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Nine Mile Point, Unit 1 - Draft - Outlines (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/10/2010
From: Dean R J
Operations Branch I
To: Fish T H
Constellation Energy Nuclear Group
Hansell S
Shared Package
ML101900588 List:
TAC U01797 50-220/10-301
Download: ML103090350 (38)


ES-401 Written Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Date of Exam: November 2010 RO KIA Category Points SRO-Only Points Tier Group K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 G

  • Total A2 G* Total 1. Emergency

& Plant Evaluations 1 2 Tier Totals 3 1 4 3 1 4 3 1 4 4 1 5 4 2 6 3 1 4 20 7 27 3 2 5 4 1 5 7 3 10 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 26 2 3 5 2. Plant Systems 2 Tier Totals 1 3 2 4 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 3 12 38 0 3 1 2 5 3 8 3. Generic Knowledge

&Abilities 1 2 3 4 10 1 2 3 4 7 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 Note 1. Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable KIA category are sampled within each t i er of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline , the Tier Totals in each KIA category shall not be less than two). 2. The point total for each group and tier i n the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by 1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points. 3. Systems/evolut i ons within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important , site-spec i fic systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to section D.1.b of ES-401 , for guidance regarding eliminat i on of inappropriate KIA statements. 4. Select topics f r om as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution. 5. Absent a plant specific prior i ty , only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions , respectively.

6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KIA categories. 7.* The gener i c (G) KlAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be se l ected from Section 2 of the KIA Ca t alog , but the top i cs must be re l evant to the applicable evolution or system. Refer to Sect i on D.1.b of ES-40 1 for the applicable KIA's B. On the following pages , enter the KIA numbers , a brief descript i on of each topic , the topics' importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level , and the po i nt totals (#) for each system and category.

Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. If fuel handling equipment is sampled in other than Category A2 or G* on the SRO-only exam, enter it on the left side of Column A2 for Tier 2 , Group 2 (Note #1 does not apply). Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams. 9. For Tie r 3 , select topics f r om Section 2 of the KIA Catalog , and enter the KIA numbers , descriptions , IRs , and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to KlAs that are linked to 10CFR55.43 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Wr i tten Exam i nation Outl iEme r gency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions

-Tier 1 Group EAPE#/Name Safety Funct iKIA Topic (s) EA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295024 High Drywell X as they apply to HIGH 4.0 76 Pressure / 5 DRYWELL PRESSURE: Drywell temperature AA2.04 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295004 Partial or as they apply to PARTIAL 3.3 77 Loss of DC Pwr / OR COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER: System lineups AA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295001 Partial or Complete as they apply to PARTIAL Loss of Forced Core Flow X OR COMPLETE LOSS OF 3.2 78 Circulation / 1 & 4 FORCED CORE FLOW CIRCULATION:

Neutron monitoring 295038 High Off-site 2.4.18, Knowledge of the4.0 79 Release Rate / specific bases for EOPs. 2.2.38 -Equipment Control: 295026 Suppression Pool Knowledge of conditions and 4.5 80 High Water Temp. limitations in the facility license. 2.2.39 -Equipment Control: 295037 SCRAM Conditions Knowledge of less than or Present and Reactor Power X equal to one hour technical 4.5 81 Above APRM Downscale or specification action Unknown /1 statements for systems. 2.2.37 -Equipment Control: Ability to determine 295005 Main Turbine X operability and / or 4.6 82 Generator Trip / 3 availability of safety related equipment.

EK1 .03 -Knowledge of t he operational implications of the following concepts as 295030 Low Suppression they apply to LOW 3.8 39 Pool Wate r Level / 5 SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL: Heat capacity ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions

-Tier 1 Group EAPE#/Name Safety Function I K1 I K2 I K3 IA 1 I A2 I G KIA Topic(s) 295024 High Drywell Pressure 15 x 295005 Main Turbine Generator Trip I 3 .x 295028 High Drywell Temperature I 5 295006 SCRAM I 1 295025 High Reactor Pressure 13 x x 700000 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances x 295004 Partial or Total Loss of DC Pwr I 6 x EK1.01 -Knowledge ofthe operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE:

Drywell integrity: Specific AK1.03 -Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as "2""'10">1 they apply to MAIN TURBINE GENERATOR TRIP: Pressure effects on reactor level EK2.04 -Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH DRYWELL TEMPERATURE and the following:

Drywell ventilation AK2.06 -Knowledge of the interrelations between SCRAM and the following:

Reactor ower EK2.01 -Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE and the followin : RPS AK3.02 -Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to GENERATOR VOLTAGE AND ELECTRIC GRID DISTURBANCES:

Actions contained in abnormal operating procedure for voltage and grid disturbances.

AK3.02, Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER: Ground isolation/fault determination.

