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FEMA, Transmittal of Oyster Creek Final After Action Report/Improvement Plan, Exercise - September 29, 2015, Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 03/25/2016
From: Musick D
US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML16102A100 (56)


U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region II Jacob K. Javits Federal Office Building 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1311 New York, NY 10278-0002 FEMA March 25, 2016 NRC Headquarters Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 To whom it may concern:

Enclosed please find a copy of the Final After Action Report/Improvement Plan for the Hostile Action Based Exercise for the 10-Mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) around the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station held on September 29, 2015. Also included in the report are the evaluations of 14 Out-of-Sequence drills and demonstrations held in the 2-year cycle associated with this exercise.

New Jersey State and local governments successfully demonstrated the capability to implement their off-site radiological emergency response plans and procedures, based on the evaluation of this exercise by the FEMA Region II Regional Assistance Committee and a team of Federal evaluators.

No Level 1 Findings were identified as a result of this exercise. There was three new Level 2 Findings and five Planning Issues identified.

Six prior Areas Requiring Corrective Action (ARCAs), and one Planning Issue from the previous exercise were corrected. Therefore, we find that State and local preparedness is adequate to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station and there is reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken offsite in the event of a radiological emergency.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 212-680-8507.


~f!~---C David Musick RAC Chair FEMA Region II --- i,4-q Enc. J,Jti. www fema gov *PH: (212)680-3600

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating

  • Station After Action Report/

Improvement Plan Exercise Date - September 29, 2015 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program

(~~ FEMA c~~~


  • * *. Published February 15, 2015

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Progr_am (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station After Action Report/Improvement Plan PubUshedNovember 25, 2015 EXECUTIVE


          • .*.*****.*.**..*.*.*.**.**********..*****.***.*.*.*....*************.*.*.*..* *****.*..**.***...*.***..* 5 SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW ...........*.....**.........................*...............................*..........*... 7 1.1 Exercise Details ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership ....................................................................................... 7 1.3 Participating Organizations .................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN


............................................................................. 11 2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design ................................................................................................ 11 2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities .................................................................... 13 2.3 Scenario Summary ................................................................................................................ 15 SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES .............................. , .......................... ."., .................... 16

  • 3.1 Exercise Evaluation and Results ............................ ;."............................................................. 16 3.2 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation .............................................................................. 16 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries ............................................................................................ 30 3 .3 .1 State Jurisdictions ...................................................................................................................... 30 3.3.2 Risk Jurisdictions ...... :.................................................................... :........................................... 31 3.3.3 Support Jurisdictions ... :.............................................................................................................. 35 3 .3 .4 Private Jurisdictions .............................................................................................-...................... 36 SECTION 4: CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................'.. 37 APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN ........................................................................: ............. 38

. APPENDIX B: LESSONS LEARNED .......................................................................: .................. 39 APPENDIX C: BEST PRACTICES .............................................................................................. 40 APPENDIX D: EXERCISE TIMELINE ......................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX E: EXERCISE EV~LUATORS AND TEAM LEADERS ................................................... 46 APPENDIX F: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................... 51 3

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station This page is intentionally blank.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station EXECUTIVE




On September 29, 20I5, a Hostile Action Based Exercise was conducted in the IO-Mile Plume Exposure Pathway, Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) around the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generation Station by the Department of Homeland (DHS) Region IL The purpose of the exercise was to assess the level of State and local preparedness in responding to a hostile action based radiological event. This exercise was held in accordance with FEMA' s policies and guidance concerning the

. exercise of State and local radiological emergency response plans (RERPs) and procedures.

The most recent full-scale plume pathway exercise at this site was conducted on March I8, 20I4.

The qualifying emergency preparedness exercise was conducted ori March I 6, I 982.

DHS wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals in New Jersey State, and Ocean County who participated in this exercise. Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the exercise partidpants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still others

  • have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities. Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants were evident during this exercise.

This report contains the final evaluation of the Hostile Action Based Exercise, and the evaluation of the following out-of-sequence with the exercise demonstrations:

EAS Radio Station- WRAT-FM: September 2, 2015 Tribro Volunteer Fire Co. - Emergency Worker Decontamination Center: October 27, 2015 School Interviews: July 20-24, 2015 Lacey School District - School Bus Drivers Interview: July 29, 2015 New Jersey Transit - Transportation Dependent Bus Run: August 25, 2015 Lacey Township Police Department - Traffic Control Points: July 28, 2015 Pinelands Regional High School - Reception Center: August 18, 2015 New Jersey State Police - Land Access Control Point: August 25, 2015 New Jersey State Police - Waterway Access Control Point: September 22, 2015 Lanoka Harbor First Aid Squad-MS-I Drill: October 23, 2015 Toms River Community Medical Center-MS-I Drill: October 23, 2015 5

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Long Beach Township - Back-up Route Alerting: September 15, 2015, Borough of Surf City-:- Hearing Impaired: September 21, 2015 Borough of Toms River-Mobility Impaired: August 14, 2015 The State and local organizations except where noted in this report, demonstrated knowledge of their emergency plans and procedures and adequately implemented them. There were no * .

Deficiencies identified for this Exercise. There was three new Level 2, and five Planning Issues were identified for this Exercise. Six prior ARCAs and one Planning Issue were successfully resolved.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/lmpro"ement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW 1.1 Exercise Details Exercise Name Plume 2015-09-29 Type of Exercise Hostile Action Exercise Date September 29, 2015 Program Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness. Program Scenario Type Not Applicable 1.2 E~ercise Planning Team Leadership David Musick, REP Program RAC Chair, DHS/FEMA Region II William Cullen, REP Program DHS/FEMA Region II Brian Hasemann, REP Program DHS/FEMA Region II Laura Forrest, REP Program DHS/FEMA Region II Jon Christiansen, RERP New Jersey State Police Jerome Renner, RERP New Jersey State Police 7

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedriess Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 1.3 Participating Organizations Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating* Station exercise:

State Jurisdictions:

New Jersey State Police Staging Area New Jersey State Police Unified Command Center New Jersey State Office of Emergency Management

New Jersey District Attorney's *Office New Jersey Bureau of Communications and Support Services New Jersey State office of Homeland Security & Preparedness New Jersey Department of Agriculture New Jersey Department of Human Services New Jersey Department of Mental Health Services New Jersey State Department of Transportation New Jersey Transit New Jersey State Information Technology Bureau New Jersey State Police Tactical Operations Center Risk Jurisdictions:

Ocean County Warning Point/911 Center Ocean County Office of Emergency Management Ocean County Sheriffs Department Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders Ocean County Health Department .

Ocean County Department of Public Affairs Ocean County EMS Ocean County Engineering Dept.

Ocean County Fire Dept.

Ocean County Highway Dept.

Ocean County Office of Communications Ocean County Office of Education 8

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Ocean County SWAT Team Ocean County Office of Domestic Preparedness Ocean County Office of Human Services Ocean County Office of Public Information Ocean County Prosecutor's Office Ocean County Resource Management Ocean County Road Dept.

Ocean County Dept. of Social Services Ocean County Superintendent of Schools Ocean County Traffic Safety Ocean County Transportation Dept.

Ocean County Vehicle Services Ocean County Veterinary Service's Barnegat Township Beachwood Borough Berkeley Township Toms River Township Harvey Cedars Borough Island Heights Borough Lacey Township Long Beach Township Ocean Gate Borough Ocean Township.

Pine Beach Borough Barnegat Light Borough Seaside Park Borough South Toms River Borough Stafford Township Surf City Borough Ship Bottom Borough Joint Information Center Exelon Generation Ne~ Jersey Office of .Management*

New Jersey Bureau of Nuclear Engineering New Jersey State Police New Jersey Office of Health and Senior Services 9

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nncleil.r Generating Station Support Jurisdictions:

Triboro Vol.unteer Fire Company Pinelands Regional High School Lanoka Harbor First Aid Squad Toms River Community Medical Center Private Organizations:

Exelon Generation Ocean. County Community Emergency Response Team Ocean C()unty Chapter American Red Gross Ocean Counfy RACES* .

Radio Station WRAT

.. J Federal Organizations Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Nuclear Regulatory Corrirnission Federal Bureau oflnvestigation 10

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP),

Mter Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN


2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design

_On December 7, 1979, the President directed FEMA to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite

  • nuclear planning and response. FEMA's activities are conducted pursuan~ to44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350, 351 and 352. These regulations are a key element in the Radiological

. Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program 'that was established folloWing-the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979.

FEMA Rule 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for FEMA's initial and continued approval of State and focal governments' radiological emergency planning and *preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants. This approvaJ)s contingent, in part, .on State and local government participation in joint exercises with licensees.

FEMA's responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following: * " . * . .- ' * ,** . ' ' * . * * .

  • Taking'the lead in offsite emergency planning and in the review and evaluati~:m of the RERP_ .-~

and associated procedures developed by State arid local governments;

  • *Determining whether such plans and procedures can be implemented on the basis of observation and evaluation of exercises ofthe plans and procedures conducted by State and local governments;
  • Responding to requests by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to the
  • Memorandum of Understanding betwe~n the NRC and FEMA dated June 17, 1993 (Federal * ... *

.Register, Vol. 58, No. 176, September 14, 1993); and

  • Coordinating the activities of Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological emergency planning process:

U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commiss~on, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 11

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Health and Human-Services, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Representatives of these agencies serve on the FEMA Region II Regional Assistance Committee (RAC), which is chaired by FEMA.

A Hostile Action Based REP Exercise conducted,on September 29, 2015, allmyed FEMA Region II to assess the capabilities of State and local emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the Qyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.. The purpose of this exercise report is to present the exercise results*and fmdings on the performance of the offsite response organizations (ORO) during a simulated radi0logical emergency.

The fmdings presented in this report are based on the evaluations of the Federal evaluator team, with fmal determinations made by the FEMA Region II RAC Chairperson, and approved by the Regional Administrator.

The criteria utilized in the FEMA e~aluation process are contained in:

NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Respon~e Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants,

November 1980 (hereafter referred to as NUREG-0654);

  • FEMA REP Program Manual,.July, 2015.


Unclassified R.adiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Section 1 of this report, entitled "Exercise Overview," presents basic information and data relevant to the exercise. This section of the report contains the exercise details, a listing of the exercise planning team members and all the participating organizations.

Section 3 ofthis report, entitled "Analysis and Capabilities," presents detailed information on the demonstration of applicable exercise objectives at each jurisdiction or functional entity evaluated in a jurisdiction-based, issues-only format. Table 3.1 titled, "Summary of Exercise Evaluation" is a tabular representation of exercise criteria. Section 3 also contains: (1) descriptions of all Deficiencies and ARCAs a,ssessed during this exercise, recommended corrective actions, and the State and local governments' schedule of corrective actions for- each identified exercise issue and (2) Descriptions of unresolved ARCAs assessed during previous exercises.and the status of the OROs' efforts to resolve them.

2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities

  • Capabilities-based planning allows for exercise planning teams to develop exercise objectives and observe exercise outcomes through a framewe>rk of speci:flc action items that were deriv~d from the Target Capabilities List (TCL). The capabilit~es listed below form th~ foundation for the organization of all FEMA Region II REP Program objectives and observations in this.


  • Emergency Operations Ceriter Management: Is the capability to provide multi-agency coordination (MAC) for incidenfinanagement by activating and operating an EOC for a preplanned or no-notice event. EOC management includes EOC activation, notification, staffing, and deactivation; management, direction, control, and coordination of response and recovery activities; coordination of efforts among neighboring governments at each level and*

among local, regional, state, and federal EOCs; coordination public information and warning; and maintenance of the information and communication necessary for coordinating response and recovery activities. *

  • Emergency Public Information and Warning: Is the capability that includes public information, alert/warning and notification. It involves developing, coordinating, and disseminating information to the public, coordinating officials, and incident management and responders across all jurisdictions and disciplines effectively under all hazard conditi01i's.
  • Citizen Evacuation and Shelter in Place: Is the capability to prepare for, ensure communication of, and immediately execute the safe and effective sheltering-in-place of an at-risk population (and companion animals), and/or the organized and managed evacuation of the at-risk populations to areas of safe refuge in response to a potentially or actually dangerous environment. In addition, this capability involves the safe reentry of the population where feasible.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

  • Emergency Public Safety and Security Response: Is the capability to reduce the impact and consequences of an incident or major event by securing the affected area, including crime/incident scene preservation issues as appropriate, safely diverting the public from hazards, providing security support to other response operations and properties, and sustaining operations from response through recovery. Public Safety and Security Response requires coordination among officials from law enforcement (LE), fire, and EMS.
  • Hazardous Materials Response and Decontamination: Is the capability to assess and manage the consequences of a hazardous materials release, either accidental or as part of a terrorist attack. It includes testing and identifying all likely hazardou~ substances onsite; ensuring that responders have protective clothing and equipment; conducting rescue operations to remove affected victims from the hazardous environment; conducting geographical survey searches of suspected sources of contamination spreads and establishing isolation perimeters; mitigating the effects of
  • hazardous .materi~s, decontaminating on-site victims, responders, and equipment; coordinating off-site decontamination with relevant agencies, and notifying environmental, health, and law enforce1Ilent agencies having juri~sdiction for the incident to begin implementation of their standard evidence collection and investigation procedures.
  • Mass Care: Is the capability to provide immediate. shelter, feeding centers, basic first aid, bulk distribution of needed items, and related services to persons affected by a large-scale incident, including special needs populations. Special needs populations include individuals with pP,ysical or mental disabilities who require medical attention or personal. care beyond basic first aid.

