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Tech Spec Change Request 13 Supporting Licensee Request to Change DPR-50,App a Re Waste Gas Vent Header System. Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/1975
From: Arnold R
Shared Package
ML19210A637 List:
NUDOCS 7910300672
Download: ML19210A641 (9)


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METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY JERSEY CENTRAL POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY AND PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRIC COMPANY THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 uperating License No. DFR-30 Docket No. 50-289 Technical Spa:ification Change Request No. 13 This Technical Specification Change Request is submitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Operating License No. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear S tation Unit 1.


Vice President-Generation Sworn and subscribed to me this /3 day of , 1975 7

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METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY PO3T OFFICE BOX 542 RE ADING, PENNSYLVANI A 19603 TELEPHONE 215 - 929-3601 June 13,1975 GQL llh8 Mr. Charles P. Hoy, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Dauphin County P.O. Box 1295 Harrieburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Dear Mr. Hoy:


Enclosed please find one copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 13 to Appendix A of the Operating License for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1.

This request was filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on June 13, 1975.

Very truly yours ,

/s/ R. C. Arnold R. C. Arnold Vice President RCA:RSB:pa File 20.1.1/7. 1492 263






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l METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY suss:caavoice.vepavusuc inunesconroaanon TELEPHONE 215 - 929 3601 POST OFFICE BOX 542 REAOf NG, PENNSYLVANIA 19603 June 13, 1975 GQL 11h7 Mr. Weldon B. Archart, Chairman Board of Supervisors of Londonderry Township R.D. #1 Geyers Church Road Middletown, Pa. 17057

Dear Mr. Arehart:

Enclosed please find one copy of Technical Specification Change Request No. 13 to Appendix A of the Operating License for Ihree Mile Island Nuclear Station Lhit 1.

This request was filed with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Cocmission on June 13,1975.

Very truly yours,

/s/ R. C. Arnc1d R. C. Arnold Vice President RCA:RSB:tas File: 20.1.1 /


1492 264


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UNITED STATES OF AMERICA U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION IN l'4E MATTER OF DOCKET NO. 50-289 OPERATING LICENSE NO. DPR-50 METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY This is to certify that a copy of Technical Srecification Change Reque e No.13 to Appendix A of the Operating License for Three Mile Island Nuc1aar Station Unit 1, dated June 13, 1975, and filed with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission on June 13, 1975, has this the thirteenth day of June 1975 been served on the chief executives of Londonderry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, by deposit in the United States mail, addressed as follows:

Mr. Weldon B. Arehart, Chairman Mr. Charles P. Hoy, Chairman Board of Supervisors of Londonderry Board of County Commissioners of Township Dauphin County Township Building Dauphin County Courthouse R. D. #1, Geyers Church Road P. O. Box 1295 Middletown, Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY By /s/ R. C. Arnold Vice President 1492 265

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Metropolitan Edison Co=pany Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit I Docket No. 50-289 Operating License No. DPR-50 Technical Specification Change Recuest 13 Licensee requests that the following pages be added to Appendix A of Tech-nical Specifications. The proposed specifications have been assigned speci- '

fication and page numbers in accordance with those previously submitted in our Change Request 7 dated January 30, 1975 Pages 3-67, 3-68. Add new Specification 3.16.

Pages h- 59, h-60. Add new Specification 4.16.

A copy of proposed new pages marked " Change Request No.13" is aotached.

Reason for Protosed Changes This change request was initiated in response to a request made by the Cc= mis-sion's Mr. Getrge Lear as stated in his letter dated May 7,1975, and if i=ple-mented, veuld serve to provide additional assurance that the operational capa-bilities of the existing vent header system are fully realized.

Safety Analysis Justifying Change As the chLnge reflects additiona: ad more stringent requirements than those presently existing, there exist no unreviewed safety questions. It should also be noted that it is the Licensee's position that the changes as contained herein, in conjunction with the pr >cedural revisions that have been made to strengthen existing adminstrative controls (Ref: Letter from Licensee to Com-mission's Mr. George Lear, dated April 19, 1975 {GQL 0951}), together provide sufficicnt additional measures to prevent a recurrence of the type of unplanned radioactive releases referenced in Mr. Lear's March 19, 1975 letter.

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Change Request No. 13 3.16 WASTE ^-AS VENT HEADER SYSTEM Auplicability Applies to the operation of the Waste Gas Vent Header System.

Objective To minimize unplanned gaseous releases from the Waste Gas Vent Header System.

Specification 3.16.1 If the Vent Header pressure is greater than 2.0 psig, a deter-mination shall be made that the vaste gas system co= pressors are operating.

3.16.2 At least .; Waste Gas Compressor shall be operable at all times and automatically interlocked to start if the vent header pressure exceeds 1.8 0.2 psig. If neither vaste gas compressor is operable and vent header pressure exceeds 2.1 psig, an orderly shutdown to the hot shutdown condition shall be commenced within eight hours.