4.1 40 3.5 41 3.6 42 4.2 43 4.1 44 3.6 45 2.9 46 ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions

-Tier 1 Group EAPE#/Name Safety Function 295016 Control Room Abandonment

/7 295031 Reactor Low Water i Level/2 295037 SCRAM Conditions Present and Reactor Power Above APRM Downscale or Unknown 11 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling 14 295003 Partial or Complete Loss of AC 16 295019 Partial or Total Loss of Inst. Air / 8 295026 Suppression Pool High Water Temp. /5 KIA Topic(s) AK3.03 -Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT:

Disabling control room controls EA 1.10 -Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL: Control rod drive EA 1.10 -Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to SCRAM CONDITION PRESENT AND REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOWN: Alternate boron injection methods: Plant-S ecific AA 1.02 -Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING: RHRlshutdown coolin AA2.04 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF A.C. POWER: System lineu s AA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF INSTRUMENT AIR: Instrument air system pressure EA2.03 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to SUPPRESSION POOL HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE:

Reactor pressure 3.6 48 3.7 49 3.5 50 3.5 51 3.5 52 3.9 53 ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions

-Tier 1 Group EAPE#/Name Safety Function I K1 I K2 . K3 I A1 I A2 I G KIA Topic(s) 2.4.21 -Emergency Procedures

/ Plan: Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety 295023 Refueling functions, such as reactivity Accidents I 8 control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc. 2.4.46 -Emergency 295018 Partial or Total Loss of CCW / 8 Procedures

/ Plan: Ability to verify that the alarms are consistent with the plant conditions.

2.1.27 -Conduct of 295038 High Off-site Operations:

Knowledge of Release Rate / 9 system purpose and / or function.

AA1.09 -Ability to operate and / or monitor the following

  • 600000 Plant Fire On-site / i as they apply to PLANT 8 FIRE ON SITE: Plant fire zone panel (including detector location AA2.06 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295001 Partial or Complete as they apply to PARTIAL Loss of Forced Core Flow OR COMPLETE LOSS OF Circulation


Nuclear boiler instrumentation KIA CategoryTotals 3 3 3 Group Point Total: 4.0 54

  • 4.2 55 3.9 56 2.5 57 3.2 58 20n Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions

-Tier 1 Group EAPE#/Name Safety KIA Topic (s) AA2.03 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295020 Inadvertent as they apply to3.7 83 Isolation 15 & INADVERTENT CONTAINMENT ISOLATION:

Reactor power 295007 High 2.4.6, Knowledge of EOP4.7 84 Pressure mitigation strategies.

AA2.03 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295014 as they apply to4.3 85 Reactivity Addition 1INADVERTENT REACTIVITY ADDITION:

Cause of reactivity addition AK1 .02 -Knowledge of the operationa l implications of the following concepts as 295017 High Off-site they apply to HIGH OFF-3.8 59 Release Rate 1 9 SITE RELEASE RATE: Protection of the general public AK2.01 -Knowledge of the interrelations between LOW 295009 Low Reactor Water REACTOR WATER LEVEL 3.9 60 Level/2 and the following:

Reactor water level indication EK3.01 -Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to 295032 High Secondary HIGH SECONDARY Containment Area 3.5 61 CONTAINMENT AREA Temperature 1 5 TEMPERATURE:

Emergency/normal depressurization EA 1.04 -Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to 295036 Secondary SECONDARY Containment High 3.1 62 CONTAINMENT HIGH Sump/Area Water Level 15 SUMP/AREA WATER LEVEL: Radiation monitoril}R Plant-Specific ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions

-Tier 1 Group EAPE#lName Safety Function I K1 I A_1-lI_A_2----1...I_G_L...-


__ AA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 1295012 Hi9: Drywell as they apply to HIGH Temperature


Drywell . tern erature 2.4.1 -Emergency 295029 High Suppression Pool Water Level!5 Procedures

/ Plan: Knowledge of EOP entry conditions and immediate action ste s. AA2.01 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following 295002 Loss of Main as they apply to LOSS OF Condenser Vac / 3 MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM: Condenser vacuum/absolute pressure KiA CategoryTotals Group PointTotal:


  • 63 4.6 *64 2.9 65 7/3 Form ES-401-1 System #/Name 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 211000 SLC 205000 Shutdown Cooling 264000 EDGs 207000 Isolation (Emergency)

Condense r Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group KIA Topic(s) A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions , use 2.5 86 procedures to correct , control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Loss of comparator bias signal A2.07 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use 3.2 87 procedures to correct , control , or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Valve closures 2.2.12 -Equipment Control: Knowledge of 4.1 88 surveillance procedures.

