MONTHYEARML20046A6841993-07-23023 July 1993 Special Rept 93-10:on 930619,penetration Marks 20 & 1287 Were Breached to Route Electrical Sensor Cables Into Unit 1 Annulus Area & to Route Instrument Cables Into ABGTS Room. Roving Fire Watch Established ML20045G6391993-07-0707 July 1993 Special Rept 93-11:on 930624,portion of Fire Header in Auxiliary Bldg Removed from Svc as Result of Maint Activities & Water Flooded Penetration Room.Fire Suppression Sys Declared Inoperable & LCO Entered ML20043B6641990-05-29029 May 1990 Special Rept 90-09:on 900515,condenser Vacuum Exhaust Vent mid-range Noble Gas Monitor 2-RM-90-405 Inoperable for More than 7 Days.Caused by Damaged/Degraded Detector Cable.New Cable Expected to Be Installed by 900608 ML20042E8581990-05-0101 May 1990 Special Rept 90-07:on 900411,inoperability of Fire Detection Instrumentation for Fire Zones 134,135,142,143,144 & 145 on Elevation 714 of Auxiliary Bldg.Continuous Fire Watch Established for Affected Zones ML20012A0111990-03-0101 March 1990 Special Rept 90-03:on 900121,trouble Alarm on Fire Protection Panel O-L-630 Observed.Caused by Malfunction of Fire Detector in Fire Zone 353 Located in Lower Compartment of Unit 2 Containment.Work Request Initiated ML19325F2721989-11-13013 November 1989 Special Rept 89-13:on 891028,upper & Lower containment,high- range,post-accident Radiation Monitors Declared Inoperable. Caused by Channel Calibr Surveillance Interval Being Exceeded.Alternative Method to Monitor Bldg Provided ML20028G6431983-02-0909 February 1983 RO-83-01:on 821214,diesel Generator 2B-B Tripped on Differential Overcurrent.On 821216,diesel Generator 2B-B Started But Failed to Exceed 2,000-volt Output.On 821219, Diesel Generator 1B-B Leaked Oil from Tee Fitting ML20040G7811982-02-0909 February 1982 Ro:On 820128,sample Collected on Svc Bldg Sump Discharge Exceeded Limitations of NPDES Permit TN0026450.Caused by Failure to Clean Sump Routinely Due to Plant Workload.Sump Cleaned ML19323H0611980-05-0202 May 1980 Ro:On 800427,2-inch Containment Spray Test Lines Analyzed Using Incorrect Outside Diameter for Pipe Resulting in Analytical Model Being More Rigid than Actual Pipe.Caused by Error in Input Not Found During Checking ML19276E6681979-01-30030 January 1979 Telcon Rept:Dynalco Type Rt 2429 Relay Tachometers Purchased About 1971 Have Failed on One Unit 1 & Two Unit 2 Diesel Generators.Zener Diodes in Power Supply Have Shown Evidence of Overheating Prior to Failure 1993-07-07
[Table view] Category:LER)
MONTHYEARML20046A6841993-07-23023 July 1993 Special Rept 93-10:on 930619,penetration Marks 20 & 1287 Were Breached to Route Electrical Sensor Cables Into Unit 1 Annulus Area & to Route Instrument Cables Into ABGTS Room. Roving Fire Watch Established ML20045G6391993-07-0707 July 1993 Special Rept 93-11:on 930624,portion of Fire Header in Auxiliary Bldg Removed from Svc as Result of Maint Activities & Water Flooded Penetration Room.Fire Suppression Sys Declared Inoperable & LCO Entered ML20043B6641990-05-29029 May 1990 Special Rept 90-09:on 900515,condenser Vacuum Exhaust Vent mid-range Noble Gas Monitor 2-RM-90-405 Inoperable for More than 7 Days.Caused by Damaged/Degraded Detector Cable.New Cable Expected to Be Installed by 900608 ML20042E8581990-05-0101 May 1990 Special Rept 90-07:on 900411,inoperability of Fire Detection Instrumentation for Fire Zones 134,135,142,143,144 & 145 on Elevation 714 of Auxiliary Bldg.Continuous Fire Watch Established for Affected Zones ML20012A0111990-03-0101 March 1990 Special Rept 90-03:on 900121,trouble Alarm on Fire Protection Panel O-L-630 Observed.Caused by Malfunction of Fire Detector in Fire Zone 353 Located in Lower Compartment of Unit 2 Containment.Work Request Initiated ML19325F2721989-11-13013 November 1989 Special Rept 89-13:on 891028,upper & Lower containment,high- range,post-accident Radiation Monitors Declared Inoperable. Caused by Channel Calibr Surveillance Interval Being Exceeded.Alternative Method to Monitor Bldg Provided ML20028G6431983-02-0909 February 1983 RO-83-01:on 821214,diesel Generator 2B-B Tripped on Differential Overcurrent.On 821216,diesel Generator 2B-B Started But Failed to Exceed 2,000-volt Output.On 821219, Diesel Generator 1B-B Leaked Oil from Tee Fitting ML20040G7811982-02-0909 