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License Amendment Request to Include Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/14/2011
From: Jesse M
Exelon Generation Co, Exelon Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML111650563 (36)


{{#Wiki_filter:I 10 10 CFR 50.90 June 114, 2011 June 2011 Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear U.S. ATTN: Document Control Desk ATTN: Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, Limerick Generating Limerick Generating Station, Units 11 and 2 Facility Operating Facility Operating License Nos. Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85 USNRC Docket Nos. 50-352 and 50-353


License Amendment Request to Include an Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell License Unidentified LealKa(le Unidentified Leakage



1) Letter from P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Dresden Nuclear Power Station) to U.S. NRC, IIRequest Dresden Request for Emergency License Amendment Regarding Drywell Floor Drain Sump Monitoring System, dated August 18, 2008 System,lI
2) Letter from C. Gratton (U.S. NRC) to C. G. Pardee (Exelon Generation Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3 -Issuance Company, LLC), IIDresden Issuance of Emergency Amendment Regarding Drywell Floor Drain Sump Monitoring MD9467), dated August 22, 2008 System (TAC No. MD9467),"
3) Letter from J. L. Hansen (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Dresden Nuclear Power Station and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station) to U.S. U.S.

Request for License Amendment to Revise Technical Specification NRC, "Request RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation," 3.4.5, "RCS Instrumentation, to Allow Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Leakage"Leakage dated August 28, 28,2009 2009

4) Letter from C. Gratton (U.S. NRC) to M. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), Dresden "Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 22 and and 3,3, and and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 11 and 2 - Issuance of -

Amendments RE: Authorizing Alternative Methods Methods of Verifying Verifying Leakage Leakage within the Drywell (TAC NOS. ME2148 thru ME2151), ME2151)," dateddated August August 16, 16, 2010 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, Application "Application for amendment of of license, license, construction construction permit, permit, or early site permit, permit," Exelon Generation Generation Company, LLC (EGC) (EGC) requests requests an an amendment amendment to to the the Technical Specifications Specifications (TS) for Limerick Generating Station Station (LGS), Units Units 11 and and 2.2. The The proposed amendment revises Technical SpecificationSpecification (TS) (TS),, LEAKAGE "LEAKAGE DETECTION DETECTION

SYSTEMS, SYSTEMS," to support addition of an an alternative method method of of verifying verifying that that unidentified unidentified leakage leakage in in the drywell is within limits.

In Reference 1, 1, EGC requested aa temporary emergencyemergency license license amendment amendment for for Dresden Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), Unit allow Unit 33 to allow the reconfigurati reconfigurationon of of the the drywell drywell floor floor drain drain sump (DWFDS) flow monitoring monitoring system such that system such that the the drywell drywell equipment equipment drain drain sump sump (DWEDS) (DWEDS) could be used as an alternate method as an method to to verify verify that that Reactor Reactor Coolant Coolant System System (RCS) (RCS) leakage leakage inin the drywell is within drywell is within TS TS limits. The The emergency emergency license license amendment amendment request request waswas reviewed reviewed andand approved by the NRC NRC in in Reference 2.2. Following Following thethe emergency emergency license license amendment amendment approvalapproval by the NRC, EGC submitted a request for a permanent license EGC submitted a request for a permanent license change for change for both both DNPS DNPS and and Quad Cities Nuclear Nuclear Power Power Station Station (QCNPS) (QCNPS) in in Reference Reference 3. 3. The The NRC NRC approved approved the the license license

u.s. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 14, 2011 Page 2 amendment for both DNPS and QCNPS in the Reference 4 Safety Evaluation Report. The changes proposed in this license amendment request seek to incorporate the alternate method approved for DNPS and QCNPS into the LGS TS for Units 11 and 2. The changes proposed in this license amendment request have wording and justification similar to the changes approved for DNPS and QCNPS. The DNPS and QCNPS submittal submiffal and Safety Evaluation Report were verified for applicability and utilized as the template for this submittal. 1 provides a description of the proposed change. Attachment 2 provides the existing TS page markups showing the proposed changes. Attachment 3 provides the associated TS Bases markups for information only. There are two regulatory commitments contained in this letter, detailed in Attachment 4. Attachment 5 contains drywell sump level monitoring system configuration drawings for information only. The proposed changes have been reviewed by the LGS Plant Operations Review Committee and approved by the Nuclear Safety Review Board in accordance with the requirements of the EGC Quality Assurance Program. EGC requests approval of the proposed amendment by June 14, 2012. Once approved, the amendment shall be implemented within 60 days of issuance. In accordance with 10 1 0 CFR 50.91, 50.91 , "Notice Notice for public comment; State consultation, consultation, paragraph II (b), EGC is notifying the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of this application for license amendment by transmitting a copy of this letter and its attachments to the designated State Official. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact Ms. Wendy E. Croft at (61 (610)0) 765-5726. th II declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the 14 14th dayof day of June2011. June 2011.




Michael D. Je se Director, Licen On Licentn6d d Regulatory Affairs Exelon Generation Company, LLC Attachments: 11.

                    . Evaluation of Proposed Changes
2. Markup of Technical Specification Pages
3. Markup of Technical Specifications Bases Pages (For Information Only)
4. List of Commitments
5. Drywell Sump Level Monitoring System Configuration Drawings (For Information Only) cc: USNRC Region I, Regional Administrator USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, Inspector, LGS USNRC Project Manager, LGS R. R. Janati, Bureau of Radiation Protection

C, ATTACHMENT 1 m -& m 0) 0 Evaluation of Proposed Changes

                         -4i        0 0


0. C, 0) Cl)

Co Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 za. Om 00 Co cCO


-n 0 CD(,) .0 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85 -p Co ai


License Amendment Request to Include an Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage 1.0 1o




3.1 Drywell Sump Level Monitoring System Description 3.2 RCS Leakage Limits 3.3 RCS Leakage Detection While Filling the DWFDS 3.4 Summary


4.1 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/Criteria 4.2 Precedent 4.3 No Significant Hazards Consideration 4.4 Conclusions



Alternate Method Alternate Verifying Drywell Method of Verifying Unidentified Leakage Drywell Unidentified Leakage Attachment 1: Attachment Evaluation of Proposed 1 : Evaluation Proposed Changes Changes Page 11 of 10 Page 1 .0 1.0




DESCRIPTION This evaluation supports This evaluation supports a request request to amend Operating Licenses amend Operating Licenses NPF-39 NPF-39 and NPF-85 NPF-85 for Limerick Generating Station Limerick Generating Station (LGS)(LGS) Units respectively. Units 11 and 2, respectively. proposed changes The proposed changes would would amend Operating Licenses amend the Operating Licenses by revising Technical revising Technical Specification (TS), Specification , "LEAKAGE LEAKAGE DETECTION DETECTION SYSTEMS,"SYSTEMS, to add an alternative alternative method method to verify Reactor Coolant verify Reactor Coolant SystemSystem (RCS) unidentified leakage (RCS) unidentified leakage in the drywell drywell is within within limits. limits. The proposed amendment revises proposed amendment , "LEAKAGE revises TS, LEAKAGE DETECTION DETECTION SYSTEMS,"SYSTEMS, to support support implementation of an alternate implementation alternate methodmethod to quantify quantify Reactor Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Coolant System (RCS) leakage leakage in the primary containment (Le., primary containment proposed alternate drywell). The proposed (i.e., the drywell). alternate method method uses installed uses the installed drywell equipment drain drywell equipment drain sumpsump (DWEDS) mo (DWEDS) monitoringnitoring system, system, with the drywelldrywell floor draindrain sump sump (DWFDS) overflowing to the DWEDS, (DWFDS) overflowing DWEDS, to verify verify that RCS leakage in the drywell RCS leakage drywell is within within TS, OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE,", "OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE, limits. limits. This configuration would This configuration would only be used when the used when DWFDS monitoring DWFDS monitoring system unavailable. system is unavailable. purpose of the proposed The purpose proposed license amendment is to increase license amendment increase operating operating flexibility flexibility and avoid avoid unn ecessary plant unnecessary transients due to extended plant transients ino per extended inoperabilityability of the DWFDS DWFDS monitoring monitoring system system (e.g., inoperability caused (e.g., inoperability caused by a componentcomponent failure). proposed change failure). The proposed change will enable enable each each unit reconfigure the DWFDS to reconfigure DWFDS flow monitoring monitoring system system such overflowing into the DWEDS. such that it is overflowing DWEDS. reconfigured dryw The reconfigured drywell ell sump monitoring system sump monitoring system can then be used used to verif verify drywell y that drywell leakage is with leakage within limitss spe in the limit Thi cified in TS specified Thiss operating configuration is conservative operating configuration conservative to the normal configuration in that the TS normal configuration unidentified unidentified leakage leakage limit of less than or equal gallons per minute equal to 5 gallons (gpm) will be applied minute (gpm) applied to tota totall leak leakage, opposed to the TS age, as opposed 3.4. 3.2.c limit of less than or equal equal to 30 gpm.gpm. 2.0 DETAILED DE DETAILED SCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Thiss pro Thi posed ame proposed ndment is con amendment consistent License Am sistent with the License Request and sub endment Request Amendment subsequent sequent NRC Saf Safetyety Eva luation Rep Evaluation Report Dresden Nuc ort for Dresden Nuclear lear Pow Power er Sta Station tion (DN (DNPS) PS) and Quad Cities Quad Cities Nuc lear Pow Nuclear Power er Sta tion (QC Station (QCNPS)NPS) per taining to an alte pertaining rnate met alternate hod of verif method ying dryw verifying drywellell leak leakage, age, Ref erences 6.1 and 6.2, resp References ectively. respectively. The pro posed TS and TS Bas proposed Baseses cha nges are: changes .* TS Lim iting Con Limiting dition for Ope Condition Operation (LCO)) 3.4. ration (LCO 3.1 .b is rev ised to stat revised statee that "the dryw that,, the drywell ell sum sump mo nitoring sys p monitoring tem is req system" uired to be ope required rable. operable.