2.1.32 -Conduct of Operations

Ability to explain and apply all 4.0 89 system limits and precautions. 2.2.25 -Equipment Control: Knowledge of bases in technical4.2 90 specifications for limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Written Examination Outline Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group 1 System #/Name KIA Topic(s) 262001 AC Electrical Distribution I X I I '. '. I K1.02 -Knowledge of '.' the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between ; A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION and the 3.3 1 1212000 RPS 300000 Instrument Air 206000 HPCI X X X Y" ,', "i," " " I " .... ,. r:. .* .' " ". r.o::'.i. " following:

D.C. electrical distribution I'" ':' K 1.02 -Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect ,.. " relationships between REACTOR

.**. PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following:

  • .*;,F,t*

Nuclear boiler instrumentation

.., K2.02 -Knowledge of electrical power supplies to the following:

f Emergency air compressor i" K2.01 -Knowledge of I .. '.' electrical power supplies to the following:

System t*",> valves: BWR-2,3,4

,f K3.03 -Knowledge of .' the effect that a loss or malfunction of the I 3.7 2 3.0 3 3.2 '4 1239002 SRVs X " RELIEF/SAFETY VALVES will have on 4.3 5 " ."'y , following:

Ability to rapidly depressurize the reactor

.> ," ;1 I ..... K3.08 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 262002 UPS (ACID C) X , .. !J' f'.:, '.; UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (A.C.lD.C.)

will have on following:

Computer 0J2..eration:

Plant-Specific 2.7 6 Form ES-401-1 System #lName 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 1400000 Component

'Cooling Water 215005 APRM I LPRM 207000 Isolation (Emergency)

  • Condenser 205000 Shutdown *Cooling Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group KJA Topic(s) K4.09 -Knowledge of REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM design feature(s) and/or 3.1 7 interlocks which provide for the following:

Single element control (reactor water level provides the onl in ut K4.01 -Knowledge of CCWS design feature(s) and or interlocks which 3.4 8 provide for the following:

Automatic start of standb urn K5.01 -Knowledge of " the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to AVERAGE 2.8 9 POWER RANGE MONITOR/LOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM: LPRM detector 0 eration K5.03 -Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to ISOLATION (EMERGENCY)


Heat transfer:

BWR-2,3 K6.02 -Knowledge of , the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the SHUTDOWN COOLING 2.7 11 SYSTEM (RHR SHUTDOWN COOLING MODE): D.C. electrical ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group System #/Name 215004 Source Range Monitor 263000 DC Electrical I Distribution 261000 SGTS 209001 LPCS , X ,}"i c.: ..*.. ,. '" .. X ..'. i k'* l........

X ," ! I: "',0;P' , I.;.l.*****.*** :! X . I I KIA Topic(s) ...... K6.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or I malfunction of the

  • following will have on the. 3.2 12 t>;: '. ',' '

'. I,;


RPS A 1.01 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION controls including:

Battery charging/discharging rate A1.06 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM controls including:

Drywell and suppression chamber differential pressure:

Mark-I p.: A2.06 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the LOW PRESSURE .'. SPRAY SYSTEM; ;, . (b) based on predictions, .*....>.. procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or i: '.' operations:

Inadequate system flow * ! 2.5 .13 2.7 .14 3.2 15 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group System KiA Topic(s) ,,: A2.05 -Ability to (a) i, predict the impacts of the following on the ;.::. ...., INTERMEDIATE

'.' RANGE MONITOR .. ', (IRM) SYSTEM; and (b) based on those 2150031RM predictions, use 3.3 16 I; .X;"'**" procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the I',

consequences of those I abnormal conditions or ;' operations:

Faulty or erratic operation of . '. l detectors/system A3.04 -Ability to monitor r>1}' automatic operations of the AUTOMATIC . ;'218000 : X 1 ,;';: ..... DEPRESSURIZATION 3.7 17 1 SYSTEM including:

k ....; Primary containment . pressure A3.02 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of the PRIMARY ',i I',,;;;. CONTAINMENT I .... X ISOLATION 3.5 18 Steam Supply . SYSTEM/NUCLEAR Shutoff i STEAM SUPPLY ... I [. OFF including:

Valve closures '.'> A4.05 -Ability to manually operate and/or I , i*';:!211000 SLC i '.' X monitor in the control 4.1 19. '<'. .

  • room: Flow indication:
. Plant-Specific A4.01 -Ability to . .... manually operate and/or
  • 264000 EDGs ., X .\ monrtor in the control 3.31 20 . room: Adjustment of .;I I I sr;. exciter I Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group System KJA Topic(s) limp. I Q# I .' 2.4.8 -Emergency , Procedures I Plan: ' .. ' Knowledge of how 218000 X 3.8 21 abnormal operating procedures are used in i , conjunction with EOP's. i" 2.4.4 -Emergency I' Procedures

/ Plan: Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system 209001 X operating parameters 4.5 22 1 which are entry-level

  • 1 , conditions for emergency and abnormal operating

,; procedures.

