch release 5.00E+00 9.12E+02 min 2.79E+02 min 1.82E+02 min 1.20E+02 min 5.Abnormal Releases A.Liquid No abnormal liquid releases were made in the period.B.Gaseous No abnormal gaseous releases were made in the period.

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report Duly 1;1991 to December 31~1991 Appendix 2: Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 1:.LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)1.LLD'S for Gaseous Effluents NUCLIDE Gross Alpha H-3 Ar-41 Kr-85m Kr-87 Xe-131m Xe-133m Xe-133 Xe-135m Xe-138 Kr-85 Kr-88 Xe-135 I-131 I-132 I-133 I-135 Cr-51 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Sr-89 Sr-90 Nb-95 Mo-99 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-144 2.59E-15 6.76E-09 3.65E-08 1.81E-08 6.29E-08 7.64E-07 1.29E-07 6.56E-08 2.18E-07 6.48E-06 1.17E-05 3.55E-08 1.99E-08 2.11E-14 3.08E-14 1.55E-14 1.63E-13 1.10E-13 1.24E-14 1.21E-14 5.81E-14 2.48E-14 3.28E-14 7.00E-16 5.00E-16 1.60E-14 8.69E-14 8.99E-15 2.78E-14 5.36E-14 2.50E-14 1.85E-14 9.13E-14

~Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1;1991 to December,31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 1: LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)2.LLD's for Liquid Effluents Gross Alpha H-3 Be-7 Na-24 Ar-41 Cr-51 Mn-54 Fe-55 Co-57 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Kr-85m Sr-89 Sr-90 Zr-95 Nb-95 Nb-97 Mo-99 Tc-99m Ru-103 Ag-110m Sn-113 Sb-122 Sb-125 I-131 I-133 Xe-131m Xe-133 Xe-133m Xe-135 Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-139 Ba-139 Ba-140 La-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-144 Hf-181 3.09E-08 2.16E-06 3.37E-07 3.22E-08 6.23E-08 2.62E-07 2.03E-08 1.50E-07 2.72E-08 3.44E-08 4.51E-08 3.00E-08 5.08E-08 2.14E-08 5.00E-09 3.00E-09 4.77E-08 8.85E-08 4.39E-08 1.44E-07 2.44E-08 3.54E-08 1.86E-08 4.77E-08 4.13E-08 1.01E-07 2.92E-08 1.81E-08 1.19E-06 7.59E-08 1.94E-07 2.21E-08 1.68E-08 2.76E-08 2.98E-04 2.26E-07 5.54E-08 3.71E-08 3.97E-08 6.40E-08 2.20E-07 1.66E-06 5.01E-08 2/2 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 1A: GASEOUS EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES C Units Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Est.Total Error X 1.Fission&Activation Gases A.Total Release B;Average Release Rate for Period C.Percent of Technical Specification Limit Ci uCi/sec 1.79 E+01 1 2.09 E-01 4.44 E+01 1.86 E-01 1.42 E+02 3.53 E+02 4.50 E+01 2.Iodines (I-131, I-133, I-135)A.Total Iodines B..Average Release Rate for Period C.Percent of Technical Specification Limit Ci uCi/sec 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 See Footnote Below 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 2.00 E+01 3.Particulates A.Particulates with T1/2>8 days B.Average Release Rate for Period C.Percent of Technical Specification Limit D;Gross Alpha Radioactivity Ci uCi/sec Ci 1.37 E-05 2.08 E-06 2.00 E+01 1.72 E-06 2.61 E-07 6.67 E-04 1.07 E-04 0.00 E+00 0.00 E+00 4.Tritium A.Total Release B.Average Release Rate for Period C.Percent of Technical Specification Limit Ci uCi/sec 2.98 E-03 7.28 E-04 3.00 E+01 3;75 E-04 9.16 E-05 See Footnote Below The Percent of Technical Specification limit applies to Iodines, Tritium, and Particulates'ombined, and is calculated using ODCM default Methodology and parameters.

The value for Iodines and Tritium is included in the Particulates summation.