  • TS 3.4. 3.1,, Acti Action revised to rem on B is revised ove the spe remove cific refe specific rences to the DW references DWFDSFDS mo nitoring sys monitoring tem and rep system laces this with a refe replaces rence to the dryw reference drywell sump ell sum p mo monitoring nitoring sys tem.


  • TS BA BASESSES 3/4 .4.3.1 is rev 3/ ised to def revised ine the dryw define ell sum drywell sump p mo nitoring sys monitoring tem as eith system either er the DWF DWFDS DS mo nitoring sys monitoring tem or the DW system DWEDS EDS mo nitoring sys monitoring tem with the DW system DWFDSFDS ove rflowing to the DWE overflowing DWEDS. DS.

A mar markupkup of the pro posed TS and TS Bas proposed Baseses pag page e cha nges are pro changes vided in Att provided achments 2 and Attachments resp ecti vely 3, respectively.. The TS Bas Bases pag es page cha pro nges are provided e changes info vided for information rmation only only..

Drywefl Unidentified Leakage Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell : 1 : Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 2 of 10 2.1 Backciround


On August 16, 2008, at approximately 2000 hours, operations personnel at DNPS attempted to pump the DNPS Unit 3 DWFDS utilizing Dresden Operating Procedure (DOP) 2000-24, "Drywell Drywell Operation. Successful completion of DOP 2000-24 is used, in part, to satisfy DNPS Sump Operation. II "Verify Surveillance Requirement (SR), , Verify RCS unidentified and total LEAKAGE and unidentified LEAKAGE increase are within limits."limits. The pumps started as expected; however, the integrator indicated no flow. During a second attempt to operate the pumps, DNPS operations personnel observed the position indicators for the two containment isolation valves, which indicated that the valves were in their proper position. DNPS maintenance personnel also inspected the pump breakers and measured pump motor current, with no abnormalities identified. The drywell floor drain sump pumps had been successfully pumped previously at 1 600 hours, and every four hours prior. 1600 DNPS conducted troubleshooting actions to identify possible malfunctions. These troubleshooting actions indicated that the containment isolation valve (Le., (i.e., one of two drywell floor drain sump pump discharge valves) may have failed closed. Since the drywell floor drain sump could not be pumped, DNPS was not able to satisfy the acceptance criteria of SR for DNPS Unit 3. Therefore, TS LCO 3.4.4 for unidentified leakage could not be verified to be within limits. The applicable TS action requires that thatthe the unit be placed in Mode 3 within 12 hours and Mode 4 within 36 hours. In that the containment isolation valve is part of primary containment, the valve could not be repaired during unit operation. As such, DNPS requested, and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) granted, a Notice of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) for TS 3.4.4, Condition C and TS 3.4.5, Condition C (Le.,(i.e., References 6.3 and 6.4, respectively). Specifically, the NOED provided a seven-day extension to the TS Completion Times to place the unit in Mode 3 within 12 hours and Mode 4 within 36 hours. The extension provided sufficient time to reconfigure the DWFDS monitoring system such that the DWEDS monitoring system could be physically utilized to quantify unidentified drywell leakage. In addition, the seven-day extension provided sufficient time for DNPS to request, and the USNRC to review and approve, an emergency license amendment to revise TS 3.4.5, on a temporary basis, to approve the use of the DWEDS monitoring system as an alternate method to quantify unidentified leakage (i.e., (Le., References 6.5 and 6.6, respectively). Subsequently, DNPS and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station (QCNPS) submitted an additional license amendment request, Reference 6.1 6.1, requesting the emergency license amendment


changes be made permanent for both stations. The USNRC requested additional information to support the license amendment request review in the Reference 6.7 letter. The DNPS and QCNPS responses were provided in the Reference 6.8 and 6.9 submittals. The license amendment request was approved by the USNRC in August 2010 (Reference 6.2). To prevent the need for a similar emergency license amendment, the changes proposed in this request seek to incorporate the alternate method of verifying drywell leakage into the LGS TS for Unit 11 and Unit 2.

Alternate Method Alternate Method of Ver Verifying ifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage Drywell Unidentified Leakage : Attachment Evaluation of Proposed 1 : Evaluation Proposed Changes Changes Page 3 of 10 Page 3.0 TEC EVALUATION HNICAL EVALUATION TECHNICAL 3.1 pjy well Sump Drywell Sump Level Monitoring System Level Monitoring DescriOtQfl

System Description

DWEDS at LGS The DWEDS LGS is located immediately adjacent located immediately adjacent to the DWFDS, DWFDS, wit withh the top of bothboth sumps sumps (tanks) at the same (tanks) same elevation, app roximately seven elevation, approximately apart. The seven feet apart. There obstructions re are no obstructions between the two sumps between sumps to preventprevent or divert drywell floo divert drywell drain sump floorr drain overflow from reaching sump overflow reaching the drywell equipment drain drywell equipment drain sump. sump. Based Based on the sump sump configurations, engineering com configurations, an engineering computation putation determined approximately 550 gallons determined that approximately gallons are required required in the DWFDS DWFDS for overflowoverflow into the DWEDS. Attachment 5 contains DWEDS. Attachment contains dra drawings detailing the physical wings detailing configuration of the sumps. physical configuration sumps. LGS has ver LGS ified that the sump verified con figuration and sum sump configuration sump volumes for LGS p volumes LGS Units Units 1 1 and 2 (i.e., (i.e., both DWEDS and DWFDS) both DWEDS DWFDS) are equ equivalent ivalent to the DNPS DNPS Unit 3 DWFDS DWFDS and DWEDS DWEDS sump sump configuration and vol configuration volume ume (Le., approximately 1000 (i.e., approximately 1000 gallons capacity each). gallons full capacity each). leakage from Reactor All leakage Reactor Coolant Pressure Bou Coolant Pressure Boundary components inside (RCPB) components ndary (RCPB) drywell, inside the drywell, wit exception of leak h the exception with leakageage from the Main Main Steam Steam ReliefRelief Val Valves (MSRV5) (Updated ves (MSRVs) (Updated Final Final Safety Analysis Report Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) (UFSAR) Section .8), flow Section, directly to either flowss directly drywell either the drywell equipment drain equipment drain sum sump drywell floo p or the drywell drain sump. floorr drain sump. The Therere are no othotherer rese rvoirs in the reservoirs drywell sufficient capacity drywell of sufficient capacity to preventprevent leakage leakage from drainingdraining directly directly to either either of thesthesee sumps. sumps. Both dra Both drain in sumps identically sized, sumps are identically sized, hor cylindrical tank izontal cylindrical horizontal located inside tankss located reactor inside the reactor ves pedestal below sel pedestal vessel diaphragm slab and vented below the diaphragm vented to the drywell atmosphere. drywell atmosphere. Leakage from RCPS Leakage components insi RCPB components inside de the primary containment whi primary containment which normally subject ch are not normally subject leakage is collected to leakage collected by the DWFDS. DWFDS. Thi leakage, whi Thiss leakage, which originate from any number ch may originate number of sources wit sources within drywell, is tran hin the drywell, sported to the sump transported sump via the floo network wit drain network floorr drain within hin the drywell. Thu drywell. Thus, separation of unidentified s, separation unidentified leakage leakage from the iden tifiable leak identifiable leakage routed to the age routed equipment drain equipment drain sump ensures that a small sump ensures unidentified leakage small unidentified leakage that is of concern concern will not be masked by a larger, masked acceptable, identified larger, acceptable, identified leakage. leakage. The DWEDS monitoring system DWEDS monitoring system is similar similar to the DWFDS monitoring system. DWFDS monitoring system. CertainCertain RCPB RCPB com ponents wit components within drywell are, by the natu hin the drywell naturere of thei theirr design, normally subject design, normally subject to a lim limited ited amount of leak amount age. The leakage. These components include se components include pump pump seals, seals, valv packings, and other valvee stem packings, other equipment that can equipment cannot practicably be made not practicably completely leak made to be completely -tight. The leak-tight. These leakages are se leakages piped directly piped directly to the drywell equipment drain drywell equipment sump. All of the var drain sump. various drains are open ious drains open only only to equipment they serve, the equipment serve, therthereby receiving leakage eby receiving leakage only identified sou only from identified sources. Background rces. Background leakage to this sump leakage determined during sump is determined during initia plant ope initiall plant operation. Rates of leakage ration. Rates collection in leakage collection exc excess bac kgr ess of background ind ound indicates abn icates abnormalormal RCPBRC leakage. PB leakage. control circuits The control monitoring systems circuits for the two monitoring pertorm the same systems perform same fun functions, ctions, and sumpsump instrumentation consists instrumentation consists of the same components and performs same components performs a similar similar funfunction. Instruments ction. Instruments for both monitoring systems both monitoring calibrated using systems are calibrated similar plant using similar procedures to satisfy plant procedures satisfy TS Surveillance Requirements (SRs) Surveillance Requirements (SR5) for fun ctional test functional testing calibration. ing and calibration. Each sump Each sump tank has its own level level tran smitter whi transmitter which monitored by a dedicated ch is monitored processing unit. dedicated processing unit. Normally closed Normally closed drain drain valv valves provided, enabling es are provided, enabling the level level in each increase as each tank to increase leakage drains leakage drains into them. processing unit them. The processing calculates an average unit calculates average leak rate for a given given measurement period measurement establishing the amount period by establishing amount of increase increase in leve occurred during levell that occurred during the period, converting that valu period, and converting value e into vol umetric term volumetric termss (gpm). processing units (gpm). The processing provide an units provide alarm in the main alarm control room main control room eacheach time average leak rate changes time the average predetermined changes by a predetermined valu value since the last tim e since timee that alarmalarm was reset.reset. The setpoint setpoint is a 11 gpm change unidentified change in unidentified

Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage : 1 : Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 4 4of of 10 leakage collected in the drywell floor drain sump tank, and a 2 gpm change in identified leakage collected in the drywell equipment drain tank. Alarms are also generated in the main control room for high total average leak rate. The high total average leak rate alarm setpoints can be adjusted at the processing unit, which is located in the main control room, as the amount of acceptable identified leakage changes during operation. Indication of the leakage rates is provided in the main control room on panel-mounted indicators. Sump tank levels (in gallons) are provided on monitors from the Plant Monitoring System. Level switches, which are independent of the level transmitters, open the sump tank drain valves when the level increases to an upper setpoint value and keep them open until the level decreases to the lower setpoint value. The level switches then close the drain valves and reset the processing units to start a new measurement period. The measurement period must be long enough to ensure that the level transmitter loop can adequately detect the increase in level that would correspond to the 1 1 gpm and 2 gpm changes in leak rates described above, and yet short enough to ensure that such a leak rate will be detected within an hour. The measurement period will be less than 1 1 hour. The transmitters which are located in the reactor enclosure and the processing units which are located in the main control room are accessible during normal plant operation for calibration. The transmitters can be isolated from the sump tanks by existing bypass manifolds. Zero and span adjustments can be made using portable test equipment. The processing unit functions can be calibrated by applying known input levels at the unit and observing the response. The Drywell Sump Level Monitoring System (DSLMS) is comprised of the processing units, level transmitters, control room leakage flow indicators and interconnecting raceway and cables. The DSLMS has been demonstrated to remain operational after a Safe Shutdown Earthquake. The DSLMS is energized by Class 1E 1 E power. The Class 1E 1 E power to the panel is provided with a Class 1E1 E fuse and circuit breaker in series to meet separation requirements. The DSLMS is automatically shed from the Class 1E 1 E power in the event of a Loss of Coolant Accident (the load shedding relay, however, is not qualified for Class 1E 1 E service). additionto In addition, to the sump level monitoring system described above, the discharge from each sump is monitored by a flow element. The measured flow rate is integrated and recorded in the control room. A control room alarm is also provided to indicate excessive discharge rates. These indications and alarms are provided in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.45. 3.2 RCS Leakage Limits OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE," TS, "OPERATIONAL LEAKAGE, specifies the leakage limits for the RCS. The leakage LEAKAGE,II limits require, in part, unidentified leakage to be less than or equal to 5 gpm, total leakage averaged over the previous 24-hour period to be less than or equal to 25 gpm, and the increase in unidentified leakage within the previous 24-hour period to be less than 2 gpm. Section 5.2.5 of the LGS UFSAR describes the methods used for detection of leakage through the RCPS, RCPB, and specifies use of the drywell sumps (Le.,(i.e., DWFDS and DWEDS) as the primary methods that can be used. The leakage collected in the DWEDS is identified leakage, and the leakage collected in the DWFDS is unidentified leakage. TS currently requires the DWFDS be operable as a RCS leakage detection system. The proposed change revises TS to support the addition of an alternative method to use the

Alternate Method Alternate Method of Verify Drywell Unidentified ing Drywell Verifying Unidentified Leakage Leakage : Attachment Evaluation of Proposed 1 : Evaluation Proposed Changes Changes Page 5 of 10 installed DWEDS installed DWEDS in the situation situation that the DWFDS DWFDS is inoperable inoperable and the DWEDS DWEDS is operable. operable. In this situation inoperable DWFDS situation the inoperable DWFDS would overflow overflow into the DWEDS DWEDS which would be capable capable quantifying total RCS leakage of quantifying leakage (Le., unidentified plus identified (i e , unidentified identified leakage). resultant value leakage) The resultant of total RCS leakage conservatively verified leakage would be conservatively verified to be less than the TS unidentified leakage unidentified leakage limit of 5 gpm and TS 4 3 3 2 f uniden unidentified tified leaka leakage ge incre increase ase limit of 2 gpm within the previous previous 24 hours. 3.3 13_c_s Detection While Filling the DWFDS Leakacie Detection RCS Leakage DWFL .b requires LGS TS SR requires the verific ation every 8 hours that RCS leakage verification measured by leakage measured DWFDS and DWEDS the DWFDS DWEDS is within the specified (unidentified leakage specified limits of TS (unidentified leakage to be less than or equal to 5 gpm and the increase increase in unidentified unidentified leakage previous 24 hour leakage within the previous period to be less than 2 gpm). described above, after the DWFDS As described overflowing into the DWEDS, DWFDS begins overflowing DWEDS, the DWEDS DWEDS can be measure total leakage used to measure leakage (Le., unidentified plus identified (i.e., unidentified identified leakage). Overflow into the leakage). Overflow DWEDS was determined DWEDS determined by an engineeringengineering evaluation evaluation to occur after accumulation accumulation of approx imatel y approximately 550 gallonss gallon in the DWFD DWFDS. S. In order DWFD for the DWFDS overflow into the S to overflow DWEDS, LGS personnel DWEDS, personnel would either have to manually manually fill the DWFDS DWFDS with an externalexternal water unidentified RCS leakage source or allow unidentified source DWFDS. The use of unidentified leakage to fill the DWFDS. unidentified RCS leakage to fill the DWFDS leakage DWFDS at or above gallons in an 8 hour time period would require: above 550 gallons require:

1. minimum unidentified A minimum unidentified leakage approximately 1.14 gpm, and leakage rate of approximately
2. The regulatory commitments delineated regulatory commitments delineated in this submittal submittal for LGS, Units 11 and 2 (Le., (i.e.,

verific ation of flow from the DWFDS verification DWFDS to the DWEDS, DWEDS, prior to the initial use of the alternate monitoring method alternate monitoring method for a specific specific unit) have been satisfied. satisfied. minimum unidentified The minimum unidentified leakage approximately 1.14 leakage rate of approximately 1 .14 gpm is basedbased on the leakage leakage rate required approximately 550 gallons required to fill approximately gallons in the DWFDSDWFDS in 8 hours. The 8 hour period represents TS-required surveillance represents the TS-required surveillance interval interval as specified .b but does not specified in SR included additio included the additional nal 25% grace, or 2 hours, allowed 25% grace, allowed by SR 4.0.2. This minimum minimum leakage leakage rate 1 .14 gpm would cause 1.14 cause the DWFDS DWFDS to overflow overflow into the DWEDS DWEDS within the required required SR .b interval. interval. requires TS requires that a'2 a2 gpm increaseincrease in unidentified unidentified leakage leakage over a 24-hour24-hour period is able to be detected. Conservatively assuming detected. Conservatively assuming an empty DWFDS DWFDS and a minimum, minimum, immediate immediate incre ase in uniden increase unidentified tified leak rate of 2 gpm the DWFD DWFDS S would fill approx imately 550 up to approximately gallons and begin to overflow overflow to the DWEDS DWEDS in 4.6 hours. As stated above in Section 3.1 of this stated above Attachment, the level switches Attachment, switches will detect detect a 2 gpm changechange in leak rates in the DWEDS DWEDS and provide an alarm in the main control provide control room. This meets requirement meets the TS requirement to detect detect a 2 gpm increase unidentified leakage increase in unidentified leakage over a 24-hour24-hour period. period. imposes TS imposes a leakage leakage limit of 5 gpm of unidentifiedunidentified leakage. Conservatively assuming leakage. Conservatively assuming an empty DWFDSDWFD minim S and a minimum, immediate increase um, immediate increase in unidentified unidentified leak rate of 5 gpm the DWFDS approximately 550 gallons and begin to overflow DWFDS would fill up to approximately overflow to the DWEDS DWEDS in 1.83 hours. As statedstated above in Section 3.1 of this Attachment, Attachment, the level switches switches will detect detect a 2 gpm change in leak rates in the DWEDS change DWEDS and provide provide an alarm in the main control control room. This amount of time is less than the TS Completion amount Completion Time for TS,, Action B which reducesreduces unidentified leakage unidentified leakage rate to within limits in 4 hours and the completion completion time for TS ,, Action B which restores restores the drywell drywell sump monitoring monitoring system to Operable Operable status status within 30 days.

Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage : 1 Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 6 of 10 Therefore, depending upon the specific operational circumstances, filling of the DWFDS and ensuring flow from the DWFDS to the DWEDS would be established either manually with an external water source, or remotely, using the existing unidentified RCS leakage. In both circumstances the TS SR and TS Requirements in TS SR and TS will be met within the allotted completion times. 3.4 Summary By allowing the drywell floor drain sump to overflow into the drywell equipment drain sump, Operations personnel are not able to differentiate between the identified and unidentified leakage inputs. As such, all leakage in the drywell sumps will be conservatively treated as unidentified leakage in accordance with the TS limits. Ensuring flow from the DWFDS to the DWEDS would be established either manually with an external water source, or remotely, using the existing unidentified RCS leakage. In both circumstances the TS SR and TS Requirements in TS SR and TS will be met within the allotted completion times. Therefore, the addition of an alternative method to quantify unidentified leakage in the drywell is conservative with respect to the current TS limits.


4.1 Arplicable Regulatory Requirements /I Criteria Applicable LGS Units 1 1 and 2 were originally designed and constructed following the issuance of the General Design Criteria (GDC). The GDC proposed criteria were adopted as regulatory requirements at both LGS Units. Details regarding the reactor coolant system leakage detection systems are provided in UFSAR System.1I One of the 5.2.5, Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leak Detection System. Section 5.2.5,11 (i.e., DWFDS and DWEDS). The leakage detection systems discussed is the drywell sumps (Le., UFSAR states that various leak detection systems and capabilities collectively detect reactor coolant pressure boundary leakage, both identified and unidentified. These indications and alarms are provided in accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.45. The proposed change does not involve physical changes to the RCS leakage detection systems. Rather, the proposed change allows use of the drywell equipment drain monitoring system to perform the function of the drywell floor drain monitoring system in quantifying unidentified leakage within the LGS Units 11 and 2 drywells. The design function of the RCS leakage detection systems is not affected by the proposed change. In addition, the alternative method conservatively assumes that all leakage in the drywell is unidentified leakage. EGGs ability to meet the applicable regulatory requirements Therefore, there is no impact to EGC's discussed above. 4.2 Precedent The proposed alternate method has been incorporated into the TSs for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (References 6.10 and 6.11), the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 2 and Unit 3 (References 6.12 and 6.13). In addition, the NRC has previously approved similar

Method of Veri Alternate Method Alternate Verifying fying Drywell Unidentified Leakage Drywell Unidentified Leakage : Attachment 1 : Evaluation Proposed Changes Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 7 of 10 amendment requests amendment requests to the TS for Dresden Nuclear Power Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Station, Units Units 2 and 3 and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Cities Nuclear Power Station, Station, Units (References 6.1 and 6.3). Units 11 and 2 (References subject license 6.3 ). The subject license amendment request amendment proposes to adopt request proposes consistent with those revisions consistent adopt revisions those proposed previously proposed in the previously amendments. approved amendments. approved 4.3 Significant Hazards No Significant Nc ConsideratiQil Hazards Consideration accordance with 10 CFR 50.90, In accordance ApplicatiOn for amendment 50.90, "Application amendment of license, construction permit, license, construction permit, Generation Company, Exelon Generation permit, Exelon or early site permit, II Company, LLC (EGC) amendment to requests an amendment (EGC) requests Operating License Facility Operating Facility NPF-39 and NPF-85 License Nos. NPF-39 Limerick Generating NPF-85 for Limerick Generating Station Station (LGS), (LGS), Units 11 and 2, respectively. Units Specifically, the proposed respectively. Specifically, proposed change Technical revises the Technical change revises Specifications (TS) to support Specifications implementation of an alternative support implementation alternative method verifying that leakage method of verifying leakage drywell floor drain sump into the drywell within limits. sump is within alternative method limits. The alternative method involves involves use of the equipment drain sump drywell equipment installed drywell installed monitoring system sump monitoring system to quantify unidentified leakage quantify unidentified leakage in the drywell. drywell. evaluated whether EGC has evaluated whether or not a significant significant hazards consideration is involved hazards consideration involved with the proposed amendment by focu proposed amendment focusing standards set forth in 10 sing on the three standards Issuance 50.92, "lssuance 1 0 CFR 50.92, amendment, as discussed of amendment, II discussed below: below: (1 ) (1) proposed change Does the proposed change involve significant increase involve a significant probability or increase in the probability consequences of an accident consequences previously evaluated? accident previously evaluated? Response: No.


proposed change The proposed change does not involve physical changes involve physical plant structure, changes to any plant structure, system, system, component. As a result, or component. result, no new failure failure modes Reactor Coolant modes of the Reactor System (RCS) Coolant System (RCS) detection systems leakage detection leakage systems are being being introduced. Additionally, the RCS leakage introduced. Additionally, leakage detection systems detection systems have no impact impact on any initiating initiating event frequency. event frequency. The consequences previously analyzed consequences of a previously dependent on the initial accident are dependent analyzed accident initial conditions assumed conditions assumed for the analysis, behavior of the fuel during analysis, the behavior during the analyzed analyzed accident, the availability accident, successful func availability and successful equipment assumed tioning of the equipment functioning assumed to operate in response operate response to the analyzed event, and the setpoints analyzed event, setpoints at whic which actions are h these actions initiated. The ReS initiated. detection systems leakage detection RCS leakage perform an accident systems do not perform mitigating accident mitigating function. Emergency Core Cooling function. Emergency System, Reactor Cooling System, Reactor Protection Protection System, primary System, and primary containment isolation secondary containment and secondary isolation actuations actuations are not affected proposed affected by the proposed change. The proposed change. proposed change change has no impact setpoints or functions impact on any setpoints functions related related to actuations. Ther these actuations. There changes in the type e are no changes significant increase typess or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents amounts released offsite. effluents released offsite. Therefore, the proposed Therefore, proposed change change does not involveinvolve a significant significant increase probability increase in the probability cons equences of an accident or consequences prev accident previously evalu iously evaluated. ated. (2) proposed change Does the proposed change create possibility of a new or different create the possibility accident different kind of accident previously evaluated? accident previously from any accident evaluated? Response: No.


proposed change The proposed change allows allows use of the drywell equipment drain system drywell equipment system as an alternative method alternative quantifying unidentified method of quantifying unidentified leakage drywell. The drywell leakage in the drywell. drywell

Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage : 1 : Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 8 of 10 equipment drain system will continue to be used for leakage collection and quantification. There is no alteration to the parameters within which the plant is actions As a normally operated or in the setpoints that initiate protective or mitigative actions. result, no new failure modes are being introduced. Therefore, the proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated. (3) Does the proposed change involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety? Response: No. The current TS require a periodic measurement of RCS leakage. The proposed change maintains the existing level of safety by allowing use of the drywell equipment drain sump system to quantify unidentified leakage in the drywell. No changes are being made to any of the RCS leakage limits specified in the TS. The impact of the change is that measured unidentified and identified leakage within the drywell will be quantified as equivalent values since the drywell equipment drain sump monitoring system will also be used to measure leakage into the drywell floor drain sump. In addition, the alternative method conservatively assumes that all leakage in the drywell is unidentified leakage. Therefore, the proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. Based on the above, EGC concludes that the proposed amendment does not involve a significant hazards consideration under the standards set setforth forth in 10 CFR 50.92(c), and, accordingly, a finding of no significant hazards consideration is justified. 4.4 Conclusions In conclusion, based on the considerations discussed above, (1) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the Commission's Commissions regulations, and (3) the issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or the health and safety of the public. 5.0 ENVI RONMENTAL CONSIDERATION ENVIRONMENTAL A review has determined that the proposed amendment would change a requirement with respect to installation or use of a facility component located within the restricted area, as defined in 10 Standards for Protection Against Radiation." 1 0 CFR 20, "Standards Radiation. However, the proposed amendment does not involve (i) a significant hazards consideration, (ii) a significant change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluent that may be released offsite, or (iii) a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. Accordingly, the proposed amendment meets the eligibility criterion for categorical exclusion set pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact 51 .22(c)(9). Therefore, purs.uant forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9). statement or environmental assessment needs to be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.

Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage :1 : Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 9 of 10


6i 6.1.. Letter from J. L. Hansen (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Dresden Nuclear Power Station and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station) to U.S. NRC, "RequestRequest for License Amendment to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.5, IIRCS RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation, to Allow Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Leakage" Instrumentation,1I Leakage dated August 28, 2009 28,2009 6.2. Letter from C. Gratton (U.S. NRC) to M. J. Pacilio (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3, and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, "Dresden Units 11 and 2 -Issuance of Amendments RE: Authorizing Alternative Methods of Verifying Leakage within the Drywell (TAC NOS. ME2148ME21 48 THRU ME2151 ME21 51 ),"

                                                                                     ), dated 16, 2010 August 16,2010 6.3. Letter from D. B. Wozniak (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Dresden Nuclear Request for Enforcement Discretion for Technical Power Station) to U.S. NRC, IIRequest l

RCS Operational Leakage Specifications (TS) 3.4.4, IRCS Leakage and TS 3.4.5, IRCS RCS Leakage Instrumentation, dated August 19, Detection Instrumentation:" 1 9, 2008 6.4. Letter from C. Pederson (U.S. NRC) to C. G. Pardee (Exelon Generation Company, Notice of Enforcement Discretion for Exelon Generation Company LLC Regarding LLC), "Notice Station, Unit 3 (NOED 08-3-002), Dresden Nuclear Power Station; 08-3-002), dated August 21 ,, 2008 II 6.5. Letter from P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Dresden Nuclear Request for Emergency License Amendment Regarding Power Station) to U.S. NRC, "Request System, dated August 18, 2008 Drywell Floor Drain Sump Monitoring System," 6.6. Letter from C. Gratton (U.S. NRC) to C. G. Pardee (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Unit 3 - Issuance of Emergency Amendment "Dresden Regarding Drywell Floor Drain Sump Monitoring System (TAC No. MD9467)," MD9467), dated August 22, 2008 August22,2008 6.7. Letter from C. Gratton (U.S. NRC) to C. G. Pardee (Exelon Generation Company, LLC), Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3, and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, "Dresden Units 11 and 2 - Request for Additional Information Related to Alternate Method of


ME2151), dated January 15, 2010. Verifying Drywell Leakage (TAC Nos. ME2148 thru ME2151)," 6.8. Letter from J. L. Hansen (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Dresden Nuclear Power Supplemental Information Station and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station) to U.S. NRC, "Supplemental Concerning Request for License Amendment to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.5,

      'RCS                        Instrumentation, dated February 5,2010 RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation"',                        5, 2010 6.9. Letter from J. L. Hansen (Exelon Generation Company, LLC for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station) to U.S. NRC, Supplemental Information Concerning Request for License Amendment to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.5, "RCS  RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation dated June 2, 2010 Instrumentation" 6.10. Letter from L. M. Padovan (U.S. NRC) to D. L. Wilson (Nuclear Management Company, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant - Issuance of Amendment Re: Drywell LLC), "Monticello Leakage and Sump Monitoring Detection System (TAC No. MB7945),1I MB7945), dated August 21, 2003

Alternate Method of Verifying Drywell Unidentified Leakage 1:: Evaluation of Proposed Changes Page 110 0 of 10 10 6.1 1 Letter from T. A. Beltz (U.S. NRC) to J. T. Conway (Nuclear Management Company, 6.11.. IIMonticelio Nuclear Generating Plant (MGNP) - Issuance of Amendment for the LLC), Monticello Conversion to the Improved Technical Specifications with Beyond-Scope Issues (TAC Nos. MC7505, MC7597, through MC761MC7611, , MC8887),1I dated June 5, 1 and MC8887), 2006 5,2006 (U.S. NRC) to E. G. Bauer (Philadelphia Electric Company), 6.12. Letter from G. Gears (US. IITechnical Specification Amendments Pertaining to the Monitoring of Coolant Leakage Technical and the Providing of Limitations on Iodine Concentrations in the Reactor Coolant, Coolant, II dated February 27, 1985 6.13. Letter from J. W Shea (U.S. NRC) to G. A. Hunger, Jr., (PECO Energy Company, Issuance of Improved Technical Specifications, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, IIlssuance M90747), dated August 30, 1995 (TAG Nos. M90746 and M90747),1I Unit Nos. 2 and 3, (TAC

C, ATTACHMENT 2 I 0 -4 Markup of Technical Specifications Pages

                     -4%            C,                  o*      1 CD                              p Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 CDC                                           cC1)

Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85 -n 2 CD m

JJ i m C) z ci) o o REVISED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGES (ri m -o z 3/44-8


                                                    .... --          ...         .

34.3.1 The following following reactor coolant leakage detection systems shall be OPERABLE:

a. The pr'imary primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system,
b. The drywell +I-tor dr-kisump ~onitoring floor draiNJsump flow-onitoring system,
c. The drywell unit coo'l ers condensate flow rate monitoring system, and coolers
d. The primary containment pressure and temperature monitoring system.


  • -
  • -

The primary containment gaseous radioactivity monitor is not required to be operable until Operational Condition 2. ACTIONS.: ACTIONS: A. With the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system inoperable, analyze grab samples of primary containment atmosphere at least once per 12 hours AND restore primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days. B. floor drai~ump With the drywell +oordrain-um ~monitoring p f+ewmonitor ing system inoperable, restore the drai~sump,f1-ew'monitoring drywell floor ra-itsump #+wmonitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days AND increase monitoring frequency of dryweli drywel'l unit cooler condensate flow rate (SR to once every 88 hours. c. C. With the drywell unit coolers condensate flow rate monitoring system inoperable, AND the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system OPERABLE, perform aa channel check of the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system (SR CSR once per 88 hours. D. With the primary containment pressure and temperature monitoring system inoperable, restore the primary containment pressure and temperature monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days. NOTE: All other Tech Spec Limiting Operation and Surveillance. Conditions For Qperation Surveillance Requirement ReqUirementss associated with the primary containment priinary containment pressure/tem pressure/temperature peraturemon monitoring itoring system stillstill apply. Affected Affected Tech Spec Sections TechSpecSec 3/, tions include: 3/, 3/4.6.L6. 3/, and 3/ 3/ E. With With the primary containment containment atmosphere atmosphere gaseous radioactivity radioactivity monitoring system inoperable AND the drywell drywel1 unit coolers coolers condensate condensate flow rate monitoring monitoring system inoperable, inoperable, restore the primary primary containment atmosphere atmosphere gaseous gaseous radioactivity monitoring monitoring system system toto OPERABLE status status within within 3030 days days OROR restore the the drywell unit coolers condensate condensate flow rate monitoring monitoring systemsystem to to OPERABLE OPERABLE status status within within 30 30 days. days. With With thethe primary primary containment containment atmosphere atmosphere gaseous gaseous radioactivity radioactivity monitoring monitoring system system inoperable, inoperable, analyze analyze grab grab samples samples ofof primary primary containment containment atmosphere atmosphere at at least least once once per per 1212 hours. hours. LIMERICK LIMERICK - uNIT


UNIT 11 3/4 4-8 3/4 4-8 ++/-, 14Q, Amendment 4, Amendment ~, ~


3/1. ..4 J REACTOR J:OOLANI .SYSTEM.LEAKAGE JLAK8GE DETECTION SYSTEMS 3.43.1 The following reactor coolant leakage leakage detection systems shall be OPERABLE:
a. The primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity rad'; oacti vi ty monitoring rnonitor'ing system,
b. drywe-Il1 floci dt The drywel ~i I~ump~oni tori ng system, Cc.. The drywel The un'j t cool drywe'll1 urn coolers condensate ers condensa f'low te fl rna nittor (3W rate riion n9 system, and 0 ri1 fl
d. The primary containment pressure arid monitor"jng system.

