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Core Operating Limits Report for Cycle 8, Revision 2
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/2006
From: James Smith
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML063320182 (22)


Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Spring City, Tennessee 37381-2000 November 21, 2006 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:

In the Matter of the ) Docket No. 50-390 Tennessee Valley Authority )

WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT (WBN) UNIT 1 - CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT (COLR) FOR CYCLE 8, REVISION 2 The purpose of this letter is to provide Revision 2 of the Cycle 8 COLR in accordance with WBN Technical Specification 5.9.5.d. Revision 2 clarifies the text of Section 2.3.1 associated with control bank insertion limits. This revision was effective as of November 9, 2006.

There are no regulatory commitments associated with this submittal. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact me at (423) 365-1824.

Sincerely, J. D. Smith Manager, Site Licensing and Industry Affairs (Acting)


Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Cycle 8 Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 2 cc: See Page 2 Printed on recycled paper

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 November 21, 2006 Enclosure cc (Enclosure):

NRC Resident Inspector Watts Bar Nuclear Plant 1260 Nuclear Plant Road Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Douglas V. Pickett, Senior Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission MS 08G9a One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2738 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth St., SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Enclosure Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycle 8 Core Operating Limits Report, Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 QA Record L36 061109 803 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1, CYCLE 8 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Revision 2 November 2006 Prepared by: ~~~1~ CT (1~A ~ /-1916 7.

Nuclear Fuel Date Verified by: D--a_/

Nuclear Fuel Date 7

Rev' wedby:

tcIl[vb Manager, uci Fuel Design Date Reactor Engineerinlý)`ervisor Date Approved by:

PORC Chairmanu Date Plant Man9 Date Date of PORC PORC Meeting Affected Revision Approval Number Pages Reason for Revision 0 N/A N/A N/A Not issued 1 N/A N/A 1, 9-13 Updated W(z) values, not issued 2 -11119!66 ,,4/78I_ 3 Clarified text in 2.3.1 Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 1 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 1.0 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT This Core Operating Limits Report (COLR) for Watts Bar Unit 1 Cycle 8 has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications 5.9.5.

The Technical Specifications affected by this report are listed below:

3.1.4 Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC) 3.1.6 Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits 3.1.7 Control Bank Insertion Limits 3.2.1 Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z))

3.2.2 Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FAHN) 3.2.3 Axial Flux Difference (AFD) 3.5.1 Accumulators 3.5.4 Refueling Water Storage Tank (RWST) 3.9.1 Boron Concentration 2.0 OPERATING LIMITS The cycle-specific parameter limits for the specifications listed in section 1.0 are presented in the following subsections. These limits have been developed using the NRC approved methodologies specified in the Technical Specifications Section 5.9.5.

The following abbreviations are used in this section:

BOL -- Beginning of Cycle Life ARO -- All Rods Out HZP -- Hot Zero Thermal Power EOL -- End of Cycle Life RTP -- Rated Thermal Power Unit I Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 2 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 2.1 MODERATOR TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT - MTC (LCO 3.1.4) 2.1.1 The MTC limits are:

The BOL/ARO/HZP - MTC shall be less positive than or equal to 0 Ak/k/°F (upper limit). With the measured BOL/ARO/HZP - MTC more positive than

-0.20 x 10-5 Ak/k/°F (as-measured MTC limit), establish control rod withdrawal limits to ensure the MTC remains less positive than or equal to 0 Ak/k/°F (upper limit) for all times in core life.

The EOL/ARO/RTP - MTC shall be less negative than or equal to

-4.5 x 10-4 Ak/k/°F (lower limit).

2.1.2 The 300 ppm surveillance limit is:

The measured 300 ppm /ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than or equal to

-3.75 x 10-4 Ak/k/°F.

2.1.3 The 60 ppm surveillance limit is:

The measured 60 ppm /ARO/RTP-MTC should be less negative than or equal to

-4.28 x 10-4 Ak/kI0 F.

2.2 SHUTDOWN BANK INSERTION LIMITS (LCO 3.1.6) 2.2.1 The shutdown banks shall be withdrawn to a position greater than or equal to 225 steps withdrawn.

2.3 CONTROL BANK INSERTION LIMITS (LCO 3.1.7) 2.3.1 The control banks are fully withdrawn or shall be limited in physical insertion as shown in Figure 1.

