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Tech Spec Change Request 83 Supporting Licensee Request to Change DPR-50,App a Re Fire Patrol & Establishment of Backup Fire Suppression Water Sys Where Deluge &/Or Sprinkler Sys Inoperable
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1978
From: Herbein J
Shared Package
ML19210A720 List:
NUDOCS 7910310539
Download: ML19210A722 (9)



" socket :Ir. 50-269 Technical Specification Chance Request No. 83 This Technical Specification Change Reqtest is suLmitted in support of Licensee's request to change Appendix A to Cperating License !Io. DPR-50 for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1. As a part of this request, proposed replacement pages for Appendix A are also included.



E' a v/

Vice President Sworn and subscribed to me this D Ab day of , 1978.

M 40 IIctary @uhJ.ic /p \

, GEORGE J. TROFFER Notary PA:i:, Reicing. Gerns Co.

My E3p:rss.'an. 25,1922


1490 345 7910810

Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 Operating License No. DPR-50 Docket No. 50-289 Frocosed Technical Specification Change No. 83 The license requests that the attached changed pages replace pages 3-88, 3-89, 3-90, 3-91, and 4-73b of the existing Technical Epscification.

Reasons for Change Request

1. Page 3-88 has been changed to clarify Specification --
2. Page 3-89 has been changed to dclete the need for a continuous fire watch '

and replace it with a fire patrol to conserve manpower.

3. Page 3-90 has been changed to permit operation with a pressu e below the lov alar = setting pressure.

L. Page 3-91 has been ehtnged to permit maintenance and testing without the Air Intake Tunnel Celuge Systes operable.

5 7tge h-73b has been changed to permit inspection of the diesel generator during cperations.

Refe y Analysis Justifying Change

1. This change only clarifies Section and does not change any Limiting Conditions for Operation, therefore, an unreviewed safety question has not been propose 1.
2. This change provides for the establishnent of a backup fire suppression water system in the zone where the deluge and/or sprinkler system is inoperable, and the establishment of a fire patrol which would inspect the affected area once per hour. The establishment of a backup fire suppression water system and a fire patrol provides reasonable assurance that adequate detection and subsequent suppression capabilities are available in the event a fire occurs when the suppression or detection system is inoperable. The detection and subsequent suppression of a fire are equally important. As the Technical Specifications now read, should the instrumentation to detect a fire fail to operate, a fire patrol is deemed adequate. Therefore, in a situation where the deluge and/or sprinkler system are inoperable, and a backup fire suppression systen is established to provide suppression protection, a fire patrol provides adequate detection capability and does not represent an unreviewed safety question.

3 The specification now requires a minimum pressure of 300 psig in the CO, systen storage tank (s). The normal operating pressure varies between 295 and 305 psig. Although 275 psig is the low pressure alarm setpoint, the systen vill still supply the required amount of CO, to the relay room at a pressure as low as 220 psig. The revised specification of 250 psig vill provide a margin to allow time to respond to the low pressure alarm "hile maintaining sufficient margin to the 220 osig pressure. Therefore, the proposed change does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

1490 346


h. This change permits the Air Intake Deluge System to be taken out of service for up to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> for maintenance and testing when the Halon system is in-operable. The specification now requires the deluge system to be in service unless the tunnel is occupied. The probability that the system would be out of service under the new specification and an aircraft vould strike the unit during this time is not significantly greater than was calculated for such an event occurring under the present specification. Therefore, this change does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

5 The Specification now reads that inspection is only permitted when the reactor is shut down. This change permits inspection af the fire pump diesels when .,

the reactor is in operation. Only one fire pump diesel shall be inspected at a time, and the other diesel vould be ready for operation. Therefore, this change does not represent an unreviewed safety question.

Arendmen: Class (10 CFP 1~0)

The licensee has determined that, because this requested Amendment is a similar Amendment for an essentially identical unit, at the same site, this is a Class I Ama *~aa* (per CFR 170.22). The appropriate remittance therefore is $h00.00.

1490 347

. .

3.18.2 FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SYSTEM Aeolicability: All operating conditions Ob.icetive : To ensure adequate fire suppression capability Srecification: The Fire Suppression Water System shall be operable with:

a. Two (2) high pressure pumps of the following four (h), shall be operable with their discharge aligned to the fire suppression


header and automatic initiation logic operable. Any two of the --

pumps provide co=bined capacity greater t: tan 3575 gal / min:


1. Circulating Water Flume Diesel Fire Pump
2. River '4ater Diesel Fire Pump, Unit 1

. 3 River Wat'er Diesel Fire Pump, Unit 2

h. River *4 ster Motor Fire Pump, Unit 1
b. Two (2) separate water supplies of the following four (h) each containing a mini =um of 90,000 gallons:
1. Altitude Tank
2. Ci"-"# g Water Flume 3 Unit 1 River Water Intake
k. Unit 2 Eiver Water Intake
c. An operab'e flow path capable of taking suction from two of the operable sources listed in b. above, and transferring the water


through distribution piping with operable sectionalizing control or isolation valves to the yard hydrant curb valves and the front valve ahead of the water flov alarm device on each sprinkler, hose standpipe or spray system riser.

a. With less thr.n the above required :quipment, restere the inoperable equipment tc OPERABLE r+atus within 7 days or prepare and submit a Special heport to the commission within the next 14 days outlining the plans ar.d procedures to be used to provide for the loss of redundancy in this system. .