A2.06 -Ability to (a) , . predict the impacts of the I' following on the i**.**,*.*

PRIMARY . ' CONTAINMENT I. ISOLATION 223002 SYSTEM/NUCLEAR PCIS/Nuclear STEAM SUPPLY 3.0 23 Steam Supply OFF; and (b) based Shutoff Ii those predictions, procedures to

,:.I " control, or mitigate the i i consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Containment , i\I I*} '. instrumentation failures . A3.02 -Ability to monitor 1*'*/** automatic operations of 300000 I* Xi the INSTRUMENT AIR 2.9 24 Air SYSTEM including:

Air <', ! .

temperature i A4.01 -Ability to manually operate and/or 262002 UPS i monitor in the control 2.8 25 room: Transfer from I (ACIDCl alternative source to preferred I:JJ ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Written Examination Outline Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group 1 System #/Name KIA Topic(s) 2150031RM KIA Category Totals , I I 2[ 2 21 ....*.. f i; . X \ " 2 2, 2[ 3 *'*312 3 A 1.05 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes .". in parameters associated with operating the i'it INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (JRM) SYSTEM controls . including:

SCRAM and I .... rod block trip setpoints 3:213 Group Point Total: 3.9 26 J I 26/5 ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Written Examination Outline Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group 2 System #/Name KIA Topic(s) A2.08 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the FI RE PROTECTION SYSTEM; and (b) based 286000 Fire Protection X on those predictions, use procedures to correct , 3.3 91 control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations

Failure to actuate when 2.4.31 -Emergency 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism X Procedures

/ Plan: Knowledge of annunciator alarms , indications , or response 4.1 92 procedures. 2.1.32 -Conduct of 234000 Fuel Handling Equipment X Operations:

Ability to explain and apply all system limits and 4.0 93 precautions.

K1.05 -Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect 259001 Reactor Feedwater X relationships between REACTOR 3.2 27 FEEDWATER SYSTEM and the following

Condensate system 219000 RHR/LPCI:

K2.01 -Knowledge of Torus/Pool Cooling X electrical power supplies 2.5 28 Mode to the following:

Valves K3.01 -Knowledge of the effect that a loss or 271000 Off-gas X malfunction of the OFFGAS SYSTEM will 3.5 29 have on following:

Condenser vacuum Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit Written Examination Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group System KJA Topic(s) K4.03 -Knowledge of RADIATION "II MONITORING System , t design feature(s) and/or 272000 Radiation interlocks which provide ,'" 3.B 30 for the following:

Fail safe tripping of process "radiation monitoring logic during conditions of instrument failure

..,.:, ;:':"':1.I, KS.01 -Knowledge of [i.,;' ",.Sf the operational implications of the ri 288000 following concepts as3.1 31 they apply to PLANT VENTILATION SYSTEMS: Airborne "" contamination control KB.01 -Knowledge of ,i ,.' the effect that a loss or ["'Ye!; malfunction of the """ 201002 RMCS following will have on the 2.S 32!:' i ',;;' REACTOR MANUAL r i}(.; CONTROL SYSTEM:

Select matrix power f A1.03 -Ability to predict " ,',. and/or monitor changes '"

  • in parameters associated with operating the 204000 RWCU X REACTOR WATER 2.8 33 , CLEANUP SYSTEM controls including:

,;, Reactor water temperature

.' i":; i. A2.04 -Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated 201003 Control Rod with operating the and Drive X3.S 34 CONTROL ROD AND Mechanism DRIVE MECHANISM controls including:

Single i I control rod SCRAM :

  • ES-401 Form ES-401-1 Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Written Examination Outline Plant Systems -Tier 2 Group 2 System #/Name KJA Topic(s) A3.05 -Ability to monitor automatic operations of i223001 Primary CTMT and Aux. the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND 4.3 ! 35 AUXILIARIES including:

Dwell ressure A4.04 -Ability to manually operate and/or . i201006 RWM monitor in the control room: Rod withdrawal 3.3 ! 36 error indication: S ec Not-8WR6 2.2.44 -Equipment Control: Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the 214000 RPIS status and operation of a system, and understand 4.2 37 how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.

K2.01 -Knowledge of 256000 Reactor Condensate

!X electrical power supplies ' 2.7 to the following:

System 38 KJA Category Totals 1 2 1 Group Point Total: 12/3 ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abil i ties Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401-3 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Date: November 2010 Category KA# Topic RO SRO-Only IR Q# IR Q# 2.1.34 Knowledge of primary and secondary plant chemistry limits. 2.7 66 2.1.8 Ability to coordinate personnel activities outside the control room. 3.4 67 1. Conduct of Operations 2.1 .40 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements 3.9 94 2.1. 13 Knowledge of facility requirements for controlling vital/controlled access. 3.2 98 Subtotal 2 2 2.2.13 Knowledge of tagging and clearance I procedures.

4.1 68 2.2.20 Knowledge of the process for managing troubleshooting activities. 2.6 69 2. Equipment Ability to recognize system parameters Control 2.2.42 that are entry-level conditions for 4.6 95 Technical Specifications. 2.2.40 Ability to apply technical specifications for a system. 4.7 100 Subtotal 2 2 Ability to use radiation monitoring systems, such as fixed radiation 2.3.5 monitors and alarms , portable survey 2.9 70 instruments , personnel monitoring equipment, etc. Knowledge of radiation or 2.3.14 contam i nation hazards that may arise during normal, abnormal, or emergency 3.4 71 3. Radiation conditions or activities.

Control 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.