2.3.2 Table 1 shows the control rod overlap positions.

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 3 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 2.4 HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR - FQ(Z) (LCO 3.2.1)

FQ(Z) < [CFQ/P]

  • K(Z) for P> 0.5 FQ(Z) _ [CFQ/0.5]
  • K(Z) for P *0.5 Where P = Thermal Power / Rated Thermal Power 2.4.1 CFQ = 2.50 2.4.2 K(Z) is provided in Figure 2.

2.4.3 FQc(Z) = FQM(Z)

  • 1.0815 where: FQM(Z) is the measured value of FQ(Z) obtained from incore flux map results and 1.0815 is a factor that accounts for fuel manufacturing tolerances and flux map measurement uncertainty.

2.4.4 FQw(Z) = FQc(Z)

  • W(Z) where: W(Z) values are provided in Figures 4 through 8. The figures provide sufficient information to determine W(Z) versus core height for all cycle burnups.

2.4.5 FQw(Z) Penalty Factor The FQw(Z) penalty factor is provided in Table A. 1.

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 4 of 19 Revision 2


FAHN < FAHRTP * ( 1 + PF * (1-P))

where P = Thermal Power / Rated Thermal Power FAHRTP = 1.65 for RFA-2 fuel, and PF = 0.3 2.6 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE - AFD (LCO 3.2.3) 2.6.1 The AFD limits for Cycle 8 are provided in Figure 3.

2.7 REFUELING BORON CONCENTRATION (LCO 3.9.1) 2.7.1 The refueling boron concentration shall be > 2000 ppm.

2.8 ACCUMULATORS (LCO 3.5.1) 2.8.1 There are 240 tritium producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs) in the reactor core for Cycle 8.

2.9 REFUELING WATER STORAGE TANK - RWST (LCO 3.5.4) 2.9.1 There are 240 tritium producing burnable absorber rods (TPBARs) in the reactor core for Cycle 8.

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 5 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 250 (0.074, 231) (0.632,231) 231 225 (0.048, 225) -ý0- - , -

(0.0, 214) I . . .

200 BANK B (1.0, 187) z 175 OF C..

BANK . ."

0- 150 / . . . . . .

U,  :::OOF F-U) 125

'Ai II I' z

0 P: 14BANK 0~ 100 (0-0,86) z AO

  • i Oi i 0

75 0

  • rPO 50 25 0

0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 FRACTION OF RATED THERMAL POWER Figure 1 Control Bank Insertion Limits Versus Thermal Power Four Loop Operation

  • Fully withdrawn region shall be the condition where shutdown and control banks are at a position within the interval of _ 225 and _<231 steps withdrawn.

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 6 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 1.2 1.1 1.0 -- -.. ____

0.9 0.8 0 0.7 U_

0* 0.6 -- Core Height KQZ) 0.000 1.000 U 6.000 1.000 12.000 0.9256 0.5 z

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Core Height (feet)

Figure 2 K(Z) - Normalized FQ(Z) as a Function of Core Height Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 7 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 120 110 100 90 80


0 70

-0 60 4-- 50 0

-0 40 30 20 10 0

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Flux Difference (Al) %

Figure 3 Axial Flux Difference Acceptable Operation Limits as a Function of Rated Thermal Power (RAOC)

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 8 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Heioht Max.

(fee" W(z) 0.0000 1.0000 1.50 0.2000 1.0000 0.4000 1.0000 0.6000 1.0000 0.8000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2000 1.4280 1.4000 1.4084 1.6000 1.3857

~ ~


1.8000 1.3608 I I .I II . .I I I - IýI . . . . . . I. . . . i. 2.0000 1.3344 2.2000 1.3072 1.40 .........

2.4000 1.2792 2.6000 1.2506 2.8000 1.2281 3.0000 1.2083 3.2000 1.1929 i i i i ! ; ; i i i ! i i i I i i i ý i i i ! i i i i ! i i 1 1 i 1 1. . . . . . . . . I I I 3.4000 1.1867 3.6000 1.1841 1 -t - 41 41- I I I I II I I I I III - 1 - -- --- f . ...- -