Other special-needs populations include non-English speaking populations that may need to have information presented in' other languages~ The mass care capability also provides ifor pet care/handling through local government and appropriate animal-related organizations. Mass care is usually performed by nongovernmental organizations (NGO), such as the American Red Cross (ARC), or by local government-sponsored volunteer efforts, such as Citizen Corps.

Special needs populations are generally the responsibility of local government, with medical needs addressed by the medical community and/or its alternate care facilities. State and Federal entities also play a role in public and environmental health by ensuri,ng safe conditions, safe food, potable water, sanitation, clean air, etc.

o Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment: Is the capability to appropriately dispatch EMS resources; to provide feasible, suitable, and medically acceptable pre-hospital triage and treatment of patients; to provide transport as well as medical care en-route to an appropriate receiving facility; and to track patients to a treatment facility.

-- .14

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 2.3 Scenario Summary 2015 OYSTER CREEK HOSTILE.ACTION BASED EXERCISE (September 29, 2015) DRILL &



Time: 1650



Site Area Emergency Hostile Action within the Protected Area.

Wind speed° 1lmph, wind direction from 210 degrees.

Time: 1730



General Emergency Prolonged loss of all off-site and all on-site AC power to emergen~y busses. Loss of physical control of the facility.

Wind speed llmph, Wind direction from 210 degrees_.

Protective Action Recommendation:

Shelter in Place ERPAs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .6, 9, 18 and 19.0-5 miles from 0-360 degrees.

Time: 2030



Exercise Termination 15

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES 3.1 Exercise Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities which participated in the September 29, 2015, Hostile Action Based Exercise to test the. offsite emergency response capabilities of State and local governments in the 10-Mile EPZ surrounding the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated on the basis of its demonstration of criteria delineated in exercise evaluation areas contained in the FEMA REP Program Manual, July, 2015.

Language and definitions for evaluated observations and issues during REPI> exercises as follows:

  • Level 1 Finding: An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in_an exercise that could ?ause a determination that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
  • Level 2 Finding: An observed or identified madequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety.
  • Plan Issue: An observed or identified inadequ~~y in the offsite response organizations' (ORO's) emergency plawimplementing procedures, rather than that of the ORO's performance.

3.2 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation The matrix presented in Table 3 .1 on the following page, presents the status of all exercise evaluation area criteria that were scheduled for demonstration during this exercise by all

  • participating jurisdictions and functional entities. Exercise criteria are listed by number and the demonstration status is indicated by the use of the following letters:

M-Met Ll -Level 1 Finding Assessed: NONE L2-Level 2 Findings Assessed: 3 P - Plam1ing Issues Assessed: 5, 1 Planning Issue Resolved N - Not Demonstrated Prior Issues Resolved: 6 Prior Issues Umesolved: NONE 16

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

  • .. Tables 3.1 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation Table - Exercise Evaluation by Classification
  • Date: 9/29/2015 Site: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station


Table -Exercise Evaluation- Criteria Not Demonstrated Date: 9/29/2015 Site: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJUCC Mobilization lal OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3el Table - Exercise Evaluation - Criteria Met Date: 9/29/2015 Site: Oyster. Creek Nuclear Generating Station .

NJSEOC P ADs for ,the Protection of persons with disabilities and access/functional needs 2cl NJSEOC Direction and Control lcl NJSEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3,cl access/functional needs NJSEOC Mobilization lal NJSEOC Equipment arid Supplies to Support Operations lel NJSEOC Communications Equipment ldl NJSEOC Facilities lbl NJSEOC Communications Equipment ldl I

NJSEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJSEOC Facilities lbl NJSPLACP ' Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl NJSPLACP Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al NJSPLACP Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel 17

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJSPLACP Communications Equipment ldl NJ SP SA Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al NJ SP SA Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJ SP SA Communications Equipment ldl NJ SP SA Direction and Control lcl NJ SP SA Mobilization lal

, NJ SPTOC Impl~mentation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al NJ SPTOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJSPTOC Communications Equipment ldl NJSPTOC Direction and Control lcl NJSPTOC Mobilization lal N.JUCC Facilities lbl NJUCC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJUCC Dose Assessment & P ARs & PADs for the Emergency Event 2b2 NJUCC Mobilization lal NJUCC Communication~ Equipment ldl NJUCC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCJIC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operati.ons lel OCJIC Communications Equipment ldl OCJIC Facilities lbl OCJIC Emergency Information and Instructions for the Public and the Media 5bl OCJIC Direction and Control lcl OCJIC Mobilization lal OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation ofTraffic_and Access Control 3d2 OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ Barnegat EOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations . lel 18

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ Barnegat EOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJ Barnegat EOC Mobilization lal OCNJ Barnegat EOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJ Barnegat EOC Facilities lbl OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3el OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with.disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJBBEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJBBEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJBBEOC Direction.and Control lcl OCNJBBEOC Mobilizatio~ lal OCNJBBEOC Facilities lbl OCNJ_ Berkley Township Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl EOC access/functional needs OCNJ Berkiey Township Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl EOC OCNJ Berkley Township Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 EOC access/functional needs OCNJ Berkley Township Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al BOC  ::*

OCNJ Berkley Township Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 BOC OCNJ Berkley Township Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel BOC OCNJ Berkley Township

  • Communications Equipment ldl EOC OCNJ Berkley.Township Direction and Control lcl EOC OCNJ Berkley Township Mobilization lal EOC 19

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ Berkley Township Facilities lbl EOC OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJBLEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJBLEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJBLEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJBLEOC Mobilization lal OCNJBLEOC Facilities lbl OCNJBRALBT Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System 5a3 OCNJ BRA,LBT Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJCCLRMS Temporary CaJ"e of Evacuees 6cl OCNJCCLRMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJCCLRMS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJCCLRMS Facilities '.. lbl OCNJ EAS Station WRAT Emergency lnfonnation and Instructions for the Public and the Media 5bl OCNJEAS Station WRAT Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System 5al OCNJEWDC TBVFAS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ EWDC TBVFAS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJ EWDC TBVFAS Monitoring and Decontamination of Emergency Workers and their Equipment 6bl and Vehicles OCNJ EWDC TBVFAS Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJEWDCUA Mobilization lal OCNJEWDCUA Monitoring and Decontamination of Emergency Workers and their Equipment 6bl and Vehicles OCNJEWDCUA Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJEWDCUA . Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel 20

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ GPBC NJT Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ GPBC NJT Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control - 3al OCNJ GPBC NJT Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ GPRC BTHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ GPRC BTHS Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ GPRC BTHS Implementation of KI Decision for Institutionalized Individuals 3bl OCNJ GPRC BTHS Monitoring, Decontamination, and Registration of Evacuees 6al OCNJ GP.RC PRHS Monitoring, Decontamination, and Registration of Evacuees 6al OCNJ GPRC PRHS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJ GPRC PRHS Implementation of KI Decision for Institutionalized Individuals 3bl OCNJ GPRC PRHS Implementation of'Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ GPRC PRHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ GPRC PRHS Facilities lbl OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJHCEOC Implementation 6f Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJHCEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJHCEOC Communicati~ns Equipment ldl OCNJHCEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJHCEOC Mobilization lal OCNJHCEOC Facilities lbl OCNJHISBP

  • I~plementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Contr~l 3dl OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Protecti:ve Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs 21

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with di.sabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJIHEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJIHEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJIHEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJIHEOC. Mobilization lal OCNJIHEOC Facilities lbl OCNJLBEOC Facilities lbl OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and . 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJLBEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJLB EOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJLBEOC' Mobilization lal OCNJLBEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJLTEOC* Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJLTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJLTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJLTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional I .

needs OCNJLTEOC .Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al .

OCNJLTEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJLTEoc* Communications Equipment ldl OCNJLTEOC birection and Control lcl OCNJLTEOC Mobilization lal OCNJLTEOC Facilities lbl.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Cr~ek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ MI TR EMS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ M~H TRCMC Transportation and Treatment of Contaminated Injured Individuals 6dl OCNJ MSH TRCMC Implementation of Emergency Worker E;xposure Control 3al OCNJ MSH TRCMC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ MSH TRCMC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJOCEOC Emergency Worker Exposure Control 2al OCNJOCEOC Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System Sal OCNJOCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJOCEOC Implementation *Of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJOCEOC Mobilization lal OCNJOCEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel*

OCNJOCEOC Implementation of KI Decision fo~ Institutionalized Individuals 3bl OCNJOCEOC lli-iplementation of Emergency Worker Expo~ure Control

  • 3al OCNJOCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and* 3c2 access/functional needs ' .

OCNJOCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl

  • acGess/functional needs OCNJOCEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJOCEOC Facilities lbl OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for,per~ons with disabilities and 3c2.

. access/functional p.eeds OCNJOGEOC Equipment and Supplies to s,upport Operations lel OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs.

OCNJOGEOC Direction and Gontrol lcl OCNJOGEOC Mobilization lal OCNJOGEOC Communica~ions Equipment ldl OCNJOGEOC Facilities lbl 23

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJOTEOC Implementation 6f Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJOTEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJOTEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJOTEOC Direction and Control icl OCNJOTEOC Mobilization lal OCNJ.OTEOC Facilities lbl OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl

  • access/functional needs OCNJPBEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJPBEOC Implementation ofEm:ergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJPBEOC *Direction and Control lcl OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2
  • access/functional needs OCNJPBEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJPB EOC Mobilization lal
  • OCNJPB EOC Facilities
  • lbl OCNJ SBCI Barnegat
  • Equipment arid Supplies to Support Operations le.1 Township OCNJ SBCI Barnegat Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 Township access/functional needs OCNJ SBCI Barnegat Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al Townsh.ip OCNJSBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJ SB EOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl 24

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ SB EOC Iniplerrientation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SB EOC Implementation of Protective Actions* for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJSB EOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ SB EOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSBEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSBEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSBEOC Mobilization lal OCNJ SB EOC Facilities lbl OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl I .

OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disapilities and * * '.'3cl access/functional needs OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ SCEOC Equipment and Supplies to.Support Operations lel OCNJSCEOC .Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSCEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSCEOC Mobilization lal OCNJSCEOC Facilities lbl OCNJSIASRS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIASRS Implementation of Prot~ctive Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIBTHS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIBTHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI CSCES Impletnentation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 acce~s/functional needs OCNJSICSCES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI FAPES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2, access/functional needs 25

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJSIFAPES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI JTDES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI JTDES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SILCA Equipment and Supplies to' Support Operations lel OCNJ SILCA Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2

  • access/functional needs OCNJ SI LMDE-S Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI LMDES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIMAES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and
  • 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIMAES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIOAES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIOAES Equipment and Supplies to .Support Operations lel OCNJ SI OCMATES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with tj.isabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI OCMATES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIOCVT Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities *and 3c2 access/functional needs -,

OCNJSIOCVT Equipment and Supplies to Support ~perations lel OCNJ SIPLCS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SIPLCS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIRLHES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2

. ,access/functional needs OCNJ SI RLHES , Equipment and Supplies Operations lel OCNJ SI ROBMS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI ROBMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI SESO Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI SESO Implementation of ProtectiVe Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs 26

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ SI SIS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI SIS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI SRHS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSISRHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSI SRMS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and. 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSI SRMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIWES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIWES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel

. OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Traffic and*Access Control 3d2' OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJSPEOC Equipment and:Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSPEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSPEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSPEOC Mobilization lal OCNJSPEOC Facilities lbl OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/fun,ctional needs OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ STEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJSTEOC Equipment and S:upplies to Support Operatiqns lel OCNJSTEOC Communications Equipment ldl 27

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJSTEOC Direction and Control

  • lcl OCNJSTEOC Mobilization lal OCNJSTEOC Facilities lbl OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJSTREOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSTREOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSTREOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSTREOC Mobilization lal OCNJSTREOC Facilities lbl OCNJTCP* Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJTCP Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJTCP Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJTCP Communications Equipment ldl OCNJTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJTREOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJTREOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJTREOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJTREOC Direction and Control lcl
  • ocNJTREOC Mobilization lal OCNJTREOC Facilities lbl OCNJWACP Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl 28

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJWACP Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJWACP Communications Equipment ldl OCNJWACP Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJWEMS Transportation and Treatment of Contaminated Injured Individuals 6dl OCNJWEMS Implementation

. of Emergency Worker Exposure

. Control 3al OCNJWEMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJWEMS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJWP Conimunications Equipment ldl OCNJWP Facilities lbl OCNJWP Mobilization lal 29

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 3.3 Criteria Ev.aluation Summaries 3.3.1 State Jurisdictions Bureau of Nuclear Engineering - Forward Command Post Ne~ Jersey State Police Staging Area New Jersey Unified Command Center NJ State Police Land Access Control Point NJ State Police Tactical Operations Center Oyster Creek Emergency Operations Facility 3.3.1. 7 _Oyster Creek Joint Information Center State Emergency Operation Center State Radiological Field Team A In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for the State jurisdiction is as follows:

J '

e. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: New Jersey Regional Operations Intelligence Center ISSUE NO: 43-15-5.b.l-L2-01 CONDITION: EAS Message #2, sent by the New Jersey State Police Public Information Officer at 1810, infonning that public that a General Emergency had been declared at the OCNGS contained the following statement: "At this time for those evacuating it is not reconimended that you consume Potassium Iodide (Kl)".