1. Return the Fire Suppression hater System to OPERABLE status er l establish a backup FIRE SUFPRESSION WATER SYSTEM vithin 2h hours, and provide Prempt Notification with Written Followup pursuant to Specification 6.9 2.A outlining the actions taken, the cause of the inoperability, and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status, or
2. be in het shutdown within an additional 1 hcur and cold shutdown l vithin the next 30 hcurs, i490 348 3-88


. .

3.18.3 DELUGE /SPRI!!KLER SYSTEt3 Aeolicability: At all times when equipment in the area is required to be operable.

Objective: To assure adequate fire suppression capability.


Suecification: _ The Deluge and/or Sprinkler Systems located in the following areas shall be operable. .

a. Diesel Generator and Radiator Rooms
b. Diesel Generator Combustion Air Intakes --
c. Diesel Generator Cooling Air Intake
d. Control Build Filter (AH-F3A, AH-F33) Rooms -
e. Air Intake Tunnel (3 zones)
f. Charcoal Filter ( AH-F10, AH-F11)
g. Intake Screen Pump House
h. Diesel driven fire pump areas
i. Control Building at elevation 306' 3 13.3.2 With any of the above deluge and/or sprinkler systems in any room or zone inoperable:
a. Establish backup fire suppression equipment for the affected room or zone above, within one hour,
b. Within one heur, establish a fire watch patrol to inspect the affected room or zone at least onte per hour, except that no Fire Watch is required in the air intake tunnel.
c. Restore the system to OPERABLE status within lh days or pre-pare and submit a special report to the Commission within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of in-operability and the plans and schedule for restoring the system to OPERABLE status.




1490 349 3-89 '


3.13.h CO2 SYSTEM Aeolicability: At all times whan the eauipment in the area is required to be operable.

-- Objective: To ensure adequate fire suppression capability.

Scecification: .

3.18.h.1 The CO2 system for the Cable Spreading Room shall be operable with a minimum level corresponding to 8500 lbs and a minimum pressure of



250 psig in the associated storage tank . -

' f_ ,

3.18.h.2 With the CO2 system for the cable Spreading Room inoperabie: ,

a. Establish a patrolling fire wated'vith backup fire suppression. l equipment fdr the unprotected area within one hour.
b. Restore -he system to OPERABLE status within 1h days or pre-pare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of in-operabili y and the plans and schedule for restoring the system t0 C?I7A3LE status.






  • To inspect the Cable Spreading Room at least once per hour. l


3-9 1490 350

_ -


. .


3.18.5 HALON SYSTE'i m Applicability: At all times except when the Control Building ventilation is on recirculation.

Objective: To assure adequate fire suppression for the Air Intake Tunnel.

Suecification :

3 18.5.1 The iIalon Systems for the air intake tunnel shall be operable except -

for testing or maintenance not to exceed h8 hours that requires the air tunnel tc be occupied. The Halon storage tanks shall have at least 905 of fcil charge pressure and 95% full charge weight.

3 18.5.2 If the Halen syste= in any zone is inoperable:

a. The Air Intake Tunnel Deluge system shall be operable except that rencval for up to h8 hours is permitted for maintenance or testing.
b. Restore the system to OPERA 3LE status within 1h days or pre-
  • pare and submit a Special Report to the Comission within the next 30 days outlining the action taken, the cause of the in-operability and the plans and schedule for restoring the systes to operabic status.






1490 351

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k.13.2.2 The fire pump diesel engines shall be demonstrated OPEF.ABLE:


a. At least once per 31 days by verifying; 3 The fuel storage tanks contain at least 250 gallons of fuel, and
2. The diesels start from ambient conditions and operate

, for at least 20 minutes. _,

b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a sa=ple of diesel ,

fuel from each fuel storage tank, obtained in accordance with ASnt-D270-65, is within the acceptable liv .s specified in Table 1 of ASTM-D975-Th with respect to viscosity, vater content and s ad '- a

  • for the type of fuel specified for the diesels,
c. At least ence per 18 months, hy: ,"  !
1. Subjecting each diesel to an inspection in accordance with precedu es prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's rece mendations for the class of service, and
2. Verifyi.g each diesel starts from ambient conditions on the aute-sta t signal and operates for > 20 minutes while


leaded with the fire pump.

h.18.2.3 Each fire pu p diesel starting 2h-volt battery bank and charger shall be demonstrated OPE?A3LE:

st . At least once per T days by verifying that:

1 The electrolyte level of ea;h batter / is above the plates, and


2. The overall battery voltage is > 2h volts.






h-73b 1490 352