3.8000 1.1813 4.0000 1.1777 4.2000 1.1737 4.4000 1.1691 1.30 I I I I I I I II I 4.6000 1.1638 4.8000 1.1579 i ! i ! i i f i -t i f i F 5.0000 1.1516 5.2000 1.1441 5.4000 1.1364 5.6000 1.1365 5.8000 1.1443 6.0000 1.1538 6.2000 1.1613 6.4000 1.1679 t>HI V1I+[BL It> LPL Vt> I[I~

1.20 6.6000 1.1733 6.8000 1.1772 7.0000 1.1797 7.2000 1.1807 7.4000 1.1800 7.6000 1.1776 7.8000 1.1734 i !i i i  ! ii h1 i i 1 9h -f 8.0000 1.1673 8.2000 1.1594

. I I I i ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L ..1; 1 . - I. I;I 8.4000 1.1494 8.6000 1.1373 1.10 Hill I 8.8000 1.1243 9.0000 1.1179 9.2000 1.1170 9.4000 1.1159 9.6000 1.1116 9.8000 1.1120 10.0000 1.1171 10.2000 1.1198 10.4000 1.1212 10.6000 1.1244 10.8000 1.1275 1.00 11.0000 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11.2000 1.0000 BO TTOM TOP 11.4000 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.6000 1.0000 11.8000 1.0000 12.0000 1.0000 Figure 4 RAOC Summary of Max W(z) at 150 MWD/MTU with HFP AFD Band of -12/+6 %

(Top and Bottom 10% Excluded)

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 9 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Height Max.

(fee W(z) 0.0000 1.0000 1.50 0.2000 1.0000 I Ii di i I Ii i  ! I i I I II i i  ! I I I I i I l I l 0.4000 1.0000 0.6000 1.0000 0.8000 1.0000 I Ii I I II i I i I i I i ii I I i i i I I i I I I I I I I 1.0000 1.0000 1.2000 1.4115 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.4000 1.3922 1.6000 1.3700 1.8000 1.3455 2.0000 1.3196 i f i I i I4 I I I i . Ii I I I ; Ii i i i i i i 2.2000 1.2928 1.40 2.4000 1.2655 i N i Ii I I 4-l ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! I lI IiI I I I I 2.6000 1.2381 2.8000 1.2095 3.0000 1.1882 3.2000 1.1766 3.4000 1.1706 i iI I I i i I I I I i; i- i- i- Ii -- - -i -i I I I l l 3.6000 1.1680 3.8000 1.1658 4.0000 1.1630

. . 1 . . -I !

!--i i i l -4 Ii i l  ! !  ! ! l l i  ! 1 1 1 i i i i i 4.2000 1.1597 4.4000 1.1559 1.30 4.6000 1.1515 4.8000 1.1466 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0000 1.1413 5.2000 1.1348

11 i Ii I -- ,I..I I . . I . I ý ý11 I I 5.4000 1.1282 5.6000 1.1293 5.8000 1.1380 6.0000 1.1486 6.2000 1.1572
i, i* i," i i i I I K I I i[ i i I iI i i iI i i I l I I I I I I 6.4000 1.1650 1.20 6.6000 1.1715 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.8000 1.1767 7.0000 1.1804 7.2000 1.1828 7.4000 1.1845 7.6000 1.1849 7.8000 1.1836 8.0000 1.1806 Li-i-0i-M-m__ i ia 0 i I--2 i-:Liiiiiiiii _ M M 0t 8.2000 1.1758 8.4000 1.1691 8.6000 1.1603 1.10 Luý = 1i i i i ii 1!I i i i i i i iii i i 1 8.8000 1.1515 9.0000 1.1492 9.2000 1.1530 9.4000 1.1534 9.6000 1.1553 9.8000 1.1576 10.0000 1.1591 10.2000 1.1614

. . I. I

. ..... I I.. 10.4000 1.1669 10.6000 1.1723 10.8000 1.1757 1.00 1. i1. i.1T 1 11I11 1l 1 11iMIM ii I1I l ll11, 11.0000 1.0000 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11.2000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP 11.4000 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.6000 1.0000 11.8000 1.0000 12.0000 1.0000 Figure 5 RAOC Summary of Max W(z) at 2000 MWD/MTU with HFP AFD Band of -12/+6 %

(Top and Bottom 10% Excluded)

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 10 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Height Max.