February 1982 Ro:On 820128,sample Collected on Svc Bldg Sump Discharge Exceeded Limitations of NPDES Permit TN0026450.Caused by Failure to Clean Sump Routinely Due to Plant Workload.Sump Cleaned ML19323H0611980-05-0202 May 1980 Ro:On 800427,2-inch Containment Spray Test Lines Analyzed Using Incorrect Outside Diameter for Pipe Resulting in Analytical Model Being More Rigid than Actual Pipe.Caused by Error in Input Not Found During Checking ML19276E6681979-01-30030 January 1979 Telcon Rept:Dynalco Type Rt 2429 Relay Tachometers Purchased About 1971 Have Failed on One Unit 1 & Two Unit 2 Diesel Generators.Zener Diodes in Power Supply Have Shown Evidence of Overheating Prior to Failure 1993-07-07
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEAR05000327/LER-1999-002-03, :on 990916,EDG Started as Result of Cable Being Damaged During Installation of Thermo-Lag for Kaowool Upgrade Project.Caused by Inadequate pre-job Briefing. Involved Individuals Were Counseled on Event1999-10-15015 October 1999
- on 990916,EDG Started as Result of Cable Being Damaged During Installation of Thermo-Lag for Kaowool Upgrade Project.Caused by Inadequate pre-job Briefing. Involved Individuals Were Counseled on Event
ML20217D2721999-10-12012 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 248 & 239 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20217B3651999-10-0606 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 247 & 238 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20212J6311999-10-0101 October 1999 SER Accepting Request for Relief from ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section Xi,Requirements for Certain Inservice Insp at Plant,Unit 1 ML20217G3721999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20212F4761999-09-23023 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 246 & 237 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20212F0831999-09-23023 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Relief from Certain Weld Insp at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(ii) for Second 10-year ISI Interval ML20212C4761999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20212A1841999-08-25025 August 1999 Errata Pages for Rev 0 of WCAP-15224, Analysis of Capsule Y from TVA Sequoyah Unit 1 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program ML20210L4361999-08-0202 August 1999 Cycle 9 12-Month SG Insp Rept ML20210L4451999-07-31031 July 1999 Unit-2 Cycle 10 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Rept ML20216E3781999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20210G6631999-07-28028 July 1999 Cycle 9 90-Day ISI Summary Rept ML20209H3831999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20196H8621999-06-30030 June 1999 NRC Regulatory Assessment & Oversight Pilot Program, Performance Indicator Data, June 1999 Rept ML20211F9031999-06-30030 June 1999 Cycle 9 Refueling Outage ML20196J8521999-06-28028 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Proposed Alternative to Use Iqis for Radiography Examinations as Provided for in ASME Section III,1992 Edition with 1993 Addenda,Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) ML20195K2951999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000327/LER-1998-003-01, :on 981109,Vital Inverter 1-IV Tripped.Caused by Failed Oscillator Board with Bad Solder Joint,Attributed to Mfg Defect.Replaced Component & Returned Inverter to Operable Status1999-05-27027 May 1999
- on 981109,Vital Inverter 1-IV Tripped.Caused by Failed Oscillator Board with Bad Solder Joint,Attributed to Mfg Defect.Replaced Component & Returned Inverter to Operable Status
05000327/LER-1999-001-04, :on 990415,exceedance of AOT Occurred Due to Failure of Centrifugal Charging Pump.Rotating Element Was Replaced,Testing Was Completed & Pump Was Returned to Svc1999-05-11011 May 1999
- on 990415,exceedance of AOT Occurred Due to Failure of Centrifugal Charging Pump.Rotating Element Was Replaced,Testing Was Completed & Pump Was Returned to Svc