2/3 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 1B: GASEOUS EFFLUENTS-ELEVATED RELEASES All releases at Shearon Harris are made as ground releases.2/4

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 1C: GASEOUS EFFLUENTS-GROUND LEVEL RELEASES 1.Fission and Activation Gases Nuclides Released Continuous Mode*Units Quarter Quarter 3 4 Batch Mode Quarter Quarter 3 4 H-3 Ar-41 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 Xe-131m Xe-133m Xe-133 Ze-135m Ze-135 Ze-138 Ci 2.98 E-03 7.28 E-04 Ci<LLD<LLD Ci<LLD<LLD Ci 3.06 E+00 7.61 E+00 Ci 1.02 E+00 2.54 E+00 Ci 5.10 E+00 1.27 E+01 Ci'LLD<LLD Ci 2.04 E+00 5.07 E+00 Ci 1.22 E+02 3.04 E+02 Ci<LLD<LLD,'Ci 7.14 E+00 1.78 E+01 Ci.1.02 E+00 2.54 E+00<LLD<LLD 5.31 E-02 1.09 E-05<LLD<LLD 2.02 E-03 3.37 E-03 3.22 E-01 6.93 E-"04 1.35 E-03<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Total Ci 1.42 E+02 3.53 E+02 3.82 E-01<LLD*Noble Gas quantities apportioned as per GALE code.2.Iodines Nuclides Released Continuous Mode Units Quarter Quarter 3 Batch Mode Quarter Quarter 3 4 I-131 I-132 I-133 I-135 Total Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD'LLD 2/5

'I Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 1C (Continued):

GASEOUS EFFLUENTS-GROUND LEVEL RELEASES 3.Particulates Continuous Mode Batch Mode Nuclides Released Cr-51 Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Sr-89 Sr-90 Nb-95 Mo-99 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba/La-140 Ce-141 Ce-144 Gross Alpha Units Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Quarter 3<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD 1.37 E-05<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Quarter 4<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD 2.08 E-06<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD ,<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Quarter 3<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Quarter 4<LLD<LLD<LLD.<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Totals Ci 1.37 E-05 2.08 E-06<LLD<LLD 2/6 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 2A: LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES 1.Fission 6 Activation Products Units Quarter Quarter Est: Total 3 4 Error X A.B.C.Total R'elease (not including tritium, gases, or alpha)Average Diluted Concentration during Period Percent of Technical Specification Limit Ci 6.97 E-02 2.66 E-02 3.50 E+01 uCi/ml 1.27 E-08 4.75 E-09 4.40 E-01 5.23 E-012.Tritium A.Total Release B.-Average Diluted Concentration during Period C.Percent of Technical Specification Limit Ci uCi/ml 8.35 E-06 3.24 E-06 2.78 E-01 1.08 E-01 4.60 E+01 1.81 E+01 3.50 E+01 3.Dissolved and Entrained Gases A.B.C.Total Release Average Diluted Concentration during Period Percent of Technical Specification Limit Ci uCi/ml 7.16 E-04 3.08 E-04 3;50 E+01 1.30 E-10 5.49 E-11 6.50 E-05 2.75 E-05 4.Gross Alpha Radioactivity Total Release Ci<LLD<LLD 3.50 E+01 2/7 0

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2.: Effluents Released Table 2A: LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Units Quarter Quarter Est.Total 3 4 Error X 5.Volume of water released prior to dilution A.Batch Release liters 6.01 E+06 2.00 E+06 1.00 E+01 B.Continuous Release liters 2.17 E+07 2.99 E+07 1.00 E+01 C.Total Effluent Released liters 2.77 E+07 3.19 E+07 1.00 E+01 6.Volume of dilution water used during period 7.Total Volume Released (Releases+Dilution)liters 5.48 E+09 5.57E+09 1.00 E+01 liters 5.51 E+09 5.60 E+09 2/8

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued)!