and temperature monitoring APPLICABILITY: OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 1, 2, and 3k APPLICABILITY: 3.*

* - The primary containment gaseous radioactivity monitor is not required to be k

operable until Operational Condition 2. ACTIONS; ACT.I ONS A. With the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system inoperable, analyze grab samples of primary containment atmosphere at least once per 12 hours AND restore primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days. B. With the drywell frr+isump dt elirt'sump ~monitoring floc" d' 9-rWionitoring system inoperable, restore the drywell ~~eor draiMasump ~mon;toring

                  +eed-t-4-risump       ++wmonitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days AND increase monitoring frequency of drywell unit cooler condensate flow rate (SR to once every 88 hours.

c. C. With the drywell unit coolers condensate flow rate monitoring system inoperable, AND the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system OPERABLE, perform aa channel check of the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system (SR once per 8 hours. D. With the primary containment pressure and temperature monitoring system inoperable, restore the primary containment pressure and temperature monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days. Note: All other Tech Spec Limiting Conditions For Operation and Surveillance Requirements associated with the primary containment pressure/temperature monitoring system sti]] still apply. Affected Tech Spec Sections include: 3/ 3/ and 3/ E. With the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system inoperable AND the drywell unit coolers condensate flow rate monitoring system inoperable, restore the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days OR restore the drywell unit coolers condensate flow rate monitoring system to OPERABLE status within 30 days. With the primary containment atmosphere gaseous radioactivity monitoring system inoperable, analyze grab samples of primary containment atmosphere at least once per 12 hours. LIMERICK - UNIT 22

               -                                                3/4 4-8                 Amendment No. J4,
                                                                                                        ,  ~, ~, ~
                                                                                                           ,   ,

ATTACHMENT 3 Markup of Technical Specifications Bases Pages (For Information Only) Limerick Generating Station, 1 and 2 Station Units 1 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85 REVISED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BASES PAGES B 3/44-3 3/4 4-3 3/4 4-3a B 3/44-3a 3/4 4-3b B 3/44-3b

f<EACTOR COQ.LANF SYSTEM EAcroR COOLANT SYStEM 3/4,4.3 3/L43 REACTOR REACtOR COOLANT COOLANF SYSTEM LEAKAGE 3/ 3/443 LEAKAGE DETECTION SYSTEMS L.EAKAGEDETECTION BACK(JROUND BACKGROUND UFSAR [JESAR Safety Sa1ety Design Basis Bdsis (J{ef. (Ref. 1), 1), requires meansmedlis for detecting and, to the extent practical, prdctical, identifying the location of ttle the source of Heactor Reactor Cootant CooIint System (ReS) (RCS) PRESSURE BOUNDARY BOUN[)ARY LEAKAGE. Regulatory Guide 1.45 145 (Ref. 2) describes acceptable dcceptable methods for selecting leakage eokaqe detection systems. ledkaqe from the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RePB) Limits on leakage (RCPB) are required so that appropriate approprHlte action can be he taken before the integrity of the RepS RCPB is impaired (Ref. 2). Leakage detection systems for the ReS RCS are provided to alert the operators when leakage rates above normal background levels are detected and also to supply quantitative quantitativ~ nt of leakage rates.

                                ~f~"l1 Systems forl\~

forsepara the leakage of o identifid sOblPce aA identified ourc from n unidntifid iO'lrC~ Qn blnidQntifiQd ourc are (we necessary to provide prompt and quantitative information to the operators to permit them to take immediate corrective action. Leakage from the RepS RCPB inside Inside the drywell is detected by at least one of four (4) independently monitored variables which include ~1I'J$!<Ti

/N56p.:7i :-*fPY'14CII  drain 5Uffl~

ktrywell draifl )evel eMdrt'de:3 ev~r time sump level gaseous radioactivity, drywel1 4me yield;n~ yi&dinj d-roi dr6;t fow 16te~ ~drywel flow rate drywell unit cooler condensate flow rate and drywel1 pressure/temperature levels. The primary means of quantifying leakage in the drywell pressure/temperaturelevels.TheP.rimarymeans idrywellJ drywell drail't"9$ump ~on;toring

      @ is J\aJthe t5 &#the drywell floor dra+/-m-ump the drywel lowonitoring system for UN[OENTIEIED drywellI equipment drain tank flow monitoring system for IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE.

UN[DENTIFIED LEAKAGE and IDENTIFIED leakage is not germane to this Tech Spec and the associated drywel drywellI equipment drain tank flow monitoring system is not included. The drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system monitors UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE cot lected in the floor drain sump. UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE consists of leakage from RCPB collected components inside the drywell which are not normally subject to leakage and otherwise routed to the drywell equipment drain sump. sump, The primary containment floor drain sump has transmitters that supply level indication to the main control room via the plant monitoring system. [he fhe floor drain sump level transmitters are associated with High/Low level switches that open/close the sump tank drain valves automatical automatically. ly. The Ehe level instrument processing unit calculates an average leak rate (gpm) for aa given measurement period which resets whenever the sump drain valve closes. The level processing unit provides an alarm to the main control room each time the average leak rate changes by aa predetermined value since the last time the alarm was reset. For the drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system, the setpoint basis is aa 11 gpm change in IJNIDENTIFIED UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE. [§f3 IN5E1<.T 2. ..., (N5EIZTZ - In add'; t on to the drywe 1'1 In addition i to the drywell ROiJi ~oni tori ng systerTdescribed d raj ,,'Sump turonitoring ("loor dair/ump sys terl\\ descri bed above, the discharge of each sump is monitored by an independent flow element. The measured flow rate from the flow element is integrated and recorded. AA main control room alarm is also provided to indicate an excessive sump discharge rate measured via the flow element. This system, referred to as the drywell "drywell floor drain flow totalizer, tota'lizer", is not credited for drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system operability. operabi lity. LIMERICK - UNIT 11

                          -                                     BB 3/4 4-3                               Amendment 44, Amendment    ~, i4,
                                                                                                                           ~, ~I

gE/\c*rOB REAC I OR COOLANT SYS rEtl 3/1.4.3 3/4 REACTOR COOLAN 4.,JiIEAGrQR COOLANt1SYS sysrEM LEAKAGE rELLLAKAGE 3J4L3 i IJAKAGE OEJECrJVlL 5Y5IEP1 13ACKGRQUND OA(;K(:1ROuNj) U1:SAR UFSAR SLitety Safety Des DesiqnI qn Basis Ref 1), 3as s ((H(~f. . 1 ) requl detecting res means for deecti requires and, to the extent nq and , practicdl. practi c I identifying

                            ,    idcnti         yi       nq the 1location octi on ot    of the source of ke(ctor Heactor Coo       1 rint System ((HCS)

Coolant RCS) PRESSURE BOUNDARY LEAKAGE. Regulatory Guide 1.45 PRESSURE 1.4 (Ref. 2) describes acceptable methods for selecting leakage Iekaqe detection systcms. sy terns. limits Limi ts on Ikdqe t~~dkdqe troin from the reactor rector coolant pressure prl~ssur'e boundary (RCPB) (RepS) re are required so that appropriate action iction C]fl can hebe taken before the integrity of the RCPB is impaired (Ref. 2). Lekge Leakage detection systems for the RCS ReS (we are provided to otert alert the operators when leakage rates hove 1ekoqe above normal b3ckqround background levels ore are detected and also to supply qU d n t ; tdti qudnti ve iin I~ t d t 'j ye ,:') r nt n t of 0f 1 ed kaq era ledkaqe t es. rctes.

                                   'f. lA."'l-tl '   I Systems forA.
  • the leakage of ,3M idel,t;f;~d source flnil' dn uJiidefiLlfred sourc~

are re necessary to provide prompt and quantitative information to the operators to permit them to take immedite immediate corrective action. Leakage from rrom the RCPB RepS inside the drywell is detected by at it least one of four (4) independently monitored variables whch wh'ch include /N5ET yw&}-&r-ir- . , urnpFetet- ehnqe . over ' time . .," yi&c14nqdra-ftf-oi rates,, drywell gaseous radioactivity, dryweli qaseous drywell unit cooler condensate flow rate and drywell pre s sur e/ temp era t ur e )levels. pressure/temperature eve Is. The primary means of quantifying qua n t i f yin glleakage eakage 1n in the dr ywe 'III drywel fViSi,,~he 5 .43ithe drywell dryweli ~Ioo,. ordroirtump (1raiFl"sump HWmonitoring f-4-ewFnonitoring system for UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and

  ~ the drywel 1                1 equipment drain tank flow                   Iow monitoring system for lDENTIFIED    IDENTIFIED LEAKAGE.

