CP-201300391, Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Submittal of Annual Report of Changes in Peak Cladding Temperature

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Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Submittal of Annual Report of Changes in Peak Cladding Temperature
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/2013
From: Madden F W
Luminant Generation Co, Luminant Power
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CP-201300391, TXX-13066
Download: ML13123A008 (18)


0 Luminant Rafael Flores Senior Vice President& Chief Nuclear Officer rafael.flores@Luminant.com Lumninant Power P 0 Box 1002 6322 North FM 56 Glen Rose, TX 76043 T 254 897 5550 C 817 559 0403 F 254 897 6652 CP-201300391 Log # TXX-13066 Ref. # 10CFR50.46 April 25, 2013 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


COMANCHE PEAK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (CPNPP)DOCKET NOS. 50-445 AND 50-446 ANNUAL REPORT OF CHANGES IN PEAK CLADDING TEMPERATURE REF: Letter dated October 18, 2012, from Rafael Flores of Luminant Power to the NRC regarding "30-Day Report for Significant Change in Peak Clad Temperature" (ML12310A058)

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii), Luminant Generation Company LLC (Luminant Power) hereby submits the attached peak cladding temperatures (PCT) for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (CPNPP), Units 1 and 2. The Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant-Accident and Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident analysis for Units I and 2 were performed for Luminant Power with the approved Westinghouse methodologies listed in Technical Specification 5.6.5.Luminant Power has reviewed the notification of 10CFR50.46 reporting information pertaining to the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) Evaluation Model changes that were implemented by Westinghouse for 2012. Per the referenced letter, Luminant Power submitted information regarding an evaluation of fuel pellet thermal conductivity (TCD) with fuel bumup in the Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) analysis methodology for CPNPP Units 1 and 2 and its effect on PCT. The evaluation of fuel pellet TCD determined the change in PCT was determined to be significant and the referenced letter provided the required information.

No other changes to, or errors in, the Evaluation Models on the limiting transient PCT were significant for 2012.This report of the ECCS Evaluation Model changes provides an update on an annual basis.Attachment I provides an assessment of the'specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012.A member of the STARS Alliance Callaway

  • Comanche Peak
  • Diablo Canyon
  • Palo Verde -San Onofre
  • Wolf Creek ADD U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission TXX-13066 Page 2 April 25, 2013 Attachment 2 provides the calculated LBLOCA and Small Break LOCA PCT margin allocations in effect for the 2012 Comanche Peak Units I and 2 Evaluation Models. There were no changes, error corrections, or enhancements to the 1985 Westinghouse Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model with NOTRUMP. The PCT values determined in the LBLOCA analysis of record, combined with all of the PCT allocations, remain well below the 10CFR50.46 regulatory limit of 2200 degrees Fahrenheit.

Therefore, CPNPP Units 1 and 2 are in compliance with 10CFR50.46 requirements and no reanalysis or other action is required.This communication contains no new licensing basis commitments regarding CPNPP Units 1 and 2.Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. J. D. Seawright at (254) 897-0140.Sincerely, Luminant Generation Company LLC Rafael Flores red W. Madden Director, Oversight

& Regulatory Affairs Attachments

-1. Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 2. CPNPP Units 1 and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures c -A. T. Howell, Region IV B. K. Singal, NRR Resident Inspectors, Comanche Peak Attachment i to TXX-13066 Page 1 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 GENERAL CODE MAINTENANCE


Various changes have been made to enhance the usability of codes and to streamline future analyses.Examples of these changes include modifying input variable definitions, units and defaults; improving the input diagnostic checks; enhancing the code output; optimizing active coding; and eliminating inactive coding. These changes represent Discretionary Changes that will be implemented on a forward-fit basis in accordance with Section 4.1.1 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1996 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1999 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model for Application to PWRs with Upper Plenum Injection 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect The nature of these changes leads to an estimated Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) impact of 0°F.