Effluent and Waste Disposal'Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 2B: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1;Fission and Activation Products Nuclides Released Gr.Alpha H-3 Fe-55 Ni-63 Sr-89 Sr-90 Na-24 Cr-51 Mn-54 Co-57 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Sr-92 Zn-65 Y-93 Zr-95 Nb-95 Nb-97 Tc-99m Mo-99 Cd-109 Ag-110m Sn-113 Sb-122 Sb-124 Sb-125 Te-132 I-131 I-132 I-133 Uni ts Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Conti Quarter 3<LLD 3.15E-01<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<=LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD nuous Q Mode uarter 4 LLD.74E-01 LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD LLD'LD LLD LLD LLD Batch Quarter 3<LLD 4.578+01 1.188-02<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD 4.388-05 5.948-04 7.158-05 2.00E-02 5.15E-05 2.74E-02 1.548-05 1.618-05 6.098-05 2.018-05 1.108-04 6.958-05 5.43E-06<LLD 6.528-05 4.20E-05 4.858-06<LLD<LLD 5.508-03<LLD 2.138-03 9.358-06 1.068-04 Mode Quarter'<LLD 1.77E+01 9.59E-03<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD 1.618-04 3.388-05 4.738-03 3.508-05 6.198-03<LLD<'LLD<LLD 4.038-05 5.968-05 1.11E-05<LLD<LLD<LLD 3;528-05 2.778-05<LLD<LLD 3.07E-03<LLD 6.098-04<LLD<LLD 2/9

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 2: Effluents Released Table 2B (Continued)

LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1.Fission and Activation Products (Continued)

Nuclides Released Cs-134 Cs-137 Cs-138 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Pr-144 Ba-140 La-140 Hf-181 La-142.Units Ci Ci Ci, Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Continuous Mode Quarter Quarter 3 4<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD'LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Batch Quarter 3 6.63E-04 9.37E-04<LLD<LLD<LLD 1.30E-05<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD 2.17E-05 Mode Quarter 4 7.61E-04 1.21E-03<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD TOTALS Ci 3.15E-01 4.74E-01 4.58E+01 1.77E+01 2.Dissolved and Entrained Gases Nuclides Released Xe-131m Xe-133 Xe-133m Xe-135 Ar-41 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Uni ts Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Continuous Mode Quarter Quarter 3 4<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Batch Quarter 3<LLD 7.03E-04<LLD 1.25E-05<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD Mode Quarter 4<LLD 3.03E-04<LLD 4.45E-06<LLD<LLD<LLD<LLD TOTALS Ci<LLD<LLD 7.16E-04" 3.08E-04 2/10 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3: Solid Waste Disposal h Table 3: SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS A)A.Type of Waste Spent Resin, filter sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc: Number of Shipments Activity Shipped Estimated Total Error Quantity Shipped Solidification Agent Container Type Shipment Form 3 8.07 E+00 Ci 10X 1.57 E+01 m N/A, Strong Tight Package, NRC Approved Package Dewatered b.Dry Compressible Waste, Contaminated Equipment, etc.(DAW)Number of Shipments Activity Shipped Estimated Total Error Quantity Shipped Solidification Agent Container Type" Shipment Form 25 2.62 E+01 Ci 10X 1.34 E+01 m~N/A Strong Tight Package, NRC Approved Package Dewatered c.Irradiated Components, Control Rods, etc.No waste of this type shipped d.~Other (Describe)

, No waste of this type shipped Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release'eport July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3: Solid Waste Disposal Table 3: SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS A)B.Estimate of Major Nuclide Composition (by type of Waste)a.Spent Resin, filter sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc.Nuclide H-3 C-14'Mn-54 Co-58 Co-60 Fe-55 Ni-63 Zr-95 Nb-95 Percent Composition 3.65 E-01 5.85 E-02 6.68 E+00 2.65 E+01 2.79 E+01 1.97 E+01 1.49 E+01 1.02 E+00 2.81 E+00 Total Activity Ci 2.94 E-02 4.72 E-03 5.39 E-01 2.14 E+00 2.25 E+00 1.59 E+00 1.20 E+00 8.26 E-02 2.26 E-01 b.Dry Compressible Waste, Contaminated Equipment, etc.(DAW)Nuclide H-3 C-14 Mn-54 Co-58 Co-60 Fe-55 Ni-63 Cs-137 Nb-95 Cr-51 Fe-59 Ni-59 Zr-95 Percent Composition 1.74 E-01 5.30 E-02 1.06 E+00 9.19 E+00 1.18 E+01 7.11 E+01 2.15 E+00 4.20 E-02 6.47 E-01 5.62 E-01 1.33 E+00 1.68 E+00 1.68 E-01 Total Activity Ci 4.55 E-02 1.39 E-02 2.77 E-01 2.41 E+00 3.10 E+00 1.86 E+01 5.63 E-01 1.10 E-02 1.69 E-01 1.47 E-01 3.47 E-01 4.39 E-01 4.41 E-02 Co d.Irradiated Components, Contr'ol Rods, etc.No waste of this type shipped Other (Describe)

No waste of this type shipped 2/12 Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3: Solid Waste Disposal Table 3: SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS A)C;Solid Waste Disposal Number of Shipments*Mode of Transportation Destination 28 Truck Barnwell, S.C.All three of the type 1.A.a shipments were made from the Harris Site.One of the type 1.A.b shipments was made from the Harris Site.The other 24 type 1.A.b shipments were made from the Scientific Ecology Group (SEG)processing facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.


