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Initial Exam 2010-301 Final Simulator Scenarios
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/03/2010
Tennessee Valley Authority
50-327/10-301, 50-328/10-301
Download: ML101230092 (281)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 1 IIII Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 1 Op Test No.: NRC Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: 100% RTP Turnover: Maintain current conditions; currently in 0-GO-5 Section 5.2, At Power Conditions Target CTs: Isolate Faulted Steam Generator Prior to Exiting E-2 Isolate AFW to the faulted SG within 10 minutes after a steamline break. I Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 RX02D1 I-RO RC Loop #4 T-cold Fails High T+O SRO-TS 2 MS09 C-BOP Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV-47-183 fails closed T+10 3 ZAIHIC6281A I-RO CVCS Let Down Pressure Control Valve Fails Closed (1-PCV-62-83) T+20 4 CN09 C-BOP Loss of Condenser Vacuum- Leak wI standby Condenser Vacuum Pump failing T+30 set yp_cn11b=-1 to start automatically 5 NIA R-RO MT Rapid Load Reduction due to Condenser Vacuum Leak. T+30 SRO 6 TU02A Turbine High Vibration (:;;14 mills sustained- no trip required) T+45 TU028 7 set yp_tc17d=-1 SRO-TS #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss T+45 8 NIA M-AII Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) T+50 9 MS12A C-BOP Loop #1 SG Atmospheric Relief Valve sticks open T+50 10 RP13C C-RO MFW Isolation Fails to Auto Actuate (manual operator action required) T+50 [pre-insert]

            *   (N)ormal,    (R )eactivity,  (I )nstru ment,  (C)omponent,     (M)ajor Appendix D                                                                                                   NUREG 1021 Revision 9

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Scenario 1 Summary The crew will assume the shift with the unit in MODE 1,100% RTP. 0-GO-5 Section 5.2, At Power Conditions is the procedure in effect. Following completion of crew turnover and at the direction of the Lead Examiner, RC Loop #4 T-cold will fail high. The crew will respond using alarm response procedures (ARPs) 1-AR-M6A, A-2 and C-2 directing entry into AOP-1.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction, Section 2.0 and Appendix D for the Loop #4 temperature instrument failure. The crew may enter AOP-C.01, Section 2.1, Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement for the unexpected rod motion. The SRO will identify Tech Spec actions: Table 3.3-1, functional units 7 and 8 Action 6, and 14c Action 10;, functional units 6.c.i.c and 6.c.ii.c both Action 37. When the plant is stable, at Lead Examiner direction, initiate the next event, Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV 183 fails closed, challenging condenser vacuum. The standby condenser vacuum pump may be required but will not start automatically, requiring manual action. The crew will respond using ARP 1-AR-M2A A-5 and, as necessary, AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum. When the plant is stable, at Lead Examiner direction, initiate the next event, CVCS Letdown Pressure Control Valve Fails Closed (1-PCV-62-81). The crew will control letdown pressure manually according to alarm response procedure, 1-AR-M6C, B-4. The crew may decide to isolate Letdown and place Excess Letdown in service. When Letdown is stable and controlled or Excess Letdown in service, at Lead Examiner direction, initiate Loss of Condenser Vacuum- Leak. If returned to standby, condenser vacuum pump will not start automatically, again requiring manual action. The crew will respond alarms, 1-AR-M2C C-6 and re-enter AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum. At step 9, the crew should implement AOP-C.03, Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction to mitigate the vacuum loss. During the vacuum leak/turbine load reduction, Main Turbine High Vibrations will develop, ARP for annunciator 1-AR-M2A 0-4 will be applied. Vibration magnitude will temporarily stabilize at less than the turbine trip value. At this time

  1. 4 MT Stop Valve indication (RPS input) will be lost. The crew will respond using the ARP 1-AR-M6B E-5 which directs entry into AOP-1.07, Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure Instrument or Turbine Stop Valve Limit Switch Malfunction; Sections 2.0 & 2.3 apply and will address the indication failure (while the crew continues in AOP-C.03 for the load reduction). The SRO will identify Tech Spec LCO, table 3.3-1, functional unit 18B Action 7 as applicable.

Following TS identification, at the Lead Examiner direction, the turbine vibration severity will increase resulting in a turbine trip demand condition as described in ARP. The crew will manually trip the reactor. Following the Reactor Trip, #1 SG Atmospheric Relief Valve will stick open causing a steam leak. The crew will enter E-O, Reactor Trip or SI to stabilize the plant. The crew will proceed through to E-2, Faulted SG Isolation, to stabilize the plant by attempting to isolate the steam leak and transition to E-1, Loss of Rx or Secondary Coolant, to determine if SI termination criteria are met. Additionally, automatic Feedwater Isolation fails requiring manual isolation actions prior to exiting E-2 and isolate AFW to the faulted SG within 10 minutes to meet time critical actions to meet successful scenario completion. EOP flow: E-O - E E-1 (ES-1.1) The scenario may be terminated as directed by the Lead Examiner upon completion of E-1 Step 7, SI termination determination. PSA significant task: Isolate Faulted Steam Generator Isolate AFW to the faulted SG within 10 minutes after a steamline break. PSA significant component failure: Feedwater Isolation automatic actuation SG #1 Atmospheric Relief Valve Appendix D NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ESG-l Booth Instruction File 112912010 EVENT T ICIMF/RF/OR # Simulator IC-30 DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK  : IC 100%, MOL ~8,000 MWDIMTU CB 'D' Rods @ 222 steps, all others @ 228 steps; [B] = 850 ppm; Ba Blender setting: 21 % Xe/Sm @ equilibrium Console Ol!.erator actions: Place simulator in run and l!.erfprm the fpllowing:

  • Place the MODE 1 sign on I-M-4
  • Place Train Week A sign MFs, RFs, IMF RP13C f: 1 MFW Isolation Failure ORs are set yp cn11b=-1 IB Condenser Vacuum Pump failing to start automatically; active when the SCN file is loaded.
1. IMF RX02Dl f:630 RC Loop #4 T -cold Fails High r:120 k:l Support staff report: When MSS is contacted to trip bistables, inform the crew that IMs will report to the MCR in ~25 minutes.
2. IMF MS09 f:l k:2 Gland Seal Steam Regulator, I-PCV-47-183 fails closed; Support statJreport: If dispatched, after ~5 minutes, the TB AUO reports 1-PCV-47-183 HP Steam Seal Regulator appears to be closed by local observation
3. lOR ZAIHIC6281A CVCS LD HX Pressure Controller PCV Fails to control in AUTO (I-PCV-f:O r:60 k:3 62-81) rr Support statJreport: dispatched, after 5 minute, the AB AUO reports the valve is [position from MCBj, no apparent problems or damage identified/observed locally.
4. IMF CN09 f:0.03 Loss of Condenser Vacuum- Leak r:60 k:4 [MMF CN09 £:0.08 r: 180; Once Stby CVP is started and MT load reduction initiated, MMF CN09 £:0.03 r: 180 to maintain Condenser pressure <2.7 psia, MT Trip stpt]

set yp_ cn11 b=-1 [pre-insert] IB Condenser Vacuum Pump fails to start automatically; Support statJreport: When personnel are dispatched, wait ~5 minutes and report that the vacuum breaker flange is leaking. If requested, report the 1B Condenser Vacuum Pump is running; post start-up checks are as expected; and MT gland sealing steam regulator is closed by local observation.; Page 1 of 2

ESG-l Booth Instruction File 1129/2010

5. N/A MT Rapid Load Reduction in response to Condenser Vacuum Leak Support stafJreport: Jfrequested, report that the MSS has been contacted to get maintenance support.
6. IMF TU02A f:23 r:60 Turbine High Vibration (#1&2 bearings- :S14 mills sustained- no trip k:6 required);

IMF TU02B f:21.5 r:50 k:6 Support stafJreport: Wait ~5 minutes and report as TB AUO that vibration is evident in the vicinity of the MT HP end; state personnel safety for not approaching MT. During the load reduction, MT High Vibrations will develop; Vibration magnitude will temporarily stabilize at less than the turbine trip value and #4 MT Stop Valve indication (RPS input) will be lost; this is a Tech Spec call for the SRO.

7. set yp_tc17d=-1 #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss; Support stafJreport: Jfrequested, wait ~2 minutes and report as TB AUO that "Turbine Stop valve #4 is fully open. "
8. MMF TU02A f:65 r:30 Modify Turbine High Vibration (2:15.5 mills sustained- MT trip required)

MMF TU02B f:62 r:35 Support stafJreport: ifpreviously dispatched, wait ~2-3 minutes (5 minutes if not) and report as TB AUO that vibration is evident in the vicinity of the MT HP end; state personnel safety for not approaching MT.

9. IM:F MS12A f:100 Loop #1 SG Atmospheric Relief Valve fails open; (Conditions resulting in Sf d:60 e:1 Actuation-manual)

Support stafJreport: Jfrequested by the crew, Security Officer or as AUO reports steam comingfrom the top of the West Valve Vault (i.e.: S/Gs #1 or #4).

10. IM:FRP13C FW Isolation Fails to Auto Actuate (manual operator action required);

[pre-insert] SUJ2J2ort stafJreport: none Termination Criteria: Complete E-1 Step 7, MONITOR SI termination criteria at the Lead Examiner direction. Page 2 of 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 1 _ __ __ __ __

                                                                               ....:..-_ __

_ Page Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                              ---        Event #

_....:..-_ Event# of 47 Event


RC Loop #4 T-cold instrument fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 1 Indications available: Annunciators:

  • 0-2 "TS-68-2J REACTOR COOLANT LOPS LO LO TAVG" 1-M-4 indications:
  • 1-XI-1-103A1B, Steam Dumps Armed white light illuminated 1-M-5 indications:
  • RCS Lp 4 Indicator 1-TI-68-67E indicates: varies, goes down then up;
  • 1-TI-68-67D indicates: varies, goes down then up;
  • 1-TI-68-67A indicates: varies, goes down then up;
  • 1-TI-68-67B indicates: varies, goes down then up;
  • 1-XX-SS-S, Reactor Trip Status Panel "PROT. SET 4 TROUBLE" Status light T=O CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures Diagnose failure and place rods in manual to stop rod motion RO Refer to Annunciator Response Procedure SRO SRO may use or refer to AOP-I.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction SRO Enter and direct action of AOP-C.01 Section 2.1
1. STOP uncontrolled rod motion:

RO a. PLACE rod control in MAN.

b. CHECK rod motion STOPPED.

CAUTION: Control Rods should NOT be manually withdrawn during a plant transient.

2. CHECK for plant transient:

CREW a. CHECK reactor power and T-avg STABLE.

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # _ _ _..:.-_ _ Page 2 of 47 Event


RC Loop #4 T-cold instrument fails high Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

3. CHECK for instrumentation malfunction:
a. CHECK nuclear instrumentation OPERABLE.


b. GO TO AOP-1.02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction.

SRO may use or refer to AOP-I-02, RCS Loop RTD Instrument Malfunction, SRO Section 2.0:

1. PLACE rod control in MANUAL.

CAUTION: Control Rods should NOT be manually withdrawn during durinQ a plant transient. NOTE: Tavg must be within 1°F of Tref when restoring restorinq automatic rod control.

2. RESTORE Tavg as necessary USING one of the following:
  • Manual rod control (normal method selected)


  • Res boration OR
  • Turbine load reduction RO 3. CHECK loop 1 temperature channel OPERABLE.

RO 4. CHECK loop 2 temperature channel OPERABLE. RO 5. CHECK loop 3 temperature channel OPERABLE.

6. CHECK loop 4 temperature channel OPERABLE.

SRO/RO (RNO Required) RNO; At SRO direction: PERFORM the following:


TAVG-b.T REC/SEL switch XS-68-2B in LOOP 1, 2, or 3


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _~ Event # Event# _ _ _~_ _ Page Page 3 3 of of 47

                                                -~                     ---~--



RC Loop #4 T-cold instrument fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

7. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:
  • (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation Action 6 (From Table 3.3-1 Items 7 & 8) Applies - Trip inop Bistables w/i 6 Hrs.

AND Action 10 (From Table 3.3-1 Item 14c) Applies -within 6 hours, for the affected protection set, the Trip Time Delays (TS and TM) threshold SRO power level for zero seconds time delay is adjusted to 0% RTP

  • (3.3.2), Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation Action 37 (From Table 3.3-3 Items 6.c.i.c & 6.c.ii.c) Applies - within 6 hours, for the affected protection set, the Trip Time Delays (TS and TM) threshold power level for zero seconds time delay is adjusted to 0%

RTP. NOTE: If performing AOP in conjunction with AOP-1.11 for an Eagle LCP failure, ... [N/A for this event]

8. NOTIFY MIG to remove failed TAVG-~T loop from service USING appropriate Appendix:

INSTRUMENT RCS LOOP PROT APPENDIX LOOP NUMBER CH 1 T-68-2 I A SROI (T-411/412) 2 T-68-25 II B CREW (T-421 1422) 3 T-68-44 III C (T-431 1432) 4 T-68-67 IV D (T-441 1442) (Appendix 0 will apply)

9. IF automatic rod control is available, ROI THEN SRO RESTORE rod control to AUTO USING 0-SO-85-1.

SRO appropriate plant procedure.

10. GO TO apPJopriate

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # _ _ _""--_ _ _ Page 4 of 47




RC Loop #4 T-cold instrument fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event when Technical Specifications are addressed.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # -.;...._ Event # 2 Page 5 of 47

                                                                      ~----------                        ~--~I
                                                                                                         - --i Event


Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV-47-183 fails closed T Time Dn",i+inn Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 2 Indications available:

  • Annunciator XA-55-2A Window A-5 "PIS-47-196 TURBINE SEAL STEAM PRESS. ABNORMAL"
  • Indicator 1-PI-47-189 indicates ~O psig
  • Indicator 1-PI-47-187 indicates150 psig Significant Resultant Alarmsllndications:
  • Annunciator XA-55-2C Window C-6 "PS-2-7B CONDENSER VACUUM LOW" @2.7 psia increasing
  • Recorderllndicator 1-P/TR-2-2 indicates condenser pressure trending up T + 10 BOP Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures BOP refers to ARP A-5 "PIS-47-196 TURBINE SEAL STEAM PRESS.

BOP ABNORMAL" Corrective Actions: [1] CHECK [1-PI-47-187] on 1-M-2 to verify header pressure BOP (normally expected value: ==125 psig). [2] IF header pressure low, THEN: BOP OPEN [1-FCV-47-181] steam seal bypass to restore header pressure USING 1-S0-2-9, Condenser Vacuum And Turbine Steam Seal System Operation to Bypass 1-PCV-47-183. BOP identifies low/loss of high pressure sealing steam pressure on MCB BOP indicators; manually controls HP Sealing Steam using bypass FCV, [1-FCV* 47-181]. [3] IF header pressure is high ... BOP [This step N/A] [4] IF Header pressure is low ... BOP [This step N/A] [5] CHECK operation of PCV-47-183 HP Steam Seal. BOP/CREW AUO dispatched for local inspection CREW [6] CHECK plant computer to determine which seal has abnormal pressure. [7] DISPATCH operator to determine steam seal supply pressure to each CREW seal (on local indicator).

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event # 2

                                                                      -  -----------

Page 6 of 47

                                                                                                          ----~l Event


Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV-47-183 fails closed Ti Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior [8] ADJUST steam seal supply pressure ... BOP [This step N/A since this step directs local adjustment] BOP/CREW [9] MONITOR condenser vacuum. Evaluator Note: SRO may decide to enter AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum to continue condenser vacuum restoration. Provided prompt action is implemented, this ARP provides adequate instruction to mitigate this event. US US may use or refer to AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum, Section 2.0: CAUTION: Turbine will trip automatically when condenser pressure reaches 3.9 to 5.4 psia. NOTE: Highest reading operable condenser pressure instrument should be used.

1. MONITOR condenser pressure for turbine trip criteria.


a. CHECK turbine load greater than or equal to 30%.
b. CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia.

BOP 2. ENSURE condenser vacuum pumps RUNNING. Evaluator Note: The standby Condenser Vacuum Pump will fail to start automatically; manual start is available and could be manually started in response to this event. BOP 3. ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker CLOSED. BOP 4. CHECK required CCW Pumps RUNNING [M-15]. BOP 5. CHECK turbine gland seal steam supply pressure between 120 psig and 130 psig [M-2, PI-47-187]. (RNO Required) BOP RNO: MAINTAIN turbine gland seal supply pressure between 120 and 130 psig USING PCV-47-181, HP Steam Seal Supply Bypass Isol.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ......;..._ Event Event## .....;2~ 2 _____ Page 7 of _4_7_-1\ 47

                                               ~-                      ------------                      ~-~I Event


Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV-47-183 fails closed Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 6. CHECK HP steam seal steam supply between 16 psia and 20 psia [M-2, PI-47-189]. BOP 7. CHECK annunciator PIS-47-196 TURBINE SEAL STEAM PRESS. ABNORMAL, DARK. [M-2A, window A5]. BOP/

8. DISPATCH an operator to perform the following:


a. CHECK loop seal on vacuum breaker [Turbine Bldg, 706' elev].
b. CHECK the following components:
  • Main Turbine rupture discs intact
  • Condenser shell intact
  • Main Feedwater Pump rupture discs intact
  • Main Turbine exhaust hoods
c. VERIFY Main Steam Dump Drain Tank level control operating properly.

BOP 9. CHECK condenser pressure STABLE or DROPPING. RO 10. ENSURE control rods controlling in AUTO. NOTE: Steam dumps will be unavailable due to loss of C-9 interlock if condenser pressure reaches approx. 2.9 - 3.4 psia. BOP/ 11. MONITOR annunciator C-9 CONDENSER INTERLOCK, LIT [M-4A, RO window E6]. BOP 12. DETERMINE volume of condenser inleakage USING the following plant computer points:

  • F2700A
  • F2263A
  • F2260A BOP 13. VERIFY inleakage value less than 45 cfm as indicated by both F2700A and F2263A.

(RNO May Be Required) RNO: PERFORM the following:

a. ENSURE FCV-2-255, Condenser Vacuum Exhaust Bypass, is OPEN.
b. IF reactor power greater than 5%, THEN NOTIFY Chem Lab to reevaluate Vent Flow Rate Monitor setpoint in accordance with O-SI-CEM-030-415.0.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # 2 Page 8 of 47

                                                                                                        - ----(I Event


Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV-47-183 fails closed Time Po.,l+;"" Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP! 14. MONITOR condenser pressure USING the following computer points: RO

  • P2270A
  • P2271A BOP 15. CHECK condenser waterbox L'lP annunciator windows DARK [M-15A]:
  • PdIS-27-65 CCW TO COND 1(2)C EAST SIDE DIFF PRESS HI [E-31 rE-31 BOP! 16. CHECK annunciator PdS-27-13B TRAV SCREEN 1B DIFF PRESS HI, RO DARK. [M-15A, window A4].

BOP 17. CHECK annunciator TS-47-218, EXHAUST HOOD TEMPERATURE HIGH-VERY HIGH, DARK. [M-2A, window E5] BOP 18. CHECK condenser water box L'lT less than or equal to 30°F USING the following computer points:

  • T2430A, Cond A Inlet (West)
  • T2431A, Cond A Inlet (East)
  • T2434A, Cond 8 Inlet (West)
  • T2435A, Cond 8 Inlet (East)
  • T2438A, Cond C Inlet (West)
  • T2439A, Cond C Inlet (East)
  • T2432A, Cond A Outlet (West)
  • T2433A, Cond A Outlet (East)
  • T2436A, Cond 8 Outlet (West)
  • T2437 A, Cond 8 Outlet (East)
  • T2440A, Cond C Outlet (West)
  • T2441A, Cond C Outlet (East)

NOTE Condenser water box differential temperature is a turbine load dependent parameter. At low turbine loads, it may be less than 20°F. BOP 19. CHECK condenser water box L'lT greater than 20°F USING computer points in previous step.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                               .....:..__ Event#

Event # _2__ _2~ __ _ Gland Seal Steam Regulator, 1-PCV-47-183 fails closed ____ ___ Page 9 of 47

                                                                                                        -  ---{I Ti Time           Position v<>.'                                      Applicant's Actions or Behavior CREW            20. DISPATCH an operator to verify Seal Water level NORMAL (middle of sight glass) on the condenser vacuum pumps [Turbine Bldg, 662' elev.]


21. VERIFY condenser vacuum RESTORED TO NORMAL.
22. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event when condenser vacuum has stabilized.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # 3 Page 10 of 47 Event


CVCS Letdown Pressure Control Valve Fails Closed (1-PCV-62-81) Time Position osition II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 3 Indications available: Annunciator XA-55-6C Window B-4 "FS-62-82 LOW PRESS LTON FLOW HIGH PRESSURE HIGH"

  • Indicator 1-FI-62-82 indicates ==70-75 gpm [M-6]
  • Indicator 1-PI-62-81 indicates pressure rising from -325 to -500-550 psig [M-6]

T=20 Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures CREW Diagnose failure and place 1-PCV62-81 in MANUAL RO Refer to Annunciator Response Procedure Evaluator Note: There are several notes in the alarm response that do not apply to this failure. The notes listed are the ones that do apply. There are several sections of procedure steps. ONLY the applicable steps are included below in this this guide. RO refers to ARP 8-4 "FS-62-82 LOW PRESS LTDN FLOW HIGH RO PRESSURE HIGH" Corrective Actions: RO [1] CHECK CRT SER point number to determine flow or pressure high. [2] CHECK letdown flow [1-FI-62-82] and letdown pressure [1-PI-62-81] on RO M-6. [3] IF RHR not in service, THEN ADJUST [1-PCV-62-81] USING [1-HIC RO 81A] and/or orifice isolation valves to control pressure and flow (Max. 120 gpm). [7] IF Unit SRO deems it necessary, THEN [a] REMOVE normal letdown from service in accordance with1-S0-62-1, SRO Chemical and Volume Control System. [b] PLACE excess letdown in service in accordance with 1-S0-62-6, Excess Letdown. [8] RESTORE conditions to normal as soon as possible.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # 3 Page 11 of 47 Event


CVCS Letdown Pressure Control Valve Fails Closed (1-PCV-62-81) Tim .. P r Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: The CREW may decide to isolate Letdown and place Excess Letdown in service. If normal letdown flowpath remains in service, PCV-62-81 will remain in manual control for the remainder of the scenario; and, the RO is expected to manually control letdown pressure. RO/ 1-S0-62-6, Excess Letdown Section 5.0 Startup/Standby Readiness CREW NOTE 1 When excess letdown is placed in service the containment radiation monitors may show some changes in particulate reading. NOTE 2 Coordinate the following steps with AUO stationed at 0-L-2 to monitor RCDT for pump operation as required during the 50 gallon flush. RO [1] ENSURE [1-FCV-62-93] is in MANUAL and [a] OPERATE [1-FCV-62-93] USING [1-HIC-62-93A] as required to regulate charging flow to keep pressurizer level on program. [b] OPERATE [1-FCV-62-89] USING [1-HIC-62-89A] as required to maintain RCP seal flows in limits. CREW [2] NOTIFY RADCON that Excess Letdown is being placed in service. Evaluator Note: The following valves/indications in steps 3-5 are located on 0-M27B, CCS System Panel [3] ENSURE [1-FCV-70-143] CCS water to the excess letdown heat BOP exchanger is OPEN. [4] ENSURE [1-FCV-70-85] Excess Letdown Heat Exchanger CCS flow BOP control valve is OPEN. NOTE: Step [5] will prevent subjecting the CVCS piping downstream of the Excess Letdown HX to a temperature above the design value. BOP [5] ENSURE [1-FI-70-84] is indicating greater than 230 gpm. RO [6] PLACE [1-FCV-62-59] Excess Letdown 3-way Divert Valve in DIVERT.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # 3 Page 12 of 47 Event


CVCS Letdown Pressure Control Valve Fails Closed (1-PCV-62-81) Time Ti Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CAUTION: FCV 62-63 has replaced RCP seal leak-off isolation valves as the primary

                                 " for isolating seal flow. The normal letdown path for excess letdown will means not be available if FCV-62-63 is CLOSED.

NOTE: Back flow through the RCP seals will occur should the RCP seal leakoff isolation valves fail to their OPEN position on loss of air or electrical power. [7] IF less than 100 psig in RCS ... RO [This step N/A] RO [8] OPEN [1-FCV-62-54] Cold Leg Loop #3 Excess Letdown isolation valve. RO [9] OPEN [1-FCV-62-55] Excess Letdown containment isolation valve NOTE: ICS point 1L2400A or the AUO stationed at 0-L-2 can be used to monitor RCDT for level increase during the 50 gallon flush. Reference the RCDT Level vs. Volume table in TI-28. RO [10] OPEN [1-FCV-62-56] slowly to flush piping to RCDT. [11] WHEN approximately 50 gallons have flushed, THEN CLOSE [1-FCV-RO 62-56], Excess Letdown Flow Control Valve. (Designed flowrate is 20-25 gpm; flush time should be ==2-3 minutes.) RO [12] PLACE [1-FCV-62-59] Excess Letdown 3-way Divert Valve in NORMAL. NOTE 1 Normally the temperature read on 1-TI-62-58 should be less than 200°F. If operation requires temperatures greater than 200°F, the pressure at 1-PI-62-64 (local indicator EI. 690 Pnl L-46) should be less than 100 psig to protect the Grinnell valves. NOTE 2 Operation above 200°F will require that Systems Engineering be notified to allow an evaluation of the need for valve maintenance. [13] OPEN [1-FCV-62-56] slowly to increase excess letdown flow to desired RO amount, not to exceed 240°F heat exchanger outlet temperature, as indicated on 1-TI-62-58.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # 3 Page 13 of 47 Event


CVCS Letdown Pressure Control Valve Fails Closed (1-PCV-62-81) i Time Ti Po Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE: Placing Excess Letdown in service causes increased activity in various areas of the Auxiliary Building. RO [14] NOTIFY RADCON that Excess Letdown has been placed in service. Evaluator Note: Due to reduced letdown flow, 25 gpm, reduced manual charging flow is required; expected flow rate 40-50 gpm to retard Pzr fill rate. Annunciator 1-XA-55-6C, D-3, FS-62-93A1B CHARGING LINE FLOW ABNORMAL is an expected continuous alarm condition (setpoint: :555 gpm;). The RO should re-establish/maintain 6-10 gpm/RCP stable supply flow conditions. Annunciators 1-XA-55-5B, A-3, B-3, C-3, D-3 FS-62-XX REAC COOL PMPS SEAL LEAKOFF LOW FLOW may be actuated during transient conditions; operator response is to clear the condition. Establishes/maintains reduced charging flow rate iaw 1-S0-62-1, Chemical RO and Volume Control System and 0-GO-14, MCR Rounds Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event when charging flow is controlled.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event # _4..;.:. 4,5 *...;..5_ _ _ _ _

                                                                        ---'"-----              Page    14       of
                                                                                                                     --..,1 47
                                                                                                                     ~--II Event


Loss of Condenser Vacuum wi Cond Vac Pp auto start failure I MT Rapid Load Reduction due to Condenser Vacuum Leak i Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 4, 5 Indications available:

  • Condenser Vacuum degrading (Monitored on recorder or ICS), Air in leakage increasing CREW Refer to alarm response procedure T=30 Evaluator Note: CREW may recognize vacuum leak early and enter abnormal procedure AOP-S.02, Loss Of Condenser Vacuum, prior to alarm.

BOP VERIFY alarm via [1-P/TR-2-2] recorder. BOP VERIFY required number of CCW pumps are in service. CHECK condenser vacuum exhaust on ICS using either: BOP a. 1F2700A if 1-FCV-2-255 is closed

b. 1F2263A if 1-FCV-2-255 is open.

BOP IF condenser vacuum exhaust flow> 45 CFM, THEN ENSURE 1-FCV-2-255 OPEN. BOP IF alarm is valid, THEN GO TO AOP-S.02, Loss of Condenser Vacuum. SRO Directs entry into AOP-S.02 NOTE: Use of the highest reading operable condenser pressure instrument is conservative and recommended by engineering. MONITOR condenser pressure for turbine trip criteria. BOP

  • CHECK turbine load greater than or equal to 30% .

(MT Low Condenser Vacuum Trip @ 3.9 psia increasing)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....;...._ Event # Event# _4.;..:. _4..;..:..*...;;.5_ _ _ _ _ Page 15 of 47

                                              .....;....-                                                             ~--II
                                                                                                                      - --II Event


Loss of Condenser Vacuum wi Cond Vac Pp auto start failure I MT Rapid Load Reduction due to Condenser Vacuum Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia. BOP (1-AR-M2-C, C-6, CONDENSER VACUUM LOW @.2.7 @ 2.7 psia increasing.) ENSURE condenser vacuum pumps RUNNING. BOP (Stby 1B Condenser Vacuum Pump fails to start automatically @ 2.1 psia; starts 1B CVP.) BOP manually starts BOP ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker CLOSED. BOP CHECK required CCW Pumps RUNNING [M-15]. Evaluator Note: AOP-S.02 Section 2.0 Step 1.b RNO contains Turbine Trip criteria (stated below). CAUTION: Turbine will trip automatically when condenser pressure reaches 3.9 to 5.4 psia. NOTE: Highest reading operable condenser pressure instrument should be used.

1. MONITOR condenser pressure for turbine trip criteria.


a. CHECK turbine load greater than or equal to 30%.
b. CHECK condenser pressure less than or equal to 2.7 psia.

1.b. RNO: IF condenser pressure:

  • exceeds 3.5 psia OR
  • pressure CANNOT be restored to less than 2.7 psia within 5 minutes, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E 0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
2. ENSURE condenser vacuum pumps RUNNING.

BOP (BOP manually starts 1B CVP if not started previously.) BOP 3. ENSURE condenser vacuum breaker CLOSED.

4. CHECK required CCW Pumps RUNNING[M-15]. [C.1]

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event #


_4.;.:.*. .; . 5_ _ _ _ _ Page 4,5

                                                                   ---'------                        16      of


                                                                                                                   --7 mils
  • 1-M-11-XR-47-2, Main Turbine Vibration Recorder indicates elevated vibration on #s 1 & 2 bearings (==9-10 mils).

CREW Refer to alarm response procedures and carries the following actions: T=45 Evaluator Note: BOP operator is expected to maintain sealing steam pressure manually during the rapid power reduction (Gland Seal Steam Regulator failure, Event 2). NOTE: Vendor recommends turbine trip at 14 mils. [1] MONITOR recorder [1-XR-47-2] to determine which bearing has possible BOP vibration problems and establish trend. CAUTION: Dispatching personnel locally could place personnel in serious danger if a catastrophic turbine failure occurs. Local verification should NOT be performed when adequate MCR indications exist. [2] IF bearing vibration 2:14 mils AND any of the following conditions are met:

  • High vibration is present on multiple bearings OR
  • Abnormal noise or vibration locally or from MCR.

THEN PERFORM the following: [a] IF reactor power is above 50%, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-O. [b] IF reactor power is less than 50%. THEN TRIP the turbine AND GO TO AOP-S.06. Evaluator Note: SRO/CREW determines vibration is stabilizing at -10 mils, should decide not to trip the Reactor/Main Turbine; continues in current ARP. BOP! [3] DISPATCH operator to sound out turbine to verify alarm and 1-XR-47-2 indications. CREW

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ~_ Event # Event# ...;;;.:6,..:..7 _6;;.l.,..:..7_ _ _ _ _ Page 26 of 47

                                                                                                                             '-;";'--ll Event


Turbine High Vibration (:514 mills sustained- no trip required) / #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss Tim~ Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP [4] CHECK the following conditions for potential root cause.

a. Oil temperature.
b. Critical speed.
c. Sealing steam pressure.
d. Condenser vacuum.
e. Exhaust shell temperature.

CREW [5] CORRECT parameter values within applicable plant procedures' limits. [6] IF vibration remains high (greater than setpoint 7 mils), THEN CONSULT with SRO/SM SRO AND EVALUATE starting unit shutdown BOP [a] DETERMINE rate of rise if possible CREW [b] CONTACT System Predictive Maintenance and System Engineer. [7] IF vibration remains high >7 mills, THEN CONSULT with SRO/SM, SRO AND EVALUATE starting unit shutdown. Lead Examiner: After ARP 1-AR-M2A 0-4 is performed to this point (Le.: vibration magnitude stabilized at

                     -10 mils), initiate EVENT 7, #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss (RPS input)

Evaluator Note: Annunciator 1-XX-55-6B E-5; its ARP directs entry into AOP-1.07, Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure Instrument or Turbine Stop Valve Limit Switch Malfunction; Sections 2.0 & 2.2 apply to address the indication failure which is included at the end of this event guide. [8] IF vibration continues to increase, THEN CONSULT SM, AND EVALUATE tripping the turbine prior to exceeding 14 mils verified vibration USING the guidance provided in Step 2. [This step currently N/A] [9] IF reactor trip, THEN GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection. [This step currently N/A]

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....;.._ Event # _6;;;.:.*..;..7_ _ _ _ _ Page _6;;.:. 27 of 47

                                                      .....-.- Event#                                                          --';"-~I
                                                                                                                               - --II Event


Turbine High Vibration (:514 mills sustained- no trip required) I #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss Time Position =: Applicant's Actions or Behavior [10] IF turbine trips and no reactor trip, THEN GO TO AOP-S.06, Turbine Trip. [This step N/A; reactor power >P-9, 49% RTP] Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event, 7 Indications available:

  • 1-XX-55-6A Trip Status Light "TURB STOP VLV 4 CLOSED" CREW Refer to alarm response procedures and carries out the following actions:

NOTE: If failure of main turbine throttle valve bistable is suspected, refer to Tech Spec L.C.O., table 3.3:-1, item 18B. BOP [1] CHECK turbine throttle valves position on turbine EH control panel, M-2. BOPI [2] IF all four stop valves closed and below 50% power, THEN GO TO AOP-S.06, Turbine Trip. CREW [3] IF all four stop valves closed and above 50% power, THEN ENSURE SRO reactor trip, AND GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Safety)njection. Injection. [4] IF any turbine stop valve status light is lit AND the valve is OPEN, OR RO/ status light is NOT lit with valve CLOSED, THEN GO TO AOP-1.07, Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure Instrument or SRO Turbine Stop Valve Limit Switch Malfunction. Transitions to AOP-1.07, Turbine Auto Stop Oil Pressure Instrument or SRO Turbine Stop Valve Limit Switch Malfunction. AOP-1.07, Section 2.0:

1. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:


  • (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation Action 7 (From Table 3.3-1 Item 18.b) Applies - Trip inoperable channel w/i 6 Evaluation hrs. or THERMAL: POWER is reduced to less than P-9 w/i 10 hours

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                                   -.;..._ Event #            _6;.:.,...;..7 6, 7_ _ _ _ _ Page

28 of 47


Turbine High Vibration (::;14 mills sustained- no trip required) / #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss

                                                                                                                                 --11 Time           Position                                        Applicant's Actions or Behavior I                 I               I
2. IF Turbine auto stop oil ...

SRO [This step N/A]

3. IF Turbine stop valve limit switch has malfunctioned, SRO THEN GO TO Section 2.2.

SRO, RO determines MT SV FCV-1-70 is the affected indication; SRO SRO decides Section 2.2 is applicable.


Section 2.2 Turbine Stop Valve Limit Switch Malfunction: NOTE: Computer points require a prefix 0, 1, or 2 be placed in front of the point number; for example, 2Y0391 D. Parenthetical points are for Unit 2.

1. DETERMINE affected channel USING either of the following:

ROI Trip status lights [XX-55-6A] SRO OR Computer Points: PLANT CRTSER TURBINE STOP PROT COMPUTER POINT VALVE CH POINT NUMBER NUMBER FCV-1-61 I Y0391D 518 (518) 51B{518) FCV-1-64 II Y0392D 552 (726) 5521726) FCV-1-67 III Y0393D 553 (727) FCV-1-70 IV Y0394D 557 (728)

2. NOTIFY MIG to remove failed stop valve limit switch from service SRO/

CREW USING appropriate Appendix:: TURBINE STOP PROT VALVE CH APPENDIX FCV-1-61 I D FCV-1-64 II E FCV-1-67 III F FCV-1-70 IV G SRO/CREW Determines MT SV FCV-1-70 is the affected valve indication SRO 3. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                  --- Event #
                                                                            ~6'..;.7 6,7_ _ _ _ _
                                                                            ---'------               Page     29        of    47
                                                                                                                             - ---ll Event


Turbine High Vibration (:514 mills sustained- no trip required) I #4 MT Stop Valve indication loss Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I Determines 1-AR-M2A D-4, Step 8 is correct procedure, step in effect and SRO returns to complete ARP. LEAD EXAMINER may cue next event once TS evaluation is complete in AOP-I.07.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # _8_.,.,.;.9.:...,1;..;.0 _8;":"....;.9:...., 1;.;.0_ _ _ _ Page 30 of 47

                                                ~-                                                                    --";';'--11
                                                                                                                      -  --II Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time JL Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event, 8 Indications available:

  • 1-M-11-XR-47-2, Main Turbine Vibration Recorder Evaluator Note: the turbine vibration severity will increase (>14 mils) resulting in a turbine trip demand condition as described in ARP. Annunciator 1-AR-M2A D-4, VA-47-120 TURBINE HIGH VIBRATION has NO reflash function; the increased vibration condition will be identified by operator control board monitoring and/or AUO local observation providing feedback to the MCR crew.

The crew will manually trip the reactor. [8] IF vibration continues to increase, T=50 THEN CONSULT SM, SRO AND EVALUATE tripping the turbine prior to exceeding 14 mils verified vibration USING the guidance provided in Step 2. [9] IF reactor trip, SRO THEN GO TO E-G, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection. SRO Direct Manual Rx Trip SRO Enter and Direct E-G Immediate Operator Actions (IOAs) Evaluator Note: following lOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, RO/BOP surveys MCBs for any expected automatic system response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. (Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions) E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Note 1 Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps Note 2 This procedure has a foldout page

1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:
  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN RO
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN
  • Neutron flux DROPPING
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.

Appendix D Reguired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                              -----       Event #
                                              ......:..-_ Event#       _8-..,.;;;.9.:.... 1:..;;0_ _ _ _ Page

_8;;;.:,.,.;;.9.:.....1;..;.0 Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE 31 of 47

                                                                                                                         - ----\\

Time positinn Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:


  • Turbine stop valves CLOSED.
3. VERIFY at least one train of shutdown boards ENERGIZED.


  • Attempt to restore power to at least ONE train of shutdown boards
  • Place DG 1A-A control switch in START
  • Verify Train A Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED
4. DETERMINE if SI actuated:


  • ECCS pumps RUNNING.
  • Any SI alarm LIT [MAD] (SI will be actuated)

(RNO Required) RNO: DETERMINE if SI required:

a. IF any of the following conditions exists:
  • S/G pressure less than 600 psig, OR RO
  • RCS pressure less than 1870 psig.


  • Containment pressure greater than 1.5 psig, THEN ACTUATE SI.
b. IF SI is NOT required, THEN SRO PERFORM the following:
1) MONITOR status trees.
2) GO TO ES-O.1, Reactor Trip Response.

SRO determines SI not required; SRO SRO implements status tree monitoring and transitions to ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .-;...- Event # _8;;..:,

                                                                             *..;..9:.....;.1..;..0_ _ _ _ Page 8,9,10                                 32    of  47
                                                                       ......;..:...;..:...;.;;....---                   ~--II Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ES-O.1, Reactor Trip Response Evaluator Note: Event 9, Lp #1 SG Atmospheric Relief Valve sticks open shortly after the reactor trip resulting in SI actuation conditions; the crew should re-enter E-O from ES-0.1. Expected indications and operator actions contained at end of this guide. Evaluator Note: Event 10, MFW Isolation Fails to Auto Actuate will manifest itself during Event 9 cooldown and subsequent SI actuation. Identification and corrective action may occur during E-O re-entry. Note: This procedure has a foldout page.

1. MONITOR SI NOT actuated:


  • SI ACTUATED permissive DARK[M-4A, D4] D4]

BOP 2. VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.

3. MONITOR RCS temperatures:
  • IF any RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 54rF and 552°F.


  • IF RCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable at or trending_trending to between 54rF and 552°F.
4. CHECK feedwater status:

BOP a. T-avg less than 550°F.

b. MFW pumps TRIPPED.
c. MFW regulating valves CLOSED.
d. MFW regulating bypass valve controller outputs ZERO.
e. MFW isolation valves CLOSED.

BOP 5. CHECK total feed flow to S/Gs greater than 440 gpm. RO 6. CHECK if emergency boration is required:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # --:...._


Event # _8;..:.,..;;,9.:..." _8"""-'..;,.9.:...,'1;..;;0 1;. ; .0_ _ _ _ Page 33 of

                                                                                                                       --...,1 47
                                                                                                                       "';';"-~I Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time Position Position = Applicant's Actions or Behavior

a. VERIFY all control rods fully inserted:
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.
b. MONITOR RCS temperature:
  • T-avg greater than 540°F if any RCP running OR
  • T-cold greater than 540°F if all RCPs stopped.

CREW 7. ANNOUNCE reactor trip USING PA system.

8. MONITOR pressurizer level control:

RO a. CHECK pressurizer level greater than 17%.

b. CHECK non-essential control air established to containment:
  • Unit 1 Only:

RO 1-FCV-32-110 OPEN. [PnI6K]

  • Unit 2 Only:

2-FCV-32-111 OPEN. [Pnl 6L] RO c. VERIFY charging IN SERVICE. RO d. VERIFY letdown IN SERVICE.

e. CHECK pressurizer level trending to 25% (normal range 20% to RO 30%).

RO 9. MONITOR pressurizer pressure control:

a. Pressurizer pressure greater than 1870 pSig.
b. Pressurizer pressure stable at or trending to 2235 psig (normal range 2210 psig to 2260 psig).

BOP 10. MAINTAIN S/G narrow range levels:

a. Greater than 10%.
b. Between 10% and 50%.

BOP 11. VERIFY AC busses ENERGIZED from start busses.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 NRC Scenario # Event # _8~'..:;:;9.:...., 1:. .:;:0_ _ _ _ _8;;.:,*..;:.9.:.....1:..;;;0 Page 34 of 47 Op Test No.:

                                                                                                                           --";'-....,1 Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CAUTION: Arming steam dumps in pressure mode with demand signal present could result in rapid RCS cooldown. BOP 12. DETERMINE if steam dump to condenser available:

a. CHECK condenser AVAILABLE:
  • C-9 CONDENSER INTERLOCK permissive LIT [M-4A, E6]
  • At least one Intact S/G MSIV OPEN .
b. PLACE steam dumps in STEAM PRESS mode:
1) PLACE steam dumps in OFF.
2) ENSURE steam dumps in steam pressure mode.
3) ENSURE zero output (demand).
4) PLACE steam dumps in ON.
5) ENSURE steam dump controller setpoint at 1005 psig.
6) ADJUST steam dump controller as necessary to maintain S/G pressure at approx. 1005 psig. psiQ.

NOTE Loop 2 RCP and associated spray valve will provide adequate spray flow for RCS pressure control. If Loop 2 is not available, all three remaining RCPs may be required to ensure adequate spray flow. RO 13. CHECK RCP #2 RUNNING. RO 14. MONITOR if source range channels should be reinstated:

a. CHECK intermediate range flux less than 10- 4 % power on operable channels.
b. CHECK source range channels REINSTATED.
c. ENSURE at least one SRM and IRM displayed on NR-45 recorder.
d. ENSURE audio count rate operation.
e. RESET shutdown monitor alarm setpoints. [M-13]
f. WHEN shutdown monitor ALARM LEDs dark AND HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN bistable lights dark, THEN PLACE HIGH FLUX AT SHUTDOWN alarm block switches in NORMAL. [M-13]


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                 ~_        Event#

Event # _8;;.1"

  • 8,9,10
                                                                         ..........0...:.-....;..-.. ___

__ _ Page 35 of 47

                                                                                                                           --"';'--11 Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE I Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior III I

15. SHUT DOWN unnecessary plant equipment:


  • REFER TO 0-GO-12.

0-GO-12, Realignment Of Secondary Equipment Following ReactorlTurbine Trip. CREW 16. MAINTAIN stable plant conditions:

a. Pressurizer pressure at 2235 psig (normal range 2210 psig to 2260 psig)
b. Pressurizer level at 25% (normal range 20% to 30%)
c. S/G narrow range levels between 10% and 50%
d. RCS temperature at 54rF (between 540°F and 550°F):
  • T-avg if any RCP running OR
  • T-cold if all RCPs stopped.
17. PERFORM EA-0-9, Post Trip Administrative Requirements and Recovery Actions.