IDENTIFIED leakage leakoge is not germane to this Tech Spec and the associated drywell t~ q U 'j Prn en t dr e(luiprnent a in ttank drain d nk fl moni ow mo flow nitturing system 0 r 'j n9 sYs nott iincluded. t emiiss no nc 1uded . The drywell drywel 1 floor drain drum sump flow monitoring system monitors UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE collected in the floor drain sump. UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE consists of leakage from RCPS RCPB components inside the drywell which are not normally subject to leakage and otherwise routed to the drywell equipment drain sump. fhe Ihe primary containment floor drain sump has transmitters that supply level indication to the main control room via the plant monitoring system. The floor drain sump level transmitters are associated with High/Low level switches that open/close the sump surnp tank drain valves automatically. The level instrument processing unit calculates an average leak rate (gpm) for a given leve) measurement period which resets whenever the sump drain valve closes. The level processing unit provides an alarm to the main control room each time the average leak rate changes by aa predetermined value since the last time the alarm was reset. For the drywell dryweli floor drain sump flow monitoring system, the setpoint basis is a 1 1 gpm change in UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE. ~~ addition to the drywell Floci floor dl ~;n"sump ~monitoring drsumpf+omonitoring system described above, the discharge of each sump is monitored by an independent flow element. The measured flow rate from the flow element is is integrated and recorded. A A main control room alarm is also provided to indicate an excessive sump discharge rate measured via the flow eelement. 1eme nt . rFhis h; s ssystem, y s t em ~ ref erredtto0 as the "dr referred yw ell fl drywell 00 r dr floor a i n flow tot drain ali ze r", iiss not totalizer, credited for drywel1 drywell floor drain sump sumo flow monitoring system operability. LIMERICK - UNIT 22 - B 3/4 4-3 B 414, ~ Amendment -14,

Insert 11 drywell sump flow monitoring equipment with the required RCS ReS leakage detection (Le., the drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system, or, the drywell instrumentation (i.e., equipment drain sump monitoring system with the drywell floor drain sump overflowing to the drywell equipment drain sump), Insert 22 An alternate to the drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system for quantifying UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE is the drywell equipment drain sump monitoring system, if the drywell floor drain sump is overflowing to the drywell equipment drain sump. In this configuration, the drywell equipment drain sump collects all leakage into the drywell equipment drain sump and the overflow from the drywell floor drain sump. Therefore, if the drywell floor drain sump is overflowing to the drywell equipment drain sump, the drywell equipment drain sump monitoring system can be used to quantify UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE. In this condition, all leakage measured by the drywell equipment drain sump monitoring system is assumed to be UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE. The leakage determination process, including the transition to and use of the alternate method is described in station procedures. The alternate method would only be used when the drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system is unavailable.


                                       .                  ..

BACKGROUND (Continued) (Continuedi The primary containment atmospheric gaseous radioactivity monitoring system continuously monitors the primary containment atmosphere for gaseous radioactivity levels. A A sudden increase of radioactivity, which may be attributed to RCPB steam or reactor water leakage, is annunciated in the main control room. The primary containment atmospheric gaseous radioactivity monitoring system is not capable of quantifying leakage rates, but is sensitive enough to detect increased leakage rates of 11 gpm within 11 hour. Larger changes in leakage rates are detected in proportionally shorter times (Ref. 4). Condensate from the eight drywell air coolers is routed to the drywell floor drain sump and is monitored by aa series of flow transmitters that provide indication and alarms in the main control room. The outputs from the flow transmitters are added together by summing units to provide aa total continuous condensate drain flow rate. The high flow alarm setpoint is based on condensate drain flow rate in excess of 11 gpm over the currently identified preset leak rate. The drywell air cooler condensate flow rate monitoring system serves as an added indicator, but not quantifier, of RCS UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE (Ref. 5). The drywe'll dryweil temperature and pressure monitoring system provide an indirect method for detecting RepS RCPB "Ieakge. ieakge. A A temperature and/or pressure rise in the drywell above normal levels may be indicative of aa reactor coolant or steam leakage (Ref. 6). APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES A A threat of significant compromise to the RCPS RCPB exists if the barrier contains a a crack that is large enough to propagate rapidly. Leakage rate limits are set low enough to detect the leakage emitted from a a single crack in the RCPB (Refs. 7 7 and 8). Each of the leakage detection systems inside the drywell is designed with the capability of detecting leakage less than the established leakage rate limits and providing appropriate alarms of excess leakage in the control room. AA control room alarm allows the operators to evaluate the significance of the indicated leakage and, if necessary, shut down the reactor for further investigation and corrective action. The allowed leakage rates are well below the rates predicted for critical crack sizes (Ref. 8). Therefore, these actions provide adequate responses before aa significant break in the RCPB RCPS can occur. RCS leakage detection instrumentation satisfies (Criterion 1 1 of the NRC Policy Statement. LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATIQ~ (LCD) FOR OPERATION (LCO) ~11 T-e-rhe drywell dlywell fl-rflC~t drpin dl ~in sunip

                                  ~ump flow flow monitoring mo"itol*il,g system 3Y3tem is 15 regtrFred I equireei to quantify qual9tifythe"...J2-the-bJN I DE~rT I FI ED LLAI(AGL

-UN-IDEN-IIFIED LEAKAGE from the RCS RCS-!- The other monitoring mon; tori ng systems provide provi de early ea rl y alarms a1arms to the operator so closer examination of other detection systems will be made to determine the extent of any corrective action that my be required. With any leakage detection system inoperable, monitoring for leakage in the RCPB RepS is degraded. LIMERICK - UNIT I1

                -                                 BB 3/ 44 4-3a                                  Amendment    M1fI

13ASLS BACKGROUND .aAC.K ... &ROUND ((Continued) Gon.t nued). containment atmospheric The primary containment a ic gaseous radioactivity moni monitoring toring system continuously monitors the primary containment atmosphere for qaseous gaseous radioactivity levels. AA sudden increase of radioactivity, which may be attributed to RCPB RCPS steam or reactor water leakage, is annunciated in the main control room. The primary containment atmospheric gaseous radioactivity monitoring system is not capable of quantifying leakage rates, but is sensitive enough to detect increased leakage rates of 1 1 gpm within 11 hour. Larger changes in leakage rates are detected in proportionally shorter times (Ref.(I~ef. 4).


Condensate from the eight dryweil drywell air coolers is routed to the drywell floor drain sump and is ;s monitored by aa series of flow transmitters that provide indication and alarms in the main control room. The Trle outputs from the trle flow transmitter's transmitters are added together by summing units to provide aa total continuous condensate drain flow rate. The high flow alarm setpoint is based on condensate drain flow rate in excess of 1 1 gpm over the currently identified preset leak rate. The drywell air cooler condensate flow rate monitoring system serves as an added indicator, but not quantifier, of RCS ReS UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE (Ref. 5). The drywell temperature and pressure monitoring systems provide an indirect method for detecting RCPB RepS leakage. AA temperature and/or pressure rise in the dryweil drywell above normal levels may be indicative of aa reactor coolant or steam leakage (Ref. 6). APPLICABLE SAFETY ANALYSES AA threat of significant compromise to the RePB RCPB exists if the barrier contains aa crack that is large enough to propagate rapidly. Leakage rate limits are set low enough to detect the leakage emitted from aa single crack in the RePB RCPB (Refs. 7 7 and 8). Each of the leakage detection systems inside the drywell is designed with the capability of detecting leakage less than the established leakage rate limits and providing appropriate alarms of excess leakage in the control room. A control room alarm allow the operators to evaluate the significance of the indicated A leakage and, if necessary, shut down the reactor for further investigation and corrective action. The allowed leakage rates are well below the rates predicted for critical crack sizes (Ref. 8). Therefore, these actions provide adequate response before aa significant break in the RePB RCPB can occur. Res RCS leakage detection instrumentation satisfies Criterion 1 1 of the NRC Policy Statement.