ML20206Q8951999-05-0505 May 1999 Rev 0 to L36 990415 802, COLR for Sequoyah Unit 2 Cycle 10 ML20206G3751999-05-0404 May 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 244 & 235 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20206R5031999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for April 1999 for Sequoyah Units 1 & 2.With ML20205N0361999-04-12012 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 234 to License DPR-79 ML20205P9811999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20204E8211999-03-16016 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 243 & 233 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20205B6631999-02-28028 February 1999 Underground Storage Tank (Ust) Permanent Closure Rept, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Security Backup DG Ust Sys ML20204C3111999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20203H7381999-02-18018 February 1999 Safety Evaluation of Topical Rept BAW-2328, Blended U Lead Test Assembly Design Rept. Rept Acceptable Subj to Listed Conditions ML20206U4331999-02-0909 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 242 & 232 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20211A2021999-01-31031 January 1999 Non-proprietary TR WCAP-15129, Depth-Based SG Tube Repair Criteria for Axial PWSCC Dented TSP Intersections ML20198S7301998-12-31031 December 1998 Cycle 10 Voltage-Based Repair Criteria 90-Day Rept ML20199G3641998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000327/LER-1998-004-02, :on 981120,failure to Perform Surveillance within Required Time Interval,Was Determined.Caused by Leaking Vent Valve.Engineering Personnel Evaluated Alternative Methods for Performing Channel Check1998-12-21021 December 1998
- on 981120,failure to Perform Surveillance within Required Time Interval,Was Determined.Caused by Leaking Vent Valve.Engineering Personnel Evaluated Alternative Methods for Performing Channel Check
ML20198C0211998-12-16016 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 241 & 231 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively 05000327/LER-1998-003-04, :on 981109,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Component in Bridge Circuit of Vital Inverter Failed.Inverter Bridge Circuit Replaced1998-12-0909 December 1998
- on 981109,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred. Caused by Component in Bridge Circuit of Vital Inverter Failed.Inverter Bridge Circuit Replaced
ML20197J5621998-12-0303 December 1998 Unit 1 Cycle 9 90-Day ISI Summary Rept ML20197K1161998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With ML20196C4091998-11-19019 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 238 & 228 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20196B0231998-11-19019 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 239 & 229 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20195G3271998-11-17017 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 237 & 227 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively 05000328/LER-1998-002-05, :on 981016,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Generator Lockout.Mod Being Evaluated to Physically Isolate Relays from Vibration of Transformers & Adding Two of Two Logic for Actuation of Sudden Pressure1998-11-10010 November 1998
- on 981016,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Generator Lockout.Mod Being Evaluated to Physically Isolate Relays from Vibration of Transformers & Adding Two of Two Logic for Actuation of Sudden Pressure
ML20195F8061998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20154H6091998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2.With 05000328/LER-1998-001-05, :on 980827,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Failure of Sudden Pressure Relay on B Phase Main Transformer.Control Room Operators Responded & Removed,Inspected & Replaced Failed Relays1998-09-28028 September 1998
- on 980827,turbine Trip Occurred Followed by Reactor Trip.Caused by Failure of Sudden Pressure Relay on B Phase Main Transformer.Control Room Operators Responded & Removed,Inspected & Replaced Failed Relays
ML20154H6251998-09-17017 September 1998 Rev 0 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Unit 1 Cycle 10 Colr ML20153B0881998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.With ML20238F2961998-08-28028 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 235 & 225 to Licenses DPR-77 & DPR-79,respectively ML20239A0631998-08-27027 August 1998 SER Accepting Licensee Response to GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves, for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2 05000327/LER-1998-002-03, :on 980716,inadequate Surveillance Testing Was Discovered.Caused by Misinterpretation of ANSI Standard. Revised Appropriate Procedures to Provide Required Guidance1998-08-14014 August 1998