(feet W(z) 0.0000 1.0000 1.50 I i ; ! i! ! ! i ! iI ----! I----- i 0.2000 1.0000

i I I I i I I i i I I I I I I I 0.4000 1.0000 0.6000 1.0000 0.8000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 I ~ 1.2000 1.3382 1.4000 1.3221 1.6000 1.3031 1.8000 1.2823 2.0000 1.2600 2.2000 1.2376 1.40 2.4000 1.2168 i~~

i i ! i i i ii i ! I I I I I i! i ! i Ii iI i i Ii i I i; i i i i 2.6000 1.1980 2.8000 1.1796 I III II I III I 1111111111111 I I I 3.0000 1.1608 3.2000 1.1470 3.4000 1.1427 i A ! ! i I ! I I I I Ii i ! I I I I I I! i  !! i !i I I I i! I 3.6000 1.1417 3.8000 1.1407 4.0000 1.1393

. . . I . I I ý . I I I . . . . i ! i i i i i ý i ! i i ! i ! i ! ! i i i i i i i i i i . . .

4.2000 1.1376 4.4000 1.1355 1.30 4.6000 1.1331 1 ý111i 11 11 1 1 1 ,i11 1 i1 1 1 1 11111 1111 I-, 1CCI 1 4-1 4.8000 1.1301 5.0000 1.1268 5.2000 1.1228 5.4000 1.1217 5.6000 1.1325 5.8000 1.1446 6.0000 1.1545

.CCIICC;; C~ 11111111 I 1111CC 6.2000 1.1639 IC 111CC CI-i-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I-----I 6.4000 1.1720 1.20 6.6000 1.1788 6.8000 1.1843 7.0000 1.1882 il l 11 I! !I i h ,i i l 7.2000 1.1908 7.4000 1.1931 7.6000 1.1936

' !, ', i i ! i*i ', ; '  : i, ." ',  !, i, 1 !, i .', i i ', ',*i i ;1 CI I II I 7.8000 1.1923 8.0000 1.1892 8.2000 1.1842 IICICCCICCII, III I1IIICC IC, ICC.ICIICIIICCII 8.4000 1.1773 8.6000 1.1685 1.10  ::CICCCIC 8.8000 1.1574 9.0000 1.1525 i C C i iIi C C !

i C C I I IC; I IIi I !I; C I i i IIi i C  ; I I I II II C I 9.2000 1.1540 9.4000 1.1570 9.6000 1.1641 9.8000 1.1719 10.0000 1.1781 10.2000 1.1832 I I C I I I I I I I I I I CC CI I I CCCI CC CI C I CI CCI I I C I I I I I C I-I------I-----I-----I 10.4000 1.1866 10.6000 1.1904 10.8000 1.1925 1.00 i .1 11 1i1ii i i i i i i 11i1 1i i 1 M !i i i1 i!i1i 1i1i i ii11iIi 11.0000 1.0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11.2000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP 11.4000 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.6000 1.0000 11.8000 1.0000 12.0000 1.0000 Figure 6 RAOC Summary of Max W(z) at 4000 MWD/MTU with HFP AFD Band of -12/+6 %

(Top and Bottom 10% Excluded)

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 11 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Height Max.

(feet) W(z) 0.0000 1.0000 1.50 1 1 0.2000 1.0000 I 0.6000 1.0000 1.0000 I Y0.8000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2000 1.2427 1.4000 1.2341 1.6000 1.2233 1.8000 1.2113 2.0000 1.1986 4 -2.2000 1.1855 1.402.4000 1.1721 2.6000 1.1585 2.8000 1.1444 3.0000 1.1329 3.2000 1.1290 3.4000 1.1303 3.6000 1.1313 3.8000 1.1319 4.0000 1.1321 4.2000 1.1342 1.30 4.4000 1.1399 4.6000 1.1446 4.8000 1.1485 5.0000 1.1511 5.2000 1.1541 5.4000 1.1621

- --- 5.6000 1.1780 5.8000 1.1937

-6.0000 1.2072 6.2000 1.2194 6.4000 1.2298 1.20 6.6000 1.2384

  • 6.8000 1

.1A 1.2449 7.0000 1.2497 7.2000 1.2530

- I 7.4000 1.2549 i !H 7.6000 1.2544 7.8000 1.2516 8.0000 1.2463 8.2000 1.2387 8.4000 1.2287 8.6000 1.2165 1.10 8.8000 1.2015 9.0000 1.1858 9.2000 1.1741 9.4000 1.1723

. .9.6000 1.1762 9.8000 1.1817 10.0000 1.1852

- ---- 10.2000 1.1879 10.4000 1.1901 10.6000 1.1927 1 .0 0 1. 1. 1.