Attachment 1 to TXX-13066 Page 2 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 EVALUATION OF FUEL PELLET THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY DEGRADATION AND PEAKING FACTOR BURNDOWN Background Fuel pellet thermal conductivity degradation (TCD) and peaking factor bumdown were not explicitly considered in the Comanche Peak Unit I Best Estimate Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (BE LBLOCA) Analysis of Record (AOR). Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Information Notice 2011-21 (Reference

1) notified addressees of recent information obtained concerning the impact of irradiation on fuel thermal conductivity and its potential to cause significantly higher predicted peak cladding temperature (PCT) results in realistic emergency core cooling system (ECCS) evaluation models. This evaluation provides an estimated effect of fuel pellet TCD and peaking factor burndown on the PCT calculation for the Comanche Peak Unit I BE LBLOCA AOR. This change represents a Non-Discretionary Change in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451 (Reference 2).Affected Evaluation Model 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect A quantitative evaluation, as discussed in Reference 3, was performed to assess the PCT effect of fuel pellet TCD and peaking factor burndown on the Comanche Peak Unit 1 BE LBLOCA analysis and concluded that the estimated PCT impact is 122°F for 10CFR50.46 reporting purposes.

The peaking factor burndown included in the evaluation is provided in Table 1, is conservative for current cycle and is the same for both Unit 1 and Unit 2. Luminant and its vendor, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, utilize processes which ensure that the LOCA analysis input values conservatively bound the as-operated plant values for those parameters and will be validated as part of the reload design process.Table 1: Peaking Factors Assumed in the Evaluation of TCD Rod Burnup FdH (1),(2) FQ Transient (1) FQ Steady-State (MW M )0 1.600 2.500 2.000 30,000 1.600 2.500 2.000 60,000 1.400 1.875 1.500 62,000 1.400 1.875 1.500 (1) Includes uncertainties.

(2) Hot assembly average power follows the same burndown, since it is a function of FdH.References

1. NRC Information Notice 2011-21, McGinty, T. J., and Dudes, L. A., "Realistic Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Model Effects Resulting From Nuclear Fuel Thermal Conductivity Degradation," December 13, 2011. (NRC ADAMS # ML113430785)
2. WCAP-13451, "Westinghouse Methodology for Implementation of 10 CFR 50.46 Reporting," October 1992.3. OG-12-386, "For Information Only -Input Supporting the PWROG LBLOCA Program Regarding Nuclear Fuel Thermal Conductivity Degradation (PA-ASC-1073, Revision 0) (Proprietary/Non-Proprietary)," September 18, 2012.

Attachment 1 to TXX-13066 Page 3 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 EVALUATION OF FUEL PELLET THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY DEGRADATION AND PEAKING FACTOR BURNDOWN Background Fuel pellet thermal conductivity degradation (TCD) and peaking factor burndown were not explicitly considered in the Comanche Peak Unit 2 Best Estimate Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (BE LBLOCA) Analysis of Record (AOR). NRC Information Notice 2011-21 (Reference

1) notified addressees of recent information obtained concerning the impact of irradiation on fuel thermal conductivity and its potential to cause significantly higher predicted peak cladding temperature (PCT)results in realistic emergency core cooling system (ECCS) evaluation models. This evaluation provides an estimated effect of fuel pellet TCD and peaking factor burndown on the PCT calculation for the Comanche Peak Unit 2 BE LBLOCA AOR. This change represents a Non-Discretionary Change in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451 (Reference 2).Affected Evaluation Model 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect A quantitative evaluation, as discussed in Reference 3, was performed to assess the PCT effect of fuel pellet TCD and peaking factor burndown on the Comanche Peak Unit 2 BE LBLOCA analysis and concluded that the estimated PCT impact is 190'F for 10CFR50.46 reporting purposes.

The peaking factor burndown included in the evaluation is provided in Table 1 and is conservative for the current cycle. Luminant and its vendor, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, utilize processes which ensure that the LOCA analysis input values conservatively bound the as-operated plant values for those parameters and will be validated as part of the reload design process.Table 1: Peaking Factors Assumed in the Evaluation of TCD Rod Burnup FdH (1),(2) FQ Transient (1) FQ Steady-State (MWd/MTU)

________ _______ ____ ____0 1.600 2.500 2.000 30,000 1.600 2.500 2.000 60,000 1.400 1.875 1.500 62,000 1.400 1.875 1.500 (1) Includes uncertainties.

(2) Hot assembly average power follows the same burndown, since it is a function of FdH.References

1. NRC Information Notice 2011-21, McGinty, T. J., and Dudes, L. A., "Realistic Emergency Core Cooling System Evaluation Model Effects Resulting From Nuclear Fuel Thermal Conductivity Degradation," December 13, 2011. (NRC ADAMS # ML113430785)
2. WCAP-13451, "Westinghouse Methodology for Implementation of 10 CFR 50.46 Reporting," October 1992.3. OG-12-386, "For Information Only -Input Supporting the PWROG LBLOCA Program Regarding Nuclear Fuel Thermal Conductivity Degradation (PA-ASC-1073, Revision 0)(Proprietary/

Non-Proprietary)," September 18, 2012.