- on 980716,inadequate Surveillance Testing Was Discovered.Caused by Misinterpretation of ANSI Standard. Revised Appropriate Procedures to Provide Required Guidance
[Table view] |
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CH ATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE 37401 SN 157B Lookt,ut Place 00T 171989 :
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Doc.Jment Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Gentlemen:
- REPORT 89 APPENDIX R The enclose.1 special report provides details concerning noncompliance with requirements of Unit 2 License Condition Section 2.C.13.c of the Unit 2 Facility Operating License. The noncompliance conditions are appilcable to i both Units 1 and 2. These conditions are reported in accordance with License Condition 2.H.
- If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please telephone -
M. A. Cooper at (615) 843-6651.
Very truly yours, TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY I/h cq ,
Mahageh,NuclearLicensingand '
Regulatory Affairs fnclosure L cc (Enclosure): '
l Ms. S. C. Black, Assistant Director I i'or Projects TVA Projects Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852 Mr. B. A. Wilson, Assistant Director for Inspection Programs TVA Projects Division U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Atlanta, Georgia 30323 l
NRC Resident Inspector Sequoyah Nuclear Plant 2600 Ioou Ferry Road Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37379 d
r I\
891024018e 891017 An Equal Opportunity Employer
PDR ADOCM 05000327 l S PNV
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e Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 i
14-Day.Folicw-up Rep (.t Special Report 89-11 p Description of Condition
< 1 This special report addresses the requirements of Unit 2 License Condition
, Section 2.C.13.c of the Unit 2 Facility Operating License regarding ,
10 CFR 50, Appendix R. These conditions are reported in accordance with
- License Condition 2.H and are applicable to both Units 1 and 2.
Condition Adverse to Quality Report (CAQR) SQP890532 was issued on October 3, 1989, documenting a noncompliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R, Section III.G.2 requirements. .
Section III.G.2 requires redundant safety shutdown components to be separated from each other by one of the following methods. .
- 1. Separation of cables and equipment and associated nonsafety circuiti of ';
redundant trains by a fire barrier having a three-hour rating.
- 2. Separation of cables and equipment and associated nonsafety circuits of redundant trains by a horizontal disttnce oi more than 20 feet with no intervening combustible.or fire hazards. In addition, fire d$tectors and an automatic fire suppression system shall be installed in the fire area.
- 3. Enclosure of cables and equipment and associated nonsafety circuits of one redJndant train in a fire barrier having a one-hour rating. In addition, fire detectcrs and an automatic fire suppression system shall be installed in the fire area.
Contrary to Section III.G.2, electrical Cables IPV16I, IPV135II, 2PV161, and 2nV1351! required to supply 120-volt alternating current vital power for t reactor coolant system (RCS) hot and cold leg temperature loor; do not meet the separation requirements. The RCS temperature loops are 1 and 2-T-68-1,
- -18, -24, -41, -43, -60, -65, and -83, which feed the main control room RCS temperature recorders. During the root cause investigation, an additional ,
interaction was identified on October 6, 1989. The additional interaction involved electrical Cables IPM4633, 2PM4633, IPV161, IPV13511, 2t"/161, and 2PV135II, involving the three RCS pressure instrument Loops 1 and 2-P-68-342,
-69, and -66. These instrument loops are identified in TVA's calculation identifying equipment required for safe shutdown in accordance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix R.
