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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML03099007310 March 2003Arkansas NuclearANO, Units 1 and 2, Email from Mhoncharik to Sbenne (Entergy) Re. RAI on Increase in Handling Heavy Loads for Spent Fuel Fuel Crane
ML03099008110 March 2003Arkansas NuclearANO, Units 1 and 2, Email, Mhoncharik to Sbenne (Entergy) Re. RAI from Plant Systems Branch on Increase in Handling Heavy Loads for Spent Fuel Crane
ML03099016021 March 2003Arkansas NuclearANO, Unit 2, Email, RAI on Changes to Spent Fuel Pool Loading Restrictions
ML0312106568 April 2003Arkansas NuclearRAI on Changes to Spent Fuel Loading Restrictions
ML03121067829 April 2003Arkansas NuclearE-mail, Re. RAI on Changes to Spent Fuel Pool Loading Restrictions
ML0322304671 July 2003CooperDraft Information Input, Attachment 24 E-Mailed on July 1, 2003 (50-298)
ML0327700052 October 2003CooperRequest for Additional Information Revision of Technical Specifications Surveillance Requirements and TS Table for Mathematical Symbols and Use of Allowable Values in Place of Analytical Limits
ML0327700062 October 2003CooperRequest for Additional Information Modification of Main Steam Isolation Valve Leakage Pathway and License Condition 2.C.(6)
ML03286004610 October 2003CooperRequest for Additional Information Relief from the Requirements of American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Concerning Inservice Testing of Core Spray Pump CS-P-B
ML0330903453 November 2003CooperAssessment of Site Visit to Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS)
ML0330904133 November 2003CooperUse of Protected Telecommunication for Transmission of Safeguards Information
ML0330905483 November 2003CooperLetter Final Closeout of Responses to Generic Letter 99-06
ML04092050631 March 2004CooperTechnical Specification, Revise TS 3.5.1 to Incorporate TS Task Force (TSTF) Traveler 318
ML0412705584 May 2004CooperRAI Loss-of-Coolant Accident Dose Calculation Methodology and Resolution of Remaining License Condition 2.C(6) Issues
ML05262041327 October 2005CooperLicense Amendment 212 Revision of the Required Channels Per Trip System for Primary and Secondary Containment Isolation and Control Room Emergency Filter System Instrumentation
ML06069026120 April 2006Nuclear Energy Institute
Ltr to Mr. Alexander Marion of NEI, Request for Withholding Information from Public Disclosure EPRI MRP-139
ML0612205533 May 2006Fermi
Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group
(Bwrog), (Rai), Topical Report (TR) SIR-05-044, Pressure Temperature Limits Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors, Revision 0
ML0612903579 May 2006Nuclear Energy Institute
Letter to Mr. Alexander Marion of (NEI) from Michelle C. Honcharik of NRC, Withholding Information from Public Disclosure (Electric Power Research Institute)
ML06172011827 June 2006Nuclear Energy Institute
Propriertary Withholding MRP-139, Electric Power Research Institute
ML06194001118 July 2006Nuclear Energy InstituteResponse to NEI White Paper Treatment of Operational Leakage from ASME Class 2 and 3 Components
ML0620503373 August 2006Nuclear Energy Institute
Request for Additional Information Regarding Materials Reliability Program - 169 Technical Basis for Preemptive Weld Overlays for Alloy 82/182 Butt Welds in Pwrs.
ML0634202828 December 2006Browns Ferry
Notice of Closed Meeting with Gene and TVA to Discuss OLMCPR Penalty
ML09202020629 July 2009Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Public Meeting with Technical Task Force to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers Previously Approved
ML09211072731 July 2009Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Public Meeting with Technical Specification Task Force to Discuss Industry Qestions Regarding NRC Request to Reference IEEE-450-2002 & Regulatory Guide 1.129, Revision 2, in TSTF Traveler-500 Battery Maintenance & Monitoring Progr
ML09254042711 September 2009Technical Specifications Task Force9/23/2009 Notice of Meeting with Technical Specifications Task Force, to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML09287076916 October 2009Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML0930602604 November 2009Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Meeting with Technical Specification Task Force Regarding NRC Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal and Containment Spray Systems.
ML10013055414 January 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML10055040024 February 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Regarding TSTF-493
ML10074033815 March 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force Regarding TSTF-446
ML10103064315 April 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceForthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML10103066015 April 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML10291048522 October 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML10291049322 October 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML1032102568 December 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceNovember 4, 2010 Summary of Meeting with the TSTF
ML10354011621 December 2010Technical Specifications Task ForceForthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (Tstf), to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF-523, Rev 0, Generic Letter 2008-01.
ML11014085014 February 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of the January 12, 2011, Meeting with the TSTF Traveler TSTF-523
ML11028026128 January 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML11028026528 January 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML11056063023 March 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceFebruary 9, 2011, Summary of NRC Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force Discussed the Topics as Presented on the Agenda
ML1105908722 March 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceLetter Regarding Acceptance for Review of Traveler TSTF-523, Revision 0,Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation
ML11070007630 March 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAcceptance for Review of TSTF-522, Rev. 0, Revise Ventilation System Surveillance Requirements to Operate for 10 Hours Per Month (Tac No. ME3633)
ML1108713396 April 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAcceptance for Review of Traveler TSTF-426, Revision 3, Revise or Add Actions to Preclude Entry Into LCO 3.0.3 - RITSTF Initiatives 6b & 6c
ML11089081712 April 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceRequest for Additional Information Regarding TSTF-508, Revision 1, Revise Control Room Habitability Actions to Address Lessons Learned from TSTF-448 Implementation
ML11101023220 April 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for TSTF Meeting on May 12, 2011
ML11101023520 April 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML11112008015 July 2011Technical Specifications Task Force
Nuclear Energy Institute
Notice of Meeting with TSTF and NEI to Discuss Technical Issues Related to the Gas Accumulation and the Review of Traveler TSTF 523, Revision 0, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation.
ML1111703476 May 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAcceptance for Review of Traveler TSTF-490, Revision 1, Deletion of E Bar Definition and Revision to RCS Specific Activity Tech Spec
ML1113206248 June 2011Technical Specifications Task Force5/12/11, Summary of Meeting with NRC and the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML11175178822 August 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNRC Staff Disposition of Comments to May 4, 2010 (75 Fr 23822), Federal Register Nfc TSTF-500, Rev 2