3.2 75 2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases. 4.3 96 Subtotal 3 1 ES-401 Generic Knowledge and Abil i ties Outline (Tier 3) Form ES-401 -3 2.4.34 4. Emergency Procedures I Plan 2.4.26 2.4.17 Subtota l Tier 3 Point Total: Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and class i f ications. Abil i ty to prioritize and inte r pret the significance of each annunciator or alarm. Knowledge of RO tasks performed outside the main contro l room dur i ng an emergency and the resultant operat i onal effects. 2.9 4.1 4.2 72 73 74 Knowledge of facility protection requirements, including fire brigade and portable fire fighting equipment usage. Knowledge of EOP terms and definitions.

3.6 4.3 97 99 3 2 10 7 ES-401 Record of Rejected KIA's Form ES-401-4 Tier / Group Randomly Selected KA Reason for Rejection Question 76, Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE:

Containment radiation levels: Mark-III.

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 / 1 295024/ EA2.07 1 has a Mark-I containment, not a Mark-III containment.

Randomly selected EA2.02 -Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE:

Drywell temperature.

Quest i on 44, Knowledge of the i nterrelations between HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE and the following

RCIC: Plant-Specific.

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 does not have RCIC. 1 11 295025/ EK2.07 Randomly selected EK2.01 -Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE and the following:

RPS. Quest i on 2 , Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM and the following

Relief/safety valves (low-low-set logic): Plant-Specific.

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 does not have low-low set logic associated with 2/1 2120001 K1 .07 relief/safety valves. Random l y selected K1 .02 -Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM and the follow i ng: Nuclear boiler instrumentation.

Question 15 , Ab i l i ty to (a) p r edict the i mpacts of the following on the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions , use procedures to correct , control , or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Loss of fire protection:

BWR-1. Nine Mile Point Unit 1 is a 2/ 1 209001 1 A2.11 BWR-2 , not a BWR-1. Randomly selec t ed A2.06 -Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM ; and (b) based on those predictions , use procedures to correct , control , or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

Inadequate system flow.

ES-401 Record of Rejected KIA's Form ES-401-4 1 / 1 295038/2.1.30 2/1 261000 / A 1 .05 2/2 234000 / 2.1.19 2/1 300000/2.2.38 Question 79 , Conduct of Operations:

Ability to locate and operate components, including local controls (High Off-site Release Rate). This KIA involves asking an SRO about the location and operation of local controls.

Writing a question on this topic and meeting SRO question requirements would be difficult.

Randomly selected 2.1.6 -Conduct of Operations:

Ability to manage the con t rol room crew dur i ng plant transients.

Question 14 , Ab i lity to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM controls including:

Primary containment oxygen level: Mark-I&II.

This KIA involves t he relationship between SGTS Controls and 02 levels. There is no procedural reference available to write a question on this relationship.

Randomly selected A 1.06 -Ability to predict and/o r mon i tor changes in parameters associated with operating the STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM controls including: Drywell and suppression chamber differential pressure:

Mark-I. Question 93 , Conduct of Operations

Ability to use plant computers to evaluate system or component status (Fuel Handling Equipment). This KIA involves the relationship between Fuel Handling Equipment and the plant process computer. There is no direct relationsh i p at Nine Mile Point Unit 1. Randomly selected 2.1.32 -Conduct of Operations:

Abil i ty to explain and apply all system limits and precautions. Question 90, Equipment Control: Knowledge of conditions and limitations in the facility license (Instrument Air). There is no direct re l ationship between Instrument Air and the facility license. Additionally, this is one of four Instrument Air KlAs. Randomly selected 207000 Iso l ation (Emergency)

Condenser , 2.2.25 -Equipment Control: Knowledge of bases in technical specifications for limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

ES-401 Reco r d of Rejected KIA's Form ES-401-4 2/2 2150021 K1 .02 3/3 G3/2.3.1 1 1 11 295038/2.1.6 Question 27 , Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between ROD BLOCK MONITOR SYSTEM and the following: LPRM: BWR-3 , 4 , 5. Nine M i le Point Unit 1 does not have a Rod Block Mon i tor. Randomly selec t ed anothe'r Tier 2 System and KIA. 259001 Reactor Feedwater , K1 .05 -Know l edge of the physical connec t ions and/or cause effect relationships between REACTOR FEEDWATER SYSTEM and the following:

Condensate System. Quest i on 70 , Abil i ty to control radiation releases.

This KIA is identical with the KIA for question 96. This topic is also covered in other KlAs in the exam. To prevent a potential double jeopardy question for an SRO candidate another Gener i c KIA will be randomly added. Randomly selected 2.3.5 , Ability to use radiation monitoring systems , such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms , portable survey instruments , personnel monitori n g equipment , etc. Question 79, Conduct of Operations:

Ability to manage the control room crew during plant transients.

This is not an acceptable KIA for a Tier 1 or Tier 2 topic. Randomly selected 2.4.18, Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs.