,-1 -0ý I- -- 10.8000 1 1.0 00 0 1.2017 1 .00 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11.2000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP 11.4000 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.8000 1.0000 11.6000 1.0000 12.0000 1.0000 Figure 7 RAOC Summary of Max W(z) at 10000 MWD/MTU with HFP AFD Band of -12/+6 %

(Top and Bottom 10% Excluded)

Unit I Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 12 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Height Max.

(feet W(z) 0.0000 1.0000 1.50 0.2000 1.0000 III~~~

1111 11111 I 1111 F771 111111 11177 111 0.4000 1.0000 0.6000 1.0000 t-r 11111111!111111 11 1 111 11111 1111 0.8000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2000 1.2477 I 1n11 1 11 ! ! !  !  ! i ! 1.4000 1.2382 1.6000 1.2266 1.8000 1.2136 I I 2.0000 1.2001 I I I I I I I 2.2000 1.1862 1.40 2.4000 1.1719 2.6000 1.1573 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.8000 1.1435 3.0000 1.1366 I lt* I, 1~Iit~~1,

1. tit!11 iti i5 3.2000 3.4000 3.6000 1.1364 1.1377 1.1409 3.8000 1.1467 4.0000 1.1528 4.2000 1.1578 1.30 4.4000 1.1620
i. I. .........I.! .... ..IH.. .i ....i. 4.6000 4.8000 5.0000 1.1649 1.1689 1.1721 5.2000 1.1791 I . I 1 1 1I 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - iii i i I1 5.4000 1.1953 5.6000 1.2093

. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.8000 1.2211 6.0000 1.2314 6.2000 1.2397 6.4000 1.2461 1.20 S1 11 1 1MI !J !lfA! Ill 1 1 1 1 MI 6.6000 6.8000 1.2505 1.2526 7.0000 1.2534 7.2000 1.2532 7.4000 1.2507

. I I I . i ! i ! 4 1 AIN' i 1 i i i 11 i i ij i i iI I ! i F i i i 4--q-.--------I--I-.I--I--------------

1 7.6000 1.2459 7.8000 1.2388 i i i  ! 11 i i i 11 i  ! r- i i . in, i i  ; ý ; 11 i i i i i i i I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0000 1.2295 8.2000 1.2180 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-I-----I------I-----I I 8.4000 8.6000 1.2044 1.1880 1.10 8.8000 1.1815 9.0000 1.1803 9.2000 1.1754 9.4000 1.1732 9.6000 1.1717 9.8000 1.1673 10.0000 1.1645 10.2000 1.1706 10.4000 1.1839 10.6000 1.1953 1.00 *= = *I i iIJ 1 1 J* = 10.8000 1.2076 11.0000 1.0000 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11.2000 1.0000 BOTTOM TOP 11.4000 1.0000 CORE HEIGHT (FEET) 11.6000 1.0000 11.8000 1.0000 12.0000 1.0000 Figure 8 RAOC Summary of Max W(z) at 14000 MWD/MTU with HFP AFD Band of -12/+6 %

(Top and Bottom 10% Excluded)

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 13 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Table A.1 FQw(Z) Penalty Factor Core FQ w(Z)

Burnup Penalty (MWD/MTU) Factor All burnups 1.0200 Note:

1. The Penalty Factor, which is applied to FQw(Z) for compliance with Surveillance Requirement, is the maximum factor by which FQw(Z) is expected to increase per 31 Effective Full Power Days (EFPD) starting from the burnup at which the FQw(Z) was determined.