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station This statement does not provide clear and consistent communication with the protective action decisions made to shelter-in-place and monitor and prepare.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the next federally graded REP Exercise.

ISSUE NO: 43-15-2.a.1-L2-02 CONDITION: As provided for in the NJ State Plan, SOP 801, Section 7.19, the Deputy State Director made a decision at approximately 1756, that notwithstanding the declaration of a General Emergency, ingestion of KI by emergency workers should not be recommended in the absence of a radioactive release. There is no evidence that this decision was made known to Ocean County Officials or the inanagement of any other organizations which were fielding emerg~ncy workers.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the next federally graded REP Exercise.

LOCATION: Unified Command Center.

ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.c.l-P-01 CONDITION: At 1722, the Utility declared a General Emergency (GE). At 1746, the Unified Command Center (UCC) found out about the GE. The Staging Area did not find about the GE until 1844. At 1815, Potassium Iodide (KI) was authorized and a general

  • announcement was made over the radio. The Staging Area did not receive this .announcement an'd did not mgest KI. . . . , .

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Update plans and procedures to ensure notifications will be made to the Staging Ar~a.

3.3.2 Risk Jurisdictions 3.3.2.l Barnegat Township EOC Barnegat Township School Bus Company Interview Berkeley Township EOC Borough of Barnegat Light EOC Borough of Beachwood EOC Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Borough of Island Heights EOC Borough of Ocean Gate EOC Borough ofJ>ine Beach EOC

  • Borough of Seaside Park Borough of Ship Bottom EOC Borough of South Toms River EOC 31

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

  • l *
  • After Action Report/Improveinent Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Borough of Surf City EOC

' ~: Lacey Township EOC Long Beach Township Long Beach Township EOC Ocean County- Emergency Worker Decou Center- Tri Boro Volunteer First Aid Squad Ocean County,- Emergency Worker Decou Cent~r - Utility Auth~rity Ocean County- General Population Bus Company - New Jersey Transit Ocean County~ General Population Reception Center - Brick Township High School Ocean County - General Populatit>n Reception Center - Pinelands Regional High School Ocean County - Radiological Field Monitoring Team Ocean County - School Interview - All Saints Regional School Ocean Counfy - School Interview - Lighthouse Christian Academy Ocean County- School Interview- McKinley Ave Elementary School Ocean County - School Interview - Ocean County MATES Ocean County - School Interview - Primary Learning Center Stafford Ocean County - School Interview - Stafford Elementary School Oxycocus Ocean County-*Warning Point Ocean County- Waterway Access Control Point Oc.ean County Emergency Operations Center Ocean County New Jersey - Medical Services.Hospital - Toms River Communicy Medical Center Oce_an County New Jersey - Traffic Control Point Ocean County-School Interview-Barnegat Township High School

  • Ocean County-School Interview-Cecil S. Collins Elementary School

~.3.2.36 Ocean Cou_nty-School Interview-Fredrick A. PriffEI~mentary School Ocean County-School Interview-Joseph T Donah'µe Elementary School

  • Ocean County-School Interview-Lillian M. Dunfree Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean Acres Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean County Vo-Tech School Ocean County-School Interview-Robert L. Horbelt Elementary School
  • Ocean CQunty-School Interview-Russell 0. Brackman Middle School Ocean County-School Interyiew-Southern Regional High School Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional Middle School Ocean County-School Interview-Stafford Intermediate School
  • 32

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (~P)

. After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Ocean County-School Interview-Waretown Elementary School Ocean Township EOC Stafford Township EOC Toms River EMS 3.3.2;~0 Toms ,River Township EOC

  • In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for the Risk jurisdiction is as follows:
e. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: Ocean County Emergen9y Operations Center ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.c.l-12-03 CONDITION: There is a delay between when the Ocean County EOC receiyes information in, and when Ocean County begins sending the information out to the municipaljties. After reviewing the documentation, the delay is in the
  • command and control room. An updated streamlined p~ocess of information verification and review would be the recommended action.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan

  • Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the next federally graded REP Exercise.

ISSUE NO: 43.;15-1.c.l-P-02 CONDITION: The layout on Form B only allows for a check mark on the box to the left of the action being taken o.r recommended (i.e. X evacuate/shelter-in-place nursing homes, evacuate/shelter-in-place

. . hospitals, etc.). Unfortunately that does not provide for clarification on whether the intent is to shelter the nursing home or evacuate the nursing home which has the potential to cause confusion for those receiving the form or referring to it. Editing of the form to further clarify the actions being taken or recommended would provide clarification.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Form B will be revised and updated.

LOCATIO_N: Ocean County Warning Point ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.c.1-P-03 CONDITION: The Initial Contact Message Form does not include the wordings for monitor and prepare ERP As. The addition of monitor and prepare would avoid confusion if an immediate PAD was provided or a PAD was provided before the Ocean County EOC was staffed.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Update and make the recommended changes to the Initial Contact Message Form.

LOCATION: Long Beach Township ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.e.l-P-04 34

Unclassified Radio.logical Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Reporf/Improvement Plan . Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station CONDITION: There was a discrepancy between the number ofTLDs noted on the lock box and the number on the inventory sheet. This was not corrected during the Exercise due to the instructions to not open the box.

Verification between the box Sticker and the actual inventory sheet before signing would remediate the issue from happening again in the future, and avoid for the potential to not have a sufficient supply of emergency worker exposure control equipment.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Provide training and plans and procedures that Verifying inventory is completed.

3.3.3 Support Jurisdictions Congregate Care Lake Riviera Middle School Bricktown Ocean County NJ Waretown EMS Ship Bottom Police fu summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for the Support jurisdiction is as follows:


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)*

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 3.3.4 Private Jurisdictions Ocean County- EAS Radio Station WRAT In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for the Private jurisdiction is as follows:

e. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: EAS Radio Station WRAT ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.d.l-P-5 CONDITION: The agency contact binder utilized by WRAT was outdated and had incorrect listings of contact phone numbers.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: The binder will now be updated on an annual basis.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Reportllmprovement_Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 4: CONCLUSION Based on the results of the Exercise, the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of New Jersey and the affected local jurisdictions are deemed adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency. Therefore; 44 CFR Part 350 approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of New Jersey, site-specific to the Oyster <;reek Nuclear Generating Station, will remain in effect.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nu dear Generating Station APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN NOT APPLICABLE 38

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Prepared!1ess Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek :Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIXB:LESSONSLEARNED NOT APPLICABLE 39

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIX C: BEST PRACTICES

1. Accountability and operability of the EOC Summary: Lacey Township had an excellent means of ensuring the EOC is ready for operations.



Evey quarter there is a comprehensive inspection checklist used to ensure the EOC is stocked, the equipment is operational, plans are up to date and present and and the technology and communication equipment is ready for use. This allows the EOC management to be assured that the EOC is ready at a moments notice !o be stood up and functional.

Demonstrated Strengths Ocean County Municipalities Ship Bottom Borough

  • The Ship Bottom :j3orough Emergency Management Coordinator, in addition to having notification of events/protective actions in the Communications Command Room, placed a laptop with the same system and projector with screen in the main Emergency Operations Center and assigned staff to monitor emails and display the ECLS, Precautionary Actions, Protective Actions for all the staff in the EOC. Any items needing discussion were done so by the EMC.
  • The Police Department individual, doubling as the Radiological Officer, gave an excellent, all-inclusive radiological briefing to _one Emergency Worker in accordance with the Extent of Play. This was evident by the evaluator's interview of the EW.

Toms River Township

  • The Town of Toms River had an actual fire emergency during the exercise. The dispatcher and township responded without any interruption or delay during the exercise or in actual service. They additionally were given an assist by South Toms River who had an emergency medical situation as well.

Ocean Gate Borough

  • The Radiological Safety Officer provided very thorough radiological briefings throughout the exercise.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station South Toms River BQrough

  • The South .. Toms* River Borough BOC staff did an outstanding job overcoming adversity during the 2015 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station HAB Exercise.

There were "real world" emergencies that occurred during the exercise which required attention from the EMC and his staff. The Deputy EMC' s and BOC staff remained calm and continued to complete the exercise objectives. Everyone demonstrated exqellent teamwork whether it was assuming another role or providing assistance where needed.

    • This close knit team should be commended for their ability to work together and successfully man~ge multiple events.
  • 41

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIX D: EXERCISE TIMELINE Ocean Staging Barnegat Toms Ocean NJ County Area TOC Light Barnegat Beachwood Berkley River Gate ROIC ucc JIC EOC Borough Township Borough Township Township Borough Unusual Event NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Alert NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Site Area 1639 Emergency 1657 1711 1643 1700 NIA 1710 1707 1708 1724 1714 1715 General 1722 Emergency 1734 1746 1746 1743 1816 1811 1810 1813 1813 1817 1810 Simulated Rad.


Release NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Facility Declared Operational 1710 1702 1754 1702 .. 1745 1718 1704 1640 1726 1702 1715 Governor Declared State of Emergency

.1715 1826 1715 1741 NIA 1819 1817 1820 1820 1825 1818 Exercise Terminated 2023 2021 2023 2023 2021 2024 2028 2026 2032 1930 2020 Protective Action Decision 1-Shelter ERPA 1-8,l 0, Shelter Schools, 1745 P,W,S 1745 Parks 1747 P,H, 1752 1745 1752 Close Parks and REC. Close River & 1832 Air 1830 Air NH 1834 Waterways. EW take KI at GE 1835 Siren Activation 1657 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA EAS Message 1657 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 42

Unclassified .

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station PAD 2*: ShelterERPAs 1-8,10. Prepare.

remaining ERPAs. Kl for General Public, Hearing Impaired, Airspace Restr. 1657 1730 1700 1715 1712 '1728 1726 1727 1726 1728 1728 1st Siren Activation 1705. . 1730 1705 1705 NIA 1728 1726 1727 1726 1728 1730

  • 1st EAS Message 1708 1730 1708 1710 NIA 1728 1726 1727 1726 1730 1730 2"dPAD 1804 1813 1804
  • 1814 NIA 1830 *1832 1813 1840 1845 1842 2"d Siren Activation :1812 1813 1812 1812 NIA 1830 1832 1813 *1840 1845 1842 2"d EAS Message 1817 1813 1815 1817 NIA 1830 1832 101~

1840 1845 1842 Kl Administration Decision: 1804 1813 . 1813 1749 NIA NIA 1810 1813 1813 1817 1820 Emergency Workers NIA 1813 18'13 1749 NIA 11111 11111"\

. 1111'l 1111'l

. 1817 1820 General Public in Evacuated Areas NIA* -NIA *NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 43

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

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'c;; > . , *;,;n

  • I) }2:::;5:' . :i\) 1red_*.~:~. :'."'~* Harvey Island Heights Township Lacey Long Beach Ocean.

Township Pine Beach Ship Bottom Seaside Park Toms River Stafford Township Surf City Borough Township Borough. Borough Borough

.;: **: * ., i.: **:,:,\;::*.: ,.:=~r .... _.