1 / 1 295004/ AK3.03 2/2 201006 / A4.02 1 /2 295012/2.4.47 3/4 G3 / 2.4.25 Record of Re j ec t ed KIA's Form Question 46 , Knowledge of the reasons for the fo llresponses as they apply to PARTIAL OR LOSS OF D.C. POWER: Reactor SCRAM: Plant-Spec i ficThe r e are no procedural references regarding a loss of and a reacto r Randomly selected AK3.02 , Knowledge of the reasons the following responses as they apply to PARTIAL COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C. POWER: isolation/fault determinationQuestion 36 , Ability to monitor automatic operations of ROD WORTH MINIMIZER SYSTEM (RWM) SPECIFIC) including: Pushbutton indicating switchesBased on limited function of RWM pushbutton i nd iswitches at Nine Mile Point Un it 1 , this KIA has operational Randomly selected A4.04 , Ability to monitor operations of the ROD WORTH MINIMIZER (RWM) (PLANT SPECIFIC) including: Rod withdrawal indication:

P-Spec (Not-BWR6Question 84, Emergency Procedures

/ Plan: Ability diagnose and recognize trends in an accurate and manner utilizing the appropriate control room material (High Drywell Temperature). This is the 4th dealing with High Drywell Temperature (Questions 42, and 76). Since Drywell Cooling, HCTL and CSIL have been tested, there is not a suitable SRO question to ma tthe Randomly selec t ed from the untested Tier 1 Group 2 295007, High Reactor Pressure, 2.4.6, Knowledge of mitigation Question 99, Knowledge of fire protection This is the third fire protection KIA on the SRO exam #91 and #97). Re-sampling for better balance of Randomly selected 2.4.17 -Knowledge of EOP terms ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Examination Level: RO. SRO D Administrative Topic Type Code'" (see Note) Conduct of Operations M,S Conduct of Operations M,R Equipment Control N,R Date of Examination:

11/10 Operating Test Number: 1 Describe activity to be performed PERFORM RPV LEVEL INSTRUMENT CHECKS PER ST-DO, DAILY CHECKS Take control room reactor water level instrument readings for various daily checks required by Technical Specifications, enter the instrument readings into the applicable sections of the Daily Checks and take appropriate actions based on those checks. 2.1.7 (4.4) Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

N1-ST-DO PERFORM OWED AND DWFD LEAK RATE CALCULATIONS USING INTEGRATOR READINGS Given the DWED and DWFD integrator readings determine the identified and unidentified leak rates lAW Att 6 of 8. 2.1.1S (3.6) Ability to make accurate, clear, and concise logs, records, status boards, and reports. N1-0P-S PREPARE A TAGOUT FOR RBCLC PUMP 13 Identify the isolations required to tagout RBCLC pump 13 for the shaft seal replacement.

Record the required isolations using CNG-OP-1.01-1007 attachmentS.

2.2.13 (4.1) Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures.

CNG-OP-1.01-1007, N1-0P-11, P&ID C-1S022-C, EWD C-19436-C ACTIONS FOR EXTERNAL SECURITY THREATS Given plant conditions, respond to a security threat per EPP-10, Attachment 2, Security Contingency Event (CSa Checklist)

Emergency M,S 2.4.28 (3.2) Knowledge of procedures relating to a security event (non-safeguards information).

EPIP-EPP-10 Attachment 2 All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank for ROs; 4 for SROs & RO retakes) (N)ew or (M)odified from bank (P)revious 2 exams randomly selected)

E5-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form E5-301-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Examination Level: RO SRO

  • Administrative Topic Type Code* (see Note) Conduct of Operations D,R Conduct of Operations M,R Equipment Control D,R Date of Examination:

11/10 Operating Test 1 Describe activity to be performed DETERMINE THERMAL LIMITS WITH INOPERABLE PRESSURE REGULATOR Given plant parameters including an inoperable reactor pressure regulator, determine the adjusted thermal limit values. Core Operating Limit Report graphs and a 3D Monicore printout are used to evaluate conditions against the adjusted thermal limits. 2.1.19 (3.8) Ability to use plant computers to evaluate system or component status. N 1-RESP-1, Core Operating Limits Report, Technical Specifications ASSESS REPORT ABILITY REQUIREMENTS Given a series of plant events, determine the reporting requirements per 10 CFR 50.72. 2.1.18 (3.8) Ability to make accurate, clear, and concise logs, records, status boards, and reports. 10 CFR 50.72, NUREG 1022, CNG-NL-1.01-1004 EVALUATE A COMPLETED SURVEILLANCE TEST AND TAKE THE REQUIRED ACTIONS Given a completed Surveillance Test, N1-ST-M1A, Liquid Poison Pump #11 Operability Test, complete the "Acceptance Criteria" and "SM Review" sections.

2.2.12 (4.1) Knowledge of surveillance procedures.

N1-ST-M1A, Technical Specifications GENERATE AND APPROVE AN EMERGENCY EXPOSURE AUTHORIZATION Radiation Control D,R Given a work activity, area dose rates and personnel dose history, determine the need for an emergency exposure authorization and select the appropriate person to perform the task. 2.3.4 (3.7) Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal and emergency conditions.

EPIP-EPP-15 CLASSIFY EMERGENCY EVENT AND PERFORM INITIAL NOTIFICATIONS Emergency Plan M,R Given plant conditions, determine event classification and complete initial notifications.