The RCS temperature loop interactions for Unit 1 are located between the Q-line wall and R-line from Column Aa to A5 on Elevation 714.0 in the auxiliary building (Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Figure 1.2.3-4).
The Unit 2 interactions are located between the Q-line wall and R-line from Column A4 to A12 on Elevation 714.0 in the auxiliary building. The RCS
< pressure interaction for Unit 1 is located between the Q-line wall and S-line from Column A3 to A5 on Elevation 714.0 in the cuxiliary building (FSAR, Figure 1.2.3-4). The Unit 2 interaction is located between the Q-line wall and R-line from Column All to A13 on Eleve. tion 714.0 in the auxiliary building. These areos are provided with fire detection and an automatic fire suppression system. Additionally, these areas are and have been included in the existing hourly roving fire watches.
r- .
, . 4 s ,
This condition was identified during a review of a postaccident monitoring upgrade modification Involving the same circuits. " e design change was being
reviewed for its impact on the Appendix R analysis Mcause the instrument loops involved were required for safe shutdown in the event cf a fire. During this review, it was determined that the power supplies to the ra-ks had not been identified or sutecquently traced for potential cable interactions.
Cause of Condition The root cause of this event has been attributed to an inadequate design review in the specific area of power suppliec to main control room recorders required for safe shutdown. There was a breakdown in the issuance of the electrical block diagram calculations in that al'. the required power supply cables were not properly identified and evaluated. The original calculation was based on the engineering judgement that only one power supply was required for the instrument loops in question. When the powe" iupply to a recorder was identified and its availability confirmed, a further review was not considered necessary to ensure that the instrument .ack power supply was also guaranteed. The incorrect engineering judgement was not documented. The '
procedure used by Nuclear Engineering at the time required an independent review to be performed; however, the review was not adequate.
Analysis of Condition As a result of the identified interactions, there are no plant systems or components considered inoperable or incapable of performing their function.
koving (one-hour) fire watches had already been established for the auxiliary building areas as a result of previously identified Appendix R deficiencies. :
The roving fire watches, coupled with the existing fire detection and suppression system, provide assurance that a fire in these areas will be identified and apprnpriate corrective action taken to ensure safe operation.
Therefore, there are no Puclear safety implications as a result of this problem.
Corrective Actions As a result of the reviews of the main control room Apnendix R recorders and indicators, it has been determined that this condition is limited at this time to the main control room recorders. However, TVA is continuing to evaluate the potential gener'c implications in follow-up to the CAQR.
In accordance with limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.7.12 on fire carriers and an NRC letter to TVA dated August 10, 1984, roving fire watches are in effect for the affected areas. These fire watches will continue until the Appendix R requirements are met.
The interactions ider cified will be corrected by the end of the Cycle 4 refueling outage for the respective units. Additionally, the documentation problems associated with the electrical block diagrams and the Appendix R sketch (ARSK) drawings shculd be corrected in this same timeframe. As an interim corrective accion, the as-designed ARSK drawings have been annotated identifying the interactions.
m r
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- The present Nuclear Engineering procedures now include a requirement that engineering judgements be documented in the body of the calculation.
Therefore, if the decision'to include only one power supply had been documented with the basis of the calculation, thero is a greater likelihood that the error would have been caught. Based on changes to the procedures, no further action is required.
Additional Inform tlon Additional Appendix R interactions have been identified in Docket No. 50-3E7, Facility Operating License DPR-77, Special Report 88-14, Appendix R, and 1 -Docket No. 50-328, facility Operating License DPR-79, Special Report 84-08, Appendix R.
Commitments I;
- 1. The interactions identified will ce corrected by the end of the Cycle 4 ,
refueling outage for the respective units. t
- 2. Additionally, the docunentation problems associated with the electrical block diagrams and the /,RSK drawings will be corrected by the end of the Cycle 4 refueling outage for the respective units.
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