  • , '**; <<;i;.,*:g*,{> ::?* Cedars


Release Started Simulated Rad.

Release Terminated NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Facility Declared Operational 1720 1715 1707 1711 1703 1730 1710 1709 1705 1710 1716 Governor Declared State of Emergency 1829 1829 1817 1818 1818 1818 1715 1715 1752 1805 1824 Exercise Terminated 2028 2030 2022 2028 2022 2026 2029 2029 2026 2026 2026 Protective Action Decision- Shelter ERPA 1-8,10, 1745 Shelter Schools, Close Parks and REC. Close River &

Waterways. EW take KI at GE P,H,N . NIA 1745 1726 1715 1745 1657 1700 1739 1746 NIA H

Siren Activation NIA NIA NIA 1705 1705 1726 1657 NIA NIA 1701 NIA BAS Message NIA NIA NIA 1710 1710 1659 NIA NIA 1701 1st PAD: Shelter ERPAs 1-8,10. Prepare remaining ERP As. KI for General Public, Hearing Impaired, Airspace Restr. 1726 1802 1735 1735 NIA NIA 1706 1727 1804 1701 1706 1st Siren Activation 1726 1802 1735 NIA 1705 NIA 1712 1705 1812 1705 1705 1st BAS Message 1726 1802 1735 NIA 1710 1726 1715' 1710 1812 1710 1710 2ndpAD 1842 1838 1838 1726 1835 1804 NIA 1827 NIA 2nd Siren Activation 1842 1855 1838 1812 1812 1838 1812 1812 NIA 1827 1812 2nd EAS Message 1842 NIA 1838 1817 1817 1838 1820 1817 NIA 1827 1817 KI Administration Decision: - 1820 1811 NLA 1810 NIA 1818 NIA 1740 1813 1810 1814 Emergency Workers 1820 1811 1815 1816 1740 1818 1719 1813 1812 1810 1814 44*

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Reportilmprovement Plan

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Stati.on APPENDIX E: EXERCISE EVALUATORS AND*

TEAM LEADERS DATE: 9/29/2015, SITE: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Barnegat Township EOC John Price FEMA Region 3 Barnegat Township School Bus Company Interview Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Berkeley Township EOC Lee Torres . FEMA Region 3 Borough c

of Barnegat Light EOC Bridget Ahlgrim FEMAHQ Borough of Beachwood EOC Joe Suders FEMA Region 3 Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Tina Thomas FEMA Region 3 Borough of Island Heights EOC Miriam Weston FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ocean Gate EOC LindaGee FEMA Region 2 Borough of Pine Beach EOC Lashawn Halsey

  • FEMAHQ Borough of Seaside i:iark Barbara Thomas FEMA Region 1 Borough of Ship Bottom EOC Martin Vyenielo FEMA Region 3 Borough of South Toms River EOC Taneeka Hollins FEMA Region 1 Borough of Surf City EOC Paul Anderson FEMA Region 9 Bureau of Nuclear Engineering-Forward Command Korkean Dulgerian F.EMA Region 2 Post . . * *
  • Congregate Care Lake Riveira Middle School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Bricktown Lacey Township EOC Bill Webb FEMA Region 10 Long Beach Township Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Long Beach Township EOC Tim Pflieger FEMA Region 6.

New Jersey State Police Staging Area Korky Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 New Jersey Unified Command Center B. Hasemann/K. Malone F,EMA Region 2 NJ State Police Land Access Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 NJ State Polic,e Tactical Operations Center Kevin Reed FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Tri Brian Hasemann. FEMA Region 2 Boro Volunteer First Aid Squa Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2

  • Utility Authority Ocean County - General Population Bus Company - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 New Jersey Transit .

Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Brick Township High School Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Pinelands Regional High Sch Ocean County - School Interview - All Saints Regional Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 School 46

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nnclear Generating Station Ocean County - School Interview - Lighthouse Christian Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Academy Ocean County - School Interview ~ McKinley Ave Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County - School Interview - Ocean County Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 MATES Ocean County - School Interview - Primary Leaming Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Center Stafford Ocean County - School Interview - Stafford Elementary Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 School Oxycocus Ocean County - Warning Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County- Waterway Access Control Point Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 .

Ocean County Emergency Operations Center . Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County New Jersey- Medical Services Hospital- Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Tom's RJ.ver Community Medical Ocean County New Jersey - Traffic Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County NJ W aretown EMS Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 .

Ocean County-School Interview-Barnegat Township Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 High School Ocean County-School Interview-Cecil S. Collins Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School. -

Ocean County-School Interview-Fredrick A. Priff Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Joseph T Donahue Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Lillian M. Dunfree Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean Counfy-School Interview-Ocean Acres Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School . _

Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean County Vo- Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Tech School Ocean County-School Interview-Robert L. Horbelt Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County~School Interview-Russell 0. Brackman Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Middle School Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 High School Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Middle School Ocean County-School Interview-Stafford Intermediate Laura F oi;rest FEMA Region 2 School

  • Ocean County-School Interview-Waretown Elementary Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 School**

Ocean Township BOC Brad DeKorte FEMA Region 6 Oyster Creek Emergency Operations Facility Korkean Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 47

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Ship Bottom Police Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Stafford Township EOC Helen La Forge FEMA Region 1 State Emergency Operation Center Chris Cammarata FEMA Region 2 State Radiological Field Team A Korkean Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 Toms River EMS , Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Toms River Township EOC Martin Vyenielo FEMA Region 3 f

Barnegat Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Barnegat Township EOC John FEMA Region 3 Barnegat Township School Bus Company Interview . Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Berkeley Township EOC Lee Torres FEMA Region 3 Berkeley Township EOC Lee Torres FEMA Region 3 Borough of Barnegat Light EOC Bridget Ahlgrim .FEMAHQ Borough ofBarnega:~ Light EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Beachwood EOC Laura Foriest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Beachwood EOC Joseph Suders FEMA Region 3 Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Tina Lai-Thomas FEMA Region 3 Borough oflsland H~ights EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough oflsland Heights EOC Miriam Weston FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ocean Gate EOC Laura Forrest  ;*FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ocean Gate EOC Linda Gee FE~Region6 Borough of Pine Beach EOC LaShawn Halsey FEMAHQ Borough of Pine Beach EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Seaside Park Barbara Thomas FEMA Region 1 Borough of Seaside Park Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ship Bottom EOC Laura Forrest FE~Region2 Borough of Ship Bottom EOC JVl:artin Vyenielo FEMA Region 3 Borough of South Toms River EOC Taneeka Hollins FEMA Region 1 Borough of South Toms River EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Surf City EOC Paul Anderson 'FEMA Region 9 Borough of Surf City EOC Laura F c:mest FEMA Region 2 Congregate Care Lake Riveira Middle School Bricktown Laura Forrest FEMA Regfon2 Lacey Township BOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Lacey Township BOC Bill Webb FEMARegion Long Beach Township - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Long Beach Township EOC Timothy Pfli~ger DH.S-FEMA Long Beach To\vnship EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 New Jersey State Police Staging Area Korkean Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 New Jersey Unified Command Center Brian Hasemann FEMA Region 1 New Jersey Unified Command Center Kevin Malone FEMA Region 2 48

. Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJ State Police Land Access Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 NJ State Police Tactical Operations Center Kevin Reed FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - EAS Radio Station WRAT Russell Fox FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Tri B'6ro Volunteer First Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Aid Squad Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Utility Authority Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County- General Population Bus Company- New Jersey Transit Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Brick Township High Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 School Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Pinelands Regional Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 High School Ocean County - School Interview - All Saints Regional School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Lighthouse Christian Academy Laura Forrest FEMA R,egion 2 Ocean County - School Interview - McKinley Ave Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Ocean County MATES Laura Forrest' FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Primary Learning Center Stafford Laura Forrest FEMA R,egion 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Stafford Elementary School Oxycocus Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County- Warning Point Laurel Ryan FEMA Region 9 Ocean County - Waterway Access Control Point. Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County Emergency Operations Center Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean Cot.µlty Emergency Operations _Center Mabel Santiago FEMA Region 2 Ocean County Emergency Operations Cent~r Sara Gelves FEMA Region 2 Ocean County Emergency Operations Center Kathy Duran FEMA Region 3 Ocean County New Jersey- Medical Services Hospital -Tom's River Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Community Medical Ocean County New Jersey- Traffic Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County NJ Waretown EMS Laura Forre~t

  • FEMA Region 2 Ocean.County-School Interview-B~egat Township High School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-Scho~l Interview-Cecil S. Collins Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Fredrick A. PriffElementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Joseph T Donahue Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Lillian M. Dun:free Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean Acres Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean. Cotinty .Vo-Tech School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 .

Ocean County-School Interview-Robert L. Horbelt Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Regio,n 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Russell 0. Brackman Middle School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional High School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-Sc)1ool Interview-Southern Regional Middle School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Stafford Intermediate School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean Cotinty-School Interview-Waretown Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA.Region 2 Ocean Township EOG Brad DeKorte FEMA Region 6 Oyster. Creek Emergency Operations Facility Joseph Keller ICFI Oyster Creek Joint Information Center John Rice FEMA Region 1 49

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Oyster Creek Joint Information Center George Hogan iii FEMA Region 2 Ship Bottom Police Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Stafford Township EOC Helen LaForge FEMA Region 1 Stafford Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 State Emergency Operation Center Brian Kennedy FEMA Region 1 State Emergency Operation Center Chris Cammarata FEMA Region 2 State Emergency Operation Center Michael DeBonis USEPA State Emergency Operation Center Ryan Jones FEMA Region 1 Toms River EMS

  • Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Toms River Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Toms River Township EOC Michael Shuler FEMA Region 3 50

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIXF:ACRONYMSAND ABBREVIATIONS The following is a list of the acronyms and abbreviations, which were used in this report.

AOG Augmented Off-Gas ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action ARM Area Radiation Monitors ATWS Anticipated Transient Without Scram A&N Alert and Notification CFM Cubic Feet per Minute

  • CFR Code of Federal Regulations CHRRMS Containment High Range Radiation Monitoring System DRS U.S. Department of Homeland Security DOT U.S. Department of Transportation DRD Direct-Reading Dosimeter EAS Emergency Alert System EBS Emergency Broadcast System ECL Emergency Classification Level EOC Emergency Operations Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility EMC Emergency Management Coordinator EMITS Emergency Management Information Tracking System EMRY Electro-Motive Relief Valve ENC Emergency News Center 51

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPR Electronic Pressure Regulator EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ERF Emergency Response Facility ERO Emergency Response Organization ERPA Emergency Response Planning Area FCP Forward Command Post FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FMT Field Monitoring Team GE General Emergency HAB Hostile Action Based


ICF ICF International, Inc.

nc Joint Information Center

  • KI Potassium Iodide LED Light Emitting Diode LLE Local Law Enforcement mR milliRoentgen(s)

MS Medical Services ....

MSIV Mainstream Isolation Valves NAWC Lakehurst Naval Air Warfare Center NJ New Jersey 52

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJBNE New Jersey Bureau of Nuclear Engineering NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDHSS New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services NJ OEM New Jersey Office of Emergency Management NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-0654 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-l, Rev. 1, "Criteria: for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980 OCEOC Ocean County Emergency Operations Center OCMEOCs O~ean County Municipality Emergency Operations Centers OCNGS Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCOEM

.PIO Public Information Officer R Roentgen RAC Regional Assistance Committee REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan R/hr Roentgen(s) per hour RO Radiological Officer SAE Site Area Emergency SB OEM Ship Bottom Office of Emergency Management



Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SEOC State Emergency Operations Center SFA State Field Activities SGTS Standby Gas Treatment System SM Shift Manger SNB Special News Broadcast SOP Standard Operating Procedure TL TeamLeader TLD Thermoluminescent Dosimeter WRAT Ocean County EAS Radio Station 54

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report!Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station This page is intentionally blank.


U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region II Jacob K. Javits Federal Office Building 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1311 New York, NY 10278-0002 FEMA March 25, 2016 NRC Headquarters Document Control Desk US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 To whom it may concern:

Enclosed please find a copy of the Final After Action Report/Improvement Plan for the Hostile Action Based Exercise for the 10-Mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) around the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station held on September 29, 2015. Also included in the report are the evaluations of 14 Out-of-Sequence drills and demonstrations held in the 2-year cycle associated with this exercise.

New Jersey State and local governments successfully demonstrated the capability to implement their off-site radiological emergency response plans and procedures, based on the evaluation of this exercise by the FEMA Region II Regional Assistance Committee and a team of Federal evaluators.

No Level 1 Findings were identified as a result of this exercise. There was three new Level 2 Findings and five Planning Issues identified.