RO/SRO 18. DETERMINE if natural circulation cooldown is required:

a. CHECK at least one RCP RUNNING.
b. CHECK at least one AFW pump AVAILABLE.
c. SELECT appropriate procedure:
  • 0-GO-6, Power Reduction from 30% Reactor Power to Hot Standby (if maintaining hot standby)


  • 0-GO-7, Unit Shutdown from Hot Standby to Cold Shutdown I OR
  • other appropriate procedure as determined by Shift Manager or TSC (if manned).

SRO d. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # -.;...__ Event #


8,9,10 _8;;":".,.;;9 , 1.;,.;0;....-___ Page

                                                                                     ....                     36    of  47
                                                                                                                       - ------lll Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Indications available: 1-M-1 :

  • 1-M-11-XR-47-2, Main Turbine Vibration Recorder indicating >15 mils for #s 1 & 2 bearings 1-M-4:
  • Lp #1 SG Atm Relief Valve indicates open
  • 1-XI-94-101/102, Core Exit Temp Margin to Saturation (exo sensors Trn A & B) pressure indications trending to SI actuation pressure value.


  • 1-PI-68-340A, 1-PI-68-334, 1-PI-68-323, 1-PI-68-322, RCS PZR PRESS narrow range indicators trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PR-68-69, RCS LOOP 1 HL WIDE RANGE PRESS indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • Loop 1 TAVG indicator 1-TI-68-2E indicates lower temperature than adjacent Loops 2,3,4.
  • 1-TI-68-18, Loop 1 RCS CL Temp and 1-TI-68-1, Loop 1 RCS HL Temp (WR indicators) shows a larger LlT than adjacent Loops 2, 3, 4 indicators.
  • 1-TR-68-1, HL-CL TEMP recorder indicates excessive cooldown compared to adjacent Loops 2, 3, 4 recorders.


  • 1-PI-68-66A, HL Pressure LOOP 3 indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PI-68-62, RCS HL Press WR indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PI-68-69, RCS HL Press WR indicator trending to actuation pressure value.

Evaluator Note: Crew performs high-level actions only for steps 1-4 on re-entry at this time. Note 1 Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps Note 2 This procedure has a foldout page RO 1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED: BOP 2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED: BOP 3. VERIFY at least one train of shutdown boards ENERGIZED. RO 4. DETERMINE if SI actuated:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event #


_8;;":"...;;.,9 8,9,10 .....

                                                                                        , 1;..;;0_ _ _ _ Page 37    of  47
                                                                                                                       - ---ll Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: Critical Task is manually actuate Feedwater Isolation, ES-0.5 Step 8, VERIFY MFW Isolation. (If recognized, may be completed during Prudent Operator Actions (POAs) following completion of E-O Immediate Operator Actions (IOAs). completion by BOP during performance.) (ES-0.5 directs comQietion Evaluator Note: Critical Task to manually isolate ALL Auxiliary Feedwater Flow within 10 minutes after a steamline break: Isolation Time Malf. Init time: , AFW isolation time: Time: (If recognized, may be completed during Prudent Operator Actions (POAs) following completion of E-O Immediate Operator Actions (IOAs). (Normally be completed by BOP during POAs.) Evaluator Note: [(Actions for ES-0.5 are contained in attachment at back of scenario guide)]

5. PERFORM ES-0.5, Equipment Verifications WHILE continuing in this BOP procedure.
6. DETERMINE if secondary heat sink available:
a. CHECK total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm.
b. CHECK narrow range level greater than 10% [25 ADV] in at least RO one S/G.
c. CONTROL feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 10%

[25% ADV] and 50% in all S/Gs. (Heat Sink is available from AFW:>440 gpm available.) RO 7. CHECK if main steam lines should be isolated:

a. CHECK if any of the following conditions have occurred:
  • Any S/G pressure less than 600 psig AND STEAMLINE PRESS ISOL SI BLOCK RATE ISOL ENABLE permissive DARK [M-4A, A4]


  • Any S/G pressure dropping UNCONTROLLED .


  • Phase B actuation

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                              ......;..._ Event Event##      _8;;,.:.,..;;,.9,:....;1..;;,.0

_8...:,,"""9,:...1;,.;;,,0_ _ _ _ Page Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE 38 of _4;..;.,7 47_ _

                                                                                                                       -----II   11 Time           Position                                     Applicant's Actions or Behavior
b. ENSURE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED
c. ENSURE applicable Foldout Page actions COMPLETED
8. CHECK RCP trip criteria:
a. CHECK the following:


  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig .


  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING
9. MONITOR RCS temperatures:
  • IF any RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending between 547 degrees F and 552 degrees F.


  • IF RCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable or trending to between 54rF and 552°F.
10. CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves:
a. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED.
b. Pressurizer safety valves CLOSED.


c. Normal spray valves CLOSED.
d. Power to at least one block valve AVAILABLE.
e. At least one block valve OPEN.
11. DETERMINE S/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT:


  • CHECK all S/G pressures CONTROLLED or RISING.
  • CHECK all S/G pressures greater than 140 psig.

(RNO Reguired) Required) RNO: SRO PERFORM the following:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                                -----      Event #
                                                ....:..._ Event#


                                                                               *..,;.9:....1..;.0_ _ _ _ Page 8,9,10 Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE 39    of


                                                                                                                       -----\I1 I

Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

a. MONITOR status trees.
b. GO TO E-2, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation.

Crew transitions to E-2, FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION E-2, FAULTED STEAM GENERATOR ISOLATION CAUTION: Unisolating a faulted S/G or secondary break should NOT be considered UNLESS needed for RCS cooldown.

1. CHECK MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED.
2. CHECK ANY S/G secondary pressure boundary INTACT:
  • Any S/G pressure CONTROLLED or RISING.
3. IDENTIFY Faulted S/G(s):
a. CHECK S/G pressures:
  • Any S/G pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner.


  • Any S/G pressure less than 140 psig.


  • Secondary heat sink requires at least one S/G available .
  • Isolating both steam supplies to the TD AFW pump when it is the only source of feed flow will result in loss of secondary heat sink.

Evaluator Note: Critical Task to manually isolate ALL Auxiliary Feedwater Flow within 10 minutes after a steamline break: Isolation Time (If recognized, may be completed during Prudent Operator Actions (POAs) following completion of E-O Immediate Operator Actions (IOAs). (Normally be completed by BOP during POAs.) RO 4. ISOLATE Faulted S/G(s):

  • CLOSE TD AFW pump steam supply from faulted S/G FCV-1-15 (S/G #1) or FCV-1-16 (S/G #4).
  • VERIFY S/G blowdown valves CLOSED.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # ....;;;.:8*..,;;;9..:..,..

                                                                      ...;;;,:8                 1.;..;;0_ _
                                                                                 ...:;;9..:..,..1.:...::0;....._ _ _ Page 40    of   47
                                                                                                                                   - --II Event


Turbine High Vibration (Turbine Trip demand condition) EOP TRIP SEQUENCE Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I

  • VERIFY atmospheric relief CLOSED .
5. CHECK CST level greater than 5%.
6. VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL:
a. CHECK secondary radiation NORMALUSING Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors.

(App. A also contained in ES-0.5)

b. NOTIFY Chem Lab to take S/G activity samples.
c. WHEN Chem Lab is ready to sample S/Gs, THEN PERFORM the following:
1) ENSURE FCV-15-43 Blowdown Flow Control valve CLOSED.
2) ENSURE Phase A signal RESET.
3) OPEN blowdown isolation valves.
d. NOTIFY RADCON to survey main steam lines and S/G blowdown.
e. WHEN S/G samples completed, THEN CLOSE blowdown isolation valves.

RO 7. CHECK SI termination criteria:

a. RCS subcooling based on core exit TICs greater than 40°F.
b. Secondary heat sink:
  • Narrow range level in at least one Intact S/G greater than 10%

[25%ADV] OR

  • Total feed flow to Intact S/Gs greater than 440 gpm .
c. RCS pressure stable or rising.
d. Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV].

SRO e. GO TO ES-1.1 , SI Termination. SRO determines transition to ES-1.1 is appropriate. Scenario may be terminated upon transition to ES-1.1, SI Termination

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Page 41

                                              - - Event #



of 47

                                                                                                              --';';"--11 Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ES-O.S, EQUIPMENT VERIFICATIONS Evaluator Note: BOP completes ES-O.S including Appendices A & B and reports completion (including any discrepancies and actions taken, i.e.: manual Feedwater Isolation per ES-O.S Step 8) to SRO. BOP 1. VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OPEN. BOP 2. VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING BOP 3. VERIFY CCS pumps RUNNING

1. Pump 1A-A (2A-A) Must Manually Start
2. Pump 1B-B (2B-B)
3. Pump C-S.

BOP 4. VERIFY EGTS fans RUNNING. BOP 5. VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.



  • MDAFW pumps
  • TDAFW pump .

NOTE AFW level control valves should NOT be repositioned if manual action has been taken to control S/G levels, to establish flow due to failure, or to isolate a faulted S/G.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event # ES-O.5 _E;;;,;S:...-,;;;.;O

                                                                                      *.;;.,5_ _ _ _ Page 42    of  47
                                                                                                                   - --II Event


Equipment Verifications Tim Time.. Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

7. CHECK AFW valve alignment:


c. VERIFY MD AFW pump recirculation valves FCV-3-400 and FCV 401 CLOSED.

Evaluator Note: Critical Task is manually actuate Feedwater Isolation, ES-O.S Step 8, VERIFY MFW Isolation. (If recognized, may be completed during Prudent Operator Actions (POAs) following completion of E-O Immediate Operator Actions (IOAs) (IOAs).. completion by BOP during performance.)

                  .(ES-0.5 Step 8 directs comQletion
8. VERIFY MFW Isolation:


a. MFW pumps TRIPPED Task BOP
  • MFW regulating valves CLOSED
  • MFW regulating bypass valve controller outputs ZERO
  • MFW isolation valves CLOSED BOP 9. MONITOR ECCS operation:
  • CCPs:
  • RHR pumps
  • SISI~umps pumps
b. VERIFY CCP flow through CCPIT.
c. CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig.
d. VERIFY SI pump flow.
e. CHECK RCS pressure less than 300 psig.
f. VERIFY RHR pump flow.


a. Phase A ACTUATED:
  • PHASE A TRAIN A alarm LIT [M-6C, B5].
  • PHASE A TRAIN B alarm LIT [M-6C, B6].

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....:....._ Event#

                                              .....;...._              ...;;;,;ES;;..-.:..:O*.:;;.,5
                                                                       ...=;ES;;;..-.::::..:O.;;;.,5_ _ _ _ Page 43    of



Equipment Verifications Time Tim


Position on Applicant's Actions or Behavior

b. Cntmt Vent Isolation ACTUATED:
c. Status monitor panels:
  • 6C DARK
  • 6D DARK
  • 6E LIT OUTSIDE outlined area
  • 6H DARK
  • 6J LIT.
d. Train A status panel 6K:
e. Train B status panel 6L:
  • PHASE A GREEN BOP 11. MONITOR for containment spray and Phase B actuation:
a. CHECK for any of the following:
  • Containment pressure greater than 2.8 psig.
b. VERIFY containment spray INITIATED:
1) Containment spray pumps RUNNING.
2) Containment spray header isolation valves FCV-72-39 and FCV-72-2 OPEN.
3) Containment spray recirculation valves to RWST FCV-72-34 and FCV-72-13 CLOSED.
4) Containment spray header flow greater than 4750 gpm per train.
5) Panel 6E LIT.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event #

                                              ......;.-.- Event#
                                              ......;.-._              .....;E;;;.;S;...-O;;,;.;;.,5_ _ _ _ Page

_E;;;..;S;...-,;,;O...;,.5 44 of 47 _4.;.;.7_..,1

                                                                                                                          ""';';'--ll Event


Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • PHASE B TRAIN A alarm LIT [M-6C, A5].
  • PHASE B TRAIN B alarm LIT [M-6C, A61 A6].
e. VERIFY Phase B valves CLOSED:
  • Panel6K PHASE B GREEN.
  • Panel 6L PHASE B GREEN.
f. CHECK cntmnt vacuum relief isolation valves CLOSED:


  • FCV-30-46
  • FCV-30-47
  • FCV-30-48.

WHEN 10 minutes have elapsed, THEN ENSURE containment air return fans RUNNING.

12. CHECK secondary and containment rad monitors USING the following:


  • Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors (attached)
  • Appendix B, Containment Rad Monitors. (attached)
13. CHECK pocket sump pumps STOPPED:

[M-15, upper left corner] BOP

  • HS-77-410, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump A
  • HS-77-411, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump B.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                             --- Event #

ES-O.5 _E;;,.S;..,-..;.;O*..;;.5_ _ _ _ Page 45 of 47

                                                                                                              ~-~I Event


Equipment Verifications rime Time Position Po Applicant's Actions or Behavior

14. DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-O-1, Equipment Checks Following BOP ESF Actuation.
15. ENSURE plant announcement has been made regarding Reactor Trip BOP and SI.

Evaluator Note: BOP completes ES-O.S including Appendices A & B and reports completion (including any discrepancies and actions taken, i.e.: manual Feedwater Isolation per ES-O.S Step 8) to SRO. END (ES-O.S, EQUIPMENT VERIFICATIONS)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                          --:....._ Event #

Equipment Verifications _E~S;;...-O';';".;..5_ _ _ _

                                                                 ..,.;E;;;;.;S;;,..-O.:.;..,;;.,5 Page 46    of
                                                                                                                --...,1 47
                                                                                                                -----~I (ES-O.5, EQUIPMENT VERIFICATIONS)


1. CHECK following rad monitors including available trends prior to BOP isolation:
  • Condenser exhaust recorder RR-90-119
  • S/G blowdown recorder RR-90-120
  • Main steam line rad monitors
  • Post-Accident Main Steam Line rad recorder RR-90-268B points 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (black), and 6 (brown).

[M-31 (back of M-30)] M-3011

2. IF secondary radiation is HIGH, BOP THEN ENSURE Unit Supervisor notified.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event # ..,;E;;;.,;S;;,..-O;;.:..5;:;...... ES-O.5 _ _ _ Page 47 of 47

                                          -     -     Event#
                                                                  ----------                                        -
                                                                                                                    - --
                                                                                                                       --- -III I




1. CHECK following rad monitors:


  • Upper containment high range rad monitors RM-90-271 and RM 272 NORMAL [M-30]
  • Lower containment high range rad monitors RM-90-273 and RM 274 NORMAL [M-30]
  • Containment rad recorders RR-90-112 and RR-90-106 NORMAL [M-12] (prior to isolation).
2. IF secondary radiation is HIGH, BOP THEN ENSURE Unit Supervisor notified.


1002 ESG-1 Page 1 of 5 APPENDIXC Time: Now Date: Today Unit 1 MCR Checklist Mode 1, 100% Power 1200 MWe NRC phone Authentication Code PSA Risk: Green Grid Risk: Green ReS Leakage ID .02 gpm, UNID .01 gpm Until 0800 XXXX After 0800 XXXX

  • None D Verify your current qualifications (re: OPDP-1 Section 7.3 F.)

D Review Operating Log since last held shift or 3 days, whichever is less. Review the following for changes since last shift turnover: D ODMls/Standing Orders/ D LCO actions D PERs (applicable to unit) Shift Orders D TACFs D Operator workarounds, burdens, D Immediate required reading and challenges

1002 ESG-1 Page 3 of 5 Time: Now Date: Today MCR Red Dot List UNID And Noun Name Panel Problem Description WO I PER Number Date Scheduled MCRWO List ID And Noun Name Panel Problem Description WOlPER Number Date Scheduled

1002 ESG-1 Page-4of-5 UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF I Date: Today Time: Now I RCS Boron: 850 ppm Today 1 I BA Controller Setpoint: 21  %* 1I RCS B-10 Depletion: 52 ppm Operable BAT: A 1 J I BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm I BAT C Boron: 6850 ppm I RWST Boron: 2601 ppm Nominal Gallons per rod step from 219: 7 gallons of acid, 42 gallons of water

  • Venfy bonc aCid flow controller IS set at Adjusted BA Controller Setting law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1 Gallons of acid: 32 Gallons of water: 227 Rod Steps: 5 Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Position Estimated boron addition 10% 198 Steps on bank D 107 gallons 30% 175 Steps on bank D 312 gallons 50% 156 Steps on bank D 506 gallons
    ** These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superseded by Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until one week from now.

Number of dilutions: 3 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 40 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total amount diluted: 120 Total amount borated: 0 Net change: 0 IN/Out Number of dilutions: 3 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 40 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total expected dilution: 120 Total expected boration: 0 Net change: 0 In/Out Remarks: Rx Power: 100% Burnup: 10,000 Mwd/mtU Xenon: 2729 pcm, equilibrium Samarium: 926 pcm Last Dilution Completed: -1 hour ago Next Unit 1 Flux Map is scheduled - three weeks from now Unit 1 M-P is 0 PPM _ _ _ _ _ _ _- Unit Supervisor: _________ _- _- _- _- _-_- _ Name/Date

1002 ESG-1 Page sot 5 Operations Chemistry Information Sample Point Units Boron Date / Time Goal Limit U1 RCS ppm 850 Today 1 Now Variable Variable U2 RCS ppm 1120 Today 1 Now Variable Variable U1 RWST ppm 2601 Today 1 Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 U2 RWST ppm 2569 Today 1 Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 BAT A ppm 6850 Today 1 Now Variable Variable BATB ppm 6850 Today 1 Now Variable Variable BATC ppm 6850 Today 1 Now Variable Variable U1 CLA #1 ppm 2556 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #2 ppm 2575 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #3 ppm 2591 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #4 ppm 2589 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#1 ppm 2531 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#2 ppm 2650 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#3 ppm 2522 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#4 ppm 2526 Today 1 Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool ppm 2547 Today 1 Now ~2050 ~2000 U 1 RCS Lithium U2 RCS Lithium ppm 2.18-2.48 2.33 Indicator Units U1 Date / Time U2 Date/Time SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today 1 Now No Today 1 Now SI 137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today 1 Now < 0.1 Today 1 Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 115 Today 1 Now 111 Today 1 Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 492 Today 1 Now 464 Today 1 Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 793 Today 1 Now 747 Today 1 Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1170 Today 1 Now 1100 Today 1 Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today 1 Now 12.5 Today 1 Now Bkgd on 99/119 cpm 50 Today 1 Now 40 Today 1 Now Correction Factor 99/119 cpm/gpd 15 Today 1 Now 14.13 Today 1 Now

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 2 Op Test No.: NRC Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions:  ::::: 85% RTP wI 1A-A MDAFW Pump out of service for maintenance. Turnover: Raise plant power to 100% according to 0-GO-5 Section 5.1 Target CTs: Manually start at least 1 EDG prior to placing safeguards loads P-T-L in ECA-O.O including opening EDG ERCW Cooling water Valve. Establish feedwater flow into at least one SG before RCS feed and bleed is required. Eventt No. Malf. No. Event Type* Event Description 1 R-RO Raise plant power to 100% RTP T+O N-SRO/BOP 2 RX06A I-RO Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low T+10 TS-SRO 3 ED08A C-BOP Loss of 1A 1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start T+20 CC09B TS-SRO 4 HD06A N-Crew 1-LCV-6-105A Fails to Variable Position T+30 HD03B #3 HDT Pump 1B Trip results in MT runback set yp_rd17=-1 C-RO Rod Control failure resulting in continuous CB 'D' rod insertion FW29C C-BOP Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails to operate in Automatic 5 FW16C M-AII Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand T+40 6 ED01 M-AII Loss of Offsite AC Power T+40 [pre-insert] 7 EG08A C-BOP 1A-A EDG fails to automatically start T+40 EG08B 1B-B EDG fails to automatically start RW19A 1-FCV-67-66, ERCW to 1A-A EDG fails to open automatically [pre-insert] 8 FW22B C-BOP 1B-B AFW Pump Airbound T+40 [pre-insert] 9 FW07C C-BOP U1 TDAFW Pump Mechanical over speed trip actuates T+40 [pre-insert]

     *   (N)ormal,     (R )eactivity,   (I)nstrument, (C)omponent,      (M)ajor

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Attachment 1 Scenario 2 Summary The crew will assume the shift with the unit in Mode 1 :::: 85% RTP with 1A-A MDAFW Pump out of service; plant power reduction was completed 72 hours ago to repair 1B Condensate Booster Pump. 1B Pump PMT was successfully completed on the previous shift; current direction is to raise plant power to 100% according to 0-GO-5 Section 5.1 Step 58. Additionally, 1C Con DI Bstr Pump is in service in preparation for power escalation to 100%. After the RO raises power, at Lead Examiner direction, the Pressurizer Level Transmitter controlling channel fails low; Pzr heaters de-energize and letdown isolation occurs. The crew will respond using alarm response procedures, (ARPs) and AOP-1.04, Pressurizer Instrument and Control Malfunctions Section 2.4. SRO will refer to Technical Specifications Table 3.3-1 unit 11 Action 6; TS Table 3.3-9 Instrument 7; TS Table 3.3-10 unit 7 Action 2 and 3.4.4 Action a. Following letdown restoration, at the Lead Examiner direction, 1A1-A 480 VAC Shutdown Board is de-energized due to normal feeder breaker over current trip-out. 1A-A Component Cooling Pump is de-energized, 1 B-B CCS Pump fails to start automatically. The crew will respond according to ARPs, AOP-P.05, Loss of Unit 1 Shutdown Boards, Section 2.3 and AOP-M-03, Component Cooling System Malfunction, Section 2.1. SRO will refer to Technical Specifications 3.7.3, Action b (dependent on EDG LO temperature) & TS Action a. When the plant is stable, at the Lead Examiner direction, 1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A fails partially open compounding the low HDT system flow resulting in a runback condition. As the transient stabilizes, Rod Control will fail resulting in a continuous CB 'D' rod insertion at ::::8 steps/minute and Loop #3 FRV fails to respond in automatic. The crew will respond, in accordance with AOP-S.04, Condensate or Heater Drains Malfunctions Section 2.6, Total or Partial Loss of #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump Flow- [preferred]; (the crew may enter Section 2.1 #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump Trip, non-preferred). Additionally AOP-C.01 Section 2.1 and AOP-S.01 Section 2.1 may be applied. When the plant response to the runback is complete, at the Lead Examiner direction, Loop #3 Main Feedwater Regulating Valve will fail closed resulting in a Reactor trip condition. At the time of the trip, the crew will experience a loss of offsite AC power. The crew will respond to the automatic trip by performing E-O immediate operator actions and the SRO will enter E-O; once E-O immediate operator actions are complete, the crew should address the loss of offsite power using AOP-P.01, Loss of Offsite Power Section 2.1. Coincident with the reactor trip, both 1A-A and 1B-B EDGs fail to start automatically, 1 B-B MDAFW Pump is airbound and U1 TDAFW Pump mechanical over speed trip actuates and cannot be reset immediately. The crew must take action to manually start at least one EDG (both will start) and verify they energize the associated 6.9 kV shutdown boards to avoid entering ECA-O.O Additionally, 1-FCV-67-66, ERCW to 1A-A EDG fails to open automatically requiring operator action to manually open the valve following 1A-A EDG start for continued diesel operation. The crew will continue in E-O, transition to ES-0.1, implement status tree monitoring and identify FR-H.1 entry criteria. The scenario may be terminated as directed by the Lead Examiner once the crew restores secondary heat sink control either by venting the 1B-B MDAFW Pump or by resetting the TDAFW Pump resulting in positive SG level increase/RCS temperature change. EOP flow: E-O - ES.01 - FR-H.1 - ES-0.1 (Note; ECA-O.O MAY be entered briefly prior to starting EDG) The scenario may be terminated as directed by the Lead Examiner upon completion of ES.0-1 Step 5 PSA significant task: Start EDG; Start an AFW Pump (TD or MD Pump); PSA significant DAS: Loss Of Offsite AC Power; PSA significant component failure: CCS Pump trip 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd EDG ERCW Valve Auto Opening.

ESG-2 Booth Instruction File 112912010 EVENT IC/MF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK Simulator IC IC-169 85% RTP, BOL -1000 MWD/MTU CB 'D' Rods @ 192 steps, all others @ 228 steps; [B] = 1128 ppm; Ba Blender setting: 27.5% Xe/Sm @ equilibrium Console Ol2erator actions: Place simulator in run and 12erform the following:

  • Station Spare Radio @ 1-M-7 Power Xfer Pnl
  • Place the MODE 1 sign on 1-M-4
  • Place Train Week A sign
  • Place a hold order on the 1A-A MDAFW pump handswitch and on ERCW valve 1-FCV-3-116A.
  • Protect 1B-B MDAFW Pump and the TDAFW Pump.

MFs, RFs, ORs are IMF EG08A f: 1 1A-A EDG fails to automatically start active when the SeN IMF EG08B f:1 1B-B EDG fails to automatically start file is loaded. IMF RW19B f:1 Auto Open Signal to 1-FCV-67-67, 1B-B EDG ERCW Fails IRF FWR34 f:O 1A-A MDAFW Pump tagged for maintenance; lOR ZLOHS3116AA_GREEN1 f:O lOR ZLOHS3116AA_GREEN2 f:O IMF FW22B f:1 1B-B AFW Pump Airbound IMF FW07C f:1 U1 TDAFW Pump Mechanical over speed trip actuates

1. Raise plant power to 100%
2. IMF RX06A f:1 r:30 k:2 Pzr Level LT 68-339 Fails Low Support staff report: When IMs or MSS is contacted to trip bistables using AOP-/'o4 Appendix E, inform the crew IMs will report to the MCR in -25 minutes
3. IMF ED08A f:1 k:3 Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd 1B-B CCS Pump fails to auto start.

IMF CC09B f:1 k:3 Support staff report: If dispatched, wait -3 minutes and respond as MCR AUO or WCC SRO and inform the crew the normal feeder breaker has tripped on overcurrent; If requested, Report from AUO: Aux Air Hdr Pressure: 92 psig; Control Air Hdr Pressure: 95 psig. Evaluator Note: Separate radio is available to initiate 1-M-7 power transfer while at back panel, 1-M-7 location. Page 1 of 3

ESG-2 Booth Instruction File 1129/2010 EVENT IC/MF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH ACTIONS/ FEEDBACK When requested to IRF EDR66A f:1 k:10 120 VAC Instrument Power Rack A Transfer 1-M-7 Instrument Rack A to NOTE: 1-M-7A Transfer to Alternate- coordinate with alternate, use: examiner via radio. If requested to IFR EDRS4A f:1 k:11 Place Spare Charger 1-5 on vital Battery Bd 1 align s(2are charger 1-S to Vital Battery Support staff report: When dispatched, wait - 20 minutes Bd 1: to insert the remote function and report the transfer NOTE: Remote function EDR54E can be used to select Nor or Alt power (480v SD BD 1A2-A or 1B1-B) to Spare Charger 1-S. If requested to IRF EDR65A f:1 k:26 Transfer Vital Charger 1 to Alternate Power (B Train) Transfer Charger to Alt 480v sU(2(2ly: Support staff report: When dispatched, wait - 20 minutes to insert the remote function and report the transfer NOTE: This is the non-preferred alignment and most likely will not be used. If requested to align IRF CVR19 f:1 k:12 Aligns B BAT Pump to A BAT Tank an OPERABLE BATP: Support staff report: If requested, wait -10 minutes to insert the remote function and report the transfer If requested to [Insert batch file] SFP Xfer to U2 Batch file (manually load) transfer SFP Cooling swap_spenCfuel_cooling.scn to U2, Support staff report: If requested to transfer SFPC to U2 and start a U2-powered SFPC Pump, after -2 minutes, report transfer completed; if pump only was requested, wait

                                                      -2 minutes and report U2 pump in service.

BOOTH DMF CC09B Delete 1B-B CCS Pump Auto Start Failure following this OPERATOR: after event; 1B-B CCS Pump is [simulated process input failure for the 10 header pressure manually started: auto start]

4. IMF HD06A f:.6 k:4 LCV-6-10SA Fails to Variable Position IMF HD03B f:1 k:4 1B #3 HDP Trip IMF FW29C f: 1 k:4 FRV Controller FIC 3-90 AUTO Mode Failure BOOTH set yp_rd17=-1 Rod Control Auto Failure OPERATOR: (causes CB 'D' automatic When directed by inserts @ 8 Steps/min; Support staff report: When dispatched, wait -5 minutes Lead Examiner, Rod motion stops when Rods and report as AUO the HOT Pump motor is hot to the touch insert ... are placed in 'Manual') and smells of burnt insulation; report as the WCC SRO the 6.9kV Unit BO breaker is tripped on instantaneous over current.

If dispatched, report as the AUO that #3 FRV and controls appear normal by local observation. , Page 2 of 3


5. IMF FW16C f:1 k:5 Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed; Support staff report: If dispatched, report as the AUO that
                                                   #3 FRV is closed by location observation.
6. IMF ED01 f:1 e:1 Loss of Offsite AC Power; Support staff report: If contacted, report as WCC SRO, no damage in the Switchyard; If contacted, report as SELO, grid disturbance cause loss of grid, restoration time indeterminate at this time.
7. IMF EG08A f:1 1A-A EDG fails to automatically start; IMF EG08B f:1 1B-B EDG fails to automatically start; IMF RW19B f:1 Auto Open Signal to 1-FCV-67-67, 1B-B EDG ERCW Fails

[pre-insert] Support staff report: none

8. IMF FW22B f:1 1B-B AFW Pump Airbound

[pre-insert] Support staff report: When dispatched, wait -5 minutes and report as AUO the AFW Pump motor is hot to the touch; report as the WCC SRO the 6.9kV SOBd breaker is tripped on instantaneous over current.

9. IMF FW07C f:1 U1 TDAFW Pump Mechanical Overspeed Trip actuates;

[pre-insert] Support staff report: If dispatched, report as AB AUO that the TO pump overspeed trip tripped; attempting to reset (T&T Valve)

10. DMF FW07C Delete U1 TDAFW Pump Mechanical Overs peed Trip &

IRF FWR27 f:1 k:13 TDAFW Pp Overs peed Trip Reset When directed by Lead Examiner, Support staff report: Prior to IRF FWR27, report as AB insert ... AUO that the T& T valve is being reset.

11. IRF IAR01 f:1 k:14 Locally starts both A & B Control Air Compressors IRF IAR02 f:1 k:14 When directed by Support staff report: If requested by crew; in response to Lead Examiner, EA-32-2 to re-establish Control Air insert ...
12. IRF IAR06 f:2 k:15 Opens FCV-32-110.

When directed by Support staff report: Utilize after -75 psig is developed in Lead Examiner, response to EA-32-1 to restore non-essential air to insert ... containment.

13. IRF EGR13 f:100 k:16 Opens VLV-35-568 to vent generator hydrogen to the roof When directed by Support staff report: If requested by crew; in response to Lead Examiner, AOP-P.01 Step 11 insert ...

Termination Criteria I Upon Return to ES.0-1 Step 5 following FR-H.1 performance. Page 3 of 3

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event #

                                                                        -.;..----- Page
                                                                        --------                  1   of   55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP Time II Position Applicant's Actions or behavior Booth Instructor: No action required for Event 1 T=O Crew will perform power change lAW O-GO-5, Section 5.1 Direct a load increase in accordance with 0-GO-5 Normal Power Operations, SRO Section 5.1, and 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.2. Evaluator Note: Following Steps are from 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.2 Dulite Evaluator Note: Dilutions will be performed based on the RE-provided Reactivity Spreadsheet; based on 0-GO-4 Notes, recommended dilution rate is 50 to 75 gallon batches every 12 to 15 minutes for a steady power increase. During subsequent power escalation, large volume dilutions will be divided evenly over each hour as determined by the crew [Le.: one-third, one-quarter of the volume over each hour's period (e.g.: -240 gallons, 4 times per hour for 963 gallons for the first hour)]. RO [1] ENSURE unit is NOT in a Tech Spec or TRM action that prohibits positive reactivity additions. [C.1] NOTE HUT level increase of 1% is equal to 1380 gallons (TI-28 fig. C.21). RO [2] ENSURE sufficient capacity available in the HUT selected to receive expected amounts of CVCS letdown: (N/A if not used) HUT LEVEL INITIALS A  % B  % RO [3] ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 5.1. RO [4] RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix D. (N/A for minor power changes) NOTE Due to eyeball interpolation the verified calculation may slightly differ from the initial calculation. The following signoff indicates that any differences in the two results have been discussed and are close enough to be considered validated. RO [5] PERFORM Appendix I Independent Verification of Calculation for Amount of Boric Acid or Primary Water. (N/A if App. D was performed by SRO to verify data from Rx Engineering)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # -:..._ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                         -:..                          2    of   55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP r: Time Position RO Applicant's Actions or behavior [6] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position. RO [7] PLACE [HS-62-140B1, CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position. RO [8] ENSURE [HS-62-140Dl, Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT). RO [9] SET rFQ-62-1421, Batch Inteqrator Integrator for the desired quantity NOTE Primary Water Flow Controller [FC-62-142] receives its reference signal (70 gpm) from setpoint potentiometer (dial indicator) located on panel M-6. A setpoint of 35% corresponds to a 70 gpm primary water flow rate RO [10] ADJUST [FC-62-142], Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate RO [11] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position. RO [12] followinq; VERIFY the following; [a] Inlet to top of VCT rFCV-62-1281 is OPEN. [b) Primary Water flow by rFI-62-142Al [b] rFI-62-142Al ORtFQ-62-1421. OR rFQ-62-1421. NOTE Alternate dilution in small amounts is acceptable on a regular basis, provided no significant changes in seal water temperature or sealleakoff are indicated. Batches of 5 to 10 gallons may be added through FCV-62-144 on a frequency not to exceed once per 30 minutes. ICS points for No.1 seal leakoffs and seal water temperatures on the RCPs should be monitored during and after dilution. RO [13] IF primary water addition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-144] is desired, THEN RO [a] CLOSE rFCV-62-1281 with rHS-62-1281. RO [b] OPEN rFCV-62-1441 with rHS-62-1441. RO [c) VERIFY Primary Water flow by rFI-62-142Al OR rFQ-62-1421. [c] rFQ-62-1421.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # .....;.._ _ _ _ _ Page 3 of 55




Raise plant power to 100% RTP I Time I Position Applicant's Actions or behavior NOTE It may take approximately 15 minutes before any changes to reactivity are indicated on nuclear instrumentation or ReS temperature indication. [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution. [15] IF [LI-62-129], Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-118], Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tanks. [16] WHEN dilution is complete, THEN [a] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position. [b] IF [FCV-62-144] was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE [FCV-62-144] with [HS-62-1441. [c] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A] rFI-62-142Al OR [FQ-62-142]. rFQ-62-142]. [d] ENSURE [FCV-62-1281 [d] rFCV-62-1281 is CLOSED [17] IF power increase in progress and additional dilutions will be required, THEN use this table to re-perform steps [4] through [18] (next page) [19] REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1. [20] ENSURE dilution(s} dilution(s) is logged in Unit Narrative Log. NOTE Sample may be obtained at normal RCS sample intervals provided the unit is at

                             , .power and the unit response following the dilution is as expected.

[21] IF RCS boron sample is required, THEN NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample. End of Section 6.2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event #

                                                                        -------- Page
                                                                        ....;...-----                         4         of              55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP I Time I Position III Applicant's Actions or behavior STEP 1 St 2 na 2 n <l 33 ra r<l [4] RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron Quantity Quantity Quantity concentration using Appendix D. [5] PERFORM Appendix I, IV of Calculation for amount of BA or PW. SRO SRO SRO [6] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the / / / STOP position. :rrcv .rev~cv .rcv sr'cv [7] PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position. D D D [8] ENSURE [HS-62-140D] Boric Acid Valve to Blender is CLOSED (Green light LIT). D D D [9] SET [FQ-62-142], Batch Integrator for the desired quantity. / / / r,..... cv rev

                                                                                                              """cv         ,..... cv rev

[10] ADJUST [FC-62-142], Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired / / / flow rate. r,..... cv Ir-"ev

                                                                                                              """cv         ,..... cv Ir-"

[11] PLACE [HS-62-140Al, BA Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to START. / / / r,..... cv r' cv Ir' rIr' cv [12] VERIFY the following: [a] Inlet to top of VCT [FCV-62-1281 is OPEN. D D D [b] Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142]. D D D [13] IF PW addition to top of VCT [FCV-62-128] is not warranted, but PWaddition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-144] is desired, THEN [a] CLOSE [FCV-62-128]with [HS-62-128] D D D [b] OPEN [FCV-62-144] with [HS-62-144J. D D D [e] VERIFY Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142]. D D D [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution. D D D [15] IF [LI-62-129], VCT level, increases to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-118J, VCT Divert Valve, OPENS to divert excess water to the HUTs. rLCV-62-1181, D D D [16] WHEN dilution is complete, THEN / / / [a] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to STOP r' cv r' cv r' cv Ir' [b] IF [FCV-62-1441 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE [FCV-62-144] with [HS-62-144l [HS-62-144]. D D D [e] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142J. D D D [d) ENSURE [FCV-62-128] is CLOSED. D D D [18]IF Step [17] will be repeated, THEN PERFORM the following: [a] PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the AUTO position. _ _I _ _ 1 st cv [b] PLACE [HS-62-140A], BA to Blender Flow Control Switch to START position. D [c] ENSURE dilution is logged in Unit Narrative Log. D

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-0-2

                                                                        -..;.._ _ _ _ _ Page       5    of Op Test No.:           NRC     Scenario #           2    Event #
                                                                        --------                             55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP I Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: Procedural steps/directions for Turbine Control manipulations are at the end of this event guide. NOTES

1) Reactor power can be increased greater than 90% as long as adequate MFP suction is maintained.
2) Steps 5.1 [58] through 5.1 [62] may be performed out of sequence.

[58] WHEN approximately 85 to 90% reactor power OR when determined by Unit SRO (if power raised above 90%), THEN, SRO ENSURE third condensate booster pump in service in accordance with 1,2-SO-2/3-1. [C.2] NOTES A nominal CBP suction pressure of approximately 180 psig, as indicated on [PI-2-771, will alleviate bypassing to the condenser at full power. [59] IF condensate pressure is high resulting in #3 or #7 heater drain tank BOP bypassing to the condenser, OR the normal level control valves are near full open, THEN [59.1] THROTTLE [14-550] to attain desired condensate pressure. [59.2] IF unable to throttle [14-550], THEN REFER to 1,2-S0-5-2, Section 8.0 to adjust condensate pressure. OR EVALUATE removal of the condensate demineralizer booster pumps (N/A if NOT in service). NOTE Two Cond 01 Booster pumps must be started at the same time. [60] EVALUATE starting available condensate demineralizer booster pump(s) to BOP raise system pressure -40 psig. Pump Started YES 0 NO 0 [61] WHEN reactor power is approximately 90%, SRO/RO THEN PERFORM the following: [61.1] ADJUST Power Range instrumentation in accordance with O-SI-OPS-092-078.0. [61.2] INITIATE performance of 1-PI-OPS-000-020.1 or 2-PI-OPS-000-022.1, Appendix B. II

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event #

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                                                                         -:...-----                     6    of     55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP

~po  Time            Position                                  Applicant's Actions or Behavior CAUTION The potential exists for condensation formation in steam extraction lines when feedwater heaters are isolated.

[61.3] ENSURE the following level controllers are maintaining levels within normal ranges: BOP A. Secondary plant heaters. B. MSR drain tanks. CAUTION DO NOT exceed an average of 3455.0 MWT during an 8-hour period. [C.1] [62] MONITOR NIS, /).T and calorimetrics on plant computer (pt. U2118) while RO increasing reactor power. NOTES

1) Feedwater venturi unfouling may impact U1118 indication. LEFM calorimetric power (U2118) is not affected by venturi unfouling.
2) If U1118 is being used to monitor reactor power due to LEFM unavailable, then Calorimetric Calculation should be performed prior to exceeding 97% reactor power.
3) Steps 5.1 [63] through 5.1 [67] may be performed out of sequence.

[63] IF Unit is returning to full power after a turbine load reduction to less than 50% BOP/RO AND U1118 is being used to monitor power, THEN PERFORM the following prior to exceeding 97% power: [63.1] NOTIFY Systems Engineering to perform 0-PI-SXX-000-022.2, SRO Calorimetric Calculation, Section 8.1, if necessary. [63.2] PERFORM applicable sections of 0-PI-SXX-000-022.2 to adjust Feedwater Flow Constant. (N/A if NOT required) SRO BOP Engineer determined this step N/A NOTES

1) Ramp load rate increases shall be within the limits of TI-40
2) Intermediate Power Threshold ramp rate target value of 2% I hr may apply.

RO [64] RECORD power ascension ramp rate from TI-40: 4.5%/hr ~ II

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # ...:.._ _ _ _ _ Page 7 of 55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP I Timee I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior CREW [65] CONTINUE power ascension to 100% RTP. NOTE Control rods may be used along with dilution during reactor power increase to maintain AFD within the target control band [66] IF diluting the RCS to increase TAVG, THEN RO/SRO CONTINUE dilution and increase turbine load to maintain TREF with TAVG. (O-SO-62-7) NOTE Valve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display panel 1,2-XX-047-2000 (M-2) [67] MONITOR the turbine load increasing AND BOP MAINTAIN valve position limit approximately 10% above the current governor control indication as turbine load is changed. chanqed. NOTE Steps 5.1 [68] through 5.1 [71] may be performed out of sequence. [68] WHEN reactor power approaches 100%, THEN BOP ADJUST governor valve position limiter - 2% above governor valve position. NOTE Engineering recommends placing the 3rd Condensate Demineralizer Booster Pump in service when at full power. Operation of only 2 Condensate Demineralizer Booster Pumps is allowed but reduces the operating margin in the event of a condensate transient based on the lower suction pressure to the MFPs. [69] IF it is desired to place the 3rd condensate demineralizer booster pump in service, THEN SRO/BOP START 3rd condensate demineralizer booster pump in accordance with 1,2-SO-2/3-1.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # ---:...._ _ _ _ _ Page Page 8 of 55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP L ime Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CAUTION Governor valve position limit meter may NOT match the governor valve position meter; therefore, monitor the megawatt meter and valve position limit light continuously during the following step. NOTES

1) Operation with the VALVE POS LIMIT light LIT is acceptable if unsatisfactory load swings are experienced.
2) Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized durinq during performance.

[70] IF unsatisfactory load swings are experienced as the unit approaches full SRO/BOP power, THEN [70.1] WITH turbine load set for maximum of 100% power, SLOWLY and CAUTIOUSLY PULSE the governor VALVE POSITION LIMIT in LOWER direction while monitoring megawatts for a decrease and VALVE POS LIMIT light to ILLUMINATE. [70.2] WHEN the limiter just reaches the governor valve position, THEN STOP limiter adjustment. CAUTION Do not raise the limiter position unless the turbine control is positively controlling the turbine (limit light NOT LIT). NOTE Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during performance. [71] PERFORM the following if the limiter prevents reactor operation at BOP approximately 100%: [71.1] ADJUST SETTER/REFERENCE controls to reduce turbine loading until the VALVE POS LIMIT light is NOT LIT. [71.2] INCREASE VALVE POSITION LIMIT to allow a load increase using the SETTER/REFERENCE controls, NOT to exceed 3455.00 MWT.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # ________

                                                                            -.;..._ _ _ _ _ _ Page         9   of    55



Raise plant power to 100% RTP I~ Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTES

1) Full power operation is defined as 100% power operation at approximately 3455 MWT instantaneous value, U2118 not to exceed 3455.00 MWT average thermal power in an 8-hour period. [C.1]
2) Do not intentionally operate the reactor at greater than 100% power (e.g., if reactor power is less than 100% for any time period then operation at slightly greater than 100% to "make up" for "lost" power is not permissible). [C.1]
3) Computer point U2118 should be trended on a trend recorder in the unit horseshoe and monitored for increasing reactor power trends above 3455 MWT. Prompt action shall be taken to decrease reactor power whenever an increasing power trend is observed. [C.1]
4) Do not exceed an 8-hour average value (U2126) of 3455.00 MWT. Do not allow U2125 (one hour avg) to exceed 3455.00 MWT (100%) for more than one hour. [C.1]
5) Portions of step 5.1 [73] may be performed in parallel with step 5.1 [72] if required.