Attachment 1 to TXX-13066 Page 4 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 HOTSPOT BURST TEMPERATURE CALCULATION FOR ZIRLO CLADDING Background A problem was identified in the calculation of the burst temperature for ZIRLO1 cladding in the HOTSPOT code when the cladding engineering hoop stress exceeds 15,622 psi. This problem results in either program failure or an invalid extrapolation of the burst temperature vs. engineering hoop stress table. This problem has been evaluated for impact on existing analyses, and its resolution represents a Non-Discretionary Change in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1996 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1999 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model for Application to PWRs with Upper Plenum Injection 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect The evaluation of existing analyses demonstrated no impact on the overall Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) results, leading to an estimated effect of 0 0 F.ZIRLO is a registered trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, its affiliates and/or its subsidiaries in the United States ofAmerica and may be registered in other countries.

All rights reserved.

Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Attachment 1 to TXX-13066 Page 5 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 HOTSPOT ITERATION ALGORITHM FOR CALCULATING THE INITIAL FUEL PELLET AVERAGE TEMPERATURE


The HOTSPOT code has been updated to incorporate the following corrections to the iteration algorithm for calculating the initial fuel pellet average temperature:

(1) bypass the iteration when the input value satisfies the acceptance criterion; (2) prevent low-end extrapolation of the gap heat transfer coefficient; (3) prevent premature termination of the iteration that occurred under certain conditions; and (4) prevent further adjustment of the gap heat transfer coefficient after reaching the iteration limit.These changes represent a closely-related group of Non-Discretionary Changes in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1996 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1999 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model for Application to PWRs with Upper Plenum Injection 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect Sample calculations and engineering judgment lead to an estimated Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT)impact of 0 0 F.

Attachment I to TXX-13066 Page 6 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 WCOBRA/TRAC AUTOMATED RESTART PROCESS LOGIC ERROR Background A minor error was identified in the WCOBRA/TRAC Automated Restart Process (WARP) logic for defining the Double-Ended Guillotine (DEG) break tables. The error has been evaluated for impact on current licensing-basis analysis results and will be incorporated into the plant-specific analyses on a forward-fit basis. These changes represent a closely-related group of Non-Discretionary Changes in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1996 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1999 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model for Application to PWRs with Upper Plenum Injection 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect These errors were evaluated to have a negligible impact on the Large Break LOCA analysis results, leading to an estimated Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) impact of 0°F.

Attachment 1 to TXX-13066 Page 7 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 ROD INTERNAL PRESSURE CALCULATION


Several issues which affect the calculation of rod internal pressure (RIP) have been identified for certain Best-Estimate (BE) Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) evaluation models (EMs). These issues include the sampling of rod internal pressure uncertainties, updating HOTSPOT to consider the effect of transient RIP variations in the application of the uncertainty, and generating RIPs at a consistent rod power. These issues have been evaluated to estimate the impact on existing LBLOCA analysis results. The resolution of these issues represents a closely-related group of Non-Discretionary Changes in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1996 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect The effects described above are either judged to have a negligible effect on existing LBLOCA analysis results or have been adequately incorporated into the thermal conductivity degradation evaluations, leading to an estimated Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) impact of 0°F.

Attachment 1 to TXX-13066 Page 8 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 NOTRUMP-EM EVALUATION OF FUEL PELLET THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY DEGRADATION


An evaluation has been completed to estimate the effect of fuel pellet thermal conductivity degradation (TCD) on peak cladding temperature (PCT) for plants in the United States with analyses using the 1985 Westinghouse Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model with NOTRUMP (NOTRUMP-EM).

This change represents a Non-Discretionary Change in accordance with Section 4.1.2 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1985 Westinghouse Small Break LOCA Evaluation Model with NOTRUMP Estimated Effect Based on the phenomena and physics of the SBLOCA transient, in combination with limited sensitivity calculations, it is concluded that TCD has a negligible effect on the limiting cladding temperature transient, leading to an estimated PCT impact of 0°F.