3.16.3 The water levels within the vent header system loop seals shall normally be maintained at sufficient elevations to pre-vent releases of gas from the vent header for vent header pressures equal to or less than 2.8 psig. The vent header system loop seals consist of the loop seal for the miscel-laneous vaste storage tank and the reactor coolant bleed tanks and the loop seal for each reclaimed boric acid storage tank. If the specified water level drops below the level required for 2.8 psig (78 in.), adequate level shall be re-stored within 2h hours.

3.16.h The loop see.1 for the Reactor Coolant Waste Evaporator and the loop seal for the Miscellaneous Waste Evaporator shall be kept plugged until such time as per=anent modifications to these seals are made.

Bases The Waste Gas Vent Header System co71ects radioactive gases which are evolved from the liquids in various liquid easte system tanks. These gases are pumped into one of three gas decay tanks oy either of two vaste gas compressors.

These compressors come into operation when the vent header pressure is 1.8 psig (equivalent to 16.5 psia.). In addition, relief valves are provided, which discharge to the unit stack when system pressure is 2.2 psig, and local loop seals are provided for the various tanks. Five relief seals provide pressure relief at a system pressare of approximately 2.8 psig.

As of date of preparation of these specifications, the demonstrated operational capability of the Waste Gas Vent Header System is not sufficient so as to assure prevention of nor=al operating system pressure transients from causing unplanned 3-67 l 4 92 2i-[

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Change Request No. 13 situations wherein the system relief valves lift and/or system associated loop seals are blown and unplanned radioactive gaseous I;' eases occur. Therefore, until such time as a design modificaticn can be impleme ted to increase the operational capability of the system,it is advisable to implement additional specifications so as to better ensure that the full operational capabilities of the existing system are realized.

It is also pertinent to note that two of the system associated loop seals have in themselves ber" designated to be inadequate and that these two sub-ject seals consist of one for the Reactor Coolant Waste Evaporator and the one for the Miscel. sous Waste Evaporator. Therefore, until such time as these seals and/or associated systems can be modified, it is also advisable to implement additional specifications so as to ensure that the two subject seals are maintained in a plugged condition.

In particular, these Specifications are intended to do the following:

Ensure that vent header pressure is maintained at or below its normal upper upper limit of 1.8 psig, and ensure that the ability of the compressors to pump gases into the decay tanks is verified whenever the pressure alarm point of 2.0 psig is reached.

Ensure availability of one compressor so that it will come into opera-tion when required.

Ensure that adequate water is maintained within the tank loop seals (see Technical Specification h.17 for a definition of the required water level).

Ensure that the two loop seals which were previously plugged to pre-vent inadvertent gas releases vill remain plugged until their design can be appropriately modified.


1492 268 3-68

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Change Request No. 13 h16 WASTE GAS VENT HEADER SYSTEM Aunlicability Applies to surveillance of the Waste Gas Vent Header System.

Objective To identify surveillance requirements to minimize unplannod gaseous releases from the low pressure vent header until permanent modifications are made to allow the vent header to absorb greater pressure transients.

Specification h.16.1 A check of loop seal water shall be performed on a daily basis to verify that the water level is at the required height above the bcctom of the seal, k.16.2 Both vaste gas compressors shall be checked for operability every month.

4.16.3 Automatic startup of each vaste gas compressor on application of a test signal simulating vent hea' der system pressures of equal to or greater than 1.8 0.2 psig shall be checked on a semiannual basis.

Bases The height of water within the loop seals is selected to ensure that releases of gas vill not occur from these seals when vent header system pressure is equal to or less than 2.8 psig. This pressure corresponds to a water height of 78 inches, which is within six inches of the total available seal height.

This required height is defined by:

h = 39 + P x lh in/psig h = required height, inches p = vent header operating pressure, psig.

Each loop seal is essentially a "u-tube", with its upstream leg connected to a liquid vaste system tank. A sight glass is provided to indicate the level of water in the downstream leg of the seal. The required water levels which are applicable to the measured values in the downstream leg of the seal, ensure that a gas release vill not occur if vent header system pressure increases from its operating pressure to a pressure of 2.8 psig.

Operation of the vaste gas compressor is required to pu=p out excess quantities of gas which may be collected in the vent header system. These compressors come into operation periodically. Specification h.17.2 ensures that their operability is checked monthly.

This check may consist of observing normal co= pressor operation, or may consist of manual initiation of compressor operation if the compressor were not normally in use during the monthly period. This check vill be considered satisfactory if h-59

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vnange Request No. 13 the compressor motors are observed to be operating.

A semiannual test verifies the operability of the controls which initiate automatic startup of the compressors, and to check the pressure setpoint for their automatic startup.

This check vill be considered satisfactory if the compressor motors are observed to ecce into operation when a signal si=ulating a pressure of 1.8 psig is applied.

Specification h.17.h ensures that frequent surveillance is made of the vent header system pressure.


e 1492 270 h-60