2.4.41 (4.6) Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifications.

EAL Matrix, EPIP-EPP-18, EPIP-EPP-20 All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (::;,3 for ROs; ::;, 4 for SROs & RO retakes) (N)ew or (M)odified from bank

{P)revious 2 exams (::;,1; randomly selected)

ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Date of Examination:

November 2010 . Exam Level: RO/SRO Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) II System 1 JPM Title S-1 Respond to a Loss of Service Water D,A,S 8 PLANT SERVICE SYSTEMS The candidate will start the standby Service water The pump then trips, requiring override actions lAW 18.1. KIA 295018 AA.01 (3.3/3.4)

Bypass LPRM Input To APRM 5-2 D,S 7 INSTRUMENTATION The candidate will bypassLPRM 20-25A input to associated APRM lAW KIA 215005 A4.04 Synchronize Main Generator to Grid, Main Generator M,A,S Locks Out HEAT FROM The candidate will complete synchronizing the Generator to the grid lAW N1-0P-32 and a generator will occur, requiring N1-S0P-31.1 KIA 245000 A4.02 (3.1/2.9) 0, L, S S-4 Rapid RWCU System Restoration for Level Control 2 REACTOR WATER INVENTORY The candidate will perform rapid RWCU system restoration CONTROL for RPV level control and establish reject flow to the condenser to lower level lAW N1-0P-3. KIA 204000 A4.06 (3.0/2:9) S-5 Start the RB Emergency Ventilation System Loop D,EN,S 11 The candidate will manually start Reactor Emergency Ventilation System Loop 11 lAW i KIA 288000 A4.01 (3.1/2.9)

I ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 S-6 MSIV Stroke Test and Limit Switch Test P,S 3 REACTOR PRESSURE The candidate will perform the MSIV Stroke Test and Limit CONTROL Switch Test lAW N1-ST-Q26 for MSIV 112. KIA 239001 A4.01 (4.2/4.1)

NRC 2009 S-7 Perform Rod Block Withdrawal Test N,A, L,S 1 REACTIVITY CONTROL The candidate will select and withdraw a control rod and perform an over-travel check lAW N1-ST-R4.

The rod will be uncoupled.

The candidate will re-couple the control rod lAW N1-0P-5 and complete the test. KIA 201003 A2.02 (3.7/3.8)

I S-8 Vent the Drywell Prior to Personnel Entry N,S 5 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT The candidate will lineup and vent the Drywell to lower SYSTEM AND pressure prior to personnel entry lAW N1-0P-9. AUXILIARIES KIA 223001 A4.03 (3.4/3.4)

In-Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 or 2 for SRO-U) P-1 Lineup Lake Water to Supply the Emergency M,A,E,R I 4 Condenser Makeup Tanks using the Electric Fire HEAT REMOVAL FROM REACTOR Pump CORE The candidate will attempt to lineup the Diesel Fire Pump supply lake water to the Emergency Condenser Tanks lAW N1-S0P-21.2.

The Diesel Fire Pump will requiring use of the Electric Fire KIA 207000 2.1.30 (4.4/4.0)

P-2 Transfer RPS Bus 11 from UPS 162A to UPS 162B D,R 6 ELECTRICAL The candidate will place UPS 1628 in service and place 162A in standby lAW i KIA 262002 2.1.20 (4.6/4.6)

Inject Boron Into the Reactor Using the Hydro Pump P-3 D,E,R 1 REACTIVITY The candidate will lineup and inject boron using the Hydro CONTROL Pump lAW N1-EOP-3.2.

KIA 295037 EA1.10 (3.7/3.9)

Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 1 4-6 12-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant (EN)gineered safety feature 1 (control room system) (L)ow-Power 1 Shutdown (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1 (A) (P)revious 2 exams 3 13 12 (randomly selected) (R)CA (S)imulator Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-01 Op-Test No.: 11/10 Examiners:


__________ Initial Conditions:

Simulator IC-1S1 1. Reactor power is approximately 85% 2. APRIVI 14 is bypassed 3. CRD Pump 11 is out of service Turnover:

1. Return APRM 14 to service 2. Raise to 100% with recirculation flow Malt. Event Event Type* 1 2 (M)ajor NRC Scenario 1 -1 November 2010 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-01 Op-Test No.: 11/10 1. Total malfunctions Events 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry Events 8 and 3. Abnormal events Events 4. Major transients Event 5 EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions Events 6-9 (EOP-2, I 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) Events 8 and 9 (EOP-8) 7. Critical tasks CRITICAL TASK CT-1.0 Given a LOCA in the Drywell, the crew will initiate Containment Sprays prior to exceeding the Pressure Suppression Pressure limit, in accordance with N1-EOP-4.

CT-2.0 Given a lowering torus water level, the crew will execute N1-EOP-8, RPV Slowdown, when it is determined Torus water level cannot be maintained above eight (8) feet, in accordance with N1-EOP-4.