Attachment I to TXX-13066 Page 9 of 9 Assessment of specific changes and enhancements to the Westinghouse Evaluation Models for 2012 WCOBRA/TRAC THERMAL-HYDRAULIC HISTORY FILE DIMENSION USED IN HSDRIVER Background A problem was identified in the dimension of the WCOBRA/TRAC thermal-hydraulic history file used in HSDRIVER.

The array that is used to store the information from the WCOBRA/TRAC thermal-hydraulic history file is dimensioned to 3000 in HSDRIVER.

It is possible for this file to contain more than 3000 curves. If that is the case, it is possible that the curves would not be used correctly in the downstream HOTSPOT execution.

An extent-of-condition review indicated that resolution of this issue does not impact the Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) calculation for prior Large Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LBLOCA) analyses.

This represents a Discretionary Change in accordance with Section 4.1.1 of WCAP-13451.

Affected Evaluation Model(s)1996 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model 1999 Westinghouse Best Estimate Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model for Application to PWRs with Upper Plenum Injection 2004 Westinghouse Realistic Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model Using ASTRUM Estimated Effect As discussed in the Background section, resolution of this issue does not impact the PCT calculation for prior LBLOCA analyses, which leads to a PCT impact of O°F.

Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 1 of 7 CPNPP Units 1 and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for ASTRUM Best Estimate Large Break Plant Name: Utility Name: Revision Date: Comanche Peak Unit I Luminant 3/1/2013 Analysis Information EM: ASTRUM (2004)FQ: 2.5 Fuel: OFA Notes: Analysis Date: FdH: SGTP (%): 7/27/2007 1.6 10 Limiting Break Size: Guillotine Clad Temp (OF)LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS

1. Evaluation of Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown Ref. Notes I 1492 0 0 122 2 (a)D. OTHER 1. None 0 LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS PCT = 1614


I. WCAP-16762-P, Revision 1, "Best-Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit I Using the ASTRUM Methodology." March 2009.2. LTR-LIS-12-410, "Comanche Peak Units I and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 Notification and Reporting for Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown," September 20, 2012.Notes: (a) This evaluation credits peaking factor bumdown, see Reference


Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 2 of 7 CPNPP Units I and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for ASTRUM Best Estimate Large Break Plant Name: Utility Name: Revision Date: Comanche Peak Unit 1 Luminant 3/1/2013 Cycle 16 Analysis Information EM: ASTRUM (2004)FQ: 2.5 Fuel: OFA Notes: Analysis Date: FdH: SGTP (%): 7/27/2007 1.6 10 Limiting Break Size: Guillotine LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS

1. PBOT/PMID Violation Clad Temp (OF)1492 Ref. Notes 1 0 0 2 C. 2012 ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS
1. Evaluation of Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown D. OTHER 1. None LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS 122 3 (a)0 PCT= 1614


I. WCAP-16762-P, Revision 1, "Best-Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit I Using the ASTRUM Methodology," March 2009.2. LTR-LIS-1 1-490, "10 CFR 50.46 Reporting Text for Comanche Peak Unit I Cycle 16 PBOT/PMID Violation Evaluation and Revised PCT Rackup Sheets," September 2011.3. LTR-LIS-12-410, "Comanche Peak Units I and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 Notification and Reporting for Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown," September 20, 2012.Notes: (a) This evaluation credits peaking factor bumdown, see Reference


Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 3 of 7 CPNPP Units I and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for Appendix K Small Break Plant Name: Utility Name: Revision Date: Comanche Peak Unit 1 Luminant 3/1/2013 Analysis Information EM: NOTRUMP FQ: 2.5 Fuel: OFA Notes: Analysis Date: FdH: SGTP (%): 6/8/2007 1.6 10 Limiting Break Size: 4 inch LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS

1. None D. OTHER 1. None Clad Temp (OF)1013 Ref. Notes I 0 0 0 0 LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS PCT = 1013