Six prior Areas Requiring Corrective Action (ARCAs), and one Planning Issue from the previous exercise were corrected. Therefore, we find that State and local preparedness is adequate to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station and there is reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken offsite in the event of a radiological emergency.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 212-680-8507.


~f!~---C David Musick RAC Chair FEMA Region II --- i,4-q Enc. J,Jti. www fema gov *PH: (212)680-3600

Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating

  • Station After Action Report/

Improvement Plan Exercise Date - September 29, 2015 Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program

(~~ FEMA c~~~


  • * *. Published February 15, 2015

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Progr_am (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station After Action Report/Improvement Plan PubUshedNovember 25, 2015 EXECUTIVE


          • .*.*****.*.**..*.*.*.**.**********..*****.***.*.*.*....*************.*.*.*..* *****.*..**.***...*.***..* 5 SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW ...........*.....**.........................*...............................*..........*... 7 1.1 Exercise Details ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Exercise Planning Team Leadership ....................................................................................... 7 1.3 Participating Organizations .................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN


............................................................................. 11 2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design ................................................................................................ 11 2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities .................................................................... 13 2.3 Scenario Summary ................................................................................................................ 15 SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES .............................. , .......................... ."., .................... 16

  • 3.1 Exercise Evaluation and Results ............................ ;."............................................................. 16 3.2 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation .............................................................................. 16 3.3 Criteria Evaluation Summaries ............................................................................................ 30 3 .3 .1 State Jurisdictions ...................................................................................................................... 30 3.3.2 Risk Jurisdictions ...... :.................................................................... :........................................... 31 3.3.3 Support Jurisdictions ... :.............................................................................................................. 35 3 .3 .4 Private Jurisdictions .............................................................................................-...................... 36 SECTION 4: CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................'.. 37 APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN ........................................................................: ............. 38

. APPENDIX B: LESSONS LEARNED .......................................................................: .................. 39 APPENDIX C: BEST PRACTICES .............................................................................................. 40 APPENDIX D: EXERCISE TIMELINE ......................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX E: EXERCISE EV~LUATORS AND TEAM LEADERS ................................................... 46 APPENDIX F: ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................... 51 3

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station This page is intentionally blank.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station EXECUTIVE




On September 29, 20I5, a Hostile Action Based Exercise was conducted in the IO-Mile Plume Exposure Pathway, Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) around the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generation Station by the Department of Homeland (DHS) Region IL The purpose of the exercise was to assess the level of State and local preparedness in responding to a hostile action based radiological event. This exercise was held in accordance with FEMA' s policies and guidance concerning the

. exercise of State and local radiological emergency response plans (RERPs) and procedures.

The most recent full-scale plume pathway exercise at this site was conducted on March I8, 20I4.

The qualifying emergency preparedness exercise was conducted ori March I 6, I 982.

DHS wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals in New Jersey State, and Ocean County who participated in this exercise. Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the exercise partidpants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still others

  • have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities. Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants were evident during this exercise.

This report contains the final evaluation of the Hostile Action Based Exercise, and the evaluation of the following out-of-sequence with the exercise demonstrations:

EAS Radio Station- WRAT-FM: September 2, 2015 Tribro Volunteer Fire Co. - Emergency Worker Decontamination Center: October 27, 2015 School Interviews: July 20-24, 2015 Lacey School District - School Bus Drivers Interview: July 29, 2015 New Jersey Transit - Transportation Dependent Bus Run: August 25, 2015 Lacey Township Police Department - Traffic Control Points: July 28, 2015 Pinelands Regional High School - Reception Center: August 18, 2015 New Jersey State Police - Land Access Control Point: August 25, 2015 New Jersey State Police - Waterway Access Control Point: September 22, 2015 Lanoka Harbor First Aid Squad-MS-I Drill: October 23, 2015 Toms River Community Medical Center-MS-I Drill: October 23, 2015 5

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Long Beach Township - Back-up Route Alerting: September 15, 2015, Borough of Surf City-:- Hearing Impaired: September 21, 2015 Borough of Toms River-Mobility Impaired: August 14, 2015 The State and local organizations except where noted in this report, demonstrated knowledge of their emergency plans and procedures and adequately implemented them. There were no * .

Deficiencies identified for this Exercise. There was three new Level 2, and five Planning Issues were identified for this Exercise. Six prior ARCAs and one Planning Issue were successfully resolved.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/lmpro"ement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 1: EXERCISE OVERVIEW 1.1 Exercise Details Exercise Name Plume 2015-09-29 Type of Exercise Hostile Action Exercise Date September 29, 2015 Program Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Radiological Emergency Preparedness. Program Scenario Type Not Applicable 1.2 E~ercise Planning Team Leadership David Musick, REP Program RAC Chair, DHS/FEMA Region II William Cullen, REP Program DHS/FEMA Region II Brian Hasemann, REP Program DHS/FEMA Region II Laura Forrest, REP Program DHS/FEMA Region II Jon Christiansen, RERP New Jersey State Police Jerome Renner, RERP New Jersey State Police 7

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedriess Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 1.3 Participating Organizations Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating* Station exercise:

State Jurisdictions:

New Jersey State Police Staging Area New Jersey State Police Unified Command Center New Jersey State Office of Emergency Management

New Jersey District Attorney's *Office New Jersey Bureau of Communications and Support Services New Jersey State office of Homeland Security & Preparedness New Jersey Department of Agriculture New Jersey Department of Human Services New Jersey Department of Mental Health Services New Jersey State Department of Transportation New Jersey Transit New Jersey State Information Technology Bureau New Jersey State Police Tactical Operations Center Risk Jurisdictions:

Ocean County Warning Point/911 Center Ocean County Office of Emergency Management Ocean County Sheriffs Department Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders Ocean County Health Department .

Ocean County Department of Public Affairs Ocean County EMS Ocean County Engineering Dept.

Ocean County Fire Dept.

Ocean County Highway Dept.

Ocean County Office of Communications Ocean County Office of Education 8

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Ocean County SWAT Team Ocean County Office of Domestic Preparedness Ocean County Office of Human Services Ocean County Office of Public Information Ocean County Prosecutor's Office Ocean County Resource Management Ocean County Road Dept.

Ocean County Dept. of Social Services Ocean County Superintendent of Schools Ocean County Traffic Safety Ocean County Transportation Dept.

Ocean County Vehicle Services Ocean County Veterinary Service's Barnegat Township Beachwood Borough Berkeley Township Toms River Township Harvey Cedars Borough Island Heights Borough Lacey Township Long Beach Township Ocean Gate Borough Ocean Township.

Pine Beach Borough Barnegat Light Borough Seaside Park Borough South Toms River Borough Stafford Township Surf City Borough Ship Bottom Borough Joint Information Center Exelon Generation Ne~ Jersey Office of .Management*

New Jersey Bureau of Nuclear Engineering New Jersey State Police New Jersey Office of Health and Senior Services 9

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nncleil.r Generating Station Support Jurisdictions:

Triboro Vol.unteer Fire Company Pinelands Regional High School Lanoka Harbor First Aid Squad Toms River Community Medical Center Private Organizations:

Exelon Generation Ocean. County Community Emergency Response Team Ocean C()unty Chapter American Red Gross Ocean Counfy RACES* .

Radio Station WRAT

.. J Federal Organizations Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Nuclear Regulatory Corrirnission Federal Bureau oflnvestigation 10

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP),

Mter Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 2: EXERCISE DESIGN


2.1 Exercise Purpose and Design

_On December 7, 1979, the President directed FEMA to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite

  • nuclear planning and response. FEMA's activities are conducted pursuan~ to44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350, 351 and 352. These regulations are a key element in the Radiological

. Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program 'that was established folloWing-the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979.

FEMA Rule 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for FEMA's initial and continued approval of State and focal governments' radiological emergency planning and *preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants. This approvaJ)s contingent, in part, .on State and local government participation in joint exercises with licensees.

FEMA's responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following: * " . * . .- ' * ,** . ' ' * . * * .

  • Taking'the lead in offsite emergency planning and in the review and evaluati~:m of the RERP_ .-~

and associated procedures developed by State arid local governments;

  • *Determining whether such plans and procedures can be implemented on the basis of observation and evaluation of exercises ofthe plans and procedures conducted by State and local governments;
  • Responding to requests by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to the
  • Memorandum of Understanding betwe~n the NRC and FEMA dated June 17, 1993 (Federal * ... *

.Register, Vol. 58, No. 176, September 14, 1993); and

  • Coordinating the activities of Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological emergency planning process:

U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commiss~on, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 11

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Health and Human-Services, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of the Interior, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Representatives of these agencies serve on the FEMA Region II Regional Assistance Committee (RAC), which is chaired by FEMA.

A Hostile Action Based REP Exercise conducted,on September 29, 2015, allmyed FEMA Region II to assess the capabilities of State and local emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the Qyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station.. The purpose of this exercise report is to present the exercise results*and fmdings on the performance of the offsite response organizations (ORO) during a simulated radi0logical emergency.

The fmdings presented in this report are based on the evaluations of the Federal evaluator team, with fmal determinations made by the FEMA Region II RAC Chairperson, and approved by the Regional Administrator.

The criteria utilized in the FEMA e~aluation process are contained in:

NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Respon~e Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants,

November 1980 (hereafter referred to as NUREG-0654);

  • FEMA REP Program Manual,.July, 2015.


Unclassified R.adiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Section 1 of this report, entitled "Exercise Overview," presents basic information and data relevant to the exercise. This section of the report contains the exercise details, a listing of the exercise planning team members and all the participating organizations.

Section 3 ofthis report, entitled "Analysis and Capabilities," presents detailed information on the demonstration of applicable exercise objectives at each jurisdiction or functional entity evaluated in a jurisdiction-based, issues-only format. Table 3.1 titled, "Summary of Exercise Evaluation" is a tabular representation of exercise criteria. Section 3 also contains: (1) descriptions of all Deficiencies and ARCAs a,ssessed during this exercise, recommended corrective actions, and the State and local governments' schedule of corrective actions for- each identified exercise issue and (2) Descriptions of unresolved ARCAs assessed during previous exercises.and the status of the OROs' efforts to resolve them.

2.2 Exercise Objectives, Capabilities and Activities

  • Capabilities-based planning allows for exercise planning teams to develop exercise objectives and observe exercise outcomes through a framewe>rk of speci:flc action items that were deriv~d from the Target Capabilities List (TCL). The capabilit~es listed below form th~ foundation for the organization of all FEMA Region II REP Program objectives and observations in this.


  • Emergency Operations Ceriter Management: Is the capability to provide multi-agency coordination (MAC) for incidenfinanagement by activating and operating an EOC for a preplanned or no-notice event. EOC management includes EOC activation, notification, staffing, and deactivation; management, direction, control, and coordination of response and recovery activities; coordination of efforts among neighboring governments at each level and*

among local, regional, state, and federal EOCs; coordination public information and warning; and maintenance of the information and communication necessary for coordinating response and recovery activities. *

  • Emergency Public Information and Warning: Is the capability that includes public information, alert/warning and notification. It involves developing, coordinating, and disseminating information to the public, coordinating officials, and incident management and responders across all jurisdictions and disciplines effectively under all hazard conditi01i's.
  • Citizen Evacuation and Shelter in Place: Is the capability to prepare for, ensure communication of, and immediately execute the safe and effective sheltering-in-place of an at-risk population (and companion animals), and/or the organized and managed evacuation of the at-risk populations to areas of safe refuge in response to a potentially or actually dangerous environment. In addition, this capability involves the safe reentry of the population where feasible.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

  • Emergency Public Safety and Security Response: Is the capability to reduce the impact and consequences of an incident or major event by securing the affected area, including crime/incident scene preservation issues as appropriate, safely diverting the public from hazards, providing security support to other response operations and properties, and sustaining operations from response through recovery. Public Safety and Security Response requires coordination among officials from law enforcement (LE), fire, and EMS.
  • Hazardous Materials Response and Decontamination: Is the capability to assess and manage the consequences of a hazardous materials release, either accidental or as part of a terrorist attack. It includes testing and identifying all likely hazardou~ substances onsite; ensuring that responders have protective clothing and equipment; conducting rescue operations to remove affected victims from the hazardous environment; conducting geographical survey searches of suspected sources of contamination spreads and establishing isolation perimeters; mitigating the effects of
  • hazardous .materi~s, decontaminating on-site victims, responders, and equipment; coordinating off-site decontamination with relevant agencies, and notifying environmental, health, and law enforce1Ilent agencies having juri~sdiction for the incident to begin implementation of their standard evidence collection and investigation procedures.
  • Mass Care: Is the capability to provide immediate. shelter, feeding centers, basic first aid, bulk distribution of needed items, and related services to persons affected by a large-scale incident, including special needs populations. Special needs populations include individuals with pP,ysical or mental disabilities who require medical attention or personal. care beyond basic first aid.