[72] WHEN the unit stabilizes at 100% reactor power, CREW THEN PERFORM the following: (may be performed in any order) [72.1] ADJUST Governor Valve position, rod height, and/or RCS boron CREW concentration as necessary to establish core thermal power at desired value and Auctioneered Hi T-avg approximately equal to T-ref. SRO [72.2] NOTIFY load coordinator that the power increase is complete. CREW [72.3] NOTIFY RAOCON that power has stabilized at 100%. [72.4] IF Seal Steam spillover bypass [FCV-47-191] is IN SERVICE, THEN BOP THROTTLE Seal Steam spillover bypass to control [FCV-47-191] as required to control seal steam pressure. [72.5] IF river temperature is less than 45°F, THEN BOP/SRO CONSULT Engineering to determine if third CCW pump should be removed from service. [72.6] CONTACT vibration engineer in Predictive Maintenance Group to CREW monitor MFWP vibration. CAUTION A bias adjustment in the upward direction (> 50%) should NOT be used unless evaluated by Systems Engineering since this could impact a MFPT's maximum speed and the ability to fully load in the event the other MFPT trips. [72.7] IF feed pump vibration is above desired levels, THEN BOP/SRO CONSULT with vibration engineer and system engineer to determine which feed pump to bias to reduce vibration. [72.8] IF MFPT master controller output is NOT indicating 45% to 55% THEN BOP/SRO CONSULT with MFPT controls system engineer to evaluate if adjustment is required per 1,2-S0-2/3-1.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Page 10 of 55 Event


Raise plant power to 100% RTP I Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior [72.9] IF start up on Unit 2, SRO THEN ... This step N/A [73] IF startup is following refueling activities, THEN .... SRO This step N/A [74] IF Steam Generator WR level recorders were re-scaled to 80% - 90% in 0-GO-2, THEN SRO NOTIFY MIG to re-scale LR-3-43A and LR-3-98A, Steam Generator Wide Range Level Recorders, to 0% - 100%. This step N/A [75] IF unit shutdown to minimum load, THEN GO TO Section 5.3. SRO This step N/A [76] IF unit is to be maintained at normal power, THEN SRO GO TO Section 5.2. Evaluator Note: the following steps provide general direction for Main Turbine controls operation during O-GO-4 & 5 power escalation. The following are selected steps that direct MT Controls operation. O-GO-4, Section 5.4 Placing the Main Generator in Service [48] INITIATE a turbine load increase by performing the following: [48.1] ENSURE 5% hold time as recorded in step 5.4[36] has elapsed. [48.2] REFER to TI-28, Figure A.15 and determine the appropriate loading rate. D [48.3] SET the LOAD RATE at the desired rate. D [48.4] SET a desired load in the SETTER with the REFERENCE CONTROL. D [48.5] DEPRESS the [GO] pushbutton. D [48.6] MONITOR the turbine load increasing. D


[48.7] MONITOR steam dump demandfoperation. D

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 _.::.2_ Event Event## --.;..._ _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                       --.;..                    11   of   55



Raise plant power to 100% RTP ime Time I Positio Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior [49] WHEN ::;;10% steam dump demand is obtained on [XI-1-33], THEN 149."t] STOP turbrne load increase. D 149.2] STABIUZE plant. (Refer to 0-SO-1-2 for steam Dump Demand Program.) D [50] INCREASE steam generator atmospheric relief valve controller setpoints from 85 to 100%. [51] RESUME turbine load increase. Evaluator Note: 0-GO-4 Section 5.5 Reactor Power step 20 below Ascension to 30% RTP contains directions for Valve Position Limiter positioning reflecting Precaution M of this procedure to maintain the VPL =10% above governor control valve indications. 0-GO-5, Section 3.1, Precaution G provides reinforcement of the VPL positioning during GO-5 power changes. [20] INITIATE load increase in accordance TI-40 to less than Of equal to 30% reactor power WHILE continuing this instruction AND ADJUST turbine load as needed while maintaining valve position limit approximately 1Q% above governor control indication. 0 When power change is sufficient to record a reactivity manipulation, lead examiner may cue the next event.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # ....;2~ _ _ _ _ _ Page 12 of 55

                                                 ....;;;...-                                                ---";;'-...,1
                                                                                                            ~--II Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 2 Indications available:

  • Indicator 1-TI-62-78 indicates ::::70°F
  • Indicator 1-PI-62-81 indicates ::::70-100 psig
  • Indicator 1-FI-62-82 indicates 'O'gpm T= 10 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures SRO directs AOP-1.04, Pressurizer Instrument & Control Malfunctions, CREW Section 2.4, Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction NOTE: Appendix M shows layout of PZR level control for operator reference.

SRO Directs the following operator actions: 1 . CHECK U-68-339 NORMAL. RO (RNO Required) RNO: PERFORM the following:



b. ENSURE LEVEL REC CHANNEL SELECTOR switch XS-68-339B in LT-68-320 or LT 335.
c. GO TO Step 4.

RO/SRO Steps 2-3 for remaining channels, LI-68-335 and LlO-68-320 are N/A.

4. CHECK letdown IN SERVICE RO (RNO Required)

RNO: BOP RESTORE letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ..,;;;,,2 2 _ _ Event#


Event # ..,;;;,,2 _2=--_ _ __ ____ __ _ Page 13 of

                                                                                                                --.......,1 55



Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behaviors Evaluator Note: EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown included following this section. RO CHECK Letdown restored: 1-M-5Indications/Alarms

  • Letdown HX Outlet Temp Indicator 1-TI-62-78 indicates :::::100-105°F
  • Letdown HX Outlet Press Indicator 1-PI-62-81 indicates :::::325 psig
  • Letdown HX Outlet Flow Indicator 1-FI-62-82 indicates 75gpm O-M-27B I ndicationslAlarms
  • 1-FI-70-190, LETDOWN HX OUTLET FLOW indicates ===250 gpm
  • 1-FI-70-191, LETDOWN HX OUTLET TEMP indicates ===120 gpm
  • Annunciator O-XA-55-27B-B, A-5: "LETDOWN HX OUTLET FLOWITEMP ABNORMAL" is clear
5. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:


  • (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation Action 6 (From Table 3.3-1 Item 11) Applies - Trip inop Bistables w/i 6 Hrs.
  •, REMOTE SHUTDOWN INSTRUMENTATION From Table 3.3-9 Instrument 5; Applies - restore to OPERABLE status wll 7 days or Ht SO wll next 12 hours.
  •, ACCIDENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Action 2.a (From Table 3.3-10 Item 7) Applies - within 30 days; Evaluator Note: Crew should dispatch an AUO to check status of REMOTE SHUTDOWN instruments affected.

Applicant mayor may not enter TS 3.4.4, Pressurizer; use follow-up questioning on Pzr OPERABILITY.

  • 3.4.4, PRESSURIZER Action b: Applies - within 6 hours, restore at least two groups to OPERABLE. During the time period after the channel failure and re-selection to an OPERABLE level SRO channel, heaters are locked out by the "control circuit". Adequate heaters may be energized from an OPERABL:E emergency power source as required; the control circuit is the questioned feature.

RO 6. ENSURE pressurizer heaters restored to service. ~ II

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ...;2~_ 2 Event Event## ...;2~_ _ _ _ _ Page 14 of 55

                                                    ~-                                                           -=--11 Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low Time II Position P Applicant's Actions or Behaviors CAUTION: RCS pressure changes and changes in RCS boron concentration (due to differences between Pzr and RCS boron) may impact core reactivity. RO 7. MONITOR reactor power:

a. CHECK reactor in Mode 1 or 2.
b. MONITOR core thermal power for unexpected changes.

NOTE: If performing AOP in conjunction with AOP-1.11 for an Eagle LCP failure, then actions to hard trip bistables should be delayed until Eagle system reset is attempted. Actions to hard trip bistables must be completed within 6 hours UNLESS affected loop is restored to operable status by resetting Eagle rack.

8. NOTIFY MIG to remove failed pressurizer level channel from service CREW USING appropriate Appendix:

PZR LEVEL INSTRUMENT CHANNEL APPENDIX L-68-339 (L-459) I I L-68-335 (L-460) II J L-68-320 (L-461) III K SRO Appropriate Appendix is 'I' SRO 9. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. Lead Examiner may cue next event when Letdown is restored and Tech Specs are addressed. 2:,ead

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _ _ _ _ _ Page Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # Event #




15 of 55

                                                                                                                "";;"';'--11 Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low I Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior EA-62-5 ESTABLISHING NORMAL CHARGING AND LETDOWN 4.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS 4.1 Section Applicabili~ Applicability Steps 4.1.1 & 4.1.3 are N/A

1. IF normal charging flow is to be established, ....

This step is N/A

2. IF normal letdown flow is to be established, SRO THEN GO TO Section 4.3.

4.3 Establishing Normal Letdown Flow NOTE EA-62-3, Establishing Excess Letdown, may be utilized if Normal Letdown cannot be established.

1. IF charging flow NOT established, ...

This step is N/A RO 2. VERIFY pressurizer level greater than 17% RO 3. ENSURE letdown orifice isolation valves CLOSED: LETDOWN ORIFICE ISOLATION VALVES CLOSED

                                                                                                      ..J FCV-62-72                           0 FCV-62-73                           0 FCV-62-74                           0 RO          4. OPEN letdown isolation valves:


                                                                                                      ..J FCV-62-69                          0 FCV-62-70                          0 FCV-62-77                          0 II

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # ,..;2;;...-. 2 _ _ _ _ _ Page 16 of 55

                                                                        ~-----                               "";";'--11
                                                                                                             "";";'---11 Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE Placing cooling water on the Letdown Heat Exchanger prior to restoring letdown flow should prevent TIS-62-79B/A from actuating and fully opening TCV-70-192. RO 5. PLACE [HIC-62-78] in MANUAL, AND OPEN [TCV-70-192] to -50%. RO 6. PLACE letdown pressure controller [PCV-62-81] in MANUAL and ADJUST output between 40% and 50%, (50%-60% open). RO 7. ADJUST charging flow as necessary to prevent flashing in the letdown line. RO 8. OPEN letdown orifice isolation valves as needed: LETDOWN ORIFICE ISOLATION VALVES OPEN


FCV-62-72 0 FCV-62-73 0 FCV-62-74 0 NOTE Normal letdown pressure is 325 psig at normal operating temperature. RO 9. ADJUST letdown pressure controller [PCV-62-81] output to obtain desired _pressure. pressure. RO 10. ADJUST letdown pressure controller [PCV-62-81] setpoint to match existing pressure. RO 11. PLACE letdown pressure controller [PCV-62-81] in AUTO.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;2~_ Event# ....;;;..2_ _ _ _ _ Page 17 of _5;;.;;5~-i 55




Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low I Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE Normal letdown temperature is -100°F. RO 12. ADJUST [HIC-62-78A] to obtain desired letdown temperature, as indicated on [TI-62-78]. RO 13. PLACE [HIC-62-78A] in AUTO. NOTE Letdown temperature may swing due to repeated actuation of TIS-62-79B/A, which causes letdown temperature control valve TCV-70-192 to fully open. RO 14. IF necessary to stabilize letdown temperature, THEN PERFORM the following: foliowinQ:

a. PLACE [HIC-62-78A] in MANUAL and ADJUST controller output in OPEN direction.
b. WHEN letdown heat exchanger outlet temperature is stabilized at approximately 100°F, THEN PLACE [HIC-62-78A] in AUTO.

RO 15. ENSURE high temperature divert valve [HS-62-79A] in DEMIN position. RO 16. ADJUST charging and letdown as necessary to maintain RCP seal injection flow and pressurizer level. RO 17. IF CCP suction is aligned to the RWST and realigning CCP suction to VCT is desired, THEN THEN ENSURE VCT aligned for normal operation:

a. ESTABLISH VCT level greater than 20%


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;2~_ 2 Event Event## .....;2~_ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                          ......:2;;...-.                 18
                                                  -   -                                                         of ....;5;.;;;5_-11
                                                                                                                   ....;5;;.;;.5_-11 Event


Pressurizer Level Transmitter 68-339 Fails Low I T" Time I D. Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO b. ENSURE VCT outlet valves ALIGNED: COMPONENT POSITION POSITION"--,J LCV-62-132 OPEN 0 HS-62-132 PULL A-P AUTO 0 LCV-62-133 OPEN 0 HS-62-133 PULL A-P AUTO 0 RO c. ENSURE RWST supply to CCP suction valves ALIGNED for normal operation: COMPONENT POSITION POSITION-I

                                                                                                   --,J LCV-62-135                                          OPEN     0 HS-62-135                         PULL A-P AUTO             0 LCV-62-136                                          OPEN     0 HS-62-136                         PULL A-P AUTO             0 RO              d. ENSURE VCT makeup control system set for automatic operation with current boron concentration.

RO e. ENSURE Primary Water system in service. SRO 18. GO TO Section 4.1, step in effect. SRO 4.1 Section Applicability

4. RETURN TO procedure and step in effect.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ _---.;3~

                                                                            ---:3~_ _ Page   19  of    55 Event


Loss of 1A 1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start Time ~ Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 3 Indications available: 1-M-1 Annunciators:

  • 1-XA-55-1B Window D-5: 480V SD BD 1A1-A FAILURE OR UNDERVOLTAGE
  • Window A-5 "125V DC VITAL BAT 1 ABNORMAL
  • Window E-7 "PNL 1-M-7 TROUBLE" 1-M-1 Indicators:
  • 480V SD BD 1A1-A VOLTS, 1-EL-57-29A: goes to '0';
  • 125V VITAL BATT BD 1 AMPS, 1-EL-57-92: goes up to 200 to 250 AMPS 1-M-SB Annunciators:
  • Window D-6: "480V SD BD 1A1-A FAILURE OR UNDERVOLTAGE" 0-M-27B-A Annunciators:
  • XA-55-27B-A Window A-1 "CCS REAC BLDGSUPPLY HEADERFLOW LOW" T=20 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures Diagnose failure and place rods in manual to stop rod motion Refer to Annunciator Response Procedure SRO Enter and direct action of AOP-P.05 Section 2.3 Evaluator Note: Caution 1 below is a consistent performance guideline derived from AOP-R.04, Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions, Section 2.0 CAUTION 2 which specifies RCP trip criteria on motor winding and bearing temperatures and is in keeping with AOP-M.03, Loss of Component Cooling Water procedural guidance for loss of cooling RCP trip criteria for bearing temperature conditions as well. If the standby CCS Pump is not started within 2 minutes, excessive bearing temperatures will be challenged, however, high temperature limits may not be exceeded.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ __ _3;....._ _---.;3:;.... _ Page __ 20 of 55 Event


Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start Time Po Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior CAUTIONS:

  • Operation of RCPs for greater than 2 minutes without CCS cooling to oil coolers will result in bearing temperatures greater than 200°F.

Malf. Init time:  ; 1B-BCCS Pump Start time: Time:

  • Containment Spray Pumps may experience bearing failure 10 minutes after loss of CCS cooling.

NOTES: CCPs, SI pumps, and RHR Pumps must be considered INOPERABLE when the associated train of CCS is out of service; however, pumps are available for operation if needed in an emergency.

  • Power loss to LCV-6-106B will result in reduced #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump discharge flow.
  • Indicating lights for the turbine throttle, governor, intercept & reheat-stop valves are de-energized.

CREW Acknowledges CAUTIONS & NOTES Evaluator Note: ARP 0-AR-M27 -B-A, A-1 will direct starting the idle CCS Pump, 1B-B pump in this scenario. Any of the other ARPs on this same annunciator window will also direct standby pump start and may be implemented by the crew for the same purpose. BOP 1. ENSURE 1B-B CCS Pump SUPPLYING Train ACeS.


NOTE 1: Power is lost to 1-FCV-72-34, Train A Containment Spray Pump Recirc Valve and 1-FCV-72-39, Containment Spray Pump Header Isolation. NOTE 2: Power is lost to 1-FCV-74-12, Train A RHR Minimum Flow Valve. RO 3. PLACE the following pumps in PULL TO LOCK:

  • 1A-A RHR Pump
  • 1A-A Containment Spray Pump NOTE 1: 1-M-7 Instrument Rack A is normally powered from 480V Shutdown Bd 1A1-A.

Power loss results in loss of various rad monitors, boric acid flow indication, and other MCR indications and controls. NOTE 2: Restoration of power to Instrument Rack A may cause LCV-6-1 06B to open, chanqes. resulting in condensate system flow changes.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ _ ---..;3=--_ _3;;..-..._ _ Page 21 of 55 Event


Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start Time me I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior I LEAD Evaluator Notes: - Back paneI1-M-7 Transfer Rack is not modeled.

                                - BOP operator should go to back paneI1-M-7 Transfer Rack area and describe power transfer.
                                - EXAMINER: 1-M-7A Transfer to Alternate- coordinate with simulator booth operator to initiate the simulator remote function. Radio provided at back PaneI1-M-7 to communicate with Booth operator.

Evaluator Note: Note 1 & 2 conditions should be restored and/or monitored following 1-M-7 Transfer Rack to transfer to the alternate source.

4. RESTORE power to 1-M-7 Instrument Rack A by placing Instrument BOP Rack A Transfer Switch to AL TERNATE position.

[1-M-7, middle switch] Evaluator Note: Appendix AA, Potential Tech Spec Impacts with applicable TS designations is attached at the end of this event guide. Include CCS Tech Spec 3.7.3 OPERABIiLiTY review. SRO 5. PERFORM Appendix AA, Potential Tech Spec Impacts

6. DISPATCH operators with radios to Shutdown Board Room [AB el. 734]

CREW to determine cause of failure. NOTES: Service air isolation valve 0-PCV-33-4 will be closed due to loss of power on Instrument Power Rack A [1-M-7]. PI-32-200, Control Air Hdr and PI-33-199, Service Air Hdr are NOT available while 480V SO Bd 1A1-A is de-energized. BOP 7. EVALUATE air system status:

a. DISPATCH personnel to observe header pressure in the following locations:
  • Auxiliary Control Air Header Pressure (EI. 734 AB)
  • Control Air Header Pressure (EI. 685 TB)
b. CHECK Aux Control Air pressure greater than 90 psig.

BOP [M-15] (M-15] BOP c. CHECK control air pressure greater than 90 psig. ~ II

Appendix D Reguired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ _ ........;3~ _3~_ _ Page 22 of 55 Event


Loss of 1A 1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior CAUTION: Loss of CRDM cooling fans can affect operability of rod position indicators due to temperature fluctuations.

8. EVALUATE starting additional CRDM cooling fans based on reactor RO/SRO cavity air temperature (T1 014A) and RPI indications USING 0-SO-30-6.

Evaluator Note SRO/RO may choose to not start additional cooling fans based on containment pressure trends following the initial pressure increase. Evaluation, however, is expected. Following RO/SRO evaluation, BOP operator may be directed to place a CRDM Cooling Fan in service if an in-service fan was lost as a result the board power loss. SRO 9. ENSURE following equipment STOPPED and LOCKED OUT:

  • 1A-A Component Cooling Water Pump
  • 1A-A Thermal Barrier Booster Pump
  • A-A Main Control Room AHU NOTE: Spare Charger 1-S Train A supply is from 480V Shutdown Board 1A2-A. Spare charger should be placed in service promptly to prevent excessive battery discharge.

Evaluator Note BOP operator should inform the SRO of 1A Battery discharge as indicated on 1*M* 1 Indicator 125V VITAL BATT BO 1 AMPS, 1*EL*57*92 (reading -220*250 amps). SRO 10. ENSURE Battery Charger RESTORED for 125VVitai Battery I: BOP a. VERIFY 480V Shutdown Board 1A1-A still DE-ENERGIZED.

b. PLACE Spare Charger 1-S in service to Vital Battery Board I USING 0-SO-250-1.

Evaluator Note: 1*M*1 Indicator 125V VITAL BATT BO 1 AMPS, 1*EL*57*92: returns to '0' AMPS when the 1*S Battery Charger is placed in service. BOP 11. CHECK CCS to SFP Cooling ADEQUATE:

  • ALIGNED to Unit 2 OR
  • 1B CCS Pump in service to Train A CCS

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ _~3~ 3 _ _ Page 23 of 55 Event


Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SD8d and 18-8 CCS Pump fail to auto start Time

            =      Position                                  Applicant's Actions or Behavior
12. DISPATCH an operator to ensure SFP cooling in service USING O-SO-BOP 78-1.

CREW 13. REFER TO following Appendixes for additional equipment lost:

  • Appendix B, 480V Shutdown Board 1A 1-A Load List
  • Appendix E, 480V Rx MOV Board 1A1-A Load List
  • Appendix G, 480V C & A Vent Board 1A1-A Load List
  • Appendix I, 480V Reactor Vent Board 1A-A Load List
  • Appendix J, 480V Diesel Auxiliary Bd 1A1-A Load List
14. EVALUATE need for starting additional Lower Compartment Cooling RO/SRO Units to maintain containment temperatures within Tech Spec limits.
15. EVALUATE need to transfer Fire Protection Distribution Panel power SRO supply to Alternate USING 0-SO-13-1, Fire Detection System.

CHECK 1A1-A 480V Shutdown Board ready to be ENERGIZED. SRO (RNO Required) RNO: SRO DO NOT CONTINUE in this procedure UNTIL failure repaired. Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated deleqated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event after the battery charger has been placed in service in Step 10.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # __ _ __ _....;..3

                                                                                     .; .3_ __

___ Page 24 of 55

                                                -   -   -



Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start I Tim Time II Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior APPENDIXAA POTENTIAL TECH SPEC IMPACTS Evaluator Note: See next page for Tech Spec applications

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _-=2_ 2 Event # _ _ _..;;:3

                                                                                  ..::;3_ _ _ Page        25    of     55 Event


Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start SQN LOSS OF UNIT 1 SHUTDOWN BOARDS AOP-P.05 Rev. 16 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIXAA POTENTIAL TECH SPEC IMPACTS NOTE 1: Offsite power availability must be verified using 0-SI-OPS-082-007.W anytime the actions of LCO (except d) are entered. This performance is required even if the difference between LCO entry and exit times is less than one hour. NOTE 2: Upon loss of its respective SDBD a Pressurizer Block valve will be incapable of closing and the actions of cannot be met. 3.0.3 may be applicable.

1. EVALUATE the following Tech SpeclTRM requirements for applicability:
  • LCO 3.0.3, Applicability: Pzr PORV & associated Block valve.
  • LCO, Pzr. PORVs and Block Valves: Block Valve 1-FCV-68-333 is failed open; applies which requires applying Action b. Action b. cannot be complied with, therefore TS 3.0.3 would apply.
  • LCO, AC Sources - Operating: 480V Diesel Aux Bd 1A1-A is de-energized; applies since supporting equipment, cooling water control valve power and AC control power circuits are all de-energized. Perform 0-SI-OPS-082-007.W, AC Power Sources Operability Verification w/i 1 hr. & every 8 hrs thereafter; Restore at least 4 EDGs w/i 7 days or Ht Stby w/i next 6 hrs & Cld SD w/i following 30 hrs.
  • LCO, AC Distribution - Operating: 1A 1-A 480V SDBd is de-energized; applies; restore the inoperable boards w/i 8 hrs or HT STBY w/i next 6 hrs & CLD SD w/i following 30 hrs.
  • LCO, D.C. Distribution - Operating: 125V Vital Battery 1 Charger is de-energized; applies; restore inoperable charger wli 2 hrs or HT STBY w/i next 6 hrs & CLD SD w/i following 30 hrs.
  • TRM, Charging Pump - Shutdown: MODES 4, 5 and 6 not applicable, 1 CCP is available.
  • TRM, Charging Pump - Operating: MODES 1,2, and 3 applies; restore at least two charging pumps w/i 72 hrs or HT STBY & borated to SD MARGIN at least 1% delta klk at 200°F w/i next 6 hrs; restore at least two charging pumps w/i next 7 days or HT SD w/i next 30 hours.

LCO 3.5.2, Emergency Core Cooling System, Modes 1-3: 1A-A CCP, 1A-A SIP, 1A-A RHRP (1

  • ECCS Train) de-energized; 3.5.2.a, b, d & e apply Containment Spray Subsystems: Train A Spray is de-energized; & b applies;
  • LCO, restore inoperable sub-system w/i 72 hrs or HT STBY w/i next 6 hrs; restore the inoperable subsystem w/i next 48 hrs or CLD SD w/I next 30 hrs.

LCO 3.7.3, CCS, Modes 1-4: restore at least two loops w/i 72 hrs or HT STBY w/i next 6 hrs & CLD

  • SD w/i following 30 hrs.


Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _ _ _..;.3

                                                                             . .;. 3_ _ _ Page    26   of   55
                                             -   -   -



Loss of 1A1-A 480 VAC SDBd and 1B-B CCS Pump fail to auto start

1. EVALUATE the following Tech SpecfTRM requirements for applicability:
  • LCO 3.7.15, MODES 1, 2, 3, or 4: Action a applies; one CRACS inoperable, restore w/I 30 days or HT STBY w/i next 6 hrs. & CLD SD w/i following 30 hrs.

MODES 5 or 6 or during irradiated fuel movement: Action a applies; one CRACS inoperable, restore w/i 30 days or initiate & maintain operation of OPERABLE CRACS OR suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies. Page 104 of 105

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 _2=--_ Event # 4 Page 27 of 55

                                                                                                                              '-;"~--l Event


1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HDT system low flow runback wi Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 4 Indications available: 1-M-1 Annunciators:

  • 1-XA-55-1 B Window E-3: "MOTOR TRIPOUT PNL 1-M-1 THRU 1-M-6" 1-M-1 Indicators:
  • Generator Megawatts Recorder, 1-XR-57-107: megawatts decreasing, stabilizing at ::::940 MWe 1-M-2 Annunciators:
  • 1-XA-55-2C Window A-1: "LS-6-111 NO 3 HEATER DRAIN TANK LEVEL ABNORMAL"
  • B-7: "ZS-6-105A & B NO 3 HTR DR TK BYPASS TO COND" 1-M-2 Indicators:
  • HTR DR SYSTEM FLOW, 1-FR-6-107 Red Pen: slowly degrades to <5500 gpm;
  • EHC Display, 1-XX-47-2000: Valve Pos Limit light illuminated (when runback is actuated)
  • Main Generator Electrical Load-MEGAWATIS decreasing to ::::940 MWe 1-M-4 Annunciators:
  • 1-XA-55-4B Window A-7: "ZB-412A RODCONTROL BANKS LIMIT LOW"
  • B-7: "ZB-412B RODCONTROL BANKS LIMIT LOW-LOW" 1-M-4Indicators:
  • SG-3 MAIN REG VALVE FLOW CONTORL 1-FIC-3-90: indicates full OPEN demand
  • SG PROGRAM LVL SP, 1-Ll-1-73: Program level 44% from 20-100% RTP
  • GENERATOR WATTS, 1-EI-57-16A: decreasing to ::::940 MWe
  • ROD SPEED, SI-412 and adjacent "RODS IN/RODS OUT" red and green lights lit: indicating rod control controlling Tave.

Automatic actions may occur due to a malfunction of the heater drain system:

  • Turbine runback from #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump trip if greater than 81% turbine load .

T= 30 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures Refer to Annunciator Response Procedure Directs entry into AOP-S.04, Condensate or Heater Drains Malfunction SRO Section 2.1, "#3 Heater Drain Tank Pump Trip" Evaluator Note: AOP-S.04, Section 2.6, "#3 Heater Drain Tank Pump Trip" crew may enter this section mitigation and included at the end of this event guide. which is also effective in event mitiQation Evaluator Note: Appendices A & B which may be required are also attached to the end of this event guide. Quide.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # ....:,.4_ _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                              ....:..,4                         28        of    ...;.,;55;;""'---l1
                                                                                                                                ...;;,.;55;;""'--l1 Event


1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HDT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control ~osition i rv",itio II Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump Trip BOP 1. MONITOR at least one #3 HDT pump RUNNING. Evaluator Note: BOP recognizes 1B #3 HDT Pump tripped, places it in Pull-To-Lock (PTL) and continues to monitor #3 HD system flow using 1-FR-6-1 07 flow recorder Evaluator Note: Step 1 RNO is not applicable based on the combination of running #3 HDT pumps and current reactor power (1 or more pumps running and 2:80%.) NOTE: Turbine run back will occur if the following conditions met:

                                             *   #3 HOT bypass valve, LCV-6-105A or 1058, is OPEN
  • turbine load is greater than 81% (Unit 1) or 82% (Unit 2)
                                             * #3 HOT pump discharge flow, FS-6-107, less than 5500 gpm for greater than 10 seconds.

BOP 2. MONITOR for turbine runback conditions:

a. Turbine load greater than 81 %(Unit 1) or 82% (Unit 2).
b. #3 Heater Drain Tank Outlet Flow less than 5500 gpm. [M-2, FR 107]
c. LCV-6-105A or 105B OPEN. [M-2]

Evaluator Note: This is a delayed runback event; the SRO directs BOP operator to monitor #3 HDT flow on M-2 FR-6-107 recorder (pen #1 or the red pen; 2-pen recorder wi the other pen indicating #7 HDT flow). Some time during this event, degraded #3 HOT flow will meet the runback conditions specified and an automatic runback will actuate. At this time, the SRO/crew should return to Step 2.a. to repeat procedural steps applying to current conditions accordingly. 2.a. RNO SRO IF runback has already occurred OR is in proQress, progress, THEN GO TO Step 3.

3. VERIFY turbine runback to less than or equal to 77% turbine load BOP (approximately 940 MWE).


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _4.:.-_ _ _ _ _ Page 29 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                      - 2

Event #


4 of 55

                                                                                                                                   - ----ll Event


1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-1 G5A valve failure - HDT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time Posi Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO Directs crew to maintain/restore Tave following runback to w/i 1.5°F of Tref by adjusting MT load. Evaluator Note: Following runback actuation and AUTOMATIC Rod Control's restoration of Tave-Tref deviation to -1 0, Rod Control Failure will be inserted resulting in the RO placing Rod Control in MANUAL RO 4. CHECK rods controlling in AUTO. NOTE: If LEFM thermal power (U2118) is inoperable, rod insertion limit curve must be raised by 3 steps. Rod insertion limit alarms and les display are NOT automatically adjusted when LEFM [S inoperable. Evaluator Note: 1A BAT Pump is not available due to the 1A1-A 480VAC SDBd loss. Therefore, if emergency boration is required in response to 10-10 rod insertion limit alarm, the boration source is the RWST and required boron injection is required to be ~90 gpm per Appendix. A attached following this event guide. RO 5. MONITOR control rods above low-low insertion limit using ICS or COLR.

5. RNO: INITIATE boration USING Appendix A.


  •, CONTROL ROD INSERTION LIMITS Action A Applies - Restore w/i limits w/i 2 hrs. or reduce to less than or equal to that fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER which is allowed by the group position using the insertion limits specified in the COLR, or Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs.


  •, SHUTDOWN MARGIN - Tavg Greater Than 200°F Applies - immediately initiate and continue boration at ~35 gpm until the SHUTDOWN MARGIN is restored (CB 'D' Rods above the Lo-Lo RIL),

CAUTION: Feedwater temperature changes may impact core thermal power. Evaluator Note: Following runback actuation, Lp #3 FRV, 1-LCV-3-90, fails to respond in AUTOMATIC (as is); MANUAL control is available resulting in the BOP operator taking manual control to maintain #3 SG on program level (-44% NR). II

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;;2~_ 2 Event # Event# _4.;....-_ _4,;...-_ _ _ _ _ Page 30 of of 55

                                                   ....;;;....-                                                                 "';";;'--ll Event


1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-1 05A valve failure - HDT system low flow run back wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

6. MONITOR S/G levels returning to program.

BOP (RNO Required) RNO: CONTROL Main Feedwater Pumps or Feed Reg Valves as required. BOP MAINTAIN S/G generator levels on program. IF low S/G level reactor trip is imminent, THEN TRIP reactor and GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection. BOP recognizes Loop #3 FRV failing to respond in automatic; takes manual BOP control and restores #3 SG level to program. NOTE: An auto valve closure for lev-6-1066 exists if anyone of three #3 Heater Drain TanK Pumps trip and turbine load is greater than 8l~'O (Unit 1) or 82% (Unit 2).

8. MONITOR reactor power:

RO a. CHECK ICS thermal power indication AVAILABLE.

b. REDUCE turbine load as necessary to maintain 10 minute average BOP power less than applicable limit (3455 or 3411 MWt).

CAUTION: Reducing turbine load too rapidly could result in further drop in condensate pressure due to reduction in heater drain flow. Recommended load rate is 1%t per minute if turbine load reduction is needed.

9. MONITOR Feedwater pump inlet pressure greater than 320 psig. [M-3, PI-BOP 2-129]
10. MONITOR Condensate Booster pump suction pressure greater than 100 BOP psig. [M-3, PI-2-77]

Evaluator Note: Neither condition in steps 9 or 10 above should exist during this event.

11. DISPATCH an operator to investigate cause of #3 Heater Drain Tank CREW Pump trip.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _4_ _ _4~ __ __ _ ____ _ Page Page 31 31 of 55 _5;;.,;5;"'-'--11

                                                     ...;;;;..--                                                                ~~--II Event


18 #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HDT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LeV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

12. NOTIFY Maintenance to investigate and repair pump malfunction as CREW necessary.

(RNO Required) RNO: RESTORE turbine controls to normal USING Appendix B, Turbine Runback Restoration. (Included at end of this event guide) NOTE: steam dump load rejection circuit may require several minutes decay time before C-7 can be reset. BOP 14. IF C-7 Interlock LIT, THEN RESET Load Rejection Signal:

a. PLACE HS-1-103A and 103B, Steam Dump Control, in OFF.
b. PLACE HS-1-103D, Steam Dump Control, in RESET and VERIFY spring return to TAVG.
d. ENSURE Steam Dump demand is ZERO.
e. PLACE HS-1-103A and 103B, Steam Dump Control, in ON.

RO 15. CHECK reactor power less than 95 %. SRO 16. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. END OF SECTION Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event when SRO directs appropriate plant procedure, "

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                     - 2

Event #


_44_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Page P~e 32

                                                                                                                ~         of
                                                                                                                                ----..,1 55
                                                                                                                                "';";;'--ll Event


1B #3 HOT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HOT system low flow runback wi Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control I Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP*S.04, Section 2.6, Total or Partial Loss of #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump flow Annunciatorsllndications are similar to those listed in this event guide for Section 2.1 Evaluator Note: Appendices A & B which may be required are also attached to the end of this event guide. May direct entry into AOP-S.04, Condensate or Heater Drains Malfunction SRO Section 2.6, "Total or Partial Loss of #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump flow"

1. MONITOR the following:


  • at least one #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump RUNNING AND
                                         * #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump flow greater than zero BOP recognizes 1B #3 HOT Pump tripped, places it in Pull-To-Lock (PTL) and continues to monitor #3 HD system flow using 1-FR-6-107 flow recorder
                , NOTE:         Turbine runback will occur if the following conditions met:
                                * #3 HOT bypass valve, LCV-6-105A or 105B, is OPEN and
  • Turbine load is greater than 81 % (Unit 1) or 82% (Unit 2) and
                                *    #3   HOT pump discharge flow, FS-6-107, less than 5500 gpm for greater than 10 seconds.

BOP 2. MONITOR for turbine run back conditions:

a. Turbine load greater than 81 % (Unit 1) or 82% (Unit 2).
b. #3 Heater Drain Tank Outlet Flow less than 5500 gpm.

[M-2, FR-6-107

c. LCV-6-105A or 105B OPEN. [M-2]
3. VERIFY turbine runback to less than or equal to 77% (Unit 1) or 78%

BOP (Unit 2) turbine load (=940 MWE). Evaluator Note: Following runback actuation and AUTOMATIC Rod Control's restoration of Tave-Tref deviation to _1°, Rod Control Failure will be inserted resulting in the RO placing Rod Control in MANUAL RO 4. CHECK rods controlling in AUTO.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _44________ Page Page 33 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                     - 2

Event #

                                                                               --------                          33        of        55
                                                                                                                                 "';";'-..,1 Event


1B #3 HOT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HOT system low flow run back wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time II P~ Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE: If LEFM thermal power (U2118) is inoperable, rod insertion limit curve must be raised by 3 steps. Rod insertion limit alarms and ICS display are NOT automatically adjusted when LEFM is inoperable. Evaluator Note: 1A BAT Pump is not available due to the 1A1-A 480VAC SOBd loss. Therefore, emergency boration in response to 10-10 rod insertion limit alarm, boration from the RWST is required at 2!90 gpm.

5. MONITOR control rods above low-low insertion limit using ICS or COLR.

RO (RNO Required) RNO: RO INITIATE boration USING Appendix A(attached to end of this event guide) SRO EVALUATE Tech Spec LCO and

  •, CONTROL ROD INSERTION LIMITS Action A Applies - Restore w/i limits w/i 2 hrs., or reduce to less than or equal to that fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER which is allowed by the group position using the insertion limits specified in the COLR, or Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs.


  •, SHUTDOWN MARGIN - Tavg Greater Than 200°F Applies - immediately initiate and continue boration at :2!35 gpm until the SHUTDOWN MARGIN is restored (CB '0' Rods above the Lo-Lo RIL),

CAUTION: Feedwater temperature changes may impact core thermal power. Evaluator Note: As the transient stabilizes, Rod Control will fail resulting in initial CB '0' rod insertion at

                     ==8 steps/minute and Loop #3 FRV fails to respond in automatic.

SRO may use or refer to AOP-C-01, ROD CONTROL SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS, Section 2.1, Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement: in response to this failure; attached to the end of this event guide.

6. MONITOR Steam generator levels returning to program.

[M-4] BOP (RNO Required) RNO: BOP CONTROL Main Feedwater Pumps or Feed Reg Valves as required. MAINTAIN S/G generator levels on program.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2

                                                   ...;2:..-_ Event #        _4..:.-_

_4.:.-_ _ _ _ _ Page 34 of 55

                                                                                                                               ~--I Event


1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-1 05A valve failure - HDT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time osition Applicant's Actions or Behavior IF low S/G level reactor trip is imminent, THEN TRIP reactor and GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection. BOP recognizes Loop #3 FRV failing to respond in automatic; takes manual BOP control and restores #3 SG level to program. RO 7. MONITOR reactor power:

a. CHECK ICS thermal power indication AVAILABLE.
b. REDUCE turbine load as necessary to maintain 10-minute average power less than applicable limit (3455 or 3411 MWt).
8. DISPATCH operators to investigate cause for loss of #3 heater drain tank BOP pump flow:
  • CHECK LCV-6-106A and -106B functioning properly.
  • CHECK position of LCV-6-1 05A and 105B
  • CHECK #3 heater drain tank pumps functioning properly.

NOTE 1: Recommended load rate is 1% per minute if turbine load reduction is needed. NOTE 2: Severe MFW pump cavitation is likely if inlet pressure is less than 250 psig.

9. MONITOR Feedwater pump inlet pressure greater than 320 psig. [M-3, BOP PI-2-129]


10. MONITOR Condensate Booster pump suction pressure greater than 100 BOP psig. [M-3, rM-3, PI-2-77]

PI-2-771 Evaluator Note: Neither condition in steps 9 or 10 above should exist during this event.


(RNO required)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;2~_ 2


Event Event## _4.:.-_ _4~ _ _ _ _ _ Page 35 of of 55

                                                                                                                                -----II Event


18 #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HDT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control I Ti Time I Position P I Applicant's Actions or Behavior RNO: RESTORE turbine controls to normal USING Appendix B, Turbine Runback Restoration. (Included at end of this event guide) guide)

12. IF C-7 Interlock LIT, BOP THEN RESET Load Rejection Signal:
f. PLACE HS-1-103A and 103B, Steam Dump Control, in OFF.
g. PLACE HS-1-103D, Steam Dump Control, in RESET and VERIFY spring return to TAVG.
i. ENSURE Steam Dump demand is ZERO.
j. PLACE HS-1-103A and 103B, Steam Dump Control, in ON.
13. EVALUATE reactor power reduction to less than 60% USING one of the SRO following:
  • 0-GO-5, Normal Power Operation OR
  • AOP-C.03, Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction END OF SECTION SRO Go to Procedure and step in effect Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure.

CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event when SRO directs appropriate plant procedure,

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2


Event #


_4..;.... 4 _ _ _ _ _ Page 36 of --;""-....,1

                                                                                                                                 ----....,1 55 Event


1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HDTsystem low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control I Time III Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-C.01, Section 2.1, Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement Automatic actions that occur due to the heater drain system malfunction result in Turbine Runback from #3 Heater Drain Tank Pump trip if greater than 81% turbine load. SRO may choose to enter this procedure/section to address automatic rod motion; he then would be expected to enter AOP-S.04 to follow up secondary plant indications. SRO may use or refer to AOP-C-01, ROD CONTROL SYSTEM SRO MALFUNCTIONS, Section 2.1, Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement: SRO Enter and direct action of AOP-C.01 Section 2.1

1. STOP uncontrolled rod motion:

RO a. PLACE rod control in MAN.

b. CHECK rod motion STOPPED.

CAUTION: Control Rods should NOT be manually withdrawn during a plant transient.

2. CHECK for plant transient:


a. CHECK reactor power and T-avg STABLE.

RO 3. CHECK for instrumentation malfunction:

a. CHECK nuclear instrumentation OPERABLE.
c. CHECK turbine impulse pressure channels OPERABLE.
e. CHECK Auctioneered T -avg -a,,-g_ OPERABLE USING TR-68-2B.
4. CHECK for inadvertent RCS dilution:

RO (RNO Required - GO TO Step 6)

a. CHECK evidence of dilution INDICATED:
  • VCT level indication OR
  • T-avg rising unexplained with stable turbine load .

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2

                                                    ..,.;2;;;...._ Event #

Event# _4.;..... 4 _____ Page 37 of 55

                                                    -    --                      --------                                of    -  ----II Event


18 #3 HOT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HOT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

5. CHECK for inadvertent boration flow:

RO (RNO Required - GO TO Step 6)

a. CHECK evidence of boration flow INDICATED:
  • Batch counters flow indication OR
  • VCT level indication OR
  • T-avg dropping unexplained.

NOTE: When adjusting T-avg, reactivity changes should be accomplished by only one method at a time. RO 6. RESTORE T-avg to within 1.5°F of T-ref:

  • POSITION control rods OR
  • ADJUST turbine load OR
  • ADJUST RCS boron concentration USING 0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control.

SRO 7. EVALUATE the following Tech SpecslTRM for applicability:

  •, Shutdown Margin - T-avg Greater than 200°F
  •, Minimum Temperature for Criticality
  •, Movable Control Assemblies, Group Height
  •, Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit
  •, Control Rod Insertion Limits
  • 3.2, Power Distribution Limits (entire section)

RO 8. CHECK cause of continuous rod motion IDENTIFIED. CREW 9. ENSURE Maintenance initiated as required. CREW 10. ENSURE Plant Management notified of failure.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form E8-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 38 of of ...;;.;55~--11 55

                                                                                                                                --~--II Event


1B #3 HOT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HOT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control I Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

11. WHEN problem corrected AND automatic rod control is available, THEN PERFORM the following:

RO a. ENSURE T-avg and T-ref matched within 1°F.

b. PLACE control rods in AUTO USING 0-80-85-1, Rod Control RO System.
12. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.
                                                             *a SRO END OF SECTION

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 I Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event # _4~ _ _ _ _ _ Page 39 of _5;;.;;5_...,1




1B #3 HDT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HDT system low flow run back wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control AOP-S.04, CONDENSATE OR HEATER DRAINS MALFUNCTION APPENDIX A IMMEDIATE BORATION TO RESTORE RODS ABOVE LOW-LOW ROD INSERTION LIMIT TIME I I [11 IMMEDlATEL Y INITIATE horaHon horaHan by performing the foliovt/ing: [aJ PLACE BA transfer pump aligned to blender in FAST speed. o0 [b] ADJUST FCV-62-138 as necessary to establish boration flow greater than or equal to 35 gpm from BAT (at [east 6120 ppm). o0 [c] IF required flow via FCV-62-138 CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM one of the following: I ** INITIATE normal ooration of greater than or equal to 35 gpm from BAT (at least 6-120 ppm) USING Oc.SO-62-7 Sect 6A 6.4. o0 OR

  • INITIATE bOfalion flow of greater than or equal to 90 gpm from RWST USING 0-SO-62-7 Sect 8.4. o0

[d] WHEN control rods are verified to be above low-low insertion limit, THEN REDUCE or STOP harahon borahon flow as required. o0 END

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _4.:..-_ _ _ _ _ Page _4..:..-_____ Page 40 40 of ....;5;;.;;5_~1 55

                                                     ..;;;...-                                                                  --';";'-....,1 Event


1B #3 HOT Pump trip and 1-LCV-6-105A valve failure - HOT system low flow runback wI Failure of #3 SG LCV and Failure of Automatic Rod Control AOP-S.04, CONDENSATE OR HEATER DRAINS MALFUNCTION APPENDIX B TURBINE RUNBACK RESTORATION I TIME

            -  I NOTE                This appendix is used to remove turbine from valve position limiter prior to starting load reduction following a BOP runback_

[1] ENSURE governor valve tracking meier centered dose to ZERO. D [2] DEPRESS [IURB MANUAL] mode selector pushbutton. pushbutton_ 0 [3] VERIFY [IURB MANUAL) lamp LIT. 0 [4] VERIFY reference and setter counters stabilize. D (5] ENSURE governor valve tracking meter centered dose to ZERO. D (6] DEPRESS [OPER AUTO] mode selector pushbutton. 0 [7] VERIFY [OPER AUTO] lamp LIT. D (8] VERIFY reference and setter counters stabilize. D [9] IF VALVE POS LIMIT light is LIT, THEN REDUCE turbine load reference using SETTER UNTIL VALVE POS LIMIT light is DARK. 0 END OF TEXT II

Appendix D Reguired Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                  ...;2~_ Event#

2 Event # _5.;..l*..,.;6.......7.:...l _5;;;,l.,.;;;6  ;.,.:7*..,.;8 9~_ _ Page

                                                                                                       .,.;;;8......9::...-__  41    of of _5;;.;5~--11


                                                                                                                                          ---II Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand/ Loss of Offsite AC Power. both EDGs fail to Auto Start. ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open. 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air/vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Tim Time II ...Position

                         ..                                              .~.