 ~~:I::::e~~N::~::Nd:~~nO::::T~~:\~(~::~t~~ui                              red to quanti f1 th~


                                                     /NST 3 T4edrywcl1floordrainsurnp fow montormngsys                     i.3 required to- guantifyth I:JNIDENTIFIED U-N4-DLN-TIFIL LEAKAGE fro,,,       Llle RC~~

Furii tti RC. The other monitoring systems provide early alarms to the operators so closer examination of other detection systems will be made to determine the extent of any corrective action that may be required. With any leakage detection system inoperable, monitoring for leakage in the RepS RCPB is degraded. LIMERICK - UNIT 22

                -                                  B B 3/4 4-3a                                 Amendment ~

Insert 33 Insert instrumentation to The required instrumentation The UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE quantify UNIDENTIFIED to quantify LEAKAGE from from the the RCS consists of ReS consists of either the drywell either monitoring system, sump flow monitoring drain sump drywell floor drain system, or,or, the drywell drain sump drywell equipment drain sump monitoring drywell floor drain sump overflowing system with the drywell monitoring system the drywell equipment drain overflowing to the drain sump. sump. For For either system system to to be be considered considered operable, the flow monitoring monitoring portion portion of of the the system system must be operable. must

l~. EAC[OR PLA(; r0Reo 0LAN Fr SYS (;OOLAN s y s rEM EM AI\PPLlC;\B[Llry P P L [ CAB I L I 1 V I[n () PEH1\ Fr[I ONAL n oPERA 0NALe(::OND 0 NDII T nd :3, Iled [ () NS I1, 22, () rid E IONS , , , kd qe (1(tC eCik(qe c1 e tee tt i 011 (] n SYS sy s terns t ems ()1 re rerequi r e (j tø requi r(j to hbe OPERABLE to OPERABLE to support support LEO LCD 34.3. [his fhis applicabi Ippi icibi litylity is consistent consistent with with thdt that Eorfor LEO LCO

     . 4 3
        .    . .

ACTION ACEION A. With Ehe the primary containment atmosphere (j(seous qaseous monitoring system inoperable, grab lJrdb

            ~;drnp dITIpII es S at of Lh(?

the prriary nmen t atmosphere conta i nment pri rna fy COfltai d tmosptlere must rnus t be takenta ken and dnd lyzed dnd aria prov i de 1y led to provide periodic pen leakage information. odi C I((]kage i nformati on. [Provided aa sample is obtained i s obtal analyzed dnd ana ned arid lyzed once everyevery 12 12 ~10urs hours, f the trle p I ant plant may be he operated for up to 30 (jays days to d 11 allowow restorat restorationi on oE of the radioactivity monitoring system. rhe plant may continue operation since other forms radioactivit.y of drywel at- t~ d k age detection are avai d r yw e I I11leakage ava i lable.] 1ab 1e * ] rhe 12 hour interval provides periodic information that iiss adequate to detect Flie leakage. fhe rhe 30 day Completion Time rifle for Restoration recognizes other ftrms forms of leakaqe ~ leakage d I~

  • e available.

the~ IN5t?, I B. B. With the

  • drill" 5ump Flow rnonitci ;l1g "ystem-'inoperable. no other form oor--df-umpf1owmonitoringsystminoperabie, of sampling can provide the equivalent information to quantify leakage at the required 1 1 gpm/hour sensitivity. However, the primary containment atmospheric gaseous monitor [and the primary containment air cooler condensate flow rate monitor]

monitor] wil rovide indication of changes in leakage.

                         ,NSE7zTS With : e* r we-fToordai-n ttmpfiow monitorin ys-teWinoperable,                                           inoperable, drywell condensate flow rate monitoring frequency increased from 12 to every 8 hours, and UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and total leakage being determined every 8 hours (Ref. SR 4.43.2.l.h) operation may continue for 30 days. To the extent practical, the surveillance frequency       Frequency change associated with the drywell condensate flow rate monitoring system, makes up for the loss of the drywell floor                                          Floor drain monitoring system which had aa normal surveillance requirement to monitor leakage every 8 hours.

Also note that in this instance, the drywell floor drain tank flow totalizer will be used to comply with SR fhe The 30 day Completion Time of oF the required ACTION is acceptable, based on operating experience, considering the the multiple forms of leakage leakage detection that are still available. LIMERICK LIMERICK - UNIT - UNIT 11 BB 3/4 4-3b 3/4 4-3b Amendment ~, ~ Amendment ,


                                  -.:                   ..
                        --=                                 =====_   -* --=  -                   - --.-..- .--

&.___== ~PPLICABILITY iPPLICAt3I LITY. In OPERATIONAL In OPERATIONAL CONDitONS CONDITIONS 1, 1, 2, 2, and 3, 3, leakage leakage detection detection systems systems are are required required to to be be OPERABLE OPERABLE to upport support LCO LCO This This applicability is is consistent consistent with with that that for LCO LCO _cIi OiS A. With the primary containment With containment atmosphere gaseous monitoring monitoring system inoperable, grab samples of the primary containment atmosphere must he be taken and analyzed to provide periodic leakage information. [Provided aa sample is obtained and analyzed once every 12 hours, the plant may be operated for up to 30 days to allow restoration of the 12 radioactivity monitoring system. The plant may continue operation since other forms of dryweil of drywell leakage detection are available.] The 12 hours interval provides periodic information that is adequate to detect leakage. the fhe 30 day Completion Time for Restoration recognizes other forms of leak~ leak e

  • n are available.

(t%lsErrj (N$~T4 8.

13. WithA~


  • r* Floor dt f1; 1'1 ~UfflP fl O~4 !ftOfll fl OCI drainumpfow fl te-ri ng ysteWinoper monitoiing systeR1i noperabl e, no other form able, of sampling can provide the equivalent information to quantify leakage at the required 11 gpm/hour sensitivity. However, the primary containment atmospheric required gaseous monitor [and the primary containment air cooler condensate flow rate moni~ide monitor] will rovide indication of changes in leakage.


             /NSr5          5 Withl\~loor 4;

WithA drain SUFAJ3 floor 4rai-n- surnflow Iflonitoring systeH1inoperable, flo'iJ rnon4toning systeiwinoperable, drywell condensate flow rate monitoring frequency increased from 12 to every 8 hours, and UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE and total leakage being determined every 8 hours (Ref: SR operation may continue for 30 days. To the extent practical, practical the , surveillance frequency change associated with the drywell condensate flow rate monitoring system, makes up for the loss of the drywell floor drain sump monitoring system which had aa normal surveillance requirement to monitor leakage every 8 hours. Also note that in this instance, the drywell floor drain tank flow totalizer will be used to comply with SR The 30 day Completion Time of the required ACTION is acceptable, based on operating experience, considering the multiple forms of leakage detection that are still available. LIMERICK LIMERICK - UNIT

            -  UNIT 22                                            BB 3/4    4-3b 3/4 4-3b                            Amendment ~,

Amendment 4-Q, ~

Insert 4 Insert4 drywell sump required drywell monitoring system sump monitoring system Insert 55 Insert monitoring system required drywell sump monitoring system

ATTACHMENT 4 z m 0-4 List of Commitments 3 3 m 0+/- -oc za. 0I) Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Cm 71 CDCI) 0 -n 0)C) 00 Cl) z Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85 -p CD Cl

those actions committed to identifies those The following table identifies The by EGC to by Limerick Generating EGG for Limerick Generating Station (LGS), Units Station (LGS), Units and1 1 and 2 2 as as part part of of the License License Amendment Request Request. Any other statements other statements in this submittal in submittal are information purposes and provided for information are provided and are are not not regulatory commitments. Commitment Commitment Commitment Event Number Number Date One-Time Programmatic Action (Yes/No) (Yes/No) CM-1 CM-i EGG will verify through EGC Prior to initial Yes No historical or new test data that use of the the drywell floor drain sump alternate sump overflows into the drywell monitoring equipment drain sump at method for LGS, LGS, Unit 1. 1 . Unit 1. CM-2 EGG EGC will verify through Prior to initial Yes No historical or new test data that use of the the drywell floor drain sump alternate sump overflows into the drywell monitoring equipment drain sump at method for LGS, LGS, Unit 2. Unit 2.

ATTACHMENT 5 Drywell Sump Level Monitoring System Configuration Drawings (For Information Only) Stationg Units 11 and 2 Limerick Generating Station, Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85 Drywell Sump Sumo Level Monitoring System Configuration Drawings HBB-163-1, HBB-1 63-1, "Reactor Unit-i , Revision 4 BIdg Liquid & Solid Radwaste - Unit-1," Reactor Bld'g HBB-263-1, Liquid & HBB-263-i, "Liquid & Solid Radwaste Reactor Building Unit 2," 2, Revision 6 8031-M-61, 8031 -M-61, Sheet 1, 1, Liquid "Liquid Radwaste Collection (Unit 1), 1)," Revision 37 8031-M-61, 8031 -M-61, Sheet 4, "Liquid 2), Revision 15 Liquid Radwaste Collection (Unit 2)," Reactor Bldg. Unit No. 11 Misc. Plans & Sections - Area 11 & 12," M-247, "Reactor 12, Revision 23 M-328, "Reactor No. 2 Misc. Plans & Reactor Bldg. Unit No.2 & Sections - Area 13 & 14, Revision 11

                                                                       & 14,"

4 LF.

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