Other special-needs populations include non-English speaking populations that may need to have information presented in' other languages~ The mass care capability also provides ifor pet care/handling through local government and appropriate animal-related organizations. Mass care is usually performed by nongovernmental organizations (NGO), such as the American Red Cross (ARC), or by local government-sponsored volunteer efforts, such as Citizen Corps.

Special needs populations are generally the responsibility of local government, with medical needs addressed by the medical community and/or its alternate care facilities. State and Federal entities also play a role in public and environmental health by ensuri,ng safe conditions, safe food, potable water, sanitation, clean air, etc.

o Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment: Is the capability to appropriately dispatch EMS resources; to provide feasible, suitable, and medically acceptable pre-hospital triage and treatment of patients; to provide transport as well as medical care en-route to an appropriate receiving facility; and to track patients to a treatment facility.

-- .14

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 2.3 Scenario Summary 2015 OYSTER CREEK HOSTILE.ACTION BASED EXERCISE (September 29, 2015) DRILL &



Time: 1650



Site Area Emergency Hostile Action within the Protected Area.

Wind speed° 1lmph, wind direction from 210 degrees.

Time: 1730



General Emergency Prolonged loss of all off-site and all on-site AC power to emergen~y busses. Loss of physical control of the facility.

Wind speed llmph, Wind direction from 210 degrees_.

Protective Action Recommendation:

Shelter in Place ERPAs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .6, 9, 18 and 19.0-5 miles from 0-360 degrees.

Time: 2030



Exercise Termination 15

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 3: ANALYSIS OF CAPABILITIES 3.1 Exercise Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities which participated in the September 29, 2015, Hostile Action Based Exercise to test the. offsite emergency response capabilities of State and local governments in the 10-Mile EPZ surrounding the Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated on the basis of its demonstration of criteria delineated in exercise evaluation areas contained in the FEMA REP Program Manual, July, 2015.

Language and definitions for evaluated observations and issues during REPI> exercises as follows:

  • Level 1 Finding: An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in_an exercise that could ?ause a determination that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
  • Level 2 Finding: An observed or identified madequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety.
  • Plan Issue: An observed or identified inadequ~~y in the offsite response organizations' (ORO's) emergency plawimplementing procedures, rather than that of the ORO's performance.

3.2 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation The matrix presented in Table 3 .1 on the following page, presents the status of all exercise evaluation area criteria that were scheduled for demonstration during this exercise by all

  • participating jurisdictions and functional entities. Exercise criteria are listed by number and the demonstration status is indicated by the use of the following letters:

M-Met Ll -Level 1 Finding Assessed: NONE L2-Level 2 Findings Assessed: 3 P - Plam1ing Issues Assessed: 5, 1 Planning Issue Resolved N - Not Demonstrated Prior Issues Resolved: 6 Prior Issues Umesolved: NONE 16

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

  • .. Tables 3.1 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation Table - Exercise Evaluation by Classification
  • Date: 9/29/2015 Site: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station


Table -Exercise Evaluation- Criteria Not Demonstrated Date: 9/29/2015 Site: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJUCC Mobilization lal OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3el Table - Exercise Evaluation - Criteria Met Date: 9/29/2015 Site: Oyster. Creek Nuclear Generating Station .

NJSEOC P ADs for ,the Protection of persons with disabilities and access/functional needs 2cl NJSEOC Direction and Control lcl NJSEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3,cl access/functional needs NJSEOC Mobilization lal NJSEOC Equipment arid Supplies to Support Operations lel NJSEOC Communications Equipment ldl NJSEOC Facilities lbl NJSEOC Communications Equipment ldl I

NJSEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJSEOC Facilities lbl NJSPLACP ' Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl NJSPLACP Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al NJSPLACP Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel 17

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJSPLACP Communications Equipment ldl NJ SP SA Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al NJ SP SA Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJ SP SA Communications Equipment ldl NJ SP SA Direction and Control lcl NJ SP SA Mobilization lal

, NJ SPTOC Impl~mentation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al NJ SPTOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJSPTOC Communications Equipment ldl NJSPTOC Direction and Control lcl NJSPTOC Mobilization lal N.JUCC Facilities lbl NJUCC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel NJUCC Dose Assessment & P ARs & PADs for the Emergency Event 2b2 NJUCC Mobilization lal NJUCC Communication~ Equipment ldl NJUCC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCJIC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operati.ons lel OCJIC Communications Equipment ldl OCJIC Facilities lbl OCJIC Emergency Information and Instructions for the Public and the Media 5bl OCJIC Direction and Control lcl OCJIC Mobilization lal OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation ofTraffic_and Access Control 3d2 OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ Barnegat EOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ Barnegat EOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations . lel 18

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ Barnegat EOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJ Barnegat EOC Mobilization lal OCNJ Barnegat EOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJ Barnegat EOC Facilities lbl OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Ingestion Pathway Decisions 3el OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with.disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJBBEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJBBEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJBBEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJBBEOC Direction.and Control lcl OCNJBBEOC Mobilizatio~ lal OCNJBBEOC Facilities lbl OCNJ_ Berkley Township Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl EOC access/functional needs OCNJ Berkiey Township Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl EOC OCNJ Berkley Township Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 EOC access/functional needs OCNJ Berkley Township Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al BOC  ::*

OCNJ Berkley Township Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 BOC OCNJ Berkley Township Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel BOC OCNJ Berkley Township

  • Communications Equipment ldl EOC OCNJ Berkley.Township Direction and Control lcl EOC OCNJ Berkley Township Mobilization lal EOC 19

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ Berkley Township Facilities lbl EOC OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJBLEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJBLEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJBLEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJBLEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJBLEOC Mobilization lal OCNJBLEOC Facilities lbl OCNJBRALBT Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System 5a3 OCNJ BRA,LBT Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJCCLRMS Temporary CaJ"e of Evacuees 6cl OCNJCCLRMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJCCLRMS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJCCLRMS Facilities '.. lbl OCNJ EAS Station WRAT Emergency lnfonnation and Instructions for the Public and the Media 5bl OCNJEAS Station WRAT Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System 5al OCNJEWDC TBVFAS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ EWDC TBVFAS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJ EWDC TBVFAS Monitoring and Decontamination of Emergency Workers and their Equipment 6bl and Vehicles OCNJ EWDC TBVFAS Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJEWDCUA Mobilization lal OCNJEWDCUA Monitoring and Decontamination of Emergency Workers and their Equipment 6bl and Vehicles OCNJEWDCUA Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJEWDCUA . Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel 20

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ GPBC NJT Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ GPBC NJT Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control - 3al OCNJ GPBC NJT Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ GPRC BTHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ GPRC BTHS Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ GPRC BTHS Implementation of KI Decision for Institutionalized Individuals 3bl OCNJ GPRC BTHS Monitoring, Decontamination, and Registration of Evacuees 6al OCNJ GP.RC PRHS Monitoring, Decontamination, and Registration of Evacuees 6al OCNJ GPRC PRHS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJ GPRC PRHS Implementation of KI Decision for Institutionalized Individuals 3bl OCNJ GPRC PRHS Implementation of'Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ GPRC PRHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ GPRC PRHS Facilities lbl OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJHCEOC Implementation 6f Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJHCEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJHCEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJHCEOC Communicati~ns Equipment ldl OCNJHCEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJHCEOC Mobilization lal OCNJHCEOC Facilities lbl OCNJHISBP

  • I~plementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Contr~l 3dl OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Protecti:ve Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs 21

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with di.sabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJIHEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJIHEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJIHEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJIHEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJIHEOC. Mobilization lal OCNJIHEOC Facilities lbl OCNJLBEOC Facilities lbl OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and . 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJLBEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJLBEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJLB EOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJLBEOC' Mobilization lal OCNJLBEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJLTEOC* Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJLTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJLTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJLTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional I .

needs OCNJLTEOC .Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al .

OCNJLTEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJLTEoc* Communications Equipment ldl OCNJLTEOC birection and Control lcl OCNJLTEOC Mobilization lal OCNJLTEOC Facilities lbl.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Cr~ek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ MI TR EMS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ M~H TRCMC Transportation and Treatment of Contaminated Injured Individuals 6dl OCNJ MSH TRCMC Implementation of Emergency Worker E;xposure Control 3al OCNJ MSH TRCMC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ MSH TRCMC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJOCEOC Emergency Worker Exposure Control 2al OCNJOCEOC Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System Sal OCNJOCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJOCEOC Implementation *Of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJOCEOC Mobilization lal OCNJOCEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel*

OCNJOCEOC Implementation of KI Decision fo~ Institutionalized Individuals 3bl OCNJOCEOC lli-iplementation of Emergency Worker Expo~ure Control

  • 3al OCNJOCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and* 3c2 access/functional needs ' .

OCNJOCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl

  • acGess/functional needs OCNJOCEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJOCEOC Facilities lbl OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for,per~ons with disabilities and 3c2.

. access/functional p.eeds OCNJOGEOC Equipment and Supplies to s,upport Operations lel OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJOGEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs.

OCNJOGEOC Direction and Gontrol lcl OCNJOGEOC Mobilization lal OCNJOGEOC Communica~ions Equipment ldl OCNJOGEOC Facilities lbl 23

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJOTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJOTEOC Implementation 6f Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJOTEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJOTEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJOTEOC Direction and Control icl OCNJOTEOC Mobilization lal OCNJ.OTEOC Facilities lbl OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl

  • access/functional needs OCNJPBEOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJPBEOC Implementation ofEm:ergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJPBEOC *Direction and Control lcl OCNJPBEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2
  • access/functional needs OCNJPBEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJPB EOC Mobilization lal
  • OCNJPB EOC Facilities
  • lbl OCNJ SBCI Barnegat
  • Equipment arid Supplies to Support Operations le.1 Township OCNJ SBCI Barnegat Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 Township access/functional needs OCNJ SBCI Barnegat Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al Townsh.ip OCNJSBEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJ SB EOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl 24

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ SB EOC Iniplerrientation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SB EOC Implementation of Protective Actions* for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJSB EOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ SB EOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSBEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSBEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSBEOC Mobilization lal OCNJ SB EOC Facilities lbl OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl I .

OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disapilities and * * '.'3cl access/functional needs OCNJSCEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJ SCEOC Equipment and Supplies to.Support Operations lel OCNJSCEOC .Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSCEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSCEOC Mobilization lal OCNJSCEOC Facilities lbl OCNJSIASRS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIASRS Implementation of Prot~ctive Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIBTHS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIBTHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI CSCES Impletnentation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 acce~s/functional needs OCNJSICSCES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI FAPES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2, access/functional needs 25

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJSIFAPES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI JTDES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI JTDES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SILCA Equipment and Supplies to' Support Operations lel OCNJ SILCA Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2

  • access/functional needs OCNJ SI LMDE-S Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI LMDES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIMAES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and
  • 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIMAES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIOAES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIOAES Equipment and Supplies to .Support Operations lel OCNJ SI OCMATES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with tj.isabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI OCMATES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIOCVT Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities *and 3c2 access/functional needs -,

OCNJSIOCVT Equipment and Supplies to Support ~perations lel OCNJ SIPLCS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SIPLCS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIRLHES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2

. ,access/functional needs OCNJ SI RLHES , Equipment and Supplies Operations lel OCNJ SI ROBMS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI ROBMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI SESO Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI SESO Implementation of ProtectiVe Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs 26

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJ SI SIS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJ SI SIS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJ SI SRHS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSISRHS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSI SRMS Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and. 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSI SRMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSIWES Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSIWES Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel

. OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Traffic and*Access Control 3d2' OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJSPEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJSPEOC Equipment and:Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSPEOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSPEOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSPEOC Mobilization lal OCNJSPEOC Facilities lbl OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/fun,ctional needs OCNJSTEOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJ STEOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJSTEOC Equipment and S:upplies to Support Operatiqns lel OCNJSTEOC Communications Equipment ldl 27

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJSTEOC Direction and Control

  • lcl OCNJSTEOC Mobilization lal OCNJSTEOC Facilities lbl OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJSTREOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJSTREOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJSTREOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJSTREOC Direction and Control lcl OCNJSTREOC Mobilization lal OCNJSTREOC Facilities lbl OCNJTCP* Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJTCP Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJTCP Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJTCP Communications Equipment ldl OCNJTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3d2 OCNJTREOC Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl OCNJTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3c2 access/functional needs OCNJTREOC Implementation of Protective Actions for persons with disabilities and 3cl access/functional needs OCNJTREOC Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJTREOC Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJTREOC Communications Equipment ldl OCNJTREOC Direction and Control lcl
  • ocNJTREOC Mobilization lal OCNJTREOC Facilities lbl OCNJWACP Implementation of Traffic and Access Control 3dl 28

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCNJWACP Implementation of Emergency Worker Exposure Control 3al OCNJWACP Communications Equipment ldl OCNJWACP Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJWEMS Transportation and Treatment of Contaminated Injured Individuals 6dl OCNJWEMS Implementation

. of Emergency Worker Exposure

. Control 3al OCNJWEMS Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations lel OCNJWEMS Communications Equipment ldl OCNJWP Conimunications Equipment ldl OCNJWP Facilities lbl OCNJWP Mobilization lal 29

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 3.3 Criteria Ev.aluation Summaries 3.3.1 State Jurisdictions Bureau of Nuclear Engineering - Forward Command Post Ne~ Jersey State Police Staging Area New Jersey Unified Command Center NJ State Police Land Access Control Point NJ State Police Tactical Operations Center Oyster Creek Emergency Operations Facility 3.3.1. 7 _Oyster Creek Joint Information Center State Emergency Operation Center State Radiological Field Team A In summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for the State jurisdiction is as follows:

J '

e. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: New Jersey Regional Operations Intelligence Center ISSUE NO: 43-15-5.b.l-L2-01 CONDITION: EAS Message #2, sent by the New Jersey State Police Public Information Officer at 1810, infonning that public that a General Emergency had been declared at the OCNGS contained the following statement: "At this time for those evacuating it is not reconimended that you consume Potassium Iodide (Kl)".