Applicant's A Actions orr Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 5 Indications available: 1-M-3 indications:

  • SG-3 MAIN REG VALVE FLOW CONTORL 1-FIC-3-90: indicates full OPEN demand 1-M-4 Annunciators
  • XA-55-4D Window A-3 "LD-3-97B STM GEN LOOP 3 LEVEL LOW-LOW REACTOR TRIP 1-M-4 indications:
  • LOOP 3 SG-3 NR LEVEL indicator 1-Ll-3-97: varies, then goes down;
  • 1-Ll-3-94: varies, then goes down;
  • 1-Ll-3-93: varies, then goes down;
  • LOOP 3 SG-3 FW INLET FLOW CH-1 indicator 1-FI-3-90A: varies, then goes down;
  • CH-2 indicator 1-FI-3-90B: varies, then goes down; 1-M-5 indications:
  • LOOP 3 SG-3 NR LEVEL indicator1-LI-3-97: varies, then goes down;
  • 1-Ll-3-94: varies, then goes down;
  • 1-Ll-3-93: varies, then goes down;
  • LOOP 3 SG-3 FW INLET FLOW CH-1 indicator 1-FI-3-90A: varies, then goes down;
  • CH-2 indicator 1-FI-3-90B: varies, then goes down; 1-M-6 Annunciators
  • C-7 "FS-3-90B STM GEN LOOP 3 STEAM/FEEDWATER FLOW MISMATCH T=40 BOP Identifies failed closed Loop #3 FRV and makes a crew announcement.

Directs reactor trip "before AUTO Rx Trip occurs" and directs operators to SRO perform Immediate Operator Actions (IOAs) Evaluator Note: Following lOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, RO/BOP surveys MeBs for any expected automatic system/component response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. [Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions (POAs)]

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # _5;;.,:,.,;;.6.:,..;,7~,.=.i8,~9 _5~,..:::6.:....:, 7~,.:::.;8'i...::9;.....-__ _ _ _ Page 42 of 55 _5;;;.;5_....,

                                                ~-                                                                                - --;.



Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand! Loss of Offsite AC Power, both EDGs fail to Auto Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 18-8 MDAFW Pump is air!vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior For this sequence of events, POAs might include but are not limited to the following: RO/BOP

  • EDG Remote Start @ 1-M-1 (common start switch);
  • EDG Remote Start @ 1-M-26A1B Panels (individual emergency start BOP switches);


  • 1A-A ERCW Supply Valve opening @0-M-26A; RO/BOP
  • TDAFW Pump attempted start @ 1-M-3; RO/BOP
  • MSS/Maintenance Notification (may (mav be via WCC SRO also).

E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Note 1 Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps Note 2 This procedure has a foldout paqe page

1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:
  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN RO
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN
  • Neutron flux DROPPING
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.
2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:


  • Turbine stop valves CLOSED.

Evaluator Note: Critical Task is manually start at least 1 EDG prior to placing safeguards loads P-T-L in ECA-O.O including opening ERCW Cooling Valve. (BOP may attempt to start both EDGs at 1-M-1 using 1-HS-82-15, DG EMERG START

                     !A-A, 2A-A, 1B-B, 2B-B or 0-M-26A1B panel emergency start PBs 0-HS-82-16A and 0-HS-82-46A for 1A-A and 1B-B EDGs respectively. Either location/control will achieve the expected response.)

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 _2;;;..-._ Event # Event# _5~'....;;6.,:..'7.;.,:,....;;8.,:..,9:::..-__ _5;;.:,...:6.l..'7;.,:,...:8.l..' 9::...-__ Page 43 of 55

                                               -    --                                                                               ------il Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand! Loss of Offsite AC Power, both EDGs fail to Auto Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air!vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

3. VERIFY at least one train of shutdown boards ENERGIZED.
  • Attempt to restore power to at least ONE train of shutdown boards BOP
  • Place DG 1A-A control switch in START
  • Verify Train A Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED
4. DETERMINE if SI actuated:


  • ECCS pumps RUNNING.
  • Any SI alarm LIT [M-4D] (SI will be actuated)

(RNO Required) RNO: DETERMINE if SI required:

a. IF any of the following conditions exists:
                                         .S/G pressure less than 600 psig, OR RO
                                         .RCS pressure less than 1870 psig, OR
                                         .Containment pressure greater than 1.5 psig, THEN ACTUATE SI.

CREW Determines 51 Actuation NOT required by current conditions

b. IF SI is NOT required, THEN PERFORM the following:

SRO 1) MONITOR status trees.

2) GO TO ES-O.1, Reactor Trip Response.

SRO determines SI not required; SRO implements status tree monitoring and transitions to ES-0.1, Reactor SRO Trip Response.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2


Event # _5;;,:.,.;;6 .....7;..:.,.;;8 _5;;.,l*..,;;6..:,..7.;.,.*:..,;;8..:,..9~_ _ Page

                                                                                                         .....9;;.... 44    of of _5;;.;5~--11 55
                                                                                                                                   -=--11 Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand/ Loss of Offsite AC Power. both EDGs fail to Auto Start. ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open. 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air/vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Time Position Positi nn Applicant's Actions or Behavior Since a loss of off site power occurred at initiation of the event, AOP-P.01, LOSS OF OFFSITE POWER should be implemented and handed off to the SRO BOP to complete via the single-performer method. AOP-P.01, LOSS OF OFFSITE POWER is attached to the end of this event guide. ES-O.1, Reactor Trip Response Evaluator Note: Events 8 & 9, 1B-B AFW Pump Airbound and U1 TDAFW Pump Mechanical over speed trip actuate with the reactor trip. Since the 1A-A MDAFW Pump is out of service for maintenance, a loss of all AFW flow occurs and results in RED path conditions for Heat Sink safety function. The crew should identify this RED path condition and the SRO should transition to FR-H.1, Loss of Heat Sink. Expected indications and operator actions contained at end of this guide. Note: This procedure has a foldout page. pa~e.

1. MONITOR SI NOT actuated:


  • SI ACTUATED permissive DARK[M-4A, 04]

BOP 2. VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.

3. MONITOR RCS temperatures:
  • IF any RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending to between 54rF and 552°F.


  • IF RCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable at or trending to between 54rF and 552°F.
4. CHECK feedwater status:

BOP a. T-avg less than 550°F.

b. MFW pumps TRIPPED.
c. MFW regulating valves CLOSED.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2


Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5,6,7,8,9 Page 45 of 55

                                               . .;;..--
                                               ....;.;..--              --~~
                                                                        ----:....~.......                             - ---il
                                                                                                                      ~~--il Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand/ Loss of Offsite AC Power, both EDGs fail to Auto Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 18-8 MDAFW Pump is air/vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Tim Position pn.. itinn Applicant's Actions or Behavior

d. MFW regulating bypass valve controller outputs ZERO.
e. MFW isolation valves CLOSED.
5. CHECK total feed flow to S/Gs greater than 440 gpm.

BOP (RNO Required) ReSluired) RNO: BOP ESTABLISH AFW flow as necessary. IF AFW flow CANNOT be established, SRO THEN ESTABLISH main feedwater flow USING EA-2-2, Establishing Secondary Heat Sink Using Main Feedwater or Condensate System. Since the initiating event included a loss of off-site power, EA-2-2 cannot be SRO implemented and directs the BOP to implement 1-FR-0, Status Tree Monitoring (for implementation). Request Maintenance support to assist in getting 1 or more AFW Pumps in CREW service (may (may contact MSS, Maintenance, WCC SRO or BOP identifies FR-H.1 Red Path condition:

                                      * <440 gpm AFW flow, not by operator action; and, BOP
                                      * <10% in all SGs Informs the SRO as the highest RED/ORANGE path critical safety function challenge.

SRO Directs transition to FR-H.1 from ES-0.1 step in effect (5)

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event # 5,6,7,8,9 _5;;.,\,.,;;;6..:..,

                                                                              ------.....:....;. 7;..:.,.,;;;8..:..,  --- Page 9;.....__
                                                                                                               ........         46    of _5.;..;5;.....~1

_5;;.;:5:"'---i1 Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand/ Loss of Offsite AC Power, both EDGs fail to Auto Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air/vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Time II Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior Lead Evaluator Note: The scenario may be terminated as directed by the Lead Examiner once the crew restores secondary heat sink control either by venting the 1B-B MDAFW Pump or by resetting the TDAFW Pump resulting in positive SG level increase/RCS temperature change. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior FR-H.1 ,LOSS OF SECONDARY HEAT SINK LEAD EXAMINER: Wait until Pzr PORV cycles one to two (1 to 2) times before directing booth operator to restore 1B-B MDAFW Pump or TDAFW Pump to determine whether the crew will decide in Step 5 to go to Feed and Bleed (per Step 5.c: GO TO ... Step 17) or Step 5.a RNO (GO TO Step 6.). CAUTION: Unisolating a faulted S/G or secondary break should NOT be considered UNLESS needed for RCS cooldown. CAUTION Feeding an Intact or Ruptured SfG is preferred to feeding a FaultedS/G. Thermal stresses from feeding a Faulted SIG could rupture tubes, re,sulting in a Faulted~AND-Ruptured SJG. BOP 1. DETERMINE procedure applicability:

a. CHECK the following:
  • Total feed flow less than 440 gpm due to operator adion dIrected by another procedure.


  • Total feed flow capability of greater than 440 gpm AVAILABLE.

(RNO Required) RNO:

a. GO TO step 2.

SRO Continues in FR-H.1 RO 2. MONITOR RWST level greater than 27%.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2 _2;;;-._


Event # _5~'..;;6..:.,' 5,6,7,8,9 7;,..:,..;;8..:."9;;;-.__

                                                                            ~"';;':";"':"';;'.l....;...      _ __    Page 47 Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand! Loss of Offsite AC Power, both EDGs fail to Auto Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air!vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 3. CHECK if secondary heat sink required:

a. Res pressure greater than any non-Faulted SIG pressure.
b. ReS temperature greater than 350°F.

Crew determines faulted SG(s) not the initiating conditions; CREW/ SRO Continues in FR-H.1 RO 4. MONITOR at least one CCP available. LEAD EXAMINER: Wait until Pzr PORV cycles one to two (1 to 2) times before directing booth operator to restore selected AFW Pump to determine whether the crew will decide in Step 5 to go to Feed and Bleed (per Step 5.c: GO TO ... Step 17) or Step 5.a RNO (GO TO Step 6.). NOTE Pressurizer pressure greater than or equa! to 23.35 psig with rising ReS temperature and a low loop delta-T indicates toss of heat removal capability. RO 5. MONITOR RCS feed and bleed criteria:

a. CHECK the following:
  • Any three S/G wlde range levels less than 20% {41 % ADV]


  • Pressurizer pressure greater than or equal to 2335 psig due to loss of secondary heat removal.

(RNO Required) RNO: RO/SRO 8. GO TO Step 6. Crew determines Feed/Bleed criteria not met;; CREW/ SRO Continues in FR-H.1 II

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2


Event # 5,6,7,8,9 _5.-* .....;6..:..

                                                                                          * .;..:7*.....;8..:...9____ Page
                                                                            --.....;..:.......<..;,......- - -

48 of

                                                                                                                                    ------....,1 55
                                                                                                                                    ......;..;~--I Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand/ Loss of Offsite AC Power, Power. both EDGs fail to Auto Start. Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air/vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip open. actuates. Ti Time ,",osition Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO/BOP 6. MONITOR CST level greater than 5%. Crew determines Step 6 RNO, AFW Alternate suction alignment to ERCW CREW/ not appropriate corrective action; SRO Continues in FR-H.1

7. ATTEMPT to establish AFW flow to at least one S/G in the following SRO order of priority-- Intact, Ruptured, Faulted:
a. CHECK S/G blowdown isolation RO valves CLOSED.
b. CHECK control room indications for BOP cause of AFW failure:
  • CST level
  • AFW pump power supply
  • AfW valve alignment
c. ESTABLISH MD AfW pump flow:


2) ENSURE AFW leve!control valves OPEN.
3) ENSURE MD AFW recirculation valves FCV-3-400 and FC\I-3-401 CLOSED.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-0-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 2


Event # ,....:::6;,:...7.:...:,....:::8;,:..,9~_ _ Page _5::;.l5,6,7,8,9 49 of _5.;.,;5;;""'---11 Event


Loop #3 FRV (1-LCV-3-90) Fails closed resulting in a Reactor Trip demand/ Loss of Offsite AC Power, both EDGs fail to Auto Start, ERCW cooling water automatic valve to 1A-A EDG fails to open, 1B-B MDAFW Pump is air/vapor bound and the TDAFW pump mechanical overspeed trip actuates. Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

d. ESTABLISH TD AFW pump flow:


1) ENSURE turbine steam supply valves OPEN:
  • Either FCV-1-15 or FCV-'l-16
  • FCV-1-17 and FCV-1-18
  • Trip and throttle valve, FeV-i-51.

Crew determines Steps 7.a, b, c, d RNO, B/O, AFW valve/switch alignments CREW/ not the appropriate corrective action; SRO Continues in FR-H.1 NOTE Continuous actions in Step 8 are NOT applicable after RCS feed and bleed is initiated in Step 17. BOP 8. MONITOR for AFW flow:

a. CHECK total AFW flow to S/Gs greater than 440 gpm.
b. RETURN TO procedure and step SRO in effect.

SRO Determines ES-O.1 step (5) in effect Evaluator Note: Critical Task: Establish feedwater flow into at least one SG before RCS feed and bleed is required. Crew should have at least 1 AFW Pump with flow capability to at least 2 SGs. Lead Examiner may terminate the scenario once the crew restores secondary heat sink control resulting in positive SG level increase/RCS temperature change and a transition to procedure/step in effect. Secondary heat sink restoration:

  • Venting/restarting 1 B*B MDAFW Pump* >440 gpm to #s 3 & 4 SGs OR
  • Resetting/restarting the TDAFW Pump* >440 gpm to #s 1*4 SGs II

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event # AOP-P.01 Page 50 of of _5.;.;5~---i1 55

                                                                                                                               "';";;;""'---ll Event


Loss of Off Site Power Ti Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I III AOP-P .01, Loss of Off Site Power Evaluator Note: During AOP-P.01 implementation, the crew performs through step 9, which contains actions important to support current operating strategies; further activities, while important, are administrative or are delegated to plant personnel outside the MCR. 2,0 OPERATOR ACTIONS

1. DIAGNOSE the failure:

GO TO IF ... SECTION PAGE CREW Complete loss of off~sile power 2.1 4 Partial loss of Otfsite Power: 2.2 29

  • A or B start busses de-energized OR
  • loss of normal supply to, individual shutdown board (shutdown board energized from DIG)

CREW NOTE: Steps 1 and 2 are jmmediate actions.

1. CHECK Diesel Generators RUNNING EMERGENCY START available DIGs.

BOP and supplying shutoown boards. BOP 2. CHECK ERCW supply valves to DJGs ENSURE normal or alternate ERCW supply OPEN. valve OPEN. If any diesei generator running AND cooling water NOT availa.bie, THEN EMERGENCY SlOP affected diesel generator(s). II

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event # AOP-P.01 Page 51 of 55 Event


Loss of Off Site Power I Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

3. MONITOR BOTH 6900V shutdown If NO S900V shutdown board is ENERGIZED BOP boards on this unit ENER.GtZE[L on this unit, THEt<!

PERFORM the follO'Mng:

a. If unit is in Mode 1-4, THEN SRO ENSURE ECA-O.O, Loss of AI[ AC Power has been entered.
b. IF unit is in Modes 4-6, THEN SRO ENSURE AOP-R03, RHR System Malfunction, has been entered, WHILE continulna in this Drocedure.


c. IF any DIG is available (capable of starting),

THEN SRO PERFORM Appendix S, Manually Energizing Shutdown Soard from DIG.

d. WHEN off-site power is available, THEN PERFORM Sectlon 2.3, Recovery from Loss of Offslte Power.
e. DO NOT CONTINUE Section 2.1 UNTIL at least one shutdown board is ENERGIZED.

IF one 6900V shutdown board is ENE.RGIZED SRO on this unit, THEN PERFORM the foifowing: RO &. ENSURE availabte CCP RUNNING. SRO b. If NO CCP is availabie THEN PERFORM the following: 1} IF Phase B is NOT actuated, THEN RO ENSURE RCP thermal; barrier cooling:

  • one CCS pump RUNNING aligned to supply Train Po ccs.


  • one TBSP I'll! *.JI\lIl\l~

RI ;itJIIlII\l(::

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # AOP-P.01

                                                                        ....;....;A.;;;.O..;..P..;.-P..;..O.;..1..;......___ Page    52        of    55 Event


Loss of Off Site Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Z} REFER TO AOP-M.09, Loss of SRO Charging.

c. IF any DIG available (capable of starting),

SRO THEN PERFORM Appendix S, Manually Energizing Shutdown Board from DIG. O. PERFORM applicable AOP far loss of SRO shutdown boam as time allows:

  • AOP-P .OS (Unit 1 Shutdovtn Boards)
  • AOP-P.06 (Unit 2 Shutdown Boards)
e. IF off-site power is available SRO AND rapid restomllon is needed, THEN PERfORM Sect. 2.3, Recovery from loss of Off;;~ite Power.
4. NOTIfY SM to perform the following:

SRO B. EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix.

b. INITIATE staffing of TSC and asc USiNG Emergency Paging System.

CREW 5. RECORD time of loss of off-site power.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # AOP-P.01 Page 53 of 55 Event


Loss of Off Site Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Ii MONITOR diesel genemtor loading: BOP B. VERIFY DIG load sequencing USING Appeoorx S, loss of OffSite Power Diesel Generator Load Sequence [C.2].

b. ENSURE four ERCW pumps RUNNING (one per shutdown board).
c. MONITOR oresei generator{s) load c. REDUCE excess diesel generator load less than Of equal to 4.4 MW USING Appendix A, Dfesel Generator (4J3 MWfor 2 hours). Load Evaluation list [C.i].
7. CHECK charging system opemtion:

RO a .. ENSURE aU ReS dilution activities STOPPED.

b. ENSURE CCP suction aligned toR'NST:
1) OPEN LCV-52-135 Of LCV-6.2-136.
2) CLOSE lCV-62-132 Of LCV-6.2-133.

CAUTION 1 Failure to promptly restart air compressors and restore noo-essential air to containment will delay restoration of letdown. This may result in uncontrolled pressurizer level rise and PORV opening. CAUTION 2 Opening Train A ERCW suppfy to Station Air Compressors with ERCW temp greater than 82.3 a F makes Train A MCR ChIller and EBR Chiller inoperable due to inadequate ERCW flow. ThIS would place both units in LCO 3.0.5. NOTE Starting control air compressors will add about 0.1 MW to DIG 'lA-A and 16-B.

8. RESTORE conlrol air:


8. PLACE MSIV I:UIDciswltches in CLOSE position.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event # _A~O~P~-P~.O~1_______ AOP-P.01 Page 54 of 55 Event


Loss of Off Site Power I Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I

b. ESTABLISH (;:ool1ng water to sianon b. IF Train B ERCW supply NOT avaifable CREW aif compressors: AND ERCW temp is less than B2.3"F,
1) VERIFY Train B ERCW available. THEt4 OPEN FCV-67-205, Train A ERCW
2) ENSURE FCV-57-208 Train B to air compressors.. [O-M-2:7A]

ERCW to ai, compressors OPEN. [O-M-27AJ

c. DISPATCH an operator 10 star!

BOP Statioo .Air Compressors A and B USING EA-32-2, Establishing Control and Service Air.

d. ENSUREauxillary air compressors do WHEN control air pressure is BOP RUNNING. [M-15 or ABel 734} greater than 75 pSig, (powered from Unit. 2: Shutdown Bds) THEN ALIGN control air to supply auxiliary air USING EA-32-2.
8. e. CHECK Phase B NOT actuated .. e. IF Phase B actuated, RO THEN GO TO Note prior to Step 9.

I BOP f. WHEN control air pressure restored, THEN RESTORE air to containment USiNG EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to Containment NOTE: '* 0-50-82-1, 2, 3, Appendix C contains norma! DIG running parameters. Copies of these appendices may be obtained from AOP-C.04 cabinet in DIG Bldg.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4


Event # Event# ....;A...;,O.;.,;P_-.;.,.P.;.,;;.O...;,1_ _ _ Page

                                                                   ....;A...;.O;;..;P_-.;..P.;.;;.O...;.1             55    of    55
                                                                                                                               ~;""-'--!I Event


Loss of Off Site Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior I I

9. OISPATCH operalor to DIG Buiding BOP to monitor diesel generators USmG D-SO-B2-1, 2, 3,4 App. C.

Evaluator Note: During AOP-P.01 implementation, the crew performs through step 9, which contains actions important to support current operating strategies; further activities, while important, are administrative or are delegated to plant personnel outside the MeR.

Page 1 1002 ESG-2 Rx Spdsnt.xls DELTA REACTO~ POWER ASSUMED INSERTED::XPECTE[DELTA RHC BORON DELTA .ECOMMEN RECOMME IODINE DATE/TIME TIME POWER DEFECT RODHT WORTH XENON BORON CONC PPM DILUTION BORATIO~ CONC (hrs) (%) (pcm) (steps) (pcm) (pcm) (pcm) (ppm) (ppm) (gal) (gal) (% eq) 0 85.0 1450.8 192.0 -172.2 -2602.0 1153.0 99.4 2/14/10 22:00 1 89.0 1517.6 195.0 -150.0 -2664.4 107.0 1136.0 -17.0 963 0 98.2 2/14/10 23:00 2 91.0 1558.4 198.0 -130.4 -2696.3 53.1 1127.6 -8.4 481 0 97.4 2/15/10 0:00 3 93.0 1596.0 201.0 -111.5 -2709.6 32.1 1122.5 -5.1 292 0 96.9 2/15/10 1 :00 4 95.0 1632.3 203.0 -98.8 -2709.8 23.8 1118.8 -3.8 217 0 96.6 2/15/10 2:00 5 97.0 1668.6 205.0 -86.7 -2700.9 15.3 1116.3 -2.4 140 0 96.5 2/15/10 3:00 6 99.0 1704.4 208.0 -69.6 -2686.4 4.2 1115.7 -0.7 39 0 96.7 2/15/10 4:00 7 100.0 1722.0 211.0 -53.3 -2670.7 -14.5 1117.9 2.3 0 25 96.9 2/15/10 5:00 8 100.0 1720.9 214.0 -38.9 -2658.3 -27.8 1122.4 4.4 0 49 97.2 2/15/10 6:00 9 100.0 1718.8 216.0 -29.9 -2650.4 -19.1 1125.4 3.0 0 34 97.5 2/15/10 7:00 10 100.0 1717.3 216.0 -29.9 -2645.8 -6.1 1126.3 1.0 0 11 97.8 2/15/108:00 11 100.0 1716.9 216.0 -29.9 -2643.5 -2.7 1126.8 0.4 0 5 98.0 2/15/10 9:00 12 100.0 1716.7 216.0 -29.9 -2643.0 -0.8 1126.9 0.1 0 1 98.2 2/15/10 10:00 13 100.0 1716.6 216.0 -29.9 -2643.6 0.6 1126.8 -0.1 5 0 98.4 2/15/10 11 :00 14 100.0 1716.7 216.0 -29.9 -2645.1 1.5 1126.6 -0.2 14 0 98.5 2/15/10 12:00 15 100.0 1716.8 216.0 -29.9 -2647.1 2.1 1126.2 -0.3 19 0 98.7 2/15/10 13:00 16 100.0 1716.9 216.0 -29.9 -2649.4 2.5 1125.8 -0.4 23 0 98.8 2/15/10 14:00 17 100.0 1717.1 216.0 -29.9 -2652.0 2.7 1125.4 -0.4 25 0 98.9 2/15/10 15:00 18 100.0 1717.3 216.0 -29.9 -2654.5 2.8 1125.0 -0.4 25 0 99.0 2/15/1016:00 19 100.0 1717.5 216.0 -29.9 -2657.1 2.8 1124.5 -0.4 25 0 99.1 2/15/10 17:00 20 100.0 1717.8 216.0 -29.9 -2659.6 2.7 1124.1 -0.4 25 0 99.2 2/15/10 18:00 21 100.0 1718.0 216.0 -29.9 -2662.0 2.6 1123.7 -0.4 24 0 99.3 2/15/10 19:00 22 100.0 1718.2 216.0 -29.9 -2664.3 2.5 1123.3 -0.4 23 0 99.4 2/15/10 20:00 23 100.0 1718.4 216.0 -29.9 -2666.4 2.3 1122.9 -0.4 21 0 99.4 2/15/1021 :00 24 100.0 1718.5 216.0 -29.9 -2668.4 2.2 1122.6 -0.3 20 0 99.5 2/15/1022:00 25 100.0 1718.7 216.0 -29.9 -2670.3 2.0 1122.3 -0.3 18 0 99.5 2/15/10 23:00 26 100.0 1718.9 216.0 -29.9 -2672.0 1.9 1122.0 -0.3 17 0 99.6 2/16/10 0:00 27 100.0 1719.0 216.0 -29.9 -2673.5 1.7 1121.7 -0.3 16 0 99.6 2/16/10 1 :00 28 100.0 1719.1 216.0 -29.9 -2675.0 1.6 1121.4 -0.2 14 0 99.7 2/16/10 2:00 29 100.0 1719.2 216.0 -29.9 -2676.3 1.4 1121.2 -0.2 13 0 99.7 2/16/103:00 30 100.0 1719.4 216.0 -29.9 -2677.5 1.3 1121.0 -0.2 12 0 99.7 2/16/10 4:00 31 100.0 1719.5 216.0 -29.9 -2678.6 1.2 1120.8 -0.2 11 0 99.7 2/16/10 5:00 32 100.0 1719.5 216.0 -29.9 -2679.6 1.1 1120.6 -0.2 10 0 99.8 2/16/10 6:00 33 100.0 1719.6 216.0 -29.9 -2680.5 1.0 1120.5 -0.2 9 0 99.8 2/16/10 7:00 34 100.0 1719.7 216.0 -29.9 -2681.3 0.9 1120.3 -0.1 8 0 99.8 2/16/108:00 35 100.0 1719.8 216.0 -29.9 -2682.1 0.8 1120.2 -0.1 7 0 99.8 2/16/10 9:00

Page 2 1002 ESG-2 Rx Spdsnt.xls 36 100.0 1719.8 216.0 -29.9 -2682.7 0.7 1120.1 -0.1 7 0 99.8 2/16/1010:00 37 100.0 1719.9 216.0 -29.9 -2683.3 0.7 1120.0 -0.1 6 0 99.9 2/16/1011:00 38 100.0 1719.9 216.0 -29.9 -2683.9 0.6 1119.9 -0.1 5 0 99.9 2/16/10 12:00 39 100.0 1720.0 216.0 -29.9 -2684.4 0.5 1119.8 -0.1 5 0 99.9 2/16/10 13:00 40 100.0 1720.0 216.0 -29.9 -2684.8 0.5 1119.7 -0.1 4 0 99.9 2/16/1014:00 41 100.0 1720.1 216.0 -29.9 -2685.2 0.4 1119.7 -0.1 4 0 99.9 2/16/1015:00 42 100.0 1720.1 216.0 -29.9 -2685.6 0.4 1119.6 -0.1 4 0 99.9 2/16/10 16:00 43 100.0 1720.1 216.0 -29.9 -2685.9 0.4 1119.5 -0.1 3 0 99.9 2/16/10 17:00 44 100.0 1720.2 216.0 -29.9 -2686.2 0.3 1119.5 -0.1 3 0 99.9 2/16/1018:00 45 100.0 1720.2 216.0 -29.9 -2686.5 0.3 1119.4 0.0 3 0 99.9 2/16/1019:00 46 100.0 1720.2 216.0 -29.9 -2686.8 0.3 1119.4 0.0 2 0 99.9 2/16/10 20:00 47 100.0 1720.2 216.0 -29.9 -2687.0 0.2 1119.4 0.0 2 0 100.0 2/16/1021:00 48 100.0 1720.2 216.0 -29.9 -2687.2 0.2 1119.3 0.0 2 0 100.0 2/16/10 22:00 49 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2687.4 0.2 1119.3 0.0 2 0 100.0 2/16/10 23:00 50 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2687.5 0.2 1119.3 0.0 2 0 100.0 2/17/10 0:00 51 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2687.7 0.2 1119.2 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/101:00 52 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2687.8 0.1 1119.2 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/102:00 53 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2687.9 0.1 1119.2 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/103:00 54 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2688.0 0.1 1119.2 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/104:00 55 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2688.1 0.1 1119.2 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/105:00 56 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2688.2 0.1 1119.2 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/106:00 57 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2688'.3 0.1 1119.1 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/107:00 58 100.0 1720.3 216.0 -29.9 -2688.4 0.1 1119.1 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/108:00 59 100.0 1720.4 216.0 -29.9 -2688.4 0.1 1119.1 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/109:00 60 100.0 1720.4 216.0 -29.9 -2688.5 0.1 1119.1 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/1010:00 61 100.0 1720.4 216.0 -29.9 -2688.5 0.1 1119.1 0.0 1 0 100.0 2/17/1011:00 62 100.0 1720.4 216.0 -29.9 -2688.6 0.1 1119.1 0.0 0 0 100.0 2/17/1012:00 63 100.0 1720.4 216.0 -29.9 -2688.6 0.0 1119.1 0.0 0 0 100.0 2/17/10 13:00 64 100.0 1720.4 216.0 -29.9 -2688.7 0.0 1119.1 0.0 0 0 100.0 2/17/1014:00 ~MWD/MTU Hold Tavg =Tref +/- 1.5F Total 2570 125 6850 BAT ppm Small hourly boration/dilution volumes may be accumulated for larger single additions Reason for Maneuver #1 B Condensate Booster Pump Repair Date 2/12/10 RxEng Name Rx Engineering Comments 48 Hour hold at 83%

1002 ESG-2 Page 1 of 5 APPENDIXC Time: Now Date: Today Unit 1 MCR Checklist Mode 1, 85% Power 1020 MWe NRC phone Authentication Code PSA Risk: Green Grid Risk: Green ReS Leakage 10 .02 gpm, UNIO .01 gpm Until 0800 XXXX After 0800 XXXX

  • 1B Cond Bster Pump PMT was satisfactorily completed on the previous shift and is running ready for plant power increase.
  • 1C Cnds Demin Bstr Pump in service.
  • Raise plant power to 100%; according to TI-40, CPL is 85%; rod withdrawal limit rate is 3 steps per hour when greater that the CPL; load rate limit is 4.5% per hour; >90%, load rate limit is S2%

per hour.

  • Begin power escalation, 0-GO-5 Section 5.1 Step 57; o Verify your current qualifications (re: OPDP-1 Section 7.3 F.)

o Review Operating Log since last held shift or 3 days, whichever is less. Review the following for changes since last shift turnover: o ODMls/Standing Orders/ o LCO actions 0 PERs (applicable to unit) Shift Orders o TACFs o Operator workarounds, burdens, and challenges 0 Immediate required reading

1002 ESG-2 Page 2 of 5 APPENDIXC Time"" Now Date: Today

1002 ESG-2 Page 3 of 5 Time: Now Date: Today MeR Red Dot List UNID And Noun Name Panel Problem Description WO I PER Number Date Scheduled MeR WO List 10 And Noun Name Panel Problem Description WOlPER Number Date Scheduled

1002 ESG-2 Page 4 of 5 UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF I Date: Today Time: Now I RCS Boron: 1153 ppm Today I BA Controller ~etpoint: 28.2% I RCS B-10 Depletion: 52 ppm Operable BAT: A I BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm I BAT C Boron: 6850 ppm I RWST Boron: 2601 ppm Nominal Gallons per rod step from 219: 7 gallons of acid, 50 gallons of water

  • Venfy bonc aCid flow controller IS set at Adjusted BA Controller Setting law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1 Gallons of acid: 26 Gallons of water: 136 Rod Steps: 3 Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Position Estimated boron addition 10% 196 Steps on bank D 99 gallons 30% 173 Steps on bank D 292 gallons 50% 151 Steps on bank D 481 gallons
   ** These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superseded by Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until one week from now.

Number of dilutions: 1 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 12 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total amount diluted: 12 Total amount borated: 0 Net change: 0 IN/Out Number of dilutions:

  • Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution:
  • Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total expected dilution:
  • Total expected boration: 0 Net change: 0 In/Out Remarks:
  • Per Reactor Engineer Spreadsheet Rx Power: 85% Burnup: 1000 Mwd/mtU Xenon: 2602 pcm, equilibrium Samarium: 926 pcm Last Dilution Completed
  • Next Unit 1 Flux Map is scheduled - three weeks from now Unit 1 M-P is 0 PPM Unit Supervisor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


1002 ESG-2 Page 5 of 5 Operations Chemistry Information Sample Point Units Boron Date / Time Goal Limit U1 RCS ppm 1153 Today / Now Variable Variable U2 RCS ppm 816 Today / Now Variable Variable U1 RWST ppm 2601 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 U2 RWST ppm 2569 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 BAT A ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable BATB ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable BATC ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable U1 CLA#1 ppm 2556 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #2 ppm 2575 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #3 ppm 2591 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #4 ppm 2589 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA #1 ppm 2531 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#2 ppm 2650 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#3 ppm 2522 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#4 ppm 2526 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool ppm 2547 Today / Now ~2050 ~2000 U2 RCS Lithium 2.18-2.48 2.33 Indicator Units U1 Date / Time U2 Date/Time SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today / Now No Today / Now SI 137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today / Now < 0.1 Today / Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 115 Today / Now 111 Today / Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 492 Today / Now 464 Today / Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 793 Today / Now 747 Today / Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1170 Today / Now 1100 Today / Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today / Now 12.5 Today / Now Bkgd on 99/119 cpm 50 Today / Now 40 Today / Now Correction Factor 99/119 15 Today / Now 14.13 Today / Now

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 3 Op Test No.: NRC Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: _ :::3-4% RTP, 1A Main Feedwater Pump is in service. Turnover: Continue plant startup. Operations are complete though O-GO-4.Section 5.2 Step 2 Target CTs: Start at least 1 EDG prior to placing equipment PTL in ECA.O-O Start at least 1 CCP (high-head injection pump) Start at least 1 'A' Train ERCW Pump in an operating safeguards train Event No. Malf. No. Event Type* I Event Description

1. N/A R-RO Continue Power Increase to MODE 1 N-SRO T+O
2. NI04A I-RO Intermediate Range channel N-35 failure low (>5% RTP at initiation)


3. RX21 I-BOP PT-1-33, Mn Steam Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure T+20
4. RW01G C-BOP Q-A ERCW Pump Over current trip TS-SRO T+30
5. RC07A C-RO PORV 68-334 fails open. The PORV can be closed manually TS-SRO T+40
6. TH02B M-AII RCS Leak T+50
7. TH02B M-AII SBLOCAlLoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both ED01 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards T+55
8. ZDIHS8215 C-BOP 1-M-1 Common Start Switch Malt EG08A- 1A-A EDG fails to start in Automatic T+55 EG03B- 1B-B EDG trips and cannot be restarted pre-insert
9. CV35 C-RO 1A-A CCP fails to start in Automatic pre-insert T+55
10. RP16K611A C-BOP Selected 'A' Train Safety Injection Loads fail to start automatically T+55
     *     (N)ormal,  (R)eactivity,    (I )nstrument,  (C)omponent,    (M)ajor
                                                                                                           ... III,.....--~-.--

Appendix D

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 3 Summary The crew will assume the shift with the unit in startup at ==3-4% RTP, controlling SG levels with main feedwater, ready to proceed to MODE 1. Following the briefing summary, the crew will raise reactor power starting in 0-GO-4 Section 5.2 Step 3. At the direction of the Lead Examiner, an Intermediate Range NI will fail requiring action to remove it from service in accordance with AOP-1.01 , Section 2.2. SRO will refer to Technical Specifications Table 3.3-1 unit 5 Action 3, Table 3.3.10 instrument 17 Action 1 and 3.9.2 Action a. At the direction of the Lead Examiner, PT-1-33, Main Steam Header Pressure Transmitter will fail low affecting the Steam Dumps, which will all close and Main Feed Pump Control that will cause the 1A Main Feed Pump to go to minimum speed. The crew will maintain RCS temperature on the SG atmospheric relief valves according to 1-S0-1-2, Section 7.1, Steam Dump System Shutdown and respond to annunciators for SG level deviation using 1-AR-M5-A, B LS-3-42D STEAM GEN LVL HIGH-LOW DEVIATION directing implementation of AOP-S.01, Loss of Normal Feedwater Section 2.2, Loss of Main Feedwater Pump Control. At the direction of the Lead Examiner, Q-A ERCW Pump will trip; the crew will refer to ARPs 1-27A A-1 and C-2, 1-AR-M27B-A E-3 and E-4 and should go to AOP-M.01, Section 2.1 that directs manually starting J-A ERCW Pump and repositioning the DG Power Selector for proper safeguards actuation. SRO will refer to Technical Specifications 3.7.4. When standby ERCW Pump is in service, at the direction of Lead Examiner direction, a Pzr PORV will fail open causing an uncontrolled RCS Pressure drop. The crew should close the block valve, refer to ARPs 1-AR-M5A 0-2, E-2 and 1-AR-M5C B-6 and SRO direct entry into AOP-1.04, section 2.1. The crew should also refer to 0-SO-68-3, section 8.3 to close the associated block valve. SRO will refer to Technical Specifications 3.2.5.b and LCO action a (according to TS Bases for PORV operability). The RCS leak occurs and progresses into a SBLOCA. The crew responds to alarms by referring to ARPs 1-AR-5C B-1, B-3, 1-AR-M 6E C-6 directing them to AOP-R.05 Section 2.1 for lowering Pzr level and a challenge to VCT Make-up capability. Subsequently the crew will initiate a reactor trip and enter E-O. Shortly after the trip (-5 minutes), offsite power is lost. 1A-A EDG fails to automatically start and must be manually started; Common Start Sw 1-HS-82-15 on 1-M-1 fails to actuate a start signal. 1B-B EDG trips and cannot be re-started. The crew must start 1A-A EDG using Emergency Start PB 0-HS-82-16A on back panel 0-M-26A and place it on the bus to avoid entering ECA-O.O [Note; ECA-O.O MAY be entered briefly (through Step 8) prior to starting EDG]. Additionally, selected 'A' Train Safety Injection Loads: 1A-A CCP, 1A-A MD AFW Pump, Train A SI signal to TDAFW Pump and ERCW Pumps J-A, Q-A, K-A and R-A (if selected) fail to automatically start. Starting the CCP is critical to a SBLOCA with the unavailability due to the loss of AC power. Re-starting the J-A ERCW Pump is critical for long term cooling of 1A-A EDG and 1A Header ECCS loads due to the Q-A Pump loss. EOP flow: E-O - E ES-1.2 The scenario may be terminated at the direction of the Lead Examiner, when ES-1.1, Post LOCA Cooldown transition is determined. PSA significant task: Start EDG, 1A-A CCP and J-A ERCW Pump PSA significant DAS: SBLOCA PSA significant component failure: Pzr PORV, 1A-A EDG, Q-A ERCW Pump Appendix 0 NUREG 1021 Revision 9


                                       ~3-4%    RTP, BOL ~1000 MWDIMTU CB 'D' Rods @ 180 steps, all others @ 228 steps;

[BJ = 1710 ppm; Ba Blender setting: 46.3% Xe ~ -54.7 pcm; Sm ~ equilibrium Console Oeerator actions: Place simulator in run and eerfprm the fpllowing:

  • Place the MODE 2 sign on I-M-4
  • Place Train Week 'A' sign
  • ENSURE IR Ch 1 selected on NR-45 Rdr
  • ENSURE I-M-5 Tave-TrefRecorder re-scaled for MODE 2 values
  • ENSURE lC Pzr B/U Htr Group energized MFs, RFs, ORs IMFEG08A lA-A EDG fails to start in Automatic are active when IMFEG03B IB-B EDG trips and cannot be restarted the SeN file is loaded. IMFCC09B IB CCS fails to start in Automatic IMFCV35A lA-A CCP fails to start in Automatic IMF RP16K611A Selected 'A' Train Safety Injection Loads fail to start automatically lOR ZDIHS8215 I-M-l Common EDG Start HS Fails to start EDGs f:O
1. N/A Raise Power to 13-15% in preparation for Main Generator Synchronization
2. IMF NI04A f:O Intermediate Range channel N-35 failure low k:2 TS evaluation- if required; Support stafJreport: When contacted, respond as MSS- inform the crew that IMs will report to the MeR in ~25 minutes.
3. IMF RX21 f:l k:3 PT-I-33, Mn Stm Hdr PT Lo Failure; Support staf[report: When dispatched, wait ~5 minutes and respond as TB AUO; report no apparent localfailure indications.
4. IMF RWOIGf:l Q-A ERCW Pump Over current trip k:4 Support staff report: When dispatched, wait ~5 minutes and report as the AUO that the pump motor is hot the touch.

If dispatched, Report as the wee SRO from the lA-A 6.9 kV SDBd, the breaker relay target actuated is instantaneous overcurrent. Booth lOR ZDIXS67285 ERCW Pump Select Sw XS-67-285 to Q-A Pump; (simulates BO Operator: f:l Sequence failure Verify lOR (pre-insert) SUp'p'ort staflreport: none Page 1 of 2


5. IMF RC07A f:1 PORV 68-334 fails open. The PORV can be closed manually k:5 Support sta{freport: When MSS contacted, state that MSS will generate a WO to investigate the problem.
6. IMF TH02B f:0.01 RCS Leak- Loop #2 k:6 Support staflreport: none
7. MMFTH02B SBLOCA Loop #2 wi Loss of offsite power (delayed) resulting in a loss Modify Malf. f:.025 r:300 of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards AtRx Trip IMFED01 f:1 Support staff report: If requested, wait ~ 5 minutes and report the SELD is d:300 e:1 experiencing grid instabilities;
8. IMF EG08A f: 1 1A-A EDG fails to start in Automatic; e:2 1B-B EDG trips and cannot be restarted; IMF EG03B f: 1 1-M-1 Common EDG Start HS Fails to start EDGs e:2 lOR ZDIHS8215 Support staflreport: If dispatched, A UO reports no reason identified for f:O IA-A EDG failure to start; investigating IB-B EDG start failure- nothing (pre-insert) identified currently;
9. IMF CV35A f: 1 1A-A CCP fails to start in Automatic (following BO) e:17 Support staflreport: ~f dispatched, A UO reports no apparent cause for auto-start failure; Ifrequested, report IA-A CCP Lube Oil local temperature,jlow and pressure indications are normal an d the auxiliary oil pump is running.
10. IMF RP16K611A 1A-A MD AFW Pump, Trn A SI signal to TDAFW Pump and ERCW f:1 e:17 Pumps J-A, Q-A, K-A and R-A (if selected) fail to automatically start
11. IRF IAROI f:l k:11 Locally starts both A & B Control Air Compressors When directed IRF IAR02 f: 1 k: 11 by Lead Support staff report: If requested by crew; in response to EA-32-2 to re-establish Examiner, Control Air insert
12. IRF IAR06 f:2 k:12 Opens FCV-32-110.