7 2 4 ".2 1 J 2 NRC Scenario 1 November 2010 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-02 Op-Test No.: 11/10 Examiners:

_________ Operators:

__________ Initial Conditions:

Simulator IC-152 1. Reactor power is approximately 100% 2. EDG 102 is ready for start Turnover:

1. Complete surveillance test N1-ST-M4A
2. lower power to 95% with recirculation flow Malf. No. Event C 2 ! Override C I TS (SRO) ST-M4A, TS 3.6.3 lower power 3 NRC Scenario 2 November 2010 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-02 Op-Test No.: 11/10 1. Total malfunctions Events 2, 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry Event 3. Abnormal events Events 4. Major transients Event 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions Event 7 and 8 6 EOP contmgencles requmng su b stantlve actions Events 8 and 9 7. Critical tasks CRITICAL TASK CT-1.0 Given lowering CRD system air pressure, the crew will insert a manual reactor scram before control rods begin drifting, in accordance with ARP-F3 and/or N1-S0P-20.1.

CT -2.0 Given a failure of the reactor to scram with power above 6% and RPV water level above-41 inches, the crew will terminate and prevent all injection except boron and CRD, in accordance with N1-EOP-3.

CT -3.0 Given a failure of the reactor to scram with power above 6%, the crew will lower reactor power by inserting control rods or injecting boron, in accordance with N1-EOP-3.

7 4 1 i 3 NRC Scenario 2 November 2010 2 7 Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-03 Op-Test No.: Examiners:


_________Initial Conditions:

Simulator IC-153 1. Reactor power is approximately 100% Turnover:

1. Transfer Powerboard 101 supply from R1014 to R1011 in accordance with N1-0P-30 section H.8.0. Previous shift has completed step H.8.1. 2. Feedwater 11 is out of service for maintenance. Malf. No. Transfer Powerboard 101 supply from R1014 to R1011 N (BOP) N/A N (SRO) OP-30 C (BOP) Powerboard 101 ED06 C RBCLC Temperature Controller fails to minimum cooling C (ALL) EOP-2 EOP-8
  • (N}ormal, (R)eactivity, {I)nstrument, {C)omponent, (M)ajor NRC Scenario 3 -1 November 2010 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-03 Op-Test No.: 11120/10 1. Total malfunctions (5-8) Events 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) 1 I i Event 7 3. Abnormal events (2-4) Events 2-5 4. Major transients (1-2) ! Event 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) Events 6 and 7 (EOP-2, 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) Event 7 7. Critical tasks (2-3) 3 CRITICAL TASK DESCRIPTIONS:

CT-1.0 Given an inadvertently open ERV at power, the crew will close the ERV or insert a manual scram prior to torus temperature exceeding 110°F, in accordance with N1-S0P-1.4.

CT-2.0 Given a LOCA in the Drywell, the crew will Containment Sprays prior to exceeding the Suppression Pressure limit, in accordance with 4. CT-3.0 Given a LOCA with degraded high injection capability, the crew will depressurize the and inject with Preferred and Alternate Injection to restore and maintain RPV water level above inches. in accordance with NRC Scenario 3 November 2010 Appendix Scenario Outline Form ES-O-1 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Scenario No.: NRC-04 Op-Test No.: 11/10 Operators:

__________ Initial Conditions:

Simulator IC-154 1. Reactor power is approximately 85% 2. Containment Spray Pump 122 is OOS for repair (TS 3.3.7.b, day 1 of 15 day

1. Shutdown Condensate Pump 13 for maintenance due to a motor oil leak 2. Perform a Rod Malf. No. No. Condensate Pump 13 must be shutdown for maintenance due to N (BOP) a motor oil leak 1 N/A N TS R(RO)2 N/A R (SRO) C (RO)3 EG02 C (SRO) RWCU break in the Secondary Containment requiring scram 6 M (ALL) EOP-2 EOP-S Failure of the RWCU Isolation Valves to automatically isolate, manual isolation will also fail C (ALL) Turbine Bypass Valves fail to open 8 EOP-2 * (I)nstrument, (C)omponent. (M)ajor NRC Scenario 4 -1 November 2010 Facility:

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 1. Total malfunctions (5-8) Events 3-8 2. Malfunctions after EOP entry (1-2) Events 7 and 8 3. Abnormal events (2-4) Events 3-5 4. Major transients (1-2) Event 6 i 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (1-2) Events 6 and 7 (EOP-2, EOP-5) I 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (0-2) Event 7 (EOP-8) 7. Critical tasks (2-3) CRITICAL TASK DESCRIPTIONS:

CT-1 ,0 Given an un-isolable RWCU leak outside primary containment and one general area temperature above the maximum safe limit. the crew will insert a manual reactor scram, in accordance with N1-EOP-S.

CT-2.0 Given an un-isolable RWCU leak outside primary containment and two general area temperatures above the maximum safe limit, the crew will execute N1-EOP-8, RPV Slowdown, in accordance with N1-EOP-5, Scenario No.: NRC-04 Op-Test No.: 11/10 6 2 3 1 2 i 1 2 NRC Scenario 4 November 2010 I