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 14 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Table 1: Control Rod Overlap Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Overlap Overlap Counter Counter (steps) (steps) 0 0 72 72 2 2 74 74 4 4 76 76 6 6 78 78 8 8 80 80 10 10 82 82 12 12 84 84 14 14 86 86 16 16 88 88 18 18 90 90 20 20 92 92 22 22 94 94 24 24 96 96 26 26 98 98 28 28 100 100 30 30 102 102 32 32 104 104 34 34 106 106 36 36 108 108 38 38 110 110 40 40 112 112 42 42 114 114 44 44 116 116 46 46 118 118 48 48 120 120 50 50 122 122 52 52 124 124 54 54 126 126 56 56 128 128 0 58 58 130 130 2 60 60 132 132 4 62 62 134 134 6 64 64 136 136 8 66 66 138 138 10 68 68 140 140 12 70 70 142 142 14 Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 15 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Table 1: Control Rod Overlap Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Overlap Overlap Counter Counter (steps) (steps) 144 144 16 220 220 192 146 146 181 222 222 94 148 1148 20 224 224 96 150 150 22 226 226 98 152 152 24 228 228 100 154 154 26 230 230 102 156 156 28 232 232 104 158 158 30 234 106 160 160 32 236 108 162 162 34 238 110 164 164 36 240 112 166 166 38 242 114 168 168 40 244 116 170 170 42 246 118 172 172 44 248 120 174 174 46 250 122 176 176 48 252 124 178 178 50 254 126 180 180 52 256 128 0 182 182 54 258 130 2 184 184 56 260 132 4 186 186 58 262 134 6 188 188 60 264 136 8 190 190 62 266 138 10 192 192 64 268 140 12 194 194 66 270 142 14 196 196 68 272 144 16 198 198 70 274 146 18 200 200 72 276 148 20 202 202 74 278 150 22 204 204 76 280 152 24 206 206 78 282 154 26 208 208 80 284 156 28 210 210 82 286 158 30 212 212 84 288 160 32 214 214 86 290 162 34 216 216 88 292 164 36 218 218 90 294 166 38 Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 16 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Table 1: Control Rod Overlap Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Overlap Overlap Counter Counter (steps) (steps) 296 168 40 370 114 298 170 42 372 116 300 172 44 374 118 302 1174 46 1 376 120 304 176 48 378 122 306 178 50 380 124 308 180 52 382 126 310 182 54 384 128 0 312 184 56 386 130 2 314 186 58 388 132 4 316 188 60 390 134 6 318 190 62 392 136 8 320 192 64 394 138 10 322 194 66 396 140 12 324 196 68 398 142 14 326 198 70 400 144 16 328 200 72 402 146 18 330 202 74 404 148 20 332 204 76 406 150 22 334 206 78 408 152 24 336 208 80 410 154 26 338 210 82 412 156 28 340 212 84 414 158 30 342 214 86 416 160 32 344 216 88 418 162 34 346 218 90 420 164 36 348 220 92 422 166 38 350 222 94 424 168 40 352 224 96 426 170 42 354 226 98 428 172 44 356 228 100 430 174 46 358 230 102 432 176 48 360 232 104 434 178 50 362 106 436 180 52 364 108 438 182 54 366 110 440 184 56 368 112 442 186 58 Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 17 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Table 1: Control Rod Overlap Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Overlap Overlap Counter Counter (steps) (steps) 444 188 60 518 134 446 1190 62 520 136 448 192 64 522 138 450 194 66 524 140 452 196 68 526 142 454 198 70 528 144 456 200 72 530 146 458 202 74 532 148 460 204 76 534 150 462 206 78 536 152 464 208 80 538 154 466 210 82 540 156 468 212 84 542 158 470 214 86 544 160 472 216 88 546 162 474 218 90 548 164 476 220 92 550 166 478 222 94 552 168 480 224 96 554 170 482 226 98 556 172 484 228 100 558 174 486 230 102 560 176 488 232 104 562 178 490 106 564 180 492 108 566 182 494 110 568 184 496 112 570 186 498 114 572 188 500 116 574 190 502 118 576 192 504 120 578 194 506 122 580 196 508 124 582 198 510 126 584 200 512 128 586 202 514 130 588 204 516 132 590 206 Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BARPae1of9 Page 18 of 19 Revision 2

COLR for Watts Bar Unit 1, Cycle 8 Table 1: Control Rod Overlap Band A Bank B Bank C Bank D Bank Overlap Counter (steps) 592 208 594 210 596 212 598 214 600 216 602 218 604 220 606 222 608 224 610 226 612 228 614 230 616 232 This information is provided in 2 step increments. One step increments can be derived by interpolation. Fully withdrawn region shall be the condition where shutdown and control banks are at a position within the interval of >_225 and <231 steps withdrawn. The Table indicates a maximum step of 232 to be consistent with 2 step increments.

Unit 1 Cycle 8 WATTS BAR Page 19 of 19 Revision 2