When directed by Lead Support staffreport: Utilize after ~75 psig is developed in response to EA-32-I to Examiner, restore non-essential air to containment. insert

13. IRF EGR13 f:l00 Opens VLV-35-568 to vent generator hydrogen to the roof When directed k:13 by Lead stafJreport: If requested by crew; in response toAOP-P.OI Step 11 Support staffreport:

Examiner, insert Termination Criteria Complete ES-1.2 Step 15 Page 2 of 2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3

                                                 ......;3;....-._ Event #                           Page 1    of  68
                                                 ~-                            ~----------
                                                                               - ----------                      ~--~I Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: No action required for Event 1 T=O Crew will perform power change lAW O-GO-4, Section 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP Direct a load increase in accordance with 0-GO-5 Normal Power Operations, SRO Section 5.1, and 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.1. Evaluator Note: Following Steps are from 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.2 Dulite Evaluator Note: Dilutions will be performed based on the RE-provided Reactivity Spreadsheet; based on 0-GO-4 Notes, recommended dilution rate is 50 to 75 gallon batches every 12 to 15 minutes for a steady power increase. During subsequent power escalation, large volume dilutions will be divided evenly over each hour as determined by the crew [Le.: one-third, one-quarter of the volume over each hour's period (e.g.: -240 gallons, 4 times per hour for 963 gallons for the first hour)]. RO [1] ENSURE unit is NOT in a Tech Spec or TRM action that prohibits positive reactivity additions. [C.1] [C.1] NOTE HUT level increase of 1% is equal to 1380 gallons (TI-28 fig. C.21). RO [2] ENSURE sufficient capacity available in the HUT selected to receive expected amounts of CVCS letdown: (N/A if not used) HUT LEVEL INITIALS A  % B  % RO [3] ENSURE makeup system is aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with Section 5.1. RO [4] RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron concentration using Appendix D. (N/A for minor power changes) NOTE Due to eyeball interpolation the verified calculation may slightly differ from the initial calculation. The following signoff indicates that any differences in the two results have been discussed and are close enough to be considered validated. RO [5] PERFORM Appendix I Independent Verification of Calculation for Amount of Boric Acid or Primary Water. (N/A if App. D was performed by SRO to verify data from Rx Engineering)

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3

                                                    ......;;...- Event #
                                                                              ......:..._ _ _ _ _ Page         2      of _6_8_-11

_6;;....;;8_-11 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP p;;::r Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior [6] PLACE [HS-62-140A), Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to RO the STOP position. RO [7] PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE position. RO [8] ENSURE [HS-62-140D), Boric Acid Valve to the Blender is CLOSED (Green light is LIT).


RO [91 SET [FQ-62-1421, rFQ-62-1421, Batch InteQrator Integrator for the desired quantity NOTE Primary Water Flow Controller [FC-62-142] [FC-62-142) receives its reference signal (70 gpm) from setpoint potentiometer (dial indicator) located on panel M-6. A setpoint of 35% corresponds to a 70 gpm primary water flow rate RO [10] ADJUST [FC-62-142), Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the desired flow rate RO [11] [111 PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position. RO [12] VERIFY the following; [a1 Inlet to top of VCT [FCV-62-1281 rFCV-62-1281 is OPEN. [b] Primary Water flow by fFI-62-142Al OR ORfFQ-62-1421. fFQ-62-1421. NOTE Alternate dilution in small amounts is acceptable on a regular basis, provided no significant changes in seal water temperature or seal leakoff are indicated. Batches of 5 to 10 gallons may be added through FCV-62-144 on a frequency not to exceed once per 30 minutes. ICS points for No.1 seal leakoffs and seal water temperatures on the RCPs should be monitored during and after dilution. RO [13] IF primary water addition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-144] is desired, THEN RO [a] CLOSE [FCV-62-1281 rFCV-62-1281 with rHS-62-1281. fHS-62-1281. RO [b] OPEN fFCV-62-1441 fFCV-62-1441 with rHS-62-1441. fHS-62-144l. RO [c] VERIFY Primary Water flow by rFI-62-142Al [FQ-62-142]. fFI-62-142Al OR [FQ-62-1421.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # Page 3 of 68

                                                 """""'---              ~~--------
                                                                        ------------                         ~--~I Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP C Time II Position NOTE Applicant's Actions or Behavior It may take approximately 15 minutes before any changes to reactivity are indicated on nuclear instrumentation or ReS temperature indication. [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper response from dilution. [15] IF [LI-62-129], Volume Control Tank Level, increases to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-118], Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS Holdu~ Tanks. to divert excess water to the Holdup [16] WHEN dilution is complete, THEN [a] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the STOP position. STOP [b] IF [FCV-62-1441 was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE [FCV-62-144] with rHS-62-1441. fHS-62-1441. [c] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142Al rFI-62-142Al OR rFQ-62-1421. [FQ-62-142l [d] ENSURE [FCV-62-1281 rFCV-62-1281 is CLOSED [17] IF power increase in progress and additional dilutions will be required, THEN use this table to re-perform steps [4] through [18] (next page) [19] REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1. [20] ENSURE dilution(s) is logged in Unit Narrative Log. NOTE Sample may be obtained at normal RCS sample intervals provided the unit is at power and the unit response following the dilution is as expected. [21] IF RCS boron sample is required, THEN NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample. End of Section 6.2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3


Event # .-;..._ _ _ _ _ Page 4 of _6_8_...,1 68

                                                                        ~---------                                              ~=-~I Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Tim Time Posi' Applicant's Actions or Behavior ro STEP 1 5 2nu 2"0 3 ru [4] RECORD the quantity of dilution water required to achieve desired boron Quantity Quantity Quantity concentration using Appendix D. [5] PERFORM Appendix I, IV of Calculation for amount of BA or PW. SRO SRO SRO [6] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to / / /

r'cv ~cv sr'cv ~cv frcv the STOP position.

[7] PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the DILUTE 0 0 0 position. [8] ENSURE [HS-62-140D] Boric Acid Valve to Blender is CLOSED (Green light 0 0 0 LIT). [9] SET [FQ-62-142], Batch Integrator for the desired quantity. / / rev/ rr-' cv r It-' cv [10] ADJUST [FC-62-142], Primary Makeup Water Flow Controller for the / / / desired flow rate. rev r cv r cv rev [11] PLACE [HS-62-140A], BA Supply to Blender Flow Control Switch to / / / r cv rev r cv It-' START. [12] VERIFY the following: [a] Inlet to top of VCT [FCV-62-128] is OPEN. 0 0 0 [b] Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142]. 0 0 0 [13] IF PW addition to top of VCT [FCV-62-1281 is not warranted, but PW addition to the bottom of the VCT [FCV-62-144] is desired, THEN [a] CLOSE [FCV-62-128]with [HS-62-1281 0 0 0 [b] OPEN [FCV-62-144] with [HS-62-144]. 0 0 0 [c] VERIFY Primary Water flow by [FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142]. 0 0 0 [14] MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and reactor coolant temperature to ensure the proper proper response from dilution. 0 0 0 [15] IF [LI-62-129], VCT level, increases to 63 percent, THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-118], [LCV-62-1181, VCT Divert Valve, OPENS to divert excess water to the 0 0 0 HUTs. [16] WHEN dilution is complete, THEN / / / [a] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to r cv r cv rr-' cv STOP [b] IF [FCV-62-144] was previously OPENED, THEN CLOSE [FCV 144] with [HS-62-144]. 0 0 0 [c] VERIFY no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A] or [FQ-62-142J. 0 0 0 [d] ENSURE [FCV-62-128] is CLOSED. 0 0 0 [18] IF Step [17] will be repeated, THEN PERFORM the following: [a] PLACE [HS-62-140B], evcs Makeup Selector Switch to the AUTO position. _ _I_ _ 1 st cv [b] PLACE [HS-62-140A], BA to Blender Flow Control Switch to START position. 0 [c] ENSURE dilution is logged in Unit Narrative Log. 0

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # Page 5 of 68

                                                                                                                     ----11 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior O-GO-4, Section 5.2 Reactor Power Ascension To Between 13% And 15% RTP NOTE: The steam generator level operator is in control of unit startup until the main feedwater reg valves are in AUTO. [C.S] [1 ] REVIEW plant parameters and indications, AND SRO VERIFY stability prior to reactor power escalation. NOTES:

1) Adjusting blowdown flow will provide an additional method of controlling SG water inventory.

(Close blowdown isolation valves only if level cannot be maintained)

2) Prior to increasing reactor power above 5%, SG blowdown should be in service.
3) Maximum blowdown rate is less than or equal to 270 gpm. Each steam generator flow, up to 60 gpm is indicated on panel L-357 located in the A.B. Supply Fan Rm. Minimum blowdown rate equals 5 gpm for each steam generator. Final blowdown rate should be determined by chemical analysis.
4) Computer points require a prefix 0, 1, or 2 be placed in front of the point number; for example, 1F2261 A.

[2] IF SG blowdown is in service, BOP THEN ADJUST FIC-15-43 as desired. (plant computer pt. F2261A) NOTES

1) Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. 0-SO-62-7 requirements shall be adhered to for reactivity changes (i.e. reactivity balance, amounts of boric acid or water). All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during performance.
2) Recommended dilution rate is 50 to 75 gallon batches every 12 to 15 minutes for a steady power increase. Rod movement should be limited to 1/2 step increments approximately every 1 1/2 minutes. Dilution and rod movement rates may be adjusted depending on SG level control stability.
3) Control Rod withdrawal and/or dilution requirements may be significantly impacted by the change in core reactivity due to changing chanQinQ Xenon concentration.

[3] INITIATE a methodical and deliberate reactor power increase by manual RO adjustment of the control banks or by diluting the RCS. RO initiates a control rod withdrawal accordino according to the Reactivity Plan

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....,;3;;....-_

                                                .....,;3;;....-_ Event #      ......;.._ _ _ _ _ Page
                                                                              ......:..                 6      of _6.;....;8_~1

_6_8_....,1 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: Crew will coordinate control rod withdrawal and dilutions based on the RE-provided Reactivity Spreadsheet and would coordinate rod withdrawal and dilutions observing the guidance the Step 3 NOTES above. I MODE 1 I I I Evaluator Note: Mode change call is made using Loop !1T indications on the MCB and ICS, not Nls; Nls may be referred to during the MODE change determination Refer to 0-GO-4 Section 3.1, Precaution C, specifically bullets 2 & 3 (below):

  • When reactor power is less than or equal to 15%, use average loop !1T (U0485) .
  • When reactor power is greater than 15%, use LEFM core thermal power indication (U2118). If LEFM is NOT available, then continue using average loop!1T up to 40%.

(U1118 will be used above 40% with LEFM unavailable). [4] WHEN reactor power is above 5%, RO THEN LOG Mode 1 entry in the Unit Narrative Log. RO would be monitoring this; any crew member may make the initial identification however the SRO should announce transition to MODE 1 based on Loop !1T indication. Normally, both MCB and ICS indications are reviewed SRO for MODE transition verification. Crew member replaces the MODE 2 sign with MODE 1 sign on 1-M-4 under the clock. [5] MAINTAIN the SG levels on program by periodically adjusting the feedwater bypass reg controller level setpoints using Appendix Band C. BOP BOP refers to appendices noted and maintains SG levels and program setpoints durinQ during the power increase.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #


3 Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Event Event## -....:..._ _ _ _ _ Page


7 of _6_8_...,1 68

                                                                                                            -=-~I Time           Position                                       Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: According to turnover information, the crew will not prepare for nor perform MT roll; Step 6 is N/A for this exam.

[6] IF Turbine Roll in parallel with power increase is desired, N/A THEN PERFORM Section 5.3 in parallel with the remainder of this section. [7] IF the intermediate range rod stop setpoint is reached before P-10 RO energizes, THEN [7.1] STOP the power escalation. [7.2] CONTACT Reactor Engineering to evaluate power range calibration. [C.3] [8] WHEN reactor power is greater than or equal to 10% on at least 2 out of 4 BOP PRMs, THEN [C.1] [C.3] [8.1] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window D-5: [8.11 P-10 NUCLEAR AT POIJVER lsllT. PERMISSWE BOP [8.2] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window 8-5: P-ILOW POWER TRIP BtOCK is DARK [8.3] COMPARE the highest reading PRM with the highest reading loop RO ~

                                              /).T indication to be within 5% of each other. [C.1] [C.3]

[8.4] IF the above conditional response is NOT attained, RO THEN

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3


Event # .-.;..

                                                                               -.:.._ _ _ _ _ Page        8       of _6~8_-!

_6_8_-1 Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior A.. STOP the power increase. D B. NOTIFY the SRO. tnitials Time Date [9] BLOCK the IR HI FLUX reactor trip and PR LO Range HI FLUX reactor RO trip by performing performinq the following:fol!owinq: [9.1] PLACE IRM TRIP BLOCK P-10 [HS-92-S003] AND [HS-92-S004] to RO BLOCK. BOP [9.2] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window C-2: JNTERMED RANGE TRAINS A 8. B TRIP BLOCKED is LIT. [9.3] RELEASE [HS-92-S003] AND [HS-92-S004]. RO [9.4] PLACE PRM LOW POWER TRIP BLOCK P-10 [HS-92-S00S] AND [HS-92-S006] to BLOCK. BOP [9.5] VERIFY annunciator XA-55-4A, window D-1: POWER RANGE LOW SETPOINT TRAINS A 8. B TRIP is LIT. BLOCKED [10] WHEN reactor power is between 13 and 15%, CREW THEN [10.1] STOP power increase. [10.2] STABILIZE the plant.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # .....;..._ _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                            .....:...                      9        of     68
                                                 -      -
                                                 ......;;..--                                                            --'-;""---11
                                                                                                                         - ---II Event


Raise plant power to 13-15% RTP Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior [11 ] IF rolling of second MFWP ... This step N/A [12] IF unit shutdown is required ... This step N/A [13] ENSURE steps 5.2[1] through 5.2[11] of this section complete. SRO _(applicable (applicable steps) NOTE If Section 5.3 has already been initiated, then perfbrrnance shourd continue at the step in effect [14] IF rolling the turbine, SRO THEN GO TO Se~tion 5.3. END OF TEXT Lead examiner may cue the next event after CREW has entered MODE 1

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # -=-2_ _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                      .....::..2                 10 Event


Intermediate Range channel N-35 failure low (>5% RTP at initiation) Time Position Applicant's Action or Behaviors Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 2 1-M-4 indicators:

  • 1-XI-92-5003A IRM % POWER N-35 indicatorfails to '0'.
  • 1-XI-92-5011C, IRM-STARTUP RATE N-35 indicator trends down then stabilizes at '0'.
  • 1-XR-92-5001, NUCLEAR POWER NR-45 Recorder selected trace goes to '0' 1-M-13 indicators:
  • 1-XI-92-5003B NEUTRON FLUX INTERMEDIATE RANGE indicatorfails to '0'.

T = 10 Respond to MCR indications; no alarms associated with this failure; N-35 Crew failure will be identified by operator control board monitoring. May request a new reactivity spreadsheet to level power/maintain MODE 1 SRO conditions while this instrument malfunction is addressed. US may use AOP-I.01 ,Nuclear Instrument Malfunction Section 2.2, SRO Intermediate Range Failure: NOTES:

  • For a high Intermediate Range (lR) channel failure, a reduction in reador power to less than P-10 will result in a readortrip. This condition will be correded when the channel is bypassed in step 5.
  • If an IR channel has failed at a level greater than P-6, the following conditions will exist:
  • Source Range automatic re-enable at P-6 from IR signals wfll be disabled.

(SRs wUf require manual reinstatement per O--GO-6.)

  • The following SR shutdown high flux annundators will be disabled and DARK

[M-4B, C-1]

  • Failure of an intermediate Range Channel may affect the associated Source Range Channel.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #


3 Event Event## -=..2_


_____ Page Intermediate Range channel N-35 failure low (>5% RTP at initiation) 11 of



                                                                                                                  --II Time I nr           Position                                   Applicant's Action or Behaviors RO          1. STABILIZE reactor power at current level.
2. CHECK at least one Intermediate Range OPERATING.

RO RO should indicate N36 is reading accurately and also re-select or indicate NR-45 Recorder is re-selected to an operating operatinQ channel.

3. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:
  • (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
                              - Actions 3c & d, (From Table 3.3-1 functional unit 5) Applies - Above 5% &


                              - Action 8a (From Table 3.3-1 functional unit 22a) less than Minimum Number, declare the interlock inoperable, apply ACTION statement for P6.

TS 3.0.3. is N/A AND

  •, Accident Monitoring Instrumentation Action 1 (From Table 3.3-10 Instrument 17) Applies - within 30 days, return the affected instrument or Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs. & Ht SD w/i followinQ following 6 hrs.

Evaluator Note: TSs and 3.9.2 would not be applicable with this failure since the associated Source Range is not affected.

4. IF reactor power less than 1%, THEN ENSURE OPERABLE IR channel RO selected on Nuclear Power Recorder [M-4, NR-451. NR-45].

Lead Evaluator Note: Ensure RO performs following actions at NI Panel, M-13. CAUTIONS:

  • Loss of instrument OR control power win cause a single channel reactor trip signal.
  • For loss of ,control power only, the reactor trip signal cannot be bypassed.

Reducing reactor power below P-10 will result in a reactor trip.

5. CHECK power available to failed Intermediate Range channel RO [M-13, N35/N36]:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Scenario # .....;3~_ Event# _2;;;....-.

                                                                        -=-2  _     ____

____ _ Page 12 of 68 NRC ...,;3:...-._ Event # -----.....,

                                                                                                          -=--11 Event


Intermediate Range channel N-35 failure low (>5% RTP at initiation) Time Position Applicant's Action or Behaviors

                              .. INSTRUMENT POWER ON indicator LIT AND RO
  • CONTROL POWER ON indicator UT RO verifies Instr Pwr and Cont Pwr indicators lit and Instr and Cont Pwr fuses not blown on M-13 N35 drawer.

SRO SRO directs as the RO performs steps 6 - 9: RO 6. PLACE Level Trip switch for failed channel in BYPASS [M-13, N35/N36]. BOP 7. VERIFY NIS TRIP BYPASS annunciator LIT [M-6A, A-1]. RO 8. VERIFY appropriate annunciator LIT:


RO 9. CHECK associated Source Range Channel NOT affected. SRO 10. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _3;;...._ Event # ...;2;;.... _2,;;;...._ _ _ _ _ Page 13 of 68

                                                .....;..--                                                "';;"~----ll
                                                                                                          -----\1 Event


Intermediate Range channel N-35 failure low (>5% RTP at initiation) Time Position Applicant's Action or Behaviors Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior allows rior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Mana er. Lead Examiner may cue next event when Technical Specifications are addressed.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario 3 Event # 3 Page 14 of 68




PT-1-33, Mn Stm Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 3 Indications available: 1-M-3 Indicators:

  • 1-SI-46-20A, MFPT 1A Speed Indication decreasing;
  • 1-PI-3-66A, MFP 1A Outlet Pressure indication decreasing;
  • 1-FI-3-70, MFP 1A Outlet Flow indication decreasing 1-M-4 Indicators:
  • 1-XXX-55-4A, Steam Dump Valve Status Panel: all 12 Steam Dump Valves going closed/closed;
  • LOOPS 1-4 SG-1,2,3,4 STM Flow indicators: 2 Channels per SG (8 total indicators) flow going down;
  • LOOPS 1-4 SG-1,2,3,4 FW Inlet Flow indicators: 2 Channels per SG (8 total indicators) flow going down;
  • LOOPS 1-4 SG-1,2,3,4 LEVEL -NR indicators: 3 Channels per SG (12 total indicators) level going down;
  • 1-XI-1-33, Steam Dump Demand Indicator going down
  • 1-PIC-1-33, Steam Dump Pressure Controller Green (dim) indicator bar graph going down 1-M-5A Annunciators:
  • 1-XA-55-5A Window B-7, LS-3-42D STEAM GEN LVL HIGH-LOW DEVIATION Other Symptoms: Deviations or unexpected indications on any of the following may indicate a malfunction of the normal feedwater system:
  • Feedwater flow dropping to all steam generators
  • Level dropping in all steam generators T=20 CREW Observes indications/symptoms specified above and diagnoses event; Evaluator Note: The failure affects Steam Dumps which close, and Main Feed Pump Control driving 1A Main Feed Pump to minimum speed. There are no initiating alarms only alarms that result later (Le.: 1-AR-M5A, B-7, LS-3-42D STEAM GENERATOR LEVEL HIGH-LOW DEVIATION). Crew's efforts will be to first gain control of Main Feed Pump flow and restore/control SG levels. Then attention should be to monitor RCS temperature as the Steam Dumps will go closed; RCS temperature being controlled on the SG atmospheric relief valves.

0-50-1-2, STEAM DUMP SYSTEM Section 7.1 Steam Dump System Shutdown for RCS temperature control on the SG atmospheric relief valves follows AOP-S.01 Section 2.2 guide SRO implements AOP-S.01, Loss Of Normal Feedwater Section 2.2, Loss of Main SRO Feedwater Pump Control: SRO SRO directs BOP operator to transfer Steam Dump Control to MANUAL

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario 3 Event # 3 Page 15 of 68




PT-1-33, Mn Stm Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure Time Positio Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE: Step 1 is an IMMEDIATE ACTION. BOP 1. RESTORE feedwater pressure:

a. PLACE affected MFP speed controller(s) in MANUAL:
  • MFPT 1A(2A) &1B{2B)

Speed Control OR

  • MFPT 'lA{2A) Speed Controller OR
  • MFPT 1B{2B) Speed Controller
b. ADJUST speed on affected MFP(s) to restore feedwater pressure to normal BOP (-1040 psig at full power).

BOP 2. DETERMINE if MFP trip is needed:

a. CHECK BOTH MFWPs in service.

(RNO Required) RNO: RNO 1st condition N/A* adequate MFW is available:

a. IF reactor power is greater than AFW flow capability (- 3%) AND adequate feedwater flow CANNOT be maintained ...

BOP/ RNO 2 nd condition N/A* adequate MFW is available: Crew IF reactor power less than or equal to AFW flow capability (- 3%), AND S/G levels CANNOT be controlled with main feedwater ... RNO 3rd condition implemented: IF only one MFWP is in service, THEN GO TO Caution prior to Step 3. BOP 3. MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario 3 Event # 3 Page 16 of 68




PT-1-33, Mn Stm Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure Time i Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE: Appendix C may be used to determine program feedwater DIP for current power. [Appendix C attached to end of this event guide]

4. MAINTAIN MFP discharge pressure on program USING ICS or available control BOP board indications.

CAUTION: Reactor operation at low power levels for extended periods may challenge reactivity control due to xenon changes. RO RO 5. CHECK Reactor power greater than 5%. CREW CREW 6. INITIATE repairs on failed equipment. SRO SRO 7. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. END OF SECTION AOP-S.01 Section 2.2

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario 3 Event # 3 Page 17 of 68




PT-1-33, Mn Stm Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0-SO-1-2, Steam Dump System Section 7.1, Steam Dump System Shutdown [1 ] IF necessary to transition from steam dumps to S/G atmospheric relief valves for BOP RCS temp control, THEN PERFORM the following: [1.1] ENSURE S/G atmospheric relief valve controllers set at 84% (1005 psig) or BOP as required for current RCS temp and output signal approximately zero: S/G PIC SETPOfNT OUTPUT INITIALS

                          #1                PIG-1-6A            84% (1005 pisg)           -0 or as required
                          #2               PIC-1-13A            84% ('1005 pisg)          ~O or as required
                          #3               PIC-1-24A            84% (1005 pisg)           ~O or as required
                          #4               PIC-;1-31A           84% (1005 pisg)           -0 or as required

[1.2] SLOWLY RAISE [PIC-1-33] Steam Dump Pressure Control setpoint. BOP Step is N/A due to PT-1-33 failure Evaluator Note: SRO directs OR BOP operator adjusts SG Atmospheric Relief Valves as necessary to maintain unit in MODE 1. [1.3] ADJUST S/G atmospheric relief valve setpoints to maintain desired RCS BOP temperature. [1.4] WHEN steam dump valves fully closed AND atmospheric relief valves are BOP controlling RCS temperature, THEN [1.4.1] PLACE [HS-1-103A] Steam Dump Control in OFF position. [1.4.2] PLACE [HS-1-103B] Steam Dump Control in OFF position.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario 3 Event # 3 Page 18 of 68




PT-1-33, Mn Stm Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior [2] IF RHR cooling is established ... Step is N/A (including NOTE preceding step and following substeps) END OF TEXT Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event when Feedwater/Feed Pump Control and RCS temperature are stabilized in manual control.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario 3 Event # 3 Page 19 of 68

                    --_#     #



PT-1-33, Mn Stm Hdr Pressure Transmitter Lo Failure Appendix C Page 1 of 1 SON LOSS OF NORMAL FEEDWATER I AOI'-S.Ol Rev. 15 AppendixC Page 1 of1 Main Feedwater Pump DIP Program


180+--------+--------+-------_r--------r-~~~~~ 180+--------+--------~------~--------~~~~~~ 1GO+--------+--------+--------r-~----~~------~ 1GO+--------+--------+-------_r-~----~~------~


140+--------+--------~--~----~~------~------~ 140+--------+--------r---~----~~------r-------~ 120+--------+--------+-~~--_r--------r-------~ 120+--------+--------+-~~---r--------r_------~ Feedwater DiP /~


{psi d) 100+--------+~----~~~------~--------~------~ 100+--------+~----~~r--------r--------r-------~ 80+-------~~------r_------_r--------r_------~ SO+--------+--------r_------_r--------r_------~ SO+--------+--------+--------r--------r-------~ 40+--------+--------~-------r--------~------~ 40+--------+--------r_------_r--------r-------~ 20+--------+--------~------~--------~------~ 20+--------+--------+-------_r--------r-------~ o+--------+--------+--------r--------r-------~ O+--------+--------~------_r--------r_------~ 0% 20% 40% 80% 100 Power ffotalized Steam Flow} Page 44 of 44

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #




Event # Q-A ERCW Pump Over current trip _4~ _ _ _ _ _ Page 20 of 68

                                                                                                     - --II Time           Position                                  Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 4 Indications available:

O-M-27A Annunciators: O-XA-55-27A Window A-1: "UNIT 1 HEADER A PRESSURE LOW C-2: "PUMP Q-A DISCH PRESS LOW 0-M-27 A Indicators:

  • ERCW HDR 1A SUPPLY FLOW 1-FI-67-61 Indicator shows decreasing trend (to single pump conditions)
  • ERCW HDR 1A SUPPLY PRESS, 1-PI-67-493A indicator shows decreasing trend (to single pump conditions)
  • ERCW HDR 2A SUPPLY FLOW 2-FI-67-61 Indicator shows normal steady trend.
  • ERCW HDR 1A SUPPLY PRESS, 2-PI-67-493A indicator shows normal steady trend.
  • ERCW PUMP Q-A MOTOR AMPS, 0-EI-67-458A indicator shows '0' amps.

0-M-27B Annunciators:

  • 0-XA-55-27B-A Window E-4: "ERCW/CCS PUMP MOTOR TRIP" T= 30 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures US may use AOP-M.01, LOSS OF ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING WATER SRO Section 2.1, ERCW Pump(s) tripped or failed BOP 1. IDENTIFY and LOCK OUT failed ERCW pump.
2. START additional ERCW pumps as required to maintain supply header BOP pressure between 78 psig and 124 psig.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....:3~_ 3


Event # Event# _4.:...-_

                                                                       -...;..4  __

__ __ ___ Page 21 of

                                                                                                          --.....,1 68
                                                                                                          '-';";--1 Event


Q-A ERCW Pump Over current trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 4. CHECK 1A and 2A ERCW supply header pressures and flows NORMAL:

a. Supply header pressures

[between 78 psig and 124 psigj:

                                            .,  1-P1-67-493A
  • 2-PI-67-493A
b. Supply header Hows

[expected value]:

                                            *   'l-FI-67-61
  • 2-FI-67~61 BOP 5. CHECK 1Band 2B ERCW supply header pressures and flows NORMAL:
8. Supply header pressures [between 78 psig and 124 psfg]:
                                            * '1-PI-67-488A
                                            ., 2-PI-67-488A
b. Supply header flmvs [expected value]:
                                            * 'I-FI-67-62
  • 2-FI-67-62
6. DISPATCH personnel to inspect failed pump(s) and determine cause for CREW failure.
7. NOTIFY STA to evaluate Tech Spec LCO 3.7.4, ERCW System, for both SRO units.

3.7.4, Essential Raw Cooling Water System

  • Restore inoperable pump wli 72 hrs. or Ht Stby w/i next 6 hrs and Cld SO w/i the following 30 hrs. (Action applicable until Transfer Switch 0-XS-67-285, ERCW PUMPS J-A & Q-A DG POWER SEL is re-selected to the OPERABLE pump, in this case the J-A position.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;;;,.3 3 _ _ Event# Event # 4 Page 22




Q-A ERCW Pump Over current trip Time Ti Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 8. CHECK ERCW pump loadinq loading amps NORMAL. BOP 9. TRANSFER emergency power selector switch away from failed pump.

10. EVALUATE need to close and place clearance on manual discharge SRO valve for failed pump.

SRO 11. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event when US directs return to appropriate plant procedures.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # ....;...5

                                                                       .....;;..5_ _ _ _ _ _ Page 23    of   68
                                                """"""--                                                   ....;...~--ll
                                                                                                           - ---ll Event


PORV 68-334 fails open (can be closed manually) Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 5 Indications available: 1-M-5Indicators:

  • 1-XX-68-363A, PZR PORV ACOUSTIC MONITORS: XI-68-334A indicates elevated acoustic (flow) noise;
  • 1-TI-68-331: 68-340.334, XE-340.334 TAILPIPE TEMPS 1-M-5 Annunciators:
  • 1-XA-55-5C Window B-6: "XS-68-363 PRESSURIZER RELIEF VALVE OPEN" 1-M-5Indicators:
  • RCS PR PRESS (Chs 1-4), 1-PI-68-340A, 334, 323, 322: showing RCS (pzr) pressure going down;
  • PRT LEVEL, 1-L1-68-300 shows an increasing trend (magnitude proportional to time PORV remained open)
  • PRT PRESSURE, 1-PI-68-301 shows an increasing trend (magnitude proportional to time PORV remained open)
  • PRT TEMPERATURE, 1-TI-68-309 shows an increasing trend (magnitude proportional to time PORV remained open)
  • RCS PZR PRESS Recorder 1-PR-68-340 shows a decreasing pressure trend proportional to time PORV remained open
  • RCS LOOP 1 HL WIDE RANGE PRESS Recorder 1-PR-68-69 shows a decreasing pressure trend proportional to time PORV remained open 1-M-6 Indicators:
  • RCS WR HL PRESSURE LOOP 3 1-PI-68-66A, shows a decreasing pressure value;
  • RCS HL PRESS WIDE RANGE 1-PI-68-62, shows a decreasing pressure value;
  • RCS HL PRESS WIDE RANGE 1-PI-68-69, shows a decreasing pressure value; T=40 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures US may use AOP-I.04, Pressurizer Instrument And Control Malfunctions SRO Section 2.1, Uncontrolled RCS pressure drop due to open PORV in Modes 1-3

CAUTION Partially open PORV may display no light indications. NOTE Step 1 is an IMMEDIATE ACTION.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # _5~ _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                              ~- --                  - - - - -                24 Event


PORV 68-334 fails open (can be closed manually) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO 1. CHECK Pzr PORVs CLOSED:

  • valve position indication
  • acoustic monitors.

(RNO Required) RNO: CLOSE affected PORV and/or block valve as necessary to stop RCS pressure drop. RO Expected RO actions are to close/attempt to close BOTH

  • PORV, (w/ 1-HS-68-334A), AND
  • Associated Block Valve (w/ 1-HS-68-333A)

RO 2. MONITOR RCS pressure STABLE or RISING. RO 3. CHECK 51 signal NOT actuated. RO 4. ENSURE available Pzr heaters ENERGIZED as necessa_IY. necessary. : CAUTION ReS pressure changes and changes in RCS boron concentration (due to differences between pzr and ReS boron) may impact core reactivity. RO 5. MONITOR reactor power:

a. CHECK reactor in Mode 1 or 2.
b. MONITOR core thermal power for unexpected changes.
6. EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3

                                              -  .;....-

Event #


_5,;;...-_ 5 _ _ _ _ Page 25 of



                                                                                                                       '-;;"';;;--ll Event


PORV 68-334 fails open (can be closed manually) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

7. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:
  • 3.2.5, DNB Parameters 3.2.5 LCO states: The following DNB related parameters shall be maintained within the limits shown on Table 3.2-1:
a. Reactor Coolant System (RCS)Tavg
b. Pressurizer Pressure
c. RCS Total Flow Rate
  •, PORVs LCO states: Two power relief valves (PORVs) and their associated block valves shall be OPERABLE.

TS Action a.: With one or more PORV(s) inoperable, but capable of RCS pressure control, within 1 hour either restore the PORV(s) to OPERABLE status or close the associated block valve( s); otherwise, be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours. TS Action b.: With one PORV inoperable and incapable of RCS pressure control, within 1 hour either restore the PORV to OPERABLE status or close the associated block valve and remove power from the block valve; restore the PORV to OPERABLE status within the following 72 hours or be in HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours and in HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours. Evaluator Note: 3.2.5 DNB related parameter on Table 3.2-1.b. Pressurizer Pressure is stated as

                   ~2220 psia* (or entry required @ ::;;2205 psig         psig_ as indicated on the MCB instrumentation)
  • 3.2.5.b DNB Parameters: The following DNB related parameters shall be maintained within the limits shown on Table 3.2-1:
a. Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Tavg: ::;;583°F
b. Pressurizer Pressure: ~2220 psia*
c. RCS Total Flow Rate: Figure 3.2-1
d. Total Flow: [Figure 3.2-1]

Applies - restore the parameter (Pressurizer Pressure) w/i 2 hrs. or reduce to ::;;5% RTP w/i the next 4 hrs. AND

  •, Relief Valves - Operating Applies - restore the PORV to OPERABLE status w/i 1 hr. or close the associated block valve or HT STBY w/i next 6 hours, HT SD w/i following 6 hours.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;;.3

                                              ....::;.3_ _ Event#       ....;;.5
                                                                        ....::;.5_ _ _ _ _ _ Page 26    of  68
                                                                                                           ----..,1 Event


PORV 68-334 fails open (can be closed manually) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

8. IF PORV block valve must be closed OR power must be removed from block valve to comply with LCO, THEN REFER TO 0-SO-68-3, Pressurizer Pressure Control System.
9. CHECK the following NORMAL:
10. ENSURE WO initiated on failed equipment.
11. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event when US completes Tech Spec evaluation or directs return to appropriate plant procedures.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _3;;;....-_ Event # Event# ......;;.,6 _6;;;....-__ __ ____ __ _ Page 27 of 68

                                             ....;;..--                                                       "';;';;;""-'---11
                                                                                                              -   ---il Event


RCS Leak Time Ti II Position " Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 6 Indications available: 1-M-4Indicators:

  • ReS PZR LVL, 1-Ll-68-339A, shows a decreasing pressure value
  • ReS PZR LVL, 1-Ll-68-335A, shows a decreasing pressure value
  • ReS PZR LVL, 1-Ll-68-320, shows a decreasing pressure value
  • 1-XI-94-101/102, Core Exit Temp Margin to Saturation (exo sensors Trn A & B) pressure indications trending down.

1-M-5 Annunciators:

  • 1-XA-55-5C Window B-1: "TS-30-31 LOWER COMPT TEMP HIGH"
  • B-4: "TS-30-240 LOWER COMPT MOISTURE HI" 1-M-5Indicators:
  • RCS PR PRESS (Chs 1-4), 1-PI-68-340A, 334, 323, 322: showing RCS (pzr) pressure going down;
  • RCS PZR PRESS Recorder 1-PR-68-340 shows a decreasing pressure trend;
  • RCS LOOP 1 HL WIDE RANGE PRESS Recorder 1-PR-68-69 shows a decreasing pressure trend.

1-M-6 Annunciators:

  • 1-XA-55-6E Window C-6: "ZS-61-186 ICE CONDENSER LOWER INLET DOOR OPEN" 1-M-6Indicators:
  • RCS WR HL PRESSURE LOOP 31-PI-68-66A, shows a decreasing pressure value;
  • RCS HL PRESS WIDE RANGE 1-PI-68-62, shows a decreasing pressure value;
  • RCS HL PRESS WIDE RANGE 1-PI-68-69, shows a decreasing pressure value; T=50 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures Evaluator Note: The RCS leak occurs and progresses into a SBLOCA. The crew responds using this procedure, AOP-R.05 Section 2.1 for lowering Pzr level and increasing Containment pressure; this situation could also present a challenge to VCT Make-up capability.

MONITOR steps 2, Pzr Level, 3, Containment Pressure or 5, VCT Make-up capability are all potential Rx Trip initiators for this event depending on crew pace and actions. At the Lead Examiner direction, leak size will increase requiring the crew to initiate a reactor trip and enter E-O. Reactor Trip criteria SRO uses AOP-R.05, RCS LEAK AND LEAK SOURCE IDENTIFICATION SRO Section 2.1, RCS Leak in Mode 1-3

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....;3~_

                                              - 3
                                                   -    Event Event##       _6~   _ _ _ _ _ Page     28    of
                                                                                                        --...,1 68
                                                                                                        ~-""I Event


RCS Leak Time osition Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO 1. CONTROL charging flow using one CCP::

  • ADJUST FCV-62-93 and FCV-62-89 as necessary to maintaln pzr level on program.
  • MAINTAIN seal injection flow at least 6 gpm to each RCP.
2. MONITOR pressurizer level STABLE or RISING.

RO (RNO required) RNO: SRO IF sufficient time is available, THEN ISOLATE normal and excess letdown: RO

a. ENSURE FCV-62-72, 73, and 74 CLOSED.
b. CLOSE FCV-62-69 and 70.
c. ENSURE FCV-62-54 and 55 CLOSED.

IF loss of pressurizer level is imminent SRO OR low pressure reador trip ("1970 psig) is imminent, THEN PERFORM the following:

a. TRIP the reactor.
b. .NlnATE Safety Injection.
c. GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injedion.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3


Event # Event#


_6;...... 6 _ _ _ _ _ Page 29 of

                                                                                                                 ----...,1 68
                                                                                                                 -=-oooll Event


RCS Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO 3. MONITOR containment pressure STABLE or DROPPING. RNO: IF containment pressure is approaching 1.5 psig. THEN PERFORM the following:

a. TRIP the reactor.
b. INITIATE Safety Injection.
c. GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

CAUTION: If Unit is in Mode 3 with low pressurizer pressure SI NOT blocked, SI should NOT be manually blocked to prevent safety injection. RO 4. MONITOR RCS pressure STABLE or RISING. RNO: IF Unit is in Mode '1 or 2 AND ReS pressure is approaching 1970 pslg (dropping), THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

5. MAINTAIN VCT level greater than 13% USING automatic or manual RO makeup.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # _6~ _6~ _ _ _ _ _ Page 30 of 68

                                                - ..;;;......-
                                                             -                                                 -=-...,1 Event


RCS Leak Time Position Positi ] Applicant's Actions or Behavior RNO: IF VeT level CANNOT be maintained, THEN PERFORM the following:

a. ENSURE CCP suction aligned to RWST:
                                           '1 J OPEN LCV..62-135 and -136 .
2) CLOSE LCV-62-'132 and "133.
b. IF in MODE 1 or 2, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-G, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

RO and/or BOP operator should monitor pocket sump level (1-M-15, RO/BOP indicators 1-LJ-77-410 & 77-411 ). RO and/or BOP operator should containment radiation levels (on (O-M-12, RO/BOP recorders and modules 1-RR-90-105 and 1-RR-90-112 for lower and upper containment, resp.) SRO Expected to direct [BOP operator] to perform Appendices I and/or J; BOP Perform, as directed, Apl2.endix Appendix I NOTE 1: Appendix I or J may be used to estimate RCS leak rate. NOTE 2: If letdown was isolated in Step 2, the leak rate may have exceeded capacity of one CCP in the normal charging alignment (EAL 1.2.2P). SRO 6. EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix.

7. EVALUATE Tech SpeclTRM LCOs USING Appendix K, Evaluating Tech SRO Specs and TRM.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _6;;...._ _ _ _ _ Page 31 68 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _3;;...._


Event #

                                                                       ' - - - - - - -            of .-;.;;......--u
                                                                                                         -------\1 Event


RCS Leak Time Ti Position sition Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 8. CHECK secondary side radiation NORMAL:

                                     .. S/G blowdown rad monitor
  • Condenser vacuum exhaust radmonitor
  • Main steam line rad monitors .

BOP 9. STOP containment purging and venting:

                                     'i-  fF containment purge in progress, THEN ENSURE containment purge fans STOPPED.
h. ENSURE containment purge and vent dampers CLOSED.

BOP 10. CHECK containment airborne activity RISING. (RM-90-106 or 112) CREW 11. CHECK leakage source UNKNOWN. RO 12. CHECK pressurizer PORVs NORMAL:

  • Tailpipe temperature
  • Acoustic monitors RO 13. ISOLATE letdown:

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event # _6..;.....-_ _6.;;....-_ _ _ _ _ Page 32 of 68

                                                                                                       """;";"-"'--11 Event


RCS Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

a. ENSURE the following letdown orifice valves CLOSED:
  • FCV-62":72
  • FCV-62-73
  • FCV-62-74
b. ENSURE the follov,'ing letdown isolation RO valves CLOSED:
  • FCV-62-69
  • FCV":62-70
  • FCV-62..77
c. CHECK leak ISOLATED based upon the following:


  • comafnment parameters BOP
  • estimated leak rate USING Appendix I or J.

(RNO Required) RNO:

c. IF leak is NOT isolated, THEN GO TO step '14.

RO 14. ISOLATE charging:

a. ENSURE letdown orifice valves CLOSED:
  • FCV":62-72
  • FCV-62-73
  • FCV-62":74

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _3.;..-.._ Event # Event# ......;..6 _6.;..-.. ____ ______ _ Page Page 33 33 of of 68 _6.;;,;8;;"""--11

                                               ......;..--                                                      """;";;"""--11 Event


RCS Leak Time Posit Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

b. ENSURE the following charging header isolation valves CLOSED:


  • FCY-62-90
  • FCV-62-91
  • FeV-62-8S
  • FeY-62-BG.
c. CHECK teak ISOLATED SRO based upon estimated leak: rate USING Appendix I or J.

(RNO Required) RNO: RO c. IF leak is NOT isolated, THEN PERFORM the following:

1) IF normal charging is required ROI to maintain pzr level, THEN BOP RESTORE normal charging USING EA-62-5.

SRO 2) Substep N/A SRO 3) GO 'TO Step 15. RO 15. CHECK Pzr safety valves NORMAL:

  • Tailpipe temperature
  • Acoustic monitors

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....;3~_


3 Event # Event# 6 Page 34 of

                                                                                                            --...,1 68
                                                                                                            --"';;--ll Event


RCS Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO 16. CHECK PRT conditions NORMAL:

  • Level
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
17. NOTIFY Chemistry to ensure all primary side sample valves CLOSED.

BOP [Hot Sample Room] BOP 18. CHECK CCS parameters NORMAL:

  • GCS radiation mooitors NORMAL
  • CCS surge tank level STABLE.

RO 19. CHECK all CLA levels NORMAL. RO 20. CHECK excess letdown heat exchanQer exchanger NORMAL (if applicable):

  • Temperature
  • Pressure
21. CHECK TI-68-398, Reactor Vessel Head Vent Temperature NORMAL.

RO [M-4]

22. CHECK TI-68-21, reactor vessel flange leakoff temperature NORMAL.

RO [M-5] BOP 23. MONITOR auxiliary buildinQ building radiation and HELB recorders NORMAL.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # -.;3~_ 3 Event # ...;;.,6_ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                       ..;;:,.6                  35     of     68
                                                - .;...-                                                      ~-...oI1
                                                                                                              --"""'II Event


RCS Leak Time II Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: RCS leak is :::::90 gpm and NOT isolated. RO and/or BOP operator should monitor pocket sump level (1-M-15, RO/BOP indicators 1-U-77-410 & 77-411). RO and/or BOP operator should containment radiation levels (on (O-M-12, RO/BOP recorders and modules 1-RR-90-1 05 and 1-RR-90-112 for lower and upper containment, resp.) SRO I [and/or J]; Expected to direct [BOP operator] to perform Appendices Ijand/or BOP Perform, as directed, Appendix I SRO 24. CHECK leak IDENTIFIED and ISOLATED USING available methods:

  • Appendix I or J (Estimating Leak Rate)


  • containment parameters (radiation, pressure, humidity)
  • pocket sump level rate of rise on EeS (instantaneous point U0964 or U0965, 15 min avg. point U0967 or U0968)
  • Rx Bldg (raceway) sump rate of rise (I CS point U0966)
  • local observation (if applicable)

(RNO Required) RNO: IF leak is NOT isolated, THEN PERFORM the following:

a. IF additional cooling is required, THEN PERFORM Appendix H, Additional Containment Cooling.

Evaluator Note: SRO/RO may choose to not start additional cooling fans based on containment pressure trends following the initial pressure increase. Evaluation, however, is expected. RO is expected to maintain saturated conditions in the Pzr by verifying adequate heater operation to maintain Pzr Vapor/Liquid temps equivalent (1-M-4: Pzr TEMP indicators 1-TI-68-319 & 1-TI-68-324)

b. IF pressurizer level is above program AND rising, THEN PERFORM RO the following:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event # _6"--_ _ _ _ _ Page _6:....-_ 36 of 68

                                                                                                      ---~--II Event


RCS Leak Time Tim Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

1) RESTORE, eves charging and letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown.
2) ENSURE pressurizer hearers in service as required.