2~Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3: 'Solid Waste Disposal Table 3: SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS B)A.Type of Waste a~Spent Resin, filter sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc.Number of Shipments Activity Shipped Estimated Total Error Quantity Shipped Solidification Agent Container, Type Shipment Form 1 1.32 E+02 Ci 10X 3.85 E+00 m~, N/A NRC Approved Package Dewatered b.C~Dry Compressible Waste, Contaminated Equipment, etc.(DAW)No waste of this type shipped Irradiated Components, Control Rods, etc.No waste of this type shipped d., Other (Describe)

No waste of this type shipped

2~Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release'Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3.: Solid Waste Disposal Table 3: SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS B)B.Estimate of Major Nuclide Composition (by type of Waste)a~Spent Resin, filter sludge, evaporator bottoms, etc.Nuclide H-3 Mn-54 Co-60" Fe-55 Ni-63 Cs-137 Sr-90 Pu-239 PU-241 Am-241 Cm-243 Percent Composition 1.09 E-01 3.09 E+00 4.54 E+01 3.63 E+01 1.46 E+01 5.18 E-Ol 2.62 E-02 6.80 E-05 2.44 E-02 2.40 E-05 6.10 E-05 Total Activity Ci 1.44 E-01 4.07 E+00 5.98 E+01 4.78 E+01 1.93 E+01 6;83 E-01 3.45 E-02 8.93 E-05 3.22 E-02 3.21 E-05 8.03 E-05 b.Ce d.Dry Compressible Waste, Contaminated Equipment, etc.(DAW)No waste of this typed shipped Irradiated Components, Control Rods, etc.No waste of this type shipped Other (Describe)

No waste of this type shipped 2~Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS B)C.Solid Waste Disposal Number of Shipments Mode of Transportation Destination 1'ruck Barnwell, S.C;i 2/15

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report'uly 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 ll Appendix 2 (Continued):

Effluent and Waste Disposal Report Enclosure 3: Solid Waste Disposal Table 3: SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS 3.Solid Waste Shipped for Burial or Disposal (WASTE CLASS C)No waste of this type was shipped during this Report Period.4.Irradiated Fuel Shipments (Disposition)

No irradiated fuel was shipped during this Report Period.2/16

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report July 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 3: Changes to Process Control Program (PCP)Technical Specification 6.13 No changes were made to the PCP during this Report period.

Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Report'uly 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 Appendix 4: Changes to the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)Technical Specification 6;14 One change was made to the ODCM during the Report period.The change, Revision 3.0, Change 4, was approved by the PNSC in December.A description of the change follows, and the changed pages are included in this appendix.'1.Table 3.2-2 Page 3-18 Update of the table to reflect the results of the 1991 Land Use Census.2~When making the change to the ODCM in support of the Primary-to-Secondary leak (ODCM A/C 3-3)to allow for H-3 only releases from the settling basin, an incorrect assumption was made which directed us to change the value of Dto 2.79 for H-3.As a result.of changing D>>the Ingestion Dose Commitment Factor, Az, as shown on Table 2.2-1, was also changed.Since that change, the original basis document calculation for Dhas been found, and shows that H-3 need not be treated differently from other isotopes.Therefor,.

the Dand Ai values should be returned to their previous values (13.95 for Dand 0.85 for Ai).Based on this, the following changes were made to the ODCM: Section 2.2.1 Definition of DChange the definition of Dback to what it was before A/C 3-3.This.will change the bottom of page 2-18 and delete all of the information on page 2-18a.Also, a reference to the basis document is included.Table 2.2-1 Page 2-26 Changed the value of Ai for H-3 from 3.36E+00 back to 8.50E-01.