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station This statement does not provide clear and consistent communication with the protective action decisions made to shelter-in-place and monitor and prepare.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the next federally graded REP Exercise.

ISSUE NO: 43-15-2.a.1-L2-02 CONDITION: As provided for in the NJ State Plan, SOP 801, Section 7.19, the Deputy State Director made a decision at approximately 1756, that notwithstanding the declaration of a General Emergency, ingestion of KI by emergency workers should not be recommended in the absence of a radioactive release. There is no evidence that this decision was made known to Ocean County Officials or the inanagement of any other organizations which were fielding emerg~ncy workers.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the next federally graded REP Exercise.

LOCATION: Unified Command Center.

ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.c.l-P-01 CONDITION: At 1722, the Utility declared a General Emergency (GE). At 1746, the Unified Command Center (UCC) found out about the GE. The Staging Area did not find about the GE until 1844. At 1815, Potassium Iodide (KI) was authorized and a general

  • announcement was made over the radio. The Staging Area did not receive this .announcement an'd did not mgest KI. . . . , .

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Update plans and procedures to ensure notifications will be made to the Staging Ar~a.

3.3.2 Risk Jurisdictions 3.3.2.l Barnegat Township EOC Barnegat Township School Bus Company Interview Berkeley Township EOC Borough of Barnegat Light EOC Borough of Beachwood EOC Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Borough of Island Heights EOC Borough of Ocean Gate EOC Borough ofJ>ine Beach EOC

  • Borough of Seaside Park Borough of Ship Bottom EOC Borough of South Toms River EOC 31

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

  • l *
  • After Action Report/Improveinent Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Borough of Surf City EOC

' ~: Lacey Township EOC Long Beach Township Long Beach Township EOC Ocean County- Emergency Worker Decou Center- Tri Boro Volunteer First Aid Squad Ocean County,- Emergency Worker Decou Cent~r - Utility Auth~rity Ocean County- General Population Bus Company - New Jersey Transit Ocean County~ General Population Reception Center - Brick Township High School Ocean County - General Populatit>n Reception Center - Pinelands Regional High School Ocean County - Radiological Field Monitoring Team Ocean County - School Interview - All Saints Regional School Ocean Counfy - School Interview - Lighthouse Christian Academy Ocean County- School Interview- McKinley Ave Elementary School Ocean County - School Interview - Ocean County MATES Ocean County - School Interview - Primary Learning Center Stafford Ocean County - School Interview - Stafford Elementary School Oxycocus Ocean County-*Warning Point Ocean County- Waterway Access Control Point Oc.ean County Emergency Operations Center Ocean County New Jersey - Medical Services.Hospital - Toms River Communicy Medical Center Oce_an County New Jersey - Traffic Control Point Ocean County-School Interview-Barnegat Township High School

  • Ocean County-School Interview-Cecil S. Collins Elementary School

~.3.2.36 Ocean Cou_nty-School Interview-Fredrick A. PriffEI~mentary School Ocean County-School Interview-Joseph T Donah'µe Elementary School

  • Ocean County-School Interview-Lillian M. Dunfree Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean Acres Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean County Vo-Tech School Ocean County-School Interview-Robert L. Horbelt Elementary School
  • Ocean CQunty-School Interview-Russell 0. Brackman Middle School Ocean County-School Interyiew-Southern Regional High School Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional Middle School Ocean County-School Interview-Stafford Intermediate School
  • 32

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (~P)

. After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Ocean County-School Interview-Waretown Elementary School Ocean Township EOC Stafford Township EOC Toms River EMS 3.3.2;~0 Toms ,River Township EOC

  • In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for the Risk jurisdiction is as follows:
e. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: Ocean County Emergen9y Operations Center ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.c.l-12-03 CONDITION: There is a delay between when the Ocean County EOC receiyes information in, and when Ocean County begins sending the information out to the municipaljties. After reviewing the documentation, the delay is in the
  • command and control room. An updated streamlined p~ocess of information verification and review would be the recommended action.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan

  • Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station CORRECTIVE ACTION: At the next federally graded REP Exercise.

ISSUE NO: 43.;15-1.c.l-P-02 CONDITION: The layout on Form B only allows for a check mark on the box to the left of the action being taken o.r recommended (i.e. X evacuate/shelter-in-place nursing homes, evacuate/shelter-in-place

. . hospitals, etc.). Unfortunately that does not provide for clarification on whether the intent is to shelter the nursing home or evacuate the nursing home which has the potential to cause confusion for those receiving the form or referring to it. Editing of the form to further clarify the actions being taken or recommended would provide clarification.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Form B will be revised and updated.

LOCATIO_N: Ocean County Warning Point ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.c.1-P-03 CONDITION: The Initial Contact Message Form does not include the wordings for monitor and prepare ERP As. The addition of monitor and prepare would avoid confusion if an immediate PAD was provided or a PAD was provided before the Ocean County EOC was staffed.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Update and make the recommended changes to the Initial Contact Message Form.

LOCATION: Long Beach Township ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.e.l-P-04 34

Unclassified Radio.logical Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Reporf/Improvement Plan . Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station CONDITION: There was a discrepancy between the number ofTLDs noted on the lock box and the number on the inventory sheet. This was not corrected during the Exercise due to the instructions to not open the box.

Verification between the box Sticker and the actual inventory sheet before signing would remediate the issue from happening again in the future, and avoid for the potential to not have a sufficient supply of emergency worker exposure control equipment.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: Provide training and plans and procedures that Verifying inventory is completed.

3.3.3 Support Jurisdictions Congregate Care Lake Riviera Middle School Bricktown Ocean County NJ Waretown EMS Ship Bottom Police fu summary, the status of DHS/FEMA criteria for the Support jurisdiction is as follows:


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)*

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station 3.3.4 Private Jurisdictions Ocean County- EAS Radio Station WRAT In summary, the status ofDHS/FEMA criteria for the Private jurisdiction is as follows:

e. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: NONE LOCATION: EAS Radio Station WRAT ISSUE NO: 43-15-1.d.l-P-5 CONDITION: The agency contact binder utilized by WRAT was outdated and had incorrect listings of contact phone numbers.

CORRECTIVE ACTION: The binder will now be updated on an annual basis.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Reportllmprovement_Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SECTION 4: CONCLUSION Based on the results of the Exercise, the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of New Jersey and the affected local jurisdictions are deemed adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency. Therefore; 44 CFR Part 350 approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of New Jersey, site-specific to the Oyster <;reek Nuclear Generating Station, will remain in effect.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nu dear Generating Station APPENDIX A: IMPROVEMENT PLAN NOT APPLICABLE 38

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Prepared!1ess Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek :Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIXB:LESSONSLEARNED NOT APPLICABLE 39

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIX C: BEST PRACTICES

1. Accountability and operability of the EOC Summary: Lacey Township had an excellent means of ensuring the EOC is ready for operations.



Evey quarter there is a comprehensive inspection checklist used to ensure the EOC is stocked, the equipment is operational, plans are up to date and present and and the technology and communication equipment is ready for use. This allows the EOC management to be assured that the EOC is ready at a moments notice !o be stood up and functional.

Demonstrated Strengths Ocean County Municipalities Ship Bottom Borough

  • The Ship Bottom :j3orough Emergency Management Coordinator, in addition to having notification of events/protective actions in the Communications Command Room, placed a laptop with the same system and projector with screen in the main Emergency Operations Center and assigned staff to monitor emails and display the ECLS, Precautionary Actions, Protective Actions for all the staff in the EOC. Any items needing discussion were done so by the EMC.
  • The Police Department individual, doubling as the Radiological Officer, gave an excellent, all-inclusive radiological briefing to _one Emergency Worker in accordance with the Extent of Play. This was evident by the evaluator's interview of the EW.

Toms River Township

  • The Town of Toms River had an actual fire emergency during the exercise. The dispatcher and township responded without any interruption or delay during the exercise or in actual service. They additionally were given an assist by South Toms River who had an emergency medical situation as well.

Ocean Gate Borough

  • The Radiological Safety Officer provided very thorough radiological briefings throughout the exercise.


Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station South Toms River BQrough

  • The South .. Toms* River Borough BOC staff did an outstanding job overcoming adversity during the 2015 Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station HAB Exercise.

There were "real world" emergencies that occurred during the exercise which required attention from the EMC and his staff. The Deputy EMC' s and BOC staff remained calm and continued to complete the exercise objectives. Everyone demonstrated exqellent teamwork whether it was assuming another role or providing assistance where needed.

    • This close knit team should be commended for their ability to work together and successfully man~ge multiple events.
  • 41

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIX D: EXERCISE TIMELINE Ocean Staging Barnegat Toms Ocean NJ County Area TOC Light Barnegat Beachwood Berkley River Gate ROIC ucc JIC EOC Borough Township Borough Township Township Borough Unusual Event NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Alert NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Site Area 1639 Emergency 1657 1711 1643 1700 NIA 1710 1707 1708 1724 1714 1715 General 1722 Emergency 1734 1746 1746 1743 1816 1811 1810 1813 1813 1817 1810 Simulated Rad.


Release NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Facility Declared Operational 1710 1702 1754 1702 .. 1745 1718 1704 1640 1726 1702 1715 Governor Declared State of Emergency

.1715 1826 1715 1741 NIA 1819 1817 1820 1820 1825 1818 Exercise Terminated 2023 2021 2023 2023 2021 2024 2028 2026 2032 1930 2020 Protective Action Decision 1-Shelter ERPA 1-8,l 0, Shelter Schools, 1745 P,W,S 1745 Parks 1747 P,H, 1752 1745 1752 Close Parks and REC. Close River & 1832 Air 1830 Air NH 1834 Waterways. EW take KI at GE 1835 Siren Activation 1657 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA EAS Message 1657 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 42

Unclassified .

Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station PAD 2*: ShelterERPAs 1-8,10. Prepare.

remaining ERPAs. Kl for General Public, Hearing Impaired, Airspace Restr. 1657 1730 1700 1715 1712 '1728 1726 1727 1726 1728 1728 1st Siren Activation 1705. . 1730 1705 1705 NIA 1728 1726 1727 1726 1728 1730

  • 1st EAS Message 1708 1730 1708 1710 NIA 1728 1726 1727 1726 1730 1730 2"dPAD 1804 1813 1804
  • 1814 NIA 1830 *1832 1813 1840 1845 1842 2"d Siren Activation :1812 1813 1812 1812 NIA 1830 1832 1813 *1840 1845 1842 2"d EAS Message 1817 1813 1815 1817 NIA 1830 1832 101~

1840 1845 1842 Kl Administration Decision: 1804 1813 . 1813 1749 NIA NIA 1810 1813 1813 1817 1820 Emergency Workers NIA 1813 18'13 1749 NIA 11111 11111"\

. 1111'l 1111'l

. 1817 1820 General Public in Evacuated Areas NIA* -NIA *NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 43

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station

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  • I) }2:::;5:' . :i\) 1red_*.~:~. :'."'~* Harvey Island Heights Township Lacey Long Beach Ocean.