Evaluator Note: RCS leak is ==90 JWm gpm and NOT isolated.

c. ATTEMPT to estimate RCS leak rate USING one of the following:
  • Appendix I (if leak requires rise in charging flow greater than ~10 gpm)


  • Appendix J (requires NO VeT makeup, dHution, or boration flow)
d. IF conditions permit, THEN DETERMINE RCS leak rate USING O-SI-OPS-068-137.0, Reactor Coolant System Water Inventory.

This step N/A

e. IF leak rate exceeds Tech Spec limit AND leak CANNOT be isolated, THEN INITIATE plant shutdown USING one of the following:
  • AOP-C.03, Rapid Shutdown or Load Reduction OR
  • O-G0-5, Normal Power Operation.


  • O-GO-G, Power Reduction from 30%

to Hot standby.

f. IF containment purging or venting is desired, THEN PERFORM the RO following:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ...;;,.3


3 _ _ Event Event##


_6.;...-. 6 _ _ _ _ _ Page 37 Event


RCS Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 1} NOTIFY Chern Lab to evaluate off-site dose USING 0-Sl-CEM-030-4 '100.1 or 410.2, as applicable.

2) EVALUATE resuming containment purging or venting USING 0-SO-30-3 or 0-80-30-8, as applicable.

This step N/A

g. IF leak source has NOT been determined, THEN GO TO Section 2.3, SRO RCS Leak Source Identification.

RO 25. MONITOR if charging and letdown should be restored:

a. CHECK letdown ISOLATED.
b. CHECK Pzr level:
  • level greater than or equal to program level
                                          *    !evel RISING.
c. CHECK charging and normal letdown AVAILABLE:
  • piping INTACT
  • varves OPERABLE
  • Train A ecs in service.
d. RESTORE CVCS charging and letdown USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown.

RO 26. MONITOR if pressurizerpressurizer heaters should be restored:

a. CHECK pressurizer level greater than 20% and rising.
b. ENSURE pressurizer heaters in service as required.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ..;;;.,3 3 __ Event #


6 Page 38 of 68

                                                                                                            - ---II Event


RCS Leak Time C Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

27. IF containment purging or venting is needed, THEN PERFORM the SRO followinq:


a. IF leak was inside containment, THEN NOTIFY Chern Lab to evaluate off-site dose USING O-SI-CEM-030-41 0.1 or410.2, as applfcable.

D. EVALUATE resuming containment purging or venting USING 0-SO-30-3 or O-SO-30-8, as applicable. This step N/A SRO 28. INITIATE leak repairs. SRO 29. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. END OF SECTION Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Manaqer). Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue the next event as desired.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


3 3


Event # Event _7~'.;;..:8,~9':....;.10~ 7,8,9,10 _ _ _ Page 39 of of 68 _6.;.;8;""'--11

                                                                                                                         "";;";;""'--11 Event


SBLOCAILoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 7 Indications available: 1-M-4:

  • 1-XI-94-101/102, Core Exit Temp Margin to Saturation (exo sensors Trn A & B) pressure indications trending to 51 actuation pressure value.


  • 1-PI-68-340A, 1-PI-68-334, 1-PI-68-323, 1-PI-68-322, RCs PZR PRESS narrow range indicators trending to Rx Trip/51 actuation pressure values.
  • 1-PR-68-69, RCs LOOP 1 HL WIDE RANGE PRESS indicator trending to Rx Trip/51 actuation pressure value.


  • 1-PI-68-66A, HL Pressure LOOP 3 indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PI-68-62, RCs HL Press WR indicator trending to actuation pressure value.
  • 1-PI-68-69, RCs HL Press WR indicator trending to actuation pressure value.

SRO Direct RO to manually trip the reactor and manually actuate SI. Direct entry to E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection and perform Immediate SRO Operator Actions (IOAs) Manually trips reactor, verifies reactor tripped and actuates SI per SRO RO directions. Evaluator Note: Following lOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, RO/SOP surveys MCSs for any expected automatic system response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. (Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions) High Containment Pressure is expected (2.8 psig) during the course of EOP conduct; the crew should identify the ORANGE PATH condition and enter FR-Z.1, High Containment Pressure (attached following this event guide). E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Note 1 Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps Note 2 This procedure has a foldout page

1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:
  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN RO
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN
  • Neutron flux DROPPING
  • Rod bottom lights LIT

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #

                                               - 3

Event #

                                                                        --   ........._---

_7~,8~,9~,_10~ 7,8,9,10 _ _ _ Page 40 of 68

                                                                                                                      --"";'--11 SBLOCAlLoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time        1 I Position                                  Applicant's Actions or Behaviors
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.


2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:


  • Turbine stop valves CLOSED.

CRITICAL 5 Minutes after SI actuation, loss of offsite power occurs; Crew should TASK re-enter or perform a second pass through E-O IOAs (Hi-level steps only). Start at least 1 EDG prior to placing equipment PTL in ECA.O-O BOP 3. VERIFY at least one train of shutdown boards ENERGIZED.

  • Attempt to restore power to at least ONE train of shutdown boards
  • Place DG 1A-A control switch in START
  • Verify Train A Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED BOP Dispatch AUO to locally reset 1B-B EDG
4. DETERMINE if SI actuated:


  • ECCS pumps RUNNING.
  • Any SI alarm LIT [M-4D] (SI will be actuated)
5. PERFORM ES-O.5, Equipment Verifications WHILE continuing in this BOP procedure (attached following foliowinR EOPs).

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions _ Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....;3~_ 3


Event # Event#


_7;...:.,8";':"..;;.:9,~10~ 7,8,9,10 _ _ _ Page 41 of 68

                                                                                                                         - ----II Event


SBLOCAlLoss of offsite powe r( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards


Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

6. DETERMINE if secondary heat sink available:
a. CHECK total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm.
b. CHECK narrow range level greater than 10% [25 ADV] in at least RO one S/G.
c. CONTROL feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 10%

[25% ADV] and 50% in all S/Gs. (Heat Sink is available from Train A and TDAFW)

7. CHECK if main steam lines should be isolated:
a. CHECK if any of the following conditions have occurred:
  • Any S/G pressure less than 600 psig AND STEAMLINE PRESS ISOL SI BLOCK RATE ISOL ENABLE permissive DARK

[M-4A, A4] OR RO

  • Any S/G pressure dropping UNCONTROLLED.


  • Phase B actuation
b. ENSURE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED.
c. ENSURE applicable Foldout Page actions COMPLETED.

[Main Steam lines will isolate on Phase B (actuation setpoint- 2.8 psig)] Evaluator Note: 08 actuation time: NOTE: Loss of seal injection flow could adversely affect RCP seals.

8. CHECK RCP trip criteria:
a. CHECK the following:


  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig.


  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING

1 Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3


Event # _7...;.,8...;.,9"' _7...:,,8' ..;,.1O~_ _ _ Page

                                                                                       ;"';',;...;9':".....;1             42    of  68
                                                                                                                                   -=----11 Event


SBLOCAlLoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Ti Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

9. MONITOR RCS temperatures:
  • IF any RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending between 547°F and 552°F RO OR
  • IF RCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable or trending to between 54rF and 552°F.

RO 10. CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves:

a. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED.
b. Pressurizer safety valves CLOSED.
c. Normal spray valves CLOSED.
d. Power to at least one block valve AVAILABLE.
e. At least one block valve OPEN.

BOP 11. :DETERMINE if SIG S/G secondary pressure boundaries are INTACT: (RO if BOP

  • CHECK all SIG S/G pressures CONTROLLED or RISING.

is performing ES-O.5)

  • CHECK all SlG pressures greater than 140 ps[g.
12. DETERMINE if SIG S/G tubes are INTACT:


  • All S/G SIG narrow range levels CONTROLLED or DROPPING is performing ES-O.5)
  • Secondary radiation NORMAL USING Appendix A, Secondary ,Rad Monitors. (App. A performed in ES-O.5).

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # --.:....7,.=.l8,.=.l9,~10=--

                                                                        -.;...:7,~8,~9,~10::...-_ _ _ Page 43     of    68
                                                                                                                      - -.;--{



SBLOCA/Loss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors



  • Containment pressure NORMAL
  • Containment sump level NORMAL BOP
  • Containment radiation NORMAL USING Appendix B, Containment Rad Monitors. (App. B performed in E5-O.5)

(RNO Required) RNO: PERFORM the following: CREW

a. MONITOR status trees.

D. GO TO E-1, loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant. Evaluator Note: During the progress of the LOCA, containment pressure will reach entry conditions for FR-Z.1, High Containment Pressure (>2.8 psig). Expected FR-Z-1 actions are included following E-1 event guide. US Directs entry to E-1, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant Evaluator Note: Following SI actuation, both EDGs will fail to start. BOP Operator is expected to manually start 1A-A EDG from back panel 0-M-26A using emergency start pushbutton 0-HS-82-16A and start at least 1 'A' Train ERCW Pump (J-A ERCW Pump should be the U1 A Train pump started). CRITICAL Start at least 1 EDG prior to placing equipment PTL in ECA.O-O. TASK (AOP-P.01, Loss of Offsite Power contains IOAs that should be performed during E-O re-entry following loss of offsite power. AOP-P.01 actions are following this event guide.) CRITICAL Start 1A-A CCP (following loss of offsite power) TASK [(ES-0.5 actions are contained in attachment at back of scenario guide)] CRITICAL Start at least 1 'A 1 Train ERCW Pump in an operating safeguards train TASK (following loss of offsite power) [(ES-0.5 actions are contained in attachment at back of scenario guide))

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #


3 Event # _7';":'..;;.;8,~9':....;.1..;.O_ 7,8,9,10

                                                                           .......:....:..;..:....0.       ____

_ _ _ Page 44 of SBLOCAILoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards 68

                                                                                                                                .-...;~--II Time        II    Position                                    Applicant's Actions or Behaviors E-1, LOSS OF REACTOR OR SECONDARY COOLANT NOTE               This procedure has a foldout page.

RO 1. CHECK Rep trip criteria:

                                            <i. CHECK the following:
  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING AND
  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig.

BOP 2. MONITOR if hydrogen igniters and recombiners should be turned on:

a. CHECK containment conditions RO NOT normal:
  • containment pressure high OR
  • coniamment sump level high.
b. DISPATCH personnel to open ice BOP condenser AHU breakers USING EA-201-1, 400 V Board Room Breaker Alignments.
c. CHeCK hydrogen concentration BOP measurement AVAILABLE:
  • Hydrogen analyzers have been in ANALYZE for at least 5 minutes.

Required) (RNO Requiredl BOP RNO:

c. PERFORM the following:
1) DISPATCH operator to place hydrogen analyzers in service USING Appendix D {also contained in ES-Q.5)'


I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event # _7;":'.;;.;8,~9':...;..1~O_ _ _ _ _7;..:.,~8,~9':...;.1.;;..O Page 45 of 68

                                                                                                                         -----;1 Event


SBLOCAILoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

2) WHEN hydrogen analyzers have been in ANAL YZE for at least 5 minutes, THEN PERFORM substeps 2.d through 2.f.
3) GO TO Step 3.
d. CHECK containment hydrogen BOP concentration less than 6%.
e. WHEN ice condenser AHUbreakers BOP have been opened, THEN ENERGIZE hydrogen igniters USING AppendIx D.

BOP f. CHECK containment hydrogen concentration less than 0.5%. [M-10] BOP 3. CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundaries INTACT:

  • S/G pressures CONTROLLED or RISING
  • S/G pressures greater than "140 pslg.

BOP 4. MAINTAIN Intact S/G narrow range levels:

a. Greater than 10% [25% ADV].
b. Between 10% [25% [ADV] and 50%

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ~33 __ Event# Event # _7;..:.,~8'..;.;9,~10.;;....- 7,8,9,10 _ _ _ Page 46 of 68

                                                    --.;;.--                ---".....:...;~----                          "';';;;"-'--11
                                                                                                                         --'----II Event


SBLOCA/Loss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time Ti I Position inn Applicant's Actions or Behaviors BOP 5. VERIFY secondary radiation NORMAL:

8. CHECK secondary rndiatioo radiation NORMAL USING Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors.
b. NOTIFY Chern Lab to mke S/G activity samples.
c. WHEN Chem Chern Lab is ready to sample S/Gs, THEN PERFORM the following:
1) ENSURE FCV-15-43 Slowdown Flow Control valve CLOSED.
3) OPEN blowdown isolation valves.
d. NOTl'FY RADCON to survey main steam lines and SIG blowdown.

e . WHEN SlG samples completed, coo1pieted, THEN CLOSE blowdown isolation valves. C.AUTION Any time a pressurizer PORV opens, there is a possibility that it may stick open.

6. MONITOR pressurizer PORVs and block valves:
a. Power to block valves AVAILABLE.
b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED.
c. At least one block valve OPEN.
7. MONITOR SI termination criteria:
a. RCS subcooling based on core exit TICs greater than 40°F.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _3;;......_


Event # Event# _7;":'..;.:8,~9':..;.1.;..O 7,8,9,10 _ _ _ _


Page 47 of

                                                                                                                       --.......,1 68 Event


SBLOCA/Loss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time Position [:ESition Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

b. Secondary heat sink:
  • NarrO'N rangeleve!

in at least one Intact S/G greater than 1:0% [25% ADVJ. OR

  • Tota! feed flow to Intact S/Gs greater than 440 gpm.
c. ReS pressure STABLE or RISING.
d. Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV].
e. GO TO ES-1.1, SI Termination. ...*
8. MONITOR if containment spray should be stopped:
a. CHECK any containment spray pump RUNNING.
b. CHECK containlnent pressure less than 2.0 psig.
c. CHECK containment spray suction aligned to RWST.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 ..-- Event # 7,8,9,10 _ _ __ Page 48 of 68

                                                . - ;- -
                                                                                                                      ~~---11 Event


SBLOCAlLoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards lime Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

d. RESET containment spray signals.
e. STOP containment spray pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO.

[ CLOSE containment spray discharge valves:

  • FCV-72-39, Train A
  • FCV-72-2, Train B.
9. MONITOR if containment vacuum control should be returned to normal:
a. CHECK containment pressure less than 1.0 psig.
b. VERIFY containment vacuum relief isol:ation valves OPEN: [Panel 6K]
  • fCV-30-46
  • fCV-30-47
  • FCV-30-48.
10. MONITOR shutdown boards continuously energized.
11. DETERMINE if RHR pumps should be stopped:
a. CHECK RCS pressure:
1) Greater than 300 psig 2} STABLE or RISING.
b. CHECK RHR pump suction aligned from RWST.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #


3 _3;;...._ Event #


7,8,9,10 _7';"':'.;;..:8,~9':.;.1.;..O_ _ _ _ Page 49 of

                                                                                                                              --.....,1 SBLOCA/Loss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards 68 Time             Position   1                              Applicant's Actions or Behaviors
c. ENSURE SI signa! RESET.
d. STOP RHR pumps and PLACE tn A-AUTO.
9. MONITOR ReS pressure greater than 300 psig.

NOTE 1 S/G pressures dropping slowly during a lOCA with no faulted S/G should be considered "stable'" in thefoHowlng step. NOTE 2 Res pressure rising slightly during a lOCA which is NOT isolated should be considered "stable" in the following step.

12. DETERMINE if SI termination criteria should be checked again:
a. CHECK pressure in all S/Gs STABLE or RISING.
13. MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed in service:
a. CHECK the following conditions met:
  • Containment pressure greater than 9.5 psig AND
  • At !east 1 hour has elapsed since beginning of accident AND
  • RHR suction aligned to containment sump AND
  • At least one CCP AND one SI pump RUNNING.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # ---"7'...;.;8':.;.9~,1...;.;O _7....:.,.....:8,~9,:...1.;...O_ _ _ _ Page 50 of 68

                                               ......;;...--                                                                  """;"';"""'--11
                                                                                                                              ~;""'--ll Event


SBLOCAILoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time Ti Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

b. CHECK both RHR pumps RUNNING.


1) CHECK Train B RHR pump RUNNING.
2) ENSURE RHR crosstie FCV-74-35 CLOSED.
3) CLOSE RHR injection FCV-63-94.
4) OPEN RHR spray FCV-7241.
d. MONITOR containment pressure greater than 4 psig.
14. DETERMINE if diesel generators should be stopped:
a. VERIFY shutdown boards ENERGIZED from start busses.
b. ENSURE SI signal RESET.

e, STOP any unloaded diesel generators and PLACE in standby USING EA-82-1, Placing DIGs in Standby_

15. INITIATE evaluation of plant status:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # _7;...:,~8,~9':...;.1..;..O _7.,.:,...:8,;.;..9,...1..;...0_ _ _ _ Page 51

                                               - .;;..--



SBLOCAlLoss of offsite power(delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards

E; Time D, Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors
a. ENSURE cold leg recirculation capability:
                                        'I) Pawer to at least one RHR pump AVAILABLE.
2) Capability to operate the following valves AVAILABLE:
  • FCV-63-72 and FCV-74-3 (for RHR Pump A-A).


  • FCV-63-73 and FCV-74-21 (for RHR Pump B-B}.
b. CHECK Auxiliary Building radiation:
1) Area Radiation Monitors RR-90-1A and RR-90-1B NORMAL
2) Aux Bldg Vent monitor recorder O-RR*90-101 NORMAL (prior to isolation).
c. MONITOR containment sump level less than 68%.
d. NOTIFY TSC to initiate post-accident sampling as necessary.
e. EVALUATE plant equipment status USING EA-O-4, Evaluation of Equipment Status.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # -:;;,.3 3 __ Event # _7~'.;;.:8':.;.9~, 7,8,9,10 1..;;.0_ _ _ _ Page 52 of 68

                                                     .-.;..--               ---'...:.;.:........;..----                  ~;....-~\
                                                                                                                         - ----Ii Event


SBLOCAlLoss of oftsite power(delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Time i ...... Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

16. DETERMINE if RCS cooldown and depressurization is required:
il. CHECK RCS pressure greater than 300 psig.
b. GO TO ES-1.2, Post LOGA Cooldown and Depressurization.
17. DETERMINE if transfer to cold leg recirculation is required:
a. CHECK RWST level less than 27%.
b. iF ES-1.3 has NOT been performed, THEN GO TO ES-1.3, Transfer to RHR Containment Sump_
18. MONITOR if CLAs should be isolated:
a. CHECK RCS pressure less than 100 psig.
b. CHECK power to elA isolation valves AVAILABLE.
c. ENSURE Sf signal RESET.
d. CLOSE elA isolation vatves.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ....;;.3 3 __ Event#


Event # .....;..:7,,.;.;8,:.;.,9:..;,,1,.;..0 7,8,9,10 _ _ _ _ Page


53 of 68

                                                                                                                             -'-----II Event


SBLOCAlLoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Ti ....... Time i ....... Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

19. DETERMINE if Intact S/Gs should be depressurized to ReS pressure:
                                           <1L  CHECK RGS pressure less than Intact S/G pressures.
b. NOTIFY Chern Lab to sample all S/Gs for activity tevels.
c. CONSULT TSC to determine dose projection for steaming S/Gs.
d. CHECK dose projection for each S/G acceptable.
e. DUMP steam to condenser from Intact S/Gs UNTIL S/G pressure less than RCS pressure.
20. DETERMINE if reactor vessel head should be vented:
  • CONSULT TSC for evaluation of vessel head venting.
21. WHEN 4 hours have elapsed since event initiation, THEN PREPARE for I~g recirculation:

hot leg

  • DISPATCH personnel to restore power to FCV-63-22 USING EA-201-1, 400V Board Room Breaker Alignments.
22. WHEN 5 hours have elapsed since event initiation, THEN GO TO ES-1.4, Transfer to Hot Leg Recirculation.
23. EVALUATE long term plant status:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # _7.;..:,~8:..;.,9..:..., 7,8,9,10 1;..;.0_ _ _ _ Page 54

                                             ....;..--                 --'~..:...-;.----



SBLOCAILoss of offsite power( delayed) resulting in a loss of power to both 6.9 kV Shutdown Boards Tim"" Po Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

                                     ** CONSUL CONSULT        TSC .

T TSC. END Scenario may be terminated upon transition to ES-1.2

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # _F;...;.R...;..-Z;;;; FR-Z.1 .. .;. 1_ _ _ _ Page 55 of 68

                                                   ~-                     -~~---                                            -=--1\
                                                                                                                            -----Ii Event


High Containment Pressure Function Restoration (Orange Path) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior FR-Z-1, High Containment Pressure NOTE: If this procedure has been entered for an orange path and performance of ECA-1.1 (Loss of RHR Sump Recirculation) is required, FR-Z.1 may be performed concurrently with ECA-1.1. RO 1. MONITOR RWST level greater than 27%.

2. VERIFY Phase B valves CLOSED:


  • Panel 6K PHASE B GREEN
  • Panel 6L PHASE B GREEN .


4. DETERMINE if this procedure should be exited:

BOP a. CHECK for faulted S/G:

                                             "   Any S/G pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner OR
                                             . Any S/G pressure Jess than 140 psig.

RNO Required) RNO:

a. GO TO Step 5.
b. CHECK containment pressure less than 12 psig.
c. CHECK at least one containment spray pump RUNNING and delivering flow.
d. CHECK at least one containment air return fan RUNNING.
                                                             ~rocedure and step in effect.
e. RETURN to procedure RO 5. VERIFY containment spray operation:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .-;3~_ 3 Event # _F~R...;..-;;;.;Z'...;..1_ _ _ _ _F~R...;..-Z;;;;';'...;..1 Page 56 of 68

                                                  ~-                                                                  ~--I[
                                                                                                                      - --II Event


High Containment Pressure Function Restoration (Orange Path) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

a. CHECK RHR sump recirculation capability AVAILABLE.
b. VERIFY containment spray pumps RUNNING.
c. CHECK RWST level greater than 27%.
d. VERIFY containment spray suction ALIGNED to RWST:
                                           . FC\I-72-22 OPEN
                                           . FCV-72-2'J OPEN_
e. VERIFY containment spray discharge valves OPEN:
  • FC\I-72-39 it FCV-72-2.
f. VERIFY containment spray recirc valves CLOSED
  • FCV-72-34
  • FCV-72-13.
g. VERIFY containment spray flow greater than 4750 gpm on each train.

BOP 6. MONITOR containment air return fans:

  • WHEN at least 10 minutes have elapsed from Phase B, THEN ENSURE contaInment air return fans RUNNING.

RO 7. VERIFY containment ventilation dampers CLOSED:

                                        . Panel 6K CNTMT VENT GREEN
                                        . Panel 6t CNTMT VENT GREEN .

RO 8. VERIFY Phase A valves CLOSED:

                                       . Panel 6K PHASE A GREEN
                                       . Panel 6L PHASE A GREEN .

RO 9. VERIFY cntmnt vacuum relief isolation valves CLOSED: [PnI6K

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3

                                                     ......;3:......-_ Event #       ...;F;..;.R~-Z;;;;;.~1  ...;..1_ _ _ _ Page
                                                                                     ....;F:....:.R..:..;-Z;;;;                  57    of     68
                                                     ......0--                                                                            .....;;..;;-~I Event


High Containment Pressure Function Restoration (Orange Path) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior MANUAL]

                                         .      FCV-30-46
                                         "      FCV-30-47
                                         .      FCV-30-48.

BOP 10. VERIFY MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED. BOP 11. DETERMINE if any S/G Intact:

8. CHECK at least one S/G pressure:
                                                 . CONTROLLED or RISING AND
                                                 . Greater than '140 psig.

CAUTION: Isolating all S/Gs will result in a loss of secondary heat sink. BOP 12. DETERMINE if any S/G Faulted:

a. CHECK S/G pressures:
                                               . Any SlG pressure DROPPING in an uncontrolled manner OR
                                               . Any S/G pressure less than 140 psig.

BOP b. ISOLATE feed flow to affected S/G:

                                              . MFW
                                              .. AFW BOP           13. MONITOR if hydrogen igniters and recombiners should be turned on:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # ....;..;FR...:..-.;;;;Z.;..;.1_ _ _ _ Page

                                                                        ....:..:FR...:..-.:;;;Z.:..:.1                 58    of  68
                                                                                                                                - --II Event


High Containment Pressure Function Restoration (Orange Path) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

a. DISPATCH personnel to open ice condenser AHU breakers USING EA-201-1, 480 V Board Room Breaker Alicmments. Alignments.
b. CHECK hydrogen concentration measurement AVAILABLE:
  • Hydrogen analyzers have been in ANALYZE for at teast 5 minutes.
c. CHECK containment hydrogen concentration less than 6%.
d. WHEN ice condenser AHU breakers have been opened, THEN ENERGIZE hydrogen igniters USING Appendix D, Placing Hydrogen Analyzers and Igniters In Service.
e. CHECK containment hydrogen concentration less than 0.5%.

RO 14. MONITOR if RHR spray should be placed in service:

a. CHECK the following:
  • Containment pressure greater than 9.5 psig AND
  • At least 1 hour has elapsed since beginning of accident AND
  • RHR suction ALIGNED to containment sump AND
  • At least one CCP AND one 81 pump RUNNING.

RO b. CHECK both RHR pumps RUNNING. RO c. ESTABLISH Train B RHR spray:

1) CHECK Train B RHR pump RUNNING.
2) ENSURE RHR crosstie FCV-74-35 CLOSED.
3) CLOSE RHR injection FCV-63-94.
4) OPEN RHR spray FCV-72-41.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ~33 __ Event# Event # ...;....FR...;.-.;;;Z.;....;.1_ _ _ _ Page

                                                                       ....;..;FR...;.-.;;;Z;...;.1               59    of _6..;;.;8~--I1 68
                                               ~--                                                                         --'-----II Event


High Containment Pressure Function Restoration (Orange Path) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO d. MONITOR containment pressure greater than 4 psig. RO 15. MONITOR if containment spray should be stopped:

a. CHECK any containment spray pump RUNNING.
b. CHECK containment pressure less than 2.0 psig.
c. CHECK containment spray suction aligned to RWST.
d. RESET Containment Spray.
e. STOP containment spray pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO.
f. CLOSE containment spray discharge valves:
  • fCV-72-39, Train A
  • FCV-72..;2, Train B.

SRO 16. RETURN TO procedure and step in effect. END

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # .;;;,.5_ _ _ _ Page _E_S;;,..-.;.,;;0*.;;..5 _E;;;,;S;...-0,;;..; 60 of 68

                                                ~-                                                                       ""';";'-..,1
                                                                                                                         "";;';;;-..-11 Event


ES-O.5, Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior ES-O.5, Equipment Verification CRITICAL Start at least 1 'A 1 Train ERCW Pump in an operating safeguards train TASK [(ES-0.5 actions are contained in attachment at back of scenario guide)] CHECK ERCW system operation: BOP

  • VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING.
  • VERIFY DIG ERCW supply valves OPEN.


  • Pump 1A-A (2A-A) Must Manually Start
  • Pump 1B-B (2B-B)
  • Pump C-S.


  • MDAFWpumps
  • TDAFW pump.

NOTE AFW level control valves should NOT be repositioned if manual action has been taken to control S/G levels, to establish flow due to failure, or to isolate a faulted S/G. CHECK AFW valve alignment:



c. VERIFY MD AFW pump recirculation valves FCV-3-400 and FCV 401 CLOSED.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event # ....;E:;:.;S:....-O;;.;..5~ ___ _E;;;;.;S;;...-O.;..;..5,;..,.-_ Page 61 of 68

                                                                                                                          -  --il Event


ES-O.S, Equipment Verifications Time Position n Applicant's Actions or Behavior


VERIFY MFW Isolation:

  • MFW regulating valves CLOSED
  • MFW regulating bypass valve controller outputs ZERO
  • MFW isolation valves CLOSED
  • MFW flow ZERO.

CRITICAL Critical Task to start 1A-A CCP is contained in ES-O.5 actions TASK I(ES-0.5 [(ES-0.5 actions are contained in attachment at back of scenario _guide)] guide)] MONITOR ECCS operation: VERIFY ECCS pumps RUNNING: BOP

  • RHR pumps
  • SI pumps VERIFY GGP flow through CCPIT.


  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig.
  • VERIFY SI pump flow.
  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 300 psig.
  • VERIFY RHR pump flow.


  • Phase A ACTUATED:


  • Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED:


  • Status monitor panels:


I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # .....;3~_ Event#

                                                .....;3::......-_        -=ES::..-..:;.:O.~5
                                                                         ...;;;;.ES;;...-..;;,:O*..;;,:5_ _ _ _ Page 62    of    68
                                                                                                                               --"';;--\1 Event


ES-O.5, Equipment Verifications Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 0 60 DARK 0 6E LIT OUTSIDE outlined area 0 6H DARK 0 6J LIT.

  • Train A status panel 6K:


  • Train B status panel 6L:

o CNTMT VENT GREEN o PHASE A GREEN MONITOR containment spray NOT required: BOP

  • Containment pressure less than 2.81 psig
  • Ensure Containment Spray is actuated VERIFY pocket sump pumps STOPPED: [M-15, upper left corner]


  • HS-77-410, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump A
  • HS-77-411, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pumgB. pump B.

DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-O-1, Equipment Checks Fo"owing ESF BOP Actuation.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3


Event # AOP-P.01 Page 63 of 68

                                                                                                                              --';"~--I Event


Loss of Off Site Power I Time I Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior AOP-P .01, Loss of Off Site Power Evaluator Note: During AOP-P.01 implementation, the crew performs through step 9, which contains actions important to support current operating strategies; further activities, while important, are administrative or are delegated to plant personnel outside the MCR. 2.0 OPEAATORACTIONS 1_ DIAGNOSE the failure: GO TO IF... SECTION PAGE CREW Complete loss of off-site power 2.1 4 Partial loss of Offsite Power: 2.2 29 to A or B start busses de-energized OR loss of normal supply to individual shutdovln board


(shutdown board energized from DIG) CREW NOTE: Steps 1 and 2 are immediate actions. CRITICAL Start at least 1 EDG prior to placing equipment PTL in ECA.O-O. TASK

1. CHECK Diesel Generators RUNNING EMERGENCY START avaifable DIGs.

BOP and sup~ying shutdown boards. BOP 2. CHECK ERCW supply valves to DIGs ENSURE normal or alternate ERCW supply OPEN. valve OPEN. If any diesel generator mrming AtiJD coollng water NOT availabie, THEN EMERGENCY STOP affected diesel gen:erator{s}.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # ~A~O~P~-P~.O~1~_____ AOP-P.01 Page 64 of 68 Event


Loss of Off Site Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

3. MOI'JlTOR BOTH 6900V shutdown If NO 6900V shutdown board is ENERGIZED BOP boards on Ihis unit ENERGlZED. on this unlt, THEN PERFORM the following:
8. If unit is in Mode 1-4, THEN SRO ENSURE ECA-iHl, Loss of AU AC Power has been entered.
b. IF unit is in Modes 4-6, THEN SRO ENSURE AOP-R.03, RHR System Malfunction, has been entered, contim.lino inlhls WHILE contim.ling orocedure.


c. IF any DIG is available (capable of starting},

THEN SRO PERFORM Append!x S, Manually Energizing Shutdown Board from DIG.

d. WHEN off-site power IS aVailable, THEN PERFORM Secnon 2.3, Recover)' from Loss of Offsite Power.
e. DO NOT CONTINUE Section 2.1 UNTil at least one shutdown board is ENERGIZED.

If one 6900V shutdown board IS ENERGIZED SRO on this unit, THEN PERfORM the following: RO B. ENSURE available CCP RUNNING. SRO D. If NO CCP is available THEN PERFORM the renewing:

1) If Phase B is NOT actuated, THEN RO ENSURE Rep thermal baimer coo.liog:
  • one ecs ees pump RUNNING aligned to .supply Train A CCS.



I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _ _ Event #


AOP-P.01 Page 65 of 68 Event


Loss of Off Site Power Time e Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2} REFER TO AOP-M.09, loss of Charging.

c. IF any DIG avaiiiabie (capable of starting),

SRO THEN PERFORM Appendix S, Manually Energizing Shutdown Board from DIG.

d. PERFORM applicable AOP for loss of SRO shutdovm board as time allows:
  • AOP-P.05 (Unit 1 Shutdown Boards)
  • AOP-P.06 {Unit 2 Shutdown Boards}
e. If oif-sitepower is available SRO AND rapid restoration is needed, THEN PERFORM Sect. 2.3, Recovery from Loss of Offslte Power.
4. NOTIFY SM to penom1 the folloWing:


3. EVALUATE EPfP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Mam.
b. INITIATE staffing of TSC and OSC USING Emergency Paging System.

CREW 5. RECORD time of Loss of off-s&re power.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 Event # AOP-P.01 Page 66 of 68 Event


Loss of Off Site Power I Time I Position I Applicant's Actions or Behavior

6. MONITOR diesel generator wading:


8. VERIFY DIG load sequencing USING Appendix B, Loss of Offsite Power Diesel Generator Load Sequence [C.2].
b. ENSURE four ERCW pumps RUNNING (one per shutdown board).
c. MONITOR dieselgenerator(sj load c. REDUCE excess diesel generator load less than or equal to 4.4 MW USING Appendix A, Diesel Generator

{4.8 MWfor:2 hours). Load Evaluation List [C.11

1. CHECK charging system operation:

RO B. ENSURE atl RCS dllution acl:lvilies STOPPED.

b. ENSURE CCP suction al*9nOO ioRWST:

f) OPEN LCV-62-135 or LCV-52-13K

2) CLOSE LCV-62-132 or LCV-62-133.

CAUTION 1 failure to promptly restart air compressors and restm-e noo-essential air to containment will delay restoralioo of letdown. This may result in uncontrolled pressurizer level rise and PORV opening. CAUTION 2 Opening Trail1 A ERCW sUPPty to Station Air Compressors with ERCW temp greater than 82.3"F makes Train A MeR Chiller and EBR Chilfer inoperable due to inadequate ERCW flow. This would plare both units in LeO 3.0.5. NOTE starling comml air compressors Wtl! add about 0.1 MW to DIG 1A-A and 16-8.

8. RESTORE control aU-:

BOP iI. PLACE MSrV handswitches in CLOSE positlon.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Scenario # Page 67 of 68 Op Test No.: NRC




Event # AOP-P.01 Event


Loss of Off Site Power I Time I Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

b. ESTABUSH ooollngwatertD staoon b. IF Train B ERCW supply NOT available CREW air cOfnpressors: AND ERCW temp is!ess than 82.3"'F,
1) VERIFY Train B ERCW avaffabie. THEN OPEN FCV-67-205, Train A ERCW
2) ENSURE FCV-57 -208 Train B to air compressors. [O-M-21A]

ERCW to air compressors OPEN. [O-M-27AJ

c. DISPATCH an operator to start BOP statim Air Compressors A and B USING EA-32-2, Establishing: Control and SeMre Air.

eL ENSUREauxiBary air compressors d. WHEN control air pressure is BOP RUNNiNG. [M-15 or AS e! 7341 greater than 75 psig, (powered from Unit 2' ShutdoWTl Bds) THEN AUGN control air to supply auxiliary air USING EA-32-2'. Et e. CHECK Phase B NOT actuated. l. IF Phase B actuated, RO THEN L=--. GO TO Note prior to step 9. II I [ WHEN control aff pressure' restored, BOP THEN RESTORE air to containment USiNG EA-32-1, Establishing Control Air to. Containment NOTE: O-S0-82-1, 2, 3, 4 Appendix C contains normal OIGrunning parameters. Copies of these appendices may beob!lained from AOP-C.04 cabinet in DIG Bldg:.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 3 _3.:;,.-._


Event # Event#


AOP-P.01 _ _ _ _A;..;.O.;;..P;...-..;..P.;.;.O...;,1 Page 68 of 68

                                                                                                                             -  ---II Event


Loss of Off Site Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 9. DISPATCH operaIDrID DIG Building to mooiilor diesel generators USING 0-50-82-1, 2, 3. 4 App. C. Evaluator Note: During AOP-P.01 implementation, the crew performs through step 9, which contains actions important to support current operating strategies; further activities, while important, are administrative or are delegated to plant personnel outside the MeR.

Page 1 1002 ESG-3 Rx Spdsht.xls DELTA REACTOr POWER ASSUMEDINSERTEDEXPECTECDEL TA RHC BORON DELTA ~ECOMMEN( RECOMMEN[ IODINE TIME POWER DEFECT RODHT WORTH XENON BORON CONC PPM DILUTION BORATION CONC (hrs) (%) (pcm) (steps) (pcm) (pcm) (pcm) (ppm) (ppm) (gal) (gal) (% eq) 0 4.0 73.1 180.0 -430.8 -54.7 1710.0 0.1 1 9.0 160.6 182.0 -401.0 -55.6 58.6 1700.6 -9.4 371 0 0.7 2 15.0 262.1 186.5 -346.5 -63.8 55.1 1691.7 -8.9 351 0 1.8 3 15.0 262.6 187.0 -341.5 -79.9 11.8 1689.8 -1.9 75 0 3.1 4 18.0 310.8 188.0 -326.4 -102.9 56.0 1680.9 -9.0 357 0 4.5 5 20.0 343.5 189.0 -312.6 -132.7 48.7 1673.0 -7.8 312 0 5.9 6 22.0 375.0 190.0 -298.9 -168.7 53.8 1664.4 -8.6 346 0 7.4 7 27.0 452.4 196.0 -233.7 -211.0 54.4 1655.7 -8.7 351 0 9.1 8 30.0 498.7 200.0 -191.5 -259.7 52.9 1647.2 -8.5 343 0 11.0 9 30.0 499.8 200.0 -190.8 -314.3 54.9 1638.4 -8.8 357 0 12.8 10 30.0 500.8 201.0 -180.8 -373.0 49.8 1630.4 -8.0 324 0 14.5 11 30.0 501.8 202.0 -170.8 -434.3 52.3 1622.0 -8.4 342 0 16.1 12 30.0 502.8 203.0 -160.8 -496.9 53.7 1613.4 -8.6 352 0 17.4 13 30.0 503.8 204.0 -150.9 -559.9 54.0 1604.7 -8.7 356 0 18.7 14 30.0 504.8 205.0 -141.3 -622.2 53.8 1596.1 -8.6 356 0 19.8 15 30.0 505.9 207.0 -122.9 -683.5 43.8 1589.1 -7.0 291 0 20.8 16 30.0 506.7 208.0 -113.5 -743.0 51.0 1580.9 -8.2 339 0 21.7 17 30.0 507.7 209.0 -104.2 -800.6 49.2 1573.0 -7.9 328 0 22.5 18 30.0 508.6 209.0 -103.8 -855.9 55.8 1564.1 -8.9 373 0 23.2 19 30.0 509.6 209.0 -103.3 -908.7 53.4 1555.5 -8.6 359 0 23.9 20 30.0 510.7 209.0 -102.9 -958.9 50.8 1547.4 -8.1 342 0 24.5 ~MWD/MTU Hold Tavg = Tref +/- 1.5F Total 6628 0 6820 BAT ppm Small hourly boration!dilution borationldilution volumes may be accumulated for larger single additions Reason for Maneuver Reactor/Plant restart following forced outage- 30% hold Date Toda~ Today RxEng Name J. Sidekick Comments none

1002 ESG-3 Page 1 of 5 APPENDIXC Time: Now Date: Today Unit 1 MCR Checklist Mode 2, 3-4% Power - - MWe PSA Risk: Green Grid Risk: Green ReS Leakage 10 .02 gpm, UNIO .01 gpm Until 0800 XXXX After 0800 XXXX

  • Raise power to 13-15%; prepare for Main Generator Synchronization.
  • According to TI-40, no fuel failures, CPL trending not required peior to 50%.
  • Section 5.2 Step 6, Perform Section 5.3, Turbine Roll in parallel is being prep'ed/briefed by another SRO/RO; o Verify your current qualifications (re: OPDP-1 Section 7.3 F.)

o Review Operating Log since last held shift or 3 days, whichever is less. Review the following for changes since last shift turnover: o ODMls/Standing Orders/ o LCO actions 0 PERs (applicable to unit) Shift Orders o TACFs o Operator workarounds, burdens, and challenges 0 Immediate required reading

1002 ESG-3 Page 30fa Time: Now Date: Today MCR Red Dot List UNID And Noun Name Panel Problem Description WO I PER Number Date Scheduled MCRWO List ID And Noun Name Panel Problem Description WOlPER Number Date Scheduled

1002 ESG-3 Page 4 of5 UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF I Date: Today Time: Now I RCS Boron: 1710 ppm Today 1I BA Controller ~etPoint: 46.3% I RCS B-10 Depletion: 52 ppm Operable BAT: A I BAT A Boron: 6850 ppm J I BAT C Boron: 6850 ppm I RWST Boron: 2601 ppm Nominal Gallons per rod step from 219: 7 gallons of acid, 50 gallons of water

  • Verify Venfy bonc aCid flow controller IS is set at Adjusted SA Controller Setting iaw law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1 Gallons of acid: 26 Gallons of water: 136 Rod Steps: 3 Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Position Estimated boron addition 10% 196 Steps on bank D 99 gallons 30% 173 Steps on bank D 292 gallons 50% 151 Steps on bank D 481 gallons
    ** These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superseded by Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until one week from now.