1. WCAP- 16840-P, "Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Stretch Power Uprate Licensing Report," August 2007. (Results are included in TXX-07107, "Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446, Submittal of the CPSES Units I and 2 Large and Small Break LOCA Analyses," July 31, 2007.)Notes: None Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 4 of 7 CPNPP Units I and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for ASTRUM Best Estimate Large Break Plant Name: Utility Name: Revision Date: Comanche Peak Unit 2 Luminant 3/1/2013 Analysis Information EM: ASTRUM (2004)FQ: 2.5 Fuel: OFA Notes: Analysis Date: FdH: SGTP (%): 7/27/2007 1.6 10 Limiting Break Size: Guillotine LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS
1. None Clad Temp (OF)1632 Ref. Notes I 0 0 C. 2012 ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS
1. Evaluation of Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown D. OTHER 1. None LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS 190 2 (a)0 PCT= 1822


l. WCAP-16763-P, Revision 1, "Best-Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 Using the ASTRUM Methodology," March 2009.2. LTR-LIS-12-410, "Comanche Peak Units I and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 Notification and Reporting for Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Burndown," September 20, 2012.Notes: (a) This evaluation credits peaking factor bumdown, see Reference

Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 5 of 7 CPNPP Units 1 and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for ASTRUM Best Estimate Large Break Plant Name: Comanche Peak Unit 2 Utility Name: Luminant R etired Revision Date: 3/1/2013 Cycle 13 Analysis Information EM: ASTRUM (2004) Analysis Date: 7/27/2007 Limiting Break Size: Guillotine FQ: 2.5 FdH: 1.6 Fuel: OFA SGTP (%): 10 Notes: Clad Temp (OF) Ref. Notes LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT 1632 1 PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS

1. Evaluation of Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity 190 3 (a)Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown D. OTHER 1. None 0 LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS PCT= 1822


I. WCAP-16763-P, Revision 1, "Best-Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 Using the ASTRUM Methodology," March 2009.2. LTR-LIS-1 1-204, Revision 1, "10 CFR 50.46 Reporting Text for Comanche Peak Unit 2 Cycle 13 PBOT/PMID Violation Evaluation and Revised PCT Rack-up Sheets, Revision 1" April 2011.3. LTR-LIS-12-4 10, "Comanche Peak Units I and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 Notification and Reporting for Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown," September 20, 2012.Notes: (a) This evaluation credits peaking factor bumdown, see Reference


Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 6 of 7 CPNPP Units 1 and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for ASTRUM Best Estimate Large Break Plant Name: Utility Name: Revision Date: Comanche Peak Unit 2 Luminant 3/1/2013 Cycle 14 Analysis Information EM: ASTRUM (2004)FQ: 2.5 Fuel: OFA Notes: Analysis Date: FdH: SGTP (%): 7/27/2007 1.6 10 Limiting Break Size: Guillotine LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS

1. PBOT/PMID Evaluation Clad Temp (OF)1632 Ref. Notes I 0 0 2 C. 2012 ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS
1. Evaluation of Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Burndown D. OTHER 1. None LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS 190 3 (a)0 PCT= 1822


I. WCAP-16763-P, Revision 1, "Best-Estimate Analysis of the Large-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 Using the ASTRUM Methodology," March 2009.2. LTR-LIS-12-498, "LBLOCA PCT Rack-up Sheet Update for the Evaluation of the Comanche Peak Unit 2 Cycle 14 PBOT/PMID Violations," September 2012.3. LTR-LIS-12-410, "Comanche Peak Units 1 and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 Notification and Reporting for Fuel Pellet Thermal Conductivity Degradation and Peaking Factor Bumdown," September 20, 2012.Notes: (a) This evaluation credits peaking factor bumdown, see Reference


Attachment 2 to TXX-13066 Page 7 of 7 CPNPP Units 1 and 2 Peak Cladding Temperatures Westinghouse LOCA Peak Clad Temperature Summary for Appendix K Small Break Plant Name: Utility Name: Revision Date: Comanche Peak Unit 2 Luminant 3/1/2013 Analysis Information EM: NOTRUMP FQ: 2.5 Fuel: OFA Notes: Analysis Date: FdH: SGTP (%): 6/8/2007 1.6 10 Limiting Break Size: 4 inch LICENSIS BASIS Analysis-Of-Record PCT PCT Assessments (Delta PCT)A. PRIOR ECCS MODEL ASSESSMENTS

1. None D. OTHER 1. None Clad Temp (OF)1210 Ref. Notes 1 0 0 0 0 LICENSING BASIS PCT + PCT ASSESSMENTS PCT = 1210


1. WCAP- I 6840-P, "Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Stretch Power Uprate Licensing Report," August 2007. (Results are included in TXX-07107, "Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPSES), Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446, Submittal of the CPSES Units I and 2 Large and Small Break LOCA Analyses," July 31, 2007.)Notes: None