Township Pine Beach Ship Bottom Seaside Park Toms River Stafford Township Surf City Borough Township Borough. Borough Borough

.;: **: * ., i.: **:,:,\;::*.: ,.:=~r .... _.

  • , '**; <<;i;.,*:g*,{> ::?* Cedars


Release Started Simulated Rad.

Release Terminated NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Facility Declared Operational 1720 1715 1707 1711 1703 1730 1710 1709 1705 1710 1716 Governor Declared State of Emergency 1829 1829 1817 1818 1818 1818 1715 1715 1752 1805 1824 Exercise Terminated 2028 2030 2022 2028 2022 2026 2029 2029 2026 2026 2026 Protective Action Decision- Shelter ERPA 1-8,10, 1745 Shelter Schools, Close Parks and REC. Close River &

Waterways. EW take KI at GE P,H,N . NIA 1745 1726 1715 1745 1657 1700 1739 1746 NIA H

Siren Activation NIA NIA NIA 1705 1705 1726 1657 NIA NIA 1701 NIA BAS Message NIA NIA NIA 1710 1710 1659 NIA NIA 1701 1st PAD: Shelter ERPAs 1-8,10. Prepare remaining ERP As. KI for General Public, Hearing Impaired, Airspace Restr. 1726 1802 1735 1735 NIA NIA 1706 1727 1804 1701 1706 1st Siren Activation 1726 1802 1735 NIA 1705 NIA 1712 1705 1812 1705 1705 1st BAS Message 1726 1802 1735 NIA 1710 1726 1715' 1710 1812 1710 1710 2ndpAD 1842 1838 1838 1726 1835 1804 NIA 1827 NIA 2nd Siren Activation 1842 1855 1838 1812 1812 1838 1812 1812 NIA 1827 1812 2nd EAS Message 1842 NIA 1838 1817 1817 1838 1820 1817 NIA 1827 1817 KI Administration Decision: - 1820 1811 NLA 1810 NIA 1818 NIA 1740 1813 1810 1814 Emergency Workers 1820 1811 1815 1816 1740 1818 1719 1813 1812 1810 1814 44*

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Reportilmprovement Plan

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Stati.on APPENDIX E: EXERCISE EVALUATORS AND*

TEAM LEADERS DATE: 9/29/2015, SITE: Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Barnegat Township EOC John Price FEMA Region 3 Barnegat Township School Bus Company Interview Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Berkeley Township EOC Lee Torres . FEMA Region 3 Borough c

of Barnegat Light EOC Bridget Ahlgrim FEMAHQ Borough of Beachwood EOC Joe Suders FEMA Region 3 Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Tina Thomas FEMA Region 3 Borough of Island Heights EOC Miriam Weston FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ocean Gate EOC LindaGee FEMA Region 2 Borough of Pine Beach EOC Lashawn Halsey

  • FEMAHQ Borough of Seaside i:iark Barbara Thomas FEMA Region 1 Borough of Ship Bottom EOC Martin Vyenielo FEMA Region 3 Borough of South Toms River EOC Taneeka Hollins FEMA Region 1 Borough of Surf City EOC Paul Anderson FEMA Region 9 Bureau of Nuclear Engineering-Forward Command Korkean Dulgerian F.EMA Region 2 Post . . * *
  • Congregate Care Lake Riveira Middle School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Bricktown Lacey Township EOC Bill Webb FEMA Region 10 Long Beach Township Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Long Beach Township EOC Tim Pflieger FEMA Region 6.

New Jersey State Police Staging Area Korky Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 New Jersey Unified Command Center B. Hasemann/K. Malone F,EMA Region 2 NJ State Police Land Access Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 NJ State Polic,e Tactical Operations Center Kevin Reed FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Tri Brian Hasemann. FEMA Region 2 Boro Volunteer First Aid Squa Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2

  • Utility Authority Ocean County - General Population Bus Company - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 New Jersey Transit .

Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Brick Township High School Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Pinelands Regional High Sch Ocean County - School Interview - All Saints Regional Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 School 46

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nnclear Generating Station Ocean County - School Interview - Lighthouse Christian Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Academy Ocean County - School Interview ~ McKinley Ave Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County - School Interview - Ocean County Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 MATES Ocean County - School Interview - Primary Leaming Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Center Stafford Ocean County - School Interview - Stafford Elementary Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 School Oxycocus Ocean County - Warning Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County- Waterway Access Control Point Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 .

Ocean County Emergency Operations Center . Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County New Jersey- Medical Services Hospital- Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Tom's RJ.ver Community Medical Ocean County New Jersey - Traffic Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County NJ W aretown EMS Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 .

Ocean County-School Interview-Barnegat Township Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 High School Ocean County-School Interview-Cecil S. Collins Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School. -

Ocean County-School Interview-Fredrick A. Priff Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Joseph T Donahue Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County-School Interview-Lillian M. Dunfree Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean Counfy-School Interview-Ocean Acres Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School . _

Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean County Vo- Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Tech School Ocean County-School Interview-Robert L. Horbelt Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Elementary School Ocean County~School Interview-Russell 0. Brackman Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Middle School Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 High School Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Middle School Ocean County-School Interview-Stafford Intermediate Laura F oi;rest FEMA Region 2 School

  • Ocean County-School Interview-Waretown Elementary Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 School**

Ocean Township BOC Brad DeKorte FEMA Region 6 Oyster Creek Emergency Operations Facility Korkean Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 47

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Ship Bottom Police Laura F arrest FEMA Region 2 Stafford Township EOC Helen La Forge FEMA Region 1 State Emergency Operation Center Chris Cammarata FEMA Region 2 State Radiological Field Team A Korkean Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 Toms River EMS , Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Toms River Township EOC Martin Vyenielo FEMA Region 3 f

Barnegat Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Barnegat Township EOC John FEMA Region 3 Barnegat Township School Bus Company Interview . Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Berkeley Township EOC Lee Torres FEMA Region 3 Berkeley Township EOC Lee Torres FEMA Region 3 Borough of Barnegat Light EOC Bridget Ahlgrim .FEMAHQ Borough ofBarnega:~ Light EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Beachwood EOC Laura Foriest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Beachwood EOC Joseph Suders FEMA Region 3 Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Harvey Cedars EOC Tina Lai-Thomas FEMA Region 3 Borough oflsland H~ights EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough oflsland Heights EOC Miriam Weston FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ocean Gate EOC Laura Forrest  ;*FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ocean Gate EOC Linda Gee FE~Region6 Borough of Pine Beach EOC LaShawn Halsey FEMAHQ Borough of Pine Beach EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Seaside Park Barbara Thomas FEMA Region 1 Borough of Seaside Park Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Ship Bottom EOC Laura Forrest FE~Region2 Borough of Ship Bottom EOC JVl:artin Vyenielo FEMA Region 3 Borough of South Toms River EOC Taneeka Hollins FEMA Region 1 Borough of South Toms River EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Borough of Surf City EOC Paul Anderson 'FEMA Region 9 Borough of Surf City EOC Laura F c:mest FEMA Region 2 Congregate Care Lake Riveira Middle School Bricktown Laura Forrest FEMA Regfon2 Lacey Township BOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Lacey Township BOC Bill Webb FEMARegion Long Beach Township - Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Long Beach Township EOC Timothy Pfli~ger DH.S-FEMA Long Beach To\vnship EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 New Jersey State Police Staging Area Korkean Dulgerian FEMA Region 2 New Jersey Unified Command Center Brian Hasemann FEMA Region 1 New Jersey Unified Command Center Kevin Malone FEMA Region 2 48

. Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJ State Police Land Access Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 NJ State Police Tactical Operations Center Kevin Reed FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - EAS Radio Station WRAT Russell Fox FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Tri B'6ro Volunteer First Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Aid Squad Ocean County - Emergency Worker Decon Center - Utility Authority Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County- General Population Bus Company- New Jersey Transit Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Brick Township High Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 School Ocean County - General Population Reception Center - Pinelands Regional Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 High School Ocean County - School Interview - All Saints Regional School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Lighthouse Christian Academy Laura Forrest FEMA R,egion 2 Ocean County - School Interview - McKinley Ave Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Ocean County MATES Laura Forrest' FEMA Region 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Primary Learning Center Stafford Laura Forrest FEMA R,egion 2 Ocean County - School Interview - Stafford Elementary School Oxycocus Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County- Warning Point Laurel Ryan FEMA Region 9 Ocean County - Waterway Access Control Point. Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County Emergency Operations Center Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean Cot.µlty Emergency Operations _Center Mabel Santiago FEMA Region 2 Ocean County Emergency Operations Cent~r Sara Gelves FEMA Region 2 Ocean County Emergency Operations Center Kathy Duran FEMA Region 3 Ocean County New Jersey- Medical Services Hospital -Tom's River Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Community Medical Ocean County New Jersey- Traffic Control Point Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County NJ Waretown EMS Laura Forre~t

  • FEMA Region 2 Ocean.County-School Interview-B~egat Township High School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-Scho~l Interview-Cecil S. Collins Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Fredrick A. PriffElementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Joseph T Donahue Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Lillian M. Dun:free Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean Acres Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Ocean. Cotinty .Vo-Tech School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 .

Ocean County-School Interview-Robert L. Horbelt Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Regio,n 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Russell 0. Brackman Middle School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Southern Regional High School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-Sc)1ool Interview-Southern Regional Middle School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean County-School Interview-Stafford Intermediate School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean Cotinty-School Interview-Waretown Elementary School Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Ocean Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA.Region 2 Ocean Township EOG Brad DeKorte FEMA Region 6 Oyster. Creek Emergency Operations Facility Joseph Keller ICFI Oyster Creek Joint Information Center John Rice FEMA Region 1 49

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Oyster Creek Joint Information Center George Hogan iii FEMA Region 2 Ship Bottom Police Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Stafford Township EOC Helen LaForge FEMA Region 1 Stafford Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 State Emergency Operation Center Brian Kennedy FEMA Region 1 State Emergency Operation Center Chris Cammarata FEMA Region 2 State Emergency Operation Center Michael DeBonis USEPA State Emergency Operation Center Ryan Jones FEMA Region 1 Toms River EMS

  • Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Toms River Township EOC Laura Forrest FEMA Region 2 Toms River Township EOC Michael Shuler FEMA Region 3 50

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station APPENDIXF:ACRONYMSAND ABBREVIATIONS The following is a list of the acronyms and abbreviations, which were used in this report.

AOG Augmented Off-Gas ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action ARM Area Radiation Monitors ATWS Anticipated Transient Without Scram A&N Alert and Notification CFM Cubic Feet per Minute

  • CFR Code of Federal Regulations CHRRMS Containment High Range Radiation Monitoring System DRS U.S. Department of Homeland Security DOT U.S. Department of Transportation DRD Direct-Reading Dosimeter EAS Emergency Alert System EBS Emergency Broadcast System ECL Emergency Classification Level EOC Emergency Operations Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility EMC Emergency Management Coordinator EMITS Emergency Management Information Tracking System EMRY Electro-Motive Relief Valve ENC Emergency News Center 51

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPR Electronic Pressure Regulator EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ERF Emergency Response Facility ERO Emergency Response Organization ERPA Emergency Response Planning Area FCP Forward Command Post FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FMT Field Monitoring Team GE General Emergency HAB Hostile Action Based


ICF ICF International, Inc.

nc Joint Information Center

  • KI Potassium Iodide LED Light Emitting Diode LLE Local Law Enforcement mR milliRoentgen(s)

MS Medical Services ....

MSIV Mainstream Isolation Valves NAWC Lakehurst Naval Air Warfare Center NJ New Jersey 52

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station NJBNE New Jersey Bureau of Nuclear Engineering NJDEP New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NJDHSS New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services NJ OEM New Jersey Office of Emergency Management NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NUREG-0654 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-l, Rev. 1, "Criteria: for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980 OCEOC Ocean County Emergency Operations Center OCMEOCs O~ean County Municipality Emergency Operations Centers OCNGS Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station OCOEM

.PIO Public Information Officer R Roentgen RAC Regional Assistance Committee REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan R/hr Roentgen(s) per hour RO Radiological Officer SAE Site Area Emergency SB OEM Ship Bottom Office of Emergency Management



Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report/Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station SEOC State Emergency Operations Center SFA State Field Activities SGTS Standby Gas Treatment System SM Shift Manger SNB Special News Broadcast SOP Standard Operating Procedure TL TeamLeader TLD Thermoluminescent Dosimeter WRAT Ocean County EAS Radio Station 54

Unclassified Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program (REP)

After Action Report!Improvement Plan Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station This page is intentionally blank.