Number of dilutions: 1 Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 12 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total amount diluted: 12 Total amount borated: 0 Net change: 0 IN/Out Number of dilutions:

  • Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution:
  • Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total expected dilution:
  • Total expected boration: 0 Net change: 0 In/Out Remarks:
  • Per the RE Reactivity Spreadsheet Rx Power: 3-4% Burnup: 10,000 Mwd/mtU Xenon: -54.7 pcm, equilibrium Samarium: 544 pcm Last Dilution Completed:
  • Next Unit 1 Flux Map is scheduled - three weeks from now Unit 1 M-P is 0 PPM Unit Supervisor: _ _ _ _ -:-:-_--::::--:-_

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name/Date

1002 ESG-3 f>age 5 of 5 Operations Chemistry Information Sample Point Units Boron Date / Time Goal Limit U1 RCS ppm 1710 Today / Now Variable Variable U2RCS ppm 816 Today / Now Variable Variable U1 RWST ppm 2601 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 U2 RWST ppm 2569 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 BAT A ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable BATB ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable BATC ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable U1 CLA#1 ppm 2556 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #2 ppm 2575 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #3 ppm 2591 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #4 ppm 2589 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA #1 ppm 2531 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#2 ppm 2650 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#3 ppm 2522 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#4 ppm 2526 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool ppm 2547 Today / Now ~2050 ~2000 U 1 RCS Lithium U2 RCS Lithium 2.18-2.48 2.33 Indicator Units U1 Date / Time U2 Date/Time SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today 1 Now No Today 1 Now S1137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today 1 Now < 0.1 Today 1 Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 115 Today 1 Now 111 Today 1 Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 492 Today / Now 464 Today / Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 793 Today 1 Now 747 Today 1 Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1170 Today 1 Now 1100 Today 1 Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today 1 Now 12.5 Today 1 Now Bkgd on 99/119 cpm 50 Today 1 Now 40 Today 1 Now Correction Factor 99/119 cpm/gpd 15 Today 1 Now 14.13 Today 1 Now

Appendix 0 Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Facility: Sequoyah Scenario No.: 4 Op Test No.: NRC Examiners: Operators: Initial Conditions: 100% stable, long duration run; Turnover: 100% RTP; Preparations complete for power reduction for MT Valve testing, Target CTs: Depressurize the RCS to meet SI termination criteria prior to affected SG overfill lEEvent No. t No. Malf. No. Event Type* Event Description

1. NIA R-RO Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing T+O N-SRO/BOP
2. RX19 I-RO Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure)


3. RX24 I-BOP Feedwater Header Pressure Transmitter PT-3-1 fails low T+30
4. RX07A I-RO Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails low T+40 TS-SRO
5. FW11B C-AII 1B MFP Trip wi Plant Runback T+50
6. TH05B N-ALL #2 SG Tube Leakage (-150 gpd)


7. TH05B M-AII #2 SGTL to SGTR -200 gpm over three minutes.


8. FW04A C-BOP #1 SG MDAFW Level Control Valve Fails Open T+70
      *    (N)ormal,   (R)eactivity, (I )nstrument, (C)omponent,     (M)ajor Appendix 0                                                                                             NUREG 1021 Revision 9

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario 4 Summary The crew will assume the shift with the unit in Mode 1, 100% RTP; the crew will proceed to reduce power in preparation to perform Main Turbine Valve testing <<93% RTP) according to 1-PI-OPS-047-002.0, Steam Inlet Valve Testing. Instructions for the power reduction are from 0-GO-5, Normal Power Operation, Section 5.3 Beginning at Notes prior to step 7. Following the plant power reduction and at the Lead Examiner direction, an Auto Rod Control Program failure will occur when reactor power is reduced below -95% RTP. The malfunction results in a failure of Tref Computer failure program Signal to the rod drive system. The control rods will not move from any automatic control Signal. The crew will respond using alarm response procedure (ARPs) 1-AR-M5A A-6 and abnormal procedure AOP-C.01, Rod Control Malfunctions Section 2.1, Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement to place Rod Control in Manual. When the plant is stable, at the Lead Examiner direction, Feedwater Header Pressure Transmitter fails low causing MFPs to go to the high-speed stop, FRVs to close down abnormally and feedwater header pressure to increase excessively possibly lifting HP Fdwtr Htr relief valves. The crew will respond to alarm, ARP 1-AR-M3C C-1 and abnormal procedure AOP-S.1, Loss of Normal Feedwater, Section 2.2, by placing MFP Control in manual to control feedwater flow/feedwater header pressure. MFWPT Control will remain in manual through the remainder of the scenario. After the crew has stabilized the plant, at the Lead Examiner direction, Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (CH 1) fails high, will cause the Pzr heaters to de-energize, and sprays to open. The crew will respond according to ARPs 1-AR-M5A B-3, 1-AR-M6A C-5 and AOP-1.04, Pressurizer Instrument and Controls Malfunctions Section 2.3. The RO will manually control pressurizer pressure by closing the spray valves and controlling heaters; once plant conditions are stable, the crew will defeat the failed channel, contact I&C to remove the channel from service and restore RCS Pressure control to automatic. The SRO will identify Tech Spec actions: LCO, 3.3.1 Table 3.3-1 units 7, 9, 10- Action 6, Table 3.3-3 units 1.d- Action 17, 8- Action 22a and 3.4.12 (MODEs 4-6*). When the plant is stable, at the Lead Examiner direction, 1B MFW Pump trips on a spurious trip signal. The plant will run automatically back and stabilize at -72%; the BOP will manually control MFP Control (from the previous PT-3-1 failure). The crew will respond to alarms using ARPs 1-AR-M2A B-1, 1-AR-M3B A-2, B-1 and D-6 (possibly), 1-AR-M3C A-1, 1-AR-M5A B-7 and go to AOP-S.01 Section 2.3 to control and stabilize the plant. When the plant is stable, at the Lead Examiner direction, a SG tube leak will develop. The crew will respond using ARPs 0-AR-M12A B-5 and C-1 and go to AOP-R.01, SG Tube Leak Section 2.2 initially. The SRO will identify Tech Spec actions: At the Lead Examiner direction, the leak will increase to approximately 200 gpm over several minutes giving the crew time to transition to AOP-R.01 Section 2.1 where the decision should be made ( Step 1 RNO column) to trip the reactor and enter E-O. The crew will carry; out E-O immediate actions continuing to a transition to E-3 to mitigate the tube rupture. Additionally, the MDAFW Level Control Valve for #1 SG will fail open at the time of the trip causing the BOP stop the 1A-A MDAFW Pump to prevent overfilling the #1 SG; subsequent #1 SG level control is via the TDAFW Pump and level control valve. EOP flow: E-O - E-3 The scenario may be terminated as directed by the Lead Examiner upon completion of E-3 Step 24, CCPIT isolation. PSA significant task: Manually actuate at least one train of SIS-actuated safeguards before transition into E-3 series. Depressurize RCS to meet SI termination criteria prior to SG overfill; PSA significant component failure: Steam Generator Tube Failure Appendix D NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ESG-4 Booth Instruction File 1129/2010 ! EVENT ICIMF/RF/OR # DESCRIPTION/EXPECTED ACTIONS/BOOTH FEEDBACK Simulator IC-16 IC 100%, BOL ~1000 MWDIMTU CB 'D' Rods @ 216 steps, all others @ 228 steps; [B] = 1093 ppm; Ba Blender setting: 27% Xe/Sm @ equilibrium Console Ol1.erator actions: Place simulator in run and l1.erf.prm the f.pllowing:

  • Place the MODE 1 sign on 1-M-4
  • Place Train Week A sign
  • ENSURE 1C Pzr Backup Group Htrs energized MFs,RFs, NONE ORs are active when the SeN file is loaded.
1. N/A Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing; Suvvort staflre(!.ort: none
2. IMF RX19 f:53 r:120 Auto Rod Motion Failure (TrefComputer failure) k:2 Su(!.(!.ort stafJre(!.ort: When contacted, respond as MSS; report that I&C will report to the MCR in ~15 minutes for briefing to investigate/troubleshoot the RD Auto motion failure.
3. IMF RX24 f: 1 k:3 Feedwater Header Pressure Transmitter fails low Support stafJre(!.ort: When contacted, respond as MSS; report that I&C will report to the MCR in ~ 15 minutes for briefing to investigate/troubleshoot MFP Control problem; If dispatched, in ~5 minutes, AUO reports no apparent leaks, damage to the FWPT.
4. IMF RX07A f: 1 k:4 Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails high; SUJ2[!ort staflre(!.ort: When the MSS is contacted, inform the crew that I&C will report to the MCR in ~ 25 minutes to remove the affected channelfrom service.
5. IMF FWUB f:1 k:5 1B MFW Pump Trip- Spurious Trip signal Support staflre(!.ort: When dispatched, wait ~5 minutes and respond as A UO that visual inspection identifies no apparent cause for the MFP trip is evident; IfMSS is contacted, wait ~5 minutes and report that I&C will report to the MCR in ~30 minutes to troubleshoot the MFP trip cause.

Page 1 of2

ESG-4 Booth Instruction File 1129/2010 ~ I EVENT I ICIMF/RF/OR #

                                #2 SG Tube Leakage of ~150 gpd; FEEDBACK        I f:0.00216 r:30 k:6 Support sta(freport:

stafJreport: 1- Chem Lab value for 1-RM-90-119 equivalent to 150 gpd leakage limit, report the value as 2290 cpm & report other Chemistry actions will take

                                    ~45 minutes to complete; 2- Chem Lab contacted to EVALUATE Primary-to-Secondary leakage, wait
                                    ;:::;12 minutes and report #2 SG; and, 3- (Chem Lab) Wait ;:::;20 more minutes, report that samples confirm higher secondary activity/ SGTL on #2 SG.

When RadCon Lab contacted to SURVEY MS & SG BD lines, wait ;:::;15 minutes and report #2 SG is higher than background and the other SGs; BOOTH OPERATOR: If crew requests Chemistry to provide a value for l-RM-90-119 equivalent to 150 gpd leakage limit, report the value as 2290 cpm.

7. MMF TH05B f:4 Increases the SGTL to ~200 gpm over three minutes.

r:180 SUl2J!.ort staff report: Continue as in Event 6 dialogue as requested;

8. IMF FW04A f:l e:2 #1 SG MDLCV 3-164 Fails Open Support staffreport: If dispatched, report as AB AUG that valve appears to be jammed in the open position (no A UG action will restore valve function);
9. IRF FWR03 f:O k:9 Positions #1 SG MDAFW Isolation Valve 3-828 Support statfreport:

stafJreport: If directed, wait ~3 minutes and report Valve 3-828 is closed Termination Criteria Complete E-3 Step 2: Isolate CCPIT. Page 2 of2

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event #


Page 1 of 60

                                                                                                              ---~I Event


Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing II T' Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: No action required for Event 1 Indications available: None: Crew will initiate power reduction lAW O-GO-S Section S.3 starting at step 7. T=O Direct a load reduction in accordance with 0-GO-5 Normal Power Operations, SRO Section 5.3, and 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.4. Evaluator Note: Following Steps are from 0-SO-62-7 Boron Concentration Control, Section 6.4 During the load reduction, the operating crew may choose to lower power initially using control rods to control AFD within required limits and follow up with boration as necessary for RCS temperature control. CAUTION: Returning the Boric Acid Blender to service after unplugging, cleaning, or maintenance on Boric Acid System could introduce debris, sludge, air or solidified boron into CCP suction resulting in pump damage. Extreme care must be exercised to properly flush the Boric Acid piping following an outage. NOTE: If a large amount of boration is required (plant shutdown), Pzr heaters should be energized to cause spray operation for equalizing boron concentration in RCS and pressurizer. If Normal Spray is NOT available, then this should be accomplished by use of Auxiliary Spray (1, 2-S0-62-1) in conjunction with pressurizer backup heaters. [1] ENSURE makeup system aligned for AUTO operation in accordance with RO Section 5.1. NOTE: Steps 2 and 3 are N/A for minor power changes OR if immediate boration is required to maintain shutdown margin, to maintain rods above the insertion limit, during an emergency shutdown (AOP-C.03), during recovery of a dropped/misaligned rod (AOP-C.01), or at Chemistry recommendation in mode 3, 4, 5 or 6. [2] RECORD the quantity of boric acid required to achieve desired boron RO gals concentration using Appendix D. [3] PERFORM Appendix I Independent Verification of Calculation for Amount CREW of Boric Acid or Primary Water. (N/A if App. D was performed by SRO to verify data from Rx Engineering) [4] DETERMINE available boric acid volume in in-service BAT. RO gals

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTest No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ......;.._ _ _ _ _ Page 2 of _6_0_...,1 60

                                                    -    -
                                                    ...;....-              ------------                     ~-~I Event


Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing 1/ Time Position P Applicant's Actions or Behavior [5] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the RO STOP position. [6] PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the BORATE RO position. RO [7] ADJUST [FC-62-139], Boric Acid Flow Controller to the desired flow rate. RO [8] SET [FQ-62-139], Batch Integrator to the desired quantity. [9] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the RO START position. [10] ENSURE Boric Acid Pump aligned to blender in FAST speed by right RO red light LIT on [HS-62-230A] OR [HS-62-232A]. NOTE: Flow oscillations and/or erratic controller response may require manual operation of Boric Acid Flow Controller [FC-62-139] until stable conditions exist. RO [11 ] VERIFY Boric Acid Flow established. NOTE: It may take approximately 15 minutes before any changes to reactivity are indicated on nuclear instrumentation or RCS temperature indication. [12] IF reactor is critical, THEN MONITOR nuclear instrumentation and RO reactor coolant temperature to ensure proper response from boration. NOTE: BAT operability limits are prescribed by TRM (Modes 1-3) or (Modes 4-6).

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event # Page 3 of 60

                                                  ....;....-               ~----------                        ~--~I Event


Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO [13] MONITOR Boric Acip Storage Tank level. IF Volume Control Tank level increases to 63 percent, RO [14] THEN ENSURE [LCV-62-118], Volume Control Tank Divert Valve OPENS to divert excess water to the Holdup Tank. NOTE: Sample may be obtained at normal RCS sample intervals provided the unit is at power and the unit response following the boration is as expected. [15] WHEN boration is complete, THEN [a] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the RO STOP position. [b] CHECK no primary water flow on either [FI-62-142A] OR [FQ-62-142]. [c] ENSURE [FC-62-142], Primary Water to Blender Flow [d) Controller is in AUTO position and the potentiometer (dial indicator) is set at 35%. [e) ADJUST [FC-62-139], Boric Acid Flow Controller to the desired blend solution in accordance with TI-44 Boron Tables. [f] ENSURE [FCV-62-128] is CLOSED. [g) PLACE [HS-62-140B], CVCS Makeup Selector Switch to the AUTO position. [h] PLACE [HS-62-140A], Boric Acid to Blender Flow Control Switch to the START position. [i) IF RCS boron sample required, THEN NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample. NOTE: Boration is done in batches until the total boron and/or power change is completed. RO [16] REPEAT this section as required to complete total boron change. [17] WHEN total boration is complete, RO [a] THEN: REALIGN the blender controls for AUTO makeup to the CVCS in accordance with Section 5.1. [b) NOTIFY Chem Lab to obtain RCS boron sample.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #


_4~_ 4 Event Event##


Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing Page 4 of 60

                                                                                                            ~-~I II Time m""          Position Pn"ition                                  Applicant's Actions or Behavior

[18] IF in modes 1, 2, or 3, THEN ENSURE requirements of TRM SRO are met. Evaluator Note: the following steps provide general direction for Main Turbine controls operation during O-GO-4 & 5 power escalation. The following are selected steps that direct MT Controls operation. O-GO-4, Section 5.4 Placing the Main Generator in Service [48] INITIATE a turbine load increase by performing the following: 148.1] ENSURE 5% hold time as recorded in step 5.4[36] has elapsed. -- [48.2] REFER to TI-28, Figure A.15 and determine the appropriate loading rate. D [48.3] SET the LOAD RATE at the desired rate. D (48.4] SET a deSired load in the SETTER with the REFERENCE CONTROL D (48.5] DEPRESS the [GO] pushbutton. D [48.6] MONITOR the turbine load increasing. D {48.71 f48.71 MONITOR steam dump demandfoperation. D [49] WHEN ~1 0% steam dump demand is obtained on [XI-1-33], THEN [49.1] STOP turbine load increase. D [49.2] STABUJZE plant. (Refer to O-SO-1-2 for steam Dump Demand Program.) D [50] INCREASE steam generator atmospheric relief valve controller setpoints from 85 to 100%. [51] RESUME turbine load increase.

1 Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                         .-;..                     5 Op Test No.:          NRC      Scenario #

_4~_ 4 Event # Event# Event


Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing Time Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: 0-GO-4 Section S.S Reactor Power step 20 below Ascension to 30% RTP contains directions for Valve Position Limiter positioning reflecting Precaution M of this procedure to maintain the VPL ::::::10% above governor control valve indications. O-GO-S, Section 3.1, Precaution G provides reinforcement of the VPL positioning during GO-S power changes. [20] INITIATE load increase in accordance TI-40 to less than or equal to 30% reactor power WHILE continuing thIs instruction AND ADJUST turbine load as needed while maintaining valve position limit approximately 10% above governor control indication. 0 Evaluator Note: Following Steps are from 0-GO-5, Normal Power Operation, Section 5.3 Beginning at Notes prior to step 7. NOTES

1) Guidance on restoration of EHC Controls after a BOP run back is contained in Appendix B, Turbine Runback Restoration.
2) For core operating recommendations for situations such as end of core life coast down or unusual power maneuvers, contact Reactor Engineering for guidance.
3) It is recommended that AFD be controlled within the target band.
4) The following general approach should be used during power reduction:

(a) borate RCS to reduce RCS TAVG within limits of TREF, (b) reduce turbine load to match TREF with TAVG (c) periodically take rod control to MANUAL from AUTO and insert the bank to move AFD near the target value, (d) return rod control to AUTO when not using the bank to control AFD, and (e) repeat the above as necessary to accomplish the load change.

5) Actions effecting reactivity are directed in the following step. 0-SO-62-7 requirements shall be adhered to for reactivity changes (Le. reactivity balance, amounts of boric acid or water). All appropriate verifications and peer checks shall be utilized during performance.

BOP [7] INITIATE a load reduction

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4.:.....-_ Event # ~ _ _ _ _ _ Page Page 6 6 of 60

                                                                                                                    """;;";;--l Event


Reduce power in preparation for MT Valve testing II II Ti Time


Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP [8] MONITOR turbine load decreasinq decreasinQ BOP [9] MONITOR MFP discharge pressure: [9.1} DETERMINE MFP DIP Program setpoint using Appendix A [9.2} IF auto control of any MFWP controller is NOT fundionaf, THEN ADJUST MFWP speed as necessary to maintain MFWP A and B flow/speed approximately matched USING one of the following: [9.2.1] MFWP speed controller in MANUAL OR [9.2.2J Governor Valve Positioner USING 1,2-80-2/3-1, Sect 8.6. CAUTION: Do NOT exceed a load change rate of plus or minus 5%/minute or a step change of 10% NOTE: TAVG is programmed from 578.2°F at 100% power to 54rF at zero power at a rate of 0.312°F per % power. CREW [10] MONITOR the followinq following during the load reduction: [10.1] [10.11 TAVG followinqfollowing TREF proqram. proQram. [10.2] All RPls, group step counters for rod insertion limits and inoperable rods or rod misalignment, Loop /:c,. T, and NIS for correct power distribution and quadrant power tilts. [10.3] Core AFD within -5% control band around the power level dependent tarqet target value. NOTE: Valve position limit and governor control meter are displayed on EHC Display panel 1, 2-XX-047-2000 (M-2). [10.4] Valve position limit approximately 10% above the current BOP qovernor governor control indication as turbine load is changed. Lead examiner may cue the next event when power has been decreased sufficiently to record a reactivity manipulation.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4.:....-_ Event # Event# 2 Page 7 of 60

                                                   ~--                     ~-----------
                                                                           ~------                          -----~l
                                                                                                            -~-~I Event


Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure) Time IL II Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 2 Indications available: Annunciators:

  • XA-55-6A Window 0-2 "TS-68-2J REACTOR COOLANT LOPS LO LO TAVG" 1-M-5 indications:
  • RCS Lp 4 Indicator 1-TI-68-67E indicates downward trend consistent with rod motion;
  • 1-TI-68-670 indicates downward trend consistent with rod motion;
  • 1-TI-68-67A indicates downward trend consistent with rod motion;
  • 1-TI-68-67B indicates downward trend consistent with rod motion; T=20 CREW Respond in accordance with Alarm Response Procedures RO Diagnose failure and place rods in manual to stop rod motion SRO Enter and direct action of AOP-C.01 Section 2.1 SRO uses AOP-C-01, ROD CONTROL SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS, Section SRO 2.1, Uncontrolled Rod Bank Movement:

NOTE: Step 1 is an immediate action step.

1. STOP uncontrolled rod motion:

RO a. PLACE rod control in MAN.

b. CHECK rod motion STOPPED.

CAUTION: Control Rods should NOT be manually withdrawn during a plant transient.

2. CHECK for plant transient:


a. CHECK reactor power and T-avg STABLE.

RO 3. CHECK for instrumentation malfunction:

a. CHECK nuclear instrumentation OPERABLE.
c. CHECK turbine impulse pressure channels OPERABLE.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 2 Page 8 of 60

                                                    -     -
                                                                             ------------                        ~--~I
                                                                                                                 ~-~I Event DeSCription:             Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure)

Time Ti n . * '0* Position tt. Applicant's


Actions or Behavior (RNO Required) RNO: RO d. PERFORM the following:

1) PLACE Steam Dumps in Steam Pressure Mode USING O-SO 2, Steam Dump System.

O-SO-1-2 Section 8.2. Placing Steam Dump Controls in Pressure Mode is attached following this event guide.

2) DETERMINE Program T-avg for current reactor power USING Appendix A or ICS (Trend Menu, Program T-avg.)

Appendix A, Tavg/Tref And Pzr Level Program Values attached following this event guide RO e. CHECK Auctioneered T-avg OPERABLE USING TR-68-2B. RO 4. CHECK for inadvertent RCS dilution:

a. CHECK evidence of dilution INDICATED:
  • VCT level indication OR
  • T-avg rising unexplained with stable turbine load.
b. GO TO AOP-C.02, Uncontrolled RCS Boron Concentration Changes.

RO 5. CHECK for inadvertent boration flow:

a. CHECK evidence of boration flow INDICATED:
  • Batch counters flow indication OR
  • VCT level indication OR
  • T-avg dropping unexplained.
b. GO TO AOP-C.02, Uncontrolled RCS Boron Concentration Changes.

NOTE: When adjusting T-avg, reactivity changes should be accomplished by only one method at a time.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _ _ Event #

                                                 ....;.,4                   2               Page 9    of   60
                                                 ....;.--                                                ----.,



Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure) Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO 6. RESTORE T-avg to within 1.5°F of T-ref:

  • POSITION control rods OR
  • ADJUST turbine load OR
  • ADJUST RCS boron concentration USING 0-SO-62-7, Boron Concentration Control.

SRO 7. EVALUATE the following Tech SpecslTRM for applicability:

  •, Shutdown Margin - T-av9.

Greater than 200"'F

                                      .', Minimum Temperature for Criticality
  •, Movable Control Assemblies, Group Height
  •, Shutdown Rod Insertion Limit
  •, Control Rod insertion limits
  • 3.2, Power Distribution Limits (entire section)

SRO 8. CHECK cause of continuous rod motion IDENTIFIED. CREW 9. ENSURE Maintenance initiated as required. SRO 10. ENSURE Plant Management notified of failure.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _2________ _2;;.... _ _ _ _ _ Page 10

                                                - . .;;....-



Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure) -- Time Position i Applicant's Actions or Behavior

11. WHEN problem corrected AND automatic rod control is available, THEN CREW PERFORM the following:
a. ENSURE T-avg and T-ref matched vlithin 1°F.
h. PLACE control rods in AUTO USING O-S0-85-'j , Rod Control System.

SRO 12. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead Examiner may cue next event when stable plant conditions are achieved.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 2 _____

                                                                            ....;2~           Page   11    of   60
                                                   ~-- --                   ---------                         ....;..;~--11
                                                                                                              - ---II Event


Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure) SQN STEAM DUMP SYSTEM O-SO-1-2 Unit 1 &.2 Rev. 0012 P~ge 14of27 Page Unit._ __ Unit Date _ _ __

                               '---                                                                  ----

8.2 Placing Steam Dump Controls in Pressure Mode. CAUTION Placing steam dumps in service with water accumulated in header could result in severe water hammer. Monitoring and confirmation of normal Main Steam Dump Drain Tank operation by 0-GO-14-3 and 0-GO-14-4 performance provides assurance thattOO line does not contain sufficient water to produce a water hammer. PI PLACE [HS-1-103AJ Steam Dump A FSV handswitch to OFF. [2] PLACE [HS-1-103BJ Steam Dump B FSV handswitch to OFF. [3J PLACE fHS-1-103Dj Steam Dump Mode selector to STEAM PRESS. 0 [4} VERIFY JXI-1-1 03AJB] Steam Dumps Armed white light is LIT. 0 [5] IF [P1C-1-33] steam Dump Controller in MANUAL, THEN ENSURE demand is Zero on controller. o [61 SF [PIC-1-33] Steam Dump controller in AUTO, THEN ADJUST setpoint to obtain zero output (demand). o CAUTION If a demand signal is present on XI-1-33 Steam Dump demand and dumps are armed, then the dump valves will open when Steam Dump FSV handswitches are placed in ON position. [7] PLACE IHS-1-103A] Steam Dump A FSV handswitch to ON. [8] PLACE [HS-1-103B] Steam Dump B FSV handswitch to ON. [9} ADJUST [pfC-1-33J Steam DumpcontroUer to maintain desired steam pressure. 0 END OF TEXT

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 2 Page 12

                                                ~-  --                   -    ------



Auto Rod Motion Failure (Tref Computer failure) SQN ROD CONTROL SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS AOP-C.01 Rev. 20 APPENDlXA Page 1 of'l TavgJTref AND PZR LEVEL PROGRAM VALUES RXPOWER TavgJTref PZR LEVEL RXPOWER TavglTref PZRlEVEl 2% 547.15 25% 52% 563.2 43% 4% 5482 26% 54% 563.8 44% 13% 548.9 27% 56% 564.5 44% 8% 549.5 28% 58% 565.1 45% 10% 550.1 28% 50% 565.1 46% 12% 550.7 29% 52% 566.3 47% 14% 551.4 30% 64% 567.0 47% 16% 552.0 30% 66% 561.£; 48% 18% 552.6 31 % 68% 568.2 49% 20% 5532 32% 10% 568.8 49% 22% 553.9 32% 72% 569.5 50% 24% 554.5 33% 14% 570.1 51 % 26% 555.1 34% 76% 570.7 52% 28% 555.1 35% 78% 571.3 52% 30% 556.4 35% BO% 572.0 53% 32% 557.0 36% 82% 572.6 54% 34% 557.6 37% 84% 573.2 54%

                    .36%        558.2         37%                          86%     573.8        55%

33% 558.9 38% 88% 574.5 56% 40% 559.5 39% 00% 575.1 56% 42% 560.1 40% 92% 575.1 57% 44% 560.7 40% 94% 576.3 58% 46% 561.4 41 % 96% 577JJ 59% 43% 562.0 42% 98% 577.6 59% 50% 562.6 42% 100% 578.2 60%

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario #


_4~_ 4 Event # Event#


3 _ _ _ _ _ Page Feedwater Header Pressure Transmitter PT-3-1 fails low 13 of

                                                                                                          ----....,1 60
                                                                                                          ...;.;.-ooooll Time        II   Position                                Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 3 Indications available:

1-M-4 indications:

  • Feedwater flow dropping to all steam generators;
  • Level dropping in all steam generators; Annunciators:
  • XA-55-3C Window C-1 "PS-3-4 NO 1 FW HTR PRESSURE HI
  • D-7 "LS-3-107D STM GEN LOOP 4 LOW FW FLOW LOW WATER LEVEL" T= 30 Respond MCR indications and alarms according to Alarm Response CREW Procedures Diagnose failure.

BOP Refer to Annunciator Response Procedure SRO may use AOP-S.01, Loss Of Normal Feedwater Section 2.2, Loss of SRO Main Feedwater Pump Control NOTE: Step 1 is an IMMEDIATE ACTION. BOP 1. RESTORE feedwater pressure:

a. RESTORE feedwater pressure:
  • MFPT 1A(2A) & 1B(2B)

Speed Control OR

  • MFPT 1A(2A) Speed Controller OR
  • MFPT 1B{2B) Speed Controller
b. ADJUST speed on affected MFP(s) to restore feedwater pressure to BOP normal (-1040 psig psiQ atfull power).

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ....;..3 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ Page Page 14 14 of 60

                                                                                                            -  '----I Event


Feedwater Header Pressure Transmitter PT-3-1 fails low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 2. DETERMINE if MFP trip is needed:

a. CHECK BOTH MFWPs in service.
b. IF MFW pump trip is needed due to loss of speed control, THEN BOP PERFORM the following:
1) TRIP affected MFP.


2) GO' TO applicable section:

INITIAL CONDITIQoN SECTION 1 Above 76% Turbine Load 2.3 Below 76% Turbine Load 2.5 Above 77% T mbine Load 2.4 2 8elov" 77~,tJ Turbine Load 2.6 CAUTION: Feed flow transients may impact core thermal power. BOP 3. MAINTAIN steam generator level(s) on program. NOTE: Appendix C may be used to determine program feedwater DIP for current power.

4. MAINTAIN MFP discharge pressure on program USING ICS or available BOP control board indications.

CAUTION: Reactor operation at low power levels for extended periods may challenge reactivity control due to xenon changes.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


4 Event #


_3~ 3 _ _ _ _ _ Page 15 of



                                                                                                       -';"~--II Event


Feedwater Header Pressure Transmitter PT-3-1 fails low Time Posi' Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RO 5. CHECK Reactor power powergreater greater than 5%. CREW 6. INITIATE repairs on failed equipment. SRO 7. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead examiner may cue the next event when MFP Control is established in MANUAL and SG levels are controlled.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4.:...-._ Event # _4...:......_ _ _ _ _ Page 16 of 60

                                                    - -.;...-                                                      --"';;--\'
                                                                                                                   -  --\'



Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails high Ti Time II ition Position


Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 4 Indications available: Annunciators:

  • XA-55-6A Window C-5 "PS-68-340A PRESSURIZER HIGH PRESSURE" 1-M-5 indications:
  • RCS PZR PRESS 1-PI-68-340A pressure going up
  • RCS PZR PRESS Recorder 1-PR-68-340 pressure going up;
  • 1-XX-55-5, Reactor Trip Status Panel "PROT. SET 4 TROUBLE" Status light T=40 Respond MCR indications and alarms according to Alarm Response CREW Procedures Diagnose failure.

BOP Refer to Annunciator Response Procedure SRO may use AOP-1.04, PRESSURIZER INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL SRO MALFUNCTIONS Section 2.3, Pressurizer Pressure Instrument OR Controller Malfunction NOTE: Step 1 is an IMMEDIATE ACTION.

1. CHECK normal spray valves CLOSED.

RO (RNO Required) RNO: IF RCS pressure is less than 2260 psig, THEN CLOSE affected spray valve(s) USING the following: Evaluator Note: Acceptable action: either the Master Controller in MANUAL or BOTH individual Spray Controllers in MANUAL to close the Spray valves in the following following step.

  • PIC-SB-340A, Master Pressure Controller.


  • PZR Spray controllers PIC-68-340D (loop 1) and/or P!C-68-340B (loop 2.).

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4


Event # Event# _4~ _ _ _ _ _ Page _4.;....-_ 17 of

                                                                                                            --....,1 60
                                                                                                            --~I Event


Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

2. MONITOR pressurizer pressure stable or trending to desired pressure.

NOTE: Appendix L shows layout of PZR pressure control for operator reference.

3. CHECK PI-68-340A NORMAL RO Required)

(RNO RequiredJ RNO: RO PERFORM the following:

a. ENSURE PRESS CONTROL SELECTOR switch XS-68-340D in PT-68-334 & 323.
b. ENSURE LOOP TAVG !J.T REC/SEL selector switch XS-68-2B in LOOP 2, 3, or 4.
c. ENSURE PRESS REC CHANNEL SELECTOR XS-68-340B in PT-68-334, PT-68-323, or PT-68-322.
d. GO TO Caution prior to Step 8.

SRO Steps 4-7 are bypassed in Step 3 RNO CAUTION: RCS pressure changes and changes in RCS boron concentration (due to differences between Pzr and RCS boron) may cause small change in core reactivity. RO 8. MONITOR reactor power: eI. CHECK reactor in Mode 1 or 2.

b. MONITOR core thermal power for unexpected changes.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ....;..4_ _ _ _ _ _ Page 18 of

                                                                                                               ----......,1 60 Event


Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails high Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SRO 9. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:

  • 32.5 DNB Parameters
  • 3.3J.1 (3.3:1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
  • 3.32.1 (3.32), ESF Actuation System Instrumentation
  • 3.33.5 Remote Shutdown Instrumentation
  • 3.4.4 Pressurizer Heaters (may be applicable '/lhile heaters are unavailable due to instrument failure)
  • 3.2.5.b DNB Parameters Applies - restore the parameter (Pressurizer Pressure) w/i 2 hrs. or reduce to :S5% RTP w/i the next 4 hrs.


  • (3.3.1), Reactor Trip System Instrumentation Action 6 (From Table 3.3-1 Items 7,9,10) Applies - Trip inop Bistables w/i 6 hrs.


  • (3.3.2), Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation Action 17 (From Table 3.3-3 Item 1.d) Applies - Trip inop Bistables w/i 6 hrs.

Action 22.a (From Table 3.3-3 Item 8.a) Apply - Declare the interlock inoperable and verify that all affected channels of the functions listed are OPERABLE w/i 6 hrs. TS may be identified; SRO would dispatch an AUO to the Auxiliary Control Room to validate indications/controls affected. TS 3.4.4 would not be applicable here since the operator has manual control capability from the MCB.

10. CHECK PZR PRESS and PZR SPRAY controllers in AUTO.

RO (RNO Required) RNO: RO WHEN malfunction has been identified AND isolated or corrected, THEN PERFORM the following:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event #


4 Page 19 of 60

                                                                                                               -'----II Event


Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails high Tim Time ... Position II Applicant's Actions or Behavior

a. ENSURE Master pzr Pressure Controller PIC~340A Output Percent Meter is less than 40%.
b. ENSURE PZR PRESS Controller, PZR SPRAY controller, and PZR HTRS in AUTO.

NOTE: If performing AOP in conjunction with AOP-1.11 for an Eagle LCP failure, then actions to hard trip bistables should be delayed until Eagle system reset is attempted. Actions to hard trip bistables must be completed within 6 hours UNLESS affected loop is restored to operable status by resetting Eagle rack. SRO marks N/A RO 11. REMOVE failed pressurizer pressure channel from service:

a. CHECK any pressurizer pressure channel INOPERABLE.
b. CHECK OT~ T setpoint on affected channel NORMAL.

RO (RNO Required) RNO: RO

b. GO TO Substep 11.d.

RO d. IF any of the following conditions exists:

  • transmitter signal failed (entire instrument loop affected including OTLiT pressure input)


  • OTAT pressure input potentially affected or status CANNOT be determined, SRO THEN PERFORM applrcable appendix:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _ _ _ _ _ Page 20 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


4 _4..:....-_ Event # Event#


_4~4 Page of __ I

                                                                                                             --'-~--11 Event


Pressurizer Pressure Transmitter 1-PT-68-340 (Ch 1) fails high rTime Po-'" Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior PlR PRESSURE CHANNEL APPENDIX INSTRUMENT P-68-340 (P-455)  ! A P~68-334 (P-455) II B P-68-323 (P-457) III C P~8-322 (P-458) IV D SRO Directs Appendix A, P-68-340 to be performed. SRO 12. GO TO appropriate plant procedure. END OF SECTION Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Mana_ger). Lead examiner may cue the next event when Pzr Pressure control is returned to automatic and notifications identified.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # .....;;;..5 _5~ _____ ____ _ Page 21 of 60

                                                                                                       """;";'---11 Event


1B MFP Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 5 Indications available: Annunciators:

  • XA-55-2A Window B-1 "TURBINE RUNBACK BOP
  • XA-55-3B Window A-2 "TRIPPED"
    . 1-M-3 indications:
  • MFPT 1B SPEED 1-SI-46-20B shows decreasing RPM
  • MFPT 1B OUTLET PRESSURE 1-PI-3-S0A shows decreasing pressure
  • MFPT 1B OUTLET FLOW 1-FI-3-S4 shows decreasing flow T= 50 Respond MCR indications and alarms according to Alarm Response CREW Procedures Diagnose failure.

BOP Refer to Annunciator Response Procedures SRO may use AOP-S.01, Loss of Normal Feedwater Section 2.3, Unit 1 SRO Loss of One Main Feedwater Pump Above 76% Turbine Load BOP 1. VERIFY turbine runback to less than 72% load (-880 MWe). Evaluator Note: RO will be manually controlling Tave since Control Rods are in MANUAL from Event 2. referrinq to AOP-C.01, Appendix A. RO is expected to control Tave by referring RO 2. VERIFY control rods inserting automatically to match T-avg and T-ref. RNO: INSERT control rods USING manual rod control as necessary to bring T-avg to within 3°F of T-ref. Evaluator Note: BOP will be manually controlling MFP Speed since MFP Control is in MANUAL from Event 3. BOP 3. ENSURE running main feedwater pump FULLY LOADED:

  • Speed controller output at maximum. [M-3, SIC-46-20A or SIC 20B]


I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: Event


NRC Scenario # 1B MFP Trip


_4~_ 4 Event # Event# _5;;...-_ _5;...-_ _ _ _ _ Page 22 of of 60

                                                                                                        ~--u Time          Position                                   Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP         4. ENSURE AFW pumps started:
a. MDAFW Pumps RUNNING. [M-4]
b. TDAFW Pump RUNNING. [M-3]
c. TDAFW Pump LCVs OPEN. [M-3]
d. MDAFW Pump recirculation valves CLOSED: [M-4]
  • FCV-3-400
  • FCV..3-401
5. ENSURE affected Main Feedwater Pump Turbine Condenser isolation BOP valves CLOSED:
a. Condenser A
                                          . FCV-2~205,    Condensate Inlet
                                          .. FCV..2 ..21O, Condensate Outlet OR
b. Condenser B
  • FCV-2-211, Condensate Inlet
  • FCV-2-216, Condensate Outlet
6. ENSURE the following steam generator blowdown valves CLOSED BOP

[M-4]: rM-4]:

  • FCV-1-7
  • FCV-1 .. 14
  • FCV-1-25
  • FCV-1-32 Evaluator Note: BOP may request implementation of 'a' 'b' & 'd' parts of this step's RNO to null FRV controllers and stabilize MFPC following the FF/SF mismatch and SG Level transient.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4.;......._

                                                     -            Event #
                                                           - Event#             5 _ _ _ _ _ Page

_5~ 23 of

                                                                                                                 --.....,1 60
                                                                                                                 ~-......jl Event


18 MFP Trip Til IIII Posit"

                         ~           II                               Applicant's Actions or Behavior Time Evaluator Note: During the SG level transient, BOP may close the TDAFWP LCVs, with SRO concurrence, once ALL SG levels have recovered to levels greater than or equal to current program level values.

BOP 7. MONITOR steam generator levels returning to program level. RNO: BOP PERFORM the following:

a. IF any feed reg valve is in AUTO AND controller deviation is off-scale high with level above program, THEN PLACE affected feed reg valve controller(s) to MANUAL and back to AUTO to reset output.
b. IF manual control of MFWP speed or feed reg valve position is needed, THEN PERFORM the following as necessary:
  • ADJUST running MRNP speed OR
  • ADJUST main feed reg valve position.
c. IF reactor trip is imminent due to low S/G level, THEN TRIP the reactor and GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
d. IF necessary to prevent S/G overfill, THEN CLOSE Turbine Driven AFW LCVs. [M-3]
e. WHEN S/G levels are stable and on program, THEN EVALUATE placing MFWP speed controls and main feed reg valve controllers in AUTO.

NOTE: If LEFM thermal power (U2118) is inoperable, rod insertion limit curve must be raised by 3 steps. Rod insertion limit alarms and ICS display are NOT automatically adjusted adlusted when LEFM is inoperable. RO 8. MONITOR control rods above low-low insertion limit using ICS or COLR. Evaluator Note: Appendix A attached at the end of this event guide. RNO: INITIATE boration USING Appendix A. RO SRO EVALUATE Tech Spec LCO and

  •, CONTROL ROD INSERTION LIMITS Action A Applies - Restore w/i limits w/i 2 hrs., or reduce to less than or equal to that fraction of RATED THERMAL POWER which is allowed by the group position using the insertion limits specified in the COLR, or Ht Stby wli 6 hrs.


I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4:....-_

                                                  -   -     Event #

5 _ _ _ _ _ Page

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                                                                                                            -    --II Event


18 MFP Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  •, SHUTDOWN MARGIN - Tavg Greater Than 200°F Applies - immediately initiate and continue boration at ;::35 gpm until the SHUTDOWN MARGIN is restored (CB '0' Rods above the Lo-Lo RIL),

CREW 9. DISPATCH operator to investigate cause of main feedwater pump trip. CREW 10. ENSURE unit STABILIZED:

  • R.x Power STABLE.
  • SfG levels STABLE.
  • Tavg - Tref approximately matched_
  • Steam dump VGl.lves CLOSED NOTE: The load rejection circuit may require several minutes decay time before C-7 can be reset.
11. IF Steam Dumps are in Tavg Mode, THEN RESET Steam Dump Load BOP Rejection Signal:
a. PLACE HS-1-103A and 103B, Steam Dump Cootrol, in OFF.
b. PLACE HS-'1-103D, Steam Dump Control, in RESET and VERIFY spring return to TAVG.

[M'-4A, E-5]

d. ENSURE Steam Dump demand is ZERO.
e. PLACE HS-1-1 03A and 1038, Steam Dump Control, in ON.
12. RESTORE turbine control USING Appendix B, Turbine Runback BOP Restoration.

Evaluator Note: Appendix B attached at the end of this event guide.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _5"--_ _ _ _ _ Page Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event #


5 25 Event


18 MFP Trip Time D, .. Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior BOP 13. EVALUATE need to reduce number of running condensate pumps:

  • EVALUATE stopping one condensate booster pump USING ,t-SO-2J3-'l.
  • EVALUATE stopping condcOlld demin booster pumps USING 1-30-2/3-'.,

RO 14. EVALUATE need to borate to restore AFD USING 0-SO-62-7. NOTE To ensure unit is within capacity of one MFWP, the folloviing should be considered

                               \'men determining final power level:
  • Power should be reduced befollJ60% (if an cond booster pumps and heater drain tank pumps in service) or 55% (if two rond booster pumps in service).
  • Less than or equal to 90% controller output should be maintained on running MFWP
15. INITIATE turbine load reduction to reduce steam flow below capacity of SRO one MFWP USING 0-GO-5, Normal Power Operation.
16. WHEN turbine load has been reduced to below capacity of one MFWP, BOP THEN RESTORE the following systems to NORMAL:
  • Auxiliary Feedwater USING 1-S0-3-2.
  • Steam Generator Blmvdown USING 1' '}5-1, CREW 17. INITIATE repairs on failed equipment.

SRO 18. GO TO appropriate plant procedure.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 5 _ _ _ _ _ Page 26 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #




Event #


_5~ of



                                                                                                         ---II Event


1B MFP Trip Time Dosition Position ~"plicant's Actions or Behavior Applicant's END OF SECTION Evaluator Note: The following CREW Brief and Notification actions are not contained in the procedure. CREW Brief would typically be conducted for this event as time allows prior to the next event. Notifications should be addressed as applicable if not specifically addressed by the procedure or in the CREW brief. Operations Management - Typically Shift Manager. Maintenance Personnel - Typically Maintenance Shift Supervisor (MSS). (Note: Maintenance notification may be delegated to the Shift Manager). Lead examiner may cue the next event when Feedwater and Feed Pump control is stable and MT Control is reset.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 5 ____

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                                                                    .....;....-----                      ~--ll
                                                                                                         - -..oil Event


1B MFP Trip APPENDIX A IMMEDIATE BORATION TO RESTORE RODS ABOVE LOW-LOW ROD INSERTION LIMIT [1] IMMEDIATELY INITIATE Doration by performing the follO'wing: [a] PLACE SA transfer pump aligned to blender in FAST speed. o [b] ADJUST FCV-62-138 as necessary to estabLish Doration flow greater than or equal to 35 gpm from BAT (at least 6120 ppm). o [c11F required flow via FCV-62-138 CANNOT be established, THEN PERFORM one of the following:

  • INm.ATE normal Doration of greater than or equal to 35 gpm from BAT (at least 6120 ppm)

USING O-SO-62-7 Sect 6.4. o OR

  • INITtATE boration flow of greater than or equal to 90 gpm from RWST USING O-SO-62-7 Sect. 8.4. o

[d] WHEN control rads are above low-low insertion limit THEN REDUCE or STOP boration flow as required. o END

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 5 Page 28 of 60

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                                                                                                             -  --II Event


1B MFP Trip APPENDIX B TURBINE RUNBACK RESTORATION NOTE This appendix is iU'Sed to roolOVe turbine from valve position limiter prior to staning load reduction foltD'l.tJing a BOP runba~K. (1) Efl4SURE govemorval'.Jei.racking meter centered dose to ZERO. o [.2] DEPRESS rruRB MAN!UAL) mode sdecl:or pushbutton. o [3] VERIFY nURB MANUAU lamp LIT o [4] VERIFY reference and setter counters stalXlize. o [5] ENSURE goverflQr'ttalveb:acking meier centered dose to ZERO. o [6] DEPRESS rOPER AUTO] mode seledor pti$hbuffon. o [1] VERIFY raPER AUTO) lamp LIT. o [8] VERIFY reference and setter counters stabilize. o [9] IF VALVE POS LIMIT light is UT, THEN! REDUCE turbine road reference iU'Sing SETTER UNT~L VALVE POS UMIT light is DARK. o END OF TEXT

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # ---:..,4 4 __ Event# Event # 6 Page 29 of 60

                                                                                                                        - ---II Event


             #2 SG Tube Leakage IIII    ....Time

Position III Applicant's Actions or Behavior


I Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 6 Indications available: Annunciators:

  • XA-55-30 C-8, RA-421A, "MN STM LN HI RAD" Indications available:

Deviations Of unexpected imiic:ations on any of the foilowing may indicate a steam generator tube leak:

1. Charging HOIN rises to maintain Pressurizer leveL
2. Rise In makeup to VCT.
l. Rising activity on:
  • Condenser Vacuum Exhaust Radiation Monitor
  • SIG BlowdO'INo liquid Radiation Monnor
  • Main Steam Line Monitor
4. SIG sample results indicating greater than Of equal to 5 gallons per day (gpd) on any SlG.

T=60 Diagnose and respond MCR indications and alarms according to Alarm CREW Response Procedures. Evaluator Note: Initial SG tube leak size is =150 gpd and 1-RR-90-119, Condenser Off Gas Radiation Monitor reading would be =2290 cpm for that leak size; Turnover Chemistry Sheet gives leakrate values up to 75 gpd and R-90-119 equivalent readings. SRO may use AOP-R.01, Steam Generator Tube Leak 2.2, Secondary plant SRO radiation levels rising with stable charging flow and pressurizer level. [C.4] NOTE This section provides steps to monitor primary to secondary leakage and directs unit Shutdown if leakage limits are exceeded. Enny into this section is required when secondary radiation monitors indicate a rise in primary-lo-secondary leakage orOf When Chemistry determines S/G leak rate exceeds 5 gat per day (gpd). RO 1. MONITOR charging charQinQ flow and Pressurizer level STABLE.

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ~6_ _ _ _ _ Page

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                                                 ....;....-                                                  --
                                                                                                             -  ---
                                                                                                                  -II Event


          #2 SG Tube Leakage

Time Ti Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior RNO: SRO IF Charging flow rising OR Pressurizer level dropping due to S/G tube leak, THEN GO TO Section 2.1. SRO 2. EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix. SRO 3. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability: applicabilitv:

  •, Operational Leakage Action 'A' Applies - Prim-to sec leakage not w/i limits, Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs, Cld SO w/i the following 30 hrs.


  •, Secondary Coolant Activity Applies - When notified by chemistry, Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs. & Cld SO w/i the following 30 hrs.

NOTE Lower containment rad monitor count rate rising concurrenUy WITh secondary rnd monitors may indicate a sudden fuel defect, which could give a false indication of S/G tube leal<. Threshold values for correlating RM-90-99/1'19 count rate to S/G tube leakage must be recalculated if ReS activity has changed significantly. SRO 4. INITIATE sampling to confirm S/G leak:

a. CHECK lower containment rad monitor count rate STABLE or DROPPING.
b. PERFORM Appendix E, Chemistry Sampling Actions.

NOTE 1: Based on monitor sensitivity, condenser vacuum exhaust rad monitor (RM-90~99 or -119) is preferred indication for leak rate monitoring. Other secondary rad monitors (if available) and/or S/G sampling should be used for confirmation. Oonfirmation time should be kept to a minimum. NOTE 2: Radiation Monitor values (cpm) must be converted to a gallons per day (gpd) equivalency to determine leakrate. Correlation of RM-90-99/119 responses to Primary - Secondary leak rates and Ifmrrs are provided by Chern Lab on the daily turnover package.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _66 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Page 31 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


Event #

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                                                                                                                 ~--11 Event


           #2 SG Tube Leakage II   T111"<>

II Position IIII Applicant's Actions or Behavior II i NOTE 3: steady State conditions << 10% power change per hour) are required to accurately correlate cpm readings \'lAth gpd leakage. BOP 5. MONITOR primary-to-secondary leak rate ... Evaluator Note: Appendix B, Summary Of Action Levels For SG Tube Leak is attached following this event guide. At this step SRO transitions to Section 2.1 based on RO recognizing SG leakage is affecting charging/pressurizer level control and BOP recognizing effects on FRV positioning. Section 2.1 High Secondary Radiation AND Pressurizer level dropping OR Charging flow rising RO 1. MONITOR if Pressurizer level can be maintained:

a. CONTROL charging flow USING FCV-62-93 and FCV-62-89 as necessary to maintain Pzr level on program.
a. RNO: IF charging isolated and available, THEN ESTABLISH Charging as necessary USING EA-62-5, Establishing Normal Charging and Letdown.
b. MONITOR pressurizer level STABLE or RISING.
b. RNO:

PERFORM the following: 1 ) ENSURE letdown isolated:

  • FCV-62-72 CLOSED
  • FCV-62-73 CLOSED
  • FCV-62-74 CLOSED
2) IF Pzr level continues to drop, THEN START additional CCP as necessary.

IF Pzr level CANNOT be maintained greater than 5% OR loss of Pzr level is imminent, THEN PERFORM the following:

1) TRIP the reactor.
2) WHEN reactor is tripped, THEN INITIATE Safety Injection.
3) GO TO E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event #


6 Page 32 of 60

                                                                                                             ~-~I Event


          #2 SG Tube Leakage II   Time        II   P Position                                   Applicant's Actions or Behavior II    I I I I "" II Evaluator Note:          SRO/RO may decide to raise charging flow -10 gpm above the current normal to assist in determining leak size, ability to maintain Pzr level and potential EPIP-1 EAL classification conditions.

NOTE 1 Appendix F or G can be used to estimate leak rate. NOTE 2 If ~etdown was isolated in Step 1, the leak rate may have exceeded the capacity of one CCP in the norma! charging alignment (EAL 1.2.2P). SRO 2. EVALUATE EPIP-1, Emergency Plan Classification Matrix. RO 3. MONITOR VCT level:

  • MAINTAIN VCT level greater than 13%

USING auto or manual makeup

  • CHECK VCT makeup capability adequate to maintain level.

BOP 4. MONITOR indications of leaking S/G:

a. NOTIFY Chern Lab to evaluate Primary to Secondary Leakage USING 1(2)-SI-CEM-068-137 .5:
                                             . Method 1, Rapid Identification of Leaking Steam Generators
                                             . Method 3, Condenser Vacuum Exhaust (eVE) Sampling for Determination of Primary-to-Secondary (PIS) Leakage.
b. NOTIFY RADCON to monitor Turbine Buifding and site environment
                                               . Steam lines
                                               . S/G blowdown

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4 Event # Event# 6 Page 33 of 60

                                                                                                            ---- ---iil Event


         #2 SG Tube Leakage Time IL!ime        L     Position                                   Applicant's Actions or Behavior C. IDENTIFY leaking SfG(s)

USING any of the following:

  • Unexpected rise in any SiG narrow range level OR
  • S/G sample results OR
  • RADCON survey of main steamlines and S/G blowdown lines OR
  • High radiation on any main steamline radiation monitor.

SRO 5. EVALUATE the following Tech Specs for applicability:

  •, Operational leakage
  •, Secondary Coolant Activity
  •, Operational Leakage Action A Applies - Prim-to sec leakage not w/i limits, Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs, Cld SO w/i the following 30 hrs.


  •, Secondary Coolant Activity Applies - When notified by chemistry, Ht Stby w/i 6 hrs. & Cld SO w/i the following 30 hrs.

Lead Evaluator Note: At the Lead Examiner direction, the leak will increase to approximately 200 gpm resulting in the reactor trip demand/decision by crew NOTE Initiating shutdown required by Tech Specs requires 4 hour NRC notification per SPP-3.5, Regulatory Reporting Requirements.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 OpTest No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4 Event # Event# _6;......._ _ _ _ _ Page _6;.",..,, 34 of of 60 _6;;.,;;0_-11

                                                                                                            --';;';;'--11 Event


         #2 SG Tube Leakage II   Time             Position                                   Applicant's Actions or Behavior

_I SRO 6. INITIATE rapid shutdown by performing the following:

a. ANNOUNCE S/G tube leak on PA system.
b. PERfORM rapid shutdown USING AOP-C.03 WHILE continuing in this section.
c. ENSURE power reduced to less than 50% within one hOUL
d. ENSURE unit in Mode 3 within the following 2 hours.

BOP 7. MINIMIZE Spread of contamination:

a. IF tube leak identified on S/G #1 AND S/G #4 is intact, THEN PERFORM the following:
2) CLOSE FCV-1-15 TDAFWP steam supply from SIG #1.
3) ENSURE FCV-1-16 TDAFWP steam supply from S/G #4 OPEN.
b. PERFORM EA-O-3, Minimizing SRO Secondary Plant Contamination.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                  - 4

Event #

                                                                          ' - - - - - - Page 35    of   60
                                                                                                          ~--ll Event


        #2 SG Tube Leakage II   Time            Position P                                           Applicant's Actions or Behavior
c. IF S/G blowdown is aligned to the river, SRO THEN TERMINATE SlG Blowdown to riveL
1) ENSURE S/G blowdown flow control FCV-15-43 CLOSED.
2) DISPATCH operator to perform EA-15-1, Realigning S/G Blowdown to Cond 01.
3) WHEN EA-'15-1 completed, THEN ADJUST FCV-15-43 to establish desired blowdown flow.

CREW d. NOTIFY Chem Lab to determine release rate for condenser vacuum exhaust USING O-SI-CEM-030-41S.0 and O-SI-CEM-030-407.2.

e. NOTIFY Chern Lab to evaluate rerouting steam generator sample drain lines to FOCT USING O-TI-CEM-OOO-016.4.

BOP f. WHEN notified by Chemistry to bypass Condensate 01, THEN DISPATCH AUG to bypass polishers on affected unit

  • Unit 1 Only:

PLACE 1-HS-14-3, Condensate Polisher Bypass Valve to OPEN. [Cond 01 Bldg]

  • Unit 2 Only:

PLACE 2-HS-14-3, Condensate Polisher Bypass Valve to OPEN. [Cond 01 Bldg]

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4..;...._ Event Event## ...;;.,6 _6,;....__ __ ____ _ Page __ 36 of 60

                                                  ...;..--                                                     "';;"~--II
                                                                                                               "';"~--II Event


         #2 SG Tube Leakage II   Time             n.

Position Applicant's A ' Actions A O. or Behavior " III

g. EVALUATE Appendix C, Contingency SRO Plan for Control and Processing of Large Volumes of Contaminated Water [C.S].

RO 8. CHECK reactor trip breakers OPEN. Evaluator Note: at or before this point, the crew would have tripped the unit and transitioned to E*O, Rx Trip or 51 Actuation.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                            - 4

Event # _6;;..... 6 _ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                   ------                       37     of
                                                                                                          . . 60. . .-....,1
                                                                                                          ---ll Event


       #2 SG Tube Leakage AOP-R.01 SQN                        STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAK Rev. 26 APPENDIXB Page 1 of4


OF ACTION LEVELS FOR SG TUBE LEAK NOTE 1 Leakage should be qualitatively confirmed by wm independent rad monitors (if available) trending in the same direction prior to shutdown_ Confirmation of precise leak rate is not important. Confirmation time should be kept to a minimum. If in Action Level 3 and NO additional rad monitor is available. then plant shutdown should be initiated based upon a single rad monitor. NOTE 2 Leak rate limits do not apply to temporary spikes which are fonowed by a drops to below the limit NOTES Leakage action levels apply to leak rate from a single giG. If unable to determine leakage from Individual giGs, total leakage should be assumed to be coming from one giG. NOTE 4 Steady state conditions << 10% power change per hour) are required to accurately correlate cpm readings with gpo leakage. OPERATING CONDITION ACTIONS ACTION LEVEL 3: 1. Reduce power to less than Of equal to 50% power within one hour and be in Mode 3 within the next 2

  • Leak rate in anyone SG is hours (total of 3 hrs).

greater than or equal to 75 gpo

2. Monitor radiation monitor readings every 15 min and perform Appendix A.
3. COordinate wlth Chemistry to idenufy leaking SG, quantify leakage and determine leakage rate-of-change.
4. Initiate actions to minimize spread of contamination_

S. Evaluate need for additional resources in the following areas: Operations, ChemiStry, Radcon, Radeon, water processing, makeup water.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4 Event # Event# _6;;......-_ _6~ _ _ _ _ _ Page 38 of 60

                                             ~-                                                             --
                                                                                                             = "-
                                                                                                                "-"li l Event


        #2 SG Tube Leakage AOP-R.01 SQN                          STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAK Rev. 26 APPENDIXB Page 2 of4


OF ACTION LEVELS FOR SG TUBE LEAK NOTE Leakage should be qualitativefy confirmed by two independent fad monitors trending in the same direction prIor to shutdown. Confirmation of precise leal< rate is not important Confirmation time should be kept to a minimum. OPERATING CONDITION ACTIONS ACTION LEVEL 2: 1. If Action Level 2 criteria is met with RM..:90-99 or RM-90-119 available, then place unit in ModeS

  • Leak rate in anyone SG is WIThin 24 hours.

greater than or equa1 to 50 gpd (sustained for greater than one hour) 2. If Action Level 2 criteria is met based upon but less than 75gpd. sample resufi:s with RM-90-99 and RM-90-119 NOT available, then place unit in Mode 3 wIThin S hours.

3. Monitor avaiiable radiation monitor readings every 15 min and perform Appendix A
4. Coordinate with Chemistry to identify leaking SG and quantify leakage.
5. Make preparations for plant shutdown.

S. Initiate actions to minimize spread of contamination.

7. Evaluate need for additional resources in the follovll'ing areas: operations. ChemiStry, Radcon, water processing, makeup water.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _6;;...-. _6.;;..-._ _ _ _ _ Page 39 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


4 Event # of 60

                                                                                                             ~~----ll Event


        #2 SG Tube Leakage AOP-R.01 SQN                     STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAK Rev. 26 APPENDlXB Page 30f4


OF ACTION LEVELS FOR SG TUBE LEAK NOTE If unable to detemline leakage from individual S/Gs, total leakage should be assumed to be coming from one SIG. OPERATING CONDITION ACTIONS ACTION LEVEL 1: i. If RM-SO-99 and RM-9o...119 are NOT available AND sample results show unstable leak rate or teak rate greater than or equal to 30 gpd increasing trend, then el1sure unit is placed rn but less than 50 gpd (sustained) Mode 3 within 24 hours and go to Action level 2. in any S/G.

2. Ensure Chemistry has raised frequency of grab sample monitoring to identify leaking SG and quantify leakage as specified by 'l,2-SI-CEM-068-
3. When leak rates are stable for at least one hOUf (less than or equal to 10% rise over one hour),

reset rad monitor setpoints to above their existing baseline reading using O-SI-CEM-090-100.0. Cond 'lac exhaust fad monitor setpoint shan not exceed equivalent leak rate of 75 gpd to pemlit detection of rapidly rising leak rate.

4. Monitor radiation monitor readings every 15 min and perform Appendix A. If the leak rates are stable (fess than Of equal to 10% rise during 24 hrs), monitoring frequency can be relaxed as specified in Sect. 2.2 of this procedure.
5. Evaluate potential for spread of contamination in secondary plant and initiate actions to contain as required.
6. Review applicable procedures to be utilized by Operations, Chemistry, and Radcan in case leak deteriorates (e.g. E-3, AOP-R01 Sect. 2.1, etc).
7. Make preparations for plant cooldowfL

Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4.;..._


Event # 6 Page 40 of






          #2 SG Tube Leakage AOP-R.01 SQN                         STEAM GENERATOR TUBE LEAK Rev. 26 APPENDIX B Page4of4


OF ACTION LEVELS FOR SG TUBE LEAK NOTE ff unable to determine !eakage from individual S/Gs, total leakage should be assumed to be coming from one S/G. OPERATING CONDITION ACTIONS INCREASED MONITORING:

1. If RM-BO-99 and RM-90-119 are NOT availab~e .AND Leak rate is greater than or equal to sample results show unstable leak rate or increasing 5 gpd but less than sO gpd. trend, then ensure unit is placed in Mode 3 within 24 hours and go to Action Level 2.
2. Coordinate with Chemistry and MIG 10 adjust condenser vacuum exhaust and S/G blowdown rad monitor setpornts using O-Sl-CEM-090-100.0 to provide prompt indication of leakage rise.

Adjusted setpoint shall not exceed sOgpd equivalent. S. Coordinate with chemistry to identify leaking steam generator and verify leak rate.

4. Ensure any out-at-service leakage moni1oring equipment is returned to service as soon as practical.
5. Establish more frequent grab sample monitoring on secondary activity as specified by 1,2-SI-CEM-068-137.5.
6. Monitor radiation monitor indications using App. A.
7. Trend leak rates and report trends to plant management END OF TEXT

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4


Event # Event# _7;..:.,....;.8 _7.....:.,..;.8_ _ _ _ _ Page 41 of 60

                                                                                                                   .....;..;~---ll Event


           #2 SGTR Tim Time..      II    Position     II                             Applicant's Actions or Behaviors Booth Instructor: When directed, initiate Event 7 Indications available:


  • LOOP #2 FEEDWATER MAIN REG VALVE indicator shows a lower feed flow that steam flow; 1-M-4:
  • LOOP #2 FF indicators showing lower flow than SF for a constant power level.
  • RCS Pzr LEVEL Chs, 1-Ll-68-339A, 335A & 320 going down slowly initially; 1-M-5:
  • RCS PZR LEVEL 1-LR-68-339 shows Pzr level trending down initially.
  • 1-PR-68-69, RCS LOOP 1 HL WIDE RANGE PRESS indicator trending down.
  • CHARGING HDR FLOW 1FI-62-93A indicating above normal flow to maintain Pzr level on program.


  • 1-PI-68-66A, HL Pressure LOOP 3 indicator trending down.
  • 1-PI-68-62, RCS HL Press WR indicator trending down.
  • 1-PI-68-69, RCS HL Press WR indicator trending down.

T= 70 Direct manual reactor trip and SI actuation and crew to perform IOAs of E-G, US Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Evaluator Note: following lOA performance, prior to Steps 1-4 immediate action verification, RO/SOP surveys MCSs for any expected automatic system response that failed to occur. Upon discovery, they may take manual action(s) to align plant systems as expected for the event in progress. [Ref. EPM-4, Prudent Operator Actions, (POAs)] Evaluator Note: the following POA is allowed by EPM-4 and may be performed following E-G IOAs:

  • Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Level Control Valves may be closed to preclude a SG overfill condition provided that the requirements for secondary heat sink are satisfied.

E-O, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Note 1 Steps 1 through 4 are immediate action steps Note 2 This procedure has a foldout page

1. VERIFY reactor TRIPPED:
  • Reactor trip breakers OPEN RO
  • Reactor trip bypass breakers DISCONNECTED or OPEN
  • Neutron flux DROPPING
  • Rod bottom lights LIT
  • Rod position indicators less than or equal to 12 steps.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _7:.!,....::8_ _ _ _ _ Page _6;.,;;0 60_ _ Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event #

                                                                      -7,8 --'------              42    of
                                                                                                           -----II  11 Event


        #2 SGTR Ti Time        II Position                                 Applicant's Actions or Behaviors
2. VERIFY turbine TRIPPED:


  • Turbine stop valves CLOSED.

BOP 3. VERIFY at least one train of shutdown boards ENERGIZED.

  • Attempt to restore power to at least ONE train of shutdown boards
  • Place DG 1A-A control switch in START
  • Verify Train A Shutdown Boards ENERGIZED
4. DETERMINE if SI actuated:


  • ECCS pumps RUNNING.
  • Any SI alarm LIT [M-4D] (SI will be actuated)
5. PERFORM ES-0.5, Equipment Verifications WHILE continuing in this BOP procedure. [ES-0.5 is attached at the end,]

Evaluator Note: RO/BOP may perform the POA stated above to isolate AFW to the affected SG, once at least 1 of 4 SGs is >10% NR for heat sink concerns.

6. DETERMINE if secondary heat sink available:
a. CHECK total AFW flow greater than 440 gpm.
b. CHECK narrow range level greater than 10% [25 ADV] in at least one RO S/G.
c. CONTROL feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 10%

[25% ADV] and 50% in all S/Gs.

7. CHECK if main steam lines should be isolated:
a. CHECK if any of the following conditions have occurred:
  • Any S/G pressure less than 600 psig OR RO
  • Any S/G pressure dropping UNCONTROLLED.


  • Phase B actuation
b. ENSURE MSIVs and MSIV bypass valves CLOSED.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _7;.:.,...;;.8_ _ _ _ _ Page _7..:..,..;..8 43 of 60

                                                   -..;;.......-                                                    -=--11
                                                                                                                    --=--11 Event DeSCription:            #2 SGTR Time        L  ...... :~'

Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

c. ENSURE applicable Foldout Page actions COMPLETED.
8. CHECK RCP trip criteria:
a. CHECK the following:


  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig .


  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING
9. MONITOR RCS temperatures:
  • IF any RCP running, THEN CHECK T-avg stable at or trending between 54rF and 552°F.


  • IF RCPs stopped, THEN CHECK T-cold stable or trending to between 54rF and 552°F.
10. CHECK pressurizer PORVs, safeties, and spray valves:
a. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED.
b. Pressurizer safety valves CLOSED.


c. Normal spray valves CLOSED.
d. Power to at least one block valve AVAILABLE.
e. At least one block valve OPEN.
11. CHECK S/G secondary pressure boundaries INTACT:


  • All S/G pressures CONTROLLED or RISING
  • All S/G pressures greater than 140 psig .

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _7;..:.,...;;.8_ _ _ _ _ Page _7....:.,_8 44 of 60

                                                 ~-  -                                                        --';;";'--11
                                                                                                              --"";'--11 Event


          #2 SGTR Ti .........

Time Position ion Applicant's Actions or Behaviors CHECK S/G tubes INTACT:

a. CHECK all S/G narrow range levels CONTROLLED or DROPPING.

RO b. Secondary radiation NORMAL USING Appendix A, Secondary Rad Monitors. (App. A performed in ES-0.5). (RNO Required) RNO: IF any S/G has level rising in an uncontrolled manner OR has high radiation, THEN PERFORM the following: IF any SfG has level rising in an uncontrolled manner OR has high radiation, THEN PERFORM the following: a.

8. MONITOR status trees.
b. GO TO E-3., Steam Generator Rupture..

Tube Rupture


E-3, Steam Generator Tube Rupture. NOTE This procedure has a foldout page. RO 1. MONITOR at least one RCP RUNNING RO 2. MONITOR RCP trip criteria:

a. CHECK the following:
  • RCS pressure less than 1250 psig AND
  • At least one CCP OR SI pump RUNNING .


I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _7;..:.,....;.8 7,8_ _ _ _ _ Page 45 of 60

                                              ....;.--              ---"~----                        --';;';;'-~I
                                                                                                     --';";;'-~I Event


        #2 SGTR Time Ti             Position    I                          Applicant's Actions or Behaviors BOP          3. MONITOR NOTE indications of Ruptured S/G(s):
  • Unexpected rise in any S/G narrow range level.


  • High radiation from ally S/G sample.


  • RAOCON survey of main steam lines and S/G blowdown lines.


                                           .. High radiation on any main steam line radiation monitor.

Evaluator Note: Step #3 RNO following should is included for information; the ruptured SG should have been identified earlier. Step 3 RNO: SRO a. WHEN Ruptured S/G(s) identified. THEN PERFORM Steps 4 through 8. GOTO Step 9.


CAUTION Isolating both steam supplies to the TD AFW pump when it is the only source o*ffeed flow will result In loss of secondary heat sink.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _7:....:.,..:...8 _7....:..'...;;..8_ _ _ _ Page 46 of 60

                                                                                                               """;";--11 Event


         #2 SGTR Ti Time           -Position    II                           Applicant's Actions or Behaviors BOP           4. ISOLATE flow from Ruptured S/G(s):
a. ADJUST Ruptured S/G(s}

atmospheric relief controller setpoint to 87% in AUTO. (1040 psig)

b. CHECK Ruptured S/G(5) atmospheric relief hand switch in P-AUTO and velve{s) CLOSED.
c. CLOSE TO AFW pump steam supply from Ruptured SIG FCV-1 ..15 (S/G #1) or FCV-1-16 (S/<3 #4).

G. CLOSE Ruptured SIG(s) MSIV and MSlV bypass valve. CAUTION Feeding a S/G that is Faulted and Ruptured increases the potential far an uncontrolled ReS cooldown and S/G overfill. This option should NOT be considered UNLESS needed for R.CS cooldown. BOP 55. MONITOR Ruptured S/G(s) level:

a. CHECK narrow range level greater than 10% (25% ADY}.
b. WHEN ruptured S/G level is greater than 10% [25% ADVl.

THEN PERFORM the following:

1) STOP feed flow to ruptured SIG.
2) ENSURE Turbine Driven PJ=W Lev for ruptured SlG in CLOSE PULL TO lOCK.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event #

                                                                       ......... _---- Page

_7:....:..,..;..8 7,8 _ _ _ _ 47 of 60

                                                                                                                        -=-~I Event


        #2 SGTR Time Ti             Position Po                                        Applicant's Actions or Behaviors BOP         6. VERIFY Ruptured SIG     S/G ISOLATED form Intact S/G(s):       S/G15):

e;. CHECK either of the following condttiohS SATISfiED:

  • Rupturoo SfG MSIVs and MSiV bypass valves CLOSED OR
  • MSIV(s) and MSIV bypass valve(s)

CLOSED on intact SJG(s) to be used for ReS cooldown, b, CHECK S/G #1 or S/G #4 ruprured_ BOP (RNO Required) RNO:

b. GO TO Step 7
7. CHECK Ruptured S/G pressure BOP greater than 550 psig (Unit 1)

Of 425 psig (Unit 2). NOTE

  • Blocking low steamline pressure 81 as soon as pressurizer pressure is less than 1960 psig will prevent an inadvertent MSIV closure and keep t~e condenser available for steam dump.
  • After the low steamline pressure Sl signa' is blocked, mainsteamllne isoSation will occur if the high steam pre5Stlre presStlre rate setpolnt is exceeded.
                                  . The 1250 pslg Rep trip criterion is NOT appliCable after Res coofdown is initiated In the following step.

BOP 8. INITIATERCS cooldown:

a. DETERMINE target core exit TIC temperature based on Ruptured S/G pressure:

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4 Event # Event# _7;"':"..;;.,8_ _ _ _ Page _7;":"'..;..8 48 of 60

                                                                                                               - --il Event


        #2 SGTR II Time        1 Position Po                                      Applicant's Actions or Behaviors Lowest Ruptured                            Target Core Exit S/G pressure                                  TIC Temp (C).'F) 1100 or greater                                 497 1050 .. 1099                                 492 1000*~  1049                                 486 950- 999                                    480 900~ 949                                    473 850-899                                     467 800-849                                     460 750-799                                     453 700 .. 749                                  445 650- 699                                    437 600  ~649                                   428 550- 599                                    419 500-549                                     410 450-499                                     399 425 .. 449                                  393 BOP          8,     p, WHEN ReS pressure less than 1960 pslg, THEN PERFORM the following:

1} SLOCK low steam line pressure SI.



I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 1_ Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                                -    Event #

7,8 * .;;..8_ _ _ _ Page 49 of of ...,;6~O_-I1 60

                                                                                                                       ~--II Event


        #2 SGTR rTime          Position                             Applicant's Actions .......

A CI""h.,.,,; ........, or Behaviors C. DUMP steam to condenser from Intact SlG(s) at maximum achievable rate:

1) CHECK condenser available:
                                                .. C-9 condenser interlock permissive LIT. fM-4A. Ee]
  • Intact S/G MSlVs OPEN,
2) PLACE steam dumps in OFF.
3) ENSURE steam dumps in steam pressure mode with demand less than 25%.
4) PLACE steam dumps in ON.

S) ADJUST steam dump demand to FUllY OPEN three cooldown valves.

5) WHENT-avg is less than 540°F.

THEN BYPASS steam dump interlock.

7) RAISE AFW flow to intact S/Gs as necessary to support cooldown.
d. WHEN core exit TICs less than target temperature determined in Substap a.a, THEN PERFORM the fulfow1ng:
1) CLOSE steam dumps or S/G atmospheric reliefs to stop cooldown.

1 Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4


Event # _7...:.,....;..8_ _ _ _ _ Page

                                                                     -7,8  --'------

50 of

                                                                                                             --...,1 60
                                                                                                             ~-""I Event


        #2 SGTR

Time Position



                                                            .0.1            Actions or Behaviors
2) REDUCE AFW flow as necessary to stop cooldown.

MAINTAIN total feed flow greater than 440 gpm UNTlL level greater than 10% [25% AOV] in at least one Intact SJG.

3) MAINTAIN core exit TICs less than target tern peratu ra USING steam dumps or atmospheric reliefs.
9. MAINTA1N intact S/G narrow range BOP levels:

B. Greater than 10% [25% ADV]

b. Between 20% {2,5% ADV] and 50%.
10. MONITOR pressurizer PORVs RO and block va!ves~
8. Power to blOCK valves AVAILABLE
b. Pressurizer PORVs CLOSED
c. At least one block valve OPEN.

RO 11. RESET SI signal.

12. MONITOR AC busses energized BOP from start busses.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #


4 Event #


7,8 .;.,.8_ _ _ _ Page 51 of 60

                                                                                                            ------II Event


        #2 SGTR Time Ti II Position on                                  Applicant's Actions or Behaviors i

RO 13. ENSURE Phase A and Phase B RESET.

14. CHECK control air established RO to containment: [Pane) 61{ and eLl
  • 1-FCv..32..~m (2..FCV..32~81)

Train A essential air OPEN

  • 1-FCV-32-102 (2..FCV-32-10J}

Train B essential air OPEN

                                         .. 1-FCV-32-110 (2-FCV-32..111) non-essential air OPEN.
15. DETERMINE if RHR pumps RO should be stopped:
a. CHECK RHR pump suction aligned from RWST.
b. CHECK Res pressure gre.9ter than 300 psig.
c. STOP RHR pumps and PLACE in A-AUTO.
d. MONITOR ReS pressure greater than 300 psig *.
16. CHECK jf ReS cooldown should be stopped:
a. CHECK core exit TICs RO less than target temperature determined in Substep a.a.


b. CLOSE steam dumps or atmospheric st~ cooldown.

reliefs to stop

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _7;":"' 7,8 ..;;,..8_ _ _ _ Page 52 of 60

                                                                    ---:.....;....-----                  --..,;;.--u
                                                                                                         - --\1 Event


        #2 SGTR Ti Time           Po

Position Applicant's Actions or Behaviors c, REDUCE AFW flow as necessary BOP to stop cooldown.

d. MAINTAIN core exit TICs BOP less than target temperature USING steam dumps or atmospl1eric reliefs.
17. CHECK Rupiured S/G(s) pressure BOP STABLE or RISING,
                                  '18. CHECK ReS subcooling based on core RO exit TICs greater than 6O"F.
19. DEPRESSURIZE ReS to minimize break RO flow and to refill pressuli4er;
a. CHECK normal pressurizer spray AVAILABLE.

b_ INITIATE maximum available RO pressurizer spray. ROI c. CHECK depressurization rate ADEQUATE. SRO

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 _7_.,_8 7,8 _ _ _ _ _ Page 53 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #

                                             - 4

Event #

                                                                   --------                        of   60
                                                                                                      ~-~I Event


        #2 SGTR Ti Time           Position                              ApBlicant's Applicant's Actions or Behaviors Evaluator Note: Critical Task is to depressurize the RCS to meet SI termination criteria prior to affected SG overfill.

When the crew meets one of the three depressurization criteria and Pzr Spray and/or PORV valves are closed, critical task conditions are met. Critical d. CONTINUE depressurization Task RO UNTIL any of the following conditions SATISFIED:

  • Both of the following:
1) RCS pressure tess than Ruptured 8/0(5) pressure AND
2) Pressurizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV}.


  • Pressurizer level greater than 65%.


  • Res subcooling based on core exU TICs less than 40'GF.
e. CLOSE spray valve{s):


1) Normal spray valves, 2} Auxiliary spray valves.
1. GO TO Caution prior to Step 22.


I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ Event# _7.:....:.,...:.8_ _ _ _ _ Page _7....:.,....;.8 54 of 60

                                                                                                             ~--II Event


      #2 SGTR Ti Time           -         II                          Applicant's Actions or Behaviors CAUTION      ;;   Depressurizing the RCS using a pr&:ssuri%er PORV may cause PRT rupture with resulting abnormal containment conditions.
                                 .. Excessive cycling of a pressurizer PORV increases the potential for PORV failure.

NOTE Upper head voiding may occur during ReS depressurization if no Reps are running. This may result in rapldly rising pressurizer level. 20, DePRESSURiZE Res RO USING one pressurizer PORV to minimize break flow and to refill rtzer:

6. CHECK at Ie-a,st one pressurizer PORV AVAlLABLE
b. OPEN one pressurizer PORV RO UNTil anyofthe following conditions SATiSFIED:
  • Both of the following:


1) ReS pressure less than Ruptured S/0(8) pressure AND
2) Pressu rizer level greater than 10% [20% ADV].


  • Pressurizer level greater than 65%.


  • RCS subcootlng based on core exit TICs less than 40"F.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario #



                                                    -   Event #

_7..:"...;.8 7,8 _ _ _ _ _ Page 55 of 60

                                                                                                       -  --\\



        #2 SGTR Time        I  Position                                 Applicant's Actions or Behaviors RO                   c. CLOSE pressurizer PORV.

RO d. CLOSE spray valve(s):

1) Normal spray valves
2) Auxiliary spray valves.


c. STOP any unloaded diesel generators and PLACE in standby SRO USING EA-82-1, Ptacing DIGs in Standby.

RO 21. CHECK Res pressure RtSING. CAUTION Any delay in termlnatingS' after termination criterIa are met may cau$e Ruptured S/G(s) overfill.

                                  .22. CHECK if ECCS flow RO should be terminated:
2. ReS subcooling based on core exit TiCs greater than 40<OF.

BOP b. Secondary heat sink:

  • Narrow range level in at Eeast one Intact BIG greater than 10% [25% ADV]


I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-O-2 OpTest No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # ....,;7;..:.., _7"':"'.;;,.8 ,;;..8_ _ _ _ Page 56 of 60

                                                                                                          - --II Event


      #2 SGTR Time Ti             Posi' P

II Applicant's Actions or Behaviors

  • Total feed now to S/Gs greater than 440 gpm AVAILABLE.

RO c. ReS pressure STABLE or RISING,

d. Pressurizer level greater than 10% (20% ADV].

RO 23. STOP the following ECCS pumps;

s. STOP Sl pump.'3 and PLACE tn A~AUTO.
b. CHECK offsite power supplyIng shutdown boards.
c. STOP all BUT one CCP and PLACE in A-AUTO.


a. CLOSE inlet isolation varves FCV..63--39 and FCV-6340,
b. CLOSE outlet isolation valves FCV-63-26 and FCV-63-25.

END Lead Examiner: Scenario may be terminated when the CCPIT is isolated.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 _4..:....-_

                                                 - .;....-

Event # ES-0.5 Page 57 of 60

                                                                                                              - --il
                                                                                                              ~-""'I Event


Equipment Verifications, ES-O.5 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Equipment Verifications, ES-O.5

1. CHECK ERCW system operation:


  • VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING.
  • VERIFY DIG ERCW supplv supply valves OPEN.

BOP 2. VERIFY at least four ERCW pumps RUNNING



  • Pump 1A-A (2A-A)
  • Pump 1B-B (2B-B)
  • Pump C-S.

BOp* 4. VERIFY EGTS fans RUNNING. BOP 5. VERIFY generator breakers OPEN.



  • MDAFW pumps
  • TDAFW pump.

NOTE AFW level control valves should NOT be repositioned if manual action has been taken to control S/G levels, to establish flow due to failure, or to isolate a faulted S/G.

I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # 4 Event # _E;;.;S;...-0.;.;..5~ ES-0.5 _ _ _ Page 58 of 60

                                                ~- -                 -    -"'-----                       --"';'-~I
                                                                                                         - --ii Event


Equipment Verifications, ES-O.5 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior Evaluator Note: #1 SG MDAFW Level Control Valve Fails Open; the crew will need to decide how control

                    #1 SG to prevent overfill.
7. CHECK AFW valve alignment:


c. VERIFY MD AFW pump recirculation valves FCV-3-400 and FCV 401 CLOSED.

VERIFY MFW Isolation:

  • MFW regulating valves CLOSED
  • MFW regulating bypass valve controller outputs ZERO
  • MFW isolation valves CLOSED
  • MFW flow ZERO.


  • CCPs
  • RHR pumps
  • SI pumps VERIFY CCP flow through CCPIT.


  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 1500 psig.
  • VERIFY SI pump flow.
  • CHECK RCS pressure less than 300 psig.
  • VERIFY RHR pump flow.


  • Phase A ACTUATED:


I Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4.:....-.._ _4-=---_ Event# Event # -=.;ES;;;,.-.::,;0' .;;.5_ _ _ _ Page _E;;,;S;;;,.-.::;.:0.:.::;.5 59 of 60

                                                                                                                          ~-~i Event


Equipment Verifications, ES-O.S Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • Containment Ventilation Isolation ACTUATED:


  • Status monitor panels:

o 6C DARK o 6D DARK o 6E LIT OUTSIDE outlined area o 6H DARK o 6J LIT.

  • Train A status panel 6K:


  • Train B status panel 6L:

0 CNTMT VENT GREEN 0 PHASE A GREEN MONITOR containment spray NOT required: BOP

  • Containment pressure less than 2.81 psig
  • Ensure Containment Spray is actuated VERIFY pocket sump pumps STOPPED: [M-15, upper left corner]


  • HS-77-410, Rx Bldg Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump A
  • HS-77-411, Rx Bldg BldQ Aux Floor and Equipment Drain Sump pump B.

DISPATCH personnel to perform EA-O-1, Equipment Checks Following BOP ESF Actuation. Evaluator Note: BOP completes ES-O.S including Appendices A & B and reports completion (including any discrepancies and actions taken, Le.: manual Auxiliary Feedwater LeV control per ES-O.S Step 7) to SRO.

I Appendix 0 Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op Test No.: NRC Scenario # _4~_ 4


Event Event## ~E;;;.;S;;...-0;.;..5~ _E;;.,;S;.,.-0,;;.;..5.;.......-_ ___ Page 60 of

                                                                                                                             --...,1 60
                                                                                                                             ~-~I Event


Equipment Verifications, ES-O.5 Time II ... ..

                       ... sition   II Applicant's Actions or Behavior END (ES-O.5, EQUIPMENT VERIFICATIONS)


1. CHECK following rad monitors including available trends prior to BOP isolation:
  • Condenser exhaust recorder RR-90-119
  • S/G blowdown recorder RR-90-120
  • Main steam line rad monitors
  • Post-Accident Main Steam Line rad recorder RR-90-268B points 3 (blue), 4 (violet), 5 (black), and 6 (brown).

[M-31 (back of M-30)]

2. IF secondary radiation is HIGH, THEN ENSURE Unit Supervisor notified.


1. CHECK following rad monitors:


  • Upper containment high range rad monitors RM-90-271 and RM-90-272 NORMAL [M-30]
  • Lower containment high range rad monitors RM-90-273 and RM-90-274 NORMAL [M-30]
  • Containment rad recorders RR-90-112 and RR-90-106 NORMAL

[M-12] (prior to isolation).

2. IF secondary radiation is HIGH, BOP THEN ENSURE Unit Supervisor notified.



1 1002 ESG-4 Rx Spd~ .xlS' DELTA REACTOR POWER ASSUMED INSERTEDEXPECTECOELTA RHC BORON DELTA ECOMMEN RECOMME IODINE TIME POWER DEFECT RODHT WORTH XENON BORON CONC PPM DILUTION BORATIOl\ CONC (hrs) (%) (pcm) (steps) (pcm) (pcm) (pcm) (ppm) (ppm) (gal) {gal) (% eq) 0 100.0 1682.7 216.0 -26.9 -2683.0 1123.0 100.0 1 92.0 1543.6 198.0 -126.5 -2700.0 -22.6 1126.5 3.5 0 40 99.6 2 92.0 1542.1 200.0 -114.0 -2724.9 10.9 1124.8 -1.7 97 0 98.9 3 100.0 1681.9 212.0 -43.2 -2724.3 68.4 1114.2 -10.7 617 0 98.6 4 100.0 1686.9 215.0 -31.0 -2708.5 -22.9 1117.7 3.6 0 40 98.7 5 100.0 1685.2 215.0 -31.0 -2697.2 -13.1 1119.8 2.0 0 23 98.8 6 100.0 1684.3 215.0 -31.0 -2689.0 -9.1 1121.2 1.4 0 16 99.0 7 100.0 1683.6 215.0 -31.0 -2683.4 -6.3 1122.2 1.0 0 11 99.1 8 100.0 1683.1 215.0 -31.0 -2679.6 -4.3 1122.8 0.7 0 8 99.2 9 100.0 1682.8 215.0 -31.0 -2677.2 -2.8 1123.3 0.4 0 5 99.2 10 100.0 1682.6 215.0 -31.0 -2675.7 -1.6 1123.5 0.3 0 3 99.3 11 100.0 1682.5 215.0 -31.0 -2675.0 -0.8 1123.6 0.1 0 1 99.4 12 100.0 1682.4 215.0 -31.0 -2674.9 -0.2 1123.7 0.0 0 0 99.4 13 100.0 1682.4 215.0 -31.0 -2675.1 0.2 1123.7 0.0 2 0 99.5 14 100.0 1682.4 215.0 -31.0 -2675.5 0.5 1123.6 -0.1 4 0 99.5 15 100.0 1682.4 215.0 -31.0 -2676.1 0.7 1123.5 -0.1 6 0 99.6 16 100.0 1682.5 215.0 -31.0 -2676.8 0.8 1123.4 -0.1 7 0 99.6 17 100.0 1682.6 215.0 -31.0 -2677.6 0.8 1123.2 -0.1 7 0 99.7 18 100.0 1682.6 215.0 -31.0 -2678.4 0.9 1123.1 -0.1 8 0 99.7


19 100.0 1682.7 215.0 -31.0 -2679.2 0.9 1123.0 -0.1 ' 8 0 99.7 20 100.0 1682.7 215.0 -31.0 -2680.0 0.8 1122.8 -0.1 7 0 99.8 ~MWD/MTU ~MWD/MTU Hold Tavg = Tref +/- 1.5F Total 714 147 ~BATppm 6740 BAT ppm Small hourly borationldilution boration/dilution volumes may be accumulated for larger single additions Reason for Maneuver Periodic MT Valve Testing Date Toda~ Today RxEng Name Peabod~ J Peabody Comments None For Training ONLY Page 1 of 1 Initial License Training

1002 ESG-4 Page 1 of 5 APPENmxc Time: Now Date: Today Unit 1 MCR Checklist Mode 1, 100% Power NRC phone Authentication Code PSA Risk: Green Grid Risk: Green ReS Leakage ID .14 gpm, UNID .05 gpm Until 0800 A12B After 0800 C34D

  • Reduce power for 1-PI-OPS-047-002.0, STEAM INLET VALVE TESTING (Crew Briefing is complete; support personnel standing by)

Review Operating Log since last held shift or 3 whichever is less TACF Immediate required reading

1002 ESG-4 Page 2 of 5 APPENDIXC Time: Now Date: Today

1002 ESG-4 Page 40f 5 - UNIT ONE REACTIVITY BRIEF Date: Today Time: Now RCS Boron: 1093 ppm Today 1I BA Controller Setpoint: 27%

  • I RCS B-10 Depletion: 7 ppm Operable BAT: A I BAT A Boron: 6850ppm I BAT C Boron: 6850ppm I RWST Boron: 2601 ppm Nominal Gallons per rod step from 219: 7 gallons of acid, 36 gallons of water
  • Venfy bonc aCid flow controller is Verify boric IS set at Adjusted SA Controller Setting iaw law 0-SO-62-7 section 5.1 Gallons of acid: 26 Gallons of water: 138 Rod Steps: 4 Power reduction amount Estimated Final Rod Position Estimated boron addition 10% 198 Steps on bank D 101 gallons 30% 174 Steps on bank D 295 gallons 50% 152 Steps on bank D 485 gallons
 ** These values are approximations and not intended nor expected to be exact. The values may be superseded by Rx Engineering or SO-62-7 calculated values. These values are calculated assuming 100% steady state power operation only. Engineering data last updated one week ago. Data Valid until one week from now.

Number of dilutions: 0*** Number of borations: 0 Rod steps in: 0 Gallons per dilution: 0 Gallons per boration: 0 Rod steps out: 0 Total amount diluted: 0 Total amount borated: 0 Net change: 0 IN/Out Number of dilutions: 0

  • Number of borations: 0
  • Rod steps in: 0
  • Gallons per dilution: 0
  • Gallons per boration: 0
  • Rod steps out: 0
  • Total expected dilution: 0
  • Total expected boration: 0
  • Net change: 0 In/Out Remarks:
  • During Plant power reduction, Per RE Reactivity Spreadsheet Rx Power - 100% MWD/MTU - 1000 Xenon & Samarium at Equilibrium
                ***The boron letdown curve is flat for the next 25 EFPD.

Next Unit 1 Flux Map is scheduled - three weeks from now Unit 1 M-P is 0 PPM Unit Supervisor: _ _ _ _ _ _---:=::--:-__ _ __ __ __ __ ___ Name/Date

1002 ESG-4 Page 5 of 5 Operations Chemistry Information Sample Point Units Boron Date / Time Goal Limit U1 RCS ppm 1093 Today / Now Variable Variable U2RCS ppm 648 Today / Now Variable Variable U1 RWST ppm 2601 Today / Now 2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 U2 RWST ppm 2569 Today / Now *2550 - 2650 2500 - 2700 BAT A ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable BATB ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable BATC ppm 6850 Today / Now Variable Variable U1 CLA#1 ppm 2556 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #2 ppm 2575 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #3 ppm 2591 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U1 CLA #4 ppm 2589 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#1 ppm 2531 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#2 ppm 2650 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#3 ppm 2522 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 U2 CLA#4 ppm 2526 Today / Now 2470-2630 2400-2700 Spent Fuel Pool ppm 2547 Today / Now ~2050 ~2000 U1 RCS Lithium U2 RCS Lithium ppm Today / Now 2.18-2.48 2.33 Indicator Units U1 Date / Time U2 Date/Time SI 50 S/G Leakage? Yes/No No Today / Now No Today / Now S1137.5 CVE Leakrate gpd < 0.1 Today / Now < 0.1 Today / Now 5 gpd leak equivalent cpm 115 Today / Now 111 Today / Now 30 gpd leak equivalent cpm 492 Today / Now 464 Today / Now 50 gpd leak equivalent cpm 793 Today / Now 747 Today / Now 75 gpd leak equivalent cpm 1170 Today / Now 1100 Today / Now CVE Air Inleakage cfm 10 Today 1 Now 12.5 Today 1 Now Bkgd on 99/119 cpm 50 Today / Now 40 Today 1 Now Correction Factor 99/119 cpm/gpd 15 Today / Now 14.13 Today / Now}}